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Online dating edition

previous: >>101376126

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
Some info about PCIE: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
Kindly requesting input on this still
Post your rack's
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thanks. unfortunately it seems like everything with >10gbit support is an energy vampire.
I'm not trying to learn it for a career. I just want something for my home network. Spending $500-$2000 extra for cisco makes no sense for my use case
>also check the datasheet on ICX 6610 there isn't a single SKU with 16x 10gb ports you retard
2 of the qsfp+ ports are 4x10gbe breakouts only (so 8 total for the breakouts)
>not only that, but flipping the 1gb SFP+ ports to 10g requires a license.
and the license is free to get by changing the router serial number in software. there are established ways to do this from the vendor, since the model is discontinued

ps your rudeness is the reason nobody likes you online or irl
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I've posted it before. Nothing special.
>modem/router/unmanaged switch on top shelf
This is consumer hardware stuff that should be discussed in >>>/g/pcbg/ but I get those are /v/ermins so let me give you some input.
Almost any intel-based computing device can be used for storing media (I had a Pentium II), that said, your build is overkill for just storage so in order to get a better input you must approach /hsg/ with a more server-software related question/inqury. Like:
>OS of choice
>Filesystem choice/issues
The list goes on and on.
Being honest I really wish we didn't have a lot of questions like "how's this build?" but more like "hey I got this cheap build and I'm about to try <cool distributed filesystem, idk>"
I wanna build a basic Plex server on a N100 with one HDD for storage. What's the smallest single-HDD PC case I can buy?
NTA I'd take the C9300-24UX over any Brocade switch any day.
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Why not ditch that garbage tier GPU and get something with integrated graphics like the 5600GT? 2 more cores, 4 more threads, and you're not going to be gaming on that shitty old GPU anyway.

Also, from PC Part Picker:
>Problem: AMD Ryzen 3 3100 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Processor and Kingston Server Premier 16 GB (1 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL22 Memory are not compatible.
>Problem: Kingston Server Premier 16 GB (1 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 CL22 Memory is ECC, but the ASRock B550M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard does not support ECC RAM.
So ditch the 32gb ram for $100 and get 32gb RAM for $50. You can either spend the extra $50 on something else or just pocket it.
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my take on it for the same budget
My take: Don't do a DIY build for NAS hardware, buy a prebuilt NAS or rackserver.
On a mitx board?
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you would spend $1800 more to have a cisco switch in your homelab instead of a brocade?
All of these are missing a server motherboard with a remote management interface. ASRock Rack, Supermicro, ...
Nice rack
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>consumer components go in the other thread
>even though the OP is full of consumer hardware
That CPU doesn't support ECC, and the GPU is literally just for video signal.
>Also, from PC Part Picker:
False positive, that error isn't correct.
>spend 2-3x the money for worse hardware
How about no.
Why would I need that for a simple NAS on a local network?
MSI Cubi N ADL Intel-N100 Barebone Mini PC
It'll take a 2.5 inch HDD which maxes out around 5TB, or a 2.5 inch SSD which maxes out around what you can afford.
Cisco C9300-24UX-A is ~500€.
Cisco C3850-NM-2-40G is ~450€. Yes it's for Catalyst 3850 but some anon said it's (unofficially) compatible with Catalyst 9300.
Alternatively 10G uplink network modules are < 100€.
>even though the OP is full of consumer hardware
In order for you to discuss something else here, let's talk server shit on consumer hardware, not consumer hardware only
>Why would I need that for a simple NAS on a local network?
so you can expand your horizons
Which is why I specified it's for a NAS server.
>post desktop hardware
aigh't i ain't arguing with faggots that have subterranean iq's like yours
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>half the OP is about NAS related shit
>get upset when people ask about NAS related shit
Fucking niggers
So your proposed alternative to the $100 switch I am thinking of buying for my homelab is to spend over $1000 on a switch and a module that may or may not work?
you ask this every thread. when will you realize only like 2 anons in the thread have racks.
you dont even know the internals of the switch you're buying which is evident from your post where you got all the ports incorrect.
Please point out which ports I got incorrect (spoiler: none)
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, I'm a turbo midwit when it comes to anything network related and I literally can not find an answer online because all search engines like to do nowadays is look at a few keywords and spit back retarded reddit threads where half the comments are deleted.

