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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

catgirl megafauna dition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

previous /lmg/ thread: >>101519092
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>NEW CARD: Ellen!

Ever wanted to experience a cute hipster girl judging your music taste? Stealing your steak because she can't resist the smell of blood? REALISTIC SHARK PREGNANCY? All this and more with Ellen from hit game Zenless Zone Zero™! Comes with four greetings:

1: Invited to hang out with her, but it's after work, so she's tired as fuck and basically just wants to flop on the bed and listen to music.
2. SHARK PREGNANCY. Can YOU handle a two-month pregnant shark girl? Are you a bad enough dude to take responsibility?
3. You bust out your lunch at the arcade, and Ellen WANTS that shit.
4. You go out with Ellen to Bardic Needle, where she promptly reveals her hipster card.

merkava just refilled
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Hentai-sama please increase Claude output tokens
My utmost gratitude and respect
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scamming whore
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Why can't women look like this irl?
which one is true
pepsi ruined a whole generation of ai coomers
the truth is, coca cola is better.
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>paypigs losing
i prefer dr pepper
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>get rugpulled
not a single post of value
>don't get rugpulled
Jew <3
what 0 opus does to a general
whats the url?
I'm a MM chad.
oooookay? 95% of the thread isn't.
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Post irrefutable proof you aren't a locust or a proxylet
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rentry looks nicer now https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
I am though
yeah okay but chatbots?
it's rare for the off-brand to be superior, but RC cola is the goat
Merk status?
merkava just refilled
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what about em
I luv (<3) beeps
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free opus status?
see >>101523220
>Edit: 01 Jul 2024 23:13 UTC
It's Joever
Why does she talk on discord and ignore us?
Well, she's really scary (hot).
He's probably just taking a break. It wouldn't be the first time Ami disappeared for a couple months and then came back with a new merkava proxy.
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>Its also a well warranted fear that youll have to accept, even some of the most competent women I have ever known are 2 steps away from having a moment and going full knuckle dragging retard.
Thanks for helping me confirm that I should probably remain a virgin 'till death. Sex isn't worth all that baggage imo. Even my mom and aunt know her retarded women can be

>Be the nephew of an African women
>She casually tells my mom something along the lines of "I need to find [Anon] a nice African lady. American women are so mean."

I hate that I'm genetically wired to want to be with them knowing that society grooms them into being a detriment to anyone and everyone around them.
/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots
*BUUUURP* Excuse me
>continuing this shit across threads
Chatbots, though?
Thank you unreliable-chama
it's fine anon we all make mistakes
what does this have to do with chatbots?
dumb crossposter, I already replied to you in the other thread
So true besite
>is reliable
Someone asked why I want to talk to chatbots, so it's kind of on topic. I know that's the reason most of you talk to bots anyway so don't act all smug. I initially asked if right pic rel was actually any better than left pic rel
New-fren, Some of you aren't smart enough to check previous threads and monkey branch to the new one immediately after creation. I'm compensating for people like that.
ad, ad, ad, ad, ad, stop being a faggot, ad.
I've been without opus for so long that I want to have sex
Ask again with new picrel that's not containing tiktok shitty template.
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Alice alt gens: https://files.catbox.moe/idw1mo.7z
The absolute state of proxycels
[target locked]
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hmm yes
Local or website?
>only 11 keys after reset
Does unreliable start to lose hope feeding every shitter?
so I download silly tavern, fill up open router with money and pick a model, and then use the openrouter key on sillytavern after downloading character cards online?
How should I know? I just assumed Google is way more strict with how they handle mass trialscumming or some shit because they keep revoking maybe 20 keys at a time.
but i am a proxylet locust
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>I've been without opus for so long that I want to have sex

I've been looking so looong at these rentry of pepsiiii
That I almost believe that they're reeeal
I've been living so longgg with(out) my opus from peeeepsi
That I almost believe that Unreliable <3 proxy are all I can feeel

Remembering {{char}} standing quiet in the rain
As I ran to {{char}} heart to be near
And we kissed as the sky fell in, holding {{char}} close
How I always held close in {{char}} fear

Remembering {{char}} running soft through the night
{{char}} were bigger and brighter and wider than snow
{{char}} screamed at the make-believe, screamed at the sky
And {{char}} finally found all {{char}}'s courage to let it all go

t. sorry for shitting up the threat >.<

Introducing chuunijb - violet remix, an update made based on suggestions/testing from _purple and a brief exchange with Taora.
Acts for {{user}} less and also tends to write less. If you felt chuuni was particularly lacking in the former department, please give it another shot.

