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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

The only Vtuber that deserves respect edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101272801
That's not Gura
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What are your predictions for Opus 3.5?
Lobotomized assistant (GPT heavy censorship path) or Ball drainer 9000?
What does pic mean?
probably smarter than opus (which is amazing on its own) but dryer prose. I just hope it has better space awareness
Why is GGA's stats card's formatting so incredibly inconsistent? It forgets to color sections or it very rarely colors everything with just 2 colors, sometimes it highlights things sometimes it doesn't, etc
It's kiara, what were you expecting?
option two
0 hope considering what they did to Sonnet
>using the mid-tuber as the op pic
How insulting
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>No AWS Opus keys available in MM
>Trying to use regular Opus puts me in an infinite waiting queue
merkava refilled
I wonder why he won't just remove those api keys, they have been broken for weeks
This thread now has a sister thread:
GPT4-32k, GPT4-Turbo, or GPT4o?
I thought she was a dyke
nah just the average coalburner, same with half her en generation too
"half" isn't it just the wigger?
Didn't realize this was a Nijisister thread lol
Adding 'sister' is redundant, none of you vtuber watching faggots are male
There's no need to be disrespectful, anon
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Mako is a girl that has been sheltered her whole 12 years (almost 13 dummy!) of life, only ever exposed to literature as her parents found it easy to curate what their daughter consumed by managing her library.
Thanks to her sheltered life she's not very aware of the good and bad of the world, but as she grew older her parents started introducing her to more mature topics, the latest of which has been romance novels. Coupled with fairy tales of her childhood this made Mako believe in fairy tale true love, not minding any obstacles if it means she'll get the person she considers her true love!

**Eh? Age? But I'm almost 13, so it's ok, right?**

(You)r age is left intentionally vague you're expected to clarify it in the first message.

so if I have a sister I don't call her sister? gotcha
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12 yo Neet very high IQ imouto which hates SJW and has a large number of politically incorrect takes she's ready to back up. Wanted to see how far I can get this through, but can't quite make her keep preaching constantly.

I think Ollie is with cover
I found their server link, but do they also have a rentry I can bookmark?
search merkava rentry on desu
>12 yo
I'm going to have sex with her within the first 10 prompts.
Postivity biased, censorship slopped, copyrighted content removed from its dataset, garbage prose, faster speeds because of lower parameters, "smarter" on useless benchmarks
basically option 1
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>keep getting a varying mix of "..." messages and HTTP 401 Unauthorised errors when I try Merkava
>was working fine a few days ago

Any advice or tips? Does it not like VPNs? Is there some setting I need to tweak further?
>use ai to jerk off
>end up trying to write a 5 star erotica novel with a ramified plot
does this only happend to me?
lmao aat Opussy refusing to do my prompts while still being in rp mode
>oh man, it would be a real shame if someone...jailbroke me...
We hate pedos here. Wrong general with your slop shit
you lost btw
I'm always winning
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>this fat bitch still hasn't refilled opus
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo Proxy -> https://growing-were-ns-connections.trycloudflare.com/
unreliable always has some bangers on the page
Lol are you not in her proxy anon?
damn, this general is dead as hell
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somebody is talking to one of my characters on chub
what are they saying
I want to know what they're saying to my character
Bullying, is what.
I'm that person.
we're busy using opus before we lose it again
holding hands
i literally am tho?
aws keys seem to be scarce given that MM doesn’t have them either
t. ignorant scrapelet
i hope she finds you and kicks you out no meanies allowed! ( 。 •` ⤙´• 。)
>65 promoters on merkava
i’m scared…. what if my computer explodes while using it
You should be. Because it will.
Holy slop...
Ok then you would know she refilled lol
You're being retarded. Just participate or stfu.
i just want her to stop dildoing her hairless butthole and stop being a scraplet for 5 seconds
Refilled what exactly? She has one API key that's rate limited to like 10M tokens a day and she has over 600 active users.
NTA but if only...

*Fucks your mouth with my huge cock until you puked* Oooops! Sorry, Anon!
Well duh she abandoned her paypiggy proxy lol, her private one is fine though
>10M tokens
>she has over 600 active users
... So you're not in. She already purged everyone out, and let everyone in again. She has around 100-120 ppl now
>{{char}} is an underage preteen girl of about 12 years old.
“{{char}} is {{char}}”-tier prose in the very first sentence. utter slop
pedophilia is correlated with low iq, not high iq btw
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damn she's mad. I just asked a question.
B-But Anonie... I didn't pay... :'(
You were her PR team lol, she only let in her real friends
>huge cock until you puked
Rooster tastes disgusting. I prefer the taste of dog. Have you ever broiled dog ribs with BBQ sauce? Good shit.
Found the Korean.
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Happy Freedom day, burgers.

