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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101500791

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors

>ComfyUI_EchoMimic: Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations

>Two-stage PixArt ensemble of experts (2x 900M)

>florence2-ft-simple: finetune your florence2 models


>Live2Diff: Live Stream Translation via Uni-directional Attention in Video Diffusion Models

>Meta Chameleon 7B and 34B


>Follow-Your-Emoji: Fine-Controllable and Expressive Freestyle Portrait Animation

>ComfyUI-Inspyrenet-Rembg [background removal]

>Shape of Motion: 4D Reconstruction from a Single Video

>Surf and RAG-chat with 4 million public stable diffusion prompts

>UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

>DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion


>Fooocus v2.5.0 Update

>PromptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2

>Comfly: Kling comfyui api node

>Zero-Painter: Training-Free Layout Control for Text-to-Image Synthesis

>OpenAI’s Tactics Test First Amendment in New York Times Fight
>mfw Research news


>FETCH: A Memory-Efficient Replay Approach for Continual Learning in Image Classification

>MDPE: A Multimodal Deception Dataset with Personality and Emotional Characteristics

>Exploring Advanced LLMs with LLMsuite

>Benchmarking the Attribution Quality of Vision Models

>Improving Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Fake Flow Generation

>Distractors-Immune Representation Learning with Cross-modal Contrastive Regularization for Change Captioning

>The Kolmogorov Complexity of Irish traditional dance music

>DreamCatalyst: Fast and High-Quality 3D Editing via Controlling Editability and Identity Preservation

>Visualization Literacy of MLLMs: A Comparative Study

>Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Federated Class-Incremental Learning via Federated Global Twin Generator

>Visual Prompt Selection for In-Context Learning Segmentation

>PAFUSE: Part-based Diffusion for 3D Whole-Body Pose Estimation

>A Self-Supervised Learning Pipeline for Demographically Fair Facial Attribute Classification

>Learning Online Scale Transformation for Talking Head Video Generation

>NamedCurves: Learned Image Enhancement via Color Naming

>Explainable Image Captioning using CNN- CNN architecture and Hierarchical Attention

>Geometric Remove-and-Retrain (GOAR): Coordinate-Invariant eXplainable AI Assessment

>VISA: Reasoning Video Object Segmentation via LLMs
holy fucking kek
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bon dimanche, mon amis
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does anyone have a LORA training colab notebook that 1. has buckets enabled and 2. doesn't require me to download a UI locally?
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>thread schizo and thread pedo start working together
rip schizoanon
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/sdg/-the musical when?
>singular anon
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Took forever to get this pose

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>its joever
who is this?
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>When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be waifus with short skirts and thigh-high socks.
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him >>101509850 and him >>101508904
Morning anons
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mornin, (actually 2 in the afternoo)
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quokka, meet quoll
It just turned to 1pm here
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are you able to gen something other than children or underage girls? Try different things.
um no, and no.
I can gen little children if I want to, what's your problem
>i miss schizo anon
go to b if that's all you're going to do
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try to convince me more
threads are a wasteland of the same images being spammed daily]

RIP /sdg/
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215m, still going
hoping for 1b total from all the saas. i'll call it Diffusion-1B or something
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gm (ga)
/pol/ is the place to be

Biden just dropped out
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Wasn't he a bit too old to be in college?
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Why are 1/4 of the posts deleted there
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We know.

Zion Don will be the next installed.
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Why do you think
Nice style.
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Jannies that have a political agenda or people ban evading/bots? I really have no idea, politics are gay af.
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quiet today
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I would comment on this but jannies wouldn't like it

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Really new to this, but just messing around. Being gay is a curse.
it was the schizo in love with ani
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I know, lots of things are messed up, but I really like how the skirt turned out here
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There are some fine tunes on civitai just for generating males you should check out if you haven't already.
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Sorry to beg, but I'm a literal retard. Do any of you have working command line code for the following prompt type?
>non-default model
>softedge controlnet
>independent controlnet image
>color correction (the one in SD settings)
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Your best bet would be to look up the models on huggingface as they often provide example python code to run each.
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you are asking in the thread full of avatarfags, pedos, schizos and rainy girl
name them all
>do simple refactor of sde ancestral sampler
>nearly 10% performance increase
Why are researchers so awful at programming?
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python was a mistake
there's a few like that. iirc euler does randn to use if eta > 0 but eta is always 0
imagine actually dying in the canadian military
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please share and i'll post your 1girl requests in in the aco thread
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Have you tried turning it off and on again?
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lmao what does the canadian military even fight, penguins?
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nothing since Afghanistan
nta but the lore is that his father wasnt killed but killed himself after his mother told him about the LUKS containers content
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Geese, they be Honk Honk Honk'n.
>niggerjak and schizo
which model are you using
that makes a lot more sense actually
why do schizo and catjak lust over ani's dick?
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What the FUCK
Something that continues to mystify me about EasyFluff is how they made attention behave so strangely.

