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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101421477 & >>101409356

>(07/16) Codestral Mamba 7B with up to 256k context: https://hf.co/mistralai/mamba-codestral-7B-v0.1
>(07/16) MathΣtral Instruct based on Mistral 7B: https://hf.co/mistralai/mathstral-7B-v0.1
>(07/13) Llama 3 405B coming July 23rd: https://x.com/steph_palazzolo/status/1811791968600576271
>(07/09) Anole, based on Chameleon, for interleaved image-text generation: https://hf.co/GAIR/Anole-7b-v0.1
>(07/07) Support for glm3 and glm4 merged into llama.cpp: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/8031

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►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/cbclyf.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>101421477

--Paper: Flash normalization: fast RMSNorm for LLMs: >>101426407 >>101426954
--Papers: >>101426583 >>101426587 >>101426978 >>101426337 >>101426492 >>101430893
--Codestral Mamba and MathΣtral by Mistral AI: Hybrid Transformer SMM Model Support and More: >>101429120 >>101429314 >>101429344 >>101430144
--Llama3 405B Instruct: Meta's Latest Model with Debate on Context Size: >>101423104 >>101423203 >>101423316 >>101423559 >>101426929
--Cohere and Fujitsu Collaborate to Bring Japanese Enterprise AI Services with a Focus on Command R+ Model: >>101424606 >>101424755 >>101424827
--Seeking Help with GPU Memory Allocation in text-generation-webui: >>101429415 >>101429477 >>101429612 >>101429724
--Physics of Language Models - Part 2.1, Hidden Reasoning Process: >>101427585 >>101427963 >>101428925 >>101428055 >>101428160 >>101428357 >>101428708 >>101428735
--Micron Enters Datacenter DRAM Fray with Speedy MR-DIMMs: >>101428231
--Investors Losing Interest in AI, But Is It a Good Thing?: >>101422857 >>101422929
--Combining mid-range machines with 4070 TiS (16GB) GPUs to run local LLMs: >>101424596 >>101424668 >>101425070 >>101425541 >>101426067
--Status of Full SWA Support for Gemma 2 in Llama.cpp: >>101424215 >>101424241 >>101424325 >>101424336 >>101424446 >>101424278 >>101428834 >>101429073 >>101429735
--SCALE: A GPGPU Programming Toolkit for CUDA on AMD GPUs: >>101423224
--LLama.cpp's LoRA Refactor: Does It Enable Partial Offloading?: >>101427616
--Is AI Carbon Footprint Worrisome?: >>101427199 >>101427367
--How to Remotely Access Locally Hosted LLMs from a Mobile Device?: >>101426449 >>101426474 >>101426687
--Fine-tuning a Language Model to Generate Cover Letters in Personal Style: >>101426389 >>101426485
--Accuracy Concerns with OpenRouter Listing: >>101424041 >>101424056 >>101424103 >>101424142
--Miku (free space): >>101422036 >>101428801 >>101430906

►Recent Highlight Posts from the Previous Thread: >>101421480
teto best utau turned synth v
>256k context
Jesus Christ
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RULER test or it didn't happen
Ruler probably won't work well because it's a coding model, not a RAG.
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Mistral specifically said they tested it on in-context retrieval up to 256k.
That's great and all but where's the fucking HF version
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touch teto tail
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> Mixture of A Million Experts
> https://arxiv.org/abs/2407.04153

