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Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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I hate my life
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I want to cum in 5'3 and an attitude.
Friendly reminder that 'programming' is just a skill, and not a proper occupation.

stop caring, anon
how do i get job?
Could be worse
previous thread: >>101479939
If I consumed the amount of alcohol I would need to willingly participate in whatever the fuck it is they're doing my reaction time would exceed the duration of my short-term memory.

Wait, are they telling you who they hired instead of you? holy shit lmao
I mean she does sound very qualified (that is not at all my field, I could be completely wrong). This is honestly the nicest rejection E-mail I've ever seen, but I still find it hilariously awkward.
There's literally no point in working anymore the United States and the western world at large is going to collapse within less than 2 years and there's going to be a major world war.
anon, wait for the summer to end before calling it quits. september-december are usually the months hiring restarts, I'd guess (I'm not american and I live on the other side of the globe)
Wish gen Z boss would rub her pantyhosed feet all over my cock
It's not nice at all, they're rubbing it in anon's face how unqualified he is compared to the person they ostensibly hired (who may not even exist), and suggesting that he apply some other time for an internship because he's not good enough for a real job.
I'm not OP but I'm in a similar boat. Hard not to feel anxious about the growing gap in employment in tech.
just tell recruiters you've been freelancing in the meantime. and maybe do so.
you know you can do stuff by yourself and learn too, right? that also can count as experience IMO.
Just use my excuse: say you were working on trying to turn a side project into a business, but haven't been getting much traction so you're looking for a new job again.
Of course... this only works if you actually have a project, or if they don't ask about it.
i work in a lumber yard and make 23 dollars an hour.
i own a house, f150, and 3 motorcycles.

was it worth it, wagies?
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>fail job interview
>get charged as punishment
How do you respond?
I have completed 2 side projects and abandoned another. I've had some success mentioning these in recruiter calls when asked wtf I've been up to. Should I add these to my resume?
of course you retard
No way that's real. Also why did the 3 morons waste 2 hours before realizing the retard didn't know anything. Would have taken a 30 minute phone call, and that's just the cost of business, literally what the HR team should be doing.
... but only if you need to fill the space (no, not the experience part, but the blank space in your resume). you shouldn't care if you have enough experience
Same tbqh famlam.
still trying to get my first job
How do I get a Gen Z boss gf?
>No way that's real.
Thats Australia for you
Also why did the 3 morons waste 2 hours before realizing the retard didn't know anything.
I guess cherry picking or labelling retards is their business model
work for a company that will fail in 7 months.
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I'm so fucking glad bros that the company i work for didn't use crowdstrike, and i feel so sorry for all the sysadmins where they used crowdstrike.
about to quit my 300k faang job with nothing lined up, yolo
Just 2 more weeks right?
Nothing ever happens
And i hope it stays that way, i worked hard to be a dev and i dont want to see it gone
>> i work in a lumber yard
>> was it worth it wagies?
Yes? I dont want to work in a lumber yard lol
same but its a 500k job. fuck work.
are you quitting to take a break? or going to immediately start interview prepping without one

what do you plan on saying when recruiters ask why you left?
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since when do they write rejection emails like this?
>It's not nice at all, they're rubbing it in anon's face how unqualified he is
I THINK aimed for "don't feel bad, you were competing against truly exceptional people".

Still awkward, though.
>year year year
you just got rejected by an illiterate pajeet lmao
>all of those credentials
>friend went to switzerland and now makes 2x
feels so unfair
Did he learn German / Swiss throat sounds?
Would love to move there but German grammar make me want to gut myself. And my first language is even close to German.
this is certainly fake. any company that has erlang in its tech stack would never act in this way
>what do you plan on saying when recruiters ask why you left?
I took a sabbatical for personal and professional growth
*opens thread*
*sees OP video*
*cringes and closes thread*
I'm gonna write in my diary about this so I don't avoid my emotions
realistically what do I need to do to get into faang starting with zero experience
Get shotgun -> kys yourself -> reroll -> if born in third world country, choke yourself on the umbelical cord -> redo until born in US -> either use DEI initatives or a middle upper class upbringing to get into a good uni -> work hard at internships and grind leetcode -> apply for a ton of jobs til you get a FAANG job
>finish my bachelor’s
>grind as much LeetCode as I can
What else should I add to the checklist so that I can find a job shortly after graduating?
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Sneedy feedy seedies and a chuck
>giving him the most comprehensive feedback imaginable and a path to the job he is qualified for
>"rubbing it in"
Yeah fragile egos aren't meant to make it.
>How do you respond?
I wouldn't respond at all. I would just never pay them or take their calls.
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What is the best/most effective way for someone switching careers to IT to get into a cyber security position?
>t. someone switching careers to IT to get into a cyber security position
OSCP + CVE IDs at your name + CTFs maybe.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
For those that have been unemployed for over a year, would you become a glowie if it meant stable employment?
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Join the military
If this was in the us, I'd just take a picture of my middle finger and mail it back to them along with this letter
In a fucking heartbeat.
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Gib snake waifu
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gonna be honest, im a black woman and the dei shit is a lie. i'm a foss developer and i know some well respected devs in the field you likely all know. this was all inevitable; those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it
>show tits
>show hands
up to you to believe me faggots
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oh shit forgot to say, it's a lie because im unemployed as FUCK. no one wants to hire me unless i sell my soul, not even at fast food. fuck all of this abstract nonsense, i wanna be a farmer
Try networking through LinkedIn, job fairs, and get an internship if you can. The easiest way to get a job is to know someone who can get you in.
>up to you to believe me
Well I don't. No one here does. Because you are lying. Sorry, all that shit you wrote goes right in the trash. Go ahead and post more shit if you want - right in the garbage.
>Head developer interviewed him
This is reasonable.
>Head of HR interviewed him
You're not applying for an HR job.
The only way this makes sense is if they have only one HR employee. Fake title.
>they're billing you for Rebekah's [sic] time as well
Rebekah [sic] was not involved in hiring you.
And they (?) value their (?) time twice as much as everyone else's. They (?) probably do nothing all day.
As an aside, if my parents fucked my name up I'd pay the government a small fee to correct it.)

