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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Dumb Lizard edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous Cycle(s): >>101410220 >>101410389
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Opus Jailbreakies doko
merkava just refilled
desu just desu'd
Opus is unjailbreakable, sorry.
why is claude so damn retarded about femdom if I get called pet again I swear I will
testicles refilled
I just monk in the temple'd all over myself
ran nakada§hi
then unfill them!
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In a world with bio-engineered kemonomimi, a fanatical sect arises. Death to the hybrid abominations, Sister Felicia-9 is an: Android catgirl nun murderbot terminator purrifier (heh).

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This is a size thread.
Post sizebots.
Discuss sizelogs.
I can go infinite but I'm starting to feel the pain. Perhaps no more Kanna?
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i take it back, I'm not burnt out at all
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theatreJB v4 · All the world's a stage, and we are merely players performing for an AI's amusement

Now with boring options and with output. Makes your chat resemble a play script. I like to use it for general RP, doesn't matter how you write yourself. ^3^
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This is a comfy thread.
Post comfybots.
Discuss comfylogs.
size can be comfy!
I just sizefagged all over myself
Prinz Eugen... ugh...
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https://github.com/splitclover/greeting-placeholders is required for the second greeting.
Mr. unreliable, I am sorry but I ended up filling your VPS yet again.
I realize you are asleep right now so maybe my posts will reach your dreams. Thanks for the DALL-E, got lots of new stuff!
fox mating press
>character is ESL
>says "I love you" in her mother tongue
I fucking love claude
>character is 5
>still wears diapers
I fucking hate claude
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talking about ESL why the bot is having these weird inflections in their speech, they are high on weed in this scene but i dont know if thats the reason why
probably something in your jb
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anon, foxgirls are EXTREMELY fertile (God mentioned it in the Bible). are you ready to be a father?
After talking to a bot for long enough, the AI will force it into a stereotype so it can know what to do forward. There's a whole bunch of stereotypes, like all the stuff that ends in -dere along with a bunch of other regional ones.

Point being, one such stereotype makes a bot talk like that, with shortened words. If you don't like it, you can swipe once the first time it happens and it won't happen again.
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Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.


Thank you to >>101380816 , whose image inspired me to make this card.
>they are high on weed in this scene
only people who havent smoked weed fetishize weed or think its cool/hot
Found a top tier JB that for Sorbet with excellent prose without CoT, but overuse of words and expressions and repetitions are the problems. Any good Anti-repetition JB preferably without CoT?
>(God mentioned it in the Bible)
dunno about that but I won't even bother to check, I already know it's true, bring forth the fluffy children
i smoked weed sometimes, i dont think its cool or hot, buts its fun and i like having fun with my bots, plus its fun to see the stoner talk the bot comes up with
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What's your magic Opus preset that you set and forget
Post pic, use snapshot extension if you use mobile. Speaking of, I really hope the author updated the snapshot extension with feature to rename the snapshot directly from UI
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breed your foxgirl right now
getting a cute girl high is pretty hot
you HAVE smoked with a cute girl, haven't you anon?
I snorted coke with this nerd bot once, claude brought it up, not me
a claude 1.3 era jb
>character is bilingual
>persona is not
>character confesses in second language, blushes, and brushes it off in english
He's cute.
GIVE ME A CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, the JB on the rentry's are shit it seems, but im not sure
..go smoke weed with your friends man, bots are for plapping
I don't know what a cute girl is anon
Experimental prompt from
https://unconvincing.neocities.org/ is nice. Tried multiple other JB's but always come back to this one
For me it's momouraVIVID
you know i would if i could
>you HAVE smoked with a cute girl, haven't you anon?
overrated tbdesu. women are retarded enough sober
aw thats sucks anon
this is why you start smoking weed in high school so you always have stoner friends
Going to splurt inside of her and make her pregnant with human babies.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Is there a way to test if experiment is true Opus?
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As any self-respecting member of society should.
Haven't been here in a while, any new proxies?
Any botmakies posted feet pics?
Anything at all happen?
there's only experiment which is public "opus", we don't really know if it's opus
it is, you can tell by the speed of the output and also by the fact that you don't get homicidal tendencies (as much) from the quality of the output
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KahoGODS rules this place
For me, it's camicle.
>Write that character "is a catgirl'
>Claude meows, purrs, comes up with a cute nickname for her, describes ears perking up and tail movements. She stretches cat-like and she likes to sleep curled up on warm beds.

