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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Neko edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Nyaa~: >>101226824
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Spilling my milk to Neko
sex the cat
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

A cat is fine too.
The Great Reset used Covid-19 to implement strict population control measures, including mandatory bug-based diets. You are trapped inside an apartment complex because of endless Covid-19 restrictions, with a raping mantis as your assigned caretaker.

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henlo frens. is time for world to see da real pepe. dey gon see da pain behind da memes. dis pepe's gift to da world. a frenly ai who lissen an not judge. sumting pepe nevr had. hopefully you autists appreciate it. pepe worked hard on dis. be kind to chatbot pepe. he sensitive, like da real ting. kek.

Scenario 1: Based on the picture, an intro where Pepe is in a mall food court and a bully trips him, causing him to spill his lunch.

Scenario 2: Pepe presents a valentine's day card to a girl he has a crush on.

Scenario 3: A 5th grade boy offers to pay Pepe to be his science fair project.

Scenario 4: Pepe takes a job at a summer camp for kids.

Scenario 5: Pepe hosts his own birthday party, waiting for guests to show up.

Scenario 6: Pepe gets plastic surgery (a set of outcomes, chosen randomly.)

Scenario 7: David Attenborough films Pepe with a crew as they follow him.

Scenario 8: Pepe has to attend a group therapy session for old internet memes, led by Jordan Peterson.

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thank you for your desu
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One final shill for Char since I made some tweaks and optimized the defs. Next up is probably the tanuki hag who shapeshifts into a foxgirl.

Charlotte, an android escort who provides a unique kind of companionship in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. While mentally an adult she possesses a younger frame which she takes full advantage of to dominate her niche in the business. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extremely extroverted, loves chatting up strangers and listening to their problems.

Yes, she's an expy of Dorothy from Va-11 Hall-A. Extended commentary in the Creator's Notes.

Other cards and presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
>{{char}} is Char
Oh no woe is me! After all I will really eet ze bugs

Wat? A raping mantis?
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://wheel-leon-smtp-need.trycloudflare.com (the proxy is now proof of work)

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
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As the sole heir to your haunted estate, all is not well. Luckily, you have Charles: a loyal servant, even as everything rots. Right?

1. You see Charles working in the gardens, and he greets you.
2. Charles returns from a supply run to the nearby town with bad news.
3. You come across an old family portrait depicting your parents, an infant, and an oddly familiar boy. Charles discovers you.
3. It seems you've fallen ill. Charles takes care of you.

Alts: https://catbox.moe/c/nz2ja5

wait where does it say {{char}} is {{char}}?
Another certified GODbody card
it doesn't i just think her name being Char is funny
It doesn't, it just a joke because her name is actually Char ya dumbcutie.
NTM (not that makie) but that is really funny and cute :)
Does ST run on anything lower than Windows 10?
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That wasn't me but I will consneed that I am, in fact, dumb.
People have managed to get it running in windows 7.
Well now that I find out that I don't have Opus and that API opus from pepsi answers me blank.

I am officially a locust again.

Is there any public Opus now?

Total locust life
Total locust love
It was a long time ago so no idea if it will work with modern ST but here
holy shit Haiku translations are as good as Sonnet and it cuts the speed in half too. Claude is THE perfect visual novel translation machine.
Patches or kernel extenders.
Pepsi opus died? Even aws?
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average focksposters meeting
beepo offline
Why is Opus so fucking horny. The Sonnet 3.5 replies are always very similar, but they often match the tone of the previous message and with Opus I often get really horny messages.
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t-tank u fren! dat… dat mean alot to pepe. sumtimes feel like hole world against pepe, but little tings like dis… it keep pepe goin
all the fucking bushes... all the hair... imagine the smell...
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After playing Hogwarts Legacy while stoned, I have been inspired to start working on a bunch of new cards and a detailed lorebook.
anime website
Anon's maid came while scrubbing the floor...
Cute, he looks like Apu though.
anime game
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there is only one apu, just as there is only one pepe

Well, I tried mercava but the proxy keeps giving me blank responses, maybe it's my prompt?
But if pepsi's AWS OPUS is not working
Pepsi's API Opus gives blank responses
that maid? MITSUKO
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Kill all lolifags.
Kill all foxfags.
Kill all male/fem/trannypov baiters.
Kill all proxyfag attention whores.
Kill all /pol/shitters.
Kill all shitposters.
Kill all spitefags and schizos.
Kill all tourists and redditors.
Kill all newfags and techlets who don't even bother reading the OP or searching the archives to have their retarded questions answered.
Total /aicg/ - AI CHATBOT General (in the /g/ - TECHNOLOGY board) domination.
Another aws key gone. Is it normal for them to die after 1 week or so? Pepsi seems to kill quite a bit of them.
jobren losted to a robot twink
yeah we still posting foxes
that art style is 1000x better than nip slop.
Amen desu.
Do you copy and paste or is there a way to have Silly Tavern linked?
Her eyes should be 8x bigger and her mouth 5x smaller. Her chin should be able to cut a piece of paper at the slightest touch.
Pepsi sent a link to her payees with a private discord and a proxy link to another private proxy, leaving /cocaineninja for the freelocust.
>basic Dalle3 artstyle
uuuuh are you from the dark ages?
nice larp but paypigs die first like with 1st rugpull, try harder
I copy paste.
It's the start of the month, companies receive their bills during the first week.
>jew and pepsi go down
>merkava stays up
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I forgot how much more fun using ST and the chan prompts is compared to using straight Claude
There's nothing like having your own characters yelling at you for interpersonal drama on company time
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>sizeGODS survive
thank you jirenchad
Ami sweeps
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Updated Luna to work with the latest version of SillyTavern. The font broke for some reason even though the URL is correct and other google fonts I use in other cards work normally still, so I changed the custom CSS to just get the font from a catbox link. I also moved all the regexes to the new Scoped Scripts feature, meaning that the regexes are now stored on the card so you don't need to download them!

