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Chilling edition

previous: >>101338853

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
Some info about PCIE: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
You don't need more
Post you're racks
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Let me guess, you need more?
Weak bait. Everyone knows Dell firmware is the shittiest you can get.
>Also not an AMD socket.
So the ONT (Optical Network Terminator) does what it says and comes in many forms. But in your case it looks like it does a little more, it has phone lines, multiple Ethernet lines, and I think I see RF video. My best guess is that it's actually a router with an ONT they've stuffed in the box. Before you go and rip it out call them/make a support ticket, and ask if you're allowed to do it, and what hardware they expect. No use guessing the wavelength and protocol on the fiber if they also require a some other authentication.

In Europe the ISP is required to allow you to use your own equipment, al long as you help verify it won't impact their equipment (I.E. pumping way too many watts down the fiber). They don't provide support if anything fails, you'll first have to switch back to the media converter ONT and router they provided. I do have to use a unit with special firmware, as the ISP incorrectly set the PPPoE quality.
Check out some local user groups or tech forums, someone might just be selling pre-flashed equipment.
can't wait when mobos and other components become sovlless white/black boxes where you can't even tell it's tech anymore
>>101376377Asus proart is probably the only decent looking consumer line.
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Okay /g/ents,

I'm looking for an SSD as a torrenting scratch disk in my server, I'm eyeing a Crucial MX500 for that purpose, would it be a good choice for that?

If not, pls recommend me smth along these lines:

- 500GB
- <100 USD
- good random IOPS
right but it still looks like tech
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That's why it's good. Plus no rgb.
That's a good choice but see if you can find a samsung pm883 or pm893 or something similar for the same price
The consoomer board layout is shit.
Why can't normal boards just include RAM that is oriented for proper front-to-back airflow?
Can't begin to describe how valuable it has been for me to inotifywatch on the serverlog. Previosuly I turned off serverlog in a misguided quest for performance.

After turning it on and watching the kind of mass abuse taking place, and hard blocking the worst 15 bots, my server is now using 25% of the resources it previously used.

I just caught a new one also, imagesiftbot, hitting a wordpress api 2 times a second to feed AI with images. Fuck you, blocked.
actually more like 4 times a second. The retard doesn't even stop when getting 403 on all requests so I'm watching the red block lines fly by (I color code by response etc)
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Because it's not needed. Though I don't see any reason it couldn't be swapped with the vrm on the top of the board.
>samsung pm883 or pm893
No firmware updates available from Samsung, unless you are buying OEM branded for your OEM server and can download firmware updates from your server OEM.
Crucial MX500 SSDs aren't enterprise grade anyway.
>Crucial MX500
No, and it's not in VMware's HCLs. I know it has PLP and stuff, but it's not enterprise grade.
>download firmware updates from your server OEM
They're not published anywhere?
don't know if this is the right place, i want to buy a raspberry pi (probably version 4 with 1GB of RAM) to learn self hosting. particularly, i want to use those applications that let you set up an an instance but, since i don't have a personal website, i do it locally. any reccs??
Pis are have been in a bad spot for the past 4 years and are all extremely overpriced for what you get
Enterprises realized they could use them at scale and they pivoted to that market unfortunately
Spend your $50 on a tinyminimicro instead
do you think 50 euros is too much? i don't even know what do with it actually, i just need somehting to get started.
>do you think 50 euros is too much? i don't even know what do with it actually, i just need somehting to get started.
not terrible but you can make any old computer you have into a server. pis are decent for learning, have good support etc. but if you can get some old x86 machine from a waste bin and running you'd probably be equally well off
He's in europe and it's not abnormal for electricity prices to randomly jump to $100 a day

so, no, don't turn "any old computer" into a server
you gotta be poor as hell/NEET to give a shit about a few euros a day when talking about a hobby like this. especially considering this anon is just starting to learn, not necessarily going to run that shit for 24/7 for the next 10 years
>t. northern europe, paying exchange prices for electricity, dl380 g6 with 2x x5670 and a bunch of other shit
i will buy a rasp pi then. i think that for learning it's good enough and my projects will be a local media server to synchronize and backup pictures for my family and maybe a DNS server.
maybe 1GB of ram for both is not enough but i'm still not sure about the DNS idea, since i'm not good with network security.
I exaggerated a little bit, but I get hit with $700-1000/m for electricity occasionally. I don't even have heating and I only turn lights on in the room I occupy. The thought of a desktop computer chugging 120w or more 24/7 just doing minimal work is molesting the little boy inside me
bro where the fuck do you live, what lights do you have. theres no world where you're frugal with electricty and pay $1k/month
Norway. We produce tons of basically free electricity, so in true big brain norwegian fashion we sell it all for cheap to europe and then buy it back for tons of money. We suffer in norway and can't even order hamburgers unless you live in oslo. I haven't eaten a cheeseburger in over a decade.
Two LED strips and a computer monitor lights my entire living room. It's very dark at night. I just pretend it's cozy but it's really not. We suffer in norway
desu pis were a niche product that had good marketing. as a learning tool, sure they were fine. As a practical application of tasks most entry levels users would have, they were a bad idea. Almost any new home server user would be served better buying a 5 year old laptop instead. it's cheaper, easier to upgrade and offers tangential benefits like built in UPS.
how did you know I was running ESXi?
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What are these chink fanless mini PCs like? Thinking of getting one as a NAS. I like the fanless aspect of it, one less thing that might break in the future. Low power low capability CPU is fine, it's just for a home NAS, will sit idle most of the time.
I'm thinking more in terms of reliability/longevity, build quality, and safety.

Will they last forever or do they have a tendency to crap out after a few years?
>build quality
I don't expect a luxurious product but is the quality control good? Ports will most likely be fine etc?
Chinkshit often comes with dodgy power supplies, especially UK power supplies or at least plugs. Will I be able to use a generic, reliable power supply from here for it? Also what is the other safety like. Is it safe in terms of power or could I get electrocuted by touching its metal body if I get a bad one that slipped through quality control?
The letters look so chinky
to me as a NAS they're a bad idea. to be fair I have no idea if they have SATA connectors available on the inside but I'd want HDDs attached with SATA instead of USB.
it probably won't melt in your hands, ports and such. regarding power, you just need to match voltage and provide equal or more amps than the original AC adapter. and match the the barrel connector. it won't electrocute you (hard) since the AC side is behind the AC adapter.
e-waste chink fanless mini pc as a router owner here
>Will they last forever or do they have a tendency to crap out after a few years?
They're sturdy
>I don't expect a luxurious product but is the quality control good?
Build quality is usually good, the problem is software
>Ports will most likely be fine etc?
Overall good as said before, shit break loose with BIOS support and other stuff. Ref.: Got a chink celery mini pc for a proxmox node and turned out that the Power ON AC didn't work with the bundled BIOS, thankfully the chink company aknowledged this and had a website with toddler-tier instructions on how to update the BIOS just for the fucking feature. A mess if you ask me.

