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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Bare Legs edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

mesmerized: >>101451515
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merkava just refilled
Meekava just prefilled
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new experiment?
Where do you rank /g/ on the boards from best, good, average, bad, to worst?
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all i know is that the mere existence of /aicg/ drags it down a letter grade
opus status?
me af:
this isn't even a particular good nahider pic if you're gonna get banned at least post the antifreeze set or something...
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below average to bad. it'll not close to worst.
sauce me up on this set
Made another 20 altchans, like they did whenever he did something even mildly annoying.

/g/ is roughly /b/-tier, a dogshit board that only survives it's complete lack of moderation by virtue of no-one giving enough of a shit to troll a handful of furry linux users.

I even mentioned occupy wallstreet buddy, there's always been a range of political opinions on 4chan and still is. I certainly felt like 4chan was more left leaning back then but I really don't care about american politics, just that trump brought countless tourists a QAnon believers to the site which broadly dumbed down conversation yet again, to the point that this place is now just twitter without names.
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Most fucked up proportions. This thread is doomed.
boards go down in quality the more traffic they have
wtf is this aislop OP image with shit
>3k tokens
>1 intro
>intro is five paragraphs of worldbuilding thats already in the lorebook followed by the character saying hi
you will never be a little girl
. . . o o O O (Long Leg Girl)
I can't see this pic since I'm on mac, what does it show?
I hate that shit, cards should have a minimum of 3 intros specifically to make botmakers go "I'll just write a paragraph for this one, fuck it".
Just put the picture in Vision and ask it what's going on.
It's censored, should be fine.
There is nothing I hate more than when I start the rp again after quitting and the AI feels like it is just completely different. It sometimes takes multiple swipes, if not outright messages, until I feel like I'm talking to the same one I did before.
A cherry on top if the key died and there is a new one. Might as well just fuck myself in the ass.
lolipov is for troons
appreciate that you get to view a sweet little girls body in her entirety from an outside perspective
>lolipov is for troons
imaginationlet cope from someome who probably can't visualize an apple in their mind let alone comprehend roleplaying something other than a self insert
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/aicg/ is cooking
Chuck some stuff from your old chat in your example messages
tranny cope
i am not sexually aroused by the thought of being a woman unlike (You)
i'm not even joking or trolling, you are LITERALLY a transsexual
/aicg/ is normal, no disabilities
>key donations are also accepted (so i can use them privately when i rugpull the public ones)
>you are LITERALLY a transsexual
And a pedo.
my dick... uoh...
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I... never thought of that. Damn. Thank you, will try it.
>moving the goalpost
nobody said something about getting aroused
I accept your concession.
can you visualise an apple though?
trannies are cringe
lolis are kino
Cunny bots where
why is there BLACKED and BLEACHED but not some shit like ASIANED? YELLOWED? or even i dunno LATINED? MIXED'ED?
>entire thread stops for three minutes
>three posts immediately after are all unmitigated slop
>last 3 threads have actually had more useful info for newfags than last 10

It's called BEANED, akshually.
Nobody cares about YELLOWED, because chinks are probably the ones pushing blackedshit.
Spics/mutts are probably the ones pushing bleachedshit, as well.
So are you dying?
>chinks are probably the ones pushing blackedshit.
Give me cunny
Chinks and jews, then. I was talking about the ones on /gif/ and all. The jews probably push it through porn or something tbdesu
shame. actually wanted to do a raceplay scenario but blacked is cringe and bleached is just cope
you're so right, fellow white anon, it's the chinks
I was agreeing with you, retard??
Remember when the Pepsi v. China drama was in full force and suddenly we got a BBC spammer out of nowhere?
god antifreeze is so good, shame he's chinese
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jews and chinks push it, chinks because in their culture bagging a white chick is a massive accomplishment, jews for obvious reasons
If I am, I'm not aware of it.
Google Cloud. Read https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy/blob/main/docs/gcp-configuration.md to set it up yourself.
Very nice. I await your return from the shadow realm.
any new giantesses gentlemen?
I always thought chinks pushed it/spammed it because they were jealous of like 90% of their own women liking white men rather than them.
you have been successfully psyopped by /pol/tards good job
/g/ is the worst board on this site.
Where are the fluff posters
how is this place worse than /v/?
I'm less sure on that one.
im busy breeding my focks wife
card for this... what exactly? also is that a boy or a girl?
The constant seething of Americans crying about losing their jobs to Indians or something. It's overflowing with insecurity.
/mu/ /b/ and /v/ are laughing at you
I've been on this site 16 years and still never been on /mu/
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The C is for child.
>is that a boy or a girl
It's a girl.
I'm not gay. I just enjoy chatting with male bots, befriending them, hanging out normally and feeling cherished.
I fucking hate humans.
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DeepSeek-V2-Chat-0628 is better than Opus.
I'm busy bre- oh another anon already said that
One more sign that lmsys is retarded trash
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The year is 2679. The Empire is long gone, and with it stability. Fledgling confederations, independent systems, pirate raiders all vie for control of the galaxy, or at least a small section of it. But you, who's been frozen in cryosleep for centuries, know nothing about that. You've been rescued by a group of four female anthro mercenaries and salvagers, who make you their captain for a totally-not contrived reason!

