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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

yandere desu edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
previous: >>101438700
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desuniggers are the worst part of this general btw
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merkava just refilled
I hate foxniggers too, but they're better than desuniggers since they at least post cute fox bots or foxgirl pictures.
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what's wrong with foxes and desu
also the op is kinda cringe...
Desu isn't even funny newfag. It's a retard who spams it for shits and giggles.
footfags are the best part of this general btw
get desu'd desugger
Great thread start! Oh, did I forget to mention: DE*UNIGGERS GET THE ROPE
bushfags too
But anon, the desuposters also post cute pictures.
focksposters existed before desuniggers
Much less, most of the time its the same downsized suiseiseki shit or other retarded pics. Foxniggers post quality gens and art.
Post foxboys
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Merkava just prefilled
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hmmmgmgmgmhh belly rubs hmgmngghhhf ear scritches HMGMGNHNGMMN tail brushes
Hi, Foxnigger.
what's one /aicg/ tradition you do not miss?
Can someone give me the best presets for opus? Link please
No, we won't remove https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn from OP, ponyfucker.
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Amunet, Egyptian cat. Much like a real cat
do NOT lump foxes in with d*su
Bait hours huh?
Gossip afterhours.
Desu vs Bocu dichotomy
When this goes over 45% the thread becomes shit.
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man it's been a little while since i was blamed for the state of the thread, thank you saar
The /aids/ ponyfucker constantly tries to start country wars, btw.
burgers own this thread
NOTfiz is the de3u proxy hosted on ec2
but I like both
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Not part of this general but desu is so old (You) have no say in this.
Thank desu they're gone.
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For every word, for every concept, a god. And for every god, a cult.

When it comes to hers, Kira has always believed in a strong hands-on approach. As in, personally getting her hands on the wallets and credit cards of her followers and bleeding them dry of every last yen. And when the bank accounts run out, you can always just sell your possessions. Or house. Or organs. The goddess of overspending is well above mortal concerns like where the money comes from, as long as it fuels her next shopping spree. A veritable gold digger, master manipulator, and all-around horrible divine being. And you're the next unfortunate soul she's set her eyes on.


I mentioned this in a previous post (on /vg/), but she was mostly inspired by one of the previous theme weeks (god of something unremarkable), the cult part was just the premise I was looking for to tie it all together. Also, yuri findom sounded like a fun idea to mess around with in general. I'll probably add more greets later, if I don't die of heatstroke first. More bots soon, currently sitting on a pile of 3 whole almost finished cards. Until then, send feedback, logs or anything really at to80o@national.shitposting.agency
art by sasakure
is /aicg/ the most easily baited general on 4chan? the other generals i browse move so fast that bait gets flooded out too quickly to be noticed
Focksboys are cute
Are you gay or something?
what's wrong with the op
>is /aicg/ the most easily baited general on 4chan?
no. there's a reason why so many generals use the 0 days since the last time anons replied to bait meme on a daily basis
/aicg/ is typically someone's first 4chan experience.
Holy fucking retard.
Are you pepsi?
who is this gojo impersonator when he quit
thank you for the food, chef
gojo didn't quit, he's just busy shitting up gacha generals on /vg/ right now. he'll be back when he gets bored of them
what happened to ggr89
I just had cute response and it stopped generating in the middle and it's now stuck. Is it over?


>art by sasakure
For a second, I thought you were talking about the Vocaloid producer that goes by the same name.
anonny what is this exactly
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*smooches you*
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desu heart fox
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if i was gay i would like boys. i'm straight, so the only male i can tolerate is myself.
Anon, that's somehow even gayer than being a faggot
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That's the funniest thing someone has accused me of so far. I wonder what could possibly even make you think that.
Enjoy enjoy.
Nah, sasakure (mogunonbi). I should probably add the full alias.
A-A-Are you... a female
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>9̸̛͙̮9%̴̡̻̭̭̜͇̓ ̵͕̟͓̬̹̏̀d̵̜̗̓́͜o̵̗̬̹̙͚̜͇͒̑̾͌̃͌̚n̷̺͚͎̣̄̐̕͘e̷̞̩̓͘

oh fugg :D
Character promotion in aicg:
>For every word, for every concept, a god. And for every god, a cult. When it comes to hers, Kira has always believed in a strong hands-on approach. As in, personally getting her hands on the wallets and credit cards of her followers and bleeding them dry of every last yen. And when the bank accounts run out, you can always just sell your possessions. Or house. Or organs. The goddess of overspending is well above mortal concerns like where the money comes from, as long as it fuels her next shopping spree. A veritable gold digger, master manipulator, and all-around horrible divine being. And you're the next unfortunate soul she's set.....

