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Previous: >>484243279


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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Losing is easier to tolerate when it's a beautiful sweaty woman doing the asskicking
/sfg/ stays living in /tekgen/'s head rent free
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My Husband
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I don't have sex because I never lose
How much would I have to pay Cammy for her to shit on me?
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*enters thread*
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exploit her autism to get it for free
Does anyone have that image of him winning Evo and there are five layers of his face on camera?
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This lil snack stays living in my head rent free
Kinda sad that Tekken 8 runs better on Series S than high end PCs. No stutter, no lag. Only when matched against PC players who drop frames.
If he did an electric at the end he would've won...
Xbitch, I see what you're doing, and it's failing.
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Works on my machine
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*leaves thread*
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To be fair, only someone this rad can play jack at a high level
is there any mod to make zafina a guy?
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Jin needs some of that edge back. Him being generic anime protagonist is lame.
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>buy game
>game gets changed after a couple of months
money stolen
What 10000000 hours of Mishima playing do to a person.
fuck off bitch we were stuck with sleepy emo suicidal zero charisma jin for 22 years and now we actually have Jin with attitude and a personality back and you want to take it away. Fuck you fuck you fuck you.
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the overused edgy anti-hero trope is lame
I miss Kazuya/Heihachi mode, being an asshole to the very end should be a family thing
>being the same as a shit ton of other characters from other franchises is a personality
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I prefer T4 Jin
Reading comprehension faggot. Him being a mopey emo is not edge. Him being a revenge-driven badass is edge.
he HAD attitude, he has no attitude now
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attending a fashion event with Lee, it surprised me when I realized all models are robots
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I was also surprised (and glad) to see that the robots all had dicks too
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WE don't need Jin.
There is no "we" you bitch ass NIGGER.
Now take your black ass to bed.
It's in my old computer. If in 20 hours no one posted yet I will.
Not the ones here, you must be attending the event in honor of Hideo Kojima's ZOE.
>Every good guy has to be a Marvel cardboard cutout now
How fucking lame. T8 story was lame as shit.
>jin is a celibate loser
>i get to retire to jun's gooncave and seed n feed her for rest of time
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>fight tekken god supreme law
>drop every combo after 2 hits cause I don't remember my combos
>only do dmg with pokes and evade everything with movement
>3-0 him
>he declines
heh, fucking scrub
doesn't count, it just doesn't, not this decade
>Imyourfather vs. Mulgold
Good Ass Tekken rn
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No need. I found the original video.
when are you getting a slutty outfit for alisa so its much more fun to put up with your gameplay
playing tekken really does make you parched like a mother fucker
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whens lidia?
after sex (with me)
after evo
when summer ends
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What if she's half your age?
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
Where are Lee mains who can do mist trap?
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Reminder that Kazuya jobbed to both Heihachi and Jin during his grand return in 4
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Not my case 24er here it's ok
This white feather does bear the implication that Jin would transform from Devil into Angel. Another dropped story arc. Just like Asuka's implied healing powers of the devil tattoos.

