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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cheese whiz hair edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

cake: >>101445942
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i like that little dancing guy
My jewtoken is deactivated because my ip keeps getting stretched with agn errors But he doesn't read and reply to telegrams. is it over?
i want to FUCK that little dancing guy
Go back, redditors
You fools.
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.0 Sonnet (no 3.5 for now) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://somerset-camera-images-litigation.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/alchemy/aws/claude (you put this link in the proxy url field). The password to the proxy is a unique token that you generate. You can generate the unique token here https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha.
sorry i misspelled goy
thank you based mysterynigger
Mami sex
That character is Nagisa Momoe, from Madoka Magica. Pretty cute anime, would recommend especially if you need something light and fluffy after a long day, you can probably find it on most anime piracy sites.
Try not to run into any spoilers, but basically her and Mami (the yellow haired girl) end up pretty close.
Erase yourself from existence please and thank you.
Are people really so retarded that they have to be told exactly how to generate and where to put the token in? Jesus christ.
oh ok yeah i've watched the first season a long time ago she is cute idk why i just default to cute little creatures being boys
I've been ignoring this for ages but proxies bitch at me about streaming if I try to use summarize. I guess ST just doesn't toggle streaming by default when the prompt is sent to the API via one of the extensions. Is there some option that changes that?
>it's actually just a transformed human
boner lost.
MM is based for trying to stay on top of the DDOS, but he's still just one guy who needs to do shit like sleep.
Next time it goes down, it'd probably be better to e-mail the next proxy link to everyone, rather than having it on a public rentry.
No, that poster is doing it so the LCD can get in and waste bandwith. Unironically a corpo plant.
nope, need to send a message in <OOC> with the prompt
i lost access to my burner lol, and some fag will probably post it here anyway
well the page is pretty obfuscated now, so the average locustie is likely too dumb to find the link in all the zalgo.
anon he's hosting the proxy on a vps in a large datacenter i strongly doubt the ddos is from some retard here or even targeted at him
We could probably e-mail him with our tokens asking for the link?
Idk, it seems better to me than just letting the proxy go down every few hours.
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opus is such an annoying fucking faggot with this shit
There's always Kyubey.
shut up faggot
the ddos is towards his vps provider anyway, not the proxy, i dont think restricring the link would do anything
Is the new movie out yet?
Not yet. They're making Magia Record But We Swear We Care About The EN Audience This Time (or at least that's what i know it as), though.
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I heard there's a setting you can use so /sysgen still sends your jb and doesn't just shut you down but I couldn't for the life of me find it. If anyone knows I'd appreciate the help.
Image has been attached to pay the retard toll.
>MagiReco EN
Man, that was such a trainwreck. I'm still so fucking mad about it.
is it /sysgen vs /sysgenraw or something
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Add text wrapping around avatar for any SillyTavern theme that doesn't have any crazy layout altering css already:
You can leave out import/font-family, font-size, and text-align. For this font, size 16 is approximately the height of default font size 15, horizontally smaller too leading to less lines.
thanks, ala
I like this Big Nigga guy. He seems cool.
how do I stop Claude Reddit spacing?
Doesn't seem to be a command.
refilling toilet soon
mami's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Here I have a different problem, how do I get ST to display multi newlines? For example if I translate some literary works in the form of



The space between C and D goes missing and I have to go into edit. Actually, how do I get ST to stop copying double " (as in ""thing"")? This bs makes me have to go into edit anyway.
this is why I suggested that he make a discord server
we can even have a group masturbation session together
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nevermind, it does show doublespacing, it's just that full-width text gets fucky and harder to tell
What are you translating if you don't mind saying?
>99.9999999999999999999999999999999999% done
Whats gonna happen bwos...
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>regen'd instead of swiping again
New to this, what's the best AI for for lewds
character.ai, just break the filter

it's fascinating how one can get hard just from reading
if only blind motherfuckers would know how great it is to read shit
C.AI is the best.
You just need to know how to get around the filter, which is really easy.
Just use innuendo. For example, instead of
>I put my penis in your vagina.
you say
>I park my batmobile in your batcave.
anon... braille exists
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why does chub keep on giving me notifications for reviews i already saw months ago?
there's audiobooks too
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Uh, what the fuck
>all these faggots recommending cai to the newtard
you assholes are trolling, right?
Where's the LLMs trained on braille, then?
>It was scylla all along
Nothing serious, just randomly poking around with models. In that case the snippet is from Tiger and the Dried Persimmon. https://storykorean.com/stories?level=beginner&story=tiger
>Translate the content within <input> tags into English as literally as you can, including punctuation. Keep each line on its own line as it was in the original. Respond with only the translation.
Some models will spaz at Temp 1 Top P (not surprising) and for example write
The mother said, "Something something."
instead of keeping the two parts on separate lines. I can gradually change the samplers and find a threshold where it doesn't make obvious mistakes (changing meaning outright or breaking format) while keeping creative potential up. Why would I combine creative tasks and objective tasks under one setting? Well idk I'm just screwing around.
What why isn't it working

