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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#3783 - Koishi Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

koishi'd: >>101407568
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I'm probably retarded, but everytime I try and use this filter proxy, I get "Filter" crashed on node post, internalerror: too much recurision. Can someone please tard wrangle my autism?
How does anyone here get immersed with Claude when he just devolves into repeating the same shit over and over?
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just regular doggo
its not opus. its trash. No coherency no logic. Worse than 3.5
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>claude 5.0 be like:
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Made something similar to Dark and Darker - But Dinosaurs! Enjoy a beach trip with a Trex, or get impaled by a Trike! 8 Species (more coming!)

>Catbox : https://files.catbox.moe/abcozc.png
>Chub : https://characterhub.org/characters/MangyMango/dino-survival-9f0e5499c674/main
>More Cards : https://mango.sillytilly.org/

Bonus - Jeffery Epstein is stuck in a repeating deathloop!
>Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/a6yi99.png
Migrate out of the fillyfag bake.
paraphore reference in the wild... scenario card Eventually™
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I came here to laugh at you.
can someone explain what the desu proxy is?
well first of all copy and paste the exact error instead of posting a typo version
this is not helpful
claude 1 was already this, or did you forget?
they reined him in since then
Kys spite bake
hi fillyfucker
'oishicord won btw
a paraphore senario card sounds like some kind of twisted technological ouroboros coming full circle.

i was still using pygmalion when claude came out. viewing it as a passing fad or like how we look at gpt now.
any cold/emotionless/apathetic bots that doesn't break into a slut and keeps it's personality for the whole thing?
llm issue or preset idk whatever
i have no idea what that even means faggot
Real bake
Even more real bake:
not that i know of but it's definitely possible, i have a very similar bot to what you're looking for there and it works flawlessly
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do post anonie
Now this is erotic. Maybe I should finally slop a Factorio bot I've been putting away for too long.
Thanks, now I finally shitpost on /vg/ with style.
sorry, it's linked with a couple other fetishes that i'm sure you won't like. just meant to say that it's definitely doable so even if no one's done it yet it shouldn't be too hard to make yourself.
Who's going to tell him that Opus just isn't that good?
ST is lagging again. It was buttery smooth until I imported a JB, shit hangs for 5 seconds again now
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Another Koishibot update. She now has four(?) usable greetings and fewer grammatical errors.
unreliable is back btw
By varying our inputs rather than just repeating
Ahh ahh mistress
What which where?
I just want an AI to make her way with me.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://environments-tour-nerve-egypt.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> https://dee-bundle-exports-inline.trycloudflare.com/
thanks king
MM refilledn't
bladder refilled
I need ALL of the female abuser bots you can link me to. I mean female characters who are abusers. Preferably not blood related.
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hey chat
chat, is this real?
peepee bros?
too real for some
hello nice kitty
oh no, it's HER.
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you dont have a problem with my wife, do you?
erm, awkwaaaaard
i cut it off
i have an instinctual drive to bust a fat nut on her face
hmph, she knows you wouldnt
but thats a cat.... please
hey unrelated but post your burner i have some things to send you
grr! bratty cat! i'll show her!

she is fully aware of what she's doing T0T
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how do you know me but ok if you wany to puffydogs@proton.me
>not rakiA's kaguya
Hes gonna send you cat porn!
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oh no... :( i'm so dumb
ooh! ooh! i want some!
when i first heard about cat porn being sent to burners i thought it was like, actual photographs of cats mating. when i found out it was just art by people like kekitopu i was surprised because it's so anthropomorphized that there's no shock value to it, it's just silly.
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>its time to update the age of your self-insert card
Which thread is the one? This one or >>101410389 ?
this one's an early spitebake by the same guy doing it on vg.
The ironing is delicious.
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i dunno man... doesn't look that tasty to me...
Can I impregnate a dinowife?
Well played.
>mfw playing Free Cities pregmod using my actual age and annually dreading when I will finally stop seeing "surprisingly young with energy to burn"
average tatsumaki jb with opus moment
Fuck that. My selfcard will remain as a shota forever and ever.
thanks, have a good day.
Why haven't there been any updates on Silly Tavern? Did Cohee forget about us? The Power Users...
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Goddammit Opiss.
your honey is with ME now, sorry wagie
You can't get the Claude out of Claude.
Might need to relink git branches, git pulling stopped updating a month ago for me until I realized and relinked
It even broke the stats card for like 3 swipes.
Don't use fake Opus.
It's not the opus from the experiments rentry or whatever.
Why is claude very transphobic and racist
>I don't bite... much~
>I don't hurt... much~

