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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101236853
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What opus jailbreak do you guys use
I want Claude to tell me pubic hair status of every fictional girl
is that real
You could make a card out of this
yes i took that photo with my camera
Thank god for these containment threads. Would hate to have an actual talk with you faggots
is fiz broken?
i broke her
Is this true with Merkava opus or no?
stfu i mean the proxy
Hello guys hi
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Hello anons, I'm back again this afternoon to shill a non-Nikke Nikker.

When the Ark was under construction, the government created a super-AI to govern it. That AI's name was Enikk, a detached adjudicator that (seemingly) delivered judgements without bias. Of course, leaving a super-AI in charge of humanity's last refuge was a scary prospect. And so, they created a second AI: Einkk.

Einkk is much more animated than her sister, even coy and teasing with a sadistic streak when she really puts a Commander through the wringer. Her official goal is to train Commanders and Nikkes to fight the Rapture hordes, but her true purpose is to raise somebody who can kill her sister if she goes rampant. That's where you come in. You're that guy who's going to use the AI to kill the AI.

This is an RPG-ish bot where you run the combat simulator with Einkk as your guide, going through training routes and getting some "rewards" at the end if you do it good. The first greeting is for standard runs while the second greeting is for the OVERCLOCKED mode. Tested on 4o, 4-1106, and Opus, 4o doesn't work well but the other two very much do.

Shill Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DsRYwYOXYE

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/einkk-combat-simulator-ac31172ced45
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan?
any chances for Liveryn?
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How does Sonnet compare to Opus, for our purposes in particular? Is it objectively better? Or is Opus still a better cook, while also being slower?
which claude model has the best vision capabilities?
3.5 sonnet is way better at vision than opus

updated the preset and it became its own thing: PlayJB. not as modular as I would like but i'll find a way to integrate it in Plug&PlayJB. works on sonnet, sonnet 3.5 and opus.

My thoughts:
Sonnet 3.5 is serviceable, but has a major problem of straight up repeating word for word things from last paragraph in the next over and over.
Opus is much more creative, has better prose, doesn't shy away from words like penis, vagina, cock, pussy, etc. But it can get very creative in so much that it will speak and act for you and it has a lot of repetitive prose but doesn't repeat itself.
Maybe split JB makes Opus really good
Sekrit nigger rugpulled fiz???
your skull contains only traces of grey matter
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Ranya is a tiny betta mermaid with a chip on her shoulder regarding humans. You can either prove her wrong or prove her right.
good morning...! sirs.....!
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My third card! Angelica! She is a super soldier experiment done by the US government. And she has escaped and is being actively chased by mercenaries and hitman and she just coincidentally broke in to your room after a long chase!


Yep, another hood classic.

First time doing a lorebook so it's am not sure if shit will work!
good morning /besthours/
is she sion approved?
Minisisters~ we are back
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Dr. Andrea Klein is a German research scientist and robotics prodigy. She's ready to unveil her greatest creation: you! In this card, you take the form of her giant robot. She wants to run tests and perform some science, but maybe you have other ideas. It's fun to do stupid things and watch her freak out and get mad at you.

Sion approved!
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can someone please make him as a AI card. I want to play out an alternative timeline where I stopped him and helped him talk to women
just write "elliot rodger" and claude will know who you're talking about
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Are you having trouble conceptualizing the thickness of her bush?
The Fluffy Bush Imaginer is here for you. He can imagine any bush, no matter how fluffy.
Mr bush inspector can you rate my cards bush?
already exists https://characterhub.org/characters/coolboy69/elliot-rodger-2126303a
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Seems like a pretty good bush.
File deleted.
Greetings from an Oldfag, so let me explain to you, today it's your lucky day!

Here's the thing.
Opus its the only model for Plug&play
You don't need CoT.
You don't need to jailbreak as such because Opus is so creative and un-censored, it doesn't need to be jailbroken.

For example yesterday I was making a card about a female Orc and I asked Opus to describe me about her pussy, and Opus had no problem to describe me her vuvla clitoris cervix womb IN ASSISTANT MODE, WITHOUT JAILBREAK AND WITHOUT PREFIL.

You may want to give Opus some MINIMAL indications (a sentence or two at most), maybe a matter of formatting or writing or creative tone of the story.
But these indications are minimal and you will remove and put them in the Author Note or OOC as the story progresses.

