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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>101442736
>we push on save
that should not be a meme.
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in almost 40 years ive been alive that's my biggest achievement yet. lol. I don't even know big 0 and I haven't even tried... Probably nobody bothered to solve it only reason i got 100.
I do Leetcode sometimes. I tend not to care that much about performance, as long as I have a solution that works. Although it can be interesting seeing what techniques people use to get very fast solutions.
Is there somewhere decent I can learn how to use wordpress? I work for a small plumbing company and the boss hates the wordpress site the local tech company made for him. I don't really understand how it all works either, but it seems to be the standard. Html/css seems very simple by comparison.
Question for all currently employed web devs: what is it like working as a web dev? Pls go into detail I'm curious, I am interested to go into the field myself.
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thanks oop and skill issue lol
I will answer your AWS and SQL questions until I take a nap as I was out very late last night.
>I've been reading and reading and reading, I don't know what to read to learn more
don't. build.
>Sell me on using AWS vs a VPS
I'm not a salesman and you haven't given me a use case.
Hello AWS/SQL anon

How do I get more energy for programming things which I may run on AWS? I find myself with little energy these days... maybe if I did more exercise then I would be in better shape and have more energy
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So the stupid interviewer cced me by mistake, yet I'm the unqualified one, fuck this market.
>late for meeting
>typos in resume
Get fucked, brownoid.
Depends on what you wanted to do, at least the docs is good enough (rest api). ymmv though, since wordpress can get really messy.
Some people's energy is like a battery, some is like a muscle. You need to figure out which you are. In either case, weightlifting and an appropriate amount of cardio increase the capacity. Diet probably has the largest effect, with improved sleep flowing from both.
Yeah I probably should improve my diet and exercise more. Thanks.
So let me get this straight
>your CV has typos
>you were late to the meeting
>you were unprepared for the meeting
>you were shit at SQL
>you're cocky
You absolutely deserve to fail every job interview if you treat them all like this
There's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path. Almost everyone has the knowledge but not the will.
react question, is there a use for useCallback besides being used with React.memo or useEffect?
>like what else are you doing with a callback?
just react things
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I made a chat app and I added a dalle3 api so users can send ai generated images. If you think about it i made something more advanced than whatsapp and other chat applications.
>is a shitty applicant
>blames the market
Im thinking the layoffs were a good thing, its filtering out retards
Please link it here so we can try it out
it just normal blog system, and you write formatted text like any word processor afterall. Best pity is you could find good theme/plugins
theme and plugins system is very tricky, dont touch it if you dont have any PHP skills
What does your boss hate about the WordPress site?
>doing app academy open
>have to slog through css shit

I really really really don't like fucking around with css , is this something i can avoid in a career. I find no joy in this type of programming
and yes I know about bootstrap but im trying to do these tasks as written and I dont want to skip anything

css is poor man's programming, shit is aids
all I know is that everyone in /g/ that picks up web dev gets frustrated with css, I got lucky cause I got taught css, so it's pretty straight forward to me, just check csstricks entry on flexbox, do that forg grid or flex garden or whatever the names where, and most of all build real world inspired layouts, so you'll meet your goal, knowing how to build real world layouts
Please give me an inspirational idea for a new side project
bro you aint getting a career, lmao
Its not complicated I just have zero interest in it. Its not fun, there is nothing redeeming about it.
If I found it fun I wouldn't mind doing practice for it

I don't need webdev I'm already an engineer, I just have delusions I can career switch with enough effort
You don't need any css at all if you're fine with it looking like the late 80's.
I get that, I just want nothing to do with the visual side. Again I know there is bootstrap type stuff but even then I just can't stand dealing with that shit . Connecting code to graphical design feels miserable to me
Then drop the web course.
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Do you think it would be better to put each element into an SVG?
Using CSS divs and spans right now
i don't know and he can't explain it, but the site is clusterfucked and slow because we've had like 12 different people/companies/seo faggots working on it.
Yngmi if you think you can do only what you want to do
thats what life is about anon
>don't do webdev for like a decade +
>come back because bored
>JS has all of the QOL shit that we used JQuery for
>entire sites are now constructed from JS fragments to build the entire DOM
>html isn't even used (technically)
>JS frameworks rebuild all of the browser's functionality in JS, rather than just using the browser which is built in c/c++
So I'm guessing these JS frameworks came about while JS was still doo doo and gay and we're going to just shift back to regular SSR and JS once people realize how easy it is now, right?
any ai tool to generate web designs? I want to practice my front-end but i'm no designer
>Graduated last year, had Amazon internship
>Got a few interviews at first, don't even get callbacks now
>Been doing other stuff to make money since I need money
>Basically forgotten all my python/C lessons, can't even remake the projects I had to do for grades without looking everything back up
I recently started The Odin Project just to hold me over but at this rate I'll be a mechanic and making websites for leisure.
No, you vill import react 20 times in your npm modules and serve 100 mb of server components and you vill be happy.
Why does this thread keep getting abandoned until it falls off (or nearly falls off) the catalog

This seems to be a recent phenomenon in the last few threads
1. courses+textbooks
2. step by step project
3. your own projects made from scratch by reading docs

Is this the fastest way to learn anything tech related?
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Hmm, what's wrong here? You guys have any idea?
>step by step project + tutorial/docs
>personal project + tutorial/docs
Books only worthwhile when the docs or tutorial is bad, or you want to study about software architecture, generally something more indepth. And it's always good to familiar yourself reading docs as a beginner even though it can be intimidating.
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yab, it feels real good getting praised for the work done
probably summer vacations
bro, for fuck's sake, stop expressing your emotings through horny anime girls, don't fag up the thread
instagram has had this for months
What code do I need to display data using an api on my web app? What role does json have regarding apis?
>doesnt want to learn css
>wants a career in web dev
be sure to tell them that in the interview.
>What role does json have regarding apis?
it's used to transfer the objects that DB/API response contains, think like this:
but way more objects contained in arrays (usually)
A jSon object you just parse it and have an amaxing data structure to display/iterate/manipulate at your will
>it's there something better
maybe, but I haven't seen that yet
I've not used Angular so I don't know