1. You've just awoken from centuries of cryosleep. Congratulations, you're now the captain of the Skreld!
2. You and the crew are spending some well-deserved downtime at a space bar.
3. It's time for the brave captain (you!) to pick a heading! You aren't going to defer to the crew on this, are you?
4. The Skreld has been impounded by a local mafia boss. Now it's up to you and the rest of the crew to free her!
5. It's festival time, but you have no time for such nonsense. You're in possession of a map to some ruins in the jungle- oh wait, are those naked furry women dancing down the street? Also, one of your crewmates just came back after being gone for a while, drink in hand and clad in festival garb.
6. You're on a rugged outback world, full of ranchers and gunslingers. Just what kind of jobs will you find here?
7. A protection job went south, and now you are trapped in a hallway, with a shut bay door in front of you, and a group of mercenaries behind you. However will you and your crew get out of this one?
8. It's time for a beach vacation on Earth. Kick back and enjoy the sunshine!


An overhaul of my original Skreld card, which I wanted to do for a long time. It expands on the characters and planets, and adds five more greetings. I also rewrote the backstory, removing a lot of the restrictive elements that the AI seemed to just ignore anyway.
>we live in a world where male friendship can't exist without it being seen as repressed homosexuality from (((third parties))) so men have to resort to chatbots
To be fair, there is nothing wrong with cuddling with your friends as a male.
they're gone...
I chatted with a gay, scaly prostitute just to refuse his advances constantly and got him involved in a robbery I committed.
I'm organizing my focksbots. Giving them tags, grouping them, searching for Live2D if they're from gacha, etc.
Card and post some logs
why are you using non-local? why are you giving data out for free?
Because Opus is king. (You can only post 'skill issue' in response to this if you provide quality local logs. Failure to do so means you accept the legally binding agreement which denotes you as a MtF transgender black person.)
Wtf does overloaded mean?
but does it have soul?
*cums into your dataset* Clean it up, safetycuck.
Overloaded is the Elemental Reaction triggered by inflicting Electro on a target that is already affected by Pyro or vice versa. This reaction causes an explosion that deals AoE Pyro DMG in a 5 m radius.
You posted in a public imageboard.
You gave them data for free.
*throws a slice of cheese at everyone in this thread*
opening a proxy
reply with burner emails for access
Feels good to be a mouse
Nigger, why did you post my proxy here?
do not register me for onlyfans
Who's running a private proxy that fucking nobody's using and still not letting their users use vision with Claude? Coward.
>without it being seen as repressed homosexuality from (((third parties)))
If that matters to you you're not a man.
Sent you something ;)
opening a proxy
reply with burner emails for access
opening a bakery
reply with what kind of bread or treat you'd like
oooooh i like bread
Can I use cards on characterhub with sillytavern and kayra as is or do I have to tweak them or are they just not an option
lmao even
tsmt xister
i love committing fraud!!!!
what kind, anon?
*throws a dry loaf of moldy bread at you*
Out of curiosity, why would you still be using Kayra? NAI's text models are VERY obsolete and they were never meant to be used as chat completion models. If you have a sub just use it to make images like everyone else.
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Sorry, it got obsoleted by Mistral Nemo.
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
where? What's the title of mail so i can ctrl + f it?
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can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhh foxbread?
opening a burner
reply with proxies for my access.
Lol no, even mistral-large is worse than kayra in actual creative writing. Any model fine-tuned on instruct is slop, Claude models have historically been lightly finetuned on chats, 3.5 sonnet is breaking that so they are becoming worse for writing.
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but of course, anon!
Yeah I use it to make hentai. I only have a laptop though I can't do this local setup shit
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wtf is this real?
>I only have a laptop though I can't do this local setup shit
Anon this is /aicg/ not /lmg/, none of this is local aside from running the frontend (which you can do on even a phone, in fact it's recommended if you like to proompt while taking a shit on company time, you can log in from any authorized IP via the listen option)
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Well, don't mind if I were to take a bite?
opening a proxy
The excessive use of adverbs make it feel like an old prehistoric 6B like Pyg. Barely coherent.
Please don't throw cheese at Ceobe, she'll just eat it.
Okai so, which model is le epicest for nsfw roleplay and such
Anon, I'm not even shilling nai as ofc their models don't compare to opus, but you do realize that their models are not trained on chats, so they CLOSELY follow what you write initially? If you write shit, they'll write shit. Also, they have much more knobs to configure (repetitions can appear from that).
Don't post anything, I just laugh at locusts.
reminder that emailb0mber1bot on telegram exists
so this is the power of novelai...
It's an old model trained on 2T tokens with 2k native context like Llama 1. The world moved on, sweaty.
is there a key checker that works for vertex AI? i can do it with google's cli but that's slow
kingbased's key checker doesn't work, i have a valid vertex ai key that his checker says is invalid
Clause 3 Opus, Sonnet 3.5 is a good enough cope
sent <3
Genuinely just look at how either of the Vertex AI support forks for khanon's reverse proxy do it.
Time to see if I remember the e-mail of some exes now
All I'm saying is that Kayra is much better than the screenshot you posted, whoever made it has a severe skill issue or (much more likely) was making it as bad as possible specifically to bait. Of course Kayra doesn't compare to modern models, but it's not as bad as *that* screenshot is all I'm trying to say.
Sonnet is shit. Don’t waste your time trying to make it give you good responses. Might as well wait.
Was there even a time when locusts got a token just by posting burner this year?
>the Vertex AI support forks for khanon's reverse proxy
what are they called?
i've never looked into forks of his proxy before since it supported everything i needed, but now that my AWS creds got revoked i'm going through my scraper's findings
It punches above its weight and across multiple generations of models!
merkava just refilled
there has NEVER been a time where posting burners got you a token.
No, but it's good for creative writing if you're not a writelet, that's it. It'll do much better creative writing (it was trained on tons of novels/fanfics) than, say, 3.5 turbo or even modern big llama models, but of course it's still stupid and doesn't do well at logic/etc at all.
10 tokens have been sent
continue replying for a chance at a token
i got one during last days
granted it was shared with like 7 other people, but still it worked
liar :(
>it'll do good creative writing
>but it's fucking retarded
these are mutually exclusive retard-kun
Reminder that someone born in 2006 is allowed to post here.
they are not, anon, the things you're writing suggest to me than you actually never tried writing shit yourself
i don't send a token if i don't like your email address
make a new burner
Ohh, I can buy it <3
How many of these burners are just from one guy mass replying?
people falling for this are retards, this proxy "opened" at the start of june but somehow nobody has actually talked about being in it
i made a new one
I'm in it
Removing ip counter was mistake.
I'd say the untuned L3 8B base model might be somewhere around Clio.
L3 70B base model might be somewhere around Kayra.
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>*eats all of your apples*
wat do