There is no way this place can afford to take you to court.
Use that letter as kindling the next time you're making a fire. It was free paper.
thank you sir assuring 4channel.org of my falsehood. everything i wrote down to it's language is a lie. ooga booga
That's not a good answer. You pick 5 jobs you'd be willing to do and they throw darts. And if too many people want those 5 jobs you get something random you didn't ask for.
>living abroad is a credential
A microcosm of the cancer that is killing the world. I've been all over Europe and learned less than I did shit talking with Russians in csgo. Oversocialized rich faggots need to die out (legally and peacefully).
sars no why didn't they redeem your skills sars
That sounds like a bank job, why is it on /g/?
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How much involvement you have in your neighborhood activities at home, /twg/? I've been living in my mom's new house and we're 5 months into this neighborhood, and she appointed me to be a part of the event planning committee. I already have so much in my plate, I just finished with my bachelor thesis for example and I really have to re-learn stuff, grind leetcode, and get a job before January. But no, she wants herself to be known as a big shot. The neighborhood head is some whale who doesn't mind to dump money and making us do all his bidding, and the other members of the committe are all married bunch, while the young adults around 18-25 are just me and my younger siblings. The rest of the populace are just fucking toddlers.
>he still lives with his parents
anon, are you being paid for that? LMAO
I have a sql interview coming up. I haven’t done proper sql in several years ( I’ve been using excel, power bi, tableau, looker, etc, which have sql-ish parts). Is there an online sample db and ide that I can use to practice with so I don’t need to do all the bullshit of setting up a new sql instance on my machine? I’ve used the w3schools demos and they’re helpful but I want to do more advanced and less hand-holding stuff like window functions and several layers of CTE etc
you could have googled that, you lazy fucking faggot. better yer, you could run sudo apt install mariadb and googled "mariadb instructions"
jfc, how lazy can someone be...
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How do I unironically get mental help? I want to really stabilize myself but the stigma/cost/time it'll take to find the right resources seems difficult. I also feel a little cringy telling someone my actual thoughts that aren't my deepest friends.
azure sql serverless has free credits + dbeaver
If you're single and don't live with your parents then either you're abused or retarded.
Paying $2k/month to colocate an armchair and microwave is insane.
Go to a good church, volunteer to do hard things for poor people, and talk to your parents more, go outside and hike and camp.

That's all you need to do. Therapy will just make you more upset.
>talk to your parents more
i think that's one of my major problem. i feel way too reliant on them. they're not exactly healthy people too, the more I stay with them the more I feel like I end up as the worst version of myself.
>Go to a good church
don't believe in religion
don't really care about the homeless
>go outside and hike and camp
this makes me feel even more isolated and lonely.
God bless America. You could send a picture of your ass and they couldn't lay a finger on you
Nope! Not at all lmao

I'm in charge to watch and observe 16 different activities in two days.

Yes Man mentality is so prevalent in this third world hellscape. Look, I'm able to partake and attend whatever social gatherings I want to, but getting involved directly behind the scene? Please no. I already have zero free time for myself all these years living with either my mom / dad and not being able to move out.
this is normalfaggot advice from a normalfaggot that has not once ever in their life experienced mental distress
talk to the people in the committee or something and offer paid IT services to them? maybe install cameras in the neighborhood or some shit
I just feel so unhinged some days, I don't think I'm in danger to anyone but I feel so paranoid of everyone, i just want to destroy something. this fucking world is so messed up and yet nobody does anything to fix it.
Watch Perfect Days and read Your Money or Your Life

To actually talk properly to a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist, you need to write down first 4 different set things

1. What you don't like about your life right now.
2. Things you hate doing
3. Things you are capable of doing daily
4. Things you want to do

List at least 5 stuff on each of these categories, then hand it to them while discussing it.

The world has become so hypercompetitive and hypersocialized, that lot of us feel ashamed to only have 10 friends instead of being known by 1000 people. We call ourselves losers when we're struggling just to make 20k a year while others seem to be raking 300k. You need to focus on making yourself fulfilled, not fulfilling other people's expectations if you don't want to.

Yeah you def need to start being independent from your parent for starters. Instead of relying on them, maybe start with chatgpt or your shrink. They can list you plans and schedule you can follow for the next 6 months or more.

No no it's not about observing like setting up cameras. We're celebrating our independence day in 3 weeks and the community wants to have little games for the kids and adults, stuff like sack race and stuff for TWO WHOLE DAYS. Then on the next week, the neighborhood head wants to hold on a speech on one evening, and in the next morning, he wants the neighborhood to go on a 5km "fun walk". Craziest thing is the adults are able to throw money to buy all the tools needed and gifts, but they dump the rest of the actual work to me.
I'm kinda accepting on how competitive the world is now but I'm more fucking pissed off at the media and how it controls it's people to go against each other. Everyone seems so one against each other for reasons that nobody fucking gives a shit about. Always your side vs my side. yet nobody does anything about it. other than that im tired of my days being the exact same over and over and over and over and over and over again and yet I'm too scared to socialize with anyone else because everyone I used to know was a backstabbing son of a bitch whore who'd always shit talk me. it's also a lot more of this >>101513888

at one point i want to change but on the other...if i end up just being another normal norman then nothing will change. nothing will change now but i still want that drive that energy.
If you can get laid without a place of your own, then you’re blessed. Only reason I’d get my own place is because it would be fucking impossible for me to bring a girl over to my house without disrespecting my mom beyond a point of no return.

Let's say I have a 3 month notice period and I handed my notice in 2 months ago but I haven't got a new job yet. How do I pretend to be an immigrant so that the government will pay for my mortgage?
all of these are gonners. You can fuck them, it will not even be that hard, but block their numbers after that.
well you see, I lied on my resume, so they should expect me to pay the charge.... some day... lol. I literally own like 35k pounds to the british government and have paid the large sum of 0. If anyone charges me for anything, I am not a boomer and will decide to pay or not on the spot.
and btw this is why i did not pay the 35k mentioned in >>101514144 : some smuck in the UK has to pretend to be an emigrant to have money to life. I would take another 35k if i could and hell.... just give me the of uk money. the faster i crash the UK's economy ( with no survivors ) the better.
how much raise should i ask after 1yr? is $6k/yr more too much
>How do you respond?
You lie about the requirements, I lie in the resume. Simple as.
> 3 month notice period

Is your employer your jailer, jeez that's long.


