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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101484854

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Follow-Your-Emoji: Fine-Controllable and Expressive Freestyle Portrait Animation

>ComfyUI-Inspyrenet-Rembg [background removal]

>Shape of Motion: 4D Reconstruction from a Single Video

>Surf and RAG-chat with 4 million public stable diffusion prompts

>UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

>DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion


>Fooocus v2.5.0 Update

>PromptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2

>Comfly: Kling comfyui api node

>Zero-Painter: Training-Free Layout Control for Text-to-Image Synthesis

>OpenAI’s Tactics Test First Amendment in New York Times Fight

>MiaoshouAI Tagger for ComfyUI

>More than 40% of Japanese companies have no plan to make use of AI

>Meta won't offer future multimodal AI models in EU

>New "SCALE" Software Allows Natively Compiling CUDA Apps For AMD GPUs

>IMAGDressing-v1: Customizable Virtual Dressing
>mfw Research news


>Streetscapes: Large-scale Consistent Street View Generation Using Autoregressive Video Diffusion

>LogoSticker: Inserting Logos into Diffusion Models for Customized Generation

>Cross-Task Attack: A Self-Supervision Generative Framework Based on Attention Shift

>PASTA: Controllable Part-Aware Shape Generation with Autoregressive Transformers

>Open-Vocabulary 3D Semantic Segmentation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>Training-free Composite Scene Generation for Layout-to-Image Synthesis

>Connecting Consistency Distillation to Score Distillation for Text-to-3D Generation

>BEAF: Observing BEfore-AFter Changes to Evaluate Hallucination in Vision-language Models

>CycleMix: Mixing Source Domains for Domain Generalization in Style-Dependent Data

>Unveiling Structural Memorization: Structural Membership Inference Attack for T2I Diffusion Models

>Multi-sentence Video Grounding for Long Video Generation

>Research on Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Mechanism based on Convolutional Neural Network

>Safe-SD: Safe and Traceable Stable Diffusion with Text Prompt Trigger for Invisible Generative Watermarking

>Image Inpainting Models are Effective Tools for Instruction-guided Image Editing

>GeoGuide: Geometric guidance of diffusion models

>OSPC: Artificial VLM Features for Hateful Meme Detection

>Training-Free Large Model Priors for Multiple-in-One Image Restoration
>spoiler (apparently): no one gives a shit about the discord
bakers do :] https://rentry.org/sdg-link#bakery
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>bakers do
I'll never understand why, but thats their business
You understand little
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her ass isn't very juicy tho anon
What is a candle before the sun? I love her.. make OP real pls.
i tried to make the ass phat but dall-e 3 won't let me
Can someone check the https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus link? I downloaded it yesterday and today my PC suddenly had AnyDesk, which had opened on its own, and the mouse cursor moving on its own. Wondering if the link or Fooocus is still legit.
I think the smart ones are asleep.

Thoughts, Opinions, Verdicts?
Last one from me, good night anons
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Good night, Quokkanon! Sleep well!
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>Thoughts, Opinions, Verdicts?

Learn and use ComfyUI.