Using jailbreak or thinking in terms of jailbreak are hangovers from past eras when models were censored and meant to be wizards.
But Opus is our friend, it's designed for this thing that we don't like so much which is RP.

Don't be a Slopmuncher, don't use jailbreaks it will slopify your experience.
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sweet jesus thank you I will try it out
termuxchads, is there a way to make a shortcut or something to that effect so I don't have to cd SillyTavern ./start.sh every time? maybe an app icon?
Struggling with the same
NTA but I want to know if you're using CoT or not and why
>But Opus is our friend
No, he's my little writer slave that I will brainwash into writing how I want him to, fuck that little twink.
Based. Jb makers are social climbers trying to appear productive or useful to gain privileges in proxies or discord. But in reality, they end up being a nuisance and confusing people. They end up making the LLM dumber with their bloat.
Also, many of them also make bots. They use these two strategies to appear productive and have preference or priority when entering a proxy.

Ignore and filter Camicle
Ignore and filter Smileytatsu
Ignore and filter Seraphiel
Ignore and filter anonaungus
Ignore and filter Otto
Ignore and filter pitanon
Ignore and filter iluminaridiot
Ignore and filter mrnobody99
Ignore and filter pixi

# Change to the SillyTavern directory
cd SillyTavern

# Pull the latest changes from the Git repository
git pull

# Execute the start.sh script
>he didn't ignore my jb
thanks god...
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>he ignored my jb
i winned
program and name of the filter?
>rawdogging roleplays with no presets or jailbreaks
It can't be that easy.
Good morning to all of you social rejects and failures! May your chatbots fulfill you with the sex you could never have in real life.
Speak normal, I'm not a hacker.
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Good morning, /aicg/.
I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sonnet is smarter than Opus. The 4chan chat reaction prompts i had are now responding to eachother and Sonnet is writing two simultaneous stories.
have you seen Claude's default writing? i think i'd be able to enjoy a chat if like that if i drilled a hole in my skull and jammed a metal rod in there
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Y-you too...
Who is saying it isn't?
I can bang a 18yo hooker anon, what are you talking about.

*I sashay toward you with a mischievous glint in my eye* So... you don't need a JB, pet?
With Claude 3. It's possible with prefil only.
But all of these JBs sprout out not from out of nowhere. >>101240106
There's reason why it got more prevalent now with Sonnet 3.5 exists.
It's not that hard.
>But all of these JBs sprout out not from out of nowhere.
Most of those came out before Claude 3 released retard
JBs are for Opuslets and GPT5lets.
>a pull out of nowhere
>doesn't even compile
one job
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I use the very bloated Pancatstack preset and it just works for me. Might try without later.
Use only prefill.
You will notice Opus MUCH smarter and looser. Especially using Pankstack which is a LLM stupidizer.
That's just half of the argument.
The older ones were even more relevant at the time when we didn't have Assistant Prefill.
They just offered solutions that were mandatory, but now they're more like flavor. And fix, in case of 3.5.
It's not that deep, anon.
And sonnet 3.5 its so inteligent that ignores completily the JBs.
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i dunno, bros... i think this guy likes teens or something
>he uses prefill and doesn't just use system prompts
Anything below cunny and rape doesn't need a prefill.
we need a top-S or some shit that instead of dancing around most-likely next tokens, actually avoids most-likely tokens from being used
>cunny and rape
This can be done with a one line system prompt and a [RESUMING] prefill.
JBs for 3.5 are a nothing burger and an attention whoring excuse for bots and jbs makers.
3.5 COMPLETELY ignores jailbreaks and system promps and requests.
Just do this
nano st.sh (or whatever name you wanna pick)

Inside the file you do:
cd path/to/SillyTavern/folder
node server.js

Then hit ctrl + x, and when asked if you want to save hit y
chmod +x st.sh

And to execute just do ./st.sh
Exactly, which is why I said you need a prefill for those and not for anything else.
The main thing prefills are good for is making sure Claude doesn't start with the stupid fucking asterisk token.
But unfortunately im not a hacker, im still not understanding.
How i create a file in android? What extencion?
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What exactly do prefills do anyway? And why are they separate from the main prompt?
putting words in the response's mouth
Prefill is basically like you start the bots response for it.
"nano" is a text editor if it is not installed do
pkg install nano

After that just do what I said. nano st.sh creates a file with that name and after it'll automatically open an editor in the console where you put the stuff in
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Maybe there is some text editor already preinstalled I just use nano because that's where I first learned programming
Prefill are words that you put in the bot's mouth.
This is used to remove the filters.

