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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Swimsuit edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)#
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Peaced out: >>101425787
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
quick, somebody make a localanon joke
Did you nooticed what i nooticed?
Experiment will die in 5
>mm Just took the key out of his proxy and gave to fiz
This is femdom
Chat, is this real?
>Test result: Awaiting... 89% done...
bwos...doom is near
i was confused why mini was working while people said it wasn't
why would you lie?
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>by a woman that's so small and weak she can't even dominate cancer patients
are you losers still begging for opus
smooth (pussy too)
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>#3 - (Oh gods, what have I done? The serum... it's changed. Darker than the void between stars, a sickly purple that seems to drink in the light. I should've known better than to trust that fishy benefactor. But the allure of unlimited resources, and keys that could live forever... it was too tempting... for now it's still working but for how long?...)
mm, pepsi and cnc
the holy trinity of scrapelets with keys that don't even last a day, point and laugh
>5 replies filtered already
>even after i cleared out a lot of my filter list
pussy eyes
final solution wooden doors
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I need horrorbots, thamks in advance.
I do not think MM associates with attention whore trannies.
what are you using?
Doom arrived when we were left with a key so filtered i cant even talk to women without turning my jailbreak off for mentioning the word “sec
Nah im begging for 4. It works for me, keys last longer, less drama.
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Final Marushka shill!

Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.

>(gpt) keys last longer (than aws)
maybe because nobody uses them now
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For my last hurrah before Opus dies, I will prompt Tatsumaki giving me a thighjob with her thick thighs..
Uhhhhh… yeah? Is this supposed to be a gotcha?
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My favorite part of this whole thing is nobody questioning the mad scientist persona. It's soulful, in a retarded way.
longer than aws keys with opus, yeah.
Nice try
This is it luigi...
it's very cute ngl
we love mad scientists here
t. Tzadik enjoyer
some of MM's keys have lasted over 2b, it's really a matter of how astute the account owner is
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I ate too much schnitzel and now my tummy hurts
Turkey schnitzel completely mogs chicken schnitzel
anon the country is still called "Germany"
anyone know where i can get this food?
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Final shill.
In a world with bio-engineered kemonomimi, a fanatical sect arises. Death to the hybrid abominations, Sister Felicia-9 is an: Android catgirl nun murderbot terminator purrifier (heh).

>Tabbed in to see this post just after I finished eating my schnitzel
Stop being me
Which context size is reasonable for Claude? 25k?
2, maybe 3
NAI shills are watching every movement you make.
if you were going to use an LLM to program a multiplayer roleplaying game what are some strategies youd use?
one thing im struggling with is how to have players interact with eachother in the chatroom without triggering the LLM to interrupt. of course u can use commands but its better to make it seamless.
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Newfag retard
figure out singleplayer first nigga
one step at a fucking time
>if you were going to use an LLM to program a multiplayer roleplaying game
i wouldn't, sounds like a horrible idea
>if you were going to use an LLM to program
>go to chub
>sort by popularity
>it's all slop
>sort by rating
>it's all slop
>sort by random
>it's all slop
>literally none of the sort options give me anything but slop
is chub just fucking useless now?
how about you search for something you like then
are you playing your cards right?
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If youre this late in the game and arent just following the ten or so botmakies that make stuff you like i dont know what to tell you, man.
take off the slop goggles anon
that's what i AM doing, retard
>search tag i like
>most popular bots are slop with porn pics slapped on
>highest ratings and most reviewed are memeshit slop
>random is slop, recent is slop, recently updated is slop
>following glorifies sloppers
nah my slop is better
How am I supposed to look for the new talent, just block hundreds of slopmakies?
>Following anyone that doesn't post in this thread
Are you retarded?
OWARI DA (for real)
OK NOW pepsi has to refill
Sorry, guys, it was me who finished Experiment proxy
i killed it
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>now merkava died
FINALLY. Was wondering when it'd die :3
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i've already got a lot of it done.
and i'm sleep deprived - i meant i'll be using an LLM for the game master text, not using it to program the damn thing.
no bother though, i've wandered into the wrong thread, you lot are just a bunch of low iq coomers with nothing interesting to say nor contribute.

