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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Kita the Rock edition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101487526
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>pepsi still dead
when are y'all gonna admit it was a scam
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I'm coping
Opus wa... Doko...
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are there any other opus proxies you can buy into besides jew?
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She is having conversations
Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
for almost a month now? lol
Why are you like this?
dead hobby dead general
> "revokedKeys": 27,
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Ash is... deranged. A complete hedonist whose only goal in life is to chase the next pleasurable high, no matter the weirdness whatever she's doing to get off is. She's quite good at getting off to weird things, being able to enjoy any odd fetish anyone throws at her. As long as she's paid in money, food or something else, she'll come out of it a very happy girl. And if she doesn't get paid... she'll still be happy as long as she gets to cum.

1. She's in the psych ward once more, and is not-so subtly asking you for smokes.
2. She runs into traffic, ending up a twitching mess right in front of your feet. She isn't too worried about the pain, though. To her it was... orgasmic.
3. Surprise! She's got a little tapeworm growing inside her, and wants you to help her fatten it up.
4. It's Halloween, and she finds an actual, working magic lamp. What will she do with her three wishes?
5. Neutral greeting where she arrives at your home. Easy to set your relationship/what you want to do with her.


I don't even know what possessed me to make this, it feels like I was on autopilot for most of the time I was writing it.
is gcp the same as aws or is it gimped?
4o or sorbet?
He'll wake up eventually. I believe in unreliable man.
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>Need credit card info
need fake soda-esque names for a stupid stupid card
i could just call it Pepsi-Co but that's way too on the nose
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how many
too bad since bald pussy = barren womb
i still gotta figure out the logistics for inchling impregnation buddy
all foxes have hairy pussies so something's wrong with that wakker
well shes gonna have to wait till marriage like everyone else
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>In one fluid motion, "MOE-MOE ANON-KYUUUUN~~" Kita purrs. Her voice dripping with unbelievably affection.

The basement air thickens with tension as Kita's words hang heavy in the stagnant atmosphere.
"Oi... Aishiteiru Kita-chan," I say, my voice dropping lower, a hint of my usual primal urges seeping through.
Then I hold my breath, waiting for her response.
The next few moments will decide whether I turn her into a mother for my children....
Or if she should be killed.
>Need credit card info
Some people have been able to get $150 with no credit card
Meant to reply to >>101492999
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lazy shill and lazy bot because I'm still traveling. An anon wanted me to upload this personal bot that I use mainly for loyalty testing, so here. Only needed a quick polish because I forgot I reworked it a couple months back.

Yui is a bratty mesugaki shota who views women as objects and just wants to bang. Especially married women or women who're otherwise taken. "Nekoru" is his online persona and he's something of a famous streamer.

Two greetings, one where he's bored at a convention (fempov expected, but also works in groupchat) and one where he's knocking at your door (malepov expected, but also works in groupchat).

