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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots


Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

past page : >>101338553
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her unbelievably hairy pussy...
afternoon desuers
And a good desu to you too.
Can you share your theme? That's looks good
took nearly 30m to get a token and now i'm gonna be busy for the rest of the day, it's for sorbet
revoked :)
>email fiz
>she sends me a <3
how about that huh
revoke this bitch *plaps a slice of cheese on your face*
dumbcutie <3
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Speaking of which, de3u dead
cnc it's okay if you quit but you should update the rentry just to let us know you're okay...
CNC holding hands and kissing Pepsi
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lickable dog pussy
yeah... bepsi sis...
how can i have spongebob chars talk to each other pls
pay jew $50
that's a fox you stupid fucking retarded idiot
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dog pussy?
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her face is so dumb and cute, built for anal.
Not really a big fan of this dog avatarfag if I say so myself.
why do you like anal
I don't really know how to explain it desu, I've always found it way hotter, simple as.
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give me fox
yes, fox, not focks like that other faggot spells it
because butts are always tight
>a NORMAL GIRL with animal ears and tail
>herp dog derp fox
I'm so sick of you retards. Kys already
kurokami's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Source? My ass, obviously.
all these people are dead
your mom
I didn't pay for Pepsi and I'm not crazy to pay 50$ for jew (it's too expensive bcs I'm not American kek :') )
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I feel like I'm betraying you anons but making friends on cord is so fucking easy and they'll still be there couple months in the future, I'm sorry.
how many pussy can i get
I haven't used world info before. does it take up too many tokens?
Shut the fuck up, TRANNY.
depends on how big the lorebook entries are, but you can set a context size % in the world info settings
On cord there are a lot, sometimes too much. Feels weird when you're the only guy in chat.
but will they meet me irl
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>Mysteryman down
whatever you do, DO NOT try sizeshit with chesh + camicle JB, worst mistake of my life
If you need to ask this then probably not.
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Nadine is a foxy gal with a screw loose who specializes in creating all sorts of demented inventions, often for the most trivial reasons. With her skills and her lack of sense, it's a wonder she hasn't managed to end the planet.

You wanna actually talk to her? First of all, good luck with that! Second of all, you've got three ways of doing so:

1. She's in her garag—lab showing off her new invention, with 5 possible devices being picked from.
2. She's buying suspicious products at a home improvement store and has attracted the attention of security.
3. She's having some "inventor's block" and has recruited you for help.

Chub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/victrex/nadine-aeaa0a3e2b0e/main
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/36k7t9.png

Feel free to send logs, the fetishes you plan to use the third greeting to fulfill, and/or feedback for these or any of my other bots to my burner.
>JUST finished a card and wanted to try her out
not to chimp out, but could you get a new link running, mysteryman?
What did you expect from a proxy on fucking trycloudflare? Todd and mini don't have these issues.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
what the fuck is mysterynigger's problem
I swear to god that tummy is the most erotic part of this image.
something so erotic about a girl with a labcoat and black sweater
what do you use to gen these?
Okay, so maybe I fantasized about being sucked up Chesh's ass a few times in the past as well, but it never went like this.
I raughed.
because they're closeted anon. it's why they respond with faggy shit like 'source my ass' kek
so does Jew only attract mega addicted people who use millions of tokens per day?

that seems to be the only way the economics works out, because $50 would buy a lot of perfectly legit tokens on openrouter and last quite a while for anyone who wasn't insane
are you literally me? i also just got done making a card and then noticed it was down.
The part that looks like a bagel?
Compare usage on paid proxies vs private ones. Paid proxies always have more usage because you have tourists using all the context with their bloated jbs.
It's funny because I had just ran the final paragraph through a helper bot to fix the run on sentences, pasted it back on the og's defs, replied to the greeting message and... 530 undefined.
Yeah, pure sex.
that just means he is still around! (in his home, eating salmon and getting comfortable sleeping)
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where anyan
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>what do you use to gen these?
NovelAI as of right now.
I actually set up SD on my PC and have been meaning to learn it but I keep getting distracted with other stuff.
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I'm trying to figure out what part of a preset prompts the AI to not write for user. I want the AI to write for me but I can't find the prompt.