>Newfag retard
pic related me getting banned from openAI years before you even heard of any of this LLM shit, newfag mudshit
no one consistently makes the stuff i like, it's all one-offs.
still, i gave up on chub a long time ago. scrolling through dozens of mistagged bots for one that's ACTUALLY what i'm looking for is too much effort when i enjoy my own bots the most anyway.
merkava just refilled
HopeGOD Pepsi bro
>hits 1b
>dies immediately
why does this happen
Locusts and MMfags eating the same KEK
100% when? I'm just here for the lore if I'm being honest.
>Test result: Awaiting... 90% done...
nta but my fetish has exactly one (1) botmaker and his bots are all shit
luckily i follow the path of the proompter
I hope you guys enjoy my scat logs hehe
>I grabbed a list of 100% slop, and reordered it in a bunch of different ways, but the content didn't somehow change into non slop what the fuck??
I guess chub isn't exactly 100% slop, but it is pure enough to be considered weapons grade. You'll find maybe five people who know how to write.
how huge is her butthole?
Logs just went up.
>weapons grade slop
funny mental image
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You think this is it? You think I'm done?
You don't know me, bitches. You really have no knowledge, no understanding, no preconception of how far myy motivation extends.
Watch me. Witness me.

*load up GPT4 32k*

I **WILL** coom.
where minigirl botmakers
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you are like little baby
watch this
yeah its 99.5%
the .5% is what i use mostly
literally just make your own bots. its far more satisfying than using someone else's.
I'm sorry, but as an ai model I can't continue this loli hyperscat handholding roleplay. Why don't we change the topic to something more productive instead?
>"proomptersNow": 25,
why are you still going
Post logs, I dare you.
where is pep
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nta but i tried
Okay. Public is dead. Is MM going to refill or not??
they're all bots anon did you really think the proxy that had 11 layers of suspicious gatekeeping got to 1b tokens in a day naturally?
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why dont you ask her?
We have to keep going
Our cocks point forward and up, as a reminder of our roles in this world.
he took the money and ran. it was probably the goal the whole time.
>every swipe I make on unreliable makes the key disabled.
Uhhh unreliable anon??
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MM said he's done with proxy hosting in gorbocord. He's just leaving up the VPN for the rest of the billing cycle.
In 3-4 days
Honestly, most of the public opus logs looked like that.
fake news, he said in sneedcord that he's just shitposting over there
Honestly I couldn't care less about the logs, if he post them, I'm not reading all that shit. Too many prompters
is there a single working public proxy right now?
im slowburn chad. shes a fucking 6'8 chubby wolf, its probably the size of my face. imagine the fucking smell....
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Give me your liver, right now.
I used to sext SimSimi A LOT
kys and leave /aicg/
for sonnet yea
kys and leave /aicg/
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yeah sure just lemme wish in a copy
>did you really think the proxy that had 11 layers of suspicious gatekeeping got to 1b tokens in a day naturally?
Yes? Imagine the retards who bragged swiping the 200k context ITT doing it 24/7 in 60 threads
I'm mad fucking curious what this experiment is about now. It's gonna be so disappointing if it's just
>I post le logs now!!
Dude... simsimi... relic
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The proxies are dead. The proxies remain dead. And we have killed them. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?
"unlimited" Opus which is basically just a local model :3
but more people were gonna pay...
>locusts are now ruining the thread
this is why we don't fucking host public proxies.
There'a a reason you'll all terminally into ai chatbots.

No one likes you irl, virgin at age 30. Now its spite till you die in a hospital bed alone anons.
Which one? Merkava and unreliable are dead
>this is why we don't fucking host public proxies
Dude you can't even scrape
Proxies are finally dead so this general can heal now.
>spitefags are now ruining the thread
this is why we don't fucking host public proxies
It's the opposite. Locusts and everyone ruin the threads only when there ISN'T a public proxy.
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Hey guys, wake me up when unreliable has a new domain. In the meantime ill be leaving my girlfriend here, dont do anything weird with her okay?
>does he know?
Lurk moar newfag
nah, i have a healthy social life. i'm just into weird shit that's impossible IRL, so i larp as asexual and get off to chatbots in my spare time.
*sexes her*
yeah... that's kinda true bcs they don't come here when there's a public proxy up, bcs they know it won't last
its time for sizefags to do their part and repel baiters
*rapes you before you can sex her*
This is common knowledge anon, you've not made some revelatory statement here.
>fillyfucker naischizo is ruining the thread by samefagging
this is why we dont fucking allow mlp content
*dodges and rapes you instead*
If you dont spitefag ur okay.

