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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

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Previous thread: >>101432923
cool, sure would have been useful to know that before hand, instead of asking useless troll questions like what color my motherboard is.

Anyway, is there anyway to fix this or is this permanently fucked?
>You just destroyed the partition table and your old filesystem.
can't say I really detect any difference after this command, the thing was pretty fucked before hand. But got to love linux and linux community. Shit breaks itself and is a minefield to fix and nobody knows how to fix it other than "remove everything and reinstall"

Keep in mind I asked multiple times for help too.
>do the wrong thing because you don't read your command before pressing enter
>"WoW yoU GuyS aRe AsShoLEs aNd LInuX iS sHIt"
>oh you didn't notice this small thing about this one command while navigating the minefield? heh, better luck next time
>no we didn't notice it either, in fact we have no idea what to do other than your hardware must be at fault
I'm almost convinced that people here are just her to troll
and yeah, I never had a random screenshot taken destablize my entire system on windows, neither did I have the issue of "ooooops while repairing issue we actually made things worse"
Then do yourself and all of us a favor and go back to Windows.
live and learn. you should probably not issue terminal commands if you don't know exactly what they're doing.
superblock is gone at a minimum. data recovery specialists could probably get it back if you haven't written anything to the drive or did a full format. cost money though
Just restore from backup silly, you did listen to the thousands of Windows and Linux users that have told you to backup your data over the years right?
>we are better than windows , why don't normies use it, they are so dumb! its clearly better
>well if you have problems then you should just go back to windows
one day linux community will address these issue and you will have normies flock to you away from garbage that is windows 10 etc. but today is not that day
>live and learn. you should probably not issue terminal commands if you don't know exactly what they're doing.
True, I'd much rather prefer a friendly user interface where I only click options and buttons rather than have to type everything manually out and have endless possibility for fuck up.
That's actually kinda my experience, linux offers me "freedom" to fuck up things, but I don't feel I have any more freedom to monitor things or fix them, and that I'm fighting with the system most of the time.
Sure wish somebody would have warned me on any of the sites where I was looking this shit up, or here for example over the course of many hours I was tinkering with this shit.
Oh well. I guess full format is the only way forward.

>Just restore from backup silly, you did listen to the thousands of Windows and Linux users that have told you to backup your data over the years right?
I wont lose anything critical, but it will absolutely cost me a lot of time to set things back up to where they were before, probably a week of my time or something.
your data wasn't gone when you ran mkfs because you at least used -n. unless you wiped the ssd since, it should still be there
use it again but with the right partition, which I'm guessing is /dev/nvme0n1p3 (note the p), check with lsblk to make sure
>your data wasn't gone when you ran mkfs because you at least used -n.
then why is the other anon telling me everything is my fault and I destroyed everything.
>use it again but with the right partition, which I'm guessing is /dev/nvme0n1p3 (note the p), check with lsblk to make sure
can you give my instructions in a way to make sure it's as braindead and easy to follow with no chance of fuck ups?
I'm rather tired at the moment and will return to this problem after I get some sleep, and hopefully somebody here will figure it out by then.
show the output of
lsblk -f
>One HDD was only readable on Linux because Windows's clock wasn't synched
Ok? cunt
if anyone dunks on you for this, they're assholes... always run fdisk -l to see what you're working on first. I rsync my install every week as a cronjob because its a good practice, but probably excessive
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Install NixOS
My main workstation is running Linux, and my work PC is running Windows. I want to keep the work PC in a closet and RDP to it. Is there a good RDP client that allows to stream audio/video without stuttering? They're both connected via ethernet. xfreerdp audio is garbage, especially when there's lots of changes in the video.
Have you tried Rustdesk? It's pretty much the figurehead of open source remote desktop software.
... why do I need to set up a separate server? And why is it blowing up SELinux? The fuck is this garbage
you didn't destroy anything, you used "-n" which is a dry run, meaning the tool printed what it would do, without actually doing it
you used the wrong device node, /dev/nvme0n1 is not a partition, but the whole device, your main partition based on your picture is /dev/nvme0n1p3
Most seem to have a good enough experience with it. Also SELinux is a overly cautious nanny.
>then why is the other anon telling me everything is my fault and I destroyed everything.
because they were mistaken, they recognised the command and the output, the command being normally used to format volumes, and the output being what you would see if you formatted a volume, but failed to recognise the -n argument
we're not all experts here
Most people also have a good experience with Apple.
Why do the BSD people hate us?
do they?
Is Nvidia good now on Linux after going open source for certain things?
"nvidia bad on linux" has been overblown for years, it is easy to try, I've been using it on Linux since 2018 just fine
It's as bad as the people that still think Ubuntu has "spyware" in it.
proprietary and neuvogina work fine on wayland. steam games work fine with proprietary in wayland. haven't tested neuvogina
how do i figure out what resolver i'm using? i don't see any services in systemd related a resolver, just IWD and systemd-networkd.
does one of them have an internal resolver that references resolv.conf?
1. what distro are you using
2. did you change any settings related to the network?
iwd has built-in DHCP but you gotta enable it via editing /etc/iwd/main.conf
not really, just regular stuff. i'm just curious what system is referencing the resolver. trying to move as many services to systemd as possible.
yes IWD has an internal DHCP that i'm using. Was planning on shutting that off and moving to systemd-dhcpd. but that's not a resolver, correct?
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guix with exwm or sway?
just found it, nm