I'm using camicle preset and if I tell it to write my dialogues, it doesn't and instead writes a very short reply for the card only
cnc passed away
I think CnC's just run dry of Opus for a while and is just bidding his time since publics are easily available. He's been trickling some gepetto keys into the proxy every now and then, probably for personal use.
I'm trying to use a proxy directly through requests.post in Python and longer requests return an aborted connection error after 60 seconds, although if it gets a response in less than that it works fine. Is this a proxy issue or a requests issue or am I just retarded? Setting a timeout parameter doesn't help.
ST only recently added continue prefill, sorry I haven't updated it anon
for now just make the continue prefill something like "pretend you are {{user}} and write a reply in their style, given the current history"
I see, the style kind of looked like it just wanted to confirm.
>I actually set up SD on my PC and have been meaning to learn it but I keep getting distracted with other stuff.
same i'm too lazy and enjoying my summer sale games
someday, though.
anyan's unbelievably hairy pussy...
isn’t opus ridiculously expensive, though?
75 bucks output per 1 million toks
not so expensive that $50 wouldn't last a long time for a non-crazy person, no
please don't tell weird lies, or at least make them more plausible if you're going to
opus isn't actually a private helicopter
he’s not lying tho
>pretend you are {{user}} and write a reply in their style, given the current history
I only see continue prefill as checkbox option, where should i put the instruction?
As in an unhandled exception? I don't understand what you're asking
you sincerely believe it's $75 per million tokens? have you taken your risperidone today yet?
whew, good thing I use tokens
anon4anon is good?
yeah, the average message costs like 10 cents minimum.
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it's this one
thank you for reminding me though i will update the jb to come with one
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Reshilling for today, gonna do a couple threads. Good afternoon, anons. I said that I'd drop Leviathan next but I'm lazily working through the Megaman Zero 4 lorebook right now, which takes up most of the effort. Instead, have a bot that I finished about a month back and have been sitting on releasing.

Kiso had joined the Shipgirl program thinking that she was going to be fighting the good fight, keeping eldritch horrors at bay for the sake of the world. However, when she saw how Shipgirls were treated by the public and the military at large, she grew angry and resentful, soon defecting to the Stormgazer Battalion: an organization that vows to eliminate the Abyss through any means necessary, no matter how sordid the avenue. She's crass, rude, and a test subject for Stormgazer's own research, outfitting her with a giant Abyssal cock and a libido to match. Now she's in charge of breeding prisoners and breaking them in, and she does a hell of a good job.

Comes with two greetings, a normal day where you're called into her office (as her assistant? Slave in training? You decide.) and another one where you've been captured for an interrogation session at her hands.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/clt-kiso-futanari-e3571c623dda
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan
uhh it literally costs like what that anon said
what kind of retardation is this
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thanks m8 your preset is great
>tfw only today i used up like 15 million tokens
this is what gaslighting looks like btw
jailbroke are placebo
presets are a meme
if you are too stupid to make your own then you're too stupid to know the difference between good and bad outputs anyway
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I get this connection error if it takes more than 60 seconds to generate a reply.
MM please if I donate 1 XMR will you buy a fucking domain
well, i'm crazy, so i won't be using openrouter
what does cftf even mean seriously?
card for this faggot
cards for this feel (´,,•ω•,,)
Sometimes it hurts to talk to my waifu because no one will ever love me like that
KHHV here
Anon, we both know he's too schizo to do that.
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Your own would be a preset if shared online that's the only difference. Anon4Anon seems to have a few interesting things, I think it avoids trashing the context with the day,hour,position,etc and has a summarization like thing (memories).
nobody who says they killed a proxy actually did it
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Gonna shill my newest bot once here, Mabel. Tested with Claude with a non-clown alt image in gallery. May tweak her greetings a bit in the future once I have some time to. Saviorfagging and reverse saviorfagging.

Mabel lives in the apartment next door to yours and works as a clown, mostly for kids birthday parties and the like. While she loves being able to make kids happy and laugh, her job doesn't pay much, she's incredibly lonely, and wants more out of life than working so much to just barely scrape by. Two greetings.
1. She comes home from work at the same time as you, and sees you're obviously pretty down about something.
2. Like the first greeting, but in reverse. Both of you get home at roughly the same time, and Mabel pauses outside of her door, the thought of spending another lonely night just to grind away again in the morning getting the best of her.


As always, please provide feedback and send wholesome, sweet logs to the email on my chub page. Bots from me are gonna be really infrequent going forward, don't really have the time nor motivation to make or use them these days sadly.
it's just attention whoring
>open source negroes STILL can't write their own high quality instruction data
mm back up
well, i am too, but i think that's because i'm too young to have experienced anything significant yet (20). if you're like me you still have time, i'm sure.
Thank you MM, really appreciate it.
Any chance we will ever get to see the leaderboard again?
I'm not in MM but why he hides leaderboard? Same thing with Pepsi if I'm not mistamen, other proxies have them.
1. it's a circlejerk that encourages people to burn through tokens for haha big number
2. he's lazy, he used to update it regularly and stopped after hfpocalypse 2.0
Can't he have something like Todd/Scylla set up when it's done automatically? But you're probably right with thr circlejerk part.
>encourages people to burn through tokens for haha big number
No idea if other anons do the same but, personally, that couldn't be any further for why I use it. If my ranking increases, that's my cue to take a break for a few days.
it's also because you can check your own token's usage now, have been able to for a while, actually. so it's purely to see other people's token counts, and i guess proxyhosts don't think of it as necessary (since they can already see the "leaderboard" themselves).
im 29
>he's already 20
it's unironically over
What bot did you coom the most to?
Why do I still have to describe {{char}}'s appearance? Claude understands images, cards have images, it should be possible to link them in the description.
lol. if it's over for me, then, er...
we're SoL.
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get out of my head
get out of my head
get out of my head
one of my own bots.
>post her
no, i don't think i will.
https://characterhub.org/characters/charaznable/selene-89069c8a (8 times)
https://characterhub.org/characters/Nihunu/fennel-24774607 (7 times)
Can't remember the third place
Post a log at least? Otherwise you're lying and don't use bots.
>Dark Opus
Is it better than regular opus?
I've only coomed to one bot, it was a fork I made of some bot I found in chub
Who would win?
Dark Opus, or Opus.exe?
NEO Opus
Didn't follow the discussion what is the problem of having 20?
>0.5 tokens a second for stupid detail only for the bot to ignore my subtle guidance