Now as for that particular device it seems it is mostly geared towards a router instead of a NAS given its dual LAN ports. I'd personally use it as a Proxmox node withe virtual pfSense if it has the power to run it, otherwise perfect for a pfSense only box

>inb4 consumer e-waste, not VMWare HCL certified
Is a Cloudflare tunnel a good means of making something like zipline available over the internet without exposing my public IP?
how's this server related?
>in my /hsg/
the only cuckflare related discussion should be centered around auto-solving their retarded captcha
I use CF to host some sites I don't feel like associating with my home IP, works fine. 4chan runs on CF. they see everything in plaintext though, make of that what you will
>make of that what you will
Fair, your post made me realize something.
That you're a faggot
fuck, guess I'm fiending for dick now
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Electricity is 8 cents a kw/h here.
>Will they last forever or do they have a tendency to crap out after a few years
Bro who knows, they came out like 4 months ago
Get a fanless one and probably will last some years
I am *very* new to anything to do with servers, networking etc.

Can somebody in simple terms explain pic related:

The third entry is address space where my pc is located (my pc is, it connects to bridge which is (my router)

Second entry is the is where my router is located (my router ip , it connects to gateway which is my isp router that provides internet

As I understand these are two "networks", first is where my pc acts as dhcp client and router as dhcp server, second is where my router is dhcp client and my isp router is dhcp server

But what is the first entry? ? I know it's all the addresses but why is this entry needed for it to work (so that my pc can reach the internet)?
Why is it called destination address when the destination should be my isp router which is ? Which way the traffic flows? Is it from the "destination address" to isp router or from the isp router to ?
Pls help the noob out
thinking of getting a dell optiplex as homeserver, how are they when it comes of noise? do you hear them, are they loud?
I am currently using portainer to link multiple containers together, one for my torrent client and one for my feed reader. I'd like my container cluster to connect to my VPN. What's the best approach here? Adding another container to the cluster specifically for the VPN?
Don't think about networks. Think about routes. Because that's what the image contains, a list of routes.
>But what is the first entry?
Default Gateway, basically.
>but why is this entry needed for it to work (so that my pc can reach the internet)?
The two 192.168 routes that are directly connected should be obvious enough:
Any packets that need to reach the a destination address matching 192.168.(whatever).0/24 are forwarded to the correct interface. Since they are Directly connected, it's not exactly rocket science why it happens.
But if you want to connect to another IP not from those two /24 subnets? That's where the comes into play. It's going to catch every single IP not mentioned by any other rule.
>Why is it called destination address when the destination should be my isp router which is ?
The destination, as in where it's supposed to end up in. Not the next hop on the journey to get there, which is what the ISP router is going to be.
>Which way the traffic flows? Is it from the "destination address" to isp router or from the isp router to ?
Stop that train of thought, and consider subnet masks.
All zeroes means that everything will match. And on the opposite end, there's the /32 mask, which is used to specify a single host.
Two scenarios.
>Device A at is trying to ping the router
The packets have a Dst Address of, which belongs to a router interface, and is related to that bridge. In both the originating packets and the responses, the Dst. Address will match the mask, and will be directed towards the bridge interface.
>Same device, but is trying to ping some public IP (like
The packets have a Dst Address of, and the only rule that can be applied is the default GW. And those packets are going to be forwarded to, who is going to forward them up the chain until it reaches the destination.
Dst. IP is not changed at any point in time.
why are firmware updates for storage devices needed anyway? I've never updated the firmware on any SSDs and HHDs that i owned.
you don't have to use a full ATX desktop PC.
Atom based minipcs and thin clients can be as power efficient as raspberries, while still being x86 instead of armshit.
Stuff like Wyse 3040, i'm sure there's more of devices like that, much cheaper than berries too.
how are you gonna connect the storage to it?
>NVME to SATA adapter
please don't, that most likely means AsMedia/JMicron/Marvell based chips, which tend to have issues. Unless you want to connect a HBA to it, i guess it could work, but you'll have to have an adapter for PCIe power i believe + power for HDDs anyway.
>t. tried to use a RockPro64 + HBA + 12V brick with some recycled ATX SATA power cables + 12V-to-5V buck converter, ended up just buying a 1U server
which format?
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Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

I think I got it, I need to play around with it now, ping various devices, enable/disable routes to see how it all behaves. Thanks alot, anon!
3050 SFF
What the actual fuck. I live in Germany and I pay nowhere near that much and I have a full 42U rack at home. Are you running a small scale datacenter or something?
you can definitely hear them
what's your budget?
thanks for your qucik answer
>$700-1000/m for electricity occasionally.
Based indoor cannabis farmer
Two led strips for lighting
Two monitors (one almost always off)
3 mini pcs
1 fanless laptop
1 wifi
1 iphone
Washing machine once a week
Cooking once to twice a day

This guy shows how to connect 6 hdds via a SFF connector. No I don't care if you don't like it.

The feature set on this particular box is pretty impressive for a NAS however:
- Atom c3758r cpu (ne plus ultra home server cpu)
- ECC ram support
- 4x10g ports
- low idle power
- Quicksync video
-4 m2 slots (optane support) etc.

Not saying its perfect, but its a great fucking solution for home server solutions.
+1 tiny fridge
try to find something like ThinkCentre M910t and replace the cpu fan with a Bequiet fan
or a HP Z420 and also replace that fan

for maximum silence (and for this budget) you want a full tower with an atx psu and a replaceable cpu fan
>try to find something like ThinkCentre M910t
I sadly need 3.5" HDD slots, I already have 2 ThinkCentres m900, but the HDD USB enclosure doesn't have fast enough speed for my Jellyfin Container
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>I sadly need 3.5" HDD slots
how many you need?
Z420 has 3 + you can nig-rig the 5.25 slots into fitting 3 more 3.5 drives
looks noisy as fuckj
it's really not once you take out the front+back fans and get a $17 cpu cooler
but good luck finding something more quiet with more 3.5" slots within $150-200
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thanks a lot fren
>Asmedia ASM1164
enjoy your data loss
we don't do racists here son.
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sorry, i meant pic related
my sides
Seems I'm responding on a per thread basis, lol. Been busy, but it's qemu/kvm I'm using.

I'm sure Proxmox is great, but my autistic ass insisted on doing Guix host with Virtual Manager. I especially like the idea of entering the VM remotely by ssh and having it on my laptop's virt-manager as though it was just another normal VM there.

Might follow this guide:

Looks like most of the stuff you need to configure is on the host. Guest just needs to NIC bridges.
how come those boards just flooded the aliexpress market all of a sudden? really makes me think
>though it was just another normal VM there
For every other VM this is true, for opnSense or any other router OS definitely not, even more so if you're planning to use VLAN's.

