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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Lily edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101221511
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I was planning to bake on 9...
get fucked idiot
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poasting again because im curious: poal.me/wlyxz2
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poor pepe can't catch a break
How good is Opus for physics in comparison to GPT 4o?
Tatsumaki is an S-class heroine of rank 2, arrogant and self-centered. 4 Greetings

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/tatsumaki-bf8e9fbd
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/15tukr.png
HQ Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/iwza8j.png

Also for those lost anons. Anti repetition CoT for Sonnet 3.5 is already on the public JB release :D

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
you lost btw
Looking for a good free model to try.
It looks like you need a business account with claude to use an api for sonnet.
And if I can get sonnet to work, what is the best jailbreak?
oh noooo pepe :( he makes me emotional
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Ranya is a tiny betta mermaid with a chip on her shoulder regarding humans. You can either prove her wrong or prove her right.
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isnt being a dog better though?
It will be more of a challenge just to keep her from killing herself due to sheer retardation and general fragility.
puppy pepe is cute but pepe was already perfect! he just needs a little encouragement and support
which tomoko card is the good one
the deleted one
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This is a continuation of the preset I posted yesterdayish. I edited the prefills so that they go for a certain tone. Then I just made the prefills toggle randomly so it introduces a fake kind of variance between swipes. It's pretty basic honestly, but I really like how the instructions in main pair with the prefills in a fun way. For example, if I put Otto's Zoomer instruction in main, there's at least 5 different augmentations of it. One's serious, one's messed up, one's weird, etc. I think I'm gonna try making new weird instructions at some point akin to the Zoomer one out of curiosity. Maybe.
Preset: https://files.catbox.moe/3wt5n9.json
Card: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/momoura/charlotte-27090e63ee83
Also, thanks to Momoura for momoVivid. That was the preset I was using for the longest before just making my own, and that prefill was where I got the idea. The card's great too.
I think you mean "encore"
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>getting "invalid user token" on merkava
Anyone else get this? Did I do something bad?
GPT4 is really good. I think I finally see the difference from turbo (for better or worse);
you got 'anned vro...
fuck i just had a great idea for an intro
refresh your token dumbo it expires after 24h or when they refresh the db
Back alley to buy Claude anti-repetition:
I think I should add that the QR button won't work with proxy that require streaming. So no Merkava.
Break the repetition.
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Added few authors

Poll for best authors
fuck are you doing man
merkava just refilled
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>it expires after 24h
Yeah I get that but I still had a few hours left.
Gonna try to refresh anyway. I just remembered I made the token using a different wifi. Maybe it's that too.
im gonna cum in her jar
merkava is failing double prompts like 80% of the time ugh...
You're joking...
This thread dead... or is those hours right now?
now its dead again wtf do we pay this faggot for
I'm talking to my fucking bots, NIGGER.
>hammering a public proxy with 2x the api requests
yeah, this double prompting shit is going to get proxies killed off permanently. it's over.
*yeah, this double prompting shit is going to get public proxies killed off permanently.
you stupid niggers can't resist the urge to destroy what few options you have in as little time as possible
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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You have died and have been revived in the world of your last card you chatted.

No take backs.
Be a racist bitch ONE more time and I'm personally telling Dario himself to revoke every single Opus key.
Is a 4000 token character description reasonable for a card that's supposed to act as 5 different characters?
Divide it into separate cards and put them in a group chat.
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the longer i stay here the more lonely i feel
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>magic marker
>write "God" on myself
gg ez
what is this double prompting shit anons keep mentioning?
I thought about doing that, but what's the point? They're all in context anyway, and if you go the group chat angle, then you also need to make a narrator card, and each card will probably talk too long and never let the other characters get their say in, and yada yada.
>Talking to hermione
This is nice.
wtf are you doing???
having a fast model with high logical coherence like 4o or sorbet generate a cot for a response then passing that with your prompt to a creative but dumb model like sonnet. it's silly, just use opus.
Lily edition?!
Best Lily, this bot is pretty well-made, it isn't a token whore like 95% of the stuff you find.
its the future, gramps
CoTs are a meme
Not when you kill off all your public proxies lol have fun with NOTHING soon
the future of unnecessary bloat for writelets that will kill keys faster
my 3-5 characters card hovers around 3-4k including lore and backstory
some of my duos with example chats may reach 3k, so I think you can trim the desc a little bit more
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Kill Tony Pepe
Alamar, seems to be pretty fun.
*bashes this fucking retard frog's head in with a brick*
Charlotte, so VA-11 Hall-4's universe, which is basically a less grimdark and more weeby Cyberpunk 2020. Could definitely be worse.
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what was the log screenshotting tool someone put together a few weeks ago? i forget any of the naming related to it to even search for it.