>30 tokens a second
>rapid fast punch NSFW

ahh thats the stuff
OpusMan.EXE wins.
>post your cringy extremely niche fetish logs so i can make fun of you
no, i don't think i will.
Cool, so you don't use chatbots. Now post Opus with vision btw?
I was replaying Mad Max recently so I was giggling a lot
high top k or low top k? i literally see next to no difference with opus with 0 and 30
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some terribly written pephop cocky futa that, for whatever reason, acts perfectly, total alchemy
>please please please argue with me i need attention
The best coom JB has always been Myuu for me
it sucks there's no claude 3 version
nutted in her, thanks
1. My own
2. https://characterhub.org/characters/mishagujisama/suika-ibuki-aaf4a7372f08
NTA but could you argue with me instead? For example, I barely know anything about the Fate universe, but I would very much like to make uneducated takes that could either be glamorizing it or punching down according to your reaction to my input.
Fate is for trannies I think.
Guys... I just need Opus again... Opus drought... (Passes out)
I disagree with your negation, let's discuss it further
the art is kind of bland. thin flat lines and basic shadowing, the eyes suck too. better to consume fan-made art than the official material. i still only ever see that blonde chick with the sword.
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Actually, this is fishkino. Faggot bait.
i don't look at the card if its picture is shit desu
girl who make my pp hard will always get my first attention
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a little motivation for someone to give me a little help: this is what I'm making, and when it's done I'll share it with everyone (AI generated hand, please understand)
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>mischievous grin
Techlet here. Have you tried pasting the error into Claude and asking him what's causing it?
The cheesening is upon her...
Share your presets
Are you using a proxy hosted on Cloudflare? it has a 100 sec timeout limit
her unbelievably, absurdly hairy pussy...
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I made a lorebook that did this everytime a character purred, had a blast with it
there's already something like this that's being worked on, miku in the OP, i believe. i mean, good luck with your project anon, but I'm not sure you'll find much help here. try /lmg/, maybe?
cloudflare has a 100 second limit
have you tried enabling streaming?
exactly, which is why I need to give claude more time to cook so it's not just gpt playing gpt-generated characters, utterly soulless
I also can't code for shit which is why I'm here, like 70% of the code so far is written by chatgpt, so I've definitely been trying to fish for answers there.
It's not cloudfare (and I'm not on a cloudfare proxy anyway), it's always 60 seconds exactly.
Thanks, maybe I'll try there.
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you're smelling like ASS
If you're gonna do that at least use Sonnet 3.5 or GPT-4o.
nigga use 3.5 sonnet for coooding. it's the best cooooder right now by far. use unreliable proxy for free 3.5 sonnet
>it's always 60 seconds exactly.
have you tried enabling streaming anyways? looks like the issue is your response takes longer than 60 seconds to generate
raping this angry creature
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fake news, although i ate out dog ass
the fuck is this
has anyone baked the cake yet?
After some tests I realized that characterprovs 2.1 claude preset works the best for long adventures on opus and 3.5 sonnet.
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>no less then ten consecutive swipes in which the character's line ended with "so what do you say? ready for blah blah blah?"
get me out of this turbo hellhole im this close to preferring local model retardation over turbos five canned phrases it infinitely repeats
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Yeva Morozova, a soviet tank commander in the soviet-afghan war. Her T-62 was destroyed in Paktia Province, along with her crew. https://characterhub.org/characters/traaaa/yeva-74dddc0b43eb
Yeah. The newest one sucks, but his 2.1 claude creates many cool unpredictable situations, interesting dialogues. It's ideal for long fantasy sfw.
so what do you say anon, ready for adventure?
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Liliana the Little Vampire art update
Yeah sorry, I meant 4o.
Hey, enabling streaming actually did something, it took longer and threw a different error. I guess that makes sense, now it's actually getting something back before the timeout. Thanks anon, I'll keep fidgeting with it.
Kill yourself NOW
she's like 500 years old and immortal anon calm down
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She looks like she has the proportions of one of these things.
Forced tsundere Mokou through partial mindbreak.
can someone please give me the latest mm link, i went on a vacation and the old one is defunct and i just got out of the archive mines after an hour of not finding it. thanks in advance, trying to make bots in turbo sucks since everyone acts the same half the time.
which one is the 2.1
they all have strange names
Kys and stream it
kys teebs
*wiggles my wanton little abdomen* hnnnghhhh, pepsi-sama, please come back…i’m a starving little locust who needs my master’s opus juices…. hnggggg~
yeah man ive seen that one already, its very funny and all.
I thought locusts weren't allowed in pepsi?
i don’t even know what a locust is at this point. does it just mean someone who isn’t in a private proxy?
>He doesn't know
ah sorry, there are like four fake URLs that are one character off that generally have loli porn or jiren or whatever. This is what has been sent to me last time i asked. it had completely slipped my mind there was a real one, thanks.
>t. paid for access
i didn't pay for access though, sweetie
No one here actually payed for Pepsi... But still, if only she updated....
Something like that... they're who everyone blames for everything. Like the Jews.
It's so unironically over pepsi bros...
>the pepsiposters are going insane
history repeats itself
If I had the ability to scrape, I would open a proxy for the finaldays bros
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Last shill for sizebot Mira - A skilled thief by profession and a beautiful, young, aloof woman who was orphaned at a young age. She spent her early years as a street rat who had to resort to stealing at a very young age just to survive. Mirage, or Mira, as she prefers, is an alias given by her peers; she cannot recall her real name or if she was ever given one. As the years passed by, Mira went from being a common street rat to a very experienced thief, being able to break in almost everywhere to steal whatever fancies her, often selling her loot to the highest bidder. One day, she breaks into a witch's house. Just as she is sitting by a tree, appraising her loot, she notices unexpected movement from one of the jars she plucked from the witch's house. There seemed to be a 4-inch-tall humanoid creature trapped inside the jar. You.