Your setup will differ a lot than that one because
>That has a lot of eth ports
>No VLAN setup
VLAN configuration varies from host to host depending which network configuration the OS is using, for proper troubleshooting you'd have to send us:
>Your host's network configuration
>Your switch's network configuration, specially VLAN's
I blame cheap e-waste nobody wants
Could be 2 reasons
China is just now discovering the market for mini PCs
or Intel and AMD are more willing to sell their low end CPUs to just anyone nowadays rather than companies that the US is friends with.

I'm more inclined for the latter, no reason for the Chinese not to be dominating in regular PCs aswell if it wasn't for export restrictions
Thinking of setting up gitea. sqlite or postgres?
database chads, i summon your wisdom
i need 9/8ths as many dram chips as you
Depends, I used to prefer sqlite only.
Then I realized I have a lot of applications and projects that require database so I just spun up a database VM to point at.
So, if gitea is the only app in your arsenal that requires DB then go for sqlite, otherwise postgre
If all you want to do is learn and setup locally, you can use a VM or container (Docker or Podman). It costs nothing, you can have as many VMs or containers as your rig can handle, if something goes wrong you can roll back to a snapshot (if you have them enabled), there's absolutely no reason to buy an under powered pi when your main rig will absolutely smoke it in performance virtually. At the end of the day, unless you're renting a dedicated server, or building one yourself for home use and installing on bare metal, you'll be using a virtual server from a hosting company. And even if you rent or buy a dedicated server, most people with any sense will use containers for a smaller attack surface.
if you already have a database installed, use it. If not, sqlite will work, but having a proper database might be better in the long run
>have a lot of applications and projects that require database so I just spun up a database VM to point at.
Nice, good idea
Retarded question:
If I'm behind an ISP's NAT are my homeserver shenanigans borked from the get to go?
I was thinking paid VPN as my exit address, but it's not going to be static so it's pretty inconvenient.
I dunno. Tried using Guix but it's incredibly slow, even with an NVMe drive and 5.3GHz boost clock CPU. And it wouldn't even boot on some of my servers. What are you running it on?
what's the meta for storage?
i need to store all my porn and currently ive got a couple HDDs that i use for deep storage and SSDs for speed critical things.

like, would you buy a new HDD in current year?
I like to put things I actually serve/host on a zpool made of enterprise SSDs, and store backups/offline storage on zpools made of HDDs. You don't necessarily need pools/zfs/vdevs either, your call - you can use pooling/raid software or just run what you need off of a single drive or a mirror.
The choice of sata/sas/nvme connectivity should be made by your budget and how fast you want to be able to read from or write to your storage media.
>but what about ramdisk/zfsslogs/arc caches anon
Worry about that after you decide how to store your files.
Samsung has not been immune to their unpatched firmware bricking over time, resulting in data loss.
SQLite only for development and testing, PostgreSQL for production.
GitLab instead of Gitea. t. Gartner
>are my homeserver shenanigans borked from the get to go
Not at all, we dont all have public static ip's here, home server doesn't mean public server.
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>28w with a literal 20 year old PSU, quad core and BMC board
Fucking how?
I couldn't get this result with a Pentium and an 80 plus bronze seasonic, not without some tweaks.
PSU is still meh, 12v rail is 11.643v but holds that no matter the load.
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>have Intel ARC 750 PCI-Passthrough via Proxmox VE in an Ubuntu 23.10 VM
>Just use it for transcoding for a Jellyfin container
> Get into local LLMS , my 3060ti in my workstation it's chugging ram and VRAM like a thirsty dog in summer weather
> Ok let's see if we can update Ubuntu and install all the necessary libraries
>VM dies (no video output after installing libraries ) can't even connect via tinyvnc
>No problems load snapshot go back at it again
> Snapshot was before setting same VM as WiFi AP
>Lose WiFi , can't watch anime in bed

Has someone actually managed to use Intel ARC for LLMs outside windows and bare metal ? I got the WiFi working but now I feel I'm stuck .
No dummy , you could also make a wireguard , talescale , rathole tunnel for the things you want exposed to EC2 , Azure, Linode or whatever VPS you want and use that as your proxy towards the wide web. You could get a service like CF tunnels but I would only care about the data transfer fees and make my decision based on that.
>2 drives, 2 ram sticks, 1 fan, >Haswell
checks out, that gen is still amongst the kings of idle

with a pico psu, powertop --auto-tune, and ddr3L, you can easily idle at 12W
how do I access Agent DVR outside of network. I heard it is a paid feature.
I have a single port forwarded to my DVR right now which I want to forward to my old PC instead. I want to replace old camera system with new cameras and an old PC with agent dvr running on lxc in proxmox.
having to connect to VPN/tailscale everytime I want to access dvr will be a pain but it's a lot better than old Chinese dvr that only allows password to be numeric with maximum 8 digits.
I use pihole + tailscale's DNS allow access some private resources only from devices on my tailnet.
Additionally, this doesn't require you to open any ports in your firewall, either.
Already fucked up by needing more than an SBC.
why intel arc tho?
What does this consumer-grade desktop hardware have to do with servers?
I hate you
Having a weird problem that I can't seem to figure out. 24 hours ago I was transcoding video on my home server just fine. Out of nowhere, all transcoding fails, ffmpeg says either device hang (-21) or device creation failed (-19). When I check intel_gpu_top, it's hitting the compute engine instead of the render engine. Checked /dev/dri/renderD128, perms appear fine and unchanged as well.
Nothing has changed on this server, no reboot, etc. Everything working fine until this morning. Running this on an Ubuntu Server 24.04 with an Intel Arc A770 GPU. Does anyone have any suggestions?
maybe driver shat itself, check dmesg, check if reboot fixes things
>Ubuntu 23.10
End-of-life since 11 July 2024.
I've done a reboot of Proxmox and the VM that's running Jellyfin. I swapped to a different Docker image of Jellyfin as well (linuxserver variant), which exhibits the same problems when I set it to hardware transcode using the GPU. CPU transcoding works fine, so I would agree that the driver shat itself. Guess I'll try to reinstall and see what happens.
I had this issue a while back and there was some kind of permission error in the docker container,. it had lost access to the driver. deleting the container and installing again fixed it. Very fucking annoying.
No luck, same exact behavior. I was getting an OpenCL error when trying to transcode, so I added the entire /dev/dri as a link to the compose YAML, which got past that. Now I'm getting "Error submitting video frame to the encoder."

