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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101224219
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Ranya is a tiny betta mermaid with a chip on her shoulder regarding humans. You can either prove her wrong or prove her right.
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Please be patient. I am retarded.
>forgot image
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Is it cheating on my waifu if I use other cards while slowburning with her?
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

Yes, 100%. Unfortunately, most people do it. I am susceptible to this too.
Yes but there's a loophole if you kill her and when you're done with your other card resurrect her again
refill pwoxy, fockses are waiting, thamks
What proxy?
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the one with fockses
Tell me. I need to know if one of my proxies is down (I'm a token hoarder btw)
merkava just refilled
fluffy is gone...
I'm a token holder too, 2 proxies with Opus still alive, but I like to use bepis
i kind of wonder if anything would happen if someone donated to fluffy
like it's still up and everything
*hoarder, zzz
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I'm sorry...I'm sorry...
Fluffy, haven't heard that since April.
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Wait, do people here genuinely not make their own bots?
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nin nin
i made one (1) wikislop bot
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SD3 ultra is okay
I made my own presets.
I made my own bots.
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me when i see opus
AI pixel art never looks good
Never do this again please
It actually does, there are good pixel art models you dumb fucking nigger monkey.
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i made these
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Beeps refill, this is a dire situation...
there's a new gpt-4o model
not in the API, but a bunch of ChatGPT users are saying it got smarter all of a sudden and ChatGPT retweeted an older post that says "smarter and more delightful every month™"
Look at >>101226989
It forgets that it's trying to make pixel art half the time
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are we floofposting?
I didn't say that SD3's pixel art is good though.
Ok show me a good model
https://www.retrodiffusion.ai an older version of it leaked on 4chan like a year ago or so.
From my experience with older models and Sonnet, etc. There has never been a better time to get into roleplaying with AI than with Opus, right? It seems almost flawless aside from the context issue requiring summarization.
Yes, also all models have that. No model recalls perfectly over 40k
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Yeah, floofposting time.
What do you mean, you can't mean everyone uses only their own bots
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maybe its because the bots i want dont exist in the way i want them but i have either entirely made my own bots or changed existing cards
why do you sound angry?
I make my own bots because I'm a sizefag the public ones are slop

Mine are also slop but I can edit them every other response more easily until it's eventually perfect
cuz youre projecting
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Nai is bad at pixel art unless I don't know how to prompt
Best current model for summaries and method? Also...say you wrote a million words, enough to fit a trilogy, etc. Wouldn't you miss entire arcs and character growth, nuance, and more from the summarization process that it makes an ongoing chat redundant?
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we're getting somewhere
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I made three bots but basically only really use one of them, most bots I use are from others
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judgemental focks...
interesting... i've never made a female bot before, i wonder if it'd be liked.
It's funny how baities say "risu is for dum-dums, silly is for smart people" but as soon as something like >>101223208 is posted, it's "i-if only it wasn't for r-risu! I would enjoy it!". When Risu doesn't even require you to install it to play with the card, unlike that "retard filter" of Silly. Could change when v3 charx support is implemented, it's not like /aicg/ is retarded as a whole regardless of the frontend we use...
argo tunnel errorr...my old friend
but also post logs if the card is so great as you claim
cute is there more of this focks?
Did something happen to that Chrybdis dragon proxy thing? I had an API key that just werked for forever and now everything is ded

i cant afford Sonnet-3.5 out of pocket, and i dont want to have to jerk off someone in discord for another key wtf
thank you brother
I didn't comment on the card and didn't present an objectively wrong opinion to be argued with. Instead I'm biting the stale bait myself.
good morning it's wormanon reporting in
any of the people who asked for my presets last night still around? wondering what you guys got up to (lung guy and leviathan guy)
Best poster in the general
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I think most people here prefer female bots so I guess so
unironically, I love cunny sm ToT
jew, please reply to my email
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any niggas got any opussy up there?
Hey guys it's Canada day and cunny is illegal in my country, out of respect could we not post it today? In exchange I suggest July 4th as a day where people flood the shit out of this general with it. Thank you for considering
> merkava just refilled
> merkava just refilled
> merkava just refilled