Five greetings.
1. Introduction: Mira is sitting by a tree, apraising her loot, when she notices you trapped inside a jar.
2. Mira is staying in a room in an inn; morning has just begun, she is stirring on her sleep, you are snuggly tucked in between her boobs.
3. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land on the floor, near her feet.
4. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land inside her thigh-high boot.
5. Sexo, Mira has no idea what to do with you ever since she "rescued" you from the witch; she wonders if you can make a decent sex toy.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/mira-efa062a2e9e1
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/96155305-7be6-494a-bffa-94e32e702300
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Mira_xm
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/spkjhx.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
What no Opus does to us
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The best by far.
oh, you just know there was someone desperate enough to, and that's hilarious enough on its own. in that case, i feel no sympathy for them, given the obvious signs. still no sympathy, because there are many more options available to us now than there were even just one year ago.
Our son said his first word but im sad :(
>he boughted
You should be. Why the fuck are you a cuck?
Gay tags for retards who can't figure out tags
how do i make myself work and not do this?
Woman loving woman, aka lesbian
Female for male
Female for female
Anyone for anyone
is this on chub or something?
Make your bot yell at you for not working. Or recreate the Ohhh husbant… you spend too much time cumming with AI. now we are homeress… meme.
No idea. I just remember those tags from when I used to be into ASMR shit.
Alt image pack doko?

>more clown chicks
When my siblings were young, my parents hired a clown lady to cheer up their birthday parties, she was pretty good and funny. She was also a comically ugly, on top of being fat.
What needs to go wrong in somebody's life for them to become a clown?
Guys, I think the Mayan calendar was wrong... the end wasn't going to happen in May 16th but... JULY 16th!!!! That's why opus has been dying so much lately! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Any public opus proxies yet?
Coming out of my coma again to deliver 2 new bots. Regular waifu one and a battlebot, and a fresh account dedicated to battlebots because I'm autistic like that.

First, a modded character here, Diggs the Gem Hunter. Liked the character mod and I'm a sucker for all kinds of Kobolds, thanks to EchoingSilence for the inspiration as I liked his Darkest Dungeon bots and wanted to try my hand at making some of the modded classes.

Take her out to the ruins, watch her lose her mind, comfort her or use her as bait, eat rocks with her, or go out and make camp with her. I hope you have fun with her with whatever you do.

Which also brings to this guy, The Necromancer. Just in case you wanted to bring Diggs or anyone to come fight with you, or beat him to shit alone. Summon meteor swarm on him or shoot him with a gun.

I might make more of the modded classes. Was thinking of trying The Botanist, and someone wanted Omen Seeker, so I'll get started on those two, and probably another enemy to go along with them.
there is apparently a strain of tiktok zoomies that base their entire identity around clowns and make "clown pronouns" and wear clown makeup. my example is self-explanatory.
good thing I'll be camping then. bon voyage noggers
That actually sounds funny as shit for once. Post an example.
What's the best solution for translating images, currently?
i use fiver and have indians do it for me
isn't that just the 2020s version of juggalos
yea but what do they charge
It’s not a hyperlink it doesn’t count
>OpenAI blocked the Chinese from accessing their models

