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Previous thread: >>101399432
Since I didnt get an answer I asked gpt to write my script to move and symlink.

# Function to display usage information
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 source_directory target_directory"
exit 1

# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then

# Assign arguments to variables

# Check if source directory exists
if [ ! -d "$source_dir" ]; then
echo "Source directory does not exist: $source_dir"
exit 1

# Check if target directory exists, if not create it
if [ ! -d "$target_dir" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target_dir"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create target directory: $target_dir"
exit 1

# Function to move files and directories and create symbolic links using rsync
move_and_link() {
local src="$1"
local dest="$2"

for item in "$src"/*; do
if [ -d "$item" ]; then
# If item is a directory, create the corresponding directory in target, move its contents, and link it
local dirname=$(basename "$item")
mkdir -p "$dest/$dirname"
move_and_link "$item" "$dest/$dirname"
rsync -a --delete "$item/" "$dest/$dirname/"
rm -rf "$item"
ln -s "$dest/$dirname" "$src/$dirname"
elif [ -f "$item" ]; then
# If item is a file, move it and create a symlink
local filename=$(basename "$item")
rsync -a --remove-source-files "$item" "$dest/"
ln -s "$dest/$filename" "$src/$filename"

# Move files and directories and create symbolic links
move_and_link "$source_dir" "$target_dir"

echo "Files and directories moved and symbolic links created successfully."

Will this work? If Im reading this correctly it will not only create symlinks for directories but also for all files in the directory? Is that even possible?
it's pretty good, but i think you'd need to remove the line;
            move_and_link "$item" "$dest/$dirname"

it looks to me like this line would cause it to loop forever before it can even do anything, but the rest looks alright. test it on a sacrificial directory tree first
or specifically, it would loop forever once it encounters a directory, since it doesn't do that for the case of the source being a file
Thanks, ill give it a spin and report back
photogimp or krita for some relatively light image editing with text editing and layer effects?
I like systemd.
So this is the power of AI.
mv "$src" "$dst"
ln -s "$dst" "$src"
What would be the best way to determine what process(es) are doing sporadic tiny reads/writes on a storage device, preventing it from sleeping? Assume the operations are too fast/short lived for polling /proc (or whatever) to be viable.
mv is shit though, especially for large folders
Here I made it simpler

# Function to display usage information
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 source_directory target_directory"
exit 1

# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then

# Assign arguments to variables

# Get the absolute path of the source and target directories
source_dir_abs=$(realpath "$source_dir")
target_dir_abs=$(realpath "$target_dir")

# Check if source directory exists
if [ ! -d "$source_dir_abs" ]; then
echo "Source directory does not exist: $source_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Check if target directory exists, if not create it
if [ ! -d "$target_dir_abs" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target_dir_abs"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create target directory: $target_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Get the basename of the source directory
source_dir_name=$(basename "$source_dir_abs")

# Move the entire source directory to the target directory
rsync -a --delete "$source_dir_abs/" "$target_dir_abs/$source_dir_name/"
rm -rf "$source_dir_abs"

# Create a symbolic link in the original location
ln -s "$target_dir_abs/$source_dir_name" "$source_dir_abs"

echo "Source directory moved and symbolic link created successfully."
Do Arch users hate GNOME?
Currently writing an unattended install script for Gentoo, with rootfs encryption, btrfs snapshots and all of that stuff.

It starts with one variable which is the name of the block device, ie sda or nvme0n1. Problem is if it's sda the first partition is called sda1 and if it's nvme0n1 the first partition is called nvme0n1p1 (notice the extra p). What's the easiest (shortest in terms of loc) way to account for that?
>yay: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.13: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
the fuck is this shit?
you need to build yay against the new version of alpm you just installed
what the fuck does that mean?
Pfsh try this
# Function to display usage information
usage() {

exit 1

# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then

# Assign arguments to variables

# Get the absolute path of the source and target directories
source_dir_abs=$(realpath "$source_dir")
target_dir_abs=$(realpath "$target_dir")

# Check if source directory exists
if [ ! -d "$source_dir_abs" ]; then
echo "Source directory does not exist: $source_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Check if target directory exists, if not create it
if [ ! -d "$target_dir_abs" ]; then
mkdir -p "$target_dir_abs"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create target directory: $target_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Get the basename of the source directory
source_dir_name=$(basename "$source_dir_abs")

# Rename the source directory to a temporary name to avoid conflicts
mv "$source_dir_abs" "$temp_source_dir"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to rename source directory to temporary name"
exit 1

# Move the entire source directory to the target directory
rsync -a "$temp_source_dir/" "$target_dir_abs/$source_dir_name/"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to rsync files from temporary source directory to target directory"
# Rollback rename
mv "$temp_source_dir" "$source_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Create a symbolic link in the original location
ln -s "$target_dir_abs/$source_dir_name" "$source_dir_abs"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to create symbolic link"
# Rollback rsync and rename
rm -rf "$target_dir_abs/$source_dir_name"
mv "$temp_source_dir" "$source_dir_abs"
exit 1

# Remove the temporary directory
rm -rf "$temp_source_dir"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to remove temporary source directory"
exit 1

echo "Source directory moved and symbolic link created successfully."
did someone install arch for you?
in a way you could say that since its just an arch based distro
ok, well yay is a wrapper for pacman, or more specifically it's library libalpm. when you build yay, it does so for the version of libalpm you have on your system. if you update libalpm/pacman but not yay at the same time, now yay is looking for a library that no longer exists, since it's been replaced with a newer version that has a different file name
the solution is to build yay again
don't they both automatically update at the same time? I only do system upgrades.
i'm not saying you did something wrong
since yay is itself in the AUR, arch doesn't bump the version of yay when pacman gets updated, so you can quite easily end up with a new version of pacman while the version of yay didn't change, so won't be updated. you're expected to manually specify yay when you see pacman has a new version
you should check the aur package page if you run into issues with an aur package, if there's a common issue someone is likely to have mentioned it in the comments there
idk who's Yay but when you got manually built binaries, you have to rebuild them every time some library of theirs update.
yay is an aur helper
Hi /fglt/.
Which program can one use to make and edit interior design plans?
I know about FreeCAD, but it seems overkill. I'm not a professional.
Not true, only if the library ABI changed.
Tried sweethome3d?
That's perfect actually, thank you!
Why is KDE Plasma like this?
How can I pass a filename to an editor as-is? I'm making a c program that interfaces with external text editors and calls them with system. I'm looking to pass filename arguments without escaping special characters
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I have been customizing a desktop to add a little bit more soul. What do you all think? Improvement ideas are welcome.
looks really nice
I love customizing MATE. You can make it so nostalgic and welcoming.
The blue tones look great.
>fixes your distrohopping permanently
Because you bought a shitty display.
>cuts your dick off permanently
What is a flatpack and why is it different from other linux programs?
have you watched this video already?
It's a container. Useful for some stuff, especially the not-shipping-for-32654754-package managers side of compatibility. Useless for other applications, some stuff is easier integrated and configured without the flatcondom on. Even more useless for some stuff it is advertised to do like """security"""".
Bottom line is don't bother if you are just starting out with linux because it's a crutch you don't need while learning. If you are educated enough to disagree with me on this you are ready to use flatpak
I have now, but what is the name of the other package then? I know snap is one and people avoid it cause it isn't free, but what came before flatpaks?
I'm probably not educated enough to disagree with you its just when you are downloading software for linux there are like 5 different types of "flavors" you can choose from and it can be overwhelming at times because it seems to be suck basic knowledge that no one really talks about it for the newer tards here.
>when you are downloading software for linux there are like 5 different types of "flavors" you can choose from
Yes, and you should really know which one goes with your distro. That's basically all that matters. Every major distro comes with it's own avenue to get software, and for most major stuff that's using the package manager. You will figure out what those are in no time and can weed through instructions that don't apply to you then. .deb and apt concern debian, pacman and AUR mean Arch. That kind of stuff
Staying oblivious about that and using flatpak as a beginner instead only postpones the problem and is the choice not to learn. Always include your distro or it's mainstream parent with any google search and you'll be fine
>but what came before flatpaks?
AppImages and Snaps
there are probably more container solutions out there like docker but those three are ones usually in the same conversation.

