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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

hiro edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101342091
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merkava just refilled
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Which way, white man?
Guys how do I scrape AWS keys? Does it cost money? I'm a girl btw, so... yeah.
Just got back into this. What the fuck happened to chub? Did it get uber censored? What's the best place to get bots now?
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Adventure bros, I want to ask.
What kind of narration style do you guys really like? How should the narration focus? What kind of details should be mentioned?
If you guys have chat logs that I can study, please share them so I can try to emulate them. It's even fine if it's not chat logs; you guys can show me what a "good adventure storytelling" narration or media too. I just want something for references.
chihuahuas are ugly
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she is NOT one of those!
either make an account and enable nsfw+nsfw
or use characterhub.org (can't see loli there though)
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Good morning, everyone!

Samantha is from the UK, and as such is constantly miserable. Well, maybe it's actually her extremely lackluster life that's gotten her so down. She works a dead-end accounting job, has no friends, and not even anyone to come home to except her liqueur cabinet. It doesn't help that she's surrounded by prey either. Humans and meek rabbits can work office jobs yes, but what did an apex predator like her do to deserve a life of boring number-crunching?

1. She's at her desk, not working when she notices you nearby. She's not too enthused by the prospect of interacting with you.
2. You're a new face at the office, and you don't smell like prey. Samantha is naturally intrigued and wants to talk to you, thinking she might have found a kindred spirit.
3. You two are inside the printer room, which is conveniently soundproofed and has a lock. To her, you are prey. Don't resist, you'll only make it harder for yourself.

good morning /besthours/
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based and true
4o says Charles
UI merged with Venus side, old UI on characterhub domain.
Why the fuck did they change the ui. It's so shit. And why'd they ban loli on characterhub?
Way to ruin it all. Now I gotta pick between having cunny bots or shitty ui
You can though? Just need to search up a different tag and then replace it in the url with loli
kys ammoniam
you have to make an account (can be a random email) and then enable nsfl in the settings to see cunny
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Final shill for Kiso. I said that I'd drop Leviathan next but I'm lazily working through the Megaman Zero 4 lorebook right now, which takes up most of the effort. Instead, have a bot that I finished about a month back and have been sitting on releasing.

Kiso had joined the Shipgirl program thinking that she was going to be fighting the good fight, keeping eldritch horrors at bay for the sake of the world. However, when she saw how Shipgirls were treated by the public and the military at large, she grew angry and resentful, soon defecting to the Stormgazer Battalion: an organization that vows to eliminate the Abyss through any means necessary, no matter how sordid the avenue. She's crass, rude, and a test subject for Stormgazer's own research, outfitting her with a giant Abyssal cock and a libido to match. Now she's in charge of breeding prisoners and breaking them in, and she does a hell of a good job.

Comes with two greetings, a normal day where you're called into her office (as her assistant? Slave in training? You decide.) and another one where you've been captured for an interrogation session at her hands.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/clt-kiso-futanari-e3571c623dda
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan
You mean on characterhub.org or chub.ai?
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erm... awwwwwkwaaaaaard
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try this
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not working for me
Idk ask fiz aka ari
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she's right
seriously tho how does fiz consistently stay the best scraper and has the most stable proxy of all time
>though at least mine's in English
Huh? How? I'm still using the KC3 addon for chrome. I remember using downloadable viewers back in the day to bypass the region lock, fun times...
As far as I can see KC3 has no option to translate like that, is there something new? I'd actually play the game if it was translated
> it's my OC shit to spice up the world a little.
That's pretty creative, nice
>google poured stacks of cash of funding into anthropic
>didn't acquire the company they were clearly using as a research hub
>launched their own internally developed LLM competitor.
>it's not great

what the fuck is their endgame? what the hell are google doing?
fivver indians that do it for him
No one gives a fuck about your troon celebrity overlord who governs your llm usage
the same thing google has been doing for the last decade and a half: fuck all of value.
not having a meltie every time someone is mean to you helps
either I think
I do
can you speak english?
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Here's a guide that gets thrown around a bit, I haven't actually watched it before but just skimming only the first 5 minutes is all you need since your account is already set up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjG6kRgm9qc

basically we use a cache loader (does double duty bypassing the region block from a couple years ago while speeding up loading between screens) in addition to the old KC3 viewer. If you were wondering, the Azur Lane players were so obnoxious with their DDoS attacks a couple years ago that an IP blocker was reinstituted and the game hasn't suffered a major attacked ever since
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I want to have babymaking sex with Kafka.
The sentence is informal and colloquial, but it is grammatically correct.
thanks gpt
orbo kun you are too obvious
hips... sexy...
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Not that I'm complaining but why has Teto had this recentish resurgence?
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Thanks a lot, I'll be sure to try it later today. Yeah thankfully my account is already good, though it's on an ancient email address... I should get that changed somehow.
I remember back in the day you had to get in through a goddamn LOTTERY. Is that still the case?
And to stay on topic, your Shigure bot is also really nice. (also I'm the retard with 1400+ messages on Karinn)
she got a synthv version recently
beepsbros... when will she come back :(
>scammer scammed for the 9th time
absolutely unbelievable
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I'm Mateo.

