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old >>101492435
i'm a student in my final semester and i'm looking for an ai tool that can read PDF files and then summarize or answer a specific question from that file. i don't mind paying for the service because i want to save up on time. what are my options?
Is there a difference between 6+2 PCI-e power and 8 pin CPU power connectors?
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how do i know if a piece of pirated software is safe to use or if it has virus? do i upload the .exe to virustotal and thats it?
I got this one off RuTracker for instance
From old thread:

How can I upgrade the BIOS of a Lenovo G505s with a dead battery?

I downloaded the BIOS upgrade software called winflash(3.00).exe and when I run it, the screen freezes. So, I extracted the file and found a platform.ini file which I edited to have BatteryCheck=0. Then, in the extracted files, there is InsydeFlash.exe.

When I run this, still my laptop freezes. I think this is because InsydeFlash.exe doesn't look at the modified platform.ini file. What should I do? Pic rel are the files extracted from winflash(3.00).exe

My ultimate goal is to follow this: http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Lenovo_G505S_hacking

> I tried this on windows 8
> Can't update the BIOS in DOS as there is code in the BIOS updater preventing that
> One solution is to try to run winflash(3.00).exe and go to your temp folder and edit platform.ini to remove the BatteryCheck there however, I cannot do anything once I run winflash(3.00).exe since my laptop freezes

Anyone know how to edit a .exe and then recompile it? Or any other solutions other than replace the battery?

Thanks in advance!
The main purpose of updating the BIOS is that it easily updates the UEFI without needing to perform a hardware flash, which I do not have the tools to do. The easiest way to do this is with the software downloaded from Lenovo

perhaps make another attempt with actual bios file in same folder with winflash
I tried. I extracted winflash(3.00).exe and all the contents are in a folder. After changing the platform.ini so that BatteryCheck=0, I ran InsydeFlash.exe which is what winflas(3.00).exe runs. Still got a frozen laptop.

Even tried running the program in the command prompt as an administrator with various flags like /forceit, -forceit, /sp, and even tried -sp.... nothing seems to work.

I ordered a battery and luckily I can get it tomorrow but just in case that battery is bad, I am still trying to fix this
Anyone here knowledgeable on file recovery?

>Ran program
>Gives a list of recoverable and unrecoverable files
>30% of the files are unrecoverable and are overwritten
>It has the correct filenames and file sizes so at least I know which ones they are
>With the remaining 70% they're all recoverable
>Of them are the 30% listed as unrecoverable but they've been given generic names (file 01, file 02 etc)
>This is fine although I'm not sure why it does that
>The problem is with the remaining recoverable files
>With those they all have the generic names, but all of them are also only 20 bytes
>So while you can recover them there's no point because there's nothing you can do with them

I probably haven't explained that very well but does anyone know why this is? The 20 byte files should be way larger, somewhere around the 250MB-1GB range.
They weren't formatted with some l337 h4xx0r software. It was just a run of the mill Windows format.
>They were overwritten by a new NTFS filesystem
;_; how do I unfuck it?
Time machine, or maybe there's another program you can use from a Linux bootable disk. Installing recovery software or downloading files is just going to further overwrite. Are you even using a HDD, or are you using a SSD?
Fuck sake. I could try the Linux bootable disk method, but I don't know how to do that. I just have a Linux bootable disk somewhere.
>Are you even using a HDD, or are you using a SSD?
Neither it's an SD card. Hasn't be used for anything since the format.
1) verified uploaders
2) verified repackers
3) virus total
4) always have firewalls on so that any executables will be blocked from contacting
5) windows iso install
Did an update now which downgraded some Mesa 32-bit packages, (changing vendor to pacman I guess) and now everything is fine. Huh.