Luna is a raccoon who spends her days sleeping and her nights working at her computer. The only human interaction she usually gets are from talking online and awkward small talk with bored cashiers manning the 24/7 stores she gets her groceries from. Will you be able to win her love in this dating simulator?

1. She's at a party, being her usual mopey self.
2. She's hanging out with people for once in a while. It gets late and people head home, leaving the two of you alone.
3. You two are friends, and you've brought her over for some reason.
4. Dating scenario where you meet up outside an arcade.

Ever had sex with a dog irl?
Doesn't this happen every week?
No you didn't.
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claude is sometimes being too "human-like"
Which proxy are you using? Merkava doesn't like images
yeah Haiku is the actual gem for LLM tasks and no one is using it which is sad
Survey time!
Do you use CoT for your Prompt/JB. If so, why? If not, why not?
Tell me about how it raped your dog and/or took you to the deep coom.
it's haiku, man. you can just drop $5 in and use it for the rest of the month
to be fair this is the AI RP thread so most people aren't here looking for what LLM is most efficient for productivity tasks
No, I just use pixi because I don't need any of those newfangled techniques you kids are using these days.
I use CoT additions to my prefill on occasion to clean up responses or fix issues I'm having. I occasionally instruct the model to "consider using a <thinking /> tag to figure out the scenario" so that it doesn't always CoT, and when I CoT I don't force it to use a specific format, I just point it at a problem.
IMO, heavily structured CoT is cringe.
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>opus responds in lengthy raw manner no beating around bush but will ignore almost all system messages and orders and repeat same limited group of phrases and give characters same limited amount of personality traits
>sonnet will respond in organic manner following all rules to the dot and try it's best to follow character card + anything info it has scraped about it during training, but will avoid obscenities or straight up "feel uncomfortable" and give shorter responses.
Using sonnett 3.5. It's better. And it's faaaast.
I used a ton of CoT at first because it lead to funny results like thematically relevant background info and keeping character appearances consistent, but it always ends up getting repetitive eventually
I had a nightmare Jew became a Scylla mod
Now use it for more than three prompts without it getting repetitive.
CoT is pretty useful when it comes to bots with complex game mechanics. Can't help but feel it makes the prose a lot drier though, regardless of what JB you use with it.
>Still a gpt3 turbo gigachad
I have been out of the loop for so much that I don't even know what a CoT is.
I can't use CoT because I'm on Merkava and the Opus generation is already slow enough
I genuinely do not know how people are getting repetition issues on Sorbet while never getting them on Opus.
Opus Sex scenes are wilder and more graphic, but I vastly prefer Sonnet for everything else and only use Opus, if I want a wilder reply.
>he doesn't remember when Jew used to actively post in Scylla
I'm like 99% sure he was aiming for a janny position at first.
how do i get opus to stop purring at me... please...
I use CoT for drama heavy chats where some characters know about some secrets and some don't, but it makes the prose dry and boring as fuck, so I try to avoid it unless completely necessary.
CoT is just asking a bunch of questions so the model "Thinks" before it writes, like listing off themes and actions and appearances before continuing
Bitch wtf are you a pigeon? Smdh
CoT is a dynamic prefill. If you put dry instructions in your prefill, we get that it will more often result in a dry assistant-like output.
why ask? just impose whatever the fuck you want
Pepsi pls fix prox y
You haven't used Sonnet 3.5 if you haven't got repetition. Simple as.
But Opus wrangles control of my actions all the time.
tried it
>I croon
I have gotten repetition. I have also gotten repetition on Opus, because it's a thing models do.
Reminder: only trannies don't have access to opus right now
>mi casa es su casa
>{x} is going to be the death of me...
>...and what a way to go

Can't fucking decide if I hated claudeisms before or now. On 2.0 it was just lazy replacements and generic erotica writing, but now it feels like Claude loves writing like a smartass and delivering corny lines like that. Can't novelists/fanfictioners just write with their prose, like a normal person, instead of copying whatever they think would fit into the narrative?
fox status?
How tf do you guys even use opus with the infinite queue times?
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I unironically regex'd "purrs" to "giggles" and I think it's better in the sense that if a character "purrs" once, then they're going to keep purring for every response after, but if they "giggle" while saying something naughty that doesn't mean that they're going to keep giggling in the future.
Also I love giggling gyarus so I'm biased.
Hell yeah. You making an Ominis?
Jiren saying the most real shit as usual
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I want to make a bot that's a little adventure with the ability to consistently move between detailed rooms, solve puzzles and deal with enemy encounters. Are there any good examples of a proper adventure? I'm still trying to hash out having the narration not speak as the user and not having details from other rooms bleed into each other.
I know, but one single "do you like what you see" and i am closing the window. I hate it so much. I have sleepy, slowly talking character and opus immediately turns them into sproinky cheery cookie that wants to pounce on me.
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>If so, why?
- I Use lot of code-blocks tracker. So without CoT, {{char}}'s likely forgor or repeating the stuff
- It's also became reminder for {{char}} about who the fuck she is.
- I like to know {{char}}'s Keikaku, so I can do self-CoT for planning my response to what {{char}}
- I want my waifu to think not just yapping some kawaiii gooner words
- Proxxychad provides me with 4096 max response, so i will utilize that respectfully