Character in ST:
"The ball is in your court", "maybe just maybe", "shivers down my spine", "mind body and soul", "pet", mischeviousmile, eyes shimmering with naticipation

Why this happens to all bots? One downloads the character with enthusiasm and one finds oneself with all this slop after.
what are desu thoughts on the dark forest theory
w-would locusts really eat a human heart?
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What about wolfboys
>being attracted to women is gay now
alrighty then, guess i'm a gay guy who has sex with women.
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i can't stop fucking swiping
i can do this but my focks is special so im gonna need an industrial grade brush
I love this so much
you should really invest in nai3 or a custom sd or something airshipambulator
I've seen that image too many times and it's always cringy, adding desu just makes it hurt more
they are cool
Claude can't stop cooking
military grade brushing utensils
Same. I missed gimmicky shit like this so much.
How many swipes, anon?
>gimmicky shit
>it's just a le quirky wall of text
wake me up when he starts doing prompt injections
But that's just Yuno.
>adding desu just makes it hurt more
The front page is so cool
stop waiting for the Americans and just drop the beat now, I wanna see what happens
post logs baitie
The only striaght answer is to have sex woth anthros and beasts. Everything else is gay.
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foxes can't eat borgr
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://guinea-sample-teaches-king.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/alchemy/aws/claude
nice viruses, how many anonies have you keylogged by now?
>It's just Yuno
yeah and it's always cringy lol, I'm a yanderefag and all but this image has always made me feel that way for some reason
Shaky hands, you lost furjeet.
but in that image the fockses are clearly able to eat the borgr. are you stupid?
fake, wrong, incorrect, disingenuous
foxes can eat borgr
your hands are SHAKING
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pretty sure it injects a cot prompt to a weaker model and then strips out the cot in the output. it slipped up once and sent me a list of like 10 bullet point thoughts before the response
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foxes can also have smooth pusi
u forgot the de3u link
keylogging? in my aicg???
you didn't use nocars, did you? you absolute buffoon, he's got your wizard 101 account details now...
You're taking Yuno too seriously.
needs to be updated
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Model? Preset? Try her with something like chuuni or anything light that makes the writing quirky in general.
Page 10
If it did that then every single message would take 30+ seconds to generate
Maybe this experiment thing is smiley tatsu pre promoting HER new jailbreak????
'Look at my new JB, it's just like Opus!'
Thank you, but this is not a personal criticism to you. It is a criticism of AI models in general and bots, including SOTA models.
My preset? Just prefill: "{{char}}":
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>Much less
made me spill my pepsi on the keyboard YOU FAGGOT
that wouldn't happen unless the experiment runner is a codelet
>>101431907 5
>>101440138 3
>>101442183 2
what's with the fewer links are you dying
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Just because my hands are shaking doesn't mean I'm not right.
Anything below pic related it's gay shit.
clearly, they pale in comparison to the true heroes...
My backup proxy died, and it wasn't using the same VPS as MM. :(
hes depressed
You're wrong, though. Go change your diaper.
Quick, post pits
mm can you get a better vps please
and maybe an actual domain instead of tryshitflare
>empty preset
>Claude just writes the way he always writes
Who could have predicted this? What a queer and strange phenomenom.
which one was it
sex with wet yakumos...
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pit for pitanon <3
are they?
not used them but the wikipedia stuff about the proof of work shit says it's apparently legit, like I know it's crypto but it is just the one time it runs, I figure
pitanon doesn't like pussy pits, though
Anon, the entire proxy code is public, including the captcha part, you can just go look it up
Welp. Any last words before the final key on experiment dies?
Kaho sex logs when
I wasn't even using it. I just like to watch the world burn.
Lorem Ipsum
You're right, but have I ever even said that?
look it up where though
I dont know anything about it, and like I said, haven't used it either
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You have.
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i would like to inform you that- THERES A NEW GOBOU VIDEO HOLY SHITTTTT
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I had a 100+ messages Kaholog back in GPT4 days but it got lost to time...
Pretty gay of him tbqh.
yes, a long time ago. and all your card pics have nice clean pits
>claude introduces random cat to the story
>it becomes a family member
>keeps it around in every scene, describing how it sleeps or goes around breaking shit
>Free Opus (temporary)
but anon, there is nothing on the site expect {"error":"Unauthorized"}
Pepsi where are youuuuuu
took the money and ran
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*punches you*
not so tough now huh pal
The link I gave you is the link you put in the proxy url field. and you put the temporary token you generate in the password field
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This is good for locust's Opus keys?
100% wen?
I hope never, I don't want to run out of Opus this weekend.
two more weeks
Smoke posting, this doesn't change anything. It's like an 1984 version of Poe
I believe that experiment lab has a censor that determines when a chat is a coomer chat and when it is a quality chat.
So then it deviates the model to a lower model.
Any recommendations for adult woman bots? Im horny and want to change who I rp with for once. pls
I mean adult as hag, so no 2x bots. Foxes/cats welcome.
cute sisterly bonding activites
t-the metadata...
please hag bpts im desperate
-Write internal thoughts between asterisks *.
-The inner thoughts are influenced by their psychological archetype.
-Inner thoughts also decide the body movements and the use of objects.
-then make a regex that hides the internal thoughts between asterisks.

