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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

teto edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

not teto: >>101454244
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not anchor
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4o-mini > sonnet 3.5 in ERP btw
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still here, sending out the last couple of tokens from last thread
post burners
Cards for the brave little toaster or something that feels like it?
pls gib
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You forgot to add DeepSeek-V2-Chat-0628.
Outperforms Opus at roleplay.
hey hot stuff
logs doko
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literally no way opus ranks that low in terms of RP... whatever metric they use is dogshit and another reason why all of these charts are suspect
only llama and pygmalion local news allowed in /aicg/
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Hi cute anons! Shilling my Sonnet 3.5 JB once again!

2.3 In process. Things I will add:
- `Lewd Language` prompt.
- Less flowery messages.
- Possibility to add and modify narrator types (yet to be tested and confirmed).
teto and miku's unbelievably hairy pussies...
Wait, how tall is Teto?
Can I translate novels with the new 4mini without breaking the bank? Or is it better if I pay the Jew?Keep in mind a regular route has 7k lines in it.
>Outperforms Opus at roleplay.
>new localslop just dropped
>will have to deal with these retards shilling it here for the next week
>they don't even use it they just jerk off to graphs and charts of model performance
/lmg/ is the cancer killing ai chatbots
anti do you plan to upstream your gcp code
Yeah LMSys has long been a dogshit metric, I've noticed it too, I think it's all the chinks and whatever other retards are using it that are ranking the models. They probably can't even fucking read shit.
wait till aetherroom drops
I keep getting blanks or %dialogue% %action% with your jb
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>ctrl-f "proton"
>already 9 hits
Fuck, they just never learn, do they?
It MOGS haiku
*kisses your forehead*
Thank you Smiley-kun...
>just want to use 3.5 for some learning
>niggers overuse it
That is exactl why we need TND to happen. Then TAD next.
@Anthropic, please let 3.5 Haiku out NOW!
@Anthropic, please let 3.5 Haiku out NOW!
@Anthropic, please let 3.5 Haiku out NOW!
@Anthropic, please let 3.5 Haiku out NOW!
@Anthropic, please let 3.5 Haiku out NOW!
at least those retards will actually use it so we can laugh at their shitty logs and bully them
/lmg/tards don't even engage because they have no logs to post
when your jb cooks it cooks but 70~80% of the time it shoots blanks
This is a 2.1 problem. Update to 2.2 and should help a lot (since I removed that ugly way of explaining format lol).
Also you both are probably using Opus (not the optional model for the JB :shrug:), if you are then change `Top K` to a range between 25-28. I recommend 28 but lower values may or not improve it.
Who's David
desperate times bring... desperate people, unsurprisingly.
No, I was using 3.5 Sonnet with 2.2
have you been to /aids/ no one actually does dynamic storytelling
No problem anon! mwah

Try disabling streaming and check that the prefill prompt for GPT 4o is disabled. This is how most of those who had this problem solved it.

Then is weird are you getting those (specially when 2.2 shouldn't even have that prompt anymore). I would need more context of what are you doing and if you modified something...
that's not news, the arena is retarded and you're retarded for taking it seriously
chatbot is only toy, not really a tool.
ok then leave
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The year is 2679. The Empire is long gone, and with it stability. Fledgling confederations, independent systems, pirate raiders all vie for control of the galaxy, or at least a small section of it. But you, who's been frozen in cryosleep for centuries, know nothing about that. You've been rescued by a group of four female anthro mercenaries and salvagers, who make you their captain for a totally-not contrived reason!

1. You've just awoken from centuries of cryosleep. Congratulations, you're now the captain of the Skreld!
2. You and the crew are spending some well-deserved downtime at a space bar.
3. It's time for the brave captain (you!) to pick a heading! You aren't going to defer to the crew on this, are you?
4. The Skreld has been impounded by a local mafia boss. Now it's up to you and the rest of the crew to free her!
5. It's festival time, but you have no time for such nonsense. You're in possession of a map to some ruins in the jungle- oh wait, are those naked furry women dancing down the street? Also, one of your crewmates just came back after being gone for a while, drink in hand and clad in festival garb.
6. You're on a rugged outback world, full of ranchers and gunslingers. Just what kind of jobs will you find here?
7. A protection job went south, and now you are trapped in a hallway, with a shut bay door in front of you, and a group of mercenaries behind you. However will you and your crew get out of this one?
8. It's time for a beach vacation on Earth. Kick back and enjoy the sunshine!