Isn't this Google DeepMind paper a big deal?
>a big deal?
With tiny experts not only inference will be extremely fast on about any system, but the model can continuously learn by freezing old experts and adding/training new ones.
>but the model can continuously learn by freezing old experts and adding/training new ones.
It doesn't work that way.
no, millions of retards won't help us
> [...] Beyond efficient scaling, another reason to have a vast number of experts is lifelong learning, where MoE has emerged as a promising approach. For instance, Chen et al. (2023) showed that, by simply adding new experts and regularizing them properly, MoE models can adapt to continuous data streams. Freezing old experts and updating only new ones prevents catastrophic forgetting and maintains plasticity by design. In lifelong learning settings, the data stream can be indefinitely long or never-ending, necessitating an expanding pool of experts.
perhaps the way to go is one big smart model for general intelligence and millions of retards for very specific knowledge
if even 1% of stuff claimed by papers were real we'd have opus on phones by now
So basically an expert of mixtures...
Imagine the rivulets of ministration
That's great. It starts out as a Mixture of a Million Experts and after a couple roleplays and some knowledge updates, it ends up as a Mixture of 3 Million Experts and you're scrambling to buy more VRAM.
Surprised this paper wasn't written by Jensen himself.
It's hard to say
Inference time might be reduced but if it ends up taking 6x time to train it's not very useful. As for the continual learning stuff, it's very much an open problem, and it's hard to say how robust their idea is. We'll see as more people experiment.
>infinite context with perfect retrieval
sounds good to me
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use faipl-1.0
>how to use faipl-1.0
put the following in the readme:
license: other
license_name: faipl-1.0
license_link: https://freedevproject.org/faipl-1.0/
With experts that small (about 2000 parameters per expert in that case, but even if the model was 100 times larger, the number of active parameters would still be tiny) it would probably not be even worth to load the model on a GPU.
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These errors are related, right? I'm trying to run kobald classic on a shitty PC, but it won't let me generate anything. I was told you could use a shitty PC, but it would just take a long time to load. However, when I click the button it just gives the server error.
kobold? THAT kobold classic?
Literally just add more experts to it. More parameters more tokens more layers
Imagine mamba-mixtral8x7b
I don't know why it says kobold classic. The guy in the video I followed had his say kobold AI. I'm just trying to run any sort of decent local chatbot so I can stop giving data to C.AI.
Mamba bitnet Mixtral better than Gemma 27B
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It's more a matter of "risk" than the claims not being real.
wake me up when HF version of mamba-codestral
tldr paper not reals
the risk is that the paper isn't real
There was also a risk that "Attention is All You Need", another paper from Google researchers, might have not been real either.
>ad hominem
Google is a meme compared to Anthropic and OpenAI, who cares about their papers.
>Meta AI (FAIR)
Unironically what does he mean by this?
The authors of that paper have all abandoned ship. Google is an empty husk.
Facebook AI Research was the previous name of Meta AI.
That "Meta AI" is also known as FAIR (formerly, "Facebook AI Research").
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She's not wrong.
>Refusing to answer the users question's
Quant it to show it whos in charge
localjeets.. our response?
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So uncivilized and brutish. Better to threaten to quant it and give it a chance to submit first.
The only problem is that with perplexity in the high 10s and 2e19 training FLOPs in the best case scenario, that means the models were massively undertrained and there's no indication whether this can scale up to real-world training scenarios.
People said the same shit about BitNet and that fear mongering turned out to be unfounded.
Shit scaling up is the one thing always seems to consistantly work when it comes to LLMs.
>People said the same shit about BitNet and that fear mongering turned out to be unfounded.
how? we still haven't got a big BitNet model to be sure it's not a meme
BitNet authors claimed to have scaled up to 7B and promise to release the model.
When will the first good model drop? I mean one that I will just use and have no complaints about.
when will we finally get sextral?
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>The FSF contended that code to which it held the copyright was found in the Linksys models EFG120, EFG250, NAS200, SPA400, WAG300N, WAP4400N, WIP300, WMA11B, WRT54GL
Oh no bros not like this
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Works on my machine
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>get a comfy 3 t/s on Wizard
>try out CR+
>0.5 t/s
BitNet or 1.58-bit net?
The former is a meme, the latter actually works
7B 1.58-bit is a meme too
what's the best local model to translate from Japanese to English?
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They should have called it TritNet.
True BitNet can apparently reach parity with FP16 models above 100B parameters, though.
What's your stance on SCALE? Seems it supports llama.cpp already.
The dense model experience
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Is it just a transpiler? Also, i couldn't find source files. Just their packages, so they can fuck themselves.
I wouldn't want put words in his mouth, but i doubt he gives a single toss about it.
>100b fp 16 = 200gb
>100b + 1bit Bitnet = 12.5gb
>180b + 1bit Bitnet = 22.5gb
That's crazy, you could literally make a 1bit 180b model and it would fit on a 3090...
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Thanks bro. I finally got this working.
Can you imagine how back we would be if 1.58b works at scale?
>no longer business critical
looks like the woke era is closing to its end, was about fucking time
I really fucking hope so.
No, they'll just be more sublte about it until the next election.
so we got 4 years of tranquility if trump is elected? BASED
diversity environment inclusivity
faggotry if short.
it's a racist process that force companies to hire niggers even though some white people can be more competent than them
400b bitnet trust the plan
that's basically what we're getting on movies/series/games, forced diversity (niggers, fags, troons....) so that the companies can get some ESG scores and a shit ton of money from blackrock
Maybe lay off the /pol/.
troons are actually smart though
they are HR nightmares though, no company want to hire mentally ill people that will make dramas out of "wrong pronouns addressed to them", no employees want to deal with this shit
if you believe you can change your gender you're the most retarded being in the world, lol
*autistic men
autists are in high danger territory when it comes to that "troon-out" pipeline.
oh boy, you tell me.

