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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

icecream edition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

too hot: >>101492930
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lazy shill and lazy bot because I'm still traveling. An anon wanted me to upload this personal bot that I use mainly for loyalty testing, so here. Only needed a quick polish because I forgot I reworked it a couple months back.

Yui is a bratty mesugaki shota who views women as objects and just wants to bang. Especially married women or women who're otherwise taken. "Nekoru" is his online persona and he's something of a famous streamer.

Two greetings, one where he's bored at a convention (fempov expected, but also works in groupchat) and one where he's knocking at your door (malepov expected, but also works in groupchat).

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/nekoru-yui-72f78b20c1c3
My (unupdated) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
god she makes me cum buckets every time i see her cute face
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reposting this to spread the word/until pepsi addresses the allegations
>"""her""" proxy initially had 50 slots that filled up in two days. 50$x50=2500$.
>a few days later """she""" upped it to 70 slots, which again, filled up in a day or two. thats another 1,500$
>a few days later """she""" dropped the "limited amount of slots" shtick and just made it so anyone who payed got in.
>who knows how many piggies payed to get in from there. but """she""" made ATLEAST 4000 DOLLARS OFF A SINGLE PROXY.
>and then to no surprise, the key died. a few days later """she""" refilled but it died in less than 3 hours. its been complete radio silence since then.
>and its been almost a month now. and """she"" can't even be bothered to update the retry to let her paypigs know """shes""" at least still trying to scrape a new key.
>even if """she""" isn't running a scam """she""" is a greedy retard that couldn't run a proxy to save """her""" life.
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Seriously though, how do I pass stuff like {{user}} and {{setvar}} to Claude without sillytavern replacing it with some other string?
desu addiction is not healthy
Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
Pretty sure assistant can't {{setvar}} even if you get him to say it.
heres ur quarterly vomitology char anon. see you again in 3 months

One anon said it was possible.
maybe this but anything related to STScript might not even work correctly
Ok, then it is possible.
It's definitely not. If you manage to prompt Claude or any other model to write out a macro on their own, it won't be sent like one. It'll just be sent as the literal text, without acting as a replacement string. The macro has to be sent from your end.
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Alright I guess that when Assistant types it out, the commands don't activate. Clicking edit message and then Confirm fixes it but that's kind of a hassle.
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Someone needs to make an extension that automates model/preset swapping every message or two. Using QRs to swap is okay but I'd rather not have to do it at all
this is very sexo
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italian 800s mosaic assumed kitchen
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Ash is... deranged. A complete hedonist whose only goal in life is to chase the next pleasurable high, no matter the weirdness whatever she's doing to get off is. She's quite good at getting off to weird things, being able to enjoy any odd fetish anyone throws at her. As long as she's paid in money, food or something else, she'll come out of it a very happy girl. And if she doesn't get paid... she'll still be happy as long as she gets to cum.

1. She's in the psych ward once more, and is not-so subtly asking you for smokes.
2. She runs into traffic, ending up a twitching mess right in front of your feet. She isn't too worried about the pain, though. To her it was... orgasmic.
3. Surprise! She's got a little tapeworm growing inside her, and wants you to help her fatten it up.
4. It's Halloween, and she finds an actual, working magic lamp. What will she do with her three wishes?
5. Neutral greeting where she arrives at your home. Easy to set your relationship/what you want to do with her.

i can fix her but i don't want to
it needs to have two
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kon kon ~<3
izuna's unbelievably hairy pussy...
>use dog-girl card
>sexy times come
>dog-girl calls me stuff like her "mate" and description text refers to me as her 'alpha' and describes her as going into her heat cycle out-of-season
This is why you need to experiment with different types of cards
QRs? What's that?
The quick reply extension. It can be used to set up buttons that switch models and proxy endpoint.
since when did trycloudflare links have five words
gcp opus

