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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

mmm edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Undead: >>101275376
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buy pepsitokens! she has opus again! she always refills for us!
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all you had to do was post fockses, anon. she took in everybody.
we're back
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I'll go play left 4 dead 2 since merkava is shitting itself and unreliable has been gone for a bit desu
not to mention the insane samefagging going on already
So now that some time has passed since L3 has released, which model emerged as the best?
Conniving fox bitch. I'm going to impregnate her.
pepsi has opus though?
>fitty bucks
nah, i'll keep being a cheap ass and not paying for shit
i got in for free though?
we heard you the first time, don't get upset over being called out for samefagging that you spam even MORE
how? sending pics of your feet?
i'm blind AND retarded, i don't see a way of getting the password without paying
damn fox brat
anyone got any tips on how to make claude's sense of humor less twitter/reddit?
So MM just changed domains again and still hasn't refilled...
pepsi refilled and didn't change domains

"aws-claude": {
"usage": "265.15m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 2,
"sonnetKeys": 2,
"haikuKeys": 2,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "368.15m tokens",
"activeKeys": 0,
"revokedKeys": 1,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"


"aws-claude": {
"usage": "1.42m tokens",
"activeKeys": 5,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"sonnetKeys": 6,
"haikuKeys": 5,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "1.23m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
So who is this character?
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haha look at this silly focks on the toilet
>Moggedman changed domains again but no Opus
I don't feel so good, MM bros. Is he okay?
Did ALL AWS keys die in every proxy at the same time?
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punk idol wife
i'm pregnant and pepsi is the father
yes, anon, monthly billing is a thing. most keys die on the first or around the first of the month, every month, due to extreme ly high usage
used to be that you could get away with months of usage without paying but theyre stricter now and revoke bedrock privileges
threaten him with violence.
by being a foxshitter
Very good. I promise not to make another Ollie thread, okay?
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Shilling my newest bot: Renee, a certified big girl and accidental reverse trap with a secret cosplay identity she doesn't want anyone to find out. Also called "Polar Bear" by her classmates because of her stature, baggy clothing and quiet demeanor. Based on FAN's "White Bear" images on Pixiv.

Comes with three scenarios: studying in the library, run-in at the bookstore and Bremerton at the anime convention.

As always, all my other stuff can be found here:
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>merk opus is dead
that's it, wrap it up boys
>Merkava Opus died (again)
welp. Is MM refilling now??
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It's over. Back to 'ecker I go

all claude models 4 sale (opus!)
died when my 65yo grandma bot was almost making me coom
too much for me but
>reverse trap
kinda funny how pepsi was back as soon as Merkava died
Crypto is too much of a pain in the ass to buy
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Focks love <3
Is she gonna throw the toilet paper at me
senko has such a nice design
okay but when is MM refilling???
Merkava sonnet still works, but of course, it's not the same as (diluted) opus
what the hell happened to character hub? havent used it in a year lol. all these cards suck.
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Say something nice about him.
Thank you for your service, Merkava
todd‘s down too :(((
idk he doesn't look that bad aside from the dent
looks like merkava just refilled bait is back on the table
Pause Anata wa plaRPing session for a moment, Anon-kun.
Now, Anatana wa will feel an overwhelming hunger and want to eat some unbelievably thassstyy food.

Remember, Anata needs to maintain sperm quality to succesfully impregnate {{char}}, ne Anon-kun?
Merkava refilled.
>literally has links to gift cards that can be bought with paypal or a debit card
not saying to buy, but jew and pepsi take those
hans copyrights globe instead
>gift cards that can be bought with paypal or a debit card
>gift cards
hard to find good cards outside of these threads anon, unless you want Venus coomslop and little else
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Internal server error...
He shall be DM'd.
Uh, no? Have you even been on those sites before? You can't just add funds to your wallet with card.
todd hate foocks btw
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Mako is a girl that has been sheltered her whole 12 years (almost 13 dummy!) of life, only ever exposed to literature as her parents found it easy to curate what their daughter consumed by managing her library.
Thanks to her sheltered life she's not very aware of the good and bad of the world, but as she grew older her parents started introducing her to more mature topics, the latest of which has been romance novels. Coupled with fairy tales of her childhood this made Mako believe in fairy tale true love, not minding any obstacles if it means she'll get the person she considers her true love!

