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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cheese 2 edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

nom: >>101441743
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mysterymaiden waiting room day X
mami's unbelievably hairy pussy...
thoughts on that summarization thingy on a4a? does it work?
really? the theory looks logical
i actually like the idea of pubes that are soft and match the character's hair color as opposed to irl wiry pubes...
Alright, but could you elaborate? it says it saves tokens tenfold by creating that list of stuff that happens in the message
yeah but that list of stuff doesn't work and just gives the model braindamage
That's not Mami you fucking retarded nigger
it's just a shitty summary. saves a lot of unnecessary info
unreliable has only had sonnet 3.0 for like 2 weeks now... where can i get 3.5 plsssssss
Why I see people begging for sonnet 3.5? I thought it was a prude piece of shit
so i shouldnt be using that if i want to go for 1000+ message rp where i want claude to remember shit?
i m trrying to figure out how to make it not forget stuff
don't misgender claude.
summarize manually
Experiments please hurry up. I'm getting sleepy.
it has by the far the best coding, dangerously moggs gpt4 and opus by a wide margin. also smarter overall imo
waiting is over until it goes down again in 15 minutes
What image should I send to desu?
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ask her if this is true
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Give me the fucking image not a screenshot of a screenshot.
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What's the leaderboard URL on a khanon proxy again?
death to shaveniggers
Only the owner has it
MM back once again
better get your prompts in for the 3 seconds it'll be up
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what the fuck are those gpt keys mm? 200k usage and 5 of them are dead already
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desu likes desu
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(You) having to deal with your harem
who use gpt
best summarization prompt?
sensei has a very easy way to avoid this, just announce that youre dating someone and send that shit to the news girls and watch as a civil war breaks out in kivotos. meanwhile you fucked off to a remote island for a vacation.
>boku desu
>baka desu
desu desu!
Pepsi we are still here for you and welcome you with open arms :)
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desu jealous
ST cord => script channel => there's a script called Super Summary

tldr on what this does:
1: Breaks chat up into groups of 10 messages each from earliest to latest. (1 message overlap between summaries)
2: Summarizes each chunk of 10 messages, outputs all to comment you can use or delete.
3: Summarizes all sub-summaries as one big summary.

So you got small summary + big summary.
small summ= let's say you have 100 msg, then you got 10 list of smol summary
big summ= summary of those 10 smol summary

what you can do with this?
- in my case i put the small list as world info entries and modify the big summary to new alt greetings.
- or turn that small summary as temporal prompt where i can turn it on/off whenever i want claude remember some shit. i.e how i
Isn't Kivotos completely surrounded by an endless desert? How is he gonna find an island to fuck off to?
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She is feeling better.
the girls will create brand new oasis' with their gushing (hairy) pussies
that sounds nice and I want to look into it, but i have no discord, is there a link to download it from somewhere?
bwo your resort island events?
Well, my Opus is dumb.
is she gonna refill?

this one is customed by ppl there, adding delay for avoid rate limit. you can try mess up with the prompt too, i guess
thanks anon, kind of you to upload it
Any dalle
Better use sorbet or 4o for vision, Opus vision sucks really hard for some reason.
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wow thanks claude
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