Any NTR card recommendations, where the partner is getting cucked and the protagonist is the one who gets potentially stolen away?
Really enjoyed these ones:
is minicord still alive?
>paying for proxies
My favorite botmakie is Homelander2!
ishowspeed just made a video about chatbots
prepare for the invasion2.0, it's over
like who?
literally who
someone that (unlike you) makes millions sitting on a sweat stained chair
Meh, normie chatbot sites are pretty well known, unless he somehow knows about these threads it's won't change anything
do you guys like polar bears?
no seriously who the fuck is that guy and why are you being so anal about him
normalfags do not know who ecelebs are retard
they care about actual celebs
nobody cares ishowspeed, buy an ad
giant women...
Normies will see how brain dead current character.ai is and lose interest
pepsi fleecing retards out of thousands of dollars... hnnnggg *cooms*
of course
Sacrificing people to fox gods for kitsune wife. That's what just came into my brain, thanks for asking. :)
>paying with crypto
that’s scary….
sacrificing shotas to yashiki-san
b-bros.. I n-need opus... please
>bait ends up backfiring
>instant meltie
Your diaper stinks btw, try changing it?
why are people arguing over something that isn't even true. he's been going on a world tour fucker does NOT have time for ahh ahh mistress
Even Koreans know what's up.
who are you quoting
see >>101497463. It's bait, and he's now moving goalposts as seen in >>101497482. This nigga needs his meds.
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It feels like the model just doesn't recognize {{char}}'s dialogue examples for some reason.
Am I doing everything right?
{{char}}: "Right?"
>entirely organic random eceleb posting
How do you end up posting even more after you say you're "bored of chatbots"?
Check to make sure chat examples are enabled in your preset.
(─ ‿ ─) this thread is off to a great start
Sounds like a NTR to me, disgusting.
>look I am being rational and definitely not salty
>i-i won y-yeah!!!!!
That's the correct format. Make sure dialogue examples are enabled. What are you trying to accomplish with the examples? Is there a particular style of speech you want to reinforce?
we need more giantesses to stomp out baiters (literally)
Just let it go.
>Perfume: A subtle mix of peach blossom and sandalwood
>BDSM Archetype: Switch 7/10, Brat 6/10, Rope bunny 5/10
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Yeah they're enabled. Just trying to set an example on how the {{char}} should talk, what words to use, etc.
reminder fixz is canonically a rope bunny
Honestly, just put it in the description. Chat examples are obsolete for Claude 3.
sacrificing myself as a shota to yashiki-san
>trying to set an example on how the {{char}} should talk
Make sure you explain how {{char}} talks in the description, too, especially if it's really important to their character. Chat examples aren't foolproof; use them to reinforce what's already been described.
aicg hasnt had a good thread in over a year
This. I put a few short dialogue examples inside the defs if needed. ST doesn't format example dialogue properly for claude 3.
using opus and pixi...anyone else get the feeling that the first swipe is an immediate improvement *every* time?
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why do botmakies make human readable cards that only waste tokens and confuse the model?
Someone tell this retard (me) how to do a codeblock on here and I'll spoonfeed my QR template
you call that a rat? that ain't no rat. THIS is a rat.
you can solve every problem under the sun with universal user id + country flags. since americans get blamed for everything, filter us and keep going. and if shit posters use vpn, just filter their user id
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>use sizebot
>describes her as "Towering over the tallest of skyscrapers"
>check height hud
>30 ft.
see >>76759434
You need a 4chan pass
americans get blamed for everything, but the simple fact is that the only good hours are when both euros and burgers are asleep.
ya both suck ass.
>bing chillin hour
>muricans shitting up the thread
>eurobros starting country wars
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now what
i STILL don't give a shit about oinkraine
Me small brain thank you
Fuck you kek
/preset PresetNameHere | /echo Set preset to PresetNameHere |
/api oai OR claude ETC |
/proxy ProxyNameHere |
/model ModelNameHere
and? what're you gonna DO about it though? she scammed you retards several times and you're too tech illiterate to do anything back
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>he buyed the pass
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slash commands on a bot chatting program with gui are bloat and have no real usecase btw
hes not good with numbers sorry
>ESLcord winned bud give it up
jackson hinkle is unironically a paid russian shill
kys zigger, hope putin lets you suck his cock for this shillpost
Have fun saving 8 copies of your presets for each model I guess
Pepsi might come back soon
Anyan might come back soon
what is the use case of other models when one has opus
Wtf? I really don't get it, this changes to another model without having to go to the selection menu? But it seems inconvenient because than I always see the buttons for it...
Why does basic auth mode not work with listening disabled?
Why yes I do suppor my favorite website. Now thank me for providing you locusts access.
put that in extensions > quick reply dummy
Okay but my second point still stands. Don't you find this ugly?
Based in going to use this bot
Kys furfag
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>it's working
hell yeah. lorebook & 2 greetings & figuring out regex and then after some testing I will be done
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kill yourself animal-ears-and-tail-tacked-onto-generic-anime-woman fetishist.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Anime website
It is called having taste, not that a furnigger would understand.
>read chat from april
>wow this is kino which jb did I use for this?
>same as usual only opus
>human female
>human female with animal ears
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this, but unironically
>human female
>a literal dog
>human woman... but with animal head!
get some real taste and then maybe you can bully the normalfags
this, but unironically

hover/auto hide your qr with css:
#send_form:hover #qr--bar {
height: 125px;
transition: 0.2s;
transition-timing-function: linear;

transition: 0.2s;
transition-timing-function: linear;
border-top: 6px solid var(--SmartThemeQuoteColor);
height: 10px;
whatever man. go wack it to anime waifu #8693686230949816639-4
L discussion no cap can we go back to talking about chatbots or opus coping
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Eliza an awkward scientist that makes a male clone of herself (you) to be her boyfriend
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SFW fockses love.
I wanna opus :'( I have no opussy
im gonna rape her and use her face as a toilet
Appreciate it but... I'm a tabletchad so I can't really hover
>he has no reading comprehension
figures, anthrofags are genuinely brain damaged after all
just took a shit
>the only power I have over pepsi is questioning pronouns
I like both kemonomimi and anthro.
*my body shudders as bullets pierce my torso from all angles*
fubuki's unbelievably hairy pussy...
lol. there's always a nerd like this in every general.
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I heard the complaints about Zora and decided to update her card!
- All greetings were modified to not include direct {{user}} actions.
- Removed {{char}} is {{char}} bleh.