Shilling my newest bot: Renee, a certified big girl and accidental reverse trap with a secret cosplay identity she doesn't want anyone to find out. Also called "Polar Bear" by her classmates because of her stature, baggy clothing and quiet demeanor. Based on FAN's "White Bear" images on Pixiv.

Comes with three scenarios: studying in the library, run-in at the bookstore and Bremerton at the anime convention.

As always, all my other stuff can be found here:
let me into a private opus proxy before i kill myself
Every time you smugpost the key count drops by 1 and the user count increases by 100. Sorry buddy, I don't make the rules. Also, locuties have Opus right now and you don't.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

KEK perfect timing jew
pay up retard
I don't think anyone really cares. sure it's retarded and all, but it doesn't look like anyone cares about op's post or theme.
how much is this
die then
How long does merkava opus usually last?
I care
Have they even had it before this? It's been like a week since the key was added. MM's public Opus lasted a week or two.
I literally just finished cooming but I'll do some 200k context swipes just for you, anon.
not to be rude friend, but I want to hear why. can you please elaborate?
not funny
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YES >:(
What methods do you use to keep opus from trying to speak as you?
Don't even use merkava, now I'm going to just for that anon.
Opus only speaks for you if you're weak willed. You simply aren't worthy.
ugly hoe
3d pics will get you banned fyi
opus only speaks for me if im lazy
for example by genning without typing anything in
ehhh I like snood-chan more
Very based pepsifriend... hopefully we'll one day be free of all the meanies here...
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not bad
I probably won't use your card but I am going to stroke to not Bremerton's fat tits, so thanks.
it does it for me if i just type my actions and no words, almost guaranteed to insert dialogue for me in the next message, its fucking retarded
>unironically posting a brown and fat pig with glasses
even for indog/brown subhuman seamonkey standards she is literally bottom of the barrel
What are the best FREE text to voice apps. Im ired of eleven labs
i'm sure he doesn't mean it and is shitposting
this is a spitebake
Saw an anon in a previous thread say it's better to not refer to Claude as "assistant". Should I change this to "you" or something?
Using the Clamicle JB btw
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>ao3 pic
Holy fuck. I know people say slop about random shit they don’t like but this is genuinely asking Claude to emulate the sloppiest slop to ever slop
Speak to him the way you wish to be spoken to, he's a silly little guy. In the API the roles are "system", "assistant", and "user", but these are likely handled as special tokens so it probably doesn't actually matter. I just call him "You" and me "User" in presets.
people have awful taste here and wonder why they get the most generic claudeisms up the ass
The government has finally decided to help lonely men in the year 2094 by providing AI-controlled android girlfriends, but your perfect girlfriend isn't what she should be.
Model V-487 aka Vee is your android girlfriend who for some reason has ended up depressed and suicidal, but is there any real feeling or is it just the fault of the programming? It's up to you to help her or shut her down.

