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previous: >>101412288
f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
lmfao they all sold INSTANTLY

I wasn't fast enough. It's over
>paypal fucked up at the last step
God fucking damn it
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idk what happened to me but it sent money and I don't think the order completed
I would so much rather just pay more money than go through this shit
Well yeah, the next time you'll see 722s are from secondhand sellers for $500+.
I was trying to get a W1-AT
Pretty much the same deal, no? Those go for $500+ too. Meanwhile I'm chilling with my cheap Frog which is good enough for me.
The professional scalpers all use bots. You never stood a chance.
I didn't know it would be like trying to buy Supreme

I thought keyboards were more normal
In Korea?
I think there are some f1-8x v2 extra left on some site and people still dont know about that, go get those just because you still can
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inb4 advertising.
So I was looking at buying another glorious pc gaming race keyboard (yes I know they are a trash brand) when I realized they changed their name to just glorious. I emailed support to see if they had old stock stickers with the old company name. They claimed that they could not guarantee what sticker would ship with my keyboard.
>"We are not able to guarantee which sticker will be included. We can only confirm that there should be a sticker on the package."
I hit back with
>"So do you still ship out "glorious pc gaming race" stickers at all or have you completely switched to glorious? I would assume 2 years after the name switch you would only be shipping the current company name. I am asking if I can put in a special request for old stock stickers with the old name/if you have old stock stickers with the previous name."
They responded with
>"It is one of the stickers we are sending out. Unfortunately, we are not able to request that a specific sticker be included."
Anyone think this is actually true? What are the odds they are still sending out glorious PC gaming race stickers 2 years after the name change. Seems like support is lying to me.
I hope monospace tomorrow isn't the same shit all over again
Hope you get the board instead of refund
my available credit went back up, I don't think the transaction's going through. I'd say it's roughly a 0% chance
Sounds like a jeet with a script. No way you're getting anything with the old name, not after thus long. Could just take a png to some Chinese print shop though.
That's what i figure too. I was looking at the time line and they swapped their name approx 1 year before getting into bestbuy. I wouldn't be surprised if that was in their contract that they wouldn't ship their old name anymore. I'm pretty sure it was a business decision not them bending their knee to the rando wokes on twitter that wouldn't buy their shit anyway. They caved for bestbuy.
Not as hyped as Geon + 75 units is a lot

You'll be fine.
I know it's different but people say the last one (Univers) sold out real quick, and that one had 100 units I think
My Glare... is gone
Does anyone have a guide to soldering, specifically what tools to buy

This guide is excellent.
omg hi my keyboard friend
group buys never let me down like this
what's even the point of all this if you don't use a split?
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But I do, anon.
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new thread pls, the op is too painful to look at
Fuck me bros, gimme the link for f1-8x v2 extra unit
Good afternoon split gang, stay handsome.
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mini mech aio pcs when?
still need an answer to >>101459586

any opinions welcome no matter how shitty
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it's my second day using a split!
kind of a big adjustment since I've just used a standard 75% before
maybe I should get some wrists rests?
GMK WS1 yellows at a ridiculous rate so definitely don't go for that.
Maybe he means xiami pbt, those won't yellow so either should be fine. I'd choose full L9 myself, without the grey mods.
>Maybe he means xiami pbt
Bingo. The apple set in particular.

(I would never use Apple. This is a gift)
>windowed dolch lock caps arrive
>not expecting much because it's not from the same set but it was cheap
>color is 2% off and font is a hair too big
>windows look wicked awesome
I'm so happy and annoyed at the same time
I find the font on the apple sets ugly, would suggest a normal L9 set with the command - option bottom row, if it's for a Mac user.
I like it, if I were a mac user it'd be my first choice. Maybe a nostalgia thing because my grandparents had macs when I was a kid in the 90s, but I think it's a great look
Got a question but first the preamble:

I'm thinking of getting into this stuff even though I've been low profile membranes for as long as I can remember. At first I looked at low profile mechanical but all those fragmented switch ecosystems seemed so cramped and disappointing, whereas MX has so many attractive options.

The question then is which MX switches will be best for someone used to low profile membrane? Do I want a short travel tactile silent switch? Or should I just jump right in with cherry blacks or something and try to get used to it?
Try cherry mx black and brown first and never let them go, keep them for comparison's sake
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don't forget to also sample The Poorfag's Choiceâ„¢
If I'm trying more than one what's a good one if it turns out I just want to ease myself into it? I.E., a third one that will feel a little less unfamiliar.
Cherry is old news. They're not keeping up with the times when companies are using strong but smooth materials like Y3, which is a harder UHMWPE blend. Go get cherry red and these and compare.
You'll understand Cherry is coasting on name alone.
People are saying this and then after a while they return to that old news
They make sample kits on ebay where you can pick up to 50 different switches for about a buck a piece.
Well, I haven't touched my cherry blue and brown in literal years and never going back either. The only reason to get cherry in 2024 is to make BCP switches with cherry top housing.
Nothing sounds as good as Cherry, though. There's a reason why 90% of the highest tier customs (OTD, TGR etc.) have MX Blacks in them.
Most of the endgame boards have cherry switches in them
Cherry switches are like elitist's choice same as cherry clipins
Literally no one uses these end game boards as a daily, it's for show just like Cherry is for show as a "classic" switch. No shit they're not gonna solder a random Chinese switch no matter how much better it is. I GUARANTEE you though all these customs with mx black have spring swapped and lubed 100% and sometimes filmed.
Why are browns so shit
Bro you can go and look at any big keyboard maker discord and 90% of people are using Cherry mx on their board as a daily driver
they're fantastic, your fingers are just so used to being beat up by heavy tactiles that they need a while to adjust.
I've never used heavy tactiles, I've inly used linears
>mx black have spring swapped and lubed 100% and sometimes filmed
You say this like it's a gotcha. Of course they are, that's how you get the best results out of any switch.