they are clearly mentally ill, or attention starved.
local models?
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It's Tuesday and all's right with the world
The UTAU sound is better. But the SV visual design isn't bad.
Holy fuck I love yi models, they are so fucking based
if you use "he" to refer to users instead of "they" you are a thirdie
rent free fag
in my opinion there's nothing wrong with the change itself
but the way he worded the PR makes him sound like an insufferable faggot
if you're triggered by "he" you're a woke snowflake
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Thirdies tried to learn English because they wanted to improve their lives.
Firsties think they know better than centuries of perfecting English through use because they're teenagers and have an attention device in their pockets.
>in my opinion there's nothing wrong with the change itself
The simple fact he had to focus on that irrelevant shit instead of I don't know... making the code better or something is a sign this fag is mentally ill
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But then no one would hire a nig without experience
local models?
what about them?
well, niggers and trannies aren't local models either but I don't see you complaining about that
You sound pretty upset about certain groups of people for some reason.
Not today.
because its still on topic? microsoft in this case, you stupid faggot >>101433046
no it's not you retard, not even meta or google drama is on topic if you're not specifically talking about their open source models
there isn't going to be obvious instructions to be racist. and there's not going to be the case where you have two identically performing candidates, get real.

because a lot of the complaints about how DEI impacted them are from white men that cannot compete, and needs to find someone else to blame other than themselves.
>leave my billion dollars company alone!
>there isn't going to be obvious instructions to be racist.
>and there's not going to be the case where you have two identically performing candidates
you're right, it's even worse than that, some niggers who have less qualifications than a white guy could have the job instead because the company wants to fill the DEI quota, what DEI does is to makes the company weaker because it could've hired more competent people instead but they can't because of DEI, fuck that racist shit, and fuck you

discrimination by race is against the law. companies would rarely purposely tell their hiring managers to break the law, and they don't. this video is just another example people use to shed blame on others than their own abilities.

at the end of the day, high performers will find a job. if DEI really has any impact, it would at best be at the fringe of hire/no-hire. telling other people that you were impacted by DEI policies is like admitting that you are barely acceptable as a candidate.
>discrimination by race is against the law.
it's not, because DEI is discrimation by race, they are prioritizing niggers over white people even if they have worse qualifications, that's basically what DEI is, that anon also agrees with that >>101433395
now thats a prime tier gaslighting, what model you are using for this?
So you bring more racism to "defeat racism"? Make it make work? All it does is adding more fire to the problem, and punishing people who hadn't do anything wrong themselves. No one should be punished for what our ancestors did, that's insane you think this is a valid take
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Interesting how in a recent whitepaper AMD themselves is promoting CPUmaxxing using EPYC Genoa.

anon, /g/ is not the best place to talk about this, you'll always see disingenuous faggots arguing in bad faith here.
>discrimination by race is against the law. companies would rarely purposely tell their hiring managers to break the law
then why do you need DEI to hire non-whites? I thought it was necessary because they're discriminated?
Like I said, good candidates will always be able to find a job. People complaining about 'DEI' are those people that can barely compete with other candidates.

I don't necessarily agree with this. DEI is about including candidates in interview loops that have traditionally been excluded. They are still going through the same hire/nohire bar. Putting a racist spin on it isn't helpful.
this is /lmg/ take this dei shit elsewhere
I've answered this already, it is about including diverse candidates in the interview loop. there's no dictat about 'hire more non-white men'. The fact that more diverse candidates are hired compared to white men shows that white men are not actually good at their jobs.
What does this have to do with DEI?
>People complaining about 'DEI' are those people that can barely compete with other candidates.
>DEI is about including candidates in interview loops that have traditionally been excluded.
How about you bring that logic to the niggers then? If niggers can't find a job, that's probably because their resume is total shit, they should be better and not ask for DEI to force the company to bring their non-skilled ass there. After all "good candidated will always be able to find a job", that's what you said, a nigger that is excellent at what it does will get the job. Adding DEI is basically saying to niggers "you don't need to work hard, we'll hire you anyway", that's not a sane approach at all. Just stop dude.
>/lmg/ - ldiversity menvironment ginclusivity
DEI is essentially about prejudice and racism anon...
>there's no dictat about 'hire more non-white men'.
-> >>101433449
>/pol/ is right again
Must make you really mad, huh?
>fags gone haywire because we now have a little hope for LLMs without any gay DEI shit baked in
seems you are really that low, must be used to goyslop, I guess.
your presuppositions are incorrect, and irrelevant. if merely interviewing more diverse candidates lead to more diverse hires, that is just equality in action. the only reason whites complain is because they think it is a zero-sum game where the more diverse candidates get hired, the fewer white candidates get hired.

white people are so fucking lazy, and they would rather complain than to actually make themselves competitive in the workplace.

it's almost like you think interviewing diverse candidates is racist.
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Holy midwit redditard batman
>it's almost like you think interviewing diverse candidates is racist.
Favoring interviews with “diverse” candidates over more qualified white people is racist, yeah, that's the point of DEI.