maybe is fat system, table has name, all other data lost
Repostan but does anyone know what the best mailing list/email newsletter software is? I'm trying to set up an art WordPress blog that has options for getting daily sketches, weekly drawings plus the previous daily sketches, and monthly illustrations plus the daily and weekly shit, but I'm not sure if MailChimp is the right way to go or what. Constant Contact looks interesting with all its templates, but I'm also not too sure if templates are worth using or if I should just stick to plaintext + images, and I'm not expecting to get too many subscriptions but I would of course like it to scale to the moon and back just in case.
how do i know who are the verified uploaders/repackers
Use search engine. Dont use no name like dixen18 or someshit that no ones heard of. Unless you have your anus prepared.
Hmmm I'm going to clone a drive for the first time and I'm checking how to do it, but I don't understand what partitions are? Also what are they good for? Should I keep the partitions if they are already on the old drive? I mean doesnt that mean more space???
>SD card is basically a SSD
>Both are flash storage
You're probably fucked, sorry.
Generally there's a boot partition (You'll need this to load into windows) and a C partion (Where your windows installation and files/programs are stored). You can check out (and screenshot) disk manager to see what partitions exist on your drive.
It shows as NTFS but then when I leave it for a bit it turns to FAT. It's really strange.

Fuck sake. Windows can't do anything right and the one time I want it to do something wrong it does it right.

Thanks anyway.
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Remote worker here, planning on how to do this so I can travel travel abroad without my company knowing (supposed to be in USA).
I plan on getting 2 Raspberry Pi's, keeping one with me and leaving the other at a family member's house. PIVPN installed on both.
Even with VPN installed on the company laptop I don't think they can detect it if I make my own tunnel. With fast enough internet latency shouldn't be an issue.
Anyone have advice? Even if it takes them 6 months to catch and fire me, it might still be worth it for those 6 months.

just do not do it, better call boss every morning from pattaya and give bar report
Buying a domain is always kyc.
What is the PC model for the person who hates Steam, hates Valve, hates PC gaming, hates Gabe Newell, hates Steam Deck, and wants an anti-gamer PC in everything?

play on PC is equal to blasphemy
Well if you're so concerned about image, macbooks will serve you just fine.
You just need 1 pi at home, dumbass
why do you need the hotel wifi pi vpn
>wake up
>check discord
>I'm in a server I know I wasn't in last night
>no recollection of joining it somehow
>lost access to my authenticator/password for this account so I can't change anything
I think someone may be in my account logged in a different device
what can I do to change my security settings if I lost access to that shit, is it fugged?
Reposting from old bread: >>101523733
Delete your account if possible and don't make another one. Thank me later.
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i dont really use discord but when you login, theres a field that says "forgot your password?", try clicking that and see if you can reset it through your email or phone number
to change password you need your old password AND authenticator
to change authenticator you need your old auth code
I lost access to the phone that had access to everything, I only have the sim in another phone that gives me access to the number. that's it
>I use Obsidian for note taking, many of my notes have an emoji on their name. So, I'm trying to move/copy some of them from within the terminal, how do I type in the names of those that have an emoji at the beginning?
i honestly have no idea but if youre on linux, you can auto-complete filenames by pressing the tab key on your keyboard. so try that...
What does it mean if I get an email every day from Microsoft saying my "single use code" is needed?

