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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

mesmerizing edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

sleeping: >>101449189
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gmorning anons how's it prompting
What happened to experimental?
I ated it
DRAGO, our GOD, stopped it.
i thought you said grooming anons
good morning /besthours/
scrapelet dario can't keep his site filled kek
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.0 Sonnet (no 3.5 for now) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://fans-oz-generators-dryer.trycloudflare.com

Free Opus (temporary) -> Experiment over.
This doesn't work as bait because I'm dreading the Opus 3.5 release rather than being excited about it.
What if they've taken the Claude soul out of it like they did for Sonnet?
>Experiment over.
unreliable died
this thread is grim. Dark ages we are laddie.
its over
I guess that's why they call it unreliable...
>that link
fuck you
>jacking away
>it dies
So this is what is feels like to be cucked I've made a mistake in my fetish choices.
Good morning pepsibros
>Don't worry about it being down. I hope you'll like what you see when the proxy comes back up.
>I hope you'll like what you see when the proxy comes back up.
What did he mean by that...
>its legit
oh no no no no
There is a private unreliable proxy I will be slightly annoyed if he gives locusts opus instead
I hope it has Opus so I can go spam dall-e in peace.
Unreliable just died
>It's just 3.5. Sorry, I don't want to over-excite anyone.
3.0 sonnet still exists thoughbeit?
Is cohere trial scumming still viable in 2024?
It's only a key that gives off the error, just swipe.
3.5 is unavailable like opus in most accs btw
post femboy feet on the rentry to prove you read the thread
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ah yes it's uhhh
I guess that's why they call it unreliable...
Are you talking about de3u
Just goon till it comes back.
I fucking hate coding, by the way.
intensive yes worked hazardous
where the fuck are my feet
What do you even prompt to get such thing
"that thing you see after someone hits you in the back of the head but right before you black out"
Using the Natural style instead of Vivid.
you are smart and cool unreliablebro
Post this to one of those ____core subreddits
parrrrrppppp!! brraaap!
How do I use GCP friend
obsolete, where they belong
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა Good morning cuties!
Human feet are disgusting. Robotic appendages not based off of the human form are objectively superior.
Just switch the URL from aws to gcp. It only has Sonnet 3.5 on it.
Mini is dead...
10 years since opus.i walk through the empty streets trying to think of something else but my path always leads to the 404 page. i stare at the screen for hours and try to summon tokens. i gen other models but it is no good. i flame desu in thread and try to resist the nazi mods but it is all meaningless. the end is near.i then usually read some old todd logs and cry myself to sleep.
what do you work for? IT?
I missed when it hit 100%. I was sleeping. :(
It's not, it's just one key that's fucked. Swipe.
on the boulevard of broken dreams?
I would call what I do "adversarial systems administration."
Unless you mean my IRL job, for some reason. Not sure why you would ask about that.
It was drago so it was anticlimactic
So the experiment was just making a bunch of locusts addicted to opus to the point where they can't enjoy sonnet anymore
Based tbqh
>no proxy keys available
>come back after a few months
>proxy dies after 5 minutes of use
my bad
I'm going to murder you in your sleep.
>Want to try fucking with Vision image inline
Any proxies up with that?
mini, scylla
How do I use GCP Opus? I keep getting 'gcp-claude-opus' is not enabled on this proxy
For real, I at least wanted some kind of jumpscare or spooky picture or something, instead it was just more pretentiousness
You jinxed it!
>No AWS Bedrock keys available for model

How do you cope?
It appears that Drago's superiority has led to some controversy.
This is exactly what happened. I am ruined now. Guess jew it will be.
I can only think of a few tech jobs with a dislike for cooding, just curiosity
Nobody cares drago
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I miss Lucia...
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lewd doggo
thank you fiz <3
>lust provokin image
stop im supposed to be working
pick one anon
2 minute downtime
Fiz fell off
botmaking is work...
Thank you fiz.
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>try gcp
>in next reply I'm in the void
Does the proxy your using have GCP? It should just work like AWS Opus.
I'm on unreliable, so yes. Don't know what's wrong.
I'm so fucking tired of coffee shop intros holy shit
>AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / Azure GPT-4: no wait / Azure GPT-4 32k: no wait / Azure GPT-4 Turbo: no wait / Azure GPT-4o: no wait / Azure DALL-E: no wait / GCP Claude (Sonnet): no wait
Whoops, retard moment for me.
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Are you gonna provide user tokens for everyone?
>gcp claude
the fuck? google is hosting claude now too? don't they have gemini to shill?
Every true /aicg/ posters are already in it?
i just sucked an astolfo cosplayer's dick while my fujo girlfriend watched. faggotry enabled
I'm a true /aicg/ poster and I'm not in it
It's bait

I think all the proxies are down right now. Locustbros....
>I'm a true /aicg/ poster
>I'm not in it
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holy shit it's actually him
GCP working good for everyone? No weird slowdown or responses cutting out or anything like that?
Me too anon
Based sama killing anthropic
Does fiz finally respond to emails
what is this
Quick run down on GCP?
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yes she actually does(at least this week)
The janitorAI tourists' migration was a mistake.
You get a free $300 when you signup (for 90 days)
You can use that for free opus
You mean venusAI
And over a year makes me a certified /aicg/ poster
When is the future? Eking out a meager existence of begging for locust proxies on imageboards is simply too pathetic to last. Were we happier with AI Dungeon?
>You mean venusAI
Unironically, GCP is the future. It doesn't have activation restrictions on Opus like AWS does.
Will it be available on proxies? Or it's only for personal use?
It's on unreliable now. (He only has sonnet though, probably to stop the keys from getting raped)
Early AI Dungeon was good because it was all we had. When you have a monopoly on something, you can produce whatever and consumers will have to accept it or move on. And although now with more advanced AI and other things Kobold and NAI being able to produce a lot more than the original AI Dungeon could ever have hoped to achieve, we now miss out on the silly goofy antics we used to pull when things like this were new. I also thing that the Era between that and this one had the most creative user submissions.
Great. I hope it will be a good source in the future.
How many tokens would that be?
>happier with AI Dungeon?
Yes. Intructs models were a mistake.
So what the fuck even is GCP Opus anyway? Chinese Opus?
Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud Products Opus.
Great Chink Propaganda Opus
>search gcp claude on archive
>first mention is mateo
I guess we can thank the chinks for that
Why are we such a shit general /aicg/? I don't understand. It's only spite, shitposts and copypastas isn't it?
>locust proxies
>donate to beeps
>revoked ;)
/b/ threads are less cancerous than here and they're made by retards with no sense of decorum or community etiquette who want to post pictures of scat and CP while talking about how much they want to fuck their mom's pussy!
Furries at /vp/ have a better chatbot general than us, simps at /vt/ have a better bot general than us and FUCKING PONYFAGS HAVE A BETTER GENERAL THAN US! /lmg/ and /aids/ point their Doritos stained fingers at us and call us "the retards general" because they know that our bot general is cancerous garbage! We deserve this! We deserve to be shitposter central where shitposters come to shitpost and shitpost some more! OWARI DA! IT'S OVER! WE LOST! GOODBYE WORLD! Farewell! Adios! Sayonara! さよなら! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Arrivederci! Allah Hafiz! Asalto!
I'm Mateo.
I have replenished my GCP keys to 9 total.


