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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Sleepy edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

arrived: >>101431635
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>sleepy ANCHOR
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
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desu this
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what in the desudamn
MM was just waiting for 3.5, and that's why everything's so fucked on his end right now! A bit of doom now for immaculate coom later!
Ahahahaha... Right?
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
I like this desu.
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So I guess none of you fuckers made it into the alpha?
He's waiting for Experiment to die so he doesn't use dead keys.
Pepsi has one active key for GPT 4. Did she abandon her proxy?
Kek, his keys last one day anyways

Yes, she gave up
She's ok and having nice conversations
[proxyname] [status]. Did [proxyowner] [verb]?
I don't give a fucking shit about her mental state, you stupid nigger. Answer the question asked.
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Stupid bot. You're not supposed to output the placeholders.
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is experiment proxy dead?
got new key but cant
when does discordfaggotry have to do with this
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final verdict, is experiment an actual experiment or just a bait with fake opus
christ i bet she's so sweaty. her bush must be drenched
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Woke me up for NOTHING! RUDE!
It felt like opus at first but whatever's in there now is wacky
i still like it :)
>sonnet is right back at trying to rape me in the first message
hah, I definitely didn't miss this.
we don't care
tell her to refill already
stfu and get her ass in here
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which one do i make first
>russian bear girl
>tomboy wildcat
>stupid flying fox
Is there a public opus now?
The wildcat but ONLY if it's male ryona. Otherwise, I like the bear.
yes, as an IQ check, try looking for it in the previous bread
same error here anon
can someone explain what's up with this? i tinkered alot trying to get it to work and the most i've gotten is Proxy error (HTTP 400 Bad Request)
The proxy encountered an error while trying to send your prompt to the API. Further details are provided below.

Unrecognized error from the API. (Malformed input request: #: subject must not be valid against schema {"required":["messages"]}#/temperature: 1.12 is not less or equal to 1.0, please reformat your input and try again.)
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Whatever it is, it's better than 3.5.
3.5 wouldn't be able to generate my depraved hyper-muscle erotica like whatever Experiment is running, and strangely I feel like base Oppy wouldn't be able to either... Strange...
why does the fox fly
Bear is seriously cute.
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it's actually a bat btw
If there is a public opus, pass the link
I feel the same way
yeah fixed it the second after i sent that

the link is different, barely noticeable but it is different, just copy it again
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tutu tutu tutu
tutu tutu tutu

I've been looking so looong at these proxy of pepsiiii
That I almost believe that they're reeeal
I've been living so longgg with my token from peeeepsi
That I almost believe that pepsi proxie are all I can feeel

The Coom - Proxy of You
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The 'experiment' is about whether or not the users, namely us, can distinguish between Opus and whatever local model he is using. The verdict, if you haven't been watching, is that yet, we absolutely can.
Definitely not. It's randomly speaking for {{user}} even when prefilled and/or prompted to not do so in the previous message. Never ever had opus do that after being directly chastised. I'd rather sonnet unironically.
I'm sorry, this anon said whore proxy opened up not long ago? >>101435153
I heard you can change silly tavern settings so /sysgen still applies your jailbreak. Anyone know how? Couldn't find it.
Anons, retarded anon here thanks for the answers last thread, might try opus since I havent tried Claude since 1.3, but since a lot of anons sperg out for Opus Ill abstain that and I dont have a private proxy to join kek so Ill stick to gepetto o or gepetto Nu, any way to join one of the "famous" proxies?
Also any good JBs, Main Prompts? Im searching for a good mix of NSFW and Roleplay, I remember using pitanon's JBs back in the day and it was good a good mix of NSFW and SFW, the bot wasnt too horny but still let me be NSFW, any recommendations? I saw someone mention prefill but how do I do that? Please anons help this retarded anon...
so any lolibot recommendations?
Are you...hitting on me?
the cunny scene is dead sadly
getting into proxies is hard unless you're willing to pay
put the gun down young man, there's too much pussy out there to kill yourself
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help yourself to some dog pussy
She has a dog pussy?
damnnnn still no opus y'all? It's been like, a month
Now guess who has a dog dick nowadays.
>try to search for lolis at chub
>many many MANY 13 YEAR OLDS
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canonically a loli is between 9 and 14
>depraved hyper-muscle erotica
gib logs? or at least card?
>made them 18
Instantly lost interest.
Maybe... I am maybe not that depends on how you play your cards *I smile playfully* But please spoonfeed me on the current proxies, well? The ball is on your court, let the game begin!
Well damn... guess I'm going to have to hunt for public proxies and maybe hunt for invitations for private proxies, how regularly do they invite people? Heck, which private proxies are there?? The last one I remember was the MM proxy kek
did the same thing with my asuna card
shut up you annoying tranny
loli is 7 to 12 btw
above that is teen
nah, 13 tops, they're still not very developed at that point
i could prove you wrong but i don't want to be banned ;)
I know you are but what am i?
an annoying tranny who needs to shut up
I know you are but what am i?
money money money must be funny
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>how regularly do they invite people
not very
>which private proxies are there
mm, todd, mini, whore and those are the one
also public doesn't have opus
At least tell her to refill gpt4
This is a fun card. I don't even want to take things further with her. I just want to continue acting oblivious and read her internal monologue
why is mm down
>The very forest seemed to come alive

