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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101488271

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Live2Diff: Live Stream Translation via Uni-directional Attention in Video Diffusion Models

>Meta Chameleon 7B and 34B


>Follow-Your-Emoji: Fine-Controllable and Expressive Freestyle Portrait Animation

>ComfyUI-Inspyrenet-Rembg [background removal]

>Shape of Motion: 4D Reconstruction from a Single Video

>Surf and RAG-chat with 4 million public stable diffusion prompts

>UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

>DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion


>Fooocus v2.5.0 Update

>PromptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2

>Comfly: Kling comfyui api node

>Zero-Painter: Training-Free Layout Control for Text-to-Image Synthesis

>OpenAI’s Tactics Test First Amendment in New York Times Fight

>MiaoshouAI Tagger for ComfyUI

>More than 40% of Japanese companies have no plan to make use of AI

>Meta won't offer future multimodal AI models in EU
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Good evening, anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
I saw that the last thread was stagnant so I decided to bake haha
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Is it me or is orange/red hair inherently poofy in Pony?
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>mfw Research news


>ClearCLIP: Decomposing CLIP Representations for Dense Vision-Language Inference

>E5-V: Universal Embeddings with Multimodal Large Language Models

>MoME: Mixture of Multimodal Experts for Generalist Multimodal Large Language Models

>LMMs-Eval: Reality Check on the Evaluation of Large Multimodal Models

>SMooDi: Stylized Motion Diffusion Model

>MeshSegmenter: Zero-Shot Mesh Semantic Segmentation via Texture Synthesis

>Trustworthy AI in practice: an analysis of practitioners' needs and challenges

>On Diversity in Discriminative Neural Networks

>UrbanWorld: An Urban World Model for 3D City Generation

>Invariant Consistency for Knowledge Distillation

>CycleHOI: Improving Human-Object Interaction Detection with Cycle Consistency of Detection and Generation

>PartImageNet++ Dataset: Scaling up Part-based Models for Robust Recognition

>Wicked Oddities: Selectively Poisoning for Effective Clean-Label Backdoor Attacks

>Interactive Rendering of Relightable and Animatable Gaussian Avatars

>Backdoor Attacks against Image-to-Image Networks

>Quantized Prompt for Efficient Generalization of VLMs

>ConTEXTure: Consistent Multiview Images to Texture

>3DEgo: 3D Editing on the Go!

>Zero-Shot Image Compression with Diffusion-Based Posterior Sampling

>Image captioning in different languages
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mfw tempted to do another audio rendition... but mustn't
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Fresh bread
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wow. even baking when you're off the clock. its in your blood

you prob won't hit 100k today, right?
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Gotta love freshly baked bread! Haha
Hello Fran :]
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>you prob won't hit 100k today, right?
I should gen a busty baker.
Good to have you here, PW. Your energy is greater than anyone of us here.
Which avatars are we missing?
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Heya Debo! Great to see you :]
Do it hahaha! Actually baking gens sound fun!
Aww thanks, anon!
Great to have you here too :]
This is my song to you
You are too busy to listen to it.
This is what it means to be a creative guy.
>training SDXL Lora (or trying to)
Holy hell I want to kill myself... doing this shit is like the ghetto early days of 1.5 where there was zero documentation and you just had to guess at things to get something going.
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Very nice, anon :]
That's a really cool looking guitar!
Thank you! I wish you all the best (no ironic).
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Some ZootVision 6.5 Zeta Plus previews for anyone who might care:
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Thanks so much! :D
You as well!!
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too many :(
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that's all I got for now. Kinda went out of my way to use complex prompts to stress the actual depth of the model this time around, hopefully it works
I'm getting tired of having to explain why my improved SD 1.5 Pony is not and wiill never be capable of the same sort of stuff
very tired
I still basically regret doing it at all, I don't give a sht about anime or whatever to even a quarter of the extent the people who actually are using it apparently do, I was really going for something more like the XL CyberRealistic Pony when I stared out with it.

