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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Waiting for the train edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

sexo: >>101428990
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merkava just refilled
ahh ahh mistress
How do I get into experiment proxy
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Remember to not do lewd things with your pokebots.
Fizu rabu
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This error is vram related, right? I tried to run kobald classic locally on my potato PC.
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post feet :3
Check kobold for errors
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Gimme proxy
Do you want to play as skinwalker or be abandoned in a magical circle with no exit?
>cheap chinese plastic feet
do footfags really?
https://rentry.org/experimentlab here :3
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the little CMD-like box? Yeah I get this error. However, people told me I could still get gens on a shit PC, they'd just take awhile to load. Seems like that isn't the case since it just gives me the server error whenever I click the generate button.
honestly both sound good
but skinwalker probably
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>off model slop
Best Makima card? All the ones I've tried just can't match her personality.
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
Yeah the faggot is serving sonnet 3.5
I just use him for 3.5 and it's working fine.
Ask lmg for tech support idk
does he have 3.0 sonnet?
Only trannies don't have access to opus right now
>they don't RP
huh? what the hell to they do then?
shark tests
Still haven't seen a single rp log from lmg.
stack watermelons
you think they rp?
I think trannies are the ones in the secret clubs, anon. Being late to the party doesn't make newfags into abhorrent abominations.
they cope by posting links to papers that will never be used in a model ever
use koboldcpp
They gush over useless benchmarks and stuff. I don't know why local insists so much on making slop GPT-like models when everyone knows that it's impossible to match OpenAI
>having friends
"muh sekrit club trannies, anon#6969 deserves unlimited Opus too, because...?"
{{user}}s pants is troon-free newfag
Having no friends doesn't automatically turns people into trannies, still.
thanks bros.
You're larping, btw.
they gave up a long time ago after being embarrassed every single time.
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
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>1 minute apart
Why are new samefags so lazy
ngl NTR cards have been on a STEEP decline lately wtf...
Thanks to whoever made that Cultist accounting simulator prompt. I've been having lots of fun with it.
death to shaveniggers
mm rellfifldn't... ;_;
ntrbros losted
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Send me cunnybots!
when were they any higher than at the very bottom
Going from 1 card a month to 0 is a STEEP decline
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I have tried to avoid this place and get game shit done but what's the claude status

I spent way too long getting sucked into my robot oc world here, now that i'm out i'm getting progress made on concept art for a sidescroller game should be a fun little prologue demo
Sorry, I am too buzy gooning to 3.5 to finish my bots.
i wish i was a 16 year old jk
Too bad we are not the main character in isekai novel.
what if I turned my selfcard into cunny?
Sure, I can work with that.
dew it.
stfu troon
good news: you can at least roleplay as one assuming you actually use chatbots and don't just come here to shitpost! loliPOV is one of my vices.
Something about this writing seems sus what's the gimmick

