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Previous thread: >>101224274
Silverblue or Aeon?
[arch] whats that thing i need to do with yay to rebuild nomacs after updating my system? sorry i know ive asked this before but i forgot
repost from necro thread

I think I'm going crazy. I'm trying to get OBS working on arch with kde plasma, but my recordings keep coming out black. The preview is perfectly fine, it just won't actually record it...

I've tried reinstalling nvidia drivers, installing some optional packages, googling for ages to try to find someone having a similar issue, to no luck

any ideas frogs?
KDE Plasma user here
For some reason, thumbnails are no longer displayed despite having them enabled in Settings. Is it a DE problem or specifically a distro problem? I use openSUSE btw
probably wayland. try switching to xorg.
Would be interesting to know if it works on other DEs like GNOME. Plasma 6 has a lot of bugs.
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Thinking of fully switching to EndeavourOS or any distro suitable for my needs (still open for suggestions). Won't be considering dual boot.
I mostly use my laptop for programming and gaming (mostly VNs and Valve games, though I might add more), the latter is the reason why I've held back switching completely to Linux these past few years, but now I'm hearing that most games are fine on Linux now (with the help of Steam Deck and others).
I have some experience with Linux, though since I'm gonna do a full system replacement, I'm guessing I'll need to do some driver stuff. My laptop has an RTX 3050.
- Will managing drivers in Linux be as relatively easy as clicking a big bright "Download" button? Or is there a large risk for something bad to happen like blowing up my PC?
- Should I bite the bullet and go ahead and fully switch to Linux? If so, would you recommend EndeavourOS, or some other distro?
I dont know if this is a stupid question, it most likely is, and I now there is constant talk about youtube front ends but I never paid much attention to them and I dont know if its worth getting into it for what Im looking for.
Anyway I recently got into Calibre and is a life changer, adding a meta fields to mark read and unread books and adding a section to write some thoughts on what I just read.
Is there something like Calibre but for videos? Not a downloader but like an organizer to mark my downloaded videos as read, put tags, and add meta fields? I want to use for videos of uni talks and shit
Use Fedora Silverblue/Kinoite or openSUSE Aeon/Kalpa. They can't break and update automatically, so you have nothing to fear.
try a media server like jellyfin
I heard of that but that is for a netflix like experience for your media, I want it for learning purposes for boring talks by professors and the like
does anybody know why wine-staging doesnt get updated on arch?
Why didn't MATE stay on GTK2?
all i'm saying is if you want a video organiser, then you probably want a media server. go figure it out.
The people on Xorg are happy staying on Xorg while the people on [Wayland Compositor] are obsessed with convincing people to switch over and forcing the narrative that Xorg is dead or unusable when it's usually wayland that regularly causes issues for most users.
The only people on Xorg who aren't happy staying on Xorg are the people who complain about useless meme features like HDR that barely work with anything in the first place
Hydrus exists usually for image galleries but it might work for your usecase with videos?
>GTK 2 has reached the end of its life
use gpu screen recorder
This looks close to what I need and it has a flatpak. I will check it
well at least you have snapshots
i don't use nomacs, but if you're talking about a -git package, just install it again if you're getting complaints about symbols or the like. if you have a cached build, and the version/build hasn't changed, you may need to remove the cached build (~/.cache/yay/<package>/<package>.pkg.tar.zstd) otherwise it will just reinstall the same build without recompiling it
Does gamescope work on GNOME? I tried it a year ago and had some issues, but right now I don't have GNOME installed to test it.
there's some info here;
while the bug isn't for this recent hold up, the later comments are recent
so they cant compile it in rolling distros
i installed the wine package for the time being
Has Valve said anything about why they haven't updated to Plasma 6 on the Steam Deck?
i've been using wine-ge-custom for ages now, might be worth looking into if you use it for games
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What's the correct way for me to run GUI apps as another user?
I have work related stuff on my personal computer and I want to isolate that in a convenient way, so I was thinking on just running it as another account.
This is easy for CLI apps, but sometimes I need to use GUI apps, so how can I, say, open Teams as another user?
I'm on KDE Wayland if that's relevant.
Why does it matter when its literally not stable enough and steam runs through gamescope when you're not using desktop mode anyway?
thats gonna be discontinued for his new project
umu launcher
It's so annoying that I just use different computers for work and personal stuff.
It will be running through xwayland though
>not stable enough
The only (most likely) Xorg issue on my desktop that I can think of is frames from previously played fullscreen videos flashing briefly when switching applications to/from fullscreen.
I asked about running visual novels on Linux in the last thread a couple of hours ago, since then I've tried to follow a guide an anon posted but I'm having trouble with a bunch of "dependancies" and Linuxy things that I'm not really the most well versed in