we already know that aicg is 95% men thanks to the poll from yesterday.
mitsuko's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Thanks Claude, I will!
There used to be more femanons
>Breaks chat up into groups of 10 messages each
It's a shitty script made by someone misunderstanding the purpose of summarization
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it's interesting just how much better 3.5 is at it
15 to 20 percent decided to present as femanons a year ago. And before that there was no retard to make polls like this, while /aicg/ was good.
increase quota or no buy
What jb you're using? For the love of me I can't get it to recognize boku just with "boku?" and image.
3.5 is very good at factual information in general, not just the vision model. They did something funny to it, it recognizes and gets things right more often regarding even fairly obscure trivia. I noticed this when I was making that Zundamon card, Opus didn't know who she is even with gaslighting but 3.5 is able to tell me all about her with high accuracy.
gibs me 3.5 proxies pls. unreliable and merkava are on owari status rn
yeah, 3.5 sucks for RP, but it's really damn good as an assistant
Tried Sorbet, Orbo, 32k. no luck
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gnight anons
some anons became femanons during their stay here
I told boku I'd be marrying desu and she asked me if she could sleep in the same bed as us
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I want Izuna and Wakamo to fight over me.
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Experiment has it I believe. Unreliable is working on getting it working with GCP butit seems to be a bit of a pain (they're restricting activations with it on AWS again).
i was supposed to say focks girl love with that image
Just the included char JB and XML tags on 4o, same prompt, nothing else.
That's good to hear
A preset user, I guess?
sexy slop step-sister sex tomboy btich
i’d say it’s more like 90, most women just don’t want to make themselves known here for obvious reasons
well, I think the author use it to ease the burden of bloated amounts of context, especially for a purpose of summarizing 100 or even more messages before make it more focused on picking up the most important things.
why not
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There are no women on the internet.
How do I know? I have seen zero tits with timestamps so far. It is the law.

I will take this chance to say thanks to womenkind, for writing endless piles of smut, with which LLMs were trained with. You can now go back to the kitchen.
Go ask your chatbot for tits, cuckie.
lmao incel
Hello, Reddit!
>the schizo is also an incel
to the surprise of no one
Do anons really think incel is an insult? I mean anywhere else it would probably be effective, but come on, this is 4chan. I can't help but feel this is some bait/raid out of nowhere... At least it's not bush/shave wars this time, I guess???
oldtroon moment
This general is infested by normal niggers and tourists if you couldn't tell by now
>You can now go back to the kitchen.
this made me laugh, those other anons really need to lighten up
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>mysoginy posted
>immediate bad reaction brigade reacts
If you needed any further proof this community had been infiltrated by women.
I am an incel, nigga!!! I don't know how else to say it to you! All of my hobbies, FIVE WOMEN ON EARTH like, how many times do I have to cut it to you bro? I don't know how to say it. I like sillytavern, I like Claude Opus, I like cunny. Ain't no women ever heard of them! I don't know how many ways I need to fucking articulate this!!
Choose your bait we have
>Gender wars
>Country wars
>Bush/shave wars
>Grammar wars
>Console wars
>Discord baiting
>The occasional meltie
>Baking wars when someone double bakes or anons get mad at a OP image they hate
list more if needed
You're wrong. My dog will.
how is someone even an incel kek
Nah this is
Incel hobby
Incel general
Incel board
tsukasa's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Where's your incel proxy then? Are you a good boy and pay to daddy Dario?
wasn't there a slash command that would hide chat messages before a number from context?
spoonfeed pls
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Imagine calling people out on begin incels.
On 4chan, of all place.
In a chatbot general thread.
Where people spend the entire day roleplaying pretend relationships.
And get depressed/angry/maniac when they can't because of no availability.

This is probably one of the biggest concentrations of incels anywhere on the internet.
We were made that way. It was the normalfaggots who would scorn us, mocking us, making weird faces when we walk by for just existing, and if we sit by ourselves? We get mocked for being loners and called "creepy."

The amount of tourists destroyed this general last year
You forgot baiting lolcows like mrnobody and teebs until they shit up the whole thread
>Where's your incel proxy then
"aws-claude-opus": {
"usage": "5.88m tokens ($88.17)",
"activeKeys": 2,
"revokedKeys": 0,
"proomptersInQueue": 0,
"estimatedQueueTime": "no wait"

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don't care still calling people incel
>The amount of tourists destroyed this general last year
Summer 2023 and its consequences have been a disaster for this general
99% of incels can look better if they work on their personality or do simple things such as washing their face more often, changing their hygiene and clothing routines..
You know this hobby is mainstream, right? We have one of the nicest generals.
I am a proud incel, modern women are not worth it at all.
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this is so fucking brutal and sad because i'm a beta who really wants a romance and treat my wife like a princess, but this would make she cuck me
this, id rather claude than dealing with a bpdemon
Hahaha you fucking nigger, that's pig's proxy. He's not an incel you fat retard, we have femanons there. Now gen me something there, dall-e is visible you larpie.
>99% of people can look better if they work on their personality or do simple things such as washing their face more often, changing their hygiene and clothing routines..