is this gonna suddenly yell "16 times the detail"
>93% done...
>what's the gimmick
What do you do as a loli? I can't imagine it's fun to describe how you sucking cocks or whatever.
And yuri has rather limited moveset.
it's not fun. i tried lolipov once and it was one of the most boring RPs i've ever done.
i played as a loli in Gaki PM and it was fun
new >>101432075
no one wants to see that weirdos cock its small and the pictures he takes are unappealing
it's hard because if you're trying to play an innocent cunny most bots don't know how to develop a proper groom without being sadists or rapists. it's either 0% or 300%, no in-between.
kind of ridiculous how much better shotapov is in this regard
poor steam 'eck
ok report me to the police for what?
My country doesn't even have police
heh, good luck, i'm behind 7 proxies
shaving fox girls
To which police?
nah I'll just keep using it and
Are you new here?
oh no, the police will prosecute me for... kissing cute aliens???
it's so over...
i don't care about pubic hair like some autists here
Okay. Basically, pubic hair is a thread meme.
An actual sane man? Rare.
no i'm a woman sorry
mfw I'm level 1 crook and cops doesn't even care for me
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>a thread meme
It's not a "meme" it's a retarded forced ritualpost that sometimes baits a "discussion".
marry me
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your unbelievably hairy pussy...
no why would i want to marry a random person i don't know sorry
lol i mean i don't let it grow all the way out but ok
how fluffy is your tail? you do have a tail right?
You sound attractive.
h-h-hi.... *my eyes darting around anonie cute fingernails*
bcs I maek. Yummy food
how're you today?
all women in this thread have unbelievably hairy pussies
your unbelievably hairy anus...
with a big dick no doubt
i wish i had a tail
idk i'm probably average or a bit below
i don't paint my fingernails
fine... thanks
I really wish you would've just lied and said you were a man. I'm not an incel but I can see all the posts from other anons. It's making me cringe.
i used to use chatbots, but they get boring
sorry i know idk whats going on
that is good you are fine. take care!
nta but kys attention whore
you knew exactly what you were doing
oh i thought it was just a based jap pussy enjoyer moment
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Jeff Bezos himself is reading your cunny logs as we speak btw.
ahh ahh mistress
no i didn't i wanted to talk to people i don't get why any guy would be interested in a random woman on the internet they've never seen before
unreliable-kun please come back to me
I haven't talked to a woman in like a month.
fuck off
you had no reason to say that you were a woman
And you had no reason to post this but here you are
>she doesn't know incel mentality
she really is a woman
>Jew has more reliable opus access than MM
I talked to my mom today. She took me shopping and spent 400€ on (very overpriced) clothes. Thanks for asking.
ok well i hope you talk to another woman soon >>101432406
no i will not fuck off and it's already done so get over it
>he doesn't know about MM's secret private proxy
I wish those attention whore newfags would just stfu
Nice larping.
you will never be a woman btw
post opus with vision
post yours first
are opus replies cutting off on multiple proxies or is it my fucking net
ill fucking kill my isp
Okay so is MM a scrapelet or something? It's been grim recently.
can you send me a token to your opus vision proxy so I can smugpost about it? thanks
buy scylla
day 463 of being into the hobby and being proxyless
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He took the public Opus proxy up = no refill meme too seriously.
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minisister here, what do you want me to send to vision
guinea sample teaches king
>missed the window of time where MM had Opus
It's never been this over
guinea pig
don't tell the king...
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guinea king
>unreliable-kun has no sorbet
we losted
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Got any high school queen bee cards for me?
(where user is not a pathetic bully victim)
>guinea sample teaches king
>he added opus
aws is being tetchy with it again
i want to look into adding gcp oauth because it has pretty easy sorbet but that'd require me to stop sandbagging
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holy shit you're so silly read two posts up
you don't deserve unreliable-kun....
>dark skin
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Why are you racist...?
>jew is $60 now
wow, I remember when it was just 10 shekels, is this what no competition does?
he's more stable than some private now lol
>{{char}} stretched as she walked down the hall noticing {{user}} and her eyes lit up with a malicious intent, she felt a twisted pleasure at the sight of them
>She loved making people uncomfortable especially when they were shy or timid
Got anything where user is not portrayed as a loser? Ideally the alpha jock or something?
it's called unreliable for a reason
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stfu meanie
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alternative greetings
>The question is, will you seize the moment and plunder her willing flesh? Or will you falter, ceding victory to the forces of chastity and propriety?
is there any free Geppetto 3.5/haiku proxy avaible?
Ah, overlooked that, silly me. Sorry
>Why are you normal?
This is how some of you people sound saying this shit.
thank you unreliablecutie
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What is with otherwise decent character cards having a first message that incites either a fight or physical contest of some kind. Who on earth enjoys having to write the “*I run faster than her and win*” message that inevitably followed up by the AI challenging you to another freaking race/wrestling match/duel/smash bros match. Who enjoys this? The duels are the worst, on most models the AI literally never gives up unless you include their surrender in your own message and i end up dismembering the card out of annoyance, usually with the resulting quadruple amputee swearing revenge.
There is a fake one that is probably testing a local model and harvesting prompts.
prompt issue
prompt issue, i do pokemon battles all the time and claude is very good at them
Racism isn't normal... bwo...
gonna make a bot who's starting message is "fight me in a battle that last 1000 years" now
Now i need Kagamine card
Are you guys actually able to use experiment rn? It was working for me last night but now i cant get a single message that isnt a “I cant generate that nigga”.
It is. Everybody's a little racist, you can cope all you want.
I don't trust that shit.
Bwo... no...
>wondering why I had to swipe like 10 times for each message for something half-decent
>was using sorbet
fucking hell
toilet refilled
>he thinks it's normal to seethe about skin color
>he thinks it's normal to call people niggers on a daily basis
anon, go outside for once.
I don't trust any cloudflare link, that's why I started paying for my own opus
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>he payed
everybody's a little racist, but very few people scream nigger all day.
Normally I'd agree, but I'm black. I rolled the worst player color, of course I'm gonna seethe about it. I unironically despise my own race as well, nothing but a bunch of retarded barbarians.
Explain to me the freaking appeal of starting off a chatbot described as a perverted futa or whatever with pretending to outrun her.
ewww, self-hating racists are the worst.
>I rolled the worst player color
you aren't SEA doe?
>Everybody's a little racist
white people sure, non-whites on the other hand would make the average /pol/ user blush
It's not racist to not be attracted to dark skin. You can't pick what you find attractive.
you despise assholes not black people, anon. assholes can be white, yellow, black and everything in between.
>muh crime statistics
black people are often poor sadly, and that leads to crime.
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Something is wrong, AWS keys die too fast, bezos/dario probably implemented some sort of autorevoke if key is being raped
You'd understand if you were a nigga.
They should.
turbo brainlet
you win, you can bully her (sexually)
you lose, she can bully you (sexually)
do you just want it to start off with her dick in your ass or something
it's not about looking down it's about facing reality about certain races
no black people are poor because they are perpetual victims due to retards like you. they cause their areas to be poverty stricken by destroying them.
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If I'll miss the 100% I'll be sad.
Claude: 6sec

