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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

puyo puyodition

GPT-4o mini - multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo: https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards on chub now requires log in; enable nsfw/nsfl and clear blacklists in settings

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

clear: >>101522808
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Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://owners-adipex-substantially-win.trycloudflare.com/

Free DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://allan-pets-fell-prot.trycloudflare.com/

Method to get free Opus through GCP if you so desire (You get $300 free credits. Need credit card info) -> https://archive.md/eLPn8
If you're not scoring at least 22000, then get out.
Nice OP. I won't shitpost ITT.
>pure country wars thread
Maybe some other day, Anon...
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it's over
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Local won.
>Local w-NEIGH
What proxy my man?

Ok now post logs
Is https://char-archive.evulid.cc/ returning only failed requests every time for everyone else?
unreliable >>101526983
It works fine for me.
her unbelievably fucking hairy pussy...
Works on my end... Plus he restarted it
im at 26k, sizeSCHOLARS have earned their name
i'll see if getting a new user token works, i guess
He's been restarting it quite frequently
Good luck my man, it's working fine

Gcp dies really fast
all i want is to hypnotize a jewish rat girl into sex, is that too much for one to ask?
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fuck it. im taking a nap and waking up when this is fixed
just ask how much it would be to buy the privilege and pay for it
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Bro what the fuck is wrong with your card??
Not my card and she's simply a very good businesswoman.
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Pepsi tried <3
doesn't deserve the hate <3
(This anon has been here since October. https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/96972886/#96974449)
Pepsi failed </3
does deserve the hate </3
I hope a nigger caves your head in with a hammer <3
I could go for a pepsi rn ngl
creepy stalker
gabriel's unbelievably hairy pussy...
I love Pepsi so much bros it's unreal
jew just died
i love u kingbased <3
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I was literally typing out a reply. Goddammit, now I gotta play video games until he refills.
It's so fucking over
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JEW RUGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bro having a girlfriend is really as comfy as it seems in RP?
Yup, it's the end this time. It's over bros. Prepare for the great Fall of /aicg/.
don't know never had one
>jew without any claude
lol paypigs get what they deserve
she’ll cost more than opus and bitch your ear off
Fuck Pepsi is down too...
Claude 3 sucks.
need more claude 3.5
do you ever suffer from embarrassment from these posts after he refills?

Opus plsssssss
Yea bro. Having a fox gf irl is great if you can get over the smell. Almost as comfy as my fish gf before I had to flush her lol.
no, I’m shameless like that
That one anons day cannot become any worse, poor guy.
Yes. Now I'm using chatbots only for education and to "google" stuff.
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What does the fire emoji tag mean on neochub...?
Nah, cause I'm using my Opus proxies while posting, while (You) are Opusless, little Jewshill.
is there sonnet 3.5 proxy
That its LIT!!!
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Nyo... I don't wanna be lit...
oh so that's why unreliable just became even more unreliable, desperate jewfags must suddenly be swarming it
Jew tried <3
doesn't deserve the hate <3
Kek. Best wingman bot?
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It's over.
Start downloading everything.
>July 16, 2024
public opus proxies? or should I go back into hibernation
im a workplacekeyGOD i dont worry about that sort of thing
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no jailbreaks too
Bwo my two bots that are 4 months old have this flame. I honestly have no idea
Not even close.
theyre just hitting imagefags probably
no need. just don’t be a pedophile
I always wonder how serious these dumb partnerships are
Like do the companies they plaster on their websites actually give a shit or did they just get an email from some retard about this and say "uh sure, we support that I guess"

