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Livestream show with both crinacle and erin is on

>using 8k headphones for podcast

who the fuck uses Susvara Unveiled for what is essentially a teams meeting?
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why is /hpg/ dead
we all reached endgame
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I run this with a he400se and it's just right for me
what would the signature im into be for future reference

(sometimes i add that EQ on the right on music bee on top)
Beyerdynamic DT 770 (250 ohm)
Beyerdynamic DT 700 pro x

Trying to decide between these two. Is the DT 700 worth the extra money? I'm a little tight on cash, but I want to buy something that lasts.
upload that profile in .txt or paste the filters here i want to see how it looks and laugha at you
both literal dogshit
How its made: Vaccum tubes.

i dont mind i just want to know if this is V or bassy neutral or U or W or whatever
everyone is in the iem general
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>Spot on with target under 500 Hz
>Let's add 8 dB there, that will fix it
idk what that means bro but i like how it sounds when i add more to stuff between like 170 and 350
Recommend me a good headset
I don't want modmic or a separate mic or anything
How's the h6 pro?
Audeze Maxwell.
^kill yourself
>Go to headphones general
>Ask about headphones
>"Just go to /v/"
Amazing support and discussion, really makes me wonder why this general keeps on dying
>go to headphones general
>asks for gaming device
>no I won't go to /v/ !!!
Do headphones with higher impedance sound better?

What is the defining perceived characteristic of a higher impedance headphone that is lacking in their easy to drive counterparts.
Audeze solved headphones from a technical standpoint and all new development is just making more accessible Audeze.
No. It's actually that high impedance is easier to drive for older sources. Most notably tube amps.
All high-end headphones have low impedance. Go figure.
i love my he-x4's
No good headphones.
Audeze Maxwell or Edifier Stax Spirit. Don't ask us to validate your chinkshit fartcannons.
That's all openbacks are good for. No occlusion effect.
is this the vsauce guy
Does Sennheiser no longer support the PXC 550 II anymore? I got a pair from a friend and they're out of warranty, the battery is fucked. Is there any way to get the battery replaced?
Yeah buy a generic replacement and plug it in. There are a bunch of howto videos on YouTube.
so i bought a p20i and while it sounds good the connection is FUCKING TRASH
can someone recommend another earbud on this price range?
cant go much more expensive cuz dollar conversion plus the absurd taxes make it real expensive
Thanks. So I have a Fiio K11 on the way, which is said to be capable of 250mw at 350 ohm. So in this case, should I go for the DT 770 (250 ohm)?
I don't plan to take this outside. Its purely for desktop use. I know the DT 700 has a much lower impedance but it comes at an additional cost.
What if I fucking suck at that kind of thing? Do you happen to know if anyone in Boston can do that sort of thing?
Get a balanced 4.4mm aftermarket cable for it and use that on your K11.
this is not even close to true kys
I didn't know that was an option. Thanks for the suggestion.
Name one $2k+ headphone over 100 Ohm.
NTA but impedance is not really a measurement that matters with estats.
K11 should have no issue driving any of them.

Wait, people still buy DACs as if it were the mid 00s? LAMO
As opposed to what, listening to vinyl or tape.
Not high end.
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>high end is when it suits me
>btw electrostats dont count because i am a chimpanzee
Under $2k is not high end. Stax aren't useable with regular amps.
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>Stax aren't useable with regular amps.
which is apparently relevant because??
Because impedance only matters for regular amps. You won't see "supports X kOhm" on estat amps. Because it doesn't matter.
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>Because impedance only matters for regular amps
impedance doesnt matter on regular amps
are you american or do they not teach you physics at school whichever shithole you're from
btw i think you missed something bud
>impedance doesnt matter on regular amps
It does.
>btw i think you missed something bud
Clearly says it's not high end.
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>It does.
80 iq
>Clearly says it's not high end.
you're a clown and a fucking natural one at that you neanderthal fucking ape
>80 iq
Did you pay for the test as well?
Not MSRP, irrelevant.
>Not MSRP, irrelevant.
MSRP is 1999 euro as it's a german product
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i think you missed something bud
last time i checked us dollar wasn't the official german currency
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that's not msrp bud
so uh what was it
Not high end either
idk what that format is but i didnt care enough to wait 30 seconds to post
>high end
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Stupid ape.
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>high end
are you poor or something
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so considering the he400se seems to be kind of a bright neutral with this do it become a V then