packages like `deb` or `rpm` are not trying to be platform agnostic, appImages, snaps, and flatpaks all aim to be platform agnostic
>Staying oblivious about that and using flatpak as a beginner instead only postpones the problem and is the choice not to learn. Always include your distro or it's mainstream parent with any google search and you'll be fine
Cool, I've been only using the software manager but I'd like to be able to know wth is going on.
>packages like `deb` or `rpm` are not trying to be platform agnostic
While this is true do note that they (at least .deb) are basically just archives and you can extract the sauce manually and run it that way. Useful for the rare occasion you find something obscure while sailing.

What distro are you using?
I think it's nice. But you need to define "soul" to get meaningful suggestions.
Ultimately Debian based, so your keywords are dpkg and apt. Instructions containing those are aimed at you
I thought Mint was Ubuntu based?
And Ubuntu is Debian based. What that ultimately means is that under the hood it's mostly the same as Debian, and while I have never used it I did check if that includes the package manager. And it does. Distros are just a set of interacting programs and components ultimately, and the package manager is what the major distro branches (arch debian gentoo redhat) boil down to. Those brancches then have their funny little expressions like package manager X + desktop environment Y or package manager X but without systemd (aka init system Y).
All you need to know right now is that commands aimed at debian work on your system, with a closer fidelity for ubuntu instructions, while Mint specific instructions should obviously work.
Man... I feel like I have a lot to learn...
Definitely, but the takeaway for now is "90% of shit doesn't matter for me personally". Fix individual problems as they come up and the knowledge gained passively that way will be your map to the wider linux ecosystem. Don't try to learn it all in advance lol.
For the record my first attempt at installing something, after looking for an installer online, was to hammer a command for the wrong package manager into the console for 20 minutes and then doing the equivalent of deleting system32 on windows. It's a process. And I wouldn't be able to tell you any of this if I had just used flatpak or whatever was around back then instead of figuring out the differences.
Not really, you can use the OS for what you want to use it for, not everyone needs to know the history of how things came to be
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True, true dat.

Arch sissies can't compete. Their shit breaks always
Its kind if exciting because its like I'm a kid again!
Fair point
that's not arch
This isn't TempleOS D:<
not really, only if you want to. use whatever the fuck fits your needs. only specific online communities care about OS wars and therefore nobody actually cares
cachyos is nice. thats all
Most people hate GNOME
I still remember the GNOME 2 days, when it was just another likeable DE. Then, something happened and all went south. The next time I looked, my Ubuntu would ship with something called Unity because of GNOME 3 and lots of drama. Whatever the hell happened to GNOME in such a short time?
Its both bloated and less customisable than kde
At least it doesn't krash.
>Try PlayonLinux
>Doesn't work
>Try Bottles
>Doesn't work
>thonk: "Maybe I should put the game files in the window files that the bottle made
>Do that
Do I have to do the same with PlayOnLinux?
Use the Heroic Games Launcher
Smart monkey, good job. Yes, the "windows files" are the WINE directories and all ways to play windows games on linux basically work that way. It's all wine below the hood.
I recommend Lutris if you play games that need a lot of tinkering (probably japanese and or old), Heroic Games Launcher is fine too. Haven't tried the two you are using, but consider those 2 while you are shopping wine GUIs.
I just use wine with some aliases/scripts, screw this pol/lutris/bottles/whatever stuff.
What's the advantage to this though? The part I personally need Lutris for is flipping every feature switch until I see which one makes the tentacle game crash
not having to search in some gui for the settings.
Why Lutris? Aren't these just the same front ends as bottles or playonlinux?
anyone else getting a ton of "kept-back" packages in debian testing?
when i tried apt dist-upgrade, a lot of packages such as wine were to be removed.
Honestly I might just make scripts for running wine for the games I know work well a certain way, not like that's going to change anytime soon

>Why Lutris
Because while both are frontends for wine they come with a bunch of other tool you wouldn't even realize exist for a long time and GUI switches for options you wont dig out of man pages for a hot minute either. Heroic is more polished while forgoing some of those options (last time I checked)
Okay, I'll try out lutris, but I like how intuitive bottles is.
Best case you try all of them and pick your favorite. As I said, it's all the same (wine) under the hood
So if Wine Isn't an emulation and the front ends are just user GUIs, then what actually is Wine?
A "compatibility layer". Maybe someone actually educated can chime in but for all intents and purposes it's an emulator.
Speaking about, there's the advantage to Lutris that you can easily plug in other emulators too and start all games from the same place and with the same linux-side additions like gamescope too.
translation layer, it translates calls (mostly system calls) in real time and forwards them to the host kernel. An emulator on the other hand would be running another kernel entirely and consume resources for all the virtual devices
>what actually is Wine?
You can just think of it as an emulator, it's a distinction without difference as long as you don't get into the weeds of ot.
How do you troubleshoot a game that won't launch in WINE? I don't get any error notifications, just the program doesn't run when I launch it.
I'm tired of setting things up manually.
Are there any server-grade distros that take security seriously, in a way that I don't have to worry about installing and configuring most stuff optimally myself? I've heard of immutable distributions, but I don't know enough about them to judge if they are what I'm looking for.

I use Gentoo on my main machine and configured it just the way I wanted it, but I dread having to do all of the maintenance that I do on my main computer on other machines.
I'm offended that this pic doesn't have the Gentoo logo.
>take security seriously
>I don't have to worry about installing and configuring most stuff optimally myself
pick one, serious security isn't set it and forget it.

if you're tired of setting things up then perhaps you can look into something like ansible
radbg comming to linux
are we hyped bros?
It's that I want it done for me, by competent people. I'm guessing that costs money, but hey.