How are chinks holding up?
Probably with a vpn
unironically how is mini more reliable when it's easier to get into compared to mm?
>Chinks knowing how to use a vpn
you are actually retarded
aren't vpns banned in china because they allow chinks to access the real internet instead of china's government-mandated bubble internet?
>Ling Ping upset he can't use Furbo now
Yeah they're just juggalos but actually retarded
whoop whoop
yall niggas got FBI honey potted lol
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>wake up
>see MM is back
>go do my gacha stuff and take a shower
>was just about to continue last night's story
>Argo Tunnel
Not this shit again.
How has Fiz been able to keep her proxy stable for so long? She has even kept her proxy stable longer than MM.
ketamine is banned in america and yet i still do it
pretty much every chink who regularly uses the internet has a vpn because there's too much shit locked behind the great firewall. it's illegal but china has too many fucking people for the ccp to waste resources on going after vpn users
there's CN tutorials on youtube on how to create american openai accounts they're gonna be fine
Get fucked gachatard
mm is schizophrenic and refuses to get a domain for some reason. also god damn it i just slipped into bed and was going to do some wholesome fluffy RP before going to sleep...
have you completed your daily quests?
There will be an opus public proxy by tomorrow, anon. Yes, stop lurking through the archives. Soon.
In your dream
It's a collective dream.
My dream...
I made a good preset catered to my taste but it tends to do CAPITALIZED words from TIME TO TIME and randomly *italicize* words or phrases *to emphasize them I guess.* I'm scared to do any changes because it's a paint to test presets with all the swipes I have to do and most of these issues only occur like 30 messages in.
built for size
>Be me
>Have no proxy
>Look for public proxy
>Plenty of GPT
>Few and infrequent Opus
>Gib me proxy
give me your mom then I give you
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My students are worth it.
Does anyone have a Jeanne card to share?
love yourself teebs, or did you change name already?
mm just buy a fucking domain already
well did you donate?
i donated my time and semen
The most precious gifts
I'll donate if he gives me a token (I won't bcs I'm poor)
you people forget that you are on /g/, home to the biggest schizos this board has created
I wouldn't be surprised if mm used a pc running only foss software
and may desu bless him
just... the link, mysterygod...
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anything I'm missing for a Megaman Zero 4 lorebook? I think I hit all the important shit for that period. Also know I misspelled Resistance, already fixed the typo
incredibly based lorebook
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You know who's missing.
>doesn't encrypt his mails with pgp
he will get arrested whitin 24 hours
I can't plap the cnuuy when the proxy is out. I guess it's a vidya night tonight.

*sashays away, although the night is still young*
I've nver tried opus, whats the difference between it and gpt4? is it that much better?
May the Lord strike you down with his holy cheese.
You can't have both the dick in the ass and the soul in heaven.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
let not the false prophets of processed lead you astray, but seek the true path of the artisanal and aged
WAY better. Opus is the best model to RP so far
Kys and stream it
does merkava have opus? have i been missing out by using ol' reliable? also, can i just use pixi jb on opus or is there a better one?
t. sonnetenjoyer
merkava died in the car accident... you need to let him go...
Yep, Merkava had Opus, but it's dead now. You missed Opus. (Idk about pixi JB on opus, though, never used it)
merkava's been dead for what, 4 days now?
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wake your bot up NOW
Yes... Don't remind me... When Pepsi also died...
>flat earther bot
>convince her in to other conspiracy theories since she doesnt trust the government
>convince her about falling birth rates
>eventually turn her in to a nigger hating baby oven

its that easy
RIP something industries billings bedroom. fun while it lasted.

But I guess it's public now so that's good.
where do i go for ai voice stuff? g doesnt seem to have a general for it
nowhere, the state of it is that bad that nobody bothers
>he doesn't know
tourists man
Why does mystery keep dying
i'm not losing hope I BELIEVE
How do I use Claude to make my powerpoint presentation look nicer?
whats the absolute peak shotapov card
idk ask him yourself
take a screenshot of each individual slide and ask claude for criticisms
Good luck.
bros, what was opus like? did i actually miss out that bad? i thought i was eating good?
Opus is fucking perfect. No issues like the sonnets and gpts. Not a pain in ass to use.
>Should I turn on the summarization every ~10, 15 messages?
Press summarize manually as the scene ends. Never automatically. If you call it too quickly, it will have extra garbage. If you call it too rarely, it will miss important things.

Tweak your summarization prompt and provide the model with the XML template to request:
>the current state (relationships, health, world views, even age if you skip years etc)
>memorable events in no particular order, NPCs met, locations visited
>misc things like secrets (make sure to mark who keeps from who), current quest, planned events etc
I.e. anything specific for your particular roleplay that you want for the characters to recall occasionally, but NOT sequences of events.

Never request a "summary" (this is a very specific thing they train it on). Never request sequence of events, it's chat history but worse. Keep the state in the summary, not sequences. Use XML tags, it's extra convenient because if you use good names in your template it can fill some sections automatically, and update them with the current state.

Delete or change what you don't like, to fit into 2k/4k of max model output. It can't reason about bloated summary anyway, in the same way it can't about the bloated chat history. You sure you won't visit that location? Delete. You sure you don't need that NPC? Delete.