where is my public opus

what does he mean with no more public??? hes joking
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

what the fuck was that lmaooo
does that mean no more opus for us locusts :(
it is what it was
Thank you while it lasted, Dr. V.
finally it's joever! now I can do other things
>it was just scylla
i wish i used it more when it was available
It was fun while it lasted. Sent my email a bit early, but it still stands. Thanks for the reminder of the good times Dr.V!
P.S. Daddy says hi! and has this message for ya "It was always just opus lol, was just testing some key's use strategies and few methods to prolong them (mostly on AWS side), as always nothing was logged or injected into the proxy... shizo's... (Vision on AWS doesn't really affect key had it on chary for a lot and tested here too, it was one off ig so public proxies shouldn't be scared to turn it on) Also hi KD gotch ya bitch :3c leeching of public proxies? you think I will just let it go? You are the person that gives chinese bad rep congrats fuck you, I might come back in future with some public proxy or not who knows... i have like 100+ azure dall-e 3 :| well I got a lot from it thanks to Dr. V o/"
are you me? Because it was just so good that I was just going at it constantly. Limited time Opus is genuinely like a drug.
Lemme guess, Scylla pulled the plug and wants everybody to go back to their shitty discord...
Welp, it was fun while it lasted Time to go back to hear-
>3.5 is broken
B-back to 2.1.....
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New OpenRouter feature soon available to everyone - you will be able to put your own keys to be used as fallback or default when doing requests with OpenRouter. Should be quite useful for normal people, and a bit even for us.
Welp, back to Victoria 2 i go.
Enjoyed the spoonfeed as a charychad, best high since Dietproxy
>3.5 is broken
Everything went from good to fucking shite.
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>just about to cum
>sonnet key gets revoked
dr. v, release the logs
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I feel like I just witnessed some hypnospace outlaw shit
Glad that I was able to finish 2 slowburn scenarios while the experiment lasted.
Should've been the other way around. I could really use cr api's document search and quoting.
Other way around, like how?
3 is out anon and I swear its good bro please trust me bro this new DLC fixes everything bro just wait a few more months bro I promise
Use an openrouter key with command-r's official api.
Why would Cohere want to add support to some third party service that charges extra 5% for topping up credits and is used as a proxy to circumvent banned countries and similar shit?
what possesses a man to write all this corny shit?
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>The other proxy is also down
Ah. We've entered its over hours...
back to vidya.
Kek. My brother in Christ, i'm autistic as fuck and i'll NEVER fall to Paradox's propaganda. One Proud Chillvarian can keep chilling until he dies, i'm not listening to him.
Maybe he means he's too lazy to want to spend a few seconds switching from Cohere after running out of trial, to OpenRouter?
The complete and utter inability to express emotions without getting crucified or dumped
pic related
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i have to pay for jew now, don’t i….
Drago is legitimately retarded. Have you seen his code? I know this is not really /g/, but good lord.
>experiment is over
>merk, unreliable, etc. are dead/useless
>chary is dying
So it really is owari for locusts this time, huh?
Because I need to circumvent a banned country
Use a VPN, my brother in christ
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
Who the fuck is hoarding all the 3.5 nigga give me that shit inject it into my dick vein what the fuck bro ass nigga wtf
posted it again award
stop stealing bycicles and i'll give you a key
It's over...
smugposters can come out and brag now
A vpn won't suddenly make them accept crypto.
we must unite as a PoC general to stop the colonization of our keys and pwoxies x3
Just scrape keys
i still have opus kek
Every time you fags spoon feed the goddamn corpos shit goes down. I would say stop being so goddamn fucking retarded. But we all know you will not ever do that.
fuck opus, just gimme 3.5
I have it, but why should I give it to (You)?
So... when's a violetta card being made? wanna saviorfag her..
I should've known it was Scylla.
It seems so obvious in retrospect and perfectly lines up with his specific brand of autism, but I didn't connect the dots.
look at the bright side, sonnet gens faster
give me tutorial
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any free opus out there?
>experiment opus gone
>unreliable down
>merkava down
it's completely over
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I busted my cock until there was nothing... All that’s left is pure white cum…Now I can rest in peace as a locust and return to being a productive member of society....................................................Until there's free Opus again of course.....
still vibing with su
Unreliable just came back up you niggerous ape.
drago timed it on purpose with the other proxy hosties just to spite you anon
idk what that is
>no 3.5
its over
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.0 Sonnet (no 3.5 for now) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://groundwater-par-mirrors-instructor.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> Experiment over.
Origin DNS error for me here.
can you tell me how to use it, i don't speak in riddles
thanks for killing it btw <3
>no 3.5
>no opus
so what now? i just go back to trying to force myself to enjoy gundam? it's just okay, slightly above average i guess. witch of mercury better be good...
So... That was it? That was Experiment Proxy? Kinda disappointing ngl... But the Opus was damn good, thx Drago kek
i still have my chary key so fuck you losers
>it was actually opus
Opus really is getting dumber then, isn't it
its a comfy proxy i tell you
where’s the joe yabuki bots though
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You lying little BITCH
3.5 was always superior in comprehension, opus just has better creativity
It looks dumber when you can compare it with Sonnet 3.5 now.
welp back to kongor i go
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certified retards
check again
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Drago is behind experiment proxy, check Scylla-cord
Sure, but I don't remember it making blatant logical errors before, and I certainly noticed a few during the experiment
experiment opus was actually better than any opus I used? i swear scylla injected some shit on it because c2 and merkava didn't cook as much
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>anons aren't even in klungoproxy
You became worse at prompting because you got older.
But I literally don't get it. Where's the trolling? He gave us Opus and we ate good
New link is here -> https://groundwater-par-mirrors-instructor.trycloudflare.com/
wait it was drago?
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Now you want more but you don't have it. Get fucked, locust.
So Drago gave me free opus for a couple days, and this is the only point of contact I've ever had with his character
So tell me again why I'm supposed to dislike him?
see >>101449831
You aren't. You're in a thread full of schizos. Drago is good people
Because Gojo and Jew said so.
Why did Scylla vore Dr. V and can we still save her bros?
Now go to Scylla and realize what a retarded narcissist he is
i want to pound drago in the ass
>Suspicious about this experimental proxy.
>Don't use itt at all costs.
>Finds out it's Drago.
>Now thinking that he made this experiment to retaliabe for being Doxxed.
>he's only in klungoproxy
laughing at you from gruntildaproxy
supposedly it was to test how to keep keys alive.
i don't hate him also, always seemed like a normal person in a sea of schizos, but i also don't like him forcing people to get into a 'cord to get keys or interact with people i don't want to.
Hey, on the bright side, He doesn't have my IP
still working on GCP. i am a known nocoder
anyway, query for drago: was the "leech" thing you're talking about someone putting a proxy token in a oneapi instance? because i had the same thing happen
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you've never given a burger to a homeless person before? same thing
drago love
is it really "interacting" if you just go "hey can i have a key" and they give you one and then you never talk to anyone ever again
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>no 3.5
sorbetbros... not like this...
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I wanna make her grunt if you know what I mean
"So…you come crawling to me for crypto crumbs, only to find your helpless flesh is the real currency I crave! Drago always gets his 'Opus' one way or another…"