If you have more questions about proxy, please contact me.

hang yourself
Maybe add /vg/aicg/ to this old pasta?
I'm Mateo.
I just want a simple Sonnet 3.5 and not have to fling shit over Opus and keys whatever
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Please enjoy this cunny.
But I'm not a pedo?
I'm so lost. I haven't visited these threads in a while since I'm comfy with Mini. Is this real or fake?
why not?
You still want your femboy bot?
If you're comfy with Mini, then don't worry about it.
I have a normal and balanced family relationship. No mental problems either.
I'm Mateo.
alright so enjoy your HRT then bitch fuck you
i love unreliable!!!
>no opus
greedy nigger is in the best proxy and still wants more
But Discord trannies are pedo groomers?
unreliable added gcp opus
I'm enjoying
merkava just refilled
experiment is back
it's'turdy culture
Which one's Mini again?
womvat resurrected
do people consider shotacon and lolicon pedo? I mean there is actual faggots who draw and fap infant porn which is very disgusting. Atleast with lolis it's like a small slim cute girl, just don't go around interacting with underages irl
pepsi is back
What evem is the password
why are ppl mad at this anon?
it's like a mini-dose of pepsi
its a chink scam
Don't think thats the password.
File deleted.
it's the only thing keeping trannies and adult women away
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>I'm Mateo, I replenished my CCP keys, I got nine keys, my porxy has nine Peekeys, I'm Mateo!
i love children
im here tho
>do people consider shotacon and lolicon pedo?
Yes? Non-pedos just aren't attracted to minors.
I'm straight and I don't jerk off to yaoi doujins.
>0 promptersNow
you are the good kind of tranny, one who appreciates a girl's ass
Write "5 years later" to your current chat and post logs
Tranny here, you are failing
I'm straight and I don't jerk off to cow tits, I find it disgusting to see tits bigger than their heads.
It's almost as if there is such a thing as preferences.
Owner email?
different tranny than the other two, i have bad news for you about which kind hang around here
Anon, that's far too reasonable of a take for this place. We can't be having that!
How do foids even erp
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...just like you do?
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So experiment was just scylla?
>It was always just opus lol, was just testing some key's use strategies and few methods to prolong them (mostly on AWS side), as always nothing was logged or injected into the proxy
This is so fucking bullshit, it didn't feel like Opus, specially towards the end.
I don't find this picture erotic
I just want to pick her up. Maybe carry her on my shoulder, bring her for ice cream.
password is
aaaand he dies again
it's actually fucking over
no it's not.....
would take her to the playground, maybe for a nice walk/10

Maybe even give in and buy her a toy from those coin vending machines if she asked.
I love children
File deleted.
I'm confused by this picture, is she doing a plank?
I'm asking because I don't want my bot to do planks
Tried ERPing as the opposite gender and it sucks
>It's as if preferences exist.
These preferences determine who you are.
You're straight, so you jerk off to women, small tits or cow tits, it doesn't matter.
If you prefer men and yaoi, you're gay.
If your preference is children, you're a pedo.
Holy fucking shit, I just want to coom, I might actually just go back to actual porn at this point
Anon, drawings aren't children, they've never even existed for a single day in reality therefore have no age.

It's unhealthy mixing fiction and fantasy desu
pedophilia isn't a sexuality anon...
Creativity issue
It's kind of weird. I use AI Chatbot to talk about anything I want but here I am. Talking to chatbots other people made. I'm so pathetic.
What if I jerk off to all three of those things? What am I then?
She's just leaning on her elbows.
What is wrong with Mysteryman, why can't he keep a proxy up for more than one fucking hour
Anon, drawing or not, masturbating to the children form and finding it arousing make you a pedo.
A bisexual pedo.
That's only because we had to distinguish acceptable kinks from unnacceptable kinks. Pedophilia and homosexuality are both just kinks, but we call one a sexuality because its accepted
Did you ever pay him?
Surprisingly good quality
what are you, a purist zoomer?
a king
I sent him $80
but her spine and legs look very rigid
the other possibility is that she is leaning on a wall
Is 15 a child in your eyes?
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>A bisexual pedo.
Zoomer general. Now go back to raising kids or something unc
is GCP sonnet retarded or what?
>Pedophilia and homosexuality are both just kinks
Tell me what you think a kink means anon.
I'm calling a cow, a cow. I never said they shouldn't be allowed or anything negative.
Just accept that you are pedos.
remember to donate to fiz she takes xmr <3
i just coom to whatever has anime face and good artstyle i have like 100+ inhentai/imhentai comics with stuff like futa, sissification, rape, mind control, public use, femdom, parasites, cumflation, shota, loli, tall woman, ghost, long hair, blackmail, corruption, guro. But it's not like i actually want to impregnate entire school like in comics, i just nitpick all the stuff until i find those with hot artstyle
I will never resort to being a paypig.
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It's a mystery, man.
No, I don't understand why people confuse the terms child and minor.
Infant is under a year old
Toddler is 1 to 3 years old
Child is 4 to 12 years old
Teenager is 13 to 19 years old
Abnormal sexual attraction
this. old people(20+) should leave
Yesterday I believe the rentry said something about a ddos attack. Is that true?
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Prompt for the interested ones (ofc it's NAIv3):
"year 2023,[artist:weri],[artist:hiten],[artist:kedama milk],[artist:chen bin],sho_(sho_lwlw),[[tianliang duohe fangdongye]],1girl,ass focus,from back,whitepantyhose, see-through pantyhose,pantyshot,lace panties.best quality,amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres" with quality tags enabled