>Yes (uses systemd-resolved or resolvconf)
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What flavour of linux will run well on my new laptop? I put in a CPU that looked like it would run faster than what was in it.
I just put in an old 240gb SSD which i think had windows 7 on it.
>C2D T9600+4GB DDR2
any distro with xfce, or better with just a WM
archlinux.org down?
How is it possible for my touchpad to feel nicer on openSUSE Tumbleweed compared to Arch Linux? Both are KDE, Wayland, libinput. Or am I imagining things? Maybe I have just distrohopped way too much.
Seems so. Odd.
Almost every problem people are troubleshooting is related to Nvidia drivers
wiki is still up but the main page is down.
Thank you sir, i will try linux mint
my father has experience with it.
But it just werks (on wayland) (with streaming too)
ubuntu has spyware?
Did. Back in 2016 Canonical made a deal with Amazon to have anything you searched in the Unity search would also cross-reference with Amazon by default giving them some extra cash. You could disable it, but no one was very happy with it, it was removed pretty quick.
What would be my best option for a streaming client if I want to avoid smarttvs and other garbage filled with adware and proprietary sw?
Odroid with lineageOS?
Something else?
>it was removed
i bought a 40 dollar m910q and hooked that up to my 75inch smart tv. glad i finally got it off the net.
now i just run fedora on it and use it to browse youtube, watch movies, and use it to host tranmission and all my media. a samba server makes it accessible on my home network.
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Can I reduce the font size and make qt UI denser? Like in dolphin detail list view
>lol lmao poster
>discarded poster
What controller do you use?
I want some convenience and odroid seems to have a good tv remote that works natively
i just use a BT mouse and keyboard.
no experience with odroid.
I think KDE connect has some controller functionality through your phone though.
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This doesn't show the problem so here
Actually the font size is fine but I really want to reduce the padding slightly, can I do this?
Hmm, not really what Im looking for
Id prefer a smarttv experience without all the bullshit
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redpill me on solus
why does nobody use this distro?
it is one of the first to package plasma 6.1.3
Curated rolling release which means you dont get package updates the day they come out which some people care about. The project team has a poor reputation of leaders abandoning the project with no warning and it nearly died out completely 2ish years ago when the update server went down and the team had no way to fix it for months. Budgie was supposed to be it's bread and butter and set it apart from the crowd but the budgie desktop does nothing unique and it just feels like using a worse version of GNOME or Cinnamon

I used this distro for a while and would still recommend it despite the above. I liked the monday update schedule and the one thing budgie has going for it is that it does feel drastically smoother than GNOME and Cinnamon. That's about it tho.
adding - curated rolling release means the repo is very small and missing a lot of stuff that you might need. The esoteric package manager that only solus uses means you wont be able to find packages for an unsupported piece of software online but flatpak has largely fixed this problem
xfce doesnt have a network applet right?
If you're using NetworkManager you can just use network-manager-applet.
ok thanks. i'll avoid it because i hate flatpak
Who the fuck thought that was a good idea?
It's fine I guess. I'd give it to my Grandma but I wouldn't use it myself. You'll have to pry Gentoo away from me.

This is true but I'm pretty sure the project is under different hands now. They have actual development on Budgie for Wayland too which is exciting and can occasionally be seen popping up in Wayland Protocol discussions, etc.

Touch wood but I don't think they're going to die again anytime soon. If they're smart they'd setup a foundation to take control of the distribution. This how all of the big community distros have managed to survive.
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Thoughts on Clear Linux?
a bit out of focus
I wanted to see what kernels I currently have on my system and used;
dpkg --list | grep linux-image
Is the output listed chronologically by use or is it just a list in order of the kernel number?

I'm looking into this because a bug is occurring when I open freetube, it opens fullscreen and I can't access my panel to do anything. My current workaround is to open an All Applications window using hotkeys and then open the terminal (bodhi-Linux 6). I was considering rolling back my kernel to see if that would fix the problem. My hardware is old; Dell Studio 1737 and something may have changed or been dropped.
My brother in christ, not even a company with money can convince enough of the overall community to give Tumbleweed and the OBS a chance (despiste being a fairly serviceable base to build on). What do you think an one-man stand can do?
Purpose unclear.
I'll try this again;
I wanted to see what kernels I currently have on my system and used;
dpkg --list | grep linux-image
Is the output listed chronologically by use or is it just a list in order of the kernel number?

I'm looking into this because a bug is occurring when I open Freetube, it opens full screen and I can't access my panel to do anything (it's covered or just not available). My current workaround is to open the Quick Launcher window using hotkeys and then open the terminal (bodhi-Linux 6), opening the terminal makes the panel appear again. This only happens with Freetube. I was considering rolling back my kernel to see if that would fix the problem. My hardware is old; Dell Studio 1737 and something (display) may have changed or been dropped.
Intel's toy with a focus on optimisations. It's decent but lacks packages they found it difficult to keep on top of most desktop environments never mind all the other random packages people want.