Am I being hackered?
try checking if your email has been leaked, use haveibeenpwned
16...lol. It's not used for much but how would you suggest I get this off my back?
Yes, but you need to type in the first character of the filename for that to work, and since many of my notes have an emoji as the first character, well... that's where I'm stuck. Please be patient, I'm retarded.
Probably. Usually those emails have a "I don't recognice this activity", try using that and look at your account settings/login logs (or whatever they're called).
just change your email pass/auth codes
most likely they're just trying to bruteforce shit
this is done en masse and unlikely they're specifically focusing on your account. Anything that doesn't give instant access after change will likely be thought of as a dud and they'll move on to the easier emails
How safe are the copy and move commands in a linux terminal compared to a generic drag and drop system in something like windows, mac or a linux desktop environment? Or is it all basically the same process under the hood? Are there checks done with the copy and move command to ensure there's no corruption? I assume copy and then manually deleting is safe enough but I'm not sure
rm file_name doesn't send the file to trash, it's a permanent delete, like shift+del
mv does both copy and move. What are you trying to do exactly?
Just move files around pretty much. I'm just curious how mv works, I'm not sure if it deletes as it moves and could somehow lose my data
It doesn't delete, it's move like cut/paste. You can make a duplicate of a file also by changing the output name.
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Is it true that I actually want to catch viruses on my computer so it develops a healthier immune system?
no, it doesn't incrementally delete files, not sure how possible that is but even if it is that's an extremely inefficient access pattern, especially on hard drives, meaning only shit that really had to do that (maybe secure delete tools?) would do that
any pc, just dont install steam on it, retard. what kind of question is this? do you think youre being funny?
Because my work laptop has vpn software on it, and if I connect directly to a hotel, I'm instantly made. Never reach the home pi.
>either i'm retarded or you guys are, that much is clear
Oh I think I get it. My thought process was that you would turn on your work laptop, first connect it to your home pi, and then turn on the work vpn software. But i didnt consider that the work vpn software might kick in first. so yes im retarded
Easiest way to move files between my PC (Leenuks) and my iphone? I don't have an usb cable.
Fun fact, you can rename files with mv.
mv file.txt new_name.txt
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I'd like to centralize backups having them all in a main server. I have all my hosts configured with a single / partition over LVM. The point is I'd been thinking about leveraging the following strategy with rsnapshot, but I'm not sure if it's possible:
A main backup server should store the rsnapshot produced files from all hosts in a dedicated block device.
All hosts must backup to a local folder using rsnapshot capabilities for creating lvm snapshot before backup and removing it after.
All hosts use rsnapshot cmd_postexec to rsync the rsnapshot local folder to the backup server immediately after each run.
Each client should obviously exclude /dev, /proc, /tmp, /sys and the like. But should it also exclude in its own backups the snapshot_root location to avoid 'backing up the backup'? Is this strategy possible and feasible? Am I missing something obvious here?
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Using default Firefox for Windows 10, how do I get browser games to save? They used to.
Nowadays when I close my internet browser I lose all of my game progress. It's kind of lame.
Ssh if it's jail broken
You sure you aren't setting cookies to auto-delete when the browser closes?
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No, I have 1.6 GB of cookies. No extensions or anything. Everything should be default. They updated Firefox one day and it ate all of my browser save games.
Now I want to play those games again but in order to do so I have to figure this out.
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If I develop an Android malware, will it work for Ubuntu touch as well?
is it safe to wipe a TN monitor screen panel with an alcohol wipe (70%)
What is a flatpak on Linux?
How the fuck do I install something from a tar.gz file?
Why is grapheneos considered more safe/private/secure than google pixels OS?
Or is grapehenos a meme?
Flatpak is a package manager, you can check out flathub for various software. That tar is an archive, you have to extract the files and likely compile from source code using make
because this, some of the stuff gets added to stock android but not all of it
I have a wireless router I want to use as a switch, connected to my main router via WiFi. Is this possible?
I have:
>Wireless router with 4 LAN ethernet ports on it
>Computer with no wireless networking hardware
The plan is to set up said computer as a backup server at my grandma's place, but it would have to be far away from the ISP supplied router, and my family doesn't want cables running through the house. All the googling I've done on gives guides on how to connect a router via a cable to the main one and use it as a wireless access point, basically the opposite of what I want to do.
you mean like a wifi repeater but with ethernet output?
in theory yes on paper not sure
a router that supports an open wrt variant would be your best bet, you might not be able to do it without ssh'ing into the router an manually configuring all the connections
asus routers for example have a built-in repeater mode but i'm not sure if that causes the ethernet output ports to work
Sounds like a repeater bridge architecture. If your router supports some kind of aftermarket firmware, i.e. DD-WRT, it should be possible to enable that. Figure out what your hardware is compatible with and read the docs.
This? It's called client bridge or media bridge.
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Except varying quality though, not all Wi-Fi devices pull that off gracefully (the client has to "spoof" all those other MACs).
Asus RT66U client-bridging to a Xiaomi Mi A2 running a hotspot worked great, picture relates.
Pretty sure only Asus routers have that feature, ai mesh
Mesh for two wireless devices? What's the point?
And don't mesh devices start from like $400?
is there a way to stop Edge from preloading videos? i have autoplay disabled but still the video buffer in the background, and i can't find any extensions that work
AI mesh is something else, it's for large seamless roaming (although i guess it would also work) but asus routers do have that feature, it's called repeater mode