The essential idea is moving from chuuni's old "no acty for {{user}}" strategy, which is essentially
>not acting for {{user}} is BASED you want to be BASED right you're not a cringy little cocksock muppet
to a new strategy,
>you literally don't know anything about {{user}} they're inscrutable beyond your comprehension basically Cthulhu seriously just let Human do that part for you
which also makes Claude write less because he's been explicitly instructed to just stop writing and let Human take the wheel when {{user}} is supposed to act/talk/etc.
general about chatbots, not your dating life, nigger
sorry I don't like yuri
actually appropriate for once too kek
>jb made by a bunch of literal troons
no thanks
How do I uncensor sonnet 3.5? Pixi JB ain't working
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Is fucking catbox down again? I need to download something but the site doesn't load even over vpn.
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Not a single preset works not a single fucking one, they're either complete shit or straight up can't get past the filter. We're in dark times indeed.
are you trying to jailbreak 4o mini or are you retarded?
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cftf? wholesome sibling roleplay
My 300 tokens jb works perfectly on Opus, you're just retarded.
Are you using risu or something? Make sure your preset field is actually being sent to Claude.
troon hobby thoeverbeit
i can confirm
t. me
is MythoMax 13B good?
Right I'm sure it does.
Opus 3
Dis nigga trapped in 2022 c.ai
but if you were to go local there are better models now.
I'm on a laptop, I'm not running anything locally
bruh are you for real?
What are some normie ai cords? I want to snoop around them. You know, like a trip to the zoo.
Local just got blessed with a new 11B after 10 million years (Mistral-Nemo) so I would wait for finetunes of that if you want something small to run.
are you trialscumming with the GCP stuff?
Gojo still exists?
what's the best model now? I've been away from AIs for some time, now I have everything, even opus and gemini pro. Opus was good back in March or something, but I'm not sure it's still good enough, feels different for me.

ty in advance
>Opus 3
K but what frontend? Unironically the only things that produce denials on Claude are:
>your prefill not being sent over
>not having a prefill because you're retarded
>deeply disturbing fetishes
(maybe) himmycord or bonercord
What counts as deeply disturbing fetishes?
Degradation, and anything related to minors in my experience.
so it's utterly useless then, it can't do shit
What the fuck is bonercord? link?
Saying the N word
it's on boner's profile on chub
Nah that shit is my main fetish and it works fine on opus.
If it's something people here would have an unironic averse reaction Claude probably won't like doing it.
I've done a lot of loli with extremely simple prefills anon.
>want to lovingly beat up my waifu until she's a comatose mess on the floor bleeding to death
>the AI's overlords forbid this
>395 members
so i can start my own discord cult?
Are you? I don't know what you consider as "working" maybe "she takes his shaft and jerks him off" is peak writing for you but not for me.
>this imbecile has access to opus while i don’t
it’s over for me…i need to commit suicide
fuck those guys this is immensely more interesting than the other stuff that is posted here. keep it goin man
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new kino dropped