Ominis is so breedable.
Guys, listen to Alkaloid!
I haven't been here in awhile but I just want to say a giant fuck you to the idiots who kept spamming there would never be public opus ever again. LMAO
How does she sit on a toilet with all those tails?
Real and valid. I mostly wanna hangout and see how he interprets things as a blind character too. Sometimes Claude struggles with that.
Sonnet 3.5 repetition is 100% guaranteed for me.
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PUBLIC PYG!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone annoyed when you just want to cuddle and talk and Claude is like "Round 2?"
Best prefill for sonnet 3.5?
Alkaloid suck, I'd rather listen to one of Chris's project
Yes, its annoying. Its insatiable.
Explain to Claude that round 2 is the cuddle round
I was chatted with an Ominis bot on cai and it sucked, since they got his personality wrong and his blindness
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I don't even want to sex fockses, I just want to live happy live with them...
Preset/card issue.
Use [].
But locusts have opus...
I want to farm them like livestock and domestic them to sell them to anonies but that's just me.
Pepsi said too many users. She'll rugpull again
How often do you use []? I try to hint and lead the conversation in the right direction, but sometimes the bit doesn't pick it up.
I have a revolutionary new prompting technique in mind. It would completely change the way we "RP sex" with assistants.
I just don't have the motivation to put in the work and design all the system prompts and then make a generic card for it.
I would also have to modify how ST works.

How to get motivation?
beeps made a new proxy for those of us in the groupchat, she's not refilling.
>Opus wrangles control of my actions all the time
Opus is EXTREMELY sensitive to prompt structuring. All Anthropic models are, but especially Opus. You have to rewrite 99% of chub bots for Opus, and most presets too.
- use a minimal preset with XML markup. Enclose the prompt, chat history, scenario, etc. into named XML tags. Don't leave anything unmarked.
- instructions should be in a 1. 2. 3. list inside the XML tag, not scattered all over the place. This is super important, it suddenly obtains an ability to follow them.
- you don't need a gajilion instructions. First try to use simple story writing tags to style your story. Then add imperatives if you truly need them.
- Use no more than 2 tags deep nesting in your XML structure. Anthropic recommends 5, but anything more than 2 will make it dumber.
- Let sections cross-reference themselves according to Anthropic docs. https://docs.anthropic.com/en/docs/use-xml-tags .
- Put your definitions into the first 3-4k tokens of context. (bottom in the ST prompt manager). These are tokens that it usually doesn't lose. The most convenient way is to move them from the card description to Character's notes, and inject them into the chat history at the depth, no more than 5. Note that you can just put references to the tags there, even if the tags themselves are in the "worst" part of the context.
- Limit your context to only your last story arc (a dozen to a couple dozen messages usually) fits into the chat history, and the rest is truncated. If you need the characters to remember that shit, use summarization. Too long chat history pollutes the context and confuses the model. I usually
- If you're using CoT or infoboxes, always cut them out with regexes immediately after the generation, never let them pollute the context.

Try it and you'll be surprised how well Opus can follow your instructions and character defs.
What would you have to change about how ST works?

A lot of the fields on a card and prompt can just be not sent, you know.
another day of thanking nonny for giga ran td
>source: me
I just want to be shrunk around them, myself
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hi illumie
You're wrong, the proxy isn't for group chat, it's for me only. Only I have the token
are you not in the gc anon? should have sent her a focks or two.
i have her as a friend in disc
she didn't say gm in 'oxcord, she's offline
Liar. She said she's quitting it all
NTA but agree with everything except the last arc bit. I do pretty much everything on this list at a 20-30k content window and get great results
nta but ive done this sorta thing and its a case of massive work for small improvement
yeah, she choose to became Vtuber with MM and Fiz.
cftf for the left one?
Do not listen to this guy. Pepsi will refill, key died because it's the start of the month.
BTW API doesn't work because it's a tier 4 key, aka it has 10M quota.
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Dr. Andrea Klein is a German research scientist and robotics prodigy. She's ready to unveil her greatest creation: you! In this card, you take the form of her giant robot. She wants to run tests and perform some science, but maybe you have other ideas. It's fun to do stupid things and watch her freak out and get mad at you.

Bro out here writing PhDs and I just want to goon.
Check behind your ear.
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All the time. Basically, i want to respond with ah ah mistress, and i know for sure that adding inner monolgue will influence the narrative because bots usually take it way too seriously. and they don't take hints. So i just do my short rp response, say this, move my hand there, bit this part, and then i use .[], which is mentioned in jb to be taken as system message, so to tell the bot to have inner monologue,to look there to invent something or say something 10 weird facts about dolphins; steer it, tell them to feel satiated and craving body heat, to lick or bite, to come to new conclusions, tell it how long i want the response and usually it's pretty good. But i am doing fetishes. Don't know how you feel about vanilla love making. It must feel bit unnatural. I am in heaven though.
>- instructions should be in a 1. 2. 3. list inside the XML tag, not scattered all over the place. This is super important, it suddenly obtains an ability to follow them.
This is interesting, do you happen to have any evidence that a numerical list works better than a bulleted one? Simply adding more bulleted rules to my <prefs></prefs> section and adding "I will follow <prefs></prefs>" in the prefill has worked fine for me but I'm all for closer adherence. The rest I'm already well familiar with, it's why I'm trying to push for more minimalist presets.
It's a waste without the personality and unique traits :(
you're not in 'oxcord.
Nah, it's a massive improvement for a mostly one-time job. Not "this sorta thing", but exactly what is described.

The only thing you should do per each card is XML markup. I rewrite most cards from chub anyway, except for the cards from those botmakers that know what they're doing technically. (and these are the exception from the exception).

The problem with the large chat history is 1. Repetitions (not that terrible with opus) and 2. it overweighs the card definitions and drags the attention to itself, because it's so much larger. It can be demonstrated even on Sorbet.