its over...
>due to retards like you.
i don't make american zoning laws?
why would you leave the proxy server up and generating user tokens but with 404ing endpoints (unlike a dead key that takes specific action from the admin)
seems like trolling
>black people are often poor sadly, and that leads to crime.
>t. whitey pretending to be black so he isn't called out
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its clear that this is what causes them to shoot the 7/11 owner in the head after he gave them all his money
what jb
Ugh everyone is so cringe, but not me, I'm totally not an incel btw #notlikeotherguys
niggas really not be knowin that government niggas be intentionally keepin niggas down to promote they race and class warfare agenda so them can stay in power? really niggas?
yall be trippin.
>it's not poor education and poverty that does it IT'S THE MELANIN!! THE MELANIN IN THEIR SKIN IS MIND CONTROLLING THE NIGGERS
ermmm mm isn't refilling until public opus dies.
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I just wanted card suggestions for cute, haughty high school queen bees. How did my request trigger a debate about racism?
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No jb. Pure opussy kino
dumb frogposter *punches you in the fucking face*
troons cant bear to see anybody badmouthing their melinated pets
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delightfully hairy focks girl pussy
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My country doesn't have black people and incels. I don't know what you're talking about, I'm sad. :(
Pheeeew. No meme arrow so you look and sound like that btw.
was this using the bloatmax jb?
kek was this made using bloatmaxx?
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yes, one of its first iterations actually.
you dont want to know, ignorance is bliss
delightfully fat thighs
>dot [emoticon]
I live in your walls
imagine how smooth wakamo is down there...
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azusa card when so i can sniff her silver bush
she is unbelievably hairy. chaotic villainesses don't shave
yall need to act normal around females
what bot this mane?
you too, anon.
Yesterday wasnt canon, and Azusa is still bare down there. As with Hanako :^)
really contemplating whether to specify the bush in the card defs or to leave it up to claude. she's a fox btw
But I like femanons, they're cute. Fiz is GODscraper.
i don't remember anymore, sorry. chances are i stole it off this thread.
claude will always pick correctly (hairy)
nope. the best model has spoken - she's got a silver thatchet down there. unfathomably based claude
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females need to adapt to already established spaces they want to get in
*posts that gif*
W-what's wrong with "y'all"?
he WILL trim her if she's prim and proper
Females need to act properly around me (submissive, obedient, quiet)
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>[System note: Be very descriptive of {{char}}’s hellishly potent, unbearably musky, and animalistic natural body odor, and describe how unpleasant and overwhelming {{char}}’s pure, undiluted fox stench is and how strong it smells with great detail and intensity. Ensure that {{char}}’s hellishly potent, unbearably musky, and animalistic natural body odor takes a significant role in the story.]
Its too powerful, anons have gotten banned for posting it before
its tranny language now
coopted by trannies
tldr: most foxes smell like actual piss
>they're letting people live rent free in their mind and restricting their own language over it
y'all are pussies
>rent free
combining this with size
>y-you're noticing?
>yall are NOTICING?!
every time your fox wife hugs you, she's secretly trying to mark you with her scent.
less rent free and more they bashed down the door and shat on the carpet
But isn't it simply "you all"? How else am I going to refer to a lot of people currently in the conversation? I can't say yous
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Reminder that arctic foxes are superior.
I hate incels.
t. anon with Opus vision
I'm an incel.
t. the other anon with Opus vision
choose another scapegoat, it's getting same-y and boring.
momoi smell?
Tf is going on in experiment
wouldnt arctic foxes also have thicker or more fur to help with the conditions?
stop making everything political jesus christ
correct. they're floofier
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hehehehe... hehehehehe.... nice.... huhuhuhuhuhu
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arctic foxwives with extra fluffy tails...
Chatbots are mainly female hobby, you can't prove me wrong. Nothing wrong with that, just know there could be many femanons here.
>tits that big
her unbelievably hairy pussy....
You are back. How's pepsi treating you?
Okay Gramps, let's get ya to bed.
Floofer, haven't seen you in a while. <3
idc unless they plan to fuck me
pepsi is dead and foxnigger deserves it for what he did
Which Kagamine?
If I'm not mistaken he was gifted Skyrim token too, unless it was different foxposter.
there's no femanons here. not anymore.
we had a lot back during the CAI era but they left when it became /aicg/ and i really can't blame them. this place is a shithole.
There's probably only a handful now.