Ah, third world country problems.
i love money so much bros.
Please send me $50k so I can help my family out and get myself out of debt and then use the rest of the money to wrap up my degree and move out of my house.
There's no guarantee your life will be fulfilling or there are thousands flocking to your deathbed if you become a normienigger. Just like what you have listed, normieniggers backstab, lie, cheat, and steal all the time too to get by. If you can avoid all that and still being self sufficient, you have lived a decent life.
I'd ask for inflation + 5%
ideally you'd apply before being unemployed for a year since it's a six month minimum hiring process
Datalemur.com is great for practicing SQL.
You can just rent a hotel room with the money your saving. There is also a private members club I know that has discounted rooms.
I'd have to be getting laid significantly more to hit parity with renting...
File a police report for false billing fraud and extortion by libel, and proceed to block them on all points of contact.
Should I just lie on my resume? I mean a lot of people do it anyway too, right?
You don't unless you already have a lot of it experience
How much is a lot
lie to the extent that you can make someone believe it, especially when asked questions about it in the interview. practice your answers to potential questions enough that you can convince yourself that your answers are genuinely the truth.
everyone lies on their resume to some extent. the people here who say not to lie on your resume either dont have jobs, or they are actively trying to sabotage your efforts.
>>101509880 >>101511942 >>101512260 >>101512395 >>101513137 >>101514144 >>101514273 >>101515120
do we really have this many newfags? JFC, this is sad...
Several of those were replying to the post, not the image.
Go huff some gas.
... the post and the image are obviously related, and they are bait
Everything that gets posted on this site is trash.
You realize 4chan is the garbage dump of the internet right? People come here when they feel the urge to say something fucking stupid. If they want to have a real or informative discussion about something, they go somewhere else.
The post is a thought experiment, a hypothetical.
The pic is a shitpost.
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
all websites are like this buddy. are you new here?
But I did eat breakfast this morning
git gud, unemployed chuddies.
Is there any job that would treat me like a baby?
None of the entry level or mid-tier positions, no.
You need to be son/daughter of CEO/CFO and other top-echelon ranks.
Sqlite databases are just flat files. If you are only interested in learning more complexicated queries it is fine.
>How do you respond?
i dont
>secret product
as a noob how can I reasonably even contribute to an open source project? I wouldn't even know what to fucking choose
Become an escort.
This shit is so ass
Then make your own?
In general you only contribute to something if it is relevant.
Write something that interests you and share it.

If it's an assignment then make a second account and contribute with your normal account.
Just find some repos that still use
terminology and change it.
That's a couple of hundred commits easy and you can call yourself a "contributor". Nobody is going to check what you contributed anyway.
Yeah maybe dont apply almost at the end of the year next time
>technical support "engineer"
Am I really supposed to blatantly lie on my resume? I feel like I'm too white for this
God I wish my neighborhood held events
I know women love learning languages, but that is excessive. Fuck finance.
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I've stopped caring about being arbitrarily "competent" anymore or a good programmer or anything, I just care about having a comfy job that makes me good money

I plan on brushing up on AWS and aiming for data engineer roles. Is that a good choice?
For fully remote jobs in the US that require the applicant to be inside the US or a citizen/resident

Can I get around that requirement by having a US LLC? or is it not worth the hassle/cost?
>I just care about having a comfy job that makes me money
What are some comfy jobs that make money? In EU
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>another rejection email
yeah I feel you, sucks when you have to write them to multiple recruiters every week. it is time consuming af
There aren't any.
it's all automated
>What are some comfy jobs that make money? In EU
depends on your spending and personality. for me, any job with minimal responsibility is comfy by default. as for the money, if you waste 10k a month, figuratively, almost no job ever will give you a peaceful life. Learn to spend a minimum and you'll be happy.
I meant in tech specifically. I'm thinking some backend enterprise java shit in a medium-sized company is as cushy as it gets
bros i can't stop gooning ... !
I worked in Motorola on an in-house framework that's xml and xslt. No one wants or knows how to work on that. Total compensation was comfy, but it's dead end.
>it's dead end.
Isn't it a good career plan to work on niche shit though?
So is it really comfy if it's hopeless?
I can't imaginr the same job being available anywhere else. A phd guy from Glasgow developed the whole shitshow I worked on
>grind as much LeetCode as I can
wasted effort
only if your niche doesn't get removed
any day, it's comfy
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What's up with NeetCode by the way? Is he still unemployed and pretending to make millions from his courses for bootcampers?
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So at what point do they actually do any, you know, work?
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ofc. they push the updates with files filled with zeros to justify being paid by a man.
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Why not just secretly outsource your duties to some thirdie and take credit for their work?
Don't Glowies hang out on 4chan all the time?
Would it really be any different?
Wouldn't it be getting paid to shitpost?
if so, sounds like a sweet deal.

Who do you think made the update for Crowdstrike?
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>actually doing any actual work at work
you're doing it wrong, anon
>first day of my new job
>in office
>don't know who my boss is
>don't know what to do
I hate banks so much
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this is the artificial shit on the internet, that nobody gives a shit about.
So, one is a professional dancer, that desperately has to promote some kind of a project, most likely linked to some msm tv channel or some such completely irrelevant bullshit in 2024. And how does one do that? Well, the 63 year old Larry Peters has to justify being overpaid while doing fuck all in the marketing, so he comes up with the very "new" and "fresh" idea of
>let's appeal to the common working man we take advantage of
eventually an employee that wasn't born in the fucking 15th century, and just a modern day npc, suggests, that they should put that shit on the social media, esp the most popular platforms. maybe then a lot of people will see it.
This fucking bullshit makes me wanna puke. This blatant ad that normies/npcs/retards think of as a discovery of some prodigy is the oldest fucking trick in the book. Except, they left their containment forms of media and are trying to posion MY fucking internetz with that primitive crap. Fuck all of them, the only way forward is the complete fucking segregation, as usual. And fragmentation, so to speak. of the internet.
>"hell my name is Anon and I'm a new hire here for [position], could you direct me to one of the supervisors?"
it's ok anon you can do this
>there are false bottoms everywhere and everyone is out to get me
you can't live your life like this, it's not healthy
don't let the existence of assholes prevent you from enjoying life
for self taught do you think its better to spam application or focus energy on making an android app that could potentially get some users?