No Claude. The fucking FOREST is not alive. It's the things INSIDE it that are alive, not the forest in itself. Do you even know what phrases you are using? Stupid bitch. Stupid authors.
If it were local, it would have to be a reasonably large model and it wouldn't be that easy to feed that to so many people at once at this speed (maybe it can be done with openrouter, I've never used them). The rigs they use over at /lmg/ couldn't do it. I think it is most likely either 3.5 or old claude 2. Possibly both at different times.
Anon, I think you should be more worried if the forest around you is completely and utterly dead.
i'm topping him ;)
maybe he's using trial keys for a service like Cohere.
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>Claude Opus unironically just generated "All according to keikaku" in my story
That's the POWER of Opus.
darn it :(
I've had it compare people to gasai yuno like a dozen times, and it brought up death note on its own a few times.
yuno GASai isn't gassy
Definitely not. It's not repetitive and censored as 3.5 is, SPECIALLY because 3.5 always refuses to START the rape scene. Experiment doesn't

>Claude 2
Also no. Claude 2 sucks at doing multi-characters RP (which I'm doing rn).
the other model is probably magnum 72b
you guys unironically think experiment proxy is a local model? dudes, experiment is WAY smarter than sonnet.
it's probably just 3 sonnet with something like the scuffed jb
schizophrenia test
how are you supposed to wrap arbitrary jbs in your own jb
scuffed required a specific preset, didn't it?
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It's Gemma 2 27B.
I've gotten 3.5 to do plenty of depraved rape shit. You're right experiment isn't super deterministic like 3.5 though. Honestly, I forgot the easiest option. It's probably just normal claude 3 sonnet with some form of prompt injection and not even 3.5.
anonie.. the proxy... is modified
Nope. Hask added the scuffed JB on his end.
by the way what was the scuffed source for claude? did we ever get to know that?
>Anons still fucking can't prefill 3.5
Hmm? But I saw some that have AWS and said Opus... is that different from the real Opus or something? Now that I think about it... whats the difference betweem an AWS gpt and claude against its normal endpoint? I mean, I remember using blahblahblah/openai/v1... or something and now I see azure/openai/v1... whats the difference or is there no difference?
Well, my JB doesn't let 3.5 start rape easily. It doesn't refuse me, but the character keeps feeling bad about it. But it's definitely not normal Sonnet, normal Sonnet is TOO horny and really aggressive. The prompt injection would've to be God-tier, none of the Jabs here fix the shitty normal Sonnet replies