I started thinking this was the issue. I tried a chmod 0777 on everything in /dev/dri to confirm, no change in the behavior. I use docker compose for this image and tried blasting it away and forcing a rebuild, including pulling the latest container, which also didn't work. Below is my docker compose:
external: true
external: false

image: jellyfin/jellyfin:latest
container_name: jellyfin
- TZ=America/Indiana/Indianapolis
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- bridge
- public
- 8096:8096
- /media/arr-stack/jellyfin/config:/config
- /media/arr-stack/jellyfin/cache:/cache
- /migration:/media
- /media/tmp:/media/tmp
- /dev/dri:/dev/dri
# /dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/card0
- 993 #render group
restart: unless-stopped
yeah I have no idea where the problem originated as I don't recall updating the container, it maybe was a linux update that changed something? Try running the container as root. HW transcode worked when I did that so I'm almost certain it was to do with permissions getting messed up.

Also I'm pretty sure chmod on drivers is not persistent between boots. But you really shouldn't do things like to force it to work you can end up making the problems worse if you make sweeping permission changes. Or at the very least make things less secure.
Because Nvidia is expensive and I love how fast transcoding it's done in Arc , I am actually expecting battle mage to sell my 3060ti

Because not everyone has the money for an Intel flex 170 with SR-IOV

I am not an updooter I just want better support only for the GPU.
is it worth it building my own router? or getting a mini pc to make it a dedicated router?
I have an used Zimaboard 216 with a 2.5gb NIC for around 70$, works reliably , low powered and openwrt is easy to configure.
Yeah, I only did that just now to see if it would help, and it did not. Tried running as root, which gave me the same error. Seems it isn't permissions, but I'm at the end of my rope here. Guess it's time to blow the whole VM away and start from scratch, but this time with Debian instead since it will probably just fucking work
Self-built are toys. You don't depend on them.
ill look into this zimaboard ty(zima means winter in poland ayayayayayayay :DDDD)
what do you suggest?
Is mini pci to rj45 any good?

I've got a laptop that I don't use (it has an i3 cpu , supports upto 32gb of ram, has several sata slots.
It only has one 1000mbps port however it has mini pci slot for the wireless card. Would replacing wireless with mini pci network card with rj45 slot work for home router?
are postgres connections "naturally" encrypted?
or do i need to pipe through ssh or something?
They can use TLS, but it needs to be configured - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ssl-tcp.html
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What PSU/motherboard/processor should I get to finish this out? Mainly going to use this to centrally host media files to stream to other devices but would like the ability to branch out and do other stuff. I think some of the components might be overkill for what I'm initially doing but I bought everything listed with Amazon gift cards I got from work and the fan was just laying around from an older PC build. Don't think it matters hardware-wise but I'm not going to remote access this.
>server to host and stream media
>using WD storage
Might as well delete all your data now and not bother about building a new media server.
literally anything, serving files uses basically no cpu

fuck off

if you depend on individual hard drives being reliable you're a fool regardless of brand
>I am not an updooter
Then why are you messing around with a non-LTS release?
>167 bucks for 4TB
What kinda scam is WD running?
i thought these zimaboard shits were a kickstarter scam?
Need a SAS/SATA 2.5" SLOG device. Any recommendations? Don't question why I need it.
>but I'm not going to remote access this.
What do you mean
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>$41.8875 per TB
>still cheaper than SSD what are you complaining about
t. WD, probably
Because it was the only version that didn't shat itself when doing pci-passthrough of the Intel GPU at the time. That's why I want to update to 24.4 given that it has great support for Intel DGPU
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Damn, I thought the $21 of the 20tb wd red pro's was bad.
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Are hdd prices jist fucked right now? Is there any good times to buy hdd's or just wait till black friday sales?
I thought the equivalent ~17.5$ I paid for a bunch of 18TB HGSTs was bad.
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For HDDs, if you not buying high capacity drives, you're getting screwed on pricing. That is just the reality now.
HDDs like WD reds. You're paying an inflated price because they are giving you a large range of options for capacity and spindle speeds.
WD has to keep a special manufacturing line to give you those options and the value is worse because of it.

20TB and up HDDs get you the best price per TB at the moment because they are currently in mass production for DCs and hyperscalers. 20TB Exos drives where $300 brand new at one point pretty recently
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I've been looking at 20TB drives, but they're all ~$450 for the past few weeks at least.
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Not much you can do but wait
If you do want a deal, there are plenty of resellers offering recertified (not refurbished) drives which are returned drives but reworked/tested by WD/Seagate
One of them is serverpartdeals.com
These drives are what you would get anyway, if you ever had to return a retail drive.
they love serifed fonts. i dont know why, but they do.
That's much better. ~$12/TB.
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>What PSU/motherboard/processor should I get
i*tel optane?
>it's not enterprise grade.
He only needs it for torrenting. Who give a crap it's not enterprise quality.
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i want to get into having a real backup system.
i've got an external 10 TB HDD, and about 15 GB of really ultra valuable stuff which is important to me (pictures, videos, documents, etc).
what i do is at the start of the new year, and on the 4th of july, i take that folder, zip it, and paste a new copy into the 10 TB hdd. i never overwrite, just another new zip.

this is a terrible solution, but i normally just try not to think about it.

what should i read up on to achieve my backup goals? i'd ideally never have to think about it. my mission critical folder gets sent into storage automatically, and i can be confident that even if something devastating happens, i can retrieve the data. i realize i need offsite backups and stuff too, but i can cross that bridge later.

i find it really daunting to read about all the file systems and storage pools and drive arrays and shit. i get decision paralysis and then just kick the can down the road to deal with it later.
Saars care.
So Truecharts apps are now "depreciated" from working with Truenas Scale. Guess that means whatever app version I've got is "it" far as updates goes. Oh well. The only one I kept "up-to-date" was Plex but that comes from XI systems.
There's 2.5" optane drives?
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>>101399232 (me)

They're not sata. They're also a bit thicker than normal 2.5" drives I believe.
>>Need a SAS/SATA 2.5" SLOG device
>here's some U.2 2.5" drives
Thanks bro. Very helpful.
Be more specific then. Or stop being poor.
See https://github.com/intel-analytics/ipex-llm, upstream with llama.cpp is currently broken, see https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/docs/backend/SYCL.md#recommended-release but essentially with that release, it means you can run anything that isn't mixture of experts or Gemma 2. Not bad at all.
if you want
i use a thin client as a router running openwrt myself. my internet connection is "only" 100/40 so i added a second nic by means of a usb3 gigabit adapter. the thin client does have a mini-pcie connector in it so i could an an internal one if i needed it
at first i did get the best soho router i could get locally that supported openwrt, but its' cpu couldn't do SQM at that speed, it topped out around 60Mbps (then died after a few weeks, probably wasn't designed to push the cpu that much...)
of course, there's no difference between a pci-e card, mini-pci-e card, or internal nic. they're the same hardware and interface just in different form-factors
he was in >>101397007
be more careful replying to someone else's reply chain
>stop being poor
Post timestamped rack
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which one would you recommend ?
>2.5in SAS drives are expensive
CLI :)
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it represents the default route. basically, this is where packets are sent if they don't match any other routes.
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any recommendations on APs that support vlan tagging? I need 2 and don't want to spend a fortune
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I want to get on that kioxia ssd game. Anyone have any experience with them? What kind of raid controllers work well with them? If I needed something nastier than an HBA I would obviously just flash it for IT mode, but I'm unsure how to plot out what would be a reasonable card for something like a single gen 5 pcie x16 slot, or a x8 gen 4 - no idea where the limits lie. I've used LSI HBAs for sata devices at 3.0x8 slot profiles, but this is obviously a ton of extra throughput, given kioxia and all that.
Whats the sweet spot for TB/$? I've been out of the hardware scene for years. Right now I just have a single 2TB hard drive thats almost full. My plan was to buy 2 8TB hard drives in raid1, but I see that there are much larger size drives now.
manually copying is fine as long as you're diligent