I personally use manually broken in + lightly lubed MX Blacks in my F1 on a daily, for what it's worth.
no see the thing is NOBODY does this, all my filipino friends who bought angrymiau cyberboards with their student loans use chinese supersmooth meme switches
then you're just not used to tactile feedback yet
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>normies in a discord are using normie switches
Who would have thought.
How is it not a gotcha? Telling a newshit to use Cherry because he can lube, film, and buy springs to make it sound good is fucking retarded when there are switches that sound and feel better right out the box.
since you said apple it should be remembered these days apple users have most of their accessories in more of a true white, so ws1 is close to matching that modern peripheral ecosystem. Unless they're a true vintage lover ws1 might be safer.
>normies in a discord are using normie switches
Normies Discord is like Milktooth's audience that love their Chinese fotm lol
It's elitists, autists, and purists that use cherry
Oh yeah, I guess it is appropriate to get overpriced prelubed slop when you lack the skill and patience to put proper work into your switches.
Its normies hypyobros that love rainbow gay ass cream new switches
all the keyboard autists love their cherry and shitting on mx clones for years
>elitists, autists, and purists that use cherry
Exactly, it's why they'll always have their raffle won keycults, unikorn, tgr, etc always on a GMK set with modded Cherry because they can't be bothered to desolder and try out other switches on it.
Literally $1 difference per set of 10 where having to spring swap and lube to make it sound decent eats up the difference but ok.
Just checked on youtube, and every TGR with MX Black is actually using different springs. Are they that bad.
Man that's so wrong on multiple level. Target of new meme switches are normalfags who chasing the THOCK
The real fucking autists aren't even going to consider those new and smooth PR Chinese made swithes
Old cherry springs are pinggy little shits, they fixed them with the barrel shape spring in the new mx2a
>Literally $1 difference per set of 10 where having to spring swap and lube to make it sound decent eats up the difference but ok.
yeah but don't forget the purists need 200 switches for a single TKL because they "cherry-pick" the switches (meaningless ritual where they delude themselves that they can tell the difference between a "good" and a "very good" switch)
What's the modern and better equivalent of MX Blacks then?
Sadly none, that's why geon still have to order 1m of MX black HG and MX2A black for the autists
If I were him I would stop trying to create his Geon switches and just reselling cherry mx
All stock springs have extremely wide tolerances compared to aftermarket springs.
I wish some chinese maker would get on with copying mx black but with better springs, lube, and housing tolerance
>better tolerance
I don't man, I don't want to ruin your dream.
Normies chase thock but they don't know shit outside of cherry and maybe gateron. They'll see something like jwick and bsun and wonder if that's even legit.
If you're seriously going for cherry switches in 2024, you're either a normie that doesn't know much about mechboards, a boomer that doesn't wanna get with the times, or an elitist that wanna keep it "classic" with gmk and cherry.
how do i get into get into keyboards i have a shitty 500 custom keyboard that i did not enough research before buying and i have more money i shouldnt spend to spend
Hyped keyboards and keycaps are a big deal. It's cooled off some because of inflation, but there will still be hot items
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What's wrong with liking a deeper sound profile or "thock" as fags say?
I mean "the newer switches" still can't get the bottom housing right lol, when you press cherry switches on the PCB and plate they snap and lock perfectly in place
Nothing, just pointing out knowing what thock is doesn't mean you know shit about switches. This all circles back to the new anon where his only knowledge about switches are low profile (probably either gateron or kailh choc) and cherry black. No one tells him about the shitty stock feel and says "just get cherry lmao" as if it helps. Then they get defensive when told latest chinese switches are better out the box thanks to updated materials and move the goalpost as if modding switch was an obvious move.
>HMX FJ400
Ok, those are nicely deep clacks
I think I get what you mean.
>cherry black
Is it not good? What would you recommend instead? I was considering getting some. Lub them and everything. Apparently it's good for a "deeper" sound.
You could've at least recommended something like Gateron Pro Yellows instead of ~30 cent per switch long pole/long spring chink memes, anon.
Cherry mx black or Gateron milky yellow
That's it
>milky yellow
no. ks-3x47 yellow (unless you love rgb)
They are called Gateron KS-3X47 Yellow (Milky Yellow) anon so people refer to it as milky yellow
milky yellow refers to the full milky housing yellows. the black nylon bottom ones are referred to as milk tops or milky-top
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Had to take this kb out of the closet just to say aint no way you guys recommended these outdated garbage switches just because it's cheap.
There's no outdated switch
Works as intents
Tried and true
My brother's board has milk top blacks (same shit) that I broke in for three months, lubed and spring swapped. They're fantastic.