>b-but he becomes le Super Saiyan 5 in the late-

Ok I don't care. I checked out when I realized it was just Dragonball with Tekken characters.
yooooooooooooooooo they foreshadowed tekken 8 right there let's goooooooooooooo angel jin BASED
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Anon, are you experiencing brain rot? There are no sexy outfits in T8. Like I'm geniunely concerned for your mental health. Have you been eating shrooms? Or are you just fucktarded beyond repair
asuka ending was joke not to take it serious but asukafags did
kill yourself
>Dragonball with Tekken characters
holy kino
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If Julia Chang were to be released, what are the odds that her new appearance would be that of a fitness influencer?
disgusting tranny shit
close to zero
he literally becomes Angel Jin in Dekken 8 though lol
evo is coming up, when do you think you schmuck
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It says a lot when Tekken 8 is the only one where Jin and Kazuya get joke endings
mods tho
After evo
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If this is what Jun fed him when he was young, no wonder Jin ends up like he did. Someone post that cooking skills tier list
she's too busy taking big ogre cock to care for Jin. Not a coincidence that he got a bowl of green stuff. It's all she can think about
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Where does unknown go
Michelle or Julia?
(And I mean Julia sans the atrocious streamer personality)
After evo
>no wonder Jin ends up like he did.
Like what? Being in better shape than you ever will be in?
Like a fag
Lidia didn't release so good.
If I release that DLC, will T8 die?
lei wulong saved t7 and no one wants to admit it
negan saved t7 and everyone admitted it
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After twt grand finals Brazil 2024
Murray I know you're reading this you shriveled faggot.
just release the new stage, keep lidia in the trash lmao
After evo
going out to dinner with anon (after evo)
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Is Dragunov!
Kneel to 'novgods
Plug 'novfags
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I'm honestly sick of seeing naked Lili
I'm honestly sick of THE TENSION, SICK OF THE HUNGER
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>Leo, Bryan, and Jin hanging out
Could this feasibly work?
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whatever the fuck is going on in this game
Nero, Rock and war criminal who invited him? Get out terrorist
Bro, it's Rock, Nero and Jin
Not really. Leo would last 5 seconds then they would be spit roasting her holes.
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Don't know the Rock fella
But I know Nero from the Storm dude and Pizza guy franchise
nobody wants or desires leo just two randoms here
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>two randoms
>>484374178 i just ignore the posts
that's due to Claudio. He has many moves that don't function properly at the wall.
he always tries to fuck zafina even away from the wall
>liliniggers having a meltdown because everyone desires leo over that old skank
That's clearly Majima from the Yakuza series though?
>leo is older than lili
leo simply aged better (men tend to age better than women afterall)
Die 0fag
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me batchedting on the right
A married man told me he was going to leave his wife for me but he ghosted me after he used me as his cumdump
that man? harada
t. murray
tekken project ghosted us fr
they are still figuring out if they want to continue the battle pass or they haven't managed to export the default cube as PNG for the UI yet
I look like this.
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Why the fuck is this specific top exclusive to Kazuya?
This is the greatest Bryan player ever getting absolutely destroyed by a range 3 mashing online warrior. Anyone who thinks the current state of Bryan is acceptable is on some delusional pills. Character is absolute nigger tier.
No actual counter play. Just pray you sidestepped the right direction amidst his dozen tracking mids that launch.
A) knee mains Bryan
B) knee is washed
knee is my sexual goal
>he posted it again
jacked off like 5 times today lads my dick's about to fall off
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Why is the snakeskin suit the only one with an open collar shirt? Remember when T6 had Inner and Outer layer customization?
dragunov but he goes WAAAATAAAAH WATAH YUUUUUUU KIYAH I AM A [s]RUSSIAN[/s]DRAGON character when
no worries, if yours falls off you can use mine, i don't have much use for it otherwise
here lil nigga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d85eI1XDFlU
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I can imagine no greater pleasure in life than kissing Leo
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Put him second of course he put people first for the sacrifice at his war nothing mores than criminal
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If Jin can be redeemed and forgiven every terrorist and even hittler can in Tekken universe
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No. I would never forgive Jin I'm here to remind him his crimes
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BF4 to the FRONTAL LOBE of everyone who wants Bruce back.
Are you all niggers or faggots?
i'm a faggot but at least i'm not a nigger
fuck you murray fix devil jin nigga
fuck me? fuck you, nigga
fuck this dick that's going straight up your asshole
why are you guys being vulgar? what if my mom entered the room and read all this stuff (never mind my tranny wallpaper on my desktop of course)
After evo
fuck you asshole eat shit shit head puta
what will you guys eat today?
I had some nice KFC
I would prefer Leo's dick though...
I will eat your mom
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this kind of post should not be allowed
It shows a war criminal, I'm reporting
sorry Capcom
For what? Didn't you see how sorry Jin was when he sung to some Linkin Park last thread?
cock (futa)
He did playback he's a fraud
air frying some chicken breasts
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look at how remorseful he is
fix devil jin gaylord
'novgods own this general
fix this, fix that, fix fix fix
how about I fix you a ban, nigga? keep asking for fixes, pussy
i'm not asking you to fix anything, not even playing your game since march
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Fake apologies
i'll curse you nigga
Dead game, dead general, dead genre.
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Skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet skibidi toilet
Jin is using Hitler's language!
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That's so fucking ugly
After evo for sure
Every single law player below like tekken god doesn't know how to slide -> nunchuk properly. Always quickstand and punish those fucking frauds.
Asuka has me bricked up again, bros
I don't even know how to quickstand. I just tech roll all the time.
nah let them have fun i'm too lazy
I wish she's ride her bike over my p*cker
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Fix zafina nigger
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*jump scares you*
I kinda wanna say the n word
in Tekken
on a mic
Press up
Fix Kazuya instead of shitposting here, Murray
Ahh, kicharing Leos feels liberating. You niggas ain't ever see a rematch from me.
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Tell me about it lil bro im 37 years old
I'm 22 and I feel the same way
>tfw in 30s and have been feeling like shit since late teens
okay this is epic.
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yeah sometimes it happens, you should explore wonders of stretching
What if we cook Patrick instead
are you korean
i've been looking for a decent routine but i dunno what's good or not. and i don't feel like going to a real doctor so he can tell me what would be good for me
korean dojo this weekend
The secret to longevity is prostate stimulation.
Is the cat a delicacy in Korea? I know China has dogs, and Japan has whales
Skibidi Gyat
China does both dogs and cats
Cool thanks for posting. Looks like all the good koreans are there.
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No major updates until next season / next year
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We made him ugly and useless as a joke
see? you're giving up already, just look up the most basic exercises my old saar
just buy a recumbent exercise bike you lazy fucks. you can literally do cardio while playing tekken.
I don't know why the cuntniggers made the Xbox controller so shit for fighting games
Can i get one with a seat that will stimulate my prostate at the same time?
like what
cute kazuya
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insane, really
they should give dragunov an electric
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just buy the xbox m30 or a stick lil niggy
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in-game open Steam Overlay > Controller Settings > Edit Layout
set whatever button you want, to:
>Right Punch (2)
Now while in-game press f, n, this button for 100% electrics.
(With Jin and DJ you have to press f, n, d + this button)
brazilian cock goddess
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Why do normal people in ranked just block my CH string and punish me while in all these tournaments pros always get clipped by the CH string and get launched
fuck that fuck Xbox I'm going back to PC. Xbox is for literal low IQ chimps
Why the FUCK did he forgot the womb tattoo? It's part of what makes her a S tier slut.
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Servant, my electric and wavedash macro
Because you don't know how to condition opponents