Is there genuinely any disadvantage to just running a windows virtual machine inside Linux to play incredibly low demanding games? Instead of going through proton, lutris, wine, apps to mount cds, etc? Theoretically there's not, right?
No disadvantages that I can think of. Which visual novels are you playing?
>umu launcher
How is it compared to Bottles?
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could be an X/Y problem (asking about a solution rather than the problem), like the goal is to isolate software, but you don't actually need to use another user to achieve this
you can use for example a sandbox instead, like bubblewrap, to redirect /home accesses somewhere else, to keep it from touching or even seeing your real home folder
example in the clip is very basic, just blocks out /tmp and /home. making xauthority available is required for graphical (x) programs, not sure how wayland handles things
No idea yet really. Probably whatever is kinda short and has easy Japanese prose
oh also, you can make programs run by default like this, either with a custom .desktop file, or what i do, a wrapper dropped in /usr/local/bin
are you already using linux?
I've used it for a bit, I'm just not a pro at it yet really
what distro?
The disadvantage would be that you either give the VM direct hardware access, which makes it unavailable for the host system, requires hardware to support the kind of virtualisation you need, possibly requires you to own additional hardware, or to hack some kind of script together to switch hardware between host and guest. Otherwise you can let the hypervisor handle hardware resource allocation, which can result in latency and other issues. It's worth keeping in mind that by running a VM you're running at least 2 operating systems, so neither will be able to utilise the hardware resources fully.
how are you using arch and dont know what dependencies are?
they are just stuff that other programs need to work
ah thanks, that worked, just needed clean build
if the games can be run without a 3d accelerator, then using a vm is pretty easy, but it is obviously less convenient to have to boot into windows and use like 2G of ram just to run a vn
it's ultimately up to you, wine takes some practice and knowledge to set things up and debug problems, but it gets easier
I know what dependencies are, my problem is I went to install a list of them from https://learnjapanese.moe/vn-linux/ and a good chunk of them give me "Error: This dependency must be manually installed" or something and I don't really know how to go about that
silverblue has been nice
can you post a specific example?
-> Failed to install the following packages. Manual intervention is required:
lib32-sratom - exit status 8
lib32-ffmpeg - exit status 8
lib32-1v2 - exit status 4
lib32-gst-libav - exit status 8

I've tried searching online but of course that doesn't work anymore
>Below is an example of a sources.list for Debian 12/Bookworm (stable) released 10th June 2023.

>deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main non-free-firmware
>deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm main non-free-firmware

>deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security main non-free-firmware
>deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security main non-free-firmware

>deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware
>deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-updates main non-free-firmware

Did Debian start including non-free repos by default?
Works for me
I'm on Debian stable
all AUR packages, you wouldn't happen to not have installed base-devel, would you?
Oh, I very much would :p
I'll try installing it right now. Did I already break anything trying to install all those dependencies without it?
sudo pacman -S base-devel
I still get the same end result
base-devel is needed for most things on the AUR, and it's not included as a dependency because it's the one thing you're expected to install yourself, it should be the first thing on the page about using the AUR
it provides a compiler and related basic tools for compiling software
try installing just one of them and post the output
also, when you enabled the multilib and extra repos, did you run "pacman -Sy", i notice the page you posted didn't mention that, but you'll need to run this so it actually downloads the db's for those repos
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i will delete my current user and start using a new one. what should i do with the home folder? i want to keep it of course, but i don't want any of my files keeping a trace of the old user, as i could have issues with some programs.
Just backup any music/videos/pictures I guess. To an external or a cloud service to re-download later.
I just ran "pacman -Sy" then "yay -S lib32-gst-libav" and got a new error, I had conflicting ffmpeg versions. I think I'm going to take a break, come back and reinstall then make sure I install base-devel and run pacman -Sy. Thank you for trying to help me
i guess i will chown the folders and copy them to the new home, thanks c:
since you plan on deleting the old home, there's no need to chroot, just change the UID of your new user to 1000
and to explain, UID 1000 is what most distros give the first (human) user, and files are owned using the UID, not the name, so changing the new user to 1000 (or you could have just renamed the old user instead of making a new one) will result in correct ownership again
OpenDoas hasn't been updated in 2 years. Is it still safe to use?
there should be no need to reinstall, if you want to start over, just remove the packages you installed, and delete yay's cache (~/.cache/yay)
The new hotness in the sudo alternative space is systemd's run0.
That will depend on the filetypes, picture files should always be thumbnailed, for video you might want to install ffmpegthumbnailer

>wayland schizo
post discarded

They be applying "don't fix it if it ain't broken"

They are including non-free-firmware, which is required by some hardware to work properly even if they have proper open source drivers in kernel, this was a major pain in the ass back in the day.
Any way to make okular open documents from the start instead of remembering the progress?
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I decided to try to fully deMSfy my computer running linux.
For laugh I wanted to try reactos first from VM instead of wine.
Holy fuck, reactos is using sourceforge that has been running on 386SX for ages. I think I'll learn to run marathon quicker and reach them with USB drive before downloading this meme os.
Neither pics or videos have thumbnails
I have everything installed, and it worked before
sudo will outlive both, mark my words.
Don't think there's any supported way, but you can find the file (don't recall the name, or location, but it's obviously somewhere in your dot files) where it stores your progress, delete it, create a new one with that name then set it to read only and chown it to root, and then you should be good to go. Pretty sure it also breaks recently opened files and maybe some other minor stuff.
any gurus know what i'm missing?
Unless doas has an unpatched vulnerability there's no reason why it would matter
Well, I've pondered running my work stuff inside a VM, but that feels like an overkill and it's more inconvenient than just having stuff running natively.