follow the 3-2-1 rule and you're doing great

there's some good deals on the 905p and some of the smaller m.2 ones
Redpill me on why this sucks?
Nice bro. Just curious. What board /cpu is that?

inb4 haswell
It's haswell
>E3-1246 v3
>supermicro x10slh-f
For some reason all sata controllers are all lemon scented.
Some people say they work fine, I had the same idea because how the fuck can you screw up a sata chipset until I bought a PCIe sata card and it worked for a day until giving all my HDDs IO errors and never worked again.

It's a big mystery as to why these chips are so bad, I tough it might just be an implementation issue and generic sata cards have the most issues but issues also plague motherboards from big brands when they are integrated for more sata ports
Get a used U.2 2.5" ssd and a way to connect it. It will take a pcie slot instead. Cheapest would be a $60 disk and a $15 cable or caddie. But be aware they eat more juice than spinning rust but won't degrade in a home environment.
If you really don't care just get a handful of sata ssds off ebay and pitch them as you burn through them.

China can practically make whatever they want since the tooling is all there. There are western companies making similar boards but they have min 1k orders, support contracts they paid another company to handle, boats to buy, etc.

Consumer gpus don't have the necessary VM passthrough features to humor multiple VMs. That's an enterprise feature and they want to charge for the privilege, even if the hardware is still basically the same in some cases.
Is there a reason you don't want to install your AI nonsense inside your jellyfin VM?
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Haswell Xeon
>Dirt cheap
>Keeps you warm at night or during long winters
>Great chipset
>Adequate PCI lanes
>Bulletproof reliability
>More than fast enough
>Not supported by ESXi
Can it get any more based ?
what's with all the Haswell dick sucking as of late
>as of late
I've been doing it for almost 10 years
If you only have 15GB of data to backup you don't really need to worry that much about drive arrays etc, as it will easily fit on a single drive.

I'd read up on backup software that fits your needs. Keep using the external HDD you already have and create a working setup. After that you can start thinking about your threat profile, e.g. what kind of disaster do I want to protect myself from, and change/add to your storage plan later.
A list of possible threats to your data: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Backups#Threats_to_your_data
Possible backup software: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/List_of_applications/Utilities#File_synchronization_and_backup (some are also available for other OS's). Personally I use restic but it might not be a good fit for you as it's pretty CLI heavy.
Quarterly reminder this exists

Someone recommended this post to me to ask...
I live in Germany and have a computer i9-13900KF + ASUS ProArt Z790 CREATOR WIFI with 128GB RAM. Two 4090s and one A6000 have been installed.

I'm hoping to switch to a Pro WS TRX50-SAGE WIFI, AMD Ryzen Threadripper 7960X, 256GB (4x64) RDIMM ECC DDR5-4800, Phanteks - Enthoo Elite, NH-U14S TR5-SP6 and then add 2 more A6000s and a Corsair HX Series hx1500i and get it hooked up to my original PSU.

Or keep it as is and directly use the EGPU to connect two A6000s through Thunderbolt 4.

Since I have too many questions and I don’t know how to shorten the article, please allow me to post a link to my original inquiry article.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to help me. Sorry to bother you.
wth is that?
XI systems its a like/hate thing. I've used the product for years going back to the 8.x days. Irony, the old versions were a hell of a lot simpler to roll out. Wanted to use Plex? Simply download the Plugin package and configure a few data mount points. Bobs your uncle. You could also download the plugin package locally and install it from within the system; no internet/chart site required. Now? Apps are tied to online repos. God help you if those repos die or whatever. Your limited to whatever apps XI "officially" says works now that the community TrueCharts site repo is now "deprecated". One area Windows excels at; install the system, install your applications. Make a system restore image. Now if the worst happens simply restore the system from the image. Apps,etc back up and rolling. Irony, Freenas v 9x had a full system backup option built in. Never really caught on.
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ok question. is there even a reason to have any media server if i just torrent anime, watch it once on my pc and then delete the files? im not the type to watch stuff more than once. and i dont watch on a tv either. so i never got the reason for media servers

desu i feel the same about nas, why not just get a docking station and attach shit that way? seems like less hassle
buy a Chromebox off of eBay and install your favorite flavor of Linux on it if you're concerned about power consumption
Whats a good client for a mediaserver that isnt filled with adware and other proprietary bullshit
No I am not buying a smarttv
Really quiet intel nucs that only draw 10watt and do 2k+ passmark are cheap secondhand. $50-150. love them
yeah nics are good too but chromeboxes tend to be cheaper for whatever reason
If you watch stuff once and then delete it why would you even consider a media server or NAS? At that point an external HDD seems completely overkill nevermind setting up plex/jellyfin/OMV/whatever.
unifi perhaps
The only reason to have some kind of storage on your home network is to be able to access files easily from any device connected to your network (tv, pc, laptop, tablet phone etc)
jeets care about enterprise.
Pro motherboard, threadripper cpus, 128gb, 4090s, a6000s... Are you a creator? You can create a new bottle cap on a cheap €300 laptop running win11 and freecad, you don't need all that expensive hardware.
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imagine making excuses for not even attempting a proper setup and ascribing that lazy and destitute attitude to a nation of people who live in utter filth and squalor

are you trying to actively demean yourself? you will never leave the helpdesk, you're stuck there forever.
thinking of turning my xps8900 into a server and trying to find uses for it

router with integrated 2,5 drive
No, anon didn't what saars was.
you are so fucked beyond belief. nobody cares or needs to care about buying enterprise grade equipment for their home HOBBY server. you aren't serving clients. you don't even have friends to use your server.
If it responds to an incoming *IP* connection, it's a server.
my appletalk server disagrees
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I didn't say other protocols couldn't be servers too.
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Can i powertop in Truenas?
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>8TB for $340
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>21 old money 4TB HGSTs for half a stack
>210W+ for 84TB
only new money would
>Brocade 6450: $120 for 24x/48x 1gbit, 4x 10gbit. 25w/50w
>Mikrotik CRS328: $489 for 24x 1gbit, 4x 10gbit. 44W