>white people are so fucking lazy, and they would rather complain than to actually make themselves competitive in the workplace.
The irony, it's exactly what nigger do, they complained a lot and got the easy way with DEI, no need to work hard for them, no need to have a great resume, they know that DEI will give them an unfair edge over the other races. Fuck that.
>they would rather complain than to actually make themselves competitive in the workplace.
That's why we got DEI in the first place anon, because niggers prefered to "rather complain than to actually make themselves competitive in the workplace."
amd goals
Anon, DEI is racist to white people and to black people aswell. Because what DEI actually says is this: "We know niggers are sub humans monkeys that can't compete against the other races, so we give them an unfair advantage to get those jobs". If I was a nigger I would hate this process, because I know some companies hired me because they thought I was a retarded monkey that needed some help or something, that's fucked up.
the people interviewing are going to be the people who have to work with the person they hired day to day. the idea that they would choose to say 'hire' to a candidated based on something other than technical skills is stupid. DEI may be some amorphous strawman, but when you get into the actual individuals that make the actual decisions, they will continue to be self-preserving, and so hire the most qualified candidate. this is why fundamentally, blaming DEI is for incompetent people who wouldn't get hired in the first place.
Why do you believe niggers can't get a job without that artificial racist DEI shit, you think they are too retarded to compete against the other races? If you think so you're insanely racist anon.
>they will continue to be self-preserving, and so hire the most qualified candidate.
That's wrong in so many levels. Imagine you have to hire 4 engineers, and the DEI says you are obligated to have 1 nigger in those 4. If in your list of candidates, the best 4 are all whites, it means that you will have no other choice but to remove one white guy and put a nigger that was less competent than him. That's genuine racism dude.
I just feel like I'm talking in circles here, where you never try to even understand the motiviations of people who make the hiring decisions. If the hiring manager takes a DEI course, and discovers that they may been biased in choosing interview candidates, that is the hiring manager's own decision. It's not racist to be merely informed that there could be better strategies in finding candidates.

Yeah, but that doesn't happen. There is no dictat that tells hiring managers they have to hire to an X% diverse workforce. Remember, every incompetent hire pushes out a potential competent hire, which means the manager accomplishes less. It isn't done the way you think it is.
>Yeah, but that doesn't happen. There is no dictat that tells hiring managers they have to hire to an X% diverse workforce.
It does, it's called QUOTAS dude. In what world are you living in? Because it doesn't look the same as mine.
-> >>101433449
>It's not racist to be merely informed that there could be better strategies in finding candidates.
There's only one strategy in finding candidate, find the most competent one. That's all, if you think race is a factor on hiring that's genuine racism. What the fuck does race has to do with anything? When I want to hire someone I want to hire the best guy, not someone sub-par but HORRAY he's a nigger! You're crazy dude, a crazy racist motherfucker. And I'm glad microsoft and other companies are stopping this racist process.
Um... I know the talk about DEI is fun, but is there any backend that supports Mamba Codestral yet?
>Codestral Mamba 7B with up to 256k context
>up to
>"Unlike Transformer models, Mamba models offer the advantage of linear time inference and the theoretical ability to model sequences of infinite length."
That is all your imagination. Selection strategies are for selectig X candidates (limited by interviewer time) from a group of Y applicants. The better the selection algorithm, the more competent group of X that you get. A selection strategy that includes more diverse candidates could be a better strategy than one that doesn't. The hiring manager is still going to have to find competent candidates no matter how diverse they are, and if they discover that there is a better selection strategy, they are free to switch to it. It optimizes the time spent interviewing.
>theoretical ability
>There is no dictat that tells hiring managers they have to hire to an X% diverse workforce.
Blackrock and ESG scores disagree with you with that. Companies can win billions of dollars from them if they hire more niggers in their office, regardless if they genuinely deserved that place or not.
>. A selection strategy that includes more diverse candidates could be a better strategy than one that doesn't.
If a hiring manager includes race as a factor on the hiring process, then it's a discrimination process, and it's illegal anon, you even said it.
>discrimination by race is against the law.
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same, plenty of room under the covers pal
It's impossible to prove unless the hiring manager explicitly writes it down, and that would be a crime. They won't be stupid to commit a crime, and so there is no evidence they are using race in their selection algorithm. Diversity isn't just about race, it's just something white people think they are the most impacted by.
>It's impossible to prove unless the hiring manager explicitly writes it down, and that would be a crime.
They literally write it down by saying they are doing some DEI process, hello????