Enjoy your meme shit
Yeah, feeling the stem scraping on housing sure is the intended fun.
For me it's the Gateron G Pro 3.0s, unless you're the type to lube and spring swap yourself.
I want that
>missed the 722
Don't remind me of the pain...
NTA but you'd want to get lube, new springs, and a switch opener. If you can't be assed for all that extra cost Vertex V1 was one of the bigger memes for thock last year.
>new springs
Cherry black springs are bad?
>Vertex V1
Noted thanks but not sure if I'd go for that. They are very close in specs from what I have right now. Only a few gf of force. They might not make a significant enough difference for my noob ears to notice.
I've always enjoyed this guy's typing tests. Recently found out he draws gay furry porn, though.
Kind of comes with the territory. It's not exactly a secret where the bulk of people into the keyboard scene spend most of their time.
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Any guide or website recommendations to look at for in stock or group buy keycaps? Prefer shipping from Europe but not mandatory.
I'm looking for a PBT white-black or white-grey set a bit like picrel.
By the way is it realistic to expect relatively "pure" white or black from a high quality set? Or will it always be at the minimal a bit off?
>Cherry black springs are bad?
Yep. Jury's out on whether the new MX2A springs are as bad, but I've seen some suggest they're still nothing special—anyway I suspect that if they were better than +/-5g tolerance Cherry would have said something in all their marketing material, and they didn't. Maybe they ping less than before, I don't know, haven't tried them.
>is it realistic to expect relatively "pure" white or black from a high quality set
abs, yes. pbt, no.

and the white abs will yellow if exposed to sunlight.
Cherry has been strange, they don't seem like they view the rest as actual competition yet through at this tiny little tweaks to make it seem like they are still innovating. Either go all in on production quality and chase only the purists or actually do something bold and take the risk.
I mean Chinese menus aren't really in competition with them because Cherry didn't view keyboard nerds as their target audience because we are too small and their moq is like 500k minimum
Why are nice UK layout keycaps so rare, my autism gets rustled using US caps on a UK layout because of all the discrepancies
Because other foreign languages basically have the options of do or don't while britbongs aren't chauvinistic enough to buy only their own shit in the way the French do. So American is close enough for a lot of them that few makers even bother for a market that won't really support them.
That's what I assumed. Thanks for confirming.
Maybe I should go for white-grey then. Not too sure. A bluish black would be really bad on a dark board for sure.
In any case I just can't find anything with that pattern anyway. It's all "retro" beige and brownish grey. I'd have to buy full BoW and WoB kits to get what I want.
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Laughs in greens.
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MX2A springs are good
No ping
Pretty consistent in weight
i have a set of MX purples, which i believe are an MX2A variant. the springs don't ping any more or less than my early 2000s and mid-2010s cherry switches. the thing that's most disappointing about them is that they are still pretty scratchy with the factory lube, and when i lubed a couple of them as a test, it didn't improve. however, it wouldn't take much to be better at lubing than i am.
mx2a purple uses old springs but they said it is better which is true, new springs for mx2a have the barrel shape
Who is at the top of the spring game anyway? I wouldn't mind carving some of mine up to play around with some aftermarket ones.
Geonworks with his 0.3g tolerance
TX springs or

Unfortunately Geon doesn't sell 16mm springs, which I feel is the sweet spot.
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Found this set that fits the bill. Clearly off-white a bit. Probably not great quality with that price.
This one seems a very bright white but it's probably edited.