i really dont know dog im new to this
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ok i took the equalizer picture off google images so my argument is invalid or something
here's the interface of my epic equalizer chud
You will never be valid.
For me it's
Chifiman has dogshit furniture at every price point. At least under $100 it's somewhat excusable.
what did xe mean by that xixters
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16dB bass shelf on planars is giga based. You got it nailed buddy.
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>muh THD
>unless it's not in the bass then it doesnt matter somehow
If the distortion is above the bass even amir can't hear it. Music simply doesn't get that loud above the bass.
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u srs??
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>amir is deaf
>unless it doesnt fit my narrative
Amir can blind ABX pass high-res vs CD quality but he needs insane SPL due to his advanced age. If he can't drive headphones to distortion nobody can.
how fucking embarrassing is that you still dont understand SPL after all this time
I'm looking for a 5.2 system and I have a small to medium sized room and I'm looking for something that can play clean at moderate levels (95dB peak in movies). I've looked around the internet and I've gathered the following:
Front: Polk R100
Center: KEF Q250C
Sides: Polo XT15
Dual subs: SVS PB-1000
AVR: Denon X2800H
The subwoofer prices and variety in Europe are totally shit so the dual subs might be a bit overkill for this setup but I don't mind it. Any recommendations?
Yeah, imagine not knowing spectral distribution of music.
do you guys normalize the volume of your songs or are you all about that total fidelity

it's a bit annoying how i may have 70% on something all good then next song blasts a hole in my skull until i drop it down to 20%
Replay gain solves this without losing any fidelity, it just bakes a value into the tags. It's worth doing for playlists but I primarily listen by albums and they have their intended volume internally.
Grellcels... did we win?
Normalization doesn't really impact fidelity as long as you have a measurement pass, like replaygain records or loudnorm for batshit loud modern movies. Assuming your DAC has well over 16 bits of analog precision at least.
>show me a headpos at snake oil price without snake oil brands
sir this is the headphone thread
Any good headphones yet?
I have a budget of about $300. Should I get one pair for $300 or an open and closed back for about $150 each?
HD 560S and a 20 year supply of chinamart ear pads
Too bad Sennheiser went all in on plastic. Shit starts creaking and cracking in a couple years.

I recently opened up my old sennheisers and the plastic is literally disintegrating into a fine black powder on the inside and these headphones were always used indoors, never carried around or moved much. Even the fuckin internal wire insulation started falling apart.

