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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-Cores don't need new scheduler and use same arch as regular Ryzen
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101422550
Lillith-sama is so wise...
dumb shamicen
What’s happening with Windows around the world?
Sounds like they got they’re own millennium bug affecting airports and hospitals
Will they ever recover from this?
Yeah I heard on the news that some kind of massive fault happened somewhere that's broken a whole bunch of IT services around the world. Apparently someone updating something incorrectly leading to a ripple effect seemingly across the whole world.
Jeets at Crowdstrike pushed an update that bricked W11 users.
i just read the news about that
an update to that crowdstrike stuff took down microsoft azure LOL
werks on my machine
how do i install winget on win 10 ltsc 32 bit? it seems that i can't use the usual auto install script.
And now every server PC and the like affected has to have a file removed from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike while in Recovery or Safe Mode (specifically every file that starts with C-00000291*.sys) so the PCs stop bootlooping. What a fucking disaster lol, CrowdStrike are in the toilet.

Yeah, winget-install doesn't have a 32-bit version. You'll probably just have to re-initiate the MS Store.
lmao even
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Hello, I'm finally upgrading from a 2014 W8.1 laptop to a desktop, parts on their way (pic related). I have a couple questions:

1. In the massgrave link, it says that you can change editions (Enterprise LTSC from IoT to Non-IoT) just by "inserting a corresponding key". It also says that the non-IoT has uninstallable Edge and $OEM% Folder Support. So, is the right move to install the non-IoT version and then add the IoT key? or am I misreading?

2. Are there any reasons to install older LTSC versions? I remember reading a while ago that 2016 and 1709 had lower resource consumption in general, and the latter was better because it was the last one before HPET changes. I wrote it down for the future, but no clue if it's still relevant today? Thoughts?
MAS itself has an option in its extras menu to let you natively change between any editions the version you're currently using can change into. So if you install LTSC, you can change it to IoT LTSC in a couple keyboard presses. Though you'd obviously just use the IoT LTSC ISO in this case and install it directly. With parts this new and if you want to use LTSC, then I'd recommend using IoT LTSC 2024.
And no, there's no real reason to use older versions of LTSC unless your PC is super old I guess.
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>With parts this new and if you want to use LTSC, then I'd recommend using IoT LTSC 2024.
I don't see that in the links page, unless you mean Windows 11, in which case that's a hard pass.
>you'd obviously just use the IoT LTSC ISO in this case
Aren't they the same ISO?
The LTSC ISO doesn't include IoT LTSC, but IoT LTSC includes both it and LTSC.
And if you don't want to use 11 for whatever reason then use IoT LTSC 2021 I guess. Ryzens don't have that e-core shit so it should work fine.
>downloading w11 ISO from massgrave
>83 KB/sec
>12h left
There has to be a faster way ffs
Could always use something like JDownloader2 or the like.
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There's no alternative to Windows. I want to be able to use my PC for everything, I want to emulate console and mobile games, I want to play PC ports. I want to have stability. I want to have compatibility with all the software and hardware I own. I want to have freedom to customize my UI and to pirate whatever I want.

Absolutely none of that is possible in alternatives such as macOS, ChromeOS, Linux (Desktop Distributions). This autistic seethe towards microsoft from /g/ is hilarious considering how much more FREEDOM windows offers compared to literally any other proprietary OS on desktop or mobile.

Microsoft won. I love microsoft. My childhood was on windows. My first vidya was on windows. I met my gf on windows. Windows is home. The comfort of hearing that bootup sound will never be matched by anything else. Thank you microsoft, thank you united states of india, you are my greatest allies.

I turned on all the anon telemetry and optional services so that I get the best security possible and also help microsoft tailor their services to make them even better and make the world a better place for everyone.

Microsoft Windows 11 Pro - 23H2 - GAC is all you need as a young adventurous, ambitious, willing man.
>Not using Enterprise
i would use 11 iot ltsc if the windows 11 UI wasnt trash
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Not sure if anyone may have encountered this issue before but I am at my wits end here.

Been having this weird problem with VSync and I cannot figure it out, I thought I had ruled out software as the cause because I finally managed to find a LGA1151 motherboard so I could then test to see if my current motherboard was faulty in some way. This is after having tested and replaced with known working parts, every other piece of hardware in and around my pc.

Now with a different and known working motherboard, this issue still persists. (See image) From top to bottom.
1-In game VSync only
2-In game VSync and in game 60fps framecap (this is the same if the framecap is at driver level e.g. Nvidia Control Panel)
3-In game VSync and RTSS (Riva Tuner Statistics Server) 60fps framecap (this is my current "fix", requires RTSS running always with 60fps framecap)

So VSync can't ...sync? Unless an external program enforces a framecap? Wat.
This is not just in Cyberpunk, but almost all other games and also seems to affect youtube videos in certain web browsers if played at 720p60fps or higher with dropped video frames every 5-10seconds. The only game that I have played and that doesn't seem to be affected at all by this VSync oddity, is Need for Speed Shift 2 (and it's not because it's a DX9 game, having tested all of the API's now in multiple games and versions of windows)

All evidence now points towards software and I have already ruled out Win10 on it's own by installing Win7 the other day.
So if not the OS or programs installed (I didn't install any of my commonly used programs in W7), then the BIOS?
But I loaded defaults and the issue still persists.... I just have no idea anymore.
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System info with new motherboard
Old board was a GA-Z170-D3H
Alright, thanks.
Is there a good replacement for the default shitty network tray icon?

I'm essentially looking for the network equivalent to ear trumpet.
I don't want my ms account terminated in the future, and the only retail legally purchasable editions of windows that are available both on Media Creation Tool and the direct iso are Home and Pro.
>-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
So does this mean I absolutely need this version just if I have a new intel CPU or only if I want to use the "CPU scheduler"? (I have no clue what this is)
If your CPU is mid range 12th gen Intel Core and above the CPU scheduler in 11 knows how to use the e-core/p-core hierarchy within the chip, while 10 doesn't know how to use it properly.
Does that really matter for anything beyond simple tasks? I specifically got a beefy cpu ( i7-14700K) for getting into blender and game engines and I have a general idea of how the e/p core stuff is supposed to work. Does this mean that in order to use my CPU to the fullest in those situations I NEED to get windows 11?
Yes. Intel and Microsoft were obviously in bed together over this.
Fuck me. I would've bought amd if I knew this beforehand, I don't want to use that shitty ass fucking OS holy fuck
You could always use IoT LTSC 2024 to have the cleanest version of 11 you can get. Easily guttable with ShutUp10 and the like as usual.
Okay I did some research which is...looking at one video but it seems the "unoptimized" performance of W10 isn't that impactful? i.e. in a blender render test W10 was like 6 seconds slower than running all of the same hardware but on W11. Granted, this is testing 12th gen so maybe it's possible the performance difference is even bigger on 14th gen or something but I doubt it.