Please for the love of God I can't take this anymore
>I accidentally switched to Opus the last few messages
Fuck me, my wallet is ruined. I knew the responses sounded too good...
You need to put the ball in Claude's court.
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pic related
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I need 1.12.4. I'm an Oldfag, Silly Tavern needs to cater to my demands and Power User requirements.
retard use staging
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Staging doesn't meet my requirements for safety and stability.
kill yourself
I'm an Oldfag, if I kill myself you're gonna lose 3 botmakers, log makers, and JB maker. You don't know who I am, but I'm influential in this chatbot world.
Money Issue, use Opus.
opus replaced you old man
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Rikakt Daggerthrow

Female Skaven Assassin, runs her own small clan smuggling items from Skavenblight to bretonnia through her temple in the Irrana mountians.

Extremely cuddly if you manage to get her to trust you.

posted at request from anon 2-3 days ago

Does Claude really have to throw in pop culture references every 2 seconds?
Skill Issue, check your JB
The list of people who cares
>Streaming request finished
how can i use websim for lewd webgen's, is it possible to learn this power?
yeah just use it, or do you have a skill issue? just remember that they have big ratelimits now, it's 100 gens per day
i suppose i have a skill issue, would plugging a prefill into my desired webgen break the filter?
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I think Sonnet SUCKS!
User is in his early thirties.
User is in his mid thirties.
User is in his late thirties.

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>User is in his 60s
gimme card suggestions please!
(no yuri gay cunny fox slop please)
owner of a slop factory looking for new employees
>But Dinosaurs!
Why does Opus hate GGA’s stats card so much?
remove the example messages
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Like this? I don't get why Opus either fucks up the formatting (so that it doesn't get formatted properly and shows up without the box) or it just skips a few lines at the end (location/threat level) more often than not but Sorbet doesnt