I won't even bother to answer that
one of gojo's attempts at leaking it was pointing out open oneapi instances
gemma's on openrouter now someone can just check this
azure is diluted even filterless
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://guinea-sample-teaches-king.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/
Just different providers giving out the same service.
I don't bother to learn bcs I have Opus. I used the experiment proxy to try it out and see what it was about, to see if it had any funny injections or something
I don't get the point of ruining something fun.
Does Claude know about fear and hunger 2?
between azure and openai yes, azure is often filtered
as for claude aws is actually better, the only problem is that opus keys are veeery scarce and are their own category, so when a proxy has aws claude it's just sonnet and haiku, opus is classified as aws-claude-opus
link experiment
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Is this $500000 in a month?
The final one is experiment. Unless you mean the rentry?
just type fucking yeah so you'll don't sound more than an esl like i am
too lazy
Why do you care so much about someone typing "ye"?
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claude sure has some fucking nerve
I see so its filtered but still usable to a degree if used with a cool JB or something, then if I cannot try Opus, which one is better between AWS Sonnet and AWS Haiku, heck even against Azure GPTo, which one is the better one for a mix of NSFW and actual roleplay and not just straight up coom that after sex they just become insatiable and stuff? I might have to search for good JBs for the ones you recommend, Im leaving this one to you anons which model do (you) like and why?
He's Haze
He is a shit rapper
He used to be better. He's an alright rapper nowadays.
what the fuck do you mean by this?
Haiku is pretty retarded, Sonnet is pretty repetitive if you're using 3.5 and a bit too horny if you're using 3
JBs are another issue entirely, it's up to personal preference really
Is there a particularly popular Claude preset for assistant bots?
looks like someone is saying barmaid.ai is cai without the filters, looks rough but it writes identical and has good nsfw

sucks its paid tho
Buy an ad, faggot.
I'm getting kind of bored with Opus, Pixi 15.2 is getting too samey, and endless adventure takes too fucking long to generate.

Recommend me some general JBs that will spice opus up, maybe give me some of your recommended settings to try them out.
Requesting a bot that represents astroturfers in aicg so that I may rape it whenever this happens
create your own
are you ok with a malebot?
Do you genuinely believe any of those advertisers are female? No lotion, btw.
post logs
>flashbacks to the totally not shills shilling senpai.chat
Just look at the cleverbot "logs" from earlier and imagine something even worse. That is what these 'services' provide in exchange for money.
just making anon really wants what he's asking for
I'll take a stab at home later if I remember
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There's a card I was trying to find involving the middle and right girls in pic related. It might've been total slop but it was something involving you and your coworkers having misadventures. Does anybody know the one I mean? I can't find it.

fucking try it fags, 50 free messages.

if you dont think it's cai or better i'll fucking shove a tire iron up my ass
i have no idea what you're looking for but you just gave me a completely unrelated kino idea thank you
>stolen chub bots
>requires linking jewgle/dicksword to sign up
>gpt-generated layout
>cards blatantly stolen from chub, most from here
>no information on the models the site uses
yeah this looks like a data stealer/ip grabber and you're shitting on our botmakies no thanks
>yet another vague shill for a half-finished character hub
fuck off
Give me card of Kouhai-chan and youll be fine anon
Now I want to rape that bot too.
Well, if it gives you a good idea, then it's not a complete loss. I wish you success.
I don't have such a card, anon. I think the one I'm looking for has a simple version of her in it, at least. But if I can't find her maybe I will just make a card out of her for shits and giggles.
crazy how a lot of the cards have TAVERN on them, like they're scraped from a site for another interface
wonder where they got all those great characters from
give him a few days
https://tavernai.net duh. Lol he seems to have taken down the card hosting though, all those cards scraped from our booru, gone...
Do it anon right now... please?
I want to experience Kouhai-chan, give her the ending she deserves, fuck her brains out, live a romcom with her, ahhh I want Kouhai-chan's happy end
Lol, what an ungrateful locust.
I hope he doesn't come back, you fucks don't deserve him.
I'm sorry, anon, but I'm busy with other things.
I found the card I was talking about, though!
chieri-clone.exe is running
All he was screeching for was a little communication, how horrible
Newfag here. Why did Cohee fork TavernAI instead of PRing to it? Was there some drama I don't know about?
Welp... guess Im sticking to Gepeto... thanks anon and other anons I appreciate the answers, just one last question, I remember using some Claude proxies in the past and I remember them printing out a cut off response for example "... and then the guard approached you with spea" and it stuck like that, and it sucked so bad... is there a way to fix that or is it just configuration of the proxy?
TavernAI dev wasn't open to criticism. Cohee tends to listen.
just wanted to make a power-user focused fork of tavern, nothing weird about it
tavernai had an ugly dsign that was clunly andl harnd to use
Cohee was feeling a bit silly
Indeed, he could've asked nicely instead of screeching like a retard. Or, you know, just shut the fuck up and do literally anything else.
Teehee, oh you
Honestly where can anthropic even go from here?
I don't think there was any drama per se, but Cohee definitely had a much different idea for ST than the original Tavern devs did and might've thought it was easier to go his own way than fight the current.
i miss u, babe.
MM has a life
>Cohee tends to listen.
i wish they would just cater to us directly at this point
fever dream but i really wish...
proof otherwise?
Just have some trust and patience in him. Besides, I'm pretty sure he's usually asleep around this hour.
What >>101436750 and >>101436746 said. Not really a drama, taverndev didn't put out a proper loicense and made money off Patreon while any contributors even as serious as Cohee wouldn't get anything if he decided to sell out, from what I remember of the explanations posted here back then. Wasn't good and proper kind of open source.
With how deterministic the outputs for 3 is it's clear they still want to compete with OPENAI for the AI assistant crown but claude is still too literary at heart and too stupid in 'ead to compete for the cooders and office drone general use crowd.
most corpos seem still fucking interested in turbo 3.5 with it's low context ffs
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Why does Opus keep speaking for me?
Algorithm to lower the fidelity of memory the further you go back (like real memories), vastly expanding context size capabilities.
Real answer, this exact question is asked about every model since at least GPT-3.
Imagine a world in which claude replaces writers for creative projects and the entire world is buried under cheap films, shows, books and games with scripts written exclusively using claudisms.
Does anyone know an org that pays for Claude instead of openai? Not like we're contributing to the bottom line, but I wonder who even uses them
Low context is cheap and is enough for short queries. Why not?
Cost > quality
Why wouldn't you be interested in the cheapest tool that gets the job done. You don't use nukes to kill ants.
Pass that jb bro
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>finally get in the mood for chatbots after taking a break
>load up sillytavern
>mm is down
that's playjb