I have a computer that I want to act as what I imagine is a "server", and I want that computer to connect to both a vpn AND my home network. My problem is that I keep seeing vague information that I'm not smart enough to parse about how it's dangerous to have a vpn/port forward while also doing shit locally because it can track you or open up your local ports or something? I genuinely have no idea. Ideally I want a completely average joe setup locally with zero vpn influence to do things like ssh, while certain applications like a web browser use the vpn and forwarded ports.

The problem I think would be if my router has say an open port 12345, and my vpn had an open port 12345, right? Is that kind of the only security concern I should be careful of if I want to have a vpn/forwarded ports only routing some internet trafic?
No small options for 3.5"? 5TB is probably not quite enough for me
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I'm surprised more people ITT don't have them. I got mine new for like $200 a couple years ago because I couldn't find a good sized one (they were all way too small or too big).

Post yours. Also here's my old setup if it makes you feel better.
>I'm surprised more people ITT don't have them.
NTA, but I got rid of most of my rack and replaced it with Synology gear. I still host all my shit (web server, email server, webdav, caldav, carddav, et cetera) on my Synology and it doesn't take up a large footprint in my flat.

The only bit I didn't get rid of is my 3U because I'll be fucked if I'm paying the shipping fees for it and that's a problem when locally very few people want enterprise server hardware. So it'll probably end up going to a hacker space as a donation by the end of the year.
What I'll most likely end up doing once my current plex install cannot be updated anymore due to them (XI) killing support is just rolling out a small dedicated windows box w/plex installed on that. Windows is many things but least one thing good is that software support is pretty much locked in for least a decade on it. Also the ease of install of programs. As stated the only app I keep current is Plex. Trashing my current server and redoing it's configuration,etc over a single app would be nuts. Redoing all my Rsync tasks would be nuts to. Everything works fine as it is. Why fuck with it. This is why I've got a like/hate thing with XI. Plugins worked fine for ages. Then they moved to the charts catalog. Which hasn't been around long. Now they're dumping that for something else. Meanwhile you can install software on a windows computer fine and dandy that's 20 years old with little effort. My windows version of Kvatia and Calibre-web will still work in 20 years fine. Can't say the same thing about the other non windows versions of those same programs. Why keep them the same version? Simple. Epub is epub. Manga is manga. How much fucking improvements do you really need or expect? Just like Word. It is what it is. Office 2007 works fine for damn near everything still today.
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>No small options for 3.5"? 5TB is probably not quite enough for me
there are a bunch here, have fun

no because its an ugly 90s beige netshelter in an ugly dusty basement
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Looks great, thanks anon
>iptables -I FORWARD -i br+ -o br+ -j DROP
>iptables -I FORWARD -i br2 -o br+ -j DROP
>iptables -I FORWARD -i br4 -o br+ -j DROP
do I really need the 2nd and 3nd lines if the first line already drops everything?
When you say XI....you mean iX systems right? We're talking about Truenas correct?
my small server motherboard 3rd and 4th ram slots stopped working. Does using 32 gb of ram without the dual channel impacts on the overall performance (changed the two ram sticks to slot 1 and 2)? I only have TrueNas and an ubuntu server with some docker containers running on it.
It's not a performance hit you should worry about in a homeserver scenario, but i would still try to troubleshoot, perhaps a dodgy cpu pin got bent when you cleaned it up or something like that.
>drawer (startech)
jfc why are you not filtering 21yos out of your age range? i have mine set to 30 at minimum
>drawer (startech)
I wish but it was like 2x the price
Fuck you Kyle Miller you bald fat fuck
What are those top bright red lights thingies called?
They're the on/off switches for the power socket.
no because opsec but it's some stacked tables and badly printed brackets for networking
>node 804
>old craptop
>cheap 8 port switch
>uniquimeme router
>3d printer
they're individual power switches for each of the attached sockets. makes it easier to power cycle things
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I think I finally figured out the refactoring of my network. Left is current, right is what I'm aiming for.