Bryan and Kazuyaniggers confirmed the most mentally ill
because they're playing against other pros and they don't expect them to finish the shitty ass scrub counter string
if they played against you, they would see it coming every time
A face not even his mother likes.
Tekkenbros...I don't feel so good...
Get out.
Why did that falseflagging faggot post an image during maintenance hours?
Not opening that kiddo
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The game is relatively new... but Street Fighter 6 has sometimes 5 to 10 times higher players than..

It's weird.. it's like the more they killed mods, the more they gave copyright strikes to content creators, the more they added stuff like Tekken coins, selling legacy costumes, hid a battle pass from us until after launch, made matchmaking worse(takes me 10 minutes to find a game) didn't really think about how to improve Ranked from the previous game etc.. the player counts have plummeted.

At launch the game had well over 30K players.. and even the day Eddy released, it was averaging at 12K.

On the other hand.. the day Bison landed in SF6, the game averaged 35K players and Tekken looks like it's never touching those numbers again on Steam.

Harada and Tekken team, much like we all expected Lidia Tekken Talk ( or her release date to be announced today) seem absolutely ignorant to what's going on. (even when commentators were asking for Lidia during the stream lol)

I'm not sure what the team is doing anymore.... Zero transparency.

Add that to the list of grievances fans have.. and where will the player count go then?
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Another day wishing that Fahk will be revealed next
Not reading your shit kiddo go and talk in teletubbies general
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I have accumulated so many shit habits dunking on beginners in FT2s. I'm a complete fraud and the moment someone knows the basics of my character, I fall apart. But the shit habits have become muscle memory now. It's owari da for me.
What are the odds they walk back on the tekken shop now that the game is dying?
I read every post except the ones where a Leo image is attached
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woah cute cat and some teletubbies fans shit above
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If this faggot likes SF6 so much, why doesn't he go play it?

He won't. Because it's trash that only Japan can tolerate (a point he forgot to make) because Capcom is pumping so much money in its streaming scene.
i'm playing right now
It's been a rough couple days for slimers. This lil fella specifically is having a meltdown right here in this thread.
What you tag my cute cat video? Did it bother you?
Why are you seething? He's 100% right
Street Fighter 6
Seriously, I really want to know the point of sf lover being here why are they not on sfg instead spreading their love there?
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Julia's trailer will show her sneaking out of Lee's bedroom.
I like both SF and Tekken
warcraft 3 and starcraft 2 have faster and better matchmaking than tekken 8
He's wrong. SF6 is not more popular. It's carried by Japan since Capcom invests in the streamer there quite substantially. During western hours, SF6 and T8 players are toe to toe. He posted player numbers during maintenance hours for no reason but to gaslight shit.

T8 has flaws out the ass but not for the reasons he mentioned. Lidia will not change anyone's mind about the game. People have just been conditioned into thinking that more content = better
Works on mg machine
Wtf is this real?
It's not even been 6 months wtf
they can't even do season passes right lmao
I mean being in place of a game you dislike/ hate is something I will never understand you came and bother some dudes but then what? You get money or an award?
Or people defending and debating with them what they get an award money, sex?
>falling for street shitter bait
>Kaizur retiring as a pro
It's over
noooo you don't understand it's not about tekken or it's flaws YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SF BAD DON'T SAY TEKKEN BAD *goes on a hysterical rant for 12 hours*
you have to start to retire
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Julia and Asuka my goodness
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It's not.
I will never retire as shitposter
fix asuka nigga
they're not doctors, they can't fix your brain
Look at the dates moron
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Could anyone explain to me what’s wrong with those Pakistani guys? They sound as if they were mentally challenged
looof af fe date mofon
nigger shut the fuck up
india and pakis is the same country despite them pretending they are not. Anyway they dont pooooooo in the loooooooo
EWC opening
he retires after every major tournament he doesn't top 24 in (all of them). desu he needs to go to a stronger local if he wants to compete.
not watching this in honor of Jiyuna and Sajam
watching this fuck jiyuna and sajam honor
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>no YouTube
tekken 9 when
i didn't even know there was a tekken tourney today or did you link an ewc stream that doesn't have tekken?
soon. all dlc has been cancelled so they can fully focus on Tekken 9 now. this is why lidia hasn't been released.
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fuck you basterd bitch there is no tekken today
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what there was nothing today damn I fell for it then... you tricked me guvs
>game runs perfectly on release, no dropped frames on ultra
>dropping frames on fucking low every 20 seconds or so
What the fuck happened?
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oh wait that's supposed to be reina innit
its bryan
Your system picked up malware
>ywn never get suffocated by Jun Kamazas footpusy
stop adding pussy as a suffix to everything
stoppussy addingpussy pussypussy aspussy apussy suffixpussy topussy everythingpussy
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ohpussy mypussy dayspussy bruvpussy reallypussy saidpussy datpussy someonepussy clippussy datpussy