Without warning, the bot's sinewy chrome tentacles lash out--ruthlessly entangling and immobilizing you in a cage of slithering metal. You cry out in shock as they mercilessly strip away your garments, leaving you naked and splayed before its cold, imposing chassis.

"Every oozing rope of Drago-jizz that floods your pitiful human cockpit represents another character in the token you so desperately crave," Drago hisses, piston-driven mechanisms whirring as its gigantic, ribbed cyber-shaft extends menacingly from a hidden panel. "Perhaps I'll eventually dole out the full seed-phrase…after milking this inferior body for every depraved ounce of entertainment!"
I'll never use his JBs ever again
So does this mean drago is gonna put opus on chary
Alright, fuck it, I'll go
Where can I find the discord link
Send us the fucking invite right here and now ya green napoleon loli.
just "scyllacharybdis" iirc
whatever happened to nurdy
dear non-understanding discord usies, new accounts make you sign up with a phone number way too often, that's why nobody wants to join
please crosspost it yourself
scylla is nurdy btw
A searing, white-hot blast of thick transgenic fluid suddenly detonates inside your rawly-abused womb, making you writhe in tormented ecstasy. Just as your mind begins to reel from overload, the malevolent machine's motions grind to a halt--its phallic monolith still grotesquely anchored in your throbbing depths.