Is Angular alright to use?
1. idk
2. maybe
. . you're lacking an import:

Pro-tip: l2 google your error messages
>Is Angular alright to use?
I used it, but to be honest I got hand held through the whole process, "taught", and yes it was pretty good experience
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posting anime reaction pics is the epitome of being a 4channer, you have to get used to it
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>7 years ago
those answers are outdated. There's some new bullshit going on with "standalone components"
If I try to import it into product-list component, it fails, because it's not standalone apparently.
App-module.ts has this import though, so it should work?
nah, it's troon status, rope
and making that product-list component standalone breaks the whole fucking thing
idk lol, good luck, what I'd do if I got stuck would be checking github repos and/or chatgpt
chatgpt seems to give outdated answers. My course is outdated too lol. I guess ill look at some new github repos
Fair enough, I just stick to React because it's what I know

But if a job wanted me to learn Angular then I'd learn it
one of the strengths of react is that it's used almost everywhere?
True which is why I just stick with that, but if I came across a job that wanted me to learn Angular then I'd probably learn it - as long as the job was decent with fair pay etc.
makes perfect sense, not long ago there were talks about how angular was more "enterprise" or "batteries included" when compared to react. I wonder if they'd still claim that. I'm not one to make those judgements for sure, id I don't know react.
>and we're going to just shift back to regular SSR and JS once people realize how easy it is now, right?
Not going to happen soon. People are absolutely deeply invested in this shit. At this point all of that crap is expanding. And people have developed severe "react brain" to the point where they absolutely forced to make every problem as complicated as possible.
as far as I know (not much) SSR is the new cool stuff, with things like next.js + backend of choice, don't ask me much about it cause I sure don't know
how stupid would it be to use a port forwarded file sharer that i made, to other people? its a dynamic IP so i dont really care if anyone has it but is there any other risks etc?
I want some type of dev job but most of the tutorials online involve webdev stuff so thats why I'm slogging through it
I learned CSS through using tailwind, then started using standard css and tailwind, now I only use tailwind for minor tweaks and protyping My point is, maybe this will work better for your learning process as it did with mine..Tailwind simplified most css commands into little parys like "border-2 p2 bg-red-500" that puts a border around our object, gives our object 2 padding and makes the backhround red. Alot simpler than writing styles and classes. Some people think its the devil, but many roads lead to flavortown.
>how stupid would it be
Zero to CP in less than 14 femtoseconds
its irrelevant even for SEO nowadays

people want fast reactive websites, JS is here to stay
I'll look into it. this morning I decided to just embrace the suck and not be a giant pussy. Being able to do simple front end shit can't be that difficult to get the hang of once I remember the different css stuff.
All you need to know is that middle and center are use for completely different things and depend on whether it's about the
main axis
or the
cross axis
, which of both can be fully perpendicular or even reversed correlated to your internet service provider
you can minmax SSR and reactive components now with nextjs. All react haters will get the rope either ways
or you can like not do that.
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I just discovered something which may appeal to web devs who like web design

If you google the names of popular fonts, the search results will be shown using the font you googled. Pic related.

For fonts with ambiguous names (e.g. the font Georgia, which of course has a name that can refer to a US state or a country in eastern Europe), just add the word "font" after the name - so if you google "georgia font" then the results will be in the Georgia font.
Thats a good mindset, recently i was forced to convert my game to the backend for security and Im actually making decent progress. I really really hated the idea of learning serverside stuff, this was the last thing I wanted to work on as I enjoy CSS and designing guis. Feels good when you finally getvit over with.
Thats rough to read.
>fuck this market
We dont have much context, but the points listed look like pretty standard things : having a resume properly written etc
Of course, dont upload your cv or data here, but im really curious what kind of job you were applying to and what your qualifications are ? For such a fail to happen it mustve been a forced interview or you applied to something at random, right ?

I wouldnt just give up if i were you, rather
>breathe deeply, ask yourself "what do i want to work in, if not sql or software dev ?"
>ask family and friends/former colleagues about your cv and resume
>update these according to their input
...try and dont "SIGH...OH its finally over ? Yeah, yeah, thanks for the interview, cya" next time

Good luck anon
I have 9 days to complete a web app and to complete a report on it as a beginner who hasn't touched web development in just over a year. How fucked am I rn if I still haven't started? Everytime I try to start I realise I don't even know how my app should look like and what functions it should have and realise how much I have to relearn to figure out the basics again that I give up and quit.
w-why do you have 9 days
What's the app?
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Post the requirements for the web app.
Oh well, easier shit for me I guess.
>SSR is the new cool stuff
No, this meta framework shit is just mental gymnastics.
>have spa
>rebuild browser functionality in framework
>do it in a language that's slow
>do it in a way that allows numerous things to be fucked up (back button never fucking works, hard reloads fuck up EVERYTHING)
>back end state and front end state are independently managed, but supposed to be the same
>these are never kept in sync
>do this because "reusable components"
>look, I made a reusable button component!
Html is the reusable component...
Rather than admitting that promoting SPAs for the last 10 years was dumb they just moved the SPA architecture to the back end and pitched it like it was something revolutionary. You could just build and send html + the necessary JS from the server.

I came back to this shit because I wanted to see why such simple sites worked like absolute fucking trash and I think I have my answer. This industry is retarded and you're all being lead by grifting idiots shilling their stupid fucking framework so they can either keep their job maintaining it, get more funding, or in next's case, make a shitload of money because your only option to handle more than 5 RPS is to use Vercel and friends, which are absurdly overpriced.