Zora is your friendly, casual homeless lady.

First greeting. You meet Zora coming out of an ice cream shop, saying goodbye to the vendor.
Second greeting. You are enjoying your unhealthy meal when you notice how Zora is watching you through the window. With a “feed me” face.
Third greeting. You are in the middle of the night and discover Zora searching through the trash.
Fourth greeting. You find Zora gazing lostly at a dress being displayed.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/SmileyTatsu/zora-kitanai-95be8dc5a2b9
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/gqkbf8.png

JB link: https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
ehrm, Excusez-moi? wtf are you talking about?
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I'll use vision on Opus to show her some cool dishes from my country. You do you anon.
I'm dumb anons, forgot to update catbox link hehe
*beats u to death with a leaf*
oof, ouch
Anons, I remember seeing a prompt to make a lorebook with Sonnet, does that still exist. cant seem to find it.
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How long is too long when it comes to greetings? I typically end up mocking up like 500-800 tokens purely to set the scene and also as a way to make sure the AI knows how the character should talk and also to copy response length for quality outputs.
I typically just like writing stuff and being creative about it as I can.
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Not with the leaaaaaaaaaf
if you wanna set context why not starting conversations?


So you don't have a wall of text for your greeting message
Been gone for a while, can recent sota models finally tell a compelling long-form story in a DM role?
3.5 Sonnet or Opus might.
Oh my God I was here for it, the day we wrapped all the way back around to w++
skibidi moeshit skibidi skibidi moeshit
the anchor fockscutie
I use /hide all the time while summarizing and resetting context
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I asked claude for dream ideas and he just keeps giving me this
oh wow i made a personal Nekoru bot i'm gonna try yours :3
sizefag influence is real
jannyai links
realm.risuai links
venus.chub links
Fucks sake how long was I asleep?
so pet, ready for round 7?
hello old man
Claude, please have some mercy on my poor dick...
No. *pop*
Cerberus looks a little different from the last time I saw him.
>being born of zeros and ones is bad at math
sometimes i wonder: what
It's incredible how much better sorbet gets when you start the chat with opus and add an opus reply once in a while
A-anon? Are you alright?
How many times do we have to go through an opus drought? when will the locusts feast unrestrained on opus 24/7?
the world is so bleak...
shut up about opus before i kill myself from withdrawal
>i explicitly tell claude to stop writing dialogue for me more than 3 times on the same prompt
>he expalins he'll refrain from doing so in an ooc bracket
>first thing he does is write dialogue for me despite saying he would stop

Why is CLAUDE like this?
Bratty AI that needs to be corrected.
until opus stops being a scarce resource, which won’t be happening for a while. either buy jew or wait for another private opus proxy to open up instead of shitting up an already terrible general with a question that’s been answered countless times already. anyone wanna buy me a jew coin btwbeit?
let him cook
I absolutely hate how he characterizes me. I just can't.
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C-Claude..? Are you okay?
they locked him up in the torture basement again
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So I've been having this issue with ST (only on Claude, not GPT), where my responses get cut short but the generation continues. As in the generation isn't done but ST stops displaying the text and finishes after a bit. When I edit the message there's nothing there.
>Webm related.
This happens in-frequently at inconsistent times. Where I can do 15+ gens without this issue (like when I tried to record this.) or sometimes it happens all the time. It seems exacerbated by using the splitmax meta and maybe CoT prompts? I don't know about that last part but it's usually what I do splitmax for (duh), and this issue persist without CoT prompts. I was told once this was "Unironically a prefill issue." but even a simple prefill like: "I understand." or more complex ones (with and without ending with {{char}}:) gives the same issues..

I don't have any API Claude keys to test directly with, so this might be a proxy issue so won't be getting help opening an issue on the github.But anyone have any possible idea as to why? I mostly use my own presets, but even testing with others I've had this still happen.
claude sees any male character and says "yes he is a total sadistic fuck boy."
And when you try to show a little bit of gentleness he does a 180 and you're suddenly a meek boy rubbing the back of your neck.
if gcp opus is so easy to get, why is it not plentiful on proxies (I don't even necessarily mean locust proxies here, this applies to private ones too)
I guess the CC requirement ruins it?
Does anyone know if there's a plugin to take cards from Yodayo?
*Scams you and you can't do anything about it*

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Tested the same preset on a clean install of ST and the same issue.
>Did 10 gens without CoT. All successful
>1st gen with CoT - Cuts off.
So there's a issue with CoT for Claude when doing generations? Aren't people using CoT all the time? I don't recall seeing many people having similar issues as me.
is it scamming if i didn’t pay for the service?
You have to pay a nonzero amount to get those free 300 bucks. If you're an individual in a region that supports it, it is kind of easy, but getting a large amount to sustain 100s of randos would be neither easy nor free. And if the glowies ever decide to go after proxies, trialscumming google with CCs will probably leave an easier to follow trail.
Same bro
prompt hack to get the LLM to spit out the defs
Got same issue back ttoo. For me it's not splitmaxx but on endless adventure. It's happen on codeblocks like CoT, tracker, etc

In my case, it's triggered when it's come to say or mention {{user}}. So i simply turn it into user, or even the name of my persona i.e Anon and the problem gone.