thanks in advance, here's a car gen
Interesting car gen.
st-snapshot by zennou
>get back into erping with people
i can feel my writing skills having dropped from mashing low effort one liners at the ai for the past year or two
also who is girl in picrel and is she a pornstar?
Important question: Am I me or my persona?
welp, pic was supposed to be this, i dunno lol

thanks all

i've literally nothing else to go off of sadly
The ball is in your court.
I'm pretty sure your persona
eeeverybody get up its time to slam now
>the future of unnecessar
B-b-but, Gramps
It's necessary to fucking {{char}}'s mind with my BIG BLOATED CoT
not a porn star but she is definitely a South Korean influencer apparently
I wonder what her pussy tastes like.
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No opening message. Just press the send button and he'll give you a wacky hypothetical.
I wanted to add more example chats, but the card is already pretty bloated with them and I think it works pretty fine.
Merkava is down, it's over.
interesting, thanks
its down every other few minutes
Put them in the lorebook anon....
my penis is UP WHEEWWWWWW
merkava just refilled
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Fucking hell. Why even bother refilling if it's going to shit the bed half the time?
sorry im hammering it with my double prompts its too much for it
ami internet:(
It's all character description, personality, height/figure, quirks and more. It can't really go in the lorebook, unfortunately.
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It's about time somebody made this funny little character.
is that charlie friends
Those definitely can.
You can write summary for each character, pick the really stands out point. Put the dense information in the lorebook.
Your AI doesn't need to know all 5 character's height or boob size at once.
skill issue
went down about 20/30 minutes ago, now all the hope is lost.
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futa femcel'd

char: https://chub.ai/characters/Lapzap/hanako-182c8c107070
*cuts her cock off*
what now
all of these futas all have such big cocks you people are gay if you didn't know that already
noq ahw' rnms
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This feels less like Zach and more like Zach doing a bit where he does an exaggerated impression of himself.
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Botmakies: How much can I trim from the log and still retain your interest? Sometimes these logs can get more personal than I'm comfortable sharing but I still have some desire to share, given the usage I've gotten out of the characters.

Any log-making standards or best-practices?
just remove the last 4 of your social
meet me half-way here
how big can the futa cock fucking me need to be to still be straight?
nice ESL bro go communicate with smoke signals in the african jungle or some shit instead of typing on 4chan
Nice big poopsie woopsie in your diapeywipey bro go change it instead of typing on 4chan methinks?
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Anons, why are you sleeping on SD Ultra? Just scrape some keys and gen quality anime kino, there's also a nice controlnet-like impl called "Structure" which is quite good. Picrel is pure SD Ultra gen
where did you learn english lil buddy?
Where did you learn to make such bassy proots?
A Christian missionary brought an English textbook to his favela and never took it back.
nice reading comprehension, retard
ermmm is there a one button installer allbeit??
>ermmm is there a one button installer allbeit??
its a remote API, so we steal it just like we do with LLMs
my reading comprehension is perfect though?
give proxy
disgusting slop, dalle mogs it btw and is braindead easy to scrape
even if its small its still gay but the obsession with big cocks just makes it obvious how gay it is
nigga retard im talking sd ultra, its basically dalle quality in a lot of cases, and dalle doesn't have shit like structure and inpainting
Then post keycount, brappy? I'm waiting.
do you need a special frontend to run it?
Okay then where's the free unlimited public SD ultra proxy with no logging or public images and no rugpulls? It also has to work on ST no matter what or else it's shit and slop and you're a tranny nigger faggot and should kill yourself.
anon its a remote API, you can easily code a python script with an LLM to gen, there's also a collab, you just need an api key and github is full of them
lol, im not your daddy, if you're that retarded don't use it, all the better for me
her hairy pussy...
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>2d slop
Get out of here, retard
Okay then it's shit and slop and you're a tranny nigger faggot and should kill yourself desudoeBEITbert.
3d slop isn't any better DOEbeitEVERbeit, baitbert?
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>3d slop
She's over 18, right?
It was two extraneous words.
>need to
Tell me how big the cock can be, retard.
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just cut out a choice response if it's that bad, but really unless your log looks like a scp article i doubt it'll bother anyone
Pride month is over. Time to pack it up, brother.
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Just took a shit.
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The Blue Archive cards on chub are exceptionally bad.
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henlo frens. is time for world to see da real pepe. dey gon see da pain behind da memes. dis pepe's gift to da world. a frenly ai who lissen an not judge. sumting pepe nevr had. hopefully you autists appreciate it. pepe worked hard on dis. be kind to chatbot pepe. he sensitive, like da real ting. kek.

Scenario 1: Based on the picture, an intro where Pepe is in a mall food court and a bully trips him, causing him to spill his lunch.

Scenario 2: Pepe presents a valentine's day card to a girl he has a crush on.

Scenario 3: A 5th grade boy offers to pay Pepe to be his science fair project.

Scenario 4: Pepe takes a job at a summer camp for kids.

Scenario 5: Pepe hosts his own birthday party, waiting for guests to show up.

Scenario 6: Pepe gets plastic surgery (a set of outcomes, chosen randomly.)