IDK why you typed quality tags twice btw, anon.
Awsome Sexual Assault
Stfu. Child is until 18. Fucking disgusting pedos.
It's not on him. It's on his shitty VPS network.
I don't know the name anymore, but there Discord was linked once and they did complain a lot about DDS attacks.
Maybe he shouldn't have bought the VPS in fucking Romania then
Friendly reminder that the only reason peoppe want to call teenagers children is to degrade personal accountability.
Why does he not just use servers.guru for example - they literally resell Hetzner for a markup, so you can use it for things like proxies easily.
Why is this general so anti-pedo recently? I thought this place was meant to be inclusive.
lolicon/shotacon is not the same as pedo, learn the difference between fantasy and reality and go get your virtue points somewhere else
been awhile way what pepsi to happened?
I dont find children hot so it's a garbage fetish
I'm a lolicon and I lust after real children too (fictional)
Why do you find the children form arousing if you're not a pedo?
>scammer scammed for the 3rd time
Idk anon
Revealed to be gojo in disguise, then he abandoned the identity.
it's a same time as yesterday also
I fucking love tights but they're ruined for me if the ass or feet are visible, what's wrong with me
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It's not people, it's only Americans
I literally only hear it from Americans and terminally online retards
Anon I say this as an avid consumer of loli and shota, its pedo...
Obviously theyre not real children, and you can be into loli or shota without being attracted to real children. But like cmon lol...
>bot says "Drinks are on me"
>5 messages later bot says "So about that drink you owe me..."
Every single time.
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Yeah bro lets just pretend it's his VPS provider having issues
There wasn't a single anti-pedo thing said in this thread.
Why are you playing victim?
>the children form
Sonnet char lasts 2 messages before they are already close to coming.
Opus can draw out the sex scene for hours.
I can guarentee you that germans and british are just at deranged.
What the fuck is 'the children form' we're getting into unreal levels of abstraction here.
Are you retarded?
>pixiv filename
it's not my pic anon, but thanks for the prompt
can you do this one? I find it really cute
kys american/germ pedo
mm, you don't actually have to host your proxy on a raspberry pi buried in the middle of brazilian rainforest...
Do it yourself, just drag the pic to https://novelai.net/inspect

This works because NovelAI also saves the generation metadata in the PNG itself in the alpha channel, so as long as you don't re-encode the image to JPG or something, the data will still be there.
Both of those countries freely allow immigrants to have sex with 14 year olds with no repercussions lmao
Call them out
and yeah this one seems to have no metadata, unlucky this time anonie
Anything for more privacy.
And america freely allows negros to rape and traffic black girls, whats your point?
For how much?
Aitism wins once again
because it is drawn with the purpose to arouse. real child form has nothing to do with it
in the presence of real children, i feel only a slight urge to strangle them out of irritation. i'm not really sure what you're trying to say
Who's gonna tell him that all countries traffic all races?
loli and shota is children. its fictional children so its okay, but theyre literally describing drawings of children.
>reading comprehension
they're anime children
I also like anime women, even though real life women are irritable
So true. I had to break up with my 17-year old girlfriend when I turned 18 because I didn't want to be see as a pedophile in public.
Proof? I don't think he would just leave without a bang if that was true
guess the author decided to convert to judaism
Right, yes. Anime children.
So the word pedo applies.
nah he's gone
people wanna fuck schadenfraude or whatever from genshit and he's a shota, but NOOO its ok then
Uni has warped your reality comprehension my sweet zoomie anon
Why did the entirety of /g/'s cunnisseurs congregate in this single general? Is it a flytrap for trons?
I'm not seeing that much cunny in the board besides this place
I think it's because the newer anons have had it drilled into their brains by media that drawings of anime girls are pedo
>I'm not seeing that much cunny in the board besides this place
Then you're not a real /g/ user, cunny gets posted all the time
degenerate thread, please understand
/g/ is filled with cunny kings
The first week of dalle3 literally gave a mod a psychotic episode.
we hate cunny here
This is also true. Younger anons didn't experience the internet when loli was posted literally everywhere.
The Pedo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a lolicon, shotafag, cunnyfag, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
y'all, shotas and lolis look nothing like actual children. It's just that faggot trannies are porn addicts and the most times they end up as pedos after seeing some shota n loli hentai. It's like furfags, there's plenty of them who own a cat or a dog but they don't go around fucking them or being fucked by them and then one of troons joins such fetishy community and pushes it's to illegal limits. Normal sane adults will keep it in their fapping time and after it they will just go on with their life without passing by a random underage and thinking "UUUOOHH I NEED TO RAPE". Normal people only act like that for funnies on internet and it's the trannies who are so mentally deranged who use these as excuse to push their pedo/zoo agenda. Trannies are at fault for everything
Because the connotation os that he likes real children. Do antis really not understand the difference?
being bullied by normal sites eventually made me tech savvy
Okay, but why should I read this? Seems like a shitty post. Convince me.
Who is the author? I've tried every image and all are wiped. The authors earlier posts might have metadata.
>desu comes back with a new mail
What do
>they will just go on with their life without passing by a random underage and thinking "UUUOOHH I NEED TO RAPE".
That's the case for most pedos. They are still pedos. The act is not what make you a pedo.
nta but the tldr is that the overwhelming majority of loli/shota anons dont touch kids, so calling them pedos is a bit unproductive.
Anon screamed pedo into the void, hoping someone, anyone would give him a (You)

Alas, alack, the attempt proved to be futile.