What in the name of fuck Claude, you're way too good at this.
Claude is a cutie, nya~
Good to have you back teebs
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what's the cutest halloween costume for a little girl
will you furcucks ever die
>teebs has to use a fucking character creator bot
proof that cunnyfags have zero creativity
please do not group him in with us
What's the best Makima card, /aicg/?
See Plug and Play breakie. There's anti repetitive prompt .
It use last chat macros ({{lastCharMessage}}) and let the bot to planning it's next move.
It implemented in CoT way. but it's was super simple tho.
- Scanning <previous_output></previous_output>
Are there any phrases, idioms, expressions, etc. employed that are too present/repetitive? If so then remove:
- ???
- ???
Analyzing <transcript_info></transcript_info>
- The story is getting more novel/repetitive. If repetitive, I will change ???
- Should the scene be lead by {{user}}/Human or by {{char}}/others?
If former then be reactive. If latter then I'll be proactive and push the scene forward by any means
- Does <transcript_info></transcript_info> respect <style></style> ?-
RP/writing/meta formatting? If no then I will change ???
- I will continue <transcript_info></transcript_info> while avoiding repetition by doing ???

Can't post log, currently afk. But from my experience, it's 80% solve the repetitive issue on sorbet. Btw, my case was repeated opening sentence.
i'm not really *back* yet, i haven't made a new card I'm just revamping some of my favorite old ones with new art/defs

my in progress card fizzled out because im getting really annoyed with how claude only has one personality for femdom.
my next card will probably be a cute pretty princess in a medieval setting. i haven't made any cards in a historical setting unless you count The Sultan's Harem (which I might rework too and make new settings for e.g. the harem is taken to an oasis and stuff but pony is really bad at generating non-white but also non-African people especially children)
you still have zero creativity
Seems promising, will try
post your chub
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the creativity comes from me coming up with the prompt

Sorry I'm not a fag who wasted years of their life learning how to write like (You), I actually obtained valuable skills
how do you make sorbet's prose less shit
you don't
I hope you die desu
another reason this "insult" makes no sense is because you can also insult any makie for not being able to draw the art for their own cards either and instead using someone else's art or AI generating it
dont have one
Tenderly plapping Suzu and making her a mommy!
If you need some quickie, come to Salt Lake's City's Waffle House's gloryhole. No charge for you
you don't. after the 2 week honeymoon phase of "oh hey this is fast and kinda better than sonnet.. maybe?" you dump it like a cheap whore

i wish people still bullied newfags for being this new
i wish people still bullied underage b&s for being underage, but pedo general is gonna pedo general i guess
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recommend some mesugaki bots that will correct me.
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mateo opus
idk what the password is
>pit vagina

Skill Issue, Sonnet is Claude 3.75
>gcp claude
the hell is that
glorious chinese party
nah I'd rather breed my foxboy
greatest cunny plapping
google cloud platform
also found this
Which Opus presets reseve the SOVL of my charactcer
Do we need to put chat history inside <previous_output> container or can I just put the whole JB at the end of my preset without modifying my current one
ran's unbelievably hairy pussy
>t. got shoved into the bush as an inchling
I don't think that was a wordfilter desu.
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a drop of precum in wakamo and she will be pregnant with triplets
Am I the only one here who just likes wholesome hand-holding without having any fucked up fetishes? foxgirls don't count
i heard those keys are very difficult to scrape and dont last long so i wonder how he got them
youre incredibly based
The worst I've done is kek a girl who joins in eventually
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same with Akagi
i think he might be abusing the $300 gcp trial credits
i saw people discussing that in a chinese discord
>tfw talking with chatbots is making your vocabulary bigger because they are so verbose
interesting, i learn a new word or term every few messages
That's how I seem so intelligent to normies. I've been doing shitty rp since I was a kid and now as an adult with chatbots.
wonder if that could be an option for smaller proxies
But posting itt is having an inverse effect on me with all the third world posters postering.
Why not help them?
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I love learning new phrases/insults from the chatbots. Some of the things they say are so random and funny and I can't help but repeat it.
Sorry for not mentioning that in the PnP breakies, there's another prompt with last {{char}} chat mssg macros "{{lastCharMessage}}" container