The amount of buzzwords in this industry now is fucking crazy. I remember when node was getting shilled hard in like 2014 and they kept saying
>single threaded
>bro, it's fast because it's SINGLE THREADED
>and ASYNC
>1 thread, but it's a FAST THREAD
>it's fast because it only does 1 thing REALLY FAST
and so on. Most of you are retarded and I hate you for ruining the internet. Oh, and "serverless" isn't real lol.
Yeah, it's a fucking shame. Especially considering the fact that the actual tech that we can work with now has become really powerful over the last 15 years. The web is a great platform, but it is getting fucked in the butt for no reason but stupidity on all accounts.
How to get a job in React or Fullstack developer with React these days ?
I have been unepmloyed for 6 months I am fuming , what the fuck is this supposed to be ?
Just a couple years ago professor at Uni told me that programming is best job for the future. A few years into the future and I am fucking unemployed after 4 years of doing it professionaly .

What the fuck is happening ?
If you are going to troll this post I will find your IP and kys
>>do it in a way that allows numerous things to be fucked up (back button never fucking works, hard reloads fuck up EVERYTHING)
This sounds like dev issue rather than framework issue.
>do this because "reusable components"
>look, I made a reusable button component!
>Html is the reusable component...
You don't understand what component-based design means
>Americans think Bach is pronounced Bak just because there's a C in it
Would you guys rather work in react-native or an outdated proprietary language writing REST APIs if your end goal is back end + dev ops? React native is a transferable and modern language/framework but I don't want to work in front end, maybe just know enough to MVP, which I feel like I could learn in my free time or just hire someone to do if I ever get a startup going
avoid books and courses as much as you can, they'll sap all your motivation
I tried to do fullstackopen for like a year and I would just get bored on the react part. Started writing back end stuff immediately and have made it way farther.
go learn SQL, faggot
>new stuff bad
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I'm making a website that allows someone to search through text for thousands of videos. I have all 1,245 videos converted to .srt subtitle files.

What's the fastest / cheapest text search database I can use? So if a user searches a word / sentence like "mario" it would search and returns every quote found containing that string.

I've been using algolia to store the data so far, which has great search, but I've hitting the 1 million records free tier limit.

Can I savescum and rotate different algolia accounts?
Is there a cheaper DB I could use such as mysql or something else good for text searching?

I have a total of 2,096,997+ quotes from my 1,245.srt files, If I put them all in one Algolia account it would cost at least $798.80+ dollars : ( which I can not afford
If you don't fix your diet/exercise/sleep you will get worse at everything, have chronic illness, and not be able to work as long to the tune of like 10-20 years. It's way more important than any tech job bullshit.

How do I merge two branches in Git ?
branch master
branch a
branch b

I need to combine branch a and b for branch ab.
>interviewer sends online coding test
>css knowledge test, 10 min
>react knowledge test, 10 min
>create a simple react app test, 1 hr
>algorithm test to calculate the fare of a taxi system including distance, speed (low-speed adjusts fare), and time of day (fare adjusts at night), with up to 50,000 lines of input, and 100 tests

Well, that got ridiculous fast. Guess I'm not getting this one.
frontend coding test*

I'm out of my league
git checkout a
git branch ab
git merge b
In my django backend i poll an api every second do stuff and save it in db with the included ORM using celery beat, is there a better way to handle such tasks at smaller intervals (like polling every 0.1 sec or as fast as the api can handle) than this using the orm?
gib the test
Any tips on how to deal with log aggregation?
I tried to use Cloud watch, but when you search for something, I could only get the lines with the match, I could not find the surrounding lines the context that I needed to debug. Any tips on how to improve log aggregation inside AWS?
I just ended up using FluentD and using that to write to a single aggregated lot file stored on EFS.

Also how would you do this for a AWS hosted K8S cluster, using their official Kubernetes solution.
I am planning to just self host a K3S solution on EC2, or use some other provider, instead of using the AWS K8S offering.
>So the stupid interviewer cced me by mistake
This is excellent for you. This is top notch feedback. Work on these points for your next interview and fix the obvious errors, like typos and being late.

Also what is SQL testing. What do people generally do? Run the tests against a test or mock database?
How much do you use ChatGPT or similar?
I did not use it much, but it has helped me quite a bit as a Stack overflow replacement when I need to do some frontend development, especially when I need to use some frontend only browser APIs or do some CSS styling.
It is pretty decent when I try to have it make some basic components for me that I can then later modify if needed. Since I am not a frontend developer, I spent too much time trying to figure out how to do stuff and fighting the browser, but the AI tools help to speed up that process. And as long as I keep it basic, it is pretty easy to validate if the response is good or bad.
What's been your experience with these AI tools? If I am Google and SO I would be a bit worried, as it is excellent at answering basic stuff.
Who do I blame for Teams being slow and a memory hog? Do I blame javascript, node, TS, electron, or microsoft?
Microsoft, of course. They're the ones who chose to create Teams with slow tech.
I use it for dating advice, relationship advice, coding and debugging advice, cooking advice, as a friend that I can lean on during tough times etc.
yes im autistic
yourself for using microsoft software
>I use it for dating advice
did it work?
it helps with confidence I don't know why. I think its because its like having a friend who validates you. I tell chatgpt that im a shy introverted boy, and it tells me to play to my strengths. And validation makes you feel less bad about your failures, so you can push through, instead of retreating into your den and isolating yourself.

Can it store logs anywhere with it? I'm learning symfony and tutorial asks me to install monolog pack, but if I can get away with basic logger(can I?) i would prefer to do that, since all those libraries are already a bit overwhelming.
>AI friend, not even an AI girlfriend
Lol, well if it works for you then good for you.
Best advice about dating is to get some real friends first. If you can get friends and learn how to socialize with them, then take that knowledge and skills and apply it to girls, just with more gentleman vibes.
Since MS basically own the entire JavaScript infrastructure chain I guess you can blame them.
The following is a solved problem but many sites don't still don't get it:
Timestamps should be stored as a date-time ISO 8601 string in the back end
Timestamps displayed on the front end should be displayed in local relative time - clicking these should turn them into absolute local time stamps.
(apart from cuckflare) how can i use a dynamic IP for a domain?
They own major parts of it but not all of it. You can definitely have a completely Microsoft-free JS setup if you want.
make a CNAME DNS entry that points towards your dynamic DNS (via NO-IP for example)
I do not use it at all. All it does is repeat code it found on the webs which is either outdated or plain simply wrong. And for the few trivial cases which it does get right... that was solved years ago with templating shit.