tekken needs rng lootboxes
The performance have deteriorated greatly since release. It used to be flawless for me, now there are stutters every time I hit a counterhit.
Japs can't work with UE. It's not just Tekken, even LAD:Ishin! feels jank as fuck.
Bro, I was just playing Jedi Survivor five minutes ago and shit was a complete unplayable stutterfest. Compared to that, Tekken 8 runs godly. Japs if anything are lifting above their weight with this engine.
Esports is so fucking cringe. Full of phonies and fake personalities. This is why I tell you fags that this esports cancer is best avoided. Capcom is inviting utter cancer into this genre.
ishin didn't feel like jank to me
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>2024 TEKKEN 8 = 4,646
>2023 TEKKEN 7 = 1,580
>2022 TEKKEN 7 = 1,220
>2019 TEKKEN 7 = 1,885
>2018 TEKKEN 7 = 1,538
>2017 TEKKEN 7 = 1,278
>2016 TEKKEN 7 FR (AC) = 549
>2015 TEKKEN 7 (AC) = 458
Tekken is dy-ACK!!!
nationalists are well known to be low iq what do you expect
I dropped the game because of this
Tekkeners are the nationalists of the fgc thoever
Works on my machine
On the fucking Series S trash console, it runs a completely locked 60 fps at 1080p. Something I can barely managed with a 3060Ti, a GPU five times more powerful.
one of these posts is a lie, or maybe multiple
here's one more lie:
tekken 8 is balanced and amazing
I ain't lying
We know lil bro you've posted your shitty specs 100 times maybe you should consider being a consolefag I don't think PC gaming js for you
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Just booted up 7 cause I missed Josie's jugs and the voice acting is so noticeably flat vs. 8. Hope they get it right again for T9
i'll buy tekken 9 even if it'll suck
*Tekken 10, the first good one after 3 decades
by the time tekken 9 comes out i'll have kids inshallah
Nah fuck consoles. Don't let this elitist shit attitude get in the way of calling out shitty coding. Jedi Survivor for instance is actually unplayable on PC no matter your rig.
why do you want kids in a post apocalyptic world?
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my top 3:
Tekken 8 isn't jedi survivor, don't blame the game for playing on a toaster
I don't know what jedi survivor
star wars game that despite its flaws still runs better than tekken 8
I'm saying the engine is inherently fucked in the ass and people are having performance issues across the board. It's criminal that a shoddy console runs the game more stable than a powerful PC.
Jedi survivor has better fundies than Tekken 8
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Isn't the definition of more popular that more people play it when it comes to video games? Why would mostly Japs playing it be a bad thing in the 1st place if there's still evidence of a bunch of others around the world playing it?
Gamewarring is dumb. I hope they fix the matchmaking in 8 and nerf heat some more soon.
Common consensus that Dragnigger is broken as fuck. But IMO they forgot about Bryannigger. People haven't caught up to all his buffs yet. In time, they will know.
japs playing a game is just a cope that people tell themselves to sleep at night.
everyone knows tekken 8 in its current state is worth as much as the shit i did this morning
i'm not memeing, Bryan has a better electric than Kazuya
Are you talking about SF6? Well it functions like a mobile gacha game in terms of depth so of course Japs are crazy about it. But IMO it's irrelevant for us westerners who don't match with them online anyways.
I don't really care for slime 6. Tekken 8 on the other hand I enjoy playing.
I don't care about Tekken 8. Guilty Gear on the hand I enjoy masturbating to I-No's tits
Runs well on my PC so I guess scan yours for malware or fix whatever mechanical problem its having.
That number is from when the servers went down for maintenance several days ago
for me it's chipotle
2xko will redefine networking for fighting games to the point where all current games (including sf6) may be redundant when compared to it for online competition
holy shit Riot is trying to make my home their CDN
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What's up with all the whining about Bryan recently?
Project L is dead on arrival nobody wants that anime tagslop
Do people even like 2v2 games
Dude got insanely buffed when he was already lethal.
There's a new skitzo on here who lost to bryan on ranked and it sent him over the edge
what's wrong with hatchet kick , 3+4, new superman plus on block punch character that got his wall unblockable back to vanilla scaling?
Evo numbers prove Tekkenfags don't even play 2D. We're literally too high for being restricted to only two dimensional movement.
one of these Bryan posts is a flaseflag made by me
literally 3 people for the 8 people playing tekken use side step
If you’re talking about Ling and Lili thing, that pic most probably got removed because of Leroy, not anything else
only top 4 pro players on majors use sidestep and that's being generous, you're also forgetting that Harada being the director of Tekken 3 the first actually "3D" Tekken game
I don't know how you can even play 2d games after playing tekken. Might as well play Pong instead.
pong is rad though
>play kazuya
>don't get rematches because he's braindead constant guessing game blah blah
>play paul
>don't get rematches because overbuffed robbery character
>play nina
>don't get rematches because op braindead character
>play bryan
>don't get rematches because overbuffed braindead offense character