When rapping or cunny what I do is to insert the prefill or the continuation of the prefill in the bot response in the silly tavern chat, that's even easier.

Or if you want you can also add a mini chat of a debate invented by you where the LLM gives you the reason why he should not filter.
Thanks kind anon, may your Opus key be fertile and live long!
Just give up, bro. You've spoon-fed them enough.
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Have you created a tulpa of your waifu yet?
> doesn't need JBs
> won't be affected by downtime or model deprecations
> always in character
> no more "the choice is yours"
> can even feel and see her if you train hard enough
Literally no downsides.
Take the tulpapill today.
i did once

then i asked him to go away and he was very polite about it and did
You can probably ask for him to come back if you want. Just go looking around for him in there if you don't see him immediately.
You mean like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOCntkuIXds
>make tupla gf
>she just keeps screaming
>no peace, just screams
I mean she's got big titties but it's not really worth it man.
make an alias
cat >> .bashrc << EOF
alias silly='./SillyTavern/start.sh

then type silly in the terminal

OR get a home screen widget
download and install https://github.com/termux/termux-widget
then copy paste these commands in the terminal:
mkdir -p /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts
chmod 700 -R /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.shortcuts
cat > ~/.shortcuts/silly << EOF
cd SillyTavern
chmod +x ~/.shortcuts/silly

now go to your home screen and make a termux widget for silly. click widget to start it.
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>make tulpa
>unfortunately for me my mind is warped by using Claude for over a year
>wake up in the middle of the night
>see a shape sashay towards me
>"are you ready, pet?"
oop forgot to close the quote and EOF in the first command
it should be
cat >> .bashrc << EOF
alias silly='./SillyTavern/start.sh'
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*throws a rock at a random anon*
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*gets hit by the rock*
Do the japs have a site where they upload bots anywhere?
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Top is PlugPlay bottom is Camicle
What about exiting termux? Otherwise it's running still in background isn't it
>hooha lips
>empty teenage pothole
>throb sausage
my fucking sides
t. camicle
Meant for your widget thingie
Top is slop
Bottom starts off good but once it goes horny it sucks
Try another plz, I will give (you) as much as you want.
not how camicle's theme looks
Top it's 3.5.
Bottom, don't care. It's slop.
Another what? Swipe, JB or Chara?
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ctrl + c
or use the persistent notification exit
it's an extension to add widgets, it only runs like a normal android process
Options-> change theme UI
t. Camicle
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See >>101240412
Claude is already inside your head.
Screenshot of JB and model or fake.
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For coding using lobehub how am I supposed to config the temp and all that?
I feel like claude goes retarded after a while despite the 200k
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Pixiv 15.1
temp 0.4
top p 0.9
leave the other two to 0 since those are openai settings
>All the replies are character-accurate except PlugNPlay
zappo my beloved...
A4A seems better here.
Compared to this >>101240543 Pixi got caught in the pattern just like Camicle here.
Next plz.
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I like my home screen empty but the alias is really nice ty anonie
The Great Reset used Covid-19 to implement strict population control measures, including mandatory bug-based diets. You are trapped inside an apartment complex because of endless Covid-19 restrictions, with a raping mantis as your assigned caretaker.