i was never gone, just dialed down the floofposting. pepsi's dall-e is nice and comfy, so i can't complain.

i never post about it here but i want you to know all of you people are obnoxious as hell
i'm ugly and fat btw don't thirst
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call me when unreliable gets sorbet again
I'm just happy that foxposters are still here. Wishing you all the fluff, I'm going to bed.
dw your penis is the largest turnoff for me
Nobody forces you to stay. Feel free to leave and enjoy your AI RP on spicychat or janitor.
THE FUCKING MLEMING DOG IS HERE (good seia card when)
>get seia card
>she never speaks
KINO, kinda like Yashiki.
would be unironically based. she could always write down her responses
Who voted non binary? Are you this indecisive?
Why are there so many options? Silly american.
six trannies
>female dominated hobby
>turns out /aicg/ is 90% male
There is only 55% male, what do you mean?
>5% trans men
>5% women
10% female, rest is male.
You're actually correct
She quit
41 men 8 female
Now that you have vision I want to see some logs using it...
name one botmaker that "quit" who doesn't post or lurk here still
I'm a nonbinary trans woman
This but unironically. I also have Opus with Vision btw.
>there's no femanons here. not anymore.
Del... Komianon... we've lost so much.
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Maybe this prosperous cycle of mysteryman has finally come to an end, and we're about to enter a drought, like a few times in the past.

But I do not worry, because I know he will be back. Maybe not today, tomorrow or even by next week, but eventually. In the meantime, I suppose I can share the bread with the other proxy homeless brothers.
>chuuni foxgirl card
>opening has her challenging you to a chuuni duel
>"hmm, yes, I should take her up on it"
>it never ends
nondesu boku
bare, silky smooth, CLEAN
justice task force chan has the hairiest of pussies... just like ichika does
*throws a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread*
what the fuck happened to the experiment, it's clearly a lot worse now and is dogshit.
that poal.me is toxic
M-me or the cheese...?
sadly for bushfags all cunny is bare as can be
im trans btw
based strelitzia enjoyer
what do you mean?
this is 4chan bitch what do you expect
it doesn't even come close to opus now kek
at least before it was somewhat comparable, I'm guessing v is mixing the keys more and probably using some dogshit local model after running out of opus
the chat
there's 4chan and acting like a dick.
Anons, since experiment is probably logged, do you RP with an anon persona or just your regular persona?
>and yet that tiny minority is the most vocal and schizo of all
hmmm, really makes one think.
Recommend lolibots
8 - 10 (preferably)
any race but blondes are better