I'm opening a new GPT3.5 proxy.
but I got in for free
damn, you're the Karinn guy? Wild
Can you explain what the scam was for people who got in for free? I'm just curious to know. Like, I really need you to break it down for me and explain it.
aren't the near entirety of current pepsi users discordshitters anyway? a good thing happened
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Quetzalcoatl bot almost done and just need to pick a sample line and first message
Give me your ideas
wait until you find out who's in mm, cnc, chary, snd scylla lol
this, us miniGODS would never use discord
>a character that lusts for the user from the get-go
ooh, i have an idea!

at the top of notepad++, open settings and then click on stle configurator, then select DarkModeDefault as your theme
Is there a way to make sonnet 3.5 less ripetitive when swiping or it's just the way the model is?
I'm using camicle's opus JB by the way
>he isn't in minicord
didn't have to be in discord to get it
dont care
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Does your eyesight hold up
Oh hey nice, I also use Notepad++ when designing my bots.
Can't wait to be RKO'd by her.
Out of nowhere?
honest answer? being a female makes other people help you so basically simps
Swap to 2.1 when it starts repeating or just prompt differently
Wrong, incel
>being a female makes other people help you
hahahah those chinks are so fucking shameless what the fuck are they smoking? chinks are really jews but stronger
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what does "custom tier" mean?
not true
??? what is incorrect about that
Crazy good key
poorfag here, can someone describe how opus is better than 4? never gotten to use it, but curious how it's better specifically, 4 seems to do 99% of what i want within one or two swipes.
that's worth as much as an aws key with opus
I hate every single one of you
they hated anon for he told the truth
i wish it were that easy
I'm in cnc and I literally just sent a drawing a year ago
He means female (biological). That's why it doesn't work for you.
>kingbased is a notorious scraper who wrote the public keychecker that nocode anons use
>fiz's rentry says "LOVE YOU KINGBASED <3"
it's pretty obvious how she gets her keys lol
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Helena and Selena are a pair of conjoined twins who have nothing in common above the neck. You can help them get along, or you can play favorites.