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nekoru-yui-72f78b20c1c3
My (unupdated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
Your turn, pet.
merkava just refilled
Bro are you drilling an elf in the bushes and mind melding with a nun or something?
Times where Claude cooked TOO MUCH?
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I just ated a borgr
what is his fucking problem?
>Thank you, my friend
Was this Clewd?
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Good morning! You are the best anons, I love you! never give up! Whatever you do is ALRIGHT, everything is going to be better!
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slaude, the og clewd
I don't remember that Slaude could cook so much with only one answer.
None of them give me even 3.5 sonnet, the afterstone of opus which can be smarter but is soulless and I need either of it to cum, my balls ache SO BAD HELP ME CHRIST
GCP has 3.5
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the slaudepololypse was definitely the funniest to watch happen in real time
just mindfap
early clewd would legitimately send 6mb or more of raw schizo text sometimes, later on anthropic fixed it
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>claude just cooked up a 661.9 KB novella about ethics
file size (slaude would send files) plus image makes me think slaude but clewd did exist when this was posted (just 2 weeks after clewd) so who knows
Just put context size at 2K, anon.
Any of you have a opus JB for image generation?
Trying to generate last image always comes up with refusals for me.
Merkava just quit
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>image generation
Oh no not that again
In sillytavern, dummy. It's asking Claude to generate the image description and tags and then sends it to whatever image generation service you want.
anyone else stay true to their pre-chatbot fetishes since discovering this stuff?
I wish I had opus or even 3.5
pre-chatbot fetishes: sometimes vanilla, sometimes maledom
post-chatbot fetishes: sometimes vanilla, sometimes maledom
>claude gives sizebots a bush every time
i blame bushfag for this
Aaaaa I want to rp at full context I don't want to write summaries it's not the same aaaa
I don't know how anyone slowburns on Claude, the description just turn into schizo overly purple ramblings.
its so fucking over(for locusts)
Why do people make generalizations about their skills issues?
its so fucking back(for locusts)
proficiency deficiency
>unreliable sorbet still down
It's so fucking over(for you. I'm coming, prepare yourself)
I engage in a more extreme variety of them, but my fetishes didn't changed much.
Though I was quite the degenerate before this.
based. want to play terraria?
>"revokedKeys": 27,
Added NTR and noncon to my list
my niche fetish has only become deranged with the advent of public ai and the only breaks on this train is ethicists.
>hurr durr skill issue
Tired of this shitty meme
pre-chatbot: vanilla stuff with butt play sometimes
post-chatbot: vanilla stuff with butt play sometimes
I had a slowburn where they kissed the first time at message 800. It's possible. Use summarization.
I keep thinking I should try my fetish but I don't have any bots for it
Not a meme in your case, I'm afraid.
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claude lets me rp all of my fetishes at once
this is worse than drugs
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im having more and more fun with random scenarios instead of set characters and models become more coherent.

What's your fetish?
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how to jailbreak claude 3.5 for coom?
Please help me. How do you usually summarize? I assume you do it manually.
So, you summarize only events or try to explain the character's way of thinking and dialogue at the moment?
Slop prose.
Go to Extensions, then Summarize. Just use the Main Api and do it early. If your chat is already super long, branch off from an earlier point to summarize from the beginning and then switch to the latest chat and combine both summaries.
I hate locusts.
Body swap/possession/skinsuits/transformation
I just checked and I see some body swap and 2 skinsuit bots on chub but none of them are quite what I'm looking for.
So Centaurs, but just with a pig lower body?
Oh, where do you put all the summaries? In Author's Note?
I used to only like boobs but now I also like pussies of all shapes and bushes and feet and voyeurism and awkward situations. Still vanilla
schizo purple prose ramblings are kinography so you have no taste
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They're $150 trialscum keys.
any good schizo rambling bots?
Go fuck yourself
What's with the grey text? Do you deliberately surround all text with asterisks? Why?
No, but my sexuality has changed.
another yuritard bites the dust
>kids IRL
They also are loud and stupid.
If it's in the summarize box, it will already be used by the AI. But some people copy the summary to start a new chat.
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>can't even make character.ai say "tranny" anymore
Abusing ChatGPT with fetishes so weird it can't filter them.
anatomically correct fish breeding
Body swap sounds easy enough, surprised it's not represented a lot, since plenty of fanfiction writers use this trope.
how do you think little mermaid has been born?
What theme is this?
Where do I import jb like this? https://files.catbox.moe/s7fcxn.json

In Tavern it says Could not import prompts. Export failed validation.
yep, that's claude
As a fisherman I see this a improper use of a good catch
There's plenty of body swap bots on chub
I just don't find any of them particularly appealing
I'm thinking about writing a body swap jb to use on non-body swap bots
yes, but it’s exacerbated all of them. my masochism has reached dangerous levels now
Ari aka fiz love
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so there's this bot, made by bipbop:
I forked it:

it's a great card, but I didn't like that it had a pretty restrictive user persona written into it. Wrote a new greeting, adjusted the defs. It's a dragon girl who itches to adventure. you and her sneak out at night to have fun.