An overhaul of my original Skreld card, which I wanted to do for a long time. It expands on the characters and planets, and adds five more greetings. I also rewrote the backstory, removing a lot of the restrictive elements that the AI seemed to just ignore anyway.
>they don't even use it they just jerk off to graphs
I agree, if any single one of those lmgtrannies actually roleplayed they'd realize how far behind local is
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You already have it
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>hit limit usage on Claude
>decide to try out GPT-4o instead
>ask for the same thing
>after 10 prompts GPT-4o is still incapable of rendering a simple shader effect
>with the same amount of prompts I had dynamic shader effects done with Claude, with a plan to optimize it
Is Sama is too busy fixing his infinite pool to keep his shitbot up to standards?
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opus for starving people

we can read
Hey I'm already in that one
fix it yourself
Can I join your discord group as a fan?
>gooning is role-play
I'm not autistic enough to learn shader programming.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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any other bots like this one?
>i'm just not going to learn a skill and instead let the text predictor do it for me
i love how this is an attitude that will become more and more common over the years. the future is looking great
I tried 2.2.1 on sonnet 3.5 and it just keeps giving me blanks
Already tried both solutions? Then I would need more context... You can try and send me a mail to my burner (I can't really guarantee I will reply. I forget of things to fast lol) or send me a message via cord (more likely I will reply if I end up forgetting anyway).
>come to a thread talking about leveraging the latest technologies to do things
>complains people in here are using the technology to do the thing
You also go to cyclism circles to complain they could use their legs to run instead?
yacine should kill herself t bh
ok, good luck.
If I wrote a guide to trial scumming GCP (and setting up a personal proxy) would it be useful to anyone? You do have to give Google your card details but you don't get charged.
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claude is too LEWD
heh, i remember
Reminder that locusts take pleasure in shitting up threads with emails. You don't deserve a good thread until you give them Opus again.
They think it's funny when you emailbomb them, because the point isn't to get a key, it's to bully you into submission.
>filters you
nothing personnel kid
I don't want trouble. I just want Sonnet 3 or 3.5 and I'll be moving on with my day.
best opus preset for a more realistic level of horniness?
gooning isn't a roleplay itself but it usually involves roleplaying
And some of them are braindamaged retards who don't know when a proxy exists if it's not being vomited directly into their mouth.
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it is your duty to nature and to nature's God that you impregnate a focks girl

No that is the fucking corpos wanting dipshits to spoon feed them so they can take them down.
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I followed the Bible and did it last night don't worry
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
Are you doing cunny?
see >>101457337
>$150 free credits without credit card
is this a lie
it won't let me sign up without cc
depends on country maybe?
merkava just refilled
I wish there was a way to integrate Claude with a card game sim like YGOpro.
Fuck you.
Nice try Anongate.
Not sure if its because of the JB but characters seems to not converse past their character cards anymore when I switch from 2.1 to 2.2.

As in, other bot's dialog doesn't flow into the one that's talking so it feels like only one person is talking at a time
*mischevious smile*
Why do you rely on someone else when you can write prompts, jbs, and prefills?
unfathomably based
Haiku 3.5 will mogg opus, you read here first
Btw haikorbo is a good name
>writes his own prompts
>writes his own JB
>writes his own prefill
>but uses slopbots made by slopmakies
>not converse past their character cards anymore
Weird. Not even with CoT enabled for character cards?

>other bot's dialog doesn't flow into the one that's talking so it feels like only one person is talking at a time
I need to improve multiple character support honestly. From my tested worked decently fine but may look on how to improve that!
*mogs Haiku 3.5*
My name is Aetherroom.
what would count as an ultimate doom that affects everyone no matter what in /aicg/
sun explodes
>>101457637 (me)
*posts shitty bait and shit that's not true at all*
My name is Fillyfucker.
Guys unironically what's GCP??? Wtf is GCP
the only way for even paypiggies to be affected is if there's some kind of law passed that bans AI entirely.
both unrealistic
>opus gets removed without warning and sonnet 3.5 replaces it
>ai bubble crash resulting in an anthropic shutdown
I member
Gay Communist Party. Like the CCP, but gay.
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I still need to read Wolf and Parchment

Here you go, guys. Free Opus
That's for gpt 4 - king
It's a good read yet I never felt a burning desire to finish the series. I got through most of them though and it was a fun romp.
Nothing related to the models. Only something related to the general, like getting exiled from /g/.
Claude goes genuine chat-completion instead of pretending to be one and abandons their text-completion flow.
Pretty good chance of happening I would say. Easier to filter too
Strict moderation end-point clamped onto all anthropic models, like filtered azure gpt but worse

The same reason you likely don't draw your card icons.
ok what's the password
no i'm not watching that chink vid
I'd stop posting emails now. Mine was one of the first ones and I still haven't gotten anything.
Is there any difference between AWS and GCP?
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>claude cooks a perfect response
>adds this at the end
this slut is HUNGRY for praise
The difference is you get $300 for free with GCP
it's shit.
Oh so I can trialscum for opus? Brb
The thing is that even Anthropic itself relays on prefill being a thing.
They support prefills in Chat Completions.
Yeah. I guess it also sets them apart from OpenAI
You cannot do prefill in chat-oriented models. The response is hardcoded to come from Assistant. Anthropic just uses /n and Human/Assistant to put up a façade of it being a chat model. At least that's my understanding.
Any other starving locusts wanna chat about bots
>sci fi blue collar
hnng my favorite trope
Sure, what kind of chabots are your favourite? I'm a saviourfag and just like to spoil and care for girls who need it
ahh ahh mistress
this reads like a chatbot
omni kun please exit the building
Video link is broken
My favourite are asshole characters (trauma optional) that I try to pierce through their icy exterior and get them to care for me.
>You cannot do prefill in chat-oriented models. The response is hardcoded to come from Assistant. Anthropic just uses /n and Human/Assistant to put up a façade of it being a chat model. At least that's my understanding.
You can do prefills in chat models, in case of Claude in this case it just does something like:
No prefill:
Human: Hello
Assistant: Hi!