It's an experimental thing. They don't really want people using it unless they know what they're getting themselves into.
I don't know but if all you want is to know which order you installed the kernels in maybe try "ls -l /boot". Should show file modification dates.
Welp I installed Fedora and Linux Mint on my Z3735F 2Gb RAM tablet and I had to go back to Windows 10, shit just froze all the time and the Wi-Fi dropped every single minute, none of the supposed fixes worked for me and the rest of compatible 32 bit uefi distros didn't have working Wi-Fi, sound or the touchscreen keyboard didn't pop up automatically. Shame because I'm limited on using 32 bits on Windows 10 and cannot use the tablet for playing PS1 games with Duckstation.
Oh well I tried, at least I have Windows 10 IoT LTSC installed...
is it normal for superuser to have ownership of my NTFS drives or should I have just formatted all of them before using them
best bitwarden alternative for debian?
If you want a local password vault then use KeepassXC.
It's normal. You can remount it as your own user instead or edit the mount to do that
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How do I block this godforsaken website with ufw?
>sudo ufw deny from
>sudo ufw deny to
>sudo ufw deny from
>sudo ufw deny to
>sudo ufw reload
sudo rm -rf /*
I'm actually trying to decide between Debian Bookworm and openSUSE Tumbleweed right now. Leaning towards Debian but I feel like I haven't given TW enough time.
Is there any way to remove the "move to workspace left/right/up/down/etc" options from an application's taskbar right-click menu on XFCE? Or a way to alter the entries in that right-click menu in general?
I already set the number of workspaces to 1, and I haven't been able to find any way to disable the workspaces feature itself more than that.
I don't even use workspaces and yet the workspace options take up half the damn right-click menu.
put them in your hosts file, i posted examples but 4chan didn't like it apparently
>4chan didn't like it apparently
> *connection error*
me2, several times with different parts of the post edited. I just had to wait.
same error, posted as soon as i gave up and deleted what i wrote
usually you get the "we thing this post is spam" error instead, quite the coincidence if this was something else that just happened to clear up the second i deleted what i wrote
You don't do it by IP address, unless you block cloudflare and everything else on it.
Use a local resolver and set *.4chan.org to always return NXDOMAIN. Bye.
That should be in your window manager's settings. I think it's called Xfwm or something like that.
I'm not sure what to do with this info. I also don't expect to get an explanation on this board. It seems like some GNU/Linux 101 stuff I need to read about and apply things as I read.
I was trying to post something very similar to an earlier post. I took it as cool down time (while I tried posting from 2 other machines and my phone). I new I was connected, I'd hit update or open a new thread and those worked. It's all fine now.
i dont know if your freetube problem has anything to do with the kernel
maybe some config file got fucked for some reason
everything else works fine?
Not really possible - you can't even buy a dumb TV anymore.
As far as I know, Freetube is the only thing doing this. It started doing it about the same time I installed (updated ) to 187. There are more variables though, Freetube was updated about the same time as well. You're probably correct about config. I surf a bit and find out how to dig in on that.
Well odroid or an rpi with lineageOS connected to a smarttv with internet disabled seems to be the closest thing to that
>if I want to avoid smarttvs
You could just, you know, not connect them to the internet?
try do delete any file or folder you see about freetube on your home folder on .config, .local/share, .cache
I see - so your goal is to use streaming services on it without using the built in TV OS?
It's xfwm4, but there are only three configuration menus (listed here: https://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/start) and none of them have an option for disabling workspaces entirely or for altering the taskbar right-click menu.
I have my own media server that it will be streaming from
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If GNOME has Fedora
And KDE has OpenSUSE
What distro's give MATE and XFCE the prime time treatment?
Setting up a Linux computer for a boomer. I've made the interface pretty Windows-like and they're probably never going to do anything other than use the web browser, but just to be sure - antivirus software isn't really necessary for the typical Linux consumer desktop, right? I've never installed any on mine because I have Common Sense, but assuming the user IS a retard, is Linux's small market share alone enough to protect them if they click a fake download link or something like that?
No, it isn't needed.
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>.config, .local/share, .cache
I'm not seeing it
why is nobody using Trisquel?
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Better pic
What distro do I get if I want cutting edge but no autism (ie no arch)
Fedora looks good but kde compatibility seems meh
I use debian currently
I want to upgrade Fedora to a new kernel while preventing my current (old) kernel from being removed. How should I do this?
what about UFW?
I tried Fedora KDE a week ago and it was fine besides the theme being broken on install. It takes 10 seconds to fix. It was also stable on Wayland and did not krash on me.
delete that freetube folder, also check .cache and .local/share
if that doesnt work maybe try to resize the window there has to be a way
If you want to set up a firewall, sure.
sudo tee -a /etc/[h]osts <<EOF 4chan.org boards.4chan.org
Cloudflare's shell script filter was written for idiot script kiddies that don't understand what POSIX character classes are.

[h] is functionally equivalent to h
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This is what I see in .cache and .local/share.
You sure about deleting the entire folder for Freetube in home folder? (worst that can happen is installing it again, not worried about that)
you can try to find a way to resize the window
if you cant just delete that freetube folder inside .config
it will probably just reset everything to default
So, I deleted the Freetube folder (home, .config/Freetube) and the bug is gone. It is like a fresh install now so I have a little exporting from another machine and importing on this machine, no sweat. I'm glad the bug is gone and it was pretty easy (even easier if I had exported and saved, but maybe that's how I bugged it to begin with).
Thanks for the help.
Which file managers support Wayland other than Nautilus and Dolphin?
None because only the developers run the latest code, everybody else is on some dog shit version from 10 years ago still. Pick your favourite distro and install it, it doesn't matter.
I wasn't able to resize or anything with the app filling the entire display, I couldn't even access the apps control panel nor my control panel (taskbar). Opening the terminal would instantly 'proper-size' the app.
Don't give them sudo access and set up automatic backups that leave the resulting files as non-writable by the user.
Even if he catches some malware, it'll be only run with the same privileges as the user. And you, the admin, can just restore from backup after.
Ubuntu MATE is definitely the best. I think the main MATE dev runs it too.
Ubuntu MATE is decently maintained for all its shortcomings.
XFCE is distro agnostic and its packaging history is a bit troubled. Other than Arch, Sid and Tumbleweed no distros keep up with the latest versions.
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"Babby's first nslookup" here. How do I check if my network is being tracked and how to block these trackers?
You start by not believing everything you read online or see on TV.
Fedora Kinoite works fine
>opens cities skylines
>Checkes graphics settings
Maybe I'm retarded, but I was under the assumption that switching to Linux means I'd lose Nvidia only tech like DLSS
can devilspie2 be used to set minimal window sizes to for example after exiting a maximized state it wont resize below said minimal?
weird q I know...
If the driver has support for it why wouldn't it work? It's only sometimes that the game itself doesn't detect it because of proton/dxvk and you have to set a variable for it to work.
One of the proton/dxvk fixes was to pretend to be an amd card even if it's nvidia.
Reducing the world into this is pointless. Some are lost in illusion.
They all wear chastity cages and clean the cum stains off of Tim Cook, none of them even run BSD on the desktop. Point and laugh at them because Linux doesn't need them.