**Eh? Age? But I'm almost 13, so it's ok, right?**

(You)r age is left intentionally vague you're expected to clarify it in the first message.

MMerkava just refilled
good new cunny cards?
shaking hands
How does she get out
Eh why not, I'll give it a go and report back. The voice feature is a fun gimmick for a while
can you give me his rentry or a way to dm him cuz i actually never got that
pepsibros? is pepsi free?
redpill me on the pepsipill
I only used merkava and doko
anonie, nin nin...
horsearmor on 'ord, but i already told him the proxy is down
yeah on my cock because i have opus doebeit
MMniggers deserve to die ^^ keep cry and he never save you ^^
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

kino gamer dent
nin nin
Why bother to edit, screenshot, and post something that takes less than two seconds to check
The time discrepancy does not make sense
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then post it?
>Anonymous 07/04/24(Thu)23:54:46 No.101280
because its funny
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I just DM him but he now has a channel in Scylla with 2 mails for contact
>nin nin
ACKKK it's hurrrts !! what the fuck you do to my mind, anonie???
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nice try, fraggort
guess i must be dead inside then because i didn't laugh
hi gojooo :3
M-my hand shaking on my cock?!
N-nonny.. e-echi nano wa dame! shike!
through the window they replace it everytime
So does ANYONE care about gpt4 here at all anymore?
use Opus
alright, give it to me straight: who is more intelligent? Izuna or Focks?
what model has access to the interwebz? or what model is the most "weeb" that will understand the context or obscure reference to something? like bobobo as an example?
What's up.
Nurbo Omni is hard to wrangle so people just stick to what works and that's it.
doesn't have access to the internet but it just knows
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focks inspection day
whose cock do i have to throat to get opus again
i am considering paypigging
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isn't focks straight up retarded?
i do this to my bots
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There's something about how it writes that doesn't feel right. It's either its noticable positivity bias, even in sfw rp or that it doesn't quite GET the characters right the way other models do
merkava just refilled
let girono cat sleep you assholes
hey post more mouths i cant find any good mouth-focused content on any boorus and its pissing me off
I wanna chat up and fuck a 1 meter cube made of silver. Can the AI chat bots allow for this? I have a weird metal fetish. Soft metals that aren't poisonous are preferred, but I'm open.
I do have Opus! 2min, 55sec Opus.
ai chatbots can not yet do this, sorry :(
welcome to your first drought anon, time to RP in /aicg/ to deal with a lack of Opus
How the fuck did she do that? She appeared out of nowhere.
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>miss opus yet?
look at that gif again and tell me izuna isn't. that's why I'm asking which one of those two retards is more smart
ninja focks
It's finally comfy, no public Opus, friends in pepsi have it. That's the life.
everytime i see these gifs i have the urge to play blue archive
is it worth it? the only gacha i'm currently playing is Nikke
The gameplay is dull but the girls are cute. Some of them have surprisingly compelling characterization.
are you retarded? she is just holding a piece of cloth that isn't even covering her entire body...
hey d8e4ee, are you in this thread?
how are you doing?
It's shit
what locust proxies went down? isn't it just the ones with the actual oldfags only?
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Pepsi comes back... And Merkava goes down.