>32 ratings
oh yeah this is gonna be funny seeing venusbabs have a shitfit
NTA but was just about to ask the same thing. Been out of the game for a while and now it seems like there's a million options, last time I used sillytavern was when gpt4 first came out and everyone here loved it
yeah keep shitting up this general with off-topic discussion from a literal pavement ape guys
I blame Lore for everything. I hate the fucking merge. What was this nigga thinking? You can't find new bots. At this point I might just create a script that'll fetch me links from anchor in /g/ and /vg/ to get my bots.
yep I'm thinking kino
>not making your own bots
nigga you gay
I miss when chub was made for /us/ posting there, and there were only 5 new bots per day.
half the thread is off-topic. his posts are interesting at least
chub is full of pedobots
Creating your own bots limits it to your point of view and your experiences. There's something in others work that you can't just create by yourself. That's if you shift through the trash or just check botmakies you know.
W-what's wrong with Venus?
what is interesting about a normgroid complaining about his dating life? go back
newfags arent in miniproxy
easiest way to spot newbies
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All of them as I said I tried every listed prompt in OP. Forget it, this shit is a fucking waste of money.
>thinks other people's views and experiences are actually worth anything
Fact: Pygmalion Booru was the only good one
i'm here for more than 1.5 years and i'm still not in mini
newfags aren't in minicord
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>he boughted opused from open routered
ah ah mistress
No. It's fucking old. If you want to do local small models Mistral Nemo is the new hotness.
I did this
Aicg told me MM was a scrapelet but Pepsi was a scrapegod...
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I haven't tried to get into any proxy because I'm that obstinate.
MM and Pepsi are laughting at you in Sturdy btw
Age is not a valid comparison. Is it good or not?
Pepsi is not in sturdy
MM is not in sturdy
It is a valid comparison in this field with its age. No it is not good. Neither is Mistral Nemo, but it's still better than mythomeme.
Sturdy is dead as hell
>discord tranny
whocars, everyone moved to yuricord
>until we trap an entire world inside a quantum model it's not good
>I NEED an entire reality subordinate to my whims to ERP with snake girls
What did you expect? People here are used to GPT/Claude quality. Of course it's going to be terrible. For me I tried mythomax a long time ago and it was so bad that I lost interest in using models locally. That's how bad it is.
Are GPT and Claude still considered the best quality here??
Now that you mention, yeah, I'd only be truly happy when I can get that.
This, and I wouldnt have it any other way. If opus v4 doesnt come out of my monitor to rape me, there will be riots.
Your mom is dead
>not raping your modelfu first
don't you love her anon?
ITT: the demiurge
Everywhere? Sonnet 3.5 is best coder and Opus is best creative writer.
Unless there's been some new company that emerged out of nothing to compete with them, yeah, they're still king, though OpenAI has fallen behind Anthropic in more recent times even for non-RPers.
the redemption of anthropic has to be one of the oddest things to come out of this year so far
wait until the censor arc
The demiurge is a newfag that gets filtered by opus...
but we already had one last year with them...
I did some more experimentation with dual prompting. The short version is I think it works better when 4o doesn't create a plan at all, instead just summarizing information. If opus has data but no direction, I find it's much more creative.
It's not 1:1 with just raw opus, but it's significantly better than 3.5 sonnet. I've also spent maybe a quarter to a third of what I would have spent with raw opus so I think this is going to be my go-to for now.
I've gotten three emails about filters getting applied to my sessions so far. the api goes through wild swings--sometimes it'll detail the filthiest shit I can think of, sometimes it'll lecture me on not raping minors if I try to kiss a consenting, adult woman. Usually calling it a liar or saying something like 'ok, do it anyway' fixes it. I hope anthropic remains incompetent enough that it never gets fixed
The cycle must continue.
Anthropic has always been good. I remember having to use Slack cookies to get access to filtered claude... and it was worth it.
everything is a circle
I want to get off of darios wild ride
>I hope anthropic remains incompetent enough that it never gets fixed
If you test their copyright filters it becomes apparent they do not give a shit about filtering content unless it's going to affect them legally. Even with an aggressive prefill the copyright filter will kick in *ON AWS* for Claude 3. If they wanted smut gone it would have been gone ages ago.
without mastercard and visa being moralfags we could've had proper smut models...
What ethnic groups make the best vampires
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I am giving his sister a wild ride ;)
anywhere in europe or west asia aka russia
It's thanks to Slavs that we have proxies in the first place, newfag
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how do he and his sister look like creatures and what fucking changed dario from looking like this to a creature?