imagine the crumbs
KAT Monochrome if you're ok with kat profile.
As you brought up earlier something with a shorter travel distance will be the closest possible comparison to a low profile membrane, but that's about it. They really just don't feel all that similar.
Guess I have some shopping to do, thanks lads.
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>KAT Monochrome
Great rec thanks anon. Looks really neat. Exactly what I'm looking for and in stock to boot. Nice, big and centered font. Black is a bit charcoal-y but I guess it doesn't get much better than this with PBT.
>if you're ok with kat profile
It's my first "real" keyboard and I've used it with Cherry. KAT doesn't seem that far off to it and more ergonomic. It should be fine I think.
how do we know the whole spring thing isn't bullshit
There's only 2 things you want from spring
1. not pinggy
2. be consistent in weight
Those 2 conditions are straightforward to verify
ok how many people have verified weight consistency though
I do, I put 2 springs in 2 switches and let them kiss
You can try it yourself
In addition, Cherry for example literally tell you their spring tolerances, and they're dogshit.
I'm glad they finally stepped up their spring game with mx2a, they have been too lazy for far too long
Personally, I don't trust their dumb-ass "barrel springs" and the factory lube they slopped in there. I stocked up on 600 MX1A Hyperglides during this Geon sale, I prefer breaking in switches and lubing them myself.
I've tested the consistency of their new springs myself, and they are fine in that regard
The thing I hate the most is, they fucking lubed the leaf in their tactile switches which lead to non-consistent in the tactile bump weight, those niggers are so fucking retard
breaking-in to disperse the lube can help eliminate that but they should do nothing and only lube spring
Fucking stupid nigger at Cherry should rope themself for this
>The volume knob on my keychron takes about five full rotations to change one level of volume when connected by USB
>Immediate response when connected via dongle
Why is this?
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Canadian ISO... should I?
Really just means french, since everyone outside of quebec just uses regular ANSI.
Is your USB panel busted? Try plugging it in the back/front
for me, it’s boba u4t’s
Does anyone know of a good set of french-canadian dual language keycaps?
>dual language
if it can type french, it can type english
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bros... i need my keycaps to start moving... i want it by monday..
got some very important typing to do on monday?
I’m not typing on some azerty shit sorry not sorry
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Committed and got raped by shipping. Still not that bad of a price all things considered and no GB shenanigans. Found KAT Refined and GMK Monochrome in the same style which were even more expensive shipment included. I'm digging the icons and centered fonts more anyway. Stay tuned for the result in 2 weeks or so.
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>722 L cope
Should I?
Use QWERTY-US. Latin layouts are pointless.

t. (real) French
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Level with me /g/, are optical keyboards a meme or are the switches actually good? RGB is retarded and I'll disable it, but I can pick one up for a very nice deal and I'm wondering if it's worth it.
8k layout is kinda based but hard to find cool caps for

not gonna get any other plates?
>are optical keyboards a meme or are the switches actually good
yes and yes
I'm blocking it off
I think Alu is the only plate option for the Frog 8k
No idea how different it is to regular Frog, but make sure to get the metal sticker as well. Looks nice on my Frog.
>I'm blocking it off
fuck you delete from cart right now you don't deserve it
Sold out...
I don't have enough switches and keys for it lmao. Also, I'm not used to the look
Get it from cafege then. You're already spending a boatload, what's $20 extra shipping at this point, eh?
lmfao there's a monospace sound test now (with o-ring gasket, cf half plate, gat x switches) and it sounds EXACTLY like my brother's neo80 (gat ks-3x47 lubed and spring swapped, cf plate, gasket mount)

love it though, more determined than before to buy one. mine's gonna have some entirely different bullshit inside though. I'm thinking cherry browns, top mount....
Considering all the bs KAT caps went through and how each one was in GB for 2+ years, worth.
Would it make me a retard if I bought a Kechron Q1 Max with the banana switches?
Aw hell nah
That sound signature is all over the place. Tries to be deep with the half plate, but GMK makes it poppy. Switches overall sound somewhat grainy too. Wish it was on a full plate or PBT keycaps.
Southpaw boards are absolute bangers tho.
Ye I've read the forums a little while looking around. Kind of wild to me who is new to this hobby. Worth indeed.
Never do GBs. I waited 3 years for my GMK Nord, only for the company I bought it from to close shop and take everyone's money.
I only joined GB where I'm sure it gonna be
sure-fire, which is rare but geonworks is one of them
I wanna lick those keys
>That sound signature is all over the place.
there's no rule against that
I gotta say, keychron needs to fix their naming scheme. How the fuck are you stupposed to immediately know the difference between a K max, Q pro, V max, c series, and all their other nonsense nomenclature? Would you like the banana, mint, or pro blue switches? No we wont' tell you the difference by mousing over, you must do hours of research before buying our product and we won't make it easy.
Oh you want to search one of our prebuilts by switch type? Fuck you.
>just buy a barebones kit
and pay an extra $50 to build it myself because these jerkoffs couldn't be bothered to make it with one of their own switches?
Why do you even want a customizable board if you don't already have an idea of how you will customize it? The stock shit on keycrons exists for one reason and one reason only. To have something to play with for a week while your other shit clears customs.
Because for no reason the barebones kit costs more than the fully assembled one. I'm fine going with their mint switches, but good fucking luck finding a 65% with mint switches. I don't want to spend $400 on a fully custom setup. I don't mind a generic board if I can just choose the switches. With everything being hot swappable and plug n play, why is their barebones kit not a "heres the base kit, select switches, select a keycap kit"?
Okay, I ordered one. If it sucks I'm holding you personally responsible
Last time I used their site that's exactly how they had it set up. You select if you wants knobs what color the case is and drop down menus for switches and caps. Did they change it or something?