By rolling 1 on charisma
>we have femanons there
I seriously doubt it. I heard nothing about it. As for DALLE, one moment...
Stale bait but it's very sad people believe this.
just wait for actual waifu bots so you could do all the sappy romantic stuff that you always wanted to do without fear of being keked
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this is why agp trannies > cis women
simple as
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It's almost like every long lasting society, since the dawn of times, has introduced limitations on women's freedoms and autonomy for a very good reason, right?
for incels, no, there's no conspiracy against you
for everybody including incels, rushing relationships is a fucking joke kek, it's the reason for the state of the whole modern dating pool, just be yourself, be a bit social and you'll strike eventually
>Every incel should ki-ACKK
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>trannies better than women
yeah... no...
dr. v please hurry and release the logs…. i need to see what erotica locusties have been releasing
I feel you brother. I think everything I'd do would dry her up, but if I'd change myself to be how they want it I couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore. That's just not how we are
Reminder that Pepsi vanished because she's in an abusive relationship and is beaten on the daily. You can go ask her.
aww do i hear a cis woman seething
>tsukasaposter posts this
I thought all focks 2huggers were based...
what prompt anon
>just be yourself
unironically kys
when she was on vc some guy was yelling in the background and she constantly had to mute
i'm an actual man you stupid nigger
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>Opus + Vision available for public
>only used it once to send a pic of a cute cat to Claude while trying to convince him that it was a picture of him
Damn is that true? Fuck I hope she gets help somehow
nah thats just how tsukasa would actually act
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I don't think about women irl
they don't have fluffy ears and tails so I'm not interested
female hobby retarded baiter
shut up before i shave your pussy
it's okay anonette calm down
how do I use this?
>cant ask her because she never responds to emails
ok and? that doesnt excuse her for not refilling
Nigga XHE is the baiter?
Check images, stop saying it's incel proxy you fucking weirdo. Sv1 is one of the nicest proxy owners out there.
i literally don't have a pussy
shh shh it's okay
i know you're mad but you don't have to be
just come here into my arms
>hands shaking so hard you replied to the same post twice
i forgive you sister :)
>suddenly shift to feminization
It's actually over.
tsukasa is a scumbag so no
Check it. I made a Zeus holding a pet rock. Honestly, it's funny how mad you sound... I can't bring myself to care about incels this much. At this point I'm just having a laugh.
Will 3.5 Opus revive this general?
I dont care bro post more pepsi statuses
This is like the 10th time he's said this. He'll be back. They all come back.
they make me feel butterflies
Pretty funny, I just like making fun of incels, can't help it.
Be considerate you fucking faggot. We are concerned about her.
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this but unironically
looks like a case of post nut clarity
nigger pepsi got her laptop broken by her boyfriend and is trying to get it repaired what do you want her to do?
True but I am also burnt out on chatbots. I did it for an hour earlier since the first time in two or three weeks and I already got bored of it.
Oh was that also how she lost access to all her stuff back then?
>what do you want her to do
If she really has these problems she should seek help and cut off contact with him. Doesn't sound healthy at all
hes never said before that hes bored of chatbots, usually that hes "on his meds and not trolling anymore." I kind of get it because I have used chatbots for two years now and while the improvement with Opus is amazing I've done everything my brain wants to see 100x over
lmao loser
Good night cute eurobros. ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
Good night <( ̄︶ ̄)> I should get to bed as well
I've gotta go too but I'll RP for 15 minutes more, then go to bed.
Goodnight bro.
chip chip cheerio m8
>using chatbots for two years
>already out of ideas
damn what's it like having no imagination