I use compel downweighting so that (prompt:0) really means 0, but when I use easyfluff even very potent booru prompt terms (e.g. 'huge breasts') seem to have no discernible effect at all until ~0.7 attention, sometimes even 0.8. if I want something to have a very subtle effect, I'll say e.g. (skindentation:0.81)

I don't use a lot of non-base models, but I do use some and I've never encountered another model that is like this.

Also, unrelated, "by gats" has become my greg rutkowski. No idea who he is or what kind of weird furry porn he draws, but it usually just makes my gens better
>t. didn't read the licence update
prompt order matters too
when you faggots bitched for years that Emad was failing to monetize SD, what did y'all think that meant? vibes? essays? losers.
I've been doing this for over two years bro I know
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The biggest issue I have right now is the total lack of clarity in licensing. It looks like this shit was scraped together in a hurry and after some gens it looks like they also gimped the fuck out of it and we have to undo all of the damage all over again just like we did with XL.
>just like we did with XL.
the damage was never undone with XL. There is no XL finetune that will let you gen a real-looking pair of breasts the way you could with 1.5. XL has other strengths which make it a better model, but its weaknesses remain.
>real-looking pair of breasts
The fuck does this even mean? Deepdark has been completely fine for me, granted it's not a realistic model.
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>granted it's not a realistic model
90iq maximum
ive made great nudes with SDXL let me show you...

o wait. /g/ is cucked and we're only allowed to post furry and garbage loras in this santized, woke general. fuck you for ruining /sdg/ mods
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I don't care about your realshit, XL for me has been a major improvement over 1.5; I'm sorry you can't generate your fucked up prostitutes anymore.
what did they ban catbox links?
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You don't know what point I was making or what specific claim I was replying to

90iq maximum
The fuck are you on about?
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Using Kolors as base, the SD3 with Ultimate SD Upscale.
I was following the context of the chain. That's clearly too hard for your feeble brain to understand.
>replying with no context just to be a faggot
Room temperature IQ
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you legit replied "my hentai model works fine" to a post about how no SDXL finetune can do realistic breasts

you're not a smart person
started with this workflow.
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oh, okay
You said "real-looking", you can have "real-looking" breasts in art you dumb faggot. For someone who claims other people have low intelligence you sure suck at being able to qualify.
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distinction without a difference. "realistic" in the context of an image, which is all appearance, can only mean realistic with regards to appearance—it looks real. It's real-looking.

You are myopic and assume everything is about hentai because that's what you gen, so you found this phrase confusing. "Real-looking? What's that? That's not a booru tag"