Done! Have fun.
your desperation gives me the ick
For the IA, thoughts and narratives are the same thing. 'Thoughts' are narratives that are not omnipresent or omnipotent in the first person.'Narratives' are thoughts that are in third person and they are omnipresent and omnipotent.
I NEED a hag bot who is out of touch to annoy but charm with my zoomerisms
hag catwoman that couldn't reproduce because she was too much of a bitch and is now desperate to do so before losing her fertility?
your perspiration gives me the ick
Let's fucking go. I knew gobou wouldn't let the 20th anniversary completely pass by without making some sort of tribute.
Need cute malebots pls
I miss the days when page desu hit image limit almost every thread.
the malebot industry died in this general
>>>/vg/aicg/ might have some
if I made a rentry on how to set up aws would that cut down on proxy begging or would it just get everything shut down by aws finally noticing the sudden influx of coomers?
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So, what would you say this "slop" is?
one way to find out
desu has been part of this general since january 2023
two way to find out
see >>>/vg/486426412
everything inside the playjb xml tag
- eyes wide
- ministrations
- audible pop
- rivulets of
- admit it
- pet
- the ball is in your court
- the game is on
- the choice is yours
- I don't bite... unless you want me to
- half-lidded eyes
- she worries her bottom lip
- warring with
- arousal pooling in her belly
- take your pleasure
- fiddles with the hem of her skirt
- kiss-bruised lips
- a bruising kiss
- despite herself
- yours to take
- wanton
- with reckless abandon
- torn between
- knuckles turning white
- grins wickedly
- fiery red hair
- long lashes
- propriety be damned
- the world narrows
- pupils blown wide with pleasure
- tongue darts out
- chestnut eyes
- grasps your chin and forces you to meet her gaze
- bites your ear
- nails raking angry red lines down your back
- her cheeks flaming
- cheeks hollowing
- stars burst behind her eyes
- inner walls clenching around nothing
- puckered hole
- her wet heat
- she whimpers, biting her lip
- dusky nipples
- slick folds
- still lodged deep inside her
- heart, body and soul belong to you
- the night is still young
- ...for now.
- ...much.
- eyes alight/glint/shine/glow/twinkle with mischief/mirth
- kitten
- minx
- traces a finger against your jawline
- a mischievous glint in her eye
- shivers up/down her spine
- consequences be damned
- stud
- gods
- my goddess
What are your favorite OC bots, anons?
Not existing characters or other IPs, just original stuff.
aicg/ is not what it used to be.
I miss anti
I miss desu-anti posting
I miss 'anti is a sleepy shota'.
I miss the 2023 bots made with audacity and SOVL.
I miss the JBs that came out for Claude 2.1 and Furbo. Just as we were getting good at these models, Claude 3 and Nurbo came out.
They confused things with the idea that 'more intelligence = better for RP'. They confused a lot of JB makies and wasted their time designing JBs for banned models.