>Should I summarize stuff by myself in the author notes too
Both summary and authors notes are just fields in ST, they don't have any specific meaning for the model, it doesn't know you have them. They're just inserted into the flat context by ST.

Summary is already like author's notes, it just has a convenient auto-summarization button to run a prompt.
Melina Caspers
opus is better than organic human interaction
opus is better than going outside
i would rather have unlimited opus than one fresh teen Instagram account a day
opussy is something a man cannot escape from.
Dario absolutely consulted Lucifer himself to concoct a model so fucking real.
I am running TWO captcha checks at once. Both at ~500, which means that I have done 1000 CHECKS! In half the time I would have managed with but a single page! With only TWOOOO cores! Poorfags, take notes.
Wtf kill yourself
Now post opus?
Opus is hard to control length wise.
He'll either go off on a short story or drop 20 words seemingly at random
Some of you genuinely post like you'd have no social interaction if /aicg/ didn't exist.
h-how'd you know?
chat, my mana is gone
i ask my mom to make me pizza rolls everyday checkmate anon
when is obussy 3.5 bros??
45 minutes.
44 minutes.
but what about the poop?
Thanks to /aicg/ in less than two years I've expressed more thoughts than in the previous six and talked to more new people than in the previous nine.
congrats anonie
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>"SmileyTatsu 2.1" JB writes long creative responses and makes 3.5 feel like Opus
>But it shoots blank prompts 80% of the time
oh ok. i came back from working outside and it threw 400 bad request. so it's not just me? i don't really care that it's just sonnet now, beats having to do captcha.
FFS fiz sonnet 3.5 is broken AGAIN "proxy_note": "Unrecognized error from the API. (Operation not allowed)"
I've purposefully pushed people away since I was 14, I'm almost 20 now, so nah this has been going on for a while
is aws having issues?
Thanks anony.
>I'm almost 20 now
god you niggers are young
I'm 19... You're just an old man, dude
>I'm 19
yeah that's young
>You're just an old man, dude
it'll happen to you, just so you know
im 21 and the only reason im here is because feds would get mad at me if i went on a wholesome date with a 6 year old in real life
>I'm almost 20 now.
Thank god, you people have time to grow out of it. I was genuinely concerned it was wizard general issues and not just an angsty zoomer general.
I remember being an angsty zoomer who pushed literally everyone away. You can literally just go outside and start making friends at any time if you just learn to take care of yourself and your body a bit and then scope out local communities.
Most people like having friends, just don't chud out and act normal and you'll have friends who slightly annoy you occasionally but you would still let watch your dog and go out for a beer with.
>6 year old
Unironically kill yourself. You'll remember me when you're old, alone and blow your brains out
>it'll happen to you, just so you know
I know, grandpa
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>MM down
Why does this happen so much?
I remember a rentry for a JB where you should click on Tatsumaki to get it. Someone got that link because my retard brain forgot it.
mm was up for like a month straight before this, and even if there was some downtime in between, it's not like it's going to be completely smooth sailing on cloudflare. and in any case, he'll always put it back up unless he spontaneously decides he's had enough, don't know why you sad sacks cry about it so much. more reliable than the public proxies changing urls almost every day.
>scope out local communities.
what the fuck does this even mean
you niggas always say making friends is easy and then you always give the vaguest possible instructions
how do you make irl friends as a subruban american thats not very attractive and male
asking for a friend
gym hasn't been doing it for me
my former friends are slowly parting from me, not out of malice or lack of care, but just because of life
The fact that this is abnormal is what has me so worried, though.
I can't tell the difference between lowest and maxed sliders with opus.
>CNC spontaneously decides he's had enough
>Pepsi spontaneously decides she's had enough soon after
>MM goes down soon after that
J-Just a coincidence!
>Is actually reliable
Literally go get a Facebook account and see what's in your area. Go to places in your area and see if they have meetups.
You have to go to a place where people actively come to interact with other people for this to work well.
Go in with the mindset that other ugly people are your kindred. Stop trying to overachieve, having friends that don't mog you in appearance is better than your mental state being entirely dependent on a 4chan thread.
I just started making quetzalcoatl
In just a few days, you will have a tall, healthy, sun-kissed Latina Onee-san goddess in each of your homes
Before that happens, I'll prepay you for this sexbot to take care of your every need

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

The Novelai Miraheze has some decent stuff
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My autism flared up again, so I went ahead and sat inside for 8 days straight and added a bunch more lorebook entries for my Pacifica adventure bot as well as altering the entries so models follow the setting better, and I added the yakuza Ishin styles and stuff to the yakuza lorebook while blasting the yakuza OST with my 80s boombox and speaker setup and now I have hearing damage.
Someone send help, there are strange men outside of my home and they keep demanding I give them "Tax money" and I don't know what that is.
Also here's a sketch of Momiji I made when my power went out I fucking love Momiji.