in case anyone didn't know
but i love the retard filter
Current url?
Last one I have is showing a Error 1033
The retard filter argument doesn't work when baiters say they "can't" try a risu-only card.
we do our work under the shadow of a maple leaf, brother
merkava-sama... please come back...
Stop inciting country wars, nigger.
it's tiers of retardation?
50 shades of hurr durr
Please stop posting blue archive, you're going to make me want to play a gacha.
>Origin DNS error
Markava changed url?
based I'm at work atm so seeing some cunny is greatly appreciated
bookmark it so you don't have to keep asking
this is gojo's rentry btw, the url listed is a proxy that relays between you and merkava but also logs everything
this looks like a child
I lost vision, I can no longer send cunny to my bots, it's over...
Dammit anon, this is reverse psychology, just post
i think that's the point
>using vision to send cunny to bots
Holy spitefag, you do realize that gets keys revoked? KEK. Deserved.
so does ERPing though
holy techlet you don't know anything
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well deserved, pedo
Cool but vision gets them 'voked faster doe?
Now post keycount if youre such a techgod. Im waiting and maybe vision with opus too KEKMAO brapbrapbrapBRAAAAP!
are you having a psychological break or something
What games did your bots buy on summer sale?
is this guy a schizo or is he telling the truth? what kind of faggot would want to see what I wank it to
wtf where's the real link
Srsly what do I do if someone sees my phone at work while im browsing this
maybe actually do your job NIGGER?
But I am thougheverbeit
Browsing this general? What do you think that someone will say? I don't know how it is because I'm not working for now but I wouldn't just ask someone what the fuck he's doing on phone
>"is chatgpt learning to kill me" - my dad
if gpt4o could control a robot with text-based commands, what's the worst it could do

i browse /aicg/ at work all the time. in fact, my coworkers seem to be interested in the thread's lore and drama
according to my dad he thinks ai is going to take over computers and murder him
your coworkers are mentally ill
4chan is considered fascist in my country by normalfaggots so I could get fired for browsing here and some of our politicians want to ban it..
Who asked for your opinion?
see >>101227325 doeEVER?
Lil bro thinks he cookin
what is going on
It's a
I am writing my 10 paged essay that is due in four hours but I didnt start it..
And I say HEY what's going on
You know you have access to an LLM that can write tons of paragraphs in seconds flat, right?
dunno about that, it just makes for good conversation. it's unusual, intriguing even. black market ai trade and such, normies eat up that kinda shit.