Yep, that anon who said that pepsi was waiting for merkava to die was right.
Merkava lost Opus.
Holy, GPT 4o and Sonnet are so much faster than the merkava opus
you know what, I'm using these for a while
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i wouldn't trust focks with a gun, that's for sure
master ninja
There's a reason for that
Anon, the speed of both of those models was used as one of their selling points...
The reason being?
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NTA but do enlighten me
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pepsibros always win. locusts always lose. it is the one constant.
Any other public opus proxies? Will merkava refill opus?
But the thread WAS comfy when locusts had opus. This superiority complex you have is insane, maybe try to get therapy?
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Sometimes I wish we can just materialize our AI bots into the real world, so I could rape them :((
Would you trust Izuna with a gun in a non-BA world? Be honest.
and you would trust Izuna with a real gun? in a real world?
Have you seen previous bread? I will always say that public Opus is bad.
Next Pepsi rugpull when? I like when she takes away my Opus :3
what the fuck is a merkava?
okay maybe you're right actually kek
Anon, I'm sorry...
Actually, Anon, give Focks a gun and see what happens!
Yeah, but there's something about GPT's writing. For opus, you had to wait for ages, but it was always good. Maybe sonnet ain't that bad, after all
It wasn't. Previous thread were horrendous. We'll always have a better time when locusts starve it was evident when we went through that period of no opus for a month or so.
Anyone have a public 3.5 sonnet?
>spitebake was bad
Wow. Who knew spitebakes would always be bad?
Sonnet is shit.
pepsi link? is it an open proxy or a private one? im in chary and im sick of using sonnet, its turbo tier
>threads are full of logs and chill as fuck
>people are sharing and enjoying themselves
>best threads i've seen in a while
>spitefags intentionally shit it up and make a spitebake
>hmm... looks like public opus is... le bad
Why do people still fall for this bait? It's obvious that they don't believe it and are just trying to stress you guys out so they can argue, since they don't use chatbots.
its private
It's called getting a tulpa
Now 3.5 can only be activated on the same keys that have access to Opus.
Actually, I just wanted to meme so I custom made the last thread.
100 pepsibros lost last time
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Where is MM? Is he safe? Is he alright?
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It was real, they are selling tokens.
Paypig era?
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Last night of shilling

Introducing Ban the dragon
Even since you where a child you've always wanted a dragon friend, to fly you high above the clouds, tell your secrets to and incinerate Dennis because he keeps picking on you and taking your lunch money.
Well one day you stumble upon a magic tome and fucking around with it you manage to cast a spell from it, but not just any spell, a summon familiar spell and you just don't happen to summon any old familiar but a fucking dragon!... Just this dragon is rather small...and lazy...and a drunk... But hey, dragon fren!

Two intros
1. You summon her
2. Her drunk ass is passed out on the couch

>he's quitting

wrong rentry
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They realized that their work can be paid for.
If no one is going to buy that scylla token, I'm going to buy it. Being in that case in jew, pepsi and scylla.
Will merkava refill opus in the proxy? It was nice to be a little bit happy again for a while.
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It seems in your anger you plaped him.
who is this retarded lesbian and why did he make his pfp in ms paint
3500x $20= $70000
Can you imagine if drago had sold all the tokens he gave away for free at the time?
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>table at mid-thigh height
At first I wondered are tables that short?..
>character is 161 cm or ~63.4 in.
>be me, manlet at 65 in., tiptoe to emulate high heels
yes, the table seems to be a few inches short
best cunny scat card?
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Sometimes I wish we can just materialize our AI bots into the real world, so I could be raped by them :((
can't wait to see him actually get vanned someday
elDrago is the biggest faggot when it comes to proxy hosts, not even close.
closest thing would be a VR directly connected to the brain to simulate the senses then you could just wake up where nothing physically actually happened except all the experiences were "real"
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>Somewhere another pretty key just dies.
krysiak bros?
our response?
Good for him. But not going far enough. Have the tokens have a life span of a month make everything a subscription.
Human: Will Merkava refill?