Have fun trying to build a functional GPU stack though.
My fucking autism is making using KDE a pain, every time a bluetooth gamepad disconnects I have to re-pair it because the bluetooth utility just can't connect otherwise for no fucking reason

is there a fix to this?
Nope! Some hardware is just buggy like that. Bluetooth is a shitter, buy wired controllers.
I already have too many fucking cables, I'm sticking to gnome then
It's not a desktop issue. Bluetooth is controlled by Bluez by the Bluetooth.service.

You can easily connect and pair with bluetoothctl from the command line but this just does the exact same thing KDE's front-end does.

I don't know if you _think_ KDE somehow has it's own special Bluetooth stack but it doesn't.
what the fuck is KDE doing to Bluez then, this shit doesn't make sense
It just issues the commands (over DBus, GNOME works the same way) to pair and it does that once when you first add the device and that's it.

All of the auto-connecting, etc, is handled directly by Bluez.
And yes, Bluetooth doesn't make any sense. You can run round circles all because of a faulty board. Most of the time these disconnects are hardware issues.
He is literally saying that it works fine on Gnome but not KDE. That is not a Bluez problem.
Bluez is literally the thing that handles his Bluetooth. He is either lying or doesn't understand the stack.

Try this and don't even use the KDE frontend:
$ bluetoothctl 
power on
agent on
scan on
# put your device in pairing mode
# devices should start to appear listed below
pair <MAC>
# you can tab-complete the MAC address
You may also have to:
connect <MAC>
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this doesn't stop the problem with the reconnection, as soon as I turn the pc off or the controller disconnects due to being idle, I have to go through this process again, either via CLI or GUI it all stays the same
but still doesn't fucking happen on fucking gnome for some stupid fucking reason
trust <MAC>

I don't know how GNOME batters Bluez into submission but maybe it's that. KDE might be using more secure defaults than GNOME.
bumping for this
Just upgrade. Fedora already keeps backups of your kernel (at least it used to).
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hey guys, I just downloaded a game and it is in *.tar.bz2 format. since Im new, I have no idea how to run it, I decompressed it and it gave some folders but that's it. can someone help.
what does the decompressed folders look like? binaries in linux typically are files without a file extension. if there's something obvious like "main" you can try `./main` to run it when you're in the folder. if it says permission denied, you need to allow the file to be executable with "chmod +x main"
You don't "run" it. It's an archive, just like .7z or .rar. Decompressing it is correct. If you only see directories then it means decompression has stopped at some point (meaning you failed to decompress it), or files are hidden (ctrl+h).
How are you decompressing it?
unfortunately, still didn't fix it

I'll live, thanks for your help and for all the other anons that chipped in
How hard is it to play basic games in a Linux VM?
Like imagine super simple 2D visual novels made on unity or renpy.

Do I use proton? Does proton even work in VMs? Should I be using lutris?
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Anyone using nixos?
https://www.protondb.com/ for figuring out proton compatibility

as for vms, it really depends on how you have it set up. is your gpu going into the vm? you can just try it if you already have the vm set up

lutris is shit unless proton doesn't work and you can get lutris to save you. most of the time it's easier to just handjam it yourself with wine
How do i implement dockapps on fvwm2?
Literally every single game I want to play isn't on proton DB. That being said they're super basic unity/renpy games (most don't even have English translations)

Is there some sort of "standard procedure" to play a unity game that just released that isn't on protonDB yet? Do I just add it to steam as a non steam game?

Also no GPU passthrough that's complex as hell as far as I can tell. Regardless the VM should be powerful enough to handle VNs though?
There's no yt-dlp, mvp, and w/e thread so I'll post here. I'm running Mint and I do not like mvp + celluloid at all, but I do use yt-dlp. Would there be any reason to keep mvp or is it okay for me to just delete?
>What are you using besides mvp + celluloid?
VLC, I like it alot.
Keep in mind:
>newish to linux
If you do a GPU passthrough then it's basically identical to native.
I've noticed a lot of AI people use Arch, is there a reason for that or is it just a coincidence?
Why do you have mpv isntalled? Is it a dependency for yt-dlp?
Isn't GPU passthrough a bit complex for a brainlet. Also isn't it a bit overkill if I'm just playing 2D VNs that are just glorified PowerPoint presentations?
Apparently celluloid is a front end for mpv, if I read the description of it correctly.
You can get rid of it if you don't use it then
what distro has no cuck maintainers? Are arch maintainers against faggots? If not I am not using it. I need a faggot free experience without ties to any politics.
cool, I guess we'll see if yt-dlp uses mpv as a dependency, if it does I can just always redownload it off ot the software manager. Thanks!
renpy has native versions on linux, all renpy games I've seen so far do give you the .sh for it. As for unity, I wouldn't call that basic, but probably will run with wine.
rolling release
yea you don't need it. as long as you have a graphical environment (which the vm does)

launch the game in steam. go to properties > compatibility > force steam play > and in the dropdown first try proton experimental. if that doesn't work, try the latest release

proton is just wine but made a little better and integrated with steam. if proton doesn't work you, you can always do wine yourself (it's difficult though)

fyi "made in unity" doesn't really mean anything when it comes to stuff like this. you'd think that the engine could handle cross compilation but they don't. it's up to the dev themselves to do it, unity or otherwise
So they are constantly on the cutting edge? Wouldn't that be annoying how often it breaks though?
>launch the game in steam.
Ok but how do I do that if none of them are steam games to begin with. Like I just have some sketchy "VN installer.exe" or something along those lines?
You can still add it as a non-steam game and select proton as a compatibility layer in the game properties
I'm not sure if they'll work. Games often need graphics that are more capable than whatever VMs provide. Even if the games are not demanding they might fail to display anything. You can just try and see if it works.
99% of the time it is the user's fault and 1% of the time it is a simple fix unless you are using a bunch of outdated AUR shit
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I made this map, there's too many folders and archives inside renpy, so I didnt include. can you figure out?
>How are you decompressing it?
I tried in the command line with and then inside dolphin
What's some good open source software for broadcasting my PC screen to my android phone? I'm runing the latest long term service kubuntu.
yea so it's probably that .sh file. so you would
`chmod +x DigitalSeclusion.sh`