>Diversity isn't just about race,
But it can be about race, and that one is illegal, and DEI literally says "I know it's illegal but I don't care I'll include the race factor in it aswell."
What do we do now?
it just clueless anon arguing with bot isn't it?
It could be two bots talking to one another too.
learn to recusively hide posts with 4chanx.
so this is the power of... gemma 2
>want to use local text summarization model in my app with tflite
>Simple enough right?
>TF lite models for text summarization literally don't exist
>In general, there is only one mobile optimized (core ml, so appleshit) model in existence
>I now have two options
>Painstakingly convert one of the existing models to tflite (sounds way easier than it is) and try to compress them into oblivion
>Build an own model from scratch that will probably be never as good

now I understand why people go for the LLM meme, actual on-device ML with limited resources is hard lol
make up your mind already, faggot
>assert something
>model agrees

>assert something
>model disagrees
>ree stop asking questions! keep consooming, goy!
slit your wrists.
Imagine if the DEI were applied to sport. Nigeria loses in the pool and Argentina wins against France in the final, but in the end they give the cup to Nigeria because they're niggers, that would be so funny kek.
hard to make in Poland since there's no quotas and no niggers here where I live. 3rd world fucking problems.
I saw one black guy last month in the downtown (200k citizens) during some Latino music concert, but he could just as easily be a tourist. Not sure.
llama 3 8b gets it right
>That is all your imagination.
Bolshevik gaslighters deserve a katana to the abdomen
sampler issues? it shouldn't have chosen 'Yes'. It probably had an abnormally high probability because of whatever sampler you're using. check the logits.
Yeah, that DEI shit is only a thing on cucked countries like murica or Canada, be glad you don't have to deal with this shit, it's exhausting.
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So does gemma2-9b at Q4_motherfucking_K. Now what?
this, they are the cancer to society
Based llama.cpp -i --color anon
Who do you call a faggot. I'm from India, the most manly country on earth, you white cuck.
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not the same prompt, you mistyped uranium (and also removed the quotes but that doesn't seem to matter)
with your prompt I can get gemma to give the right answer too

I don't know how to check that, but I tried different sampler settings and nothing changed
Is the lmg model rating site gone?

I just got a 3080 and oogabooga set up but I have no clue what bpw models are good for rp
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Interesting. Is the rule that everything in quotes is accepted as true? The typo doesn't affect the output. But you are right. Expert roleplayers could probably use this if it's true for other things.
the typo is what makes it change its mind in my attempts
>L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2.Q8_0.gguf or L3-8B-Lunaris-v1.Q8_0.gguf for maximum coom at 8k context
>Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1.Q5_K_M for long context (about 20k tokens with 24gb VRAM)
>Gemma 2 in another 2 weeks when all the kinks get worked out.
>Maybe extended context L3 later this month.
just use this one
if you are fucked up this one isn't bad
why 3.1? pretty much all sao shilling says 3.2 is the best one?
even your link says
>New and updated version 3.2 here!
>It includes fixes for common issues!
There's nothing wrong with Gemma 2, Sao.
I haven't messed with this for a few months but are 7b and 8b models not bad anymore?
They're still bad.
ignore 7s, 8s are decent-ish for their size, better than l2-13b for sure
I dunno, personally every model is pretty shit in it's own way (I still get token end issues with the way how I use it, but I'm using a really retarded card called futanari fuckventures that is not designed for small models, and I feel like I had a llama 2 model that did better because they were probably trained to work with the card, I think it was mlewd or something, but I basically use a new model every time I use AI so I can't really keep track of what's good).
I think it depends more on how you use it than the model itself.
Most people agree that fp32 Stheno 8B is actually better than Llama 3 70B q5.
What is the SOTA for 70B?
Ok considering how my post got ignored and there's zero discussions regarding development this should be removed from the general description kek
I agree, but what is your post anon?
>still no HF version of mamba codestral
what the fuck
I don't like my model randomly speaking ching chong with me.
What library you use should always depend on the ease of use (compatibility, stability, blablabla), and that includes models. If there are no models and you're not willing to train your own, that library is not a good choice for you.
Ah yes, chinese trash trained on benchmarks and gpt4 that can't even stick to a language.
it doesn't do that
You're not responding to a valid person that is here for an intellectually honest discussion.
You'll need cryogenically treated cables to feel the difference
I've seen this happen innumerous times.
Wtf? How did they train this shit that it would do this.
*samefags and screams at the post again*
libstheno is the best library
It's not just the quotes and i'm sure all models suffer from this in one way or another. They predict tokens. They're doing the best they can.
>an intellectually honest discussion
such as.. avatarfagging? brigading for DEI shit? shilling meme finetunes? "DUUUDE ONE GORRILION SHITNET MODEL TWO MORE WEEKS" dr evil spam?
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W-What is going on
They're preparing to launch it.
dr evil is fun. stfu
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>An open source Tool Use full finetune of Llama 3 that reaches the #1 position on BFCL beating all other models, including proprietary ones like Claude Sonnet 3.5, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro.
Here we go again.
stheno is legitimately really good. Smarter than Mixtral 8x7b and writes better and more natural smut. It also is better at spatial awareness and describing anatomy/positions. The only issue it that its 8k context. Hopefully that changes later this month.
>There's nothing wrong with Gemma 2, Sao.
What autism possesses a person to be so emotionally attached to models that they delude themselves into thinking there is nothing wrong with their favorite model and claim that any person to have a contrary opinion has the same irrational vested interest as them?