I love the sennheiser sound, but I'm honestly done paying premium prices for chinese build quality.
People who take 104db bass measurements at face value like it means anything in even the most niche of settings are sub 50 IQ
Literally own 40 year old pair of HD 540's and the plastic is still in near perfect condition
Just don't buy plastic handled by zhangs, simple as.
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>Max Verstappen is using a wireless gaming headset
>pros are using wireless gaming headsets
why should I buy an audiophile wired plastic crap?
Because you aren't some /v/ retard, are you.
Because my audiophile use case requires headphones to have a sound stage.
have any "harman tuned" headphones below $1000 actually been well built or are they all crap? because ive been trying to find some but it seems like the best bet for the $200-$500 range is to get ones with flat bass and eq them.
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whar does that mean i just do this
X2HR build is pretty sturdy but it's more "Harman-ish" than actually Harman-tuned. Also openback DD, no subbass, distortion, you know the drill by now.
i should have mentioned im looking for closed back, i bought some akg k371s that worked ok but feel creaky and flimsy and sounded kinda flat so i returned them.
There's the E-mu Teak (closest thing to Harman tuning of the big Fostex model family), but they don't seal particularly well for a closed-back and they have that flawed hinge that they still haven't bothered to fix.
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Focal Azurys
this new chassis and driver are better than the classic fecals but it's not like the competition is much better
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>mogs all of the headphones here
A pair of full range driver offering excellent efficiency and extended bandwidth in a compact package. A blue-grey paper cone with papyrus fibres, and a high frequency cone directly coupled to the voice coil set the air in motion. The flexible surround is made from a low loss rubber material with minimal damping properties. The large spider provides low mechanical resistance, and offers excellent stiffness linearity. A heat resistant, non-conductive glass fibre coil former allows a high mechanical Q-factor of the moving system. A large ferrite ring magnet offers a high magnetic gap flux in a cost efficient way. The pole piece is prolonged forwards and equipped with a long copper cap to ensure excellent linearity in the force factor and coil inductance. A stiff and stable injection moulded zinc chassis keeps the critical components in perfect alignment. Large windows in the chassis both above and below the spider reduce sound reflexion, air flow noise and cavity resonance to a minimum
pre obsoleted by ksc75
When you have them why not use them?
And they're open back which is good for hearing yourself talk.
Max Verstappen gets paid to wear certain equipment.
It's called advertising/shilling.
My previous headphones were dt770s. I recently got an hd660s2, and while I really like it, the difference in sound/soundstage isn't anywhere near as much as I was expecting. Do my ears just need to get used to it or something? I'm debating returning them because although I do think they sound better, it's marginal enough that I might prefer having no noise leak.
ksc75 is dogshit at least apple shitphones are low enough THD to sound good with EQ
770 to 660 is less of an upgrade and more of a mild diagonal grade. Even HD600 fans aren't too keen on the 660, rather 560 is the one being claimed as a 600 successor.
Lastly, both 600 and 770 are neutral flavour headphones. That might be your real problem. Look for audiophile focused headphones, not studio focused. Getting a nice clean signal from a DAC/AMP stack also helps.
wrong macfaggot headpos will never sound good like how you will never be a woman
>All high-end headphones have low impedance. Go figure.
I think my Staxes have 145kOhm
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Nice but I feel the 560s is superior for the money
>Harman 2018 target
Show hands
Are the Airpods Max the cans that basically stop working because the condensation of sweat on the aluminium destroys them?
But I guess you get to enjoy the low distortion for a few days as long as they're working
i wouldnt buy them personally fuckface but those are 10x better than kosshit
I mean, Koss builds Estats which are quite competent (for Estats) so your assumption is incorrect
And theyre also 30x the price and make you gay, kys
>And theyre also 30x the price and make you gay, kys
No, actually they're cheaper than the Airpods
macfags are so fucking dumb its unreal
>macfags are so fucking dumb its unreal
Water is wet.
But talking about cans that are cheaper and far superiour to the Airpod Max, when do the Drop ESP 95/X go on sale again goddamnit
Sad that Stax is dropping their classic Lambda design on their entry level models
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>mogs your entire shitheisser and wankerdynamics collection
pre obsoleted by ksc75 thoughbeit
i seriously doubt that. they look like they're gonna be audio-leaking treble cannons with no bass
you are stupid, of course you would think something stupid
have you tried not being stupid?
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Tell me more about how poor you are
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>what are those headphones that anon is wearing? they look like temu chinese headphones and they leak all the sound from his "classical" music. fufufufu
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>Who is this anon who cannot afford a dedicated listening room and complains about sound leakage
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*blocks your path*
Although I appreciate the effort it does not operate on 580V and is thus incompatible with my setup
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>he got scammed out of 50k from queerheisser fufufufu
who? they look interesting
>>he got scammed out of 50k from queerheisser fufufufu
Do you question your sexuality because you want everything to be gay so much?
Shangri-la > Orpheus
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>mindbroken by not wanting to be gay
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Ok guys, look, regardless of what the macfag troll says I don't like the HE-1 too much. It's an overpriced accessoire for Sheikhs and other ppl with more money than brains.

It's a dead giveaway when they generate the High voltage in the cans, because they don't want to send high voltage through the cable from the energizer because some prized Sheikh pet dog could bite the cable and die.

Which means the cans get hot in summer because they have an inbuilt amplifier.

Which brings me to the cable which is ATROCIOUS. It's very similar to the HD800 which was bad for a 1800 dollar can but this cost almost 40 times as much.

And at least on my unit they glued the Sennheiser logo to the enzergizer with white glue which was visible from the side. At this price I expect perfection.