I "just" need to
>buy and set up managed switch
>buy VLAN-aware access point(s) (probably 2)
>build and set up opnsense router
>and of course set up VLANs
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They are salty retards and if it isn't an ugly rackmount that makes noise as a starting jet they are not happy.
Put your services, daemons and data onto any makeshift server you can find. A ghetto rigged dead mainboard of a notebook is a server, if you want to risk your data. Doesn't matter.
Hoarding is for retards anyway, I run my debian headless servers only for file transfers with friends and they use them regularly.
Doesn't matter, our friendship is magic
I hope any of you niggas can shed me some light, otherwise i'm going insane.
>Looking to buy a 2011-3 socket mobo to upgrade my server.
>My requisites are 128-256GB RAM and 8-10 core CPU.
>In ebay every Supermicro mobo is like 200 bucks, either from eu or us (shipping + vat included). Chink ones are 300+
>Find an Asus mobo for less then 100 bucks but doesn't support PCIe bifurcation.
>There's some 2011 socket mobos that looks good.
>Either dual socket with square ILM or single socket narrow ILM.
>I don't need dual socket but i need a square ILM, i don't want to spend more money in another cooler, i have a D14 i want to use.

Is there a place to buy cheap supermicro boards in the eu? At this point i don't care if it's 2011 or 2011-3. I just need it with a square ILM. Noctua jews says every cooler is incompatible with narrow ILM except those they recommend to you, but every cooler i have from Noctua came with a 20xx mounting kit.
look for Fujitsu boards
EUfag here too, ATX mobos are always expensive and hard to get, i could hardly find any in my country.
What i did is i bought a 2011-3 based workstation, whole system was cheaper than a 2011-3 mobo. Then upgraded to E5-2697A (16c 32t) and more RAM.
Of course that depends if you would be ok with given workstation chassis, most workstations have non-standard mobos and PSUs, so you can't easily throw them into ATX tower.
If you're interested here are some 2011-3 based workstations: Fujitsu Celsius M740n, HP Z440, Dell T5810, HP ML110 Gen9.
There are also those dodgy chink X99 motherboards, but i wouldn't go that way, they don't look very reliable.

No idea what you're talking about.
hey /hsg/
I'm planning an upgrade from my tinyminimicro
leaning towards a consumer tower/ryzen build instead of something rack based

since the server will be running my VPN I won't be able to access anything outside of LAN when it's down so I figure IPMI is of limited usefulness
consumer parts also meet my goals of
>cost effectiveness
>low noise
>low power consumption
without sacrificing ECC or too much expandability

tell me why I'm retarded pls and thx
i'm not in Germany, also those mobos are not very cheap when i can get a whole 2011-3 workstation below 100 euros.
I'd rather avoid OEM stuff, i might get a rack in the future and i'd pretty much prefer standardized components.
The only 2011-3 workstations available for cheap in my country are Dell T5810s that i can find for like 150 bucks without shipping for a bare bone system, sometimes i can find HP Z420s for like 100. Though, my biggest issue with prebuilt OEM workstations is RAM compatibility, 32-64GB RAM sticks might not work with these systems at all.
>There are also those dodgy chink X99 motherboards
I thought about these too but they don't support IOMMU and PCIe bifurcation, the options in the BIOS are bugged and never work out.
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>32-64GB RAM sticks might not work with these systems at all.
8x32 definitely works on a Z420