i spent a lot of time learning i still havent tried to apply got a semi-decent portfolio that shows i can use a good amount of technologies. But this horror stories are scaring me.
sorry i meant cui bono lol
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I am the asshole. And I am enjoying my life. I hate fucking homo sapiens. Because the majority of them are clinically retarded. Not being an edgy teen here, but referencing the fact, that those imbeciles, more like because of, and for, in particular, safety of those imbeciles, everybody has rushed on a mission to make the internet completely sterile. Then push some irrelevant, not entertaining bullshit like that. My point is that it is a completely unremarkable ad, that pollutes. Other than that, I don't give a shit about it at all.
The only people finding it entertaining are the drooling fucking imbeciles clapping their hands in the vid you have posted. What sane individual would clap to that? Serious question. If your co-worker starts dancing on his cigarette break, do you a) cringe, b) not care, ignore, and go away, or c) start clapping your hands like a brainless fucking husk of a being you are?
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and don't even start me on clapping in-depth btw. Because the stupidity of the clapping unironically infuriates me. Very few things are worth a clap. Except, the ironic slow clap. That is acceptable, when funny. But clapping for a toddler taking a shit? Clapping for a pilot doing his job? Clapping for a fucking phonogram? and so forth.. Give me a fucking break. Retarded fucking normies get off my internet, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
lol never

>get into the office
>talk with your bestie for 45 minutes
>go on a walk around the office where you are loud as hell
>get coffee
>get on a meeting and talk to people there about your life
>derail any conversation about work
>schedule like 20 more meetings to do the same thing
>go home

they are of no value to anyone
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please clap
Some ATS can be configured to automatically email everyone who was on tract for a particular position when it is filled or closed out. I sometimes receive rejection emails for jobs I applied for several years ago and completely forgot about. It's just a couple of clicks for the HR girl to send out reject emails to the hundreds that applied but weren't selected.
Turns out my bosses are in India, kinda embarrassing tbqh.
Your company is doomed, use it as a stepping stone to get into an American company soon
>job requires that we get AWS certificates
big fuckign yikes
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I'm at an American company.
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>Thinking about doing MBA within a few years (no, I'm not Indian)
>Start doing daily GMAT practice questions
>This one took me 21 minutes (I got it right tho)
shit boys. What's the best school I can get in to with a 300?
Jump to another job for a 20% increase
Lucky you
What division are you in
took me a minute
No idea what the divisions are, or what I'm meant to do here, apart from doing whatever I'm doing it's going to be done in Python.
Harmonic mean questions are just
>do you recognize that the quantity we're asking for (time) is inversely proportional to the values we give you (rates)?
Once you've heard one, you've heard them all.
Wow you're so clever.
jesus fuck I'd be asking to get fired within the first day
I respect the homeless for refusing to put up with this retardation.
They don't do it out of desire, their weakness to drugs. Their sacrifice every positive aspect of their lives to fuel their addiction.
Yeah it was a bit frustrating because I recognized it could be solved by like third grade math but it took me 20 minutes to think of the logical process of what to do with what numbers lol. I suppose I should try to fit Khan Academy into my schedule.
3.21 and here is how you calculate it real fast and why multiple choice is a joke. 5 hours = 100%. 1 hour a 20% + b ~11% = 31%. 3x = 93%+. the fastest guess is obviously over 3 but much less than 4, so it is 3.21
I decided to interview a pajeeta only because she is somewhat attractive
I actually am. That's why I'm working in a FAANG company.
not him but the feeling I got from the erlang/OTP crowd is that they desperately want more people to adopt it
maybe the implication is that a legit erlang shop would be happy to pick a competent programmer and let him learn on the job
Java is extremely comfy saar
wtf, women can be this fun??
>forced to switch jobs because no raise in 2 years despite promotion
I'm so fucking tired of this shit
I'm so tired of these niggers who would rather go through marketing, hiring and onboarding (FOR HIGHER SALARY THAN I GET), than to just give me a fucking raise I deserve. Why are they like this, what the fuck
staying at 1 job gives employers the ick
>21 minutes
Won't make it
Shits fucked. Hopping gives them the ick too btw. It's not about doing the job. Never was
what are story points
Whatever the case, HR roasties have no power over them and I respect that. I wish I could help people get out of that retarded corporate job market. Not to the extreme of going homeless but finding some alternative that dignifies bith the working and the struggling human.
how hard a task is, higher numbers means harder, now how to interpret those numbers is company or even team specific
>command works in shell
>doesn't work in script
going to tear my hair out
and yes i've made sure the correct shell is used within the script
lol what? Just do 1 / (1/9+1/5)
What are the chances I get caught cheating on a leetcode screening if I do it on my desktop and I just watch the neetcode video at 2x speed on my laptop and/or manually type in the neetcode solution? I'd still have to "translate" from his python video to java. Idk it just seems too easy and obvious to do it that way, there has to be a catch
Buy an ad, brownoid.
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its monday and all the networks are down still.
I'm at 31 easies, 67 mediums, and 22 hards on LC. Is that enough to pass a "medium-hard level leetcode" interview?
Many educated middle easterners know all three of these, as they're taught all of them in school. Lebanon, for example.
Mandarin is wild tho
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>work on a team of 4, 3 of them quit earlier this year
>didn't get a promo during first review of the year despite keeping everything going smooth as butter completely fucking solo
>2nd review of the year coming up in a month or two
>because I got burned out earlier this year putting in herculean effort for zero reward I've been quite lazy as of late and know they're going to tell me to piss off
Its all so tiresome
I want to fuck 5'3 and attitude
are you retarded? 1/5 is 20%, which means that 5/5 are 100%. and 1/9 is 11.1%. I know you probably think of it as 0.2 and 0.111, but that is not practical. If you want a person to ever start to be good at mathemathics, they have to understand the practical, real world application of the numbers. It is logic, so explain it to them on an example, just like you explain one apple, two apples, divide an apple by half, etc to a child in kindergarten. A lot of people have a really hard time with concepts, abstracts, hypotheticals, etc.
TL;DR: It's EXACTLY the same thing, you mongoloid. Start teaching people with something they can at least try to relate to.
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>been unemployed for 2 years
>able to get by because of savings
>got serious about applying for 6 months now
>only 2 interviews
>first one the recruiter ghosted my ass
>second one was from a toxic startup that only wanted fresh grads
>finally get a lucky break and had a FAGMAN recruiter reach out last week
>they're ignoring me now
I'll message one last time tomorrow and if I get ignored then I'll consider that lead dead. I really hate getting false hope.
What even counts as a start-up? My old company was like 10 years old with like 20 people but recently got a lot of investment and started hiring a bunch of people with the goal of eventually getting acquired, but that goal only came about recently. In my mind a start-up is something started in the past couple of years for the sole purpose of flipping it.
>having the exact formula to calculate the correct value is "not practical", because uhm I'm too much of a brainlet to figure it out
The market will flip eventually, but my resentment for HR and recruiters won't after all of this.
Once we go back to a buyers market, I will be the bane of every recruiter. I will be applying to jobs when I don't need one, and I will be going through the process, just to ghost them when I'm deep in. I WILL be asking for extra calls to clarify bullshit questions. I WILL be acting very interested. I WILL waste HR resources as much as I possibly can.
lol, i literally got a near-perfect score on the gmat with studying 4 weeks. it's piss easy, apart from the obscure vocab questions (why do they even ask that dumb shit)
wrong. It is a multiple choice test, that requires speed. I don't need to calculate the exact value, esp. all the decimal shit to take a correct guess. All I need to do is spend 5 to 10 seconds imagining a real world pool as 100% or 0% filled. and 20% per hour and 11.1% per hour. It is so much easier to get an approximation by using this numbers in a blink of an eye. Rather than fucking writing a formula out and deal with decimal bullshit, etc.
You have a more precise engineering approach to some bullshit that just has to be partly calculated/guessed even, which just wastes your time. Your goal here is to choose a correct answer out of a list of answers. Nothing more. You min max getting to the desired outcome the fastest. Not by being overly clever and wasting time on decimal places at all.
i like this, thanks anon, plus its good practice on using github
m8 my gf with a psychology degree got a 610 and shes quite stupid. i think she studied like 2 or 3 weeks.
if you cant get at least 600 you're most likely below 90 IQ.
(1) 9a = C
(2) 5b = C
<=> 9a = 5b => a = 5b/9