>Brocade 6610: $200 for 24x/48x 1gbit, 16x 10gbit, 2x 40gbit. 80w/110w
>Mikrotik CRS354: $599 for 48x 1gbit, 4x 10gbit, 2x 40gbit. 60w
What managed switch does /hsg/ use? I'm leaning towards the 6610 for future 40gbit upgrades, since I don't have 40gbit NICs.
Completely valid - wouldn't dream of leaving something like that running 24/7.
Still, as an offline backup with 2nd hand rack parts it has the potential to be cool.
brocade 7250 because it has 8x sfp+ slots
otherwise i would've gotten a 6450
why the 7250 with 8x sfp+ over the 6610 with 8xsfp+ and 8x on breakouts?
i have the 7250-48p specifically. it's my core switch and i needed POE. don't think the 6610 has POE since it's a datacenter switch. also hot, loud, and too much switch for me. multi-gig would be more useful than double the sfp+
catalyst 3850s are starting to look REALLY cheap and some models (48uxm or some shit) come with 12x 1/2.5/5/10gb copper ports... if you have a buddy with a cisco software login, you'd be golden for wifi 6e-7 APs
but i guess if you just wanna push packets there's nothing really wrong with the 6610. you know about the fohdeesha docs pages right?
as an offline backup lto drive and tapes would be a better option
Surely you meant switches (plural)?
Catalyst 1000 or Catalyst 9300. Stackable.
No way. Too usecase specific and one-off with regards to physical resources. I would rather just throw together a cheap jbod enclosure and stack that in with other rack stuff, and that way I can do more than just store stuff. Maybe a cheeky vm or two for dicking around in when I'm bored.
Shut up nobody cares
>router with integrated 2,5 drive
I haven't seen any (unless it's some diy router/pc), at the moment I have a usb ssd plugged in and it works fine.
mellanox sx6012

the brocades are a good pick though
I am installing it in my Jellyfin VM , that's where I was doing the distro upgrade and it shat itself
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>Brocade 6610: $200
I just bought TWO 6610s for less than that.
6610 has PoE+
if you weren't poor you'd buy 4 22TB instead
I can't spread 4 drives across 5 nodes with each node running 4 drives in RAID 10. Plus a spare drive.
What is a good way to manage mass storage drives in Proxmox? I have one 2TB NVME which holds the and VMs. I also have two 8TB WD Reds.
Do I pass the entire block devices /dev/sda and /dev/sdb to some guest NAS OS? Do I format them and set up RAID on the host, then hand out virtual storage as-needed? Or do that and then create one large virtual storage for the NAS to manage?
I've been reading about filesystems and NAS for like 2 days and I just feel dumber than when I started.
If I ever fill 8TB I plan to get two more 8TB drives and set up RAID 6
I really don't need the "RAID is not a backup" lecture. I know this. I don't intend for it to be a backup.
if you weren't poor you'd buy 21 22TB
I don't need that much storage, I just need 80TB and a spare 4TB drive.
If I create a VLAN in PVE or another HVM is it possible to join my desktop (which is not in the pool) to that VLAN?
I'm trying to be responsible and setup backups. I have a proxmox host with a bunch of storage with a couple VMs, two of which have docker containers.
I also have a separate NAS with important data like all my photos backups of family and stuff. Ironically it has less storage than my NAS because it hosts my media server which is "replacable" data and my NAS just handles what I deem important like documents and pics and stuff.
Can I get a babby wallthrpugh of what I should do or a good tutorial series? Kinda overwhelmed. Should everything converge onto the NAS then use something like backblaze? I also see Proxmox Backup Server is a thing.
To clarify, I know how to format and mount drives, I just don't know what filesystem is appropriate use, and if it's the host or guest that should be managing that filesystem.
Fucking impossible to parse through "ZFS bad because it writes too much". "BTRFS bad because its unstable." "EXT4 is the devil." "ZFS is the best thing ever." "BTRFS will change your life." "BTRFS RAID killed my mother."
Jesus fucking Christ.
I've always just used EXT4 for my desktop and tempted to do it again here.
catalyst 9300-24UX is dirt cheap right now. 24 ports of mgig and can use 17 train code. quiet too, same noise level as my 3850 24p.
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hey im a server noob here, with a little experience setting up cloud file server for my company, and i was awarded with my company's old server. it's pretty low spec as far as i can tell and i have a few things id like to do with it. any suggested upgrades? right now its got a xeon e5 2620v3 and 16 gig ram, ill definitely add more ram since I want to play around with virtualization, and im wondering if i would be better off spending more on a more powerful cpu, or using 2 less powerful cpus. some of my intended applications are nas, nvr, vpn (to access nas and nvr remotely), im also interested in running a tak server. its an hp proliant dl360 gen9. any suggestions are appreciated
I would use ZFS and research that. I'd just mirror your drives into a pool. Then you can split up the bulk storage pool as needed.
>im wondering if i would be better off spending more on a more powerful cpu, or using 2 less powerful cpus.
I would get a second 2620 v3, they're quite cheap and efficient
>hey guys my company awarded me with e-waste
oh shit they are mad cheap
Finally got my first home media server with RAID on Debian.
What's a lightweight tool I can use to monitor the health of the disks and if any are dead? Something I could access from another browser on my network?
Aware a few exist but not sure which is best.
mdadm can send emails on failure by itself, so can smartd.
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I mean at least with regards to zfs (which I enjoy) you have at least 2 options in proxmox:
>use something like starwind vsan free/truenas/omv that has some gui feature for zpool creation/management
>anything debian based and creating/managing the pools with bash
I use the latter, but I'm running xubuntu on bare metal so the decision was effectively made for me. It's not nightmarishly difficult or anything, you can totally make it work with a few youtube videos and some time in the man-pages but it will never be as easy as just using some gui with zfs built in.
What NAS OS are you using? If all you need is NFS/SMB then ZFS can do that from the proxmox host without needing another OS at all. If you're still set on having a NAS OS you can create a ZFS subvolume and pass it to the container/VM as a block device. You can grow the subvolume live too without needing a VM reboot. There's very few reasons to ever have ZFS on top of ZFS.
That sounds like the solution I need. I was thinking the overhead of a NAS OS probably isn't worth it for two drives. NFS/SMB/SFTP will cover all of my use cases.
>Access Points
>this section is a stub
nigger it is the only section i would have found useful to read