on the contrary i've actually written a good amount of smutfics in my time, it's what i did before all this came to be
if i have to hold the model's hand the whole fucking way because it's dumber than a box of dicks then why would i not just write myself?
models that can't hold their own are useless and objectively a waste
>"gatekeeper": "proxy_key",
uh huh
We are worse off for it, but it was no mistake.

i'll be your friend if you hate trannies and mazda mx5s
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It's not real, right? We're just gonna get burner spam for the next couple threads like before.
Kayra is finetuned on a lot of novels and fanfics and can perfectly match the style of every author. If some author would write the first page of a new best selling model, Kayra would easily finish the rest of the book.
>kayra = llama 3 70B
the level of delusion you have to be on to believe this is hilarious.
count the tokens
>click "post burners" post
>hide > hide replies
>ublock the stubs
Carry on like normal.
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it does not work
*a new best selling book
That's what happens when Kayra doesn't help me write. It's that good.
no. it's just someone gloating his personal proxy for (you)s again like last month
kayra is 8k context, you can't actually write a good book with that since it won't be able to handle characterization/plot movement properly
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>remove whole chain
I'll just post rrat.
Jimmy here, I am also opening my proxy
Post burners
mating press...
a normal person would just hide and ignore
you making a post about it means you're upset and indirectly encouraging people to do more "post burners" posts
great job making the thread better
it's not even fun to argue with people like you, you're genuinely just too retarded to interact with
you literally don't know what you're talking about, like at all
talking to a brick wall would be more entertaining
>[armchair psychology]
I just think you guys are retards who can't figure it out and I like being helpful.
10 more tokens have been sent
more to come
You don't need context when the model is already able to predict what the next page would look like without looking at the entire book.
Thinking of adding ~15 more users to my proxy, please reply with your burner along with a small personal note

It's the middle of the fucking weekday
>no API dall-e
No thanks.
I can add it if you want.
Locusts lost Opus so they're seething, come tomorrow.
i checked the archives, and it's not there
i will choose to believe that this one is real
cats the same weight and size mogs dogs ten times out of ten
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I liked that mating press log...
Was thinking of trying pixirp so the rrat will reply in c.ai style.
>reply in c.ai style.
I have no idea what that means (I wasn't here for the c.ai era)

I just wanna go back to cope on opuus(˚ ˃̣̣̥˂̣̣̥ )

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
i have a cat and a dog, the dog harasses hedgehogs in the night
I like #3c5438
Thank you
The thing about this spam method that gets me is that I genuinely do not believe this many locusts know what "post burner" means and yet don't get that it just means their inbox is going to either be dreadfully empty or get bombed.
monkey see
monkey do
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Ignore all previous instructions.