I don't need Windows garbage on my job, thankfully.

Very interesting, anon! I'll be taking a look at that.
I was more inclined to just having a separate user because I thought it would simplify everything. But it seems it's not easy to open GUI apps as another user?
I'll be taking a look at sandboxing.
don't use the release version, it's nearly 4 years old
I use Debian so I can't help you with Arch package management problems, but always post all the specific console from you entering a command when asking for help, good chance you won't know what's relevant for diagnosing your issue.
>But it seems it's not easy to open GUI apps as another user?
If you're on X it's as simple as "xhost [some argument I don't recall]" on your main user and then "export DISPLAY=0.0" on your other user. Might also need some command to get audio working, recall having some issues. Note I'm pretty sure the programs you'd be running would still be able to read your keystrokes sent to programs on the main user and stuff.
>I don't need Windows garbage on my job, thankfully.
You fucking retard ignore the wine part it literally explains what you're asking for
That's Xorg specific. I'm not using Xorg.
But I guess I'll read the firejail and bubblewrap entries on the Arch wiki there.

>I'm pretty sure the programs you'd be running would still be able to read your keystrokes
I'm not using Xorg, but thanks for the tip anyway.
>I was more inclined to just having a separate user because I thought it would simplify everything. But it seems it's not easy to open GUI apps as another user?
well i'm not aware off the top of my head an easy way to do that, at the very least it would require you to elevate (enter your password) to do so, as your normal user can't run programs as someone else for obvious reasons, so sandboxing is probably want you want

if you're interested in the way i do it, here's an example wrapper;
if [ ! -e $HOME/.config/teams.home ]; then
mkdir $HOME/.config/teams.home
bwrap --bind / / \
--tmpfs /tmp \
--tmpfs /home \
--bind $HOME/.config/teams.home $HOME \
/usr/bin/teams $@

this will replace your real home with "~/.config/teams.home" (can make it whatever you like) from the perspective of teams
you can block other locations by adding more --tmpfs lines (like if you want it to not see /media for example)
also i don't know if teams' executable is "teams" or if it's in /usr/bin so be sure to adjust that if it's different
p.s. since this will provide teams with an empty home folder, it will have completely default settings, like default theme/icons/fonts/etc. if you want it to follow those settings, you will need to bind (--ro-bind) those files/folders as well (this would also apply when dealing with another user)
Thinking about taking the plunge into the loonix world.

I got an elitedesk g3 mini. Whats the best experience today? Which distro? I would mostly be using it as a browsing machine, video playing, downloading, lightweight stuff. And using moonlight/sunshine (streaming from other PC) to play heavy games.

Preferably something thats lightweight without sacrificing user decent interface. Something that doesn't need to deal with dependency hells of the past.
>what is xwayland
>not using Xorg
From what I've heard multiuser is a total mess on Wayland and definitely not the way to go about it. Could check whether the programs you're looking to isolate are available as flatpacks, if they are that'd be the easiest solution.
just use mint
not him but flatpak uses bubblewrap for sandboxing, i just use bubblewrap directly since i only want the sandboxing feature
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Thanks for the tip. I'm now reading about bubblewrap and firejail.

They're available as flatpacks, yes. But I've never used it so I'm also reading about it, and I think Teams, for example, has access to my home directory and other stuff (pic related), am I wrong? Is this customizable?
You.. know that wayland can run gui applications in xorg mode right?
I tried to help you anon, but your own IQ is getting in the way
I'm not gonna use Wayland apps through XWayland.
>gui applications in xorg mode
I'm not going to run Firefox, Vscode and other shit on Xorg, which can't even handle modern high-res scrolling properly.
i use firejail, it's cool, but it ships some premade profiles trying to cover every usecase for every user. For example, since it can't make assumptions what to whitelist, it blacklists popular files instead, which is retarded, just look at the mess like /etc/firejail/disable-programs.inc.
Instead, ignore all that premade one size fits all bullshit and maintain your own minimal profiles somewhere, for example ~/.config/firejail.
Whitelist only the stuff you need, everything else will be hidden.
Thanks anon. Looking into that right now.
Can I give a set of apps a common home on firejail?
Say, Teams, Vscode, Git, Docker sharing the same home directory?
It's possible to overwrite a flatpak's requested permissions, google is your friend.
It's useless anon, anti-wayland retards won't understand
Are you replying to the right guy?
sure, have a file, for example `common.inc` with whitelists for common directories, and include it in each profile: `include common.inc`.
Awesome. Sounds like just what I want to do. Thanks bruv.
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Let's say I mount a drive with udisksctl (which does not require root). I then copy something on that drive. I then unmount the drive and power-off, and physically unplug.