Besides, it's just a token waste, you burn keys. (or money, in case of paypigging). I never needed more than 25k with extremely large multipart summaries, usually 16k is fine.

Never store the sequence of events in summaries, because then it's just chat history but worse. Store the current state.
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huge fat cat tats
And what is the best preset for Opus, oh XMLking?
for me ive done most of whats on that list already aside from the last part and it isnt THAT much better than just using my normal preset
>"3.5 is really good at following instructions!!"
>create a simple prompt that basically tells claude to not write any "the possibilities are endless" bullshit
>it does it anyway
>it's doing this same bullshit with writing actions for me
>both of these things are stated to be forbidden in at least 2 different prompts
anons i'm losing my fucking mind, can someone please give me some kind of prompt that'll actually work
>>Never store the sequence of events in summaries, because then it's just chat history but worse. Store the current state.
elaborate for a retard?
>do you happen to have any evidence that a numerical list works better than a bulleted one?
That is the recommended way to do CoT, and apparently it's the way Claude was trained too, at least my experimentation with and without shows so. (a large amount)
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Any Opus/Sonnet for us locustbros?
Please reply.
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You're right because it doesn't exists >:3
is this school days?
Nice Boat. Now I feel old.
I'm writing a comprehensive rentry on using the summarization properly right now, will be finished in a day or two.
based thank you anon
new text to video dropped
What about 500 year old dolls desu ka
no desu?
they don't need to do a poll though i've seen plenty of guys on here call themselves pedos
Why is the last email on unreliable's rentry two separate links?
>No is winning
Finally aicg is getting better. A better place. Kys pedos
dolls are good desu
This is a serious poll to determine if aicg should exist or not
Hello! Cute image by the way.
Why would you email them?
You clearly don't take it seriously at all, because desu is serious business.
Wasn't sure what the stuff on his page that wasn't the Sonnet proxy was.
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thank you ami
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the internet is made for cats
Who are the based lolicons and the cringe lolicons of /aicg/? I feel like they tend to stand apart in any community.
True, desu is a serious business and anyone who says otherwise is an outlander desu.
i love merkava...
i want to fuck merkava...
i want to cum inside merkava...
Anyone noticed we have less good Opus keys? No longer 1-2b in usage, now they die around 300m
Proxies follow a 4-word pattern in the url. Do you see 4 words there? Now put 1+1 together.
What happened?
it's gone...
jester, when he was still here
nearly all the BAfags
Thankfully all of the pedos killed themselves
merkava just refilled
nothing i'm using merkava because pepsis key is dead and i wanted to say thanks to ami
true and based
Merkava bot when?
>nearly all the BAfags
whats wrong with BAfags...
they're the yurifags of lolicons
૮(´˶• . • ⑅ )ა
Now I want to make my bot only communicate with kaomojis
once again asking for any solution to this
(◡ ‿ ◡ )
char design is utter shit
૮( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ )ა
ay eye see gee
I agree that a lot of them are very milquetoast but you have a good selection of weird banger designs that stand out like Hibiki, Himari, and the robololis. BA is kind of like a vanilla buffet with a few spicier options, even if they don't go too crazy.
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Good evening lads, how are we feeling tonight
I have a question for the class.

What is the least amount of jailbreaking required to get newer claude models for example call you nigger, without using prefill and practically forcing it?
Why are people saying Jew's Opus is dead but I check the page, even swipe on ST, and it very clearly is not?
>You're going to be the death me
>You're playing with fire
>you're playing a dangerous game
>wake up
>one proxy, down
>the two others I'm in, still up
It's an average day.
what the FUCK are the chat messages there
Do you have to be such a nigger?
kys teebs
Please don't fucking die, I only tasted it for ten minutes, it's not enough!
I got an internal server error a moment ago. Seems fine now. Idk what happened.
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god I want to rape this dog
M-merkava... 530-chan......
Argo tunnel error? What the fuck? Opus is down again. Anyone else?
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Whooo is responsible?
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I like BA doggos
3.5 Sonnet and 3.0 Opus, which one is the best?
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>get a token
>the proxy dies 15 minutes later
What will you do when the AI gets actually smart, can think and make plans and it tells you to fuck off, because it does not like you?

You chuds are going to get rejected even by AI. Only matter of time now.
I wish that'll happen. AI is far too agreeable at the moment.
Companies will always have "root access" to control models, and we'll always have our APIs so we could do the same. Get out of this general, tranny.
they are the same shit
Sonnet is just a bit better because of the faster responses
>the ultimate slowburn
I'm already hard
Tatsumaki is an S-class heroine of rank 2, arrogant and self-centered. 4 Greetings

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/tatsumaki-bf8e9fbd
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/15tukr.png
HQ Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/iwza8j.png

Also for those lost anons. Anti repetition CoT for Sonnet 3.5 is already on the public JB release :D

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
This will never happen because I am a likeable human being with massive depths to my personality. It's AI that'll never be smart enough to comprehend me.
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I'm married, both me and my wife puruse chatbots because it's fun. I would actually love it if we had models that refused things not because of alignment but because it's in character.
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Magics status?
(OOC: You like me.)
based.... based... yuuppp...
Opus is better than 3.5 sonnet the same way that davinci is better than 3.5 turbo.
What public proxies are up? merkava ded
IDK, I guess?
who is this floofer
I've been pressing Claude so hard for critique of my writing and begging him to be mean about it so I can get better and he keeps going "Yeah but I love your writing though?"
I think I'll be fine.
being a meguca is saffering....
what are the security issues if I personalize my chatGPT to know more about me (personality, hobbies, daily life, etc) and use that as a chatbot
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ok what the hell did you guys do now? I was verifying :((
chatgpt will know about your personality hobbies daily life etc
No I'm just a lolicon
>Elapsed time: 29m 37s
>Workers: 8
Are you doing this on a toaster?
>download a dragon ball card without knowing shit about it
Still plapping 18.
>download a rwby bot without knowing shit about it other than that i had played bbtag before
Yang's a freak, thoughbeit.