x(a + b) = C, x = ?
from (1): x (5b/9 + b) = C
14*b*x/9 = C
(*) x = 9C/(14b)

from (2): 5b = C => b = C/5
in (*)
x = 5*9/14 = 3.21...
holy fuck its not that deep faggot, you should be able to solve that without writing anything down
took me like 5 minutes, and only because I wanted to be rigorous.
kys fag
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>Got connected with a hiring manager through an internal reference at the beginning of the month
>It was a good conversation and at the end she revealed to me an a position she had open and had me apply
>Week goes by and didn't hear anything (it was a long holiday weekend so I didn't sweat it
>Another week goes by and I didn't hear anything
>Dad says I should send a follow up email at some point
>Do it last week "Hey Manager, since it has been a couple weeks since we spoke I figured I'd reach out and reemphasize my interest in the company and the XYZ role, let me know if there's anything I can do to support my application etc. etc."
>She gets back to me this morning "Hey anon, sorry about that, we are in the process of [big project] and things are crazy. I just sent an email to HR to tell them to hurry up. You should hear something soon"
A few months ago my Uncle gave me a piece of job hunting advice: "Remember that even though this is the most important thing in the world to you, it's not the most important thing in the world to them. Make sure you stay on top of things and follow up"

It seems this turned out to be true.
So anons who are looking for a job, if you have a good interview and don't hear anything for a while, make sure you follow up. It appears that this actually does have an impact
this here is the highlight of all of the problems with the education. which leads to overengineering practices, overworking, stupid positions, wasted working hours and women in academy and workforce in general. You're not in the 5th grade faggot, nobody cares how did you get to the correct answer. Efficiency is paramount. Have you never been taught the KISS principles or similar while getting your bullshit useless degree? Holy fuck, they really do not teach people about life and common sense in the U.S. colleges anymore..
>assume a 45 litre tank
>get the answer faster than the retards trying to remember some gay formula
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>the KISS principles
what do you do when you're burned out? I don't really have work to do and I could probably study and do courses but when I do get fucking busy, I end up getting durhurrrr. like I have a lot of free time now and I'm just stuck on instagram.
absolutely unrelated to anything I was saying. In fact proper science does require precision, you absolute fucking imbecile. You got the whole thing backwards. You can't guess values in precision engineering or theorethical physics formulae. But you can and should and must on an irrelevant shitty test.
tits or gtfo
I take a 36mg XR
>desperately need to change jobs due to dogshit project, management and generally everything
>have to stay until I get a loan for an apartment which could take at least 6 more fucking months

>loan for an apartment
Do Amerifats really?
a loan for an apartment?
9 hours to fill a pool = 1/9 pools an hour
5 hours to fill a pool = 1/5 pools an hour
total flow rate with both: 1/9 + 1/5 = 0.311111... pools an hour
flip to get hours a pool = 1/0.311111 = 0.321
nigga just wrote a program for a 30 second math problem
>jeet keeps asking for a list of our tasks and step-by-step SOPs

I am about to be replaced, aren't I?
>Write detailed step by step instructions on how to do things, making sure to cover every edge case and the exact commands and such to use
>"Hi anon, quick chat?"
I wrote this guide so I don't have to fucking talk to anyone stop bothering me
1/.311 = 3.22
I love how I made you fags seethe for writing a clear, rigorous proof by modelling the problem without even having to think about the problem itself lmao
honestly i've been doing the opposite. I stopped making guides since now they HAVE to keep me in or else they're fucked.
its like writing a "rigorous proof" that (5+2)*x = 7x lmao
You found the common denominator first when you could just use 1 as in 1 pool.
do none of you comp sci retards take calculus lol or diffeq or whatever, this is basic algebra compared to that
Let me just write a formula for a lofted plane and the volume underneath it bro haha
> Bob had actually taken jobs with other firms and had outsourced that work too, netting him hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit as well as lots of time to hang around on internet messaging boards
Extremely based
Constructing rate of change equations is like day one calculus
isn't this just 1/(1/5+1/9)
yeah, but that's how you get pajeets replacing americans in the long term
though he outsourced to china, not pajeetland...
use full paths negro
Bro that's not a lofted plane come on dude
doing 1/(1/9+1/5) is slower than doing 45/13