Overall the only thing you really want from them is the board anyway so the frills are just a place holder in most cases.
I said the switches were good, not the whole board!
>he's too stupid to order a Keychron
have any of you tried fixing your v6 max with my gasket mod recommendation yet? I'm not kidding around ok it's better
maybe they were worse back when you bought them. Mine feel great, they are one of the smoothest switches i own.
Im talking about pro non milky. Non pro version doesnt come pre lube if i remember correctly
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Checked my order history and they're milky pros and came with very light lube. There could be an updated version, idk. I remember lubing was very light and you could feel and hear the spring crunch on many switches. I had to handlube them all over again, which made buying "budget prelubed" pointless.
Quality control at that price might be bad, maybe you got a bad batch. I haven't seen anyone complain about their smoothness before

dreamscape sister is gonna be so happy
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I've had these switches and keycaps for like a year and finally got the rest of the keyboard last week. I've been using an Iris for a few years and it's so much nicer than a one-piece keyboard, and I wanted something wireless to use with my phone and Steam Deck.
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I didn't expect it to be so much larger than the Iris and I'm realizing a lot of the cues I was using to find my finger position on the Iris doesn't work here. The rightmost row on the left half for example is not the same so I can't just touch the edge and move over the same way. There are also just more keys in general which I don't have the muscle memory to use at all.
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I can't into layers and also I keep fat fingering the thumb cluster so I have both of the large thumb keys set to space until I get used to it. Not sure what else to bind them to that isn't extremely inconvenient to hit on accident. I think this layout would benefit from a few more isolated keys that aren't so hard to erroneously hit, especially for a wireless that can switch clients. So I grugged out this stupid layout based on the keys I had in the set and traditional key locations. They're obviously not the right form factors in some places.
I can't believe I'm saying it but I think Boba U4T is too tactile for me. The Iris lubed glorious pandas are much more smooth and comfy. The Bobas are almost choppy in comparison.
Give it a week or two to get used to.
Which mouse do you use /mkg/?
Deathadder v2 pro. Recently had to replace the middle & side switches since they were double clicking.
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Since they're wireless, I assume ZMK? Use a layer tap where a quick press uses Space, but holding it puts out a layer.
Orochi V2. I already have a lot of lithium rechargeable AA's and I like the shape. It fit a little nicer than a G305.
I wish it had another side button though. I like my thumb sniper button.
Get a glorious keyboard.
there's an increasing amount of Hall effect keyboards on aliexpress now
thank god, cuz chinks are alot better at innovating
soon we're gonna see more magnetic switches
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I use a g600 my wife uses a g903 with a power play.
Right-handed Zowie. My pinkie has been hurting on it as of late though.
Deathadder V3

I fucking hate razer
I used a wireless mouse for years
I only bought it to prove the people recommending it on this board wrong

But it's genuinely a fantastic mouse that I rarely get bothered by the cord
I can't find a reasonable price aviator cable with a 6ft host-side cable in white with a white aviator. Anyone know of a vendor?
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A Logi Lift
I recommend vertical mice to all the split board enjoyers, it's an easy switch
Whats the best keyboard I could built that would feel and look like it's straight out of the 80s? Full size as well.
Best thing would be to just buy a Unicomp
Keychron m3 from ali, its great
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what kinds of kiefboards do yall use
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White Viper V3 Pro for gaming and Logitech MX Vertical for work or browsing.
People are still stuck on Logitech's dominance with the GPX and Razer's cringe branding. As of late Viper V3 is the best gaming mouse and Deathadder V3 the best ergo one. If you have medium to large sized hands at least.
If anyone ever considers the Viper V3 buy the white one by the way. The coating is different and better on the white than the "smooth-touch" black. Razer doesn't explicitly say it anywhere. I've used both while trying out the wired Deathadder and Viper for the shape, it's night and day. White is way more rubbery and has better grip when hand sweating.
Endgame xm1r, wish it was a little bigger but otherwise happy with it.
Dispatch are still doing lemus, seems like a lot of custom cable guys have dropped out lately.
I have that mouse too lol. I mostly use my vertical now though
any particular reason you want that ugly ass old branding anyway? i probably still have a sticker from when i bought my model o-.
As cool as that looks it also looks fucking terrible to use. There is no way your fingers comfortably reach those keys
Fags with mechanical keyboards cant type fast and are shit gamers.

Low profile keys are supreme because you dont have you press and release each key so deliberately. Its effortless. Like your mom.
this is good advice thanks
I have had a bad time with razer coatings in the past, didn't know you could avoid them
low profile were designed to be lightweight for frail female users and slim so it can be slipped into a purse with ease. maybe you're some kind of fag?