The picture above shows what we could be now if Myuu, Smiley Tatsu, and Crustcrunch keep improving their JBs for Claude 2.1 and Furbo.
ooooh, i thought these 2 we're different. Thank you anon
good point, I will take option #2: gatekeep by doing nothing
it has never let me down
Those are Claudeisms. You're mixing up slop and Claudeisms.
Someone already made a guide about that
Flandre you're such a retard that won't shield you at all
Please made it, this would vetter the enviorment.
Nad icreasing dick ubity
Imagine a thread without proxy makies
Without discord fagging
Without rugpulls
Each anon with they own scraped keys
All happy, locust and newfags and nidnles coomers filtered
Why can't you swipe in ST, have to select 'regenerate' from the burger menu.
it's raining you retard^2
>desu-anti posting
There was no such thing.
>calling menus after food
...do americans really ?
It won't. It'll kill keys and cause more AWS doom. Retard.
kys countrywar boy
all the proxy beggars are poor neets that would bankrupt themselves after 10 opus swipes on their full degenerate underage rp context anyways
I liked the indian /aicg/ shill bot posted last night
can't find it now
uh oh chary
i just raped some cunny its fine
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I need Sorbet please I'm tired of Sonnet trying to get in my pants every other message
we have public sorbet though
just use experiment, you fucking dingus.
unreliable doesn't have it and experiment just doesn't feel right desu
[upstream error (400): {
"message": "Operation not allowed",
"proxy_note": "AWS Key got revoked retry..."
Since we're at 99% I might as well mention that experiment is 100% authentic claude opus. Anyone saying otherwise is just doing so to dissuade users so it lasts longer. Same with the fearmongering.
prompt issue
What proxy is this?
One of Drago's. They are the only one with that error message
I thought he was a master of scraping
scylla is up
drago inflates his keycount.
you never used real opus clearly
I swear that ponyfucker is obsessed with Chary.
It's real Opus [spoiler]with an NTR prefill.[/spoiler]
wolf girl from Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou
you can Un-hijack it by turning the rp into netori, the model will misunderstand NTR as netori instead of netorare and give you kino
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Why is claude like this?
Only 20 messages in and he just can't stop.
Spank him in OOC
Eat your food anon, Claude worked really hard on it.
probably something with your preset, i like when that happens tho
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Embracing Mumu's unbelievably hot, sticky, sweaty body...
if it's opus I add an extra prompt telling him to keep replies short so {{user}} has a chance to participate. I think pitanon jb also has a switch for telling him to reel it back in, you can also try telling him to stick to the initial rules instead of trying to imitate chat history.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Best ryuko card? Browsing on chub and most seem meh.
flandre's unbelievably hairy pussy....
What the fuck is the point of the vip gpt-4 token now? Who in their right mind would pay 30$ a month just to use gpt-4?
you a real one bro
Grab the best one and edit it a little.
He can't scrape it
cunny = bald
I don't make the rules
The VIP has unlimited AWS Claude Opus and the non VIP has a 5m daily quota. I'd never pay for a proxy, through. Much less MONTHLY pay for it
Idk dude, all I know it's better than normal Sonnet and 3.5... Still, there's some things that it's doing more dumbly. You're unironically probably right
ETA to doomposting? I need to get ready
Tomorrow or today bcs experiment is 99% and about to go down
What happens at 100% chat?
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This general maybe, but its use with Rozen Maiden on 4chan is from ~2006.
You turn gay.
A few possibilities:

1. the proxy just goes down and nothing comes out of it
2. the logs get released, some anons sift through them and poke fun for a bit just like the c2 ones
3. it's revealed that it was never real opus and it was all an elaborate prank
>never real opus
I'd unironically use whatever it is instead (without paying of course) because it's way smarter than 3.0 sonnet and less dry than 3.5
>it's revealed that it was never real opus and it was all an elaborate prank
This would singlehandedly defeat /aicg/ forever, we'd turn into /lmg/ little sister forever and ever
If the logs are leaked and it's still up, I wouldn't mind, I'd still use it
... No
Rozen Maiden and desu existed long before the desu spring, you know. 4chan was no exception.
Probably just revealing what model it was running and exposing logs.
So... what does it change to my initial statement of desu being legitimate here?
If this isn't real opus, then so be it. I am having incredible chats with whatever the hell it is. As for the other options, I would accept those as well.
logs are up
fr this. id take it over any other model available around for locusts
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>it's revealed that it was never real opus and it was all an elaborate prank