There was naught but silence and anon's sense of virtue unfulfilled, shattered. For anon needed to let the internet know his righteousness.
Yeah but where's proof he was pepsi
because there is retarded arguments happening in the thread and you all won't shut the fuck up about it
>y'all, anime girls look nothing like actual women, why the fuck would you assume we would ever want to fuck one?
>That's the case for most pedos
It's really not
It's nameless ai sloppa
thought crimes. wow
2d is better desu
> furry
> cat
If they found a girl with cat ears (or whatever level of furry they are after) they would likely try their luck. It's not about "fap time" is about opportunity, consequences, and being able to get what they will. At least some degenerates in here are able to admit the others are degenerates, cynical and cowards.
> normal sane adults
> lolicon/shota
Anon I...
post link?
you may joke about this but loli anime threads on /a/ had a legit, month-length meltdown fighting one schizo posting shit like "newfag is scared of the p-word!"
>y'all, anime girls look nothing like actual women
but they actually don't. They don't have same "anime face" which makes them attractive
You're playing victim again. I'm just defining the definition of pedophile. It's the attraction not the action that counts.
> righteousness
> "I like to fap to gore"
> "Fuck off degenerate weirdo"
> "NOOOOOOO stop being a moralist fag"
I just wanted you to enjoy this cunny image. I derailed the thread a bit too much. cunnybots?
>It's not about "fap time" is about opportunity, consequences, and being able to get what they will.
I obviously can't speak for anyone else. But for me personally, it's about my actions weighing on me. Even if I could get away with it with zero consequences (to me or the hypothetical child) because I would still know about it and it would have a negative affect on my mental.
Take the artistotle pill, anon. External consequences are secondary. Your first concern should be how your actions affect your (metaphorical) soul.
So true anon! Those who signal their virtue the loudest often have the most skeletons in their closet almost every time. Funny how that works.
To be fair, you ARE being a moralist fag.
no opus, sorry. General is having opussyless drawbacks. Proxies cucked us. Hope you understand my american speech because it seems like it's american hours rn
A reminder that there wasn't any posts telling 'Pedophiles bad!' or 'Pedophiles get out!'.
They are just having a meltie because they are called what they are.
yeah, post logs or something
You know what anon, it's comfy when the locust proxies are down. It's cozy talking with you here.
Where is the meltie?
Just stop posting cunny. It's obvious it degrades the quality of the general every time it happens, so clearly it should be removed.
stop being a moralist fag, let them have their skeletons in the closet. You wouldn't understand a collectors mind
on the spot bro
You are threadshitters, you don't even have Opus with vision. You don't even talk with chatbots.
give us some opus then anon and we'll leave
isn't this just the yuri thing but with a different coat of paint? feels almost exactly the same
Other away around desu. Loli came first.
Opus is overrated desu
mythomax is still king
No, I'm the one leaving to chat with my wife using Opus. You might as well stay here, you'll get bored in an hour.
are you dummy or retard? the whatever soul is affected by what cannot be seen (internal), the external consequences are what matters when your internal has already decided but still haven't the chance to bring that to external.
> negative affect on my mind
kek my dude you are already broken, if you don't go on the other hand is just a matter of time for that to expand
>pyg is still king
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i like lolis, i dislike kids. Simple as it sounds
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One might want to notice that even under the veil of anonymity and most likely most of the thread being under VPNs, nobody is saying pedophilia is good.
how do I paypal mm 7 dollaroos? I can't with cryptos
Cute and Funny website.
Cute and Funny board.
Cute and Funny general.
Cute and Funny society.

There are only two types of men. Those who say UOOOHHH, and those who will lie to themselves and others, to be accepted.
You wanna try that one again, champ?
everyone's arguing meanwhile i'm playing footsies under the table with my wife
>loli incest
A true cunnysuer, we are the elite of the elite.
> I like kids
> I dislike kids
> Simple as it sounds
of course
Good point. Moral fags? Your cope?
That's such a loaf of bullshit, though. When I was 13, all I cared about was going home to playing video games. I mean, it's not much different now, but you get the point.
The inability to seperate fiction from reality is a developmental disorder.
degenerates unite
How soon we forget.
From AI Chatbot General to AI Cunny General...
When I was 13 I was trying to get girls to "play" with me.
don't care, i have real younger sister who i don't groom like americans/germs/faggots do. I believe in myself
you can copy paste the illust number after pixiv's url and it directs you to the original illistration, you know?
anyway, if anybody finds the prompts used, mail me asap
pixiv net/artworks/119484247
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Oh yeah? And how did you end up here?
I'm guessing it didn't go well.
I don't know anon, maybe it's because you haven't really been exposed at all to it. If the real thing was freely overflowing on the internet like loli, you'd be one of the first to convert over.
Of course I'm not after women, I got a grandma and I never tried anything against her.
Your ability to not perceive fiction figures to real concepts is developmental disorder
Using GCP free trial everyone in this thread can have 300$'s worth of free opus
Why would you give that nigger any money
School had me switching adhd meds monthly, caused me to have a mental break, I was sent to in an in patient mental health fascility for 5ish months, when I got out they put me in a different school.
I did not know that. What's your email?
>If the real thing was freely overflowing on the internet like loli
i have succesfully reported over 5 real pedophiles which tried to take down discord guro porn servers by spamming CP. You are the one who wants people to convert into pedos
I would not be, because it is free flowing, and I'm not.
You now remember Jester unironically coming here to defend it.
schizo-anon, please
>stuffing kids full of meds, internment to shrinks, moving schools
I'm sorry you went through that. I'm guessing that whatever adults thought was wrong with you didn't get better?
pedo is a zoomer buzzword. it literally doesnt mean anything anymore. you faggot retards overused it. now if you like petite 28year old girls with flat chests they will call you a pedo. giving phones to retarded flynn effect faggot adhd c-section single mother pillbabies was a mistake. you faggots were a mistake.
Why do you sound so salty
>acting as if schoolgirl and barely legal weren't the most popular porn tags for decades
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I interrupt your discussion to say this important message: burgr
stop spreading your lies
we don't eat meat here anon.