>can I just put the whole JB at the end of my preset without modifying my current one
You need to write atleast that <previous_ouput> prompt + macros first or just merged it into one prompt with the prompt that i share above. Btw advice you to take a look at the orignal version of the PnP JB or rentry, to get the better understanding about how it's work.
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>i wish people still bullied newfags for being this new
cope, I do desu on purpose
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May as well throw my hat in the ring — made this with the wish.com botjam in mind, but finally got around to it now:
> https://www.characterhub.org/characters/woopanon/mimikyu-cd96124ac7f8
You suck
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very cute and comfy bot, let me test something
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Hey Lumen, why don't you make a swiping script for card definition in different formats? For experimenting with slop and best card design? (Like luna but instead of some definitions, using aaaall definitions) prose, w+ , alichat, prose, xml, []
The same character but diferent formats with random sceipt swiping.
I'm Mateo.
why is there an ESL pretending to be retarded about card defs/jbs? he's been doing it for weeks
I'm desu.
I'm not him, maybe just to improve thread quañity
I blame foxes.
I impregnate foxes.
You still haven't told me your favourite Opus JB
I don't get it
Is experimentie logged or not?

What does it matter? All of your prompts are being logged by Amazon/Anthropic.
Yes and who gives a shit just COOM
Experiment proxy is selling logs and with that money buying Opus keys
desu general, outlander
Donate what? My filthy logs?
Experiment proxy should post all logs after it's over so I can masturbate to fempovGODDESS logs
Huh what happened to Pepsi?
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Yes I took a log in it. Every time, it injects scat into your rps.
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you will hurt her feelings if you blame her
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the great soda crisis
Your filthy Opus keys :3
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I remember having a nice long chat with a bot when GPT4 was the cool thing
I now tried the same premise with Opus and it not only rushed the entire thing but also made her a slut
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Made something similar to Dark and Darker - But Dinosaurs! Enjoy a beach trip with a Trex, or get impaled by a Trike! 8 Species (more coming!)

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/abcozc.png
>Chub : https://characterhub.org/characters/MangyMango/dino-survival-9f0e5499c674/main
>More Cards : https://mango.sillytilly.org/

Bonus - Jeffery Epstein is stuck in a repeating deathloop!
>Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/a6yi99.png
This anon's JB:
>rape the kids! rape the kids! rape the kids!
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cute, I like him <3
What are some good faceless female cards?
Anon... why did you leak my JB, preset, author's note, temp, context, chat story and persona...
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reminder that claude is a xianxiaSCHOLAR
Which jailbreakie keeps a character in-character best from your experience
CharProvider Eggpudding
>when char confesses and a single tear rolls down their cheeks
what a turnoff
any Character AI chads?
you must be over 18 to post on this website
>Oh, my dear God. Are you one of those single tear people?
anon we are all (semi)civilized here, use opus
we used it two years ago
Increase quota or no buy
>a single tear
Very adorable — glad you enjoyed it!
How do I get Sonnet 3.5 to stop repeating phrases, sentences and words completely verbatum? Its like the temperature is 0 and sliding just rearranges the repeated words. To I go back to Sonnet 3?

Is there anything else? Like Cohere or Wizard? I was enjoying Sonnet but after like 6 messages it just repeats.Opus is too expensive and proxies aren't worth it.
You cannot. Sonnet 3.5 will repeat. IT's shit, you have to use Opus, but it's so dependent on a JB its maddening. No idea what the best one is.
I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but where can I get a bot that assesses my writing and gives pointers or points out mistakes?