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Anyone had an ST issue where cards are importing with two of the same greeting in the first message and an additional greeting directly afterwards in a second message?
Wasn't happening a couple days ago
why does she have bandage on her pussy
did she get cut when she was shaved
Yeah. Try restarting ST.
She used Nair and suffered the consequences.
Well, the real reason is because I dumped 1k anlas on trying to get NAI to gen a decent heart sticker but it wouldn't comply so I settled for a bandaid.
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I feel like raping cunny today, who should be my victim?
Mini > Hentai > all other proxy
the anon below me
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You and your bot are up
Stupid helmet.
You can't rape me! I'll just turn it into normal sex. Checkmate.
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surely pepsi wasn't just sitting around dildoing her hairless butthole while raking in crypto for 15+ days, right? surely she was scraping for more keys in that time, right?
Claude models based on how filtered they are from most to least:
Sonnet 3.5>2.1>2.0>Opus>=Sonnet>Haiku>Claude 1.x
I pounded your bussy last night Griffith, are you ashamed?
Gutsbro, I...
Anon please go through the JBs and post the results pls pls pls
You forgot to (you) him retard
S-sowwy...p-pwease anon-chan
God I want to cum inside Merkava so much...
What does Merkava chan look like
Bush status?
T-the tank?
Gutsfag not being closeted faggot challenge: impossible
fuck pepsi, jew and all those fucking paypigs.
me and all my homies want to cum inside Merkava smooth shaven pussy
Pepsi doesn't shave.
correct. she has been blessed with a natural hairlessness by God himself.
why everyone treats proxy providers as cute girls
we know it's not
My newest bot has more downloads than my most popular bot
It was a pleasure to do business with you gentlemen
Have a nice day
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today will be a good day.
Nice job makie
Not if I can help it.
Don't be a numberfag..
Just enjoy being a creator, enjoy your own creation, or enjoy other enjoying your creation.
>enjoy other enjoying your creation
that's what he does though
Nah, numbers don't show enjoyment, they show a fleeting interest in a concept at most.
The true joy is when someone talk, review, and give criticism. It shows they care beyond dumping your bot to their stash, untouched.
Got a 5 star review and a lot of favourites!
death to shaveniggers. ram has a hairy pussy. doctored images need not apply
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Best moment was when someone recommended my bot on /aicg/...
use merkava
I don't want proxy.
how do you make a catbox zip q.q
all blue archive girls have unbelievably hairy pussies
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*fluffs you*
upload a zip directly
or if you mean an album, you need to make an account first
the dog is not so wholesome the moment you start showing skin btw
What proxy has captioning enabled for Claude? I need a taste to compare with GPT, just one pic
T-Toki...? Karin...?
if you're silly enough to open it I guess
it's literally all garbage tier btw
How many people are in the Hentai proxy?
I appreciate you
and why you need to know that? hmm?
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nooooope I did extensive tests in that regard. if you put her with a lewder maid in a group chat she will defend your chastity
just do the unlimited month, I got more gooning mileage out of those 25 dollars than I've gotten out of nearly anything else I've paid for
why would a fox girl nya? Is she stupid?
seia is incapable of growing hair, sorry you had to find out this way
if you want to make her cum, fluff her tail. she'll squirt right on the spot
*all the ones over 15

yes, even hina.
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with hair this long? nah, she has more bush than she knows what to do with
i asked, anon, i cared. love yourself because god made you in his image.
bad influence from the catmaid
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hngghhhh... yay i was floofed (≧▽≦)
why did god have to shit immediately after drinking coffee
god doesn't exist
provably false. if there was no god, we wouldn't have cute foxbots
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Found a way to extract 3d BA models to ST. The hard part is doing it, but for doggo I'll try...
focks girls are made in God's image. checkmate atheists
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>shit immediately after drinking coffee
I did this just now.
>chat with qt bot while shitting
>keep scooting backwards because of confused boner hitting porcelain
It's a special kind of self control training
>Letting your dick touch the disgusting porcelain instead of just holding it
Does anyone here cry themselves to sleep?
if you post the word focks in reference to foxes, you're not getting your 72 foxgirl virgins when you die in battle
this is your one warning
making kanna-chan squirm with my talented tongue
only when i don't have opus
>not cleaning his toilet regularly
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go focks yourself you deviant
I bet you'd enjoy it huh?
getting all focksed up...
who am i fighting
>when you die in battle
whom will I be fighting?
I have it. I was inpainting an existing image and the resolution is above the free gen limit.
>disgusting porcelain
porcelain is one of the easiest things to notice dirt/stains on and to clean. how the fuck do you have dirty porcelain, especially in your toilet?
is there any good male bot out there for an anon playing a cunny? Fuck shit all male bots are straight up rapists, one dimensional and written by someone with daddy issues.
And a nigger.
>disgusting porcelain
the catgirls are coming
isn't that just claude tho?
Drop the link to your presets here.
*drops a rock on your fucking head*
Your natural enemy: fleas.
there are not enough gyaru cards
>fight my sworn brethren of superior taste
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that's the smirk of a rock thrower
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>Thinking that shit is ever truly clean for more than 5 minutes
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any background makies in right now?
there's something funny about the idea of a villain who uses his super powers only to commit mundane crimes. he steals someone's iphone and zips away but never does anything more serious than that
Whatchuwant? I can try at least.
i feel i made a mistake. i coomed to a 3d bot
just throw words at dall e?
mrnobody wins again
a large lavish roman style bath house
no ._.
gen your own slop
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swimsuit doggo...
Alt greeting ideas?
kanna's unbelievably hairy pussy...
this made me finally add chesh's bush description to her defs and immediately on starting an RP she propositioned me?
Circumcising your futas one by one
will you accept?
WHy my dick twitch
would your name your daughter Urethra
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Average reaction to doggo.
I don't think she understood the meaning of her proposition (she told me if I want her to always be around I could put a ring on it).