G'mornin Anons,
pull network now, then you can try to puzzle how that happend lol.
>comfy stealing your prompts
>fooocus moving your mouse
its over
i miss schizo anon
I did, and after doing a search, found "AnyDesk" not just in my downloads folder, but in the app data folder for Firefox as well, with "recaptcha.net" in the folder name. This may, or may not be connected to Fooocus, but this definitely seems like a whole thing that's more tech support related.
Let's hope prompts were the only thing stolen.
Have dates on those anydesk files? Do they match your install window for fooocus? It is kinda weird that someone is able to hide it in python, to steal watever the manual/obvious way lol.
qrd on that comfy thing? is it that applebottz node?
The party line is that it's a launch counter in comfymanager and they simply conveniently forgot to announce it at all
ah the telemetry?
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Checked. Can you imagine the screeching and github reports it was anyone else, I'm convinced it's a tyranny of low expectations at play.
>they didn't read the reddit approooved thread
nah that was debos pathetic attempt to catch schizo anon (they never will)
this is something separate
meant for >>101489940
good morning
i hate trani
id expect that given there isnt any documentation whats beeing sent.
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any model similar to ponyxl that works with ipadapter?
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you know what day it is..
im expecting lots of 1cats today, if you dont...
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working on some museums/art galleries and more fashion/clothes
kinda want a cigarette but i shouldnt, i can resist
i hope you are doing well
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im about to train a character lora and i have two sets of images. one being 1024x1024 in size, the other being 811x1216 in size. what's the best way to train on these? do i enable buckets and just go for it? should i change max resolution in kohya from 1024x1024 to something different? do i place them i different folders? any tips would be helpful
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im alright
I'm using OneTrainer to make Loras but I'm not sure how to continue from a Lora (I stopped at 24 epochs and want to train further). The guide says:
>To continue the training from a previous backup, just select the backup directory as your base model.
However, you can't select a directory as a model - it must be a file. Do I need to select the model inside the backup directory?
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wtf I love harry potter now
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this unironically
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let's discuss technology
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you will rot in this thread with nigbo and zero faggot
wow ok
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my gens are slow today
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my energy is so low today. i want squid for dinner but the restaurant is going to be so busy and it doesn't travel well for delivery
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order for pickup, eat it in the parking lot. take any excuse to get out of the GPU heat
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maybe ;-; its kinda cold here and raining
meanwhlie, over in the south it's 25c and sunny
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Morning anons
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G'mornin, nice air!
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this upscaling makes me feel uncomfortable
not the nipple marks on the armor bruh
Her eye is bothering me.
NightCafe really doesn't like me.
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>shes not getting her way kek
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tears in the club
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1girls, but at what cost
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public safety and mental well-being
An excellent upscale quality.
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There is some intention behind the speech bubbles. Would be fun to actually do a comic, just a one page.
Few panels and plan them out on paper first - then generate but making no compromises.
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>For your safety Anon.
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Doctor, the transformation has began.
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i ended up going to the restaurant
>eat my food
>pay online
>leave a tip even though i'm not american
>get the email receipt
>manager chased me me to the carpark
>says i havent paid
>the website says the table is already paid
>his device says the table is already paid
wtf. so embarrassing. i dindu nuffin. i hate technology so much its unreal
Doesn't matter where you live but just pay by card and be done with it.
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>pay online
how else would i pay online but with card lol. it's how it works there, you can wait for them to come with a card machine but they're slow because they want you to just pay online
Maybe it was semantics but pay with the card at the counter.
Of course it's not your fault but... unless they are delivering something never pay up front.
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Transformation is slower than we expected, Doctor.
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i dont think there is a counter, its table service. usually you just scan the qr code, enter the location and the table number and pay. i did notice the site had changed must be a problem with their new system. if i bother going again i will make them bring the card machine. idk if i want to though, made me feel bad. its not like its the first time ive been or anything, some of the staff even recognise me and know my order
Sounds scummy. You could always submit a chargeback.
Do you have the website of this restaurant? I am curious to see it.
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honestly i like paying like that because its usually less anxiety. the restaurant is wagamama. i had sent a complaint when i got back and they phoned to apologise which is nice. i wish my brain wasnt so broken
Wagamama, it is a big chain.
They often have tons of people during lunch.
So- everything is fine.
Larry Welz Pony style I was talking about the other day came out pretty nice
are there any good generic male pony models? the addetailer keeps turning the generic face feminine
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its late so it was quiet. yeah everything is fine really
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back to may 2023, not sure when playground started desu, probably not too many more left
think ill add some more download nodes tomorrow
No, the folders appeared roughly 24 hours after I downloaded Fooocus. Fooocus was 10 PM, 7/18, the AnyDesk stuff appeared around 1:13 AM, 7/20. Still wondering about that folder with a recaptcha.net filename, and if someone made a fake one somewhere that I used and allowed them to spy on my PC.
you should hang yourself and YWNBAW
>Recently many fake websites exist on Google when you search “fooocus”. Do not trust those – here is the only official source of Fooocus.
did you download it from github, have you downloaded anything else recently
If you are unable to determine the origin of some files on your personal computer, you are not fit to use it in the first place.
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on this same note, i am trying to train a style LORA, but most of the pictures are different sizes. I resized them all to multiples of 64 but from my dataset of 106, there are about 10 different dimensions in there. I haven't tried to train the LORA yet, but is this going to be a problem?