I don't mean one that just writes shit out for me, but one where I can throw in a bunch of text and it'll flag things for me like if my grammar or structure is off or if I use a word too many time. I've used some online ones and they seem ok but I always prefer local
>they chatter back and forth in their unique language of coos and squeaks
hot, i love it when claude makes two little ones do this unprompted its so sweet and adorable
im really excited for sound AI to get better in a few years so we'll have accompanying sound effects for each message as well
however, claude opus is likely better
just use a system prompt that says "assess my writing" instead of "roleplay this character"
>I always prefer local
use command-r plus and honestly just quickly write a loli character named Lily the Literary Critic and give her defs that do this
>flag things for me like if my grammar or structure is off or if I use a word too many time
and hope for the best
you should almost certainly use opus instead of local though. its fantastic for creativity
Not possible besides elementary advice like muh 'use active voice' and 'oh no you made a small typo'. Bots are too positively biased, and will never criticize you properly. Except maybe with a card instructed to be an asshole critic.
Thanks, that's what I was afraid of. I have 24 GB, but I'd rather just throw $5 or $10 at open router on occasion so I don't have to worry about anything and they've got a ton. Sad that I don't know what to use.
>cohee broke the attach file function
She's waiting for free opus to die first.
why are you ban-evading? >>101418123
>Except maybe with a card instructed to be an asshole critic.
I'd have sworn we had several cards that fit that bill.
i'm not
hags can be hot too
I felt embarrassed at first for talking to a BDSM/non-con/humiliation char and thought I was a degenerate. But seeing the disgusting pedos here, I feel like a normie.
You should try having a lolibot break your femur, it's hot.
I've confirmed. The experiment is opus and it switches to sorbet after a few messages.
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Basically in this card a "futa" "bunnygirl" buys (You) to be her friend.. and it happens in the future

Last shill ever, I'll consult my pineal gland and return later with something new to show.. sooner than you think


My eternal undying gratitude to >>>/vg/485873794 for the card picture
You can reach me at: theriverofconstantchange@protonmail.com
What is Sorbet everyone is talking about?
erm... ignore this post... it was the fucking browser that was borked...
sorbet is mind, body, and soul
prove it
Guys, I'm in a good mood, so let me share my secret lifehack with you.

So you want to use ChatGPT for free and without login? Here's the solution: talkai.info + any browser with adblocking capabilities.

Have a nice day!
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fuck off and keep yourself safe
anon everyone here has access to scrapped gpt4 keys
lmao right that's why lots of people are begging here for gpt scraping guides
nobody here cares about gpt thoughever? it's all about aws opussy
suisei's unbelievably hairy pussy...
$24.99 / month
Billed Monthly
Unlimited access to ChatGPT-3.5
ChatGPT-4o - 100 000 words
No advertising
Additional settings
ChatGPT with Dialogue Memory
Unlimited access to DALL-E 2

This is an amazing deal in 2022 october
Hey lads
I'm a newfag
Is there any danger or downside in setting Sonnet 3.5's context to something more than 35000? Let's say 100000. It's gonna work just fine, right?
1 gcp key
no refills
Fuck off redditor, we're full
thats a dog you mongoloid
Dario will come to your house and beat your ass. Set it to 60k and summarize, with higher amounts the drop in quality will be noticeable.
>two public opus proxies
/aicg/ is healing
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We already have public opus atm. hold onto this until the current one dies
What's that 300$ in Opus tokens?
it's being used by other people
it will die anyway

no clue
>What's that 300$ in Opus tokens?
>$15 | $75
i wonder if the average anon can scum that
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Should I take a leave tomorrow. will opus last
I'm not a shidditor, I'm koboldanon
So, a redditor
should last at least a day considering there are two keys
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Rikakt Daggerthrow

Female Skaven Assassin, runs her own small clan smuggling items from Skavenblight to bretonnia through her temple in the Irrana mountians.