source: my uncle works for logitech
No they were designed for laptops you retard
Whatever helps you sleep at night sweaty.
San Francisco is a lucrative demographic, we get it.
Imagine you get called into your boss's boss's office and the back of this keyboard is staring right at you. The sun through the window reflects on the aluminum case back, blinding you, putting you in a kind of spotlight. And you don't know if you're being promoted or laid off or some other thing . He begins to speak, his voice warm and resounding, his tone formal and gentil, well-bred, reassuring...
[citation needed]
Bruh, move your fingers out and close your hand. surely like every other human your fingertips swivel around and dont move in a single direction ?
>move your fingers out and close your hand
literally impossible, like one hand clapping
Ye it's a very good coating. Smooth while resting and grippy while sweating. Some say it's a side effect of the anti-yellowing agent they put on it. The "smooth-touch" black is not bad either but it's just not as grippy.
>didn't know you could avoid them
Note that this applies exclusively to the white Viper V3. You indeed couldn't avoid that in fact. The "smooth-touch" black is relatively recent like less than a year. Only on VV3, DeathAdder V3 wired and the newest DAV3 Pro (with dongle packaged).
Correcting myself but when it comes to ergo mouse Zowie EC is a good contender too so it's not a clear-cut best.
my keykobo WoB arrived. Very nice caps, it's a satisfying deep black. Legends are good but in all honesty they're about the same as the legends on my Swagkeys caps (which are very good, but I kinda thought maybe Keykobo was going to be a step up)

So in the end I was not scammed, it really was a problem with the shipping company, and Keykobo rectified it after a single email from me and were not difficult to deal with at all.
Post a vid of you using that stupid layout you printed. Its not ergonomic in the slightest
>splitfags bickering about ergonomics
I like picture them angrily typing at each other on their stupid little toy keyboards, stanced up like they're piloting mecha into battle
Anyone elase just absolutely needs a positive tilt? I tried to use my board flat, but it just doesn't work for my setup ergonomically I think, I end up bending my wrists downward when reaching for numbers.
People trash positive tilt all the time, but I don't keep my wrists on the table, so not like that's an issue
It was a bigger deal when I used a store bought desk too short for even the chinaman who built. Having the keyboard at the right height makes tilt a nonissue for me.
I think in my case it's just that I prefer to lean back a bit, so I need the tilt to keep my wrists straight
I could see that being a factor.
Man I wish they made chairs without the swivel but with the same amount of lean in them. I hate trying to anchor on a swivel but it's a real nigger trying to fit a normal chair at a desk.
>It was a bigger deal when I used a store bought desk
This. Highly recommend getting a beautiful big piece of lumber from a mill and building a desk yourself to exactly the height you want.
Or you could get a couch, 60 inch tv, and wireless peripherals.

Why is /g/ living in the past and married to desks?
You sitting there across the room with a Logitech on your lap right now?
Oh boy it's Saturday! That means it's time for Cucksimon to tell me what keyboards to buy. Fuck yes!
Im on my phone atm but ive got an hp wireless kb and mouse
>trusting PayPal to not fuck up in 2024
Is that those akko penguins?
How do you use a mouse in a setup like that? Just track on the armrest or something?
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Hi nerds, I can finally type on this funky split columnar keyboard. Time to go outside now
akko penguins have solid white top. it's milk top gats
the work table or desk has only been around for thousands of years. surely the tv tray boomer setup with new cancer-causing wireless peripherals is superior
>got a gem80
>then a tofu65
>got a neo80 for my gf
They are all nice boards, but I still preffer my gem80 for some reason, I changed the caps for gmks and im using mint switches on it
her neo80 is using dyesub with luciolas and my tofu im using yet another gmk set with agua kings

I kind of want a new board. What should I get? Budget is up to 400 usd. I would like something TLK with a nice marbly sound, if you can recommend stabilizer sets to I would appreciate it.
Anyone have experience with these three stage spring? Bought a bag of them anyway since its like five bucks, but no idea what I am in for with them.
anyone have a good site to look at new switches to get
Steelseries aerox 5 wireless
I rate it 7/10 software, 9/10 sensor/general use, 1/10 because of the scroll wheel bug that happened to my last 3 models that they RMA'd.
I don't think I can use anything other than a honeycomb lightweight again, but the one I want is 250$ and backordered for months.
milktooth has loads
>up to 400
f1-8x v2 is still available at
add a pcb and that's about 400
I want to make a custom painted keyboard to create a full image, spanning the entire chassis and keycaps. Imagine a 100% ducky or varmillo with an anime girl theme covering the entire thing, with a clear face and body, adjusting for the gaps between keycaps so it doesn't look bad. Even if it only looks good from a few angles that's fine. I'm having a hard time finding examples of what I have in mind. Picrel is the closest I could find, but on a mechanical fullsized. Do they use hydro dipping to do this? You could take the electronics out then dip the keeb in the hydro paint and it would stick to everything and create a good image. Otherwise it seems you have to custom paint a keycap set, then the chassis separately to make them flow seamlessly together
This is the best example, but I would have to do the keycap set separately I guess
Don't listen to them anon. They are still at the base of the mountain unable to appreciate the enlightened beauty that is the dactyl
Good to hear
> I still preffer my gem80 for some reason
how'd you build it? which plate, mounting style, foams, etc.?
>3395 sensor
>Huano shell pink dot switches
>Cheap as hell (~$50)
Fucking costed me my 722 lmao it still hurts and I can't cope enough
which switches are the biggest meme switch at the moment
Anything by HMX
those new ball-bearing linears
hmx are great if you like when you try to pull a keycap and the switch pulls out of the hotswap socket