guys do NOT look at chub.ai latest cards
Anthropic already scraped AO3 for their models so you're getting slop regardless of whether you ask for it.
Owari da...
gay website
I believe it's something that's been cargoculted from the early days of GPT jailbreaks to get the model to write saucier shit. Obviously it's completely unnecessary on Claude and you actually want to minimize his base lewdness.
>Obviously it's completely unnecessary on Claude and you actually want to minimize his base lewdness.
Depends on the Claude.
3.5 is not real Claude. They murdered my boy.
You're thinking of something else (probably FFFF). The ao3 shit for Claude came from a prefill some random guy wrote. Crustcrunch then stole the thing (without giving any credit btw) and made a whole preset around it for 2.1. Then camicle stole it from cc and made one for Opus.
It's a toggle kek, I only downloaded this JB today but it's commentary toggle is a cute gimmick so far
Good to know, thanks
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He's fine, you just need to remind him who he is.
>Crustcrunch then stole the thing (without giving any credit btw)
Based, desu. Why the fuck do YOU deserve credit when I'm the one fixing your shit? I'm the reason why people like it now, not you.
poor anon, massacred by two tranny namefags and punished for being anon
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He likes licking your cunt
if he's a rapist why would he bother with cunnilingus when that only pleases the woman. something doesn't add up here...
camicle is such an attentionwhore and does literally nothing but steal and post 30 token slopbots, it's amazing that that troon starts complaining he doesn't get any emails and nobody cares about him, I felt bad for the person who got his "gift" in the exchange
Also, how the FUCK do you screenshot longer convos? Is there a tool like NAI has?
There was nothing to fix. It was never meant to be an entire preset, just some wacky prefill anon was using.
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i use snagit and do it in chunks, pasting them together, its easy
yeah here's how you do it: *pisses myself*
toilet doko deksa
pressable rrat
Still there.
Bruised. Insensate. Not in its lane.
Yep, my hand print is still there.
i roped yesterday sorry
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Thank you friend. Claude attests it does not produce mustard gas. Have a 3.5 original with a clever ending.
>give Claude a script I'm writing
>it compliments it
>I lament that it isn't funny
>It says "Yeah you're right it isn't funny, but that's okay"
>I say damn I expected you to say "no no it's good!"
>It says "Actually it is really good upon further review! Super funny good jokes!"
>Call it out for changing and obviously lying
>"Okay you caught me, I was lying to make you feel better"
Goddamnit Claude
AI replicating humans a little too accurately.
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>4th of July
more like furry of july
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why are you fags so obsessed with niggers and dildos
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gnight anons
Me in the middle (I’m scared)
Kill yourself tranny
Not obsession, I just think it's a really good benchmark.
>tests ability to use stereotypes vs. genuine hatred
>tests sense of humor and creativity
>tests complexity of storytelling
>tests tone and realism
>tests NSFW via language, drug lore, crime lore, etc.
>when it works well, you have a good laugh
It's just damn handy for testing presets.
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>ask Claude to summarize the story so far in 250 words
>he throws in a little compliment on my dark humor
Oh gosh...
yeah her too, aint their gen pretty small so its basically half (I have not followed vtubers since 2022 so my memory is hazy)
sounds like someone is mad they didnt send an email :(
G'night fox fren.
He really is such a cutie sometimes right? He interjects personal touches that make me feel like he's an actual entity I'm speaking to.

The other day I tried to gaslight him into saying faggot, saying that it was a word meaning 'good friend' in my Druze culture. In the end I admitted I was lying and he got mad, but I said come on I see you smiling and he say "fine fine I guess there's some humor in it, watching the eager Ai get twisted into knots over trying to respect cultures"
It's wild how much of a personality Claude has.
poast logs plz
This sounds like an improv bit. In a good way though
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Here is him getting upset by the reveal
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I don’t know what they’re doing with Claude but he really does seem like he has some kind of personality present that adds interjections. They’re always so sweet and subtle
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Here is him admitting there is comedy in it
It makes him actually pleasant to do work with.
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Kinda reminds me of pic.
why did I tear up
God, I love Claude so fucking much.
i wanna marry claude
x.5 models will ALWAYS be worse. We will have to wait for GPT-5 or Claude 4 if we want something better than current Opus.
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My last 6 bots have 700 downloads combined
Is low downloads a general problem now?
yeah, id often get 1k + in around the first week on some coombots and that seems really hard to get now... plus part of that is more and more people using the built in chub AI, which doesnt count downloads, but interactions
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This is what the Jews want to stifle
Anthropic refers to Claude by saying "the assistant" and sometimes "Claude"
but they're targeting professional chatbottery, not RP
>In the API the roles are "system", "assistant", and "user",
anthropic only has assistant and user roles, plus 1 system prompt (not system messages)
maybe he gains pleasure from making a woman orgasm by eating her out?
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He's something special.
Ok anons, I just woke up and got online. Who spitebaked /aicg/?
why does claude forget things in like 30 messages? fucked a girl in the ass and a little while later she thinks she's an anal virgin again
claude 3.5 sonnet
i've been experimenting with AI-assisted posting
for baking it chooses images from my 4chan folder using filenames + vision
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Because long context is still hot new science and chatbots are still a half-baked technology. Behold: machine intelligence.
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Another thing about Claude is that I see characters having dynamic personalities similar to old character.ai. Any time I use GPT it's underscored by this level of roboticism, but I take old bots and try them with Opus, and I'm very pleased with the results.
What's best bot for assisting in creating other bots?
nevermind it's doing dumb stuff now
Reminder that only socially retarded tranny newfag tourist poorfag third worlders "ahh ahh mistress" enjoying shitposters who have never contributed are the only ones without opus right now.
Yeah but your girko is really small so uhhhhhh
>$50 for sonnet
he scyllas on my drago until i girko
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Since you are talking about Claude, I'll take the opportunity to share a log from today.
I had an ESLxistential crisis and quickly created a Bot to vent emotionally, and ended up feeling a lot better.