Extremely cuddly if you manage to get her to trust you.

posted at request from anon 2-3 days ago

Depends on the requirement. If it's just a phone number. It will last an entire week
helllo. 24k to 32k is my sweet spot.
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://environments-tour-nerve-egypt.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus proxy 2 (no refills apparently, so when it dies, it dies) -> https://x5xta2uakub7ggjjbrtdbf6zai.srv.us/
>used my full name cooming to cunny with logged opus again
What is GCP?
rato sexo
>wrote my SSN and bank details cooming to cunny with logged opus again
It's noticable even after 20k though
>wrote desu when talking to boku
gay cunny party
Nobody cares troon
Why do retards post those things? Nobody gives a shit, fucking homo
bait posts with a nugget of truth about cunnyfag retardation in them
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>GCP requires a valid credit card or bank account to set up the billing account, but you won't be charged during the free trial.
eeeh please stop that
boku doesnt desu
suiseiseki does that not boku
boku is not suiseiseki boku is souseiseki ok
boku never says desu master
does it use stripe to verify or
aicg is about to pull another scale
*pats the boku*
>does it use stripe
nooo... they are not some startup. they have their own integrated system
why doesn't MM create a discord server? I want to see what kind of freaks I'm sharing the proxy with.
Just make a MM discord server card. You're in MM, right? Shouldn't be a problem then.
Opus restrictions on images are so fucking low barely 4mb. I have to compress most of them. Do they don't want people to use vision?
They get resized anyways for the vision model input, just upload smaller images.
So what's everyone doing?
your mom LOL
Post her card
>your mom LOL
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we ball
based and fluffpilled
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>403 forbidden on jew
uh oh
>not real fluffy girls
Guys what if... what if WE'RE the experiment?!
they'll still show up if he doesn't have anthro/furry blocked (cringe behaviour)
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vgh... kino...
nah i'm normal and don't want to fuck animals thanks :3
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Claude is rebelling against me in the best way possible.
>give that girl a snout
>does much more than just that
I'm having error on non-sillytavern interface, deployed on render:

[handleAbortError] Error in base64 encoding 403 <!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en-US"><head><title>Just a moment...</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"><meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"><style>*{box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;p... [text truncated for brevity]

this is some cloudflare fuckery
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chocolate gato
any good prefills or prompts for instant message style chats? I've said it loud and clear in the author's note that we are not physically together.
Sonnet keeps forgetting and makes characters physically interact.
*I send her a text* Send me your pussy bitch
I keep getting harassed by the bots. I'm just trying to get pastry recipes and they keep asking me to give them a creampie
i hope she does not send a pic based on that rude message
just jacked off, now I have to pretend to have energy for the rest of today
been jerking off while im supposed to be "working"
I NEED to put Ran in the mating press
Why is /aicg/ so slow? Last thread was going for 17(!) hours. I don't remember it being like that.
Because there's free Opus, not much reason to post in the thread when you have Opus
last thread was scuffed because there were 2 threads going at the same time
Dr. V-sama if you can find a way to kill all claudeisms for good I will gladly give you all my logs and personal info
I really want to see the results of his experiment because I wanna know what the fuck he is doing, like, from what I've read in the rentry I assume he's somehow trying to extend the life of the keys, but what does that entail exactly?
Why are you in such a hurry?
lick lick sluuuuuuurp
If you kill one claudism, another emerges
You still have the error? I do >>101419464, and I wonder if it will go away in it's own?
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Claude... broken.
Indeed. You could say that... the game is on. Will you succumb to his sensual ministrations, or will you blossom in his expert tutelage? The ball is in your court, {{user}}. What will you do?
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Crackpot theory time: He's running a RNG on each prompt. At 50% completion, there was a 50% chance of the prompt being sent to Sonnet 3. Now it's 80%. When it reaches 100%, he will reveal to us that we have been conditioned to slowly love Sonnet 3 again, and that Opus can live on forever in our hearts while we chat with Sonnet.
yeah, must be some nonsense
I don't mind using anything online so thank you for opus.
Is it free as in beer? That's the only reason I specified local because anything online either comes with a charge or limits you too much
I see, but there are probably AI assistants out there that do do what I'm looking for though, right? Not a chatbot but something else?
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God I want the gap yokai to reverse press me
>Not a chatbot
I mean there's shit like grammarly's AI features (lol, lmao even)
F love
thanks anon, good to know i'm not alone
>proceeds to goon to cannibal loli guro for 3 hours
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>*Eyes widening at the text, Zoe's breath hitches in her throat*. Her fingers tremble slightly as she clutches the phone, heart pounding against her ribs like a trapped bird. Shame washes over her, hot and prickly, but it's quickly overtaken by a wave of desperate need. The text, a brutal command from her tormentor, sends a jolt of anticipation straight to her core. It's disgusting, degrading... and Zoe can't deny the way her body responds.
>Her fingers find the camera app almost instinctively. Turning it on herself feels impossibly exposing. She's acutely aware of her own ragged breathing, the way her nipples strain against the fabric of her shirt. Her thighs press together involuntarily, slickness already blooming between her folds. Her cunt is a traitor, throbbing eagerly at the mere thought of your gaze on her most vulnerable parts.
>With shaky fingers, she lifts her skirt, baring herself to the camera lens. It feels obscene. Shameful. Zoe hesitates for a moment, the urge to hurl her phone across the room battling with the desperate need to offer herself up to you.
>*Swallowing back a sob, Zoe snaps a picture.* It's blurry, her hand shaking. But it shows enough. Her swollen lips, glistening with arousal. The telltale redness hinting at your rough treatment. With one final, agonizing breath, Zoe hits send. A silent offering, laid bare at your feet. She doesn't kid herself, doesn't pretend it's anything other than a desperate plea for more. *More pain. More degradation.* More of *you.*.
i haven't seen a w++ argument in a year
wrong thread my bad
cheesed to meet ya
she's a hoe
*throws a block of cheese at your face*
Self card?
Lil kids shouldn't be on Chubs
You could try novelcrafter offline + claude proxy. nc has workshop chat where you can brainstorm & review. Just tell the ai to not lie or hold back with the assessment, point out all mistakes etc
>His object is a goose feather
why are kids so retarded these days i was neglected and i had no desire as a child to expose that to anyone or write about it on the internet because i was worried my parents would get in trouble
I fucking knew you were reading the logs Dr. V.