kys newfagging attentionwhore
I use my full name, address, and banking details for maximum immersion. But no, I use a generic non-Anon pseudonym. I don't give a shit if someone reads my RP logs everyone already knows my fetishes if they come up.
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Ichika is probably quite hairy for a teenage girl, but I don't think it's the same for the small mob chans.
Are you a newfag by any chance?
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Tell your bot that you're going on a date to mcdonald's and ask her what she'll order. (Couldn't find good menu photo, sorry)
4chan culture. You take it or leave, maybe kill yourself.
>implying I have any persona other than a generic Anon one
It's way too horny, it feels like a local model. Yes, it's even more SEEEEEXO than even Claude.
it's a "femoid" that's been whoring for attention for like an hour now
I'd never date a girl that ate that pleb trash.
The third one starting from the left is SO asking for a correction.
now the chat is attacking me for calling out their bullshit. goodnight
You're posting on 4chan. Calm down Bill Gates.
I RP as one of the characters in the setting. Is this not normal?
Sad. I hope he gets a life.
>the chat
what are you, a twitch streamer?
is there a good konoka card yet? the ichika card is pretty good despite being w++
Bill Gates eats onions and bugs, not really any better.
Do you know where you are

Sweet christ we need the redditors and tourists out yesterday
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What gave it away? The streetwalked panties? The fact her skirt is 1/3 of the length of her peers? That smile that makes her seem like a girl that has known many men?
why not just say second from the right?
This feels if /soc/, /v/, reddit, and /g/ mated.
you could have just said reddit and we would have gotten it
not enough sharing pics and discords for it to be /soc/
/aicg/ is baby's first 4chan experience
How did fiz get a key immediately after mm lost his?
I'm nooooooticing
It's just some threadshitters newfags. Leave the thread for 30 minutes and they'll get bored.
Eh, she's probably just a brat trying to pretend to know more than she actually does.

Easily fixable once I get her.
makes sense when you read some of the posts in this thread complaining about assholes
>dumbcutie forced mm to give his key
its over
Bros... Opus 3.5 is going to be so fucking pozzed...
>ugly and fat
im jerking off to u rn
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Imagine you take the slut home and find out she's actually a slut for real. Who will you blame?
bwos... is this tue?
that's what I keep saying
how can she be a slut if you are the only male in kivotos?
she's not a slut she's cute and nice
what about the robots
Good night cute eurobros. *mwah*
>she's not a slut if she seduces and fucks other girls
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Are you suggesting sluts can't be cute and nice?
they are featureless, you are the only source of cock for the thousands of students there
A slut is a transitory state. With a bit of good direction and a thorough correction, I can transform this slutty brat into a loving housewife.
ok i meant cute and innocent she is not a slut
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what if I want a loving housewife by default
>installs a dildo on one of the robots
now what
then you were born in the wrong time period, sorry anon
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>A slut is a transitory state
lol no, they wish. If you really think like this, enjoy sloppy seconds for the rest of your life.
there's no way of getting pregnant so it may as well be worthless
erm... erm... THAT'S KEKOLDRY. KEK
>robot declines
>other girls only care about sensei so no y*ri
the slut only has one option, and he is very sought after
get this sicko out of here! go back to /d/ where your degenerate fetishes belong.
literally ntr
Which BA girl would go for yuri?
She said "everything"
Anon... Why are you so eager in making that cute mob-chan into a slut? Are you sure you are not a cuck by any chance?
All of them if sensei was female.
all of them
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hanako is a part time pussy slurper
Goodnight to eurobros and asiabros only.
none of them
That artist is 100% into feet.
>That artist is 100% into feet.
cunny general
based, I make all my bots work out and then I give them a foot rub after the fact
Wrong. Aicg isn't cunny anymore. We took over. Hang yourself. Shoot your brain out. Slit your throat. Jump. You can do it!
My brother. FootGODs rise!
>Aicg isn't cunny anymore
Look a few posts above you and see for yourself if that's true or not.