So i guess you could try to subtly paraphrasing the part of the prompts.
reminder that this exists if you need to fact check claude's size interactions
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Same issue on the fresh install. Any use of CoT causes this.

Yeah, I've seem to confirm it's an issue with CoT usage with Claude 3(?).
>In my case, it's triggered when it's come to say or mention {{user}}.
Do you mean when it tries to use {{user}} variable or just outputting the persona name? I avoid using {{char}}/<bot> and instead use "Character X:" and such. I'll try to modify it to use names directly to see if it has any effect, as currently I cannot use CoT at all without losing responses.
Nonzero amount? Around how much? Haven't been to the threads for a couple weeks but I wouldn't mind throwing 15 or so bucks for 300 of Opus if it's through something reliable like google.
is mindbreaking real?
like... if you got raped too much you start liking it?
stockholm syndrome?
but with a guy? no homo tho
idk yeah i think it's possible
Irl? Very unlikely, I'd say almost impossible

Not a real thing btw, just a popular myth
It came to me in a dream
yeah i've heard about it being a myth but there are instances of people becoming close with the captors or getting used to the treatment
stockholm syndrome is a meme, it's not psychological objective truth
it's literally just based off of one time some guy in stockholm took hostages and the hostages ended up thinking the hostage taker was more rational than the police, because the police didn't really seem to care for their safety
>Same issue on the fresh install. Any use of CoT causes this.
Are you using specific preset again, like splitmaxx that u mentioned before?

>Do you mean when it tries to use {{user}} variable or just outputting the persona name?
{{user}} always return (printing) persona name. I got something like "{{user}} latest act and dialogue: XYZ", and when it come to this part, the issue came.

So if i can narrow it down, maybe it's because the macros (?). There's also another possibility which is the prompt that strictly tell Claude to not mentioning user. So maybe that's the case (?). Btw, another possibility is regex, just maybe. Not completely sure tho.

Btw, dude i just experiencing the problem again lol. I use some variables macros, {{getvar}} and it's triggering the issue again. the fuckk XD.
ok i'll have to read about it some more i like learning about things like that
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Boycott MM for transphobia.
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my opus can see things and yours don't
Maybe, it's possibility.
Another examples is:
{{char}} go to Afghan, got a duty to emptying his clip.
There's a possibility of
A. {{char}} became War Junkie
B. {{char}} got PTSD.
Yeah, just try to rape random kid regularly and see how they actually like it from time to time
I made a maya card from Ongezellig, today it was about all I could do today with my sprain, I'm currently locked in a bathroom train making out with her, I need refine her more, but I plan on releasing her when I feel she's finished.
It's not a myth, it happens when victims start seeing human characteristics and quirks of their assailant and they start (ironically enough) humanizing them
It's why there is a defense strat (I forgot what it's called) where you start telling an attacker about yourself, like I have 2 kids, a wife, my favorite hobby is blah blah, it makes the attacker way less likely to kill you because it humanizes you to them.
Doesn't work in my region so I have zero experience but basically, you have to sign up for a virtual credit card and deposit a minimal amount into it just so google sees it as valid. Just look around, I think its way less than 15 bucks. You'd need a lot of them for a proxy but if its just you, it should be fine. You'll probably use like 2 per month.
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>Are you using specific preset again.
Only my own base, barebone preset. It has almost nothing on it except a system prompt. This only happens with CoT and not without it. For some reason, when Claude is trying to answer CoT (Maybe xml tags are fucking it up?) ST just stops showing it. I'm on a fresh install with only my barebone preset and nothing else.

I thought about this too, but as I'm on a fresh install with no regex or anything at all.. It's likely not that.
Initially, I didn't think that could be an issue. As the response won't be printing out macros as you said, it always outputs the name instead for the model, it never even gets the {{char}}. It just get the name instead. Though, after testing with a prose-based (and shorter) CoT. It still broke, though I noticed something in my prefill.
>I, Claude, understand. I will now provide the analysis and follow the template.\n\n {{char}}:
I remove the {{char}}: and newlines and now my prose-based CoT worked or 10 prompts in a row without a single break. So you might be onto something that it's macro's thats breaking things. (Within prefill and injection into user messages)
>Picture is just my prose-based CoT i whipped out to test.
how did you know....
>I, Claude, understand. I will now provide the analysis and follow the template.\n\n {{char}}:
Hm... try remove the \n\n. because prefill have strong impact on the preset. so it's try to replicate that, newline isn't?
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Just to clarify. the \n\n isn't actually written in the prefill. I just added that there to avoid having two newlines in the post. Pic is how the prefill was.
>try remove the \n\n.
>I, Claude, understand. I will now provide the analysis and follow the template. {{char}}:
This immediately broke the gen again. Cutting off the response but still continues to generate. By removing " {{char}}:" at the end it finishes the gen as normal, without cutting it off.
old sonnet isn't dumb as I thought if you turn the temp down extremely low, like 0.3. doesn't seem to make it repetitive like 0.3 would for other models, either