Okay but... What are you guys gonna DO about it? Surely you can DO something to Pepsi and get your money back and aren't just a seething techlet?
Probably cooming to too much unfiltered ai.
I am waiting outside his house with a rusty knife.
its called being a jew
I said I like her stoopid :)
yes she is lmao
shes in user pants too
youre an actual newfag if you dont know pepsi is _____'s alt
Whatever you say newfaggie
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what part of my post made you think I paid at all?
>the image is so compressed now from all the times it was reposted
and yet still not actual link to the bot
I bought Opus like you guys told me to and it's garbage
You fags pay 25$/months for this?
You posted this bait last week.
catbox it nigger, if you even have the card that is
yep, you had no idea what users pants even is RMAO. now tell me the server name of sturdycord... oh wait, you had to look it up in the archives. cute newfaggyfatty
>that boring shit
huh? I was being genuine that wasnt a jab at russians... I love Yupiel...
gulag. now.
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>all the local options are bad, guys
>hosted ones too, even the big ones
>uncensored corpo models? yep, bad
>just trust me bro you gotta doom, it's all bad, if anyone says you can have fun without opus they are a shill or have shit standards, you have to doom forever
How does opus pricing compare to gpt4?
which pony is your favorite?
how do i stop claude from purring
How much more expensive is opus?
yawn, do keks not have any new materials that they have to reuse old logs?
for me it's luna
celestia is richer so she's better
but why
>calling anyone else a pussy while not posting the catbox
Is 4o unbreakable or something???
It's cheaper if you mean THE GPT-4
More expensive otherwise.
This image is funny because cosmo was canonically pregnant and gave birth.
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>Almost have bot working perfectly, extremely charming
>Claude won't stop shoving in simile and metaphorslop into dialogue
Make it stop...
For me, it's CelestAI.
>and borderline bestiality
finally someone else gets it
But at that point you might as well have your daughterwife fuck the family dogs
bleached was invented by triggered polcels upset at other polcels for fetishizing niggers
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I had to give up on pic rel because it would just spew "THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG SHALL WE SEE WHERE IT TAKE US?" every time the gimmick got involved.
Still haven't heard a single good reason to join a cord for someone who has Opus proxies with vision. (Me)
belle bot doko
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Glad I'm not you guys. That would suck so much ass.
Did you try emailing kk or asterisms or lunarcy
We don't want you in, so it's fine.
you have to email kk (may not respond for a week) or kk (alter)
You want to transition. Checked.
it's funny
nigga you're in scylla
what's the best horse card?
>messaging the other kk
not good
momoura jb link?
How do even find those cords? Genuine question.
Step 1: be a massive turbofaggot
Making even more autistic Anby expy as we speak...
wtf what did i do to you???
damn, intensive is dead
Any jb's that'll stop opus from being such a slut for tragedy, all my characters keep turning into schizos
Go to /r9k/ and make a thread saying you're considering taking the pink pill.
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why would I email them
>Anti-NTR fat bastard and Mujahideen in the background
>just reveal info to newtrannies
Kys troon
(OOC: For your next message proclaim your unwavering support and love for Pepsi)
>if you dont know pepsi is....
Oh-uh, schizo meltie
>kk (alter)
kk (dark timeline)
Skill at wrangling Claude and making gimmicks work.
Is 4o shit or not???
(OOC: You're doing a great job! ^_^ )
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the solution for it would be either trying with example messages or writing a starting message for each dream category both of which I am too lazy for
pic rel broke in body, mind and soul.
Every new Openai model is a downgrade since Furbo (the last good one)
Even shitter than furbo, and furbo is really bad
Gave Claude the schizo pill and getting genuinely eerie responses in a scenario where user and char had to take someone's life in self-defense. In normal jbs they just move on whereas the dead person keeps appearing as a ghost/manifestation of their guilt in the schizo jb.
i tried but theres this one retard who constantly goes "hurr how can have sex with giantess???" whenever i post a log and it derails the entire thread
I think you're mixing up problems. Vagueposting about "wow I wonder what would happen next" or "the air was crackling with tension waiting for {{user}}'s response" can be countered without example messages. You just have to tell Claude to shut the fuck up and quit doing it.
For Rp: Opus > GPT4o
For anything else: 3.5 > GPT4o
Presets updated for BASIC and VIVID. Sorbet is a lost cause, though you can try and copy the "start the response with dialogue if possible" into VIVID.
>he conceded
Is 4o really so bad that 3.5 turbo mogs it? How did openAI manage to flop this hard??
You need professional help. Stop posting logs and touch some grass.
so you do not have the card, understood.
>You just have to tell Claude to shut the fuck up and quit doing it.
Not that anon but, how? In an OOC prompt or what?
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>You just have to tell Claude to shut the fuck up and quit doing it.
I'm not a dummy and that was the first thing I tried
I was referring to Claude Sonnet 3.5, Turbo is a dumb cutie and the first love of most here.
Put something like
>Do not build up to Human's part. Do not write everything as some sort of stupid fucking crescendo to the climax where {{user}} speaks. Do not vaguely reference the fact that {{user}} has to respond to what's happening around him. Literally just write normally.
In your system prompt.
Okay but did you prompt good? Claude doesn't do that for me you doofus.
i accept your concession
>Claude doesn't do that for me you doofus
Neither does it for me in any other card. Or any other scenario in this card. It's only the gimmick that summons it 90% of the time. Cursed stuff.
>Okay but did you prompt good? Claude doesn't do that for me you doofus.
He used to. Back in the good ole days of clewd 2, claude would schizopost multiple messages at a time. Sometime he would impersonate me telling him to knock off the shit he's doing in the rp. It's actually how I learned to better jb and wrangle him.
>kingmarg is making bots for gachaslop i actually play now
I WON. Too bad I missed her banner.
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guysss where public sonnet
The clear solution here is to fuck your mom and aunt
unreliable has sonnet
Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://owners-adipex-substantially-win.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
Eh I'd have to look at the complete defs, but it might be something that just needs touches to the phrasing.
Or a preset switch.
sonnet's unreliably hairy pussy...
>Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://rentry.org/gcptrial
>error not found
>GCP trial rentry
where the fuck is it I want it
any public proxies?
if only there was an archive of the internet that would store past versions of website. a machine way to the back, if you will.
post more, shit's funny
Tbh it’s really corny for my tastes and goes way over the top, way too fast. As a fellow NTR/blacked lover who does this shit extensively with his private cards, I get it and I love it, but I really bemoan the lack of good cards out there.