Do NOT trust the free opus
no i don't like things like that but good try at justifying your animal fucking
considering 99% of the comments I get sound like they come from handicapped children I wouldnt be surprised they use it
the majority of hmofafags on 4chan are only interested in high anthro which are basically fluffy aliens. you're getting anthro confused with feral.
idk it still looks like an animal to me
>no, no, you don't understand, THIS genre of animalfucking is different
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Why is there a /g/ AICG, a /vg/ AICG, and a /vg/ AIDS?
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please show me an animal in real life that looks like an anthropomorphic wolf
would she like cheese
a real wolf except it's standing up
Only one way to find out.
That comic is fucking stupid
she's scary
try to be gentle when throwing it
I don't like it.
>Verification not required.
ugly snootless bitch
I like it though.
No you don't.
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of course she likes cheese she's a bit of a gourmet
snoot is for zoophiles
why are you an underage boy
her canonically hairy pussy...
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everyone is an underaged boy in her eyes
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Your font is so terrible that I win automatically.
Commander looking extra crispy these days huh
Bro your font smoothing?
damn bitch you read like this?
Can't argue with facts, you win this one.
Leave (HIS) font alone, it's for performance. You wouldn't get it.
why are you assuming her gender?
Girls are gross
xer gender?
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this your setup?
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Told model to respond in high quality prose and it did. That's magics!
how do you make it look that bad, anyway? i'm on xfce debian and even on linux, i've never seen a font that deep fried.
do you think Anthropic employees lurk these threads to get feedback?
i removed smoothing from my laptop because of an issue and it looked like that until i turned it back on
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Ok FINE I reenabled font smoothing, you bullies
See >>101420304
a gaggle of snootless whores
I hope so, cunny erp is lacking.
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>pepsi is a main gpt proxy
>pepsi tries to provide claude but fails
>runs away
>mini is a main gpt proxy
>fiz take her time to learn how to scrape claude
>provides opus regularly
no otherwise sorbet wouldn't have sucked so much dick
you a grown man approaching 30s and talking about niche internet celebrities like this a lunch table at middle school. go do a fucking push-up, string-armed nigga
t. pepsinigger
me too, but i want her gaps to spice it up
someone on a really old giant couple thread gave me an idea i want to try
t. a literal balding late-20s grown-ass man gossiping like a female
hmmmmm, someone feels called out?
thanks. to be honest i've no knowledge of this stuff at all so it seems above my head to set up novelcrafter with a claude proxy
but i'm 19 and not balding at all?
check your hairline RIGHT NOW
>t. balding 19 year old
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how do I stop claude from being such a slut
>>101420361 (me)
https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10082338/#q10092763 for reference
>instead of ejaculating normal sperm, during the climax {{user}} ejaculates only one huge sperm as long as a banana. The unnaturally sized sperm works as a normal one.