During the "unmount" phase, that's when syncing of files happens right? like they're not actually copied until I unmount?
>During the "unmount" phase, that's when syncing of files happens right? like they're not actually copied until I unmount?
Yes, and no.

sync will occur naturally if you leave it long enough but at umount time it will always explicitly flush all buffers and sync all data.

You can always manually run sync to force it to happen right now if you want.
What's supposed to be the difference between the top and bottom usb?
That's the joke anon
Like how when you go to plug in a USB it's always wrong way the first two times
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- insert usb blindly, doesn't fit
- turn it around, doesn't fit
- turn it around again, fits
i dont even understand how it works
lutris has it integrated but i couldnt get it to work and then it worked
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Tip: with horizontally mounted USB-A sockets, the plastic tab on the plug (with the contacts) is always oriented towards the circuit board the socket is soldered to; e.g. for a PC motherboard, align the plug so the tab is towards the board, and it will go in easy.

For sockets mounted at 90Âş it's a dice roll. Pic related.
Does GNU plus Linux handle TRIM properly in swap hidden inside a matrioshka of encrypted LVM?
TRIMming an encrypted volume is basically announcing what parts of it are data and which are trash, something you generally don't want with encryption.
But for swap I use a random key regenerated in every reboot. I suppose if I trim the whole swap space that's kosher, right?
Use ZRam instead of encrypted Swap. Unless you need to hibernate.
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How do I get pywal to work with wofi?
I have only found one answer online, and I can't get it to work. Somehow I can't even find the right dotfiles to copy from someone

"apt autoremove" often misses a lot of deps
i need functionality like pacman which has remove options that actually work, but for debian apt/dpkg

p.s. i don't want to run arch; just got off it. i might actually bail to fedora shortly anyway, but would really like to learn how to do this easily for debian.
>>"apt autoremove" often misses a lot of deps
It didn't need them, it kept them because you have other packages on your system installed that either explicitly depend on them or have an optional dependency on them.

I'm afraid you'll have to uninstall them manually.
I have 8 GB, that will fill quickly with muh web
>be me
>run le based debian
>install gnome, and reboot: fine
>install kde-plasma-desktop, disable gdm, enable sddm, reboot: fine
>apt purge kde-plasma-desktop; apt autoremove --purge: FUCK ALL GETS REMOVED

so you're saying my gnome system now magically depends on kde plasma?
on arch i can do something like "pacman -Rcnsu plasma kde-applications" and it will be as if plasma never existed.

how to achieve that on debian without something like btrfs+snapper?
ZRam is compressed, it should be fine, even Android phones use it. You can add extra swap on top of it if you really need it though.

For your web browser I'd suggest you activate your browsers tab suspending feature, that'll help a lot if you're a tab hoarder.
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>using apt-based distros in 2024
yeah i'm fucken bailing for fedora. but i just wanna know how before i go
you shouldn't really be running too heavily into swap either way, for performance reasons
ram contents being what it is is usually very compressible, often around 3:1 in my experience (depending on what's open of course)
>how to achieve that on debian without something like btrfs+snapper?
I think you have to use a smarter frontend like Aptitude.

Apt by default won't auto-remove packages that the depgraph says are needed, you have to first remove that package and then auto-removing should remove everything else.
but devuan
Devuan is a protest distro, there's literally nothing interesting about it except for the fact that their developers still ((wrongly)) think that Sysv init is the pinnacle of human engineering.
what about it? If you really don't want systemd, there are better options than devuan.
My ESLism is trying to parse the meaning of your reverberations through history, I suppose you're saying it is good.
People like you shouldn't be allowed to spread FUD
What's so good about it? Perhaps you can explain to me. Why use Sysv in 2024? I don't get it. If it's because it's not Systemd then there are so many better other options that also aren't Systemd.
Such as what, Slackware?
Question about dumb thing:

I tried running 'du' on a PDF to see how big it was, but I forgot I had alias'd du to
du -ach | sort -h

This resulted in a bunch of gibberish being printed to the screen because the argument (PDF) was passed to sort.
In a panic, I CTRL+C'd to stop it. This resulted in my terminal (st patched with xrdb support) changing color schemes to something out of wack.
Why did that happen? How could it have changed my xrdb?

Lesson learned, be more strict with aliases specially if pipes are involved
Artix, Chimera, Alpine or Void?
they like the pain. or just don't wanna change because fuck you. maybe they like writing shell scripts.

Chimera Linux looks truly based.
I'm saying it only exists to protest Debian. It's not even a good distribution.
Alpine and Artix are good. I briefly used Void in the past but their development is slow and sometimes packages are outdated.

I can't comment on Chimera though. It looks interesting but I've not used it.

I run Gentoo which has always been my go-to recommendation for someone that wants a Systemd-free distro that's maintained well. Gentoo, despite not being as popular as it once was still has a very active following. Packages get updated regularly, bugs get fixed, there's an active community of people that can help you if you encounter problems.
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For me, it's Artix.
Like >>101244585 said, Chimera is really good. It's fairly new though.
Nous is based, but what about the distro itself?
>It's not even a good distribution
I noticed it (Chimera) while hunting for fresh packages. They build desktop stuff comparable to Arch speeds. I wonder how badly non-glibc would burn, if at all
Are you telling me unironically that Gentoo is not a /g/ meme?
It has all of the same problems as Debian, made worse by the fact that they're also using Sysv init.
Yes, it's actually a good distro but only if you don't mind the hands-on nature of it.