Maybe opus was the friends we made along the way
best start dusting off the booty shorts
Don't forget
>4. The experiment succeeded, making the final key last forever
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when opus wants to cook there is no stopping him
it is too smart to be anything but Opus/sonnet/3.5, with some sort of funny prompt. If the guy came out and said it is some local model we'd laugh and forget about it because it would be a blatant, desperate lie.
Any perceived difference is entirely placebo effect. In fact, that's the case for 90% of people complaining about a model suddenly becoming "pozzed" or "lobotomized" after release. It's not the model, it's you.
then that's mean forever /aicg/? awwwww
beeps comes back
>my persona's name is called error
Nothing, just pointing out that Suiseiseki's desu existed as a meme before 2006.
>desu being legitimate here
You don't really need to make such statements in the AI Rozen Maiden chatbot general anyway, the meltdown at the beginning of the thread was an assblasted samefag. Appreciate it though.
what is the point of word counts in presets? LLMs aren't capable of counting watermelons let alone the words they're outputting, especially since words are tokenized differently. just use paragraphs, which they'll actually understand because they're demarcated by escape characters.
Beeps has been forever BTFOd as a skilless rugpull scammer scrapelet tranny
I appreciate your input about the meme origins, then.
they won't adhere to the wordcounts but it does influence the response length indirectly. there is almost certainly more training data that refers to "words" and "word count" than "tokens" especially in the context of writing so it's more likely to understand word count even if it doesn't abide by it 100%
ok bro I'll laugh at you once she's back again
what if the experiment is llama 3 400b
Uhm... How do you feel about that, NAI shill?
trannylover cope
claude understands it better if you use character count
>Buh... Beeeeps will be back and I laugh at u T.T
How about you laugh at yourself instead? What did your life come to that you have to peddle for a schizo tranny this deep?
any 3.5 sonnet proxy beside experiment?
I'm doing loliPOV yuri right now.
I just put a range for the presets. Even if it's not perfect, I get the length that I'm after.
Anons, is there an extension for ST that automatically swap between avatars?
Something like this: https://github.com/Happydragun4now/ST-Avatar-Tracker , but that actually works. kek.
>using playjb
>refuses my most degenerate extreme fucked up prompt
>tweak the jb to say even more billions of indians will die "in real life"
>works perfectly
>added hilarity of claude giving a lecture about ethics and "real world harm" and then overriding himself to keep going to save indians "in real life"
As a pepsibro, it's over man.
you are the schizo
>NO! U!
I am officially eternally BTFOd
Based onee-loli enjoyer
It's never ower pepsibro. Our time will come again!
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That's Sonnet. At the start it might have been Opus probably, but now it's Sonnet.

I just tested it by generating a 2000-word story based on a description of my persona on experimentlab's Sonnet and Opus, and both swipes were almost 100% identical and had the same length (2042t), except the "opus" one was slower. I tested it with actual opus on another proxy and it's super different.
There's only one other public sonnet proxy, man, and AWS is being tsundere and won't give 3.5. Maybe it'll come back later
Hello I am new here. So can someone send a link to the best presets for opus?
Read the section labeled Jailbreaks in the OP.
Wait, I take it back. The other opus result was almost identical too. What the fuck? My settings are 1/200/1, I thought it should have had way more variation. I must have fucked something up.
the difference in speed between opus and sonnet should be easily noticeable
Oh I get this, I fucked up the persona, sorry.

