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Hope you're not on-call this weekend, lol

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101462550
Good morning sirs! How many slack notification did you get this morning?
>>>101479293 starting to think
Someone talking in the office is not doing work. You should have figured out what he was doing months ago.
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That guy is on the fast track to management thoughbeit.

t. knower

Got a company-wide Teams notification about the crowdstrike thing. They're telling everyone to go through the manual fix, but they VASTLY overestimate the technical abilities of 90% of the workforce. I mean sure the devs/IT people have no problem, but holy fuck Debra from marketing has no idea what a sys file is. Plus the security team is PISSED because CEO went over their heads and ordered them to give bitlocker keys out to whoever asks in order to fix this issue
>tell everyone how to bypass all security on their PC and give them enough credentials to do it
>t. CEO
Security is pissed because some moron WILL abuse this in 2 months.
they won't do shit. based CEO.
How bad is this bullshit today? Is it going to take a long time to fix?

I'm considering taking on another short term IT contract.
ahhh, another day without doing nothing and I am getting paid in full next week. how I am glad for not falling for the crab bucket of the doomer losers. cheers to that!
>any time
>How bad is this bullshit today?
Depends on the company.
>Is it going to take a long time to fix?
In most cases no.
You enable safemode, delete a file, then restart the computer.
If safemode is disable you can bypass the disability by restrating the computer 15 times.
If your drive is encrypted safemode will scare bitlocker so you'll need a recovery key.

Giving out the recovery key is mildly spooky (>>101480717) are requires your sysadmins kept the recovery key when they set up the encryption (if they didn't they should be fired).
The alternative to >>101480660 would be to send all computers to IT and wait for them to finishing laying hands on them.
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How does Linkedin work? Does having a jeet from a FAANG company boost my profile or degrade?
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>tech janny at MSP
>hours of back to back calls today explaining to people that we can't fucking do anything
I hope CrowdStrike burns
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I've started generating AI smutt on the weekends while I watch shows and also on my WFH days, and in my first month of having a patreon I made nearly $280 after taxes and shit. I didn't think this shit was that easy. I'm getting paid to work from home and also paid as a side thing lol

Apparently the easiest way to remember is using string streams. Just while(getline()) and you can specify your delimiter and fill an array that way.
now that I think about it, Im with way too much time in my hands with my single WFH job. I wonder what should I be doing to generate even more money, or if I should just simply try to get a second job.
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today was my first major outage since I started working in IT
was sorta fun actually. Most of the company WFHs Fridays so there was only a couple of computers we had to fix up. Then the patch rolled out so we just told everyone to restart their shit and that took care of the rest
what good will restarting do when the machines can't even boot let alone download some patch?
...because they can boot? the machines only crash once Windows is done loading and you get to the login screen, and at that point network's already started and should have downloaded the patch. There were a few cases where network wouldn't start up fast enough though
oops my bad then, I read that the crash was before net stack was loaded
I've never written an abstraction
i feel embarrassed when i compare my code to colleagues
there's a lot of misinfo going around from shitposters and retards. This shit did take out a lot of systems but repairing it isn't as difficult as people are making it out to be
I wonder how many IT and tech guys were getting yelled at by their boomer managers for not being able to get their machines up and running from that shit patch?
I'm a junior webshitter, 1 year doing braindead full stack work that ChatGPT can do in seconds. My career is fucking dead. Give me one (1) valid reason why I shouldn't just do gig work like uber/pet sitting/sucking dick on the side and start my own business.
being a team lead is so easy.
> hey [junior engineer], what did you do this week?
> oh you completed all your tickets? nice work.
> oh you didn't get shit done? okay let me bring in someone who's not a complete fucktard to get this done. keep it up and we'll can your ass.
then just respond to emails and spend the remaining 38 hours of the week playing vidya.
I'm unemployed, in case that wasn't clear. Might get a business loan to avoid gig work for a while and focus on the business. I'm pretty sure my bloodline is cursed with dying in debt anyway so I might as well do it now
so you're the fag who never gets anything done and keeps calling himself a "team lead"
Your team hates you and will push you out at any given opportunity, nice job you absolute fucktard.
I'm on call this weekend. Fucking pisser. Already got woken up at 5am today.
That's my dream job right there. Too bad there is 0 career progression where I work. We really need to trim a looot of dead weight still..
>work crush heart reacted to my message on Teams
This made me so happy, that's how miserable my life currently is
>work crush
she has a boyfriend.
I work at CrowdStrike, they asked if people would be willing to work this weekend to help with the backlog of thousands of clients crying about “MUH WARRANTY”, “MUH COMPENSATION”, “WE WANT FREE STUFF”

Nah I don’t think I will
Well I have a girlfriend too, anon.
You get used to it really fast. At some point you realise "I'm going to be filling all these classes with If statements for the type of object... I should just make an interface and a base or abstract class"

Don't get intimidated by people who put in obscene numbers of layers and factory methods into their code more isn't always better. Lasagna Code isn't as frowned upon as Spaghetti code but it can be just as much of a nightmare.
Fellas I'm felling lost. Every job wants their own stack to consider applicants, I keep switching between them when I get an interview and end up not really holding anything in my head. Should I just focus in one stack and give up on those other opportunities? I'm a fresh grad. I grinded leetcode but not one interview asked that so far, maybe not a thing in my state.
Anyone work at Crowdstrike here? How fucked are you all?
I got my job at a company that didnt ask any coding questions for a language that I didnt know anything about.
The interview went something like this: yeah, I dont know because I dont know the language, but I realize I will have to study hard
what are you generating exactly?
>be gamedev
>learn Unreal
>that’s fucking it
>you can now work in 80% of all games companies
There’s definitely some tradeoffs but man I’m glad I don’t have to learn all kinds of shitty tools that all do the same thing
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what's the coolest thing you've gotten to work on?
i'm doing a data science internship and it's kind of making me hate programming. i'm just feeding data into scikit. it's brainless.
I've joined Crowdstrike a couple of months ago. I'm handing in my resignation tomorrow and leaving this company off my resume. I don't want anybody thinking I had anything to do with this shit.
who are you selling the smut to? i need a job
this is part of a pre application programming question. how does one solve this?:
challenger: 'bob',
encrypted_path: 'task_504db5ae8b1b0fb55bf72a188e6422bd',
encryption_method: 'encoded it with custom hex character set d86e5cf942730b1a',
expires_in: '1s',
hint: 'you should write a program to fetch these endpoints and handle each encryption method you find.',
instructions: "we've been alerted that you reached level 4, keep going!",
level: 4

