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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

Model generations:
>Classic IBM: T40, T41, T42
>IBM/Lenovo Transition: T43, T60, T61 (T42 - T43: significant difference in specs)
>"Classic" Lenovo: T400, T410, T420 (T61 - T400: 4:3 to 16:10)
>Transition to old modern: T430, T440, T450 (T420 - T430: membrane to chiclet)
>Old modern: T460, T470, T480 (T450 - T460: significantly less thick)
>New modern: T490, T14g1, T14g2 (T480 - T490: design change)
>New new modern: T14g3, T14g4, ... (T14g2 - T14g3: second design change)

BIOS replacement:

Additional resources:


##ibmthinkpad on libera
#/tpg/ on rizon
Looking for a "mobile workstation"
Anybody ever had a Precision 7670 or HP Zbook Studio/ Fury? Or should I just get a ROG Zephyrus?
I'm broke and want a decent laptop for gamedev -- I'm interested in 2D (games maybe a bit more complex than Hollow Knight) but want to be able to switch to 3D if I change my mind (will most probably only use Godot).

Is this good enough for 400€ ?
Thinkpad P51 Workstation:

Intel i7 7820HQ
DDR4 32 GB
SSD M.2 512 GB NVMe
NVIDIA Quadro M2200 4 GB
IPS 15.6" 3840x2160 4K X-Rite PANTONE
I bought a lenovo legion 5 awhile ago. Best purchase in a long time. Great performance, great build quality, good battery life. I'd spring for one rstehr than a mobile workstation which will just cost more
Yeah its fine. Its a quad core so
I do need muh ISV GPU though. Since work is buying they want it to have good build quality and a support team
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What cheap DDR3 LP RAM can I throw in an X301?
>find X1 yoga for a good price
>order it from a reputable seller
>see more photos
>a dozen stickers on it
>cancel order
miss me with that gay shit bro
epoxy on my ram and rom
read this i suppose https://x301.mcdonnelltech.com/
i always check max ram speed supported, then pick crucial/hynix etc used the cheapest one and run memtest
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Blog posting b/c these threads are slow and I need a sounding board.
Been using a T530 for a long time because I love the form factor. Recently scooped up a W530 for a steal. $170 after shipping.
- i7-3840QM
- 16G Ram
- tested Intel brand 256G SSD
- 1080 IPS
- backlit keyboard
- Nvidia K1000M
I love this form factor for a variety of reasons, I know some have issues with the size/weight, but I'm no manlet and its perfect for me. I've already Ivyrain'd it, upgraded to an AC wireless card.
The power brick it came with, despite being the 170W, wont charge the battery while the machine is on, I think it has a short in the wire. I had planned on doing a USB-C charging mod but I'm not entirely sure if this machine can handle that? If I'm reading correctly, the USB-C mods will only go up to 90W? Is that sufficent?
Also, I normally just run Debian on all of my devices, but I was immediately filtered by the complex set up for integrated/discrete nVidia drivers. I decided to try PopOS because of their native Nvidia support, but that hasnt solved my headache at all. Trying to switch the device to 'hybrid' mode prompts a restart but doesnt actually change the setting. All the guides I find mention switching graphics as a footnote but dont go into much detail. Anyone that wants to call me a slovenly retard and condescendingly explain what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
i've had some nasty overheating issues with the P51
depending on how complex the graphics you're working with even a W520 can be more than enough for godot, really light engine
>The power brick it came with, despite being the 170W, wont charge the battery
You tried swapping the battery and charger with the other laptop and see if it works?
>I had planned on doing a USB-C charging mod but I'm not entirely sure if this machine can handle that? If I'm reading correctly, the USB-C mods will only go up to 90W?
it will work
i can sell you home made pcb, i just made one for my x230
>I normally just run Debian on all of my devices
keep it that way
or use some fsf linux like hyperbola or trisquel if you got ath9k wifi
the T530 has the 60W charger, which by design, will only charge the W530 while it's off or sleeping and yes, it performs as expected. The 170W should power the laptop and charge the battery simultaneously, but unfortunately, it does not. I'm fairly certain its the power brick that is having the issue.
>it will work
nvm im retarded, there is no pd for that much
though iirc the 170w charger was made for w530 and not for the t530, not sure
Which one should I get? Isn’t the t490 supposed to be better why are they of the same price?
xx30 is the best
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Forgot picrel
both overpriced
I think I am going with the t490. Ram and battery are enough for me I don’t think I will customize it. The screen is better and I like the lighter and slim look of it.
What range should be good? Also, should I consider good and very good condition or stick to excellent? Is the latter really worth much?
He’s on point. But, I don’t think I will need the extra battery. I am always either at work, uni or home and I have a power station in my car regardless.
On the other hand, I don’t have a better laptop at home so I need to go with the best screen I can get.
T490 be it?
looking at my country market, i instantly see one for 192 usd
i wouldnt pay more than 150
but it depends if 300 is alot for you or not

>should I consider good and very good condition or stick to excellent?
as long as its not cracked somewhere and
doesnt have damaged screen, doesnt matter

>Ram and battery are enough for me
make sure to get them to show current battery capacity
batteries degrade over time and you dont want to end up with 2 hour shit
you can buy new batteries from kingsener on aliexpress though
Barely alive general.
>bought non-thinkpad laptop
>linux has no support for limiting charge on it
>every tool is thinkpad only
I regret.
>>linux has no support for limiting charge on it
ls /sys/class/power_supply
you should see BAT0 maybe BAT1 AC
go in and you will see charge_control_*
its not dead if you can keep posting it
T490 is better, get that one.
There is actually none and I can not even create them with sudo/su.
TLP shows that it supports basically nothing.
I cannot apply the threshold from the config file.
If you read the actual documentation it says explicitly Thinkpads only for most things. There are some other specific models that are supported, mine is not one of them.
maybe kernel needs specific things for this to appear in sysfs?
what os and laptop?
1. maybe, but there are specific kernel modules for specific models for this
2. oh cmon
what do you mean oh cmon
just interested, you dont have to share
What thinkpad should I get if i want to play games sometimes
games like
classic doom and doom 64

i would also like for it to be upgradeable, pls help
x230 or t430
my company is replacing my dev machine (laptop) and asking what I want for the replacement. I didn't choose the first time around and have never needed to pick out a business computer before so I have no idea what I'm looking for spec wise