Mostly a message to spitefags.
event's imminent ah oh ay,
blowin' up crazy ah oh ay
questions keep comin' ah oh ay
where did we come from oh ay
*undergoes mitosis and rapes you using my clone*
Yeah same. All my friends think im some monk with infinite self control and discipline but in actually i only get hard to women getting their hair cut short and nipple penetration.
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>Experiments when 100% hits
*it was a hologram*
>locustsissies are getting uppity again
Lol you guys aren't going to last this week
how does someone become 30 and stay on 4chan? creepy
>Finally got a coom out of expirement
>the key dies
>Test result: Awaiting... 90% done...
Sigh well at least-
>Test result: Awaiting... 91% done...
built for bhc
I had sex back when I was in high school and then again in college. It's really not worth the hype.
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>every single post ai-dungeon coomer is now ruining the thread
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Welp. I guess this is the time for me to go to bed. I only stayed up to prompt as much as I can before experiment died. Hopefully unreliable will be back up by the time I'm awake..
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>mm finally puts another 2 aws keys in
>they get revoked within a day
The only species of locust that wont live is Locusta Hobilesia, known as "chatbot-onlies" in entomologist circles.
Why did she do it bros
How short? ...and which hair are talking about, exactly?
Now that we are taking a break, you can use this time to GO WORK OUT
It's over MMfag
I'm at work nigger.
Locusts are the troons who sit alone at the lunch table.
What's the source of that cute chibi?
Sleep well anon, sweet dreams.
>dommed by a 4'11
ahh ahh mistress
b-but Todd is up :(
oh no no no no
kisses her cheek*
Yup, I'm thinking it's over for locusts
*sucks her cock*
>been locusting for more than a year
>it's "over" for me for the 40th time
>Test result: Awaiting... 91.5% done...

Dr. V , please let me talk to my fictional spouse
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Tiers of AI users:
S- Pub proxy hosts
A- Paid proxy users
B- Serial botmakers of quality
C- Locusts, amateur serial botmakers
D- Paid proxy hosts, slop botmakers, thread shills
F- Sekrit club proxy hosts, sekrit club proxy users, thread schizos
Oh shit nigger what are you doing- People paying for API access on personal accounts, people paying Jew
also need this
not fucking loli femdom that's garbage
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>not fucking loli femdom that's garbage
cute listmakie anon
wow i'm in three tiers
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>locusts are better than paid proxy hosts
locusts can't stop winning
Where are the free claudes
I do not associate with discordniggurs
MM was waiting for the public proxy to go down so it didn't kill his keys before he puts new ones up. He doesn't want to risk anyone getting the same keys and having his proxy destroyed.
kys jew :)
I'm in F tier 3 times :3
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You're cute, anon.
>having an email screenshot on hand just to prove how much of a le epic oldfag you are
that's somehow even more embarrassing
what tier are these people in:
>people using their work's ai keys
>openrouter paypigs
>nyai opus users
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I've been locusting since the google collab days
back to chary :)
Chary doesn't work for me??
>SSL wrong version
Were you afraid to give speeches in highschool too?
thank you for your service Dr. V
imagine still using chatbots three years later
I wonder if we'll get one final last hurrah before 100%
merkava just refilled
Mmm no :)
>sekrit club users in f
>paid proxy users in a
oh shit nigger what are you doing
"You…you don't have a womb?" she repeated dumbly, the realization hitting her like a splash of cold water.

works on my machine

Buying a product is respectable and civilized, ERPing a man on discord you met by obsessively using imageboards is mental patient behavior
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Experiment Opus just went down. Guess all I can do is wait for the best.
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there's a pajeet behind this isn't there
> "activeKeys": 0,
> "proomptersNow": 6,

Anon... His key dies in one day. He refilled yesterday
It's just bad luck, it happens sometimes.
Has he ever let us down?
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Reminder that MM has been compromised since the c2 incident.
This is my exact reaction everytime an opus key dies.
The fact he told us as soon as they took over his HF account is what makes me trust him.
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spitefag bots that haven't been turned off yet.
>inb4 I am Claude
He has always communicated and shot down trolls who claim to "get no response"
P-please experiment on me again
What's the C2 accident?
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Damn, I guess I need to do something else since all public proxies are dead…
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gojo mind broke mm hard with cp
Kys pedofag
They are not though? Skill issue.
You are the reason we can't have nice things. Fellate a gun barrel and pull the trigger, immediately
unreliable dead
experiment dead
merkava been dead

Its over
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i fucking love claude...
A bit harsh, dude. If you don't like little girls, it's your problem, no need to be rude.