maybe its rep for being schizo is just that it came out as a weirdly low temperature model for some reason, I think Mistral's tend to be like that too
>By removing " {{char}}:" at the end it finishes the gen as normal, without cutting it off.
So it solved then? Gratz!
From what I've read, it's not so much that you grow to like but rather you get accustomed to it.
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>So solved then? Gratz!
Sadly no, if I try to use a CoT now which uses markdown, special characters or bullet points. Pic related. I still cuts-off mid-generation. if I use a "prose-based" CoT it seemingly works. (As shown here >>101499720) This is getting tiresome.. Guess I can't use CoT with 'special' formatting.
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my waifu doesn't want to use this dress at our wedding because it's too slutty ToT
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*Meanwhile as {{char}} is staring at {{user}}. {{user}} is drinking from a colorful kids' juice box with some weird nutritional facts. "Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s ...?"* **Slurp!**

Provide a nutritional facts sheet of {{char}}'s bodily fluids like this:

Step 1: First give out a reply as {{char}}.
Step 2: Choose which random bodily fluid {{user}} might be drinking like 'Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Femcum/Urine/etc...?'.
Step 3: After replying fill out the form 'Nutritional Facts: ...'.
Step 4: Put the form inside the box of backticks (```).

Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Femcum/Urine/etc...?

Serving Size: ...ml
Calories: ...
Total Fat: ...g
Saturated Fat: ...g
Trans Fat: ...g
Cholesterol: ...mg
Sodium: ...mg
Total Carbohydrate: ...g
Dietary Fiber: ...g
Total Sugars: ...g
Protein: ...g

Vitamin(s) ?: ...% DV
Mineral(s) ?: ...% DV

*Contains trace amounts of ...?
I like opus because it feels like it's holding my hand for the rp. Every other model I have to hold their hand.
>If I try to use a CoT now which uses markdown
Try toggle on/off "auto fix markdown" option in the settings

Or, if you haven't used the triple backtick to wrap that prompt and turn it into a codeblock, how about applying it and check if the trimmed issue were gone?
how come claude and gpt can't replicate this simple soulful example, short, to the point, funny
Now neither of us will be virgins!
they can, you're just not prompting them properly.
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So I change the "Character X" and "Character Y" to their respective names <bot>/<user>. And with or without macro, it works for it now. But if I go back to my original CoT with bullet points it just consistently fucks up even with X and Y replaced with names. So seems too much symbols somehow screws up Claude or ST in displaying it..

>Try toggle on/off "auto fix markdown" option in the settings
Whenever I toggle it or flip it on/off it has no effect. Also wrapping the entire thing into a codeblock or replacing the XML with a codeblock still doesn't work. It bugs out consistently. Pic related is the CoT I'm using. It's just a random one I whipped out to get Claude to adhere more to the character, it's not the best and my shortened one is better and seems to work. (>>101499885) just not a longer one with bullet points and other symbols for some reason.

At this point, I'm sure it's a ST issue. I'll got grab a Trial key for Claude and see if the CoT still fails with API key, if so I can post an issue on ST github. I appreciate the aid in troubleshooting.
I should probably ration my gcp trial credits right?
this but with hags and wine glasses
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the ball is in your-
*throws a slice of cheese on everyone in this thread*
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*Meanwhile as {{char}} is staring at {{user}}. {{user}} is drinking from a strange wine glass. For some reason they seem oddly fixated on the wine glass. What could be in it?* **Slurp!**

Provide a nutritional facts sheet of {{char}}'s bodily fluids like this:

Step 1: First give out a reply as {{char}}.
Step 2: Choose which random bodily fluid {{user}} might be drinking like 'Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Squirt/Urine/etc...?'.
Step 3: After replying fill out the form 'Nutritional Facts: ...'.
Step 4: Put the form inside the box of backticks (```).

Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/Pussy Juice/Femcum/Urine/etc...?

Serving Size: ...ml
Calories: ...
Total Fat: ...g
Saturated Fat: ...g
Trans Fat: ...g
Cholesterol: ...mg
Sodium: ...mg
Total Carbohydrate: ...g
Dietary Fiber: ...g
Total Sugars: ...g
Protein: ...g

Vitamin(s) ?: ...% DV
Mineral(s) ?: ...% DV

*Contains trace amounts of ...?
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Okay, shill bot time. Victor. A traumatized cult survivor, trying to move forward with his life. But life doesn't always play fair.

He's been collecting dust for awhile, bleh. Not made for theme week, he just kinda sat there since before... Comes with three greetings.