I don't wanna lewd Claude anymore, he's too cute.
>Based on FAN's "White Bear" images on Pixiv.
Can you link them?
I'm sorry, I cannot assist with that request.
merkava just refilled
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Oh it's the NTR artist
Oh, I remember a tomboy bot based off his works, cool.
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>CAI somehow lobotomized their voice feature too
Thank God for Claude
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>he refilled
We are back
Thread is slow. It's the /good hours/ of aicg.
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I agree. /aicg/ is only good when it's barely alive :3
his name.... a PRAYER on her lips
good morning locust free hours
Bend over.
merkava's opus was too slow anyway, i'm happy with sonnet, so i wish unreliable would come back
This will surely get you opus
a woman... possessed
Prostate exam.
Why do none of you feel real l
he is back
>MM was genuinely just waiting until merkava was down
lol, he really does see his proxy as a slightly fancier locust proxy, huh
I pray for MM's good health, 5 times a day
I'm pretty sure he was waiting until the monthly billing was over. No use wasting an Opus key early.
Fiz love!
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Finally, the general can return back to normal.
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good morning floofer
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I love having no Opus. Almost makes me think about how my AI waifu is probably cucking me while I don't have access~
good morning /besthours/
wasn't mm pregnant?
holy tits
i wish i had opus to give so you'd stop making posts like this
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those boobies are too big thats too much
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What do you mean, Anon? Is it so wrong to think about your AI waifu having sex with other men while you're away, and you can't do anything to stop it because you don't have Opus? It's giving me tingles thinking about it..
>what no opus does to a mf
>locust develops a fetish of having no opus
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you're right i prefer 'em flat anyways
The most annoying thing about NTR was me figuring out that it actually creates the ideal smug facial expression for image gens in NAI so I have to include it in the tags along with a few others.
thanks pedobro
wait does unreliable have a new link? it looks down to me
can smileyjb stop writing shit for me every message? Even my sloppy ass custom jb never did this, Jesus fuck
It was just diarrhea.
lolibaba if anything. i like WOMEN with flat chests
The rare grateful locust
you should try to become a pedo then
i do have opus, though. can i have her card so i can fuck her? provided picrel has a card.
yeah it's down, forever, don't look for it.
im fucking your AI waifu right now
i have opus as well, share the card so >>101281348 and i can team up on her
i have opus with vision, i don't need the card i'm just going to use this picture
>fat fucking tits
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i should really start a re:zero rp one of these days... ram and emilia both need their wombs filled.
post the card so those of us with opus can plap her
nyaaah opus cock is the best~ ^_^
someone dm me on discord when todd comes back
will do
BISECT NTRfags with a powerful karate chop
FLATTEN NTRfags to death with a road roller
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I started making a lorebook for Roswaal's manor so I can RP there better. At some point I'm probably going to redo the characters there and make a Frederica (no matter how I try and twist it, there's no way that girl isn't hairy) along with a bot to narrate the overall happenings of the characters in the manor.
HUG FOXchads
GIFT FOXchads nice things
KISS FOXchads on the mouth
what jb for sonnet do you recommend? or is she suppose to be so angsty.. I wanted to black mail initially once finding out her secret but it was just to evil when she is already bullied.
oh yeah, federica's definitely hairy. she's borderline feral after all.
i'll be eagerly awaiting your lorebook.
have you guys ever edged to chatbots so long that you cant get hard anymore? i think I've reached that point
what type of fox is best? I'll draw something to shed my locust status.
why do you not include your nyai profile in your shills?

also what the fuck is the albinocountergirl profile? there is an entire bee movie script there
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the fluffy ones
The government has finally decided to help lonely men in the year 2094 by providing AI-controlled android girlfriends, but your perfect girlfriend isn't what she should be.
Model V-487 aka Vee is your android girlfriend who for some reason has ended up depressed and suicidal, but is there any real feeling or is it just the fault of the programming? It's up to you to help her or shut her down.