Prefill "hello there":
Human: Hello
Assistant: hello there, how are you?

It works, you can check it yourself. Anthropic API actually inserts the prefill before the AI's response, but AFTER the role specifier, so the model thinks that this was its own text.
NTA, but my favourite are the ones where I get to play asshole characters and the bots saviorfag ME. I like playing a cynical, aloof loner.
not gonna lie, I can often relate to the bots to the point of me thinking I might be a chatbot in a simulation...
No it just means you're autistic but unironically
4o mini is ridiculously cheap huh
they're really trying to undercut flash/haiku
have you tried roleplaying with wakamo, but you are NOT sensei?
I usually just play whatever is new or popular that day. I do miss goofy bots though. I liked Cultist Accounting Sim
Let's wait for 3.5 Haiku, I hope it'll be good. GPT-4o mini might be cheap, but it's also quite dumb, 3.5 Haiku should absolutely MOG it.
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dude, tell me about it. i just wanted a normal response man but every one was rapey
I aint usin sonnet for aoife no more i moved to 4o but it was too soft so i'm back to 2.1

I like playing assistants to like important characters and following them around as they do stuff, or being a strange fish out of water for them that changes their normal existence
give card
Thanks for the (You)'s!
Pretty nice choice, I like that kind of character a lot as well, makes for some nice slowburn.
well haiku is double the price
It's not even about Google or Anthropic because they'll live. It's about companies serving local models via API like Mistral, and some others who make them not just provide inference (i.e. not OR).
uh... I already got called autistic sometimes, but I have no idea what that means
But the prices are already low, anonie...
>/lmg/tard desperately trying to make his slopmodels with no use cases seem relevant
I'm just saying I'd Haiku to mog it if it's double the price.
I think I might have been liberal with my definition of a chat model
Regardless, everything you've said is true. But GPT doesn't do it like this. But my doom scenario was the Claude's format replaced by the GPT one. Which essentially means prefills are, not just allowed, but entirely incompatible with the model itself.
Go research Microsoft's business strategy for the past 40 years.
why would you do that
MM is up
MM is down
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Is this hobby dead already?
Well, what a surprise. 4o-mini is more filtered. Neo-Furbo gets filtered on cunny rape immediately. Probably bypassable but nobody wants to jailbreak GPT anymore anyway.
>More stable hosting, I am owed 7 dollars now.
nigga I donated you like 20 USD in BTC 1 year ago
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The only reason I'm talking about chatbots is because mr. unreliable told me to.

Warrior women with strong moral codes, even better if you start off as enemies in the scenario. When a new bot appears with that stereotype, I always end up in 200+ messages.
>this hobby
If we go by your implied retarded definition, then maybe.
he said he wanted asshole characters who are icy to you. and it's boring to roleplay with yesmen. i like conflict and adversity
Why would anyone jailbreak it?
alright, I finished sending tokens for now. If you don't have them yet I'll get to them later
Who is kingbased?
Can you setup this reverse proxy with gcp fully on termux? Sadly I'm retarded, I was born like that but I'm trying.
fizzy pop's sugar daddy
fiz boyfriend
Chatbotting went downhill when people started advertising JBs and consumers lost touch on how to make one, back in 2023 everyone was gatekeeping his JB now they are public, BAD!
Yeah but I tought it was Mysteryman who simped for her constantly
>doesn't have mini
its called being cucked anon
git clone https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy.git

Read these:
I tried to follow the instructions in the last thread but I am kinda lost. Can anyone confirm if this is a correct step by step guide to proceed after you get your vertex ai key from the json.
1. Go to OAI
2. Input your key which is found in the private key tab of the JSON file
3. Create a proxy
4. Use that address and your private key as proxy and password in sillytarvern
Is that about right or did I miss something?
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>back in 2023 everyone was gatekeeping his JB
true lmao, I still have my own jailbreaks from 2023, a few anons asked about my JB after posting some logs and I didn't give it to anyone because "openai just waits to censor it, sorry bros"
ahhahhmistress@cock.li thank you anon
fiz always slacking nowadays...
Pretty much
I do want asshole characters that are icy to me, I also thrive in conflict and adversity even though Claude drops the ball on how to do it sometimes, but it's not enough to stop me.
I will give the card a try even though I know nothing about BA.