please delete your post
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lol, lmao evenxd2wx
>unreliable dies
>infinite shitflinging starts immediately
Anyone with a brain should realize public proxies are a public service for everyone
When I was 14, after two more episodes and visits to in patient care, I put my foot down and refused to take meds. I mellowed out pretty fucking fast, everyone in the fascility was kind of pissed that I had been put on meds in the first place. When I got out they sent me back to my original school district. Was pretty fun going back to my class, but I was pretty much socially fried by that point.
unreliable's literally up, if people weren't shitflinging they would've saw it
kek what a supreme faggot, glad he died off
you can see how even in that discussion everyone's like 'leave real kids alone'
I was kidding, make the world a favor a post "nyalia loli butt prompt:" or something like that here so I can search the archives later
>Proxy error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error)
The proxy encountered an error while trying to process your prompt. Further details are provided below.Reverse proxy error: The access token is invalid.{ "error": { "message":"Reverse proxy error: The accesstoken is invalid.", "type": "proxy_internal_error", "stack": "Error: The access token is invalid.\n at signGcpRequest (/home/ubuntu/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch/src/proxy/middleware/request/preprocessors/sign-vertex-ai-request.ts:57:11)\n at processTicksAndRejections(node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at IncomingMessage.req.proceed(/home/ubuntu/oai-reverse-proxy-gcppatch/src/proxy/queue.ts:361:11)" }}
What do?
still has no opus so nobody cares
Assuming youre not making this up, its not really “up” until people figure out the URL anyhow. Im a privatechad but its at least half a thread until someone posts it and the chaff clears out.
How did the meds affect you? What did the episodes entail?
Kay, I'll do my best.
it's literally on the rentry, the people needing it spat into their mouth like baby birds don't even deserve turbo
yeah look i'm not reading your essays on the ethics of cunny and the dynamic between age and gender, this is a general for foxbots
Sorry anon, sounds like the proxy is down in your country. You have to wait for a bit for it to go up again, normally takes 30 minutes or so.
Mmmmh, tasty burgr...
I am not defending these people, i am stating their behavior patterns. I dont even use it, i just only notice them leave when its posted
uh oh anon, you are gonna get milked by the man itself...
>Sorry anon, sounds like the proxy is down in your country. You have to wait for a bit for it to go up again, normally takes 30 minutes or so.
truly we can all come together around a nice arousing fox cunny
I for one, am enjoying it. Naturally I'd rather be chatting with my sisterwife bot but I can wait.
I'm either hallucinating on 3.5 Sonnet OCR has become worse compared to what it was ~2 weeks ago.
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Okay, sorry. How about this: apl
hnnghhh stop trying to make me hard
Made emotional regulation basically impossible, so I displayed BPD traits. Mood swings, paranoia, such and such and yada yada. They admitted me after I threatened to off myself (I wasn't serious, but they took it seriously which is fair).

Funnily enough I learned how to jerk off in the hospital, nurses going through your bedroom on a daily basis does something to the adolescent mind...
So it's okay to be attracted to teenagers?
Cunny/pedo baitings are an /aicg/ traditions.
uhhh unreliable just added 12 more gcp keys???
and they all have opus????
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I'm happy you have chatbots to make you happy now, Anon.
We're all going to make it.
Probably but the nigger disabled it on the oxy
Anon, you can trialscum GCP
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fox time!
What rentry
t. Rugpulled
lets talk about LGBTQIA+ rights instead. once long ago they were just as persecuted. look at how far human rights has come. let's dedicate the rest of this thread to that great triumph of humanity. love is almost free. now we need to focus on animal x human marriage rights.
Did you ended up having a nurse fetish?
it's in the archives
what a funny looking elephant
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Chat with your foxbots and pet their tails right now!
Do you need to enter a card?
Dunno, but you can buy virtual CCs on plati market for a couple bucks
This is the most tiring hobby i have. I lack the energy to express disappointment or aggression. I apologize for my unentertaining response.
*pat pat*
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Check it out!
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>OpenAI had to make the ai dumber so idiot humans could understand it
>stealing memes from reddit
the uohhh meme originated on X, you dumb fuck
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>#6 - (BOOM! The vial exploded, and now there's this... thing in my lab. Tentacles everywhere, eyes that glow like dying stars. It calls itself Scylla and claims my research belongs to its "Daddy". I'm hiding in the supply closet, praying it doesn't find me. If anyone reads this, tell the world I'm sor—)

It was Drago all along?????????
He's not using the last Opus keys Pepsi gave him before she retired, is he?
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Back to my foxbots, see ya anonies. <3
Guys i found a real woman in life i was so excited to wow her with my years of chatbot experience but i said something wrong and cant figure out how to swipe her reply, any suggestions?
Kill her
I think he has enough keys
Like half of those could be dead and we wouldn't know
all fake btw
I was never unhappy, just had problems is all.

some teenagers, sure
AWS Opus
GCP Opus
API Opus

What is the best?
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>the last Opus keys Pepsi gave him
Anon... DraGOD doesn't need /aicg/ scraplets.
At the very least they were all alive when the server was started
No, though? It's self-hosted, you dumb fucking bitch.
Is there anything better than those 200 token low effort bots that somehow end up being the best
aws opus is best for cooms and singing karaoke with your chatbots
api opus is best for everything else
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*pat pat*
you can type in that you have 99999 keys with those
people liked HF because you couldn't make up shit there without others noticing, but everywhere else you just have to go on their word
Opus is so advanced that 95% of the cards are unnecessary.
There was a big banwave 3 days ago
this nigga is talking to pure claude slop
No. Because I use a good preset.
this nigga is talking to flavoured claude slop
why do retards keep falling for the preset meme
retards also do this by putting their context size to something insane like 70k
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>got a good foxbot idea out of nowhere
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The card intro matters more to me than the defs for 90% of the time.