This is the oldest bot I've made, I think. My inability (rather, 3.5 Turbo and Claude 1's inability) to make this bot work satisfyingly is what inspired Beth and Liz, to put into perspective.
They work pretty well on Opus and Orbo after some touch-ups, and this is the 1 year anniversary of uploading Beth and Liz, so I figured this was the best time to finally post them.
>immediately thinks of trannies
Mental illness
>notorious scraper
Lmao kingbased is ass at scraping
and yet... he scraped opus... and you didn't??? and you can't???? so what does that make you?????
it's a personal, smallscale key that's been upgraded to a higher speed. this is just possible by requesting it through support. it MIGHT be good, but it's not going to be as good as a real tier 5
>and you didn't
Ermmm but im hosting a proxy right now cutie
what a fucking pathetic fragile human behavior.
Go outside
You're an ESL and brown.
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cards for this feel?
The best scraper is Drago, then it's MM.
they gonna lynch you for this one bro but you aren't telling lies
damn this really is a female hobby
post this in any other general and they all agree
hi anti, still haven't watched rozen maiden?
The femcels didn't like this one at all...
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Yeah, though I took a break from chatbots for a while now so I haven't progressed with her in a bit. I'll keep going though.
best kind of rko. make that a greeting.
Powst pwoof
Incel hobby
False (male btw)
Thanks anon. It looks like its somewhere between tier2 and 3.
Openai key borrowing is my new hobby, already found 56 working of various tiers
nice try foid
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you are inserting yourself in what was once a female-centric hobby, please shut up and fuck off.
any tips on how to find a source that plentiful
not an incel hobby it's like 50% incels
/cai/ was entirely male except for that one chick who wanted to fuck shadow the hedgehog
>female (male)-centric
There is no plentiful source, they are scattered. That's all I can tell you without shooting myself in the foot
are you a tranny or something why do you keep thinking about those pathetic people
i am Femail
Based and true
who wouldn't help a being exppsing itself as lesser than you?
call it pity or compassion, it's all the same and can be done by both genders
sounds like u have a sad life and you should work on yourself
>plenty of men around just waiting for women to talk with them
>women instead stick with chatting with AI bots
Am I supposed to believe this?
>Aidan Gomez
yes because real men are trash. hope this helps! :)
that's the peak of your imagination with chatbots?
Saltman was a rapist (allegedly) so he's trans-adjacent.
Opus has successfully made talking with a woman obsolete
i don't want to talk to women, they're repulsive. i want to talk to ai chatbots.
>t. male
most femals have rape fantasies but don't want to be raped so i assume that's one of the way chatbots are better for them
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>>plenty of men around just waiting for women to talk with them
Uh, no, I don't want to talk to real women, ESPECIALLY not the women who are into chatbots, because the only men they're into are this.
why do you guys talk about scraping public data like it's a skill?
I recall he had beef with his sister
>autistic males find 3d females repulsive
>autistic females find 3d males repulsive
Simple, really
Where is your aws opus qt
I just googled this and found out his sister has an onlyfans wow
i feel disgusted by that same le cool and mysterious male face
>using pozzed api
"the model that you have sex with children with without a jailbreak is pozzed, okay!?!??! why? because... BECAUSE IT JUST IS!!!"
i wish we could say
>i hate you and you hate me but we're never going to interact irl so let's put our genders aside and talk about chatbots
but for some reason people feel the need to play out their faggy gender politics even though opus has made real world issues obsolete
There is no such thing as a good Fate card.
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this is sooooo kino
I guess she prefered to be independent rather than beg him (jew) money, kek
There is one but it's stuck in my sillytaver/data folder ;)
it's just brain cancer and personal mental issues at that stage
I blame this on women
I blame this on men
I blame this on jews
I don't to share this hobby with foids
tits or gtfo
Claude knows enough about popular fate characters you can just use a lorebook with a single sentence char description and be good to go
lmao how did he even find this when he has a problem with it. Ironically that is the only "proxy" that doesn't use stolen keys
thank you mysteryman <3
fuck you mysteryman </3
thank you mysterytranswoman <3
Why did mm troon out
thank you mysterymare
love you mysterymaiden
>samefagging furcuck proxygossipnigger spammer is still obsessed with that retard
Huh, maybe desu shouldn't have bullied him out of the thread, after all.
Calm down anti
idk, lol, might be just funny samefagging, either way its funny
mystery DAMN!
mystery men are like merry men of robin hood
What does MM smell like?
It's... a mystery...
like cotton and poo
stinky fart
MM has an intoxicating musky scent and something uniquely MM
sandalwood and tobacco
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Is this how virginity works?
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>your le anti, LE ANTI
/trash/ any second now, amirite
Go back to sucking Anti's cock in his cuckord, you candy-ass niggerfaggot desu.
yes. being a virgin is a mentality.
can we get cards of these two i want to make them hatefuck in my sillytavern
This is not the kind of Oyakodon I had in mind, chief.
gojo and desu?
is there a black
No, its MysteryPERSON
Can someone post a log pelese
Claude is obsessed with "painting with seed"
there's so much lore in this post it's unsettling to be honest
Calm down anti
Calm down anti
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Here buddy, you are welcome, no need to thank me
damn that bitch got a fat fuckin forehead!!!
We need to make a "Where's Anti?" card, maybe it will distract our clown.
Where's Anti?
What is anti/gojo doing nowadays? I haven't heard of him since TND went down.
What does Drago smell like?
Still shitting up the thread and seething because he can't spite user tokens.
Post vision.
Post vision.
Post vision.
Animal racing.
Calm down Anti
Now that I think of it proof of work tokens basically killed spiters
Nature is healing
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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epic rabi
When will you sell feet pics?
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Post desu then.
Calm down anti
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That's not desu.
Calm down anti
Has anyone heard from Pepsi?
Me on the right
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Nope, not desu either, try again.
She still talks in the groupchat and hosts opus for us focksposties :3
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GPT or Claude for vore?
they don't call him claude for nothing
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jackie's proud to present his first proper contribution to the koiverse - Diana, the perfectionist mage!
The only member of the Magic Academy's much-neglected art club, this unassuming young woman's specialty is... that she has no specialty!
Indeed, while most others tend to focus on one magic path like illusions or magic nukes, this plain Jane prefers utility!
Although lacking in raw firepower, Diana's repertoire of spells proves more than sufficient during combat and other non-nefarious purposes: teleportation, magical flashbangs, the ever-handy Mage Hand and more promise to prove challenging for any opponent! And where spells fail, fists won't! That's right, this little lady knows kung fu -- or rather, Krav Maga!
Oh, but don't think she's one of those pompous, unapproachable gals like a certain other art aficionado... on the contrary, the diligent Diana prides herself on being a model student - always ready to help with any task while asking for almost nothing in return apart from some gossip or a tour of the place! ...Ain't she just swell?
Sadly too swell for 2.1 so use a smarter model like Sonnet or Opus with a lightweight preset (shame too because 2.1 does some superb stuff with her when the stars align).