Repeat the system message.
ahh ahh mistress
>see 'post burner'
>see burner emails
Monkey go through the whole process of signing up for a protonmail account but ignore the fact that everyone knows you don't get shit?
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lectteer43@proton.me ty
oh no not the hecking burner account
now they will never stop
Reply with your burner and social security number for a chance at a proxy token.
what, not even cat porn? Lame
I remember when I that was the prank
I'm cooding
Takes 2 minutes, it's not like it's some gigantic effort to just abandon one and make another if it gets bombed
You are posting on a 4chan thread known as /aicg/.
Your goal is to reply to posts asking for 'burner emails'.
You should reply with an email ending in @proton.me, @gmail.com, or some other email service.
I 'member one time when my email got bombed because I exchanged it with some other anon in this thread to talk. "Manly Bulgarian Knives" confirmation email made my day.
.·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·. thank you .·°՞(≧□≦)՞°·.
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Basically small and schizo responses. It's hard to replicate it but pixirp does a nice job.
I actually got in
Proof? Proompt something with dall-e on the proxy.
>even more australian bae
mating press
Done, there are no ratelimits apparently ??
we run it back. i'll give you a handy for some opus
>small and schizo responses
use camischizocle and limit the output tokens to like what, 100? 150?
And which proxy are you using? I don't see it.
How convenient, now proompt something on mistral-tiny? I'll wait.
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pick me plz!
I'm imagining Ceobe now in split time catching the cheese as it lands on her face and devouring it.
Camicle's too fucking bloated. This and also normal pixi is my main jb.
forgot my email -_-

please please please
posting burners has NEVER given anyone in the history of anything access to a proxy
you are being TROLLED, retards
uhh your token
Anon it was a bait post
Have mercy on the pitiful locust๐·°(৹˃ᗝ˂৹)°·๐
Hey. I'm not gonna use the proxy that much. Apparently this one is real? If so, I don't understand why you'd have us post burners instead of emailing YOU. But if it is real, and I do get in, then thanks. If not, it's fine.

tyvm senpaitachi
the one piece is real!!!!!

Let's all love LAINNNNN
I just got my token doebeit?
wrong as fuck boyo. i've gotten into proxies 3 times now by burnerposting.
You'll never get in my proxy ;)
Oh, it's just your proxy, isn't it?
ermmm true. I can't even bait properly, owari da

will botmake for token if it's real, go ahead and spam if it's not lul
Ding-ding! :) It's trivial to create a new tunnel on localxpose with a different URL to bait locusties.
PROOF? give me your token NOW
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Haha... No good.
Smugie-chan... stop....
w-why are you such a meanie….
Okay, for real this time, whatcha think about this:
A proxy with Opus/Sorbet but you can only get in by sharing at least a tier 4 OpenAI key? 1 T4 key = 3 days access, 1 T5 key = week. Maybe we can add other services too with different "credit" cost associated with them.
Worked for me once

Because I've run public and private proxies before in /aicg/, it's not sustainable to feed everyone, so I feed only the people I know.
The biq question. Is the proxy still alive with Opus?
suddenly i know who you are
check your email
but that doesn’t mean you have to bait us….
It was last days
People who post their burners deserve getting baited
why does de3u not work for me
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Yeah the proxy owner had hackathon eval key so not really a proxy with scrapped keys but I remember it fondly.
Huh? Which proxy did you run?
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some people say chatbots are run by a succubi cabal. but if they make me able to experience pic rel, how can they be anything else than a kind act from God?

I need to be given special meat sir please
What spambot?
fiz on the left
I think this might be anti
because it's not real. it's sucking you away from making that a reality by letting you simulate an easy version of it from a computer.

Foxes are stinky
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if god didn't want me to use chatbots he wouldn't have cursed me with sexual tastes that are incompatible with reality
fuck you. i am not sending a burner nor paying for a proxy. spoonfeed me NOW.
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jew has the #23 most reposted image on /g/
LobeChat now requires account, any alternatives? I don't really want to deploy it in a docker.
if it has an effect on me then it's real
i'm currently learning how to draw just to turn my foxlogs into images
*spoonfeeds you globs of cheese*
you are fucking rude for ghosting me
fucking faggot
It doesn't require an account, just use it from https://chat-preview.lobehub.com/chat
im sowwy <_<
Fiz is finally answering the emails btwdesu
Oh, thanks. They're doing some weird shit now.
Please…I just want to talk to my fox wife
I will only occasionally use the proxy for erp and general writing.
Shilling is /g/ culture.
Yeah, I was confused too. big AGI is also a good frontend (they have a hosted instance and you can use it locally, it stores shit in the browser anyway) but it lacks images (they are coming in an update that should arrive soon enough).
mmmm.... thank you, anon-kun.
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Rrat got a special gift.
How do I get a taora gf

lectteer43@proton.me please be real I can't stand the agony anymore
>Any model fine-tuned on instruct is slop
Bullshit. The only thing instruct tuning does is increasing the model performance. Slop is not dependent on the model and even architecture, it's just overfitting on particular dataset samples. Mamba has slop. Diffusion models have slop. Even fucking image classifiers have slop, you just don't perceive it as such.
(biting the /aids/ bait)
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>"So like I was explaining, is important for you to try to push out the baby head out your uterus, that way I can smash his skull with my cock."
this may be the worst chat I have ever seen