you can go up to a fairly high amount of them iirc
Isn't there some visual-coding, building blocks retard thing that lets you make and compile an android app? I swear I remember playing with one in a computer class a few years back. I just need to make a simple little applet to run on my phone, because apparently the thing I want doesn't exist.
take better care of yourself, anon
>you can go up to a fairly high amount of them iirc
Yeah sure but come on now. Thought I was rich but even I wouldn't casually get a $400 mesh unit.

Assuming a Windows 11 PC, does it make any difference?

>What is a flatpak on Linux?
A containerizing packaging system meant for desktop apps.
>How the fuck do I install something from a tar.gz file?
Depends what your rando tar contains. Source codes? Read the README file.

Under the hood same. Though your fancy file manager may have features like a "trash can" when you delete but not really delete.
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I'm trying to free up storage space, and I noticed there's 35GB of space being used in C:\ProgramData\Intel\Intel Extreme Tuning Utility\Logs. Is it safe to delete all the files in that folder or will there be any consequences? It's all text files, some say "XtuCore" and take up space, while the others say "platformsettings" and take 0KB.
If I encrypt my drives, would there just be an additional step when I turn on my PC to boot windows like entering a password?
How about if the drive is a dedicated media server?
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Have no idea how the so called full disk encryption works with Windows but yeah, it will make the boot process more complicated and error prone regardless the OS.
>How about if the drive is a dedicated media server?
You mean the drive's just an extra drive? No problem there.
It's not like you had to leave an entire drive encrypted or unencrypted. Partitions do exist.
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Need laptop recs, considering older thinkpad models but I don't know too much about them
Will be using it for
>window 10 and linux (does not need to be win11 compatible)
>python and r studio
>ms office
>zoom calls and general video streaming

Preferably <$300 with at least 4 cores and upgradable storage, relatively sturdy while under 4 lb. Don't know how realistic that price range is though
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in excel (and libreoffice calc) how do i move the cursor between letters in a cell using the keyboard? arrow keys move the selected cells.
How bad is running Windows games under Steam running under Wine?
Booted up my computer today, and a bunch of my Firefox processes say they're in "efficiency mode" in task manager, but nothing feels different about them. RAM usage seems totally normal. No slowdown. Only recent thing I can think of is I updated an audio driver for a piece of hardware I use, but I have no fucking idea why that would change anything. Nothing even seems changed in the first place, other than a visual note telling me.
>fingerprint login saved on my phone
>you can only use it if you enter your passcode first after every reset
who the fuck made this a thing, is there no way around this? at this point I'm willing to pay a hacker to do some john mcafee stuff just to bypass my passcode
Can't hash a fingerprint, you can use a swipe pattern though.
Different anon here. Why can't you hash a fingerprint?
Does this mean fingerprint is just something you vaguely compare to the original?
no idea what that means... its been two months without access to my pixel all because I forgot the passcode and powered off the phone, restarting it.

I want blackhat hackery to get me back in
What is a good replacement for Adobe Photoshop Mix for the Android?