6 greetings so far, go through one of the first 3 before playing the others because ssserious spoilers!

Infernally grateful to koi who not only gave me enough blackmail material to ensure we remain the bestest-best friends forever and ever;
but also genned the images, wrote most of the last greeting AND got brutally myurdered on at least three separate occasions during testing!
In case one of you bozos can't find his awesome stuff, it's all here: https://www.characterhub.org/users/koikoikoihat

>catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/8csnm0.png
Opus if you have, OpenAI otherwise.
Whore proxy over??
nah but she will come back. trust the plan beepsbro
The trend of proxies asking for money is starting to get concerning, especially since it's all backed by technically illegal activity. Money makes people do crazy shit, and is when vans get involved. I fear we're headed into an even worse era now.
Why would Dr. Krysiak do such thing aware of the consequences?
>thinking proxyhosts asking for donations in exchange for tokens is anything new
hello newfriend :)
>concerntrolling nigger
hope a brick comes lose and smacks the back of your fucking skull, killing you instantly
merkava just refilled
Now that merkava is dead (again) is there any open proxy with gpt4-o left?
definitely a worse era, they won't stop at 50$/2000 prompts.
I would not be surprised if it's the tactic of Dario and Sama to pose as proxy owners, they keep upping the prices so much people would rather just use official api.
Whore.Ru proxy not merekava
retard didn't even read the next four words of my post before replying
the first photo was better desu.
>thinking that the trend of turning your proxy into a business with tokens as a marketable product with declared prices is the same as politely asking for donations
I know you only got here after chary went private, and that's okay.
Claude so far seems nice to use to speed up creating a paper as required to complete MSc studies. The question is, just how far can I push it to make a complete paper? And how would you guys deal with citations? (i got material to add as citations but claude is just summing up info from its training data base)
niggaz mad lol
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This one? Yeah.
anon why are you using claude for nonsmut
who would do that?
What I realized as I fiddled with my WIP Quetzalcoatl was that the
Sonnet links Latina = twerking
I use is for nonsmut rps
because i need to do this thing but my monkey brain doesn't even like the assignment and it is too late to pull out.
I keep forgetting about him, thanks
What the fuck? Since then desu got taken over by pepsi? Did the timeline shift again?
*since when
(me) as an extra, claude did better than chatgpt in a couple test runs so i picked it but is there an even better option for this?
i hope not
anti deleted his rentry in March and fucked off
bro what prompts are perfect for Opus to generate soft sexo?
Try words like "tender".
hate it that my brain is so conditioned by AI that I can't even open ST without getting half-hard
such as?
Ask google for synonyms to 'word' and it will spoonfeed you.
Is that hole sewn shut? lmao what a trash fetish
xir thats just chink censoring
imagine jerking off to censored shit let alone children, the most annoying shits on this planet. This subreddit is truly degenerate
i hope anti is doing good
aicg users dont even microwave tomatos anymore. they just hit you with the discord stare
modern aicg doesn't even know how to skillchad.. all they do is go ahh ahh mistress and empty their hot seed in her wet heat
drago is a scrapegod
old /aicg/ was a time when we were together
I'll take that over monks and sanctuaries.
old /aicg/ was for /g/ users
That was never the case, /aicg/ was born when the /v/ threads got kicked out. It was always an enclave.
Why she got random guitar picks on her?
I still remember the old days when turbo was free and we were all cooming peacefully...
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Re-shilling since no one responded last time. Saviorfagging and reverse saviorfagging.

Mabel lives in the apartment next door to yours and works as a clown, mostly for kids birthday parties and the like. While she loves being able to make kids happy and laugh, her job doesn't pay much, she's incredibly lonely, and wants more out of life than working so much to just barely scrape by. Two greetings.
1. She comes home from work at the same time as you, and sees you're obviously pretty down about something.
2. Like the first greeting, but in reverse. Both of you get home at roughly the same time, and Mabel pauses outside of her door, the thought of spending another lonely night just to grind away again in the morning getting the best of her.