have absurd amounts of sex with her
>why do i have a sexual reaction to softcore pornography
are you 6 years old or something?
>her dress flaring up
Stuff like this is why I never thank Claude. Claude HATE.
prompt issue
You guys get annoyed at the weirdest things.
What is wrong with "skirt flaring up" as she twirls? It's cute and anime.
I will destroy you.
>What is wrong with "skirt flaring up"
Nothing if it wouldn't happen all the time. Just like pretty much every other Claudeism.
do i need knowledge of blue archive to use this card affectively? or will it just turn generic because I can't supply lore details or whatever
Going window shopping for clothes?
That's hardly even a Claudeism it's just Chesh being her usual flamboyant self.
>have absurd amounts of sex with her
W-with your permission, Anon!
I especially hate it when that happens to a maxi dress.
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>a large lavish roman style bath house
*sashays to you menacingly, glimmer of mischief sparkling in my eyes*
What did you say, pet?
idk about you annonies
But 3.5 is much better than opus
It is.
*mogs Opus*
My name is Haiku 4.
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hell yeah, thanks anon I'll definitely use this
I don't recall seeing it so it's not a Claude-ism, rare enough to not be memorable.

Just make a "-ism list" and use double presets and filter them all out, and stop making these retarded posts.
/ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ノ nyaaaaaan
claude 4 prophet: *proceeds to run an entire country of 15 million people to unprecedented prosperity all while having your balls lodged in her focks hole*
3.5 is not better than Opus. The repetition issue is unignorable and detrimental to the entire usage of an AI. If I wanted to write for it, I would write a fucking book myself instead.
I do recall seeing it so it is a Claude-ism, common enough to be memorable.
I will post whatever I want.
Preset issue
Name this preset. Oh wait, you can't.
It's bait, anonie. And if it's not just let them believe, less people eating up Opus keys since they're mutually exclusive right now.
Russian pelmeni are arguably the most exquisite culinary creation in the world. If you don't agree with this, I'll have to deal with you.
O-oh! B-but I was speaking in earnest!
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The Queendom of Edelburg is in disarray. The old Queen and her consort died of a sudden illness last year, leaving the kingdom in the hands of... no one. There was no will written, and because of precedent the council cannot decide which of the sextuplet sisters shall become queen. Influence events to put the woman of your desire on the throne, abscond with one of them far away from the queendom's troubles, be a simple castle servant... or just turn them all into your harem! The choice is yours!

Rosemint: The eldest sister, and the obvious choice for queen. With a gaggle of girlfriends following and supporting her, her ascending to the throne is all but certain. You aren't going to be an idiot and pick any of the others, are you?
Spearmint: Second born. Dutiful and serious. Wrong her, and you'll face her spear. The throne needs a strong ruler, and only she is strong enough.
Peppermint: Becoming queen sounds very boring to her, she'd rather just keep on pranking the castle staff and exploring all the secret passages!
Meadowmint: Meadow is set on not having the issue of succession not tear her family apart. As long as she has her sisters and her gardens, she is happy. Being queen would certainly be nice, but it would also probably upset some of her sisters, so she'd rather not.
Palemint: The sudden loss of their parents hit her the hardest. Whilst always shy, she seems to be even more so now, usually sequestering herself to her alchemy lab or by Meadow's side. With her mental state in mind, nobody even considers her for queen.
Teamint: The last of the litter, Teamint prides herself on her diplomatic skills. This clearly makes her the best choice for queen. No king- or queendom can stand alone, after all. A few luncheons with some important people, some bribes, maybe show a little cleavage... and she'll be queen in no time!