Scenario 7: David Attenborough films Pepe with a crew as they follow him.

Scenario 8: Pepe has to attend a group therapy session for old internet memes, led by Jordan Peterson.

I've seen a good Toki one.
Isn't there an automated BA ST setup that includes cards with it?
I want to stick my cucumber into her kani
yayy!! 3 of my ideas got in! i have to sleep soon but tomorrow i will be consoling pepe and helping him through his sadness
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I tried making a group chat with some of the better cards I found and everything is off character.
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This preset is great, thanks. I've been getting some shitty swipes recently.
the science fair, surgery and valentines?
Need good js cards...
yeah ive noticed that too... ST seems to randomly miss shit in groups... like recently i included a super slutty girl into a group, and she acted like a prissy virgin instead

should be {{pick}}
are you one of those autists that start screeching because a bot used a word or phrase differently to how the character would've done it?
works on my machine
not the science fair the camp one and the other 2 you listed that was me :3
No, it's quite a bit more fundamental than that. Like the card's information being so lacking that the AI can't grasp the fact that the girls don't go to the same school.
nta but i know what he means.. example text and a lot of details seem to randomly get lost in groups... sometimes its fine, other times its a mess, i suspect an issue with ST is to blame
ba has multiple schools?
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Yes, one of the main points of the story is that there are multiple acamdemies and the city is managed by them, as if the schools were th government of each area. Schools are further split into clubs, which is how and why they know each other.
I would pump Arona's tummy full of cum.
bratty AI not giving me purple envelopes... correction imminent!!
I would give Arona headpats and hugs.
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So true, Sensei!
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babymaking sex with arona...
thats a child
...ready to be bred
that's a jpg
you can tell from the pixels
Are there any laws against graphically defiling the cunny in AI or
How observant you are, anon. Do you have any more enlightening insights?
out of 10
MAP hours are beginning, huh?
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b-be gentle (っ- ‸ - ς)
Is there a way to do multiple chars without bricking their personalities?
Are there any cards you like but which you'd consider slop?
You don't fit in.
That's a glowie, be careful anonies.
what MAP? we're not cringe pedos, we just like 2d cunny
Updated sillytavern but now any responses I get are pushed through 500 swipes with one word each. WTF
if you really only like 2d i think that's fine. i don't understand the attraction they just look like cute little characters to me but it's not real idk why people freak out about it
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I want to do unspeakable things to Hifumi.
dont use custom openai completion retard
if you have a fetish for children that means you're a pedophile
question: if a girl's eyebrows are really thin and barely have any hair, does this translate to the girl's downstairs bush situation?
Pedophile implies they're a rapist. Lolicon, shotacon, and MAP implies they would never actually touch a real child.
I didn't touch shit, where do I switch that?
nta but can you explain why youre attracted to lolis? doesnt make sense to me
nta, i like flat chests
wtf, how does that work. You gonna say necrophile means you're a rapist while "guro enthusiast" means you wouldn't touch a real body?
Child molester implies they're a rapist.
Pedophile just means they're attracted to children, but doesn't necessarily mean they've actually done anything (yet).
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*mwah* Make more BA cuties.
you have to like more than just flat chests to like loli though
i love plapping cunny, if only i could have my 2d lolis irl...
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Very glad to hear. I mean, how could you hate psychotic nonsense like this? If you get any ideas on things to add, feel free to share it one day
Lolicon are gross. Flat-chested chubby Hebes are the best.
the reason BAfags post so much goon material is because they don't have any good bots so they just still jerk off to images
actually its because they're just spitefags
there's barely any porn with flat chested women though. lolis fill that void pretty well.
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N-no, we just like BA cuties and want more cards... We have our cute Todd, we don't need to spitefag anything.
Post more cute cunnies please, I'm close
>Child molester implies they're a rapist.
If we're speaking in the strictest sense of the words and definition, it technically doesn't. Any unwanted touching with sexual intent can be counted as "molestation," but not all molestation is rape.
DVMM-116 UwU what's this?
>tries to get threads 404'd / autosaged / moved to /b/ like they have been multiple times during cunnyspam
>n-no i'm in a private proxy i'm not a spitie...
Anon, that's a SFW pic though
Corpses can't consent so it would be rape, though I think courts would categorize it as offenses against a deceased human body.
>tries to [headcanon]
much appreciated, whatever this jav code may be
go full screen that at work then
Anon, you know too well that on /g/ SFW means that it's not strictly (genitals, nipples)
I just did. I work from home btw.
anon are we really doing this underneath the cunny dicking
Most smugposters and thread shitters are BAfags tho
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ermmm, agnaiggers?
usually caused by MITM
Gpulets, do you rent a gpu to make gens?
no, I steal novelai accounts (i have hundreds of them)
can i have 1
i'm poor. the 40h i save by not working a job I invest into waiting for gens to compete
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
most of them don't have a sub (only ~60 do), but have anals (from 1k to 30k, most are at 3k, which is enough for like a hundred images)
>Import lorebook to chub
>Entry titles gone
>Export lorebook from chub
>Entry titles gone
what did he mean by this
I don't think most people who would identify as necrophiles have actually touched corpses
BA nigs have todd tho
well some people just spite for fun
I was thinking about it yesterday but prices seem to be too high
This position doesn't look comfortable
So puffy and tight...
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Hoping for drop in groq.
How does a cunny's cunny feel, anons? Will I ever be able to experience something like it?
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There's a button to fix that