I'm just gonna stick with W10. I've seen too much shit about how not just the UI being worse but general performance of the most basic shit is 100x worse on W11 for no fucking reason.
Is there any way to change from iot ltsc win 10 to just ltsc? i need to install fucking apple music from the store and it wants a build thats not available on iot.
>ms account
literally what would you ever need that for

The other anon is retarded, the only reason to use Windows 11 over Windows 10 is if you bought a laptop with a high refresh rate or an Intel meme CPU. Use the Windows 10 IoT LTSC image.
>schizo posting about motherboards and whatnot
Some people shouldn't use computers but game consoles...
Some games are unable to vsync when running in borderless window. This varies from game to game. I don't remember what was the case with CB2077. Valve games are like this too. Some games don't like exclusive full screen.
You could just force vsync via nvidia control panel and go from there - if vsync works properly there is zero need to limit the frame rate. You just need to take it case by case basis and consult pc gaming wiki if needed.
Most of the time I don't have any issues though.
I still love Windows :)
Syncing my settings if needed, having full access to MS windows features that might require it like some of the apps, and also having a way to recover my PC if stolen or if I forget bitlocker password. And just generally having a guaranteed safe windows activation for good.
Is your monitor only 60Hz?
If it isn't and your game doesn't sync, especially a demanding game like Cyberpunk, it's because your crappy GTX 1060 can reach the refresh rate of your monitor and so you stay below the vsync cap and get frame tearing.
*can't reach the fresh rate
>win10 iot ltsc
>frozen in time
>win11 iot ltsc
>may still get improvements
give me a good reason to keep using w10
>do you want a 8/10 product that won't get any better
>do you want a 6/10 product that might become a 7/10 in a few years?
Though choice.
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Any idea how to get Chocolatey full version?
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>Downlod a fresh windows media creation tool of latest version of W11 from Microsoft directly onto a clean USB stick that's been error checked and security scanned.
>Install Windows 11 Pro, login to my shit, run all the updates for both settings and microsoft store and do all the needed resets until it is all done
>After the updates go into optional features and enable DirectPlay, Media Player Features, .Net 3.5 and .NET 4.8, then restart the PC
>Then go to microsoft store and grab the two missing codecs, I think mpeg and vp9, as well as enable winget in powershell
>Then go on the browser and grab Chrome, Steam, latest AMD drivers, NVIDIA Physx latest and legacy, XNA 4.0 Refresh, latest stable openJDK, latest stable .NET 8.0, directx and all visual c++ redistributables, install them all
>When installing amd drivers choose driver only and disable telemetry
>Restart the pc after everything is installed and updated
>Setup the following settings in well setting
>Game Bar - Off
>Game Mode - On
>Background Apps - Off (Manually one by one or apply through gpedit if on edu/enterprise)
>Startup Apps - Off
>Power Settings - Balanced, hybernation off in powershell, usb selective suspension off
>HDR & Color Correction - Off (Personally don't like it because my monitor's hdr is shit)
>Resolution on max, Hz on max
>Windowed mode optimizations and Variable Refresh Rate enabled in settings
>Go through actual monitor settings and disable stuff you don't want like overdrive if low hz and enable fsync if you have it
Then once that's done I pretty much just download games and they all work perfectly. IF some game's vsync or framerate cap is fucked after all that, then you either cope with it generally just being poorly programmed or you try to bruteforce a proper lock with RTSS by setting it locked to 57 FPS if you have 60hz
What on earth are you talking about? Locking fps to 57 (???) won't "bruteforce a proper lock" on any level.
Just get a game console already and stop giving retarded advice.
What's the latest guide to disabling absolutely everything in W10 that isn't essential? Including internet access, but not network access? I got a cheap Windows laptop that I just want to use as a media server via a CIFS mount, so I don't want it doing anything with telemetry or anything else. Since I'm only going to be accessing it from other computers on the network, it doesn't need to be (and SHOULDN'T be) accessing the internet directly at all.
You should always be locking at 3fps under your freesync limit if you are aiming for perfect frametimes and don't mind the RTSS input lag. You are a retarded monkey.
BSOD bros, what can I use to switch between light and dark color scheme using a shortcut or a button on the taskbar? I'm on Windows 10
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Awesome, just what I was looking for. Thanks
both started as 6/10
both are currently at 8/10
w10's time is over
w11 might go up to 9/10 or not
hell, you were there 10 years ago to going on a schizophrenic rant about how w10 sucked how everyone should stick to w7
same shit is happening right now in w10 vs w11
troondows 11 was 4/10 at best and it's getting worse every update
Need some help pls. Just did a windows 10 reset with the options keep my files and local install (which from my reasearch atleast seemed like a pretty simple and safe reset) and now the last like 30 mins its stuck in a blue screen which says Windows is being installed 9% and Please dont turn your computer off. The dotted circle which should be spinning is also stuck mid motion and doesnt move. How should i proceed from here?
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do the needful javajeet, your jeetshitOS will never be good, even microsoft has already fired the entire w11 dei jeet teams and abandoned it to work on w12
Pls someones gotta have an idea what i can do. another 20 mins later and its still frozen. Circle doesnt move, 9% and i dont know what would happen if i turn it off now
why the fuck does this thread will exist
no tolerance for windowsfags anymore
get them out of here
this your first time here? because that isn't the first time someone has said that about this thread, it wont be the last
>both are currently at 8/10
You're completely out of your mind.
>how everyone should stick to w7
W7 was pretty close to a 9/10, so yes, at that time it was the right choice until Google cucked 7chads out of a future.
I was being generous.
Let it finish. Turning it off might make it worse.
>Just did a windows 10 reset with the options keep my files and local install
Idiot, always do a clean install.
>but muh files
Keep backups.
This may not be the right thread, but I've been trying to fix something with my Steam copy of Dark Messiah. The game works on most fronts, but for some reason, the cinematics lack any sound. I'm wondering if it may be something to do with software, which is Windows 10.
>Let it finish. Turning it off might make it worse.
Well yeah thats the issue. Its apparently not going to finish. Its not progressing and from the looks of it its frozen since the circle is stuck in motion aswell.
>calling others retarded
Nobody ever talked about freesync in the first place.
is there soomething out there like bitwarden but for browser bookmarks?
Nothing to do with Microsoft, kernel-level third party software broke Windows systems
Just go take a nap for a couple of hours. If by then it's still the same number, then reset.
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Try this. Or use your google-fu.
I'm retarded.