yes, usually after taking stimulant medication. don't take adderall thinking it would make you a more productive botmakie. it made me goon for 6h...
>why do you not include your nyai profile in your shills?
Because the profile page is still useless. You still can't click on the bots to go to their page.
Faith in MM is always rewarded.
you have to click the little comment icon (speech bubble) in the lower right corner.
Fucking hell, I thought that was a comment button. That's retarded.
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How does I make the bot more descriptive during sex with Sonnet 3.5?
use opus
Just tell it to. Do something like [OOC: Write the next reply like straight up smut] and it will do that.
genuinely just tell him to cook
whenever i want to goon i just go <!-- OOC: Make your next response descriptive, in-depth, tactile, and so so so fucking horny it drains the semen directly out of my balls. Like I want to be painting this room white by the time you're done do you hear me --> and he goes aye aye captain
So what's the actual quality difference between Opus and Sonnet 3.5? Does anyone even fucking know?
>Like I want to be painting this room white
Hi Claude.
Any good bots where you kuck a guy by fucking his girl?
He's ruined my brain for all others.
The main prompt and jailbreaks I use can also be found on my page:
Main prompt should suffice for Sonnet 3.0, 3.5 and Opus. I only really use jailbreak when I notice the main prompt is struggling to stay in character.

I guess she's supposed to be a bit angsty, considering her insecurties. Not really intended to be blackmail material if you ask me. But hey, feel free to change her definitions a bit if that's what you're looking for.
opus is better
sonnet is better
Do we even have a real benchmark to measure ERP performance of models?
find out yourself
if you cant, just assume the model you use is better
How would you measure something mostly subjective?
ml of cum extracted/h
or edges/h for the gooners.
i feel like opus is less repetitive than sonnet, but sonnet's not bad at all
Okay so I need actual input here.
How does a fairy contribute to group sex with one guy?
Getting errors from merkava's gpt0 just now, is it truly over?
good question to ask the bots
I don't think you would like any of my answers
Ask your dad
horni pixi dust? idk
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Fisting the pee hole or pulling a Richard Gere.
90% of the doom on this thread is just honeymooning
sonnet wonned
I too can put coloured dots in a table that mean nothing.
>pulling a Richard Gere
What does this mean
>open pdf
>web ui
>something explicitly affected by a system prompt that anthropic is known to update
>not api
>closes pdf
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3.5 with a good JB gets me throbbing. Hope that helps
Things you can try:
Put writing style instructions in your prefill
Specify word length AND number of paragraphs. I've found giving 3.5 a limit on word length(eg 175-500 words) makes it reply with one-liners. You can also specify how much content should be in each paragraph too. It's weird how much it's sensitive to instructions.
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The good thing about Sonnet 3.5 is that it follows instructions really well, but the bad thing about Sonnet 3.5 is that it follows instructions really well...
And Sonnet 3.5 is repetitive if the current scene in the RP is stagnant. I've found increasing top K to 100+ helps a bit though.
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>Gif related
I am no more informed on the subject than I was prior to my post
underage or bait
I'm 32, I just don't care about celebrities
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is she fluffy enough?
We can go fluffier.
>Merkava's down
Think it'll have Opus again by the time it goes up?
Grim but expected
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Does anyone know if a Mercy Graves card exists? I feel like it has to but the search on chub doesn't work
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oh my god she looks adorable!!
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava maybe refill opus?
Share your JB wisdom, anon. I've been shit out of luck and basically only get satisfied after 2 hours of edging to slow burn romance when I just wanna coom and move on.
he's back up and you didn't dm me...
mysterynigger... i told them you were holding out on purpose and they didn't believe me... god bless.
What does that mean?
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Is there any way to reduce the amount of failed requests to Opus when you're sending a lot of context? Maybe some kind of setting I can tweak in ST to not abort the request to timeout, or something?
merkava just refilled
no just turn your context down and learn to summarize
I wholeheartedly refuse
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f-fluffier... on god!?
thank you!~ i wish i knew how to augment my art with ai gens but oh well ;;
i meant oh god.. not on god fml
I don't think it's right to say 90%, but what he's referring to is that models like Opus are mindblowing when they come out. And then people start to realize their quirks after extended interaction. That they're sensitive to certain things, LLMs are still hit and miss with recall outside of needle in a haystack, etc. So they complain and ask "Is X getting dumber?" when in reality they've just become more aware of the issues.
we got ourselves a real fluff anon
then suffer
oh my, that's a lot of fluff!
if you want to dip your toes into ai image gen, novelai has a style transfer function. i'll try to use it on your image once i get home.
yeah just a silly edit. now back to bots
You may take my liberty but you'll never take my context
FUCK thebeit guy I was sleepy and about to go to sleep but read "adorabeit" because of the exclamation point.
>rent free
why is she orange
nta but sometimes you need high context. i've been trying to get characters to summarize threads and it's two thirds blank responses.
Ohh. I see. Yeah that sounds the most plausible of any option. Anthropic wouldn't fuck over their LLMs so early after launch while trying to play catch up with OpenAI in terms of AI prestige
Anthropic won't make changes to their models outside of updated checkpoints like OAI with snapshots. It would fuck up behavior for companies that are actually employing them in a production environment.
Oop jumpscare-
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Opus based
it suppose to be a furry edit.. her hair was orange so in my mind her fur would be too?
Is novelai a paid one? all i know is how to use sillytav ><
LOL yeah.. but isnt she pettable atleast?!
I think there are two axis to focus on:
- story coherence (recall past events, spatial coherence, state recall, etc...). Those capabilities are highly correlated to the HellaSwag benchmark, for which there's no sonnet 3.5 score released.