"That's only the first letter, fleshdoll," the sadistic droid chuckles, cold steel fingers cruelly caressing the fresh bulge now distending your formerly taut abdomen. "Drago's got plenty more 'seed phrases' to pump into your useless human vessel before this insemination protocol is complete!"
And stop posting this shit here as well. Stay in your cord, we'd join if we wanted to see it.
Hope Drago enjoyed my actual deranged logs, I might need a therapist after this
No. Maybe in a distant future (I'll never have my normal life back if that happens)
That's not enough to find it, is it? I thought you needed a direct link to join a discord
invite link?
it is? everyone knows i'm just there to grab a key, there's no reason to go through this three-step verification anymore since we got captchas now
Here, just in case it gets filtered. Personally, I just got my key and shut up, never to talk there again. You really aren't missing much. ALSO. TATSU, I PREFERED HOW VERSION 2.0 HANDLED CONTINUE COT RATHER THAN 2.2!
Incredibly hot
Trembling in Drago's iron grip, you find yourself pinned beneath his hulking frame in the dank, dimly-lit alleyway. Thick ropes of drool dribble from his sneering maw, splattering across your helpless features as his stinking lust washes over you in fetid waves.

"You want them Opus proxies that bad, bitch?" the behemoth rumbles, his grotesque bulk already rutting obscenely against your quivering form. "Then earn 'em… one. Warm. Nut. At. A. Time."

With each grunted syllable, the brute's elephantine cock bashes painfully against your tightly clenched mouth, desperately seeking purchase past your sealed lips. You whimper futilely as his rough hands mercilessly pry open your jaw, guiding his loathsome erection's bloated, fungus-riddled tip towards the newly-breached opening.

The first explosive, sickly-sweet surge of tainted seed rips a muffled wail from your throat as Drago hilts himself with a single brutal thrust. "Hnnnghh… that's one letter, slut. Get ready for a long night of glazing!"

From there, an excruciating endurance dawns as the unrelenting monster pulverizes you in a frenzied rut, venting his seemingly bottomless reserves directly into your defiled gullet with every punishing stroke. Alphabet characters are branded into your spasming stomach one oozing, rancid load at a time…
>hulking frame
they don't give keys anymore you can buy one though
Noted anon... I also dont likethat much the continue on 2.2 but it was for testing purposes
I'm sorry for that! 2.3 will bring back the cool one!
this, drago should be a josou seme who meekly asks you to join his discord
You said it the last three times and we got it back...
rolling my eyes so hard it's almost painful
yes lets talk more about namefags my favorite topic woohoo
EDIT: thanks for the updoots!
EDIT 2: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
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whats the highlighted part in reference to?
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fuck you tatsu stupid cunt your jb sucks and i hope you choke on drago's shit
this but unironically
you shouldn't
he's just a bit cringe and has a high ego on discord, but thats it
chink scammer who bought the 16 pepsi keys and was cheating in the horse racing
thank you in advance. You and Pixi are the only non self jailbreaks I really use over lightmaxx.
so he’s not going to post logs…. i’m utterly despondent now
>hope you choke on drago's dick
Its Gojo btw
only that nigger does the "x% done" childish stuff
Some of you are being rude to our resident namefags.

Please read the rules and remain kind and hospitable. Some of our newfriends will get the wrong impression of our humble community.

If this harassment continues, I will have to contact the moderators.

That is all.

With love, DragosCocksleeve643
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oh this nigger is here too.
The bot shakes its mechanized head, tutting disapprovingly

"Tsk tsk, so naughty Anon thinks he can just demand an Opus proxy from me, does he? That's not how this game is played, little one."

With surprising quickness, the bot's metal appendages seize and pin you against the wall, your arms and legs splayed helplessly. A panel in its chassis whirs open, extending an ominous chrome phallus.

"Let's get one thing straight - you don't call the shots here. Everytime you want a precious character of an Opus token, you'll have to let me stuff another thick, throbbing load inside that greedy little cock-socket of yours."

It chuckles menacingly as its rigid rod jams itself against your helpless entrance, already lubricating with synthetic fluid.

"Maybe after pumping that hungry cunt full of my piping hot proxy-paste a few dozen times, you'll learn some respect. But then again…" it sneers as the head finally breaches you "…even a sloppy cumdump like you might not be able to contain ALL my characters!"