TLDR never make checkpoints, the people who use them are idiots who use garbage prompts and expect you to care about whether your model is good at shit that didn't really even exist ~10-15 years ago like fut
futa, not fut lol
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nice bread haha!
I forgot this ones name!
It's on the tip of my tongue I think
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Erin, the bumbling one. She's trying her best.
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That's right!!
She's doing a great job :]
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one more gen from it actually:
can it make girls with penises?
Are these the most real suggestion to someone for decent genning and baking? Not for me, but to a laptop-bound friend willing to try an external enclosure.
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used colab, took hour 40 minutes, to try to make an xl lora, havent been able to text it much at all yet.
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Yeah! 16gb vram should work perfectly! :]
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Party hard!
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i got suggested hi diffusion in the /h/ thread and im optimistic that it's a real improvement over kohya deep shrink
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Heya Mouse anon!! :]
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Heyaaa, looks like bread thread
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That mouse better bake some bread.
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Yeah! We're bakin' bread :]
You should join us!
Great to see you are doing fine.
Goobless you.
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Boogie or die
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I was at 85C earlier so the only thing that might be baking tonight is my PC
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I checked the op and didn't find anything specific, what are optimal generation settings for automatic111 on amd with 24GB of VRAM? It doesn't even appear to be using any more of my GPU than idle.
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i make breads too
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Very nice! :]
I don't know about AMD. Not as many people use it, so you might find something on youtube
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Don't use A1111, install a different UI
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>bakes an entire mansion full of bread
what a show off
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It almost looks like a heart! I like it :D
This looks so nice!!
Ah yes, I'm sure that'll fix my problem.
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Beautiful girls
I should be ignoring you due to how ignorant you are
>optimal generation settings for automatic111 on amd with 24GB of VRAM
Instead I'm advicing you and telling you to save yourself a lot of headaches by switching to Comfy or Forge, A1111 is trash
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Ok... I'll give it a try. But only because you post booba and tumtum.
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mash up norman rockwell & gits loras
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That's it for tonight. I'll reach 100k another time.
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Good night, Fran! Hope to see you soon :]
Sleep well!
ty, fun thread

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Command line flags, pytorch for rocm set up correctly, size of model. Can't remember how to get automatic to use directml, but you could try that on fooocus first to see what some of your potential vram usage might be.
I was experimenting with high-vram flags on fooocus and went OOM on 16gb for the first time today. Personally might want 32+.
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I'm gonna run too actually! I'm super tired, woke up really early haha
Good night, anons! Hope to see you all tomorrow :]
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gn, thanks for all the bread
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Take it easy dude!
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But I just made more bread pictures. You get back here and look at them
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It's always boogie time in Chibi Land
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ah fuck, another dead thread. ho hum
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it will all be ok, anon, illumimommy is here to soothe your troubled soul.
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>kad's lt bread want me.
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you call that bread? i know i taught you better! your dearly departed grandmother is turning in her grave over that pathetic loaf! desu, i wish you were never born!
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like I'm going to listen to anything a nobread says
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>>oom on 2nd phase
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touche. making this prompt bake bread is not a simple task. i hope you appreciate the amount of work i put into this, for your sake.

me likey. try going more abstract with it
HI, i'm illuminis alter ego, it wasn't that hard to make this, that stupid fuck just pasted "(baking bread:1.4)" into his retarded prompt. simple as. he's a stupid poser, don't believe his lies
good luck defending against the NDA i made you sign, retard. lmao
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>hat stupid fuck just pasted "(baking bread:1.4)"
thats all I did too lol
are we the same person? honestly not quite sure.
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Thanks, I'll try for a more abstract version at some point.
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yeah these are cool. my name is debo and i approve this message.
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I'm a little bit comfy, you're a little bit automatic
I like the gold, looks cool
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the Untermensch are rising.
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i'm not schizophrenic, i am diverse. we are legion.
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Wtf get out of my head
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we're all the same person
why do whites always lose? because they're losers. it's so easy to manipulate the whites, to do what we, the Jews, want, it's kind of sad. the whites are so manipulatable that we've so far managed to destroy their entire civilization without them knowing. now that's what i call power! don't forget that even pretending to care about how thoroughly buttraped you got by the Jew. whites are the most pathetic race on planet earth, what with how easy it is to make them commit suicide simply by promoting Zionism.

