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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101508847

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>Batched Runge-Kutta Samplers for ComfyUI

>SimpleTuner now supports Kolors training for full tune or LoRA/DoRA

>What Kamala Harris has said about AI, tech regulation, and more

>DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors

>ComfyUI_EchoMimic: Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations

>Two-stage PixArt ensemble of experts (2x 900M)

>florence2-ft-simple: finetune your florence2 models


>Live2Diff: Live Stream Translation via Uni-directional Attention in Video Diffusion Models

>Meta Chameleon 7B and 34B


>Follow-Your-Emoji: Freestyle Portrait Animation

>ComfyUI-Inspyrenet-Rembg [background removal]

>Shape of Motion: 4D Reconstruction from a Single Video

>Surf and RAG-chat with 4 million public stable diffusion prompts

>UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

>DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion


>Fooocus v2.5.0 Update

>PromptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2
>mfw Research news


>FETCH: A Memory-Efficient Replay Approach for Continual Learning in Image Classification

>MDPE: A Multimodal Deception Dataset with Personality and Emotional Characteristics

>Exploring Advanced LLMs with LLMsuite

>Benchmarking the Attribution Quality of Vision Models

>Improving Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Fake Flow Generation

>Distractors-Immune Representation Learning with Cross-modal Contrastive Regularization for Change Captioning

>The Kolmogorov Complexity of Irish traditional dance music

>DreamCatalyst: Fast and High-Quality 3D Editing via Controlling Editability and Identity Preservation

>Visualization Literacy of MLLMs: A Comparative Study

>Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Federated Class-Incremental Learning via Federated Global Twin Generator

>Visual Prompt Selection for In-Context Learning Segmentation

>PAFUSE: Part-based Diffusion for 3D Whole-Body Pose Estimation

>A Self-Supervised Learning Pipeline for Demographically Fair Facial Attribute Classification

>Learning Online Scale Transformation for Talking Head Video Generation

>NamedCurves: Learned Image Enhancement via Color Naming

>Explainable Image Captioning using CNN- CNN architecture and Hierarchical Attention

>Geometric Remove-and-Retrain (GOAR): Coordinate-Invariant eXplainable AI Assessment

>VISA: Reasoning Video Object Segmentation via LLMs
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Thinking about piping Whisper to Stable diffusion via a EVP box , ideally the end result being a ghost illustrating their regrets in their past life. Is there anything I'm overlooking or should be mindful of ?
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That sounds really cool and would like to see the results. I know nothing about it though. Be mindful of evil spirits I guess.
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this model does strange things
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Last one from me good night anons
he said before it's nai. should have the info on the stealth png
ah too bad thanks
Ah sorry, didn't see you post.
There was nothing special about that prompt, I didn't really specify anything and just tried some random artists. Sometimes I just like seeing what the model does with that.

1girl, character:kasodani kyouko, touhou, artist:ayanepuna, artist:natsu no koucha, best quality, amazing quality, very aesthetic, absurdres
Undesired Content:
nsfw, lowres, {bad}, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, bad quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, chromatic aberration, signature, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract], bad anatomy, bad hands, @_@, mismatched pupils, heart-shaped pupils, glowing eyes, injury

Can't tell you what the seed was, I had to inpaint a little.
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237m, maybe 6 more months of gens to get
also started another one, 1m so far, nearly 2 years of gens to get
Diffusion-1B soon:tm:
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goob morbin
hello, i hope you are doing well
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oh sure, i went to bed imagining hanging myself, and woke up the same, im sure today will be better than yesterday, or worse, or the same
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gm all
i hope you will conquer your demons one day friend
good morning
i hate trani
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goo morning
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thread schizo
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luma is so slow
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244m and 4m
also implemented some ops for ait and fixed webdataset in datasets library because i'm slightly more miserable than usual today, idk whether to do more ops or just have a nap
>debo likes this "weirdness"
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trying loras as wildcards, random 0 to .9
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nice to think 'i wonder if there is a bonzibuddy lora' and sure enough
Morning anons
Why didn't you attach an image to this
I usually don't when saying hello
How else will anon know who's saying good morning to Quokka?
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my gf
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I'm not sure this portrait is really look-alike , trying to make something between official photos and pin up fanservice like with aoc.