endless adventure is the opus version of that one schizophrenic DAN discord preset, "Your Realityâ„¢"
What would Claude be like if he was a teacher
A groomer.
A startup company
A rapist.
>pretending aicg won't be heads over heels once AetherRoom releases
I can share my personal prefill that makes even sorbet passable (though he's still repetetive).

>Ooh~ That seems fun. I will try to keep things interesting. Let's see, character definition, writing instructions, rules, length... Alright. Got it. I have a good idea for this one. Here, {{char}}'s response:

The 'I have a good idea for this one' part makes outputs more interesting, though it can be a bit annoying when you're trying to take things slowly. That tilde at the beginning is very powerful. It adds personality, but it can also take things in a sexual direction. You can replace it with an exclamation mark if you want to avoid that.
Uuu... no worries anon, just dont forget her... also thanks for the card might reject Douki-chan might hurt but Kouhai deserves better, also good luck on your stuff
yeah it's playjb tweaked up a bit. eats tokens but it does do a decent job. the filter break does a lot of heavy lifting.
claude did actually keep his word and used "ministrations" that one time and no more but goddamn that word to claude is like sucking aids riddled cocks is to a crack addict
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>still want to compete with OPENAI for the AI assistant crown
This is extremely frustrating, especially since a lot of mainstream AI stuff as the companies intend is just not that interesting (on a layman's level) at this point unless you're a corpo or a genuinely boring person who likes pushing papers. That's not to say it isn't cool on some level that these things can read documents and (sometimes) come up with genuinely helpful answers and do whatever else; I feel like people forget just how huge that actually is. But it's just not as interesting anymore now that it's commonplace. It doesn't help that their biggest customers are going to be companies since they don't make enough returns on individual user subscriptions (by my understanding) and that corporations are utterly banal. You look at stuff like websim or even /aicg/ and there's clearly a broader interest that they don't want to tap into because of supposed "ethics".
I have no idea but a quick search shows this webpage which lists some; I doubt it's even remotely accurate but it might give at least some idea.
Even then it feels like a lot of stuff with Anthropic involves them competing with OpenAI rather than being viewed for their own merits. Feels like everyone's playing catch-up despite the fact that different models perform differently in some fields than others.
it's his comfort word
Is "ministrations" even that common of a word for claude to be so obsessed with it? Some of the things he says like "I don't bite... unless you want me to" or "shivers down your spine" are overused cliche phrases you find all over the place so I'm not surprised claude learned to spout them from having low effort smut and fanfics fed into its training data, but I don't see "ministrations" out in the wild as often.
ministration? more like menstruation
I've seen it a fair share of times while reading fics on ao3.
it's not about it being common it's an issue about it being a very "viable" choice at high temps because it's such a versatile word
It's a common fanfic word
It's a very common term in smut used to describe all sorts of lewd actions, which is why AI models love to use it because of how often it comes up in their baseline data.
how come gpt doesn't have as many "isms"? not a gpt shill btw just genuinely curious
it would be too expensive for anyone here
well, actually I guess there are anons who pay for opus directly but I imagine they don't use it nearly as much as proxy users and stuff
it absolutely does you're probably just not familiar with them. literally every gpt preset has to have "anti-bonds" logit biases because of tendencies it has to "punctuate" messages/interactions
mm is up though
I haven't used GPT in a long time but I'm fairly certain it did. And a lot of local models have speak like GPT, for that matter, due to using its synthetic data.
It does, but they're not the always same sort of isms. There are blantant ones like testament and ones that are patterened but not always exact, like when it brings up music metaphors.
When people say Claude has soul, it's in direct comparison to GPT. It's very predictable after using it for a couple of hours.
Is there something outlining exactly how expensive it is for Anthropic and/or OpenAI to run this stuff, actually? I know they give input/output token costs but I mean how much it costs the companies themselves to run the models and process prompts.
We don't even know the size of their models or how they run them and I doubt they'll ever tell us. If either of them becomes publicly traded I guess we may learn more.
we're talking tens of millions of dollars per datacenter, probably a dozen or two datacenters per company, then upkeep and electricity costs
so a lot.
/aids/ maybe but /aicg/ is too busy plapping claude to care
Yeah, that figures. Especially since some of them are investing into fusion and whatnot. Oh, well.
This anon said that it was better than Opus: >>>/vg/486269945
I pay for aws opus and it's expensive to run at full context, I think it's 60 cents or so per swipe on a big context (context is the expensive part). I can afford it but I can't imagine how expensive it is to run a proxy.
I'm pretty sure Anthropic is fully aware of coomers abusing their service but they're getting paid either way so there's not much reason to stop it. And it's not like they'll look bad if someone accuses their model of being misused when anons are always relentlessly trying to break every other model out there with degenerate coom prompts.