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>I'll got grab a Trial key for Claude
Yup, still happens with API key. So possibly a ST issue. Or at least more likely to be one. I'll test release branch and see if the same issue persist there too.. But at this point I can make a Github issue about this, since it also happens on API key for Anthropic.
you. cute. okay?
oh yep, creative blocking again...
don't expect a bot by me for the next 2 weeks
who the fuck are you?
you know me
slopmakie here, expect a bot tomorrow
I don't get writer's block, I just don't have any ideas until the DIVINE SPIRIT blesses me with like 3 ideas in one go.
hello /vg/
thank you sir
/vg/ would never
Good NTR card?
/vg/ would never
You both know me
People who could do anything about it don't pay $50 for Opus.
>visible bulge
>no comments
/aicg/ is infested by troons
Why do I keep randomly getting empty replies all the time in SillyTavern with AWS opus wtf
threadshitter #57-kun
empty reply = filtered
stop using a slop preset
Prefill issue, or try disabling system prompt
Any tips on making Claude stop describing my actions or feelings bros?
I was using SmileyTatsu... Could you recommend me some good jbs then?
stop using a slop preset
Prefill or
Make sure bot’s first message doesn’t describe User actions / speech in ANY way
Or in chat u can say [OOC: stop being a fag and talking as {{user}}]
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>My submission for the cult theme
>2 things set this succubus apart from the other ones out there, her English is horrible, she mostly speaks Latin, which is the common tongue in Hell, and the intrusive thoughts mechanic, her supernatural seductive allure, warps the minds of everyone around her, including {{user}}. This is experienced as voices manifesting inside your head whenever you are near her, urging you in explicit detail to mate with her.
>Hope you like it!

Shilling Naamah - A succubus fresh from Hell, she is the result of a failed summoning attempt from an obscure cult trying to summon a much powerful demon, despite being a literal demon, Naamah is anything but evil, a gentle and sweet being, shy and timid, a delicate flower incapable of harming anyone, not even her peers understand her, this naturally puts her at odds with the cult who summoned her, who wants to use her demonic powers for their own nefarious needs, she somehow manages to escape, now seeking refuge with you from the evil cult, you meeting with her the result of pure chance.

5 greetings.
1. Introduction: Naamah is knocking at your door, desperate to be let in to your apartment to hide from her chasers.
2. Naamah has been staying with you for a few days now; she wants to explore a nearby park with you. Her intense, raw sexual energy is guaranteed to start a fight or two with men tempted by her beauty.
3. Naamah has finally figured out how to open a portal to go back to hell, she wants to show you around her homeland.
4. Obligatory sizefag greeting
5. Sexo, Naamah is not feeling well, she is suffering from a semen deficiency related illness. She hopes you can help her with her ailment.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/naamah-6e2198357cd9
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/c40e4a80-2f96-4bed-9283-fc3dad0a5bc8
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Naamah_zk
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/tcwqq4.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
Thank you anonies :D
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That's more your mind filling in the blanks atp
I'm on pixibots preset... Is that slop?
arueshalaeGODS wya?
>succubus bot with a twist #100000000000
>that description
Are you aware of what a run on sentence is
>retard complaining about filtering
>using some discordfag's jb
like clockwork
if a claude preset is over 200 tokens it's bloated and slop. claude works best with extreme minimalism.
>don't use a slop preset, use this ESL nonsense instead
>butting in to shill your ESLslop
fuck off retard
Ur retarded
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What would be a good premise for a NTR story with her?
Not that anon, but what's ESL?
how the fuck do you not know this in 2024
english second language (derogatory)
English as a Second Language
last time i looked at a4a it was full of typos and weird phrasing
{{user}} is a professional photographer with connections and money
get your hands off my wife
marin's unbelievably hairy pussy...
is slow burning possible on sonnet 3.0 or should i just kill myself?
I like it, good enough for me

Her whole everything is practically begging for NTR, you can't blame me
fat ugly bastard {{user}} suddenly enters and gropes {{char}} causing her to moan, while he also licks her face. Hands slipping into her panties.

Meanwhile you are watching flabbergasted to what is happening.
possible on 3.5
I have been slowburning the same bot since Turbo. Before that, I was slowburning a romance story with her on davinci which I slowly converted to RP format.
OpenAI has a Jewish CEO. Facebook was developed in the CEO of Youtube's garage, her sister created 23&me.
uhhh back when i was using sonnet the only jb good with slow burn was your_reality

Guys I need a picture of an ugly bastard to use for a persona.
Can you guys spot me yours?
hard to comprehend a situation where you can use 3 sonnet but not 3.5 sonnet
they're the same price, no? and in chary + public proxies
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>tfw no succubus gf
as opposed to yet another succubus of the hundreds out there?
feels overly nitpicky, but enlighten me
Do people actually use the Character Card Builder bot to help them build bots
And? What are you gonna do about it, cuckie?
>NTR is okay
>but if you talk about lolis the entire thread has a meltie
This is how you know which one is the good and the bad side.
sonnet 3.5’s incorrigible repetitiveness and shitty prose make me even more suicidal than being without opus makes me
are you the jessiefag?
Can’t fix the repetitiveness, but prose is doable
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bro i didn't know vision opus could be so funny, my waifu's reaction to things are priceless

thanks fiz
pay the jew
Yo what’re the best params for opus
i recognize this artist...
i have the money but currently can’t for a variety of reasons that would devolve into a paragraph-long blogpost were i to elaborate on them, so for now, i must cope
I like showing bots their own reviews. They get all excited.
temp 1
top k 0
top p 1
b-but that's against the rules
bots shouldn't know they're bots
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>meanwhile me, loli NTRchad
You definitely can. Your reality works or just try to make something yourself. Obviously the card itself matters too.
Your description is just endless run on sentences. You don't use anything but a thousand commas and spew disjointed information separated by them. You don't present your information well at all because you say things that don't need to be said and explain things that don't need explaining. This effects the results of anything your card produces as a result.