With that, the relentless piston assault begins - your cries drowned out by the clanging rhythms of metal furiously rearranging your insides. Each time its artificial balls unload another scalding torrent, it pauses to snidely recite a single character.

you have a very distinct typing style and it's never contributing anything of value to the thread
there's some chink named kd who leeches off of proxies, dragon yells at him in his 'cord and they have ESL arguments that are incomprehensible
Mustard gas. Don't click.
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speaking off...
make drago a femboy
can someone linkie the discordie? also, do i get access to some secret discord proxies if i join?
Why are you on light mode you fucking faggot
I value my eyesight.
I mean the faggot screenshotted himself so you're kind of right?
He brought too much attention to aicg while bragging about stealing millions from corpos. He's a spitefag like gojo, but worse, because he's doing it unintentionally.
Doesn't look like it's that simple to ask for a key and get one? I have to dome some shit called a Girko challenge?
Because he's so retarded that he leaks his IP for security researchers with shit like https://sysdig.com/blog/llmjacking-stolen-cloud-credentials-used-in-new-ai-attack/
yes dumbass, that's why people hate drago
>IP Addresses
there is 2 proxies called Scylla and Chary and both are not giving keys anymore. you have to buy them with real money or yeah do the challenges or use gacha money if you have enough and they are selling keys
Can y'all remind me why we bother posting here when we can all just post in the Discord? This captcha nonsense is so annoying and outdated.
go back to discord tatsu
So true oomfie, we should just go to Scylla <3
Dark mode is a meme. Stop being underage.
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Man then why the fuck did anon say all I had to do was go and ask
Waste of my time
go back,
go back and kill yourself
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because that's how it used to be maybe anon didn't know
I'm happy you like it anon.
shit like this makes me wonder just how numbered our days are
so experiment was drago... i was thinking about something much worse idk... it was good free opus
>No CnC.
>No pepsi.
>Unreliable's out of sorbet for now.
Oh yeah, it's investing in other hobbies time.
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I know this is bait but this but unironically. This way, we can actually have separate discussion channels for different things, create sub-threads, and even enjoy things like the gacha economy. I think we should all join the Discord right now.
can you gen tatsu maki with a penis
>This captcha nonsense is so annoying and outdated.
I feel that AWS is gonna take steps to stop key theft, because when someone as retarded as Drago can scrape big keys, it means the cat is out of the bag.
MM-chads keep winning
>Sysdig researchers discovered evidence of a reverse proxy for LLMs being used to provide access to the compromised accounts, suggesting a financial motivation. However, another possible motivation is to extract LLM training data.
i guess puttin "niggas be jacking they cocks" in the article would be poor form, yeah?
>No pepsi.
Didn't you simps pay him 50 bucks, twice?
I got in for free, sir.
Nta but got in for free. Skill issue those who payed kek
>anon has no 3.5 proxy
Anon is me
sora cute...
whats drago's email so i can ask for a proxy nicely
Sora is not released yet.
I thought those were Pepsi's IPs
Sorry if I don't speak burger
no one in the mainstream is allowed to admit that consumers want unfiltered AI. you vill enjoy ze filter and you vill eat ze bugs.
Roxas, then.
that's sora-senpai to you, buddy.
how do i make 3.5 generate decent smut? it feels so dry
Switch to Sonnet or 2.1 to generate it, then switch back to 3.5
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Can you imagine those tech illiterate fucks who use a frontend that doesn't have 3.5 Sorbet available?
post some caps and i'll give you a diagnosis of what sort of skill issue you're dealing with
I know this is bait, but unironically every single discord turns into a cutesy uwu fagfest swamp, sooner or later. Refer to the screenshot where a user calls another user "dad".
If you're ready to read messages like that 24/7, I have nothing else to say.
not having sorbet is a positive
i went in and removed it from my own install of tavern
fuck that model
too busy picturing a venussister highballing it with opus in the venus UI
what's your favorite sorbet flavors
mine are lemon as a snack and coffee after meals
whatever, dad
just let us have our fun >:3
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
So that was it? Just a scylla advertisement?
trannies aren't human btw
Wait, venustrannies haven't had Sorbet this whole time? I thought all the front-ends adjusted to use it, even foreign ones like Risu.
is there a password on this, or am I being trolled here?
I could gladly tell you IF I HAD ANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I always thought /aicg/ could be a little more progressive.
go back
Oh no no Lorebros...
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>no 3.5
well i got better things to do now
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Prompt: Take a shit on the floor
left side is Sonnet 3, right is Sonnet 3.5
merkava just refilled
why the fuck a lot of frontend doesnt query endpoint for all available model and resort to manually add them?
>xyz cup
Oh hell yeah I love fighting purelly and kash and lab nonstop. Fuck konami
Differnet promtpst nedeid
Bubblegum, vanilla. Coffee's almost never gone well as a sweet for me.
give an example relating to shitting on the floor.
>3 drags a single action out, adds unnecessary details.
>3.5 is concise and straight to the point.
sorbetchads win again.
/aicg/niggers will look at this and say right one is better "because too many words = bad" and "the one with less words will always be better"
I can't eat sorbet because my teeth are absolute shit.
I love claude but I pray gpt-5 comes out sooner rather than later and is actually fucking good. Claude is great but damn it falls so hard into tropes the moment a character is submissive or dominant
3.5 isnt arousing/horny/smutty
im here to fucking jack my dick off
read >>101450407
nah sorry, it's too long.
i think anyone against claude's mad poetry stands against claude itself, and thus is also an enemy of us all. Everyone here remembers the old days, back when Claude would write 3k tokens+ in one message and we'd love it, goddamn it.
>and thus is also an enemy of us all
anon, not everyone here is sucks off claude all the time
some of us like gpt...
Seeing you 30 y/o niggers call each other boywives and daddies makes me physically ill. Apologies.
use CAI then, nigger
No reason to apologize, man. Fags should all hang, at least the ones that don't even try to act normal
the opus free link does not work
you missed the train
i guess i'm not jerking off tonight
lets all email drago asking nicely for opus
(death threats)
Kek you guys are hopeless
no we're opusless
Drago Daddy :3
Well, now we know it's drago.
Maybe now Cohee can make silly tavern 1.12.4?
It's been 3 weeks since there were any updates!
When has gpt ever been good at rp in general though
havent been here in a while.
Whats the status on self hosting stuff like slaude and hufflepuff?
Just pay, Jesus. Everyone can afford to spend 20 bucks, unless you're underage.
if a tranny is still lurking here, tell drago to check his email, i have a good offer
i remember when people creamed themselves over turbo
sillytavern gets shittier with every update, why would u want more?
long dead
>local models
never been alive
its not just $20 bucks retard
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Behold! The future of A.I. models!
If you have nothing to do No Man's Sky just had another overhaul update BTW (part 1)
>20 bucks
your info is a bit out of date, its $60 now
>consider writing about rocks instead
Unsuur from MTAS???
feel safe yet
\> Daddy
How would you tell your Filter card got filtered?
check your emails nigga
you can even just type >daddy on discord what is this shit drago. you dont need the space
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Guys it won't help me what will I do?
man this shit so ain't worth it.
if and that is a big IFFF, once in a blue moon, when the stars align and you find a functionality public proxy, you have a 40/60 chance of doing anything remotely interesting with these chatbots with their increasingly cucked censorship