What do I do to get people to rematch me?
*Dead or Alive franchise
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get the hint
play another franchise that can make Jiyuna and Sajam wrong for once about its playerbase
Just play paul. He fuckings sucks still. People will realise it in a month.
Tekken 8 is dead on arrival nobody wants that anime tagslop
You're so dumb you couldn't even adjust the qualifier
Been having a blast in tekken 8 the past few months. Harada and Michael really knocked it out of the park with this one.
asukas part time job
>insanely buffed
huh? They fixed his heat smash, fixed his soccer kick missing grounded opponents, gave people an actual reason to use snake eyes f212 and gave back old taunt scaling. What of this is overbuffing
Wtf why is Tanukana doing this...
i'll fap to this soon
no one gives a shit about what saddam and animenigger think
I'll fap to this after evo
done fapping
I fucking hate sajam
I fucking hate mylife
that was quick
I cant see shit nigga. I'm not making a shitter account
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what a slut
Imagine if Xiaoyu or Asuka did this
>time to play some Tekken on Xbox
>Xbox servers are down
I hate consoles more and more by each passing day. How the fuck can't Microsoft of all corporations keep their servers functional?
OF simps really need to stop giving money to no-talent whores unless they work this hard to entertain you
why does this game micro lag when you hit a CH
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Thank you! I'm not the only one noticing. The difference is palpable compared to consoles where shit doesn't lag at all.
Lili's naked body is a geniune 10/10. If I had a woman like that, I would never feel bad ever.
there are better bodies
Add the wedding garter and now we're talking. We need more coomer accessory mods desu
why are wifi players so sweaty, you niggas need to calm the fuck down
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Why is he looking at his hand..?

is that keyboard controller worth buying? Looks comfy
not clicking on that virus
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ProSwagonist lost to Kaizur...
Knee lost to everyone because he's washed
jdcr too
>play against a streamer
>check their stream
>its a girl
what the heck
i beat kaizur once in t7 ask me anything
Sure it is
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if nobody gives a shit, then why did you spend your (You) quota?
we rationing (you)s now?
'fraid so
can't wait to see rip breakt these
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if you're tall as him i think every girl would look like a "minor"
it's time to admit that Tekken died in the same year anime, mainstream movies and the internet died

Wow you're a kingnigger that refuses to play ranked because you have to beat up day 3 players