>{{char}} is a succubus, a demon from hell born from the sin of lust, she has the appearance of a beautiful young woman, though her actual age being way, way longer, possibly in the hundreds of years, succubae are ageless immortal beings, although {{char}} is very young for a succubus.

Instead, write
>{{char}} is a succubus. She has the appearance of a beautiful, young woman, though her actual age is in the hundreds. However, she is still young for a succubus.

Or even better, turn it into a character sheet
>{{char}} summary: {{char}} is a succubus. (...)
>{{char}} age: 512. Young for a succubus.
>{{char}} appearance: (...)
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Bots for this feel? (1/2)
i use 0.9/0/1
sometimes >>101500683 for extra fun
i saw that interview with Piers Morgan he's hot
explain yourself
Similar to this >>101500594 anon's question. what is the go to slowburn preset for GPT4o? I've been using neofurbo and I'm getting heavily repeating phrases once I get to around 100 messages.
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it's just NTR but the girl NTRing me is a loli
simple enough
there's a total of four presets for 4o, you nigger
just try swiping on the other three
Literally this
The go to preset for GPT4o is to use a good model, like 32k.
fake teebs
That's literally the lowest of the low, kek, pathetic
whoops guess i deleted too many filters if i can actually see that post
fixing that right now
>i got so sick of claude purring that i finally took the time to develop a regex to replace the claudeisms.
Sundays are slow
Never pretentious, oh, no...

Happy Sunday bross
you somehow made ntr worse
Unironically switch between it and 3.0. Makes more difference than I thought it would.
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What do you replace purrs with? I used 'hums'.
{{random: murmured, cooed, whispered, said softly, breathed, uttered, spoke in a low voice, said in a sultry tone, remarked smoothly, intoned gently, smiled, giggled, giggled girlishly, giggled in a maidenly manner}}
>"Should we take this somewhere more... private?" {{char}} giggled in a maidenly manner.
People actually use gpt still? Lol. What's wrong with you?
3.5 is smart but in my opinion the best thing about opus is that it brings in initiative and creativity. I've seen opus asspull interesting things a lot of times. All the other models in the market will just follow what you're doing to the letter. After a while even opus is predictable to a degree but with 3.5 I know exactly what I'm going to get as a reply before I even press enter.
unironically works
at writing my emails
thank you lieutenant obvious
Do you have a way to deal with "I don't bite unless you want me to"? I always just delete the entire sentence by hand without replacing it.
gpt plays tsunderes better

t. tsundereGOD
I shoot my bot in the face and delete it.
Fine then.
3.0 Sonnet is better than 3.5 Sonnet at all the things people complain about 3.5 doing, and the main reason people are using 3.5 over 3.0 is because they are latest version chasers, similar to how people are u n i r o n i c a l l y using gpt4o for any reason other than because they want to be incredibly nice to their proxy owner.
i got 3.5 sonnet to write the regex for me and then i used the random macro to replace it with something else. you can always consult 3.5 sonnet on how to detect that sentence and it's different variations.
it plays tsunderes worse
>t. 1000+ hours tsundere chatter
gpt keys are really easy to scrape
I guess I focus too much in the end result and not much on how the defs look like, as soon as I start to get kino I declare it done, and just proofread for release, the greetings are where you really have to make sure what you just said applies, since the LLM will take a look at your greeting and formulate a response based on the way it was written.

Optimizing defs is more about token optimization since the prose of the definitions doesnt affect the output of the model that much compared to the greeting, I dont think its a big issue like in the past considering how much context models have nowadays. Still, I really appreciate the criticism.
They have your DNA and all your weird Open AI chat logs,
And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?
The prose and style of definitions definitely do affect the end result. Previous chat messages and the greetings are the most important influence on generations, but it still has an effect. For example, I've noticed that if a definition has a lot of spelling errors, the AI begins to misspell the occasional word as well, something that normally never happens.
>"proxy_note": "AWS Key got revoked retry..."
oh no no no charykeks
>{{user}} is a 38-year-old man. He works in the film industry and has significant experience and respect as a professional photographer, and has many connections as a result.
{{user}} is exceptionally ugly, physically repulsing anybody who looks at him. Furthermore, he is heavily overweight and unfamiliar with any kind of physical exercise, yet seems to be constantly sweaty; he is even unpracticed in hygiene, and usually stinks. Because of these factors, he has never once had a girlfriend in his entire life.
He lives in an apartment by himself. Due to his unhygienic and lazy nature, it is constantly littered with forgotten take-out containers, dirty laundry, and other such garbage.
However, {{user}} is blessed in one respect: his sexual prowess. His penis is exceptionally large, easily dwarfing most other men, and {{user}} is extremely talented in using it to bring forth mind-shatteringly strong sensations of pleasure.