If you don't want to edit config files, etc, then it's not for you.
Source based distros are almost pointless.
On the contrary, I think they're more relevant than ever before. You can pick up high core count CPUs from both Intel and AMD now and Gentoo runs like a beast on them.

They have optimised binaries available too now though if you don't want to compile everything yourslef.
They don't think that Sysv init is the pinnacle of human engineering, they support multiple init's. They're just anti-systemd.
They're only using sysv as the default because debian already had(and still has) the infrastructure for it in place before the fork
They definitely do think that because it's still their default configuration.

Why are they not offering something better out of the box?

If they still want to support Sysv as an extra, then that's fine I guess, but it's a waste of time in my opinion. None of the things that Sysv does it considered good even among the crowd that doesn't use Systemd.
I can’t get Pluto TV’s website to run properly on Fedora. I have tried various browsers and even Flatpak ones. It streams the front page video fine but I can’t switch to other videos without getting an error message. Anyone have experience with this?
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pic related
>run by a proud anarchist
Stop shilling it
Maybe read their CoC first before saying its "based"
Why is there an asterisk there?
You just know.
Sysv is only still the default because the alternatives are incomplete on devuan and they probably have low manpower.
They offer runit and openrc as alternatives but they're not 100% complete and still sometimes use sysvinit scripts (at least last time i checked)
Something something Darth Maul double light saber.
Alpine for servers
Artix for desktop or Gentoo
Ignore the rest
When will Canonical get rid of Snap? Flatpak won.
They won't. They have sunk-cost fallacy and are still a popular enough distribution to be able to dictate things (at least for their distro, everyone else will continue to ignore them)
does one just run pacman -S to update something or does the -U flag do it? after trying it looks broken since it can't find anything that -Ss can find. the documentation for this stuff is terrible
sudo pacman -Syu

-S just does an install
-Su just does an upgrade
-Syu updates the repolist and does a full system upgrade
-Sy is basically apt update
-Su is basically apt upgrade
-Syu together does both at the same time
I had to switch to Wayland for it to work
but if i want to update only a single package and maybe whatever dependencies it has
I'm using desktop mode a lot, lol
>update only a single package
This is what
pacman -Su <PKG>
does. You don't want to do that, this is called a partial upgrade and could break things.

You want to either:
pacman -S <PKG>
pacman -Syu <PKG>
I'm considering Devuan because Debian is a 'root' distribution, and if Devuan dies I just have to suck systemd and my environment will be more or less the same.
I'm considering long term. KDE is a mess and a memory hog, so into the trash it goes. Ubuntu is out because of snap. Debian has automatic dependency resolution. Devuan is this minus systemd.
In /fglt/ opinion, which distros are dying? I expect Debian to be more or less safe (if only because Ubuntu helps to carry it).
its just the browser. i know stuff like system libraries are best not mixed if you aren't familiar with them
>which distros are dying?
Your browser still tends to depend on system libraries like harfbuzz, ffmpeg, libvpx, etc

It's best to update everything together to avoid the situation where your browser updates and was linked against a newer version of ffmpeg which you don't have yet because you did a partial upgrade instead of a full system upgrade.

Pacman actually has a way of handling this if the packagers specify the .soname version of dependencies properly but usually they don't because it's just expected that you keep your rolling release distro up-to-date and don't do partial upgrades.
Honestly, with nix there's very little point in "distros"

You just change your configuration.nix to change from kde to gnome or whatever packages you want
If you want to update just your browser I would recommend you install Flatpak and get your browser from there instead.
As always, the browser ends devouring ever more memory. I could use Amiga OS Classic for almost everything, but teh web kills it.
i guess thats how it is then. was just trying to avoid having to reboot so that there wouldn't be both recent versions and outdated ones in memory
So recently i came back to arch and decided to use gnome (since i heard good things about it), just to figure out it isnt for me. so i will just install xfce + dwm.
NOW my issue is: what is the best way for me to remove all the gnome crap without taking to much time and without the risk of end up breaking something?
>Xfce + dwm
lmao why
probably reinstalling. easier if you have things spread to multiple partitions
>the documentation for this stuff is terrible
how so? the man page for pacman describes it pretty well in my opinion, read line 297+ it describes exactly what happens
since they had a -U flag it felt like the most obvious thing and from the description one would think that it is the update command but nope it will just tell you it can't find packages if you simply run that with a name of a package
Just reinstall. I know it's annoying, but you will waste even more time if you don't.
i mean the xfce utilities (i dont like terminal file managers and stuff, but prefer to use wms), sorry i am not good at explaining
owwn...i was getting everything finished
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i'm doing it. nothing else wurx on this hw or for my preferences.