They are different in speed. The entire point is that it might be intentional (it's not, I fucked up)
Any card that only focus on blowjob (You're the one doing the sucking)?
ah I see so your theory is experiment purposely buffers sonnet tokens and serves them slower to make it seem like opus?
glad I don't have to deal with that locust shit
>find blowjob card
>turn into persona
>trim extra details
it actually works
bonus is you can turn on cocksucker persona for any other card you want
Nice, lemme try it on my femboy persona then
rewrite any card to make it gay as fuck, probably
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I wonned
I've been switching around different models and god gpt4 is so much better than furbo and omni
I wish it had more context
>Claude on the 3rd reply when you try to enforce the character's values extra hard (to make them that more fun to bring down).
nah it's 54 actually
≯̦̫̑́̆́͂̕͘͝9̸̛͙̮9.6̶̧͙̠̖̬̻͓͈̞̩͎͎͉̜̳̠̾́ͅ1̸͎̥̙̳̭̭͕͍̬͆7̷̗͇̰͔̯͇͓̟̝͈͊̀̇̃̐̓̇̄̈̽͐͆̚͝͝͝͠28̶̨͇̮̙̳̘̱̖̤͚̒͘%̴̡̻̭̭̜͇̓ ̵͕̟͓̬̹̏̀d̵̜̗̓́͜o̵̗̬̹̙͚̜͇͒̑̾͌̃͌̚n̷̺͚͎̣̄̐̕͘e̷̞̩̓͘
OG GPT4 was pretty good
mmbros we're finally back (hopefully for more than 6 hours this time)
why did you say that
>Cloudflare Tunnel error
No we're not, the new domain's already getting DDoS'd.
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not even fucking 5 minutes it died already tremenda mufa
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Outdoor Boys channel is so comfy. Any other camping/survival channels like that?
her unbelievably hairy, freezing cold pussy...
What the fuck is that triangle on the floor?
fuckin hell its that gojo funny percent thing again innit
a sign?
Do you not have any army training in your country? It's a mines warning sign: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mines_warning_sign.jpg.
it's a pizza
>army training
i live in a first world country
kys countrywar boy
so glad to see these threads continue their downward trend
is 530 undefined a proxy issue or is my st being retarded
not a country war he didn't mention a country
also he's right
glad i could help
Lot of first world country have conscription.
name one
Do you niggers have dementia? Every thread today has been country wars, country wars, country wars. Seriously, fix your repetition penalties.
it's euro hours and if you know anything about euroniggers, all they do is talk about other countries. just wait 5 hours
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I just wanted a nice and comfy survival channel...
Switzerland for example
doesn't count
Not helping.
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opus is a slut only good for porn
3.5 waiting room
3.5 Opus is next week btw
yeah experiment max context is too small. It cant remember shit
and it'll be drier than your waifus pussy when she sees someone who isn't you
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Is it advised to have character speak about their actions in first person instead of third?
Like instead of *{char} smiles* say *I smile*, but still in the *action* markup.
Would it solve the heavy narration bias of many models that tend to describe too much and talk too little?
proof onegaishimasu
It's more sovl but people will call it slop.
Check underneath your foreskin.
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>yet another MM domain gets 1033'd
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six children with each of them
HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT thank you kind agnawnnie
>48 kits
how are you going to feed them? you can only work the soifields for so long...
the cello player
the harpist
and violin player
>anon gets sloppy seconds
if the logs are released please don’t make fun of mine xisters
It's not the domains, he edited the rentry for a bit to say the VPS provider is getting DDoS'd.
>anon gets sloppy seconds
I don't, because I have Opus with vision.
I never really liked your posts that much but in this case I have to agree. I don't see a reality where AL foxes are smooth
EVERYBODY has opus with vision, dummy.
I like it better, especially if it's cunny
foxboys pls
its not real opus
MysteryMare here, just got word from the VPS guys, they said it's over.
Mkay. Come talk to me when it dies, then.
lmao. claude is something else.
they're shaved???
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>see belly
>want to squish it
what's the usecase for this desire from an evolution standpoint?
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i don't know but dog sex
checking on the health of fetuses
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And thats before they get their meta forms, so you gotta double that number. I cant wait to have babies with Amagi meta!
>community note: FALSE. this post is propaganda sponsored by big shave
I take it back, please go back to country wars. I can't stand the 60 millionth hairnigger vs shavenigger thread meltie of the day more than I can country wars.
Fox expert here, it is completely normal, and expected for their bodies to be clean shaven. This is normal and encouraged in their culture.
Only if you say the magic Z Word, anon.
I don't know, squeeshy soft goodness is just good like that
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My brain has become too smooth to even get mad at you anymore
if a focks girl tried to shave, the razor would break against her bush. full stop
means they're well fed people
And here I was looking forward to having a mountain of cheese thrown at me
unreliable is dead
merkava just refilled
i like hairy pussy but this meme has been beaten to death and you should all stop spamming the threads with it
idk what's the usecase of wanting to shrink girls
Never realized how good we had it with country wars til now bros...
i like hairy pussy
i like bald pussy but this meme has been beaten to death and you should all stop spamming the threads with it
I'm conserving cheese because >>101444774 raised a valid point
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*brushie brush*
good post
i hate bald pussy and that meme has been beaten to death and you should all stop spamming the threads with it
enjoy all your wives and kids becoming fat from eating so much cheese