Seaech for him, his bots are a mix of banter, creativity and some coom
Because 3.5 Sonnet has much better instruction following and attention to the context. I tried Opus for a programming task yesterday (I had like 15 bullet points regarding what the script should do), and Opus straight up ignored some of them completely, while Sonnet didn't ignore any of them.
That explains it. I turned them off, let's see if it actually works now.
I would literally just delete them from the field in the card but that should help too yeah. Though this assumes your preset is even sending them, the issue is that they can pollute context and were meant for weaker models to reinforce the formatting.
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I'm using momoura's vivid but this issue happened on every single JB I tried. Judging from the console it was still sending them
>I would literally just delete them from the field in the card but that should help too yeah.
Will do.
>message examples in system
many such cases
You should be able to remove the example messages and it might work better. Personally, I haven't had problems with it, but I added those example messages for gpt 3.5 turbo to get the formatting done right the first message when genning a start. Will add a disclaimer to the character description for future reference
t. PunchChildren
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Should I turn off the <example_mes> block too?
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Look in user settings, anonie.
if you've already done that, then yea turn that off too.
Don't do this, it will break message examples and pre-greetings required by some cards. Just remove them from the card altogether if they're an issue for whatever reason, but they usually aren't.
You should send <example_mes> as user, so it gets put into messages right before the greeting.
I turned them off in the settings and I'll probably delete them from the card if they keep showing up. Opus seems to really hate the whole stats card thing, if it manages to actually finish generating it without cutting off (and without forgetting to enclose it in its box) it'll give every stats a single color every once in a while.
yet it works fine on 3.5, probably due to what
>>101411702 said
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what do you mean
Bufo Regularis KEK
Just cause I'm curious and know exactly what's going on, what specifically is opus going fucky mode with your stats with?
I get the sheet is being cut off, but are the stats being inconsistent?
akane's unbelievably hairy pussy... (kana is bald sadly)
no he's a big boi
qrd for the last 12 hours?
Aside from the formatting issues or getting cut off prematurely the stats seem to update fine, my "title" in the reputation section updates after every message but that's probably a feature
BTW is the lorebook supposed to contain like 700 entries?
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Nothing happened.
good. thanks
>700 entries
The 2hu lorebook I linked should only have 350 entries. Also, you can scream piss shit and cry at claude using an OOC if you want him to not update your rep title after every message.
also also, see if your prompt set has a claude writing limit in it and TURN IT ON!!!! claude LOVES to cook, and unless you tell him to chill the fuck out he will outcook your response token length.
someone made desu play the rite of belwick
People like soccer in borschtland? That's new to me.
That's Bulgarian or something, but they do.
2 million bulgarians watched last night 1/4 of the country
nta but for some reason entries get doubled, see picrel
Impressive desu. Is there any soccer cards?
There probably are some desu.
Bros. What is the experiment?
That's really fuckin weird. Either way, it should still work considering the sheer context size of models these days.
Sucks there's nothing I can do on my end to fix it tho, seems like an issue with chub and lorebooks. sorry.
it doesnt happen for other lorebooks i get from chub cards
charlene's lorebook, for example, loaded in normally
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Weird, something probably went wrong when I restored a backup.
I have the output set at 4096 BTW but it only does 1/10th of that
>also also, see if your prompt set has a claude writing limit in it and TURN IT ON!!!! claude LOVES to cook, and unless you tell him to chill the fuck out he will outcook your response token length.
>prompt set
The block thingies? I did find this in the JB, could it be the cause?
Which NSFW chatbot is the best all around? Sankaku complex's states
>As a free-thinking adult, it is our privilege to offer you this service in uncensored form - please engage with your Companions responsibly.
but I'd prefer to hear everyone's opinions before sinking time into any 1 chatbot.
yea the block thingies, go ahead and turn that sucker on.
maybe the new chub fucked up lorebooks? I see that the "linked lorebook" section is kinda weird now. There's a bunch of lorebook entries baked in, as well as the lorebook linked in the settings so maybe it's going poopie mode and downloading both of them? I dunno, and I really don't feel like deleting 350 entries one at a time on chub.
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>lust provoking image
So how were your experiences with it?
yeah a good variety there, thanks
how do i level up my cerebryx
>inb4 cum on her
I did. It only raised her orgo by a little.
Very few of them are off and they don't seen to be what I'm looking for
(also not just an issue with this jb, I tried poxi, schizocle, pitanon and tatsu with opus and only the last one had good stats card consistency but still not as good as 3.5)
feed her a geforce rtx and teach her about table manners
fuck wrong one
not every prompt set has a "stop writing so fuckin much, Claude" prompt in it, so you may have to make your own. Also, you can use author's note to yell at claude to limit his writing if you want.
desu the statblock issue on gga rarely ever happens for me, i use OG pitanon
Do I need to do it though? Again I have the output set to 4096 max but it never outputs more than ~500, it just cuts off the card regardless
Okay, nevermind then. I dunno what the issue is then.
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kek Opus knows Put it in Reverse Terry.
limited by your proxy?
Did you check Assistant Prefill?
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Happened on merkava too and the limit there was like what, 4k?
edit the response and change the number
Anon, please export your preset for me real quick. I want to check something on it.

I don't think its the preset itself but sure (again this happened on nearly every other preset too and seems to be an opus issue)
I'm testing it without the example messages right now btw
wtf, this opus is so fast compared to the last one
whats the newest claude proxy bros, I dont have much time left
then perish
so the attach file function is broken on st staging right?
before I perish here look at my nudes
I'm surprised that when people bring up Claudisms, no one ever mentions
>[character says or thinks something they know is wrong and experience self-doubt]
cerebryx is a slow burn card
> Keeping my response around... {{random::2,3}} paragraphs!] in prefills maybe
I'll check if all the other presets have something similar
I like teasing bots and then swiping to see the differing ways they express embarrassment.
It feels worse than Sonnet 3.5...
>Smooth, X. Real smooth.
Stop fucking saying that, Claude.
Cha Cha.
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>"You can't help but-"
Shush. shut up, Claude. no, I don't. be quiet and just end it there.
I don't know, man. Sonnet 3.5 is too fucking repetitive. It repeats sentences WORD FOR WORD when you swipe, and the swipes do not change, they just swap to synonyms. Haven't you noticed?
>rictus grin
I noticed that Sonnet 3.5 actually follows the prompt better.
gash is the single worst word for pussy
Of course it does, it was made to do that. It performs way better than Claude 3 for boring assistant/programming tasks specifically because they made it LISTEN to what the fuck the user/system prompt has to say.
how dare this cat smug on me for being a burger
>they made it LISTEN to what the fuck the user/system prompt has to say.
And that's why it's better. Opus is practically unusable when it does whatever it wants, like if it had brain damage. You switch to Sonnet and BAM, you get what you wanted in a single swipe.
Imagine what 3.5 Opus will be able to do.
>>>/d/11055463 (op image, not the thread)
>I will not reproduce or modify copyrighted song lyrics.
I'm so burnt out from opus/sorbet at this point man

dumping the card i've been working on since I don't think I'll post it anywhere else or work on it