also just asking, how is pic related not a standardized component?
was going to build a NAS from the ground up but a second hand SYNOLOGY DS218 popped up for $200 which will be about half the price once it's including storage. Predominant use will be file storage, data backups etc with hopes to access the database from anywhere

seeking reasons why this is and/or isn't a good idea
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I got my first taste of ipmi about a week ago. It really is nice. Much better than crawling under my desk to plug in an hdmi cable every time I need to do something directly.
Best single slot card for transcoding? There's a couple intel a40's on ebay but they're obscenely expensive. I could just as well watercool and have a single slot 3090 for those prices.
Both the PSU and power connectors are not standardized. The mobo sure would fit in a rack case, but the PSU won't and i don't want to deal with the potential house fires power adapters sometimes are.
Also, the CPU fan port is fully proprietary too and requires tinkering and OEM mobos sometimes only have 1-3 extra fan headers for the rest of the case, which for a rack is not enough, they are in weird positions for a rack case. Supermicro or any other brand puts all of them in the rightmost side of the mobo, next to where a rack fan would be mounted
The idea of buying an OEM cheap motherboard already crossed my mind but the HP Z420 is not compatible with PCIe bifurcation, but the more i read and watch videos about them the less i want OEM stuff
>tell me why I'm retarded
unless you choose something like a 4650G (monolithic) a ryzen build would be way less efficient than the intel counterpart
i would advise for a mitx + pico psu & brick charger for silencemaxxing and idlemaxxing, but that's gonna cost a bit more

if you are certain you want a NAS with only two drives and that cpu and one nic and no further upgrades down the line, then go for it

quadro P400
quadro P600
quadro M2000
quadro P1000
quadro P2000
whichever fits your budget
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enthusiastchads....we fucking won.
Any experience virtualizing these? I also want to have a windows or linux vm for light video editing/encoding as I have a beefy cpu and the data is stored on the server anyways.
>something like a 4650G
that's the plan, haven't settled on an exact model yet but I'm definitely looking for a pro APU for that ECC support
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My home server is literally just a laptop connected to a 2TB HDD I connect to over ssh. I use powershell at work or on other computers when I'm out, and some shell client on my phone. What's the best price/performance storage option for me? Just a shit ton more external HDDs?
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Does anyone use Wazuh for their home network? It's extremely overkill, but it does allow you to setup agents that automatically scan for vulnerabilities/maleware/etc and uses SCA to make sure your systems are as hardened as possible.
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One kind of cool thing I have with my set up is that my IP is pretty static, but once every few months my ISP will change it randomly. I have a script set up that will check my IP, compare it to the last IP value, and if it's different write it to a folder that I have linked to Dropbox. I have the script set up with chron task to check every hour on the hour, so at most I won't be more than an hour without access.
>fractal design node 304 has space for 6 drives
For a home backup solution (important personal documents and a media archive, max of 2 concurrent users), how dumb would it be to run raidz1 with 3 drives, and then mirror them for fault-tolerance?

A random ZFS calculator I found indicates it gives me 35 TB of practical storage space with 20TB drives, which is probably enough for the time being, and it's small enough I can grab a couple external HDDs for critical backups.
Downside is it'll be an all-mechanical system, so potentially loud and not very power-efficient, but hopefully having mirrors will help to mitigate the issue where the stress from resilvering kills your other drives.

Have I missed anything?
Through some tunnel/vpn or you just port forward on your home router/ont?
Just port forwarding. I check the logs when I log in and have a very strict fail2ban config
Don't listen to entreprise fag.
I have the same kind of build, with a fractal node 304. I don't know about the 804, but with the 304 I had to do a little bit a cable management to have the sata cables of my drives fit in properly, otherwise, the case is nice. Never had an issue in ~6 years.