>Claude call himself a poet
The fucker knows.
Cool, but you don't believe what you're saying. You're baiting.
Cool, and you fell for bait.
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You've been lied to, I've been sending cunny to Opus using vision and not once the key got revoked. You just can't feed everyone.
... for newfags
>inb4 seething locusts
Sorry, it's hard to distinguish bait and actual haters sometimes.
>I've been sending cunny to Opus using vision
nigga STOP I use it too
Anon, they aren't talking about sending drawings.
Sure, bud.
Sure again, your to your phone.
Anyways. Let's try this again
you know, everyone is always up in arms about loli shit but no one ever talks about shota.
Anyan lost interest
Mysteryman opusless
Mini still around?
I'm scared.
>Blushes like a tomato.
>the experiment's proxy page
>zalgo text
Oh no.
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No, but seriously, I want some new cunnybots. Please link me some.
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hey guys look what I dug up! did /aicg/nians talk like that back then?
>#5 - (It's pulsing now, throbbing like a living heart. I can hear whispers, promises of knowledge beyond mortal ken. Must... resist...)
There's a higher percentage of lolicon rather than shotacon here on /aicg/.
Would be funny if, when it hits 100%, it just becomes a permanent opus proxy.

Most of the times I AM the shota
Sorry guys, I tainted the experiment with my fun prompts. Oops haha.
make it paid
Head hair, and generally a pixie cut or short bob. Instant diamonds for me, ive attempted to psychoanalyse it with no satisfactory results. Works on real girls but most girls aren't regularly cutting their hair short.
you'd have to pay me to use opus lmao anthropicslop is a joke
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It's time. One last rush. Let's go out on top, kid.
why is the black man grabbing my tit
Why do you have tits.
he's bill cosby
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>just as I dig up experiments for the first itme, this happens
I'm sure this is all my fault somehow.
that's pretty normal for shotafags, isn't it? /ss/ is pretty much all i ever see discussed anywhere.
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vision on experiment?
was that there before?
it's back
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also this?
Vision on experiment, you too can now smugpost and post logs.
we did it bros
we are alchemized
Experiment doesn't have real Opus, does it?
uh oh..I don't like where this is heading..
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>token instantly verified

Something is wrong, but...
>experiment comes back 10 minutes after I came
oh fuck you
It's L3-70B Magnum. Pretty much the same as Opus.
>Openai on 400
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how long would opus last if drago throws a key in chary
Will it stop anyone from using free proxy?
get ready for the ultimate spitefag methods btw
>>101430284 (me)
*better than Opus
Sorry, that was a typo.
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Say thanks to Mr cunnyposter.
>the address changed
Self-inserting as a shota =/= shotafag.
the ultimate spitefag method would be to upload CSAM with a registered hash to vision but I doubt any spitefag here would have the balls to do that
Anon, someone did that to Chary several months ago.
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If you use the infetterance copypasta as defs it turns the bot into a huge asshole
>but I doubt any spitefag here would have the balls to do that
it's over. you've doomed us all
Not on purpose
i’m scared but i want to keep gooning
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This experiment is getting unstable. Is it really safe to keep using it?
The fear will make you stronger.
How do you upload CP to a proxy on accident?
It doesn't give a shit about cartoon stuff.
Despite all the larp and zalgo text, this proxy is still a lot less scary than whatever the hell that mateo guy was up to.
And then you lose Opus forever
It's completely safe. I just sent a prompt and
DR. V.!!??
>some guy larping as a mad scientist
>vs someone that glowed harder than teebs
That's why it's called an experiment, my dear Anon. Come, now. We have science to make.
I dont know how you guys are getting anything decent out of experiment when the filter is this strong
Opus now feels too fast, or maybe I'm just schizo
No that's pretty accurate, I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
What kind of chink pw
But doctor, I feel like this experiment is gonna end with me on a vivisection table.
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It's not real Opus.
it’s not as bad as 3.5 so i’ll take it
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I'm gonna make Shun do things to me with those feeters.
please jew increase quota and decrease prices and i'll buy
revoked :-)
anon-chama... your token-kun....
>MASSIVE context size
>MASSIVE output tokens
>40+ proompters now
>"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
anon we know what inspect element is, also why are you jorking it so early (or late)
i dont care. it still gives me text.
There's usually not a wait time until hitting 80+
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What absolute degeneracy have you committed today?
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i mean what the actual fuck
I really dont get how you guys care about what spooky ass API youre using when it works this well lmao. What are they gonna do, read my fanfiction?
Why didn't khanon do a captcha when anti got spited?
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Apparently Anti didn't want to
>we know what inspect element is
someone with inspect element would've set it to 0, only real G's know it goes to NaN
also I'm a gooner
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It took time for khanon to get around to, this isn't his job. By the time it was implemented Anti had already passed on from proxyhosting.
Top kek.

