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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

Model generations:
>Classic IBM: T40, T41, T42
>IBM/Lenovo Transition: T43, T60, T61 (T42 - T43: significant difference in specs)
>"Classic" Lenovo: T400, T410, T420 (T61 - T400: 4:3 to 16:10)
>Transition to old modern: T430, T440, T450 (T420 - T430: membrane to chiclet)
>Old modern: T460, T470, T480 (T450 - T460: significantly less thick)
>New modern: T490, T14g1, T14g2 (T480 - T490: design change)
>New new modern: T14g3, T14g4, ... (T14g2 - T14g3: second design change)

BIOS replacement:

Additional resources:


##ibmthinkpad on libera
#/tpg/ on rizon
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reposting from last thread:
Are the chassis parts and screen of an X300 and X301 interchangeable? I'm tempted to pick up a cheap X301 and use the good bits off my X300 to fix it up, especially since the SU9400 can be modded to run considerably faster.
What kinda temps do you guys get? I'm regularly hitting 90s and thermal throttling when under even fairly small loads on my docked T440p. Idle at mid 60s when not doing much. Very annoying. I used to run an undervolt some years back, which helped a lot, but the package/service for that isn't available on my main distro. I may be due for a clean + repaste, but in my experience that rarely makes a meaningful difference. I think these things just run hot as shit, especially in a dock. I think Haswell was before they started lowering power on CPUs, so newer models are probably less spicy. Too bad they also need blobs for the iGPU after this gen.
What's wrong with soldered-on RAM? It rarely dies, LPDDR is faster and lower powered than SODIMM DDR. The only exception I'll make for it is LPCAMM2.
epoxy on my ram and rom
i dont see why screen and others wouldnt be
probably not bottom body because of different ports

i think the dock blocks the vent
repaste with TG and new pads, clean fan
run on powersave pstate
ez 40 C

i like to reuse my ram
I need a new work laptop and it must be Lenovo because muh contracts.
My work is split dev and office tasks, lot's of travelling so I need balance between power and mobility, also durable chassis.

Here's the choices I'm considering.
>T14S G4 AMD, better chassis and mobility
>P14S G5 AMD, better performance
Specs are almost identical with only significant differences being HS>U CPU on P15S G5 and magnesium chassis on T14S G4.

Anyone here got experience with these or have an alternative? Kinda unsure with Intel choices, past experience with Intel is hot loud mess...
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This thread belongs to /csg/.
Fuck you faggots for brainwashing me into getting a t480 the screen is way too small.
>probably not bottom body because of different ports
That's fine, the main thing the screen and palmrest, since mine are in good condition after I scrubbed the sticky soft-touch coating clean, but the X301 I'm looking at is pretty rough in those areas. I got the X300 for free so I don't mind using it as a parts donor, I just really like the sturdiness of them and a faster model would be nice.

40-50C running a youtube video on my X230, but ambient temp is only about 15C at the moment.

Get your eyes checked.
It's Linux unironically, my cpu runs like 10c hotter on Linux for some reason
Skill issue, I can see fine on my A285.
Are you used to 15.6 screen? I've always used 15.6 and now wanted to buy a 14 screen and I'm also wondering if I'd find it too small
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imagine buying a laptop from a serie so shitty that the chinks were to buy it whole from IBM.
I'm used to a 16.
Would you buy an HP EliteBook 840 G6 Laptop for 9 dollars?