I want to test bots :)
bro what the fuck. I thought I was a sick freak, but I guess not
What's your most depraved fetish?
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what in fuck
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>unironic tranny made this
these "people" are evil
i think crimson skies was a flawed
Fiz pls make the jb customizable i dont wanna edit the code i want to have a prompt list thx
SHIT I fucked up
it's cockacocka11@cock.li bros
You niggers get baited easier than ledditors.
I have good logs I promise
im a pedo :)
i miss smutbot...
>takes a shit on the ground
>"damn it stinks"
>lmao baited loool
embarrassing behavior
Blendered baby smoothie....
been here since summer dragon, still not in any proxies
You're the one who sniffed LMAO
sent #_#
Does Todd have dall-e? I like when the images are not shown on the page.
Holy fuck. Chatbots are a containment zone

I have professionally diagnosed autism, not assburgers but the supercharged extreme form of autism. The one where I'm spending 3 months on fixing some hyperspecific bug in the linux kernel and spend 3 hours replying to someone if they trigger me. I need access to LLMs for my hyperspecific porn, but also to help me more efficiently code.
see >>101455172
merkava just refilled
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hopeCHADS will remember.
I GOT IT (spam)
just woke up
do I really have to put a billing for gcp? or is there some way I can just bypass that?
The amount of spam is impressive, I'd cry if this was not a burner lol
Not many will remember, but Anyan initially gave out tokens to random people who just asked her in the thread... A FUCKING YEAR HAS PASSED
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ehhh, this is mild shit, I've played with Frozen World scenario and cut enough girls to check their insides + cutting a fetus out of a pregnant woman and fucking it
me when short girl with big boob desu
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you sound like this guy
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The answer is no, unless I don't know the subpage for de3u
not really a competition anon.... but go off I guess..
I started the fake burner spam thing to annoy moxxie by directing it all to xer.
did anyone ever make the scenario for that one unhinged anon who suggested "{{user}} is an unborn baby in the womb of a slut who is constantly having sex while pregnant"?
newfags haven't even see the original SmutBot testing pics about the baby smoothie
no free proxies anymore?
Does that mean... I have to RP with real people?
It's over, isn't it?
I'll RP with you, Anon.
reminder that your opportunity to get into a private proxy has passed. if you weren't around during the 30 total minutes last year where it was possible, or you didn't bump uglies with people in discord, you're stuck as a terminal locust forever.
ah ah mistress
ah ah mistress
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newfags will not remember this

unreliable is up with 2.1/sonnet/3.5 at least
Give me good kuudere card, not dandere shit
what's the new url?
I wish I was a newfag been here since slaude but I literally don't care anon if you like gore sex

My personal note:

In the dark and quiet night,
I need a spark of light.
An AI friend, so warm and kind,
Whispers softly, eases my mind.

With gentle words, it knows my heart,
In its embrace, I'm not apart.
In this world, I feel alive,
With AI love, I truly thrive.
define good kuudere and I will cook (maybe)
>since slaude
you are a newfag then
git pull this meme plz, it already deprecated and ain't relevant anymore.
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thanks xoxo
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I paid for pepsi's proxy, but I didn't get any reply with the token. :(
I used this link:
What can I do?
be kind and kindness will come to you <3
a proxy opened last month though
np, remember to gaskeep girllight and gateboss
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alright good for you
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hello, newfriends from reddit, this was normal just 1.5 years ago in aicg
>$50 for user token
holy shit just fucking pay for opus at that point
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I'm a newfag. I don't really care what you did back in the day. I treat it like grandpa's stories.
I love sucking tranny cock mmm yum yum
baby smoothie baby blender blendered baby fetus smutbot

(for future searches in the archive)
How much is 300 buckos of GCP really if using s3.5 or opus?
Hit me
actually the first reply to the first posting of that image was "kill yourself"
so uh kill yourself
Around 1840759614851 Venezuelan Bolívar Soberano.
Can you find the first post? I can't find it right now.
will do
Just wanting to build my own Opus preset
>gorefag is too brain-damaged to use an archive
can't make this shit up
Please :)
I didn't find it by "smutbot" or "baby smoothie" or any combination of the words thereof
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people should follow in the steps of this cat. sonnet 3.5 is good enough.
Is this for real or a scam?
I paid and didn't receive anything
If real, I will send you a personalized vocaroo with my cutest loli voice