I'm out of the country for like 1 more week, so I can't check on my PC immediately, but when I come home and boot my PC up, will it pretty much commit sudoku thanks to this worldwide IT fuckery? Unfortunately stuck with Windows 10 pro, but for what its worth, auto updates are disabled.
>will it pretty much commit sudoku thanks to this worldwide IT fuckery?
No, read articles about the issue instead of headlines
Is there any software to replicate the Aero look from old Windows? Unfortunately glass8 died, I want something like it.
Doesn't seem to fix my problem, but I apperciate the help. I tried my hand with Google, but I unfortunately, I haven't manage to find anything. I could just see the cutscenes on Youtube, but that'll break immersion and the game's known to have a problem with alt tabbing.
does windows have a tty?
It could also be a codec related. You could double check the video files' extension and then install something.
If it's bik, bk2 it's using Rad Game Tools, https://www.radgametools.com/
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Trying out Win 11 LTSC IoT in a VM
Not a fan of how it looks at all and I despise rounded scrollbars
I don't see any real reason to use this over Win 10 LTSC in my future build
I agree with the UI bits, probably only because I'm used to W10. But you can easily revert most of that (including the taskbar) to W10 style with ExplorerPatcher. Plus, use a better explorer, like Directory Opus.
ExplorerPatcher will brick your system because it doesn't support 24H2 builds, use StartAllBack instead.
Raindrop is basically that. Same kind of free tier that's basically all that's needed but includes some other features if you throw them some monthly scratch.
>no mention of debotnet in OP
is shut up 10 still the way to go? seems like it is the most updated tool nowadays
also is there a list of services that are safe to disable?
Must breed Gozenso
Yes and yes.
yes, if you web search, there's a handful of services that can be safely disabled to reduce CPU load, and on laptops, increase battery life
ShutUp10 has been my go-to for a good couple years now. Turns all the shit off in one go so it's pretty quick for new installs.
What I do is install new systems offline and run it before the internet's connected. Just makes sure that nothing is ever sent to MS from the word go.
>if you web search
Quite vague, isn't it.
What service would increase battery life?
ShutUp10 also disables a bunch of services as well aside from setting registry entries
Just curious did the Crowdstrike brick Windows 10 home users or is it only corporates?
It only effected computers that had CrowdStrike installed on them, which was a shit ton of enterprise systems.
So does this include W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021?
Anon, businesses had to pay for CrowdStrike to be installed on their systems. It's basically a SaaS malware deflector program that basically ended up as the de-facto malware deflector programs for a vast majority of big business like airports and hospitals, which is why this borked update took down so much shit for like half a day or two and needed to be painstakingly manually fixed by overworked IT workers.
try DWMBlurGlass or OpenGlass
both are on github
You can get an Enterprise ISO from Media Creation Tool, that's how I got mine and I don't use an MS account, not that anything will happen to it if you do.
Yeah it's trivially easy to make an Enterprise ISO using the MCT. You just need to invoke it via command line.
Then just use the generic Enterprise KMS license key when it asks for one.
suppose I had a bunch of old-ass video games I want to be able to play in the future, but they're installed in a "fragile" way: some might try to update files online and become unusable, some I forgot how the installation process even works, some I've modded and so on.
would moving it to a win10 VM be a good solution? that way it kind of works as a read-only OS, right? and the only issue is a small performance cost?
So you want to turn this install into a VHD(X) file that can be run within Virtualbox? I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.
is it true that microsoft developers do not like kernel based anti-cheat solutions?
>some might try to update files online and become unusable
This just doesn't happen... Most games just work and keep working.
Why don't you just archive each one after install (and setting them up)? It's not rocket science. Why complicate a simple thing?
Not sure if this is a windows issue but it might be,
I installed linux on an external ssd using a secondary laptop so I can dual boot it along side windows installed on an internal nvme in my main laptop, issue is that linux external ssd isn't detected/ listed on the boot list in bios, and I found out that its only detected once i remove the internal windows nvme, its only when the windows nvme is inserted the linux ssd isn't detected
is there something in windows that fucks with the bios boot list?
Does changing from windows 10 to w10 iot LTSC delete all the files and installed programs on my laptop?
If you mean by just changing the key?
BUT, you should always have you stuff backed up!
>If you mean by just changing the key?
Is that a yes on no?
>BUT, you should always have you stuff backed up!
Okay I'll utilise my 2TB WD Passport that I just bought. 300GBs though. Probably would take quite some time.
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Can I set up a Window laptop to keep sharing a CIFS folder (on an external SSD) even when asleep? Or do I need to set the laptop to simply never enter sleep mode?
As in, by just changing the key then no, you won't lose anything.
Since I'm going to follow this guide in detail, I assume it will delete my data then since there is no mention of keys whatsoever. Only ISOs and using a flash drive.
>Windows/Office install guide
sorry fellow troons sisters i don't want to be a 10roon anymore
i will transition back to being a normal heterosexual man
time to install w11 iot ltsc
Can I put Windows 10 on a laptop that came with Windows 11? It’s a Dell G15, Rysen 5 5600H, 8GB RAM, Nvidia 3050
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>heterosexual man
dilate harder 11troon
shouldnt be a problem, all that hardware is from before w11 released, cant be 100% sure about smaller components like wifi and bt but those are easily swapped
I won't download from javjunkies anymore
why, what happened?
Windows Defender found an adware again, it's the second time now
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the fuck? you can embed code into an mp4?
FastStone Image Viewer or Nomacs?
Even images can
>Intel meme CPU

What's this? Genuinely asking, I'm a newfag
Some Windows versions do not differentiate between P and E cores which can be a problem.
12th+ Intlel CPUs with E-cores have zero benefits and are defective by design and will overvolt and kill themselves or criple themselves so bad they crash 100% of the time in certain tasks.
Just so happens they also have the requirement of W11 to fully function.
Anyone with a brain jumped ship to AMD 3 years ago or stayed on Intel 11th gen or older.
I have noticed a clear difference between 6th and 8th CPUs - suddenly the 8th gen started to run 20 degrees Celsius hotter and the trend only got worse. So this was in 2018.
Of course there are better heatsinks and whatnot but something happened with their engineering back then.
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hello me save my data.