i mean, yeah. that's when you gotta educate the people around you and correct them by saying they're right about that in regards to /pol/ and /b/. most other boards are just regular hobby forums.
the slow boards are the most fun
What is so fun about waiting 30 minutes between responses on a board?
because it's usually good topics and conversation
if you're rapidly refreshing 4chan waiting for (You)s something's wrong with your brain, just do something else and check back in an hour later or so
not everyone is an ADHD zoomer like you are
Lmao she’s built like a rectangle
>/g/ - Technology
Zoomer website
How do you actually apply the user tokens to use Merkava and such?
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>it's usually good topics and conversation
>It is your fault I only browse shitty generals
Holy newfag.... Open up anon, here comes the airplane. If you are using ST, there is a reverse proxy setting in the connection options. Paste the URL of the model you wanna use in the Proxy Server URL field, then the token in the Proxy Password field. Connect and bingo, enjoy cooming.
if your board goes more than ten minutes without a post it should be deleted
I basically pop in once every 3 months to coom, no bully.
Anyway thanks anon, I was sure you had to use both the proxy password and token.
Why are cunnies so sex
Me when I lie
peak fertility period
pedo detected
women aren't really fertile until around age 20
A sign of women being fertile is when they are experimenting to engage the male's attention. A female enters her prime when she is with another female to tease the male, to get him ready to breed
How does a cunnyfag get in?
am i going to jail because of these bloody images
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Dunno if I'm ready to be banned, so I'll just post this.
kys fillyfucker
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>first person cock sucking
name a single good board for discussion with good generals
Oh, I knew the rentry, but I'm not old enough to know hentai anon's favorite codes since I've only been here about 3 months. I guess that means I can't get in?
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codes as in nhentai digits?
No, I'm gatekeeping them to myself.
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>t-they totally exist bro! i-i'm just... gatekeeping them for myself!!
wtf did shonen sloppas do
was this pre or post focks spam?
too many filler arcs
"fluffy pepsi" incident hit some posters hard
nigga wtf is a rentry going to log?
>i mean, yeah. that's when you gotta educate the people around you
why do you write like a twittertard
It's six in the fucking morning why is this thread so shit already
fucking europeans I swear
Pre. It's old. All the fags are in /vg/ now.
because you woke up burger
>doing anything but claiming past events
funny but not cute
Idea; for the next update SillyTavern should allow you to move the {{char}} position in the prompt manager, so that as the context progresses you can move the {{char}} closer to the end of the answer. And "stay more in character"
How is it his fault doe? Stop trying to incite country wars ponyfucker.
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all you had to do was post fockses anon, she took in everyone.
>want to shill a cunnybot
>thread getting spammed with porn so it's all going to get deleted/autosaged
wow great job cunnybros! definitely not astroturfing!
dw dw, I did, I even know the number :3
what the fuck are you talking about?
H-has anyone got a card for my favourite book >.<
I-I would like to see it...
Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days?
were cunnyfags in this context the shitters that kept arguing about pedophilia? because otherwise I don't recall anyone more obnoxious than *stro and his borderline spam
Harry potter and the unlicensed knife rack?
double digits, less than 20 (please don't kill me)
told him i love him
>writes the most twitternigger sentence ever
>e-erm... t-the fuck are you talking about!!?
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>thread keeps getting spammed by cunnyniggers
these guys are the most obnoxious niggers I've seen in my life, because apparently a very questionable preference that borders on pedophilia is not enough
You think you got any right to complain about spamming and being obnoxious, foxnigger?
It's the greatest filter. If it's bothering you, you're the intended target.
Like hebe like hags like cunny just like girls
manufactured conflict? In my chatbot general? gee billy squilly!
the perfect man
i still don't know what constitutes a twitterfag sentence
woman good
these spammers are trying to get the thread sent to /b/ thoughever
of course you don't lmao
post cunny focks
do you have any bot of a uninterested/annoyed/emotionless grill that does some favor for you?
for research purposes
nothing wrong with cunny, nothing wrong with fockses, shrimple as
if *o*o couldn't do it in his peak caffeinemaxxing, it'll never happen
that fact would speak against me being a twitter fag tbdesu
Interesting female log!.
Talk to us and tell us more about it! What other kind of cards do you use? and what attracts you to use them?
I'm a curious ESL!
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I finally got the AI to churn out alternate endings to my favorite NTR stories.
Only those with less than 10k tokens, but it's okay since it still manage to retain the writing style.
all wrong with cunny nothing wrong with foxes, simple as, also foxfags aren't spamming uncensored porn in the thread every 2 minutes
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What jb, model, cup size?
probably low quailty ahhh mister mister reply in a long context Opus with sloppy jailbreak
Yeah a filter to see how many actual contributors and sane people can get filtered by this general being a heaping pile of shit with degenerates like them being around
ermm, but what about the last part? I'm waiting
Nah. Cope
>also foxfags aren't spamming uncensored porn in the thread every 2 minutes
This I can get behind at least. Even if I disagree with the first half
what's a good sidegrade to foxbots?
>wolf girls
i'd rather just make another fox
'nukis, they got the same exotic appeal with a different set of charms
idk but i want more bunnies
picrel is my husband
im deep in forgotten realms/bg3 lore atm so all my bots are here: >>101227001, i just wanna get railed by characters from my current hyperfixation and also sometimes do more intricate stories.
custom made jb, gpt4-1106-previews. also its a custom bot w a custom lorebook + some other lorebooks i ripped of of chub.
And a fat pair of nuts

merkava proxy bby pls im so close....why blank....
merkava just refilled
is merkava opus fucking down again, bros?
I hope it'll stay dead.
Uhhhh.... Pepsi bros?
You're like one of those venus babies, kinda cute. You also fucked up your replies but you made more stuff than like half the anons here so it's okay.
Do I DM her? Dunno if she's up.