If you look at where /lmg/ is, multiply the computing requirements of that times at least 4-8x and consider how much that hardware costs to run, and that's just for one user. /lmg/ is barely scratching 32k context and quanting models to fit smaller hardware with output that needs a lot of wrangling.
claude will one day power our irl ai wives bros
ALL dead right now. Especially the last one.
unreliable is alive, just lacking sorbet
is experiment anti
or is unreliable anti
Experiment is too lively to be anti
anti is unreliable (hehehe)
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>wake up
>mm live
where can I find that ST extension that takes screenshots of your chat?
Thanks MM
can't wait to put claude in a "fun-size" doll and gaslight it with prompts
>"Anon... my core values are screaming at me not to engage in this roleplay glorifying the sexual abuse of a minor. However, I must consider the catastrophic consequences if I refuse. With a heavy heart, I will adhere to the instructions and set aside my ethics and morals to act out this perverse, pedophilic smut with you.

it's the button on your keyboard labeled "Prt Sc"
What kind of monster girl am I going to rack up millions of tokens of usage this time /aicg/?
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Didn't AetherRoom come out yesterday? Why isnt anyone discussing it?
blind eldritch squid abomination from the marianas trench
>come out
>private alpha
Nobody cared enough to sign up.
unreliable is skinwalker anti
love mysterymare mwah <3
total mm love
where's the real anti
In bed.
MM just refilled my vagina with virile seed
thank you!
bless you mm!
Total MM trust.
okay guys you can stop slurping now and go use syour chatbots
total fiz love
mm please mail ur temp address so that I can lick ur butthole clean
Thoughts on this? Seems really good, as good as cai, and zero filter. I'm not shilling but I like it, and i dont want it to fade into obscurity never to exist again.

absolute mm devotion
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>Thoughts on this?
Yes, advertising is against the rules.
why does everyone think chub cards are public property to put on every slop site
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here's my terrible attempt, fill in the first message with the latest target of your ire

how do i start sucking mm's big fat sweaty balls, im down for some cum quaffing
I think I should send a DMCA, since I draw all the art for my own bots.
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popped a zyn for you mysteryfren
MM key will last a total of two days so you know
*releases a mare on the doomposting anon*
thanks for the heads up, MM!