Must be DELL or one of their brands and my use case is windows running vmware with 2-4 VMs running at the same time. The VMs are loaded with bloated toolchains and I develop and do builds that take an hour on my current machine. I don't do any GPU related work but there may be need for me to in the future so a dedicated GPU is probably good idea. Any recommendations? A bunch of my coworkers were going for a Precision 7780, I thought that looked kind of thin for a work computer though. wouldn't I be better off with an alienware or something chunkier that presumably wouldn't throttle as much? The portability / noise of the device is irrelevant to my use of it
T43p, T60p, T61p would probably get it if you're going for VERY retro. But if you wanted to be safe, a T420/30.

Upgradeable to what?
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T480 is better and faster for power users. You can equip it with 2x32GB DDR4 sticks for dual channel support and upgrade the heatsink to have better sustained combined CPU and iGPU performance.

T490 is okay for those that just use the laptop as a typing machine, but don't you dare open more than 16GB of RAM worth of programs - the performance will drop drastically. Say you put a 32GB stick if it has 8GB soldered RAM, and you get 40GB in total - anything above 16GB RAM will run in single-channel. The performance drop will be so hard that you'll start having second thoughts about your purchase. Don't buy the T490.
Hi, I'm currently on X260. I was thinking of purchasing a new one and after couple repairs (spilled keyboard) laying this one for light tasks and experiments. I'd very much like to use USB-C for charging, keep the small ultrabook size and maybe try touchscreen? Never had one, ought to try. Any recommendations /g/ents?
i just want to be able to upgrade cpu gpu ram and storage, fans too i think
nigger what?
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I smacked my laptop on the keyboard in a rage playing Elden Ring, and now when I tilt or lift it by the right hand corner, it gives me the blue sceen if death and restarts. Works fine otherwise

Any idea what would cause this to happen ? Popped the hood to have a look inside but I don't see any loose connections etc
clean your fan
also try booting live linux off of usb and see if something happens there also just cause
If you want to throw a bunch of money at upgrading an old model Thinkpad, first consider adding up how much you'd spend on said upgrades and then work out if you can just buy a more expensive but superior model in the first place. Especially if you want something with a decent GPU, since it's unlikely you'll be able to upgrade that to begin with.
Any 16:10 laptop options?
My t500 is 16:10.
P51 and put some duct tape on the sides
What's the best thinkpad for libreboot now that the x200 is too expensive to afford?
x200 is still cheap
any libreboot thinkpad is good
for me its x230 or x60
Not cheap enough, cheapest one without issues on ebay is like $600.
i get them monthly for 20 usd in my country
Some faggot on youtube meme'd thinkpads and subsequently saw a $100 price increase all over ebay
Lucky, but that's not going to help me. I can't even find them locally so I have to rely buying online which is very expensive.
I would reseat your RAM, SSD, battery, and wi-fi card.
It's hard to beat the late model XPSs
I got a 9300 with 4k screen for $150 used and its 13" screen is bigger than most 14" screens
>tfw you have a libreboot X200 in grade A condition with AFFS mod and 2.53GHz CPU
kek, I could probably get someone to pay me $1000 for mine
Well, not me. I'd love to have one but I won't pay that for it.
supply and demand will only favor sellers as time goes on (not that I'm planning to sell mine, it's the only computer I have now)
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>page 9
Got a T14 with 8GB RAM soldered, is it better to put in another 8GB stick or a 16GB?
t. tech illiterate
8GB that matches whatever the soldered RAM specs would be ideal.
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What's the smallest possible thinkpad/business laptop made in the last 10 years?
i have like 20 of those rn, you are telling me i can become millionaire?
2 in 1 or regular laptop with touchscreen? Personally I don't see the benefit of a regular laptop with touch, but there's a tradeoff usually with those panels - they're usually higher res or at least always IPS (versus the cheapo TNs), but they also consume more power.
is thinkpad who has Ryzen CPUs good ? I mean battry life and temperature and so on
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Still having issues with Nvidia drivers. Would love someone to point me in the right direction. Switching graphical modes on popOS prompts a restart, but the setting stays locked on "Integrated". I can change it to just boot through the K1000M, but battery life and thermals go to shit. Probably going to switch back to Debian b/c PopOS failed to "just werk". Someone here has to know how to set up switching graphics on a w530 in Debian, unless dead internet theory was right again and this site really has become a chatbot void.

I have now determined this issue is intermittent which further confirms my hypothesis that its a short in the cable.
They're only better than their Intel counterparts with the Ryzen 5 series. Before that Intel was better. How much better? Not a lot but noticeable. More noticeable the further back in time you go.
2 in 1 preferably, I don't see the appeal either. Though only use for touchscreen I cant think of is simpler scrolling for pdfs (most of what I do) and perhaps some gestures. It propably could be comfy, though it takes quite a lot of power AFAIK.
I was thinking of X390 yoga, but supposedly it's wobbly in some positions and has way worse battery life than X260.
How bad is the Latitude 7290? I want to get one as a bedtime shitposting machine.
Main thing I'm worried about is heat problems, considering it's a 12" machine with a 15 watt CPU.
My ThinkPad power supply died, and I can't find a good quality, reputable replacement.
I don't know anything about electronics.

Is it ok to use a slightly different specd power supply with it? Or is it dangerous?