I'll look into it, thank you.
essentially all that matters for your cpu are the numbers that come into it
if you make a program in assembly that all it does it loops from 1 to 1 mill and accumulates the result into to a register, that program will run on linux and windows
the fact that windows programs don't work on linux is just human made problem which mostly stems from two facts, linux and windows executable are stored differently and systemcalls are different
so what wine tries to do is take window syscalls (functions to operate with OS) and translate them into some thing that have similar effect on linux
while you set up things manually write an ansible playbook so you can easily replay it later
I am trying to customize a riced desktop to share. In MATE, how do I show a background on the background selector? Putting it into the /usr/share/backgrounds directories does not work.
I'll look into it, especially silverblue.

Looked it up a bit, seems like it could be a gigantic time-save.
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Is there anything like simplewall for Linux?
For those unfamiliar, it's a wrapper for windows' firewall.
The main features I'm looking for is
>can block all programs from connecting to internet except what's explicitly allowed
>produces a notification when a new program attempts to access internet, asking to allow or deny
pic related
>can block all programs from connecting to internet except what's explicitly allowed
ufw or portmaster
>produces a notification when a new program attempts to access internet, asking to allow or deny
I assume portmaster does this, it did it on Windows, afaik ufw doesn't do popups
What is the least backdoored bleeding edge distro besides a custom gentoo build?
Void, but it's not that bleeding edge.
how is gentoo bleeding edge? they're still on 6.6.35
unstable packages
You can emerge 6.10.0.
okay this is the weirdest thing ever, so im giving ubuntu budgie a try and suddenly this clock desklet or whatever appears after a reboot randomly, except i cant interact with the thing and cant pin down whats causing it lol anyone know how to kill it?
cant find anything about it in settings/budgie desktop settings. iv never had anything like this happen before so im a bit lost haha
forgot to attach image
Gnome 3 crashed all the time when it released. And not the KDE kind of bugginess where the bugs are often harmless.
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did you try this?
AHA! victory! bloody hell how embarrassing to get stumped on this lol
Easiest way is to open a terminal, cd into the directory the game.exe is located, and type "wine game.exe > wine.error.log" Play the game until it crashes and then read the log, it'll be in the folder game.exe is in.
simplewall has nothing to do with the windows filrewall
it is its own thing that uses the same thing the windows firewall uses
and apparently if you have the windows firewall enabled while using simplewall, the windows one takes precedence over it
What if the game never launches? It could try to launch and crash so I don't see anything but that's what I'm dealing with.
It should log everything in the error log. Point is that the crash should be logged.
So I'm using Hyprland (nixOS)
I'm trying to get firefox and other programs to use the KDE/QT file picker. Gnome a shit.
I've configured firefox to use it, but when I do, nothing happens when I go to select a file.
So I assume I'm missing a package but I don't know what that would be.
Any ideas?
Nevermind I forgot about firejail
File deleted.
I am trying to make an rpm. Is there a way to make it run a script as one installs it?
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I just learned about HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
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>linux smb -> linux 888 megabits/s
>linux nfs -> linux 990 megabits/s
>directory listing and thumbnail generation is 10 times faster on nfs
I am going to kill the inventor of samba/smb.
what about sshfs?
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Be honest, do you think Cinnnamon is fucked mid term? I'm using Debian, and feel like that and Gnome are the only DEs i'd consider using there. Plasma is stuck with bugs already fixed years ago and they kicked their main Plasma maintainer, XFCE has good tools but i've to do enough troublesbooting to make multi monitor to work than by that point i'd rather just use iceWM or i3, and Mate and LXQt just feel glitchy to me, as much as i like Metacity.
I can't choose what to do. I want as little hassle as possible, and Debian has rather good support for Gnome (bumps minor releases, fixes most bugs, extensions work) but Cinnamon feels just better to me overall, however is practically an one man show that's struggling right now.
No idea, sounds like extra cpu usage just like shell-ftp.
It's not just based on it, it IS it. If a Linux system pulls crap from distribution X repositories, then the system is distribution X.

AppImages are just 'zipped' standalone program trees.
>platform agnostic
What's a platform in this context?
what's wrong with plasma 5?
>What's a platform in this context?
hmmm fair, the platform they wish try to be agnostic to is the underlying distro e.g RHEL, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch, Gentoo, etc
>samba is retarded and slow
>NFS is fast and cool

But, samba has features NFS don't so might want to look into that
>plasma 5
My system still hasn't recovered from plasma 6. I thought krashing was an old meme but now it shit itself regularly. Why did they do it bros
Debian's Plasma 5 FTW
I don't need any of that, because I connected the nas directly to my laptop aka intranet. Smb would make sense if I had winblows users on the network to feed.
Or more than two linux machines, I would've used kerberos auth.
I just installed Gentoo and SDDM isn't picking up my mouse or keyboard. What the fuck
Fair enough then anon, NFS is for you
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Nothing, but Debian's packaging of Plasma is getting in shambles in general. Niche shit like EPEL for Rocky/Alma had the latest versions of Plasma 5.27 with all their bug fixes shortly af they were released, but Debian can't be bothered and EVEN kicked the main Plasma packager over some pronouns shit drama just before the Testing freeze.
Still, Debian is the most supported binary distro that's not rolling (important for the old hardware i want to run this on) and hasn't gone down the flush or is at risk of doing so (Leap is getting morphed, Mint is at the mercy of Ubuntu, Gentoo is too much of a hassle on weak hardware cause i amn't going to be here to cross compile things).
If Centos clones' update hassles weren't annoying i'd use them really.
Is basically Fedora's, but in minor point releases whitin a major version instead of two new major releases every year, there're minor version bumps of some software within these point releases but most software is kept on the same large version. The problem with hacking EPEL for desktop use is: one, support for most things is scare (few people use RHEL clones outside a headless base to run containers or whatever) two, the main Alma repos go out of sync with EPEL every time a point release happens, and this is annoying if you're pulling your whole DE from there you know?
Maybe i should bite the bullet and learn 2 Slackware. No idea how Plasma works there.
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Flatpak is a platform in a platform.
>not rolling (important for the old hardware i want to run this on)
What's the reasoning behind this?
Happened on non-gentoo system too.
>PC boots up
>gets to display manager or desktop (depending on autologin configuration)
>keyboard and mouse die while everything is up and running (can SSHd in, the desktop clock keeps ticking etc.)
Did anyone ever mount SMB or NFS over the internet? Doesn't like the tiniest hiccup cause those mounts to crash and I/O error and all?
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Is it possible to have a terminal-only distro that still lets me adjust my screen brightness and see important notifications like battery %, volume, and clock, and do basic multitasking?
I don't need to run GUI apps, just a text editor and other basic CLI stuff. What is my best option for this use case?
Obviously there wouldn't be your usual "notification daemon" or anything.
>I don't need to run GUI apps, just a text editor and other basic CLI stuff. What is my best option for this use case?
First idea is to run a looping shell script on one virtual terminal and use others for your shell stuff. The script in question would print out battery percentages and what have you.
>smb/nfs over internet
I don't think IP lets you connect to ports used by either protocol. SSH tunneling/localhost over internet would let you stream data from nfs server I guess.
Base arch/artix with dwm, obviously.
LARBS is a good idea too.
Install a lightweight Window Manager like Openbox with a lightweight dock. In order for adjust brightness you need X11 or a compositor. Then just run a single terminal and multiplex with tmux
>I don't think IP lets you connect to ports used by either protocol.
lol what
>Base arch/artix with dwm, obviously
Arch and Debian are the usual go-tos when 'just needing a system to boot into'.
ubuntu is the most supported distro by far
>Flatpak is a platform in a platform.
this is in fact, a true statement, hence why I said "fair" since it was clear that is what you were going to point out
Mostly because the Kernel sometimes has minor regressions that make suspension not work on this laptop, or suffer minor shutters every once in a while. I have used Tumbleweed and Arch sucessfully on better hardware before. Both are solid but i want something bullet proof i can mindlessly upgrade in 5 years for this thing. In the end i think i'm going Gnome to avoid random surprises. It's not going to be used for much and has enough RAM anyways. At worst i'll have to unbreak two plugins.
You can't change brightness without some graphical session running on, install something like iceWM and configure its built-in panel (for the notifications daemon to have a tray to cling to).
>lol what
All right, smartass, give me some public nfs servers so I can try it out.
It is but Cannonical is getting too overrun by their obsession with Snaps. They often have more usability issues than Flatpaks. And with even some less user facing packages like Cups falling prey of their craze it doesn't inspire me a lot of trust.
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I made a desktop script that takes Fedora MATE and makes it look like pic related ***for fun and learning***. I never made something like this before so I would greatly appreciate any advice for packaging it better.