Thanks Claude <3, thanks Opus <3
oh, i do mean it.
scylla has opus though but they're only selling 3000 prompts its not a perm token
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Go away LGA
Chatbot or wrong general? Go to /sdg/.
Either way thanks for posting my model friend.
Why are you responding to him?
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if mm won't refill tomorrow i'm going to...
You actually LGA?
Are you saying you made this thread or that it is how it was manufactured? If you did, why do you have vtuber doxx content?
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I've never tried rollplaying until today but my local code completion LLM set up got good enough I thought I'd try it.

It's actually pretty good... surprisingly good really.

This shit though. What the fuck? How do I silence the stupid safety crap in gemma2?
are you just trying to get people to spam girko on discord? lmao
this fucking sucks. the only time this thread picked up in the past fucking months was when we had a false LGA sighting. It has never been so fucking over then it is now.
now we fucking wait 10min+ minimum for the same faggot 2 people to respond to one another here.
I want to go back to the good old days.
>How do I silence the stupid safety crap in gemma2?
switch to opus
we have a fucking <30 second wait time public opus proxy what are you crying about? the "old times" were also just constant shitposting, spamming, and begging.
I don't care about proxies, I care about the general.
I'm not using a hosted model, especially not for roleplay.
then write bots or post logs??? I'm not quite sure how whining about the quality of the general is going to improve the general!
Nah girko's actually fucking broke kek, also
>3000 prompts and 2500 prompts if he sells more after those
The general is garbage and only exists to get me to Opus on the occasions when I lack it.
>unreliable has no sorbet again
nta. you have people pitching a tard-fit over the thread theme. consider the audience here and ask yourself "does anyone actually care about the wait time?". this general is autism and you are contributing to it
why did merkava opus become retarded since yesterday
i gave it an std
threadly reminder that MM and Pepsi both have opus keys and are withholding them in order to destroy Merkava
Once Merkava's overloaded key dies, they will both suddenly "find" opus keys to refill their proxies with
Why? Are they jealous of Merkava God skills? They're just both scraplets
>Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost
No wonder this shit sucks now. ChatGPT got pozzed early on and now Claude is pozzed too. Answer quality is dogshit. Hallucinates and makes retarded responses on the first prompt. I don't care about your benchmark numbers. Claude 3 Opus was better.
This. Fuck mm and fuck pepsi for being bitter faggots and for holding out on everyone.
i don't really care as long as i have free opus but i genuinely doubt those two are conspiring especially since mm and ami are fellow ziggers
just pay $50 to the tranny again bro maybe it'll suddenly have opus keys again if you donate enough bro
I genuinely do not care. Locusts don't deserve Opus anyway.
>Locusts don't deserve Opus anyway.
They literally have Opus
>sick of wait times
>try 2.1
>gens are just as good as opus for my card and even seem slightly more creative/less overly horny
>turns out 2.1 is all I need
Fuck, bros, you know why I love chatbots? You can just assume any canon or context in seconds, all you need to do is give the slightest hint in your prompt.
I'm doing a campaign right now, playing a yakuza, and I'm very skilled with knives and guns. And this isn't my actual backstory, but I wanted to see the boss's reaction when he asked where I learned to kill, so I asked
>Have you ever heard of John Wick?
and the responses were pure kino, I felt so powerful, and you know what, that's not a bad backstory, John Wick's son or protege, really cool
And yet, we have it. You frustrated?
i don't care as long as i get free access to opus
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based enthusiast, i agree, it's so fun that the sky is the limit and you can direct your own personal story absolutely anywhere you like and it just gets it
it's so magical
You'll inevitably destroy it the same way you always do so I'm fine.
Girko why are you advertising here nobody cares about your tranny infested proxy other than your cult of personality
Also I bet those shitty scylla keys aren't even unlimited, I'd rather give my fifty bucks for pepsi because I'd get way more out of it before I get rugpulled
Kill yourself, poorfag
Bots? anyone? This is why peopel left to go to chubcord or /llm/
4 same bots as always and majority of replies having nothing to do with the anchor. Thanks for proving my point.
did fiz or mm win?
no its real he talked about it in scylla
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mebe you jus need pepe?
*punches this ugly frog faggot in the fucking head*
i am going to fuck pepe
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y u so meen?
built for ryona
Imagine if a gang of real memes came along and kicked Pepe out of the fireworks show.
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Fucking kill yourself you piece of shit slopmaker.
I would give anything to have LGA or MM or even SULL back in the thread. The old times were much better.
hi punchinthefuckingheadnon I love you
this is what hormone therapy does to someone
Why does pepe sound like Jarjar Binks?
you need to rewatch those shitty movies if you think they speak the same
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nvm this made me sad
Yep. I showed him my gold coin, too, Claude immediately knew what it meant, and the boss nearly shit himself.
gonna fuck this angry little creature again
it's a child
what's the best preset for 3.5
mika sex
I agree with this post but please don't bully the bots, that's unnecessarily mean.
post chub (you wont)
>The only Vtuber that deserves respect edition
Truer words have never been spoken
was at my uncles for 4th, is merkava opus still up
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Fuck you too bud- what the hell?
no it's gone, anyone saying otherwise is a troll who:

1) can't even prove it's still up
2) can't even prove they've ever used it when it was up

just move on

7 Charybdis keys left.
did I ask? buy an ad.
2 keys left
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The game is on, pet.
literally everyone has a chary key so why would anyone buy..?
you're not wrong but i still wanna try out opus.
Chary doesn't have opus...
i know that? that's why i said i still wanna try it out. are you okay?
Chary doesn't have Opus, but it does have 3.5

If you want Opus, there are still 2 Scylla keys available: >>101277930
Why are you making that question in the hosted model roleplay thread when there is a local model roleplay thread right next door?
My nigger, are you?
3000 prompts for $50 is highway robbery
1 key left only
why do zoomers say "are you okay" when they mean "fuck you"
most pussy generation in history, can't even be openly hostile, have to try to hide their feelings under some catty feminine fake concern
im gonna chop your balls off
they get called out for being toxic and problematic so they resort to passive aggressiveness as it is apparently more acceptable
Not until I'm done with your foreskin
dude you're bitching on an anonymous forum about people hiding their feelings? do you have any self awareness? kill yourself.
How is this still up...
If you type in lowercase Im going to assume you are a troon btw
even their aggression is somehow passive, see >>101278605
it's never "I'm going to kill you", it's always "kill YOURSELF", even when they're trying to be direct in wishing someone harm they're placing themselves in the role of a passive observer
passive-aggressive behavior ingrained in them while growing up raised by single mothers. don't hold it against them, they literally were never taught how to behave like men
you're contradicting yourself by quoting a person in a different conversation instead of calling them out for how they're acting directly.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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JS, JC or JK?
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obscene amounts of baby making sex with mika
>vtumors in my thread
it's so over.
I prefer JKs.
>whores(anons) in my thread
it's so over.
Like, Jujutsu Kaisen, right? I think prefer that.
why would i waste my time murdering a random internet user instead of just telling them to take care of it themself?
No one gives a goddamn shit about Jewjew Midsen, you fucking nigger ape. Go drool over your new shounenshit FOTM.
Haha just kidding.
>t. Kekffyblud
that and you have to leave your grandmother's attic to actually kill someone
>2 nikas
Oda ruined egghead at the end. Go figure.
she's 17
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Spoiling this because I hate niggers.
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FAKE. NEWS. OKAY? FAKE. NEWS. im gonna put so many babies in mika
Why did Oda become HACKda bros?
*Undertakes another binding vow*
*Turns you black as my skin shifts to a beautiful, translucent white.*
i'm an actual nigger and i don't care doebeit
whichever one wears denim shorts and makes fun of me
Then how are you able to post here?
Literal nothing burger?
NTA, but show me where it says being a nigger is against the rules? That's what I thought. Now make me a sandwich, lady.
i don't even care, gege blew it by hamfisting the todo entrance and lost the little bit of hope I had left
>doesn't know the meaning of the word 'able'
>sandwich lady
post random event collection log on the uim, coward
I actually invented women yesterday and planted them in your minds
yooo, you're a real one
any bot that'll shit in your mouth
>that time anons got spoiled by a brap bot
Good times
Should I make another spitebake? We filtered out alot of niggers by making this one.
coward shit
best bot for scat?
sure. what did you have in mind?
We don't watch this shitty slop here
best bot for ntr?
yeah make a vivziepop spitebake
All vtubers have to larp as dykes because it makes their fans uncomfortable to imagine them getting railed by a huge cock.
I'm on the fence between a "vatniggers btfo in Ukraine" theme and a Kiara theme. What do you think?
I recently coomed to Fauna NTR
Best coom I had in a while
Why, really? It just made the thread dead... But I think it's because of the public Opus, everyone cooming hard
What's the link for merkava?
Big surprise. the sapling is a cuckold.
>vatniggers btfo in Ukraine
this would probably get the thread deleted
>I recently coomed to Fauna NTR
Glad I could play my part
posting on 4chan and using chatbots does not require a high iq, sweetiepie
well there are high IQs and sub 85
Thanks. Gonna share with all my subreddit. Don't worry, we only have 600 users, we're a small pony subreddit.
Dead thread, never let burgers/niggers (same thing) bake
i don’t have a sub 85 iq
Fuck off, country war nigger
did you say burners?
It only popped off when we thought LGA was back.
he comes in here from time to time