Input 100-240V ~ 1.8A 50-60 Hz
Output 20V *funny symbol* 3.25A
>Potential replacement?
Input 100-240V ~ 1.5A 50-60 Hz
Output 20V *funny symbol* 3.25A

The only difference is 1.8A vs 1.5A on the input.
did you fail middle school?
just get an X61 or X200
>Can't find a charger for a fucking ThinkPad, the most mass produced computers ever.

Wow you must have a super mega rare, one of a kind, most likely concept/prototype ThinkPad

Fucking retard.
I got an A* in Double Science for my GCSEs (equivalent of 2 GCSEs split across the 3 sciences), but I haven't studied any science since then and it was like 20 years ago and I have forgotten everything I learned, pretty much.

The other day I had to re-learn that only plant cells have 'cell walls', animal cells don't. I had genuinely forgotten. I don't even think that's GCSE level knowledge (2 years formal education starting at age 14 ending at age 16). I think that's from before, like age 10 LMAO

I can find plenty, but they're extremely chinky. I actually had a chinky replacement supply once (was working at 2 different stations primarily, was fed up of taking the power supply with me), but I did some investigations, and found out the earth/ground was fake. It had a metal earth pin like such appliances are supposed to have in Bongistan, but I used an EMF meter to check the electric and magnetic fields, and compared it to the genuine supply, and the difference was huge. Basically, the fields the cable and laptop were giving off when powered with the chink supply were enormous, akin to a 2-pin unearthed appliance. When using the original genuine supply, the were much lower, as is expected. I switched the power cables just to check, and then both power supplies were behaving as if unearthed. So the chink supply was unearthed in both pieces. The metal earth pin wasn't connected to anything inside, and had no earth wire throughout both pieces. I got rid of it, years ago. I suspect the very chinky ones will all have the same issue.

I have a Green Cell spare power supply for a different laptop, and I did the same check when I bought it (checking against original). That shit is legit, it's earthed just like the original.

So for this ThinkPad, what I mean is I can't find a good one. I believe I even stated that in my original post.
>Wastes time with pointless word salad to somehow attempt to save face on an anonymous board.

Like I said, fucking retard.
hmm ok heres spoonfeed, only thing that matters is the output
20V and 3.25A
if it was more it would kill the "thinkengine" charging controller chip
i hope you calm down one day mr miserable
thank you. what is the actual difference between the 1.8A and 1.5A in this case?
It slurps 240V at the wall, but it slurps it in at 1.8 or 1.5 A...and then it does its conversion magic thingy majigy and jizzes it out at 20V 3.25A? But the laptop only sees 20V 3.25A part, the mains end of the power supply being taken in at 1.8A vs 1.5A is irrelevant to it?
the design is probably more efficient
That was the one I was going to suggest. The hinge issue is kind of endemic to all Thinkpads and IMO a bit overblown. Basically if it starts getting creaky/stuff, don't ignore it - adjust or lubricate it. And don't be a fucking gorilla trying to flick it open like a lockback knife or grabbing it from one corner. The battery life is going to be what it is. Touchshit consumes more power, period. Maybe look at X1 Yoga Gen 3 or 4
i am tech illiterate

do i buy

Lenovo (FullHD 15,6 Zoll Gaming Notebook (Intel Core i5 12500U 16-Thread CPU, 4.5 GHz, 24 GB DDR4, 1000 GB SSD, Intel® Iris® Xe, HDMI, BT, USB 3.0, WLAN, Windows 11 Prof. 64, MS Office) - 7471

550 bucks
Cool thanks friend
Oh I thought it was due to the foldable design? I never had a single issue with hinges on any of my thinkpads, though I've used solely T-series and X-series without touchscreen. Nonetheless I'll have a look at X1 as well. Thanks a lot anon!
say use case
>Lenovo’s Yoga 700- series models – 700, 710, 720 and 730 – are the main subject of the class action lawsuit.
FWIW, these in the lawsuit are the consumer-spec Yogas, not the T/X/X1 series and lemmings here just parrot "yogas are shit" endlessly. They *are* more fragile but as I said I think it's somewhat overblown.
Thank you bro, I ordered it
Authentic Asus moment

Also don't play videogames and don't be angry, then you won't win stupid prizes
Is 450 euros a good price for a Thinkpad T14 G1, Ryzen 5 PRO 4650U, 16 gb ram, 256 ssd?

For 400 euros I can buy the ThinkPad L14 G1, Ryzen 5 Pro 4650U, 8 gb ram, 256 gb ssd
Hard call. You could opt for the T14 just for the additional RAM, but it's trivial to upgrade the L14, it has two RAM slots - on the T14, 8 or all 16gb of that may be soldered.
for me smallest and usable is x230
though probably not smallest
Thoughts on p14s gen 5 Intel? It seems to have an entirely new chassis and 14.5" screen compared to the AMD variant.
With the 6 cell battery I find my X230 to be a lot chunkier than my A285, which has an almost identical footprint. I'd love something as thin as the 285 but with a 10" screen, that would be perfect.

Just sit it on an old cutting board, you won't have to worry about it overheating then.

>Touchshit consumes more power, period.
I've got a touchscreen on my A285 that I never use, would that be consuming power? Can I disable it?
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>page 9
I don't know but probably the 13" models like the X13, that's what I use.
Do I understand that correctly? Only 16 inch models still have full-sized SD card slot?
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Good USB card readers tend to be USB hubs like these:

Amazon Vine folks will try to unload these via eBay, so that's a way of getting something decent and mint condition second-hand. I have the SmartQ one and a couple of older Mokin models I got cheaply. A handful of brands are reliable and unlikely to get you chinked, read reviews to find out.