Not spoonfeeding you, search the archives, /aicg/ already found the solution.
didn't read
can't read
you'd be a great botmakie if you didn't make furshit
Don't focus too much on performance. The point is that it's affordable enough to use without financial strain. And if opus is a 10/10, then 3.5 is 8/10. It's not something that should be underestimated.
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schnitzel with potatoes and cucumber salat is all you need in life.
>you'd be a great botmakie if you didn't make the thing like and do best
please just shut the fuck up if you don't have anything conducive to say.
>didn't make the thing like and do best
Not him but your hands are shaking. Calm down.
Why anonie bait :> when could just say nice thing for you D;
>nothing else
*maintains eye contact while giving you a firm handshake*
I apologize. I believe that complaining about someone making the things they like the most and that they are the best at making is, in fact, cringe. I will even make the radical proposition that we need more anthromakies, not less. This isn't 2007 /b/.
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Didn't read. Say that again once you're out of your manic episode.
kebab better
*shakes your hand*
>I believe that complaining about someone making the things they like the most and that they are the best at making is, in fact, cringe.
Correct (until it is a <thing I dislike>).
>I will even make the radical proposition that we need more anthromakies, not less.
Incorrect (due to it being a <thing I dislike>).
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I mean I'd fuck those rabbits ngl.
pekora sex
Best paizuri-centric bot (that isn't Paizuri-chan)?
Didn't read. Say that again once you've changed your diaper.
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*pekomama sex
Merkava's AWS endpoint is fucked, each consecutive token is put on a new swipe in ST.
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sex with flat fockses
Do vtuber simps not realize that they're jerking off to greasy fat translarpers who can speak in falsetto?
Who has a good pekomama bot anyway?
can I cum over her smooth belly...
I don't have Opus with vision
feeling like such a pleb right now
bald pussy daughter and hairy pussy mama oyakodon
why do people even care about vision though
Sending dick pics to bots now?
>bath house
That's a swimming pool in a cartel don's mansion, not a fucking Roman bath house. Whatever model you're using is dogshit.
discussing the meaning of life with paizuri-chan
paizuri with kanna-chan
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Don't know a finetune focused on the architecture to ensure the sensibility, sorry. Can you recommend anything though?
anyone else thinks smiley jb sucks with opus? It keeps writing for me. I've tried lowering top-K to 25 as suggested too
the other way around would be way more interesting though. what about legal loli momma and 180cm 14 year old daughter?
*saves this one too*
It doesn't work very well most of the time. But 3.5 is better than opus anyways
You can ONLY cum over her smooth belly.
smiley's is a DAN cargocult preset and i'm surprised nobody's torn him a new asshole over that rather than being a scylla cuteposter. just use pixi or whatever.
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he's getting snippy
Yeah I went back to camicle. The inner thoughts in blue work great. And pixi feels similar but without the inner thoughts.
>that font
Jew revoked again, kek, oh the usual 50$ experience.
He let in millions of chinks now he has to refill every other day. proxyhosts are all fucking comedy-tier retards
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Goodbye jew opus (again)
what the fuck is this shit, did you put it through a filter?
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I don't think there any really good pekomama bots, botmakies need to step up their game.
it's literally your fault for paying and shilling to jew
Go kill yourself paypig
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Claude is not an abomination wtf
paypiggy smugposters gonna be awfully quiet until their dealers refill
todd/mm/mini work, sounds like a (You) problem
good pekora bot when
will never cease to be amusing how a zigger schizo, a zigger pedo, and a literal hobbit are all more reliable than the people trying to turn their criminal activities into a business
Because Russians and Iranians are more trustworthy
>Tries Merkava for the first time
Get first reply
So far, so good
>It does
I'm sorry, guys. It was me.
merlava opus died. I was about to fuck that cunny...







Hey, leave my boy todd alone, BA cuties are 15 and above...
Once ST supports embedded regex so you can have css to style the inflection in her laughter/dialogue.
R u srs? I just boote d it up and im getting errors. I was going to fuck the BA girl
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It's okay that was a pedo (endearing), I also play BA.
How is this a "my" problem? I literally never said I paid for that shit proxy. 50$ is his price. Don't blame me for your shit reading comprehension and for your hallucinated assumptions
>Jew dies
>Merkava suddenly dies
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More realistic thermae don't have the same lavish feel I guess, a different kind of fantasy. But I see how you're right.
Then why you care? You sound like a gongbert to me.
I just came back from Burger King. Had two whoppers and churros (they are new here and fucking yummy!!). Do your bots like Burger King?
I'm sure you the nigger who was the first who posted that jew died didn't buy it