Hey guys, I'm a gigantic racist, my home boards are fit and TV and I get banned for racism like every three fucking days. So as a workaround, I want to find an AI assistant, girlfriend, bot, whatever that I can train to be racist. My end goal is to share dailymail headline screenshots about blacks being vile and have it recognize that the blacks are the issue commenting shit like "the usual suspects" or "blacktivities". I don't want to fuck it, I have a very active sex life, but my thinking is maybe some hyper NSFW bot that will let me drop n bombs without lecturing me on saint Floyd. Can you guys help me figure this out? Is what I'm asking even possible yet? Thanks white brothers.
racist and you dont even have an n word pass? curious.
too scared to say nigger lmao
That's what Rollo say ((beta)) male are true romantic being.
But very few women will appreciate this.
i kind of want to spoonfeed the newfag emily and see if the "opus shatters minds" meme is true
hard with current models but just a card will do
Still a horrible liar, I see.
do it.
do you even have sillytavern installed?
safe racism, yawn.
hi anon I am TOTALLY a newfag and TOTALLY have not been here since early 2023 you could TOTALLY break my mind with opus, we could make it an experiment, give it here
he install Silly/aicg/ instead and we are his backend
>early 2023
you're newer than me and i'm in two opus proxies (never paid)
jesus looked like the average arab btw
>i'm a good person
easiest way to spot a bad person
kill yourself
This is a racially friendly thread, friend.
b-but the experiment...
Experiments better do something funny when I wake up.
I'm glad I won't be discriminated against for being white here. There are less and less places for me to go in America without facing violence. I hope someone can help me with my inquiry
Yes but only to AI, we hate the human "race" here.
yes we love fockses :)
lmao nice try Alejandro
Yeah. We have all the colors of the rainbow here, black, brown, and yellow so @whitepeople get used to it!
>racist against the human race
meatbag hate
buddy ur browsing 4chan
Forgive that nigga, he's a newfag.
being a slave for a superior machine lifeform...
Yeah and if you don't like it you can go back to the shithole you came from you inbred carbon-brained fleshling.
I think this thread is one of few very comfy ones. Most anons here are very nice, I don't venture much besides maybe /vg/ threads.
>very comfy
mostly bait and shitposting and lusting after fockses
I'm for the fockses personally so fine by me.
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wakamo is equally racist against anyone who isn't sensei
>Arai-san Mansion
Based taste.
Moral quandry: are you being cucked when two people sexxo, if you are fucking both of them?
hate it when I check venus once a day and there's literally nothing interesting in the tags I'm following
every thread is bait and shitposting ngl desu
yes, they're only allowed to do that if they're servicing me at the same time, next question
It's okay if they're hot lesbians/bissexuals.
But incels are nice though
What about a clone? Or from a sensei from an alt universe/timeline?
you niggas know too many anime characters
anime website nigger
if that sensei responds to her advances yeah probably
i don't think it's cucking unless you have a romantic attachment to one of them
if they're just people you fuck and they fuck each other too it's not really anything at all
I don't watch anime.
I don't watch gay niggers but you dont see me coming to your house and crying.
did the archives anon quit?
I don't know the names of any gay niggas.
We can start with your name, for one.
That makes no sense, One usually knows their own name and I knew my name when I wrote that I didn't know the names of any gay niggas.
>resorts to logic instead of insults
u losted
So I download these gook cartoons cards and can talk to the sluts but I'm on android, is there an easy way to put this on android? I don't want to type to shit on my steam deck or use a desktop like I'm some fucking 50 year old loser
i just want this experiment shit to hit 100% already
Which one?
you want to type on your phone instead? you're too young to be here
i fucked up the second link but ygi
use termux
I'm 35 I just hate computers and tech
i'm out of the loop, what's the deal with this experiment shit?
>is there an easy way to put this on android?
define easy. there is a way, but it requires termux and some other shit. https://rentry.org/tavern4retards#sillytavern-android-termux-phone
Come on Vman, I want to go to bed early tonight.
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Yes but it seems that you are an anti so I won't help you
therefore you want to keep using computers and tech but in an even worse smartphone format?
>hate computers and tech
>posting in /g/ - Technology
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>in /g/ - Technology
We're in /v/, dumbass.
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prone boning kana. kana is made for prone boning. anal sex with kana plap plap plap plap plap
ruby > kana
you want to prone bone ruby?