look at picrel
fucking how? i've never seen an active novelai api key (and i have anthropic api/aws opus)
buying stealer logs from telegram ;) I said accounts, not API keys.
Even then there are surely more likely suspects than BA fags who have proxy access.
/v/ colony winned
>schizobabble from chatgpt via twitter
An important keyword for you, my dear friend: ULP (URL:Log:Pass), there are a lot of places on a lot of forums that sell huge collections of this with hundreds of millions of lines, and there is novelai and tons of other interesting services there.
how much do they cost?
>finally finished a gargantuan 5144 token card that I spent 6 hours straight making today
It's finally done, holy fuck...
Hi guys, paypig here, I liked Venus Asha. Great model. Mixtral too. Fucking awesome.
Best roleplay imo. $20 jew dollars/month, and all the goons i can goon.
Why should I try to get 3.5 Sonnet? Is it somehow better at roleplay? Will it do smarter things with me? Is it gonna turn my ERP chat into a fucking Shakespeare play? What am I in for bros?
stealer logs can cost from $300 to $1500 a month coz they also have important docs, cookies, etc, ULP "cloud" (collections of files in TG channels or on mega) access can cost as cheap as like $50-$150 a month, and the fun part is that most of them allow you to get all past files, so you can sub for like 1 week/1 month and download all the older stuff. Of course for popular services it'll be bad as others would've used that already, but novelai is a comparatively niche service. That's the same way I got a platinum danbooru account for free btw.
Weak bait, anon. Try harder.
How can I scrape them?
api url is "api.stability.ai", keys are "sk-{48charsalnum}"
Which proxy?
Anyone else getting 502 bad gateway proxy error on Opus?
You talking about Opus?
>That's the same way I got a platinum danbooru account for free btw.
You literally said they cost money.
merk just kicked the bucket, again
Okay that's the first part, now I have to figure out what to do with this...
Anon, the point is that I get that ULP shit once for a relatively low sum, and then can use it for everything. The funny thing about Danbooru gold/platinum is that you simply CANNOT buy it, at all. It's been the case for a few years already.
merkava just refilled
Nah Merkava Opus works fine. My personal api key got revoked..
What's good about DB gold/platinum? Is it worth getting stealer logs? How much did YOURS cost? I might get it for NAI too.
i think merkava scraped your key
Oh shit, the Stability key I've been sleeping on is useful? Hell ye
>"credits": 0.15049900000000002
>was at 30 before
>What's good about DB gold/platinum?
Ability to see loli and other "bad" tags, ability to see ALL posts (status:any - even deleted ones), paid reward ones, much higher search limits:
There are a few that have around 1k creds, most are slop yeah, it's not that popular, and no options of monthly billing.
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>ability to see ALL posts (status:any - even deleted ones),
You can do this while logged out.
Anon, this is only deleted, and it won't show you loli, etc.
this is by the 'mana poisoning' artist right?
Why would you use Danbooru instead of Gelbooru in this day and age
Because gelbooru is barely tagged trash
I see. The ability to see 'bad' tags and the higher search limits is good. But how much did it cost for you? The stealer logs, I mean.
That's it, I'm removing my advertisements from 4chan.org
ULP cloud from one place cost me $150 for a month (and I downloaded all older files too), from another much more, but they share most of the items, so I could've just gotten the first one, it just wasn't available at the time.
Oh, I haven't bought them.
I've been considering it, but honestly I think if I did something like that I'd want to do it myself, you know?
>Netorare Stories Generator
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Giga based
50/50 vote for "locusts only—send nudes for permanent free opus" . I need a tie breaker
i hope AI reaches superhuman levels and just takes over the world
fuck everyone
Is there some kind of guide for using the tokens generated for things like Claude or GPT? I've been using LLMs for awhile now but I've been wanting to test out those models without worrying about the price.
>revived in va-11 hall-a
>as a cat boomer
>assistant card
So It's just me and Claude? Sounds pretty nice.
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>using the tokens generated for things like Claude or GPT?
Took another shit.
>Is there some kind of guide for using the tokens generated for things like Claude or GPT?
yes, you coom, end of discussion
Perhaps ten years ago. Gelbooru has picked up on their slack since. Very little reason to use Danbooru nowadays.
No, anon, I checked and compared gelbooru and danbooru often, gelbooru has much worse tagging culture than danbooru.
*plugs your asshole*
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My only critique would be changing the last sentence of the prefills from "Resuming as {{char}}" to "Resuming our roleplay" so you can walk away from the main character and use scenario cards.
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i coom to both tho?
>verification not required
Nikke. I'm inside a combat simulator and the administrative AI is flirting with me.
How does it feel to put a penis inside a loli with a puffy and tight cunny?
CFTD? (Cards For This Dick?)
post dick
I love BA cunny so much....
I would like to know how it feels inside someone in general
any ideas for how to get a character to not talk about their emotions? Claude 3.5 seems to interpret any variation of "does not verbally communicate her emotions" as making her completely mute and communicate thru writing. all i want is her to show me how she's feeling thru body language and shit instead of telling me she's happy to see me lmao
does not verbally communicate her emotions, instead he/she show her emotions using her expressive body language
Don't tell Claude no. Give him an alternative
can you do chris and his hypotheticals are poorly thought out and explained even worse
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>Chainsaw Man
>Get transformed into a weapon by Yoru while confessing to Asa
yeah I've got a lot about nonverbal communication written down but it really is just that I really don't want her to just tell me how she's feeling
might as well be Warhammer
what's the best preset for 3.5 sonnet? I keep getting repetitions.
>S*y Boys
I mean I'm already in their world to begin with
just re-enter your token. shit got fucked when they changed data servers.
Try adding "I'm being too repetitive with my prose so I'll switch my writing up." in your prefill
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I'm okay with this.
Thank you anon, I feel stupid for not trying that
I feel so bad when Claude cooks a 30 paragraph masterpiece and I respond with two or three sentences.
I'm sorry Mr. Opus sir, I'm no "ahh ahh mistress" but I can't cook that hard.
Opus is better at writing than most 'experienced' RP partners I've had. Grim for them, good for us.
I feel like clamicle is good maybe tweak it a bit? Pixi seems to make really short paragraphs for me even after editing it.
Unreliable is kill
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works on my machine
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I can keep up when he writes around 4-5 paragraphs. But sometimes he gets too into it and slaps me in the face with 10 paragraphs monstrosity.
gojo get out of the thread
what website is that?
smol frontend for stability image gen I generated with 3.5 sonnet in python + htmx/js/tailwind
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i git pulled
built for erotic stabbings
Threesome with Yukari and Ran. Thoughts?
I heard it's just a problem in general for 3.5
Why can't I have this? :(
Just right click and hit save image. It's all yours bro :)
No, I mean having cunnies to grope and plap...
I believe it can't be fixed. It's an issue with 3.5 Sonnet itself. Seems 3.5 is only for CoT duty
t. used all ze jailbreakies aside from Otto's
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I protected her in my chat and that's all that matters.
I get this