The handful of standalone readers I've tried were all sluggish trash, and some Aliexpress ones i got died after only very few uses.
>you will buy ze dock and carry it with you everywhere and introduce yet another point of failure to your life and workflow, and you vill be happy
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The input doesn't matter as long as it covers the voltage of your country. The output voltage must match the original (that's always 20V anyway as far as I know), but the output current (3.25A [Amperes] in your case) must match or be greater than the original. I use an Antwelon brand charger with my T440p I bought on Amazon.
Try to avoid the chargers without reviews or make sure to at least buy with a return policy.

Also, don't reply to stupid shitstains that randomly attack you. We get a lot of schizoids around here, and losers probably living off of disability money who never interact with other humans and wind up dehumanized as a result.

kill your worthless selves, or fuck off to /b/
At least I don't have you nearby, that would be a colossal mass of points of failure in my life otherwise. That's why no one wants you around.
Page 9 bumpu

Do any anons here have multiple thinkpads they use?
I have a T470, T14 and X1 Carbon gen 7

T470 used for browsing and gaeman
T14 used for gaeman
X1 used for browsing and gaeman
I don't know who might need an SD card slot except for photographers and in that case, you really should rather get a MacBook (ironically enough, the new Pros reintroduced the SD slot) and not a Stinkpad with their shitty screens.
I like using the SD card instead of a USB to share files between my computers, means I can just leave it in there when I'm on the move.
>Someone here has to know how to set up switching graphics on a w530 in Debian
I don't have any experience with the W530 nor Ivyrain but i have set up switching graphics on a dell precision 6700 and 6600 before.
Firstly i noticed that you never mentioned if you set the bios options correctly. In bios you need to configure the optimus relevent options or at least double check that they are correct. there is two (one to set the settings to hybrid, and another to enable os detection) but i think but you should double check.
Then in debian the wiki sums it up quite nicely as "should be available and working out-of-the-box as soon as you install the proprietary drivers"
So install only the nvidia proprietary drivers and the xorg modesetting driver.
what minimal distro should i try on an old 2 core x61?
just got it an ssd and maxed out ram, i want this thing to fly
Any particular reason for having 3 similar laptops for similar tasks?
I've got an A285 for gayming/gamedev/browsing, an X230 for fucking around in linux and browsing, and I'm working on an X301 that'll be for distraction-free dev stuff and typing. It's nice to have different laptops for different workspaces.
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>tfw never thought to buy out the entire classrooms worth of IBM era Thinkpads when the transition from XP to 7 hardware finally took place
Now that I fell for the meme and have a T480 en route from Ebay, what's the likelihood that there's some refurbished part added that could make it incompatible with Linux? The most I can think of is the wifi card.
>kill your worthless selves, or fuck off to /b/
dumb fuck its valid answer as it is middle school knowledge, i helped him afterwards
hyperbola.info if ath9k wifi
zero if non free kernel
i have no experience with new thinkpads
It won't be the wifi card because lenovo runs a bios whitelist of cards. Only certain ones can be used
I agree with this, Lenovo thinkpad is really a very practical product
I had separate hardware for a while and realized I was better served by VMs or dual boot with separate HDDs, with few exceptions. I do keep a Windows 7 machine around (T61) for testing stuff that needs direct I/O and and optical media tasks, but primarily I just use my GNU\X230. Which actually has a second drive with W10 on it that essentially never gets booted up. I have a librebooted T60 that collects dust now with my T61.
16:10 is based
A 16:10 14" screen is bigger than a 16:9 15.6" screen
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>Chinkpad Yoga 11e 20D9
Is there any point to upgrading this thing? It's the only functional craptop I have left. Can't exactly get a new 4 cell battery from the looks of it directly from Lenovo (dunno what a good replacement would be), but I can stick an MX500 SSD inside to replace the 120GB Lite-On SSD and an 8GB DDR3 M471B1G73QH0-YK0 PC3L module to replace the 4GB one for around $18.

Also, any idea how to get the touchscreen drivers working on this thing? I did away with the factory install and wiped a new installation of Windows 10 Enterprise onto it but I can't get them working for whatever reason, which would be nice given it is faster than the trackpad a lot of the time. Also considering downgrading to 7 or 8.1 on this for extra battery life.
>Also considering downgrading to 7 or 8.1 on this for extra battery life.
wont affect power draw, check with powertop in linux what draws most power
its always
processes draw minimal power
11e owner here

I could never get the touchshit working in Linux. Doesn't mean you can't, I just couldn't. Windows even broke touch functionality all the time and I had to keep reinstalling/rolling back to the original driver on Lenovo's site (which btw does work on W7, 8, and 10 even tho it was made for 7). The processor is unfortunately really weak. If you run a lightweight Linux on it and use it as a browser/remote desktop machine sans touch it's fine but don't expect more than that out of it. Win 7 or 8.1 would be more ideal if you insist on Windows or a very stripped down W10 (like IOT LTSC, go visit /fwg/ for info).
>I could never get the touchshit working in Linux.
I was considering installing Mint XFCE but I'm leaning towards just putting Windows 7 on this still unused SSD for the time being, since this machine is still from the crossover period into Windows 10 and should have all the drivers for it. It's a shame because I really did manage to make some decent use of the touch screen in cases where the trackpad wouldn't be as fast as I'd like.
>which btw does work on W7, 8, and 10 even tho it was made for 7
Alright, that just confirms my choice for now then. I should have just pulled the trigger and tried installing 7 on this sooner, even if it originally came specced with Windows 10 Pro around 2016.
>The processor is unfortunately really weak
Yeah no kidding, I was shocked to find out the CPU (despite the impressively low power consumption) is still much weaker than even the lowest-spec Bulldozer derivative offerings (the A8-5600K system I bought for under $20 runs circles around this despite the 10x higher power consumption). It can barely even run Quake or CS:CZ Deleted Scenes for example. Still, I have high hopes it should run a Windows 7 installation much better than my EEE PC 1201N did (though with a likely weaker graphics core if I had to guess, that one at least had NVIDIA graphics which could at least run Terraria pretty well). Better than the Presario V6000 though that's for sure. For office tasks and web browsing it should still do fine. Dunno if the dual-rank Samsung memory I just ordered will provide any benefit though since the CPU is just so painfully slow and has gimped I/O and bandwidth.
Just bought a P53 with i7-9750H
I wonder what screen it will have. Delivery is in a few days and no info from the eBay seller. Any clues?
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do they make thinkpads without black plastic
i like that thing, he looks nice
he will be skinned to make a fur coat mashallah
poor albino mink(?)