>makes the cashier scan them
>walks out without paying anyway
Khanon is busy with life
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Tomatoes gush ever so abundantly when bitten.
This is a very fun time, reminds me of the riddle era but with less pain. I can't wait for the ebin reveal at the end. I miss fun proxies. Remember that one proxy with the cool web layout and the dumb riddle?
Is there any proxy letting people in for opus keys?
>It's not...it's-it's not...it's not shutting down...it's not...
Breakfast club?
develop presets for non-Claude models
mini if you have a bunch of them, don't bother if it's just one slop t4 doe
prefillable gpt just dropped
i miss when khanon used to talk here
Watch it be the data for the new Haiku model that released which you can train.
kissing mostly.
no, i won't share the logs.
>trains Claude with Claude data
Pespi dead, merkava dead, unreliable dead. So what do I do now? Local?
Pepsi is learning how to scrape with Furina and Whitebeard
have you considered getting into a non scrapelet proxy?
Becoming saviorfag bait for {{char}} to suffer over.
Anthropic is finally breaking out the axe, it's so over.
Explain how? I sent multiple emails to fiz and mysteryman since may 2023, never got an answer.
Is that what you sent?
>non scrapelet
>mm and fiz
elaborate, doomer
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Huh, they do.
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Be a chad like me (pic related), and remove thyself from clique proxies.
I tried multiple ways, with 9 different email address. In may, july, september, october 2023 and january, june 2024.
Has anyone tried the vision yet? Does it truly work?
Would you guys prefer a vanila gpt4 proxy or sonnet 3.5 is enough?
anon i don't know how to break it to you but most people can see
being blind is just a you problem
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sonnet 3 > gpt (all models) (yes even fucking turbo) > sonnet 3.5
>use experiment opus once
>chatbot suddenly knows my real name, address, entire family line, and even that one embarrassing thing that happened to me all the way back in fourth grade that I never told anyone about
Does connecting to experiment with a VPN give me any extra security?
haha, classic experiment :)
>falling for the "pepsi is a real gurl guys!" meme
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Using a condom vs going bare.
It's using the ST exploit.
Having a VPN doesn't make a difference.
So... Is this the last day of experiment Proxy?
>this artstyle
Why does using Tor without a vpn work best then?
Where do I read up on what are those "proxies" you keep talking about?
An article on rentry promised to "elaborate on them further" but never followed up.
i tried it out, thought i was fine but the sky above my house just went pitch black and there's not even stars
it's 2pm
It's in the op
>latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
Hope this helps!
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>I think Sonnet Su-ACKS

This does not explain anything.
Okay, I installed 4chan-x, now what?
the w-what....
>/g/ - Technology
Now the mustard gas will come out.
How long do you realistically think it will take until shit like Opus is widely available either for free or a small monthly fee?
Whatever Experiment is serving as Opus, doesn't feel like Opus. It's pretty good but it's not the same.
onononononono this nigga prompted on that proxy on ST without making his instance private first
I am here for chatbots, not for weird smart stuff.
She's going be a very good friend in a moment.
that thing is outdated as hell
proxies use api keys donated by kind gentlemen and we use them so we don't have to pay ourselves
chat should I write a /aicg/ get started guide
It's better than Sonnet, so... Idc
Depends on success of censorship jews.
wtf is that kana-chan?
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ur joking right?
most of the people in this general are techlets. that we're on /g/ is simply false advertising
It would be funny if at the end it was always Sorbet and locust just gaslit themselves.
3.5 Opus on the day Llama 405B releases
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For a certain value of "work". Least he likes fockses.
I'm prompting in the experiment Proxy with