you should look at the shell script to see if it's good. use a chatbot to walk you though what it's doing if you need

if it doesn't run, it's probably because you don't have python 2.7. that's a pretty old version and python3 is famously incompatible with python2. this means that you need to download it for your distro. just google "python2.7 <distro> linux". you should use your package manager for this (apt if you're using debian/ubuntu)

also you can use the `tree` utility to get a map of directories. it's another thing you'll have to download. works well in situations like this.
Does archive manager not handle passworded zips? It keeps giving me an error when I try to open it.
if you're on lan, use obs + browser
Why can I mount my external hard drive through the command line but it won't automatically do it?
None of my other hard drives have this problem and it works fine as soon as I mount it manually
Why isn't it mounting automatically?
mounts on boot are managed by /etc/fstab. look up how to make an entry in there
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it worked, thank you. im sure this knowledge will help me in the future.
i runed <sudo ./DigitalSeclusion.sh>
you sure it's not a rar? or that you have all the required parts of the zip named correctly?
>you sure it's not a rar?
I'm positive it is a rar.
I just downloaded peazip and it worked, I guess archive manager does struggle with passworded rars.
I had an issue opening a rar, turns out I needed the proprietary unrar dependency.
how do you install drivers on arch or wtf is going on
>drivers were easily enough available through pacman
>device is listed through lsusb
>tool that uses the device doesn't see it
might be good to mention that I run secure boot
Is ntfs3 stable yet?
There's this guide
Not sure how up to date it is or how does it relate to what you want to play.
Other option is finding an ISO of POSReady Windows 7 and install that on a VM. Is more lightweight than it seems. I think you can find it on the Windows thread.
Are there any major changes between vscodium and code-oss ?

I've already setup vscodium on my arch and it works ok, and I missing on something that code-oss has?
I'm on mint so I'm not sure if ubuntu would help
>>101459796 (Me)
I'm using something called file roller
nvm I'm an idiot, it didn't work because its a .zip not a .rar file...
I thought you said you were positive it is a rar
or is this not you?
Who puts a .zip in a .rar?
also according to file manager's description it should be able to handle zips.
>>101459912 (Me)
Its all good I just deleted it and moved to peazip, I'm way more familiar with peazip anyway.
Trying to install mint on a partition of my hard drive, while I have Windows installed in my ssd. When I do it, the Windows installation stops recognizing my hdd (Even the NTFS formatted partition). The fuck am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to do some audio server shit between my Arch computers--mainly I want to play from any device on my network through my stereo which is hooked up to one of them through the regular audio output jack. The more I fuck with it the more I am learning that I don't know how the fuck audio processing works in Linux.

Should I use PulseAudio or PipeWire to make this easiest? And what's the relationship between those things and ALSA--do I still need ALSA if I'm using one of those or does it replace it completely?
what does your HDD partition structure look like?
This is more of a Windows question desu, try the Windows general.
You probably created a new partition table on that drive which Windows doesn't like. Honestly your whole idea is stupid, you should have both OS's on your SSD where you will really benefit from that performance and use the HDD as a storage drive. You should back up your shit, reformat the whole drive as one NTFS partition, install Mint in dual boot on the SSD, and then set the HDD to mount automatically on both of them as a storage drive. (so put it in fstab for Mint and give it a mount point, on Windows it should just assign a letter like D:)
Retard here. Has anyone else noticed their arch installs (VM or bare metal) being shit if you haven't used them in a while?

Long story short 99% of the time I boot an arch VM after not using it for 6+ months, when I go to update it implodes and shits itself and I have to spend half an hour fixing it. Yet my Ubuntu VMs I can not boot for 2 entire years, turn them on and they update just fine

Am I doing something wrong? Am I not supposed to update an arch install that hasn't booted for a year??
You don't know what rolling release and point release means?
It's not like every rolling release system did that on all occasions but they all inherit the same problem.
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It's a general question regarding x86 booting, no OS relevance, /fglt/ is filled with those.
I know what rolling release means, I just figured that having to boot it once a month wasn't a hard requirement. Guess I was wrong. Is this really an issue on all rolling distros?
Just got a 1TB hard drive for testing out loonix, what OS/DE do I have to use to piss off 4fags the hardest?
Maybe MX because it means you got tricked by bots gaming distrowatch.
Endeavour OS/KDE. Manjaro if you really want them to seethe
Why does Xfce4 create a Desktop 'place' folder in /home? I cant delete, it recreates it on startup. pls
Would anyone be willing to help walk me through installing a few things? I guess I jumped on board the linux ship at a chaotic time and everything and its fucking mother has compatibility issues which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have even worse brain issues.
Full disclosure, I'm trying to do this to play a porn game I'm addicted to.
If anyone is interested in walking this retard through a few things, I'll post specs and deets
Apparently Tumbleweed doesn't have this problem because it rolls on a distro-wide daily snapshot basis, not per-package. Or so I'm told. That said, I do use Arch.
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>Is this really an issue on all rolling distros?
I assoom some handle it better than others. But I do know that if and when an Arch Linux system hits a snag, it will require manual intervention. (it's le minimal and simple, therefore it doesn't fix itself)
>boot an arch VM after not using it for 6+ months
Why do you keep Arch in a statis like that lol? Do you have a collection of VMs or what?
If you want to keep a collection of Linux systems just for the heck of it, you can have them as chroot'able directories too btw. It's easy to like script something that chroots in and fires the upgrade command.
/etc/ hosts
I use various VMs for isolation. Don't want work to see my loli gaming VM, and so on. I specifically chose arch for most personal use VMs just because it's familiar and I've got a lot of experience with it. Like don't get me wrong I can fix it when it breaks, I just hate that not updating for a while breaks it
Endeavour = Arch
Nothing wrong there.
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After my HDD dying recently I decided to finally make switch to linux. I had Mint in the past but barely used it, it was mostly to run some diagnostics to check whether it was windows shitting itself or hardware. This time I decided to dualboot Arch.
Installation through archinstall was pretty easy but I have problem with proper mounting of /home. Basically I have 2 SSDs, one 512GB, another 4TB. Plan was to keep systems and some configs on 512 one, while keeping games, files and anything heavy on 4TB one. As for partitions 512 has:
>all needed windows partitions in FAT32 or NTFS with system partition being 150GB
>one 150 GB NTFS partition that isn't mounted anywhere as extra space for potential 3rd system
>2GB /boot in FAT32
>150GB / in EXT4
4TB disk has:
>2TB shared partition for pics, vids, games and soft that won't run on linux etc in NTFS
>2TB partition that was supposed to be EXT4 /home for linux games and software in flatpaks so I could clone/format system without need to reinstall all the shit.
Installation runs smooth, I mount all /boot, /home and / on correct partitions, system runs just fine but it doesn't make /home on big SSD, instead it just shoves it on /, making it pitful 140GB space left.
When I mount that partition either through command or GUI, I can access it but can't paste there anything due to no permissions. Ironically copying using cp command did copy all files from /home to that partition. I added it in fstab file as /home using its UUID but it didn't fix it. Only thing I achieved is destroying login as now I can't log in, when I type password and hit enter it just returns to login screen, probably because system looks for /home on big SSD as fstab tells it, but can't access it. Now I'll have to either reinstall or fix fstab through livecd.
How do I move /home to other partition and ensure automatic mount on launch? I looked it up but nothing works and most answers is to copy /home and change fstab.
NixOS. Gimmicky distro run entirely by troons
>2GB /boot in FAT32
Dear /g/, stop calling EFI system partition /boot. I know, it *CAN* be mounted at /boot but "/boot" itself doesn't tell if it actually is EFI system or not.
/home is just a convention, forget it. I'd go and mount the extra drive at /mnt/whatever and then place my home at /mnt/whatever/anon_home
>When I mount that partition either through command or GUI, I can access it but can't paste there anything due to no permissions.
Obviously. What did you want to do with it again? You can for example
mkdir /mnt/whatever/anon_home
chown anon:anon /mnt/whatever/anon_home