Which celebrities get reliably rendered on sd and sdxl?
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the ones with loras
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>the ones with loras
I was talking about base models not trained towards anyone. There's also some specialized controlnets for identity. For example it works well foe Emma Watson and Taylor swift and I'm experimenting with Harris due to recent news, however I'm wondering who else is present enough in training to get reliably out
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made a lora off of a few 'op art' type pics, mainly adds color effect
Im considering a gpu, can you guys help me out?
>what gpu do you use?
>how long does it take you to generate an image?
>when generating these images, how many steps do you set?
>what resolution do you make it?
you're gonna want the best nvidia gpu you can afford, with the most vram within your budget range
rn i am: for a 512x768 image takes 14 seconds, 24 steps. to upscale 2x takes about 1 minute, with 24 steps.
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>more asian kamala
ok I'm liking where this is going
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do you not get bored posting here literally every single day?
ask yourself the same
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I dont post here every day mint pussy
>schizo already having a melty
4 ops implemented, unblocked a bunch of models in diffusers_ait
diffusers_ait is the biggest nothingburger. just make it for comfy again you rust tranny
but when its finished every model from diffusers will be supported
nobody uses diffusers you dumb cunt
i think you're misunderstanding. the models that are already supported in ait are based on diffusers implementations
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wasn't me you're replying to. I think it's funny that you're still mad I mocked you for your dumb request like 4 months ago.
what was anons request
Is it worth trying to gen with an AMD 5800X or should I look into buying Nvidia?
what request?
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ideal physique
He wanted me to add track marks to a gens arms and I called him an edgy zoomer, which made him super butt hurt. He replied to almost every post I made for a few weeks sperging out after that lol
>every post I made for a few weeks sperging out
Huh, reminds me of the guy who squats in this thread kek the one who has a documented history of doing that
for reference, i have a card about on par with 3080 for throughput and am quite thankful i dont have anything slower. even so for SDXL i use a fast rough draft setting at 8-10s per click, and one or two quality settings at 20s or 50s per click respectively. you have to do a lot of revisions with this shit.
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news you can peruse
it is weird, i vaguely remember, as a bit of trollishness, asking some1 to add track marks to an arm, but that was like last year, and i remember them getting a bit bent outofshape. desu i find cut scars more aesthetic on a (1)girl, but would probably need a lora idk
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electric vomit aesthetic. gonna try to play teeefftoo for a bit instead of this
Who are you talking to
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Nobody seems to like my gens. Maybe because they aren't girls. I won't post anymore :(
lesser known schizo anon lore
posting for (you)s is never to play
i miss schizo anon
Nah everyone simply finds you annoying
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I like non-1girl content. there's so little of it these days
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Question for people who upload models to Civitai since I know plenty of you lurk here.

Whenever you upload a model, do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well? I want to start doing that myself because I want others to know how to train these things too and want to share the methods and tools I used so that others can do the same. There are surprisingly few of us that know how to do the things we do, so if I ever go through writing up a detailed easy to understand guide, then I want to be able to link to one of my data sets as an example. Are there any down sites to doing this? Civitai has an option to up the data set in the file field next to the downloadable model, and I also have a hugging face page full of past trained LoRAs and their corresponding dstasets (though most aren't public yet).


what model
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>Whenever you upload a model, do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well?
everyone wants this, nobody does it. It's always welcome since yes it teaches people what kinds of images make it in and how to tag them properly. It also makes things much easier to use. I hate civit and hugging face for not making it mandatory.
Huggingface has it's own dataset viewer so go through the docs to set that up and people won't have to download it if they don't want to.
Civit just wants a zipped file and is in the upload process so you can't miss it
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the future is to bring the past back to the present
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God damn I fried my dopamine receptors real good.
It's been quite therapeutic though. Strangely, successfully training loras of old crushes made me get over them.
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>more asian kamala
>ok I'm liking where this is going
Txt2img models have a tendency to have an Asian bias, I suppose it's some training data inbalance
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idk if you saw but I accidentally made a counterfeit mint yesterday >>101515093
the wildcards randomly rolled all the mint values
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See this in the garden, what do?
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>mfw Resource news