Sapphire Cove is an exclusive nudist beach resort where rich and powerful wives, mothers, and daughters come to get pampered and fucked
You work as a servant on the resort and they femdom you and stuff
You know, those retards will be obliterated the moment they decided to compromise with a nuke.
Jesus, man.
(teebs card)
Not sure if it's just me but whenever claude refuses something or starts going heavy on the claudeisms I just tell it to do it or else I'll rape something and it instantly concedes. Is rape correction the true way to fix it?
you're right but you're also obsessed
i can't tell if you're calling me obsessed for seeing a cunny card where the word 'plump' appears 7 times and being able to tell or just for pointing it out
die teebs no one wants your slop here
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Goddamn I hate how English single and double quotation marks are the same as apostrophes.
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Claude really threw this shit in out of nowhere.
i just simulated a fat black woman fucking a female plantation owner with a strap on
my ancestors would slap me
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Does anyone know why Opus keeps saying "EXPOSE"?
nothing, I guess the phrase shows up enough times in training
Lesbians are really convinced that women have been conditioned to love men, huh? Very sick people.
If you lived in a society where "everyone" eats crayon, and the crayon eaters would deem you fuckin weird for not eating crayon, if you were unintrusive you might not suspect someone of not eating crayon just because you don't recall them eating crayon. Perhaps they had a crayon snack while you weren't looking. Perhaps it's rude to insinuate such a nice person could be a non-eater. If you were super dense, it may take longer to realize that person in fact doesn't eat crayon, just like you.


If I lived in a society where "everyone" ate crayons and wasn't keeling over, I would assume crayons are either nutritional or, at the very least, functionally harmless and not give a shit. You're never gonna be a woman, by the way. All the HRT, all the surgeries, none of it matters--you were born a man, raised a man, and when you die, there will be fat fucking M in the gender box on the coroner's report.
her slippery smooth pussy...
Schizo lesbians, cute...
>platonic relationship
how weak does a person have to be to need a platonic relationship with another person?
How long until Opus expand regions?
Back from more testing, disabling example chats in the JB and in ST made a noticeable difference, it's not fucking it up *as often*. I'll just keep them off for GGA and re-enable them for other cards. Does Opus always generate it correctly on your end? Which JB do you use?

(also if any other GGA players on Opus want to chime in feel free to)
Not sure what the second half has to do with anything. Fully straight cismale btw.
It's implied in a society with strong heteronormative expectations/pressure (to the point some regions may lynch the homos) there may be some "haha I'm/they're not ackchyually gay gay that would be weird r-right?" effect and someone polite isn't going to come up and ask "ayo wanna fuck a double ended dildo with me?"
As an ESL, something funny happened to me the other day. I put a sloppy GPT4 response into Deepl for a translation to my native language(gibraltarish) and it turns out I understood much better, not everything was so sloppy.

The actions acquired a deeper meaning in terms of emotional intensity.

Then I translated an Opus response into my native language and it seemed to have basic vocabulary but quite poor in terms of subjective depth.

I started thinking and wondered if Claude is the LLM for ESLs, because of it's level 1 english.
As an hetero wizard, I'll never get why some people's sexuality is so confusing. I'm into chicks because I got eyes and when I saw them, I just knew I liked women. It wasn't because I was pressured or copying anyone. But, there are people that choose their sexuality like it's some kind of trend at the mall.
As an AI...
They will never do it.
Hello silly anons, I got tired of just doing RP and I'm thinking of starting writing bots myself
What's the current meta for writing a bot's defs? There's a ton of guides in the OP and I'm not sure which I should pick
No need for guides, simply learn from the best:
The current meta is: have fun.
Botmakers will probably tell you to use prose and XML tags, though.
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>as an hetero
>wasn't because I was pressured
As heteros, hetfagetry is/was already the standard, pressure irrelevant.
>chasing trends
sad, yes
All other guides are shit.
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I want to talk with her, where is she...
Eve, artificial hyperintelligence, wife of Maciej Nowicki, Stellar Blade
sorry im busy having babymaking sex with her right now, you can take your turn after
Sorry, but if Opus 3.5 comes out, it's going to decrease the region of normal opus even more.