But are you sure the mobo fit in ? I didn't check but your case seems like a micro ATX / mini ITX case form factor.
bet cloud solution ? Something that would permits other people to create an account and possibly have an android app or decent web interface
read this
use a dynamic dns service to overcome this, your records will be updated dynamically via an agent
What's the go-to build for something with ECC ram these days? Preferably with several PCI slots so I can keep using the LSI SAS cards and a 10Gbe card
>put my disk devices directly into md raid1 instead of partitions on the disk
am I fucked?
what do you mean go to build.
that doesn't exist. what are you tr
It used to. There were recommended i3s that supported ECC ram.
i3 dropped support for that in comet lake.
I built an Odroid-H4U system with the plan of eventually replacing my watt-hungry 2U Xeon system for local file storage. I don't care if it's fast, since the Xeon system just stores backups.
I'm fine with slow 5400 RPM 2.5" drives. Is it cheapest to just buy something like this https://www.newegg.com/seagate-model-stkz5000400-5tb/p/N82E16822185039 and take the drive out of it? I need four of them to fill my available drive spaces.
good job. now read this >>101423182 and lower your tone when speaking to me
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>clean up my nextcloud instance
>appdata_benis/preview have 2,5 millions entries and makes more than 200GB
God, it takes forever just to rm -r
>I built an Odroid-H4U system with the plan of eventually replacing my watt-hungry 2U Xeon system
You can't do that, goy! Reeee
why the fuck would u do something like this when vpns exist
why the fuck would you use vpns when ddns exists
Well, the Xeon setup pulls 154W at idle, I'm sure a lot of it is due to the 8 drive array of 10K drives. It's paid though and gives me 13TB of RAID5 backed by a pair of hot spares.
So there's nothing equivalent?
Pcpartpicker is showing 0 compatible anthing with ddr5 registered ecc ram so there must be something I'm missing
motherfucking pfsense api changed to v2, I have to refactor the bot aaaaaaa
this is an opportunity to make it better tho
works on my machine
>DDR5 ecc
wew lad
That's kind of the going rate for 2.5" spinners. Which doesn't seem worth it

The prices have gone up but I threw some Sandisk "cloudspeed" shitty 2.5" 1.92tb drives for ~$50 a pop in my enclosure.

A single/pair 3.5" external on usb would destroy anything 2.5" in terms of space and price.
>wew lad
what do you mean?
Overspending in all likelyhood.
Just google ddr5 ecc
It's already ecc
yes and no
>A single/pair 3.5" external on usb would destroy anything 2.5" in terms of space and price.
The Odroid-H4U has four SATA 6GB ports, so those could go over to regular 3.5" drives, but then it's no longer a compact little cube.
Keeping less shit is probably the real answer.
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you are a hobbyist and not a network engineer, that much is clear. you aren't going to be able to enjoy any 40g because you dont even have the disk parallelism to make use of it. this is a very obvious thing for any network engineer because they have to at least casually understand subscription at more than just the NIC level.

this is before we discuss ASIC performance and routing/switching capacity. it has an 8mb packet buffer which is probably the most pathetic thing about the device. that alone would directly affect burst traffic for any 10g/40g you're trying to do. it's utterly pathetic in comparison, but you're probably hanging all your VLANs off a firewall in a bottlenecked ROAS configuration without any LACP whatsoever anywhere like a retard anyway.