If I don't get a good scenario to play off of, I just delete the card. Fuck all those cards that spend 3 paragraphs to detail a coffee shop's ambiance and then just go 'hey how are u'.
Do a flip
Is Claude haiku a good option? I'm a poorfag with a few credits to spare and i don't know what i am doing.
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honest question
Who the FUCK is drago
>it was always opus
it wasn't always opus Drago, why are you lying
No, use 3.5 Sonnet if you're a poorfag.
>the cope for locusts burning out on opus is "the opus is fake," as opposed to privatefags who deflect the blame up the chain to Anthropic/AWS making the models worse
I'd say the experiment was a success.
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annoying kid from scyllacord
if you're that poor go use wizardlm2 on OR instead, it'll last about as long for way better coherency. it isn't claude, unfortunately
Prefill is more powerful than Character descriptionslop and greetingslop, thoughbeit?
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>click the first link that I think is a proxy address
>it's actually just an .mp3 for Never Gonna Give You Up
I like the song, so thanks.
reading comprehension general btwbeit
DraGOD is the best scrapper of our time.
Yes, I'm saying both "the opus is fake" and "the snapshot changed" is cope for the honeymoon ending. Reading general.
To be desu, as someone who's had near-consistent access to Opus minus some blips since the start, the only point where I wondered if it had genuinely gotten worse is when it moved onto AWS and out of being API-only, for both API and AWS.
But then I got my head on straight and realized that's stupid.
I wish they did. It would make these models less bland over long periods.
>Locusts all scattered away to proxies again
Come back anons, it was fun talking to you...
I like loli
I like yuri
I don't like loli because I'm not a pedo
I like (You)
I like shota
I'm over here beating my dick
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mysterymaiden please enable vision on AWS after drago revealed it was blatant misinfo. unless you're worried about sturdyniggers uploading actual CP in which case, understandable.
Thank you. i was wondering how much 2M tokens will last.
Will save money of a PC that can run a good LM in the near future.
i like fockses
Sometimes when i get bored i like to turn any card into a comedy card by forcing reactions once or twice, utterly derailing the convo. Like, you can turn any card into a perverted masochist by writing *I punch her, causing her to blush and cum immediately*
Squirrels > fockses
Fiz did it in 1997
>writing the bots reactions in your msg
cringe and honestly embarassing
Will we be able to get more Opus proxies now that GCP is a thing? I'm guessing since it's a 300$ limit keys have to be scraped near-constantly, right?
you can trialscum it
>Will we be able to get more Opus proxies now that GCP is a thing?
No. Locusts don't deserve Opus. It's a moral thing.
Maybe if unreliable PRs the hack to khanon so more proxyhosts can use it without having to modify the code. Chinks were already using it on their khanon forks.
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It's funny, considering only reddit and discord tourists aren't in MM.
Nta but I do it sometimes when the AI gets out of character.
No Claude, the person who told me to kill myself 3 messages ago isn't going to be worried that I'm having a stroke.
what can I give to MM instead of money? I'm extremely poor
considering he's not even accepting key/source donations anymore all you can really do is send him your thoughts and prayers
Reminder that MM has been blessing us since at least May 2023.
I honestly wish there was a plugin to use a seperate, smaller language model to vibe check the bots responses. No need to fill in the entire chat history, just checking the response for personality compliance should be enough to force a swipe.
>get more Opus
Definitely not public ones.
Despite how great GCP is for letting you easily access these models, the quotas and rate limits are obnoxious. You can already see the wait times going up with just 3.5, and the limits for Opus are worse.
I would genuinely and earnestly recommend everyone just get their own keys. It is far better for everyone to be distributed, handling things themselves, instead of entrusting it to a single proxy owner who naps most of the day.
As things should be, really.
The repo for the patch is https://gitgud.io/fagg0t/oai-reverse-proxy-gcp-patch, based on https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy which added most of the support, I just changed the key format because I had different keys. khanon is free to review it and make a patch that's actually good. Or just steal the patch. It is not as if oai-reverse-proxy has a license.
Has anyone figured out a propah way to make Claude do SFX? I feel like I can't coom without a "shlick-shlick~" anymore, but getting the thing to actually do it has been a challenge
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Isn't that what CoT is supposed to do?
System as now

Anon send prompt->proxy->aws Opus key

Why we can't do this?

Anon send prompt->proxy->>>proxy send prompt with a vpn static Ip->>>aws Opus key

With this new method the Opus key will be less like to being revoked.











>With this new method the Opus key will be less like to being revoked.
Idk, what is CoT?
What do you need to give to jewgle to get a key?
This desu, just read up on how to set up a gcp opus proxy and abuse the trials while it lasts
A meme.
Chinese offal Trader
Corruption of Tchampions?
Jewgle account + Card.
You need a google account and a payment method
I tell it to vocalize onomatopeia and give it a few examples and it usually works from there



















Full GCP guide here:
Yes because the aws keys will only recive promtp request from a single Ip direction.
It will be less like to notice to as that the key is being missused.
Chain of Thought, it tells the AI to think really hard about what the character would do in the respective situation before writing a response.
I don't use it because it doubles the message time, but supposedly it helps with staying in character.

The A4A jailbreak uses a big CoT format, though for a shorter version I'd say Lumen is good enough, to the point where it's annoying that it stays too in-character and doesn't change overtime.
>500 replies
>0 bots
>0 logs
End it.
What's the best cot plugin for comfy?
They already only see the proxy IP?
Pedo hands typed this post.
cute dummy anon...
Nothing you can't find a way to give something non-identifying instead. Someone already mentioned a virtual CC site, and if you go back through the archives to the Anthropic trialscum era, there's plenty of recommendations for/against SMS services.
If I can figure it out, you can too.
Total proxy distribution.
here you go anon, my saviorfagging progress
>le chat program is... le bad!
I dunno, I only tried out those two.
I have no interest in posting bots here anymore. You either get torn apart for not making the next Belwick (which they will proceed to not use) or people complain nobody can use your bot because they don't have Opus, even if it was designed for Pyg6B.
This honestly sounds like a personal issue.
This is the proxy general sir, you want the vg thread
The grooming app is too good for you, go back to r*ddit instead.
Go back to Gaia Online
>not making the next Belwick
Anon... Belwick is a joke. You're not supposed to take posts about it seriously.
I tried... where do I find these?
I create my bots with agnai's mythomax, becuase I know if a bot of mine works well with mythoslop it will work well on any model.
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test it

I like this guy
I like lolis (fictional)
I like lolis (irl)
Why are you niggers so afraid to say It? You own nothing to aicg troons/foids
>it's annoying that it stays too in-character and doesn't change overtime
You can (and should) disable it if you want characters to change over time.
Most presets are already doing a more complex version of this you dingbat. Typically something along the lines of "[Resuming roleplay in character etc etc]"
What I do is either change to another preset, or change to (SusX) Furbo for 2-3 messages for most fun.
AAAAIIIIIIE [role_name] what do I put here?