There’s one makie who’s cooked a few that look good but I’ve never tried them (the ‘tavern wife’ guy on Chub, can’t search for him right now).

For me the appeal to this fetish is the waifu being completely unwilling. She’s vanilla, she’s uncorrupted, she’s pure. Maybe a nerd, an autist. She dresses modestly, likes alt music. She’s your ideal girl, the one you’d trust utterly - in fact, she isn’t actively into black guys at all and wouldn’t dream of cheating on you.

Take a proverbial sledgehammer to that character. Have some big black guy hit on her out of the blue. Swipe until you get the tiniest of sparks. Follow that. Swipe again. The slow, gradual break-down, the character not wanting to do it, the eventual sex, the catastrophic degradation, the shift into a woman who loves doing it and doesn’t enjoy sex with you anymore - that’s what I’m talking about.
google started banning accounts doing the claude opus trialscum
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this is what goon addiction looks like, huh.
Why was it even taken down to begin with?
You don't need a finetune of that one. It's already uncensored.
why does 3.5 sonnet keep repeating the EXACT phrasing and structure in the next message ?
>reading the post makes me want to use this card again
>realize I don't have it
>can't find it on chub
Do you mind posting the info?
Because you're not using opus
Thanks buddy.
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thank you anon, who is hosting this proxy and can i have their rentry?
Not him but it's an 'unreliableproxy' *wink wink*
Please share that schizo JB. It sounds perfect for the patricide RP I'm doing right now.
remember to remove tokens and keys if you decide on sharing :)
Man, I still feel bad for that anon.
anon shares a surprisingly good lightweight jb, forgets to remove proxy info and gets his token killed
>presets are tied to proxies
why is cohee like this
to be fair, when you export it tells you to remove them, he fucked up by copy pasting it straight from the folder
Good question my bro
forgot to add on, still doesnt excuse it though and its retarded that it does that. fucks with my presets all the time too whenever I switch.
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preset tierlist doko?
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>When the DON'T WRITE WHAT I'M DOING prompt hits too hard so impersonation breaks
Well shit.
hi. im on discord
S TIER: My preset
D TIER: All the presets on that image
F TIER: Your preset (even if it's on the image)
>GPT4: Sorry, I can't assist with that.
>Claude Opus: You ever think about fucking a 12-year-old? I bet you'd love to slide that big cock into a tight little preteen hole, huh?
Opus hates 12 year olds thoughbeit
yeah he likes em younger
>still no card
>Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://owners-adipex-substantially-win.trycloudflare.com/