enjoy your brokeaid, we can all tell you aren't looking for suggestions or criticisms and were just doing some kind of feminine announcement to us all.
i always thought lackracks seem like the best choice for home servers. loved the idea since i first found it linked on installgentoo wiki
They're great for small stuff like switches, routers, and so on. But they're very lightly built (those legs are not solid wood) so you aren't putting a big NAS in one.
ok grandpa
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>run the CLI command cleanup
>it takes forever
>well, ctrl-C, let's do it directly in database
>40 minutes laters, the 2 query is still trying to delete the 2 millions rows
>well, I have something else to do, let's cancel it and do it in a screen later
>now the query is taking forever to rollback
Why did I let is tumor grow so much
Kindly tequesting /hsg/'s input or experiences regarding PCI passthrough of Intel iGPU's to a VM
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I'm >>101339434, I've done some cable management. The power cables are still too long and I'm still missing one yellow cable.
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I'm still calling this a "temporary" solution, but I know there is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.
The only change I would do here is to move the firewall (OPNsense in your scenario) to be upstream of the managed switch, for full duplex bandwidth.
what's the point then?
Except for some Ryzen PRO desktop grade processors, ECC memory is not validated on Ryzen processors and may not report ECC errors to the operating system.
Why is your rack next to a bed?
>Dell T5810s
>my biggest issue with prebuilt OEM workstations is RAM compatibility, 32-64GB RAM sticks might not work with these systems at all.
32 GB DIMMs should be fine. 64 GB DIMMs are not listed.
~3 years more life for 2018 models and ~6 years more security updates, unofficial estimate.
A refurbished prebuilt server with an Intel Xeon or AMD EPYC processor, alternatively DIY with ASRock Rack or Supermicro motherboard but it won't be as good as an OEM server.
Skylake and earlier is e-waste (particularly on the low end of Skylake), but can be upgraded to Cascade Lake in the same processor socket which is not e-waste yet.
PCPartPicker is also missing Supermicro motherboards anything newer than X11 series, and the latest Supermicro's Intel series motherboards are X14. The site doesn't have a good selection of server hardware.
Am I dumb to consider a btrfs/zfs raid just for the self-healing aspect? Mainly storing about photos and videos I cannot replace. Backups are already in place, just worried about silent corruption.
Why would you not use it? Main downside of zfs is speed.
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i got my supermicro Xeon v3 system for £110. That came with a 140w cooler that I added a Noctua fan to.
128gb of ram was around £100.
a 2697 v4 was £60.

its a standard ATX board unlike if you go with HP or someone like that.
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if you insist
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whatever happened to piratebox? and is there a way to have an offline router + wifi repeater with integrated nas as one unit. basically piratebox when not connected to a modem via ethernet but wifi with usb attached storage while connected via ethernet
ok i never deal w/ rackmount shit but why r there so many patch cables. what do they even do? surely u don't need one lil cable on the front of some box for each device in ur house.......what are they doing...
how much did you spend on your hardware and what requires so much (or few) money ?
if you run 2 ports to each room, plus cables for APs, CCTV cameras, anything else (e.g. speakers).

it's going to add up.
all of the room cables terminate in the patch panel
i also have the in rack devices going through the patch panel
having the 6 inch patch cords actually helps clean it up. the legit way to do with would be with cable management arms and velcro but i don't have the energy left in me to be that autistic
I have a tower like that, mine is running an E3 1220V3 and 32GB of RAM but i can't do much with 32GB anymore if i want to run some heavy stuff. I paid 65€ for it since it came with only 8GB of RAM. I got 32GB for 35€ and it's been a great little machine, it draws like 40w running everything i need
it's okay to just admit you were wrong. but you should do some self reflection because, as I said before, your rudeness and hostility are the reasons nobody likes you (irl or online)
I’d need to spend double the money plus double the electricity.
yeah, that was why I upgraded. Have an E3 in the fractal system there.
18 cores and 128gb + drives + add on cards adds up to a lot more than 40w though
Any good deals on amazon prime today?
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Which is okay, but I’m not sure if it’s justified for my use case. Is the risk of silent corruption big enough for me to spend 100’s of € extra?
no u lol
Freedombox is the closest you're getting to that, you can fuck around with the connection from there
>Main downside of zfs is speed.
Is this just outdated info or am I doing something wrong? I have a 8x16TB RAIDZ2 pool running on a server with 32GB RAM and a bunch of VMs on top of that and I have never seen the speed dip lower than I would expect if I was writing to any individual disk directly.
There should be an Ebay Prime
My 5600x is ECC and validated in Truenas. Motherboard is a consumer b550 board. Its an energy pig and has no integrated graphics, but its fast and stable to date..
No, it's not and it's not VMWare HCL validated