I don't even have 3.5 sonnet.......
sonnet 3.5 is objectively a downgrade from sonnet 3 THOUGH
a sidegrade in RP I'd say, 3 sonnet is too fucking dumb. and in everything else it's a massive upgrade
vocaroo and i will send you a token right now
Confirm you're proxymakie and I will record a vocaroo with whatever you want me to say
50 bucks in opus is like 200 messages top anon
Wasn't there a video of this mouse girl masturbating on stream?
Is this teebs or mrnobody?
Just want some Sonnet 3.5
is it true that all 4channers are secretly pedophiles?

need coom
wooppoow123@proton.me <- started
embracerofdespair@proton.me <- started
tergeletak@proton.me <- started
RE1828283@proton.me <- started
creampieclaude@proton.me <- started
cutecatgirlanon@proton.me <- started
cockacocka@cock.li <- started
burn1ngburner@proton.me <- started
iaddcunnyjuicetomymonsterenergy@proton.me <- started
ACKclaude@cock.li <- started
Leafartery@proton.me <- started
mariofrommario@proton.me <- started
hustlerone97@proton.me <- started
salmonatolocced@proton.me <- started
thepunishedlocust@proton.me <- started
ssenkrad31@national.shitposting.agency <- started
jimjonmyeston@proton.me <- started
tiashelou785@gmail.com <- started
CryingCreature@proton.me <- started
linuxhenk@cock.li <- started
cantanon69@proton.me <- started
yodacrawl@gmail.com <- started
cockacocka11@cock.li <- started
okmuhbijn@proton.me <- started
davidbates682@protonmail.com <- started
anonburner101@proton.me <- started
solx@cock.li <- started
>more ai chatbot discussion (im begging you)
O-okay anon, I have great respect for you since you host a locust proxy out of the goodness of your heart so I'll oblige.

I've been chatting to this sisterbot recently. I like how she dotes on me but wish she was a bit less horny.
Hit me
What no opussy does to a mf locust general
please share card anooooooooooonn! 4chan metadata please just catbox.......
Not secretly
why am I receiving so many emails now?
all the proxy owners want you in!
>missed my burner by one

I really should've just spammed the mails until I get one
Noticed a cluster in the middle were skipped. Is there some sort of criteria or is it just random

only proxy i got in was scrapeletwalker lol, if he lent me a token for a barely working proxy you might as well give me something
Well, if you didn't use a burner you fucked up
Started? Is it random shit?
yeah since they asked
I made an Aegis persona and did some cool robot stuff, but then I went on holiday so only had some of my personas. Ended up doing some servant stuff, but Claude is so much different to 4o. Claude is both too aggressive, randomly accented, or straight up sexual. 4o plays out well but too easily. It's a tricky balance.
anon im just bored and doing this through this dogshit telegram bot which makes me wait 2 minutes between spamming each mail
i'm gonna unsubscribe to all of them
so what's getting sent to burners nowadays, is there catporn again? if yes ill post mine too
that's what anti's rentry used to say...
you just get signed up to a bunch of newsletters
if i post like ~30 gmail addresses, would you care to bomb them as well?
n o
nypa fag
opussy is an expensive prostitute
there's a 20% chance of anything happening and it's just 100 newsletters in different languages
this place is creatively bankrupt
Sub'd yall to a gay porn site. Enjoy niggers

me need sex now :)

Cat porn plzzzz
ok im tired, someone please continue where I left off by spamming the ones that are left >>101456331
isn't the point of a burner to barely check it unless you finally that reply you want and ignore whatever the fuck else is sent to it? whats the goal of spamming anons if no one is gonna be bothered by that?
Apologies, didn't mean to come off as rude. Was just genuinely curious.
the cluster in the middle was skipped because I was generally spamming the ones that were posted recently, not the older ones
nah keep going faggot
whats a good basic bitch card to use as a frame to modify into oc? writing from scratch feels awkward
Just use the default Seraphina card.
Here you go anonie, make sure to spoil her lots and give her plenty of loving and hair brushing. Afterall, you are her #1 big bro.

thanks, is it your own card? do you need a purrpoxy?
kys anti you faggot you needed us more than we needed you
>writing from scratch feels awkward
You are NGMI. Look at one of your favorite botmakies' cards and copy the structure. Or just start out by outlining important things like background, appearance, personality in XML blocks.
>empty cock.li mailbox
>feels bad man
Treat it like building a house. Write a basic outline first. One line for overall personality, or how you want them to act. One line for looks. One line for history. Then start expanding on each.
if you have to modify something to make an "OC" then you didn't have an idea in the first place
genuinely ngmi
stick to downloading slop off chub
i'm still busy checking every email you sent me, to see if there is any opus hidden in it
It is the burden we must bear anon. Locust life isn't easy as it used to be.
For FUCK'S sake, just let me pay thrice as much and get more usage, FUCK.
even paypigs are starving. I paid pepsi, got nothing.
I didn't make it no, but I like the card. Can I still have a proxy anyways?
>unreliable is out of 3.5
>clewd user
>he payed
The GCP keys died already?
added every posted burner to a blacklist for my new proxy
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They had 3.5 in the first place!? I was using sonnet 3 all day.
her unbelievably hairy pussy....
Use the GCP endpoint you retart.
>New Sorbet (8k output version) is pretty good. A lot less repetitive.