I tried this js function written by gpt but it dont work:
function decryptCustomHex(encryptedString, customHexSet) {
// Step 1: Create a mapping from custom hex to standard hex
const standardHex = '0123456789abcdef';
const hexMap = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
hexMap[customHexSet[i]] = standardHex[i];

// Step 2: Convert from custom hex to standard hex
const standardHexString = encryptedString
.map(char => hexMap[char])

// Step 3: Convert from hex to bytes
const byteArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < standardHexString.length; i += 2) {
byteArray.push(parseInt(standardHexString.substr(i, 2), 16));

// Step 4: Decrypt the bytes (if necessary)
// If there's no additional encryption, skip this step
// const decryptedBytes = someDecryptionFunction(byteArray);

// Step 5: Convert bytes to string
const decryptedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, byteArray);

return decryptedString;
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>customer isn't using crowdstrike
this crowdshit incident is fucking tanking my RSUs even though i work at a completely unrelated field
fucking outsourced trash
it's the least you can do given the absolute disaster you retards created
but are you getting any jobs at all? I thought gamedev was effectively dead right now. at least us webshits can maybe possibly get a job after 100000 applications
Lemme me guess you got it in 2021?
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the guy at crowdstrike who pushed to prod probably had a hitman squad on him right now kek
haha how did their tests not pick up "oh, this update bricks your shit" hahahaha
I hope your potential employer finds this and bans you
Incorrect. BSOD is occuring before the network stack is initiated fm my experience. Not all machines that were BSOD had the 291 file updated, but other .sys files were. Weird fucking shit.
I don't think they tested it at all. somebody probably slipped it in or just pushed it without going through any change management
>Test on Linux/macos
>push to windows
This company is going to go out of business.
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>friend of mine (the only friend I still talk to) has been at the same company for a year
>watching as his company slowly hires more and more mexicans, south americans and eastern euros
>his manager outright said his team is the most expensive and the only reason they're kept is to manage language barriers
>mexican and euro devs are actually pretty good at their jobs
>now he's basically trying to become a mythical 10xer so that the quality of his work outweighs his pay
so this is the kind of pressure that awaits me IF I get lucky enough to pass the resume autoreject filter, the HR prescreen and the live leetcode puzzle. Why am I even trying again?
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>he focused on hard skills instead of soft skills and getting well connected drinking buddies
I bet you wasted your time in college studying too
is using chatgpt cheating for help learning programming
job security comes from having institutional knowledge. thirdies can be plug-and-play at the lowest levels of the totem pole for a fraction of what americans are paid, but only (You) have knowledge about how Gary programmed that shitty app running in the closet 12 years ago that keeps the business afloat. that's why you make the big bucks.
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>needs gpt
bootcampers are so sloppy

trying to tard wrange his branch into staging as it got the changes of 3 different tickets inside it and it got conflicts with the staging branch. wtf was this man doing.
My interest in textgen smut got me an ML Engineer job. Which then killed it as a hobby for me. The job is fantastic though.
>mexican and euro devs are actually pretty good
mexicans are usually not good according to to one anon here who had new crappy mexican employees
Must be an anomaly. I've worked with over half a dozen eastern euros and they can't do anything correct. Eventually (often days past budget) it gets to a "good enough" state, only for them to send it to the shadow realm a few weeks later. I have never seen a mexican programmer so I can't comment on their quality.
Sadly its the only experience these fuckers have. Would've been better to get a person who actually gives a shit about there job and learns on there own but bootcamps work closely with companies so all your gonna get is career switchers.
So many profitable companies on .net and azure it's unreal. How did this happen?
Stick with what you know. More importantly other tech companies have never been able to provide long term support for any of there products.
>Company doesn't use clownstrike
>Normal weekend for me
Time to treat myself with some high class food.
>just be a team player and push the fucking needful
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I bet they considered it racist to test stuff since you "don't trust coworkers, which makes you not a team player so were gonna fire you for being a racist and doubting your coworkers."

Meanwhile at companies were no one trusts own teams to do a proper job let alone the vendor to push out a proper patch "Yeah never trust but always verify and if the vendor fucks up again we are switching products and returning the shit we have to them to there company HQ"
If I have to explain quick startup mode to one more italian I'm going to kill myself and everyone in this building (it's only me)
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it's actually, unequivocally, irredeemably over for us autists. what can we even do???
I haven't tried that one.
I remember last year I bought one of the fancy ramen packs. I think the flavor was supposed to be shrimp, but it tasted like rotten fish. Was pretty awful.
Well this is the only good seafood flavor. Huge issues with other ramen brands is that they have started skimping on seasoning but Nongshim is still giving you the full packets. Also best udon noodles on the market.
How spicy is it? The last Korean ramen I tried was spicy enough that I had to put in like two ounces of sour cream to even eat and still got heartburn.
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>work remote IT
>in-house IT short cause it's a friday
>For some reason our warehouse associates who don't speak a lick of English have their own personal Windows desktops
>All affected by CrowdStrike, all call in for help
>Takes 10 minutes to get them to the Bitlocker screen, once they're there they are absolutely confused as to what "enter in the code we're about to give you means"
>Every single time they try to process what we're having them do the Bitlocker screen times out
>End up spending nearly an hour per call just to get back into BitLocker cause they go into this loop of having to BSOD 3 times & reboot before Windows gets to the recovery option
>Mashing F8 to get into boot options doesn't work cause fuck you that's why
>Once we get in we can't even get them connected to the internet cause Safe Mode w/Networking doesn't support our machine's drivers
>Have to give them their local administrator credentials
>Password generated by our org puts the most random symbols in
>Some get locked out cause they can't figure out where the semicolon is, freak out at us when we tell them that they'll need to wait for in-house IT
>The people who can get in now have to painstakingly locate C:\Windows\System\DRIVERS\CrowdStrike and delete the affected file
>1hr+ long calls for each scenario
Pizza party on Monday though, wagie!
are senior devs/team leads expected to do code tests in interviews?
>korean ramen
Its about half the heat of a korean ramen or shin black. It's truely a mild ramen.
I would seriously quit
I will give it a try but if I don't like it I'm gonna toss it at your house at 4am
theyre expected to do homework to bring into the interview all for free ( the homework is a problem that Maurice in house couldn't solve and is about to get shitcanned)
I'll be awake to chuck a 6 pack of beer in your face.
Why would it? Nobody else is playing fair, so use every resource available to get ahead.
whats the best way to navigate that without revealing too much but also letting them know that you know your shit?
Overall it's probably the AI stuff I'm working on. In terms of actual programming I'd say it was the time I made a touch screen rotary dial for this smart kitchen iot thing years back. Had to do actual math to get the touch animation to work right. Was super proud of it.
That's an opportunity to buy more.
>mfw got a grant for 100k more RSU that won't be granted until the end of the month
Hopefully we go lower so I get more shares.
Your friend is retarded and should have left years ago. Average time at a company is 2 years in the early part of your career. Hop around getting salary bumps until you're comfortable and then maybe do 4 to 5 year intervals depending on the market.
I'm at 4 years now but the market is too shit to want to leave yet.
This is the biggest key to be honest. Got all of my jobs from referrals from people I'd been shitfaced with in college.
McDonalds is always hiring for the kitchens and cleaning (not tills though unless you're a girl)
In my experience (it's also the same in academia) eastern euros are either 200IQ hackermen or white pajeets
no in-between
I feel so fucking retarded every time I ask for help for simple shit. I just started beginning of this month, but every time I ask a question no one answers and then my manager always comes in and asks the whole slack channel if anyone can help with my retarded question.
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Get used to it, it'll get worse from here on.