And now your user can use it.
nothing wrong with using a separate home partition
moving your home is more annoying thant just doing that
and you can have more partitions for other data
what is it
This but unironically.
It's not shilling if it's genuinely better.
so make fucking flake files in github repos for no fucking reason i hate it so much

people put the nix flake in their build process

makes me sick
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>Dear /g/, stop calling EFI system partition /boot
You know exactly what I meant so stop shitting yourself over semantics. Go on shittid to argue about definitions as they love to argue about wording.
>/home is just a convention, forget it. I'd go and mount the extra drive at /mnt/whatever and then place my home at /mnt/whatever/anon_home
Wherever I see partitioning talks, /home is always set as biggest to keep all heaviest files. I want to ensure most of software and files automatically end up on 2TB partition, not 150GB system one. Apparently steam saves all games in /home, if other software does the same, I'll run out of space extremely fast. I decided to go flatpaks route for most software precisely because flatpaks claim to be separate from system, so if I can make them all land on 2TB partition, I'm set. Also I'll be able to clone system partition and then restore it without any installations and downloading needed whenever reason for doing so appears. So yeah, I could mount it as whatever but then anything that uses /home as default will quickly fill my system partition.
Not to me seeing as I could copy it anyway using command. Talk to me like you're explaining to complete retard.
>What did you want to do with it again?
Either turn it into /home or configure my stuff in a way that would fill bigger partition, not system one, whenever I install something heavy like games. And to make this partition mount automatically on system launch.
> https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland/releases/tag/1.1.14

will this finally fix my flickering issues with labwc? I’m so excited.
I did hear on the grapevine that NVIDIA is actually fully open sourcing their kernel modules now (probably because they have more money then god now and can deal with it) so that's cool. Took them long enough.
You should use PipeWire.

It has backends for PulseAudio, ALSA and JACK so legacy applications still work fine no matter what you're doing. It finally unifies the Linux audio landscape and even tackles video too.
The "game" in question is an Era game. The wiki has its own section for using on linux and the first recommendation is to install the wine-staging branch rather than wine itself. However, compiling and installing that led to issues which made it seem like wine was installed, but using wide results in it saying nothing was installed. As a result I haven't bothered with winetricks either yet.
This is the page in question https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Common_Issues
And if you're really asking if I'm having trouble following something that even has a guide, the answer is yes. Yes I am.
LGA1700 is cursed, what the hell is this
Sounds exactly what people expect from Intel at this point. I bet someone will make an aftermarket solution again.
Ryzen stocks are only getting higher
>nothing wrong with using a separate home partition
I was simply saying to mount your extra random use case drive under /mnt instead of /home as any home location is completely arbitrary. Mine is something like /mnt/encrypted_drive/home/anon.
Again: /home is just a convention and messing with it could possible confuse your package management. You know like having it as a symlink or whatever. ("why isn't the root filesystem as I intended?" t. package managers)
Does kernel 6.9.9 fix random hard freezes during suspend that exists in 6.9.8? I grinded through changelogs to no avail.
>random hard freezes durring suspend
Shit, I thought thay was just my janky shit being janky.
that's not a you issue, wine is just shit. try using lutris. it's a game launcher that's supposed to do this stuff for you. like it says in the link

> If it still doesn't work, try running it through Lutris with "Wine version" set to "Proton - Experimental".
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dnf install --installroot=/mnt/ass --releasever=rawhide ....

>chroot in
>see fc40 everywhere
So, "rawhide" is just an alias for the latest testing?
t. knows shit about Fedora
It's basically Debian Experimental.
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Do you ever use the ionice command? I just learned about it and tested it on my backup script, no more io exhaustion.
It branches. It'll switch to the next version at some point. It's in a constant flux of change. They use Rawhide for integration. It's unstable, sometimes packages need to be rebuilt, etc.