Lastly, remember to audit the source code!
1. Install make (do not run it)
2. sudo ./script1.sh
Then without sudo:
3. ./script2.sh
>Happened on non-gentoo system too.
not for me. added my user to usb, input, etc. groups and still nothing. keyboard seems to work but mouse is no good
Neat, i have to give it a shot in a VM.
i dont know what to choose
arch + xfce or fedora xfce spin
>update Arch
>KDE updated to 6.4
>"oh god"
>the black screen after login bug is back after being fixed in 6.3
>except now it happens EVERY FUCKING LOGIN
>but not on wayland, works fine there :^)
>"fine i'll fucking use wayland"
>sessions don't autosave anymore, only manual saving works
>after manually saving session, the log out/restart/shutdown buttons stop working and you have to do it in a terminal
>switching launcher applet changes nothing (affects all, even the third party Tiled Menu)

I can't. I just can't anymore. I'm tired of fixing shit and dealing with new problems every time KDE updates. Just tired.
the bugs are meh
people lie about KDE being lightter than xfce for example
ram usage doesnt matter you can run kde or gnome on 4gb of ram
kde loves to use the GPU and chug VRAM, and it is so fucking I/O heavy, it is significantly worse than windows 10 for example

i had to go on a rabit hole about this because people were not telling me the truth, kde ran worse than windows 10 on my old laptop
I am using Soundux, a soundboard application, which appears to inject audio to the default audio source via a means that I don't understand. I am also using a Pipewire filter chain plugin (rnnoise via noise suppression for voice) to apply noise suppression to my microphone - this creates a new virtual device which needs to be set as the default. The noise suppression is being applied to the soundboard audio.

The filter config includes (from https://github.com/werman/noise-suppression-for-voice section How-o->Linux>PipeWire):

capture.props = { node.name = "capture.rnnoise_source"

which I am guessing is defined within the rnnoise library to just grab all input. Can I replace that with the node.name of the specific hardware device (gleaned from wpctl inspect) and get a result of the filter being applied only to the raw microphone input, the soundboard then piggybacking on the filter's created virtual device without being filtered? The alternative, as I understand, is to build a proper audio graph with wireplumber config but that will be a significant task and not even guaranteed to work since I don't know what the fuck Soundux is doing within the graph.
Check out opensnitch
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The obnoxious I/O should be because they recently rewrote the desktop effects engine to work with QML (a webshit-like DSL for Qt) and apparently chose some bogus caching by default (insteaf of dumping shit into RAM where it can be optimized by the Kernel - cause you know, desktop effects are something reused a fairly bit every time you move a window - they flush previously precompiled bytecode to your user's cache and read it from there instead) you can check the ~/.cache/kwin dir yourselves. IIRC the same fix used here also solves this problem
Bugs like this are the main reason why i opt-out for window managers in rolling distros, or Gnome (begrudginly) if i need to setup something quickly.
>You can't change brightness without some graphical session running on
Lame. Is it just a feature nobody has bothered to code, or actually very difficult to do without a graphical environment?

This might be the easiest route, the laptop in question is pretty old (think Core 2 Duo era) so I want to keep things very lightweight, particularly in the way of minimising boot time.

This might be doable, though I'll have to learn how to write such a script first. Could be a fun project.
Works for me
I'm on debian stable
why not one of the other DEs like xfce or lxqt
Yeah, this is what i added
>on rolling distros
Not him but LXQt on Debian is kinda bleak. The one guy that maintains it only has a dead e-mail address as contact info and it feels glitchy overall. Wouldn't recommend over XFCE.
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i use arch on basically everything i own
yes i do get banned from /k/ daily.
Hows your programming socks doing anon?
i don't work in IT. i do construction. i was running a 30klb excavator today and watched some dump driver back into a cement truck. bunch of mexicans.
We call those DANs here, Dumb Ass Nickacado Avacados
it's funny but it's true. takes a moron to operate one but god damn they are useful.
Hey anons, I need some help with libreoffice
I love using draw to edit PDFs it's great and all, it's just that most of them are in Times New Roman
And whenever I edit the document and add some lines in Liberation Serif, after exporting as PDF the whole thing gets converted to Liberation Serif
Is there any way to stop it from converting everything or do I need the font?
It converts stuff I didn't even edit
It's easy enough to get Windows font packs. At least if you're on Arch, which they're included in the AUR.
you can install the microsoft fonts
im getting issues seemingly on all ubuntu based distors (be in ubuntu or one of the flavors) where the screen will garble on boot, will garble after being left on over night with the screen off etc.
seemingly randomly but requires hard restart.