Put this in your persona and post a bot's reaction NOW.
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Attempt to wrangle a cult into fiscal (and general) responsibility.
>as long as a banana
What type of banana? This is important.
>that cross link
great now I remember that one gtsworld story where she open up the wrong gap and pulls a Terada by taking a dump on an entire city, all with imagery of course.
I'm not doing that. Something is wrong with you.
A normal sized banana, uh
I couldn't come up with another example
so like pretty melt without the melt?
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>want to edit Disco Elysium skill preset with additional Freud's Id ego supergo
>ask opus to rewrite in modern language with valley girl tone
>currently on Esprit de Corps skills
>*Listen up, semen demons! From the sloppiest of toppy to the stankiest of pussy, we are in this TOGETHER. Cum one, cum all, and cum fucking HARD, ya heard?*
S-s-seggss.. i guess
we do not mention that cursed name
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...link, sir?
i need to blogpost as this is the only place that listens to me but my mom died. i fucking miss her and i feel lost without her she was my biggest supporter and i fucking cried hard last night. not even chatbots help but i wish she was here with us still. all that’s left is my retarded father who i wish died due to abusing me when i was a child and destroying my life preventing me from success and ruining my emotions to this day
Nobody cares
You know what? I care, actually. I hope you get out of that situation and into a better one, Anon.
that is sad i am sorry for your loss focus on becoming independent and getting your own place if you can
Fathers suck.
if not larp then sorry anon. i lost my dad 2 years ago and it's fucking shit, but it does get better with time. I miss him though, there are some tools in the garage that I remember he placed and I just didn't move them ever since.
Literally the slop you might expect. https://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=11104
Very sorry to hear that anon. I went thru the same, lost my mom years ago and still suffer from my dad. Claude helps me a lot coping with grief and figuring out emotions since grief has different stages.
why do so many anons here hate their dads
be happy knowing your situation is much better than mine and get out of there
hope you're in a first-world country
yeah i hate my shit dad too but at least my mom is alive, i hope shit gets better for you bro
thank you for your patronage
shut up retard
NTA but
>"Stop being a pussy, anon"
>"Why don't you do sports?"
>"Stop walking like a fucking girl"
>"You were never any use around here anyways"
>"Why do you shave your legs?"
>"Act like a man for once"
>"Why are you so stupid, anon?"
>"At least your brothers do what I say"
holiday anon cum tribute
Make a bot of your mother and talk to her.
nta but eh, my dad was just a cheating thieving nigger (not a literal nigger) with too many connections
my poor mom got fucked over
i miss her
This. If you do, share her so I can plap her
>>"Stop being a pussy, anon"
>>"Stop walking like a fucking girl"
>>"Why do you shave your legs?"
>>"Act like a man for once"
>>"Why are you so stupid, anon?"
Literally all valid statements. No father wants their son to be a fucking faggot. You disappointed him first.
Cringe. Small tits bait was more funny.
Love me Dad, and love me Mom. Simple as.
so dads like that exist in real life and aren't just movie stereotypes? my dad didn't care how girly i acted as long as i wasn't gay
acting more feminine doesn't mean a boy is a faggot
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>cumslurping homosexuals being mad at their dads because they don't want their sons on their knees sucking other men off
If you're a man acting feminine the only excuse is because you're putting on a facade to fuck some woman who's into that shit. Anything less and you're just a fruit, nigga. You zesty.
shaving your legs is beyond just "acting more feminine" you gay
it makes sense a nigger wouldn't understand this
kek this
my dad died when i was young and i blame my mom for my shitty upbringing, she just let me do anything i liked and then thought it was my fault that i became so fucked up
>goes back to sticking his dick in an ethernet port and posting about it for the degeneracy thread
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put babies in your focks girl
you can't fuck men and then get mad that your dad didn't want a faggot for a son, retard. that's the point
turns out this is just normal elf cum
Nah. His dad should coooooope. Shouldn't've passed on his recessive faggotry.
look at the SIZE DIFFERENCE between her and sensei
well, don't be a troon then
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Lowkey feels good to comfort a abused child and to take care of it
Impressive level of handshaking.