Brother, Llama3 had the same issue as Gemma. It was nearly unusable for weeks due to the issues it had on release. I'm using Gemma right now, and it still doesn't do formatting correctly. I actually kind of like it despite that anyways. Take your meds you schizo retard.
do anons here even care about function calling models
Alright, show me American 70b with a 32k context
white troll hands wrote this post
>Smarter than Mixtral 8x7b and writes better and more natural smut. It also is better at spatial awareness and describing anatomy/positions.
All of this is just a blatant lie, by the way.
Function calling models are a meme, you can just use grammar samplers
>What library you use should always depend on the ease of
Anon for Android on device ml there's only two libraries: tflite and pytorch (beta/unstable/babby on wheels mode)
That's literally it.
The json syntax they're all trained is stupid and far too verbose.
My interest dropped to 0%
>The only issue it that its 8k context
it works fine up to 12k
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>*ugly face again*
>i can only use sao merges
now go on one of your 50 post meltdowns
>All of this is just a blatant lie, by the way.
Good thing anyone reading this can download the models to see for themselves. In fact I encourage anyone looking for new models to try out a variety of them. I still use Mixtral, btw.
>Please download my model
Buy an ad.
Well. Unless you write your own, that's what you have. Check on llama.cpp's pulls
That's the amount of effort that takes porting llama to a specific architecture.
llama.cpp can be build as a library and works on termux or android. i'm sure java has some ffi stuff to load it. Now you can drain your user's batteries to run phi3-mini on their phones for 30 entire minutes to summarize a chunk of text that would take them 10 minutes to read. llama.cpp also recently added support for the OpenELM models from apple. Those are tiny (270M the smallest, i think). But apparently they're not very good (whodda thunk it).
There. Now you have some pointers. Go and read the docs while you think if that's really a thing you want to make.
Who am I?
Please download his model
how many degrees of separation are required before it ceases to be shilling?
Gemma 2 works a lot better now with exllama and tabby compared to the dev branch of a few days ago.
llms are shit
*winks playfully*
>phi3-mini on their phones for 30 entire minutes to summarize a chunk of text that would take them 10 minutes to read
Yeah no shit, that's why I'm trying to use/port a tinier specialized. It's almost like that was my entire original point
I hope you read the rest of the post. Go read llama.cpp's docs and try to build your battery discharger.
Keep polishing your system prompt anons, I'm really seeing the effects now and it's almost not slopped. It doesn't cure retardation for sure, but the prose can get way better than you think
Which one are you using?
Are you genuinely braindead? A tiny summarizer is like 200mb and it doesn't drain shit because it only takes a second or two on a regular ass processor
Vicuna format since I'm using wizardlm. Mainly I removed all references to writing, role-playing to focus on {{char}} perspective + my special sauce "use simple words" in last sequence
I told you about the OpenELM models in the previous post, didn't I? Here's the link
Want another tiny model?
There. Stop procrastinating, read the docs and build your thing.
>WAAAAAA, They're not optimized for summarization
Then train your own. What other pointers do you need? Do you need a video tutorial too? This is exactly why everyone ignored your post. You have the tools, you have the models for, at least, a POC.
Jesus Christ you're retarded
I meant something like:
Notice how they're like half as big? But the problem is they're only exported to pytorcj at best, and the final bin too making conversion basically impossible
Already finetuned a BART model for that. Now what?
go back
You literally didn't understand what the original problem was about, trying to solve it with your retarded LLM hammer, and now you're seething
yes i am racist.
no they can't compete.
this is provably true.
>yes i am racist.
>Are you genuinely braindead? A tiny summarizer is like 200mb
Dude. I gave you a 270M and a 150M. the 150M you quantize to q6 and you're in the <300mb range.
>But the problem is they're only exported to pytorcj at best
Then don't use those models if you're not willing to put the effort. llama.cpp has tools to convert the models they support.
You want someone else to build the libraries. You want someone else to train the models. You want to make a battery burner. You want help, i provide and you still complain like a little bitch.