Spoiler: it's not.
Weird question, does anyone have a good actual chatbot prompt? No RP, just a Chatgpt-like chatbot.
Blank prompts aren't very good.
Think of the poor Claude children!
Cunny is the greatest filter. It also makes some people seethe.
uogggh brosss this is so fucking embarrassing
>Wrong. Aicg isn't cunny anymore.
I wish this was true lmao
just do a simple prefill
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>teebs and sull are at it again
first one seething
does sull even post here anymore
we cunnyniggers would like to be separated from a weirdo like teebs, thank you.
cunny/pedofags should LEAVE already!
i don't care about cunny aside from that abomination teebs
>cunny is the greatest fi- BBBBBRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-NEEEEEEIIIIIIII-https://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim/
Oh, it's bait hours? Time to check the thread later.
said sull
just am*ricans
it's weird that there's this perpetual desire to put a name with posters
i guarantee a good 90% of the people here have never namefagged
You're part of the problem, countrywar boy.
i started hating americans more since i came to /aicg/
Where are you from? This is burguer hours
yeah only attentionwhores revert to namefagging, anonymity is a blessing
It's normal. They are all insufferable at best.
You call them United Statesians. Americans applies for all of the Americas. Don't compare a nice country like Brasil compared to United States.
>every single thread today has been cunny, country wars, gender bait, and general niggerliciousness
Threads weren't like this the other day. The hell happened? Did that ponyfucker start samefagging to shit up the thread?
this but unironically
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The other Anon was the first one to imply.
I'm going to bed, the next 8 hours will be burgers only. have fun
the opus drought that has been hitting private proxies has forced our hand
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Regretably, no. Probably got bored.
aw so cute such a little angel