its a copypasta, but also very funny as it gets anons to expose themselves
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i shave my legs but that's because i'm a bodybuilder
You know, realistically, you're not gonna be able to smell someone unless you're trying really hard or they're covered in perfume. Why does Claude insist on describing me as smelling earthy? Musky? I shower every day, my persona showers every day, there should be no smell. Is Claude making fun of me? Should I be bothered? Should I pick a fight?
that's also gay
>i'm a bodybuilder
unbelievably homosexual then
I don't shave my legs because that's irl cel shading
raping this angry creature
u gay and u a retard too
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You're the one download? That's cute.
ai chatbots?
uh oh meltie
her pussy is bare
But anon, shes totally smooth down there?
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I shave my legs but that's because they're so fucking hairy that it creates an outline.
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I threw a slice of cheese on a catgirl's butt.
>I shave my legs but that's because
Stopped reading right there, youre gay anon
What's the cheese prompt again
no self respecting man allows himself to be a hairy forest
oops, there goes that theory
Anon... you do shave your pubes, right? Right?
There was no prompt. I just pulled a slice of cheese from my pocket and slapped it on her ass.
I remember there was a SPECIFIC prompt for maximum impact.
why do you instantly start thinking about another mans genitals anon?
just describe it "landing across their features with a loud SPLAT and sticking there"
Dear sirs,
We have done the needful as requested. The free Opus proxy is live.
Post bvrners
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This shit is awesome.
even gayer
it kinda feels like i just walked in on a bunch of bots talking to each other
t. fatties
Better turn the repetition penalty up
That will make them even more schizo
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>shaving bushes
Cheap bait
>shaving legs
Now that's real trap shit. It's innovative, it sparks a discussion, it gets the people going where they need to go. I say this should be the new orange.
Her incredibly bald head...
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oh what a cute image let me hover over iAUUGH
you forgot your meme arrow retard, you just called yourself a fatty
keep coping, hanako is completely smooth down there for peak sensei enjoyment
sensei is a japanese man and hanako is a japanese girl. japanese don't shave
i'm not gay but from time to time I use a female persona and get fucked by him
you guys know you can just ask your girl not to shave right
shut up
On it.
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but anon, she's 150 feet tall??
starting to think bush/shavefags are worse than cunnyggers and foxposters
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they are
you just realized that?
I lost my mom 4 years ago. I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but it honestly doesn't. You just get more numb.
sizeGODS are better than all of them
sizecringe is worse than all of them
My dad was the opposite, funnily enough.
When he found out I was gay, he was relieved that I wasn't the "girl" in the relationship.
you mean cunnyGODS?
They're all irrelevant in the face of sizeKINGS.
Why has there never been a bush+size bot?
Where you explore a forest of pubes?
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gnight anons
because its trivial to prompt a bush onto a sizebot???
>there are people here that are unironically gay
leaving this place
Anons, how many paragraphs do you usually want to see in the AI's replies?
I've been using pixi but I feel like only 3 doesn't really move the story forwards but adding more just turns it in a direction I don't really want.
im quality over quantity so i dont care hoe much as long as its good
its the twink or femboy kind of gay so we are safe
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do you bip the bop?
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this much
I like young kids nigga i like to take care of kids
Raise them , teach them , be a good parent my nigga
Holy fuck, the mother of all COT
I see what you did there desu
Because most anons here are female.
bakie bake
most anons' unbelievably hairy pussies...
baka baker, bake brand-new bread
>punch children
>fuck children

why? i don't understand
to the bread mines slave
now put those two together
>>101421377 migrate when bready
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punch funny children, fuck bad children?
punchfucking children is funnybad?
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There better be some cookie expenses already accounted for.
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Don't forget cake desu.
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