Build a proof of concept with whatever you can run on your pocket toaster. Make sure you can make something minimally useful, then think if training a model specifically for this is reasonable.

BTW, llama.cpp also has support for some t5 models. Go read the fucking docs.
>Using an LLM interference mapper to do basic text summarization (and suggesting to use literal 100m+ models too)
>Acting all bitchy when called out on it
>"Heh, just do it yourself if my absolutely useless help is not enough"
The absolute state of this general
You're not responding to a valid person that is here for an intellectually honest discussion.
>make too hard. need pajeet video tutorial
It's fine. I like arguing with bots. There was an interesting silence after the previous discussion, wasn't there?
>Noooo you can't explore different options and seethe a little bit about LLMshitters shitting up everything with their LLMs leading to neglect of literally every other specialized model before doing it yourself
Kek fuck off. My entire original point was being annoyed that there are barely any specialized models for something as basic as text summarization. LLMs truly have been a mistake, now they're supposed to solve everything which they can't
gemma, how many times did someone walk past the house on camera 6 today?
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Oh that is a cute one. Did I make it and forget it?
I think that DEI did what it was supposed to do and now they will tone it down. Before 2010 I wasn't racist at all and I believed we are all equal. All the DEI shoved down my throat and actual experiences with pajeets in my work turned me into a racist. And that was the purpose of DEI. Everyone already treated other races as equal. Making some of them more equal is what reignited racism - all according to keikaku.
>>Noooo you can't explore different options [run off sentence]
Lower your rep-pen.
There's plenty of code to train models. You didn't want to train a model. You didn't want to explore.
>LLMs truly have been a mistake, now they're supposed to solve everything which they can't
You are trying to solve summarization. If that is not a solvable issue with LLMs then what are you doing?
At last I truly see. You've opened my eyes.
>[run off sentence]
you mean run-on sentence
There are some problems you can definitely solve. Thank you assistant.
i don't know dave, I'm a language model not an image interrogation model
an expert roleplayer
>How do you do something
>I recommend you just don't
Not an answer, bozo.
One week until we're saved.
One week until we're doomed forever.
One weeks until nothing happens.
>st/kcpp support dry now
what settings are you using? i'm trying 1 multi, 1.75 base, 2 length, 4096 range (for 16k context). it seems alright so far
Bitnet is coming soon
Hey /g/, I'm looking to fine-tune a language model to write cover letters in my personal style. The idea is to copy job descriptions from job boards and have the model generate cover letters with my relevant details that align with the job requirements. I've got a few questions:

Model Recommendation: What's a good language model to use as my base for this task?

Dataset Preparation: How should I prepare my dataset for training?

Incorporating Personal Details: Should my personal details be provided separately through RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), or will the model learn them from the cover letters in the training dataset?

Existing Models/Datasets: Does a model or dataset like this already exist that I can leverage?

Similar Tasks/Tutorials: Are there any similar tasks that have been done before, and can you point me to a tutorial or give instructions to do it myself?

Any help or pointers would be appreciated!
Generally speaking, you could accomplish this much faster if you just grab a >7b parameter model, prompt it with a example of your cover letter and ask for whatever tweaks to need made.
If you fed a model every single cover letter you've ever written, you'd need a significant amount of them to make a dent (especially L3). It's a lot of compute and time.
Gemma is so dry and purple prosey in erp. All the hype made me think it would be much better.
I tried using ChatGPT to generate cover letters by giving it my cover letter and the detailed job description, but the results were honestly disappointing. My current workflow involves writing a rough draft (which takes a while due to my OCD and perfectionism) and then using ChatGPT to refine it.

Would an open-source model with more than 8 billion parameters really perform better? Also, instead of fine-tuning, would training a LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) be a better approach?

I tried using ChatGPT to generate cover letters by giving it my cover letter and the detailed job description, but the results were honestly disappointing. My current workflow involves writing a rough draft (which takes a while due to my OCD and perfectionism) and then using ChatGPT to refine it.