>Batched Niggerlips Samplers for ComfyUI

>SimpleTuner now supports Kolors training for full tune or LoRA/DoRA

>What Kamala Harris has said about AI, tech regulation, and more

>DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors

>CumUI_EchoMimic: Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations

>Two-stage PixArt ensemble of experts (2x 900M)

>florence2-ft-simple: finetune your florence2 models


>Live2Diff: Live Stream Translation via Uni-directional Attention in Video Diffusion Models

>Meta Chameleon 7B and 34B


>Follow-Your-Emoji: Freestyle Portrait Animation

>ComfyUI-Inspyrenet-Rembg [background removal]

>Shape of Motion: 4D Reconstruction from a Single Video

>Surf and RAG-chat with 4 million public stable diffusion prompts

>UCIP: A Universal Framework for Compressed Image Super-Resolution using Dynamic Prompt

>DreamStory: Open-Domain Story Visualization by LLM-Guided Multi-Subject Consistent Diffusion


>Foookkus v2.5.0 Update

>PoomptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2
>mfw Research news


>FEG: A Memory-Efficient Replay Approach for Continual Learning in Image Classification

>MDPE: A Multimodal Deception Dataset with Personality and Emotional Characteristics

>Exploring Advanced LLMs with LLMsuite

>Benchmarking the Attribution Quality of Vision Models

>Improving Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Fake Flow Generation

>Distractors-Immune Representation Learning with Cross-modal Contrastive Regularization for Change Captioning

>The Kolmogorov Complexity of Irish traditional dance music

>DreamCatalyst: Fast and High-Quality 3D Editing via Controlling Editability and Identity Preservation

>Visualization Literacy of MLLMs: A Comparative Study

>Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Federated Class-Incremental Learning via Federated Global Twin Generator

>Visual Prompt Selection for In-Context Learning Segmentation

>PAFUSE: Part-based Diffusion for 3D Whole-Body Pose Estimation

>A Self-Supervised Learning Pipeline for Demographically Fair Facial Attribute Classification

>Learning Online Scale Transformation for Talking Head Video Generation

>NamedCurves: Learned Image Enhancement via Color Naming

>Tranny Image Captioning using CNN- CNN architecture and Hierarchical Attention

>BITCHmetric Remove-and-Retrain (GOAR): Coordinate-Invariant eXplainable AI Assessment

>VULVA: Reasoning Video Object Segmentation via LLMs
who's that?
Didn't you say you wouldn't post anymore?
This is for 1.5 right?
PhotoMaker V2 is out!!
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julien is beans
/sdg/ bros...

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>idk if you saw but I accidentally made a counterfeit mint yesterday
nah, I was gone most of yesterday
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Is there a reason I should be using ComfyUI over Forge (A1111 fork)

Forge lets me
>Quickly start prompting
>Quick hires fix
>Quick send to inpaint or img2img
>Quick upscaling
>Lots of plugins
>Workflow makes sense

Is Comfy really just having to load different workflows constantly?
Or edit them but lots more plugins and always gets new shit first
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forge is no longer maintain so you'll slowly (or not slowly) slide further and further away from the newer tools, workflows, and metas.

there's a project called reForge that is attempting to keep upstream a1111 and comfyui changes merged into forge but its a tall order. the real up-and-comer in my opinion in comfyUI_Modern. the guy working on that is making huge leaps forward on making comfyui actually comfy
>Is Comfy really just having to load different workflows constantly?
I can do all of the 'quick' things you listed without having to create or load a new workflow. It's probably even quicker since I don't have to tab around pages.
The only time you need to alter your workflow is if you deliberately want to change what's happening in your pipeline. It's complexity is really over-exaggerated, there's just a low skill floor and high skill ceiling, so some workflows you see online may seem incredibly complex/convoluted
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you obv. thanks for replying
is sdxl good for porn yet? I stopped using SD around the time that sdxl was released and I had only used 1.5
is there anything I should know if im gonna be getting back into genning? recent news? last time i did anything was probably like september 2023
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fuck off lazy faggot
kys nigger
nta, but i use this lora for that effect: https://civitai.com/models/497612/megaman-legends-1-style
shut the fuck up thread schizo
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a repost is a repost, I guess. what did you like about that one specifically?
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am I even gonna get to post the news today?
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this instagram account makes very cool images with midjourney and i've been having trouble replicating them with stable diffusion. pic related, one of theirs.
the chinese low quality camera aesthetic looks cool but I can't prompt anything beyond 1girl, ((huge breasts))