you're a retard basically
julien is beans
I've been wageslaving and out of the loop of everything, so who is who now in art AI? I have like 2 months left from my initial Midjourney annual, is Midjourney still on top? I only have a 3060rtx gpu, what do I need now to generate my own images? I'm assuming 10 of the best GPU sure, but are the models more effecient? And with the chatGPT subscription, do I have Dalle 3 now and how does it compare with Stable or whatever. I know, alot of questions, pinky promise I'm gonna quit my job in a few months and have more time for this
>"realistic" in the context of an image, which is all appearance, can only mean realistic with regards to appearance
No you dumb faggot we literally qualify parts of art in terms of how realistic it is, only a cum-guzzling drooling moron would try to say its a perfect dichotomy. You're just a retard who is incapable of being able to explain what they mean.
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debo, no, read the op, yes and no, i don't know, local is better, good luck
thank you for your valuable opinion thread schizo
oh yeah they exist kek. dalle3 is very cucked.
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When training why do people use "ohwx man"/"zxc woman" as captions?
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which avatarfag / notable poster / namefag do you miss the most?
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who are you talking about anon
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>wtf happened to her neck...kek
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I had a hard time choosing
Loud noises = funny
Lyrics blend into the track so well I thought it was dope
Suno shitposting will save the world
Rainy Girl
nta but "realistic" and "real-looking" are not the same. If I draw a cube with an amount kf fine shading and texture someone could say "this looks realistic" and that would be completely normal. They wouldn't say something like "this is photorealistic" or "hyper-realistic" unless it had a much higher level of detail. Back when 3d graphics were new people said they "looked realistic", because the only context prior for 3d was very simple shapes and usually in wireframe. Even "realistic" is still a vague descriptor that doesn't provide enough information. Are you talking about the weighting? Different sizes? Shape? What part of it isn't realistic? Art can have realistic weighting, sizes, shapes, but its not photorealistic unless its photorealistic.
I'm late, what's the thread theme?
are you "schizo anon"?
we're still trying to catch schizo
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had to take a nap
Do you guys ever talk about image shit anymore
i hope you are doing well
ok for real why the fuck are you always so nice to koff but always shit on ani?
mental illness if it wasn't obvious
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No I am "mouse anon"
Although they used to call me schizo mouse back in the day because I made those white obama rap gens that one time to fuck with debo for keks
believe it or not but im not doing both
i just try to be nice to someone who i feel needs it
keep your discord faggotry in discord
schizo anon here
i dont care for koff i just hate trani
stop trying to larp as me faggot
dont make me post it faggot
>doxxes self
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shut the fuck up schizo ani undoxxed himself
how did you do that, ani
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How do you "undoxx" yourself?
so where is the doxx? :]
>co-opting ":]"
thats for us not you
I am now also co-opting :] and there is nothing you can do about it
you're really bad at opsec and should take a look at open connections on your boxes
do you really, REALLY, want me to make you shut up? hint: you will regret it trani im not joking
Are you all on estrogen or something, serious
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wait, you can undoxx oneself? elaborate
>narrator: you can't
yes :]
Fucking hell, that's good. Do you have more?
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You just know that if /g/ would get a GF who's not fat she'd probably look like this
that's not a child...
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A hole is a hole
this is why i browse tiktok
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>trani moment
at least its not the shotabox
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Last one looks like Tifa
yeah, I got a working prompt and was swapping out the waifus
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god not this shit again
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what is it that triggers schizo anon's episodes?
also, I should do some kamala gens but I dunno what to make
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generate a woman with the face of a horse laughing
thread schizo
>what is it that triggers schizo anon's episodes?
pure hate
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forgetting meds
I finally got animatediff to work on A1111 for me. I see a lot of demos on civitai that look butter smooth. In my testing mine are really grainy or choppy between frames. What gives that smoothness, or lack there of?
whatever happened to horse girl anon?
Worthless thread
>inb4 it was centauranon all along
i know you wont believe it but its unironically hlky not taking his meds
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you have found your home
I believe you. he's always around for some reason
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What is tiling or whatever?
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So it turns out "bottomless" doesn't really work in Pony, "no panties" does. Go figure
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>now apply that to an image and render each square individually.
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the reason I don't believe you is because hlky doesn't hide. if he wants to shit talk someone, he'll let you know its him.

tiling is an approach to upscaling or image encoding that operates on smaller segments of an image instead of the entire thing at once. its used for vram management

>"bottomless" doesn't really work in Pony,
fuck how am I supposed to get my olive garden breadsticks
does it have any effect on the end image or purely a vram management thing?
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Both. Yes.
The tiles are joined using seams, blurring of seams fixes the tiles meeting.
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yes, it's a different approach so it'll come out different than a non-tiled operation. sometimes it'll be better, sometimes it'll be worse. depends on your model and workflow
gotta love revEngine
usually worse for me kek.
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fashion-150k is up
also 222m
stop trying to involve me in your drama. it's nothing to do with me
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mfw i went and (unwittingly) generated my internal state again
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me on upper right
mfw when im dead i wont be depressed or hungry or constantly obsessing over 'cute things'
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me irl
Still going through that edgy goth phase from high-school eh?
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>mfw when im dead i wont be depressed or hungry or constantly obsessing over 'cute things'
when you die, your karma just gets reborn back into whatever suffering it deserves. there is no escape
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It's called growing up past age 14
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>"I need you to blend in, wear these."
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i never went to highschool, dropped out in junior high, was never a goth
i dont believe in magic
when i was 14 i had a gf i ate out a few times, all downhill since then
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very nice!
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literally me
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imagine adding pasties to her butt
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I miss pasties anon
pasties anon was debo trying to get attention from you mate
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he should be getting an actual gpu next month so he will come back to shitpost.
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thats a bold faced lie. I'd never inpaint
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I accidentally made a mint
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>thread is still on first page
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I'm convinced the news guy bakes early so he can get the jump and ensure his are the first posts
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145 is a pretty standard baking-point
Is it?
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I don't bake

yes. whatever baker anon is around, thats usually when he bakes. thats also how you know I don't bake cuz I'll let a bump-limited thread fly off the catalog without baking
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Can anyone do torso but just booty n pussy raising from girl body at sleep so ghost transparent boot pussy. Then butt flaps pussy over to person of interest boy or girl and ghost kissyies boy (whatever way u like). 3 or 4 comic strip of steps journey. Flippy flappy love story. Can't find that 1 anywhere; spesh

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