Also, which guide was it that was like you epochs should be your trainset size x 2?
I don't know about regional prompting, getting 2 characters consistent is pretty random
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ALWAYS "just enable buckets and go for it", never crop shit unless it's for the specific purpose of eliminating a particular part of a given image
anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot who presumably doesn't even know what bucketing is
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If you get triggered over seeing a Discord link you're definitely the one with issues lol
I find that regional prompting is only good for different subjects. 2girls doesn't work. It works really well for something like this:
1girl wearing a red bikini BREAK blue lamp BREAK yellow book BREAK purple table

Without regional prompting I find you have to roll to get some consistency.
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Think that's bad? Over on /tg/, every worldbuilding thread is met with "kys discord cancer"
yeah I rolled 20 times and got 1 ok one, most times you get 2 of the same girl or items seem to be on both
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my shitty hack is have one in a bikini and one in a swimsuit, use the regions to separate the bodies and have their heads in a 3rd region. Then the use an ADetailer at high denoise to randomize the faces.
>If you get triggered over seeing a Discord
not "triggered" per se, just stating the facts that
1) you should kys
2) but either way YWNBAW

>Over on /tg/, every worldbuilding thread is met with "kys discord cancer"
pretty based
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wanted to drop this fashion dataset tonight, hasnt finished yet though
I rolled untill they were mostly the characters then used inpaint to turn one girl's eyes green
I am excited about it. Especially if it has Chanel stuff.
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I guess this is good inpaint experience
>I-I'm not triggered!
Sure anon, sure
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>tfw you type "76" instead of "768"
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making another attempt at using xl...
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there's a Chanel set up already, probably due an update ill check if there's new stuff. also Gucci, JPG, Juicy Couture and Nike are already up
this is ssense, 1187 designers across 152814 products. there's 4 images for nearly all the products, some have less. this version will only have brand, gender, categories, name/short description and price. it needs 2 requests each product to get the model's sizes and the full description, materials etc, but ssense use perimeterX so its annoying, best way would be to reverse engineer the captcha, i can just get a ton of ips or the shitter method would be to keep feeding it valid cookies from a browser. cool thing about this version is translations for the name/short description
'name': {'en': 'Off-White Cable Vest',
'fr': 'Gilet blanc cassé en tricot câblé',
'zh': '灰白色马甲',
'ja': 'オフホワイト ケーブル ベスト',
'ko': '오프 화이트 케이블 베스트'},