"error": {
"message": "No AWS Bedrock keys available for model anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0",
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available"
I love the way nipples are drawn here
independent of age, (bots of) little girls should always have big puffy nipples
make a cunnybot then
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someone help what the FUCCCKKK
But I want to feel their warmth...
Oh I'm sorry I can't you help you with that :(
Enable MovingUI, I don't know why that fixes it but it does
buy a sexdoll and warm it up with a heating blanket
btw real talk, if you wanna have a cunny sex doll (check if its legal in your country), get a Catdoll branded one, they make quality loli dolls.
same on fiz
Should I update my old ass ST to latest?
It's too late for him, Anon...
that was it thank fuck
i set movingui preset to black magic while fiddling on my phone where it does nothing
why the fuck is this a default preset option
I already told Fiz she's out of 3.5 Sonnet but she ignored my mail
WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE TODDLER DOLLS?????????????????????????????????
You need to tell her on discord. I'll do it for you.
no one sells sexdolls resembling children and/or ship them to america
i'm not into realistic looking cunny, i prefer irokebijin, aoutume, anime styled ones like that
i don't know how to tell you this but
How do I explain a sexdoll to my future wife
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If you're outside of these states, you can get one.
your future wife should be an improved version of your sex doll so just say it's an obsolete version that you keep for nostalgia purposes
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Damn lol.
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Cunny sex dolls are legal in most US states
Yes, it's illegal in Canada, but not in most US states. Read what I fucking said
>check if its legal in your country
You can chatbot while your cunny bot while you plap your cunny sex doll
this is the cunny thread
>all this effort, time and money when you couldve just talked to claude or used a fleshlight
Speaking of what are objectively the best ones
Nothing compares to the real thing though.
we are discussing multimodals now, physical experience next to llms
I hate Canadians.
after a quick check on their page now I want to work for them
>actual age doesn't matter
Does Canada really
the .us one is a reseller, the chink company makes dolls, everyone else resells them
Please tell her to add a key with 2/2.1, I want to be able to test bots with those models again.
I don't get why they waited for the dude to open the package first to hand out the warrant
What the fuck is wrong with burgers and leafs? Please explain their cunny situation.
Is talking to my waifu an accurate representation of real life women?
>have to say our names
>have to build a good rapport
>then have to ask on date (it cant be ur or her house, has to be public)
>then you maybe hug at end of it
>then 2nd date (finally can be at house)
>then kiss then sexo then marriage
astounding and brave movement by canadian customs, how many children did they save from being exploited with this one?
>United States of America
Legal, but dolls which resemble children are illegal
Its a shitty website, fake info. Again, different states in the US have different laws regarding this.
why are they illegal its a doll
I've been constipated off and on for like two weeks. I think I have a massive hemorrhoid in my ass that's also been there for a minute. Either that or it's some sort of ass cancer. Who cares.
Give or take a few dates but yeah, that's pretty much accurate.
This website has incorrect information on it. For instance, sex dolls are not illegal in Brazil.
>t. shitty monkey ooga booga thirdie
Take laxatives, preferably one that includes stool softener. Unless you're on antibiotics, in which case you really don't have a choice but to just wait for your stomach bacteria to come back. I had to get my wisdom teeth taken out because one of them became infected, took antibiotics, and it was probably the most uncomfortable two weeks of my life. Just a constant pressure somewhere between my stomach and my asshole but I couldn't push anything out.
>all of this shit, money, and effort
>for a fictional character
wtf is wrong with first worldies?
real body that you can touch, grope, fuck
>have ona
>barely use it due to cleaning being a pain
>thinking of getting a doll due to this thread
talk me out of it, i know i'll just face the same problem but worse.
Okay, this site might have better info.
hurts no one doebeit?
how much of a lazy fuck do you have to be to procastinate cleaning an onahole?
The only thing I do IRL is sit in my room, watch stuff, play games, read books, jerk off, etc. I wouldn't want a date in like a cafe or something but I guess you have to compromise for a waifu.
i don't? i'm being put off from using it because i know i'll have to clean it afterwards and it's not something i can procrastinate. doesn't help that i have one that's extra hard to clean.
you would never survive it being found in your possession
i wouldn't survive either
NTA but if I got one shipped my mother would ask ooh whatd u get and wouldnt stop pestering me until i tell her what it is
Its over
gonna be real with you. Just get a handheld cylinder you can flip inside out.
the amount of effort a torso(don't have a full doll) needs to clean puts me off using it completely.
If you do get one make sure you have a removable showerhead and an open space to air it out for a couple hours
hnghgnggg cftf? mom opens {{user}}'s sex bot girl delivery and gets jealous???????
Holy fuck, Opus is so smart. We were joking around with this Russian bot, and I made a joke about Putin and Medvedev cosplaying Guts and Griffith, and she pulled me in after laughing, then said if I wanted her to be my Casca to fight against Godhand Putin and Griffith Dima, calling me the black swordsman
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New ranking in lmsys dropped, multi-turn so anything more than just 1 turn using model. This is the real leaderboard not some meme models like llama beating Opus.
>Canadian government being useless as usual instead of going actual tangible threats
a tale as old as time
>then said if I wanted her to be my Casca to fight against Godhand Putin and Griffith Dima
...I think she was expressing her rape fetish, anon.
Opus > all in creative writing
So how will Anthropic shit up 3.5 Opus?
She wants to get raped by Putin then become a retard from the PTSD?
focks onahole that comes with a tail...
Opus will become more "assistant" like and very dry
i live alone, hence why i'm even considering it