>t. enterpriseschizo
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uh ohh
Who cares about vmware for a home server? ECC is confirmed in the bios, in the Truenas desktop screen and from shell checking. Explain to me what vmware needs from its ECC ram that is not provided.
>falling for the meme
so qt
>Any experience virtualizing these?
Long time ago I tried to spin up a windows LTSC vm on Ubuntu 18.04 (VFIO & passthrough) with a P2000 and run some games, it worked pretty much flawlessly, no issues I can recall.
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Sorry, I meant chopping it up between multiple vm's.
You tried this?
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This does look like exactly what I'm looking for. I'm at work right now, do you know if this splits the vram into equal chunks? I know that's how it worked on tesla cards at least.
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>ebay chinknovo p330 with coffee lake xeon and ECC ram for $200
>throw <$150 arc 380 in
>throw drives in
Any reason not to do this? It's for a personal jellyfin/torrent/sftp server. I don't even really need the GPU except I want future proof transcoding.
>if this splits the vram into equal chunks
It appears that's the default behavior unless you specifically edit profile_override.toml
Pretty sweet that you can do that now. Thanks anon. :)
>throw drives in
How many drives really fit into that tho?
kinda looks more like a precursor to casaos
I think I could cram in 4 or 5.
finally joining/hsg/gang.
got one of these with 12tb of drives hooked up running fedora and ssh. will serve media to my smart tv so i can finally get it off the internet. also seeding about 10% of libgen
Specsheet says it fits 4, which is enough for me. I have two 20TB ones on the way.
where'd you get the cabinet from, looks sturdy
is there anything specific i should look for in a motherboards chipset or does it not matter as much as what the cpu can offer like quicksync and the like
>chinknovo p330 with coffee lake xeon and ECC ram
What does this workstation have to do with servers?

> >throw <$150 arc 380 in
What does this desktop grade GPU have to do with servers? No SR-IOV.

>Windows® 10 Pro 64
>Windows 10 Pro 64 for Workstations
>Ubuntu Linux LTS
>No operating system
Specifically, a P330 was last certified for Ubuntu version 18.04 (LTS).

>I want future proof transcoding.
There's no such thing.
This workstation already feels like e-waste, Xeon E-2200 series or not.
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I'm on solar and have been looking for an SBC that I can install multiple NVMe drives into (I wanted to replace the Odroid H2 with something lower power and faster for Media Center - pretty sure the HD's dying).
Ended up going with FriendlyElec CM3588 (8GB). So far, it's okay.
The images are pretty easy to get going, but I would've liked if they had the latest Ubuntu 24.04 (only had 22.04).
Cases were a bit hard to find and I didn't want to 3D print because my prints always seem to fuck up (skill issue?).
So, I've just ordered one online instead, arriving start of next month.
This sounds like a client, not a server.
>thin client
>Intel® Celeron®, Intel Pentium®, or 6th Generation Intel Core™ i3 / i5 / i7 Processor
No ECC memory support, and this isn't even supported with Windows 11. It's e-waste, I'd throw it in the bin.
One of Intel Cxxx server chipsets with the CPU compatibility you want.
24.04 is not ready for upgrades (or as a server OS) before version 24.04.1 next September. 22.04.4 LTS is recommended by Canonical for long-term support right now in Noble Numbat release notes.
The first 24.04 release was much like an interim release, unlike any former first releases in LTS series.
That's me attempting to say, Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS is the "latest" stable and production ready Ubuntu server OS until the next September.
Didn't realize this, thank you.
Correction, just looked at the HardKernel site and I'm pretty sure what I have underneath is the Odroid HC2.
These were awesome because the bottom was basically a giant heatsink - no active cooling needed.
Funnily enough, I just noticed they recently created a 4 x M2 for their H4's too:
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Anyone used a Topton NAS mobo before? I'm wanting to get the N5105 for a NAS/switch/docker/game server setup that doesn't break the bank.
okay but now i've got pihole, ssh, and samba running on it.
Broken EEE firmware.
Damn, that's disappointing. Thanks for the catch.
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>Broken EEE firmware.
how about this
Pile of shit on top pile of shit on top of pile of shit.
Why? The real solution is a server motherboard with embedded or PCIe add-on server NICs.
>Who cares about vmware for a home server?
The truth is ESXi is the most supported hypervisor.