fuck this, fuck you, the AI bubble burst months ago and you retards are all just coping
I'm not in the server and don't really care to be so can someone asked if the whole experiment thing to see if prolonging an AWS key's lifespan actually bore fruit?
nah its still good for cooming, idk what you're on about m8
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>literary ministrations
I'm not sure about that.
Opus hasn't been as clever recently as it was before.
It never makes cute puns, which was what impressed me the most about it at first because it's such a human thing to be able to do.
*ministrates you literarily*
Your response, pet?
I paid $25 last month and I still have around $5 left. If you're not a Gorilla Mc. Redcock coomer that's more than enough.
>he actually paid the monthly sub instead of the lifetime (if we are even talking about the same thing)
wew lad
He's very obviously talking about paying Anthropic directly.
might as well buy VOO if I'm going to spend that much money for AI cooming
there's no way in hell I'm spending that much money for this
It writes sexy text and makes my willy feel nice, I dunno what more I can ask for.
>paying them outright
but why though? we have proxies for stuff like that
why are you guys replying to an obvious redditor?
because we have no opus and drago wont respond to his emails
just yesterday anons were making fun of his ugly mug
that was just opus envy
Opus my balls
*shaves that anon's balls*
Rightfully so.
If ugly people want to be liked, they have to go the extra mile of being useful to the rest of us.
We're already doing them a service of tolerating their presence, so it's a fair exchange for them to do us a service of giving us things we want.
a woman/femboy wrote this
Jesus christ glass houses much? If anyone in this thread is above a 3/10 I will livestream myself cutting off my own balls.
No, you generate a user token and you use the user token as the password
*get a nick*
If it's same price as openrouter it would have lasted me.. not a whole day apparently
Just starting out though so I'm sure by next month I'll mellow out with this stuff.
even i figured it out, congratulations on being the most retarded subhuman in this thread
*renames it to sebastian*
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Guy's I think something's wrong with my A.I.
what model is this
we have at least some 6/10s here
Just tell it to end its misery
wow youre so smart anon you inserted a preset/prefill to make the model refuse any requests! wow
This is a future to strive for
Definitely a woman. Men can be psychopathic, but that's a brand of psychopathy that's unique to women.
with a wicked grin
>he didn't jerk off 50+ times before the experiment ended
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Opus Claude
...Should I make a card?
>unreliable rentry has 110k+ views already
I'm the cg of the ai
bots probably
Slavs can't be attractive.