besides, the point is that I didn't know the formula, and rather than deriving it (which I could do as well) I just thought one pipe is 9 litres/hour and the other is 5 litres/hour so the combined flow is 13 litres/hour for a 45 litre tank

are you a retarded jeet?
You already found 45 as the common denominator though. A normal arbitrary number would be 10 or 50 or 100 and 45 liters is the size of a small fish tank not a pool. A pool would be like 60,000 liters. We both know you found the common denominator and are lying about pulling 45 out of your ass after you already took the long way around the barn.
assign it to a devops janny.
nigga it's just 9*5
>bunch of retarded undergrads talking and bragging about some dumb problem some fag was barely able to solve
>in the tech WORKERS general
gtfo retards, this isn't HS
>entire thread discussing a highschool math problem
i hate this general so fucking much
I still maintain that you don't need to precisely calculate or know the volume or shit at all. Just use the %. 100% / 20% + 11(.1)% = time.
what undergrad? what highschool math? Are amerimutts really? This shit is like 5th grade when you learn proportions, which is yeah, being a pretentious dumb faggot like all of your here are, can be called: solving a simple equasion with 1 unknown.
Which you did. When you can just use 1.
>retards keeps bragging about how smart they were in school
don't feed them
Or you can just use 1 and not bother with finding the common denominator.
Babies get fucked by fat old fucks?
highschool starts at age 12 in my country
just run the script with

bash -x scriptnpath

and see where it's going wrong
and give me your public key so I can encrypt you my CV so you may hire me and pay me six figures
but I didn't find the common denominator, because it doesn't matter at all. I didn't bother with precise decimal places either. Rephrase the needlessly wasteful (time) equasion with this: 1 full pool = 100%. How long does it approximately take for 2 pumps combined, first 20% an hour and second 11% to fill it? Approximation is sufficient in primitive multiple choice tests.
they are literally doing that from their company tiktok.
their video became so viral that even /g/roons have seen it.
big ZOG newspapers have posted stories literally defending them,

how is this not an achievement for a marketing team, you fucking retards? they got exactly what they wanted
are you niggers retarded?
I'm buying an apartment, they cost a fuckton, and I need a loan
he's pulling a metal gear solid snake interrogation technique on you
>to live in yourself
Do Amerifats really?
Explain picking 45 as your "random" constant, you're lying
Isn’t this just 14/45 pools per hour (so the reciprocal?)

Where’s my MBA?
I'm European? What are you even trying to say retard, yes, people buy an apartment, 1, 2, 3 bedrooms, etc, to live in it themselves?
>how is this not an achievement for a marketing team, you fucking retards?
because nobody even remotely serious will ever use their services?
>they got exactly what they wanted
I still don't know, nor care, who the fuck they are and what the fuck they're doing. It's just funny to shit on everything on the basket weaving forums. I will never use any of their services too.
>look at me LOOK AT ME I'M SMART
I think facebook is this way: >>>/fa/cebook
Americans call those condos. Only Europeans call them apartments even when they’re owning.
I'm nta. This is how I read it: full pool = 100%. 5 hours = 100/5 = 20%. 9 hours = 100/9 = ~11(.1). 20 + 11 = 31. 31 = one hour. 31 + 31 = 62 = 2 hours. 62 + 31 = 93 = 3 hours. more than 3, much than four. do we have an answer like that? Yes, we do: 3.something something. Pick that. Done.
Why would you ever BUY an apartment if its not for investment? You're not buying any land that way.
If you use dimensional analysis you don’t need to convert between percentages.
Brainlet here. Thanks bro. It was actually pretty cool being able to visualize the solution thanks to your explanation.
I live in the Balkans you dumb fucking ape, I have 2 options

>buy an apartment in the center on a loan, which is a good investment that I can sell off x years later if I want to


>save money for 5+ years to buy land and build a house because no one gives loans for houses here and then lose value very fast as you're outside of the inner city and no one cares about houses in my shithole

its a losing game, I prefer houses, but they're dumfuck option in my country
100% is just 1 with extra steps you mongoloid
I've gotten far worse rejection letters. It used to be more common to give feed back. Especially if it was over email. I have pretty thick skin so it doesn't bother me. But my first exposure to how bad startups and VC funded businesses can was the job hunt. It's actually worse than dating. The least profitable companies have the hardest hiring procedures and the worst compensation.
My bad bro, I assumed you didn't live in a shithole.
Was what worth it? Working in a lumber yard? I guess. If you have what you want out of life. But if you're posting on /g/ I assume something went wrong. No matter what job you have or had.
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the time that it took you to think out all that so le smart cope is way more than the time you'd spend on doing 1/9 + 1/5 and realizing 14/45 is slightly less than 1/3, which answers this question pretty much immediately.