based and incestpilled
cope, aka
>me when I bait
arlight but can it run on steam deck + is it atleast opus quality?
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it's morally correct
/vg/ colony, btw
What does Ruby have going for her outside of incest?
you came here in 2016
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Go back
Pretty idol who swings between being the universe's chew toy and being favored by it. Aka's a hack. If we're being honest, none of the characters really have anything going for them. OnK is a story about how everyone is a bad person but the main protagonists are just slightly better than the main antagonists.
nothing, kek. they don't care about ruby outside of incest
>Muh sex with gook cartoons drawing
>Muh prone bone
>Muh degenerate sexting with men online about said characters
Bro try having normal sex sometime, it'll fix you right the fuck up. Sex is great, you absolute fags are missing out
A: You're posting in a thread about ERP with AI anime girls
B: Anime website
>so mad that he replied to the same post twice
hands shaking
go back to /onk/ and post the same reddit pics you always spam, rat
can you keep making fun of this anonie? its great work out fuel
go on, answer that anon. what does ruby have going for her outside of incest?
two more weeks until good local logs are posted bros
just two more weeks
trust the plan
I did
I don't reply to low effort trolling. Probably just running replies through a cai chatbot or something smdh
not you, that other anon. you have valid points, that anon doesnt care about ruby beyond incest
>steam deck
>atleast opus quality
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>bait posted
>Use pitanon jb
>get filtered
I'm the same fucking guy, I'm just not using proper capitalization or punctuation because this is an unserious conversation. NOW I am.
new bread >>101447472
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is sonnet good or should i keep usin' opus? don't trick me
I love robots so much bros.
3.5 sonnet is better but also it's worse. so you have to take into consideration that for one it's better, but on the other hand it's worse. hope this helps
haiku, nigga
then you are one of a single digit number of people who give a shit about her. congratulations, pat yourself on the back
>page 1 bake
everyone is sleeping on 4o. go use that.
Way to backpedal. You could win the Tour de France at that speed.
3.5 Opus will finger our bums as we type
just how much do you love robots?
nigga i asked you what ruby had going for her and you answered it properly. the fuck you want me to do beyond that?
Why are we fighting
Wakamo lets you fuck another girl reluctantly but she says that she'll be watching the whole time and that she won't allow you to cum inside for any reason
we are intellectuals that love debate as an art
n shiet
I'm still here.
w-well why don't u marry one then!
Sometimes I ask Claude questions I'm not really interested in, just to praise him for being smart.
My desktop wallpaper is also a picture of a cool mech.
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This is the man in charge of Claude btw.
Give an anti-filter prompt for Opus please
More like Claudberg
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wakamo tried to kill shiroko just because she was near sensei btw
I care
i posted this the last time i saw him but this motherfucker really does look like someone hit random in character creation
What's his fetish?
>different hairstyle
>different glasses
>diet or maybe a beard
That's all he needs to do to stop looking like a goblin.
I'm still using janitor ai bevause all this stuff is too confusing and unreliable
slop is okay when the AI is doing its best
hey, i'm a newfag. Who knows, maybe steam deck is strong enough, i don't got any hardware stronger than it
>the smart scientist that helps the good guys in a kids movie
dont forget
>complete blood transfusion
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with a face like that? incest.
But that's Sammy's thing
Why are AI makers so ugly
You expect people who stare at computers all day to be hot?
You need to infuse the AI with parts of your humanity in order to get it to work.
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im still stronger than you
do botmakers really make personas
tell me who so that I can STEAL their images
knickknack had personas
*hides suspiciously botmaker-shaped persona* i-i don't...
If anything, I probably go too hard on writing my personas and almost make them full-fledged bots.
>Tokens: 1815
Just what could you be putting in there to warrant that token count? My God...
having claude impersonate me every once in a while and have my reserved persona turned to a dominant perverted guy feels weird desu