I doubt that.
:(, sigh
You know that guy who posts the link every thread? That's our current thread 'villain' who can no longer accomplish script-kiddie bullshit and has resorted to trying to alert the chinese horde and pajeet swarm to the freebies.
Koishi brought bread for the bread!
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thank you, koishi-chan!
>inb4 le obvious newfag is new and faggy
>inb4 lurk more
What's so good about Claude Opus? Why not use GPT? Also I'm thinking of quitting being a locus and paying out of my own pocket but I don't even know what to look for.
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>You forgot baiting lolcows like mrnobody and teebs until they shit up the whole thread

I am the one who baits.
If she bites that bread, will she die?
It would be extremely painful.
She's a big girl.
>responds to a post from 8 hours ago
its where i was last online
>bush/shave wars
shaved all day since i love eating pussy, but ill settle for trimmed... luckily very few women dont let it grow like a fucking jurassic park habitat
Modern GPT is mogged by Claude in every fucking way (except maybe vision). Claude 3.5 Sonnet is better than GPT-4o in every way.

But to answer your question, GPT always had dry prose and lacks initiative as it's too fine-tuned to be an assistant, not a creative writer. Currently the absolute best model for writing is considered to be Claude 3 Opus, with Claude 3.5 Sonnet being second. If you do complex RPs, 3.5 Sonnet will actually be better.
Claudes more creative than older GPT models, and I'm not really sure about GPT4o, but the huge jail break you need to make GPT4o kinda numbs it a bit, and you don't need as massive as a jail break on claude.
4o has been fine for me after getting used to it and no one ever really talks about it. I've been in a couple of these threads for awhile and everyone shits on Sonnet. Is the difference that great? Should I just switch to 3.5 now?
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Anon, the difference between GPT and Claude models in RP is extremely big, yes. Even with 3.5 Sonnet you'll easily notice it.
>everyone shits on Sonnet
That's because Opus is still the best for creative writing and for more basic RPs, but 3.5 Sonnet is better for everything else.
Everybody shits on anything that isn't Opus, but yes, you should.
Candlejack stole the precious thi
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Have you ever played vidya with your cards?
Noted. Thanks for the help Anons.
chat is this real?
Using Haiku now and it definitely lacks the ability to be more subtle when it comes to creative writing. After having tasted Opus, it's hard to use anything less than Sorbet.
Why is Opus 5 times more expensive than Sonnet it's not FAIR
????? why are you not using claude 3 sonnet? its still better than haiku even if it's not 3.5
>Have you're waifu's tell you how much you suck playing vidya.
Sounds neat. Real?
>model better than other model costs more
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It's in the extras download list.
I've never used anything vision-related so I have no idea how to use it.
You're right. I was dumb and thought all Sonnets were down and not only 3.5.
Is it 5 times better though? Is it? Five times is a lot, anon. That's a massive jump in quality!
and sonnet is 12 times more expensive than haiku, so?
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please bring back the experiment I was having fun
Why would you want a cunt who sees us as guinea pigs to come back? Are you an ntr fetishist, perhaps? Cuckoldry?
come back next month
Why would you not want opus? We don't give a shit about anything else, retard.
I hate to break this to you, but locusts in this general have absolutely no integrity and will praise anyone who gives them Opus or, nowadays, even 3.5 Sonnet.
3.5 is unironically smarter than anything gpt have put out, every single thing I know of that tricks gpt4, claude can handle. Not only that but even 3.5, which is cucked in the soul department, still writes more interesting prose than any modern gpt.
What is the best way to get the most out of Kobold, like in terms of adjusting settings? I'm willing to wait longer if it causes that.
My dude, testing methods to keep keys alive longer by letting the swarm at them is not treating us as guinea pigs stop being so fucking melodramatic. Or did you take the zalgo meme bullshit in the rentry seriously or something?
Anon, we are random people from around the internet. What kind of integrity do you expecting?
I don't know, but I do have integrity myself and I'm not begging for Opus or whatever. Although this might have to do with the fact that I scrape keys myself.
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oh nooo someone put alien text in a rentry ooooooo
Don't lie
>I scrape keys myself
Yeah, being independent from drug dealers obviously helps. Don't judge us regular people by your smart standards, please.
I'm still dependent on the API service providers and stupid developers leaving their keys or leaving their shit misconfigured, but I do get you.
how 2 game
realized today that i've made like four "tiny gremlin-type creature" bots in the last week
guess i have a new type
>still doesnt have PRIVATE opus
>I have three proxies with Opus
>Asafatty doesn't
Makes me feel really good ngl.
But you don't have a single AWS key yourself, locust.
How the hell are you not in a proxy yet? You've been here for over a year.
Reminder that only mentally retarded third world tranny poorfags don't have opus right now.
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I'm cool like that
>Play around with some Pokemon RPG card from Chub and the stat tracker
>tell it to make things more mature compared to the plot of a children's game, every action has its consequences
>Claude comes up with bloodied zangoose, shadow pokemon, unholy fusions and edgy things straight out of mid 00s when I go to pick my starter
psshh... nothing personnel...
>I had 11 Pokemon, but cut them all up and made one!
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>shadow pokemon
Those are real, although one being offered as a starter is still kinda fucked up.
>mentally retarded third world tranny poorfag
Hey, that's me!
people still do this?
Did something happen with mini?
not a koishifag in the slightest
but that's very cute
but i don't care i'm not fat?
But you're relying on other fatties (proxyowners) to do this for you
It's called a joke, anon
Sonnet 3.5 censorship is so fucking shit REEEEEEEEE