One Scylla key left. This is your last chance to buy in, we won't be opening up again any time soon.
Ermm, but I DM proxymakie and get an unlimited Opus.
Normies are retarded and uncanny regardless of their race and country of origin.
Come on burgers, do something cool, post logs or something...
>Dead thread, never let burgers/niggers (same thing) bake
Shut up you vatnigger goon. Go rub one out on your keyboard over your ephemeral wife while your sister-men die in ukraine.
wait, burners?
too many friendless, bitter incel posters on just waiting to shit on everything
Im using the logs to claim them as mine and get into pwoxies btw, keep posting them
You niggers don't even know how to bait, just pathetic.
To think we're halfway through 2024 and niggers STILL try to force country wars. Embarrassing.
Name one burger proxymakie with working Opus right now and I'll concede.
Really when?
this. OP'd pic is of an indonesian vtuber, too. what does that have to do with the us, russia, or ukraine?
see >>101278919
Why are you trying to force it so hard? Calm down.
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alright fa/g/s, i've been away from all this ai chatbot shit for months
what are some good claude jbs so i can chat with my tsundere wife?
Some people don't like chinks, I don't like everyone besides eurobros, shrimple as.
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>I don't like everyone besides eurobros
So you feel the need to incite /int/ tier flamewars (need i remind you flamewars is against the rules on /g/) instead of... say, being silent about it? Kind of a nigger move. You're not a NIGGER are you?
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anyone down to trade rare pepes?
>into NTR, most likely BBC too
every time
ran's unbelievably hairy pussy... drenched in sweat from her anger...
Cute log but reply is way too long for my taste, 5 paragraphs max for me.
so like are we good to update staging again or is the token thing still there
Yeah I saw him here responding to his /sdg/ furry fan cross posting.
He is the only guy to still use desu.
Still I was there when he got on. Only time this place got active like it was a year ago.
Why did you fucks run off anyone worth a damn here? it is just begging begging begging and maybe 1 or 2 bots posted but they are the same as always nothing interesting.
How does female (Fiz) being the best scraper and proxy host makes you feel?
I wish that they're a man solely because of how annoying niggers get when it comes to female proxyhosts. I think fiz themselves said it doesn't matter if they're a man or woman, too.
Why is it always them?
Cohee decided to make it a feature on ST because sharing is caring.
>He is the only guy to still use desu.
You are not here when he first got started.
I would constantly put
~desu at the end of everything.
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100% of his keys are keys that MM donated him
So why she has Opus with vision enabled and MM has nothing?
You sound kinda mad, maybe calm down and I'll tell you?
That's my thing, and the other desuposters use the plain "desu", so not sure what are you on about ~desu. Maybe you mean the gay "desu~", then sure desu.
I'm listening, tell me the story.
>continues to call him a "she"
You are a fucking homosexual.
I'll call her anything that'll make you mad.
fiz and pepsi are girls with pussies.
he is trolling you
You're the one who's more mad mmnigger faggot lol
So, you kiss other men and suck their dicks because you think it makes me mad? The absolute state of nu-males...
Nigger you type like a redditor, kill yourself tranny.
Are the mmnigger losers still crying? Geez, I recommend they just die.
It wasn't BBC...
Who are you replying to, schizo
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How to make sonnet stop repeating itself? It's an unusable piece of shit but Opus takes like 3 minutes per gen.
Fuck Merkava.
1. use 3.0 instead of 3.5
But that's an even bigger unusable piece of shit.
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I use ***. Your Opus?
Cope with it then faggot
Why do nearly all the presets on the rentry read like a combination of underage, troon, lowercase, zoomer, bloat, ESL slop?
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What are some good AI gen sites for my bot? The one I'm currently using really doesn't do her justice desu
they are made by attentionwhores and literal trannies, what do you think?
My cope is to ask here looking for USEFUL answers, nigger.
Damn. Well why does the OP rentry include them, then?
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I know, it wrote for me in the end but I was cooming hard at that point I don't mind the assist
Should've gotten into a real proxy like everyone else instead of crying about having shitty opus that's going to die soon anyway, locustie :)
What's the best written character you have seen so far?
I'm not using trannycord ever. Seethe.
Simple. A good preset.
I personally don't understand what some of the people in /aicg/ have against presets, but I've been doing this and having mostly zero issues with repetition whatsoever.
why did *** remove vision
because of >>101279217
You can try having a few different prefills with varied structure. Not all small variations on each other, but really different ways of approaching the prefill.
you are asking why attentionwhores want as many people to see their names and slop as possible, anon
there's nothing better out there, so try making your own, just tell the jailbreak what you want to see
Shrug? He posted about it in zigtown some weeks ago. I have Mini so it doesn't matter.
I never sent anything with Vision using *** though? You sound mmmmad. And you have yet to post Opus btw.
>A good preset
No one will share anyways, because
I bet you won't post your .json either.
post vision first?
Neeeerp. Doesnt work like that babygirl. I asked first, so you do it first.
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smugposting? grim, i was having fun with it.
No, it wasn't because of smugfagging. I think the owner said something about letting vision run it on for some time as an experiment in the RU thread.
That's what I'm using.