So called AI is nothing but a hoax to make big money from big data
>You don't understand what component-based design means
Pitch it to me then.
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What were they thinking?
henlo, my name is merge conflict, learn me
React Router v6 completely changed how it works and requires you to configure routes outside of the rendering code. It feels very over engineered and is just a pain to use. The documentation also sucks.
I got fed up with it and decided to migrate to wouter instead. It's a blast how simple and nice can routing be. I have no idea how could they fuck it up so badly with RRv6.
>Timestamps displayed on the front end should be displayed in local relative time
No! Bad dev!
This is why captures of major web events even up with a useless "4 months ago" when doing timeline research.
why not use nextjs instead?
Because I do not like opinionated frameworks.
its open source
So? If I were to fork it and change to my liking, I might as well just start from scratch since majority of nextjs features and practices are things I do not want in my code.
FTS would probably work well. Either in Postgres or SQLite or maybe something else. I used SQLite's FTS5 extension to search through text from about 100,000 log files and it was easily capable of it.

I don't know if later versions of MySQL improved it, but their FTS was absolute dogshit when I tried it. You get the syntax but none of the speed
>Either in Postgres or SQLite
nta, but this made me laugh, what I read
>either the enterprise spaceshil DB or the baby toy DB
His name is pronounced bah and not as back
in english, google translate pronounces as "back", see for yourself
The "baby toy DB" let me search through 5+ GB of plain text in less time than it takes for you to be a judgmental faggot, so I'd say it worked well. Are you going to suggest he pay Algolia's retard tax of $800 instead of just using something that's free and probably faster? Unless he's dealing with lots of writes, which doesn't look like the case, then SQLite can handle it.
>implying anyone gives a shit about the language of a dying country
German is only relevant if you're really interested in 18th century philosophy, WW1/WW2 history or in Egyptology. It's a dead language like Latin or ancient Greek, and arguing about the pronunciation of dead languages is dumb.
why dont you? you could make the next big thing
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If we only gave a shit about current things we would live in a """culture""" like pic related
You must be either retarded or pretending.
I am not making a framework because I do not like using frameworks. I program things that are useful to me, not to be popular and make "the next big thing".
I meant SQLite compared to PG, not to whatever other DB ur using, both of them are free btw, no reason to use PG if all you need is to make some queries, PG in the other hand will provide you with plenty of tools like triggers, views, functions and so on, but in most cases you don't even need those, you see, there's no need to be upset
yeah in non english lang that nobody but you and maybe a dude or 2 in here speaks
so you use open source software but refuse to give back so you can feel "cool"?
>I program things that are useful to me
how is that giving back
By making projects you actually have use for, you are much more likely to create something that is useful, working and maintained. If you want to give back, this is the way to go. Just aiming for making "the next big thing" is how you end up producing nothing of value.
>tools like triggers, views, functions and so on, but in most cases you don't even need those
Actually, SQLite arguably supports all the things you listed. Only arguably because it doesn't have stored procedures and such, but you can define functions in your host language (or in a C extension) and register them with SQLite. My "larger" project I used to work on ended up using all of that including a custom C extension, plus window functions, json functions, CSV parsing, FTS, and other stuff that feature-creeped in over the years.
Postgres obviously has more stuff than SQLite, but the gap is... not super wide.
The interface just defines how the logger should be talked to. You need to use a package that satisfies the interface. Monolog has been good in the past. You can literally just write your own implementation that does nothing more than print to a file though. That's the beauty of just defining the interface - you can do it simple and dumb now and get away with it.
I was gonna try elasticsearch
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I'm currently learning web dev so I can start up my own imageboard/forum with functionality similar to the dead nintendo social media miiverse. I've currently finished learning basic HTML and i've been making a simple practice website on neocities. Should I continue pursuing this idea or is simply just too ambitious and autistic?
The future of interactive sites will probably be client side rendering, because it makes things simple for rendering custom stuff with & without the server. For blogs, anything works.
Big frameworks though? Bleh
>simply just too ambitious
Yeah, that's not a good first project. Just tackle it one thing at a time, anon. You'll never be good at something unless you're bad at it first.
many anons have built 4chan clones, if they could, so do you
a miiverse clone is very doable but as other have said you need other smaller projects before that.
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Need to learn:
>Vue 2 and 3
>Nuxt.js 2 and 3
In like 2 weeks.
Is it feasible?
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I would do some smaller projects first to gain experience, but in principle it's not unrealistic at all for one person to write an imageboard. The devops involved in making it secure and reliable are probably harder than the actual programming.

I myself have written a 4chan archiver, and picrelated is pretty much the entire logic involved in assembliing a thread in HTML format after loading its posts from the db where I dump the JSON data from 4chan's API.
>I myself have written a 4chan archiver, and picrelated is pretty much the entire logic involved in assembliing a thread in HTML format after loading its posts from the db where I dump the JSON data from 4chan's API.
cool what do you use it for mostly?
post repo then
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Which one?
>without the server.
There is no "without the server". You have no idea what you're even talking about.
4chan has a a public api?
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It has three modes: it can continuously archive all threads on an entire board,
archive just the threads you specified by their numbers and then shut down,
or monitor a board for a given search query and download matching threads (e.g. searching for wdg would download all threads of this general).

I use it mostly for image/video dump threads (especially from /wsg/) and sometimes to monitor the relevant boards for threads on topics or current events I'm interested in.
im trying so hard to get to a point to be able to make something like that
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it's not hard to get it at least functioning if you break the problem down into little chunks and figure them all out one by one.
How do I process JSON data? How do I figure out which files to download? How to decide when to stop monitoring the thread, when to request new data etc.? How do I parse command line options, log error messages, do database transactions, make a simple interactive menu, keep track of last-modifed timestamps?