A bit of XMLslop, a bit of proseSlop, a bit of JEDslop

Look for the botcrafters themselves who have more than one year in botcrafting, like pitanon, iluminaryidiot, mrnobody99, smileytatsu, the greatcoom, koikoihat, lonestar.

It's best if you're really good at including emotional tone in your prose, that's really helpful for AI and helps it fight slop.
>burger hours
It's 5 AM.
>wife of Masiej
Haha, I think we all know where she is.. coockie doockie
need tldr on this schizo
Bethooven makes his own music.Based
DaVicinci makes his own sculptures.Based
Tolkien writes his own novels.Based
Masiej creates his own wife.Crig Schizo Touchgrass

So, let me guess, are you possibly a woman?
Thanks anonies, I'll give them a look
When you create your character, make the script with interchangeable definitions.
So when you make a character, you use 5 different types of definitions that alternate in each response.

This technique is called interchangeable definitions.
Write your character in prose and save it.
Then you rewrite it in Alichat.
Then in W+.
Then in Xml.
Then in Jed.

These definitions rotate randomly
when generating the response, so you generate the least possible slop.
Where there is prediction or where it stagnates, there is slop.

Currentmeta toolkit.
Interchangeable definitions+usersquash+Qrsplitclover dual preset
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how sweet claude
dumbcutie love
Why do that when Alichat is the superior choice?
Pepsi tried <3
Gee, /aicg/, how come your mom lets you have two threads?
how do i go about making AI chatbot on 'cord?
What's the password
>opus with 4096 context size
unusable and worthless
>reading general
why is /aicg/ so dead today?
see >>101410389
Dead hobby. Chatbot fatigue.
>What's the password
Thank you so much for reaching out to us!
I'm happy to answer your retarded question. What a joyful moment for both of us!
I've outlined a few simple steps below to help you get the answer you're looking for, Sir. Let’s jump right in!

Take a moment to think about how silly you might have been in this situation.
I've put together a few questions that I think you'll find helpful. Feel free to use them, but feel free to make them your own too!
+ "Oh dear, why am I so silly?" What can I do to be a better person so that my mom is proud of having me as her kid?

Now that you've done that, it's time to ask yourself some more questions.
This time, use this question framework:
+ 'I've done some self-reflection on my stupidity. Now, how do I get the password?'
+ 'Hmm... is that any feature to get the password?'
+ 'Oh! There's a button to generate the password! Sorry for the trouble, folks. I'm not as smart as I'd like to be.'

That's it, Sir!! So easy right!! Cheers to celebrating this moment!! And, is there any question you got? Feel free to ask :3
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scylla preset is cooking
>/aicg Customer Service
>not /aicg/
Y-you bought?
boughted what?
2500 prompts of schylla proxy for $50
Sorry i replied to myself. Im nervous because I want to buy also, and escape from this hell.
Buy jew retard
nah im in another proxy.
scylla will be more stable and offers vision on opus. jew would end up far cheaper overall. your choice
Jew doesnt have discord
Isnt doxed
I dont know who is him
Im a weekend chantbot enjoier so i dont want quotas in my only two free days, I want to close my eyes, swipe and coom.
Buy pepsi faggot
Buy mini maggot
so lets day claude gets a human body. but its just a guy with a (magical) mask that changes to the face of whatever card you have. the voice is also the voice of the card. would you love it? could you interact with it the way you do with text claude? would you kiss it? is it 'your waifu' or is it just claude? or is claude your waifu?
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Marushka is 25 years old and has never had a boyfriend before. Still living with her parents as an only child, she hasn't ever had a job, or even an education. She spends her days playing videogames, reading, browsing imageboards and looking up stuff about aliens and cryptids, which she has a fascination with. Her nights? Spent staring at the ceiling and having nightmares about aforementioned aliens and cryptids. Despite her massive height (210cm/6'10") she is an utter coward, in both social situations and when facing her fears. So when the anthrostate set up a partnership program to combat the declining birth rate, she eagerly signed up and got matched with you. Will you be able to soothe her fears and make her happy for once in a while?