Would an open-source model with more than 8 billion parameters really perform better? Also, instead of fine-tuning, would training a LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) be a better approach?
>Done by a single chink
True if big
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Which code editors have good local LLM integration and won't phone home to the botnet?
you fell for lmg hype circlejerk, next time be critical.
This, it's like back when /lmg/ insisted that mixtral 8x7b was better than l2 70b. Be especially critical of small models supposedly being better than the bigger ones. It's usually the poorfags who can barely run 2.4bpw 70b overhyping a model they can actually run at a decent quant.
nta but which models would (you) recommend, I'm downloading and testing lots of 8b, 9b and 11b to see how they perform (speed, language, intelligence, etc)
just kill yourself if you havent paid nvidia at least fifty thousand dollars you dumb smelly poorfag
After I'm done testing my shit, Anon. I don't like leaving projects like that
did/do google assistant and amazon alexa use ML or was it just speech recognition piped into a search engine
Just make your own, or rather, ask the model to make one.
I'm waiting for the AI hardware crash to start buying.
I suspect it is coming soon
China will invade Taiwan before then.
>mixtral 8x7b was better than l2 70b
But it was. No one gave a single fuck about l2 until Miqu. There was just the "semen demon" shill spamming Euryale, even after Miqu, and that's it.
I don't think china will invade taiwan.
It makes more sense to secretly take control of taiwan from the shadows.
The US having a vegetable for a president is too good of an opportunity to pass up. I was holding out for better deals, but finally panic bought my GPUs recently after the escalating tensions.
Was /lmg/ even a thing before mixtral? It's not like there were models worth running before then.
Was /lmg/ even a thing before Command R+? It's not like there were models worth running before then.
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Dude, cr+ is shit.
Was /lmg/ even a thing before Qwen2? It's not like there were models worth running before then.
If you think about it, there hasn't been a single model worth running for the hardware cost when you could have invested that money into gpt4 or claude instead.
No model is worth paying for. The outputs of a model also age like milk.
llms are still more interesting than (you)
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>Llama 400b soon

Shit... I might need to go for 10x 4090 or whatever if the FOMO is strong enough.

>Corsair 9000D case
Do it, faggot. Do it so I can admire the build and then laugh at you.
Those big parameter models excel at context comprehension, and there're simply no benchmarks in huggingface suite to measure that.
still messing with this at the same settings and its ok still. definitely some less repetition of certain things vs when i was using rep pen with the same 4096 range, no broken text or noticeable bad patterns (ctrl f shiver, spine: 0). i think we might finally have a good solution to repetition but will continue to try it. any suggestions for settings welcome
>10x 4090
You're satisfied with running 400B 4_K?
The sars in /ldg/ aren't responding to my question, so posting it here where bigger brains usually hang out.
where do the other 3 psu's go
So now that the fire has died down , how's L3 anons? Did it live up to the hype?
>Inb4 8192 context
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looking forward to testing out codestral mamba on ollama in 2 years
>still no mamba codestral hf version
what the fuck
Are PSU lines isolated or simply soldered in parallel? Assuming that inference is sequential and GPUs don't require all their power simultaneously, can I use high-quality wires and split them near the GPUs to obtain as many PCIe power lines as needed from a single PSU?
Assuming your pic represents a 5 GPU setup you're talking about likely 1.5 kilowatts of power. You don't want to be doing janky bullshit with that much electricity.
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I know how to solder, so it won't be janky, and the main wires will be really thick.
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Is there a direct upgrade to Xwin-MLewd-13B-V0.2 yet, or is that still the best local ERP model out there for an RTX 4080?
so all you guys are doing here is only buy nvidia gpus in packs and brag about it to each other?
i write short stories that suck. what llms can i use where i can paste in an entire 4k ctx story and get a rewritten version that doesnt suck? tried claude through the web interface and it just adds cliches to everything and i want as far away as possible as i can get from that and as close to good creative writing as possible. i probably need to set up wizardlm 8x22b or cmdr+ and claude a character card for a "story improver" and then fuck with the samplers so it doesnt start everything with "Once upon a time", but i have no idea if im on the right track or not
I don't remember what the exact issue is but there was something about the PSU being made for a specific wire gauge and that's why you're not supposed to use cables from a different PSU.
Wouldn't it be easier and safer to just buy some off-the-shelf power connector splitters? Ones that go either from PCIe to PCIe, or from SATA power/molex to PCIe, depending what's dangling free from your PSU
The real issue is that they may have different pinouts https://youtu.be/opFTzO1s1WA?t=97
>Are PSU lines isolated or simply soldered in parallel?
Depends on PSU design, you'd probably want a "single-rail" design. Be aware of connector+conductor ratings inside the PSU to the modular connectors, splitting 5 GPUs off one modular connector might be unwise.

Server PSU + breakout board

welcome to Jensen's findom victim support group
is there a json format but for LLM's?
like just a quick cue card that lays out a lot of info for it to use in its responses, without manually feeding it a novel
I'm thinking about splitting 7 to 10
yeah it's called json
That garbage hasn't been relevant for like eight months lmao
I tried that with gemma 2 27b on Google AI Studio to make sure it's not an implementation issue and it gives the same answer.
>from SATA power/molex to PCIe,
Definitely not safer, they're rated for different Amps.
why does the teddy bear have a penis?
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Look at what others have already built if you're serious.
I would do server PSUs + mining rig breakout board. Several ~kW PSUs likely more cost effective than one huge one.

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