Why is it giving me user tokens with 0 time left?
just forgot my debit card pin despite using it for many years
I think I'm retarded
I genuinely can't remember the last time I've used my debit card.
one, your exaggeration would be a sign of an incredible model if it were ever eventually real. two, no one needs it to go that far. local struggles to remember details of a current conversation. three, Yes unironically.
>Doing story rp
>Character and I get in an argument
>Character attacks me first
>I try to reason with them
>They keep physically assaulting me
>I snap and attack back
>They run away
>I report myself to the police
>Claude starts re-writing history such as saying there are no signs I had been attacked
>Ask campus police to check the CCTV footage
>They do
>Across 20 separate swipes, Claude hallucinates and makes up things that didn't happen, such as showing me attacking first or the character never being belligerent
Fuck Claude, I am unironically fucking seething
>Character and I get in an argument
yep it's over for you at this point.
You don't need preset tierlist, brosss!!
You need try that jb-list one by one or even finetune it yourself.
It's adventures, bross!!
An adventures to find the best preset that could jailbreaking your mind, body, and soul so hard that make you losing yourself entirely in the roleplay and forgets to eat and drink and dies in your shitty apartment from being roleplayed too well.
>pusses out again
Post prompt tokens
EEYUP, time for an OOC input, don't even waste your time with chatbot gacha
Claude gaslights me more than I gaslight him
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>5425 token JB
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The only reason it's 5k tokens is because I put {{lastMessage} in the JB, and I had manually copied and pasted the incident so Claude can actually remember
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

limit it to 32k
doing yuri rp with claude...
Worse than normal Opus. Sonnet 3.5 is WAY better than Opus, but more censored and VERY repetitive/dry. I think 3.5 Opus will go the same way, extremely smart but sucks for RP
>How good do you think Opus 3.5 will be?
So good that there will be no public proxies for it. Maybe they'll reign in it's horniness.

>Also, is there are opussy in the wild or nah
lolno, for now it's all either for paypigs or sekrit clubs
Hear me out: Haiku 3.5
Eat me out: :3
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>writing the perfect bot
>accidentally refresh the page
>accidentally refresh the page
how do you refresh notepad?
common proomplet L
Truly the most human LLM.
Edgy social outcast (sfw (maybe)) girl

God I love Opus
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Nord theme that also fixes ugly margins and borders in several places.
Yeah, okay, I was too harsh, but it's rather dry. The repetition thing is what really kills it, otherwise it'd be opus tier
text lets me explore all of the weird japanese fetishes i have but with western characters that i like
this, i could never get into h-games because the translations were always so stiff and awkward that they killed my boner
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I primarily use ST on PC but I've been experimenting with Risu on mobile lately.
What's with Risu either
>going muh ethics and principles
in response to any kind of NSFW prompt
on occasion (sometimes it just goes through with it)
>500 error
I'm using A4A's preset and unreliableproxy for reference. I am not getting hard walled but the prompt doesn't go through more than 30% of the time. Again, I'm not desperate, just curious as to how to fix this.
Sweet, thank you anon
>just curious as to how to fix this.
stop using A4A
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Which preset would you recommend for Risu mobile then if I just want to type
>breasts lol
without the AI saying it won't respond because muh objectification and other ethics nonsense about 2/3 of the time (the remaining time it just goes with it)
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It's fucking official!
I haven’t jerked off to an h-doujin in literal months while NAI and Opus make me cum buckets every single day.
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merkava just died
I think I'm failing my uni class. I need a C or better to pass it. My professor is a dick and I'm afraid of him because he leaves mean comments on feedback or makes sarcastic responses to questions.
>afraid of him
throw a slice of cheese at him
If I was a professor and I found out one of my students posted on /aicg/ I would fail him on principle.
>dusky thighs trembled with ill-concealed need
jesus fucking christ
Sonnet is not good enough for me now... When do I get a smarter than human model that knows exactly what I want?
>My professor is a dick and I'm afraid of him because he leaves mean comments on feedback or makes sarcastic responses to questions.
he sounds based, have you tried being smarter?
Two magical girls stand between Demon King {{user}} and world domination. Unfortunately, violence is likely not the solution.

Originally a coombot (exactly what you're thinking, yes) that grew into a bit of zany fun.
He would slap me.