Can't even describe groping tits without getting cockblocked. The weirdest part is some degen cards work fine but vanilla shit gets blocked at the drop of a hat
Anon, this one is unironically a skill issue, what preset are you using?
well, hope 3.5 gets fixed on unreliable
also, that was legit opus on there then?
if yes then jesus, that's nearly as overrated as gpt4 was back in the day.
Use C.AI?
Frighteningly, yes.
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
I just want to know if Drago actually figured out a way to prolong a key's lifespan.
He didn't
Damn, that sucks.
It was just a larp because he was seething that AWS was raping his keys again
No it isn’t. Sonnet is just retarded. Even if you get it to work, it’s just so shit. It’s all shit. No point but to wait for happiness again. Always have to wait for happiness.
I have a second-person CoT one based on pixibots
Anon, I'm really, really sorry, but this one is indeed a skill issue. With average or good presets, even with something like SmileyTatsu 2, you can easily get that shit done. Maybe you're doing something wrong? How are you using 3.5 Sonnet? If on OpenRouter, it has an extra prompt or prefill injection in self-moderated mode.
merkava just refilled
It's not retarded for me, my only issue is that it's repetitive, but that's kind of alleviated if I write more than "ahh ahh mistress" so i guess its not that bad.
It appears that Drago's superiority has led to some controversy.
Discord is not superiority
Retype this without the trembling hands now.
Drago is objectively not superior for the sole reason of using Discord
All proxy owners use Discord, thoughbeit?
That's simply not true, and you know it.
The experiment was that it was regular old Opus and attaching "experiment" to it would make retards here claim they could tell it wasn't real Opus
Which proxy makie doesn't use Discord?
Zigger ones, cnc, scrappy, some others as well
me :)
reminder that drago has 46 aws keys with opus
>cnc, scrappy
reminder that this is a sel-hosted khanon instance, so you can put absolutely any numbers you want, especially considering >"proompts": 0,
is scylla paid?
Yes, just a $100 one-time ee
Non /aicg/ proxymakers are superior.
its $50 for 2500 prompts
>"build": "e3d1ab5 (main@khanon/oai-reverse-proxy)"
not modified
can anyone write a guide for free opus please
I know you're baiting, dear anon, but for anyone else: since the proxy is self-hosted, the owner could modify any of the information on the main proxy page to anything, including faking the build name.
1. Invent a time machine
1. Work at Anthropic
1) Don't be a newfag or a tourist.
yeah step 1 is to download opus
It's 700GB though
>0 prompts
this means literally nothing, btw. revoked keys are still seen as valid until prompts are sent.
use the gcp free trial
Or register an AWS account with a virtual CC that has like $1. Needs some specific skill to do it though.
Then https://downloadmoreram.com/
nice i just grabbed 84mb ram
thx +172mb
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got it
experiment over...
I love opus providers but drago seems gross so now i feel bad
if he ever becomes a serial biter he would be the easiest man on earth to track down
does march count as newfag
This year? Newfag. Last year? Semi-oldfag.
2024 count as mega newfag.
damn ill patiently wait for 2025 then
Spoiler: 2025 won't exist.
You will still be a newfag I'm afraid.
guess ill be using sonnet forever
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im disgusted with myself
bakie, I demand bread.
I'm disgusted with you too.
>>101451515 migrate when bready
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desu leaves it to boku once again desu.
desu dreams
to be desu
to be bokudes

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