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Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore?
Every "alternative" web browser I see is just another fork of Chromium or Firefox with some minor changes.
Glowies will penetrate your self-written browser and *plap* you
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Firefox is still the most based
same shit happened with operating systems, first you gotta understand what the fuck is going on, then you must muster the strength and resources to create something, then you must convince people your shit is better, and finally you must face the giants and get stomped anyway
You could probably make one with a billion and a handful of indians
>a billion and a handful of indians
why not just a billion indians? I don't understand the difference a handful of them makes in this scale
the handful of indian programmers do the work and then hire their billion family members so they can also get visas
>Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore?
Yes, but if we are talking about implementing a rendering engine and a javascript engine from scratch, it will require thousands of man hours. No one wants to do this. We had a fourth engine (Presto) that worked great for many years, but Opera refused to open source it, then they were bought by some Chinese corporation that went full Blink / Chromium. All fully functional browsers these days use Gecko, Blink, or WebKit (which Blink is based on).
That sucks
That's not launching for at least another 2 years
judge yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXmVve8BavU
that's not gonna fly in world where Google and bunch of ((others)) are setting the standards.
>Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore?
If you have to ask, you probably lack the skill
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Following the standards isn't enough if you want websites to look exactly the same as they do in Chrome.
its open source. you can build and launch it right now
>Embrace, Extend, Extinguish
>and now chrome is the new IE
fucking microso... google. it took nearly a decade to break away from IE and now this bullshit....
Opera v12 was so great, I still miss it from time to time
>no Windows support
Are they retarded? It would be their biggest userbase. Apple users are gay normies so they'd never use it and while a high percentage of Linux users would use it, Windows just has so many users it would still have more even with a lower percentage
There are only 9 examples in this image
What stupid indian made this?
The 10th is Floorp idk who gives a shit
Yeah, browsers used to not be based on Chrome or Trannyfox. Then they all got "upgraded" to be Chromium based. Why did this happen?
Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

Checked, and it was superb. The fastest browser out there, and absurdly flexible OOTB, in ways that the gimped Blink version will never hold a candle to. Used it on Windows (XP through 7), OS X (10.4 through 10.7), and Linux (Ubuntu 8.04 through 12.04). Wish they would have just open sourced Presto. So comfy and fast.
I like floorp but with base Firefox adding vertical tabs and most of the things floorp does there's no reason to use it except hipster status
The real problem is 90% of the internet is unusable without adblock and those only work on a small % of browsers
It takes a lot of time and effort to make one.
is vertical tabs on nightly yet? how can I see it?
>Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore?
It possible, its just that modern web browsers are so massive and complex that building a working one is a beyond herculean feat of programming. It would take years to get to a point that 99% of /g/ would still call worthless garbage.

>Every "alternative" web browser I see is just another fork of Chromium or Firefox with some minor changes.
There's QTwebengine, Dillo, Links, and Lynx. Then there's Goanna which, while it is a fork of Gecko, is so far detached at this point that its basically its own thing.
not really. the web is so complicated that it's legit like an OS now. gl with that
Why should or shouldn’t I use Pale Moon?
>not really. the web is so complicated that it's legit like an OS now
More like a full fledged virtual computer. It has virtual devices.
Yeah it's kinda fucked up to think about how indescribably massive the Internet is.
Just use wsl
>Is it even possible to make a new web browser from scratch anymore?
Absolutely, why not. If you are willing to live without JS support, basic document viewer, you could even finish it in a week or two maybe.
But you probably want full JS support and security and full compatibility with modern sites, at which point why not just use Blink or Webkit
>and if our intentions are to make a web browser but with privacyspice or productivityspice or cryptospice and we're already apeing someone else's shit, why not just mod an open-source browser bundle top-down to get tabs, extension support, bookmarks, downloads, pdf support, etcetc - The Browser Company, Brave, Microsoft, probably
It's like asking, "is it even possible to implement an operating system from scratch anymore," it's not hard to do, you should do it for the experience if interested, people should generally try to get at the fundamentals of things they really enjoy, some people even do it big and for a very long time, but it's all academics, researchers, NEETs, hobbyists, and oddball collectives because most of the components involved are basically solved
i'm an apple user and i will use it
>Opera refused to open source it, then they were bought by some Chinese corporation that went full Blink / Chromium
Opera is one of the weirdest stories.
Apparently they got bought by Chinese, but they are headquatered and develop in Poland and their online presence is to 100% polnish twinks baiting with gay shit.

I think the Chinks simply bought an asset as investment but don't bother leading its direction and leave those lunatics complete freedom.
They don't produce anything for the Chinese market either. Usually chink companies have seperate products and always also cash in on the domestic market.
this isn't the dildo thread homie
Basically no. It's not realistic to develop a new web rendering engine from scratch. When I came to this understanding I realized that the modern Internet was a mistake. The farthest that http+html was supposed to go was about web 1.0 - documents linked together with hyper links, style sheets, and just enough front end scripting to do shit like sort tables of numbers. Fundamentally web technology is broke and tries to poorly reimplement half thought out ideas that already exist in native programs. Instead of navigating to a "web page" we really should just download a file of one format or another and read that. Basically if the boomers had fixed the gaping holes in ftp the world would be a better place. I've since started using alternate technology like Gemini and usenet. I started torrenting again for the first time in over ten years. I set up a ejabberd instance on my home server and use that to talk with my friends and family. Being connected or the globe wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.
Not supporting winblows is probably the most intelligent thing that group of devs ever did. Putting a minimum barrier to entry for their software to keep the normies and plebs out is an excellent filtering method. It's something that I've thought about for my own projects and possibly I'll take it commercial.
i am a successful man with a wife and children. they all use macos too
And what is the advantage of that besides feeling special because Windows users can't use it?
the web is a convoluted fucking big piece of mess so it will be an ordeal to create a new engine
Gloating to winblows users and not listening to their support tickets. Not paying me for support? Not my problem.
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You can but the problem is "web standards"
Usenet is still a thing?
All you need is something that can render html. Fuck PHP, fuck JavaScript, fuck all that other shit.
>with a wife and children
this is how you know it's really a mac or windows user. a linux user would just say "wives" instead
They should change the name and add Windows support.
It's open source, port it yourself.
Any recommendations?
More like a handful and a billion indians

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