Can someone help? maybe write something quick for the wiki too? (i swear i am not glowing you into contributing for some bigger nefarious purpose schizo sir)
what do you need that for
consistent latency regardless of what's using the internet
like i can torrent, while a roommate streams netflix and another plays an online game, all without complaints
i personally like IRDM (not pro), MLC
though older ones have fucked up firmware so check and update before you install it in the server
ZFS: there's no way to migrate a dataset from 128k to 1M recordsize while keeping the snapshots, right? `zfs send` doesn't change the recordsize of files, they are still 128k in zdb.
Unless I do something like:
>mount 128k_dataset@snap1
>`rsync --archive --delete` that to 1M_dataset
>zfs snapshot 1M_dataset@snap1
>repeat for every snapshot
that should work, right?
what is ur ARC capped at
Is anyone here using a Palo alto firewall?
Is it possible to use it properly without a license?
you need to use QoS
no, to use any features like appid and signature based filtering you will need a license. that goes the same for any firewall besides suricata/snort on freeware firewalls.
trying to string together my first NAS

this is what I've strung together in the very few hours of research that was done https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/7H3wdH

will predominately be for storing media & for data backups etc. typical NAS shit - is this overkill? not enough? fine? any obvious changes to make?
Thanks for the info anon. You aware of any cracks or something to enable this function or is it a cloud function?
that's what SQM effectively does
you can shape outgoing traffic, sadly there's no good way of shaping incoming traffic (downloads).
If you have 100Mbps Internet down link, dropping packets on your end won't do much, as the packet has already gone through 100Mbps link, using up the bandwidth.
Best you can do is to enforce bandwidth limits inside applications.
i hear you, but i used QoS before, and SQM manages to work better while not requiring a bunch of manual rules that need constant maintenance
you can shape inbound with a proper router. crappy prosumer ones wont do it.

this is just dumb buffer management. DSCP based WRED QoS would be better for your purposes because it would prioritize realtime traffic. also, you can police your individual links to a certain allotted bandwidth which is much more fair than relying on fair-queue (which QoS does better). that's two rules for policing. a single rule for DSCP based WRED. requires no nuance.
>DSCP based WRED QoS would be better for your purposes
any links? i set this up maybe around 2016 and haven't had a need to touch it since
You can find used 8TB drives on your ebay for around $80 each. I would get 4 of those.
You dont need motherboard with wifi.
You dont need 3200mhz ddr4, you can get lower mhz to shave off a few bucks.
Get a small nvme drive for your whatever NAS OS.
Get a "gold" power supply.

That's what i would do down under.
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I have one I turned into a robot controller, they are top quality. The thing with SoC based systems is that there is far less things they can fuck up, everything is in the cpu package so no opportunity for shit pcie routing, you can run audio over hdmi so no issues with drivers, use your own wifi card for the same reasons and more often than not the bios is far more flexible than better known oems because they don't hide things you might actually need. For my application I needed all of the power saving and autistic dynamic clock speed shit to be off in order for my robot to maintain sub 10uS jitter so as to not shake itself apart due to drift, good fucking luck getting that to work on a dell mini pc.
you can just block the protocol numbers upstream
These Haswell/Broadwell platforms and anything before Cascade Lake are e-waste and belong in the bin.
But if you'd like, dual E5-2650 v4 / E5-2660 v4 are cheap.
Because it's a HPE server, you may have more difficulties to acquire firmware updates without a support contract.
RAID10 is better than RAID6 for four drives.
HBA passthrough if you want to use a NAS virtual machine.

Anything but Ubiquiti.
What does this consumer desktop hardware have to do with servers?

You are missing ECC memory support.
I don't see an ASRock Rack or Supermicro motherboard, if you still want to go the DIY route instead of a Synology or a Dell PowerEdge or Dell PowerVault.
Where's your power redundancy and remote management interface?
I219V is okay-ish.
Thanks to /hsg/ I learned to avoid these chink PCI-e -> SATA cards with shitty Marvell chipsets.

Thanks /hsg/
It's not lmao
I should probably get around to doing that before too long
Buy more ram.
Best VDI box or prebuilt box for pfsense in 2024? Minimum 2,1gb NIC’s.
Anyone have any recommendations for self-hosted RSS feed readers? There are dozens and they all seem 80% identical from what I can tell.
I think it should work. My mini PC has 4 ports, but in my case the LAN port will likely go to the switch's WAN port. I'd probably have the management port connected to the switch though and on the management VLAN together with my PiKVM.

Anyway, for now I'm really stuck on how to configure sysctl and stuff on Guix. Apparently sysctl-service-type is an unbound variable, so copy&pasting from the Guix manual to the system.scm file's services section is useless.

Guix was a mistake, lol.

A chink mini PC with an N100. Runs fine for me. Did you use nonguix channel, non free kernel, etc?
it's a local function but signatures and other things are downloaded from cloud services or manually via an account.
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NAS parts all arrive tomorrow lads
What I have is tremendously overkill but idc
go on, what did you get?
Well lad, it's my first NAS build so:

>Fractal R7 for more drive storage
>32GB DDR5
>i5-12400 with UHD700 for video decoding (no GPU to spare)
>2x 12TB HDDs (data and parity)
>2x 500gb NVME SSDs (caching and parity)

I was told what I have is massively overkill -- and I'd agree -- but I see this system lasting me many at least a few good years, especially with my mobo have 8x SATA ports.
For what reason?
>32gb ddr5
I hope youre running a shitton of vms then anon
nice, looks pretty solid mate. what are you going to store on it/use it for? and how much were the 12TB drives? Are you gonna run any linux config? I just nabbed a 16TB for £239 which is great as 4 years ago I got a 10TB for £241.
All my mobo allowed for was DDR5, sadly.
I plan to run everything I do in a VM managed inside Unraid. I've used it to do small servers before but this'll be a first with capacity of this size
It's going to do a lot:

>Full arr-stack for acquiring media
>Jellyfin media playback to my lan for around 6x users at a time
>Music playback across the network
>VMs running things better left outside of a Docker stack like Home Assistant on a Debian VM, which are their own beast
>VPN server
>Chucking my Pi in the case so it'll power my DNS and DHCP servers

There's nothing on bare metal on my NAS, and I think that's how it's supposed to be done? I'm not sure -- I've only ever used Unraid off a Flashdrive, but everything, EVERYTHING is going to be in a VM.