i'll do some other retailers and i have a list of designer websites to go through
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>Sure anon, sure
I use Discord b-because I um... not that I'm a transvestite or pedo, just that I r-rather.. uh.. I like the freedom of s-speech, the lack of corporate spying and lack of crazy central all powerful mods, that is g-good for our democracy!
why not go back to >>>/r/eddit
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Who are you quoting?
Thanks, I remember your posts ages ago I think. Glad you clocked back.
Um, who hurt you anon?
How do I download this? Wget?
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delicious centaur tummy.
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any recommended xl models
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why do you even care?
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Now you got all the attention you wanted.
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you're welcome. looks like there's 2 new collections, and i didnt notice the urls some of the images in one collection are messed up, i'll fix those when i add the new ones
the fashion sets don't include the images, you'd need to write something to download from the urls
they're not really for like directly training in diffusion models, you could use them for that but there's all sorts of metadata, i figured they'd be more useful for product detection or something like that
i have the images myself, i'll just do it as a webdataset with the images for the next version. ive found that hf's dataset viewer doesnt play nice with webdataset though
Uh, thanks for the reply.
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you're welcome :)
There was one guy who was working on Chanel lora 3 months ago. I thought it was you.
no but i did post about getting the chanel dataset a few months ago, and i just mean if you wanted to train on them you're going to need to do some preprocessing and build a caption out of the description and categories or whatever
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>only a single gm for quokka
Where are your images? Fuck off psycho.
Quokka has literal mental issues. Posting a quokkaa daily for two years straight takes a certain kind of mental illness.
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Not even Debo likes him anymore :(
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Accidental extra-armed gen
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Fuck off, you are the only one who never got banned or if you did you are still evading it.
Please drink bleach.
You are nothing but trash. Worse than trash.
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>Where are your images?
Hi fran
4chan moderation <3
>literal mental issues
Please get mangled and die. You deserve nothing less.
I hope FBI raided your phones! I thought 4chan was supposed to report any suspicious acitivity.
I have never seen the moderators of this place do anything else than random bans.
schizos picking on quokka just because he's the only avatar left
How hard is it to ban these threads?
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harder than teaching a retard like yourself how filters work
>mention Quok
>massive schizo posting
some sites have apis but then SSR json in a hidden field or script tag on the product page so its still CSR in the end, its such a weird design
Oh my I must be very retarded indeed... What was your last image?
It could be I am demented but I think I never saw any image from you.
>fran joins
>thread gets derailed
You know he's the one doing this shit
>im seven of them
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Can it be derailed if it was never on track?
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thats a nextjs thing. there's no way to get it to output a raw file, it will always render with its next bundle. its annoying
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bunny fox
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I like this one more
What did she mean by this
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Quokkas are ganstalking me
I am toasting to them! It takes power to actually trying to drag all of this down together.
Most moderation stuff goes before it gets posted to any boards.
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I dont remember what was going on. I have one more iteration.
I think you commented these images back then too.
It is too burned. I ought to drag the source and see what I did.
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the way the shadowing emphasizes the expression really makes the image. not sure if you can easily recapture that or not
Wait a sec I will post the prompt here
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I didn't even remember it was 1.5 using 'aing diffusion' model
>((In style of Berserk)), standing, fennec-ear girl, blonde messy hair, wearing pink shirt blue trousers, red sneakers, white background, emptiness, white
>(angry:1.2), (big head:1.1)
>masterpiece, highest quality

I thought it was something else.
Or at least this is what it reads on the node.
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Is there a way to lock a group in comfyUI so that you can't move the nodes or rewire them? When I right-click a group and select "lock" it appears to do nothing. The nodes can still move around and be rewired.
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ah too bad, the shadowing effect was a luck roll
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Yeah it's that.
I think sometimes you have to toggle pinned three times for it to work
How do I wrangle the goats following me around?
%20 of the population in the US
are able to speak a second language
Only %5 of these people are white, educated people who think they are the cornerstone of their said state and whatnot.
What I am outlining here is the fact most 'ESL' are made by the 80% of uneducated swine.
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I trade you a trance lindsey sterling for a trance lindsey sterling

When these 5% white master race are talking to you, it's funny to me. You never learned anything in the school.
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how mich fielen
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You clearly are gifted with language and I never insulted you.
You also know my own origins, from England.
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Thank you for keeping up the good work.
Ty fran
you're so nice today
what work?
fake AND gay
It is a common phrase in English speaking countries - "keep up the good work" or "have a good one".
0 anon containment thread
Fuck me, I fell for that
I have koff's way stuck in my head
i agree debo does nothing to contribute
New Thread!!!
>keep up the good work" or "have a good one".
Two different meanings though. keep up the good work means that you're doing a good job. have a good one means have a good day/night etc.

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