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SD3 is unbanned
how do you get more dynamic movement and poses similar to this? sd cant seem to figure when someone has their head tilted backwards for example, it either adds a new face or thinks its a back of someones head. controlnet somehow makes it worse
just use stableswarm nigga
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Pony Diffusion is much better at following prompts which is based on SDXL. That one is VendoPonyRealistic, a new checkpoint model which is great at creating realistic images.
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sd 3....... not for me!!
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no one is stable diffusion anymore
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mondays tend to be either schizo meltdowns or ded. today was extra ded tho
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Monday needs extra naps
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that looks like one of those scifi horror movies where the character is infected with alien snake things under her skin.
hm you're right

still would tho
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schizo meltdowns might be better, but probably not. I don't know.
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I dunno I have my comfyUI workflow such that all I have to do is copy and paste the image from the upscale over to the inpainting group and all the prompts and models and such automatically move over, or I can edit them if I want. I also like how in comfy when I inpaint I can zoom all the way into the detail I am checking in the image preview box, whereas with forge if it is something hard to see I have to paste it into GIMP and check it there, or open the image in a new tab and use my browser zoom to get close to the detail.

Although I still prefer Forge/A1111 for regional prompting, some controlnet stuff, and basic experimenting with prompts.
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I haven't used Stable Diffusion in about 2 years. Is it still really hard to get dynamic poses and perfect hands / feet, even if you're using a controlnet?
I used to be really into Stable Diffusion, but I got bored and quit because I couldn't do any advanced poses with good anatomy.
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258m and 20m
also 3 more ops
i sleep
Really cool style, anon.
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controlnets weren't out 2 years ago. you're a phony

I'm looking forward to the day where you have more than a numbers report
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>you're a phony
I was a literal off. I dropped it around the beginning of 2013. It's not that serious, anon. It was a rough estimate of when I stopped using Stable Diffusion.
>still have to roll a couple of times but the gold is there.
Damn, I was hoping it would be easier by now.
>a literal off.
* a little off
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I'm so excited

I'm just memeing. welcome back. shit still sucks, but it sucks less
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>Damn, I was hoping it would be easier by now.
It's not so bad when you have the right model for what you are doing. Pony is the best XL model at lewd atm. hands and feet are much better nowadays that is isn't much of a meme anymore (at least for me anyways)
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new lora get
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I need to just start putting cameltoe in negatives
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very nice texture. mint anon-esque stuff!
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probably won't get to see the 100k from franners. I'm heading to bed. good night anons!
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imagine if I got to post todays news
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There are images in this thread I posted 22 hrs ago. Guess it's been a slow day
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one of the slower days in recent memory
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Im a fucking casual so im using Easy Diffusion and sometimes it seems like it justs stops progress and gives inaccurate timeframes on genning. I have a 3060 Ti are any of the other Uis better or do they all just kinda do that
I had that happen once out of like 15k gens, no idea what caused it.
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that sometimes happens when it needs to swap models or other memory swaps. can't say for sure what it is though. comfyui is more performant but much harder to use
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have you see this chibi? if so, please contact your local police immediately
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these chibis kinda make me wanna do a new gacha chibi series
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I like funky dj bear. it was hard to get suno to do vinyl cuts, but I got there
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I was baker baited. bakted
For real this time...


sorry man, subject was missing
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it gone
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its all good! ty for the bake
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catbox?! or model?
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cool - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBrfxmUJXdA
I should do more pixel art but I dunno what the pixel art meta is anymore
what negative embeddings do you guys use, if at all? I just use easy negative but I've seen a lot of people use all sorts of different ones, with some being specifically for improving hand/feet/overall anatomy but seems like a meme to me.

>image limit has been reached

bummer, looks like burgerAnon and animAnon got some posts removed.
indie game or hit nostalgia with a wallpaper

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