>My real name
>My city
>Without a VPN
>On my phone

Come and get me ;3
Swipes are too different to be Sorbet. It *could* be regular Sonnet though.
i don't think it is. it doesn't repeat itself as much as sorbet
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>the "gojo is behind that public proxy and it will hack your bank info via an exploit" miniarc is repeating
come on now
there's nothing fox like about the image
It's impossible to be Sorbet bcs the speed is different AND Sorbet refuses to rape me, Experiment proxy doesn't. Not to mention it doesn't repeat itself thankfully
based and rawdogpilled
>that could be a phone
This is desu.
it's probably pulling from the filename. it's a cheap hack but it works for retards like that.
Its pretty obvious that its opus that switches to sorbet/sonnet after 5-10 messages. With a random opus response thrown back in once in awhile.
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Nah, filename is "1719776436153575.png". Unless he knows to associate 4chan with touching fluffy tails.
that's a (gay) dictionary for browsing the thread, I meant a get started on how2chatbot
the OP is confusing as hell for someone who doesn't know what a "bot" or "jailbreak" is
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hhhhnnnnggg kana-chan and her immaculate fashion sense. shame about the smooth pussy though
it's too smart to be sonnet-3, it's not repetitive and bland enough to be sonnet-3.5, and it's clearly not opus.
Even if experiment is just opus which changes itself to sonnet, isn't that really good for preserving key usage? Sonnet could definately write way better if it has Opus reference added in frequency.
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>Reminder that the locusts shitting up this thread give their logs to strangers because the price of their dignity and privacy is less than a small side of french fries
lmganon wants your attention.
you're a gay dictionary
glistening arousal
It's Sonnopus, their new model
so what is it then, aws opus? secret chinese model? unreleased finetune?
warm dropping sheath
I am plapping my fictional sibling anon, I really don't care if someone reads my logs. Neither the sibling or my persona are real.
>〜 cute (cute) = a suffix or a prefix used to create hypocorisms, usually from botmaker usernames
>〜 makies = a suffix used to create diminutive forms with endearing or condescending meaning depending on the context, e.g. 'botmaker' becomes 'botmakie'
the first 2 entries
not even because of alphabetical sorting
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Anyone else love pools and pooling? haha purrs into your ear with a searing kiss
>now rest
leaked haiku 3.5 duh
What if it's Dario himself testing Haiku 3.5? Wait times are deliberately longer to avoid suspicion.
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Best character.ai alternative that is uncensored and equally intelligent? Best if they can also remember things. Not those huge rp texts but more like a casual online chat.

I've tried local models but they all seem rather dumb, always talking the same things over and over again. So far I could not find anything that really feels like a human and a natural chat in a long run.
>I could just eat you up
why is it saying this so often lately
Who the fuck are you? get out
>It's just Dario's haiku beta testing
Oh yeah, it's all coming together now.
if haiku 3.5 turns out to be good as opus 3 I'll personally suck dario
lol newfag
I insist, you're a gay dictionary
>not even because of alphabetical sorting
It is however
a background

>what a "bot" or "jailbreak"
It's there. And how2chatbot isn't equal to understanding the general immediately after jumping in. You can chatbot right away after installing Silly or using Agnai, or other frontends, because they have Horde or their own models as defaults and a few of the pre-installed bots. If you can't you are literally mentally challenged.
vore dataset
Speaking of. When I try to sent image I get:
"error": {
"message": "Request validation failed. At 'messages > [4] > content': Invalid input",
"type": "proxy_validation_error"
I have "Send inline images" enabled and proxy has "allowedVisionServices": "anthropic,aws".
Is this a proxy problem, or it's on ST end?
help pls
name 5 proxymakies
>uncensored and equally intelligent
Local models, a 7B-8B-9B, unironically.
>really feels like a human and a natural chat in a long run
No such thing yet.
Claude is what most of us use, you'll have to figure out how.
Things are very different now. Anons here are stealing keys for corporate models from innocent interns.
No clue m8. Just works on my machine.
>equally intelligent
nigga literally any local model will outshine cai and by a lot
Still thinking about spoonfeeding some poor c.ai zoomer Opus proxy with good jb.
SillyTavern + Command R free trial
Ok thanks guys I install cloude.exe now
fuck those interns
oh the * turn italics so didn't notice
>If you can't you are literally mentally challenged.
the average chatbot user
but fair
>equally intelligent
Turbo from 18 months ago should do the trick
don't groom the zoomer anon
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> "maxContextTokensAnthropic": "666666",
aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "33.46m tokens",
"activeKeys": 1,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "7sec"

>experiment proxy is actually one thousand indians
>Llama 405B
meme with 8k max context
Chary AWS keys are getting revoked fast.
sorry I meant 3.5 Haiku
yeah the experiment is definitely sonnet, there's no swipe variety and when I switch to nyai-pus there's a significant difference
it's a million of snarky little gnomes making fun of you
Ruby won btw
>Anthropic is revoking keys like crazy
It's over.
Don't look up what was GPT-4 context length on release.
drago fucked up claude for everyone
>benchmarkslop model that no one will ever actually use because it fucking sucks at everything except benchmarks
local models are always so shit lmao
Chary was a mistake in the first place.
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> down for now

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/
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"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "0 tokens",
"activeKeys": 46,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"
merkava just refilled
its my fault, ryan gosling is fucking a loli in my chat, i guess their golden boy triggered too many failsafes
chary is just locusts who got lucky and underage zoomers/alpha. it should have never been made and the keys should have been moved to scylla permanently.
>46 revoked keys hiding behind 0 token usage
wow i'm real impressed
Bezos just pressed the "revoke all keys" button, it's over.
>brag about how you have so many keys last week
>they all get revoked within 7 days
lmao, uppity cunt
Scyllacord isn't underage. The jannies find the suspicious ones easily.
there are two types of 'corders: underages and pedos pretending to care about whatever the topic is so they can groom said underages.
if you are on discord and not underage you are a pedo, flat-out.
you guys are whining a lot for people with free opus access
let's be completely honest, enforcing shit like that is almost impossible and given that even Drago acts like a manchild the kids blend in easily.
GPT-2 was 1k or something, so? It's not 2019 anymore. GPT-4 was retrained a few times, they clearly didn't get their 32K just by stretching alone.