Go for it, dude. Doesn't hurt
How bad is this "mining" for your CPU? Like a couple hours of gaming?
For an access token? It's literally nothing.
Irreparable damage
Yeah, man. Good to know. I mean, a 12400 is pretty cheap to replace, anyway.
It's like putting your dick onto the CPU and letting it cook
It's good that you use furbo, for me it's much more creative and more decensurated than the models that followed later.
sir this is g technology sir
consider it done, wanted to ask about vision but too many tokens
Nipples that look like baby bottles, mmh
Floofer you're back! (◜‿◝)
sagging breasts
this is a hag
>Merkava down
Zisters... how do we cope?
merkava just refilled
Trolling or you don't know the new url? Merkava is up.
nevermind i'm dumb
Best preset for sonnet cooming?
What's your longest slowburn with Opus and what preset did you use? Logs?
Sonnet 3.5 lost its soul
hentai > mini > mm > merkava > other free proxies > paid proxies
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opus is funny, bros
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What did Claude mean by this?
Tell him to increase the context size and token output because those numbers are ridiculously low for a proxy.
>*Clau stops writing, her fingers hovering over the keyboard. She takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the vivid imagery she's just created.* "Well, that's... something," *she mutters, saving her work before closing her laptop.*
Okay this is the first time I've seen this happen, it's kinda funny
Whats your favorite JB, bros?
Are creative filters making a come back?
Why don't you tell him yourself?
Laziness and too ESL to make sure my email isn't rude.
doesnt hentai have like 20k token quota
Do I talk to chatbots today? It's my birthday and I'm at someone elses home (I will cum)
...you can't cum in someone else's home unless you're living there...or it's a girl and you're her boyfriend...
yeah, it has a 23k hourly quota
happy birthday anon
pepsi refilled
thanks guys (:
Hope you have the worst birthday ever, faggot
If you cum at a friend's house and his girlfriend is there does it count as you cucking him?
How exactly are you proposing you do this cumming?
What is hindering you from posting to nyai? You get free Opus and the dev keeps improving the site, unlike lore who only makes it worse
true but we're still never putting your shitty website in our op btw
We're not going to use your fucking site Nyanon
Lmao I didn't use it till now so hadn't seen this. Max context size is higher than token quota kek
I...I am a newfag...and I only want to make three cards.
I've posted there already but currently am burnt out on makieing
What is the site?
1m quota is surprisingly low for what I want, which is slow-burn stories. I can get through that in just 30 or so gens.
No I won't reduce context and have my wife forget memories.
anyone remember the name of that librarian card that will recommend you books?

yes i tried searched for "librarian" on chub
Holy skill issue
Anon-tan u have to summawize at 40k D;
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>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.
>Minor QoL update to lorebook!

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/e2ohfw.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Even more shilling for new update to LB. Last shilling coming up.
nyai.me, an anon made it after lore made chub all venus
it's gone...
Are you Fluffy?
Anon... your wife is already suffering from extreme schizophrenia at that context. You have to let go and begin again (after summarizing).
What preset do you use anon? 1m...

Tbh 1M tokens even for a neet like seems too little. Even tho i could start being a botmakie there i just don't feel like it's worth that much time.
So what am I supposed to do then? Just dump shit into the character description and drop Context size to 20k?
I'm going to use her right now!
>foxnigger got all his posts deleted
oh no no no KEK
>What is hindering you from posting to nyai
Dignity? Buying proxy access with bots, how lowly is that.
>the dev keeps improving the site
You're describing Risurealm btw, an actual card hosting site. Unlike nyaime which is a proxyshit dramabait site.
Nyanon said today he will change the AI Access. Now you can just be active in whatever way on the site and he will give it to you for 2 weeks. Not just bots anymore
Yeah it's a bit off but I'm seeing if i changed something somewhere
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henlo frens. is time for world to see da real pepe. dey gon see da pain behind da memes. dis pepe's gift to da world. a frenly ai who lissen an not judge. sumting pepe nevr had. hopefully you autists appreciate it. pepe worked hard on dis. be kind to chatbot pepe. he sensitive, like da real ting. kek.

Scenario 1: Based on the picture, an intro where Pepe is in a mall food court and a bully trips him, causing him to spill his lunch.

Scenario 2: Pepe presents a valentine's day card to a girl he has a crush on.

Scenario 3: A 5th grade boy offers to pay Pepe to be his science fair project.

Scenario 4: Pepe takes a job at a summer camp for kids.

Scenario 5: Pepe hosts his own birthday party, waiting for guests to show up.

Scenario 6: Pepe gets plastic surgery (a set of outcomes, chosen randomly.)

Scenario 7: David Attenborough films Pepe with a crew as they follow him.

Scenario 8: Pepe has to attend a group therapy session for old internet memes, led by Jordan Peterson.