TL;DR: how to copy word documents from infected usb without risking infecting a PC?

so at work we have this PC that has some important word files (documents) that we modify and print on a daily basis. this PC is infected with a worm. we are trying to copy some files into a usb, but the moment we plug it in, it gets infected.

We managed to copy the important files on the usb, is there a way to disinfect the usb without risking infecting another pc?

I read something about Hiren BootCD, but not sure how to use it for that purpose.

also, I thought about disabling removable drives from group policy, then boot into a Linux machine from a bootable usb, then plug the infected usb, then run some Linux shenanigans to kill the virus, then copy the data into a 2nd usb, then format the infected usb... saving both the data and usb
>not sure if this would work
>don't know any linux shenanigans

Can anybody help? anyone got an idea?
You guys know you can just turn off E-cores, right? Not that all this bullshit is even remotely true.
NTA yet literally just block their .exe using a firewall. If you use steam look up a games app definition or whatever file then set it to read only. There are plenty of guides online that explain such things

It's usually much easier to reuse the technologies you already developed instead of creating new ones. Basically intel is reusing 5+ year old chips and just increases their power demand which is why they tend to be so unstable

It's basically a hardware design flaw they were aware of yet went thru anyway to save costs

Yeah bro just disable a quarter of your CPU lmao
>Yeah bro just disable a quarter of your CPU lmao
You realize that E-cores don't do anything for high performance tasks, right?
Disabling them causes other issues and their potential depends on the tasks at hand. AyyMD still has issues with CPU scheduler and they sell the meme 3D cache cores yet intel started the entire 'sell almost useless cores for a higher price' Jewery
Well any games what I want to archive are before Steam or cracked anyway.
Only problem is the fact their settings might get saved to %appdata% or something but it does not matter to me.
Even with GOG, I just install them and configure them then save an archive for my vidya storage.
I do not see any issues with these.
>buy a v8
>oy disable two cylinders for durability
>end up with 6
>this is somehow fine
>Disabling them causes other issues
It doesn't. It just forces Windows to use your P-cores at all times so it just functions like a pre-12th gen CPU.
>their potential depends on the tasks at hand
E-cores are mainly used as a power saving measure, that's it. Meaning when you're browsing the internet or idling in Windows, it'll probably offload to the E-cores. There is zero performance benefit to them.
The OP has 2 save managers in the useful programs section hence the app data saves are not really a major issue

Show the power draw and temps with E-cores disabled


Thought so. AyyMD is doing the bare minimum it's just In(c)el fucking shit up despite the fact they had a clear upper hand for over a decade
Can someone please break down the specific differences between

>W11 Enterprise
>W11 Enterprise LTSC
>W11 Enterprise LTSC IoT

For someone who has a 12th gen Intel or an AMD 3D Cache CPU (especially 2 CCD), I need Win11 for the new scheduler and maybe the Xbox Game Bar given that it seems that is how a lot of scheduling is handled (or maybe you can get around it with Process Lasso , but requires more manual shit for every fucking application or group thereof?). I'm building with a 7950X3D and plan to have Linux but also will need a Win11 OS to test some stuff and for when necessary.

I was thinking about going baseline Enterprise, so that despite having to deal with some shit like Windows Store around , it would have reasonable updates and other stuff available. LTSC means only small/security updates not feature updates right, and maybe other stuff pulled out? I Know IoT takes LTSC and cuts out even more stuff that may be considered bloat, but unless I know what all that might be I am unsure if its worth it, and of course only updates security updates not feature updates - its made not for PCs but for a fucking ATM console or POS terminal or something with everything stripped down, both the bloat and otherwise, right?
Floccus or xBrowserSync are both FOSS I think.
Go for IoT LTSC

If you use a base .iso without fucking around manually you can enable basically anything related to base Windows 11 with ease. Installing windows store takes 1 command as an example

What exact functions are you looking for anyway? Feature updates are mostly a meme because out of the box Windows literally just works. Unless you need it for something specific you will almost never notice the lack of additional features because you would have never used the vast majority of them


My fucking sides
I don't usually care about these because archiving a game means it's not going to get reinstalled in a long time and when this happens a new start is more than ideal.
I remember I used to have 20 old HDDs at some point which were full of music and games I believe but these all went into the trash at some point in my life.
Keep it simple and concise.
I wiped my hoarder drives recently too and use them for more practical purposes now

They are a huge fucking liability because you will use maybe 2% of the data stored on them yet if one of them fails you will be angry for weeks because SURELY you were going to use them sooner or later lmao
>>W11 Enterprise
updooter goyslop with a ton of preloaded horseshit bloat and also force updoots you in 2 years when it EoLs
>>W11 Enterprise LTSC
classic windows with zero bullshit, but 5 years support
>>W11 Enterprise LTSC IoT
classic windows with zero bullshit, and the full 10 years support of classic windows
I need docker engine on windows but apparently it requires WSL. Is there a way to run a daemon inside WSL on windows startup?
I'm still using Win10 Pro on old hardware so I'm not sure what I may be missing for instance, as I've not followed W11' twice yearly feature updates. As I recall, the Thread Director Update to the Scheduler was originally part of those updates (2H22?) so if I had LTSC or LTSC IoT its likely I wouldn't have gotten it without specifically seeking it out etc,? So if I go for any of the 3 Enterprise builds, its easy to swap between them with MAS (without affecting your data etc).
Best CPU for mixed enthusiast use, both cache friendly gaming stuff and more cores being used for other workloads.
Swapping between base LTSC and IoT is easy though I do not recall the details of changing other Windows versions. Google should have your answers