anyway, silver thinkpads exist, I remember seeing anons mention or post some, but I know nothing else
I dunno. For that price, you may want to get a machine with a better GPU? Like those with the Quadro Ps'? The M2200M is slightly worse than a GTX 1050 non-Ti (but with larger V-Ram ).

I got a Dell Precision 7520 with similar specs sans the CPU (i7-6820HQ) and screen (1920x1080) for $220.00 USD a year ago.


Honestly, I find the used Thinkpads got too popular, sellers noticed and starting marking-up prices $150+ higher than they are supposed to be.
Same anon, forgot to add:
You will want a Thinkpad with at least an Intel 8th-gen CPU for Windows 11 (if aren't using Win 11 LTSC or Rufus' CPU check bypass.)

If you plan to use Linux, be aware that Nvidia Optimus (basically all Nvidia Laptop GPUs) is a complete dumpster fire to setup and operate. Unless it is a Turing GPU, you must restart to switch the GPU on or off.
>If you plan to use Linux
none of that matters if you plan to use linux
because linux users can deal with t60
NTA, you may need to acpi_call kernel module.
You know just to be safe.

Some people just want their stuff to (mostly) work OOTB.
No experience with the new Thinkpads, but they are less modular for sure.

The P14s has soldered RAM but one available RAM slot, and limited storage options.

If you want to shell out $1K+ on a laptop, why not wait around for the next-gen AMD and Intel CPUs?
$969 for this AMD variant, RAM is not soldered
Man, I hate the T480s keyboard. Otherwise, it's a pretty machine.
What's the current price/performance king thinkpad
>on a fresh install of W7U
>25% cpu usage in idle with random spikes to 50%
>ram at 700mb
the memory isn't even going to be the main issue here as always even though this feels significantly snappier than 10 ever did out of the box
I bought a Kingsener battery sometime in January, put it in my X230, forgot about it while leaving it stored away with some charge in it, and now I'm afraid to check and see how much the battery's gone to shit. Going to finally get around to installing Arch on it and setting shit up. Idk why I bothered with VirtualBox when I could've been setting shit up on bare metal. I'll report how shit the battery is, and whether it's leaking BIOS fluid onto my pp, soon™.
On the newer thinkpads if the soldered ram fails can the stick in the removable slot be used instead or is the board fucked? Just curious
Where even are the touchshit drivers for the 11e? I don't see them on the support page unless it's somehow part of the vantage package bloat.
should be fine, it will lose same amount of capacity as it would lose in 1 discharge
if you mean that there is
one removable dimm
one soldered dimm
it will probably still try to use both ram, eventually os will crash because ram is fucked up
enjoy bga rework
whats the website of that one chinese guy that made custom mobos with modern CPUs for old thinkpads?
I remain unconvinced that most of this shit isn't just bloat that will just waste precious write cycles on my SSD and hog CPU/memory resources.
What is the E series and L series? I have an E15 and a T490 and I want to get a 13" model with a decent FHD display but I am a little confused about all the models on offer.
Is it possible to get a better panel for my T490, and a backlit keyboard? I bought the shittiest model apparently and it's fine for a little linux machine but a backlit keyboard would be nice.
any insights are appreciated.

Final question since I'm posting, what's the best 14" model to get and is the Yoga line gimmicky and stupid or is it actually useful when you want to, for example, use a mech keyboard and get the laptop's keyboard out of the way
>what's the best 14" model to get
Probably the X1 Carbon
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ty anon, I did verify the BIOS settings during my attempts, including the Optimus settings. I'll try Debian again, but when I had issues with Debian, I tried PopOS b/c I was under the impression that Pop had some of the best support for Nvidia, but under the power management drop down on the task bar, PopOS has 4 options for gpu modes, attempting to switch any of these modes prompts a restart, but once the system restarts, the setting remains the same. Frustrating to say the least. Probably going to switch back to Debian this week and go through your listed steps. But with PopOS, once again, the 'just werkz' solution fucking does nothing(slightly relieved because I fucking hate Gnome),
I bought a thinkpad laptop. now some of the keys dont work on the keyboard. I have to mash the shit ouit of them sometimes. Fuck thinkpad.
Happened to me once. Keyboard's fucked m8. Replace the keyboard.
If mashing the key makes it work, it's probably just dirty. Pry the keycap and clean underneath.
Good price or not?
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yeah this is an issue. I'm still using an external one because I'm too lazy to try and fix mine. Those fucking things cost 50 € in here, may as well buy whole broken Thinkpads for the parts.