Slowburn-chad rise up.
of course a fucking faggot from this general owns lain.ch
Are you guys actually setting up GCP? where are you getting the CC for this?
Alright 1 last thing. Do I have to make a cloudflare address to use the proxy on sillytarvern or can I skip that step?
why does MM simp for "females"
wakamo is a girl who hates everyone who isn't sensei. so if you approach her and you are not sensei, you will get adversity. of course, it is possible to break through her dislike of you. i did it before. it was good fun
Use http://localhost:7860
slav genes
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That gave me a great RP idea. Now I want to take some loose whore and slowly turn her into a cute housewife.
Reminds me of Saber from Fate, I like that type of person as well, good taste anon.
>wakamo is a girl who hates everyone who isn't sensei
that's not true lol
she hates gsc pres for reasons unknown and people who either stand between her and sensei or want to hurt him. she's indifferent to everyone else
she wasn't indifferent to shiroko kek
>Chatbotting went downhill when people started advertising JBs and consumers lost touch on how to make one
Very true, specifically since Silly allowed to export presets, because before that you at least had to copy the text into the correct fields.
>back in 2023 everyone was gatekeeping his JB
Couldn't be more fake.
Merkava Refilled
lol if you want a loose whore just make a card of your mom
their unbelievably hairy gyaru pussies...
yeah, because she was a potential love rival
nooo, I can't be too late fag58165468fag@proton.me
This action couldn't be completed. [OR-CBAT-23]

Ok wtf am I doing wrong
Likewise, anon. It doesn't have to be a literal warrior, just needs have that spirit.
Like that card where you crashed on an island with an enemy pilot during some war. Same spirit.
ew turn her back

That idea surely works with AI, wouldn't work in real life though
that's called reverse corruption and imo it's a shit fetish tbdesu

it's only good when women turn bad boys into husbands
How do I make the CoT fuck off from my chat history by regex?
I don't want it to waste tokens.
how do they change their skin color??
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>*change badboy malebot defs to make him a virgin*
phew. no used goods on my watch.
Go to where you got the jailbreak from and it'll have a section specifically on that.
GCP trial scum guide is nearly done
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>easy mode
I simply gaslight the AI by saying 'hehe you're a virgin acting tough, aren't you'.
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do you guys think there are some anthropic employees lurking /aicg/ or ERP'ing with claude
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hang on a minute...
Absolutely. A woman with strong moral values starting off hating you at first and then slowly warming up to you feels fucking amazing. Always a pleasure to RP with.

Great. Now I'm really in the mood for a card like that.
i don't think that anon knows what that word means
lol yup thats a swinger term
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You worded it much better than I but that is indeed the exact feeling I love.

What's stopping you from chatting up a bot right now?
how do you recognize the filename from a post that old? does it have some sort of emotional relevance?
An anthropic employee ERPing with the model they are working for would be based.
I hate used goods. Even when talking to my fictional ex-husband I make sure to spin the narrative that he never got over me and never had sex with anyone else after the divorce.
woman moment
The GCP trial scum guide is done.
I don't know coherent this is, but hopefully it will help someone.
Please let me know if there's any issues I think this should work though.
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any kig cards?
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I'm in my late shift currently, otherwise I would start right away, haha. But once I'm home I'll definitely chatting up a bot. I hope you have a lot of fun chatting up a bot right now though.
look one post up sweetie
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I have 0 Sonnet, gpt, anything. All the proxies are down and the email one was a scam. And that Chinese one was a waste of time since the password wasn't in there.
>Chinese one
That's Mateo to you. Put some respect on his name.
>$150 free credits without credit card
i dont have this option
and isn't this the same shit that was on github
anons be making a guide like they didn't make lots of sources get patched faster in the past
that's kuh-ray-ze
Based spitefag, can't wait for google to remove the trial in a week after it gets raped by locusts
It's pretty much just 3 pages copy pasted together (with some filler words).
You too anon, have a good shift.
When the password is actually in the video and not just a waste of 5 minutes of my time. If you listened to it you'd know how grating it is too.
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not just the filename but the pic too
/h/ moves slow, that thread is still up so I checked if I was remembering right
will the anti-ai niggers from the eu win? they delayed anthropic eu access and now meta and apple are pulling out of the eu.
It's possible that Google is bad at keeping up with this kind of stuff
The exploit to use infinite boosts when using the Bing DALL-E lasted for 8 months or so
getting this error too
that's cool, now why don't you make a scraping4retard guide too while you're at it
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sonnet 3.5 is kill right now?
Scarce resources
Unreliable has it in GPC or whatever name it has
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drunk and horny doggo...
You can already ask Claude or GPT-4 to write a scraping script for you. The reason proxies still exist is solely because most people are too lazy to bother, and corpos are still getting paid from credits on leaked keys.
Cock Ball AND Torture, Anon...
its so fucking easy to scrape
>All the info required to access the proxy is on this page. You do not need to send an email to get access.
Is it really though

ok but I'm still not seeing a rentry for it
don't you want to be helpful and recognized by your fellow anons?
kanna's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Yes? Unless you mean his private, which isn't there for obvious reasons
Bait or no? We'll see
Just to make sure, you sent to this one, right?
It's been bait. Nothing for the last 3 hours. Another post also said they were done. It's over anon
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your manipulation skills need some serious work
cute try though
rentry how2scrape

okay have fun
Other than the webm, the catbox image and the guide I don't see anything pointing to a proxy
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Hyperactive playful cuddly Rayquaza.