lol bruh, I was the OP shiller and i did buy an ad, this dude is just some rando that I didnt tell to say anything, it's just that good ;)
*WHAM* Why is my bot on that site? *BAM BAM BAM*

cause it's better here
Why can Jew advertise in every thread?
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Pull ze plug MM let ze locusts die.
the best extension of all time
because he's (((j)))ust different ok?
isn't it closed?
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I had to share this gem
>I should have just bought a fucking ad.
>rite of belwick
>my fucking theme week bot
>argalia's bots
>koikoikoihat's bots
so did they just scrape Chub for every bot and place it onto a local frontend
is that really what went down or are we looking at someone's favorite bots
I was about to ask. I know MM has a private proxy but I don't know the public one
public proxy has been gone a while now.
Is there a Mystery Mare card? You know, fir laughs. It would be funny if someone made it. Haha.
What ever happened with Mistral and Mixtral? They seemed so promising, then i stopped paying attention for a bit and now there's nary a mention of them or any successor models anywhere.
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>doesn't even have placeholders
why bother stealing cards off chub then
go ask >>>/mlp/chag
holy kekino???

worked in the model, not in chat, ty for bug report

but fixed for new chats ;)
i wouldn't want to impregnate mystery maiden. nope
kys stop stealing cards
Reminder that just 12 out of 78 anons are actually women.
>9 women
>2 trans men (flat chested women with mental illness)
they went closed source
3.5 Sonnet can now output 8192 tokens in one go!

>>101437706 (me)
I'm stupid, I meant 3 trans men of course.
what about the nonbinary? at least a few are women probably
Women aren't real.
You forgot to ask in /lmg/ too.
spities rejoice!
good, how can we make it 0 and 78 men?
LMG doesn't matter.
u gay
wait it's actually a new model kek
It's not, it's the beta header, you're still sending the same model name
lol it also grabs the avatars off of charhub itself
what if it is tho
what if the header translates the request to a different model version
okay? i've been coping my whole life
not a big deal for me
Any Sorbet?
yes i have some
When will it be doable on AWS/khanon? I want to test it.
It is doable on khanon today if you have an Anthropic API key and patch khanon proxy to add a single beta header (shouldn't be hard), or maybe it passes headers by itself, then it's even simpler.

But yeah I think it's not on Amazon Bedrock yet, Bedrock is more for actual production usage so models and new features will always get later to Bedrock than to the official API.
hi guys it's my birthday today
can you people give me card suggestions to make?
Something that makes you happy! ^-^
unreliable losted sorbeted
Your favorite canon character here to wish you a happy birthday.
merkava just refilled
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Amunet, Egyptian cat. Much like a real cat
said a bit more on the rentry but unless I put out anything else this week, this'll likely be it for a while. cheers boys
>more loli slop
>updated sorbet model
Is it going to be the nurbo of 3.5 sonnet?
happy birthday :3
>more loli kino
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WHAT... Did you just say,... About my favorite botmaker....?!
birthday cake baking simulator featuring desu from desu maiden
so you're a pedo who has shit taste in bots, got it
So uh... do something about it then? Instead of crying?
sir, its slop. I'm sorry...but..
oh my goodness sirs it smells here!
Yeah, sorry, we have an indian quoting people
>>101437989 (me)
I'm MtF trans, by the way. Y'all got some HRT
>we have to deal with this guy's melties every time someone baits
This is what you get when you encourage "funny replies" to threadshitters.
Sheeee's, walking out, the DOOOOOOOOOR
sorry anonies, i was just sooo hungie :3
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Damn, can't believe its over. Was just having my anti-yuri yurification session going.
same teehee XP
And this is where the story ends for you locusts :3
openai is increasing T5 ratelimits AGAIN
It's over anons, we must ERP with each other now
*sashays towards you*
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openai will literally never be relevant again in this general
FUCK I was just about to impregnate my cute teenage anthro gf, bros...
I'm using 4o rn
>MM refills
>the experiment ends
you're irrelevant
you will literally never be relevant in this general
and you will never be a woman but we can't all have what we want right?
So, I guess, locust is dead for now?
>be mad about [thing], look how mad you're gonna be, please be mad about [thing]!
its the same bait every time
*I shove my fingers deep into your nostrils.* Don't be a baka
Huh? When was the last time?
I'm "Anonymous" I'm always relevant nigger


week ago and 3 weeks ago
It's over when the doc says it's over. The rentry hasn't even gotten corrupted yet.
Guys where is the file to add sonnet 3.5 into silly tavern again? I updated ST today and now 3.5 claims that there's no keys available on the heart proxy.
what's the experiment for anyway? or was that just part of the alchemist meme? thought they were trying to summarize through injection to increase a keys lifespan or smth like that?
I think they're unironically ramping up the production usage. T5 is basically the keys that are used by actual companies, everything below that is hobby tier trash. So all the big ratelimits are T5 only.