Windows 11 LTSC is a 'leaked' build and should update normally once it officially releases. I doubt the task scheduler updates will not be included

7950X3D gets rekt in gayming by the 7800X3D and for workstations you want something much more powerful with far more cores. The market for such CPUs tends to be very niche
>thread scheduling hints are done by a fucking windows uwp app
the absolute state of adeesh micro devices
>Swapping versions
Okay, MAS seems to have this I just didn't know how far it goes
>Leaked build
I thought only IoT was leaked, all others were officially released? Anyway, yeah I know NOW the scheduler update is included, but had I been on something LTSC prior to its arrival and didnt pour over every update the standard line made, I may have missed it back then; after all, there was no need for a PoS terminal or some IoT thing to need a feature meant for latest CPUs in 2022 so that makes sense, but its still a potential issue - I just wonder what future updates there could be that I may miss out on if I don't keep aware.
In most games, its equal to 7800X3D if both are using the same 8 cache cores more or less (maybe a little better performance thanks to some slight clock boosts for 7950X3D). It useful for mixed enthusiast usage, not worth paying out the ass for WRX90 or TRX80 and Threadripper if you're not going balls to the wall max cores alll the time. So you get the best of both worlds, 3d cache on games that benefit it, and solid performance for encoding or streaming or other things that can use more than 8c/16t etc.
I'd safely say the actual developers of games don't want the anti-cheat there, but the higher-ups were payed a fat check by the company that made it so it's there. It's like Denovo, save some first week sales from pirates while havimg the game run worse.
IIRC it's only the OEM versions which are only slightly different from the regular ones which should drop soon

I doubt Windows 11 will get any major feature updates since microhard is already fucking around with Windows 12. Unless you have specific workflows and are actively lurking Windows forums I doubt you will make a use of anything added after 2024 LTSC

3D cores have their own issues though. Clock speed is sacrificed for a larger cache yet the most important thing in the near future will be pure core amounts. For gaming anyway
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based or cringe?
the absolute state of windows 11
file explorer is slow even on high end hadrware LOL
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Nice, but there's an issue: the maximized bar height is smaller and with a different color, is this fixable?
Also, I looked for it and it seems that Chrome and Firefox no longer support Aero theming.
Why is Windows 12 taking so long bros? I'm sick and tired of 11
This program is safe right?
muy basado
If you want a disk space analyzer just use WizTree.
>Why is Windows current+1 taking so long bros? I'm sick and tired of current
A story as old as time itself
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There we go, guess a lot of my problems were fortnite and barotrauma
been using it forever, simple and safe
i wasnta ware of this one, looks decent and simple too
Well I already tried the wiztree and but maybe later I will check out treesize just to compare them
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Given the option, which windows 7U activation method is better: Daz or EzWindSLIC?
>7 Ultimate install on UEFI/GPT
>7 Ultimate install on BIOS/MBR
Daz Loader
>7 Enterprise/Pro install on either
what do we think of win10 iso made to look like 7, winbros? https://archive.org/details/teams10to7mod
I think W7 bros have an unhealthy attachment to W7, we did this already with XP, why do it again with 7, are they going to do it again with 10?
>we did this already with XP,
people upgraded solely for halo 2
>why do it again with 7
people dont like the pointless musical chairs bullshit of 10, but at least 10 had many tangible benefits for basic users, like zero effort SSD migration to a new PC
>are they going to do it again with 10?
unlike the previous cases, w11 offers almost nothing to end users except maybe a tiny 0.5% increase in FPS in a extremely tiny handful of games, all at the cost of a completely unusable heap of shit UI literally written in javascript
is it possible to use windows defender without the silly performance losses or being apart of the botnet? or is my strategy of turning dcontrol off and doing the offline scan the only way
When it comes down to Win11 and the GAC vs the LTSC (or LTSC IoT), do the LTSC versions have the same stuff available where it is made available but not just part of a required/ update? Or does it not show up at all until much later / if ever? So if some new feature is included in the GAC 2H24 channel update (or smaller than that, a monthly update in October or something), does it show up at the same time as available for LTSC users if they specifically opt for it, just not included in their standard LTSC monthly security update? Or does it not show up at all until some LTSC update sometime in 2026 and can be opted in normally?
use Malwarebytes instead, keep Defender disabled
>I think W7 bros have an unhealthy attachment to W7
I think so as well, but only a minority of the minority do, I think.
I am not talking about game developers but rather people who actually work on windows. Official employees or ex employees.
I have heard in the past that they really don't like kernel based anti-cheats and solutions like that.
>people upgraded solely for halo 2
I would argue, there were far more users of XP and 7, than copies of Halo 2 sold
Uh.. is there some massive new Defender performance issue? On Win10 anyway it seems to be negligible anytime except active scanning with top priority device-wide or something. What version is giving you trouble?