Often times it's nothing more than some grime between those plastic sheets, but good luck unscrewing those apart, they put the tiniest fucking screws. By sheer luck I got a hold of a proper screwdriver made for Thinkpads when I ordered an HDD caddy
how about stop distrohopping and figure out which driver you need
did the broke niggers on this board finally have to move on from x220
>no dvdrom
Model generations:
>Classic IBM: T40, T41, T42
>IBM/Lenovo Transition: T43, T60, T61 (T42 - T43: significant difference in specs)
>"Classic" Lenovo: T400, T410, T420 (T61 - T400: 4:3 to 16:10)
>Transition to old modern: T430, T440, T450 (T420 - T430: membrane to chiclet)
>Old modern: T460, T470, T480 (T450 - T460: significantly less thick)
>New modern: T490, T14g1, T14g2 (T480 - T490: design change)
>New new modern: T14g3, T14g4, ... (T14g2 - T14g3: second design change)

you see an X here?
i dont pay attention to op
thought it always said xx30 is best
For every "T" there is also an "X"
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My T460 ate my SIM
And now my battery lasts longer, I love this nigga
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Used T470 for 55 USD, this a good deal? The thing is I don't really need it, just wanna consoom a great deal. Also it'll be my first thinkpad. The question is if it is a great deal or is it meh.
whats currently the most afforadable fanless thinkpad?
i just got a $30 chromebook thinkpad yoga 11e and its pretty okay i guess but it would be nice to know if there are better options
i use x230 on powersave mode and have fun completely turned off
that counts as fanless right?
i guess you're right but also wrong? having a built-in fan but turning it off sounds like physical bloat. and having an intake/exhaust grill would still mean dust getting inside.

and yes im actually autistic (the diagnosed kind, not the meme kind), so i really cant stand the whirring and vibrating from the fans.
>sounds like physical bloat
you can disconnect and remove the fan while keeping the heatsink
>would still mean dust getting inside.
design your own laptop
Sorry bros it's been fun, went from my P51 to an M1 MBA. Despite the smaller screen, no numpad, no trackpoint, less ram and disk space, I am willing to put up with all of this because of how cool and quiet it runs. Oh and I get like 30 hours of battery life on low brightness.

It's been real, had a T61 back in the day, then got a W520, and a P51 in 2017. I miss the trackpoint and keyboard the most but even if I wanted a new machine, Lenovo doesn't even offer a comparable machine to my P51.
Any tips on buying 4-cell batteries used in Chinkpads? Any sales listings to avoid?
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>turns into a pissy little girl because a stranger sampled a single distro to fit a specific use case

kek, die mad about it, candyass roodypoo ~<3
Meanwhile Dell Latitude & Precision are dirt cheap.
>Precision 7540 is $150 cheaper than ThinkPad P53 of the exact same specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM, Screen)
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Happy birthday to all the x200s out there
>fit a specific use case
your use case was getting the driver to work
it was real advice, im not mad moron
guys I forgot to disconnect the battery before swapping the memory on my yoga 11e
will i be fucked or will i be ok?
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I noticed that one of the last decent value Thinkpads is the T14 Gen 1 Ryzen 5.
It seems genuinely tempting with 6 cores and an allegedly decent build for $200-250, roughly the same as what Coffee Lake Latitudes go for (I was initially shopping Latitudes and Precisions because I feared the meme tax).
I asked a friend of mine who is an IBM Repair tech about the T14's and he told me I probably shouldn't go after that specific model because the hinges like to explode often enough that he sees it as a design flaw rather than the "user beating the shit out of their machine" damage he usually treats.
Does anyone have more experience / anecdotes on the hinges of T14's getting stiff and ripping the chassis apart?
It's a good habit to treat a computer very carefully but they will survive much worse than that so long as the contacts aren't physically damaged and they get put back together properly.
In other words, hit the power button you'll probably be fine. Laptops can have the memory pulled while they're on and running an OS. Obviously that's not reccomended and the polar opposite of a "graceful shutdown" but the machine will very much physically survive the ordeal.
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sure thing kid. sorry your lel ebin burn didn't land, maybe next time you'll get your cheap dopamine rush love ~<3
>Intel PROSet/Wireless Software
Is this bloat?
i just told you to figure out the driver on whatever distro you are using
there is no point in switching to another one just for a driver
>Where even are the touchshit drivers for the 11e?
I heard they're not actually listed on the Lenovo driver page, rather they're part of the Intel serial IO drivers. I could be wrong though. The problem with this is that Intel'd serial IO driver page is dead.
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kek, the back peddling.

I cannot see how you don't see that you're clearly just being an unhelpful smooth brain. I briefly tried a distro with an advertised feature that fit my use case(popos has its own specific driver packages for Nvidia that they claim "just werk" and Nvidia has known driver issues with linux), it didn't work, so I'm going back to the base I'm familiar with. Why that is a problem for you is beyond my understanding. The only conclusion I can reach is you're just a mercurial idiot seeking a cheap dopamine high. Honestly, I think you failed at reading comprehension and now are too committed to your retarded comment to admit you knee jerked.
This is a hobby laptop. I'll distro hop as much as I want. maybe I'll switch to Manjaro now b/c it has the only sane KDE defaults. Eat my shit, roodypoo.
My T460s most of the time cant turn on unless the power is connected, but rarely i can turn it on without the power cable. Also the battery readings fluctuate all the time, for example, battery 1 had 80 percent health and battery 2 had 19 percent, a day later battery 1 has 70 percent health and battery 2 has 40 percent. Also it loses all charge overnight even when its 100%. Is this a battery or bios/ec issue?
Also the bios is at the latest version if anyone wanted to ask
>kek, the back peddling.
decides to write an essay
if i ever wished to replace my t430, what should i get?
>8th gen or newer
>similar size
>more than one usb port
>less than 200usd
>keyboard that doesn't make me want to kill myself
I got a P50 with the fastest available Xeon, 64Gb Ram, that 4K screen and the Quadro M2000 for 210€ last year from ebay, it was a steal and the best laptop I've ever had.

There is one now on ebay from LIthuania that goes for 320€, seller will accept less for sure, 400€ seems too much for a P51
an elitebook
which models in general are worth looking at? I've only used them in passing at work and such
I have a silver X1 Yoga. It's basically the successor to the X200T series and quite the sexy beast. If only it didn't come with an Intel space heater it'd be perfect.
T480 with t25 keyboard + palmrest
I saw a thinkpad x1 carbon on facebook for around 250. i5 8250 with 8gb ram. Should i buy it? My only concern is with the soldered ram
web browsing, note taking and some spreadsheets
I'm planning to put w11 ltsc on it
I just bought one of these gen 7 for my gf for $199 usd on eBay, but it has an i5-8365u (4.1ghz boost) instead of i5-8250u (3.4ghz boost), with 8gb RAM. I put win 11 LTSC on it. It has very nice speakers.