This has been dogging me for awhile, is this just an ubuntu thing? I had LMDE on for 6 months and nothing of the sort happened.
just nividia problems
im on amd
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opensnitch is probably what you want, it even looks like simplewall
nfs is a lot simpler than smb, but if you just need to share files between *nix machines then it does the job
samba makes more sense if you need some of the more advanced features (it's easy to think it only exists for basic file sharing with windows, but it actually does do nearly all the fancy enterprisey things you'd expect to see on windows server as well) or you simply need to interoperate with windows machines
hey bros, what is a good stand alone archive manager that doesn't have a lot of dependencies? I use p7zip on the terminal but sometimes I just want it to work with pcmanfm directly with a GUI and stuff.
PeaZip is pretty good
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Speaking of that, why is the GNOME archive manager so shit
It would be perfect for my usecase but for some reason those retards DIDN'T INCLUDE THE MOST BASIC FEATURE THAT IS CHOOSING LEVEL OF COMPRESSION
>Did anyone ever mount SMB or NFS over the internet? Doesn't like the tiniest hiccup cause those mounts to crash and I/O error and all?
na, well nfs i know will keep trying until it gets through
one thing to keep in mind, is hard/soft mounts. a hard mount will retry forever and will cause the mount to hang if the server doesn't come back, which can in turn cause any processes using the mount to hang as well. you can break out of this if you use the "intr" mount option to manually interrupt it
hard mounts are good for when data integrity is critical, as it will wait for the server instead of failing the operation
soft mounts on the other hand, if the server doesn't respond after a set number of retries, the operation will return with a failure, this is probably what home users want, since if the server or connection goes away, you won't be left with hung processes, unless you're booting from nfs, in which case soft makes no sense, failing operations isn't an option in that case
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install whatever distro you want
if you want a multitasking non-gui environment, check out tmux, it's like a tiling wm but for terminals
it's highly customisable, so you can place battery/volume % or whatever you want in it's status bar
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Made a PS1 that shows the PIPESTATUS if any of your commands have a non zero exit code with just Bash parameter expansion. Haven't noticed any edge cases that break it.

Add these to your .bashrc if you want to use it. Colours not included as it makes the code look messy here.

PROMPT_COMMAND='exitstatus="(${PIPESTATUS[*]}) "
PS1="$PS1\${exitstatus/#(*(0 )0) }"
gnome is designed for the kind of person who doesn't know about or have any use for setting the compression level of a codec
Is there a way to automount an external drive on a barebones linux install? For example when I was using ubuntu the drive just pops up and there's a file manager and all but on arch I plug the usb in and have to mount it to a directory or something which gets tedious
Install udiskie. It gives the same kind of auto-mounting behavior to an Arch install.
got a spare ' there.
Oops, yeah little mistake copying it as I have more stuff in PROMT_COMMAND.
>get curious about gentoo
>check its gnome version
>45.3 in gentoo stable
>gentoo testing doesn't have a newer version
>46.0 released by gnome 4 months ago, with 3 patch releases since then (46.3 is latest stable)
I thought Gentoo Testing was supposed to be reasonably up to date?
nano or micro?
ansible takes too much time to set up compared to just leaving notes or writing a bunch of shellscripts
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void is backdoored by the mentally ill
Micro is basically just nano with more features. Nano is great in a pinch but Micro is just better overall IMO.
tried micro before and didnt like it
Any good recommendations for (on the cheaper end,) laptops that would work well with Arch? Mainly using it for programming and college work. Should I just become /tpg/ pilled?
Just keep in mind that Dell, Lenovo and HP laptops are all certified with Ubuntu, which means any laptop from those brands should have no issue with Linux.
Laptop or desktop? If desktop then check your cables (if you haven't already). Unplug, plug back in. Any type of adapters? Check them to see if they 'feel solid. I had a displayport to HDMI adapter slowly falling apart that intermittently worked fine.
And what's the reason to upgrade gnome? More removed functionality?
may be a trivial question but does anyone know how to add the power status to the LXDE taskbar in Debian?
A pipewire update broke soundux and the devs have been in "no updates we're refactoring" for three fucking years.
literally does not
>leaving notes
you waste time later on recreating the things
i would rather write ansible yml shit than b*sh
nvr mind, fixed it
What should I do if I dislike both KDE and GNOME?
Is there a way to have the vms i run under libvirt be unable to access the rest of my network but still allowed to have internet access?
The only method i could think of was having one vm set up as a router for the rest of the vms and setting up a vpn tunnel or something to the physical router and isolate it from the rest of the network that way
>literally does not
there are billions of books and guides on using ansible
it's not an easy or simple process compared to having notes of commands and configs to copy paste or writing simple automation shell scripts
also yaml is an absolutely fucking trash config language and needs to be burned, json or ini/toml is much better
>there are billions of books and guides on using ansible
and there billions of books and guides on using bash
>it's not an easy or simple process compared to having notes of commands and configs to copy paste or writing simple automation shell scripts
it literally is and ansible is a lot easier to port between distros and get right on the first time
>also yaml is an absolutely fucking trash config language and needs to be burned, json or ini/toml is much better
bash is just as shit programming langague
bash is not a programming language it's a scripting language
you dont need to know anything about shell or bash to put a bunch of copy pasted terminal commands into a shell script
>missing kernel module? will fail silently on auth without ever telling you why
>trying to run with -fsanitize=kcfi? will crash on completely normal auth with illegal instruction
what's the suckless alternative to wpa_supplicant
(iwd is even worse)
Less is more, thus suckless sucks more.
if you want your vm's to be on your network as if they were real machines, i.e. with an IP from your real router, internet access and host access, what you want to do it make a bridge device on your host, assign your real network interfaces to that bridge, and also assign your vm's to the bridge
now both your host and guests are attached to the same bridge backed by your real nic, they can all talk to each other
That's not what im asking for, im asking for the literal opposite
I want the vm's to have internet access but to be unable to access the machines on the rest of my lan
COSMIC alpha is being released this month.
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After about a year of running linux on my laptop I finally replaced everything with GNU/Linux. Everything has been great anons, sure I had a few problems with nvidia, wayland and auto mounting drives, but I don't have any need to switch back to windows.
why is firefox spiking my cpu to 100%? No javascript on the page, not even loading a page. I open firefox up, one tab just the start page with a search bar and links to frequently visited. cpu usage in top is like 120-160%. I've got a 7900x so it's not like I'm on an old device.

I had snap remove the whole thing, then I reinstalled it and it was fine for a week. Today all of a sudden it's going haywire again.

for the little bit that it wasn't going haywire it was at 3% cpu when reading a page and 16-20% for a few seconds while loading a heavy page. Right now I'm using chromium and it's using about 3-5% cpu.

xubuntu 22.04
How desperate do you have to be to daily drive an alpha version of an unproven desktop environment?
you dont need to use a DE, get comfortable with the terminal and use a standalone WM, then download GUI programs that kde or i3 uses if you need them
oh, unable
my bad, host<>guest is such a common question that i misread your post
Good for you anon. It took me a while to really feel like Linux was working for me until I finally tried Arch and basically never looked back.
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What distro plays nice with nVidia cards out of the box? I'd like to replace Windows on my media pc (which has a GTX 1650 running the show), preferably with the ability to do some light gaming as well.
Ubuntu-based distros are meant to be easy ins for Windows refugees. Something like Mint or Pop_OS would be fine.
Distro doesn't matter much for this outside of offering the up-to-date proprietary drivers. What matters more is avoiding wayland with nvidia.
If you plan on daily-driving it, your main problem will be browsers and modern websites. Fucking javascript and fucking webdevs I hate them, single core performance was a mistake