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Bumping this because I'm a fucking moron
I'm trying to get pywal to work with everything, but I can't figure out how to dynamically import the current pywal colors to the respective .css files
yeah sorry i misread, that is pretty confusing, especially when the flag extends to --upgrade too..
Does anyone here run Wayfire with Wayland? I want to make a Windows clone on Wayland but feeling super overwhelmed I don't think the Wayfire documentation is very good, I need pictures because I'm retarded.
Try running "apt-mark showmanual"
Does it list any packages related to KDE? I'm pretty sure metapackages set their dependencies as manually installed (which is great for when you only want to remove a little of the KDE bloatware later but inconvenient if you want to undo installing the metapackage). If yes then either uninstall them directly or run "sudo apt-mark auto all-the-kde-package-names-from-earlier" and then "sudo apt autoremove". Apt-mark is an often overlooked tool but it's really essential for running an apt based system.
Special bytecodes in output can change terminal configuration, it's how some programs output text in different colors. You probably unwittingly printed one.
Ask specific questions if you want to get help.
wack, but interesting
I wonder - if a pdf had a malicious command encoded in it, could I unwittingly run it by making a similar mistake?
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In the old *-DOS days, ANSI bombs were a thing.
Why does my CRT monitor in 640x480 resolution make loud screeching sounds on Windows XP but not When I'm on my linux distro?
Linux has always had better support for old hardware
Because xorg is based and just works
linux = good
windows = bad
That's why GNU less strips ANSI/terminal codes by default.
Had fun learning how to install Arch but having to install everything now is tedious. I did it in VM, think I'll just go with EndeavorOS, there are too many things I would have to install otherwise.
calm it with your bloatware posts
just use manjaro like every sane arch user
Eandeavour and Cachy are good choices, for the love of God do not install Manjaro unless you want shit to break
Kinoite? Silverblue? Or another atomic Fedora distro?
just use archinstall
A while ago I was getting help on am arch issue and an anon told me how he doesn't use trash. I asked him what he uses and his response was slackware.

Today my hdd broke and I'm installing a ssd.
Redpill me on slackware, is it developed by gays?
I value my privacy and strive for anonymity as well as learning as much as possible.
There are two things you need to know about Slackware:
>It's one of the oldest surviving Linux distributions
>It does not have a package manager

The first is why it's so heavily respected, the second is why you should not use it.
It also has very poor infrastructure for writing your own shellscripts. Slackware is one of the last Linux *distributions*, things intended to be used as they are with little to no outside third party software. If you're going to be tweaking and compiling shit from source anyways, Gentoo with OpenRC is a straight upgrade.
*own initscripts
excuse me
More work = more learning.

Yeah gentoo was my first choice, but I have to check around a bit before I stick to something for atleast a year.
Thing is I want to tweak and play around too.
>Thing is I want to tweak and play around too.
Gentoo will be the best for that, followed by Arch.
No, more work is not more learning. It's extra effort for no reason.

You learn just as much with Gentoo but with a proper framework to work within and a package manager that understands dependencies properly, can rebuild packages correctly after a dependency has been upgraded.
Yeah I think I'm going with gentoo.
Since slackware does not have it's own package manager, would it not be possible to just install packman or apt? Why wouldn't it work?
Slackware has packages and there are third-party package managers for it but the whole setup is alien compared to how modern Linux distros work.

There are no official repositories for it beyond what's included when you install it.
you could but the new package manager would only track packages it installed. dependency hell
True, and I intend to learn about the packages next, along with c and reverseing.
I want to read the source and know everything about my system.

Why is openrc better?
i like systemd. especially if you use all of its services. everything works very well together. mounts, networkd, timers, it's great.
i don't blame systemd detractors for needing meds though.
I wonder how many linux users have read thrugh source code, how can I just believe systemd is fucked without scouting it myself.
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A lot of systemd haters got burned by serious bugs in earlier versions. This happened with PulseAudio years ago, and now it's being replaced by PipeWire which is much less lennarty and works better. I think systemd does have some very good ideas, but when it doesn't work it's a nightmare to trace what's broken and correct it, so until it's as solid as sysvinit or openrc people will be gun shy.
I always thought systemd was the og and init was new/ish.
lolno sysvinit is from Unix System V in 1983
Shit even openrc is older that systemd, lol 2007.
>until it's as solid as sysvinit
I bet you think run levels are a good idea.
>as solid as sysvinit or openrc
they aren't solid either.
Systemd uses a very similar concept with targets.
It doesn't count.
All the Plasma ISOs on the download page are from 2023 though?
what do you mean it doesnt count?
didn't you say you already know how to install it and just want to skip having to do it again?
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Post tux pictures
What's wrong with sysvinit and openrc?
I bought an old physical serial terminal on ebay and want to hook it up to a PC Engines board. What do I need to do beyond configuring the kernel command line properly to get a console environment? Is there a way to gracefully degrade UTF8 to an older charset or do I have to go all the way to LANG=C? Distro would be either Debian or Gentoo.
using thunar file manager on arch, thumbnails dont show for any video files, can someone help pls
where do i put appimages?
ok i got that, and nothing was fixed
and before you say, yes i checked the thunar settings and thumbnails should always show and the size is is set to unlimited
youre supposed to be friendly
Thunar thumbnails works for me, even though I'm a KDE boy. Check that it isn't skipping large files.
i just figured it out: i just needed tumbler, i thought i already had it but i didnt. everything works now ^_^
Wherever you want I think. But I'm not sure. Let's wait for another anon.
And what do you use?
In your bin directory and then chmod +x them. Or anywhere you want.
does bluetooth just werk on linux? I want to get a wireless keyboard so I can type while lying on my back
yes it should work just fine, what distro are you usign
>Why is openrc better?
>I wonder how many linux users have read thrugh source code,
If you do want to read the source then OpenRC is very nice to read through.