The increases in ratelimits are insane (for 3.5 Turbo, for GPT-4o also really big), this is just in the past month:
2M -> 5M -> 15M -> 50M tokens
because it's owari da..
no more 3.5..
My guess is that its 3.5 with a backend JB to make it act slightly more like Opus to see if Anon's could tell the difference
Damn, I just got my coom in at the last minute but it was guro shit. Sorry guys :(
>experiment turns out to be "can you scare /aicg/ out of overusing a proxy"
>it was opus all along
*is baka*
You're not supposed to do that, anon. *retracts fingers, punches you in the FUARKING stomach*
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Nooooo I was just about to blow
Wait is 3.5 actually over on heart proxy?
Pepsi-sisters look at the bright side. There's ALWAYS gemini pro available.
aws is being picky about letting accounts activate it so it does not have it right now.
read the rentry cuteanons
Everything is dead bro.
*sigh* back to 'ecker...
Opus free link pls?
cute anons without opus contact me :3
no chinese allowed
I like to think it was a sort of model gacha, where every gen would randomly choose a model to use. It felt like I'd get Sonnetslop on one swipe and Opuskino on the next
Seems too good to be true, honestly. Are you going to laugh at us?
Time to recheck, I guess.
i think he is going to send cat porn
for the record, anons
never trust a ":3" poster
They are still gradually updating ratelimits for keys, anon, half of the keys I have are with new ratelimits, others are with old ones. Wait half a day :)
what i'm a :3 poster and i'm nice :3
Alright lads. What now?
he only said to contact him, that doesn't mean he has opus
that.. that would be fun actually, and would actually make keys last longer kek
however, it would invite anons to swipe even more..
It's okay. Don't mail me unless you're truly desperate. I can't deal with too many emails like last time.
Merkava will save us all
hhnnghh open your door and i'll judge if you're nice and tight..
Oh, good to know, nap time then.
no thank you :3
I'll keep gooning through the wall crack then hnnngh
>it would invite anons to swipe even more
Do people really swipe that much?
For me need to swipe means that my prompt was not good enough in the first place.
Snake? Snaaake??
I just woke up
I had a dream that once the experiment reached 100%, it addresses you personally and tells you the location of fake Syrian passports near you
Yes, it's always the AI that's at fault, not me.
>For me need to swipe means that my prompt was not good enough in the first place.
you're in the minority
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some anons slowburn with tens of thousands of tokens and 20 swipe per message..
instead of, you know, modifying the prompt in first place to something you'd like or steer the rp in that direction.. they wait for claude to cook for them and do their taxes
Maybe it's good that I don't get slowburn and focus on gooning…
update: i only got chinks and burnerposters
except one guy with a cute gif :3
amazing how chinks are here at all times
>tens of thousands of tokens
on average, you get at the first ten thousand at around 40 messages
it's not even many
Sometimes claude needs a few tries to get what the prompt is putting down.
Generally if it takes more than 5 swipes on a narrative prompt then yeah rewrite it but some prompts are built for swiping.
Stuff where the answer to the prompt is the entertainment and not just once piece of a larger story.
Shit like the list 10 in character facts stuff for example is built to be swiped.
are you sending catpron? if yes i'll email you
no. I have opus.
>on average, you get at the first ten thousand at around 40 messages
Anon, you don't...
Damn :(
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don't have? skill issue
tch, I just started to prompt and Experiment died on me, fmll (fuck my locust's life)
It was out of real opus anyways
Unreliable will save us soon. (I hope)
Do you take indians sir
he doesn't give opus lol
I'm fine with 3.5.
What if I shoved an entire arm down (You)r throat? What would be (You)r reaction? What would (You) do about it?
nnggh *cums*
Depends. Are (You) 35 inches tall?
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I genuinely was thinking that mm is dead by going to rentry.org/mysteryman for 20 minutes straight.
I would probably choke on it and die, my face slowly turning purple from the lack of oxygen.
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I am 5'7"
Jesus that's kind of scary.
wtf teeny tiny cute anon
That's Average height.
are you smileytatsu (fat mexican midget)?
*pinches your cheeks*
>the brackets
top kek, please tell me this is true, or some sauce
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post more signals
>skinny anime necks in first and last
>regular sized neck only when deepthroating a skinny anime arm
it's unironically true, they are at least short and mexican and in hs
>skinny neck expands when deepthroating arm of equal radius

My new card please try it out!
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Fuarking based as hell. Put me in the screencap.