The cans are DSP tuned to Harman. I didn't like the sound all that much.
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The Orpheus on the other hand... HNNNNGNGNGGGG
Too bad HE90s are pure unobtanium.
Ehm no. At least if you're talking about >>101526062 and not about this piece of shit >>101526039
>Too bad HE90s are pure unobtanium.
I settle for my early production SR-007MKI, which comes close at least
Do want some 007s eventually, but finding a good pair of Ωs is higher on my priority list to be honest.
Well good luck with that lol
Here are a few impressions from someone who owns all three (the lucky bastard): https://www.head-fi.org/threads/stax-sr-Ω-sr-omega-the-legendary-omega.847079/

>OMEGA to the 007MK1? One of my favorite headphones ever is 007MK1. Moreover, I will pick the 007MK1 over the OMEGA. The 007MK1 to me is just thick and juicy and full of sound and warmness I enjoy. I get more pleasure with the 007MK1. The 007MK1 is similar to the HE90. Maybe I prefer the HE90 over the 007MK1, but they are just too good to figure out which one at times. But I notice the HE90 is boring (mellow) compare to the Omega; 'that means the Omega is better right?' It comes down to bright vs warm signature.
slightly outside my price target but not overly so, i guess ill wait for a sale.
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Why isn't the Sennheiser HD660S2 more hyped?
People wanted more sub-bass extension and less shouty from the HD600, senny gave it to you... so?
That sounds like ozone exposure. So you have them near a laser printer, air purifier, bladeless fan, ...?
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Let me guess, you need more
Because sennheiser drivers are trash. Including hd600. 30 years of shilling make it hard to believe but it's true, just listen to it without biases.
Because they're priced to compete with Dan Clark and Audeze. Pretty much the only way you sell someone >$250 headpos in current year is in person audition.
*dynamic headpos
Yea I know. They do show up for auction every once in a while though.
Once you get to comparing omegas it seems to just boil down to preference, and/or what amp/dac you're using. I do like the 009 and X9000 so I'm pretty sure I'd like the Ω too.
Omegas are so old that I'd be concerned with it developing issues even if one did come up for sale in good cosmetic condition. The ES1a is good enough for me.
There are a few people who could fix them should they ever need it, at least.
I got 300€ for some closed back headphones, any recommendations?
Live in Europe and its used for everyday Youtube and Gaming.
No guarantee it'll be the same after fixing. Sure the stators might be the same but who knows what diaphragm and coating will be used and how that impacts the sound.
Those would be questions you'd be able to ask of anyone capable of recoating a diaphragm in the first place.
DT 700 Pro X
Not unless you wanna keep your spleen
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Too bad they're bluetoothslop and have a nasty habit of dying randomly
Also needs eq but that's a given
eq in which frequencies
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Everything beyond 1k is FUCKED but before that it's actually pretty decent
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Thanks a lot anon. I just eq'd my maxes with what they're missing in the fq response and they sound fucking awesome
So I recently got a pair of Sony WF-1000XM5s from the prime day sale. They sound really good and I like them a lot! But goddamn are they uncomfortable with the default tips. Does anyone have any suggestions for replacement tips?

What is a good pair of headphones for a hundred bucks. I have bad hearing damage and won't be able to really hear much of a difference compared to high end and enthusiast.
Aurvana Live, HE 400SE
Skullcandy crusher evos. You'll feel the bass
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ATC 45’s are literal magic boxes
> no autosleep so you're forced to use the stupid headphone bra
> so heavy they fall off when you lean back
> not foldable
> sweat condenses on the inside, causing smell or worse, short circuits
> shit wireless codec selection (though can be used with cable)
> mediocre battery life
> special snowflake charging cable
> costs 500 dollarydoos for $250 sound
It's just a fashion statement
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this is why, the driver protection is a joke
What protection? inb4 "exactly"
>buy dt770 pro 80 ohm
>the bits that hold the band in place at the sides both fall off within 6 months
>zero abuse, literally just using it 6+ hours a day
>now having to stuff the sides into the inner leather headband just to keep my headphones together because beyerdynamic unironically expects me to pay them 50 euros to ship two tiny pieces of plastic out to fix my own headphones
never buying this brand again. german quality my ass. bunch of fucking braindead arabs assembled this thing with lego.
But what music do you listen to that you need to spend $3k?
it's not fucked, it's just retarded
same tuning as autisme
i can clearly hear a difference between DACs above 10khz
how long should i burn in my hifiman arya with pink noise?
How many moneys?
phonk remixes
Guys I want to buy a set of headphones plus DAC-AMP, I've been eyeing the DT 770 PRO plus Fosi Audio K5 Pro Gaming DAC
Sorry I meant to clarify, if y'all could give me a better option instead of those, looking to get the most out of my money, budget is 500 USD tops
Just picked up a pair of XM4's today, dunno how to feel. The noise cancellation is good but holy fuck they are boomy and muddy
with current hifiman store sales i would go for sundara, its only 279 now.