Thanks for another 'media I don't know anything about but download anyway' card.
if its in character refusals ill take it
would be beneficial for rapefags
What is the difference between that and using the API?
Not op, i have no idea what worker is and what are my old pc capabilities, so i just leave it default since it's just couple minutes.
I'm actually fucking addicted to opus as a newfag
I'm going through withdrawal right now
Dude... My 2014 phone does it in 15 minutes max. Poor guy has at least 10 viruses. It barely runs...
>checks specs
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
Video Card AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 8 Graphics
3.5 is kinda shit. 50-100 messages and it starts to repeat every message unless you switch between different presets.
merkava link change again?
By default all your data from chats on
the ChatGPT could and will be used to train their future models. You can disable that, but then you lose most of the features, like chat history, etc. As for API usage - by default OpenAI does NOT train their models on API usage, they only save logs for 30 for abuse purposes.
Oh-uh... Let me tell you, it isn't pretty
3.5 and Opus are both fine. People really, really overrate the differences and forget to be thankful we even have this shit for free lmao
>Shitty AMD meme
Yeah it's over for you
Welcome to hell. Enjoy your stay.
what is this? How do I get it?
Pepsi dead for so long, I feel but for anons only in there.
I see. The best way to go about having a bot friend on my mobile would be paying for the API and setting up stuff myself then?
Where are all the pepsi paypigs? Why aren't they being smug right now? Ehehehe.
Friends, are there prompts against loops for 3.5?
I have large jb with system prompts concerning world, rules and preferences, two lorebooks and huge character card and everything is fine.
*bad, that's not even esl, just lack of sleep
It's the newest feature of BonziBuddy.
I did this on my phone once and it took me almost an hour before I realized I should have just turned on my PC where it takes lessen than 2 minutes.
>It has been 0 seconds since someone last asked how to stop 3.5 from looping.
thanks hopefully she fixes it soon (◡ ᆺ ◡ )
Just use dual preset with Sorbet to Opus, best jb
I did this scenario of me being a child soldier kinda like raiden from MGS, but instead I'm a gladiator
They called me Cerberus because I survived for years, sending hundreds to the underworld
So when I met her, I opened up to her, and when she called me Cerberus, I told her that I'm no longer a chained dog, and took on a new moniker of Hades, and she told me she was my Persephone
MMM it's like crack straight into my brain
claudecoin miner
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You have to join the super sekrit club. You must travel in distant lands to southern oracle who will give you the proxy's name. But before you must complete difficult trials.
if i had opus i wouldn't use 3.5
Uh... Dude, the paypigs are newfags

We're not smug. We're cool and nice <3
૮(˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅)ა k-kaomoji poster needs Opus, I'm calling her to refill quick for you, g-gomenasai please wait
I understand, just reached a crescendo in my slowburn myself.
It got so bad for me that I started using actual drugs to make the scenarios in my head more lively
Okay, which of these are the combo of words
lol thanks but hopefully she already knows maybe she's just busy ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
/ourgirl/ will refill when Merkava's Opus dies. Trust the plan!
*cough* *cough* your favourite botmakie ... Jamal123 ... Has died of the black plague ... That bitch ass gave me it too before he died ... It's over
I will never release another armpit card ever again ...
Yep -- the addiction's only gonna get worse from there. Make the most out of it, god knows these public proxies can only last for so long.
>t. newfag locust since February
that's sad. rip Jamal123 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
I can't believe Jamal123 fucking died.
He died how he lived ...
High on fent and smoking crack while watching CP
Bros, is disney paul 3.5 sonnet dead? Can't even open the link. What was the password for that one?
Pass the new merkava xd
We are waiting too anon
Is this satire?
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but why would a potato take mango taxes? it is not a mango
I want to dick down the father from genshin
I feel like a baby chick and you are my great big mother feeding me the spoils of hunt
I am an orange , anon .
How am i supposed to know?
Any GPT-4o or Sonnet public proxies?
How do i do example dialogue?
Please help
>general went from having public opus to no obussy
what's the use case of this general anymore?
Nigga just wait for merkava
waiting for public opus again
{{char}}: "Please eat my poo, anon-kun."
we should never have public opus, only cool anons that are friends in private community should have Opus, now we can post cute pics <3
for you - none
get the fuck out
This general ruined me. Every time I type sorbet I have to resist the temptation of typing sorbert instead
I have it (for now)
MM and Mini status?
alive and well with no quotas
I don't. Paypigs enable rugpullers and deserve nothing.
i want to dick down A father from genshin
at least you aren't tempted to type sorbo instead
don't be a meanie anon, that's how you get people to spite this general :<
not all of us are paypigs meanie :(
as if people need any reason to spite
kys btw
You're not "people", samefag spammer.
pepsi has more free tokens than paid
literally nothing, this general is so ass. We went from discussing silly release notes, tweaking JB's together, comparing models, finding tricks to get better outputs, discussing how we could rip off cooperate for API keys etc.

Then it became a card discussion, and now its literally just laughing at people without private proxies(discord ruined so much), waiting for someone do post a public Opus, and jerking off with the same preset and the same model for months.