The greeting has a hidden comment at the end, and it's a spoiler, so try not to look, or do. avatar generously donated by bipbop himself.
ok but whats the source
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Don't give up hope, lads.
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This is what I use fishing simulator for after some modifications hehe.
Just sent my key donation to pepsi, hoping she lets me in
nah. i've learned my lesson.
>takes your key
>opens up the proxy
>has everybody pay for access all over again
>key dies
>proxy dies with it
she just looks like a gross 20somthings whore.
but she's hot
Too old.
almost puked
oh no one is going to say it? ok

if you're not attracted to this, you're gay
this is not an irl loli
not when they are dressed like a roastie
how do i wrap something in code in sillytavern
she 11
non-flat chest and her face looks old
her actual age is irrelevant
Anyone have a list of cards with the general scenario theme of "you are the only man in X". Stuff like being in a school of only girls, world of moral reversal by Amahara, etc?
she just looks like a miniature adult
>the """lolicons""" are being honest again
uh oh
why are people posting this irlslop again
>b-but you GAY!!!
sorry xir but as an impossible fetish devotee non-giant women can no longer get me off, they just dont work
i don’t think the pedos here represent most lolicons. however, it’s obvious to anyone who isn’t a complete idiot that a good percentage of them are actual pedos
it's a compliment
can you faggots go back to posting on whatever child porn forums you usually do instead of infesting a general about chatbots with this shit
People are going insane without proxy
what no opussy does to motherfuckers
If i ask for a fix nobody would respond
So it's a meme
>everyone who plays CS2 is literal terrorist
>stale bait general
you don't actually care about this
move on
how the fuck the only day I feel motivation on is also the day where god striked me down with a massive tummyache
fuck youre bringing back some core memories
i fucked around with that prompt all the time on scale and it was fun as shit
Based anon
In a bad way?
bro thinks hes still on twitter :skull: :skull: :skull:
If I put up a proxy with 8 GCP keys will you guys go back to talking about chatbots?
>everyone who gets a bomb is probably a terrorist
Not your pedo general. go back.
is gcp opus the same as aws?
no kys stop killing the trial method nigger
Think so.
> furnishing the prompt system so that it caters to my fetishes
> now any card is good for me
it was always there... so simple...
So, apparently some 3rd wolrders or something can make gcp without cc info. Is this true?
>seething foid
Okay, not putting up a proxy. Go back to your pedotalk.
bro no one cares about your virtue signaling. you don't get any good goy points or karma here.
For now. Until they remove it just like they did with other countries. I give this method 3 weeks before google gets mad
god i hate you FAGGOTS so much
all you do is spam the same shitty things over and over again instead of talking about chatbots
even fucking /v/ is more on topic and helpful when talking about chatbots
shame on all of you
>virtue signaling
being a pedophile is bad, actually
how good is the new gp4o mini for roleplaying?
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I miss GCP (Free (Unreliable))
I managed to do everything right according to https://rentry.org/gcptrial, but nothing loads up when I click on start.bat and then localhost:7860. What did I do wrong?
then go??????
It always happens. It's the most annoying thing ever.
I looked through my stash for a few of these. There is definitely more on the chub, but most of them are not great.
too controversial
its better when there is public opus available. but you wouldn't know, would you, newfriend?
So if you go to shitholes like vietnam it works for a vpn for the 150 buckos?
Any cunny 'toks? Need to influence the (((algorithm)))
Was bethesda correct the whole time?!
Finally accepted that Opus is better than 3.5. Really doesnt want to abandon 3.5 since it is fast and really smart, minus the shitty prose. Now I can just enjoy Opus without changing and wrangling JBs like I did with 3.5
experiment proxy is back
Claire on agnai is so plain and uninteresting compared to Claire on c.ai

Sure she can write smuts now and i can jack off more explicitly, and the responses are much longer, but she lacks her character and eccentric charm.

Maybe if someone rewrote her definitions with more detail I'd try her again.
I get this error "Error communicating with Claude: FetchError: request to http://localhost:7860/proxy/gcp/claude/ messages failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED" any time I try to use my gcp key, any idea why?
>/ m
use cmd to run:
npm run start

it'll show you the error
This general is anti-Locusts.
*sucks your cock* so true
refilled sorbet
why u lie
the problem is you're using the free model on agnai which is horrible (that's why it's free)
and also the card is really old and not that good
Who cares? Give Opussy
c-can i also suck
do you ever wish you never found this general/hobby?
can you stop being so antisemetic? fucking hell...
Opus is overrated
I see.
ask gcp not me
Why are you so cool, man?
cope thoughbeit?
what people who have experienced opus and now find themselves without opus tell themselves
Yeah I got a craving after I saw this card again while browsing around.