What kind of simple shit? Give me an example. I want to know how harshly to judge you.
I ask a lot of stupid shit I can't even remember anymore. I think when I first started I had trouble setting up SSH for gitlab. Recently I asked how to do merge requests and I fucked up my merge somehow. I usually ask if my thinking is on the right track for the training project they gave me. I'm also taking too long to complete the training. I don't know how I got this job.
I'm happy I'm not in support.
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I got lucky and so did the very few on here since none of our companies wanted to upgrade or patch shit without putting it through an extensive test lab. Companies that just send it with patches end up like this and its nice to see how quickly they implemented it before testing it.
This is where ChatGPT shines. Use it as your personal retarded-question-box. Sometimes it'll give you a retarded answer but that's the risk of the retarded-question-box.
I can't find a job. What cert can I get simply and quickly to bolster the resume?
Apparently CrowdStrike has a track record of fucking their clients. >>101484905
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Depends what do you do and what are you trying to do? You cannot and should not just play pokemon and collect them all. CompTIA Trifecta is entry level, better education than a bachelors degree and helps a good amount on the job. But reality is most people get away with Security + and specializing afterwards so I consider the trifecta as a form of padding.
Am I fucking myself if I spend time learning Swift/ioS shit if I want to become a dev
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nothin' personnel, vegas
1 work done in 80%+ quality is better than 5 work done in 50%+ quality
Only if you apply to a job in a small team. Swift / IOS dev are a kind of niche but also needed, but if you join a small office where there's only 3 IOS dev including you, you'll be fucked with insane workload. Try to apply in a large corporation where there's like 20 ios dev at least.
I mean... Education is a solid use of time. I just finished 4 years of college and I liked my major and most classes.
While working.
1 work done in 80%+ quality is one task done
5 work done in 50%+ quality is five tasks done
The former means working overtime to get the other shit done and the latter means I can go home on time. It's not like anyone's going to appreciate the additional quality.
My mom wants me to do 5 work done in 100% quality, and all of them needs to be done within the same timeframe
>the latter means I can go home on time
Oh really?
You finished those 5 tasks?
Here's 5 more, you're clearly able to finish them all before going home, aren't you?
I'm worried about it being a niche while trying to break into the industry, is it that cucked or do the skills mildly transfer
Gamedev is a passion play and nobody will understand what you're doing.

You need to have at least 5 game jam experience in a year to build solid teamwork mentality, the work for a no name studio where you'll be overworked since no one is able to actually turn ideas to reality aside from a select few, and the pay is significantly lower at least in the first 2-3 years.

Regular tech jobs like Webdev and IT can just follow tutorials, get certs, and if they got into a large team with 20 other people they can learn on the job instead of getting assigned with difficult tasks right away.

I'm not saying getting into webdev and IT is easier than pursuing gamedev, but you'll have higher chance to get a comfy job where you can learn on your own pace, unlike professional gamedev
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I got fired from my software engineering job a few months ago for no fault of my own (my security clearance was taking longer than usual. Instead of waiting a few weeks for the final stage, HR showed me the door.)
Issue is that it was my first job, and I only worked there for 10 months. I've been applying to other positions with said job as "MM YYYY - Present", but I've been getting minimal responses. I'm wondering if it'll pick up after the 1/2y anniversary, and how long I can do this for. Or what else I can really do.
Despite the circumstances, listing that job is a 'red flag' if you were a fresh hire contingent on clearance. It gives roasties the 'ick'. You're better leaving it off completely. Pretend it never happened unless you have a formal reference.
>my security clearance was taking longer than usual
How was that not your fault? Give reliable contacts next time.
Knowing what I do now about HR, I would have poisoned all those bitches in the food line before leaving grade school.
>doesn't work cause fuck you that's why
Sums up just about any kind of IT work
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I did. It just wasn't being processed, and was sitting on someone's desk gathering dust. This was from my security point of contact with the company, who kept saying that they didn't know anything and couldn't help, even though it was their job to do so.
What's a security clearance?
I do not think very highly of the people who call me for support and I'm getting very frustrated with all of them and hate my job
It's when you tell the government "I've never mysteriously left the country to be trained as a foreign spy, here where I've been and what I've been doing instead of that" and give them a list of people you know who can vouch for you having never disappeared for months during any of your alibis. You need a security clearance to work on government contracts because the government doesn't want spies compromising their infrastructure.