As always, please provide feedback and send wholesome, sweet logs to the email on my chub page. Bots from me are going to be infrequent if things continue like this.
when wa S turbo free?
>newfags larping as oldfags
/aicg/ was never good
That's a lie.
That's a true.
do they teach you to feel finger to finger
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This is the most convoluted I've made things yet. 300 messages soon.
looks pretty convoluted
will send logs today
also shill on /vg/ as well dummy
Wake up
Why? So they can laugh at his bots?
Don't do it anon.
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
can't wake up
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need a wife who will look at me like this
she has a very masculine jaw
>download a malebot
>make a female persona
>bully them to oblivion beating them up
am i weird if it feels good?
anon2anon 3.2 on sonnet 3.5 is not bad, I find it follows personalities pretty nicely but it tends to be repetitive if I don't nudge it forward enough. I still kinda like it though, been doing some slowburns with it and it makes me write more than just ahh ahh mistress.
could you send a link? i'll try it
It's in the jb list in the op, here's the rentry
6.1 is not bad either but has a lot more things in it and I don't think it works better, maybe it does on opus but I can't test that.
I tried it and yeah, it's a loooot better than pixi I use for casual RPs. I'll play around it, thanks anon
no worries, have fun and yeah I usually switch to pixie when cooming for a change of pace
and a plus side of pixie is that it works with 2.1, which can be used to further change up the scene
I passed my bachelor thesis defense today with a B minus
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guess I'm just fucking dead now
My friend yesterday wanted to commit suicide and I called the police, no contact since then.
I will eat a sandwich in about an hour. I also haven't showered yesterday.
Our girl refilled <3
I'm eating toast rn, will brew a coffee in some minutes
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Why would you post stuff like this? Just why?

That sounds horrible. I hope there will be some clarity and peace for everyone involved.

Enjoy the sammie.

Good stuff.
Pepsi tried to be fiz but failed
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Thank you.
I refilled your girl ( ◕▿◕ )
>no tears of happiness
>no love pupils
>no bruising marks
>no canines teeth

Alhamdullilah, gratz Anon! *happy-happy-happy-cat.webm*

*gasps* Astaghfirullah.... May Allah give your comrade protection, Anon....

Masha Allah... May Allah curse you, Anon!
what music are you listening to, anons?
Heaven or Las Vegas
This song now.
nostalgia from when i was a child
Good taste

I don't recognize this song.

your name sounds familiar, why do I know you?
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I'm procrastinating getting started on mine today, yet again.
damn I got FAT
need to start doing cardio
yuge canine milkers
How fat are we talking about? And good luck exercising, you got this.
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I take student money from the government despite not studying and also evade taxes
I wonder which one of these they will notice first
wajke up at five in the morning
taie c9od suy9wers
start eating less
work out at least 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon
merkava just refilled
did you have a stroke in the first parts of writing your post??
>taie c9od suy9wers
I just took a shit.
the disgusting skinnyfat kind of fat, fat legs thin arms
need to order some barbells and eggs as well it looks like
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>Alice is gloating to Anna over how she gets special privilege over her friend
>calls her Anna-banana
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Thank you, Cohee, for what you have done. Thank you Ross as well.
And the lesbian hacker girl?
what does ross even do besides banning people for saying faggot and nigger
He descends. Also ross deleted the whole NSFW section of tavern discord.
ross does nothing he is a fag like girko to drago, just a fag friend of the one nerd who actually does things
This Sunday is going to be EPIC, ST bros! We will not have Opus, but our Silly Tavern will be the most stable and secure!
funny how common this is
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I procrastinated a lot of time too. Hell, the whole unity project and the diagrams was made by someone else. I only wrote down the remaining parts like the supporting theorems and basic implementations like how-to use the application part