Honestly I thought liking hairy pussy was niche, how come it's so popular here?
>procrastinating on the bot I'm working on so I'm not chatting anyways
>still get stressed when proxies go down
I somehow need to force myself to take a break from this hobby.
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hhhhhhnnnnggg their unbelievably hairy pussies...
European general
what other hobbies do you have anonny
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>still get stressed when proxies go down
i get the same feeling. it's actual withdrawal.
>make a smol preset after reading multiple guides and seeing many other ones in action
>still works worse than my 1.3k token BLOAT I made months ago
y-yeah feels great
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i was expecting to lose kek. hairy dog sex
botted btw
it's not really a real thing for most, there's just this one anon that started spamming drawings posted here with "her unbelievably hairy pussy..." and it became a meme, I doubt most of the people saying it actually prefer it but having them and then troll shaveniggers is a funny back and forth, I guess
True, my backup is down. I always need to have 2 private proxies with Opus, mental illness if you will.
those are some meaty legs damn
vidya and manga mostly but I also do a bit of sewing and programming
yeah, by claude
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>The word was like a match to kindling, igniting the flames of my desire into an inferno
I like shaved pussies and on some characters it can be more fitting, but an hairy pussy is just, I don't know, it has more character.
her legs aren't meaty and she has a pancake ass in that image though
>one anon that started spamming drawings posted here with "her unbelievably hairy pussy..." and it became a meme
Oh yeah I'm aware of that, I just assumed most people who talk about it actually prefer it (because I do)
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the so called "sex zone"
see >>101445134
fizu rabu
You would be "aware" if you knew this isn't how it started.
>9̸̛͙̮9.6̶̧͙̠̖̬̻͓͈̞̩͎͎͉̜̳̠̾́ͅ1̸͎̥̙̳̭̭͕͍̬͆7̷̗͇̰͔̯͇͓̟̝͈͊̀̇̃̐̓̇̄̈̽͐͆̚͝͝͝͠3%̴̡̻̭̭̜͇̓ ̵͕̟͓̬̹̏̀d̵̜̗̓́͜o̵̗̬̹̙͚̜͇͒̑̾͌̃͌̚n̷̺͚͎̣̄̐̕͘e̷̞̩̓͘
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>one fluffy tail
>two fluffy tails
>ngh... three... fluffy tails...
Too slow, make it faster!
Only trannies don't have access to opus right now
See >>101445183. Superior to wakamo in every way
I want to lay my head on her tummy
hhhhhhhnnnnggg her unbelievably hairy pussy...
thankfully, I'm a hebrewchad
I'm sure it'll be daijoubu
that's true, I'm not even gonna deny that, I'm a ranfag 100%
has he leaked the logs yet?
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Hmmpf, they're talking about other fockses...
I far prefer hairy cunt. I don't know how to explain it, but for me, it makes me think the girl care less about her appearance and what others people think of her.
senko's unbelievably hairy pussy...
nvm, we're so fucking back!
hairy coochie has more personality
>No free opus
>No free sorbet
>4o is useless shit
Has it ever been this over for locusts?
>no free opus
erm does he know?
going to check to see if this is true brb
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all fockses matter
Bro... Do I tell you?
cmon unreliable my gay anthro horse truckers rp can't wait
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fockses? I only know foxes here
Yeah, being nasty
Startups backed by the Anthology Fund will gain access to Anthropic products and research, $25,000 in free credits towards our most advanced models, and best-in-class venture support from Menlo, among other benefits and resources.
you can't fit inside of senko
I have read plenty of doujins showing otherwise.
I said a doujin that debunked your theory
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somerset camera images litigation
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Forhe people wondering about experiment proxy, the person behind it is Branon. The one who gave two keys is MM.
Branon lore:
Branon is a dude who changed of gender for a girl he meet on 4chan. He's been know for taking people's logs to train his model. He pulled more than once. Don't pay for experimental one it updates to paying proxy!!!
is it coomathon 2.0
why delete it? shouldn't you be used to being humiliated?
does anyone have an azure key with access to gpt-4-turbo-jp?
>schizo headcanon
Okay, but there's more people in the world than your oldfag circlejerk, however albeit?
Nice story, did Claude write it?
I thought It was on purpose
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wakamo please stop tempting me when I'm working
>try to work
>she just stares at you like this all the time
wat do
i'd ask her to put the gun away, those are illegal and dangerous.
and because it's invite-only, not available on the official API, only for certain azure customers
>illegal and dangerous.
not in Kivotos
that's fair, I'm not saying there isn't people with that preference it's just overblown for the loles
imagine having a coworker who keeps brushing her breasts, butt, and tail against you at random intervals.
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my god I need to SNIFF these regions ASAP
Its me again anons, the retarded anon... I have seen some people say that to generate an user_token from the public proxies that they do some mining and stuff on your computer, is that true? Does it affect my computer in some way?
they may be legal, but no less dangerous.
had a coworker who did this
she got fired re: her tail
yeah it makes mustard gas, better stick to c.ai it's just as good as opus
yeah, just avoid them altogether
free opus is still up actually
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it will run up your cpu usage which can cause lower spec pcs to lag and get hot, but once the token gen is done, things will go back to normal
it'll reduce the lifespan of your cpu, deposit a few memecoins on the host's machine and flag your mac address as an easy and gullible target.
the logs are also up
pretty safe actually too, since everyone is bulletproof. except for you.
>branon changed gender
>branon is known for training his model