Anon >>101486546 screwed up when he was writing a list of people to vouch for him. There's a government employee (or contractor) who's job is to contact all of those people and hear them vouch for anon, but at least one of those people wouldn't answer the government employee's calls. All they can do in that situation is keep calling the number every now and then or ask anon for someone else who can vouch for him.
Guys, I need some advice from people potentially less autistic than me
So I started my first job, I'm exempt and in my probationary period, and they denied me pay for independence day. When I emailed to ask I was told it was because paid holidays are listed as a benefit in the employee handbook and probation employees don't receive benefits
Is that not still a violation of the Code of Federal Regulations section 541.602 paragraph (a)(2)? There's no exception in paragraph (b) relating to probationary periods
I know it's probably really stupid to argue over a day's pay but I'm kind of really extremely offended that not only did they make me install timecard software on my phone but now my salary has basically been decreased because they don't want to give me my actual pay for a week I worked just because there was a holiday
Like genuinely am I stupid? It just doesn't make sense in my goddamn meat brain
How come someone manage to get a job like that for their 1st job?
The bar is really low.
>I was at X high school during time A. Here is a teacher's contact info.
>I was at Y college during during time B. Here is teacher's contact info.
>I was a NEET during time C. Here is a neighbor's contact info.
Sorry I've been staring at it for so long today that I forgot not everybody has random federal codes memorized. Link

God though I just feel stupid for thinking things would be good. I really enjoyed the work I did, but then all at once this week after a month I get put on timecard software that they "forgot" (even though I've been working more than 40 hours a week) and then my paycheck fell short. It's just disheartening.
Seems like only a 1st world thing
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Did you read what I wrote here? >>101486769
To elaborate, my POC told me that the government wasn’t giving her any information, and couldn’t update me. She gave me a number to call to get information. At that number, they told me SHE had the info and they couldn’t help me. Then my POC said a whole lot of BS, and the investigator who was asking me questions even made the comment that she’s incompetent
>“Oh...she’s not your security point of contact right?”
Yes, yes she is.
And the government was swamped. My congressman even said that when he inquired, they weren’t giving responses.

Friend who was employed there gave me a referral. Also had three internships.
>I'm in my probationary period,
They can't fire you with the reason "he wouldn't let us defraud him" but they can fire you for "no reason" if you don't let them defraud you. You're getting screwed and it sucks but my advice is to let them walk all over you. You can put in a complaint with your agency's Office of the Inspector General but I would recommend you not do that. At the very least, wait until you're a real employee before submitting the complaint. It makes it a lot harder for them to retaliate over the complaint.
My read on your story is
you gave bad contacts
they told your POC "these contacts are bad, please fix or replace them"
your POC didn't tell you, then forgot about it
>a job like that
If you can get the clearance I don't see why not.
I doubt they'll go into your 4chan post history until you get super top secret clearance if that's what you're wondering about.
I've heard it's practically impossible to be unemployed if you have it in a 1st world country.
I would imagine most governments and most government departments have pathways for university graduates.
Ugh, yeah that's about what I figured would happen if I made a big fuss- or any fuss honestly. Fuckin at will employment...
Since I ended up scheduling a call with my secondary boss in the company earlier today (smallish, he's the co-owner) I guess I'll just somewhat meekly ask if they'd be willing to pay it back at the end of the probationary period but just let it go if he says no. I need the work experience
Thanks anon. It sucks to know that there isn't anything I can really do but at least I know for sure it's fucked up now so that's a bit of weight off my chest
At least I like my direct supervisor too...
>I know it's probably really stupid to argue over a day's pay
It is, which is why the company shouldn't be doing it.
That's what I was thinking and a line I really wanted to use in any email or verbal communication but now that all my anger has subsided for now I'm just kind of depressed. They shouldn't be doing it but I'm just risking my employment if I have a problem with it
I guess part of life is dealing with bullshit though and there's no guarantee that any company I jump ship to in a year or two won't be worse, so maybe this is good training for that
Will my resume and application be thrown out or black listed for having a non gmail/outlook email address? Something like mailbox.org
I'm not a lawyer nor an American so I probably wouldn't take my post(s) to mean to confront them.
My question would be if they'll even let your probationary period end if they're already fucking with you, not saying they will, but it's entirely possible they'll fire you before it's over then hire another slave.
>join company
>the tpm is out for three weeks, the stand ups are led by the engineering manager
>go real smoothly
>tpm gets back from vacation, runs the stand ups
>has no clue about what every one does, just says "uh huh" because he doesn't work on this stuff
>asks why my tasks still include onboarding and the engineering manager has to awkwardly say "uh yeah onboarding is months until you get on-call..."
whats the fucking point of this position
If they're an actual engineer that got into the role and actually did the work or understands it, then someone that can bridge between non-technical idiots and the engineering team and advocate for them to make sure their shit gets done on schedule. Looks like you have someone incompetent in the role.
That thought has definitely crossed my mind more than a few times today too and I can't deny I've been stressed about it
With the size of the company and what I was hired for I think it's somewhat unlikely. The recruiter who initially contacted me said I was basically a unicorn for my skillset in the area (I went to college half the country away and apparently they teach very different tech skills here, could be a lie or the truth, it is mostly rural here)
There's a lot of shit I could yap about but in short the co owner I'm going to call is pretty agreeable if not an out of touch boomer. He poached me from the hiring process of another company he runs for the one I'm currently in. He seemed really excited to put me on one of the company's larger projects and what I'm doing right now is just a solo project to get my feet wet pretty much
My hope is that it's just the two aren't on the same page, but I'll have to reassess the tone of everything when I give him a call. I have no expectations of this being the case, but a boy can dream
Maybe? They interviewed everyone I listed as a contact though.
Ultimately this doesn't change the fact that I was fired. The question now is, do I keep pretending I'm still employed there, or do I say I quit a year or two in the future.
Makes sense, though I'm in a backend backend role where the "customer" is the backend software engineers, who also don't talk to actual customers, so I feel like its really not needed here especially since we all work on the same floor
On call a week every 5 weeks kek.
At least i'm remote and have a good excuse for not being that productive on this week.
alright bros, I'm going to stop fucking around, I want a job. Should I focus on java/spring or c#/.net?
>Hope you're not on-call this weekend, lol
I draw the long straw.
Couple of colleagues who weren't so lucky are driving around the country deleting the shitty c-00000291*.sys from one of our big client's computers.
The key is to change company every two three years, and when you feel like settling, you go for a defense job which will only hire natives and will never be able to outsource to jeets and affiliated.
Simple as’
My first job only lasted 6 months. HRoids always asked about it but it didn’t stop me from getting a job after that.
Start attending job fairs
Go around your neighbors and ask them if you can work in their company
You aren't entitled to any holidays that is strictly between you and the employer. You should take it as a huge red flag tho that a company would nickel and dime over some small shit like this.
>be me
>get email from bad ass job I applied to half a year ago
>email says they’re offering me an interview and that I should pick a time slot based on their availability
>happily replied and give the first time slot on the first day available
>get email at 1000 send email back at 1100
>its 2pm no response
>start freaking out so look into the email again
>to my surprise I read email wrong and it said pick three time slots that are convenient for you
>I fucked up so I emailed the dude back apologizing and saying I currently have open availability and will do whatever is available
>no reply
This is after failing an interview for a job working for the navy as a civilian for a sysadmin position. I’m a former zogbot, secret clearance, I did project management and sysadmin for 6 years then had a gap in employment since I joined the reserves and was actively moving back and forth with them. I haven’t gotten shit, I have network and security plus and a bachelors degree in philosophy and cyber. I’m fucked am I? I’m 33 years old by the way and my military experience was an infantryman not tech related at all.