>Topping DX3 Pro+ - $199
>Hifiman Sundara - $279
Would the Sundara closed back work as well?
>Fosi Audio K5 Pro Gaming DAC
Tone controls can't be disabled -> it's crap. Topping E30/L30 and JDS Atom(2) are good. You could substitute an Apple dongle for the DAC to save money, or just use the Apple dongle by itself. Because it's going to be 98% as good for DT770s.

>Topping DX3 Pro+ - $199
>drops into protection under 20 ohms
>kinda high noise floor
Seems like this thing can only drive headphones that don't need an amp.
okay okay, lets replace that with an atom stack for 200.
happy now?
Don't forget your free laser engraving.
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there's a basic bitch gEQ if you go to the app, start cutting the first band (400hz) and it should reduce the muddiness a bit
If you're still around, spritzer sells his SR-Omega apparently. If you're willing to part with 10.5k of course
thanks yeah I've messed around with the eq a bit and it's definitely improved by boosting 1k and 2.5k a bit. To be fair I usually need a week or two to 'psychologically' burn-in a new pair of headphones so I'll re-evaluate them in a week or so
Real music
HD599 or Fidelio X2HR if I care about comfort the most?
just got these on prime day
imagine living with no bass at all
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Imagine living blind.
Yea so I saw, don't have a spare 10k lying around right now though.
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Why did they do it?
we will never know, the creator retired years ago.
"We need something between the HD600 and HD800 in price."
Both the cans and the amp are complete garbage (at any price point)
axel grell went crazy
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90% of the high end market is catering to people who won't take anything seriously below a certain price

I'd pay $200 for the furniture, but you know the bass still sounds like farts.
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for me it's the ATH-M50x
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do you have brain cancer
do you?
How many of you fell for the STAX meme?
Be honest
NEETs can only save $200 or $300 if the birthday and xmas combo is good, that's why you only see 6XX and 560S cope
this nigga bought stax LMAO
Worse, he bought HD 820s
Planar magnetic sucks
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>put planar magnetic headphones on too fast
>diaphragm of driver explodes
>throw normal headphones out of a plane
>pick them up off the ground
>they still work
Is that one of those old sennheiser electrostatics?
It's an HE90, so yes.
I'm fair sure Audeze would snap your neck before their diaphragm.
my Maxwell's drivers died after a year
What would be a good upgrade from HD598? I really like sennheiser since these headphones have lasted me over a decade without issue, but I wanna try something a little higher tier. I was thinking HD600. Would that be a good upgrade?
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my $65 headphones arrived.
A decent upgrade from my like 9yr old HD461 that were getting too loose.
You should contact them and ask if they'll still take it. They're known to stretch if it's like 13 months.
have hd 800 s and i want to make use of the 4.4mm balanced cable that came with it and i'm looking for an amp that i can rca to my audio interface. any suggestions? iFi?
I did contact them but I live in Canada so they didn't want to do anything. Also their warranty doesn't cover their drivers anyways.
jds atom 2
you're an atom 2
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>the sound is lively, it's full, crisp, with detail and color, warm, tambor, not sibilant
What in the FUCK does that even mean?
I bought Presonus 3.5 and they make a lot of hiss noise on idle. They would be good if not for that. Now I need to send them back. Such a pain in the ass. Just wanted to replace old Yamaha NX-50. Why can't they just sell more of them.
>Have AKG K702
>Sound cuts in the left cup when moving it
>Remove back cover
>Move cables a bit
>Problem disappears

>inb4 resolder the wires to the contacts
The wires are very firm on the contacts, they are very loose in the casing tho

Please audio gods help me
There could be a partial break further up the wires, the solder joint to the driver isn't usually what fails as there shouldn't be any stress on it.
Stupid question maybe but is there a difference between feeding the headphones a strong signal (let's say volume 100 in windoze) and keeping the headphone preamp volume low vs feeding the headphones a low signal (let's say volume 50) and keeping the headphone preamp volume high? Which one is preferable?
High volume setting on the amp introduces extra background noise. Often not enough to notice, but keeping your OS volume maxed (with some negative preamp in your EQ program to avoid Windows' awful built-in limiter) is best for audio quality.
Every pair of headphones that I've ever worn in my entire life have gotten hot and painful after 10minutes. I don't know how you guys do it. I either wear earbuds or use speakers. I hate headphones.
are those the 589s? good value. getting pretty unexpensive in the us, i see.
HD 599 SE
they'd probably be massive if they were priced the same as the 600/650 but they're like 200-300 bucks more expensive which is absurd.
For receivers, I think Sony is underrated compared to Marantz and Onkyo.