>t. Core2 laptop owner as well
Yeah, but then I read all the recent drama bullshit and now I'm worried for its future
>What distro plays nice with nVidia cards out of the box?
Pop!_OS has an iso with Nvidia drivers on it, but I'd recommend waiting for 24.04.
obsolete, no longer packaged nor developed
a bummer since I used it a lot in the past
i used to use it a lot as well it's a shame that they gave up on the python3 port[
using wpa_supplicant for basic wifi setup is not that difficult desu
>using wpa_supplicant for basic wifi setup is not that difficult desu
Certainly, but what made wicd awesome is that it was an integrated network manager with a ncurses frontend so you could switch wifi or manage your wired connection with a single tool
>until I finally tried Arch and basically never looked back.
Mv is as fast as Cp (internally it's actually doing a copy anyway)

It's slow because file I/O is slow and also Mv makes sure to fail safe if it gets interrupted, etc
I've already been doing this for years on my Gentoo system. It's obviously a good thing that Red Hat engineers have discovered the same thing. Booting a system should not be so complicated.
Why haven't I heard about Budgie vefore? It looks nice enough, specially for Windows refugees.
People sometimes forget the single process JavaScript runtime that's ran in the same exact fucking process as the compositor is a massive design failure.

GNOME fanboys will excuse this but even today a buggy or broken extension can crash your entire compositor and there's nothing you can do about it.

On KDE the worst that can happen is Plasma Shell crashes or if KWin does somehow crash it'll restart itself anyway. The Krashing memes are thing of the past, they do still happen but when they happen on GNOME they're more fatal because there's no recovery mechanism in place to deal with its failures.
too bad you use kde
Because it's bad. It's basically just another "What if GNOME3 stayed like GNOME2" DE like Cinnamon but runs worse and is basically still GNOME overall.
What do you use?
I like using void but the mentally ill devs make it really difficult to along with their refusal to package certain programs and abusing stalebot to ignore pull requests for new packages
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I think both have pros and cons and I respect your decision
con of gnome = no system tray icons
pro of gnome = everything else

con of kde = it's shit
pro of kde = it's shit so it's a pro if you like shit
How much did redhat pay you
>remove a bunch of resource-heavy apps from my phone
>battery suddenly lasts a shtiton of time
>cant pay for parking from the phone because the app requires google services
¿what was the fake way to have google services without all the bloat? no root required
microG is what you use if you want google services without having google services.
Literally no issue other than missing system tray icons.
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>he does it for free
>mfw it wasn't even me
If security is the main concern, is arch (artix) even viable compared to debian?
if security is the main concern then the choice of OS isn't that big of a deal, opsec is, in other words it is how you choose to configure the OS and use it that you should prioritize
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thanks buddies
I've tried to install microG from aurora droid (f-droid) but it says "apk not valid or damaged" but i installed some other packaged called Vanced MicroG and now my parking app seems to work so idk
configuration of the os is the entire point of a distro
Is there a way to run proprietary software (valve game with wine for example), in a sandboxed manner on linux? Why can user level processes read my whole filesystem etc? That would mean running half life 2 would mean an obscure process running on my pc that can read all files and probably do more weird stuff... Is a VM the only option?
i use bubblewrap for exactly that purpose
I'm not talking about opsec, just literally about the security of the packages on the OS, since arch is bleeding edge, for example the XZ utils backdoor was already on arch
I am talking more about beyond the defaults, what software you choose to install, increasing the attack surface
that networks you connect to
if you add exceptions the firewall
the daemons you leave running
the sensitive information you put on it
Ty, will check that out.
firejail --noprofile '--private=~/Programs/SteamJail/' steam-runtime
Yes it is viable, I am saying both are secure out of the box, once you choose to connect them to the internet and install software and change this is when you have far more potential to introduce vulnerabilities, xz's for example wouldn't have been that big of a problem for you if you aren't running sshd and if your router didn't portforward to your device
I've only recently switched to Linux and so far it has been (relatively) smooth-sailing.
One issue that I've been stuck with however, is not knowing how to monitor ''total CPU % usage'' and ''total GPU % usage'' in realtime; I have tried (h)top, glances, radeontop and the basic system monitor.
I'm looking for something similar or close to the way it's usually displayed in the Windows task manager or programs like hwinfo64, looking for some recommendations and / or pointers here.
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And this is why i stand with the side that says GTK is a double agent movement to subvert the Linux desktop. These last years have been blalantly obvious.
>Gnome takes more control of GTK every release, limiting its capacities and making every useful feature way more annoying to use outside libadwaiita, if is possible at all, on top of pissing away their funding
>Suse hires some fat rainbow wearing faggot that shortly starts shilling for finishing Leap and pushing for his shitty inmutable Gnome toy, openly doing hostile jabs every time Plasma is mentioned except Tumbleweed (begrudginly)
>The main Plasma packager for years in Debian was kicked out misteriously before the Bookworm's freeze thanks to some they/thy pronouns drama that could've been easily sorted out
>Kubuntu's 22.04 release got shat out and is completely full of bugs that get /dev/nulled cause many of them are related to Cannonical's Snap garbage, some were barely worked around in 24.04
Plasma isn't without merit of having bad reputation, it has some heavily retarded things going on, namely their baloo and akonadi related shitware, and now (miss)using QML for desktop effects, but with less testing from end users there's rarely motivation to fix the worst of them (cause most newbies use what comes by default and no major distro features Plasma except Leap)
there's sysmontask which has a very windows 8+ task manager look and feel
i haven't used it myself
Awesome, thank you very much anon.
Mission Centertg2g
>(miss)using QML for desktop effects,
That's more on the Qt side of things to be honest. They want to add proper animation support to Qt but it's not there yet.
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Yes. Because it is that good! ;)
Thank god for that.
Imagine being a woman. lol
For anyone that regularly uses doxygen, is there a way to easily set variables from command line rather than setting them inside the Doxyfile? I'm trying to make a bunch of easy Makefile options for doxygen to make graphs, but there are certain variables that need to be set inside the doxyfile for that to happen.
If you aren't dead set on a GUI, try btop.
Can it take input through stdin? You could run sed/awk through it and pipe that to doxygen assuming it does.

Or maybe even do something with envsubst which is a neat program I discovered recently that's part of GNU gettext that lets you template a file with environment variables.
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How can I make a bash script work with the "Open with..." option in my GUI file picker (Thunar)?
I have a script that converts images to a different filesize, and I want to be able to use it by right clicking in the GUI, rather than opening a terminal and typing it all out
anyone with a mediatek wifi adapter able to see 5ghz connections? im on arch and can't see any and i've set up my wireless regdb.
Guys what is the easiest way to convert a primary partition to a logical partition ?
I have made a backup of my entire drive with dd. My drive has a MBR, not GPT.