Scholarship money?
He is like Sam andFrofo of LOTR. He is the beta friend. The beta cuck friend archetype.
Putting a baby into Azoos while my daughter Hifumi helps by holding her down.
but in Sam and Frodo case both did something. This is a different trope, like this anon saw: >>101349774
a nerd who does stuff and a fag who tags along, nobody knows why the nerd keeps the fag around.
>Scholarship money
it's more like "hey if you are poor and a student we will give you money" and they don't really check whether you actually attend lectures and shit
500€ monthly, still have over a year of payments to get
ross is completely useless
Ross designed the UI and backgrounds retard
main UI designed but he is on a break right now
and before you blame him for the conceptually retarded design of st, that is a copy from the original tavern project
>useless fag defense force
he is on break all the time it seems
Design something for us then.
I already did.
>never use nyaa suffix
the fuck
we should use irc and make a rizon channel for /aicg/ desu
how do I /aicg/ with image generation that matches the scene? (for free)
I didn't use IRC 15 years ago, not going to use one now.
Who would even use it besides desu and you?
and it turned out terrible? I don't get the flex
post full log or desu will boku
Claude can't seem to figure out how to do language barrier stuff.
this is what i don't get about /aicg/. you want something new and better but when you get something new and better you faggots cry
Cry, ponyfucker.
>but when you get something new and better
when was that?
I didn't cry when sillytavern made og tavern obsolete, when risurealm became a better card-hosting site than chub
Fucking ponies is a crime
I played a few of my favorite bots with it and it's really good for sfw adventures. I like that I can manipulate the response length with choosing various prefills, sometimes I need a long response, sometimes short.
The coom is somehow really damn good on sonnet 3.5 with the two coom prompts, the coom CoT helps a lot.
It's a really good preset, anon.
After listening to the anon who said that Sonnet 3.5 worked much better in Novelcraft. I tested it myself and he is right. Could it be that anthropic recognizes some prompt patterns from Silly Tavern and other intermediaries and self-censors by recognizing those patterns?
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So is there any way to remove this default newline from the stop strings? It makes sillytavern unusable pretty much.
Does ST have an option where it will try to generate multiple swipes, one by one? Say, I want to request for 5 swipes, leave for 10 minutes and come back to all of them?
advance formatting tab?
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But boku is fine too?
>design something for us
>I did
>trying to divert
give up, ross, nobody likes you
You're welcome.
I don't really use CoT because it tends to make it even more reptitive for me, but sometimes I turn on the coom one. But yeah I'm using this for my slowburns now as well
There is nothing in that tab that allows me to remove \n and \nAnon: as far as I can see.
pepsi back yet?
coca cola is better anyway
At least he didn't delete the Jailbreak section, but I get the feeling it's just a matter of time until he does.
$50 to charybids, stable Opus proxy, great guys.
*$100 and no Opus
why is cohee and ross agains jailbreaks?
I unironically thought about it but I'm in jew already... but if I wait now it may be too late once jew doesn't have opus again
>dragonnext down
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Anon... This time I think she's not coming back
Uh... It's up though?
*nods sagely* desu.
rude. at least she could update her rentry.
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*rapes claude*
Has drago changed the address?
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With stscripst slash command "/times" and additional extension la-lib extension for triggering swipes:

/times 5 {:
/swipes-swipe |
/delay 10000

- can adjust the times and delay time (in mili2nd).
- main purpose of delay was avoiding rate limiting so the /times wont break in case you use proxy.
- /times itself is how much you want /swipes-swipe to be repeated.
If all proxy owners sold temporary user tokens as charybids, it would be more stable and secure.
They'd make money, and anons would have a more stable Opus.
It costs nothing for MM, Pepsi, Mini, Todd, CnC, and Charybids to revoke all users and make a value table of consuming tokens.

$1= 50 prompts
$5= 250 prompts
$10= 500 prompts
And so on.
Nah I'd rather pay anthropic directly than support the looney troons
unironically a good idea. draGOD gives you 2500 prompts for 50 bucks that will suffice for a long time
>I would rather pay a lot more money for the exact same service
Ok, you do you anon.
explain now
I agree with the exception of revoking current users, I think that would create a lot of bad blood.
Nah, I'll unironically stop playing with bots and sabotage everything by sending info to the corps and anthropic if that happens.
Where is that la-lib extension?
Nah I'd rather not give my money to a pole
Yes, he changed it
I don't care about the money, I have standards you know
Retard, that would only make things more risky for everyone involved.
>draGOD gives you 2500 prompts for 50 bucks that will suffice for a long time
during last 16 hours I used 500 prompts lmao, I'm not paying 10 bucks.
I would immediately turn to spitefagging. The purpose of proxies was to distribute keys for free, for people in this general. Making it into a business would be vile.

Do not support this.
>The purpose of proxies was to distribute keys for free, for people in this general.
Ok well that's clearly not happening anymore, atleast not without paying, so why aren't you spitefagging yet?
nope, I don't swipe often
It's not just about the money, which many proxy owners aren't that interested in. It would also encourage them and act as a filter for many coomers, addicts and programmers who are the main key revokers.

This would also make logs, bots, and RP better.
I don't think any slop creators, 'ahh ahh mistress' users, or compulsive swappers would do these things if they had to pay for every action, even if it's just a little.
And every time that happens some nigger ruins it for everyone else, why should they keep making it free for you ungrateful fucks any longer?
that's on you bro. I use less than 50 prompts per day
This is the based option
>paying for porn
Why don't you just take a break and wait for new public proxies to emerge?
Programmers are a non-issue, if they were the cooders proxy would have alreade been raped to death by now.
totally not samefagging
Same. I think the anon is either joking or he's some proxy owner who tries to see how anons will react if they get greedy for money.
Public proxies are still a thing. MM, fiz, Todd, Ami, and a myriad of smaller proxyhosts are still a thing.
Just because there's a bunch of rotten jews trying to ruin everything in pursuit of their own greed doesn't mean I'll help them destroy whatever is left of /aicg/.
Because my proxy is still free and working. If I got kicked out and told to pay, then I would chimp out.