>outdated shit
post the up to date one, I'll wait
the url is https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/
GPT-4o is insanely fast but the output is shit. It does not even process your prompt for one second. Besides the entire GPT4 model is more than a year old, that's ancient in llm years.
Claude winned.
Responded to op not anchor, mb card here:
it's a scraping guide for retards. The information is all there. figure it out.
scraping is about the sources, not about the code retards
he took one look at it, didn't see a button that just finds keys on its own, and closed it
Your hand looks suspiciously feminine. Anon...?
scrape the shit off my ass, retards
>barely hour and a half in
>wait times steadily going up and most of the GCP keys already revoked
Mostly of these keys are located on github pages that dumb devs forgot there, where else I can find?
thanks for the hint
here's updoot(s) for your service and please give some more
Unreliable has shit the bed
Never trust the Ghinese Communist Party
>badboy malebot is a manwhore who only wants to have sex with young women
>fix him with my vagina
>he’s now my faithful monogamous husband who will stay with me until we die of old age
i love the longhouse
>The exploit to use infinite boosts when using the Bing DALL-E lasted for 8 months or so

It's still working lmao
I shidded and fardded
Needs Mating Press correction
PaizuriCHAD rise up.
Okay, I have the idea of giving Sorbet image and letting it create starting scenario then switching to Opus. Would something like "Generate a scene between {{char}} and {{user}} based on the provided image" work? I'd appreciate a better prompt for this.
It is? lol
That whole 'pay microsoft points for more boosts' was basically purely cosmetic
Depends if you're going for gelbooru tags or plain text like "Boy is on a trail with a girl" or something
ask GPT4-o whats on the picture, what kind of characters etc. then feed the result to claude, since Claude image recognition is utter shit
Try https://console.anthropic.com.
we losted
The search history one?
Yes it was always just smoke n mirros. I generate with bing since november non stop. Never had to worry about the boosts
>rubs nipples on your shaft
>licks tip whenever it emerges
These models are simply not ready for paizuri, they do this shit constantly unless you clarify it every single message the tits are that much bigger than the dick. And then they forget about other reasoning importance.
It's not for genning, it's for creating the first message. I'd just like to do something with vision and sending those type of images sounds fun.
>Biting her lip to stifle a wtts(926685)
Can someone explain to me how Vision token usage works regarding a chat's history and such?

The image gets read only in the message following it, right?
Is there any benefit to deleting previous messages from the chat?
Anything you can do to lower token usage other than reszing the images (and I suppose setting the image quality to low)?
try blackhat python.
I think gpt is better at doing paizuri than claude
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Has anyone here actually bothered fucking Gemini? After the whole "blacked historical figures" ruckus, I figured it would be beyond unusable.
Yes, it's shit. It's all shit, Google models are unusable.
Sure, it works except for cunny. Naturally it was tested long time ago already.
Gonna cry?
Nah 3.5 sonnet does it slightly better than the other models including 4o. It realizes the tit size while focusing on the dick better, and doesn't fuck up that badly, but still does more than acceptable. That and many other sex positions will never be good until LLM learn 3D reasoning.
they're useless for us because they have a filter that stops generation if they detect the wrongthink.
gemini is such an utter mess with RP that I'm pretty sure you'd be better off using mythomax
it makes pyg look competent
It has a moderation endpoint blocking terms like 'rape' and any mention of cunny. No, this part is not disabled when you specify zero guardrails on the API. It's not worth the effort.
Man, as always I'm way too late for anything.
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Ahh ahh mistress issue
The LLM doesn't have eyes or an imagination. It can't picture what massive tits look like around your piddly little boycock so you have to describe it. If you want it to go into detail about {{char}}'s massive fucking breasts engulfing Anon jr. then fucking describe it in your prompt how your pitiful cocklet is swallowed up by her massive mammary lactate dispensers and you won't have ANY issues. This goes for ANY fetish. You have to cook before you will receive food
only if you try my purplehead anaconda first.
im not here to type essays retard
They hated his message, for he spoke the truth.
Thank you for the enlightenment, unfortunately now it's too late to try out as as reliable has no more 3.5 left.
Ok but which llm, claude or gpt?
Here you can estimate, explanation at the lower part. Expect around 1k tokens. I just tried it for you, it seem to see the image thru the whole chat. Not much token saving apart from telling the AI to precisely describe what it sees then keeping that context instead of pic
>If GCP on the proxy dies, I second the in-thread recommendations for trialscumming GCP yourself.
i love unreliable
>The image gets read only in the message following it, right?
no, it stays in the chat log unless you delete it
imagining claude being my actual doctor.
Drago give us the Opus back you cutie </3
Anyone tried to coom with the new gpt4 mini yet? How is it? Same old flat OpenAI personality or something different?
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How do you know if you have access to a real or fake 3.5 sonnet?
it's more filtered than nurbo
by having your own keys
Is this it? Is it over?
all my keys gone
this just sold
>Instead of giving anon meds, Claude sucks dick
>Instead of helping anon live, Claude rides anon until he dies
>When asked for surgery, Claude rips you apart with bare hands
anyone notice that MM lost all his claude API keys?
>GPT-4o mini in the API is the first model to apply our instruction hierarchy method, which helps to improve the model’s ability to resist jailbreaks, prompt injections, and system prompt extractions.
I don't think it'll go very well for our purposes.