How I see it is this:
Delete the primary partitions except the first one. Recreate them as logical partitions. Copy the contents of each backed up partition with cp. Fix the MBR with some command (grub is currently on the last primary partition).
Chun-Li is truly diverse:
Asian face
White body
Black ass
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I'm making the jump to Linux, and I'm stuck picking a distro. I was told the Nvidia situation has gotten significantly better and that you're able to play 99% of games that don't have anti-cheat, so I'd need to be able to install steam, and bnet. Furthermore, I use teams and outlook for work and have no clue if that's available on every distro. Lastly, for any application that doesn't work on Linux or have an alternative I shouldn't have any issues spinning up a Windows VM in a pinch, right?
Anyone getting random hard freezes on Ubuntu and Fedora distros? Every method, including sysrq, do not work. The RAM and SSD are fine.
i think you'll want to make a fileName.desktop file which describes details about the program - identifying which file extensions can be opened with it, and the scripts location.
you'll want to chmod +x the script itself so it can be executed.
after youll need to update some cache (forgot which), so that the system discovers this new application of yours.
then you can "Open with..." and find the new program in the dialog list.
Why do so many KDE Plasma users get defensive when someone mentions how buggy it is?
Have you manually enabled the Sysrq keys with sysrq_always_enabled=1

Distros often disable these for "security" (don't want your untrusted local user messing with your cloud container host. Desktop users need not apply)

If it still doesn't work then this is a kernel panic or hardware issue of some sort. Is there anything printed in the Systemd Journal?
journalctl -k -b -1
have you seen gnome ones?
>I was told the Nvidia situation has gotten significantly better
Not quite, but soon. Also, it wasn't that bad before anyway.
>you're able to play 99% of games that don't have anti-cheat,
dunno about the exact number but pretty much.
that's on linux, dunno about bnet
just use it in a browser. The linux binaries are shit and no longer supported by MS
isn't that in a browser as well these days?
>I shouldn't have any issues spinning up a Windows VM in a pinch,
Some things just don't run in a VM
Probably because those people don't even use it in the first place. If you tried it yourself you'd see its bad reputation is not deserved.

KDE has done a lot to improve the Krashing situation and can now be completely restarted without losing anything.

No other Wayland compositor can do this, not GNOME, not anything else either (probably something like Arcan comes closest but that's an experimental display server)
>Some things just don't run in a VM
there's few things which won't run in a vm because they detect the vm and aren't licensed or otherwise artificially restricted from being run in a vm
and even fewer still of those if any which can't be tricked into believing your vm isn't a vm
virt-manager to easily spin up a windows vm in a pinch, yes. Or to try all the different linux distros and components if the grass looks greener.
Nvidia works perfectly fine. I have never run into a game I couldn't get running, though I hear some mainstream slop like Fortnite is indeed anti-cheat gated. https://areweanticheatyet.com/ is your friend in that regard.
Installing Steam is trivial, last time I used bnet I did so through Lutris with a newbie friendly script but I dropped blizzard games before learning better ways so good luck. Definitely possible, and easily so if you go the shitter route like I did.
Teams and Outlook I assume work perfectly fine in web, so that should work no matter what. Those are so mainstream you can google for more information though.
As for the distro, I recommend something with KDE if you are just coming from windows for a familiar interface as you get used to the Linux experience tm. If you want something that just works quickly to make the jump easy go with somethuing Ubuntu-based though, newfriends in this thread seem to favor Mint.
My personal recommendation will always be Artix+KDE, everything I tried before that (Fedora and Ubuntu) felt like computing with a conddom on.
anyone else get this for Debian with Steam? I used the Debian repo for Steam instead of the Steam website. Pic rel occurs on Steam start up.

It's my only hurdle right now with Debian.
Thank you for the replies, I do have one last question, is there any equivalent to Nvidia shadowplay?
OBS has a replay buffer feature that also uses NVENC like shadowplay
Just use the Flatpak, it doesn't have any of these issues and as an added bonus comes with a more modern version of Mesa than whatever Debian is shipping right now.
Their shitty script probably breaks something.
Why can't Linux into NTFS? I don't have drives to spare for cloning games. Some games just don't work on linux
Ok, I added it on my boot arguments and I also am now booted into kernel 6.8 instead of 6.9. The systemd journal is not showing me anything suspicious, unfortunately.

Also, this is a T470 (Intel iGPU) and has worked fine for many years.
>Why can't Linux into NTFS?
Blaming the OS while this is clearly a user error.
Let me guess, you dual boot and want to access your Windows games but Linux "doesn't let you modify/write" the Windows partition
it can
i'm not sure if putting wine prefixes on them in a good idea, since they contain stuff that would be illegal in windows such as files with ":" in the name. but you can get around that by putting prefixes on a linux filesystem and just symlinking the game's files into it
Guys my cachyOS install using systemd-boot nukes itself on kernel update and can't mount boot cuz kernel mismatch. I double checked and the boot partition is mounted on upgrade. I also checked if there are files in the boot folder when it is unmounted and it's empty meaning that it should be writing to the boot partition instead of the folder. Rolling back from cache works. What do ?
lsbkl -f
lsblk -f
btrfs Backup e19e3841-1fd7-4990-8949-68bf8823aa3c
ntfs Data 01D490D25DA98670
vfat FAT32 COS_202407 06DE-9ACA

vfat FAT32 98A9-6DFF

ntfs 66CAB49DCAB46AC7
ntfs 100E41DD0E41BD0A
btrfs SSD2 9e36dcad-8ce4-4705-af77-63c5b080aaff

vfat FAT32 0BF3-05F2 1,7G 13% /boot
btrfs 8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 225,1G 76% /var/tmp

For distro use linux mint
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may
# be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if
# disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
UUID=0BF3-05F2 /boot vfat defaults,umask=0077 0 2
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 / btrfs subvol=/@,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /home btrfs subvol=/@home,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /root btrfs subvol=/@root,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /srv btrfs subvol=/@srv,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /var/cache btrfs subvol=/@cache,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /var/tmp btrfs subvol=/@tmp,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
UUID=8aaab928-98f4-4ec6-be6c-10a8ce4e6829 /var/log btrfs subvol=/@log,defaults,noatime,compress=zstd,space_cache=v2,commit=120 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,mode=1777 0 0
sir this is a friendly thread, pls sir
KDE has no issues
Sorry friend I lost my komposure
MATE was BUILT for watching Star Trek Enterprise while eating sweet potatoes and chicken cutlets after a good workout.
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yea, but what's the fix? does Windows intentionally fuck up the filesystem?
I just can't mount it. i could put it in /mnt but then steam doesn't show the library
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Why use NixOS?

NixOS has the biggest repo on linux with both fresh and stable packages and you don't even have to choose stable or unstable. You can individually have packages with one line be unstable.

With nix you get an immutable, reproducible, stable(never breaks) and up to date system always. I'll take that over arch or fedora breaking for the umpteenth time any day where there's a problem or codecs dont work or some other inane problems.

You update everything in one file and you keep it forever. No distrohopping, No endless tinkering, just a perfect computing experience.

I could leave my system not updated for 2 years and I would have ZERO fear of it breaking on update. That's the power of NixOS.