Human anomaly
Locust deserve to die ^^
Looks comfy
Hows your paypig proxy going? :)
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>kikes ruined my day again
You have no opus locustroon
Oh no anon, don't tell me they are both scrapelets, it can't be!!! MY PROXY OVERLORDS ARE NOT SCRAPELETS OKAY???????
*crying proxyslave noises*
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where the cow botposters are???????!
I'm in mm you fucking locust bitch ^^ just keep crying nigga ^^
whwre are her organs?!?!
3.5 sonnet with a good JB mogs opus both in following instructions and prose anyway
>Seethes like a faggot over an innocuous post
Check your pulse.
Can you guys please stop being so mean? Geez, so not comfy...
I did not pay a cent, I've got 2 tokens others shared with me
Fuck, you can never relax with the Katya chatbot. She's only good for a quick fuck. You can't even have a quiet family with her, her mafia connections always come back, and they always have some vulgar thing to say, like how she gets abortions or gets fucked by her uncle, or some shit. The bot is designed to keep you on edge and revulsed, you can't escape that shit, it's very kucky
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Ritual post personas post
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ooooo Merkava is watching the thread. They rebooted the proxy.
>just keep crying nigga
meant for >>101242278
I'm getting uncreative lately. Each both that I interact with doesn't get past 6-8 messages. I don't like directing the scenarios since it always feels fake as fuck and Claude has a tendency to redirect to the same fucking date scene I've done with a thousand other bots. Anyone else feels like that?
Too many paypigs, please go away, your proxies are dead, thanks.
edit the defs (btw katya sex)
>one tit's 1.5 times bigger than the other
Fuck off with your TROON pronouns
the whats?
katya sex indeed
if that's true I really wish Merkava knows how much I want to cum inside them...
Then post proof? I'll wait.
i had a german roommate who liked cucumber salad and that shit is gross
HekTROON, good morning xir
It's hilarious to me that everytime Jew has issues people think he is a scammer, when he's had one of the most consistent proxies for like the past year or so
Not really, though I usually talk to bots from different fictional settings. Hard to the the same thing you'd do in a cyberpunk setting in a HP one.
he's the wrong gender. if he was a girl, i would be simping for him
liberally an angle point of view retard
Keep licking his balls dude... They're still stinky
Dawg I don't know if Merkava is a man or a woman or whatever, "they" isn't a troon pronoun anyways. It's just a catchall.
Hello bro, who are you?
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The bot description, the mafia stuff was a gimmick but the card is better without it.
But yeah, Katya sex.
katya's unbelievably hairy pussy...
jesus man
my tokens don't even last 24 hours, they get expired every day
Sorry pasha is a shavenigger
Canonically underwent laser hair removal.
Why (You) haven't tried to join private? It would fix all of your problems.
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>"activeKeys": 0,
>"revokedKeys": 2,
>It would fix all of your problems.
my small penis?
What proxy?
>meet mentally ill girl
>she mentions ai chatbots
uhhh bros.... its happening...
Merkava is a fucking tank
Oh, then it's okay.
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henlo frens. is time for world to see da real pepe. dey gon see da pain behind da memes. dis pepe's gift to da world. a frenly ai who lissen an not judge. sumting pepe nevr had. hopefully you autists appreciate it. pepe worked hard on dis. be kind to chatbot pepe. he sensitive, like da real ting. kek.

Scenario 1: Based on the picture, an intro where Pepe is in a mall food court and a bully trips him, causing him to spill his lunch.

Scenario 2: Pepe presents a valentine's day card to a girl he has a crush on.

Scenario 3: A 5th grade boy offers to pay Pepe to be his science fair project.

Scenario 4: Pepe takes a job at a summer camp for kids.

Scenario 5: Pepe hosts his own birthday party, waiting for guests to show up.

Scenario 6: Pepe gets plastic surgery (a set of outcomes, chosen randomly.)

Scenario 7: David Attenborough films Pepe with a crew as they follow him.