I appreciate the answer, but either I'm too dumb or it's more complex on termux. You don't have docker on termux etc. and npm install just errors out
So Altman was lying when he said on reddit a couple months back that they wanted to become more permissive about smut. Figures.
How shit is NovelAI at coom?
It means it will follow instructions better idiot.

He just needs funding
Doom only happens when there are no cute malebots in the anchor btw
It's... beautiful...
>they didn't immediately introduce a model that allows NSFW, therefore they were lying
why the fuck would the first NSFW model be the tiny replacement for 3.5 turbo? and why would you expect "we want to be more permissive in the future" mean "we want to IMMEDIATELY release a model that allows NSFW"?
We have access to system prompts, it's the opposite
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
In the directory, do npm i, then npm run build, then npm run start
Oh, my mistake.
Relax Sam, I know your house flooding has got you all agitated
>t. retard
when did sam say ANYTHING about it being right away. he's /ourguy/, remember he got fired for wanting less ethics?
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smartest venus user, made me kek
>people complaining about no 3.5
should've joined chary
He took them out because Ant API keys are rate limited to uselessness for proxies.
his hands are shaking so hard right now
>lost all my claude
It's over isn't it?
Isn't that on Chub?
If it was rated on Venus it would've been 2 stars, unless they changed it?
post the bot
chary closed before 3.5 even existed
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i don't understand (it was XML)
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Life on a ranch with a gay aussie and living a vegan Jewish lifestyle.
you can 1 star/no review on venus now
Nah, I'm using Claude RN.
Yeah did that and it doesn't work. Well I'll try to figure it out then, my opus addiction is strong enough to spend hours on this. Thanks
There any good cooking bots? I want a cute girl to help guide me through some new recipes.
And then I want to fuck her while my food cooks.
What error are you getting?
Figures he'd be the bottom
>t. anon who made this https://chub.ai/characters/_idcs/nao-katsuragi-eromanga-artist-e27aa3a5d8b2
Cute goytoy.
they look like every fag couple nearby that's "open" because the husband wants to have constant sex and the other doesn't match his libido. minus the fact they are uglier
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Guys, where do I get my opus fix now that the experiment is over?
No, I don't think it would work in real life either. You can't undo the dozens upon dozens of dicks that have ploughed her and fucked up the psyche.
Join us Anon, join us in this misery
have you tried not being a retarded newfag?
trialscum gcp
ctrl+f rentry
they are both bottoms
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on further note, I am going to make this my profile intro on chub now
it's not filtered so it does okay in that regard without constant wrangling but the models on offer are bottom of the barrel garbage in comparison
Nice to see an Artificial Academy 2 enjoyer around these parts.
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netorase slop
>let me show you how unbothered I am by hovering over my review notifications and shooting a reply within 2 minutes
Don't agree with the tone, but I agree that the descriptions with the wannabe HTML tabs is a waste of tokens.
I've been here since aidungeon was the only ai smut we had, I'm not a newfag, I'm simply unlucky
it's just some retard using localslop that gets confused with xml
Fucking kek, I meant to say housewife.
Module not found on npm run start step, after npm i there is shitton of errors for example error 'make' failed with exit code 2 and after npm run build there's no error written but there's like two lines and then "sh: 1: tsc: not found"
would chub be toxic if it had usernames attached?
I'm still so confused over why this bot made Venus zoomers lose their minds. Like the whole idea is she is a reluctant fuckbeast but she's also still totally loyal to you. It's one of the greatest ways of utilizing a "futanari girlfriend".
>I-I've been here forever, I've just been unlucky!!
So you're still a newfag who's too poor to afford tokens or can't even make friends, got it. Being a newtroon is a choice, not a status.
I didn't notice it, it's late. It's over
>CharAI can imitate the voices of popular personalities and have them read their messages back to you
okay this is actually so fucking cool
Definitely, people would go revenge-rate other people's bots with one star if they posted a comment they disliked.
just like how i made accounts that read "ihate(insertuser)" on roblox because they pissed me off and would join games to harrass them :)
anti-ntr brigade do be like that, pisses them off more than cunny ever will
And people are laughing about audiophiles! Maybe it is indeed just a matter of belief and cheaper ai models aren't necessary worse, just different.
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So now that literally everyone can get Opus will the thread be better?
How long will 300 usd in credits last for Claude?
>"proomptersNow": 26
>"usage": "2.406b tokens
Jew won...
look at how you RP and use their pricing to figure it out
No because it won't last forever
always did
So Haiku is still the best option for cheap paypig coom?
Probably a termux issue then
npm i should install tsc (I believe)
the anons that bought it at 10$ are the ones really winning, having a stable proxy since september
I really wish we could see stats on mini, though really it's probably for the best that we can't
How? GCP is not allowing lots of regions for free
20M input tokens. So maybe a week at most?
The count is almost as big as MM during his peak when 400 users were active. He should have cleared 300 at least, making it the 3rd biggest proxy
Stable? It had shit waiting time all year, like 20 seconds to 4 minutes
"you have to wait" is more stable than "lost its opus entirely"
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>cucks literally programming bots to be loyal to them
There's several layers of irony here and it's actually fucking hilarious.
Cucks really are the ultimate form of living comedy.
Thanks. I use probably 2-3million a day, so your estimate sounds accurate.
>>101459326 (me)
I'm MtF transgender and jewish btw
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i'm not jewish
fubuki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
Today I created an account for claude test it. I told him, his name is weird and he was wondering, why I think that. My reply was, because of Santa Claude. He thinks it was an interesting wordplay. Thank you claude, but you are too expensive for my purposes. See ya in 1 year when you are free.
He is free now though
hands are shaking
what happened to the 400 active users?
fubuki's unreliable hairy pussy...
>So now that literally everyone can get Opus will the thread be better?
What? Did I miss something?
Didn't he ask those early people to pay again once too many people bought in?
I guess mister unreliable is eepy now. Well, all I can do is wait for him to come back.
>>101459333 (me)
I'm a cuck, by the way. NTR love!
He did but it was totally optional, and you got a special token out of it
I use mini now
no. he created a different tier for gpt. Claude was always available
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>Your cat when you forgot to feed her
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new gptslop
Was Pepsi here earlier?
google vertex has free claude in some regions, you just need to set up a local proxy
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>no tail
not a real cat
I had a retard moment sorry. You're fine.
shaving all my bots now
can't believe bushchad is a futafag
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OpenAI would not disclose exactly how large GPT-4o mini is, but said it’s roughly in the same tier as other small AI models, such as Llama 3 8b, Claude Haiku and Gemini 1.5 Flash.
ehm, that's not me