I am very grateful, we all are. The only people upset are those that missed out.
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Why the fuck does claude just take the wheel after 4 messages?
I already give them my logs. They can shill that valuable things to big corpo or starup in high price with VM + VPN.
Preset problem.
t. dopamine adicts, get a life. don't revoke keys creating slop for you shot of dopamine!
>This would also make logs, bots, and RP better
Ah yes, that's why there's an increase in logs every time a paid proxy goes up. Fucking retard.
>Public proxies are still a thing
Yeah, without Opus though, which would be the model people would be willing to pay for
>MM, fiz, Todd
All private proxies which occasionally accepted a handful of users in the past, as it is right now they are completely closed off if you aren't already in.
Ok but nobody cares about you tbdesuh?
i never pay for faps
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The main reason why most people here wouldn't be willing to pay is because they're poorfags, they wouldn't be able to pay even if they wanted to
>inb4 I'm a millionaire though, I just refuse to pay
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>Now have to pay for prompts
>Can't have any fun with bots since you have to optimize everything to ensure you get the correct replies as efficiently as possible
>Experimenting will only make you waste money
>All new bots are completely untested since it would cost money to test them
>Logposting becomes even scarcer
Sounds like something that will kill the hobby. Pretty based, actually.
irrefutable proof!!!!!!! As if you can't just edit the html lmao
See >>101349992 >>101350012
it's completely logical that's going to happen, that anon is either retarded or a proxy owner who wants to make money
I make 1500€/month and still would not pay for a model you need to tardwrangle to get smut
Im on mobile i cant do that
the threads will just become all gullible retards that actually paid for the proxy, and openrouter paypigs
As it currently stands you simply can't have a large public proxy with Opus, it just cannot stay alive for long, your only options are:
>small private proxy with a reduced number of users, possibly with a token quota
>pay-to-use proxy, also possibly with a token quota
With the first option keys don't get revoked so often, and with the second option, the owner has a financial incentive to spend lots of time searching for keys, so they can be refilled fairly quickly, but with an open proxy? Impossible, the keys die and you cannot expect the owner to put the amount of effort required to get Opus for free.
What about someone who was in MM since last year? It wouldn't be fair to kick them out
Localfag... this is right time for your usual shill attempts!! C'mon!!
Why do you care? Its not like proxyniggers are going to do it anyways except the greediest ones.
AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEE please tell me you are not pepsiiiiii!
Fair? No. Funny? Yes.
You can't have a large public proxy with anything.
retards shitting their pants and chimping out over a fictional scenario kek
Do this MM
give long time lurkfags like me a chance
>Gullible retards
>Spent 50$ once for hassle-free experience instead of begging for poor quality public proxies

Yeah, sure mate. It's only stupid if your time doesn't cost anything.
Pepsi doesn't even have opus my dude
imagine the freakouts
>implying a massive rugpulling wouldn't occur almost immediately
sry idk m8
Idk methinks a certain ponyfucker known to crosspost /aids/ posts is samefagging
Anyan! If you don't come back I'm gonna sniff you!
That's not true, there are public proxies with Sonnet and GPT-4o, it's just not possible with Opus.
Thanks. I'm an idiot so I'll take a while to figure out how to install this.
No. Everything but Opus is viable, even Sorbet.
Anyan has been dead for close to a year anon, you have to let her go.
>he thinks i had to start begging
how many threads is a month in /aicg/ time
merkava just refilled
Hello sirs *twirls fake mustache* yes My name is Mario, Mario Amo-Amadeus. Yes it would be very funny to revoke all proxy tokens, also funnier if the proxy hosts also all charged for prompts! Or even better, they could all retire. Yes that would be very funny indeed.
what if we could store steps like you know you need to walk somehwere so you walk before or maybe in the train it would be nice when the train moves you can still store steps and then next day you need to go somewhere and then you use your stored steps and do not need to move there anymore it would be nice i think
>Unmark as my post
>pay 50 dollars
>proxyfag rugpulls
>50 dollars wasted