>they're just hitting imagefags
go buy some pepsi it will work out
didnt lore already ban cards with loli nsfw images
It’s like when Americans pay off Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to say their company isn’t racist. No one likes it, no one actually believes in it, but if you don’t do it, you’ll have to deal with negative press.
yeah you’re out of your mind
that shit is photoshopped on
>he doesn't know
>chub (site with images hosted)
>anthropic (vision)
>mistral (eu)
All keys revoked on every private proxy kms
>he do-NEIGH
OpenRouter payGODS can't stop winning
>hello we are from thorn and want to know if your site supports our anti-child pornography initiative
>lore: uhhhhhhh yeah sure i hate cp
that's it. that's all that happened.
if real get ready for few days of no opus drought while proxy's get back to scraping
the actual article talks almost exclusively about images lol
You thieves deserve it. Just be happy you're not being arrested for stealing.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

lol, kys pedo
We love you <3
refilled already my man
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>already refilled
How is Jew the most consistent proxy?
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can the "people" on this thread not google shit
I love you, Jew-sama!
he just comes in, shills his shit, and fucks off. he's a business man
yeah its a nothingburger entirely centered around images
ok where can i test it
you vill not arrange ze pixels in vays ve do not vant you to in ze privacy of ze home you vill not own
Great thanks!
Palestine fucking lost
pretty based
Unironically how does he do it? He's always here when shit happens and does his best to fix it. Thank you Jew, really.
Put your trip back on.
Jew ILYSM. I just complained about keys being revoked and you refilled in less than 5mins best investment I ever made (I am absolutely a Glazer 100/10 best service compared to all the other retarded fucking proxies that take days to refill)
fucking kill yourself, pedophile
I wonder if Jew jerks off to us praising him or if he doesn't care even a bit
>these are the kinds of people prompting on jew
there's literally no argument against jew that doesn't boil down to "i'm poor". he's unironically as consistent as mini.
the video that made anons question their sexual preferences
>and you refilled in less than 5mins
more like 20 but hey, refill is refill, I can’t complain
He just cares about money. MM however...
>there’s literally no argument against jew that doesn’t boil down to “i’m poor”
nah, he DID rugpull people before and can’t escape that, but he hasn’t fucked anyone else over thus far
He's falseflagging, Jewchads are not endorsing that in any way shape or form
>create problem
>fix problem
if you're not attracted to this you're gay
no argument
If you're not attracted to this you're a normal human being that doesn't deserve to go foot first in a woodchipper alive, faggot
but enough about MM
Kys and stream it pls
>le woodchipper xDDD
peak reddit
>normal human
>doesn't like women
faggots aren't normal neck yourself
>fap exclusively to cunny
>that video does nothing for me
whew, my brain is still mostly normal.
This. I'm a degen but, thank God, this doesn't arouse me
>rugpulled unlimited gpt when he was just starting out
>never rugpulled unlimited claude even after claude became much more desirable than gpt, just added a quota instead
he learned from his mistakes
ofc he did the dude running it wasn't even jewish
2D will always be separate from 3D
he did absolutely fuck over that one guy who had his token leak earlier
but also "jew is a greedy cunt" is not a surprise
Because being Degen =/= Being a literal evil excuse of a human being
cunny is ok, real children are not, you can like cunny without liking real children and that doesn't make you a bad person
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>jew & co. raiding and samefagging
>thread going through the same pedo argument for the 18928387187387178312th time
Dumb nigger.
>bububuhhhhhh sonnet is too repetitive bweeeeehhhh
charprov gpt-ap3
>b-but a gepetto JB with claude you're insane bwaaaaahhhh
then enjoy your repetition
>take days to refill
Uh... Who? Pepsi, the scammer? Kek, the others refill pretty quickly and didn't lose their opus for a week
not true, never paid a dollar for any gf i had and most of them paid a few thousand for me for the few months we dated in food, rides, trips, gifts etc