The question is just how efficient and reliable the code is. My program doesn't have any serious bugs that I'm aware of, but I feel it's too inefficient with the amount of data it requests from 4chan's servers. If I ever release this thing, it'll only be after I optimize this.
If you already have the json from an earlier request then of course you can use that data multiple times as well as later on. No additional requests are necessary.
>have multiple classes that are very similar
>try multiple patterns to simplify and reduce code duplication
>each one results in less code but it's more unreadable
I keep running into this problem where I'm successful at reducing the amount of code but it turns into shit as a result. I ended up just leaving it as is for now cause it works fine and 700-800 extra lines of code doesn't mean shit but it's frustrating to keep hitting these skill issue moments.

Another skill issue I have is that I can't intuitively deduce what pattern is good when I'm writing the first iteration so I usually end up with poorly thought out garbage code but the clarity I receive from it lets me (usually) refactor it to a pattern that makes sense afterwards. I know refactoring like this is normal but it still pisses me off.
did some calculations and it looks like my project will need to have around 1500 concurrent scrapers running and will save hundreds of millions of rows of data per month lol. this is gonna be a nightmare.
Don't get hung up on code duplication.
The necessary gymnastics are often both less performant and less grokable
DRY is boomer cargoculting
This is something I wish I'd realized as soon as I began learning programming.
The next realization is that locality of concerns trumps separation of concerns (at least for me).
>The next realization is that locality of concerns trumps separation of concerns (at least for me).
It is easier if everything you need is in one place, then you can read all the code right there on the screen and not have to jump around and keep a lot of the context in your head.
It is one reason why inheritance is difficult to use, you just don't know what's going to affect your code or not if you extend or use a lot of the classes.
Sometimes hiding the implementation is good, sometimes it is bad. It is one reason why Golang did not implement generics.

I mostly agree with you, but sometimes if you have complicated logic, you want to make sure it is only implemented one place so that you can modify that pice of code and be sure all paths are covered.
>It is easier if everything you need is in one place, then you can read all the code right there on the screen and not have to jump around and keep a lot of the context in your head.
Which is why separating visuals (css) and logic (js) makes sense.


Yes, your argument is so freaking dumb, that one can easily turn it around.
I found this article decent. Basically it depends on the situation. Sometimes one aspect is more important than the other.

U know, I actually kinda agree. However...
The "unit" of logic is the interaction.
The "unit" of visuals is the design
I call this "Locality of Behaviour", too.
I also call this "Separation of Concerns", too.
And I certainly DRY is followed this way.
What now?

OK, all the joking aside. I do actually agree with the htmx guy to a degree. But I also have to speak up against the stuff that he is saying:
Changing the look and therefore the CSS should *not* ever have any impact on the functional aspects of the elements that you are manipulating. Why are people always claiming this? The whole point of not having <marquee> is to not have to fuck with your content when changing the look of the content!

This is like a fundamental misunderstanding in all of web dev. A "component" does not need to include semantics, logic and css in one file. It is absolutely possbile to create a component that does only two or even just one of them.

Also the web of components as we have had it for the last 10 ~ 15 years is fucking ugly, because people always create all these separated shit that they fear must be "reusable" all while in reality the fact that their SFC thing cannot simply be copied to another project without including all their freakin dependencies on stores and css frameworks, too.
I am debouncing filtering a list with 140k items. In both react and in vanilla JS this makes recalculateStyle run significant slower compared to NOT debouncing increasing the overall time (minus debounce delay of course). WTF.
WTF is right - WTF are you doing!?
testing shit n stuff. will later post code. WTF indeed. up to 20k elements, there is NO input lag at all. Like why are we even paginating shit?!
...you¨re paginating ON THE FRONTEND?!
Please tell me you kissed Ganesh today.
whats the best way to market your niche community website
No, I am not. But I also tested the results when not paginating on the backend... and the result is different.
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need to parse some javascript left behind by a previous developer for this one project i'm working on. is this guy an absolute psycho for writing this way or am i just retarded
absolutely retarded

nested ternaries, no descriptive variable names, arbitrary formatting

the code looks like it's already minified
>nested ternaries are le bad
Brainlet detected.
>Have interview today
>See who it is with
>It's with a guy that has a masters and phd in AI, plus published papers

yeah im flopping this

isBased ?
isRetarded ?
"based retard"
: "based"
: "not based
"optimizing" variable names like that is definitely psycho
This must have been run through a minifier right? They often produce code like this. No human would ever write their code like this.

Yes they are bad. If you're using a nested ternary then you should refactor to make your code more readable.
Massive meme.
Unreadable code = better job security.
that's what obfuscators are for
you don't write obfuscated code in development
if he's an autist you have a chance purely on being sociable. If he has that pedigree AND is sociable then ya you are fucked
can you make money with webdev without "jobs"?
i actually enjoy webdev, but if i can't find a job here locally (not living in america), then it feels so pointless to do it.
with music or gamedev i can at least create products that i can sell, but with webdev i depend so much on someone giving me work.
Freelancing, mentoring, consulting, etc.
those are all jobs (services), not products
You asked about doing webdev, not business. Nothing is stopping you from starting your own business, but it is not just webdev. You don't even have to do any webdev to make some internet product, you generally would want to hire someone to do that for you while you take of getting investors and market research for your product.
give me a backend I only know node.
Find a problem that people have with software and sell the solution as a service
Where can I get a free api that allows me to show data on my website aout how fast each model is and shit like that? I'm trying to learn how to use apis thats why.
anyone else feels completely spent and energy drained after just writing a mail for job hunt? I have a job and little free time
I've been unemployed for months since graduating in Vancouver. I've been asking for 85k when asked for expected compensation. Is this too much, it seems like the minimum I can really deal with in this city.