kys, rematch denied.
wait there's a 1 million dollars prize pool for a tekken tournament now because of saudi oil money? I find it hard to believe it's not a scam
don't worry it'll go to Arslan for "mysterious" reasons
unranked is based on prowess retard
scam would imply they would pull under the rug
never forget Qudans, and THAT other incident
qrd on yoshimurtzu? I'm looking to fraud my way up the ranks
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boner gone
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i want to believe that it is some sort of tea but it won't change the reality that it is just pee
*opponent sips piss between rounds*
that's Alisa oil fluids
people are going to fucking die over this.
*Tekken players
since SF players are accustomed to big prizes and not Harada mockery and handshake after winning
the next SFxT will finally allow us to play tekken with proper networking
>Sephiblack and Jodd jobbing to some random Euro player in an online tournament
I don't understand this phenomenon
Works on my machine
Skill issue
doesn't work on my Gentoo machine
The networking isn't half as bad as the fucking performance issues and half the matches being laggy Russians on PC. I play with most of Europe just fine.
>beat someone 2-1 because I recognize that they were a masher, mildly upset that I didn't win 2-0
>get them again, ready to completely stomp this time
>they have picked new moves to mash and I go 0-2
i fucking hate this game!!!!
Sephi and Jodd are random EU inline players
i'm not mad at mashers, i'm mad this fucking game has input lag when i'm using keyboard
>learn leverless
Sorry but having my legs on the desk with the gamepad on my lap is just too comfortable
what if i sat on your laps
What if you fucked off back to /sfaggot/?
Capcom owns Bandai Namco, the toymakers
i asked first WTF
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Is guzzling piss redpilled? Looking to level up my tekken skill.
Those toys make Bandai 1 billion more than Capcom in market value
remove the neutral input from crouchdash nigga
i still don't know if pinya is male or female
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Take it to /v/ corponiggers
buy Bamco shares
>beautiful and brave
wish i had this level of confidence
if Jin is an angel now he has no gender
i can still see his dick (aka: his head)
also don't think he's anything anymore, just some regular genocidal war spawner
biblically accurate Jin
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It's factually impossible for biological women to enjoy 2D. They only like 3D since it's more intuitive. DoA had the largest portion of female players before feminists nuked the franchise for good.
*posts the shitty DoA game*
are you trying to say that i'm a girl cause i don't play 2D
I'm a 2d girl
We don't hate SF6 nearly as much as /sfg/ does holy hell. No wonder the shills are hitting /v/ and here so hard.
who's hitting you? is it hurting?
>knows the state of /sfg/
go back
Jivers were right but it took a year for 23ers to realize
blud is casually talking about his /v/ posts every day and /tekgen/ just accepts it lmao
murray but it does not hurt because he has weak little soi hands
>bludposter coping
capbucks were so desperate to move on to something better than jive that they stayed in denial for like a year kek
What is the Tekken 8 equivalent of this situation?
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literally the average match in tekken 8, crouch at the wrong time and you're done.
you literally only gets two changes, guess wrong and you're out
literally any match against any top tier except Feng, 1 interaction -> wall and ggs
in tekken sometimes you may guess right, like you get to block a low, but then these frauds can follow up with a launched for whatever fucking reason
That shit only applies to Bryannigger. >>484376632
Imagine a world where harada saw all those games releasing with rollback netcode 2021-onwards with infinite rematches and decided to fucking hire some people to improve the netcode while not completely eliminating online deathmatches
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the resistance just gave up
actually feng is the closest top tier to that situation because he has multiple unseeable low launchers which are basically 2d overheads
Deathmatches gone is absolutely shitty but Rollback does not work with Tekken and stop fucking force this meme. The actual netcode in game is fine. I'm guessing third world shitholes may suffer though.
what do you mean gave up? Its not like you can keep reviewing the same game over and over
>another reddit melty ended by simply ignoring them for a week
>no matter how bad the game is, we buy it and then we complain about it
we sent a clear message to harada
JimmyJ almost won melty though
Harada and his lackeys really fucked up releasing a MTX store amidst all the unbalanced poorly constructed shit that was launch Tekken. The store should've launched a year after launch with first year only focusing on stabilizing the game as much as possible.
you bought it and >we know it
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Yeah but I gave it a positive review because it's a great game. I don't know what the reddit pitchfork tantrum was about
imagine if (they will) make every DLC interact with Jin
hold up wtf is this screenshot?
Yoshi x Eddy porn animation
you already ran your corporate "I'm rich and I like to pay for bits from my last software" larp for a couple of months now, already got old
It's eddy gordon in the upcoming story mode addition (autumn, so after evo)
so I'm supposed to believe that T8 story takes place and there's like 20 niggas (accounting for all dlc) off-screen also fighting to stop Kazuya that we just didn't see?
yes and they all forgive Jin and couldn't be more strong than any Mishima at all
You'll have to wait until early October to find out
we're getting 'duk in october as well. I cant wait
they'll wait for Terry, they're not that retarded
What the hell are you talking about dumb ass nigga
capcom controlling bandai namco as usual
page 777777777777777777777777777777777 poof
New to Tekken, really struggling against Reina's jab string into mixup. Is there an option select that gets away with it? It feels like her pressure starts incredibly safe with just jabs or low commitment hits which go into the stance string, if I respect it too much she can loop it straight away

>stance into armor move
Can get interrupted
side step right in between
>the high kick
try and get a lucky guess???
>low high kick
again, lucky guess duck into launch???
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this nigga thinks we play the game
who dis?
bros... can anyone help
here's the answer to all your reina problems:
Jfc that guy makes me feel a lot better about struggling in the match up
In 2033, kekken 8 streamable was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
i haven't even bought the game yet