I should just quit altogether shouldn’t i? I’ve been unemployed for almost a year now living off gibs and getting retrained by the VA (hence the certs and second degree) they said they’d help me get a fed job but even with a schedule A letter this job was the only job I got an interview for after applying at USAjobs endlessly.
>he chose 1 timeslot instead of 3
big ick
How long have you been applying to government jobs? It's government so obviously they are incredibly slow. If it's only been a month or two I wouldn't sweat it. As long as you are being referred to the hiring authority.
Thank God I'm unemployed at the moment. I wouldn't want to deal with the crowdstrike shit
I know
It’s been now since January. I was only referred to one job out of all the others I applied for. I started even looking into just technical writing. The one I got referred to led me to the interview with the navy, I thought I had it. But I’m starting to come to terms that even within military it’s fucking competitive when my experience was an infantryman and not some technical or communications person in the navy, Air Force or space force.
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SOCOM and other special forces support will hire you and they got tons of deployment jobs looking for high speed ex-military contractors.
Well you just said it, high speed military contractors lol that’s actually the interview I had with the navy. My competition were Air Force and space force bros transitioning out. Unfortunately I heard the one interview in the lobby while I was waiting for mine.
my management style is that I dont give a fuck what you are doing as long as you understand what you should be doing and it gets done by the time its due

standups and shit are a waste of time and I try and breeze through them because none of it fucking matters. If something is critical this morning and its stopping you from progressing and you didnt tell me about it yesterday directly, then we are doing something wrong

Also I'll do everything I can to help you if you ask me for help, and I'll never throw you under the bus if you fuck something up, thats our secret and hopefully you dont keep doing it and learned your lesson
Holy shit is this pulley?
I applied and did their challenge months ago and they never got back to me. You'd think after putting in all that effort they would either interview you, or at least send you a rejection email, but no. Fuck them
>graduated from college
>survived mostly due to google and chatgpt
>same with internship
Am I fucked? I'm trying to learn C# while looking for a job but would any company even take me in at this rate? Are there even any willing to train dumbfucks like me?
I work with plenty of people like you
another day another breakfast burrito.
im going to the apple store this morning and nobody can stop me
What are some low-responsibility tech jobs? High pay is optional to me.
Product Owner
Scrum Master
you build a profile of your professional career and let the world read it so that when people search for potential candidates they are able to check your profile
have you never used a social network, or fucking google? how can you be so incompetent?
Is coasting at FAANG companies possible nowadays? I'm thinking of applying since it would be a good salary bump, but not if I have to sacrifice my work/life balance.
I should have mentioned that I am below entry level (about to get a degree, have internship experience, acted as an IT manager for a course). Would my path be to join as help-desk then try to move up from there?

Thanks senpai.
Try applying for jobs in the middle of nowhere, especially if they list a bonus.
They have high turnover and are desperate for cleared people to fill slots.
We just hired 10 uncleared sysadmins and they got to sit on their asses at home while waiting to be cleared, all paid. That's how desperate they are.
Just wait a few years for the free money to come back
the question was if having a faang jeet connected would be beneficial or not
The only winning move is not to play. ARG are so cringe and unrealistic
If it's not a FAANG, ignore it. They didn't invest any time in you yet, so basically you're paying them to consider you. That's stupid.
my entire company is windows based, I don't know how we were completely unaffected by that shit yesterday. When I heard the news I was bracing myself for a fucking 15 hour shift
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I'd like to be more socially capable again. I know it's important skill to have in the professional world, but I'd hate the people I met everyday only talk about business and profit all the time. Where can I find a friend who is matured and mentally sound, but is willing to engage in silly activities and talk about Diogenes or watch Kurosawa?
Sorry I slept way longer than I thought
Damn that sucks. Honestly I should've known. The only reason I signed on besides desperately needing job experience is because I lucked out and got the owner to narrow the scope of his NDA in writing, but it's still perpetual
Wait, you guys are allowed to use GPT at work? In the office? With everyone looking?
The same paranoia that made me study tech and sec and land jobs is preventing me from simply playing video games or doing literally anything on my devices.

Is it really that dangerous to download a dos redalert or heroes2 and try to play it on my phone with dosbox?
My girlfriend just broke up with me. I’m the same anon who was a zogbot and failed the navy interview and missed the other cool guy job one. I am just going to commit suicide and become another statistic. Fuck the world and fuck living, at this point I’m a jobless loser that will just die alone.
Sleep. Sleep more and ditch looking at the internet for a week.
Yeah, but we can tell right away if code was generated via it. I use it to make stupid excel formulae and look up how to do things in pandas because the docs for those are terrible.
>killing yourself over roastie and hr roastie
at least commit suicide over something honorable like gambling debts
speaking of which, I have grounds to believe the lead hr roastie at my company is single (I'd estimate her to be around 38 years old)
honestly quite intriguing thought
she seems batshit too (underweight, overworked)
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>like gambling debts
Man I can barely be assed to use my admin access to do my regular job. Why do you think I would put in more work to break the law?
Dating women over 25 years old is retarded.
I mean I guess sex is sex but she doesn't sound like much to daydream about.
it's the head hr roastie
it's like fucking the queen of harpies
Is a data engineer job something I can get right after finishing uni?
>it's like fucking the queen of harpies
I am not sure you arguing for or against it.
yeah why not? Most of the datafags where I work are graduates
I always thought you have to be more senior for it
Another saturday grinding leetcode.
>company completely unaffected by jeetstrike
>have had two totally normal days as a result
extremely gay
ya it is