The popular brands for home theatre speakers that I prefer the most are ELAC, Infinity and Yamaha.

This is the sound of my Infinity Alpha 5 + Sony STR-DB790 setup.
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pair of good condition 1992 celestion 3 way bookshelves
15 euros at the thrift
they seem to sound.. nice
Any open backs with good bass and large soundstage under 200? Should I go with the x2hr?
I've tried all of them, an ill say they're great but the priceing is maybe a bit too high for a lot of people. They do sound better then 600/650 but the 6xx exists and is the best value out of all of them
HD 560S is probably your least bad option, or roll the dice with Chifiman. They have excellent bass.
that 5khz spike really puts me off
I sure do love using my expensive headphones especially WHEN I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR SHIT CUZ MY EAR IS CLOGGED UP
hahaha the sound quality sure is magnificent, I can tell BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR IT
Please respond
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HD660S2 or HD490?
490 without a doubt
>got a pair of wh1000xm3 for $80 on Black Friday back in 2018.
>still my daily driver
feels good man
It would be a marginal improvement if at all depending on taste. If you have a working pair of open back dynamic Sennheisers, you're pretty much done with that segment of the market.
>hd6xx on sale for 199
Literally no excuse.
how come? have you tried both?
660s2 is just inferior hd650 and hd490pro has really good bass extension and is supposedly more comfortable too
you need eq for both btw
I don't know the inferior thing mostly seem to be how they handle mids and how they're not quite as perfect, but on the plus side you get that same style of signature with better separation and imaging from what I've gathered.
HD490 sounds like it has way too much treble, I like the smooth sound of the 600 series too much to ever abandon that.
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I bought the SRH840As this general shilled to me and they sound worse than my $25 5 years old chink shit wireless earbuds for everything except classical music. Never listening to audiophile faggots ever again.
all sennheiser headphones sound like shit without eq after the pads break in and 490pro has weird tuning which some people might like supposedly
>you get that same style of signature with better separation and imaging from what I've gathered.
angled drivers and bigger cups so most likely
sennheiser is the same company that made 800s so they know a bit about soundstage i guess
>i got used to shitphones
give it an hour or two, you need to adjust
>angled drivers and bigger cups so most likely
I don't think the 660S2 has angled drivers, and the cups are the same exact size as the 600/650

Maybe you were talking about the hd490
weren't you? hd660s2 as far as the shell goes is almost identical i think
>take planar magnetic headphones outside
>a gentle breeze passes
>diaphragm rips
WOW PLANAR MAGNETIC NUMBAH 1 SO GOOD SOUND (please don't talk about longevity, just buy a new pair of susvaras every year okay thank you)
You need at least LCD-2C to reach parity with $20 IEMs, even wireless ones.
Recommend some headphones guise, pls.
Warm signature, decent sub bass and bass, forward mids.
Budget is around 1k.
No, the 660S2 is supposed to have better imaging and separation than the 600/650. The "Negatives" of the headphone is that the mids aren't quite as good.

HD490 all I know is that it's wider than the 600 series, and that they have way more treble and no longer that buttery smooth signature
sound signature is a meme, any of these 3 headphones sounds bad without EQ
Focal Hadenys
>buying openbacks for soundstage when you can just put your closedbacks around your neck and boost the volume