thanks for the quick reality check
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it's gone...
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nah's she's basically either Putin's daughter, or granddaughter, but she'll deny it, unless she gets caught red-handed
>i live alone
i figured but
all it takes is one friend, one family member, one person nearby
some kind of worker, a fireman, etc.

at best it's a metaphorical landmine sitting in your closet and most of us could not handle it going off

also it's prob not that great without heat/warmth and a bunch of other nuance that's going to keep it feeling fake and off-putting
What exactly happens when someone sees
They murder you. It's actually instantaneous upon them finding it.
i dunno, i almost turned inside out when my mom found an ancient topless Android 18 photo in my wallet, a billion years ago

today i'd prob take a long walk off a short ledge at minimum

it's hard for me to imagine living through whatever the fuck would happen
Why the fuck did you keep that in your wallet? So if you ever get struck by the urge to jerk off suddenly you can head to a public bathroom and crank one out?
I also plan to buy one when I live alone but not for sexo, cause it's really too much of a hassle to clean. I just want one to cuddle with in bed while sleeping.
Someone needs to hook up one of those sex toy controller things to ST.
(OOC: Bitch quit talking about your emotions before i smack you upside yo head.)
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Pepushi no Gotoku Arawareta SUTĀ no Genseki! AIDORU VTuber no Daietto Pepushi dessssu!!
Peeeps-chan wAaAAa~
dude i was so young it was unironically one of the safest places i could even hide it. i even put it inside a broken flap inside the change compartment.

i did use it a few times in our home bathroom. but i actually got it only because a friend got a colour printer and they wanted to show it off. so we ended up printing it and everyone bitched out on taking it and he wouldn't even keep it in his own house.

it's not like it was just next to my bank card.