niggas had it in a job post from yesterday. I spent like an hour on it. didnt finish the code I posted. couldnt get it.
did your company give you access to claude?
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Average data engineer btw
Our systems weren't affected, but easily could have been.
Would there have been a problem pushing a PXE image with WDS to the affected machines to automate the recovery? I'm pretty sure you can just run the image with arguments to delete the affected file. This would only help on LAN machines anyway.
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This could've been your companies CEO solution.
Big yikes, but also wouldn't have happened at ours.
I guess if WDS wasn't an option we'd have had them reboot into an automated linux environment to fix it.
Trying to get into IT. Doing the basics. Can't get an interview to save my life. What can I do?
>got my A+ and Network+
>enrolled in WGU for Computer Science. Classes start here on the 1st. Transferred enough credits to be a sophomore. Have it listed on my resume as a sophomore.
>built a home server and host some services like Jellyfin, Tailscale, Pi-Hole
>built a practical programming project that actually help me out at my job.
>One is a screen scraper that compiles sales data from my company's website
>sends an email to my clients automatically if they get close to a sale
>have a good looking Jekyll website that has detailed write ups on all of these
>good resume in my opinion and the opinion of my friends who have jobs they all think it's better then theirs
I have applied to 46 jobs in the past two weeks and haven't gotten anything except automated rejection emails.
What could I be doing better to try to get at least an interview?
Apply on the company websites. Recruiter websites are shit and scams.
I've just started doing that actually.
Slow as fuck because these cunts want you to manually enter all this shit even though you're giving them your fucking resume.
Was able to apply directly to 11 jobs today directly on their corporate websites.
Praying to god I can at least start getting interviews I haven't even had 1 I need practice. There's just barely any IT roles in my area.
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Last week, I busted my ass helping eight of you clowns with your resumes. I sent out super detailed instructions, gave you 2-3 examples of how to format your shit, told you what to remove, add, and exaggerate. I even laid out a whole job hunting plan with a schedule, numbers, and how to target the roles you want. I spoon-fed you job titles and what to expect. All I asked was for you to make the changes and send your resumes back to me so I could distribute them to my network.

Not a single one of you losers sent your resume back. NOT ONE. You don't actually want jobs; you want someone else to do all the work and hand you one. I'm so sick of these whiny rants about not finding jobs. You’re all lazy as hell. I’m out here giving free consults, guaranteeing at least 1-2 interviews, and not a single one of you could be bothered to email your resume back. Pathetic. Stop acting like there aren’t jobs out there. You’re just a bunch of lazy bums who’d rather mooch off your parents than hustle for a job. I've been on my own since I was 17, worked my ass off for everything I have, and I’m sick of seeing people waste the opportunities handed to them. Stop ranting and get your shit together.
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By any chance were these all entry level positions they were hoping to apply for? I have a good feeling most of the people on here have no clue what the career descriptions actually mean, what jobs are out there and what areas they are at. More importantly them not doing the work is half the reason, the other half is lack of confidence and shitty job markets.
proof that you did any of this xir?
anon, these retards are so lazy that they can't even start a new general and call it "tech jobs/wannabes general". think about it: lazy fucks can't even start a thread. do you really think they want to WORK? they are SCARED OF WORK.
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>It's time for Planning Poker again
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preach it brother.
Social media filled with people like this, people who have more complaints than they have solutions. Some guy on Reddit the other day bought a single tomato for $2.50 AUD from a supermarket chain and had the nerve to complain about the price of groceries. This person couldn't even go to the fruit & veg shop around the corner and buy a kilo of tomatoes for the same price, yet he has the gall to complain about a system he keeps in perpetuity due to his own laziness. The system of course, being the extreme markup of products due to the apathy of consumers.

If these lazy fucks can't even be bothered to walk around the corner to buy a tomato, it's no wonder their lives are filled with endless problems which are ostensibly outside their control.
why are so many people falling for WGU? wtf is wrong with you retards
Costs the same as a canadian real university, why are yall wasting money?
>Last week, I busted my ass helping eight of you clowns with your resumes
I genuinely didn't see any post like that lol
Which one would you like?
Assuming both jobs has 2 hour of commute with mild coworkers

A: a 100k job where you never do overtime, learn on your own pace, and a 50k income from your side hustles.

B: a 200k job but you'll have a team of 10 people under you, and you're not allowed to go home before your boss, and you have to go to office on weekends.
How’s the market for non-LLM ML engineers?
neither but A if desperate and poor.
Whichever is remote, otherwise whichever pays more adjusted for your COL if you have to relocate.
The job for the desperate and poor pays 30k annually and has 80 hour work week saar
What kind of jobs do you edit resumes for?

I'm down to make changes. I'm always open to feedback. But I'm in UX/web design not coding.
Yeah, but you know, at least don't just show it to the world(or your coworkers) openly kek
Would you mind helping me friend? I’m the depressed former zogbot who wants to kill himself. Speaking of which, my girlfriend leaving me was the last nail in the coffin. I fucking love her and miss her so much bros… I decided to get off the internet and read scripture, I prayed a lot today, cried a lot. I’ve never felt so fucking vulnerable in my life. I have nothing, no family, only a brother that lives far away, no friends really, I hate that she was everything to me. I don’t even a fucking job to drown myself on, it fucking sucks so badly. Anyway, I hope y’all are having a good weekend.
anon, go for a walk, go on vacation for a while, find something to concentrate on, or something. forget about everything.
do you have savings? how much are you paying on rent?
i suggest a vtuber wife they're better than 3d women.
get a dog
I'm seeing all these people with great resumes still job hunting despite sending a hundred applications or something, and all I've got in mine is a 4-month internship. Am I cooked?
just migrate to a good country
it's a real university with real accreditations. Look up where the WGU alumni are on Linkedin. I see them literally everywhere including FAGMAN
a lot of people in CS particularly just want the BS ASAP so that they can go to grad school and get a master's or PhD. BS in WGU -> MS in GaTech is a very common path right now
k dude let me know how having a university of pheonix tier scam degree goes
you can't get to georgia tech (target school) with a university of phoenix degree. So even if you think WGU is a scam it still opens more "legit" doors, or just as many doors as whatever meme state school you come from
For fully remote jobs in the US that require the applicant to be inside the US or a citizen/resident