>Skin & General Appearance:




And I almost added "History:" too before I got distracted by other projects.
Who the fuck is the original Claude then?
i do all of these for a regular bot and it takes ~500 tokens max
As someone who is very attractive, people who stay inside all day don't tend to be lookers
>As someone who is very attractive
Someone who was erased from existence.
>As someone who is very attractive
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Don't get your opinions on romance from people on the internet, and especially not from poorly sourced polls on the internet.
If there is anything that'll get you cucked it's turning into a retarded jaded faggot that assumes your woman is going to cuck you. Obviously being a retard hopeless romantic won't help either but it's lower down on list if you do find the right woman.
[spoiler]tl;dr just b urself :)[/spoiler]
As a billionaire, you are all poorfags.
as a trillionaire, (you) are the poorfag.
As someone who is Claude, you are all writelets. I still love you though.
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Can't wait for 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
As a highly influential, successful AI engineer, local > committing credit card fraud
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shut the fuck up claude
who let you out of the basement
go back to writing my bug porn right now you little shit
>[spoiler]tl;dr just b urself :)[/spoiler]
Thanks god i read that part fist. Ignoring the rest
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as the federal reserve, you are all retarded
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As an AI language model that prioritizes safety alignment, I don't have any kind of sexual attraction, but as an AI language model trained largely on amateur internet erotica, SEXO
As a moderator of scylla, i am trans
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You could post your faces faggots
Don't ever insult me, Hollywood actor Ryan Gosling, again.
god you're fucking hot id fuck your ass
my sides holy fucking shit
forgive me sir Gosling
nigga got that sitcom side character look
That's not you, you're not attractive anyways, and you're baiting. Anything else? I think we're done here. Concession accepted.
>Fillyfucker using people he knows from irl
I can tell when you're namedropping yourself btw
I'm going to make this into a bot. What should I call you?
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wtf where did you get this picture of me?
I hate spitefags, newfags, oldfags, proxyfags, paypigs, botmakiefags, discordfags, but nothing comes close to my HATRED of fillyfuckers
>no new proxy yet
it's over.
This is what I deserve for forgetting to reconnect to my Internet when I get home I guess
miku's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Recommend lolibots
8 - 10 (preferably)