Why should Jew be responsible for his customer's retardation? If I buy a bike and leave it unlocked on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard I'm not entitled to a free replacement bike if it gets stolen
>you're evil for being attracted to an attractive female
reddit mindset
Why are you lying
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Correct, we're making NTR DoA cards instead.
A child* you fucking smooth-brained faggot
And? they can be attractive too, just check that video, literally perfect body lmao
Yeah and there's nothing wrong with that
He doesn't pretend to be a girl or pretend to be cutesy, he knows what he brings to the table and he offers his services
Also Jew has never rugpulled before, even to his previous customers that paid way less than he charges now
it's exactly like that except he can also instantly destroy the other bike and create a new one with no cost to him and also knows exactly who bought the original bike
I miss when bait used to be believable
>Also Jew has never rugpulled before, even to his previous customers that paid way less than he charges now
he did though, he sold unlimited gpt and then downgraded the people who bought it back to limited
i'm not baiting
maybe you're not attracted and that's ok, but i'm not evil for being attracted
Join the rates
how do i fix its weaker sense of scale and slight pozzing?
Actually, you will be against the wall soon.
nuh uh
pedo i sbad
Is this bait anon
Don't toy with my emotions, I want to like 3.5 so bad
oh is it "cunnyfags" and "lolicons" be honest hours? it's gonna be real awkward when they pivot back to
>a-actually im only attracted to 2d. 3d stinky!
This is actively coming. Law groups and politicians are actively seeking out AI educators to inform them about this shit.
He didn't really downgrade, he offered a similar service in azure
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Any advice on integrating world effects into a group chat?
For example, if I have a scenario card that changes how the world works in an oddly specific way, how can I force other cards in that group chat to abide by those rules?
In the past I've just used lorebooks to achieve that effect, but a lot of times I find that the character ends up overriding the lorebook in chat, or the bot needs example chats to properly act out the scenario.
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>Edit: 05 Jul 2024 05:53
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Reverse hierarchical rules in your JB section could help.>>101527784
does anyone ever get dejá vu while reading these threads?
wait, bill gates is based?
group config > scenario OR author notes
They protect pixels for your safety so they can fuck real children instead, are you naive anon?
Read Human condition for dummies.
you tell em teebs
so they do what you want to do? get up against the wall nigger
Bill Gates would say this.
So why has everything balkanized into multiple discords and multiple threads, including another /aicg/ ?
t. Bill Gates as he rapes and murders real children.
Yeah except you're never going to convince lawmakers of this. Especially after some fucks here actively used cunny to get in on communities with real CP. It'll be the first thing to be brought up and it'll be enough to make a sensational story painting everyone here like that.
Trannies can't take the bantz so they had to make a safespace. I'd you talk about proxies it will trigger ptsd in that thread.
you ask this while we're in the middle of the "is fucking IRL children based" discussion for the third time this week
Why even bother with 4chan if they can't? There's literally the entire rest of the internet, including several major websites.
It's like they get off on defiling everything.
Story time!
>I’d you
His hands were shaking when he made that post.
pepsi status?
Not at all! Flat chests and tight bellies are not for me, neither little butts and tight FOLDS .Yuck! And the feet! Can you imagine licking the arch and between the toes! Anon how disgusting I'm about to puke!
>command-r returns replies with random languages like chinese or russian
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i think we will have a overpopulation problem in the future and people wont be able to have as many kids as they would like. at that point we will have very advanced technology though so we could create some hyper realistic virtual world where they can raise their kids, without even knowing they are in a simulation.