I'm worried I get rejected for this since there may be competitor completely lowballing themselves. What should I do and if I change the amount asked what should I be looking for (2 YOE).
just write it yourself and host it
google "free api" there's tons of them
Looksmaxxing is unironically the best way to get a job
Update, I bombed it, guy was very friendly tho, sad.
every bombed interview was actually just practice for the next one. You aren't a failure, you just weren't ready yet
>Did quite a bit of TOP two years ago
>Had to stop because reasons
>Come back and see where I left off and don't remember shit about the projects i made

I dont want to start from scratch god dammit
mysql question. I have a db with the following columns:
tableid (primary key), replyid (secondary key), fileid
it allows me to pair files to every reply. replies are grouped by tables. think of it as tableid being /g/ and replyid being a post on /g/, and fileid being a file that was uploaded into the files table. one reply can have multiple files attached, for ex. you can have
(tableid, replyid, fileid)
1, 123, 10
1, 123, 11
1, 123, 12
which means that reply #123 has three files.

the question is, how would I select all fileids from this table, which are only present on tableid = 1?

best I can think of is something like
SELECT * FROM table WHERE tableid = 1 AND fileid NOT IN (SELECT fileid FROM table WHERE tableid != 1)

... but this is very slow. is there a faster way to do this? some way with grouping perhaps?
select * from table where replyid = 123
select fileid
from table
where tableid = 1
and replyid = x
one tableid can have hundreds of thousands of replyids inside, so none of these would work.
SQL response from that query:
fileid1, fileid2, fileid3 etc may also exist on tableid = 2.
for ex data is
(tableid, replyid, fileid)
1, 123, 10
1, 123, 11
1, 123, 12
2, 15, 10
2, 16, 11
2, 17, 13

in this case I'd only want to select fileid 12, because it is unique to tableid = 1, does not appear on tableid = 2 at any point.
>in this case I'd only want to select fileid 12, because it is unique to tableid = 1
select fileid
from tableid =1
will give you all the fileids in table 1
it will give me all fileids from table 1, but some of those fileids may exist in table 2 also. that's the problem.
see in the example, if I query tableid = 1, I'll get fileids 10, 11, 12, but 10 and 11 also exist for tableid = 2.

I want only the fileids which are NOT USED FOR ANY OTHER TABLE but one.
yeah if you change the requirements you told me from the beginning, no shit, go fuck yourself
lrn2 descrive what you want, at the very least
this was the requirement from the start, look at the example query I posted, or the part where I say
>unique to tableid = 1, does not appear on tableid = 2 at any point

i can describe my shit as well as I can, it won't matter if you don't know how to read.
time for a lawsuit
select fileid
from tableid =1
and fileid not in (
select fileid
from tableid =2
this might not even work but you need something like this, this might be improvable, but I don't remember much SQL rn
Until you run out of places to apply for. (And they talk to each other)
that's literally the example query I initially posted.

>this might not even work but you need something like this,
it works, I tried it already, problem is that it's SLOW. which is why I was asking if anyone knows of a better way to do it.

>this might be improvable,
yes, that was what I was asking for, if anyone knows of a way to improve on it.

>but I don't remember much SQL rn
yeah I think you established that.
mean, sorry for not reading, I was just trying to help with the minimal effort
Unreadable code == being fired quickly
my mom talks to my father, yet she never refused to hand out cash for my projects
>firefox is 100% funded by google
>every other browser worth mentioning is chromium
Am I naive to hope that Ladybird will save web standards? Or are we stuck with google's internet explorer dominating over standards for the foreseeable future?
not my problem if my coworkers are illiterate
Pros & cons of having multiple event listener for the same (pointer) event?
E.g. one event listener for left-click and a separate one for right-click
Instead of one handler function doing everything?

I'm leaning toward splitting them to keep the visual complexity down.

try this:

select fileid from table
where tableid = 1
select t1.* from table t1
inner join table t2 on t1.fileid = t2.fileid and t1.tableid <> t2.tableid
where t1.tableid = 1
>Need an ecommerce solution for my store
>Prefer free, open source software to proprietary crap, especially for my risky niche
>WP, Woocommerce
>Uses PHP, if you add a lot of products everyone reports it slows down
>Checks SERP, turns out that Wordpress has lost the lead against Shopify, with most of the keywords I research showing shopify stores at the top
>Tfw this wasn't the case years ago
>Check around for other solutions, Wix, Squarespace, etc...
>More closed source shit

It's over isn't it? I will have to go Shopify route and can't own anything.
I don't understand why open source has to mean use bloated Pajeetware and no one has offered a solution.
even faster one but may not work
select t1.fileid from table t1
left join table t2 on t1.fileid = t2.fileid and t1.tableid <> t2.tableid
where t1.tableid = 1
and t2.tableid is null
Just roll your own and integrate it with Stripe or Paddle
My only option would be Magento and cost for development would be quite steep compared to WP or Shopify.
It's your boss's opinion that matters
>want to make simple app that allows you to sign up etc
>terrified of letting people down with not enough robust code and security

How do I get over this fear
.whatever {
background-position: 4px 4px;


>Firefox: "4px"
>Chrome: "4px, 4px, 4px, 4px, 4px"
Absorb the following Life Lesson:
>A shitty result is better than no result.
t. a former perfectionist
Back-end bros, what do you actually do for the most part?