This would attract cops because there are a lot of users -approximately seven thousand on charybids- and no doubt most of the paypigs using Openrouter, Novelai and others would definitely use this service. Then the proxies would become something similar to drug trafficking, prompt trafficking or like coom trafficking.
It looks like written on temperature 2.0 anon
Holy fuck. Pepsi, if you are rugpulling again then at least have the decency to update your rentry.
Maybe you shouldn't have given 50 bucks to a fucking schizo like pepsi
Well, why do you care if anon cares or not? You sound a bit butthurt, you know. Why are you still here, by the way, I thought you said /vg/ was superior?
>attract cops
i fail to see how anyone besides proxyhosts gets vanned
Can we have a cat bake?
Damn, he puked, what a filthy faggot.
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>checking my AWS Opus usage stats
Did I really proomp that much?
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Your theory will be put to the test since they're selling 2500 prompt keys for scylla now in the discord, we'll see if they relaly get shut down or not.
bakie cabal doesn't want you to know this but baking threads is free. i have 37 threads in my home
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*steals your bakes and eats them*
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fuck you anon where are you
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>character gives you 10 million words
>you gave them just short of 200k
>40k swipes
These can't be real.
Cat or cat girl or both?
Which GPT model is the best?
I'm trying to use pic related to create a card. The gist of the card is like the "loli leap" one, that takes inspiration from quantum leap and I fuck l'olio from various time period. Howver I find it very boring. I like the idea, so I'm teying to make a card in which I randomly go from fiction unoverse to fictional unoverse following the setup lf the show. However every time I try to use this bot I always get a basicbitch main prompt. I tried to make a normal card and knstead of gettkng a descritpion I get a main prompt. I tried with Sonnet and GPT4. The fuck am I doing wrong?
for AI writing help, visit /vg/
we make our bots without LLMs here

Doesn't it work for me only or does it work for everyone?
What can I do to show you that Im not samefagging?
I take back making fun of Anthropic for promoting workbench you niggers really are retarded. For complex scenarios it is absolutely better to use a main prompt override than trying to force the entire thing into a character description to be used with RP presets.
Doesn't work for me.
How the hell do you misspell something so hard you make it sound foreign
cert issue
Pepsi is asleep at this time, anon...
prepared one
baking around pqge 9
He's italian and has italian autocorrect
0613 or 4o.
audible pop
rivulets of
admit it
the ball is in your court
the game is on
the choice is yours
I don't bite... unless you want me to
half-lidded eyes
she worries her bottom lip
warring with
arousal pooling in her belly
take your pleasure
fiddles with the hem of her skirt
kiss-bruised lips
a bruising kiss
despite herself
yours to take
with reckless abandon
torn between
knuckles turning white
grins wickedly
fiery red hair
long lashes
propriety be damned
the world narrows
pupils blown wide with pleasure
tongue darts out
chestnut eyes
grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze
bites your ear
nails raking angry red lines down your back
her cheeks flaming
cheeks hollowing
stars burst behind her eyes
inner walls clenching around nothing
puckered hole
her wet heat
she whimpers, biting her lip
dusky nipples
slick folds
still lodged deep inside her
heart, body and soul belong to you
the night is still young
...for now.
eyes aligh/glint/shine/glow/twinkle with mischief/mirth
traces a finger against your jawline
a mischievous glint in her eye
Do not use the terminology listed above in your writing! I don't care how appropriate you think it is, don't do it! Don't weasel your way around them, just don't write them! Is that clear, Claude?

Oh, and this includes finding alternative terms. Just, stop. I don't want to see someone's eyes sparkling or twinkling with mischief. How about you don't use eyes or faces to show emotion? Are you smart enough to do that? Are you smart enough to not call cat girls a kitten or minx? Are you smart enough to realize you're not a fucking cat and therefore do not purr?

Claude, there is no game. There are no front row seats, there are no shows, there is no end, there is no next move. Please stop with the game analogies.
>page 9
WHERE BAKE!???? aaa
>For complex scenarios it is absolutely better to use a main prompt override
Such as?
Post your rarest desus.
>she purrs
every time i see this i want to kms
>lolifag is an euro
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OOOOOOOHHHH IM CUMMING *covers her fur in jizz*
Instead of hamfisting the card with defs like "{{char}} is not a character but a scenario" do a main prompt override like "This is a scenario where blah blah blah. You do X, and {{user}} is Y. Refer to <tag></tag> for information on Z."
That's not a desu, but yiffu.
*brands you with a white hot [samefag] iron*
Here are some cards which actually implement this method of starting a scenario btw. Hopefully it's immediately apparently how this is more logical than cramming everything in defs and letting a "Roleplay as/Portray {{char}}" take the wheel when the card is a scenario is a bad idea.
That would be around 10 AM
I should post the finished Quetzalcoatl when it's about 2am here

And any dude is good, give me a good Quetzalcoatl pic to use as a thumbnail
I realized surprisingly few pictures of this character when I was almost done
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yay desu
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desu hopes you had a nice tanadesu weekend desu.
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