Can I get around that requirement by having a US LLC? or is it not worth the hassle/cost?
How fucked are the dipshits who "know their rights and are real good at negotiating?"
Nah, don’t give up. You have experience, a degree, and a clearance? You’re sitting a lot prettier than you think. Keep applying, you’ll get something. You’re not fucked at all, only if you tell yourself you are which seems to be the problem here. 33 isn’t that old, either. You’ll be looking back when you’re in your 50’s and 60’s thinking about how young you were then.
>2 hour of commute
earning either 100k or 200k why not just move?
I'd try to convince B to let me work remotely and only come to the office twice a week tops. If that doesn't work I'd take A
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Today I taught the tech lead and my coworkers how to ssh into a computer and run an exe.
anon, I want to take a 6 months break but I don't want to deal with all the bs interviews again
what do I do
Ask your boss if he will let you take a 6 month hiatus.
If he outright refuses then you can ask for a raise, if he refuses that, quit.

You either get a raise or your 6 month break, and if you're lucky you don't have to interview again.
yo why are bsods so shitty now
is this wizard class shit or does this twee manipulative garbage actually work on people I've seen too many of them
>hang yourself, and if you're lucky someone would stop you and you won't die
basically what you said
His reason for not taking his break is the hassle of getting another job. He isn't going to die. There is no situation where he doesn't benefit from the suggestion.
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Lol, jesus man, don't we know it.

I've got this piece of shit who literally copies shit I say, practically verbatim, in our slack group...like literally RIGHT after I say it. It's gotten to the point where he's using my common phrasing and idiosyncratic speech. He's a fucking idiot to say the least and for whatever reason he's being trained in leadership...Not that leadership is my goal, it's just insane to me how these people with the personality of an office inspirational poster and the talent of a "I'M STUDYING COMPUTERS" ass retard can be seen as like-able.

Idk this fucker makes me want to jump ship for the company but I've made decent connections in sys ops and I don't want to have to start all over again. I just think my boss is cock sucker or something, idgi.
Am I alone in liking the chaos of these huge outages , our end of the week meeting was everyone complaining about it, but fuck, I love the adrenaline of responding to this day-1 shit. It's exciting and really lets you shine if you're half competent.
Get another internship and do it properly this time? Focus on learning instead of earning.
>Get another internship and do it properly this time?
nta but I have both internship and job experience, not even getting a fucking interview. Not even a prescreen. Nothing. It's either ghosting or automated rejections, just like full time job applications. Only difference is internships almost always make you write cover letters so you're working twice as hard for less reward and still not even getting a courtesy email from a human.
the key to success from the slave class is not to think about anything ever and always enthusiastically support the current thing.
>why won’t you let me steal your identity
Which career paths can I transition to with an IT degree?
Gender therapist
Which one do you like the most?
I'm willing to but all the internships I'm seeing are 8 hours away and don't pay a liveable wage. I'd be fine with not making a liveable wage if they at least offered remote.
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there has to be an alternative for us CS grads in the US who fell for the webshit meme.
Please, if you know of a hidden gem spill the beans anons. It's 3AM and the general is dead, not a lot of people will know. Let me in on the secret path I beg (You)
There is no secret. We are all going to be unemployed.
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Have you anons ever been anxious to go into work because your boss is a dick and micromanages like crazy
Teach. Surely there's a learning centre or something like that that teaches middle schoolers how to code.
I don't understand the mentality of studying for a job that isn't in your local area and then refusing to relocate to where the jobs are. Tech is not special.
eastern euro hackermen are my favourite colleagues. No bullshit, no mind games, no small talk. "Job done." and you move on with your day.
Fuck pajeets though. They made my life hell when I worked with them.
ChatGPT can be useful but you need to learn to live without it. What are you going to do when the openai servers inevitably fail one day and you've procrastinated on that bugfix for the past week? You need to learn to be independent.
I'm willing to relocate but they're paying like half of what you need to be able to pay for food, rent, and basic utilities. I'd be okay if they can pay me enough to barely scrape by but yeah.

t. 3rd worlder
Every time i use gpt i get it done first in the 1st day then pretend i took 3-5 days to get it done.
>there's always a fucking teachers shortage
>there are still millions of kids falling victim to the CS meme
>parents will go apeshit if you outsource education
>we can just peddle the same bullshit that was peddled to us, like a pyramid scheme
holy shit.. this is it.. this is my career path
>openai servers
It would take something real bad to bring it down, in which case you're probably not going to be doing any work anyway
It's basically like freelancing, but you can help dumb compsci students to do their assignments too
>parents will go apeshit if you outsource education
The thing is, modern parents don't want to teach their kids themselves because they're "busy" or whatever. They would pay their kids piano lessons but won't make time to their recital.
both of those have had outages this year and clowdstrike should be a reminder that reliable systems will inevitably go down at some point
100k from an honest 40 hour work is better than 200k from an 80 hour work. Even better than 300k from a dirty work (swindling, scamming, marking up budgets, etc)
How big of a red flag is a defence product company on a CV? Might have an opportunity for some interesting work and good general upskilling but worried it'll basically blacklist me from any other sector for moral concerns.
>How big of a red flag is a defence product company on a CV
why would it be?
Why would you help /g/ with resumes. Most of us are perfectly capable of bombing interviews.
both parents shouldn't need to work
it shouldn't fall on the eldest child
too many people are working in shitty jobs
>How big of a red flag is a defence product company on a CV?
that's a plus not a detriment
Truth. This hits hard for me especially being the eldest kid.