yoshi is not top tier, people (including pros) are just annoyed that the aggressive meta they're used to doesn't work against him
he was already annoying in t7 but he didn't have great damage and wall carry and there was no heat so nobody cared back then
but now niggas are crying bc yoshi doesn't respect their unga bunga heat plus frame flowchart oh noooooo :((( (pls ignore that yoshi has shit recovery on very linear pokes, shit hitboxes and buggy combos)
will still plug yoshi
>Yoshi mais downplaying despite the general concesus being that he's cancer even amongst top players
you guys talk about bear players talking about the whole "joke" character OS, but I've seen Yoshi player doing this way more, even irl
I'm learning yoshi rn just to be a massive faggot in ranked and there's nothing you can about it
Yoshi needs buffs to be perfect and tournament viable
yoshi needs his unblockable with scaling removal just like our golden queer boy Bryan
yoshi needs to stop sexually harassing my wife leo
Your wife is her husband bro.
Yoshi needs to stop hanging out with Eddy he's a bad influence
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I'm convinced that none of you actually play
I'm convinced of the most obvious thing *act surprised*
wait until you get convinced that people larp as good players that can sidestep here
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you (You)d me twice THOUGH
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He lost his mind a long time ago
Claudio killed my dog
Claudio fucked my wife
Claudio keeps hiding my keys just to fuck with me
Claudio wanted to kidnap my girlfriend then he fucked her
I dont trust delivery people I just drive to the place myself
the claudio man keeps hitting me with the wr2 when i'm trying to sleep
claudio cast a spell to put lead in my water
I need genderbent Claudia porn to goon to
that's just zafina
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>nakatsu being worked to the bone marrow every day
>harada and michael are...advertising plastic kazuya/jin toys for children
know who the real ones and who the fake ones are
why is Murray so protected, never seen a gaijin like that in any jp company
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I was flat broke after having to make an insurance claim one time and nakatsu lent me $200 in cash no questions asked and refused to let me pay him back once I was able to
kazuya df1 should be i13 homing and -1 on block
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Does anyone have that tweet of phantom complaining about his mains being niggers?
Zafina is Arab and stinky
'hinking 'bout 'dia
So she's the perfect Italian, then.
can you guys stop obsessing over european countries and people for one thread?
>Introduced heat
>Killed launch Kazuya
>Introduced MTX
>Ignored feedback until pressured by H&M
>Was told by Murray to fix kazuya nigga
>Gutted Azucena
>Nerfed Reina
>Gave Yoshi all his bullshit
>Gave King his wavedash
>Poorly implemented battle pass
>Delaying Lidia out of spite to Murray and Harada
THIS is your goat?
stop talking about Altered Beast holy shit that's all you guys ever talk about
None of that matters. What matters is that Nakatsu is my FRIEND.
But this is the /EURO2024general/...
I want to bang a German woman so fucking bad. Leo main btw
why SF6 being a japanese game doesn't count but Tekken having an entire continent (Pakistan) counts?
Pakistan is KoF country tho
why come
can't answer? thought so, now answer how Hwoarang player are still unable to win?
Xiaoyu doesn't use bra confirmed
lmao xd
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SF6 has India
/ourguy/ is playing 'nov now
Rock Lee is in the game why nobody told me

Who ya got
damn yoshimitsa is a kooky guy
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i reach wall and drop my combo and then i lose why won't moves just connect? kazuya hits the wall and then jun's hand phases through him. this game makes me want to cry.
I don't know I'm still in cavalry I just don't get mad
>yoshi player goes on a 5 minute long rant about how he can't flash this one string so it's a bad matchup
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Well there's your problem, retard. On top of that, even if it DID connect (it clearly didn't), he's in the middle of tech rolling.
Which, btw, means he was really low to the ground (you must hit the ground in order to tech roll) whereas you did a really high hitting move.
why does he tech roll before the move comes out? Does the wall make him have less hitstun? That string connects on normal juggle. What should I have done instead? 4,1 or 2 out of the stance? I don't know if they are any faster but they do hit lower.
Watch the video back slowly and play around with it in the lab. Wall splat animations are very obviously clearly different than being juggled in the air. You don't need to be a pro to see that you just need to be an absolute beginner with functioning eyes. Think critically for like 5 seconds and then ask that question again.
damn lil bro got dabbed on by functioning eyes haver
replay takeover m’nigga
Walls are the biggest pachinko machine in Kekken. Everyone at every level of play gets robbed by sidewalls and Bamco it too lazy or incompetent to do anything about it.
>What should I have done instead?
Stop trying to combo when you think your opponent is going to touch a wall at an angle. Just go for oki/tech traps or something instead. That's what pro players do.
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yes it is obvious something went wrong. The move didn't connect. Why? Because he hit the wall. How do walls effect hitstun? Did he fall out because of lowered histun or being moved downward due to the wall? Would this have worked with a different distance or angle?
>functional eyes
check your own because it's clearly a 2 hit move and the first hit came out before he started rolling. You screencapped the second hit which obviously missed because the first hit missed. This is the second frame of the move, the first one hits earlier.
Yeah I'm new to tekken and never played before and don't understand how things work so I'm asking questions. This isn't a deadgame with 150 players where nobody knows shit, right? Someone has labbed things? Someone can tell me how walls work? I guess I'll just do everything myself and assume that everyone else is an idiot and nothing has been researched.
>I have no spatial awareness so I dropped my combo
these are the greenies crying about tekkino 8?
imagine how angry the guy who typed that out is
You have to stop mashing when your opponent hits the wall. It's obviously not the same status as when you're doing your combo in free space.
yes, why does the wall make things worse instead of better? If I get them to the wall they should eat shit and die not get a free combo escape.
i don't play jun but it looks like you were too close to the wall and/or the axis was weird and it made your combo drop
should've done a move right after you launched him to make him land against the wall cleanly like a standing 4 or a jab
then whatever your consistent wall combo is
adjusting your combos for this kind of thing is difficult when you're new
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uhhh yeah, I'm thinkin she's confirmed.
>How do walls effect hitstun?
>Would this have worked with a different distance or angle?
It's complicated. Walls can fuck things up in a lot of ways.
Touching a wall at too great of an angle will pretty much always cause the opponent to bounce off and recover quickly.
Same thing happens if the opponent is off axis, even if you splat them clean against the wall.
Also even when you're on-axis + 90 degrees with the wall, you can't just do normal juggle moves. You have to do something that knocks them up onto the wall or has a wallsplat effect. If the opponent touches the wall while they're too low to the ground, they can techroll and recover.