happens nearly 100% of the time for me with hmx xinhai
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>Keyboard is missing numpad
Not a real keyboard.
Could someone point me towards where I could find a better mechanical keyboard than my Corsair K70 MK2? Preferably for less than $120?
>I'm a retard inputting numbers on Excel at work therefor I have authority on what's a good keyboard size or not
This but unironically
>my job is to input into the computer therefore I'm an expert on computer input devices
yes. obviously. why wouldn't they be?
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What does keyboard size have anything to do with inputting numbers?
Looking to buy cherry browns. Do I get hyperglides, or the new mx2a? Considering I will spring swap and relube, is there any difference between the two? Have housing and stem changed material or something?
mx2a are smoother
mx1a are cheaper
MX2A is cheaper than 1A on divinikey though.
Are they start flipping on mx1a or something lol
>for less than 120
honestly there's no point if your corsair still works

clean your board and buy a good $50 set of keycaps (eg shenpo). If you really want to go nuts desolder all those Cherry switches , open em up, lube and spring swap them.

But $120 for a new board? Why bother? My brother had a similar corsair board. It's a good board. You're not going to find a $120 board that feels substantially better.
if you're going to relube you might as well get hyperglide, since you can give it a more aggressive initial break-in
That'll work actually. Good idea. Thanks.
doesn't matter cause the mx2a are sold out
Would shenpo caps even work for it? I read that the bottom row of the K70 has a nonstandard layout
>You're not going to find a $120 board that feels substantially better
idk I feel like if you want a project you could have fun and build something for around $120
Good point. As long as the switches are 1u, 1.25u or 1.5u you should be fine I think, but the spacebar could pose a problem. I'm gonna take a look at my brother's old k63 tonight and see what fits
looks like k70 has a 6.5u spacebar, which is pretty unusual. Shenpo comes, I think, with 6u, 6.25u, and 7u. So that's not going to work unless he finds a spacebar elsewhere to match.

Ghost judges come with 6.5u spacebar so that's probably the better option.
see >>101495681 shenpo isn't going to fit the bottom row (non-standard spacebar), but ghost judges will work
the Ducky Channel One 2 Mini RGB is on a big sale in my country for around 50$, is it worth it?
I hate the layout myself but yes it sounds like a good value, take this with a grain of salt I don't actually know
Meta comment just for conversation

I got into mechanical keyboards in 2009 and got a Model M. Got a Realforce in 2012 and hadn't looked back until now.
When did mechanical keyboards become about "designer" products? Also why the obsession with keycaps? I saw some of this with hhkb enthusiasts back in the day, but things have gone a lot further in that direction since then.
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>mfw learnt touch-typing
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You think these would look good on a black K70?
Consoomers will consoom and obsessives will obssess
What do you guys think about the JWK T1? Good? bad?
Not the fastest at it but sometimes I can burst out paragraphs and I feel cool.
You mean the Durock T1 or am I out of the loop
Sounds like the current mechanical keyboard community is really a descendent of the Korean custom keyboard community rather than the old Model M/geekhack/vintage community. That explains it. I never paid attention to custom keyboards.
Yeah, it's all customs and personalization options. That's why 99% of it is about MX switches too
The low profile switches got some traction too though lately
Honestly? It's hard to picture, but I would be surprised if it looked good. DMG and Apollo seem like safer picks.

I find it annoying that their spacebar coverage is only for accent spacebar. Alpha spacebar only for 6.25u. Ridiculous!
There is a JWICK T1 which is different, a bit cheaper I think
it's such a great idea for a consoomer hobby, you have to hand it to those Koreans
Actually, they don't want anything to do with a global audience, most of them are still holding grudges against global audiences as well
We don't sell rare shits to people outside of Korea maybe except for geon, that guy is special
I've been working on learning it. after a month of occasional practice I'm up to 70wpm at best... haven't caught up to my 100wpm two finger yet
is it considered a faux pas in Korea to buy a Singapore custom
anyone who uses a numpad for one day will realizes it's far better for inputting numbers save for maybe during passwords
anything under a true full size (not any of that 9X% or no function row fag shit) is pretty much fucking worthless, made only to display how much of a queer you are to fellow queers for buying inherently gimped hardware
I'm only asking because they're half off on amazon. Probably not the best color.
W1-AT is the only good layout. Full use of numpad nav. F keys. Nothing extraneous.
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Same. I started a month ago when I got my board. At first I was painfully slow but progressively got better with practice (shout out to my nigga Mavis Beacon). Now that I improved it's really nice. It just flows better, my hands are way less tense and I enjoy typing more. Also I'm feeling elegant.
Definitely recommend committing to learn it.
Keep it up. We'll get there soon enough.
I find when I get a good flow going it feels really good, but after 10 minutes of practice my hands begin to feel stiff and I start making tons of mistakes