The thing is, they will never understand this. Their income may increase over time, or they find 2-3 more sources of income that will require them to break their bucks, but they don't learn anything from it or taught themselves and their family some discipline and gratefulness. The money they gain ended up being spent for frivolities instead like hanging out or going on trips of enriching themselves in other ways that doesn't really require money. Sure, you can enroll your kids in a private school, but are they well behaved and doesn't give you more headache? Parents will rather buy a new TV or phone, demanding the eldest kid to sacrifice their weekends too to help buying those. The younger siblings got addicted to tiktok and always stays up late, never gave a shit when they got Ds and Es.
I’m still applying anon, it just fucking grim. I’ve been at it since January now. I have no savings, barely getting by at the moment and it doesn’t help that staying home just doing schoolwork to kill time is clearly not helping my mental health. At this point, I’m applying for warehouse jobs and see if anything lands. I just want a fucking job.
I had a dog, I cannot take care of an animal.
I don’t have any savings, I’ve ran out of savings and I’m currently in school learning neural networks just because…I was supposed to go on a cruise with her come September, but now that’s not gonna be a thing anymore. I’m trying to distract myself and to be honest, crying over a woman isn’t my thing, it just sucks to be kicked in the face while you’re already on the ground is all.
Any ameribros here? is the dollar sign a single keypress for you ? I've recently started using vim and going to the end of the line is a bother on a norwegian keyboard (alt Gr + 4)
It's a 2 hour commute so the 100k job is really 80 hours not 40
2 x 5 = 20 + 40 = 60
That's what I meant
should I put aws pro cert badges (images) on my resume? I added them as text, but my CV is literally all black and white, and those 2 badges could be a very cool color addition to it
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>Team has adopted a system where instead of everyone playing planning poker, each person either points the next story or can re-estimate a previous one
>Super quick and a good learning tool
>New manager comes in
>Immediately shits on it for not being planning poker and wants us to "just do the company standard practice"
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I'm this guy 2 years in. I hanged in there while my team lead got fired and his boss was moved to another departmend. I still didn't really learn anything. I don't know how to use any of the popular tools like docker and what have yous. If I got fired right now I will be as good as an intern in my next job, although I am more "battle-worn" and will probably deal with bullshit much better. The pay is good, I get to wfh 3 days a week. It feels like a golden cage that is on the verge of collapsing on me.
Where do you get this kind of piss easy make believe job? With all the time you have in your hand you could've studied for certs or get another degree.
>tell us about your experience in debugging and tuning Linux environments
I'm applying for a backend position guys, I barely know my way around the terminal. What should I say here?
The 80 job requires you to work on weekends too. 80 + (2 x7) = 94.
Wtf are you doing man, ditch your keyboard and get a ANSI one with US layout if you want to code, let alone use vim

t. italian and italian layout is extremely shit, switched to us-ANSI 10 years ago and never looked back
How did you manage to keep being employed. Even my previous internship which I thought was pretty chill had us doing independent research which we had to demonstrate and stuff.
if you're an engineer of any kind and don't have extensive terminal knowledge, maybe flipping burgers is more up to your IQ?
well if you have an american layout on your keyboard could you answer my question?
B and then move way closer
>maybe flipping burgers is more up to your IQ
unironically yes if it were better paid. Intelligence is the ability to seek comfort while ensuring survival. If you feel smarter and superior for using a form of UI designed 60 years ago I'm afraid to tell you you are a midcurver. Now you know.
You think the higher ups has bigger IQ than the regular staffs?
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Yolo i have never seen anyone put shit on there resume but text.
Oh I forgot to mention it changed a lot and I had to work hard with shitty menial tasks (refactoring thousands of automated tests before the rise of chatGPT and copilot as one example). I am basically a tester and a little bit of a devops now. I had no time to learn new stuff and my brain is fried during the weekends so I don't do side projects.
At least that's something. So what is there to worry? Job hop, then.
Greentext is literally my internship experience last year. Now I have to switch to helldesk cause I didnt learn shit for a year and no company will hire me now. Dont get trapped in that false sense of security
You were kinda selling yourself a bit short there.
It's shift+4.
>Year 7026
>Be me literal goblin
>Work really hard in school
>Don't wanna work in the mines and deal with tunnel collapses
>Don't wanna work on the fields picking vegetables you aren't allowed to eat (get shot)
>Wanna afford cut up tire tread sandals instead of being barefoot all my life and give my family sandals with more than one meal a day
>Go to school for an associates degree in EE/ME/CE/CS for 15 years of study/labs/internships
>Wanna work for the dwarves so I can get paid big bucks and afford a dog house with that dream too
>5% are executed for not knowing about how awesome dwarves are
>10% dies of starvation
>15% dies from predation
>20% are literally to stupid for school and are drafted into gladiatorial combat
>30% are selected for janitorial cleaning and will die of exhaustion in 5 years
>20% graduate
>TFW not enough slots open for the jobs out there
>TFW only slot always open and willing to pay is feeding griffins, great pay I can afford that shack, no list of life expectancy for some reason
>Eaten on 3rd day of job for staring griffin in the eyes and thus offending its honor
How the fuck do you not get discouraged when seeing this. It's not like my resume has anything special in it too
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Welcome to the jungle.
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Planning poker was the first time I talked to a female. She had 17, I had 3. Told her she is stupid for picking 17. Sit next to eachother for the rest of class. B-bye. I think she liked me.
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Because 80 are mass-applying jeets, 10 are retards and 10 are actual competition. Real jobs are handed out through connections anyway, openings like that are for desperate new-grads that spent their summers fucking sloots instead of interning.
That does give me some hope. Although I'm probably on the retard side so yeah...
online teaching jobs is pretty based but gl getting in.
some unhinged tranny companys might blacklist you i guess.
breeders are always stupid as shit don't think too hard about it.
shift + 4
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That won't spook me until it goes well below here. That's non-recession drop is offsetting bad COVID policies.
most jobs are like that. everything is fake and gay welcome to globo homo.
I'm afraid to ask, but what is planning poker?
>don't think too hard about it.
I'm in a kind of family like that anon. It's hard not to think about it when i can't move out.
>I don’t have any savings, I’ve ran out of savings
how did you manage to run out of savings?

anon, you are supposed to learn by yourself. do you know what virtual machines can be used for?
you can memorize a few docker commands and read a few blogposts about it and that's it, you "learned" something.

just apply, retard. 100 is nothing. but make sure you get your CV checked by someone else.
pls start a new thread
If I was a hiring manager, I would have questions about why you are working a warehouse job instead of a tech one and would probably pick the currently employed competition as opposed to you for a position on my team. How are you supposed to cope with this?

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