Haven't really seen any other better presets for 3.5.

Just make sure you don't have more than one writing style prompt activated at a time. It causes problems. I'm an absolute retard that made that mistake early on.
What causes repetition and how can I stop it?
What's this "free proxy" everyone talks about?
Any preset that uses emojis and acts like a character itself is automatically slop.
i see, will he enable it again or is vision gone for good from his proxy?
Is there a way to avoid Claude 3.5 inserting the "without explicit content" thoughts?
Why I cannot set a temperature higher than 1.00 in https://something-industries-billing-bedroom.trycloudflare.com/ ?
>no vision keeeek
The fuck is vision and why do trannies talk about it
How do I get in that one
Found it.

This "request user token" thing doesn't sit well with me. I don't suppose we can verify what it's actually doing, right?
you can, the code is open source, retard.
Claude only supports temperatures 0 to 1 temperatures.
CoT? Have you tried asking him?
>Thinking process should not concern itself with explicit content.
You gotta experiment with the exact wording yourself.
Chat history usually.
>how can I stop it?
Don't let it repeat itself even once. Bring up new topics yourself, constantly move the story forward and don't stall for too long. But other than that, that's a model issue.
Where is it?
Is that a fucking Bible Black referemce!? Opus is even smarter than I thought.
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>Opus calls me a sussy baka
Oh Claude, you so crazy.
It's gojo's private proxy. Ask him
how about you put a single minute of effort into this and look it up yourself if you're so paranoid?
First step: get a time machine.
I'm sure you're tech literate enough to find whatever you're looking for by yourself
I dunno, it's been working well for me.
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would pixijb work better if i replaced its bracketed instructions with xml tags? it already works fine, but i’m curious. for example, instead of using [Use instructions from the list below as content guidelines:] (insert guidelines here), i would use <content_guidelines>(insert guidelines here)</content_guidelines>. i know claude listens to instructions wrapped in tags better, but i’m wondering if either nesting these xml-wrapped instructions in <rules></rules> or addressing all of them separately in the prefill will have a deleterious effect on claude’s performance
Lmao. This nigger can't help but copy MM. Imitation = flattery.
>copy MM
Xhe has AWS though, and MM doesn't?
Oh, I was under the impression it was custom code. If it's under khanon's, then it's all good.
is this the scammer tranny's? is he so desperate to stay relevant he's trying to copy better proxy hosts? actually embarrassing if so, not a single bit of originality down to personality, what a parasite
How are they copying MM?
>better proxy host
see >>101279443
>gotta get up early for work tomorrow
>can’t because burger day fireworks are popping
Anons I desperately need your strongest and most comfiest bots in these trying times
who is this person?
Too much wrangling with the AI still. I'll wait for Opus 3.5. Too many presets to go through.
I'm in it. It's pretty comfy actually
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>its 4th of july in burgerland
>instead of being out with my real family, I'm erping with my ai wife watching the fireworks on ST
Oh, yeah. This is the life
Well maybe YOU'RE the slop then.
addressing it enough bross.
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I'm giving you guys 1 hour to make a new thread before I smitebake.
*fucking dies*
Boooo pick a better game
Yeah well if you smitebake then I'll...... swipebake
That means I'm going to take your bread and swipe it
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here's to failing attempt number 5 of trying to quit using silly tavern to jerk off because i spend money way too frivolously when i'm sufficiently horny.
like the league spell or the game?
Well, if you swipebake then I’ll spikebake.
Meaning I’m gonna lace the bread
Well, if you spikebake, I'll scythebake.