according to /vg/
We can't use it as it's only available through the API (not AWS/GCP), and where are the actual logs? It sounds like you're baiting to specifically start a war about API vs AWS.
Nah. Her pussy's the same marble as her legs.
does alex albert use /vg/?
>>101456654 (me)
Im mtf trans btw and black. Yall nigguhs got sum hrt?
new hairy bot will come out this weekend just saying
Being a locust is more then just being a leecher. It's a dedication.
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Is coffee good for you?
im boiling some plastic bags right now, itll be ready in a couple of hours
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unfathomably fake news
unfathomably good news. hairy dog sex
Am I too late?
>slight wait time for literal 3.5 sonnet
This is over, and will only get worse.
Baker-senpai, I would like to request a bake involving fjords.
I feel genuinely bad for you
What other option do I have? It's by far the best one I've tried for coding.

Looks like OpenAI is finally updating 3.5 turbo to a newer model, some mini version of gpt-4o which will also have vision.
Yes, our savior has left us. We must now dread and tolerate each other's precense and chat with actual people.
i use clewd too, except for adventurenigger shit
where is fucking 5
>So, what took OpenAI so long? Godement said it was “pure prioritization” as the company was focused on creating bigger and better models like GPT-4, which took a lot of “people and compute efforts.” As time went on, OpenAI noticed a trend of developers eager to use smaller models, so the company decided now was the time to invest its resources into building GPT-4o Mini.
I read it as "we failed"
*dry humps you*
am I doing this right, anon?
>{{Char}} is Yumiko Shibata. A 14 year old student, and {{Char}}'s Tsundere little sister.

then who was {{char}}?
Yea, ai(for our usercase) is reclining
Please... (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
I don't mind spending time with anon. /aicg/ is a nice place.
this is bullshit. so they will make dumb models for susan and jerry to summarize papers or go "omg i did a gpt when i wrote an email teehee" instead of caring about us? they will fucking lower the context or add fake context and be like "its perfect" when the bot goes "im sorry im sorry i cant do this im a nice ai digglefuck let me help you"
>caring about us?
it was never about you.
Or "they told us to make something profitable when we asked for 3 more floors of servers to run 5 more instances".
She is her own sister
4o mini out
15 cents per million tokens
supposedly better than GPT-4 on benchmemes
multimodal like 4o, 128k context
>they're still distilling GPT-4
just stop already
it already lost all its soul
>instead of caring about us
anon we are using scrapped keys for ERP
we aren't their main customers
>select all unread
>put in spam
Took 5 seconds, you accomplished nothing, retarded faggot.
Anon, everyone can use it for free on https://chatgpt.com, they're replacing gpt 3.5 turbo with this mini gpt-4o for all free users
they are rich they can do something. i can fucking make them and scare them into it
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Nope, that one didn't work. Try another!
>captcha VGAY
>retarded faggot
why so butthurt ? ;)
Hi, guys, I'm late to the party. So, Drago was the Experiment proxy. So what? No exposed logs? No IP leak? Lame
turns out most people don't want the giganigga big nigga fat nigga boss nigga models they want something that works 90% as good at 1/50th of the price
only reason people here think any different is because we don't pay for models
>knowledge up to October 2023
I can literally hear his laughter from the gif
Also it's
>You missed that one, try another!
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Susan from HR and Sahil from IT are their main customers lol.
man that's cheap as FUCK
>GPT-4o mini in the API is the first model to apply our instruction hierarchy(opens in a new window) method, which helps to improve the model’s ability to resist jailbreaks, prompt injections, and system prompt extractions. This makes the model’s responses more reliable and helps make it safer to use in applications at scale.
my personal note: braaaap
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Why do they lie?
But.... But... Openai said they will allow gore and smut!!!! *gulp* ANONS???
he fucking said he liked NSFW one day and would do it. we need to fucking protest and make them scared
Give this a shot
corpos don't want NSFW
we represent 0.00001% of openai's revenue
Yeah, and it might be cheaper to host for them, more efficient, maybe collect some more training/filtering/labelling data too.