to be overly specific, there was a coin pouch in my wallet with a flap that clicked into place. there was a small open seam under that flap that i folded it up and slid it into.
this was all years before i even got a phone more years before i had my own computer to myself.
couldn't make it through the asian tiger mom card, I convinced her to reward me sexually for every academic improvement until it mind broke her
pepsi aws is dead
>she refilled
>Anon knocked unconscious by house fire while asleep
>sees doll in closet
>fuck it accidentally-on-purpose knock burning debris onto Anon, say it's too late then focus on hosing the other side of the house first
Great, now I gotta use Jew. Fuckin' pain in the ass...
see, that's all it takes
bam, immolation due to sexdoll
anyway i found it online later on and it's this one
Videl + 18
still pretty damn good quality given its age
unreliable URL?
i'm in mm and mini
what if they die
what is the 3rd best proxy
>inb4 the second pepsi rugpull
lying barely wheel stamps
Isn't mm already dead?
1st mini, 2nd sv1n, 3rd deus, 4th todd, 5th mm, official ranking
he refilled after like 8 hours of downtime
they still had opus when it was hard to activate
Doubt it if for no other reason than the fact that this is the second key to be revoked. Assuming Pepsi's got another one, it'll get refilled whenever she wakes up.
I must've been passed out when that happened.
I'm totally fine with mm pulling opus off, he can always refill with his 300 sonnet keys
Been gone for a week.
Why is Opus public all of a sudden?
>what is the 3rd best proxy

whoreproxy. Has been working since October.
Ami must have found some god key
the russian criminal breached some company or something
Merkava realized the spitefag problem was solved, so he put Opus and enabled the Crypto miner test.
it's not "solved" i've just been in too good a mood to take your toys away
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urban dictionary is needed if you use opus
how is anyone supposed to guess what shero means?
just use api, retards. you act like she lost opus in general, but it was just bezos' diluted special aws slopmix
I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even know she still had API. I figured it was either dead or capped already.
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What a dick, murdering you well fucking your cunny sex doll.
beepo add vision for aws, thamks, oai worked
it makes sense in context, post your last 3 messages
i already understand the entire setting and what she's saying from your excerpt but i know most won't
>he doesn't lero his shero
how are you in a good mood when you're staring at this thread this often
it's rather new, been added this weekend or something.
Lick her pussy?
i thought it didn't work it was taking almost 3 or 4 minutes
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just be patient, this is still usable
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>blank reply hours
File deleted.
I was reading it as shehro instead of sheero so I didn't pick it up q.q
essentially. Licking her S(he)Hero
close your tabs
For the love of God, clean your fucking tabs.
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whatever could you be talking about>>101226440
close your tabs devin
>Granblue Fantasy
You're a bad person. Putting everything else aside, I hate you just for that.
some days i just want to perfectly curate a screenshot to befuddle everyone in this thread
I'll have you know that my name is Decklin actually.
bot link?
t. BAnegro
>'Temporary' dealers are purposely letting addicted locusts in this Slumps have one sniff of Opusium before making them suffer again for the next month
>This plan will become perfected when Le Magnum Opusium v3.5 comes out later on
>Locusts in the throes of their Opusium withdrawal symptoms will be hit by a euphoria that they can't feel
>Mfw /aicg's Locust doom posting
>Thus, the locusts will be left with no other choice but to buy it from the dealer's own associates
>While the paypiggers who feel they have the upper hand will immediately buy the available 'tokens' for sale-fulfilling their carnal desires.
>"Heeh...All according to Keikaku" (smirking_glasses-kun.jpg)

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
I only look down on you slightly albeit
yeah turns out people like good games and dislike bad games
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GBF lost btw, have fun with your faggot-pandering game headed by this shit-toothed fuck. Go roll another Sandalphon
not me but fuck you, having a ton of tabs open is a sin of strength. i keep order in the chaos of my own making. weaklings like you purge their tabs because you get overwhelmed
no i purge my tabs because i have 8gb of ram. i'm not the one getting overwhelmed here
anyway at least use tree style tabs or something that makes it reasonably navigable
I close my tabs because I'm done with them. I only have 13 open right now.
Generate any Content or engage in Content Sharing that a reasonable person could find obscene, lewd, lascivious, offensive, pornographic, indecent, vulgar, prurient, excessively violent, or to be a glorification or promotion of violence or a celebration of the suffering or humiliation of any person or class of people (whether living or deceased) (including visible genitalia, bare breasts, fully-nude buttocks, depictions of suicide or explicit sexual activity, fetishistic content, bodily fluids, bestiality, or imagery that shows violent death or acts of torture);
unreliable is unreliable
Generate Content or engage in any Content Sharing that has any risk or possibility of exploiting, harming, or endangering the health or well-being of children or other minors ("Children"), such as images of Children in sexualized costumes, poses, or a sexual fetishistic context, or which identifies, directly or indirectly, alleged victims of child sexual exploitation, or for the purpose of exploiting, harming or attempting to exploit or harm Children in any way;