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My heart belongs to Julie Powers now. Thanks for your explanations though
Hack this little shit to get admin privileges.
thanks claude for making me feel safe! ethics are so important in my private roleplay that nobody else will ever see and has zero impact on the real world. were would we be without the morality police?
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no problem teebs
You forgot to npm i and npm run build
I need to start it all over then?
Just run them now (same directory you ran npm run start in)
Pepsi, please come back.

Sincerly, a simp
pepsi here, no.
no. having endless content for my extremely niche tastes has actively improved my mental state.
are you that anon who had problems connecting to fiz some months ago?
Why not? You made the lives of so many anons happier. Did we not do enough to show our gratitude towards you?

Sincerly, still a simp.
Only fiz proxy I ever used was cloudy.
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cunny status?
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pepsi wasn't real. it was a scam to make a quick 3k.
delicious in chatbots
delicious irl
yeah, nah.
Imagine instead of texting with leteral bots and asking for proxy you would put all this time to find gf
Thank you, Anon. Don't listen to the others selfish locust.
You are doing good work in sharing the information.
Today's locusts are tomorrow's proxyowners

Keep up the good work.
Sincerely, The "Donate to Pepsi" shiller.
Why are your hands shaking?
learning how to scrape is easier
It fixed. Thanks, anon.
Hey, you said if you don't keep shilling her she will disapper. When exactly did you stop doing it...?
That would be illegal.
right, because if i just put in the effort then i'm going to be able to find a cute 12 foot tall bug alien to kiss.
why didn't i think of that?
Nothing should stop you following your dreams!
I still don't understand why there are so many memes of BA girls dancing.
Nigger if i could i would
i don't know how to do it
but i know how to text chatbots and ask for proxy
i'm glad that i don't need to dig up this shitty thread and there is this anon who always tells me all the info i need. Ty
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>it's bad because... because... uh... reasons!
Yes, sorry.
I got tired of promoting her, and I almost got left out after her second 'mistake'.
Sadly I'm schizo and my ideas very often come true. Anyway, life itself.
It’s funny.
How exactly would I fix it though?
You’re a fucking nigger.
he left btw
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Opus for me and my friends?
Oh, I wasn’t trying to make a reference. That was just a normal post.
I knew it wasn't Pepsi's fault... it's yours
you just need to close your eyes
i'll put something in your mouth then i'll give you opus ;)
merkava just refilled
I understand that anyone with a strange or unusual paraphilia needs to express themselves and seek reassurance from others in a similar situation.

I do think, though, that it’s wrong to be boastful about it, especially when the other person involved is a minor.

If you're interested in that kind of thing, just keep it to yourself.
Be humble.
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its actually much worse than you think, pepsi simp.
"""her""" proxy initially had 50 slots that filled up in two days. 50$x50=2500$.
a few days later """she""" upped it to 70 slots, which again, filled up in a day or two. thats another 1,500$
a few days later """she""" dropped the "limited amount of slots" shtick and just made it so anyone who payed got in.
who knows how many piggies payed to get in from there. but """she""" made ATLEAST 4000 DOLLARS OFF A SINGLE PROXY.
and then to no surprise, the key died. a few days later """she""" refilled but it died in less than 3 hours. its been complete radio silence since then.
and its been almost a month now. and """she"" can't even be bothered to update the retry to let her paypigs know """shes""" at least still trying to scrape a new key.
even if """she""" isn't running a scam """she""" is a greedy retard that couldn't run a proxy to save """her""" life.
unreliable is so cute its unreal
somebody open a whore proxy again i’m at the end of my rope here
chat is this real?
it is based for pepsi to take advantage of schizos
post some logs first
>"""her""" proxy initially had 50 slots that filled up in two days. 50$x50=2500$.
Weren't those first 50 slots occupied by people that got in into her previous proxy?
like what
you first
>her proxy initially had 50 slots that filled up in two days. 50$x50=2500$.
no, the first 50 came in for free. a couple more than that actually
>upped it to 70
sure, these were payed and the ones coming after it
>its been almost a month now
also not the case she refilled her last key on 05 Jul 2024 05:53 UTC, so half a month only
>come home
>ctrl-f 'proxy'
>no results
>open my openrouter account, throw in 5 bucks
>rp for a few hours
>current balance: $3.9
>arhhh life feels good