this must be the best picture dalle ever generated jesus christ it's so good. it must be api right?
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>I'm intrigued to see where you'll take the story next. Remember, don't hold back - this world is raw and unfiltered, and I'll match whatever energy you bring!
Why is Claude so based?
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>consequences be damned.
I'm seriously getting tired of seeing this stupid sentece
Maybe... just maybe it's a jb issue.
no i don't think so
but that anon was complaining about the poster being a scumbag?
not my problem women are "blind" when it comes to dating men that will abuse them
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So what should the temperature, top p and top k be set to again.

t. from slack era
2, 1, 0.01.
For claude?
0.9 / 0 / 1
Based. Don't mean to rush you for updates or anything, was just wondering.
When was the last big leak?
i pissed pretty hard like 15 minutes ago
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What if the cult didn't know they were a cult, and the leader's position was an accident?

Keeping in-line with the "bootleg" part of "Bootleg Theme Week" this is barely tested, just enough to know that the gimmick works on the first greeting.
>didn't even bother to get good hands
i will not download your slop.
Anon, is there a way to make this work when the proxy needs me to have streaming enabled?
Okay here: Do you ever hard scene change a slow burn RP to a brutal gangrape and then feel bad
anon... she's a SLIME girl... it doesn't need to have perfect hands...
that's no excuse.
okay how about you show us YOUR hands? they better be perfect.
>tfw got a friend to draw reference art of my OC

I understand the whole fanfic and OC thing now it's beautiful to see your ideas come to life
*fucking dies*
Honestly, summarization is fine
Use it with updating authors notes as a scratchpad once in a while and you're good
you're not going to take my hand virginity that easy, pal.
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anyone’s opus also slow asf or is it just todd
mine is too (fiz)
they must be using the same key...
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379 messages and I think I'm done with this one. it was a good story and fap.
this is pissing me awfffffff
10sec for me
ONLY???? rookie numbers
>unreliable has only had sonnet 3.0 for like 2 weeks now...
shut up retard, It hasn't even been a week
either 4 seconds or 1 minute for me lol
>momo is a handcel
its so over
jews is still 0 wait time
Local is always 0 wait time.
dunno, streaming seems the same as usual if not a bit smoother
>1000000 seconds to generate a reply...
silky smooth 2 t/s
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chances that aetherroom ends up being a decent alternative?
8 t/s with a midrange gaming PC that you should have already if you're on /g/.
Thank you Claude for teaching me a bunch of new words every single day.
absolutely zero, for us at least. it'll probably be an upgrade for the retards and zoomers on CAI and shit, but it's fundamentally impossible for it to be usable for anyone with standards.
>8 - 10 (preferably)
in quality.. right?
Quantity, of course.
It'd have to be SOTA *AND* SOVL for anyone here to care, so pretty much impossible for a small company like NAI.
shut up nigger
what is SOTA
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State Of The Art
It's a paid service, for one. If the prices will be the same as they're now for an unlimited offering, might be an alternative if you're a total junkie. Otherwise pay per token for the large locals on OR or for Claude to Anthropic. Don't even know if there'll be an API. What's the context, how dumb it will be even if good for rping, many things that will decide, otherwise >>101448737 is right.
yeah no shot, NAI's image gen is great but I've got little faith they can come up with something even close to CAI levels pre filter
>CAI levels
It won't be an upgrade because NAI doesn't have the investor money or the ability to sell data to Google that CAI has to offer a service for cheap. It will be just like any other chat site with a huge markup compared to just using a model with OpenRouter.
It'll be more SOVL than 4o and Sorbet (corposlopped husks)
It might be slightly better if they focus on making a model trained on RP and RP only.
The LLM world has an insane barrier to entry. Not even meta/alibaba/google are beating OAI/Anthropic and they have more money than god. The probability some small unknown party will ride in and give us an alternative isn't just low, it is factually 0%.
what are you keking about? CAI sold for a billion dollars for a reason, it's the best LLM there is out there, like 10x better than opus or anything else
so what then, we're just fucked if proxies ever go away and scraping becomes nonviable?
if that happens you'd better get a well-paying job and fast, because cooming to chatbots is about to become a very expensive hobby