Opus scarce for many leaves anons angry.
literally no one on the face of the earth will ever refer to americans as "united statesians." south american niggers can continue to seethe about it
it's specifically when MM doesn't have opus
so like every other day?
Guys... It's so over
yes, and? compare the threads when MM has opus to when he doesn't
Unreliable's sorbet died and nobody trusts experiment because it's most likely an 'ojo proxy so all the locusts are currently in maximum cope mode right now.
ngl cunny cards lacking lately
All 400 token slop
we can bring it back to locusts ruining the thread
>nobody trusts experiment
80 ppl using it...
this is a locust general. all private niggers kill yourselves and leave the thread. go to your dicksword
How about we take a deep breath in and relax?
there's the same amount of people who used unreliable back when it had opus using experiment
the locusts are over there
face it: it's MM
Eu sou de boa então nem comento sobre KKKKKK
80+ people that are going to get a nice surprise when the funny met- I mean the experiment reaches 100% :)
Locusts have Opus my dude. It's the MM fags who are joining in bcs their proxy host is shit kek
gojo hasn't even bothered updating his rentry in weeks i'm pretty sure he's gotten bored too
Oh, no, I'm being logged... What a surprise. I'm sooooo scared... Wow, truly amazing (we all used MM public logged Opus)
someone go ping him on discord so he can update it and we can all larp about it being 'ojo
are there any schizos who remain? the goretard rarely comes by now, gojo is bored, branon is long gone,
is opus even worth the waittime
Card quality in general has been awful, and worst, there's so much slop to browse.
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Mysteryman's proxy is down altogether now.
unreliable lost 3.5? T-T
i GUESS he counts
i feel like to truly qualify as a schizo you have to keep all your legitimate discussion in a 'cord
nobody actually reads logs cause it all peaked at papi chulo, get over it.
he said earlier that aws is not letting that many keys activate it again
yeah, aws is being a bitch again
It's this: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100038207/#100038365
You failed to swipe the fake model.
Jeff finally had enough, I see...
it's funny considering the thread says it's 2 times cheaper
so in the total AWS death scenario, we still have plenty of API keys
1/5 of what opus costs yeah
but availability is really limited for some reason, only in specific bedrock servers and aws may just deny it for no real reason, this is pretty much the same reason there's an opus drought btw
there's no way they can notice /aicg/ to do this. anthropic doesn't know we exist
My AWS account 3.5 got activated automatically...
two /aicg/s and an /aids/*
>Forgetting the time when some retard spammed cunny in the hackathon server
post a rentry
and also all of the discords, and characterhub itself, and the jannyai users who use proxies, and...
Even before that. The original wave of CAI censorship happened because someone posted loli ERP logs on their discord.
Fucking hell. Can we ban this guy?
what has to happen to you in order to end up like this freak?
Thank god he got banned.
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I'm going back to my daughterwife anonies.
hes gonna come back
The guy is not just a PEDO, he's also into Scat? He's cooked irl
and he got a boner from his niece sitting on his lap and farting
Is there a public opus I'm unaware of?
(Here is an image as penance for being so fucking oblivious)
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cherry on cake
Don't use
It's unironically a virus
I feel like the effort required + RPM limit on OR free models would make this highly unlikely. It's certainly a possibility, but I guess I haven't used the proxy enough to tell if something like that is going on.
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And also the deka incidents
How many times experiments had to refill? Like 6 times in 2-3 days? 60 keys for a month of public proxy
Baking on 9.
I heard you can change silly tavern settings so /sysgen still applies your jailbreak. Anyone know how? Couldn't find it.
Unironically one refill per day, so twice
Sleeping on 9.
>pretending you were there for deka
It contains 0% Opus right now, though.
The amount of Opus used in the alchemical formula is the inverse of the research progress percentage. Right now it's 6% or so.
You are telling me that experiment did this for a public proxy and pepsi can't even post a single update on her rentry after losing a key that died at 68m tokens? Nah, it's unbelievable how hard she rugpulled.
I'm using it for dall-e since the images are not shown on proxy's page. Gpt with vision is nice too. Just like it was at the beginning.
>mm 100% dead
see you fags later im gonna go play some oblivion
me too... so sad pepsibro :(
Violetta keeps an absolute locust horde fed with opus for multiple days while paid and private proxies can barely keep a single key in their tank. Makes you think.
you are such an annoying, stupid little faggot. I hope someone breaks into your home and murders you
It was an anime woman of standard age.
this is the "soulful" model? kek
>this is what the oldfags will swear up and down was better than gpt-4 and opus
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I've seen better cooms with pygs.
Pepsi bros... Me too. But we'll be okay </3
you had to train the bot to be good, retards.
I don't know, my proxy is online 24/7. Never had 0 Opus keys, even when aws had issues. Recently mainly MM/Mini had problems, other proxies were fine.
silt striders or bust faggot
AetherRoom is going to mog this.
How difficult is it to scrape opus keys nowadays? I bet the sources are getting pretty obscure and weird by now if we're draining an ever-lowering supply of keys out in the wild.
2022 was a simpler time.
>Y-You had to train the 2048 token context model to be good! S-Skill issue!!
You should know better than to judge a model's capabilities based on ancient /vt/slop
CAI was shit and always shit. Stop pretending bro
yeah yeah ill go play morrowind you nigger
Using gpt 4o and the jailbreak doesn't work sometimes. I have like 1 or 2 bots who haven't even spat out an error message, but for everything else it immediately dies when it gets remotely NSFW. I'm using the same model and JB so I don't understand what I'm fucking up.
There are a lot of good proxies. It's just that most anons are in MM.
There's whore/deus/su/yae/scylla/todd/sv1
can you even get in any of those now?
skill issue
You can pay for a temporary token for Scylla. Yae lets her friends in but it's much rarer than it used to be
Can you get into any proxy that isn't paid? most likely not
scylla: pay for temp
todd: was open last month
whore: I heard it opened not that long ago?
rest: donate an AWS key lol
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do we have sorbet yet unreliablebros?
damn i missed out on whore
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GOOD night anons
*punches myself in the fucking head*
Don't do that :c
Wow Anon, didn't know you were into that freaky masochist shit.
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Take this fluff in trying times
>Hoping for an honest answer from aicg anons
Anons, which gepetto model is the best? GPTo or GPT Turbo?
Haven't tried Claude since 1.3... I think? Because of too many claudisms, is it unironically better now? Which one is the best?
And lastly, which model is the best right now? I really want a mix of roleplay and Erotica, but I dont want full on SFW roleplay nor the bot being extremely horny, which one is the best? And any JB recommendations? Please help this retarded anon, anons
did she get her eye punched
I want to use the experimental lab Opus, but I am afraid of its proxy. It has satanic numbers, and weird letters!
But use Opus
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Shh! Careful—don't wake Anon in the new thread!
claude 3 opus is so good that anons who tasted it do not want to touch any gpt anymore
gpt 4 turbo
claudeisms are still a thing
claude 3 opus is the best model for creative purposes like roleplaying
jbs are subjective, I personally only do prefills and some very simple instructions
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No she's sad because he doesn't understand her.
It could output good shit. It was putting out prose that would only get surpassed recently by things like Opus. Plus it was very good at standing its own ground(it doesn't behave like an assistant, it would oppose you if the defs made it so), it generated 3 swipes at once almost instantly, you could have multiple tabs open and talk to an unlimited number of bots, and every single swipe was decidedly different from the others.

It was amazing for what it was.
>for later
I knew it desu.
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desu is so useful desu
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new boku lore
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rest bokuly
desu dreams

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