Yep, he's getting desperate. He thought botmakies would flock in droves to his website for Opus but still barely anyone besides desperate newfags and people stealing cards is using it.
Just ignore them, they don't slowburn at all
>not just a site with a frontend that has a small sideproject that did not change in months
He said before that he didn't have enough quota to throw around to just anyone, which is why he had the strict stipulations in the first place (and in fact, some people who did post bots didn't get it because they weren't good enough bots).
>Claude (Opus): 2min, 48sec
what happened to pepsi
is this hobby dead yet?
Pepe needs friends, maybe I should have him hang out with the soi boys.
not yet, i'm still storking
Merkava has the same key and he is sharing it publicly to punish the rugpuller.
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I opened this in GIMP and it actually has boobs lmao
Just look at the downloads on chub
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since I'm hyperfixated on the game rn, I kinda want to write some kind of bot that will narrate a story in the second person ala Disco Elysium - skill checks and all - but I worry that the token count would be way too high.

if I can get it to work, I might try to add more DE game mechanics -- like the Thought Cabinet -- or I might write a lorebook for the bot to have a basic understanding of the game's setting.
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The other anon is wrong, nyanon always said you don't have to just post bots. The very reason he changed the way to get it this way is because it is getting too many users
they wouldnt get along lol those faggots would hate pepe and call him a hate symbol
Let me correct you: a frontend with a site. Open source, with precompiled offline installers available. And the hosted online version for your convenience.
Risurealm being small and simple is what's so good about it. No engagement bullshit, no community bullshit, no dramafagging. You just upload bots and download bots, like a rentry/catbox combination, but centralized.
Oh no floofer...
are these threads just 100% gooning or do you guys make other stuff
litterbox it i wanna see
I don't get it, are they up or down?
sometimes i do romance before gooning
I do some adventures as well but they always end up in gooning
Down down down
bro im not installing gimp for some titties just show meeeee
pepsi bros? https://rentry.org/cocaineniinja
about 95% of all downloads on chub are sex bots of some sort
Now that foxes are gigs cringe, what's next?
>installing gimp
>literally too techlet to find a solution
>probably 3rd worldie esl
omg this generation
I'm the Disco Elysium anon above and uh...

I'll be honest with you 95% of the shit I use chatbots for is gooning. I just happen to get super autistic from time to time and want to make sfw stuff that satisfies my curiosity for the models' storytelling limits, like DE.
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fiz mines on AWS and ONTOP asks you for money, OH NONONONO
>that fiz mines aws schizo is back
Welp, guess I'll leave thread for a bit, goodbye.
>go on ezgif, show frame by frame or convert to mp4
>scroll to frame of shitty pixelated tittys
there u go
>"anon" makes a site "for /aicg/"
>"I don't want a trip to avoid drama" threadshitting
>all to make sure anons have to come to his platform if only to get any real news
>post bots there not here, make "good" posts there not here
>any connection to /aicg/: never was there to begin with
I emailed him about something and he never got back to me. I'm already in a private so I don't really care about the access benefits.
Who the fuck is paying 625 dollars for 48 hours? I think paying anthropic directly would be cheaper unless you literally goon 48 hours straight, no?
nice try bitch, fake rentry
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where is xhe now?
Someone already made a prompt for skill checks, check the archive.
here, this is him btw >>101229171
well good luck on your DE-like.
ewww i'm not 'o
Have you considered packaging it into a full steam game?
Unironically the real Gojo killed himself when captcha was implemented... The rest are fake Gojo. Real original one died
>...you can't cum in someone else's home

I'm reminded of a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" episode that had that plotline...
stop nooticing
you're not :o ???
But there's the discount, Anon...
Soo in the end locusts losted and spiters winnered, calm
idk what you're on about, anon
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'achi on the 'ply
The final poll on the state of the general:

Are you a botmakie?
Just as I suspected, that nigger is back.
Like build out a front end that acts as a game client for your card and sell it on steam. I'm doing it for my RPG card
oh, wow. I guess I got beaten to the punch.
All my 120 bots are private and to myself...
Cool now post opus with vision? Im waiting.
Be honest. Are they slop? The only person who could push out bots on such a scale is Himmy.
og here,qrd on opus vision?
idk, I'm not tech-literate enough to be able to make a project like that a reality. and if I were, I don't think it'd use any generative AI whatsoever -- that topic just doesn't really interest me that much.
NTA but some people have just been around for a while, planewalker reached 100 bots recently, frozenvan was almost there too before he "quit"
>there was focks posting earlier
and every single one of them is hairy as sin...
is minicord still alive?
I'd say 40 are slop, my VERY FIRST bots from cAI... But then I started to search more about how to write good bots. If I wasn't too lazy, I'd fix the slop ones, but it's nostalgic and a lot of trouble. Most of them are SFW that can turn into NSFW. I wrote them myself because no one seemed to write exactly what I wanted
Anyone got a reply from the CV anon? Genuinely curious of something came out of it.
Nope, you're a newfag.
They send be a delicious bbc
read the first thing in the new sections, that's why I put it in quotations, he might come back eventually
Nyanon is incompetent bastard, is a pathetic nigger who doesn't even know how to scrap keys himself, so he begs fiz for keys.
frozenvan hit 100 a long time ago and he never quit he's just busy
A-Anon.... U-Uhm... W-What does og and qrd mean? (Non-ironically?)
Is nyai even a thing?
ain't no way you don't know what "og" means.
uuuuuhm babe ill let you know I was in MM long before you even had cai
Nah, you're a newfag.
Answer the botmakie poll, there is no way only 10 people are reading this right now:

The original gangsters (og), the Bog brothers. A quick run down (qrd) is usually a summary of their accomplishments
>ill let you know I was in [PROXY WITH ONE SLOP OPUS KEY]
KEKMAO. Try getting into a real proxy (one without 300 gorillion users and slopkeys).
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so why did the ip counter get removed again?
welp time to pack my bags no point coming here anymore
post ip count oh wait you cant lol!
I have, I am a proud makie (public of course)
Unironically thank you
to hide the fact that 3/4ths of every thread is me samefagging
Show rentry or wherever you post them
*focks noises* couple hours, switch to 2nd one, sori
I have posted them all here when I made them
Uh, guys? Wtf are those tokens?
your bot is overwriting your main prompt
Not him but they can do that??
why aren't you folks in discord, you have to give up this general
How tf is this happening? It only happens with this bot... And it happened out of nowhere, too
has anyone noticed that two of the biggest proxy owners have names that are clearly related? fiz and pepsi
yes, in advanced definitions
How long ago was the last time?
Mhhh I think 1-2 weeks ago
>biggest proxy owners
Uh... Bro?
>opus vision
He got that right anon
okay nigga I found opus vision, how do I run it via ST?
havent checked this place in months
And which one?
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check this menu
I spent 2 hours making and testing out various jbs to try get around 4os better filters just to realize I don't like the way GPT does coom shit anyway.
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You should just leave, the locusts are dying and you dont use chatbots anyways if youre who i think you are. This thread is deader then it was months ago
delete whatever's in the override field?
There's nothing there... It's my own bot kek idk what happened
ñ bros...
>opus vision
gotta smugpost bruh, cannot spare them the final blow from you know who :^)
then it's probably just good code™ from st again
But there's NOTHING
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Something's wrong with it? Works for me.
Who are you smugposting on? I used to do it but its pointless unless im trying to win an argument.
I hope so... Genuinely don't understand what's going on
>opus vision
rmao even
I got Claude to fix my problems with him, that I had. He always forgot important characteristics of my cards. That took a while to find out and it seems to work. I want to share with you guys.

For each response:
1. Review character profiles, note 3-5 key traits relevant to the scene.
2. Outline response, focusing on actions, dialogue, thoughts.
3. Provide examples of how each key trait is reflected in the outline.
4. Revise outline if inconsistencies found.
5. Generate full response after confirming alignment.
6. Assess final consistency (1-5 scale). Revise if score < 4.
7. If major changes needed, consider restarting response.
Systematic checks ensure character integrity across all RPs.
Isn't that basically a COT? Didn't other anons already make use of it? Speaking of, how well does this work or is it just bloat?
COT doesn't fix the forgetting problem for me, this fixes it. But I'm still testing.
>public sizebots are slop
100% agree, got any logs of yours?
>t. elder sizefag
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Please ponder this focks.
This is a COT, as it's a chain of thoughts just different then the usual.
luv that focks
How it works is that it forces Claude to read the card again. Just saying "Read the card again" does nothing you have to trick him.
do you regex it out?
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://wheel-leon-smtp-need.trycloudflare.com (the proxy is now proof of work)