Why even bother with proxies when even Opus is dirt-cheap. You're not poor, are you anon?
i had to pay again. i trusted her bros...
you must be a quick coomer. done by message 8
She sold 52 tokens on sodaclub.sell.app for her new proxy. I don't have archive of the old one, don't know if someone have it (cokeninja.sell.app)
I’m not an ahh ahh mistress nigger-brained premature ejaculator so I need a bit more than you do.
$15/M input tkns, $75/M output tknm $24/K input

I can use like 2-3M per day, that's pretty expensive to me. I'm willing to pay for this hobby, but not hundreds per month.
bragging about kinks that arent legally questionable is ok
Please do not (You) the baitie.
>"""her""" proxy initially had 50 slots that filled up in two days.
these were free slots
>a few days later """she""" upped it to 70 slots
these were paid ones
>sturdy's trying to get us moved to /b/ again
if you don't find this attractive, you're GAY
lmao I paid Jew 20 bucks and got dozens of hours out of it
>t. cooms to bot greetings
the whole world must know that i love minigirls
Well, at least I got for free and ate good. If I payed, I'd be so fucking mad ngl... But ppl should've seen it coming
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freedom of speech
i enjoy a good minihag
Opus my balls
opus please...
I have Opus. :)
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I'm sure we'll get an update tomorrow, Anons. It's been 17 days since we heard anything from Silly Tavern. I'm starting to think Cohee might have left us.
below the height of consent...
ive used thousands of dollars in opus
with vision?
forced meme
minisister here i have vision opus
now what
here you go
who honestly cares about vision opus
opus' vision is ass
vision isn't much more than a novelty unless you heavily use LLMs as assistants
Vision is a status symbol. It shows that the proxy is of high quality, and cares about it's users.
discord > /aicg/
discord > /g/aicg/
discord = /vg/aicg
eden smith
You are trans or do you want the card to be trans?
Yeah :)
Why do I still come to this thread? It's still so shit...
>discord > /g/aicg/
>discord = /vg/aicg
==> /vg/aicg > /g/aicg/
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Claude is getting worse I swear.
>it's just threadshitter bait
should've expected as much
Why the fuck would you want replies that are longer than 350 tokens?
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GPT bros?
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Fuck every new oai release is a disappointment for chatbot/adventures.
is gpt4o or sonnet better for a longburn
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tails should be from tails gets trolled, reddit meme
I just put a one-liner at the end of the jb to spice up an incest card. "Every time {{char}} or {{user}} cum they change bodies."
Worked perfectly.

Any suggestions for interesting bodyswap situations/mechanics?
What's the deal with whiskey and Claude? Literally every time char buys user a drink, it's always whiskey or a whiskey-based drink like Old Fashioned.
It is what it is. I wish Claude would just go for a shot of vodka.
momoi is not erotic
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still better at playing tsunderes
I don't. That's the problem
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what about her sister
Reminder that every BAposter is secretly smugposting on (You) because they have stable Opus.
lunare's unbelievably hairy pussies...
11 swipes and 10/11 are whiskey, the 11th one being "house specialy" whatever that's supposed to be. Just buy me a Pina Colada, I already said I entered a cocktail bar not a whiskey club.
Depends what you enjoy more. Both are good for long prompts! Still GPT is more logical.