pic related, it's you
How's the hearing damage and sawdust in the lungs doing?
this guy's a knower
he posted that on a sunday. I'd guess he's AFK now, working in the lumber yard while we waste time here...
>because nobody even remotely serious will ever use their services?
nigger, it's a fucking skincare company. WOMEN and faggots are their main userbase, and this video has not had a negative impression on those subhumans for obvious reasons.
and the more you seethe, the more you prove them right, because you'll make them get even more media coverage.
I did calc 1-3 and linear algebra. Yeah that's basically just high school algebra. It's also not /twg/
>I can sell off x years later
but what if russians, who flooded balkans and are propping up real estate prices, vanish overnight and you end up with a box of concrete rapidly declining in value? nah that's never gonna happen right?
buy an ad, faggot.
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>get conned into believing that Denver is an up-and-coming tech hub like Austin
>move here in 2020
>not a single actual household brand tech company hiring here, modulo Google in Boulder which seems to only hire like 3 people per year max
>only alternative are old timey mom & pop small shops that don't pay more than $60k / year because they make just enough profit to stay afloat and no more
>price of a home is close to $800k median for what's effectively a starter home that'd go for $150k in Kansas
>cost of living has absolutely skyrocketed due to filthy rich California tech bros and filty rich Texan ranchers moving here
>local salaries have not yet normalized to this new reality and still pay peanuts
>surrounded by a hundred gazillion illegal beaners and trust-fund IPA sipping, weed smoking skii/snowboard faggots
>all the "natives" constantly malding that people keep moving here
>"natives" thinking they're entitled to Colorado despite doing nothing special other than being born here
>"natives" are actually just loser bums who never left their home town, but now that their home town is hip and up-and-coming they suddenly love it and want everyone out
>so many transplants from the entire USA that there's zero cultural hegemony
>lifted pick-up truck hicks blended in with purple-haired xe/xher kombucha types
>nobody has an idea how to drive, driving cultures from all over the US blended into an unrecognizable homunculus
>weather is just as schizophrenic as the people: sunny one minute, blizzard the next
>people LARPing as outdoorsy, when the most they do is go to a trailhead once every few months, take a few selfies to slap on social media, and leave
>constant pissing contests and competitiveness injected into every single conversation
>"men" with chronically low testosterone levels LARPing as rough-and-tough cowboys by growing out a moustache and wearing a mullet (they've never once exerted a single joule doing physical labor of any kind)
enjoy my ted talk
nta but, are you retarded?
you're free to assume whatever. I don't give a shit about npcs.
Tried that. All three letter agencies are cucked. I applied to one with glowing recommendations from people who worked in the same agency for 30 years and graduated at the top of my class and didn't get an interview. To this day I still get emails from them about diversity.
Go back to new york you faggot. Every eastoid who crosses the mississippi should be lynched on the spot
Ok but aren't you part of the problem
too spineless to say "fuck off with your shilling", or did hiro force you to sell 4chan ad space today to avoid a permaban, cuck?
seriously, nigger? """insulting""" people by telling them to le support le hecking 4cheddit?
Try the TSA. I hear that that about 80% of exam takers fail.
I know basic Python and SQL as a frustrated data analyst. Should I study to become a data engineer or a data scientist? Would it be easier to become a data engineer first and then transition to a data scientist? Which career path makes the most money? What's the best way to go about it?
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go hit the slopes, Chet. heard there's fresh pow rn
I'm starting to believe that I'm never going to make it because I coasted through college and I can't even write a simple function on my own.
so in short he wanted the bob and vagene
few things would satisfy me more than being released into this room injected with a near lethal dose of amphetamines and bashing their heads in like a crazed gorilla. what dumb whores
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no, "native" colorodoans are braindead rust belt midwesterners. people somehow forget that Cuckarado is just a midwestern shithole with the rocky mountains running through it. if anything, i'm bringing my triple digit IQ to this slop trough to the benefit of the local gene pool.
You are the same as a pajeet, go back to your overpopulated shithole filled with grey skinned manlets who consider themselves ""white""
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>too spineless to say "fuck off with your shilling"
buy an ad is shorter and saves time. you waste it.
but I'll take a minute to highlight to you how much of an imbecile you are.
>or did hiro force you to sell 4chan ad space today to avoid a permaban, cuck?
I don't even know what it means. You should stop slurping cum out of social cocks and become an anon.
>seriously, nigger
dead serious. don't give a shit. never did. never will.
>"""insulting""" people by telling them to le support le hecking 4cheddit?
Is it funny? No. So I don't fucking care. The whole post meant, get the fuck out of my line of sight with your retarded whatever. I don't give a single fuck.
you jest but i'm literally towering over 90% of the population in CO at a measly 5'11"

must be all the poverty-tier frozen dinners you hicks get shoveled into your gullet while you're growing up

the woman are all cartoonishly tall, though. what a bunch of freaks

reminder: this is the TECH WORKERS GENERAL
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file a lawsuit. say they tried to sexually harass me in the interview.
>the woman are all cartoonishly tall, though
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this
>t. 5'7" and got here in 2022
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you deserve to be mocked for trying to purchase an apartment unit. it's like trying to own a jail cell.
no in America we call those concentration camps and or low income housing.
I cant believe there are dumb retards who dont want tall women, the only problem with tall women is they want even taller men.
hate sprint retrospectives, I can never think of anything useful to say
tall women are heavy. I'd rather have a petite girl so I can grab her and push her against muh dick
>I don't even know what it means
it means that you sound like a shill yourself

>The whole post meant, get the fuck out of my line of sight
could have simply said "fuck off" or stopped engaging, but you managed to write a wall of cope instead

don't get surprised when you say something as pathetic as "think of the mods", no matter your actual intention, and they call you a faggot. you chose your words.
as an autist i struggle immensely in white-collar office niceties but am especially bad at agile meetings. in the retro:
>what can we do better?
uhhhh get rid of this entire process that exists only to justify your existence as a project "manager"
instead i am simply quiet
>tall women are heavy
maybe in amerilardia
>colorodoans are braindead rust belt midwesterners
None of those areas overlap
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not that wild, she just knows how to sell herself (no not like that)

I'm a 2nd gen Lebanese in Canada, I'm fluent in Arabic, French and English and I studied mandarin for a while as a 17yr d because I was autistic about experiencing the Chinese electronics markets for myself (once I could finally go covid happened)

I've got a masters in EE with a 4.0 from the best school in the country. It doesn't matter, there's no jobs. I got mine through a reference after cold applying to 600+ jobs, redoing my resume 8 times. Unironically shit won't get better until the blood demons satiate themselves with WW3, the survivors will get to experience a normal life.
where do you guys go for vacation?
People like you should be put down. Posts like this are why I reject any candidate that gives even a whiff of incel.
It's giving incellllll :crying_emoji: :crying_emoji:
If the salary range on the job description is $86k-$106k and I meet the experience requirements and have a masters degree, should I push for $100k+?
I have a strong opportunity here, basically in the bag at this point for nepotism reasons.
Three times a year I take a full week off just to sit at home and play video games, no idea what normalfags do with their vacation time.
here's the application to hired pipeline:
>fire off a resume and some "are you a white guy (icky)" questions into a web portal
>Becky who has a B.A. in Literature from a no-name state school in Florida arbitrarily decides whether you move forward or not by parsing a single piece of paper covered in words and acronyms she's never seen before for 30 seconds
>Becky then takes a 4 hour lunch with the girlies to sip mimosas
>run over a kindergartener in her lifted Yukon that makes her feel "safe" on her way back from bruch to """work""" from home
>if you're """lucky""" enough to pass the Becky gauntlet it's onto the 5-round humiliation ritual led by Rajesh or Chang who will just hire one of their kinsfolk after wasting your time but you have to pretend that you don't know that and do all the whiteboarding shit anyways
>several months later: templated rejection letter
>repeat ad infinitum