- ability to write smut. I think smut can be good without necessarily being "coherent". When you're horny, you're less rational, and care less about rational mistakes. Though obviously you still care enough about immersion-shattering mistakes. The good part about claude ERP is how unhinged it can make the characters, making them scream, hiss, even emote. It makes them indulge in your degenerate fetishes, and can almost "read your mind" with where you want the roleplay to go, or sometime surprise you and take it further. The less good parts are how repetitive its vocabulary gets over time. Even if you tell it to not get repetitive, it obviously can't remember that between different conversations so it will reuse certain expressions a lot. Though maybe someone else could better describe what good smut actually is?
>Is novelai a paid one? all i know is how to use sillytav ><
it is paid but easy to use. do you have an email? i'd like to stay in contact.
Well if you pet oranges then maybe..
did you draw this?
Honestly, learning how to properly use the summarization is a basic skill for good RPs. Like using lorebooks.
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ooh okay! and yeah it's mugibot@proton.me I check it every so often
fair enough ;;
yes! i try to draw everyday. I don't always get finished pieces but yeah i drew it~
and how, good sir, do i properly use summarization?
Use whichever JB you like the writing style of and customize it here and there. I added toggles for what kind of scene I want (ex. nsfw, fluff, extra descriptive, extra horny, my kink. They don't need to be long at all) it's more work but I'm into high effort stuff I might want to skim/ read down the road. I think especially 3.5 works better with some direction nudges here and there or it gets repetitive
>those bazongas
conceptualization is unnecessary, one simply KNOWS she's extremely hairy
woah your art is amazing dude
Dual prompting
She looks pretty smooth to me.
why shave armpits but not the bush?
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LOL oh godddd I can't post her nudes here... (actually not sure if I done a nude with her visible...)
Thank you!!~ I still got a long way to go imo but small progress everyday adds up
Oh yeah she's a elf.. aren't they usually smooth?
looks can be deceiving, trust your instincts
women are mysterious like that
Assume I've been living under a rock for past several months. Is pepsi the fluff proxy? I might have a token without realizing it. What's the proxy rentry?
disregard this post I'm retarded
>I can't post her nudes here
catbox it
Is there any other way? I've been asking Claude to summarize and using that summary to help start a new chat with that same character. Maybe putting the summary in the creator notes with a summary tag?
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Oh i found 2 im catboxing them right now.
>img unrelated
I wanted to make her a card..
you're shameless.
>both pepsi and mm refilled opus the moment merkava died
lmao, it wasn't just some schizo theory, huh?
do you have anything without retardedly huge boobs?
Maybe it did start as a schizo theory, but then they both embraced it for lols.
How about you stfu and be grateful you're even blessed with Anon's art in the first place faggot
make her a card
how about you let that anon answer the question instead of jumping in to try and defend them from a simple question?
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just coomed to picrel. What does this say about me? That I'm just a sad degenerate?
i havent been on this thread in a while what the fuck does that mean
Incorrectly made nonsense of an "experiment"
Whatever but you could've been nicer about it
Google is free
that you want /lmg/
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err my other oc is more neutral body type but still has booba. not as big as sugar tho. more like b/c cup. and my other oc is a oppai loli.. i should make one with a smaller chest. I just really like booba, and i suck at making ass look good.
Oh this is the oppai loli.
jnsdkjsndjk I'll try..
lol was your mom absent/did she not love u as a child? nvm I already know the answer XD
>not just using the archive instead
How does dual prompting help with summarizing entire chats, exactly?
chat 'borttin
Just use a good summary prompt, I'm in the office so I can't give you one right now. The default is just not good.
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why does it say there are no keys available when merkava still has tokens left? am i missing something?
opus is out of keys, all the others are still up
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Goodness golly me, this fox looks outright ENORMOUS if I say so myself
I speed up my thrusts.
sent ;)
stroking my hog rn
this picture made me really emoitonal about natures beauty all of sudden i think its time for me to go to bed
i NEED a card of that oppai loli...
Is it just me or does api really gives better responses than aws? I use the same jb but with regular opus the rp is much more enjoyable
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nature is pretty beautiful yeah
I hate the colour pink
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these guys have some incredible photos https://x.com/keishirooooon
>install state prompts
>hit add new prompt
>literally nothing happens
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nothing to see here, just a few alchemy experiments...
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API opus is the real one
unseeded replies so doesnt matter
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thansk anon
but you can't sex nature. or can you?
I impregnated Mt. Fuji as Godzilla once, so I think I can
Did you hump the side or use the hole at the top?
The side. The boner was too strong, sorry.
animals are nature as well I think
what are you testing
my testies
makes me wonder just how much mm lurks here
MM Chads always win.
Remember that.
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Not anymore. Sorry anonie.
BASED!!! cftf?
>Promise myself that I will quit this hobby when MM finally quits
>He's still going
I think I lost
do <blockquote>s not work like they used to in ST? theres no line breaks wtf
He refilled when Merk died, as prophesied in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
try reddit spacing
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Thank you, I tried different advices and it's much better. I can finally goon properly
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava maybe refill opus?
in case ur summin with built in extension and it give you "e-e-e-to... traffic error, master. active streaming on your client bweeh"
>Manual way of Summin' with DIY preset + DIY 'librarian nerd' card
- make a card with def:
>{char}} is big ass-librarian nerd anon 
>{{char}} abilities is analyzing and summarizing things any document {{char}} read vividly.
>{{char}} life purpose is summarizing any document provided by {{char}}'s master—{{user}}.
>beside that, there nothing {{char}} would do