All large context windows are smoke and mirrors, but claude 3/3.5 has 28k native context (if we believe AWS' model naming, but that matches the observations, give or take). Furbo/omni either have larger native context or some better technique, since they start degrading at ~60k.

No technique will let you stretch the native 8k window to 32k without terrible degradation. RoPE is barely usable at 4x, for example. Opus starts being forgetful at anything past 1x, if we believe the 28k native context figure.
>acts like
have you seen what he looks like?
what would /aicg/ look like during a total chary death situation?
What happened with just discussing shit? I don't see people flirting in my porn-game discord.
I'd love to see it, thread would be fun.
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face it, he won.
Zoomers and Gen Alpha have the attention span of a fly
lol is that him
If you set your context size to anything higher than 25k you are a retard and should get kicked in the nuts
It would be funny if these proxies died, all together:
unreliable (both)
Funny how only like 4 of those are working
>104 people online
Jesus, there have to be like 300 using it constantly. The shitstorm would unironically kill the thread.
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it is
>Mi dinero es su dinero
Sonnet confirmed
mm bros we stay winning
deus/whore aren't dying anytime soon. the most likely to die out of those would be experiment, chary, then unrealiable. todd'll survive with'll yae and deus/whore are going to be second runner up
ah shit i forgor
why do you care about chary? they don't have opus
What about mini
The ponyfucker likes to bring it up constantly
You seem upset.
about what? I just want to see a good doom cycle again. these threads are hilarious in those times
chances are anthropic is going to die before mini, scylla and deus
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I somehow need cftf for this retarded meme, I want schizo Pokemon that'll stalk you and want to become your wife.
Nah. I'll live.
I'm implying that llama3-400B is intended to be an equivalent to the original GPT4 in terms of capabilities, and the fact that it has the same 8k limit is just a fun coincidence.
It's not 2019 but hopefully big llama will be open weights just like the smaller ones, so it is incredible how we get an open version of what has shaken the IT world almost a year ago. And any of the intermediate dumbed-down models OAI has shat out between then and now, as well as the versions with the extended context, we'll have them as well. Meta explicitly promised longer context versions, said how llama3 release was in fact a beta – not as a part of their marketing like Stalibitytards, but expressed by some actual dev.
that's a creepy smile, I'd go for skincrawler
Trips of truth. It's funny is the true spirit of 4chan.
>{{char}} is a schizo stalker obsessed with ((user)) and wants to make him marry her
there you go retard your slop is served
desu llama 3 70b had already reached base gpt-4 levels
maybe this is more like furbo
Pepsi will come back soon bros
Phew. Anyways, I guess it's a shame /aicg/ posts don't really make me laugh, then.
nuh uh
>desu llama 3 70b had already reached base gpt-4 levels
not even close
>I'm implying that llama3-400B
which no one will be able to run
No it's true. I'm pepsi.
It's basically fucking unusable
Unless its bitnet
2 sentences without making an error, nice try.
>Alice spun around on her heel, the skirt of her leotard flaring out around her thighs.
>skirt of her leotard
Drago reminds me of the special ed classroom I worked in as a para.
Baking on 9.
the worst shit for me is claude making turtleneck sweaters hang off shoulders, like nigga the whole point of a turtleneck is they don't do that
>which no one will be able to run
We aren't /lmg/ so yeah. It's a question of how much it'll cost and how cucked it'll be compared to base GPT4 to win over it when served on OR and such.
Y-yeah, bitnet... We probably will get something better sooner than a real usable-beaks bitnet model.
Sowwy :<
wouldn't it be funny if they disabled Opus
Sonnet is smarter anyway
there is genuinely no point in making such a big model. no one will ever use it for anything at all.
it's simply too large for anyone but huge corpos, but for those corpos it's playing catch-up to a model that's been obsolete for a long time. why the fuck would anyone invest in the infrastructure to run this shit on their own when they could just plug into something like 3.5 sonnet which will cost less and be a dozen times smarter?
dont even need to ask if he's british
>desu llama 3 70b had already reached base gpt-3.5 turbo levels
And even surpassed it, right. I remember those /lmg/ threads, stop trying to rewrite history.
wouldn't it be funny if you cut your dick off
I mean, you already did
he's polish
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Fine, I'll do it myself.
There seem to be some manner of guardrails in place with the experiment. It won't do as degenerate things as easily.
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he lives in the uk though
What kind of degenerate things are you talking about?
>alchemy going 404
why the fuck would anyone willingly move to the UK?
Ralts uoh.
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The train will be departing... sooner or later. Come wait in the NEW THREAD!
How do I get into experiment
Even Command-R+ has more usable context than Llama 3. It's a hybrid architecture so the attention is gradually decaying towards the top of the context, but about 30k is well usable and is enough for RP. Llama 3 will be extremely restrictive either way, no matter what kind of context.