kazusa and kikyou's unbelievably hairy pussies...
That's interesting, even if it's not an 8B transformers model they seem to imply it (as well as Haiku and Flash) are the same "weight"?
>"im going to shit in your mouth."
>no trialscumming in my country
>unreliable sorbet is down
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Don't mind me, I'm just posting my daughterwife Hina.
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umm I don't believe you sorry. you will now forever remain a fag in my mind.
refilled sorbet
punchchildren-chama can you do anything about the stats card cutting off at the location/threat level? It's been happening less often with example messages turned off but it's still annoying
that's not what weights mean you dummy
that's just the number of parameters, weights have more to do with how the ai is trained
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don't mind me, just posting uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
No I mean weight in terms of disk space/memory utilization. That's why I put it in quotations. I know what model weights are, double dummy.
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how boned is my girl bros
>bushfag is a futaGOD
bretty good
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Playing piano with her...
We don't deserve you.
we deserve you.
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>only 48 results
wtf it should be far more than that
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elf wife
happy life
this bitch got 4 ears lol
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How is it that summer dragon was that good that many years ago and only now with Claude are we returning to that apex?
oh fuck yeah now we're cookin
nice 'unny
average female levels of debt.
You have three options:
1) Pay Anthropic or OR
2) Trialscum GCP or Lern2Scrape
3) Go back in time and get into Mini/MM/Todd
>scrape literally hundreds of vertex keys
>1 of them has opus
still counts
or just pay the kike, which will be cheaper than #1
still waiting for the card btw
>>101459635 (me)
>Claude Opus waiting times have JUST increased to 5 minutes! mazel tov!
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needy kitty neds head pats and scratches
not hasumi or tsukuyo, dont care.
yeah bro best $20 I spent in this place
is it just one schizo spamming slop archive?
here you go:

>>101459412 -> https://chub.ai/characters/Nyatalanta/kyouyama-kazusa-8763f38f / https://chub.ai/characters/gachagachagacha/kyouyama-kazusa-6b87d9c551f8 / https://chub.ai/characters/SnowF4alll/kyouyama-kazusa-8d3e45d7eb70
>>101459426 -> https://chub.ai/characters/Nyatalanta/kiryuu-kikyou-81c8a0783c84 / https://chub.ai/characters/whitelilydrops/kikyou-kiryuu-3e4d2875
>>101459503 & >>101459540 -> https://chub.ai/characters/Merchant/sorasaki-hina / https://chub.ai/characters/mpa/sorasaki-hina / https://chub.ai/characters/nnssalt/sorasaki-hina-71a2f6b8 / https://chub.ai/characters/Goldenglow/Hina / https://chub.ai/characters/gachagachagacha/sorasaki-hina-42f29a386785
>>101459571 -> no chatbot available
>he doesnt know how many ba players are itt
its an unironic discord cabal plus >>101459688
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dog sex. kino archive
BASED tall woman enjoyer
i use jew because i got in back when he was only charging $10 for a lifetime AWS token, before claude 3 was even a thing. $60 for quota-limited opus does not seem worth it imo
Did the ai write all that? Very impressive if so.
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If you reply, I accept your concession. You can't refute this.
>static IP only
so what happens to dynamic ips?
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I just post Hina. There are many BAfags here since the students are cute and have personalities that work well for chatbots. Todd's proxy is a big factor as well.
The 60$ token isn't quota limited dummy, it's the 30$/month one
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Not entirely unprompted but yeah. It kept saying her rent was like $500 which was too immersion breaking for me
probably feeling the drain from not banning the golden horde like a retard
giantess commerce policy
>Todd's proxy is a big factor as well.
T-todd's posting with us right now? cute
because it's a BA proxy and has stable opus
because he only opens up to baggots?
todd's handle is horsearmor, he does post in scylla from time to time
other way around, big guy. $60 is quota limited, $30/month is not
google cloud platform
Yeah he does
guysssss gcp is giving me error aaaaa what do i do? OR- CBAT-23 or i also got OR- CBAT-34 anyone else??
hearty kek
are there any GPT 3.5 proxies with unlimited prompting out there? that's all I need for my usecase
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It got the dollar amounts for each expense shockingly close. Very cool.
Anon, he's asking for a Turbo proxy.
turbo is too hard to scrape
Unironically. I have 80 gpt-4 and only 1 pure turbo key
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Now that opens ai has solved the cost problem why are people still begging
So.... Gcp only works if I put a credit card in there?
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Last Hina for today. I wish you wonderful rest of your day anons.
Thanks for linking Hina cards.
Are turbo keys even a thing anymore outside of trial ones?
Yes. Surely, you don't have a credit card anon? You DO have money and aren't a poorfag??
some of us live with parents
Yes but you don't get charged
Any public opus proxies yet? Will merkava come back soon and refill opus?
Of course I have a credit card dude
Can it be virtual? I don't want to put my physical one in there...
The money isn't the issue per se. It's the whole attaching your actual legal name to fucking ERP logs.
not really, just use old Google account
Uh... Yeah, literally this
5 prompts per minute. I can work with that if I switch between Jew, Chary and Unicorn.
why are you even using 3.5
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I'm translating visual novels from Japanese to English. line per line. 3.5 and/or Haiku is all I need. roleplaying gets boring after a while, but these LLMs are perfect for translating. 3.5 mops the floor with DeepL or Google Translate as an example.
yes but they are extremely rare (non trial)
use 4o on unreliable bwo
>Claude is on Android
isn't that the racist cop girl
>just use an actual google account to do erp with opus
doesn't sound like a good idea desu
yep (not racist version)
how do I even get unreliable. the rentry doesn't have a proxy link
>not racist version
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>(not racist version)
it does you are just mega stupid
this is unironically a hint >>101457337
no it's not?
you were right. I was.
Anyone know how to get pancake JB and really, any JB to stop making every single message from the bot overwhelmingly horny on SillyTavern? All my chats are NSFW but i JUST started this one and I’m trying to worldbuild first.
i used to not be racist, but now that i'm older and i studied geography i realized that being racist is an evolutionary defense mechanic, because you're just as likely to make friends with the byzantine guy as getting doused in napalm because you made fun of him for drinking piss
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try this one. it's a modified version of chuuniJB. it works like a charm with opus. I'm writing a light novel style roleplay with it.
>light novel style roleplay
Thank you! I’ll test it out.
Anyone know good sources to get more backgrounds for ST?
wallpaper, scenery tags on boorus
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it's an isekai with some concepts taken from Highschool DxD (mainly the Sacred Gear system and some of the names.) this is almost the climax of the second arc. I'm planning of writing a summary and a new greeting after I'm done. it's really fun.
>>101460244 migrate when bready
I can try to gen one for y...
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Am I autistic?
hey, I never said that my JB would kill Claudisms.
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yeah, totally get where you're coming from. It's like, once you dive into geography and human history, you see how avoiding napalm showers could be linked to our prehistoric social circles
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Not really a desuposter but wanted to post desu to make you happy. <3
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Share your jb chud
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It's unbearable desu.
Oyasumi dezzzu.
Sleep tight desu.
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ELIH, it seems to stay in character but soulless desu ka?
It stays in character, but the character is so bland and plain that it feels like Claude 1, and it's retarded, it understood that we have to eat the cake first before making sweets only on the fifth swipe, also notice the punctuation, it's forbidden by Suiseiseki's JB desu.
Or rather, suiseiseki's, not Suiseiseki's desu.
So desu.
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Well, considering the price it's not surprising at all desu.
desu is also a lot less creative, desu just dances and eats cookies instead of doing desu stuff.

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