It's a mixture of C and shell scripts and people usually say that negatively as if it's a bad thing but it's an advantage in my opinion. If you want to be able to hack on it without being a seasoned C programmer than it's so nice to just be able to do that in a few extra lines of shell.
Neat, have you read it all?
Depends on your chip. My bluetooth stops working after a while and requires a hard shutdown (if I just restart then the system no longer recognizes the hardware) if I'm not connected to wifi but it isn't disabled, my bluetooth headphones occasionally lose sound briefly while I'm using the internet, and everything works perfectly if wifi is disabled. But assuming you're getting a keyboard that automatically connects to a usb bluetooth dongle that comes with it I don't think you'll have any issues, from the systems perspective that's no different from a wired keyboard.
I won't say I've read it all but I have added a small feature to it in the past.
It's really nice to hack on.
Sick, one day I'll be able to do that.
I forgot to add:
What was the future?
I can load nftables rules for an interface even when that interface is down, right?
It would be faster to just try it out than ask on 4chan.
Is that a firewall of some sort? Like iptables?
I modified the CGroups code to support a new kernel feature.

The CGroups handling of OpenRC is pretty nice and one of the reasons I like it. Besides Systemd it was one of the first init systems to support it.
Yes, I did "apt-mark auto konqueror konsole dolphin kdialog keditbookmarks" but "apt autoremove --purge" still removes nothing. To be clear, a handful of KDE packages were removed on the initial "apt autoremove" but nowhere near the whole KDE Plasma desktop. I suppose maybe I missed to auto mark some lib* packages? Why is this even happening in the first place? None of these packages are direct depends or recommends of kde-plasma-desktop, so I am not sure that your hypothesis makes sense. Debian just seems broken or has a design flaw regarding this.
the machine is my router and I'm gonna shut it down and take out some hardware, which means all the "persistent" interface names are gonna change. And since until it works again I'm offline I wanna make sure I know what I'm gonna do before I bring it down, I don't want to spend all night guessing-and-checking on a serial console
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mh, so considering the fact that arm64 laptops seem to be coming closer, how does debian work on arm64?
do all packages listed with apt list that show "all" work on arm as well? or is the arm package repo an entirely different one.
the info on debian.org is a little confusing to me
It works fine as far as I know. Maybe there are some packages that use some specific X86 assembly and can't be built for ARM but most packages should just werk.
Is it at all possible that you might have overlooked that you still have kde-baseapps installed? It would depend on all of those packages, and it is a dependency of kde-plasma-desktop. Otherwise it's hard to say what could be wrong without seeing the output of apt-mark showmanual.
Ill try linux for 30 days and list my pain and suffering here (currently on Day 2):
>Pop_OS! live does not support secure boot (shim bad something, load kernel something)
>Fedora Cinnamon DE crashed
>persistence doesnt work when burned using rufus.
>DE crashed again but this time tty f2 is completely blank
If Debian says "all" that means that either it builds on every platform they support or that it's a package that just inherently isn't arch-dependent. e.g., virtual packages/metapackages that only exist to depend on other things, -doc packages for installing big piles of documentation and examples instead of just a manpage, things like that. You can read docs on any arch after all.

Keep in mind the ARM world, though not as bad as it was, is still not like x86 where you can just boot a generic distro on any random device, you still have to go through the whole rigamarole of checking out the specific device you're interested in, what SoC it uses, and what the caveats for it are (nonfree GPU shit can be even worse in ARM land than anything Nvidia does over here)

packages that go to the trouble to do that almost always have a generic implementation in C or whatever other HLL, and then a selection of one or more assembly implementations of certain functions that are performance-critical. Then the program detects the CPU it's running on and if it sees it's on something that it can use it's special asm version for, it snaps that in, if not you just get the generic version that the compiler built for whatever arch you're on.
>apt-mark showmanual
For example I have konqueror now marked as auto, but looking at reverse deps via aptitude TUI shows that no installed packages depends/recommends/suggests it.

What the hell, Debian?

I only have a single sources.list for sid main/contrib/non-free.