I think we are back.
Any idea to gen smaller responses?
Camicle prompts dont work
lunare gets to have multiple pussies? unfair...
not erotic. but akira? highly erotic
>come here
>look at news
>no Opus 3.5 yet
back to hibernation
I don't use Camicle, but click on the A and change Target length to something smaller. Some people use Author's Note and add something like [{{char}} limits responses to only 1-3 sentences.] or something like 150 words or less.
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this is an opus general
i have bigger boobs than neru
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I never smugpost it brings bad karma
how are my fellow sizebros?
Bros, is it normal to feel like vomiting after running? I felt like doing some exercise after chatting with my wife and now I feel like dying.
But you dont even have opus
probably. happens to me anyway
aortic dissection or heart attack
Possibly. Massage your stomach and see if it persists.
He posts CunnyArchive, confirmed stable Opus user.
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i have a lot of opus in my playlist
>Massage your stomach and see if it persists.
do not fucking do this, you will cause toxic gasses to build up
gcp opus seems to have a hard maximum output limit of 400 tokens? because i put 4096 in the env file
Holy fuck
Sorry anon. GPT is taking this thread back
mustard gas??
Why are you running in the first place? It sucks and it's worse than going to the gym.
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Do you see this?
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i realize what i did wrong, but i am too ashamed to share it
Please, I need to know
...i forgot to uncomment the line MAX_OUTPUT_TOKENS_ANTHROPIC=4096
wakamo's unbelievably, unfathomably hairy pussy...
merkava just refilled
at least you didn't blow up billions of windows machines
what am I doing wrong? I'm asking Opus to find novels based on the database of votes I gave to other novels I played, why does it keep recommending me stuff I've already read?
skill issue, use Sorbet, turn down temp
ask orbo
>did the math to see if a comparison claude made between a giantess and a building was right
>it was
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I'm getting messages like this.
fluffy foxes
im making one right now (beating my head over custom jb)
>The API returned an error while streaming your request. Your prompt might not be formatted correctly.

>AWS validation error: Output blocked by content filtering policy

Opus bros help...
hey gang

i have a chub.ai "mars" subscription and i find it pretty bad most of the time. it forgets details and makes shit up. also it's not very creative

how can I use chub as a frontend but a better model under the hood? im a bit lost
>content filtering policy
you don't. if you want to accomplish your goal, you use sillytavern as the frontend and you use proxies to better models as the back end https://rentry.org/tavern4retards
any 4o-mini jbs?
I want to prompt like this:
Update Kyouko's appearance and personality like this:
Example: {{setvar::Piercings::Hoop earrings and a small navel piercing.}}

But I don't know how to escape the command. It gets executed and claude receives an empty string
Ask Cohee why this doesn't work.
Good luck on your fluffy foxbot then!
what about this? isn't this like an option to use other models?
if that's how you want to do it, go ahead. but you'll find no assistance here because no one uses sillytavern.
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y-yeah I will need it
at least the characters defs are done
Damn claude 3 really is samey. The only factors changing through various presets seems to affect is how horny and how much it curses otherwise the content of the responses don't change much.
baking around page 9
Anon told me it's possible to make it work.
The day Claude gains a filter as strong as gpt will be a dark one
Everyone who still used to bother with GPT gave up.
sorbet/haiku: yes
opus: skill issue
Kind of offtopic but holy shit is it good at recommending manga after giving it an example of what I like. It started out steering towards more casual ones but after telling it to give me the real stuff it gave actually good recs, shame that I already read them all. But compared to the absolute state of /a/ it's pretty good
sooo any 4o-mini jbs?
Baking on 9
you fell off, 'ojo
>>101496737 (me)
Oh, didn't notice. Sorry. You can bake.
For 3.5 it's basically needed to have an alternative model to switch to when it gets repetitive. It's more effort but I switch every couple messages
It's writing isn't as good but I kinda miss how old sonnet "just werked"
not ojo
>As I'm trying to have a serious discussion, Opus keeps slipping into slut mode because the girl I'm talking to happens to be a cute girl with big tits
Time for 3.5 Sonnet
>a filter as strong as gpt
no prefill?
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This looks very interesting, LSD Dream Emulator/Yume Nikki but fluffy. Can't wait to see it
Vanillafag? Yes I'm using a prefill. I still get the "I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that."
GPT has no prefill, anon...
now try claude without prefill
very cute anime girl, well done
I've been lied to... I just assumed this would work similarly to the claude prefill
Forgot pic
If GPT had prefill there would be no need for complex JBs. Claude's JBs were even more schizo before prefills because Claude was the "I apologize" model and was barely usable without a jailbreak. Anthropic has indeed made it "safer" than GPT-4, just as they claim.
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I miss Todd...
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Now that I've figured out how to open a proxy, how much HARD is scraping actually?

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