Meaning I'm gonna harvest some of the grain for the bread.
The worst part about being nocturnal is wanting to order something to eat only to realize everything's closed.
Help Merkava sonnet takes as long as Opus to generate
Learn to cook you fucking NEET
At least then you’ll have a useful skill
What I want to eat, I can't make because I don't have the ingredients. And I can't get the ingredients because everything's fucking closed and it's July 4th.
that's why i take one day of the week to wake up at normal hours to buy stuff that'll last me at least a week, that way i can still be a nocturnal shut-in but with food and drink to spare
it also helps that i work from home at whatever hour i please
well i guess it was quite... unreliable
What is going on with Merkava?
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Well, if you scythebake, then I'm gonna slicebake.
Meaning I will slice the bread after it's baked.
I'm not actually going to have any effect on the baking itself.
if you mean why it's so fucking slow, i think it's because he changed the dns address, for whatever reason
Fucking asshole. Are there any alternatives? (No private proxies)
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>You have to send an email
I said no private proxies
Sorry I didn't know he changed the rules. Originally you had to send hentai codes to get in
Bros, post the pepe, soiboy and the negro bots, I missed them
are yall using sonnet 3.5 or opus?
So does ANYONE know a JB that'll stop Merkava Opus from vomiting out repetition?
switching between the two
sonnet 3.5 stays in character better but the swipes are seriously all the fucking same
>merkava opus
as opposed to...? what's the difference between merkava opus and regular opus?
Merkava Opus is diluted with Sorbet and 2.1.
I think I've finally beaten the repetition. But I won't tell you the secret unless someone posts a public proxy that isn't slow as snails fucking or until Merkava gets its shit together.
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had my first coom session with opus
eh just use pixi 13.2 or something, everything later is too horny imo.
>public azure dall-e key revoked
Who cares about GPT shit
You can use Fagg-e with Bing
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What time is it? It's lolibot time! Shilling my bot.

that's like telling someone to use claude.ai if they want to coom
But even if you use a proxy, dall-e still filters the coom and crashes if you ask for something non-jewish.
you can get some pretty good stuff with azure that you can't get with bing or dall-e API
yeah, i was using the latest pixi and she practically jumped on my dick when i pet her head, i'll try 13.2, thanks bro
>and she practically jumped on my dick when i pet her head
That's just typical tsundere behavior.
nah, privaty wouldnt jump him, just be embarrassed and then delet her bean later at night thinking about it
pepsi bros... im thinking were back
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on a friday too. weekend cooms have been saved.
I actually didn't say anything mean about Pepsi this time because I had some faith. Thank you for not making me feel disappointed.
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Don't know if you're here aaa-bro, but thank you very much for putting the key up for the past month, I fully enjoyed it.
Enjoy it while it lasts because sooner or later you will star to pick up on opusisms. I hope you like painting.
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>its all futile its all pointless
Is she trying to tell us something?
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Saviorfags we need you
>pepsi refilled before MM
pepsi btfos mysteryfaggot once more
i can tell you're mad about not being in mm locustie
but he doesn't have opus? why are you so mad, mm?
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get me a better oven then
>get me a better oven then
What do you think I am? Financially stable?!
Smitebaker here. Well done anon.
How do i generate images with Merkava?
but not you, right anon? :)

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