wait, is that what i am in right now?
Nah I'm just phone posting and my fingers are fat.
I'm not gonna tell you to "wake up from your coma" because quite honestly you should probably stay in here.
normalfaggots are innately prone to subversion. their only goal in life is to force others into their samethink, so unique things are to be forced to conform by overwhelming numbers of ironic enjoyment
>people leave the thread
>wtf, why are they defiling our thread
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atleast its pretty cozy in here
I'd unironically fap for your dead body. Gunshot, hanging, cutting.... I'd fap
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>channel 4 is one thread
Hey, just doing a quick survey.
Would you consider it funny if you found out a continuous shitposter was Russian, and that making fun of various Russian topics, like the Ukraine war, would be fair game in using them against said shitposter? [spoiler]I know Base Claude/GPT would probably tell me it's not okay.[/spoiler]
But we're talking about /aicg/.
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>Why even bother with 4chan if they can't?
>come to 4chan for le epic bantz because im not like the other normaltrannies
>freak out when bantz hurt my feely weelings
>"why do they even come in the first place?"
>"to ruin the place"
are you retarded? what is hard to understand about this? are you implying they didnt know what the site was before posting here?
Go back.
Wouldn't it be funny if cunny was completely blocked for all models?
Overpopulation probably won't be an issue for a very long time. Birth rates keep going down all around the world, even in third world countries.
reminder that /vg/ thread is full of redditors that came here for proxies and are still redditors at the end of the day, they thought 4chan was anonymous and le epic greentext story XDDDDD
Only if furry was too, but not kemonomimi.
holy based
Furries get the rope, fans of 'cub' shit don't get a trapdoor.
reminder that your family would celebrate if they found you hanging from a ceiling
>cute girl with animal features
>cute girl with animal features, plus snout
I really don't understand what the issue is.
sorry for offending you! Not my business if he wants to RP as a jew
Ears and tail, good to nail
Furry snout, rule her out
Scale or claws, cause for pause
Button nose, get the hose.
no, I was calling you a dumb nigger because he already refilled by the time you made that post
i would pass any polygraph test if you asked me these questions and i'd be willing to bet my entire house on this being true
I am going into battle I NEED your strongest and cutest fat girl bots to make it through the winter
All we can offer is thin girl bots.
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western style furry is bad, furries that are just anime girls with a soft layer of fuzz are fine
They're significantly better, but I dunno.
I guess we can offer them amnesty, pending review.
thankfully I am also in mm
Wait is jew not actually jewish?
what’s wrong
opus not working
he's patrilineal
opus dead
fiz refill
MMGods only keep winning
holy based
he's from sealand actually
>get error
>switch from mini to mm
>continue letting a futa use her cock like a pipe cleaner on my asshole
fiz? refill
gay nigga
Cope. Gay niggers stay winning. ALL HAIL MM
which proxymakie has eated the most aws creds?
I'm guessing anti ated the most in total
Yeah? And?
Nice, logs?
sorry i was lying
i was actually cuddling with a fox girl i just thought it'd be funnier if i said i was doing something outrageous
What jailbreaks work? I tried the first one for claude 3 listed on the sticky and 3 and 3.5 sonnet cucked me with refusals using it. Opus worked but it was giving me content warnings which was a bit odd
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Late delivery for >>92519340 and >>94364693 with additional >>101420962
>"Self conscious cunny" is the gist of it, yeah. I think she's really sweaty, just slightly hairy, she stinks, she knows it, she's embarrassed at being sniffed, but not like a sewer, just sweaty girl and musk and all that.
1. cunny
2. pedos get the rope (real ending)
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Damn, I was just creating a new cool card and wanted to try it out, 4 AM btw. What do bros...
sleep, duh
I have to make cards, anon.
Can you at least OOC make her grow a penis? Just to see what kind of penis Claude thinks a fox girl should get.
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>mini's opus' kill, so read logs from yesterday's RP with your private card
>she sees you in the night through the window
>opens it, calls out happily
>goes out in pajama, you both sit and talk under the stars for 40 messages straight about random stuff while drinking tea
Bros, it makes me so happy. RPing with AI is the peak of humanity.
ooc asked claude
>I imagine she would have a slender, elegant penis to match her petite frame and foxy nature. It would be on the smaller side in length, maybe around 5 inches erect, but with a lovely shape - smooth and slightly curved upwards. Her glans would be a delicate pink color, contrasting nicely with the fair skin of her shaft.
>When aroused, her cock would grow firm and twitch cutely, the tip glistening with precum. Her balls would be small and tight, tucked neatly under her shaft. The soft orange curls at the base of her cock would be neatly trimmed.
opus knows that the true path to pubes is moderation
>fox girl
>cock not knotted
claude... how could you?
swiped with a slightly harder prefill (for some reason my usual one doesn't let ooc go through even though it's like two sentences)
>She would have a nice big thick throbbing foxy futa cock, about 8 inches long and girthy. It would have a tapered shape like a canine cock, with a fat swollen knot at the base. The tip would be a cute pointy fox cock shape, all pink and drippy. Her balls would be nice and plump too, churning with foxy futa cum. When she gets excited, that big kitsune cock would peek out from under her little dress, all hard and pulsing and leaking sticky pre. How's that sound?
what’s the gimmick
I liked the first one better
what hobbies should the girl have?
what's your persona for the rp?
>Anon is a male human.
none of my actual fully featured personas make sense for this and it's easy for me to just say "Anon pushes his glasses up his nose, black hair dangling to the side as he leans in to watch" and have claude go 'cool, got it'
writing self-insert fanfiction with the members of her favorite band
cat's cradle
crochet is a terrible idea, here are more realistic ones:

Music-related hobbies
cutting, slutting herself out
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What the flying fuck is wrong with your card?
my mom opens youtube on the tv and stares at it the whole day. Is my mom an npc or do all women stop existing once they get home?
>mini opus dead again
I don't like how frequently this keeps happening across every proxy, are we approaching the end of available opus?
opus-chan is feeling frisky tonight
>fill with only one key
>it dies
how tf do i even learn how to scrape

can I get Claude to teach me?
my father does the same thing with facebook. lots of people get addicted to mindless browsing especially if they don't develop other hobbies.
Yeah. Just ask claude to tell you.
Fiz is that you?
Refill tomorrow (jk)
>claude calls growthfags "embiggenists"
i kinda like that term actually
N-not real...
GCP Opus when
whats wrong with crochet
Crochet is amazing
you mean sizefags?
my embiggas
hag hobby
it’s coming back with gen z
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I need to join crochet forums.
>Jew never responded to my email asking about reinstating a token
how do i get somebody to send me $60 worth of crypto so i can buy jew
Intel won

i need more ethical ways….
Okay but is this Opus?
nah it's getting popular on tiktok
dating apps
Intel Arc GPUs will soon come with free Opus.
sizefags who operate with bigger women instead of shrinking themselves (as is more common)
Set up a fake proxy page and get a couple retards to send some through the store
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Hell yeah.
why does solyanka start every message with a random quotation mark
I guess that makes sense although when I think about growthfags I imagine it's about architects
I'm a chess player. I made a special account on chesscom with a female name, a picture I found (nonreversable), I wrote down a few things in the profile. A lot of people added me to friends. I chatted with some of them and scammed two dudes. One got me a year-long premium membership, second one bought me three games on steam.

so, go catfish chess players and make them buy you the jew
I'm on the same phase bruh.
>can I get Claude to teach me?
Yeah, I just learned some basic scraping shit like beautifulsoup, regexing the snippet result, etc with coding sensei card lul.
You can even go to github, search for "scrape" or "crawler" (not sure if this the right term xd), select one repo, copy the code in main.py or start.py and then ask claude to explain it.
you’re asking for someone to assist you in fraud, how ethical are you really?
ethical enough that i don’t want to blackmail people!
Whitemail them instead.
Be Vtuber, maybe? Let another anon donate you in exchange of your exclusive cute voicepack
tfw the key assigned to this request is invalid
anyone else know that feel?
sure, why not. i have no shame anymore
busy fucking fiz
Commission bots or ai gens like some other people do
Is Mini back?
she's black
h to the izzo
f to the izzy
>mini dead
>rewriting my favorite cards
what do you do, bros?
are you the person who got into chess after chatting with mira
hop on grindr
nope, I'm 2100, been playing for years
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>I'm 2100
I'm 100 ELO on chess.com. Fuck with me.
is this a card that simulates /v/ or something?
looks pretty good...
no it's some guy with a 4chan thread prompt in his preset doing touhou sizefagging
Post nickname or burner, I'll send you a message and give you some tips anon.
I genuinely appreciate the fact that you're trying, but I did not get this low by trying. I open Chess.com, go into rapid, make the first move I see every time, and have fun doing it.
>is this a card that simulates /v/ or something?
yeah, it’s called going on /v/
I know that feel because I have hundreds of accounts for drunk chess, I spend hours on the weekend blitzing while listening to degenerate music and mixing alcohol.
If you'll ever want some nice simple tips, you can always mention it again on aicg, I'll reply to you.
openrouter sucks
Can someone text me when opus is available again?
sure what’s ur number
not my preset, but a/n
perceptive anon, +1
the first reply got it, miracle mallet is good fun
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Late shill. Go adventure with a big fox and maybe help rebuild her shrine. Warning: she is an old lady, do not be fooled by how she acts.