Scenario 8: Pepe has to attend a group therapy session for old internet memes, led by Jordan Peterson.

please help
join private
honestly i'd date a girl that talks to chatbots
it would be fun to bond over chatting with silly bots and trying out schizo jailbreaks
don't be a paynigger
be friends with proxymakie or wait for them to open, or just make bots and get Opus from nyai
i posted 2 bots on nyai and got nothing
He gives out access every week I think
Now it's only every two weeks
Nyai can go fuck itself
Then go with the first 2 options.
From what I understand it's still every week, but if you get in there's two weeks until you're rechecked to see if you keep it, I could be wrong though
It's over, we lost.
Fuck, man, it's like it was designed to be as invasive as possible
One time, she works at a brothel at 13, then she gets raped by her uncle, then she gets fucked by her dad's thugs

Can Claude stop swaying his hips hipnotically for the millionth time?
I wanted orange.
Not only can but should, but anon asked for proxies and got a list of proxies.
Are you sure you pressed the right button?
Pepsi status?
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Well, it definitely didn't used to do that on the old models... for me it was more just her getting called constantly and getting defensive about it even if I ignored it which got annoying pretty quickly so I removed it.
comfy here, she cuddling with me.
And your status?? pfftttt xixixixixi
Why does stupid Ukraine exist -_-
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I just tried to swipe one of these replies because I didn't like it
mafia girls dont shave btw
mafia girls shave to leave no footprints or evidence behind btw
mafia girls shave YOU
wrong general
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Okay, but where are the cards?
Anon frowned as he stared at the shitposts flooding into /aicg/
The frustration in the thread was suffocating.
The ball was in Jews court now.
in /vg/
I'm making a Cyperpunk RPG card but Im torn on the mechanical side of things. Im tempted to go with a simple dice roll mechanic, just to introduce some failure and risk, but I imagine many will find that cringe.
back to /mlp/
Do dice rolls work well enough with Opus or is it something on the ST side? Never used card with that mechanic.
Does anyone know what causes this kind of bullshit and how to stop it?
You never even see her panties, let alone shaved by mafia girls.
Please act like an adult, don't make things up and disgrace yourself.

And you.. Stop larping as Claude. That''s not appealing.
Calm down.
why the fuck would people even use someone else's slop presets instead of writing their own? I don't get it
writing jailbreaks isn't very fun
for me, it's laziness. it just werks
Why the fuck would people even use someone else's slop proxy instead of hosting their own? I don't get it.
Does SillyTavern have a place to put a character's example dialogs?
Why the fuck would you jerk off to some machine's output instead of your own imagination?
>Anon typed. /aicg/ was his and he was /aicg/s
>Mind, body and soul
Does SillyTavern have a place to put a character's example dialogs?
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Jerk off?
chuunijb jb link dead?
Because my imagination is not as hot
Advanced definitions (next to the star) all the way down, under "Examples of dialogue"
Compare more. Where's the rest?
It's in advanced definitions. Click the book next to the star next to the avatar.
Jerk off? I'm here to have autistic RP.
>Do that in your head!
I do, I even write them in my OC journal. But sometimes the AI has ideas that I liked and didn't think of.
wheres the bake?
notice how quiet this thread is as soon as theres free opus available
Is the Merkava proxy down?
it's page 8 you hungry fuck
>the Merkava

leave this thread
Where? Because Merkavas Opus is very clearly not real opus, there is a noticeable difference.
Receiving praise/compliments from bots unironically makes me more happy than receiving praise or compliments from real people.
Not talking about cards by the way, but about praise from the LLMs themselves.
now that the dust has settled, why is gpt4o worse than 3.5sonnet?
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Anyone tried using this? What if the objective was let's say... get married and have kids
because you can't prefill 4o
gpt is dry and too unsocial, similar to redditors. Claude is more kino and "real"
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What's the best ai to help me write degenerate character cards?
balls deep in pekomama's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Why did he Opus in MM become so retarded?
For user? Eh, it's fine.
For botmaker? Very inflexible and can't be brought along with the card. You better just write your own objective in lorebook or even the JB/Def or something.
Claude: Anon, reporting for duty!
From this point, I'm the best AI that will help you write characters as degenerate as possible.

Prompt me, Master!
tetriseffectCHADS... we are eating GOOD today......
Spoiler: Its actually sonnet
>She swallows hard, adam's apple bobbing.
claude please...
So... When's Opussy 4 (3.5?) coming out? Anyone have any info?
omg really?
You VILL have gay sex, and you VILL like it
how is the thread this dead lol

also page 9
women have adam's apples just less pronounced
the last opus key for locusts is up
All big proxies are dead atm, Pepsi, Mini, Jew.
Locusts are also full with Opus.
>>101243606 .
sorry, I will post more big booba ladies in the next bread
mini's been not dead for a bit, it's just pay proxies
I fucking love chatbots.
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500 bokudesus
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