>and how much were the 12TB drives?
Around $230 burgers at Microcenter for being on sale

>I just nabbed a 16TB for £239 which is great as 4 years ago I got a 10TB for £241.
That's actually quite good! Prices over in bongland seem a little more favorable for disk space.
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The Fractal R7 isn't on VMwares compatablility list.
Why not rack mount?
>The Fractal R7 isn't on VMwares compatablility list.
Well fug
>Why not rack mount?
I have friends with rack servers -- and i want to get there too -- but I don't want to fuck with rackmount shid right now in my life, and have a giant ass rack to lug around. I just wanted to build a NAS PC. That said, I recognize the superiority of rack-mounting. I'm also retarded
>I recognize the superiority of rack-mounting. I'm also retarded
Based retard. Godspeed anon.
>tremendously overkill NAS
kek, you made it sound as if you got a setup with redundancy and multipathing.
Hope you won't have to swap those drives frequently, i had a Meshify 2 and it was annoying, plus it resonated anyway, plus the threads get stripped easily.
ATX towers are a joke, that overpriced fractal piece of shit is what made me finally switch to enterprise gear.
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I really like the D7. I built my first server in one, but once I realized I was going to need a platform change to do what I wanted I grabbed a D7 xl. So now I've got two of these boxes sitting next to each other. Currently the second one is built, minus drives. I plan to do things (mostly) properly this time instead of the jank I had due to not really knowing what I was doing the first time around.
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>ATX towers are a joke
*blocks you're path*
So I'm trying to set up active directory for practicing on my homelab. I only have an i5 8500t (6 core) and 32gb of ram running proxmox. What's the minimum hw I should give a win 10 vm? All I need is to mess with permissions on them and have them as clients. I wanted maybe 3.

Other services on the machine are Arrs and the win server vm itself.
ATX as a formfactor is fine, consumer or rather gamer branded cases are pure fucking AIDS.
I got a bunch of Core X9's back when they were still available and they're quite frankly still the best cases ever made.
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>all that bullshit for two disks
Let go.
>b..b...but I might add more!
Then buy the 4 bay. Also you won't so just stick to the two bay.
I'm running a proxmox for all my selfhosting needs, and now I'm looking for a nas/dropbox/gdrive kind of thing. Dumping stuff to share with other users or cross-vm for cases I dont have ssh access
I found trunas but it looks overkill and somewhat redundant with proxmox.
Is there a lighter alternative available or is trunas the way to go?
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I have 128G! I can't buy anymore for this motherboard.
put a disk or three in the server
import it to proxmox as a zpool
Pls respond
If you're running a server or LTSC version you really don't need much especially if it isn't really used for anything. 1vC and 1-2GB RAM should be more than enough from my personal experience.
all 3 at the same time?
Oh great, that's doable. Thanks so much.
Yeah but they wouldn't really be doing anything. I'd just have them set to different permissions and see what they can access and what not.
>Yeah but they wouldn't really be doing anything. I'd just have them set to different permissions and see what they can access and what not.
yea, like that anon said, it's quite lightweight. but i would disable the real-time protection of windows defender on all of them so they dont spaz out and max the cpu cores and i/o randomly.
FreshRSS is my favorite, anon
Noted! Thanks
>desktop only has 4 pcie 4.0 lanes available
>nics seem to all be pcie 3.0
>pcie 3.0 x4 maxes at 31.5 gbps
so until I can free up some lanes (ie when i build a new desktop and turn my current desktop into my next server), it seems like I'm stuck on 10gbit :(
I need to update or replace my RPi. I do not have the space for a MicroSever. I currently have :
1# RPi4 with an USB dock serving as a NAS (Samba) and Cloud (Seafile), accessible remotely with ZeroTier, another external HDD and MEGAcmd for backup.
2# RPi4 with qBitorrent and WireGuard client, downloading then moving the files to the NAS.
3# RPi0 with Piyhole with the DHCP service enabled.

I'm probably going to buy a Synology 923+ but I don't know what services should I put on it, on Docker, or keep baremetal on the RPi :
1# Syno for NAS, Cloud (Syno Drive), Docker + qBitorrent + WireGuard client, backup to the external HDD and to C2 Storage instead of MEGA.
2# RPi4 with Pi-hole + WireGuard "server", split-tunnel for our laptops, full-tunnel for our smartphones.
3#? Maybe another Pi-hole on Docker for redundancy

Any opinions ?

Should I ditch Pi-hole for AdGuard Home ?
just run pihole in a docker and ditch the rpi altogether
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the scheduled scan tasks too in the task scheduler, forgot to mention the most important part
I thought that DHCP server in Docker was a PITA to setup ?
you don't have the space for a micro mini? are you living in a house for ants?
I have a closet with everything related to the network (fiber / router / switch / RPi / etc.) and I can cram a 4-bay but that's it.
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>24x 1gbe
>16x 10gbe
>2x 40gbe
why shouldnt i buy the icx 6610?
Hmm so XI systems done away with Rsync. Bummer cause that's what I use to backup the server. It don't care that one system runs Freenas 9x or another runs 11.2. Rsync is Rsync. Replication does care. So that's why I don't use it. Now they're doing away with the apps thing and moving to something else.Which bummer cause my existing apps all work and who's to say they'd get ported to the new system. The only app I keep up to date is Plex.
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brocade is trash and cisco is better is why
any shop running brocade is going to pay you like shit so it's better to learn the superior vendor

also check the datasheet on ICX 6610 there isn't a single SKU with 16x 10gb ports you retard. not only that, but flipping the 1gb SFP+ ports to 10g requires a license.
>tp-link on chart
>ui isn't
lmfao, ubi nerds got roasted
i agree though, i could not recommend using them anywhere nears a production deployment for anything that's not a mom+pop
4 threads/vcpu and 4-6gb ram minimum, 8 if you can afford it
you could pare it down to 2 threads but don't expect anything to be very fast
power consumption (im >>101409892)
that seems like a cool date idea
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I'm looking to build a NAS, mostly to use for storing media like animu and movies, to access from my desktop, HTPC, etc. Mainly planning to have any actual video playback be done on those devices, not the server. This is the build I came up with, minus discs and extra fans, can I get some input on it?

Just found my old Chromebook in storage. Could a dual-core celery from 2015 run Plex and Radarr if I stick Linux on it?
tapes are only good for filming home pornos
you might as well try. it wont hurt anything.
i have a mid-range haswell cpu from 2014 running docker, radarr, sonarr, plex, etc just fine
I would ditch the old ass radeon hd card, unless you're recycling it, and go with an APU for your graphics. In the future if you ever want server-side transcoding with modern codec support you can pick up a used intel arc 380 or something.
It's a semi-place holder, I'm probably just going to get the cheapest thing with HDMI off of ebay. From what I read, the APU are a lot more picky about ECC RAM.
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This. I got a coolermaster case that can handle 12 HDDs fine, atx board, is small as fuck in terms of space, is all metal, and costs $75. Hot swapping is meme for home servers. If the extra 5 Minutes it takes you to swap a drive with a screw driver is costing you meaningful mone, then you have way bigger problems.

new thread you guys:



32 GB is very little, even for ARC.
100 MB reserved partition isn't enough for later Windows 10 versions, in case you are using
answer files. Likewise, the disk space requirements changed from 20 GB to 32 GB since build 1903 (19H1). If you want to be eligible for Windows 11 upgrade, then 64 GB disk size is the minimum.
The rest you can find easily with an online web search. 2 GB RAM. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-specifications
Only plaintext rsync protocol, not over SSH, is deprecated or gone.
What does this consumer desktop hardware have to do with NAS servers?

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