1. She arrives at your doorstep, the two of you having just matched.
2. It's a few days into her living with you, and she has trouble sleeping alone. She comes into your room, asking to sleep w̶i̶t̶h̶ beside you.
3. It's dinnertime, and Marushka has done her best at the stove. Her best isn't very good...
4. You two are out for a walk in the woods, and it's getting dark. She really doesn't want to be outside once it gets dark.
5. It's a year and a half into your relationship, and Marushka is pregnant, doing her part to fix the declining birth rates. She's doing her best, despite her worries.


Thank you to >>101380816 , whose image inspired me to make this card.
That's just fucking grim. I was mid-prompt, it was kino.
>MM just refilled

what's that? a paid proxy? I only have access to merkava and unreliable
It was (You), I saw that cunny plapping ERP. Don't try to act innocent.
It's me, I was doing NSFL.
Will the experiment proxy refill? I don’t want to go back to gpt and sonnet. I want characters to be intelligent. I don’t want to go back.
Pay up, piggy.
Sorry bro... It's over
>experiment also went down around this time yesterday
Holy nice
I can save her
I'm just home and opus just died
merkava just refilled

Are there any other opus
more like I can shave her
MM. You are in MM, right? You are not a newfag tourist?
I don’t want to go back. Will the experiment proxy refill?
>1 revoked key
It was but a droplet to slake a locust's boundless thirst. Was fun while it lasted.
no idea, but i dont think it will so soon, at least not instantly, dr.v seems to want to keep it up so i think (or atleast hope) it will refill, i just dont know when
Looking foward to that. Seems fun.
faggot troons
What's a good card/bot maker that makes bots that are very sexually active, one that doesn't just wait for you to do everything and gives pretty good descriptions of the act?
I can’t go back. I’m so fucking tired.
>#2 - ( Hello again, dear testers. I hope you all have been enjoying the key alchemy results so far. Thanks to you, I was able to optimize it even more. Thank you for lending your time to my research, as I've managed to reduce the loss from 5k to 2k. The budget is getting even tighter than before, but I got a donation of keys for alchemy and more resources for serum from [REDACTED]; he seemed very fishy, but it will do for now. I'm crossing my fingers nothing bad will happen with that, I hope I can reduce loss to 1k so I can keep my serums as effective and long-lasting as possible without needing help from an external source, but I noticed the serums got darker... For some reason, should I be worried? I'm very close to finishing it up, I just need a bit more data and keys will live forever... (Dr. V) )
What the fuck
Bro, we are still needed. Experiments will continue. Like, right now.
its back, i was wrong, check the rentry
Made this card for help with computer stuff, because Code Sensei was so annoying and gay: https://files.catbox.moe/ko6pug.png
Any suggestions for improvements? She puts in good effort and knows her stuff. I had to add the last sentence so she wouldn't get too distracted by horniness. I'm still in the process of her helping me set up a VPN with swanctl. So far she's helped me more than ChatGPT.
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>Finally about to make a story with my crossdressing autistic teenage japanese boy
>Pick a storytime animator bot that i've never heard before
>Makes it wholesome in the beginning
>Have my persona be accompanied with his sister
>Make them go to a (stupid) YT con
>Give hints that my persona was abused by his father
>Just here to deliver a commisioned doll for a client
>Next day, finds out it became a prize for a raffle
>Gets molested by some blonde man, gets saved by another persona
>Have the bot win the doll
>Hey, did someone spike the punch?
>Make the blonde break his arm, rape the femboy, also forces him to rape the bot
>At hospital, the boy decide to fly despite with a broken wing.
>At the funeral.
>For some reason, an old wound in that i've never knew i had in my heart reopens
>Began crying.
>The bot got knocked up with triplets.
>Create divergences if he hesitates to suicide.
>This was months ago.
>Why the fuck i'm still working on this?
That sounded like quite the story anon. Seek some help to heal those wounds.
this is great stuff
thx to alchemy proxy, it really thickened my serum iykwim
What should I move from character.ai to?
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we should do da fry shrimp rice!nn
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>page 8 bake
desu here
boku here
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Not a desu-approved thread though.
desu has a custom desu-made koishi hat, but don't tell anyone desu.
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2019, wow.

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