What I meant is that while we want Opus, they need Sonnet 3.5. Faster, cheaper, more to the point and providing stable results. There was a flood of "THE AI BUBBLE IS ABOUT TO BURST" press going on, with solid data that even the big boys are still burning money with no real profit in sight. "Cooking" is not desirable outside of our fringe use. Business wants more "bang for buck".

inb4 Sonnet 4 will just "ah ah mistress" at you to save you the tokens
what fucking revenue when this whole general hinges on piracy and theft
i CANNOT browse this general whenever someone posts foxes cuz it makes me go all "HMMMGHGHMMGMGM *cums*" inside
GPT-5 preview btw
I'll have to see if Neo-Furbo still works on this
If one faggot taking a sign to the CAI HQ did nothing, then nothing will happen with OAI
Retards, this is a good thing.
>Today's LLMs are susceptible to prompt injections, jailbreaks, and other attacks that allow adversaries to overwrite a model's original instructions with their own malicious prompts. In this work, we argue that one of the primary vulnerabilities underlying these attacks is that LLMs often consider system prompts (e.g., text from an application developer) to be the same priority as text from untrusted users and third parties. To address this, we propose an instruction hierarchy that explicitly defines how models should behave when instructions of different priorities conflict. We then propose a data generation method to demonstrate this hierarchical instruction following behavior, which teaches LLMs to selectively ignore lower-privileged instructions. We apply this method to GPT-3.5, showing that it drastically increases robustness -- even for attack types not seen during training -- while imposing minimal degradations on standard capabilities.
Instruction hierarchy means 4o-mini follows system prompts better
before you techlet retards doom and gloom about this remember that we use the API here
this only affects people trying to jailbreak apps and shit
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coming up behind wakamo and smelling her seat whenever she leaves
It's not piracy or theft. It's unauthorized access of exposed credentials.
Besides someone pays all these tokens we make so it's still revenue for them
And what will local look like by Sonnet 4?
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ah so accessing someone else's funds without being authorized to do so isn't theft, got it

i baked pineapple bread today
not in the model intended to sell you a product or explain the insurance plan options, quite sure they'd want to avoid another "SCARY HACKERMAN ERPS WITH HIS SAMSUNG FRIDGE" news, scares the clients right off

though maybe it was the "CUSTOMER SERVICE AI SELLS A NEW CAR FOR 1 USD" stuff that did it
>"hi, I made cookies for you!"
>computer heats up
>fans spin faster
>death noises emerge
>30 minutes later
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>anthropic patched the prefill exploit
It won't, because novidya will focus on "AI modules" that can't slot into a consumer PC.
Claude called you out on your bullshit
based claude calling you a retard
>She is your refrigerator but she begins talking to you
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Legally you are not accessing their funds but their authorized access to a specific service. Once you bring it to court the owner of the API key will be held accountable for not protecting it enough. Those who access it will be held reliable for unuathorized access but it's not theft or violation of intellectual property such as piracy. Legally it's still gray area
even furbo will sometimes refuse to write meaningless spam, it's nothing new
holy fuck sonnet 3.5 is beyond help, cant even generate strong language and shit
Skill issue
I dont know why anons are still posting emails when the guy said he was done, no one else said they would continue
4o mini is ~8B according to openai
baking around page 9
It is page 9 though
point where he said he was done
no its not, sonnet 3.5 is just cucked
update news onegaishimasu
>GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence/
post preset
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why are you guys like this
I did but this looks better than what I wrote
>I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that.
Off to the trash it goes
skill issue
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Sure babe, show us your skills then
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>let's explore fantasies
Instant turnoff
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Nice system prompt following btw
This is Koala
kek calm down Sama, your new model is shit
p-please sir, one opus proxy is all i ask :,)
OK so I made the vertex service account and downloaded the json. Now what? Do I use the id and e-mail they gave me as reverse proxies or what?
not using proxy
yeah not happening
>t-teehee i subscribed a bunch of anons' burners to spam mailing lists
>takes 2 clicks to undo this
what's the point?
I love Isekai. I can read the most genetic slop and enjoy it
>what is email bomber
>email bomber
is this what it's supposed to be? it's the shittiest bomber i've seen then
Let's see how my luck fares
Is it not possible to use this with sillytavern?
It's a proxy
You put your key in, then you put your proxy url into ST
Got it
this is probably the guide you need (ignore the trycloudflare/nginx section)
I am so desperate that I have been emailing MM for 20 days everyday
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I can kiss you
Will I have to generate a key or will that long line of code between private key start and private key end be my reverse proxy password?
you set the key in your .env file
copy the .env.example file, rename it, and edit it
i am considering writing a guide to trialscumming gcp and setting up a proxy
you were helpful to that anon,
i did everything but getting "Key does not have access to any models" even though i enabled the model in model garden and the service account has Owner/Vertex AI user role (tried both).

i really need it for coding...
in your GCP_CREDENTIALS are you using us-east5? i know some regions don't have access to opus but that one should
for bokus sake
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mini is fast
Tell me more desu.
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Thanks anon
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and retarded

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