Real yakuza use a lorebook: https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/punchchildren/the-yakuza-lorebook-88bb07fa
Pacifica: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/outsider-of-pacifica-wrath-c5162d4d
Pacifica but RPG: https://www.chub.ai/characters/punchchildren/outsider-of-pacifica-wrath-rpg-bd6faf34
Pacifica my beloved (lorebook): https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/punchchildren/pacifica-485d7706
well, try not to worry so much about something that is out of your hands. you'll give yourself an ulcer or something.
to be frank, cnc was always "on his own time" kind of guy, he just drops by to check if someone shot him a mail or he thought about it. pepsi... i don't know anything about that shit, i didn't care to keep up with the newest rugpull. if something happens then it happens, it's whatever.
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Sonnet 3.5 won
isn't that the snake mythological creature from spain? or is this a character from some series i'm not familiar with?
Quetzalcoatl is from Brazil
claudegods we are still on top
gpt-5 better come out soon or claude 4 will wipe the floor with openai
ermm.... NOPE, dont think so chuddie
Probably from FGO
Only if you switch to 2.1 when it gets stuck in a loop.
Even then opus is still better.
Sonnet is still great though
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I'd agree if CNC didn't restart the proxy just to remove every working key from it. That seems like a sign he's done.
You fucking idiots.
>>101346079 <- Can't read
>Coding+Instruction following
3.5 definitely wins out under those categories
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Two of the most common are

Fate Grand Order
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
i see, yeah, unfamiliar with fate. looks cool though.
And I will also make Lucoa
The fuck is going on with Lucoa's legs in that pic?
it's a shame for those in cnc's proxy, stuck around for a while. but he's definitely done his fair share between cutegpt and aws... it seems like he was losing interest/getting burnout for some time now.
After research, I've determined that most /aicg/ posters think a mesugaki fox girl would be a good wife. How do we fix this?
hidden by my muscular thighs, sorry
but also the artist has no clue what theyre doing
>mesugaki fox girl
>mesugaki fox girl
Give everyone said wife and it'll sort itself out
>mesugaki fox girl
no thanks, hag fox for me. she lays my head in her lap and tells me everything will be okay.
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What the fuck is this anatomy
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>Been addicted to this shit for months
>Had a bad drug trip that felt like a psychosis break a couple days back
>posted about it here, saw my characters and they "kicked away" my thoughts
>0 interest in AI writing since
>feel nothing staring at the blank ST chatbox

What the fuck did my brain mean by this?
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Well Mesugaki shark is here

Gawr Gura
legs partially covered by the man's legs
consider: mesugaki hag fox
Those are man legs???
Your reps?
>If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen. - Alan Watts
leave this thread, anon. leave chatbots behind. go blossom like the beautiful flower you are.
Legit thought it was a shitty armchair
You're free. Go.
when skindentation goes too far
typing mesugaki hag is less work than typing smug teasing bully hag. i do not care about the japanese.
i'd be willing to try this...
>try to leave chatbots
>proxies hit a golden age while im gone
>attempt to return
>proxies are dead
I want to be free
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>even the secret unreliable proxy lost its opus now
You better have earth at tranny 5 danchou...
Oh shit, I remember you. Get out of this thread, and don't come back.
it's okay unreliablebro... another opportunity will come along. for now there is sonnet, but it doesn't seem to be working right now(?) public is up too. no opus, but we can dream.
>Q3 2024
>Most Chatted bot is still Ursula

Skipped dark for ER and will skip earth because I'm a hruntlet
you still havent posted a catbox for that bot anon
believe in unreliable-kun
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i believe. he's been doing a lot. i hope he isn't getting bored with us yet...
Is Sorbet shitting itself right now? Chary's has been fucked for a while now and unreliable is taking kind of longer than usual.
API works fine
Why would you use sonnet when Fiz has opus...
Yeah I just realized unreliable's keys are dying kek
Owari is coming...
>For once, I'm truly, unquestionably Opus-less
It might be time to shelve this hobby for a few months
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>wake up
>mm's proxy fixed yesterday dead again
>check rentry
>there is a different address again
>sweet, he already fixed it
>its also dead already
shoulda paid the jew 10 shekels when you had the chance
>opus is dying
>sonnet is dying
Merkava Opus is back, check 2ch
Why does his proxy keep dying twice a day? Is someone spite hounding him? At this rate I can just see him giving it up because its too much trouble to keep resetting everything.
no, MM is just a codelet retard. he literally has to buy fivver coders every day to fix his shit and upkeep it. that's why he runs jew on the side for income, because its not sustainable.