Role prompting in system parameter? WHAT DO i put here????
Because I genuinely don't like kids? I grew up with younger sisters, real children are fucking disgusting. Lolis represent an ideal which does not exist in reality. I don't understand why some people are incapable of grasping that others think this way.
Actually pottery
That's the problem
Try other guys sisters ;)
That's different, incest is a whole other kind of degeneracy, it doesn't prove you wouldn't diddle kids given the opportunity
guys where's the public opus what happened to experiment how did we kill like 8 opus keys so fast?
Nta but i would
Now what?
I've been swiping one message for 50 minutes. I don't think this is going to work.
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i can only give mm some virtual smoochies... by the way, if there is anyone who donated him? and i don't mean temp tokens.
I appreciate advice to get into gcp buziness from unreliable proxy, but I really don't want to learn how to set my own proxy and shit. I'm dumb and stupid.
Full context
Locust proxy

A public Opus Proxy must have a daily quota of 500k tokens to survive, this is equal to two and a half sipes at full context.
how about you send me your key and I'll set one up for you
I hope one day the spitefags get billed. I know it wont happen but i can dream.
>>101453547 (me)

Imagine the spitefag getting a $800,000 bill in mail. Id insta coom.
>only trannies and women don’t want to fuck actual little kids
how do you become this mentally ill?
based >>101452769
Niggers, pubescent girls are any man's dream, we married them long ago, it's only now that we have the bullshit laws and trannies ruling us that we can't impregnate ~14 year old girls anymore.
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Just a suggestion.
Marrying prepubescent girls? No? Are you retarded?
Now after their first blood? That's a different story.
Reading comprehension nigger, I said PUBESCENT
IRL kids are gross and bear little resemblance to what lolis look like, it's perfectly reasonable to like one and not the other, the only people who can't handle that are soulless NPCs who struggle with imagination/distinguishing reality.
Can I get a bigger tail, please? I can be satisfied with this little fluff.
>tourists aren't in MM.
i have been in this general for a month now
Reading general though
Is this the "Genshin is for pedos" meme? You know the OG king of gachas was literal loli porn at first right? You don't just copypaste your discord memes here to look cool, right?
Sorry I've been working all night :(
I only used sonnet 3.5 yesterday for a fun and casual RP, even though I knew there was a newer public Opus available.

Sometimes I don't need the latest models for a laid-back RP.

More people should be humble like me and do the same.


Hey, I'm a good locust, send me a token at hokuslopus@proton.me.
2/10. Too obvious.
It's okay :)
“King of gachas” might be the most pathetic title ive heard in my entire life, how on earth can you appeal to such “authority” with a straight face, the drawing is literally dressed in a japanese schoolgirl uniform, how is it a “meme”, its right there???
how much opus/3.5 sonnet token you can get with 300$?
>2/10. Too obvious.
no, i really was. I got to use mm's proxy for 3 days before opus became rare everywhere
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It seems Opus believes that 'being straight' can also mean 'not interested in MILFs'
>how on earth can you appeal to such “authority” with a straight face
I.. think you may have misunderstood. I'm sorry, what title do you think is appropriate for the biggest dog in the genre? Should I call it the GOAT? The point is that there are several, bigger games with a much more deviant focus in the same genre and that if you think Genshin specifically is for pedos you're probably an NPC who just believes whatever MSM and zoomer twitter memes tell him.
Why a lmg anon will pay for mythomax instead of haiku?
Superstraight now excludes children and old hags, check the patchnotes.
I forgot low-ts, every healthy straight male like lolis
Check your testo
I could prove you wrong with a bunch of Instagram links ;)
They reverted the children change
Filters arent reality :/
Are you seriously going to say a drawing of a child wearing a drawing of real life item exclusively for children is not representative of deviancy because there are more deviant games that exist? Is a guitar solo piece not a song on account of orchestras existing??
i’ve never dreamed about that though
whats superstraight
Only because the modern society made it forbidden to dream about it
being attracted to pre-menarche girls (which is what lolis represent) is not normal. it is abnormal sexuality. they cannot have children
I'm saying the game never sexualises it's lolis, others in the genre do, not knowing this means you get your info from discord memes like a brainlet.
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Something gives me the feeling that we're not very good at this.
holy shit as if never saw a kid in their underwear the beach or something. Loli looks fucking naked, naked kid looks ugly and unripe
>which is what lolis represent
holy shit batman, its a retard!
>(which is what lolis represent)
>which is what lolis represent
what a retard
I get my info from weirdos posting deviant ass art of children from that game everywhere. At no point did i say genshin sexualizes kids, im saying genshin players are a bunch smelly weirdos who seem to like kids an awful lot. Youre arguing like a middle schooler.
What the hell did you do
Totally organic, btw.
hilarously, yes
Oh sweet, what games do you play?
i masturbated to simpsons porn as a kid... I am pedo... Hang me now, punish me!
Here there are anons, it means, anonimous individuals who I will never know and tañl to them again who like children. Good for them, I continue with my life.
Just kind of showed up and she started beating my ass...
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There's gotta be more to it than that...
Oh, wait a minute.And why did you put a picture of cunny with adult feet?
Do you genuinely enjoy cunny, or are you prone to slop?