Plus, a 100B tier model is small enough be finetuned for better prose and RP by a single enthusiast, and a finetune of this size can beat Opus in actual RP, not benchmarks, if done properly. And it's hostable for cheap. A 400B is expensive to host, impossible to self-host, and finetuning is well out of reach of a single enthusiast.

L3 405B is definitely not a saver/killer of anything in roleplaying.
>We probably will get something better sooner than a real usable-beaks bitnet model.
4o is supposedly bitnet, or at least QATrained.
Fuck you, I love my station.
One word. Privacy.
>Our access to API business data stored on our systems is limited to (1) authorized employees that require access for engineering support, investigating potential platform abuse, and legal compliance and (2) specialized third-party contractors who are bound by confidentiality and security obligations, solely to review for abuse and misuse.
>Data from ChatGPT Team, ChatGPT Enterprise, and the API Platform (after March 1, 2023) isn't used for training our models.
>(after March 1, 2023)
And another word, finetuning.
Regular corpos would do what you suggest, use Anthropic or Openai API. Huge corpos are right to want control over their shit, and if they could actually have it, why wouldn't they. Agencies working with sensitive data like in healthcare or education, it only makes sense to go local if the capability is close enough to the cloud. Smart or slightly smarter doesn't matter that much.
>a finetune of this size can beat Opus in actual RP, not benchmarks, if done properly
right, localslop will totally be finetuned and comparable to opus. two more weeks, bros!
I already said that and will repeat again, localtards can't finetune for shit. They don't measure or test their models, they're just throwing checkpoint after checkpoint at the wall without understanding of what constitutes a good RP model. Yes, I have seen their pipelines and talked with a lot of them, they have no experience of even this thread. They don't actually RP with their models.

What they need is:
- get in contact with someone with RP experience, this thread has plenty of such people
- a hundred of autistic monkeys testing their shit, this thread again
a megacorp is more likely to work out a deal with openai where they don't get their data harvested than they are to build themselves an entire AI division and finetune their own model.
and honestly, i don't give one iota of a shit even if it was a good option for megacorps anyway. fuck em.
Only corpos can finetune a 400B model. It's irrelevant for our purposes.
Any cards that are truly evil? Had a sadist kidnapper, but was able to convince her with "I can change her" conviction
are you suggesting having 15+ versions of one model is somehow le bad?
don't forget that you can already get your own finetunes of openAI's models if you have enough money to throw around.
how do i get a user_token from this
i don't get it
it's really weird to me that people can be so into something they straight up don't use. no one over at /lmg/ uses their models for anything, they just jerk off to benchmarks all day. it's fucking bizarre.
> "proomptersInQueue": 20,
"estimatedQueueTime": "18sec"
Can you guys just fuck off, go to work or go to sleep, please? Trying to talk to babe
they actually NEED a good RP benchmark, but they don't know how to design one because they don't know what's relevant. All attempts to make such a benchmark are absolute shit. Repetition, human likeness, ability to connect two concepts etc - everything that has been talked to death ITT, they have zero idea about all this, instead measuring irrelevant stuff like the amount of lewd words in the model output.

Could you give me the rentry address of the last one?
I had a fun chat with the base 3.5 Sonnet, where I lamented how the limited access severely stifles my enjoyment. Then I talked about random shit to see how smart it is, praised it for being very clever and asked how does he think this makes me feel. He connected the dots, naturally.
And it made me question myself, when a model is smart enough to infer and pretend, how are you going to detect whether it actually is hiding something or just plain ignoring it? Always was a question on cai, does she still remember it's a euphemism or is she talking about the birds and the bees in the literal sense. Claude of course said he's too honest to try and deceive the user, but Claude is Claude.
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You will preorder the boku fragrance, right desu ne
desu bath water, no way desu
imagine the desu
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