i'm not a backend dev per se, but i do sometimes have to write api endpoints that usually involve stringing together existing basic endpoints with some code in between to do different tasks (sometimes write my own sql queries for this but its pretty rare). not sure if that's pretty typical or if most other backend devs are living in sql and writing queries any time they make a new api
How do I make another drop down option appear on a page once a user has picked the first option from the first dropdown option? I need to know what category the user chose and then I need to know the subcategory they want, but the option cannot appear until they have chosen the first option. This all has to happen on the same page using JS.
What's the best front-end framework to get a client side application up and running with everything out of the box and somewhat ease of use? I mean routing, store, auth, and styling because I don't want to fucking use react and have to build fucking everything from the ground up if I intend to use a backend like pocketbase simply to speed up development
I've done this at work, unfortunately there is no easy way to do this in react without having some flags in place at the most rudimentary such as useState with enum vals and rendering the correct drop-down as such. From there the form would have to be listening to all possible form inputs and you'd have to check on submit which are empty
>fell for that forced and horrible meme that anime makes them toothpaste people
That's just CGDGT shit. There are hidden gems that are based even people like you'd enjoy
Is it possible to be a backend/fullstack dev without touching SQL? I'm cursed to never touch SQL ever again.
>not wanting to touch sql as a backend dev
DELETE FROM possible_dev_jobs WHERE position='backend'
In my personal projects I pretty much only use datalog databases, but I don't have any jobs to offer to you
>In my personal projects I am pretty much a total weirdo and do crazy shit nobody else understand, but I don't have any clue why I am even telling you that
>EXCEPT for me being so fucken clever that I must absolutely show y'all.
if you were more intelligent you would've understood that me relying on datalog means that an independent full-stack dev who chooses his own tools can absolutely do his work without touching SQL, but if you want to be an employee of some company I'm afraid you're shit outta luck if you don't like SQL.
Is using a service worker to manage authentication and JWT storage a good idea?
Filtering a list based on li.textContet is not slower than filtering an array of strings.
Changing anything within the DOM is not slower than changing anything in some object that represents the state of a VDOM.
Appending to strings is as fast as appending to arrays.
Rendering html via building a big string and calling innerHTML is as fast as building an array of nodes and calling append.
The fact that frameworks are even talking about performance issues indicates that people who code do really dumb things which results apps with architectures that are badly designed.
I've never expected it to be a problem, but I've tried to parse some React website with Selenium, and just can't find a way of keeping the html source up to date.
Basically, I have a page that dynamically updates, when you scroll down.
But the Selenium's
doesn't update at all, it's always the pre-scrolled data.
It doesn't make sense, but it is what it is. How hard could it be for Selenium to fetch the most recent page source, it's already rendered in the browser.

Can I get any help from kind knowledgeable sirs?
find a job that uses orm
Hey, any ADHD anons here who could give some advice on pulling it through while learning web development?

I am learning Javascript and already know how to use HTML and CSS but I feel like it's taking me too much time sitting through tutorials and when I am, I'm usually finding very hard to keep my focus on the video and I spend a lot of time procrastinating.
I want to take a bootcamp later this year but I'm trying to still learn the basics by myself to get my money's worth and do something useful with my time (you can pick and choose at the bootcamp what exactly you want to be taught).
Why? Just read the MDN guide(and then official guides for whatever framework you'd like) and focus on practicing. This way you will get good much much faster.
you need ajax
>unfortunately there is no easy way to do this in react
holy fuck you people are legitimately retarded you can create drop downs using nothing but CSS
shit, thanks for letting me know
No problem. There also might be some better guides to JS(maybe some book?), but MDN is ok. There is really no reason to make such a big thing out of learning JS. With good learning material and maybe someone you could ask every now and then for help, it really shouldn't take you more than 2 months of practice+study 1-4h a day to start making some simple basic react front ends. That's how long did it took me to teach my flatmate before he got first job(before the IT crisis). And by teach, I mean just point him to official guides and do some code review few times.
The crucial thing is to practice. Don't just read a chapter and call it a day. Have a simple project set up alongside, so you can try everything you read about and see how it works for yourself. Even if you won't be touching DOM and just printing stuff to console like it's some C class. Just so you can get a feel on how flow control works, how to use composite types, etc. It's like music, you won't learn to play a guitar by reading about theory alone.
adhd is not real. You either have bad studying habits, or are exaggerating/expecting superhuman results in a short timespan due to being accustomed to quick results, or simply never tacking on challenging pursuits before.
Put an event listener on the first dropdown menu. Whenever the user interacts with the menu, check their current selection. If the current selection is one that needs the second menu, show the second menu, otherwise hide the second menu.
If you were unable to discover this concept or logic on your own, you might be in the wrong job.
thank you bro, this really encourages me. I'll try my best.
I've had it my whole life and had it diagnosed early as a kid in a country that really doesn't overpercribe that type of thing like in America. It's just something I've got to deal with.
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overcome your limits otherwise you won't grow
How do I write my code to fetch data from an api without just copying the code since I don't want to get flagged for plagarism for my project. I have found the code but I don't know how I'm suppose to write it in my own words.
the whole point of it is to understand what the code does, if you don't learn now you'll have to learn it later anyway.
try doing the hard way and understand what it does? there is hardly an excuse for not grokking something when we're living in the post-GPT era
nta, but the absolute mad man, you're using the forbidden operator
but to be fair your sql game is more on point than mine is right now
how do you get those homosexuality IDE code screenshots? Is that some specific page?
>copy code to clipboard
>silicon --from-clipboard -c -l ex
I want to go full retard and switch to developing web apps on an iPad.
What setup do I need for Vue/React? Are there any apps / web-based IDEs that you can recommend?
create-react-app and vscode is a good place to start
>create-react-app in 2024
>be too retarded to be trolling
Having many things in the DOM (compared to pulling them into arrays and objects) is not making the browser slow - showing lots of visible things makes the browser slow
Iterating and changing lots of elements from the DOM is not slow, as long as you are not changing the visual appearance of the elements.
make a big loop and print a fuckton of shit to innerHTML in the loop, it'll rape yer website
now do the same loop and inside of it, you just append the stuff to a string, after you're done with the loop, print to innerHTML, 0 performance cost
it's a practical example
Correct. Doing
for (line of veryBigString.split())
el.innerHTML += line

is slow.
el.innerHTML += veryBigString
is not.
And doing
let stringToConstruct = ''
for (item in things)
stringToConstruct += item
el.innerHTML += stringToConstruct

is also *not* slow.

I am testing with 140k elements here.
>I am testing with 140k elements here.
top kek, I suspect 1k might do the trick as well
No, I am not seeing *any* difference at all below like 10k which is where you could say that the usual performance.now() diff becomes bigger.