this genuinely is not the worst and is kinda fun
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remember what they took from us
I am fully erect
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I am one of very few humans on this planet who were in a room that contained the HE-1 and the HE-90 at the same time.
How were the little gold candies?
I was afraid to touch sticky candy and the cans so I didn't try them
how do they compare to the HD491?
I guess the HD461 have the edge in noise isolation...
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>put cheap airplane earbuds in a marble case made from the same marble that michaelangelo's sculptures were taken from
>price it at 60k
>let audiophiles try them
>they piss and shit themselves to tears because they think more money = better
>they say shit like "there's so much depth, clarity, fullness, spaciousness, detail, timbre but not sibilant, there's edge but also warmth. Mozart felt airy, with presence, realism, like the instruments were right there in the room, with not just the sound clarity and depth, but the emotion - the joy, the pain, the melancholy. I felt like the cavemen from plato's cave emerging from the darkness and into the light."
Don't forget to replace the housing with some ultra expensive piece of wood and make the cable out of exactly 120 strands of pure silver, 480 strands of pure gold and 80 strands of monocrystalline copper to achieve the perfect timbre
99% of headphones sound like ass
Guys he is an E-Stat virgin
It's ok bro we all were at one time
I doubt the soundstage on the had 560s is as large as I want it to be
The 560s is the best soundstage you get under 200 bucks so either deal with it or save more money
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are bose qc ultra worth the money?
or is there something better available in the same pricerange?
>roll the dice with Chifiman. They have excellent bass with EQ.
Fixed that for you. They have no bass out of the box.
Are the dt 1990 pros really that harsh? Anyone here have them?
Define bettter? The bukld is meh, the app is atrocious and the feature set is just OK. You buy Bose for the ANC and the ANC only.
It's indeed very sharp and the bass distorts if you EQ it and listen to loud-isn volumes. The analytical pads will make it brighter since there's less bass to counter the treble and the balanced pads will make it warmer and more 'lofi'. The 490 Pro with producer pads and Hadenys are better nowadays.

Lmao 650 is the shittist headphone of the 600 lineup, also imagine crying about the s2 as bad value, then buying a 650 when the 6xx exists
Actually the 650 is the best of the bunch
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youre a fucking monkey
OH NOOOO my pads got worn out after 2 months and the treble is nonexistent!!! time to pay my padtax!!!
i have hd6xx on me right now and the pads are velour what are you smoking
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So what happens to the frequencies inbetween the ones you EQ? do they get smoothed out between the EQ'd levels?
>look mom, I EQd an online graph
What do YOUR pads measure like in their current condition.
Yeah, Q determines how broad the slope back to normal is.
Let's say you EQ frequency bands at 2KHz, then at 4KHz to get to a level that's good for those specific frequencies. What happens to the frequencies in between? does it just linearly go from one frequency's level to the next? Is it some weird polynomial curve? Does it just not touch those frequency's levels?
So how are the new Fostex TH1000RP cans?
Better than Emu Teak?
i was mostly thinking in terms of sound
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i eqd my headphones by ear and if harman is what my ears wanted to hear then this is about how they should sound like in the 4-8khz region, above 10khz - hard to say, dont remember too well, there's a 10dB peak at 11khz for some fucking reason probably my unit or my tinnitus range
that's not true, width is adjustable in some EQs, q doesnt work like that
they add up
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>q doesnt work like that
It works exactly like that. 3dB bandwidth = Q * target_freq. Read the parametric EQ article on Wikipedia.
yeah youre right
i thought you were talking about the width of the peak for some reason
you go outside?
I occasionally dabble in mowing the lawn
Always been a headphone lad and want to try studio monitors for fun. What's a good, decent sized pair of speakers that can be put on your desk? I was looking at the Adam T5V and the Yamaha HS5, or even the JBL305p MK II. Any suggestions welcome. If I could get something smaller, it'd be preferable, but the size of those above will do.
Genelec 8010A + sub
Open back > closed
There's a reason all high end headphones are open back
Been using this classic 50$ blue logitech headset for almost a decade now and you can imagine how worn and shitty it is now. Ive been looking for something in the same price range and been thinking about maybe a Hyperx Cloud Alpha or Hyperx Cloud 3. Any other recommendations?
yeah sis, closed back sucks if you aren't bald or wear glasses... the HpTF variation is huge!! but with open-backs, everyone knows what you're listening to so i wouldn't recommend it for a flight, office, violent porn, etc so the only case is stationary at a desk, which speakers are better... but ik most asians and europeans live in a small apartment and can't use superior audio
IEMs are better for those applications anyway
why don't they make earpads using NASA pillow tech? buying new earpads feels so cringe
>tiny ass drivers
Not looking good tbqh.
Not everyone lives in a midwestern house with 3 empty rooms where they can blast shit as loud as they want on speakers at 4am.
Looks like they actually upscaled the RP driver instead of making the same blunder as the TH500RP. $2500 is steep though, far too steep if you ask me.
Skill issue

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