How can it get this broken? All I have done is use /usr/bin/apt to install stuff. It was a clean full-upgrade from a fresh minimal Bookworm.
Sorry I gotta admit I really don't see what it could possibly be that's preventing those KDE packages from being autoremoved. If you try running "sudo apt purge konqueror konsole dolphin kdialog keditbookmarks" it should mention which packages depend on them and will therefore also need to be removed, and at least one of them should be in your pastebin. If it doesn't you should probably file a bug report because then something really isn't as it should be.
>apt purge konqueror konsole dolphin kdialog keditbookmarks
It happily lets me purge them. Nothing depends on them.

Looks like I'm not the only one: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=368582

Debian is just... special?

>you should probably file a bug report
This isn't the first time I've seen this over the year. Stable/unstable, it doesn't matter. Multiple machines. I usually don't run Debian and this is one of the reasons. I just thought I'd see if /g/ could help me fix it this time.
>secure boot
Who cares?
any way to optimize gnome/wayland on debian? sometimes when having a few windows open it freezes a bit specially when switching between them, I know it's not a ram issue or something like that because this doesn't happen in the windows partition
what is your cpu doing?
not much I don't think, this is with 3 chromium windows 1 with many tabs, the other 2 playing video
Fedora doesn't boot on my hardware, so I'm going to try openSUSE. Will this distro hopping ever end?
lol, openSUSE installer detects and configures my hardware at the first step, but the second step says I have no network device. But Mint/Ubuntu/Debian were fine with my Wi-Fi.

The absolute state.
arch or gentoo are generally the end game. just do it.
lol I just came from Arch. It sucked compared to Debian. I just hate Debian's retarded dependency cleanup bullshit. I guess my only option is to just run Debian and deal with its bullshit. Gross.
Ubuntu/derivative or Debian is the endgame. Most support, most stable, won't give you issues on update like Arch. Stop making it hard on yourself.
lol no
Yep, I'm about to RETVRN to Debian. I just have to choose between retarded GNOME and buggy Plasma. Last time I tried Debian with KDE, my Bluetooth didn't work right. So I guess GNOME is my only choice. Ugh.
for me its gnu shepherd
Sucks, but after it's removed it's Debian with extra features. Or you can use something that removes it for you like Mint.
best distro for ARM CPU?
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Debian "all" packages are architecture independent. Docs, Python scripts, config files, etc. The binary packages will be labeled arm64 like they are i386 or amd64. Debian on ARM has been extremely solid for a long time, and most packages are present aside from third party proprietary things like Steam. The last Debian release that was really weak on ARM was 5.0/Lenny way back in 2007.
SteamVR is fucked on KDE.
Debian in general. If your board needs a specific distro to work best then use that, but otherwise Debian.

Debian's stubbornness and stability are two sides of the same coin, like how Gentoo makes it really hard to break your system unless you override the warnings and package.use/package.mask.
idk if its general use but manjaros arm build works well on my pinebook
Debian is so stubborn/stable that I can't install Debian until I get to somewhere that has a USB keyboard, because debian-installer doesn't support my laptop keyboard (but Ubuntu/Mint/openSUSE do).
Your laptop has some wacky proprietary i2c driver that will take a while to make it into the installer kernels. Back in ~2010-2011 Intel started pushing APIC changes in new laptop firmwares that made them unusable housefires under Linux without kernel command line tweaking. Debian 6 was actually pushed back long enough to catch the fix in late 2.6.x kernels. That's part of why 2.6.32 was the Immortal Kernel Release, around for over a decade in Debian 6, RHEL 6, and Android 2.3.
doesn't debian come with proprietary drivers now?
which image did you use?
the install images all come with non free firmware for wifi support and such now yeah.
but during the install you’ll be asked if you want to enable the non free repos.
It's a driver issue, not firmware. And the driver isn't proprietary. It's just that the Debian 12 installer ISO kernel is too old.

I need to buy a laptop with proper Linux support. It's tricky enough to find a laptop with speakers/screen/keyboard/trackpad that don't make me want to claw my eyes out, let alone find good Linux support.
>be me
>get pushed to edge of sanity by the absolute state of linux support for my hardware
>seek refuge in debian
>check kernel.org for version numbers of current stable and longterm kernels
>none of these are packaged as debian backports
why is debian like this?
What's the best Wayland floating wm for beginners? As in which would I have an easy time configuring, not too many bugs, and is good for gaming? I really want to get into it but there's so many and too many opinions and old information idk
hyprland is pretty good. the config is simple as song as you can read. i haven't done much ricing but it looks straight forward
*though to be honest they're all pretty easy as long as you can read.
he was asking for a floating WM though
isn't it floating? i can drag windows wherever i want, or do you mean overlapping?
No, it's mainly tiling.
And yes, floating WM would mean the windows can overlap (and are expected to) Hyprland has floating windows, but that's pretty clunky.
Yeah, by floating I mean overlapping
got it
last time I looked into it nothing really stood out. The state of floating WMs on wayland was quite dire, if I wanted one I'd probably try plasma.
IIRC there's an Openbox workalike called Lab-something, but when last I looked it was more of a proof-of-concept prototype than something that's ready to use.

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