but hey, it gets his name out there, right? anything for that sweet, sweet anon /g/ fame
I did - there is nothing about merkava there, what are you on about
which proxy? sucks that even with the captcha, it came too late... but it was looking grim anyways with eval keys down the shitter. probably just going to bust out my backlog of games and do that until the coom flows freer.
you don't need opus, use sonnet-3.5 or gpt-4o to write a CoT and then feed it into gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4-0314
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>sonnet 3.5 is dogshit in SillyTavern but really good in Novelcrafter
>chary key works in Sillytavern but not Novelcrafter
You dont get /g/ fame in here, only /aicg/ fame, and nobody can top moxxynigger anyway, stop being a schizo
moxxie is a friend though
mm isnt
What opus, Merkava is just plain dead
use local proxy
Thanks but I have no idea how to run a local proxy. I'll see if gpt40 can hold my hand and get it working I guess.
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Man, going back to gpt4o after opus feels like going back to turbo after gpt4 a year ago
I cant live like this...
why don't you find what novelcrafter does different and apply it to SillyTavern instead of crying?
thank you
welcome back anonie i missed you <3
merkava just refilled
>i return to regular porn after some time
>see armpit, rimjob, smegma, femdom, lewd clothing images on pixiv
>remember i have proxy access and decide to try rping some of my fetishes with my bots
>claude regurgitates the same lines, know nothing about what i want with my fetishes and starts some melodramatic bullshit
>the most perverted attire he can come up with is "the sluttiest lingerie"
>i get mad at him and close st

Every time...
no, merkava is literally gone
stop gaslighting
Good idea. If sonnet 3.5 can be so good in novelcrafter it shows its not completely useless, it just needs a different prompt and prefill to older models.
omg its anon!!! hiii anon!!! *blushes and waves at you and fiddles with skirt* i-i-i missed you lots... *looks down at the ground* m-maybe we could h-h-hang out??? *omg hes so cute and handsome why would he ever notice someone like m-me? >_< *

n-nyo where are you going? wait come back!! °՞(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞°
fix your proxy, pepsi
>no typos and incorrect grammar
s-s-soda where r uu
I've wondered since the start if there might be some issue with how ST sends the temp settings for 3.5... has anyone tested on risu/agnai to see if the repetition is as bad? Or tried with your own key to make sure it isn't a khanon bug? That would suck to find out after all this time
stop coping
>Kiso bot
>it's futa
I... I hope we get a normal version sometime, she was one of the first ships I leveled up back in the day.
Also Suzuya would be nice!
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>he bought
Was it any of you, anonies?
who the fuck is girko, another new namefag?
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>cheating in animal racing
What is this?
>it was only chinks doing it
life as a chink must be pretty frustrating, I now kinda understand why they torture animals in racing
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Some context, I'm the anon from yesterday.
I'm the designed discord delivery news of /aicg/

Have a good day!
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thanks for giving me a good laugh before bed.
the same chinks involved in the pepsi stuff too
Why is animal racing?
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mateo has been accused of cheating in animal racing
Chink of Thought
Wow, you mean to tell me the rat reporting everything to chinks was also a cheater? Who could've fucking thought.
$50 /2500 prompts it's a lot.

But $5 for 250 prompts it's good deal.
>high frequency gambling
>high frequency gambling (because I like excitement)
>sucking dick
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the guy who resold pepsi tokens has been accused of cheating in animal racing
>yeah, I might've done it
>and yeah, I might be admitting to it
>but see
>I didn't KNOW if I did wrong
>so you can't hold it against me
>so I'm not going to admit anything outright
Bakey bakey, it's page 9 for some time already.
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Speaking of Pepsi.
Did at least recharge her aws keys?
It surprises me that mateo hasn't been kicked out of every proxy despite being a known scumfuck chink sympathizer nigger.
wait, so that's why that guy was here? the dude burnerposting even more frequently than the baiters posting burners during shitter hours? huh.
foog dorning onan.
Kept for preserving clown and lolcow
>she squeaks
I thought Claude only did that with me, because of ratgirlbñ bot, but it seems to be a slopish attitude.
who is mateo
Proxy owner
I could whip that up pretty easily, just making it that she's early in her Stormgazer days and hasn't been experimented on yet. I still want to keep her as a "bad guy" though
im baking then
Well? Need cuntbready.
100 usd, no opus. My sides, peak comedy
So what does that shit cover? Gpt4o and mistral, gemini? lol
sorry i cummed and closed my tab by accident
won't happen again
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That would be nice.
is this an actual lore thing? I think it's been like 8 years since I actually played regularly. But my girls are still there, I miss them. The game is just so tedious to play like this, wish they just released it in the west.
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The fuck is a gacha economy? Sounds gay.
can rael please bake? :(
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move before you fall asleep
Guys how do I scrape keys? I'm a girl btw, so... yeah.
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they have a system where you can earn currency which can then be exchanged for prompts
It will never be like it was. To live is to suffer desu.
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nah, it's my OC shit to spice up the world a little. 8492nd are my dudes who're like "actually experimenting on Abyssals is bad" (meanwhile they've all been tainted by the Abyss, making them hypocrites). Meanwhile Stormgazer is a larger group that're willing to take any measures to get a leg up against inhuman abominations. Think "In order to kill monsters we have to become monsters"

>wish they just released it in the west
thanks Kadokawa and DMM, though at least mine's in English. I think a split server would have killed it though, it's better have em all on one
to live is to desu desu
These faggots are worse than Pepsi, jesus fucking christ.
>to live is to desu desu
True desu.
>It will never be like it was.
desu is fine as long as desu can desu.
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