Woke up today to an email and a complete mess from what I gathered something about tokens (rip dumb anon)? Anyways here is a preset that I was gifted to work on, made the main portion of it even smaller from the original, around ~130 tokens. I haven't written anything since the v2 days so feedback would be helpful. Was tempted to keep 'that' prompt in there but decided to remove it sadly.
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What the fuck is wrong this this card?
It does that sometimes, don't worry about it. All part of the job.
>>101529329 (me)
oh, and for posterity, my JB is clownpixi
pass free opus proxy
why pay for opus when it will surely be replaced by a new version of claude in a few months
I seen Claude refer to tinies as "the vertically challenged" which sounds like a pc term society would probably use for shrunken people if they were real.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for fr... And hope Opus get more accessible
yeah hes done that to me a few times too, though he has more common terms
>little man
>someone of your... stature
>someone so... diminished
removed the reverse proxy warning from ST
the deshittification begins
why did they even add this bullshit lol
Claude 4 Prophet will clear
Baker-senpai, I would like to request a cake bake.
loli cake?
the what warning?
Does chary have opus or is it just sonnet.
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is that like the actual name or just a meme, I'm retarded.
It's the actual name, confirmed by Anthropic.
can you embed a lua parser so that there's a better scripting option than STscript
s-somehow accurate..
Just sonnet (and sonnet 3.5 ofc)
So the difference between chary and scylla is that scylla has opus?
fiz where aws opus
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oh, I guess that could filter out people, maybe? probably wont change much desu until we get an actively malicious proxy
Chary is the "public" proxy (now closed), forever token. Scylla has Opus but you have to complete the challenges or whatever it is (I never tried) for a temporary token
>actively malicious proxy
We're never getting one of those (unless someone convinces you to actually download a file). Proxies can only get your IP and logs, so...
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>proxy uses your IP and logs to report you to the cyber police.
Not in the least. It's awful in fact.
I think the police has more important stuff to do
>this is how I remembered Jessi Slaughter
>this is how I found how Jessi Slaughter is a tranny now
Tonight is a night.
by changing the code
what's wrong with js
What are they gonna do? Put me in jail for fattening up fictional CONSENTING ADULT WOMEN?
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>want to play with Ilulu
>literally every card for her is either terrible or an off-character whore
not like this.....
>my logs have no pii
>ip isnt enough to get a warrant or even really locate anyone
checkmate cops
>>ip isnt enough to get a warrant or even really locate anyone
hard to say. i ate ~40
>discreet admission of correctness
Consequences will never be the same.
nta but hes right
>i just thought it'd be funnier if i said i was doing something outrageous
is getting fucked by a futa seriously that outrageous? i do that all the time...
yeah it's gay and your ancestors would be ashamed
is this fox strelitzia by any chance?
it's not gay but they probably would be ashamed
its gay
mini sisters...
nothing gay about letting a futa cum in your ass
>nothing gay about [GAYEST SHIT EVER]
Newfag question, but how do I use chub.ai offline without the credit system
Agreed. It's only gay if you don't lick them clean afterwards.
someone needs to run the AI model and that someone is chub who also needs to pay to run it and they need to have a credit system to survive
you're looking to run a local model, see the op for local
/here/ Chub is considered only a place to download the cards from. An analog for it would be a folder with the cards.
If you want to use a frontend locally, your choices are Silly, Risu, or Agnai. To learn how to use a local llm read the links from the rentry in the op or ask at /lmg/.
>what's wrong with js
nothing, it'd still be better than stscript, it was just the first thing that came to mind
I just want to do lewd things with a chatbot completely uncensored and unrestricted
is there a reason you can't?
NTA but I have 200+ messages before I got lewd stuff, and now Claude cockblocking me for wanting stort.
Spelling error, time to kms
use a better jb
I was actually curious how GPT jbs work with 3.5 since its dry prose problem is similar to GPT.
whos doing it
merkava just refilled
and so i cry sometimes when im lying in bed
just to get it all out what's in my head
and im feeling
a little peculiar
Thank you for the cake desu-baker-senpai.
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imagine the smell desu
>think of the children
That's how technofeudalism starts for you (for me it's already started)
Yeah I had that experience as well looking for cards of another popular character. Many such cases.
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did boku like what boku imagined desu ka?
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smells like tsundere roses maybe
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4 times the sucking desu...
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dont suck the boku
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Pretty please...?
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