I'm not sure Malwarebytes is any better. You'd have to have a paid version to run live monitoring that would be parallel to Defender as the free version is only on-demand scan. It doesn't use a ton of resources but its at least as heavy as Defender seems to be if not more so.
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is windows 10 lite legit or does it come with free crypto miner?
just build your own atlas iso
Is there any practical benefit to LTSC releases in terms of avoiding telemetry spyware and bloat?
>if vsync works properly there is zero need to limit the frame rate.
Don't bother and just use IoT LTSC 2021.
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Is this the right thread to ask powershell-related questions, or should I post in /sqt/?
why dont you aceess the infected drive on another PC running a bootable OS, like hirens or even linux shit even a VM
it wasnt fine.
hondas VCM was a horrible idea and did more damage than it was worth.
security through obscurity and lack of support.
fuck yeah LOWTEK baby
>Daz Loader
dude, no.
go right ahead, someone migh thave an answer. just dont expect an immediate response
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Alright, here goes.
Is there a way to see the ACL for all folders that a user or specific group has access to? Or to sort through an ACL list by picking a certain user/group in order to see what folders they have access to?
So far I only have this:
get-childitem C:\Test | get-acl | format-list
but it only shows the ACL for this one specific folder, not its subfolders
Then I tried this:
get-childitem C:\Test -Depth *3* -Recurse -filter *. | get-acl | format-list
and it shows the ACL for *3* (or more) subfolders
However, I'm a brainlet and still haven't found a method or command to see this for ONE user or user group. What's the best way to go about it? Export the data to .csv and use Excel to sort through it? Or is there a more elegant solution?
If I run Windows 7 Ult, can I use the in-built windows XP VM to run a nested windows 3.1 emulator for maximum SOUL?
You can always try. All you lose is time if it doesn't work.
You might as well just use 7 Enterprise though for easier activation via KMS_VL_ALL.
is arc for windows okay?
I read somewhere it's shit right now and only the Linux version is worth using or something to that effect
That macOS browser that just looks like Vivaldi to me? IMO just use Vivaldi.
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So I have to use a clean drive to be able to install windows 10 iot ltsc otherwise it won't detect a drive to install the OS since regular w10 is installed there. Is that correct?
If it's not seeing any drives at all and you're using an Intel CPU, you most likely need the Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver loaded.
Your mobo's OEM support page probably has one you can use, but you can also download a RST installer from the Intel website and extract the drivers from there with
./SetupRST.exe -extractdrivers SetupRST_extracted
Hey guys. Opinions on Everything?
Just got it all setup but I feel like I should've checked with smarter people first, did I fuck up?
Everything is the best third-party searcher. It becomes even better if you install Flow Launcher and basically have a better Start then Start and a better Windows Search then Windows Search.
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Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Which one should I or shouldn't I use and why?
They're both the same flavor of data collection focused browser. One for Google, other for Microsoft.
If you need to use a Chromium browser you should use Brave or Vivaldi.
I get the lists of what they modified and look for information on how to do it myself, so that I can update stuff without breaking everything.
Thanks! Ill check out Flow Launcher
Thanks for posting that link, I'm >>101506677. That said...
For example, this is from the thread for Remove UWP Titlebars:
>The following mod restores native title bars under UWP apps, similar to the behavior implemented in WindowBlinds or Glass8.
>This won't likely work under Basic or Classic theme, as UWP windows internally depend on DWM functions.
>Current known issues:
-> UWP apps only show the close button. I haven't found out a way to restore the other caption buttons, as all UWP windows match normal window composition styles.
>- WinUI 3 apps may not be fully compatible (Such as PowerToys, Windows 11 Store, etc).
>- Some UWP apps are not handled by ApplicationFrameHost or Explorer. If thats the case, add them to the include list and figure it out.
>- The mod may have weird behavior when running it under Windows 11.
>- Due to the mod removing the TitleBar child process, custom buttons (Such as Settings' back button or Metro apps' fullscreen button) may not show up.
>- When using Basic or Classic Theme, UWP windows (may) appear frameless, as UWP windows internally depend on DWM functions.
It is important to be aware of such stuff, to not come crying here WAAAH X DONT WORK
"apple or banana?"
"should I give my data to microsoft or google?"
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>install alpine on wsl2
>managed to run dockerd as windows task
>docker stack is deployed properly
>wireguard won't work because WSL2 kernel is borked by design
>tfw blueballed right at the end
Oh for fuck's sake
before you dump more time into this, consider a VM or an old laptop
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Is anyone getting this error with the generic key when trying to install IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021?
Is W11 more efficient than W10 in terms of general power consumption (idle, app usage, etc.) ? I've heard stories of people upgrading and their GPU doubling its wattage during web browsing.
dunno, I think the difference in stock settings is negligible so most people don't test, and would rather learn to use more power efficient settings or more power efficient hardware
w10 and w11 are near identical under the hood
the only real difference is the UI, and w11 UI is objectively shittier and laggier
still using w7
Do it. You lose nothing since that doesn't damage your existing install. It may take a couple tries to get it right but I didn't have any problems. VMs are love.


It's also an ideal backup because you still have your old install to examine for shit you may have forgotten. Do take a snapshot after testing the VHD so you can revert to your original as a backup if something goes fucky in future. I love VMs. VMs are love.
>w7 user
xp64 is the true choice
try this one: QPM6N-7J2WJ-P88HH-P3YRH-YY74H
>use a better explorer, like Directory Opus.

>check the website
doesnt work
What do you mean you do not want to shell out 30 dollars for the most useful features of a program which are behind a paywall anyway

What do you mean you do not want to get 'unlock X by shelling out 30 dollars' popups when starting, using and closing said program

Fucking zoomers I swear. Just download X obscure program from random torrents and manually update every other week bro

>check the website too
>a paid license only gets you 1 (one) year of 'free' updates and you need to pay even more after for newer updates

My fucking sides lmao
win10 chads, what are we doing today
What are your thoughts on privacy.sexy script generator?
don't act so smug you retarded frogtranny
half of your shit does nothing/is placebo
and you wouldn't need to download shitty codecs if you used mpv
the retard is using a non enterprise version
thats all you need to know
Anon you don't install LTSC like that. Only through a boot USB, so you can just say you don't have a product key.
you cant upgrade from regular editions to ltsc, only from ltsc to ltsc
Bros help, I can't get the drivers for my network card to work. I think they installed fine but when I try to click on the network configuration for the card it just says "software component not working"
>because it doesn't support 24H2 builds
It says they it does on their Github in fact 24H2 is the reason they recreated the Windows 10 style taskbar themselves.
is snappy driver still relevant? if not what's the alternative?
>Bros help
start with telling us what net card, what windows. Worse come to worse, do you have alternatives? I have a cheap USB ethernet adapter that I plug in to get connected so that windows has a way to install whatever it needs to so that your card works
Snappy Driver Installer Origin is still the go-to if Windows Update can't get certain drivers you want/don't want to get them manually from support sites or you want to do all the driver installing yourself.

Ethernet to USB adapters are so fucking helpful sometimes. Can't imagine not having one.
NT 3.5.1 with a 3Com 3c905c
It doesn't have USB support, I'd have to upgrade to 2000 but I want the old shell and don't want any of the stupid M$ bloat services they keep adding in. The readme with the drivers said something about using the config utility on DOS? I just change my static IP!
I mean in the case of using 3.1 the config stuff would probably be accessible in DOS.
how do I make windows search not suck? How can I replace it with something else otherwise? I'd prefer it to act just like windows search (click start, type what to search) if possible except for it to actually do SOMETHING.