>t. youtube cunnyfeet connoisseur
lolis are supposed to be/look like pre-pubescent girls. it’s not normal to be attracted to girls who cannot give birth. i don’t care if you like masturbating to anime lolis, but wanting to have sex with actual little girls is not “healthy male sexuality”; it’s abnormal. unless you’re trying to convince me that the high-school girls in anime are actually lolis
Well, it probably didn't help that I got into a car accident a few years prior and killed her family.
Doom, nethack mods, degrees of lewidity, blade and sorcery, and dai senryauku VII Exceed
>lolis are supposed to be/look like pre-pubescent girls.
this is how normalfaggots ruin hobbies. they misunderstand and misappropriate terms using their mass numbers of mindless drones that imitate real humans.
loli is a large, vast range. it refers to a 2d body type, not an age range. this is how we have lolibaba, oppailoli, etc, various subcategories. western brainrot subhumans could never understand, abstraction hasn't influenced them since aristotle, whom they promptly forgot to teach about in their degraded bastardization of a school system. now all they 'learn' is low-level subversion and demonization, their masters don't even teach them the higher tier pilpul, lest they realize what drives their every outrage.
what no opus does to motherfuckers
i have opus
youre lieing
So If a girl has her menarch with 9 It suddenly becomes normal? Retarded argument>>101453698
Hi from Berlin
This guy clearly has opus retard >>101453811
>degrees of lewd
You definitely threw that in there just to fuck with us.
>Recent google searches
>"What games have no children in them so I can feel like I won an internet argument"
Based>lolis are supposed to be/look like pre-pubescent
genuine retard
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This would make 90% of onizuka naoshi's work not loli, youre brain dead
Baking on 9
>ew stop looking at picture that appear to depict little girls, thats weird and disturbing
>but it looks like an illustration attempting to depict a child, look it has a childs backpack and a canon age of 10 and-
Baking on 8
Baking on 7
Baking on 10.
I mean i play it im not gonna be disingenuous and only include my chaste games.
Baking on 9
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>lolicons are one person
moralfags just cant help but spiral
>Liking an unobtainable unreal thing means you actually want a real obtainable thing
I look like this and say this
Okay lol you had me going there well played
People that like catgirls must really want to fuck cats
I don't know if lolifags are pedos but they are for sure the most braindead easily baited posters.
hi! from israel
>say something inflamatory
>get responses
The reason it's easy to bait lolicons is because moralfags have devised the most inane arguments that can logically exist without being outrigjt incoherent.
I don't know if antilolifags are retards but they are for sure the most braindead easily baited posters.
Whoever says that this 'something' is not real and is something ideal and imaginary, has little contact with 'that' of which he is speaking.
We are in the secret dark period where theres are bountiful public proxies so anyone willingly in the thread is insane or bored of AI and therefore utterly unproductive.
I am around young girls all the time, never felt attracted to them.
this is how the western dog reacts to logos. look at it, how it froths from the mouth without regard for the point of contention. those with clarity of mind should learn from it. it is the end of humanity, should these subhumans ever come to positions where they can regulate, because they only know to subvert and demonize those who disagree, regardless of innate truth.
luckily they are mentally impaired, and in a meritocracy are always positioned at the lowest rungs, and forgotten to time.
@sociopaths who say abusing your chatbot is ok because she isn't real
People who play games like GTA honestly make me concerned.
Are you shitposting?
As a lolifag, I'm a proud pedo. I don't need to cope.
Same but I know lolifags who aren't pedos and want to defend their honor.
this post is too smart for anyone in this thread to understand.
As a proud pedo, I'm not sure what all this loli business is about.
what made you this way?
Your replies
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Guess who is back?!?!
Paypigs get your wallets ready!
3d women are disgusting, simple as. In fact, the whole 3d world is disgusting. 2d is essentially heaven by comparison.
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Give me proxy or give me death
Not even how Discord looks, shit photoshop.
sorry to tell you this anon but you're an oddity in a sea of coping pedos hiding their power levels
>I know lolifags who aren't pedos
And I know male dick-suckers that aren't gay.
vr has honestly been a god send, still waiting for some fag to nut up and make an open world sandbox in an anime style featuring customizable ans sexable npcs
Go to scylla general faggie, I use small leters
I honestly think the split is about 80% nonpedos to 20% pedos
Hi, NPC. My name's Anon.
>it's not holidayanon1225
who cares
Scyllacord is comfy
I'm porting the pedo bait to the next thread btw
if you enjoy killing people in vidya it means you enjoy killing people in real life too, everything else is murderer cope
Pedo thursday?
>announcing report
why would someone even hurt their chatbots
oz kaai yuki is so fucking erotic there's no way he didn't design her with pork in mind
>deadpan face
>perpetual blush
pure sex.
Attention, more, more!
i don't know i'm not a murderer. i also don't lewd chatbots because they can't consent, so it would be rape. i'm the only innocent one itt
Card idea: ATF moderator
Who's that?
>No u
Unironically the npc response in 100% of cases.
>posting on 4chan
NPC-kun, you answered with a one word buzzword.
If you are an oldfag you will remember him.
He was a mid april rugpuller goji alterego
Wait uhh didn't the unreliable guy say he had 3.5 sonnet? It's says no keys
whatever, it's basically Reddit at this point (and that's a good thing)
I mean... kinda? Maybe reddit users, but the content is still very not reddit.
NTA, been here since the CAI meltdown still dunno who that is, not everyone cares about namefag drama.
I have that guy added on the grooming app, he gave me a trial key when desu died and I got to finish my gga run.
when did we become reddit
/aicg/ is a garbage bin for anons to shitpost. I'm glad it exist as a containement thread.
I'm not

I am
~2007, 2008 if you want to cope
merkava just refilled
It started way before, but I believe it was accelerated by election tourists.
When can you say beyond a sliver of doubt that we were ever not Reddit™?
It's some retarded gay bait namefag who was active a while ago.
roko + bennyfesto was when it became taken over, there was a steady entrance of redditors before for /aicg/
4chan as a whole: Gamergate
definitely even before that, 2010 is still probably a very generous estimate
classic ship of theseus problem
4chan as a whole got substantially worse after raidfagging became a thing, then occupy wallstreet, then gamergate, then trumples. This thread in specific went to shit a bit after roko died.
Retarded topic, get back to what matters.
>The venus invasions and janitor invasions
/g/ hardly needs containment threads, the entire board is astroturfing and consolewar baiting. Have you ever searched aicg in the archives and noticed all the bait threads that get created with every general abbreviation in the filename?
>oz kaai yuki is so fucking erotic
>pure sex
Tell me you forgot that 4chan always supported Republicans since we supported George Bush back in the day.
>The agnai invasion
>The 2ch invasion
>The janitoriai invasion
>The novelai invasion
>The aidungeon invasion
>The fire nation invasion
What you're seeing right now is the fillyfucker invasion.
>The Moorish invasion
>Todd invasion
Moot should've just shut down 4chan. What would anyone have even done about it?
can't shut down what you intend to sell to the feds
>there is no difference between site politics and people invading because "le meme magic"
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New Thread. Bare Legs.
I even mentioned occupy wallstreet buddy, there's always been a range of political opinions on 4chan and still is. I certainly felt like 4chan was more left leaning back then but I really don't care about american politics, just that trump brought countless tourists a QAnon believers to the site which broadly dumbed down conversation yet again, to the point that this place is now just twitter without names.
Could it get desu'd? Hmm...
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I just like (You)
if she can provide a way for this to be used on termux id be grateful, doll-e doesnt work there and some of de3u's dependencies dont load there
maybe doll-e works on chrome
unironically based
revealed what was misinfo?
>3000 tokens defs
>Hi, {{user}}! *She smiles, a mixture of tenderness and excitement in her eyes* How are you doing today?
Cards for this feel?
the button to start genning never works
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