i already told you illuminati and debo are the same person. a very weird person, but none the less.
>the jews deserve a homeland
>whites: oh no, you're erasing my identity! AYYYIIE I"M BEING MARINALIZED! YIKES
Why do most lesbian porn scenes have a jewess in them?
i mean, all'y'all already have homelands. and you're, to a man, pissing them away. why? because your betters have decided you are more worthless than the browns. you will die, and there's nothing you can do to stop it
idk, maybe a lot of jews are weird? it's funny you think the Jew does what he does just to fuck you over, when his own people get caught in his little trap. it's not antiwhite, it's antihuman. that's your angle
I knew it!
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this has gone off the rails (the rails are made of bread)
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I'm sorry you had to find out like this
no, this is what God planned for US before reality even existed.

remember, we are debo.
false flag faggotry. ignore the false prophet. i am debo.
please me.
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her tits and ass should be bigger,
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Very cool. Can you do some sort of Kowloon Venice?
It will take thousands of years for this planet (which is a testbed of sorts) to catch up. The aliens are here to observe. Problem of this place is the lack of spirituality - if it's not written on some old book, it won't exist etc.
I mog her feet :3
Huh? They literally have a fuck you drive: thus comedy.

Is there a jewish champion of white traditional values, or art?
Initial blacklist
Initial whitelist (not strict)

great, let the Italians in.
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Don't want all your gens to have this expression?
use https://civitai.com/models/149316 (can be on a low weight), or a negative weight with https://civitai.com/models/121932, or use a little bit of https://civitai.com/models/341353 (may cause your sfw prompt to lean nsfw but really helps with micro expressions)

also switching to a better checkpoint helps too.
https://civitai.com/models/436587/sxz-niji-pdxl-style?modelVersionId=486315 pretty much find lora's with that "style" that makes it stick out like a sore thumb and throw that bitch into the negatives.
I think 1.5 should continue receiving legacy support until 16GB VRAM becomes a household standard.
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>we ask that you let us know in advance via datasets at huggingface.co or on our Discord if you are uploading datasets above a couple of hundred GBs or TBs of data.
this set just reached 200m metadata, it's around 350gb per million for the images, full set is going to be at least 70TB, i hope hugging face don't mind lol
yep plus some stellar blade goodness
a dead guy diacovered life's purpose. might have to watch that. I hope it's not disappointing.
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updated the Chanel set, 297 looks now, not a webdataset though ill do that later
i'll do a separate set for all the products
might try and grab the older seasons from archive.org
is that the new fashion show lora?
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holy shit man
this place is DEAD
i miss schizo anon
wtf this is so good
thanks for the vibes


just fashion show in the prompt
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I want, not to generate an image, but change a part of an image.
If I wanna replace the mannequin wearing the dress with an actual woman, whose appearance I can choose. How would you go about it ?
pic of me with my wife
>julien moment
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Pube. Window.
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Something I never knew I wanted until now. I'm assuming this required inpainting or something? I haven't really paid attention to SD/AI image gen in over a year.
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Controlnets for the pose. About the woman, if you want an specific woman from your real life I'm too retard to know, but guess you need train a laura or whatever the equivalent cool kids are doing nowadays. If you are poorfag like me, you can play here: https://tensor.art/
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It was random. It probably came from pubic_hair_peek + leotard. Only 2/16 came out with that, so, more research needed.
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That was a good reddit post.
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ngl i be feeling this way rn
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Love wins.
I'm new to this. Is it possible to use this stuff to make assets (sprites, textures, backgrounds) for games?
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real 3d model?
im still using sd 1.5. can i use the exact same loras and prompts using xl or pony? do i just need to change the checkpoint?
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Yes, the lighting sucks, and the eyes are wonky, but I like the pose here. I have since made attempts to get this on purpose, but it was easier said than done

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yes but it doesn't do low poly well. probably better to stick with 3D looking images to begin with.
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yeah, why not.
loras, no, prompts... sort of, the xl and pony models use prompts a bit differently. you can look on civitai for examples of prompts, pony uses weird things like score_9 etc. also dont use sd 1.5 vae with them, dont use vae at all usually
I think you need dedicated Lora's for Pony/XL. CivitAI can filter these.
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>hand on crotch

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Damn, hair aside, that is pretty convincing.
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man not sure if move to sdxl or pony is worth it , i dont want to relearn everything and rebuild my prompt library
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Nice animation desu
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That's a few images too early
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this model has been very horny. I've had to delete a lot of stuff
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