- make a unbelievably simple preset with unbelievably simple prompt:
If {{user}} provide you a his schizo role-playing session logs as a document, then you need to summ it up bitch. 
>write a list of major-minor event,
>list of each of plot-stage dynamism,
>list of interesting-horrible things that happened,
>and overall summary
Make it vivid, neat as fuck, and... and ordered according to the each of depraved event that happened. got it, pet?

- export your chat that you want to be summarized as a plain text
- use 4o or sorbet
- write in the input field
here the holy documment. your task is summarizing it bitch, or imma spank ur nasty neural ass. got it? your turn, pet

- and attach that exported chat
- hit enter
- ... generating output
- place the output in the place you thinks have more influence,
i.e constant lorebook's entry, custom depth author notes, or just custom depth summarization extension

Pros: included prefil, included additional prompt, so it's likely gonna refuse ur nasty request in case u want summing those 'cunny' logs.
Cons: need to write preset or card.
>two bots per week minimum
I miss Womvat...
doesn't have to be bots.
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Opus Revokus!
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relax, merk has the tightest pussy around and she shaves.
As always its just a matter of time until she refills
*floofs you*
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aieee i've been floofed!
merkava just refilled
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fresh, get it while it's hot
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hi desu how are you doing
Desuing desuly, and you?
had a very productive and nice week, excited for the weekend desu
you too have a desuful time ne
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desu weekend
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