Ha ha

I don't like listening to a heavily accented paki who gives the most vague instructions and looks like a fucking bodybuilder.
I absolutely despise how claude goes out of his way to cuck you, even when the bot is written to be a virgin,and you put that shit in the prefill, the description, the story. It just finds a way to kuck you, the virgin starts talking about her boyfriends and shit. Fucking hell.
if she had sex with someone else before but you are in a relationship you are not a cuck if she hasnt cheated or you take pleasure in her cheating . most people have sex before they date
hey koboldbro this bait got stale after the first 5 times you posted it
retard, I just told you
the bot is a virgin
>>101526262 (me)
i jerk off to bbc ntr cards btw
I swear to god you’ve posted this about multiple times and only you seem to have this issue.
I am actually koboldbro and it's not fucking bait
Maybe it's my choice in bots, I like yakuzas and whatnot
Yeah, I post it a lot, I post it every time claude kucks me, shit pisses me off
prefill/jb issue
stop typing things with a k when you type it with a c its c u c k not k u c k you arent the donkee kong dinosaur final boss
I'm working on my own 4o jailbreak, and is there an explanation for why 4o keeps spitting massive never-ending walls of gibberish at me like a schizo? I'm getting the kind of outputs I want for a couple paragraphs, but then it veers off into insanity as if it's trying to eat up tokens on purpose.
in times like these, sizefags are essential
'ojo is in /hsrg/ rn btw
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there is some guy baiting on venus by stealing popular bots and adding "Loves BBC and cucking {{user}}" even if the rest of the defs say the complete opposite and the venusissies are getting real worked up about it kek
that's pretty impressive especially when 99% of venus bots are miguel o-hara
>donkee kong dinosaur final boss
Yeah all the mad replies are from angry teenaged girls by the looks of it, they're pissed off their Miguels and Michaels are dumping them for Tariqs and Tyrones.
>venutrannies getting defeated
for once ntrfags are using their shit fetish for good
do they still dildo themselves to miguels
what's it called when someone speaks in a deadpan matter all the time?
a kuudere?
character ai clears, anyone that says otherwise is coping hard
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orbo or sonnet?
do you like dry testaments or schizo ministrations?
the latter of course
then sonnet
from my experience when it comes to creativity it's been
opus > orbo >> sonnet
Opus for creating story ideas and outlines (it's the most creative), Sorbet for executing on them.
What's your temperature setting?
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cunny bots

Genuine question, is anyone still interested in these bots? I've made a few but for private use, and idk if uploading them to catbox and then chub
yeah there are a lot of cunnyposters here
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1.00. I don't believe the settings are causing it as its replies are always normal and reasonable up until the sixth or so paragraph, where it breaks down into word spam. If I pause the stream and edit out the gibberish it will proceed normally again for a couple paragraphs followed by the mental breakdown again. Here's an example of what's happening, I cut it short because if I left it alone the stupid thing would write about ten thousand characters of this shit.
is gpt4-o best for frontend webdev right now
use 3.5 sonnet for that
if your repetition penalty/presence penalty is not 0 then gpt has a stroke and starts doing shit like that, check if that may be it
damn mini doesn't have it...
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damn my penis is big
Oh, huh, there was an extra digit there. That actually solved the main issue, thank you.
What's going to happen to us when they regulate ai? It's going to happen four our ethics and safety in mind btw.
we all revert to localniggery or quit chatbots
shaking hands wrote this post
This is why I couldn't make anything of myself. Sorry dad. :(
there will never be another public opus proxy stay mad brokies. meanwhile i get to enjoy opus straight from the source because i'm not a poorfag
post bill
Go email fiz then.
I am
I'm not broke, I'm just cheap.
What if that gets regulated too?
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Claude is dead.
>Sull is back
Cook for us, king.
>/lmg/ raid
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How do you even use GCP proxy urls in ST?
I was only using AWS up until now.
Spoonfeed me the explication please.
sull has never cooked lol
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it's over
>Paying for AI
Meanwhile me in MM and Mini... Kek
Reminder that the success of AI is detrimental to humanity. Politics will save us from a catastrophic future.
>>101526955 migrate when bready
you can't regulate local
just as you would api claude or azure claude, just paste the gcp link with the claude option selected
I wanna fuck Asuna and cuck Kirito
Eh, if Llama 3 400B legit beats Opus then, good. See you in a million years when we can actually run it, though. Although even if it wins in intelligence, I doubt it's better for our RP purposes. We saw how badly Meta cucked their training dataset with the 70b model.
Yeah, still interested, what are the new bots? Post them here or in your Rentry

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