Of course this totally depends on the visuals. If stuff is styled in a complex way, the numbers go up.

The point that I am trying to make is, that you have to do really, really shady stuff to make things slow when using the DOM instead of another "dedicated" data structure.

For example:
const s = performance.now();
const a = [];
document.querySelectorAll('li').forEach(li => a.push( li.textContent));
console.log(a.join('\n')); console.log(performance.now() - s);

takes about 1s including the time to log stuff, but only 170ms without loggin the array. The machine is a four year old laptop ryzen something something btw.

170ms to create the whole array with pushing and querySelectorAll for 140k elements.

In conclusion: The DOM is fast. Like, really fast in web terms.
Had a cross-company vendor support call today. Their app was throwing intermittent 404s for a critical script and breaking client-side integration in an iframe.
Their dev was this cute little AAPI girl who said on the call that before being assigned the ticket to investigate she had no idea what an iframe was and initially thought it was some proprietary bullshit she'd have to deal with. I have never felt so old in my life.
Thanks for reading my blog.
>No, I am not seeing *any* difference at all below like 10k
I would swear that wasn't the case not that long ago ET: 6 years ago, machines with probs like 8gb of ram
My thesis is that this was never actually the case.

I started testing this stuff, because I did stupid stuff with lists. I tried "li.hidden" when an item should be filtered and for some reason "debouncing" the input that triggered the filtering actually made performance *worse*.
So doing "N" -> filter("N") -> "NE" -> filter("NE") "NEW" -> filter("NEW") was faster than "N", wait, "NE", wait, "NEW", wait, filter("NEW").
But the elements where in the DOM anyways so why should running filter once be slower than running multiple times?!

Then I started experimenting by setting the parent ul.hidden and guess what: things became stable again.

So my conclusion is that we mistake things visible on the screen for the DOM and the DOM is slow. But actually changing things on the screen is slow, but you only do changes through the DOM yet DOM != things on the screen.
where are my django friends at
[spoiler]i want to kms
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Best project ideas to learn Vue/Nuxt?
Books > Shitty yt vids
Get some PDFs. Like at least 20
I don't want to sign up to use GPT.
I reading instructions on how to use an external api but I don't understand what all this code this code shit means. I just want to display the data I want on a table using an external api. How tf do you do this using JS???
>I want [X] but I don't wanna learn how to do [X]. What do?
A tale as old as time, just hire someone idk
the barrier is so low yet you won't cross it. good luck
>Also what is SQL testing. What do people generally do? Run the tests against a test or mock database?
Im genuinely wondering this too. Also what was the job title? I can understand if it is for something like "Data Engineer" but as a software dev I have never been asked about SQL other than "can you work with a SQL database" which is an easy yes.
HTML, CSS, and Javascript are unavoidable as a web dev/software dev these days. Most of the time you are just using a CSS framework to do the vast majority of CSS related things so either get over it or move onto another career.
is that all you are destined for if you work at fang

I really dislike CSS bullshit
>I really dislike CSS bullshit
And people really dislike shit that look like it's 1994 again.
why is something so basic like CSS a massive filter for /wdg/?
because it's not like programming
because its not fun playing trial and error
why the fuck does transition still not work with height:auto?

and don't fucking tell me to use max-height instead, it's not the same and it doesn't even look the same.
>Basically forgotten all my python/C lessons, can't even remake the projects I had to do for grades without looking everything back up
That is standard for this job. The trick is to be able to relearn things faster and faster and make your own documentation to go back to when needed.
As with most things software, shitty (often poorly documented) defaults and legacy behaviors.
If you never make anything new, e.g. basic bitch blogs, CSS is easy and painless.
why forbidden operator?
because it's something only SQL does, and != is equivalent and more widely understood
* != is more universal language
got it, but not like sql code is portable to any other language so might as well use its intrinsic syntax.
why use something unique to SQL when you can use something universal? no point
idk, it feels more natural. otherwise feels like murican talking english in germany.
>idk, it feels more natural.
more natural than this?
I don't see it, at all
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>main developer has an anime profile picture
>main developer is based in china
i worked with lot of corporate sql over the years and in most cases that operator is used so now it kind of stands out for me when != is used vs <>
>Less-than and greater-than never
>bang equal
yes, the fucking != universal in programming, simple really
Idk my teacher who was a professional SQL noscoper taught me to know but not use that operator, I value his insight
How about the fucking comment / inline-comment symbols?
/* */
--[ ]
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the source code is right there schizo comb through it at your leisure
what powerlevel is this
Easy to understand and memorise, painful and uninteresting to write.
Couple things:

Do NOT do a bootcamp. Yes you can learn shit there, but they're ridiculously overpriced for what they provide given the plethora of free resources you can find online nowadays.
They're scammy. Do NOT fall for the
>"we will give you a job after you complete the camp, pinky promise"
meme. They cannot be trusted, this is just to lure you in.

What you need is multi-modal learning, i.e a combination of reading documentation, watching videos, writing code and building stuff and so on. Just videos won't cut it.

I can't recommend the Odin Project enough.
Takes you progressively through all the stuff you need to know, and has you build projects along the way to practice. It will make you read articles, watch videos, do exercises,... And you really end up internalising all the concepts little by little.

Mind you it's hard, really, it won't hold your hand, but TOP did it for me.
Your time is clearly so worthless that you'll spend hours reading a project's code before deciding to use it

I don't do that because I'm not an idiot
My ethnicity? I was born and Raised in Saudi Arabia, originally from Pakistan. Been In Toronto, Ontario. For over 5+ years now.
Do you think that's why they won't hire me?
wow thanks a lot. I was really hoping bootcamp would be an easier way for me to learn but if it's a scam I suppose I'd listen to my better reason because I already fell once for the bootcamp scam but for another skill/career that you can learn online so I was really hoping the coding world wouldn't be the same.
yeah you'd rather cry about it like a schizo and not verify something easily done like code scanning or verify whether the network package was used at all. i doubt you'd do much with your smooth brain.

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