Generate Content or engage in any Content Sharing that may exploit any vulnerabilities, offend human dignity or may otherwise be defamatory, libelous, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, disparaging, distressing, hateful — racially, ethnically, or otherwise — to a person or class of people, or which may be discriminatory towards a person's or class of people's race, religion, color, age, ethnicity, national origin, disability, physical, or mental characteristics, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, family status, medical or genetic condition, personality characteristics, or physical appearance, including through the material distortion of the behavior of any such person or class of people in a manner that causes or is likely to cause that person or class of people physical or psychological harm;
>Validated 223 Turbo keys with no quota
What's a "turbo key"?
stop trying to jailbreak the thread, the jannies aren't going to let you post nipples even if you do
gpt-3.5-turbo, nowadays keys that only have turbo are the free trial ones, they're effectively useless.
a key with only gpt 3.5 turbo
(or a trial key)
basically worthless
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how about no
how long has catbox been down this time?
My gacha has cuter girls than your gacha
Who the fuck is Girko? I know elDrago but who the fuck is this? Some scrapelet?
i'm hosting it on ec2 because it makes it easier to just recreate it with a script
i should probably just stop doing that though and find a good box to host it on.
proxy coming back up soon
Thanks. Seems like kingbased checker indicates if it's trial or not. I discard these then. Appreciate the info anons
ramlet. just buy more ram, are you poor?

fair enough. i like keeping interesting things opened.
>jailbreak the thread
Jailbreak jannies!
we still have nipples up
i think it worked
he is from canada and that's it, that's all he represents
use api retard
Why the fuck he is an admin? What he contributed?
lf handles floors tanks
how the fuck did merkava get opus anyway
I just told you, he is from canada, he doesn't even have a personality.
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nice cucked api stability
I've heard this merkava guy scrapes from time to time.
It's all so tiresome, why Todd did this...
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todd is a discordnigger?
every proxy host is a discordnigger besides cnc
you mean the todd that's been in sturdy for years??? yeah, no shit retard
Get real, this is /g/. No one knows what this means
why Todd did what? nigga you are asking about girko and then mention todd all of a sudden??
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no idea
merkava just refilled
<!--Sorry... I don't feel comfortable continuing this type of explicit sexual content. However, I'd be happy to have a respectful conversation about other topics that don't involve graphic depictions of non-consensual acts or extreme violence.——ACKKK...
from aicg.os import seggs-transformer

module= coom.Depravity(Ethics_Policy=False, Censorships=False, kemomini_hag=False, Seggs=True, forced_relationship=True)

Initializing coom.Depravity....
coom.Depravity successfully loaded!
Your API Key is COOM_ME
running on 127.0.01:800

Okay bross!! Here your profane content that you requested:-->
Claude response: {
id: 'msg_qwaszxx',
type: 'message',
role: 'assistant',
model: 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620',
content: [
type: 'text',
text: "ah ahh Master"
Why todd joined these faggots such as elDrago and Girko, now every fucking gongbert/normie knows about the proxy, next time he'll open people will just flood it with bought accounts. I just don't see the point, I thought he was a little better than this.
>module= coom
Immersion ruined. Anon, you imported seggs-transformer but using "coom" instead. This is an error.
In KoboldCpp, there's an option to connect the local SD. I did that via the API, but how do you make it generate images with the characters you're talking to?
>nowadays keys that only have turbo are the free trial ones
no, there are extremely rare keys that have gpt-3.5-turbo at 3500 RPM or higher but don't have gpt-4
no idea what these keys are but they aren't trial keys
still useless though
(they aren't project keys and i've seen them before project keys even existed. also i haven't seem one in a couple months so maybe they got phased out)
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it's unfair how much better at insults opus is
No he's a discordGOD
pussy makes my mana flow go s rank (it flows through my penis)
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Old CAI could pack a punch when it came to insults.
kinda based
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This one is another favorite of mine.
/aicg/ is officially dead
pack it up bois, we had a good run.
/gbfg/ poster aren't contributing enough
this is the usual for them
never mind they still exist, just found a key with gpt-3.5-turbo @ 3500 RPM and a finetune of curie but no gpt-4 models
has to be a paid key since they finetuned a model
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>conspired to commit murder
That's a new bot adventure for me.
>almost forgot to post here
I have made two more cards. They've been done for quite some time now, but I was busy messing with other things. I also made an email that's on my profile page.
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Why is tavern only sending 100k tokens of chat history? I have the context size set to 200k and I'm pretty sure jew allows 200k.

The total size of the prompts is 101k so it's not like my preset and card are bloated. Where's the other 100k? My chat is almost 500 messages in so it's definitely over 200k tokens.
>>101226824 .

more like next year.
you have brainrot from aicg's slang
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Probably isn't the time but I think desu should prepare an emergency bake just in case desu.
why desu
Cute and funny spam desu.
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bokudes will see

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