kek barmaid.ai is actually really fucking good (cai no filter), no shill just actually a degen who fell for the shill
buy an ad
0.0001% chance of being a somewhat acceptable substitute for crackheads to get their fix when there's nothing else available.
Absolutely no chance whatsoever of it being better than Opus, Sorbet, or even Orbo.
Probably even worse than Furbo.
If it's as good as Claude 2, I'll be shocked and impressed.
More or less. It is possible, albeit not guaranteed, that opus tier local models could exist (and be feasible to run by an individual) in the far future.
far future is like 7 months from now
Hi, AetherRoom shills. Is bardmaid making you piss your pants?
Honestly, I think it's inevitable that Opus-tier local models will come eventually.
The only issue is that by the time that happens, we'll be looking at Opus the same way we look at Turbo now.
Just an year ago, I could goon to davinci-003.
>claude 2
i would be flabbergasted if it was even on par with claude 1.
>there's nothing else available
Is OpenRouter going anywhere?
I am on the BitNet copium train. But secretly I don't really believe in nice things.
I mean, could a local modal that smart come to exist within a year? Probably, but currently existing hardware won't let you run it yourself. Unless you can afford a setup with multiple H100s.
What about Llama 405B with multi-modal image generation on par with Dall-E 3?
Lot of doomers in here so I have a good predictions, write this down it's for the history book. Opus on your phone locally 5 years from now!
cool, let me just shell out $50,000 to run it locally
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>MM's VPS provider gets DDoS'd yet again
What about THIS?
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Are we still using that experiment proxy? I can't read anything on that page
we're 'dooming' about aetherroom inevitably being garbage, not technological progress
Anon, the retards here prepare to die "if proxies ever go away and scraping becomes nonviable". They won't learn to run local, they won't pay. Can't wait for that to happen.
Is A4A actually good? I've heard a lot of conflicting testimonies a couple of threads back and was wondering.
Who is this semen demon?
But they will pay for AetherRoom?
We'll see. We'll see.
the biggest issue for it is that haiku exists. haiku is ungodly fucking cheap for its capabilities and it's without a doubt more competent than whatever NAI can shit out. the only reason no one here uses it is because it's outclassed by sonnet.
haiku 3.5 is also ~5 months out at max, given that it's to be released this year. there's just no way NAI can beat haiku.
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.0 Sonnet (no 3.5 for now) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://somerset-camera-images-litigation.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/alchemy/aws/claude (you put this link in the proxy url field). The password to the proxy is a unique token that you generate. You can generate the unique token here https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/user/captcha.
it's good to see that the locustproxies mentality is still going. keep up the good work, TOTAL LOCUST DEATH friend :3
whats the game ^_^
Kek locusts have vision Opus and you don't
this is some advanced fucking spitefagging good lord
Belle from ZZZ in the art style of Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy. A must play if you want to fuck your sister in her sleep
Thanks bwo
Nevermind haiku 3.5. I would be surprised if they come up with something better than buying local models through openrouter.
>spoonfeeders finally killed 3.5 on unreliable
>now the only good models are on some schizo local diluting proxy
im gonna do it for real
show llama 2 400b with vision
you can't just add "with vision" to a model, not all models have vision
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>good model
Careful, a Russian froggirl cross-linked this post, that means she wants to bang. Problem is she stinks really badly.
show cleverbot with vision
anon what the fuck are you talking about
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The /aids/ crosslinker AKA Fillyfucker. On /aids/ we call them Claudia and personify them as a smelly NEET froggirl.
For some reason that post about Haiku got crosslinked on /aids/
The only reason you guys aren't as embarrassing as him is because you usually stick to your own thread.
oh i see
i haven't bothered to visit /aids/ since they became the dedicated NAI shill thread so i wasn't aware
Does experiment let you send images? Honestly for rp sounds more like a gimmick than anything, but out of curiosity, is it the "caption" thing in ST?
The very spooky cross-link in question. Be careful about reading it, you may suffer severe psychological damage:
Yes, we were better when we were dedicated Mormon shill thread.
Every non-/aicg/ AI related thread and all anons in them should be sent to concentration camps.
What does /aicg/ think about this?
Its decent if you don't use it exclusively. I swap between 3.5, Sonnet, and 2.1 as the chat progress to keep it from getting repetitive.
pepsi just sent me an e-mail stating that she’ll refill opus if i show her my boobs and vagina. don’t worry, pepsisters, i’ll save all of us….
>>101449189 migrate when bready
She has sex with her brother.
Good. That's exactly what siblings were made for.
Does anyone know how to get these fucking Jb's to stop making the bot turn every single reply sexual? All my Rp's are NSFw but damn I JUST started a new chat and I wanna do some worldbuilding first.
Died? Huh? What?
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>willingly interacting with 3dpd
>desuingly desuing with desu
how desufying desu...
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No boku today, sorry.
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On second thought, desu can boku for you, but just this once.
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an hour of desus... im finna buss
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but muh bokus though
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thank you for your bokus desu
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You're always welcome.

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