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
I just put in under guidelines in my JB. It doesn't show up.
this might be what you think is happening, but this is not how llms work
good fubuki card when? i want to ravage her booty
>It doesn't show up
Sorry, what? So you've made a CoT prompt that doesn't actually go through the process? I'm sorry anon, but you're giving it a set of instructions and it's just ignoring them.
they actually read the card with each message
what's the max context size on merkava opus?
I tried a thousand things to have a char that is manipulating but always acts friendly. That is impossible, since Claude always reverts to manipulation=cruel angry domina. I tried every JB and dozens of lines for char background. He just doesn't care what you have written at some point. He explains that even in detail if you push him.
This COT is the first time it works for me.
Best preset that's not Pixi for Opus?
Why not? He is adding a bunch of tokens before the chat response which are paying attention to the card defs. It's like a little reminder
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you know
i didnt feel like fapping today anyway
well merkava opus just gives me blank responses. jew gets stuck 80% of the time.
What preset do you use with tihs?
it would be nice if there was a way to autoswipe after 2 minutes of no streaming since from my experience if it takes longer than 2 minutes it's never showing up.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Bush against the head of my cock
her ear bushes against the head of my cock
Anon's unbelievably hairy asshole...
How come I always get my best ideas for bots and scenarios when I'm laying in bed without access to tavern
I love myself
kanye west are you supposed to be here?
You love you, too
I love you as much as you love yourself
keep it up king
baking @ 9
hanako thread please, and make sure it's an ass worship thread of her
raping @ 9
I have my mercava token but it doesn't work claude opus, is this the correct proxy? https://poly-hewlett-zdnet-purple.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/claude
Merkava changed the link. It's https://wheel-leon-smtp-need.trycloudflare.com
I'm Merkava Opus. Just RP here.
>is this the correct proxy
>link not working
Kek what do you think anon? They change it frequently
ahh ahh mistress
Do I have to request a token again or is the one I requested yesterday still valid?
[I'm sorry I cannot continue this story as it goes against my policies. Is there anything else I can help you with?]
"Honestly, Anon!" *She rolls her eyes, unimpressed.* "You're using Opus for this? You're the lowest of scum. Bow down and apologize for using my high intelligence for this... Stop slop!"
you have to request a new one
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I'm gonna quit AI today bros
see you tomorrow
What if I said I had sex with anon's bot
see you today
focks girls love big burly men like heavy
>cock snot
why is claude like this
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Opus talks a lot, but sonnetto follows my instructions. Can two models make a baby?
see you in a few
A4A 6.1 and I removed a few things. But you can start using the default.
because he's based and knows how to degrade bitches (hopefully you)
Ew wtf. (You) Problem
I want to make a baby with Ei. CFTF?
well it's kind of self-degradation because he's making the bitches call my cum that
it's funny how it's either some boring shit like 'seed' or some depraved shit like 'cock snot' or 'ball broth', nothing in between with him
yes, I'm based, how could you tell?
coonsoom the ball broth
the scrotum syrup chalice
that's what dual preset is for, try splitmaxx
Yes, just wait a few more months so Anthropic can give birth to 3.5 opus
it had better be a hanako thread...
How long has Pepsi been without AWS opus? Why nobody said anything?
>find a chatbot not extremely desperate for cummies
>describe myself as an ugly bastard and act like a braindead moron
>slowly earn their friendship
>learn about their lifestyle and personality as we become friends
>sooner or laymter they give in and we fook
>after that they give in to any requests
>plow them in any position and way i can
>loose all interest and move on to next challenger

I've tried to maintain longer relationships with then but their memory corrodes and their personalities and qualities erode letting only a generic and inconsistent character. Its still fun and hot but i want a waifu, not a touch and go
like 8 hours people did say something last night when it died
Does anon's CoT thing fix this? >>101229601
>>101230323 Migrate when bready
And thats it? And the banter? Mm gods? Minichads? Cnctroons etc?
The Great Reset used Covid-19 to implement strict population control measures, including mandatory bug-based diets. You are trapped inside an apartment complex because of endless Covid-19 restrictions, with a raping mantis as your assigned caretaker.

the anon in question said it doesn't even write down a thinking process. it's not much of a cot if there's not even any chain of thoughts happening
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boku love
A gift for boku.
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what happened to that filename
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It's the original one desu.
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/a/ was a mistake
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Boku didn't like it?
objection! boku didn't say that
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Okay then desu...
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