I don't even bother with search because it seemingly only searches in system folders, takes forever and/or never finds what I'm looking for
>Disable the Windows Search service
>Download and install Everything Search and Flow Launcher and use them together
Pretty much peak launching/searching.
Yeah I think so. Looking through the readme closer it looks like the settings utility on the etherdisc (ooh fancy 3com proprietard branding!) only runs on DOS (fucking insane, what's the point of NT if I have to keep a DOS floppy up my ass?) but I think it all works out okay because looking closer I'm also pretty sure that the config tool is only for setting up duplex and stuff. Not worried about that, the NIC I'm hooking up to can do that stuff itself.
I screwed up because Windows wanted me to set the IP when I was installing the driver and it wouldn't let me skip, so I just told it dhcp and clicked next. After I made sure it was all kosher I had to set a static IP.
I figured it out though, instead of trying to configure the card you have to select TCP/IP Protocol from the installed network software box and configure that.
Updooters get fucked, IE is kill!
Now I have to get SSH going....
Happy you got your 3.1 nostalgia box running, anon.
thanks, then it's just my laptop that doesn't support bluetooth.
anyone here uses vivaldi?
im thinking of switching to it
It's the only other Chromium browser I'd use besides Brave. It's basically 2000s-era Opera but in the modern day using Blink instead of Presto by the same main dev.
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it's just chrome but 1000X better
about every usability tool or extension you'd want is native and works perfectly instead of janky extension shit like you'd deal with in chome
>vertical tabs
>gestures throughout entire UI
how much data does it collect?
Pretty much all of it.
so if i dont watch windows search i just disable the service?
whats the best free download manager for picking up DL sessions if nets cutsoff mid DLing?
Yeah, disabling the service disables the disk indexing which can also help with making sure your drive gets less wear.
JDownloader2 is pretty much the go-to. It's a Java program so it's a little heavy-ish but you can debloat it a little with this: https://rentry.org/jdownloader2
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Just reinstalled LTSC IoT and i'm having this dumb issue that is driving me crazy. On my start menu I want to have this shortcut to a playlist on YouTube that loads in an incognito Chrome Window.

I make a Chrome shortcut to the playlist --incognito and it works. I right click and select "Pin to start" and it only links a default shortcut to Chrome on my start menu. I swear to god this is how I always do it.

Also, is this a retarded way to do this? I set this up so my mother in law knows how to put on the playlist the kids like when she baby sits.
Is there a better grammar/spell check extension then whatever Chrome has built in? I'm tired of looking like a retard online but I am retarded so learning basic English is a bridge to far for me.
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Is stuff like WinAero Tweaker and WindowBlinds really the only way to truly customize Win10? There has to be a better less hacky/more native way to install custom themes and adjust shit than this, not to mention WindowBlinds is arguably bloatware.
Only other thing is SecureUXTheme
What are the risks of using it in terms of fucking up my Windows installation?
It's the only themer that doesn't make Windows mad when you use it. It can even be used with secure boot enabled.
70MBs just for an installer that grabs no idea how much more worth of files cuz it has no fucking wahtever I dont even give a shit
the absolute state of software
Use it or not anon, I really don't give a hoot.
NTA yet why flow launcher? I found hotkeys to be much better
Works for me. Also open source.
Tons of extra stuff too besides just searching your drives or invoking programs.
From a first glance it just looks like a [current year] product that will die within a year

The issue with open source is the fact no one is getting paid aside from 'donations' hence you either improve stuff yourself or are at the mercy of some gook coding it for you
where do you download your music from?
windowsBROS, voicemeter potato slaps and I can't be assed to search for a linux alternative
Extracting YT audio with yt-dlp and converting it to mp3 with ffmpeg.
can you disable some of it?
The telemetry it does have isn't something that creates a profile on you as it's all anonymized and encrypted. The devs disable all the Google-related spying from its own branch of the Chromium code as well.
So besides Brave or ungoogled-chromium, it's the best Chromium browser out there.
>consider a VM or an old laptop
I deployed my stack on bare metal already. I was just checking how feasible would be deploying on a windows environment so I could share it with people who don't have a dedicated server or who don't want to waste resources on a VM.
2/3 of my stack work as intended. WSL is simply missing the kernel modules required for wireguard to work properly apparently. The entire selling point of the stack was doing its job behind a VPN for extra security but apparently it's impossible without extra tinkering which is a shame since dockerization is all about streamlined deployment of solutions
I'll try looking more into this because the fact you can't connect to a wireguard server from a wireguard client inside WSL is too absurd to me. It's such a common task
I use search engines to find flac torrents of the things I like. If there is none I beg in /ptg/
Found out about this neat autounattend.xml generator from a channel I follow on Youtube. Seems interesting, lots of shit you can set/disable etc. Must be a boon for IT repair shop people.
Windows ADK with Deployment Tools lets you configure even more things, but this looks nice and way easier
Yeah this is much more quick/easy to use for the average person. I mean it's pretty great just for the fact that you can easily remove Defender through it for those that want that, plus never have to think about shit like MS accounts and auto-encryption ever again.
If I'm trying to reinstall Windows because my Surface got bricked is it fine to download the standard one or do I have to use their Surface specific one?
There isn't a Surface specific ISO. Windows Update will just install the drivers needed.
I have to make a huge organigram about the structures of the business I'm doing an internship at and I'm doing it with SmartArt. It was pretty easy to do but now I want it to be printable and... of course, it's to big to fit on one page. Do you have any idea what I could try?
How can I upgrade the BIOS of a Lenovo G505s with a dead battery?

I downloaded the BIOS upgrade software called winflash(3.00).exe and when I run it, the screen freezes. So, I extracted the file and found a platform.ini file which I edited to have BatteryCheck=0. Then, in the extracted files, there is InsydeFlash.exe.