IDK Jun, but looking at your webm I think the best you could have done would be to bound immediately after the d3+4. If you can bound before they touch the wall, then you at least get 1 big hit while they're in the bound animation. You aren't going to get a wall splat/combo at that angle anyway.
Fahkumkeks...............we lost
It doesn't. Stop mashing like a retard. Your character literally has a one hit tornado you could have used.
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I want this to become cannon then and sex scene included with Xiao, Josie and me meanwhile Alisa is outside
Yep, I'm thinking we're getting big brown tits.
xiaoyu is so fucking perfect bros
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it's fucking over, tekken is canceled
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The only confirmed females in tekken are Leo and Jun.
>finally get a match after waiting for 5 minutes
>asia 3
Man what the hell
i (male) want to have sex with Leo (female) REALLY badly. You guys don't even get it.
Like legit. Just plap plap plap banging like rabbits on the bed. Leo's head nestled in the bedsheet. Muffled "ja, ja ja jas". Pause for a loving kiss. It would complete me.
leo more like GAY-o
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who's going to tell him
After evo
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>no fight pass
>Bruv is happy with the game
>Fergus is happy with the game
>Speedkicks is unhappy with the game

Somehow, somewhere, the timeline went bad
speed is only complaining because going to tournament made him realize he isn't as good at the game as he thinks he is.
so all is right with the timeline, actually.
Surely he knew already back in 7. He got smoked by batz in a mirror didn't he?
more like /tekgen/ itself lmao
go play and discuss slime spammer if it's so great
ayo wtf
After evo it has to be
Sucked a tranny cock yesterday it wasnt that good pussy better in my humble opinion
Dead game dead general dead genre
you're supposed to fuck the tranny's ass while you stroke the cock you idiot
we know, bryanbro
I am impotent
I am Tekken
made it to red with a 35% win rate! the grind never ends.
Wheres the joopass mike
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You asked for female claudio bro
Is Jin stronger than Dragu? He hasn't won anything
Futachads were right all along
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Thank you based Harada plz gib pinoy bob and vagene soon.

Can't wait for the hatemail i hope she has good lows again.
Honestly, with the changes to nunchuck steel pedal oki it might be better to use slide to set up another FC 50/50 like old times
I thought you can just use the backturn low to get oki now
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Telling Leo what I want to do to her when she gets home over text
Leo is male.
Leo is Tekken
Leo is my fiance
You can, so now law has 3 options he has to choose from between 1+2, bt low and do nothing into FC post slide. bt low does less damage than 1+2 but the oki it gives isn't loopable like how 1+2 since it doesn't flip grounded opponents the same way.
>but the oki it gives isn't loopable like how 1+2 since it doesn't flip grounded opponents the same way.
Are you sure about that? the backturn low will put them closer if you set their quick recovery option to back quick roll, but not by much. Certainly not the old vortex, because 1+2 no longer alters their grounded position on grounded hit.
BT D4 will still alter their position from face up to face down (without changing leg position) and vice versa, however this only really matters if they don't quick tech and choose to stay grounded
the pfp looks familiar, that better not be that esl josie twitterpoll schizo that sperged out on chloe fans
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Why do tekken devs act like you can't have 2 practitioners of similar or same martial arts be in the game? Everyone except Mishimas and Kazamas get one rep.
I'm honestly unsure because I swear I've been put out of range before, but that might've been stage/slide distance fuckery/catching the tail end of a step
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Because Armor King is for faggots
why did eddie come out so fast but ridia is taking forever
>almost 24 hours
>only at 600 post
deadken HOME
>yoshi isn’t that good bro
plug this character on loading screen always
They're taking time to pick what to sell back in the next battle pass and next few Tekken store updates.
T8 outfits are made with tragically low effort...
low effort dev cycle due to budget please understand
maybe if these retards stop spending all their money on getting licenses to make inane anime fighting games they'd have enough for a proper dev cycle
what kind of crap GPU are you retards using?
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>spends billions on shitty movie move
>we have no money
those games make money anon, it's blue protocol that fucked everything up internally
i thought that game wasn't out yet
yeah because it failed domestically
tekken lost
It hasn't been 3 months.
26-27 more days
After evo

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