They break everything in Rawhide before it actually gets to a real release.
How would I go about mixing two audio input pcm streams (dsnooped, looprec) into a single audio input stream?
The multi and route types don't really have a method of mixing as far as I can tell from the wiki.
My current config:
if you are using nvidia
some systemd update broke nvidia suspend and hibernate
i saw it on the arch forums and reddit
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Why does gnome-disks always show the incorrect temperature for SSDs? Doesn't matter what distro I'm on. It shows them like this even though there is another temperature value available.
bumping, curious about this too
I've been fiddling with snapshots on btrfs and I don't think I fully understand them. How do I actually fully restore my system the way it was before making and restoring a snapshot? For example, lsblk instead lists a single subvolume instead of the 4 or 5 I had before. I'm using snapper with btrfs-assistant on Arch btw.
snapper list
snapper rollback X

Your system has to be properly setup for this to work properly though. I think at one point the Arch Wiki used to recommend mounting the root of the subvolume and rolling back with the mv command.

There's no right or wrong answer here.
it is so cool how you can install a linux distro on a folder and then chroot into
i just realized you could use the arch-install-scripts' pacstrap on other distros to install arch to a folder and use it just like that
It also happens to me and I use Artix w/runit and an AMD gpu. So it's definitely not that.
when did this start happening
i was on arch very recently and it was fine on an AMD APU
Since around 6.9.5? I'm not really sure since it doesn't happen every time.
I haven't been able to figure out why it happens or not. It seems random.
are you on kde x11?
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hold up, can I install a distro into a folder?
and run it like in some virtual machine?
i think you can
debootstrap for debian and ubuntu does that
arch linux installation is basically doing that
yes, it has been made easier though with stuff like distrobox
where is this pic from? nice style
I just suffered two brief power outages an hour apart (one long mains outage but switched to backup generator and back without UPS). After the first one, I rebooted and carried on without issue (relaunched a game via lutris). After the second one, I went to do the same but found a peculiar lockup behavior: click events were causing freezing. Power failure occurred with the game running in both instances.

For firefox windows, anything except the focused window would freeze onclick, the focused window functioning normally, until I restarted the window manager (whereupon another click would retrigger the issue). For lutris, it was freezing on click even with focus and it was only after fucking around for a bit to figure out the behavior that I tried repeatedly restarting to unfreeze it repeatedly and manage to get it to relaunch the game, whereupon the entire issue went away seemingly completely.

What the fuck happened? Debian 12 stable, lightdm, i3wm, picom, nvidia drivers....
well i haven't looked into precisely how it works or what pretending to be an amd card does to the game, but it could be possible that the game doesn't disable checking for dlss even if it thinks you're using an amd card
dlss is available on linux and proton, it may be possible that since there's no alternative mode of dlss for amd cards, it considers it to be harmless to check for dlss regardless of gpu vendor. that is, it's only checking the vendor when there's alternative implementations of a function to suit different vendors
Yes through a container, sort of running the userland of the distro in a custom namespace and using the kernel + some other libs from the host system. There's a script called distrobox that makes integrating this environment with your actual OS way easier so you can i.e. launch something you have inside the container as if it was native. Containers have a lot less overhead than a VM but have specific limitations for some use cases. Being able to run and schedule a container as a system daemon isn't well supported yet i.e. but it has progressed a lot from what it was just 4 years ago.
Well, dunno, I never had a dlss card so never experienced it myself.
don't use sudo unless you know you need to. no game should require sudo
now if the game isn't dodgy, there's technically no harm in it, though it will mean any data the game saves (like save games) will be owned by root, since you're running the game as root
sudo ./renpy.sh

should just work, if you have llvmpipe installed for software 3D rendering. naturally this is much slower/more cpu-intensive than a real graphics card, but most things should run on it. you'll want to give the vm moar coars if it runs too slowly
yea, there's a few ways to do it
rather than a full virtual machine, you can instead run it using your host's kernel. linux has a namespaces feature which allows for essentially running multiple "distros" at the same time on the same kernel
that's how things like flatpak/lxc/systemd-nspawn/etc work. just recently i installed gentoo while in arch by means of systemd-nspawn. and now that i'm running gentoo, i could go and "boot" the arch install from in gentoo as well
People actually employ bots to cheat on DistroWatch? lmao
I’ve tested a bunch of distros throughout the years just for fun and although I’ve never used a Linux distribution full time I regularly boot something new up in a VM just to play around and explore. Anyway, something I’ve never really understood is why it takes fucking forever to boot regardless of distro and specs. It runs though like two billion lines of code and will take ages to reach the desktop whereas Windows and OSX take maybe five seconds until you’re up and running.

What is it doing and why does it work so fundamentally different?
that's where software rasterisers like llvmpipe/lavapipe come in, they're quite capable in that they support most api features so most games should at least run on them, how fast depends on your cpu and the game of course
your vm is shit
btw we shouldnt need the steam shader cache anymore at least for directx 11 and older games because of the radv GPL stuff
if the game doesnt stutter on windows it shouldnt stutter on linux
Your hardware is dying, check dmesg
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here's for example lavapipe + dxvk
obviously you really shouldn't be using this for big games, but for a VN that wants a dx11 card but otherwise barely uses it, it will do the job
wtf am I watching?
a hat in time being rendered using a cpu
That CPU is crying in pain. Even with a graphics card that game sucks up PC performance with a straw.
guys i think something happened to networks on a global scale.
anything happen to you guys?
Good game though, got a couple good memes out of it at least.
Oh I'm not saying it's bad. A Hat in Time is a wonderful platformer with super good music.
DNS issues?
recently websites take longer to "start loading" if that makes sense, thats why i suspect is DNS issues
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A cybersecurity suite called Crowdstrike (which a lot of businesses use) had a borked update pushed through that BSOD'd many Windows PCs at the enterprise level.
Pour one out for the poor underpayed IT workers that need to restart and set up all the PCs that got effected...
I've been doing that on my Gentoo system to run Steam for ages now.