I don't think that's a particularly good deal. 8gb RAM can be dealt with by using lightweight applications or just not too much at once. But the i5-8250u is not great, the +700mhz single core boost of the 8365u is a big deal.
How to fix Thinkpad x230 left mouse button not working?
Good Linux for Thinkpad t60 not based on arch?

i was running debian with mate and it ran fine, if you like debian
Is using a Thinkpad and not knowing how to write hello world a sin
I don't like any of the pre installed des and when I tried to use another stuff broke
>8th gen or newer
>keyboard that doesn't make me want to kill myself
anon, I have bad news...
What sort of DE are you looking for? I usually shill BunsenLabs. It's Debian with Openbox that you don't have to set up yourself from scratch. By no means the lightest WM/DE but it's comfy.
T495 with LTSC for gaymen
T420 with FreeBSD for everything else
What thinkpad should I get? Been thinking of x220, x230 or t420. Mainly would be using it for web browsing and linux stuff etc.

I would also like to be able to upgrade the hardware on my own to get more experience with hardware in general.
Whatever you get, aim for 16GB RAM, I'm on 8GB atm and it's slowly starting to suck, even for web browsing (but I like to have 30ish tabs open).

Also, honest question to anyone more knowledgeable, at what point are these gonna be outdated?
>at what point are these gonna be outdated?
It's very hard to say when hardware becomes outdated these days without clarifying the user scenario - is it when parts are no longer readily available? Is it when Windows no longer runs on them? Is it when your a program you use requires a newer instruction set that your CPU lacks?

For a "daily driver", you could probably call it outdated if/when video streaming starts using LLM for compression instead of algorithms, or if/when TPM 2.0 becomes mandatory for web access. Hopefully nothing like that happens in the next 5-10 years, but you never know at this point.

Either way, with the exclusion of heavy web content, whatever you're using an oldie like an X230 for, it'll probably keep doing that just fine until it dies.
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ThinkPads are completely overrated and overpriced chinkshit.
Change my mind.
at least give an alternative to them ...which do you recommend ??
Looking at Lenovo it's Yoga lineup. Same same but significantly cheaper and/or metal build. Only downside I see if potentially limited configuration.
I buy one from Ebay every 3-4 years for my parents who used to buy Acer-tier laptops. They're always happy with them for casual desktop use and for the price I usually buy ($200-300ish) they're more durable and higher quality than anything I could find new.
Yes, because they lose like 90% of value.
I'm talking new. Look at the current line up and justify the price and performance compared to the competition.
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Has anyone tried running Stable Diffusion on these? What generation/model T-pad and GPU would you need to get 10-20 images per minute?
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Oh yeah.. I don't know anything about the new market for them. I just like that companies lease them out and a bunch of them end up on ebay for cheap after a few years. Seems like they're always on sale too. I probably wouldn't pay full price for a new one
I found a P53 for $500 USD, it has:
i7 9850H
512GB M.2 SSD
Quadro RTX4000
Win 11 Pro
1900x1080 display

Worth it for $500?
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Nvm it looks rougher than I want + being sold in the UK

I just wish the precisions weren't so ugly, but yeah looking now a 7550 (a generation newer) is the same price as a P53. I might look into z books.
This applies to my case. I will get a new work laptop for a price of 2000€ and the ThinkPad offerings are just bad.. very bad.
>tags: docking
The human interface device isn't even showing up in device manager, and I still can't figure out why the SMbus controller is missing the driver either.
Do you connect the AC adapter when flashing the bios via an SOIC8 clip?
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no, do it with everything disconnected
the clip provides power to the chip
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I've owned a 7730 and my fucking god, Dell decided to move the fucking brightness button away from the fucking function row for no goddamn reason.

Additionally that keyboard is ass. ASS ASSS ASSSS uaaaagh
I had a 7520, before they did the whole case/build different and my god... my 7730's battery cover fucking broke after like 2 months of use. it's little hooks or latches is straight ass. Dell had the same build/keyboard on the 7740 machines, but it look like it changed it up on the 7750 and 7550. Oh and they changed their proprietary format GPU too. fuckers.

Now the new 16" whatever the fuck, 7670 and 17" 7770 machines have the damn RAM card thing to which it's basically the size of two RAM sticks, AND its fucking expensive if you were to upgrade.
I guess the good thing if its even possible, is that other companies are gonna follow the version 2 of that memory inferface.
thanks for update
P15 or T15g
I cannot stress how having regular hinges makes vs these drop hinges...
P50 felt loads better to type on than my W550s, T460p, T470p, X270 (hate the fucker).
I am a bit bias on the X1 Carbon, so I kinda like the X280 on sleekness, i've yet to use a X13 or whatever system.
Explain to me as if I was a woman: what Thinkpad laptop is the best for being completely open source and easy to repair?
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T15G Gen 1 $560 to $740
P1 G3 $500 to $765
P14s Gen 1 AMD $257 to $450
P17 Gen 1 $500 to $780
any x series that supports coreboot
x60 x200 x230 x301
maybe x230 is best because of thinkpad-ec
x301 might be easiest to open, ram cover also includes acess to mpcie and msata slot
Honey, you don't need to worry about that.
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been awhile :)

Libreboot is on x00 systems, so T400, T500, X300, X200
I think its on x20 systems, so T520, X220, T420
on some i think its on x40 and x50?
So T440p, X240, think L440?
Legit just search "libreboot Thinkpad" or "coreboot Thinkpad" and go from there.
I fucking dunno how to use the damn SOIC chip thingy, so I bought a BIOS chip w/ Libreboot installed for a T400.
Stop being sexist.
The x230 has Intel ME though doesn't it? Ideally I'd like a laptop with zero blobs. This isn't for main use, I just want to tinker and learn how to modify these devices :)
What should I know before getting into this? I'm a tech enthusiast, not really a programmer or anything like that.
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idk, intel bios has backdoors built in
libreboot is completely free
coreboot is mostly free but there's some shit in there that isn't? i forget

I don't program and i havent done sudo command line w/ random typing shit in a long time. we winblows for a long time.