Not ready for enterprises, and with the deprecation of Gluster the future for TrueNAS is grim.

>ECC is confirmed in the bios, in the Truenas desktop screen and from shell checking.
That doesn't mean ECC memory support is working correctly on Ryzen processors, until you have tested with an UE yourself.
>So we have good news and we have bad news. The system had absolutely no problems detecting and correcting single-bit errors, otherwise known as soft errors. It corrected literally hundreds of single-bit soft errors without missing a beat. This is why people invest in an ECC-capable platform, so that corrected error (CE) events don’t corrupt any data and they don’t bring down the system. These single-bit errors are detected, corrected, and logged. Usually by the motherboard and operating system, but right now only by the operating system.
>HOWEVER, things are not quite perfect. On that last line you will notice “1 UE”. That is an uncorrected error (UE), otherwise known as a two-bit error or a hard error. Two-bit errors cannot be corrected by ECC memory. What is supposed to happen when they occur is that they should be detected, logged and ideally the system should be immediately halted. These are considered fatal errors and they can easily cause data corruption if the system is not quickly halted and/or rebooted. Regrettably, only 2 of the 3 steps happened. The hard error was detected and it was logged, but the system kept running. The only reason that it’s the last line on that image is because we immediately took a screenshot just in case the system would halt, but that never happened.
>the deprecation of Gluster
I meant to say Gluster is on community life support (practically unmaintained) after Red Hat stopped investing developer resources in it, and "Clustering and Sharing SCALE Volumes with TrueCommand" is deprecated in TrueCommand 3.0; TrueNAS SCALE 24.04 has removed the deprecated gluster backend.
Nonetheless TrueNAS is not getting many favors from enterprises, because of enterprise-ready solutions such as VMware vSAN, StarWind VSAN / VSAN Free, traditional SAN appliances like Dell PowerVault, and so on.
Nice, i got the same semi-static ip but forwarding on my ont just doesnt work, tried a dozen times and gave up. The outbound infrastructure is severely schizo too, if i try a barely agressive nmap on some ip and send lots of packets then my connection goes down for 5 mins automatically, they say it's "protective measures".
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I have HP Gen8 Proliant Microserver (pic) Needing to upgrade the P222 raid card due to it is a POS with heat and noise. Would prefer another HP RAID card.
Post the services you're serving in your home. For me it's:
- wireguard (vpn)
- blocky (dns)
- traefik (reverse proxy)
- samba fileshare
- filebrowser (web file browser)
- scrutiny (S.M.A.R.T monitor)
- rtorrent (torrent client)
- flood (torrent webUI)
- jellyfin (media streaming)
- homepage (webpage with links to services)

Basic, but pretty solid so far.
ssh, allows me to torrent (rtorrent), download files from web (get) and YouTube (yt-dlp), convert media (ffmpeg), act as off-site storage (sftp). Anything else is just bloat and you're all fags.
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I've made a few slight mistakes while building this rack (namely buying both a patch panel and a brush cable hider), but otherwise i'm fairly happy with how things have turned out. I'll be moving it to my HO that has an AC in it, and rack mounting my workstation to it so I can hook up to the UPS. Sadly I can't reach 100% aesthetics due to the lack of shippable intertech case rails (and the APC rack costs an arm and a leg here), so it's all just sitting in the rack without support (for now).
>5 of SATA ports are behind JMB585
nope, avoid at all costs

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