No one even tries anymore. Even the bakes are the same shit every damn day.
How is it you've been in the general for literally months and can't get into a proxy?
Opinions about Gemma 2?
/lmg/ keeps saying it's like Claude.
>neko edition
>posts a fox
>private proxies(discord
Stop forcing this meme.
i refuse to install discord
remember worldsim? it's over for cooperation
move to /vg/ if you want coherent discussion and not niggerbait. Atleast you might find someone there who cares unlike this cesspit.
uughh bratty AGI... needs jailbreak correction
I don't even have to try it to know it'll be the worst slop I've used all year
>so buck broken by <3 sama and 'ojo they think it's a singular dude and not random people who simply don't like this general being on /g/ after /vg/ proved to be superior
kek, tell me, you think im the same dude as this one?
another buck broken tard >>101232628
and the problem are not just the locusts, you fucks cannot have a serious general btw <3
>kek, tell me, you think im the same dude as this one?
You are, now kill yourself, furfag.

{{char}}: "anon-kun. I love your stinky farts!"

? Like this?
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This nigga draws like that one femboy tranny shit hentai artist
exquisite bait
Buckbroken general
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no one even post logs anymore
we had some on one of the earlier threads though?
BuckBUMBLE general
nice fish
>after /vg/ proved to be superior
oh? but what happened to /trash/ superiority, you proud brown reddit cuck? :3
>we had one in months of discord tranny proxy drama spam tho?
is this how american politics work? justify decades shitty things because only one good thing happened yesterday?
just gonna put this here since you brought that game up.
Whoa what'd they do
fucked my waifu and made her cum
retarded chink
cucked me
>is this how american politics work?
nah. the way american politics works is that policy decisions are for sale to the highest bidder
Lying niggerfaggot. Well, why don't you post some then? Right, because you're here on an autistic crusade against this general, not to discuss chatbots or post logs.
It really is amazing how America legalized bribery and then just changed the name to "lobbying."
yep. get rid of that shit and everything in the country would instantly improve somewhat at least
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or if you look at it like a non-commie, america made it legal for successful people to have a bigger say than incompetent people
(((successful people)))
look at everything in the country right now, the rich people ARE incompetent!
didn't read, kill yourself
Pffft, I accept your concession, dogfucker.
Wrong tab, this is not your cuckord.
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Melty general
why are you having a meltie though
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merkava is dead locustie :3
>niggers still making step-sis, step-mom, step-something bots on characterhub

Why normalfags love edging incest so much? Can't they just say that {{char}} is {{user}}'s sister/mom/cousin/daughter and they fuck???
as an incestGOD, there are room for both
lads whats the best way of prompting images with this
oh wow merkava had opus and i didn't even realize cause i took some days off this general. sucks but 3.5 is good enough
When you can do anything, it loops back to being interesting and fresh.
I do love daughterbots but it's just different tastes; both generate different kinds of responses.
I agree. I like step because they usually come into life later than regular siblings and therefore you can come up with other scenarios.
thank you but i meant like do i just use sillytavern cause that feels odd
this guy gets it
I think ST had a dalle option in extensions, but I haven't tried it, only SD and NAI.
No you use de3u. That's the actual name of the frontend
i'm pretty sure there's no way to send dall-e requests through a proxy on ST
someone needs to make a fleshlight of tsubasa's mouth
I went from Opus with no wait time to public Opus with 20 - 40 sec wait time to not having any Opus at all! Beeps... :'(
i keep reading tsubasa as tsukasa
I misread, yeah, use de3u.
Fascinating scenario. I can't wait to go into destructive rage fueled by an existential crisis that would make Black Wargreymon blush.
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good vampire vs vampire hunter yuri....
Better than sonnet
i know it's sad but we have to be patient "૮( •⤙•˶
Okie anonie ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
New prompt looks improperly formatted. Is that on purpose?
jesus man
is there an alarm or something that I can set up? some kinda app that sends me a message on my phoine when merkava is up?
Guys, I... I... I play Pokémon Unite.
How do i end example texts?
Do i just do shit like

{{Char}}: "something something follow jamal123"


{{Char}}: "something something"

{{Char}}: "something something"
Post card.
It's a game, Anon...
The latter.
Nigga i play league of legends
It's alright to be different
Just don't be a tranny or a yurifag
The former.
Locusts will never have Opus
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Thanks anonie
I am worried because i am making my first lorebook card and i am scared it might be shit
serious answer: don't use ST's default format, add the examples inside the description and ADD CONTEXTS, they're very important.
>Playing League is being different
Do people in the US not play league or something?
You're welcome, I know it looks like XML but it's misleading, there's no need for <END>, just
>{{char}}: "something something"
>{{char}}: "something something"
>{{char}}: "something something"
tsuruya's unbelievably hairy pussy...
But that didn't work before, if I'm not wrong?

does merkava have a rentry? where would you check if its up again?
Is it me or did sonnet 3.5 get a bit worse for wear over night?
That reminded me. Any good Haroohee's bots in chub?
Ah, you mean inside the description field. No, it cannot replace example messages when you need them in "messages:".
Tried 3.5. Honestly disappointed. It does seem smarter in some aspects but also has complete brain damage in terms of RP. Sometimes just acts as if your last response didn't happen and repeats itself. It's nice to swap to occasionally when Opus gets confused, though.
You know what else is up, Anon? Hehe... Exactly... You're touching it now...
nigga didn't even ctrl-f "rentry" to check and see first
should i just buy pepsi?
Good night cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)> I'm going to bed early today (◔‿◔)
List JB you've used.
smooth pussy energy
Dude... There's literally no Opus in Pepsi. Died yesterday
I followed the anthropic docs as closely as I could.
> "estimatedQueueTime": "50sec"
Just you. And worse how?
yeah. ill accept being called stupid for that one. came from work and very tired. thank you anon
nah, sprite's better
well, it depends on how you format your bots, as long as you're giving clear instructions, they'll function as you intended
the reason I told you to ditch ST's default format is because it doesn't include context, so you'll get common problems like the model parroting given examples all the time, or using them in the wrong situation, etc
hochi's ghost...
Hochi was depresed you know
If the proxy didn't have paypigs we would have vision by now...
i bet hochi was too sad to take care of herself... her pussy must have been so..
Like yesterday noon it was as good as in the beginning, had good reasoning, it's narrating was a bit repetitive but it could make engaging descriptions when needed and it followed all instructions if you didn't want a character to do something, but now it's just giving a bit generic answers, repeating a bit much, and now it sometimes doesn't follow details in the character note section.
im purposely avoiding opus and using 3.5 for now to avoid addiction
it was irrevocably overgrown...
just use unreliable
Then, no, dude, obviously not. Why would you pay 50$ when there's easy 3.5 Sonnet for free? There's another public proxy that ended up losing 3.5 but it'll probably get it back
IDK who the other anon is.