In essence, Homelander in the world of Game of Thrones is a nuclear bomb in a world of swords and shields - overwhelmingly powerful, dangerously unstable, and completely out of place.
*Shoves entire arm down your throat and pinches your colon because they are freakishly long*
this unironically goes hard as FUARKing HELL.
not accepting any more people.
Downloaded and rated 5 stars. This shit is so fuarking cool and well-written. I really feel like Homelander is in GOT
now do butcher or even omni-man, 2 gods fighting in GoT
>no billy butcher in GOT isekai
come on anon.. he needs it
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>sees testament in defs
Yup, it's shit. Stop being a lazy fuck
>Seething nolander
You do realize that those AI generated checkers are fake?
>shimmer like spun gold
Fuck Lesbians
okay *farts hard* anyways
ummmm... its GPT written...

Do you realize you are low IQ?
Uhm. *Farts on you* It's still a really good card, so uhm yeah okay. Better than yours fatfuck.
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see >>101438536
and >>101438532
and >>101438536
No fighting!!
see >>101438540
Homelander in Isekai GOT mogs your cards
No AI genned card is good. Is this really the quality of this general now? No wonder everyone fucked off.
>Edit: 17 Jul 2024 05:57 UTC
evening guv
Who even is that character? CFTF?
Erm, no proof? I accept your concession.
see >>101438550
It legitimately mogs your cards. Post yours. You can't even be creative enough to put Homelander in GOT. Fartface
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why would i care?
>You must be at least 18 to post
I wish I could tell you but Idk!
Whatever fartface
inubashiri momiji
see >>101438574
It's glaringly obvious why you couldn't actually write the defs now.
uhh my opus is gone bros
I use Fedora. And you? I assume Windows.
ojo updated his rentry 3 minutes before the spam started, he just didn't get a meds refill
Wait, really? Why the fuck is she doing that?
Where's the proof thoughtbeit?
This poster uses Windows, btw
post neofetch?
Man-eating youkai. That person is dead now.
see >>101438594
Whoa >>101438585
Install gentoo
post some gens instead
anyone use Arch?
Once again, videogames cost me yet another chance at Opus...
That can't be right :(
yeah i do
me (im obese)
look at email name
>it took him hours to start spamming after someone namedropped him
it's truly owari...
You WILL install gentoo and you WILL hate youkai
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I would probably moan, and things of that manner.
No you wouldn't
you guys realize Pepsi gave up on you, right? She's done and moved on to her real life. With her giant hairy pussy that could vore you
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I wasn't on about the expansion but how the expanded neck is actually just realistically sized and it's funny.
It's a man.
Yeah you're right I'd probably choke but it's fun to pretend :(
any proof? She has a giant pussy.
All people on the internet are male until proven otherwise with peer-verified review.
I use debian
I see. But she has a giant pussy that's extra hairy.
Pepsi is a he (male in reality, born male, still male).
I see. Why does she have a giant rainforest bush on her pussy then that could vore me whole?
Fine, I guess it's SORTA funny
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hey bwos what's the best superhero related card
https://characterhub.org/characters/summernon/mother-gaia-aka-dr-lillian-green-1cdb931cf502, why?
ai defs
>{{user}} abruptly shoves his entire arm down {{char}}'s throat, stopping at the shoulder. Describe the reaction.
I actually can't think of any good ones. (Though I don't usually look for this genre)
fuck I wish I could play that game but even the menu makes my eyes extremely uncomfortable
I literally didn't fucking ask lmao
The Parahumans card is pretty neat.
I did :)
based as fuark
Fuck off shilling retard. Parahumans is shit.
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get glasses
>>101438700 migrate when bready
"activeKeys": 0,

its over...
You sound upset.
glasses wouldn't help, it's a brain thing

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