When I run this, still my laptop freezes. I think this is because InsydeFlash.exe doesn't look at the modified platform.ini file. What should I do? Pic rel are the files extracted from winflash(3.00).exe
Yet.. Why exactly would you want to do that? If you need data from that laptop just take out the hard drive. Literally everything else is so old now you will barely boot into Windows 10 yet alone 11 and even on Windows 7 a single browser tab will rape your CPU and RAM
Is there a way to make a bootable USB from Linux? I don't have any Windows machines newer then XP and XP can't run Rufus, and I don't have any dual-layer DVDs either. Trying to set up a machine for a coworker.
Thx anon, I'll try out woeusb. I've never been able to get ventoy working, guess I'm retarded.
I am trying to change to linux and its easier to update the UEFI if I simply update the BIOS using windows lol
Are you poor or something? Even loonix will have trouble running on that hardware
No it won't, what are you smoking? Even Windows should be usable with 3 ghz and 4gb of ram, stop being a consoomer.
Ventoy or Rufus?
depends on the setting, like if I need to edit the EI.cfg then rufus, if I am in a job that requires me to have W10 and W11 then i'll use ventoy, for my personal machine I just use MCT
I can boot Windows by hitting F12 and selecting Windows Boot Manager, but it doesn't boot automatically. How do I fix it? bcdedit or something? No other bootable media in the computer, UEFI settings are fine.

I had a hosed boot from a power outage and I tried fixing it repeatedly with a Windows install disc. I didn't think it worked, but apparently it did and I just hadn't tried this manual boot method afterward. I'm guessing I got a drive letter wrong because I used the ones that the live environment assigned. I'm not really sure which parts I was supposed to use a different letter for, though.
The keyword here is 'should' because even my debloated LTSC install uses more than 4gb ram

I suggest you get a job or something and buy newer hardware

Probably something to do with the EFI partition. Either you can dive into the rabbit hole of fucking around with that and most likely fail or just copy the drive then wipe it and install Windows again

Make sure to disconnect all over drives though because if you do not Windows will not make the EFI partition. I learnt that the difficult way lmao
t. brainlet technology illiterate retards that dont know what prefetch is
dont need notes bloat
chromium browsers have vertical tabs
dont need gesture bloat im not on a touchscreen
cant you just copy it to the start menu pinned folder?
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Im trying to zoom on a lower res virtual machine (720p -> zoomed to 3x or 4x, etc) and for some reason the zoom option is disabled. Does anyone know why or how to fix it?
I cannot upload files to eBay in Firefox on Win10.
Anyone else have the same issue?
But on my older machine that I've been trying out Win7 on, I had no issues uploading via Supermium.
fuck off to /b/, shitstain
Have you tried resetting UEFI/bios to default settings? That sometimes gets things going for some reason, even though it looks like it shouldn't do anything. It is a common piece of advice because it sometimes Just Werkz(TM).

Otherwise, you likely have some corruption in the UEFI partition and/or boot files stuff.
wherever I can
does WSL consume resources if the instance is not running?
no, well not ram and cpu cycles but storage is a resource it consumes
Can I boot and install from a DVD i burnt the iso at?
I remember that a bootable usb stick needs a proper program to make the installer work: I tried to simply use dd(1) from a BSD to copy the iso on the usb stick and it could boot but installation kept failing...
So I wonder whether burning a dvd also needs a special tool.
>There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (0x80070643)
wtf is this?
It means Microsoft doesn't really care about what shit they are pushing out.
I'm guessing it is this: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/topic/kb5034441-windows-recovery-environment-update-for-windows-10-version-21h2-and-22h2-january-9-2024-62c04204-aaa5-4fee-a02a-2fdea17075a8

Double check the KB####### in web search.

Windows Media Creation Tool gets the job done for DVDs. Alternatively, Rufus or Ventoy if via USB, we tend to recommend Rufus here.
It was that thanks. I can't believe it kept nagging me for something that useless
Lol imma coreboot it and put Artix on. I just need something to serve as a typewriter since my work involves me ssh'ing into a super computer anyways, faggot. Plus, this laptop doesn't have any backdoors put onto the hardware. I could just consoom or I could try to learn something new and have fun restoring an old laptop
>>101528411 here
Am burning from a BSD btw.
It is an DVD-R (write once) so if it fails i am fsck'd.
just make the USB stick from windows
You can burn DVD fine. Windows never has liked being put on USB sticks, that's why you need the special tool (I asked earlier in the thread, somebody said woeusb but that won't work on BSD). The trouble comes if your DVD isn't big enough. It's been a long time since I did it last but I think you need a dual layer (4gb I think) DVD. Should work with whatever burner you use though.
Rufus always works, ventoy might work sometimes under some conditions.
W8+ start menus are XML/javascript abortions
Use classic shell if you want a start menu with the same functionality as explorer.
Ventoy's pretty much always worked in my cases
ordinary single layer for an install
really? Does it download components off the net now? I swear I remember 7 or 10 pro being a dual-layer.
Occasionally I'll have an issue with a Rufus flash that refuses to boot, it's usually fixed with changing CSM settings because it's an older system that doesn't like UEFI even with CSM enabled.

Ventoy is exclusively UEFI with no CSM and will completely refuse to boot on a lot of older systems.
LTSC doesn't have these bloated consoomer trash problems.
>UEFI only
trash garbage, now I know why I couldn't figure out how to get it to work.
ventoy is not UEFI only, it uses MBR by default
Dude I'm pulling back 10-15 year old memories, it was different then.
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Windows """""""""""""""Pro""""""""""""""" along with Enterprise/Edu has been trash ever since W10 launched.
LTSB/LTSC is the real Windows.
OP has ISO sizes listed
i assume you mean dpi scaling, i imagine you can't do that because that would effectively put windows below the minimum requirements
even if you could, things would be so large that you wouldn't be able to use most things
if you need to zoom in on something momentarily, use the screen magnifier tool instead
>Exclusively UEFI
That's not even true though. It defaults to MBR partitioning and if you use GPT it has a protective MBR so it loads on old computers fine.
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Is this a good enough USB to install W11 or should I quickly go buy a faster one?
sandisk have ones that have read 400 and writing 150 for 13 euros in amazon, another one with 380 writing but cost like 40 euros.
I would upgrade since they are not that expensive, slap ventoy on that thing and have it chilling
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This one?
Nah the Ultra Luxe one have 400 read 150 writing, the 128GiB one is 13 euros, I believe smaller ones have worse speeds.

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