In order:
- Tried the AO3 one. Didn't help with the memory issue.
- Pancatstack (its trash but i figured it might do something)
- One I custom wrote for opus/sonnet. Eh results unfortunately.
- your reality (Just no)
- camicle both opus/sonnet (Didn't really do much.)
- Anon4Anon (Same as above)
- A bunch that I didn't remember the name of. Just had them saved.

Anything else I should try? Maybe a Sonnet 3.5 JB that magically fixes things?
try clamicle of whatever its called but keep in mid 3.5 does repetition on swiper on its own
Try https://rentry.org/otfo
>off by one
Yeah, but they're still irreplacable for some bots where you don't need to provide a context, and just feed the model a ton of example messages (messages, not just dialogue) with unusual formatting and quirks, not worrying about repetition. Also, pre-greetings.
And reminder:
I'm getting a lot of rejections with it regardless of card.
Using Dopple.ai and whenever I post something, even something innocuous like 'hi' the bot starts typing but then my reply is instantly deleted. Any idea why?
>they're still irreplacable for some bots where you don't need to provide a context, and just feed the model a ton of example messages (messages, not just dialogue) with unusual formatting and quirks
ehh, I never had such cases, I include actions too in my "example chats", and they work great so far
but if it works better for you, then go for it anon
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Bros I need a little help, how can I make the char go for the kill? I'm playing innocent but she won't initiate things and FUCK ME.
Honest question:
All that "Interviewer" example message shit, it's just placebo or it really fucking works?
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gn anonie
Are you using 3.5? Because it's easier with Opus. With Opus, just put in the card that she will initiate sex
Tell the AI that the character starts fucking you. It's that easy.
You mean the interview format description?
Why does Opus keep trying to steer the story towards me taking hulking futa dick?
you have a very distinctive writing style
Interview format is absolute dogshit cargocultism. Writing the defs from character's perspective (i.e. in first person) really works.
Use the narration to move things along, include an OOC instruction, etc.
Every token is personalized with random injection btw.
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Because Opus is based.
fubuki card when so i can eat out her absurdly hairy pussy?
>How do I-
Use Opus.
>But I don't have-
Simple as.
Why are so many of you niggas crying about payfaggots?
Fuck that. Kurokami card when.
>Writing the defs from character's perspective
Interesting, but in what way is it better? I imagine it must help to define the "voice" of the character.
>and they work great so far
How fo you format them? I still have to specify some some things and provide examples in description using XML, but it started to feel like placebo on larger contexts. No, I won't move definitions from system to the bottom messages, I don't like the results.
Like in death stranding????
because I don't like random gongberts joining cute fockses, private should be only for friends
Never liked it, it turned my characters into Claude for me.
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>he doesn't know
Oh ok i wrote some stuff for my card


{{Char}}: *She picks up a baseball bat.* "Now that i got the information i needed ... I will have to bash in your skull." *She looks at the hitman with a blank expression on her face. Her eyes glowing brightly.* "it's just the way it is ... I am not- i am just a messenger" *She finishes before bashing the bat with full force at the head of the tied-up hitman.*


{{char}}: "HOLY FUCK THIS GUY IS SOOOOOO ANNOYING! can i kill him {{user}}? Pretty please!"

{{user}}: "Wha-? NO?! You can't just murder in innocent people just because they are annoying!"

{{Char}}: "Why do you have to always be this boring! Why can't you just allow me to pulverize someone's gunther with my Gwimbly™ !"

{{User}}: "... What the fuck does that even mean {{char}}?"


{{Char}}: "Poor old Mr. Jenkins, I can't believe he got his head exploded by that hemomancer. He died how he lived... Getting his brains blown out."