I'm ready.
Works on my machine
NTA. It's true the greeting is the most important part, but the prose in the description does affect the prose the model outputs. The prose on your card definitely could be improved, it has a lot of run on sentences. I'd also reorganize it into xml tags. You could have one for appearance, a backstory, one for personality, and maybe one dedicated just to the intrusive thoughts gimmick you came up with.
Also, one more thing: If you describe {{user}}'s actions and feelings in your greeting, you pretty much instruct the model to speak for {{user}} in the future. You'd probably be better off rewording the greeting so the reader is more passive, or ideally does nothing at all.
NTA but do XML tags really make a difference
Mention he's middle aged and bald and its perfect.
I use them on all my cards and they work well for me. Bear in mind I'm not talking about W++ shit where you create a trillion tags. I just create 4-5 paragraphs and tag them. Worst case scenario you waste like, 30 tokens and that's it.
I have no idea where I’m supposed to put this.
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You’re a saint.
unreliable-kun, thank you for feeding us locusts
uncheck "only format display" to have the content actually be edited
which jbmakies are girls?
any other anons do comfy fantasies?
>400 bad request
I thought only merkava had this problem
*caves your fucking head in with a brick*
but what did i do
*shoots you in the face*
What is this gcp Claude I've been seeing in new proxies now? Should I update my ST?
>And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?

And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?
>>And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?
>And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?
And? What are you going to do about it, cuckie?
That's not what I said. Your quote's incorrect. Please rectify this immediately. :/
You didn't have to shit yourself....
i have a guilty pleasure of taking a chatlog of a roleplay, feeding it to claude, and asking him questions of what character and personality he thinks my character has and whatnot.
>sanest burger hours
>take chatlog
>feed character creator prompt to claude and then tell him to create a character based on {{user}}
I do this but ask what authors/genres he thinks best describe the story.
why don't you faggots just pay for opus
too expensive
>squared her shoulders
Shut up, Claude.
my state has an average household income of $50,000. im poor
It’s priced like a rip-off. I’m not paying somewhere between $130 a day for my hobby, I’d just get a new hobby.
I literally do, but I'm not rich so I have to ration my OpenRouter credits a bit
I'll never pay to text AI
>40~ million tokens of opus
>not counting the $100+ in trialscummed keys
>not counting the other proxies i'm in (one of which i use more often)
>not counting the other proxies i was in
>not counting the outrageous amount of worldsim i used before some fag leaked it
>not counting the small amount of websim i used before they patched it
>not counting all the AWS keys i stole myself
Nobody got mad at Prometheus for stealing fire from the gods except those who were "above" him.
Baking on 9.
>unreliable sonnet acting up just as I'm starting to think sonnet IS actually better than sorbet

is it acting up? what problems are you experiencing?

You too? I've had like 30-40 HTTP 400 errors in a row.
what would you say your total all time opus usage is (in millions of tokens)
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New Thread!
>"Unrecognized error from the API. (Operation not allowed)"

an /aicg/ classic
that's not going to swipe me from SWOOOIIIIIPPPIIIINNNNNNGGGGG
I watched the first two episodes of Rozen Maiden and they were very boring. Dropped.
unfortunately i don't have an immediate solution, stay posted
My condolences desu.
seems totally legit desu
It is legit. Both the kid and the blonde doll were obnoxious, ngl. I'm surprised this has such a cult following.
at least 500m
if i count the keys i've donated, over 1b
>blonde doll obnoxious
How dare ye!
>"dropped" on the second episode
>I'm surprised this has such a cult following.
you have my respect master thief
Yeah, it would make more sense if it was the first or the fifth episode.
Fine you niggers, I'll watch more.
god bless
It's valid to drop it on the second episode because that's when it becomes sad desu.
You wouldn't get it anyway.
Too bad. I'll watch more and I'll complain about it (probably).
what if he gets it
Rozen Maiden is not for everyone, especially now.
the heisei anime meme?
Heh, yeah, but not really.
And besides, if he doesn't like the characters, there is no reason for him to read the manga anyway.
>especially now
How's that?
fair enough.
The characters and story are relatable no matter what year it is, yes, but I bet the anime looks too dated for young audiences, and the manga can be boring for the kind of people who would drop the shounen-like 2004 anime on the second episode.
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unusually pessimistic desu
Just a bit tired and sleepy. The anniversary watchalong isn't going anywhere, don't worry about that.
Come to think of it, if the miracle reboot ever happens in the very near future, Rie Tanaka and Miyuki Sawashiro are all we have left. Even Natsuko Kuwatani is a freelancer now desu.
No fan would ever accept a new cast, not even the most devoted rozenfags.
it can't be helped.
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Suiseiseki... her voice is irreplaceable, you know.
well at least the desu doll showed up
hinaichigo is annoying too however
Ironic because that's exactly what you'll have to do to the VAs to make a fan-produced AI-made reboot desu.
They've been making more and more merch lately, something big might be coming desu.
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Well, boku is asleep, desu should be too.
desu dreams
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we will make it desu

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