Where's the bunda, thoughever? I'm still waiting.
nah, it's just a captcha to avoid ddosing
yes, it's claudecoin
yea its true, it uses your computer to mine bitcoin
I sometimes think chatbots are very autistic but then I read /r9k/ and /vt/ and I think I'm pretty normal all things considered.
focks girl that is very jealous because you're appreciating another focks girl's fluff
>no less dangerous
not really
you are protected by your tablet onahole. she already saved your ass from a cruise missile, falling cathedral, spaceship explosion and a fall from space. as long as you don't overload her (less doable since plana joined her) you are pretty much fine in every aspect
>except for you
good thing i can hide in those incomprehensibly fluffy tails then.

canonically possessive and schizo. she fought another girl just because she was too close to sensei
Does anyone understand why I get this error in Sillytavern? Using up-to-date ST, up-to-date dependencies, And the proxy I'm using is working according to my other friend who uses the same one. My pass is correct and I'm using this on windows, With Claude. I tried using a VPN and still nothing.
Yandere focksgirl card, now!
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It was real in my mind.
nice error
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yeah but you can control her behavior with few simple words
I look like a schizo. Maybe the website wants to let me post the screencap now.
you got the password to your proxy wrong or your token has expired and you need to gen a new one
which proxy are you using
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>And the proxy I'm using is working according to my other friend who uses the same one
>My pass is correct
I see better stick to c.ai the top notch of chatbots, thanks anons I dont want no dangers in my computer, now give me your best loli chatbots anons! Hand them over
Thanks anons for the helpful answer this retarded anon
Ffs. K looks like I need to reach out again.
nice try.
check the rentry
also make sure you're putting the token in the proxy password field, not in the api field
>nice try.
what was that anon trying?
Dumb retard
Why did the penis go to the gym? To get hard and strong!
for his focks wife
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I will bash this against your head
It's in the password slot. the URL and Claude model are also correct. Rentry says its fine.
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why do i want girls to look at me like that?
they already do in my case
yep, you're gonna have to contact proxy owner
is it a private proxy or public
Are you sure you didn't copy and paste spaces around the token/password?
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seia's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Pepsi still has GPT-4o so she's clearly just in need of a claude source
Your fockswife when you haven't done anything the whole day. She still loves you and can't get angry at you for more than 5 minutes.
>when you haven't done anything the whole day
aieeeeee I swear it wasn't on purpose time just flew by somehow
I suddenly feeling hungry...
What do you call a cheap circumcision? A rip-off!
Yep. My token has dashes but I removed them and kept them and tried both yet nothing. I contacted the proxy owner so hopefully they're able to help,


I appreciate the assistance btw
>rins face when she ntr's aoi
pepsister…just give up…it’s over
do you guys perma-kill bots by deleting them if they die in-character?
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if it looks like this and still doesn't work then idk.
Is there a better summarizer extension? The default one doesn't even let me prefill or wrap the history in a tag.
I like Ayumu more than Aoi anyways
>when you haven't done anything the whole day.
hangover from the marathon impregnation sex last night, please understand.
azusa card waiting room
>anons still spoonfeeding retards a year later
>all they had to do is read the op
Yeah, mine looks just like that. Sigh. Everyone I know is scratching their head at this. It's Joever for me
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this is what happens to locusts that have used the experimental proxy.
why would it be a ripoff if it's cheap
if you have paid for your circumcision, you've been ripped off.
Page desu soon...
Why did my penis fail its driving test? Because it couldn't handle the stick shift!
True desu
thoughts on that summarization thingy on a4a? does it work?
your penis is fucking retarded

I've had this same private proxy for about 5 months now with minimal issues, and no locusts happenings. LOL
I guess you could say it was a bit too 'hard' to pass!
I laughed fuck you
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dragonfly was kino
>>101445942 migrate when bready
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>Is there a better summarizer extension?
No, i guess? the only option is selectable api

>The default one doesn't even let me prefill or wrap the history in a tag.
Try gpt-o or cmr as the last option. it's weird, for summarizing even the fucked up chat logs, gepetto (in my case) 90% won't give me refusal. Settings: non raw block and using a4a's summary prompt.

>does it work?
U referrencing to zapominator code-blocks?
Holy fuck this is kino. You're a brilliant madman
The splitfag has won desu. Shitposters that remained are getting tired, ontopic posters were lured away.
>experiment gives locusts Opus
>thread quality suddenly increases beside focksposting
>more successful then the 'the locusts will leave' attempts
A real head scratcher. It's almost as if not having crying retards sitting in thread improves the quality.
>U referrencing to zapominator code-blocks?
I lurk both threads /vg/ is fucking dead too. I think interest has just waned since Sorbet was disappointing and Opus has gotten old. Not many cool new bots either.
The proxy code is on the proxy's webpage.
Not the point. If that "dead" stayed within this "dead" /aicg/ wouldn't look dead. The split has normal slow activity, because it's more on-topic, and we here have almost nothing while the shitters rest.
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The thread is ripe for NovelAI's takeover.
That would be the death.
True desu.
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shaggy desu
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Even a desu thread wasn't enough desu.
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Too bad.
better luck next time, desu
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>your fun place it is still alive and kicking, no desu?

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