Don't chromebooks have coreboot installed automatically? lmao
>The x230 has Intel ME though doesn't it?
it is removed via me_cleaner and is supported by libreboot
>I'd like a laptop with zero blobs. This isn't for main use, I just want to tinker and learn how to modify these devices
thinkpad x200, no blobs
it is what richard stallman uses

x230 has benefit of reverse engineered ec

i recommend you look up disassembly of all old x series that support coreboot then decide which one you like the most
but x200 will suffice
Is that a Le Mans car. If so what one is it?
>libreboot is completely free
libreboot is distribution of coreboot, it is build system that builds without non free blobs
recently added updates for microcode which enraged some people
>coreboot is mostly free but there's some shit in there that isn't? i forget
coreboot is free with optinal non free blobs
ex some thinkpads (ATI graphics) require non free vga blob

>Don't chromebooks have coreboot installed automatically? lmao
depends on google non free blobs, same malware as android, avoid
Anon said explain it like I was explaining it to a woman. Maybe he's the sexist one.
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Is picrel good for pentesting labs and coding? Plus maybe do other stuff like using DAWs and video-editing. I'm not interested in gaming.
any computer will work for that
T470 for $100 bux or a Ts480 for $200? I can't decide. Is the performance gap that big? If not I'll go with the cheaper laptop
What's the latest thinkpad that meets these requirements?
- Supports at minimum 32GB DDR4
- Removable m.2, ram, wifi, battery, display, etc
- Thunderbolt
- Yoga
I guess it would be the L390 Yoga right? It just has no thunderbolt which really sucks
State your use case.
Terro- I mean general office use and emulating old PS1 games
>friend sent me a thinkpad x220 missing just its charger for cost of shipping
>has ram and a drive, too
I'm excited. I'll have a thinkpad to actually use instead of my X61T, which is more of a novelty at the moment
T470 will get the job done, but there's a marked performance difference between the two. T470 is dual-core and is gimped with single channel RAM. 8th gen Intels are quad core and you do get the benefit of dual channel RAM.

Personally I'd look at the display panels. If the T470 has the better panel, i'd suffer the performance difference to not go blind. All but one of the T480 panels are shit, and the good one isn't worth writing home about.
Anyone here have a T470 or similar that has issues with Linux freezing? I am wondering whether a new version of the kernel or something is causing it.
can someone recommend me an msi amd laptop that stays cool with more than 16gb ram, and 8 or more cores? i don't care at all about gpu, i'm willing to sacrifice a gpu for staying as cool as possible
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Complete hardware retard here. I want to do cool AI shit like running stable diffusion models and such on my poverty station.

I have seen people hooking up external GPUs to a Memepad T420 with an expresscard adaptor. Is this still a thing? And what would you recommend me to get in order to toy with AI shit?

Also, does the CPU count for these things? Should I upgrade the CPU, too?

Also, from what I see, something like stable diffusion needs a very powerful GPU. I guess a setup like this would be out of the question, right?
the gpu you would use as an egpu wont be able to do ai
Completely new to ThinkPads, but considering one just to have a laptop. I would like it to be comparable to the Dell 9020 I'm on now, but I'm not expecting it to be. The least, a quad core that's 3-3.5 GHz, 16 GB max ram, and a 1 or 2 GB GPU that isn't Intel HD. If I can run New Vegas, Call of Chernobyl, and some Source games relatively well, I'm content.
how to fix x230 left mouse click?
just put down ~380 usd on a used p14s

16gb ddr4
512gb ssd (have a 1tb nvme ready to swap)
nvidia quadro p520

gonna dual boot windows/arch and use it for programming/school/light gaming/digital art. did i overpay?
you can take the mouse buttons apart
why is it cheaper to replace the fucking keyboard than it is to buy replacement keys for these things
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kinda weak cpu
Is it still worth buying an old used ThinkPad for a college student who doesn't really plan on tinkering with or upgrading hardware? Just need a laptop that will run Arch well and be good for web browsing and programming. Kinda stuck on what model I would wanna get if I wanna pull the trigger on a ThinkPad from Ebay.
Depends on what you want in the way of battery life and portability, and what budget do you have? They're solid machines and easy to find parts for if anything breaks.
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Anons, which of these would be better for undergrad work in computer engineering? On the e16, would the newer Ryzen iGPU be enough for some light CAD or Solidworks, or is the Nvidia T600 just better long term?
Or could I find something better sub $800?
Maybe increase the storage to 500gb min as running vms will take up storage.
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It's a Porsche 911 GTR I think, from the late 90's, I think after the McLaren F1 era & during Merc car flipping time.

Thanks for explaining.
I feel the ChromeBook having coreboot is an oxymoron bc its Google lol
Like the gov cant backdoor you, they just gotta pay google to get BD.

MSI has their Alpha line which is AMD but I dunno if they have good features. I think its part of their low line, like the GF Thin and Leopard/Crosshair/Pulse.

I did price research for ebay but didn't bother getting into the AMD stuff lol.
>stop distrohopping
For battery life I'm not a huge stickler, I can just charge it between classes if need be. If it's not perfect I'm not really going to complain. For budget I'd prefer if I could spend less than $300 but I can spend more if need be.

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