something that helped me pick up 15wpm (from 40 to 55) at the beginning was I did a full chapter of Hegel's Aesthetics as a custom monkeytype test and didn't try to push myself to be fast, just to keep a comfortable pace without making too many mistakes, so I could read it at the same time and finish in a timely manner
Full text with punctuation is my favorite practice too. I recommend torrenting Mavis Beacon's software if you really wanna practice. It has a lot of different types of exercises.
Atm I just shitpost, code or write stuff at work. Trying my best to use the proper fingers and not make mistake rather than focusing on speed. I think speed will come naturally with practice.
nope, it's yet another gimped faggot layout
>hurrr 2 less F keys and they're all placed on the side and no nav cluster
it's a "full size lite" layout for faggots that still want to try and cope with "muh desk space" as an excuse, even though every troon that says that has their gay little rainbow vomit brick on a butcher block desk
>Closeted homo ranting about faggotry while compensating with big keyboard
true windowschads know that the numpad is the nav cluster. Faggot "clean keys" mac users and other such tards will never get it
That was made irrelevant for a reason : it's retarded and impractical.
No need to seethe out my man, just buy a separate numpad.
Using navigation cluster in numpad is retarded and impractical. Numpad keyboards without it are basically non existent for a reason.
I use big keyboards because I am compensating for something else in my life that is very small.
it's highly practical and easy to learn actually
and that something else is my tolerance for imperfection and inadequacy
Yeah. The couch has wide arms and I dont even need a mousepad. You wouldnt even know you werent using a mousepad
>Disabling and enabling numpad every time is practical
>Highly likely to miss input
You are disingenuous, trolling or retarded.
>retard babble
nope, dedicated keys for certain functions is better than toggling shit on/off or using layers, it's inherently good design
>this shit meme again
I can't think of much else worse than buying a gimped POS board to then try and "fix" the issue by adding even more wires and a fragmented piece of dogshit just hanging around
full size is superior, everything in one neat package
Hey cucky stop shitposting I want that Excel spreadsheet filled by the end of the day.
One key on my keyboard stopped working after I removed the keycaps to clean them. I'm planning on washing the PCB in distilled water and letting it dry. Is this dumb? KB model is Ducky DK9008P.
Sure its not the switch?
Could be, what should I do to troubleshoot? I've had this thing for 10 years and this is the first problem I've had.
Well, take the caps back off and give it a go over with the mk1 eyeball. If anything doesn't look or feel like the ones next to it you may have to pop that sucker out and replace it. If it all looks good instead you might want to go ahead with the wash.
Contact cleaner, no oil
What are the best light MX switches? Looking for really light tactiles or clickies
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Maybe you could try to connect the pads like picrel while it's plugged? That should make a key press. Highly likely it's a switch issue if it's only a single key.
imagine how much a wagey would want to an hero if they had to hit Fn + 5 + B + backspace + dilate while using the unaligned alphas to input some numbers on their 41% troonboard
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New board is... Le tented
I gotta find some way to add a positive tilt to this though
The nuts and bolts don't really accommodate that
can't call anyone schizo when 41% troonboard users always say that after saying "you don't need a numpad"
why do something in multiple key presses when I can simply do it in one?
Why is he so mad lol
every time you use the numpad? sure, why not? Usually you just leave num lock off

>dedicated keys is better
ok let's see your copy button, your paste button, your save button, your close window button, your switch window button, your skip forward one word button (ctrl + arrow key is impractical, increases chance of missed input), etc
The switch itself looks fine, I don't notice anything different about it.
Inside the offending switch?
Thanks, that's a handy test.
Yeah push the stem in and spray down inside the problematic switch
>likening simple alphanumeric input and navigation to hotkey combinations
least retarded and dishonest troonboard layerfag kek
that's the beauty of full size and above though, I also have dedicated mute and volume control keys as well
Geon just mentioned F2-60 and Glare 60
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i've been using my new keyboard for 3 days. Ortho is nice(the reason why i bought it) but i really miss some keys.
I don't think there are any affordable orthos with number and f keys.

I can design my own pcb but i don't know how to make the case or the plate. Is making a plate from a pcb a good idea? Would jlcpcb even allow me to put in so many big holes?
Plates can be 3d printed I know there are some dedicated services for it already. Case is trickier which is why you see this modular abominations out there as people try to fit bits and bobs together to build one. Best bet is chat up some aliexpress seller who cnc and figure out what his minimum order is. Then either eat that or drag some victims in and have them fund it.
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It's a lot more comfortable to use than a regular keyboard to be honest. Just look up vids of people typing on dactyls or the kinesis advantage. Part of the whole point is that it conforms to the shape of your hands and reduces how much your fingers have to move between keys.
look at the available full sizes right now man. I understand why he's angry. It's just a bit misdirected is all
nice. just tilt the front up, thats what I do
uh oh gimped layout queer is projecting
you don't need to pay a bugman 800+ USD to get a decent full size board, unlike other layouts, like the one shilling ITT and the last few
next thread, continue the argument there

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