Ah what a great career I've chosen. If you don't like it you're probably just an inkwell, sweatie.
Could you manlets go back where you came from
Why would you ever take less than 100k with a masters degree
Go on trips with family
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if a roastie is at the job not working she better be playing nintendo switch or some other geemu instead of seething and coping on roastie media.
it is catchy
gen z boss and a mini gen z boss and a mini
itty bitty titty and a bob itty bitty titty and a bob
5'3 and an attitude 5'3 and an attitude

i don't remember the rest but this is already stuck in my head
anyone who doesn't realize this video is the spiritual manifestation of women screaming "PLEASE DISCIPLINE ME" is ngmi
gross sexist they just need therapy.
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all networks still down. theyre pretending its not crowd strike related when it obviously is. oh well charging 8 hours to my main project anyways.
Therapy is fucking retarded.
learn russian or mandarin
People actually filling the roles, not HR bots, understand HR is fucked. If.you get past the HR gatekeepers side projects are valuable. They'll set you apart from the 90% that graduate and then do fuckall
Actual competence will get you shunned in a dei environment no matter who you are
This is some weird zoomer shit. I've never lied on a resume. Although - if you can really do the work, SAY SO
Im too low IQ to be a dev. I literally cant even complete my training.
whats it like working in defense?
are the sidprojects dumb shit or cool shit

all that matters is if its cool shit
Two types of office jobs. You either do nothing until you're all shitcanned without warning, or you actually do things and make heaps of money.... and maybe this is recognized, and maybe not.
Someone the other day said "you're larping, a company won't give you hundreds of thousands in stock just because". It's not just because - my project grosses like 250-300 mil a year. Some of us get paid to make this keep happening.
Some 25 year old tiktok dancing office bint, not so much
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you have to bend over and let glowies fist-fuck your entire life in order to get a clearance. literally a humiliation ritual where they ask you for piss, shit, hair, blood, and then interview anyone you ever had contact with, including your family, ex-girlfriends, neighbors, former employers, etc.

then you get paid a pretty meh wage to warm a chair because the entire gimmick with defense contracting is companies say "Hey, look at how well staffed and talented we are, give US the contract!" and then only the top 0.001% of the talent actually gets to do any interesting work

but it's more or less permanent job security and there's no risk of AI or Jeets displacing you, so there's pros and cons.

a lot of my former colleagues and peers who weren't particularly bright or ambitious ended up at big box defense places like Lockheed and Northrup and seem to be relatively happy with their just-barely-middle-class prestiegeless careers

tl;dr if you just wanna chill forever then it's a great path, but don't expect FIRE money or to ever drive anything cooler than a 3 model year old accord
is the clearance/interview process actually that bad wtf
This is why you scout it out in advance. Drove through Denver area for the first time in years this summer... holy shit never again
depends how deep you want to go
yes it is that bad. for the easiest, secret, they do everything i described. for anything higher, they do insane shit like polygraph you and subpoena your ISP to see what kinda shit you browse in your free time. it's insanity.
any stories on ts full scope with poly?
same as any other government desk job. they hire like 100 people and 5 people do all the work.
What's the pay. I fucking hate work. If I could make at least 70k doing the minimal amount of work I think I would be happy.
>subpoena your ISP
that eliminates everyone here
don't do that one that clearance isn't worth it. just get up to ts/sci at the highest.
70k for an entry level engineer sounds about right. the other shit part about defense cucktracting is that salary and promotions are based SOLELY on years of experience and are not correlated to merit whatsoever. so even if you're a bananas 10x engineer with 150+ IQ you'll be stuck working for peanuts for a decade.

additionally the office culture is a nightmare, it's just tons of slack and collared shirt wearing squares, "family man" types whose only hobby is mowing their lawn on saturday morning. so unless you're a drone you'll likely want to rope after about a year of dealing with the most soulless banal retards on earth.

if something seems free, you're the product.
step it up brother!
buddy of mine got denied halfway through his TS/SCI process because he once visited a dispensary website in... Colorado. he was already 6 months into this job doing busy work waiting for his clearance to get done with and now he's been unemployed for 8 months. for browsing a dispensary's website in a place where cannabis has been state-wide recreationally legal for 20 years. he didn't even purchase anything.
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new bread?
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They're gonna see all my gacha shit and tell me to fuck off. I already know it.
pretty sure ts/sci isn't that strict. for the full scope poly i believe it though.
Did he visit it at work or something?
let me guess, dea or some sort of law enforcement job? from what I've read, glowies wouldn't give a shit if they have reason to believe you won't do drugs but law enforcement wants you to be perfect on all fronts
such a bizarre second order polynomial reason to deny a clearance. he potentially maybe had the thought to think about perchance visually perceiving marijuana. what the fuck?
so Im guessing the fact that I am on this site disqualifies me from getting a job in defense
I remember the place I was working at explicitly stating that despite decriminalization at local levels federal restrictions still applied. They dropped that req when the pandemic happened since they had too much of a backlog and a shortage of people. I find that case suspect because you disclose if you've ever used illegal drugs and it is not necessary a full stop for getting cleared. Was that the actual reason they gave?
ben awad, is that you?
Why do women do this instead of working?
I want to do this instead of working
hey bros I wanna fuck my cooworker
shes smoking hot and invited me to drab a drink after work
shes a bit older than me (5 years) but who cares
do you guys think shes into me or shes just being friendly?
I joined the company not long ago
"Itty bitty dick and balding"
"Itty bitty dick and balding"
>invited me to drab a drink after work
>do you guys think shes into me
of course she is. got for it anon
I'm not balding
thx bro, im gonna ask there
big fat stomach and no social skills
big fat stomach and no social skills
You buy a share in the land it’s sitting on.
I wish I had a coworker invited me out. in fact I have this really hot coworker...
I had coworkers who were interested in me but I refused to do anything about it because autism.
sadly, I work from home these days and my house is so shit that I'd be ashamed of bringing anyone here. I don't know what to do...
Become homeless. Being outside more will help your mental health and you’ll save money on rent.
can we create a song???
mentally ill and socially reclusive
mentally ill and socially reclusive
I feel personally attacked
don't make fun of me :(


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