The catch is that it won't even boot to BIOS. It's got a 256GB SSD and 16GB RAM though, perhaps that works.
you must be new here
>the main thing the screen and palmrest
will work
die in a house fire
simply buy a 15" 4:3 T60, problem solved :)
Yeah great advice, buy a laptop from fucking 2006
and so what? still works
nice dubs, it matches your IQ
>he fell for the T480 meme
Got another one!
for parts, sure
need portable laptop was thinking about x390 or x13
so how bad these are and why should i get t480s instead
I heard on /g/ that "laptop parts are notoriously difficult to reuse in other laptops". That true?
Not those parts you dipshit. SSD and RAM can be moved to other compatible laptops.
Pen tests
Thoughts about P50 with a 4k display that I can get for about 300€?
why not
It's comfy, isn't it? I want a device to play around with gentoo. I read a reddit post about how Gentoo is bad because compiling everything is bad for the climate and now I want to install it out of spite and compile a bunch of stuff.
I think anons are tired of that faggot spamming the same thing over and over again every thread.
if you want to do more damage i recommend linux from scratch
you will have to compile stuff several times before you get it right
Kek, true. But I think Gentoo is just about what I can handle and end up with a system that I will actually enjoy using. Not having a package manager is a pain in the ass.
i guess update weekly for ultimate damage
The only people mad about it are the unsoldered ram snobs.
epoxy on my ram and rom is not reference to soldered ram, it is reference to hardening against physical attack
Oh I misunderstood the joke. I thought it was epoxying removable RAM modules to the board out of spite so it's no longer upgradeable, a la soldered RAM.
its not really a joke but sure
dont let them touch your ram or rom
>I thought it was epoxying removable RAM modules to the board out of spite
this is actually hilarious though
Why the t14s go for dirty cheap with Ryzen 4650u compared to other thinkpad models with way older cpus that cost considerably more? what's the catch? it's the touchscreen or what?
>run on powersave pstate
If I don't use Performance I can't handle h265 anime encodes. I was running on Balanced for a while until I realized it was the cause of my mpv performance issues. (and yes thermal throttling fucks performance too, gotta find a balance)
I use it like a desktop, so the dock is a must. I wonder if anyone's made custom docks with better airflow.
ok thats odd, i do more heavy stuff on t440 (not p) and it just works, 100% quiet and ok temps
heh i think i found what listing you meant with the broken screen and shitty palmrest
wont bid though
Lenovo is CHINESE?! Thanks for that news, I did not know that.
I'd check on prices for successive models, see if they're that much more. They did improve that series as it went along. In America at least, usually all of the p5x models are inexpensive and priced not too far apart.
Thinking of a newer 14" thinkpad since my older thinkpads just feel too old alot of modern software (yes even gnu shit), are the p14s pretty good?
gnu shit should run fine everywhere, clean fan and repaste
nothing wrong with p14s btw
why don't you keep that shit in your dumpster fire /cyb/er larp skid thread
the text started in here moron
anyone else experiencing kde plasma randomly stuttering? it makes scrolling down web pages, drawing, and moving windows around feel like complete shit.
If you mean the one with the busted display then no, that's a different one, bid on it if you want, new screens are available on AliExpress by the looks. I got the one listed in Australia last night.
i dont buy from ebay
but i was looking for japanese x301 keyboard if i decided to buy a x301
Why does my i7 8th gen T480 feel so slow? I'm running Fedora w/ KDE and having a youtube tab open with a few more makes the video stutter around
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Is it possible to use the modem on my T410?
Probably moreso a problem with KDE than anything else.
no it will create mustard gas
I'm looking for the best value chinkpad to run pic related. Value meaning price/performance. On the higher end. x220 fags BTFO
thinkpad x230
qubes isnt that good, you will be better off using minimal linux distro like hyperbola.info or making your own
>only 55% sRGB coverage
Why are modern 1080p Stinkpad screens so bad
check the temps, the cpus thermal paste should be replaced by now.
It's pretty old Tbh
Make sure everything works and the display is ok, replacement parts are expensive.
>upgraded from W520 to P53
>remapped page up and down keys to navigating back and forward
>remapped the useless numpad to be media player controls and volume keys
pretty expensive but take it if its got good specs
meme operating system
What's a good price on an X250 in grade A condition?
W520, you'll need that GPU
I was just thinking of those anons using xx20/30 era Thinkpads. Are you guys using the original screens? Chances are not because they sucked, but most of us upgraded the display at some point. I upgraded my T520 basic 1366x768 screen to the 1920x1080 one as soon as I got mine in 2014. So this display has been working for 10 years.

What is the expected lifespan of led backlight again? My settings are for the screen to turn off after 5 minutes of inactivity, but still the rest of the computer has at least 50k of use, probably 75k total.
idk much about KDE other than it's heavy. I take it that it's not a compositor issue/screen tearing?
Do you have a CD for 50 free hours of AOL?
Seriously though, it should only be a matter of getting drivers or finding out if it has kernel support. Who are you going to call? The last local BBSs died out here many years ago.
afaik my X230 IPS screen is original and is 11-12y old or so. Works fine aside from the ghosting but that's a known issue and not due to age.
Anyone? I'm curious why they go for so low compared to other thinkpads with worse cpus?

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