If a program doesn't exist on nix, thats not my problem. I don't use ubunga software and most people don't use extremely obscure science programs or some shit.
What's the advantage over Gentoo? Convenience was never an option.
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When i open a new window before appearing under my cursor it flash on the top left of my second monitor anyway to fix this?
Yeah, double check your partition isn't a "Dynamic" one, I was thinking Windows blocked your partition due to retarded hibernation, but this is different.
If it is dynamic then you're fucked, you have to format it as a standard one, blame Microsoft
What window manager/compositor are you using?
trying out pekwm
`fdisk -l` shows "Microsoft basic data" (I created it with Windows Partition Manager)
Also, it seems some games run slower. That's another reason for my OP
If it can't be mounted most likely it is dynamic regardless of what fdisk says
Does lost+found not get created anymore when disks are checked?
>Arch nukes itself
thank you, I'll consider it
my sides
your fault for falling for the cachy os meme.
Does anyone here game on a virtual machine? Is it true that the performance is close enough to bare metal to the point of not really being a meaningful difference as long as you fully pass through the gpu?
>Does anyone here game on a virtual machine?
I did, not anymore tho
>Is it true that the performance is close enough to bare metal to the point of not really being a meaningful difference as long as you fully pass through the gpu?
Cool, I'll try
Why do you not do it anymore?
Yes and yes. You can even do other cool GPU heavy things.
It was too much of a pain to manage
>Sleep didn't work correctly
>Reset bug with my GPU
>Couldn't passthrough my USB headset, general audio issues
>An update broke the system

I'm aware most issues were scoped only to my hardware, I'm sure it got better nowadays but still there are some games that don't like VM's
so much for the friendly gnu/linux thread
Cool, it seems really neat and would help me stick to linux

Yeah i see. I've heard there are online games that actively work on blocking vm's yeah, but i rarely play online games anyway and especially not competitive ones like that. But good to know
Yeah. Shame I can't help either

There are a ton of mitigations for VM detection too so it's basically a game of finding the method the game blocks
Yes, here are my potential future plans:
I'm resorting to having a dedicated gaming windows box much like a gaming console and then use Barrier/Synergy to manage it. I hate rebooting to windows
Upgrade my Linux box to be more competent at virtualization, specially with passthrough so:
>Onboard iGPU for general Linux shit
>RX470 for passthrough, compatible with: Windows Vista/7 up to 11 and also with Fagintosh
>RTX 3060 12GB for AI stuff, this might go into the server though, I still don't know
>Maybe a 10Gbit NIC
If you ask me why a Windows virtual machine, well that's because I'll like to program using Visual Studio
And Fagintosh pretty much the same

I still don't know if I should go with standard Debian or Proxmox
New thread:
That's the reaction I expected to be honest. I'm just puzzled and hoped someone knew a bit about how booting works and would be willing to help or at least lead me in the right direction so I could troubleshoot myself.
Ok so you know this is a cachyOS specific issue ? Would you be capable of troubleshooting this and pointing out how this is a cachyOS problem ?
You should stick to not-so bleeding edge distros anon. There's a reason why systemd-boot isn't widely adopted yet
It's the default setting on cachyOS cuz. Not too mention that during troubleshooting I found that all users with a similar issue to mine were using grub and in half the threads users were telling OP that "systemd-boot never did that on my machine" and recommended it over grub.
Okay, I see, it seems that the problem is cachyOS itself, like >>101432498 said
Alright then so your solution is to nuke systemd-boot and migrate to grub then ? I seriously doubt it's that broken. The config is probably fucked somewhere.
Just go for it, it can't get any worse (I hope)
While the topic is up, what are some viable alternatives to grub?
I never interacted with it outside of cryptomount -a when I mistyped a password, and the presentation about nmbl/no more bootloader someone posted earlier got me thinking if I can grab something more minimal
Wizardspeak like this >>101428887 in particular sounds intriguing. Can someone point me a direction
It can (and probably will) since the computer is booting. I just can't upgrade the kernel without breakage. I could make it unbootable moving to grub.
>I could make it unbootable moving to grub.
So what? Prepare yourself with a live usb in case it nukes itself (lmao), boot the usb, chroot into your CACHYOS and fix your shit
>The systemd journal is not showing me anything suspicious, unfortunately.
It's probably a hardware issue like bad memory then. That could cause a seemingly otherwise working system to randomly freeze. It could be a CPU issue but those are rare and usually logged as MCEs ("Machine Check Exceptions").
KDE has issues but this ain't it.
This is a PulseAudio or PipeWire issue. See if you can find out what's doing it with pw-dump, etc. There maybe some other things you can try too but I'm not sure. The Linux Audio stack just works for me. Your distro probably fucked something up.
>I could leave my system not updated for 2 years and I would have ZERO fear of it breaking on update. That's the power of NixOS.
Because that's definitely something most normal people do. Let's expose myself to two years worth of security vulnerabilities on purpose and then randomly decide to update the whole thing one day. Great idea.

I would want to format that entire system and do a fresh install anyway at that point for piece of mind.

The bright sparks at Nix OS are not sending their best.
Except that weeks work in 99 out of 100 times because of dependency hell in linux
yeah im never using plasma again
plasma apps take so long to open for some fucking reason, it ran worse than windows 10 on my old laptop
I've been using Mint for a little over half a year now, and I've been really happy with my experiences with Linux. However, I'm getting a new laptop due to the age of mine, and as I'm getting ready to go through the install process I'm considering switching to Arch. I feel like half the time I've had issues with Mint, I've found lots of solutions for Arch but very few for Mint. In addition, I've really enjoyed linux for having to dick around and find solutions to problems using the documentation available, and also the very nice customization options (XFCE). However, computer-experience-wise, Mint has been the most I've really done with computers.
Would I be disappointed if I switched to Arch? I don't really want to get started with Arch and have to reinstall everything in a few months again, but I feel like Arch might be better for me at this point. Does anyone have any considerations or things I should know if I'm considering this switch?
Do it. You say problem solving is fun to you, you seem to have some innate curiosity at this point. Back up your data when/while you make the switch and you don't have anything to lose either
>Mint has been the most I've really done with computers
That's how progression works!
As for being disappointed and having to reinstall, Arch really is what you make of it so if you like tinkering you will love it
>I've found lots of solutions for Arch but very few for Mint.
were you specifically looking for "linux mint solution to problem XYZ" because that is silly, querying for ubuntu, debian, etc will work just as well. it's all the same family.
>Would I be disappointed if I switched to Arch?
i think you would be, because everything you've learned so far with mint won't help you that much. its a whole new environment with many more things that will go wrong. i dont think it is worth the investment. it's not going to make you magically better at using your computer productively, you will just become better at arch linux. switching from distro to distro is a fruitless endeavour, if you want some challenge then start programming stuff, building stuff on the foundation of knowledge you already have. arch is just a more complex and annoying to maintain burden, and you will start from zero. if you really do want to endlessly tinker then arch is great, but if you think it will be easy and make you more productive or anything like that, it wont.

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