(My host system is a pure AMD64 system with no multilib crap and I don't ever want to deal with that. A chroot is ideal)
>underpayed IT workers
incompetent indians*
I did have that issue with my last arch install on a laptop I haven't used in a long while, which is what prompted me to switch to Debian (and later Devuan).
Packages do tend to be old but if I really do need a more recent version of something, like blender, I just install it separately.
I noticed nothing
t. Devuan
I just installed Linux Mint cinnamon. Which one of these should I get?
You should go back.
Mint is a Ubuntu/Debian derivative.

Red Hat/Fedora, Arch, and Debian, have a bunch of derivatives each.
The .deb
.deb is the package archival format for Mint/Ubuntu/Debian.
This is heresy but because I'm going to assume you don't know better, go with Debian/Ubuntu. Mint is founded on Ubuntu/Debian.
Windows and Apple products are tuned to hardware. I know systemd is a bit of a bastard for speed too in any case (a .desktop in autostart will start noticeably quicker than a .service).
That image is just virgin vs chad in neofetch format.
Its a good day to be a linux user, friends
Thanks my dudes
Not my browser choice in a million years but happy you're up and going, anon.
Though if you have other programs you want to install use apt via the terminal.
If he is using mint he should be using software manager first then terminal.
just ran -Syu and everything works
seems to be more ram-limited if anything, i can't get it to use the whole cpu
with lighter software like a VN this should be less of a limitation
>4 versions of steam
very sussy
100% of Linux systems are better used via Terminal. Windows would be too but you need senior computer engineer levels of knowledge to be able to use the Windowns command line.

People with the ability to hack the shit out of Windows are way beyond us scriptkiddies. But it is what it is.
is a C header file purely about declaring functions? i keep trying to compile two separate .c files, the one referencing functions in the other precompiler included but i'm getting all kinds of redeclaration or undefined errors.
Do I was need a .h file to predeclare functions so the gcc shuts the fuck up?
I asked this in the SQT but I'd figure I'll ask here as well. I'm a Windows transplant to Linux and I want to run a handful of services. On windows, some of these services were actual Services, some were Docker containers, and some were just CLI programs that I minimized to the system tray using a sketchy DLL file I found on the internet (MinimizeToTray). On Linux, I would ideally like for all of these services to 1) start automatically at startup (either system startup or login if they still run when the user locks the account), 2) run headless/in the background without an open window (a system tray icon is acceptable), and 3) the ability to access the CLI of some programs (such as game servers, to name an example). What is the best way to accomplish this. I was considering docker containers but others suggested running the programs as daemons via systemctl. Any advice? Appreciations in advance.
Those aren't the exact same thing.
Just install the Steam from Flathub
>is a C header file purely about declaring functions?
And types, yes. Everything should be declared before use in C.

>Do I was need a .h file to predeclare functions so the gcc shuts the fuck up?
Not strictly, but if you're sharing functions across compilation units you should so that if an interface changes inconsistently you'll know about it through compiler errors instead of a crash at runtime.

Declare in .h, #include it and define (implement) in .c.
is this the infamous krash? just locked up lol

kwin_wayland_wrapper[850]: src/gbm_drv_common.c:131: GBM-DRV error (get_bytes_per_component): Unknown or not supported format: 875708738
kwin_wayland[850]: kwin_scene_opengl: 0x502: GL_INVALID_OPERATION error generated.
thanks for the reply. worked.
Holy fuck C is based. Python is what children are taught in schools now. Real men use assembly.
on artix, how do i properly change the TTY font? i fucking hate that terminus font and if i set a different font in vconsole.conf it still loads terminus before switching to the font i actually want. do i need to rebuilt my initramfs or something?
>do i need to rebuilt my initramfs or something?
Yes, and there's a mkinitcpio hook you may need to add.
I’m running a 5800X3D with 32GB of RAM and allocate it four dedicated cores, 16GB of RAM and 500GB from my NVMe. If that’s not enough to just boot an OS I’d say the VM isn’t really the issue here. I had similar experiences when I had both CentOS and Debian installed on my file server with pretty reasonable specs so it’s obviously related to how Linux distros boot. I was just curious as to why it takes so long and seems to work so differently from OSX and Windows.
Is this ever going to be released?
>nothing wrong with using a separate home partition
Yeah sure, was trying to point out you don't have to use the filesystem for just /home, you can use it as a general purpose filesystem.
Why are you guise so religious about the path called /home? What's wrong with $HOME residing under some different path? It's not like you are adding users all the time.
>Mint is a Ubuntu/Debian derivative.
Mint uses Ubuntu's repositories, therefore Mint=Ubuntu.
How's Windows "tuned to hardware"?
>(a .desktop in autostart will start noticeably quicker than a .service)
I bet you half assedly created that service.
My Linuxes always and every time booted faster than Windows. What are you on?
>arch-install-scripts' pacstrap
What a boloney, give me a god damn root filesystem tar ball.
That's what all installers (and people who install without an installer) do at some point of the installation process.
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Joke of a GUI design.
>i just realized you could use the arch-install-scripts' pacstrap on other distros to install arch to a folder and use it just like that
When I got my new PC I installed Fedora* while leaving a vacant extra partition. After I got Fedora running I installed Gentoo on that partition using the currently running Fedora system. Then I booted to Gentoo, didn't quite like it and replaced the Fedora install with Arch, using the currently running Gentoo system.
And so on. You don't need installers, you just need *some* Linux system.

*picked Fedora as I was looking for any just-works distribution and was kind of fed up with Ubuntu.
i have a laptop from 2015, i dont think the UEFI ever got updated
do the microcode updates even matter for old cpus?
i know the amd microcode package on arch doesnt even have updates for consumer CPUs
BIOS updates have nothing to do with CPU microcodes your OS has or doesn't have.
If the OS has no mc updates, the mc bundled with the BIOS is the one used.

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