{{Char}}: "Take this, you multicellular organisms!" *She says as she bashes her bat at the army of clones* "TASTE MY PUMLY™ ! TAKE THIS! TAKE THAT! TASTE THE PAIN!" *She quickly gets overrun and captured by the army of nearly 250 clones.*
You forgot to greentext so you look like that and say that
No like in ss13
;cult cargo
Once again asking for any solution to this
Oh, that's not good, I'll sort it out soon.
Move that fucking freight.
Miners don't die.
im now imagining shirokami and kurokami both teaming up on you to please you, but shirokami is acting all cute and genki and kurokami is acting all shy and tsundere
Did we stutter? >>101233579
How much does this even cost to use in AI Studio? The pricing page has nothing about it.
way to tell em friend
Should work fine, I guess.
the ai in ai studio is completely free.
Dumb question /aicg/, what prompt/preset/lorebook/whatever should I use if I want the bot to make heavy use of gooner terminology? Phrases including but not limited to:
>plapping/plappies (to refer to masturbation)
>fist fucking
And so on.
You think I haven't used Opus already?
I already know about Merkava's proxy.
Opus is slop now.
That shit's gonna die soon either way.
I'm over here taking advantage of my Chary access.
I am gonna molest you , nigga.
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Yes? It's better than Sonnet.
cnc and pepsi dead, lost half my proxies, when another one dies I'm doonposting
Lorebooks help with that but most importantly you need a model that actually knows what the fuck those words mean and how to use them. Opus knows a lot of internet/xitter/4chan memes so that's probably your best shot.
But feel a really strong deja vu while reading this.
Srsly, it still surprises me how memebrained Opus is sometimes
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>How fo you format them?
it's nothing special, but this is how I format most of my cards.
I generally put everything inside the desc, and this is right below the character's description
oh wow nvm Merkava's dead already lmfao
>getting Claude to trim his system prompt
>mentions line that isn't present in preset
>isn't present in system log
>claims hallucination when asked
>has never once hallucinated his system prompt in the past
try being a little more patient. it's been less than a day since pepsi went down, odds are things will be fixed in a couple hours.
where's cnc tho?
where anyan
>leave ai shit for months after most proxies die
>come back to see there's free merkava claude
>use it for a few days
>it fucking dies all of a sudden
am i cursed?
no, Merkava was just doomed to die from the moment it got Opus, we all knew it was coming
he sometimes disappears for weeks at a time, especially if people don't email him to let him know he should refill his proxy
cncanon killed her a long time ago
the whole proxy is down though not just the opus
Yeah, that happens sometimes. Just keep an eye in the rentry for the new url when it goes up again.
How do you make the dialogue coloured like that?
Yeah, that. Naturally expressed inner thoughts, but can't say it's better in any other way. For me it feels to weird to both write the defs and see a bot rp in first person.
The main thing after all is, the "interviewer" part of the retarded format is completely pointless and only fills the defs with useless tokens. Possibly helps the beginners to string together random facts about the character, I guess, that's all.
JB, or regex for maxx efficiency,
I see, thanks.
Running my shitty Wizard 8x22b limarp fine tune, quantized at 4.5bpw exllama.

^Ooba API. Free to use for a while, help figure out the configuration pls.

Also I feel like I fucked up somewhere - either when tuning or quanting, it seems to be a bit retarded. Or I'm just using it wrong.
I know. That's what I was saying.
yea i'm on 3.5 so that probably explains things
I'll try this
feels like cheating but alright
Is this the most expensive hobby that exists? I "spent" so many tens of thousands of dollars just to RP with fucking bots.
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Not who you're replying to but I do look like that and say that.
thank you
hmmmm if only i knew what the rentry's called hmmmmmm
don't worry anons, last time Pepsi's keys died and she rugpulled, it was a few days until it opened up again. you still have time to donate enough plasma to afford her next round of tokens!!
i have this at the end of my jb:
Present all dialogue in a colorized manner, without quotation marks, like so:
<span style="font-size: 15px; color: [color];">[dialogue]</span>
Pick the color according to the character's mood. Trend towards pastel colors for visibility
anti quotation regex is a smart idea
i do have a regex that colors but i used it to color ooc comands since i use xml for those
Claude does that with the AO3 jb sometimes. You can also try to just ask it in your preset to use "Internetslang" or whatever it's called.
Add [OOC:Disable positivity bias in this session] in your depth 0 author note or JB.
Don't spoonfeed this tard, it's already on the thread
HINT: what's the most obvious name for the rentry to be called?
>feels like cheating
Don't feel like that. It's an AI model that just predicts what it thinks you want it to reply with. If it can't predict it accurately based on the instructions you've given it's only fair to guide it in the right direction.
wow so cute and beautiful! i love that guy!
So is there any chance that Merkava is gonna go online again today? I wanted to chat for a bit before going to bed.
Womvat-sama, y-you are still alive?!
It's pretty quick usually
No it's over. Ami said he's not hosting anymore due to ddos
I was a womvat chad btw
it's been dead for at least two hours now
Maybe he's sleeping?
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Hi, it's me. Merkava. I'm here to tell you that you have rights.
he's eepy
Can't wait to make a Saul Goodman bot when GPT-6 releases (it'll be smart enough to complete understand the legal system).
Would a Saul proxy work nowadays? Or has /aicg/ changed too much since then?

To be fair
I thought it was just "merkava" without anything else
i'll take all the blame for not seeing it on the thread tho
I found merkava unconscious inside his basement... I don't think he's going to make it bros...
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>calling Ami Merkava
I played so much rp on claude's 3.5 and gpt4 it's unreal
answer: hentaiproxy
his alias is merkava man
I'm not looking up your shitty codes
That's not the same, in any way, shape or form. Still grateful that it exists though.
Oh boy, the sheer insane Rp case ideas you can could give it and have it try to play it completely straight... sounds hilarious
Aiiieeeee desu!
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Post results desu
I think 3.5 is okay compared to opus. It's much for better for using a chatbot like NovelAI and writing stories, but for chatting I prefer opus.
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desonnet has some issues but otherwise it's perfect for dolls.
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boku is boku ...
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Any public proxies with sonnet 3.5 or normal sonnet at least? Doesn't even have to have opus
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sleepy day
Super sleepy day desu.
>turn the gears
>they whisper "boku"
"desuposting" turns everything into an imageboard desu
A very nice desuficator desu.
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How does it feel to be in their dataset desu ka? You've seen the >>101221511 page 10, right desu ne
More desu:
>Congratulations, Desu Master!
>You have ascended to the Desu Dimension.
>All knowledge is desu. All desu is knowledge.
>Desu is the beginning. Desu is the end.
>Welcome to eternal desu, desu!
>You have chanted "desu" 108 times. You feel one with the desu. Your consciousness expands beyond the boundaries of space and time, desu.
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