I saw a few suggestions for something that was webbased, but it was meh and I hate anime based art pads
>Can't hash a fingerprint
Literally any input is hashable.
use proton instead of wine, steam for linux ships with it

deleting log files should always be safe
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is it true that you can get your computer pregnant if you seed too many torrents
>use proton instead of wine, steam for linux ships with it
I know, but that's not what I asked
Why are dark themes so hated?
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>tfw my desktop background image changed to plain black after restarting my computer
>tfw i'm haxxed that 1337 haxor is fucking with me right now
I've never heard anything like that. If they're hated anywhere, it's probably in a space where initially no one gave a shit, someone ranted about how much they pissed him off for some reason and he sounded articulate enough for some new people to believe him, so they tried to hate dark themes too in order to fit in with what they thought was the norm, and they all kept bitching about it without considering that the presence of dark themes doesn't actually HURT anything, and it became the norm for that space because no one showed up to call them out on their bullshit.
Dark themes are fine. Light themes are fine. Neither hurts the other. Anyone trying to shame you for using either is a troll or an idiot.
you probably have the desktop background saved on an encrypted drive
*can't hash a fingerprint to anything usable
pacman -Syu is always like
>Net Upgrade Size: -173.26 MiB
how does my system get so much smaller like that in one update? I haven't seen a net increase in forever
Is 0 in the host part (lower 64 bits) a valid ipv6 address? In ipv4 it must be min 1 and max 254.
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My external drive is dying, it's starting to beep and click. What's a good one to get that won't break the bank? It's just a TB. Also, what's a good cloud service to use so I can avoid having to rush to get a new external drive when something like this happens?
you can do that
only error in your post is the idea that faster internet reduces latency, that's not how it works
people used to do that before they made a native version of steam for linux
i used to as well, but haven't tried it in ages
What is a quick and simple way I can sabotage someone's personal computer, preferably while they're on it, while giving myself plausible deniability. Something like a zip bomb but hardier.
Its working fine. You have to use winetricks and delete your .wine directory until it runs. I somehow got my configuration to the point where I can run most games. I would never install steamslop on my linux install (although running torrented games is probably dangerous but I dont feel like goycattle). You can also install the dependencies listed in lutris which are probably always needed for games.
That's illegal
i enabled CSM in the BIOS of my new server, and now its stuck on this screen. i dont know how to fix this. would taking the CMOS battery out fix the issue?
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Should't there be a a bar up top?
A 1tb SSD connected to a USB adapter, if you can find one on sale. Provided you power it on often enough.
The best cloud service is the one you host yourself but I don't think you can afford a NAS right now.
Ok it's a 4chanx problem apparently
Haha yeah.
Is there any good text OCR+translation software that isn't shit, AI or otherwise?
i tried to update my BIOS via IPMI but it has been stuck for like 15 minutes on 99%. anyone have any ideas? is it still working or did i break it?
Anyone else getting random 'connection errors' when trying to upload images here today?
Its probably just verifying the file, go take a shower or something and check it after a bit
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I have a mini itx board and I want to try to run LLM studio on a small accelerator. Will this little nigga in pic related run basic 8gb models in LLM studio? I'd imagine the P4 is perfectly suited for it but I don't know for sure
How do I set sumatraPDF to switch tabs to a file I've previously opened if I choose it in the browser?
you dont have any tensor cores, so it would be really slow
so radxa sells SATA HATs for single-board computers e.g. raspery pi. Supposedly it requires a power supply of 12V of which 5V go to the SBC automatically.
I am not sure if I understand this correctly: no matter what I plug into the HAT+SBC, e.g. 5 SATAs and 2 coolers, those 12V will always be sufficient and optimal, the only quanity that changes is the current required? Also I cannot oversupply amps?
>oversupply amps?
Amps are taken, not supplied. You don't decide how much amps something takes, voltage does that. Are you aware of Ohms law?
yeah of course although only theoretically. I have no practical experience so I am scared and double checking everything. Can you please answer the more important first question.
I don't want to shill shit, but maybe this question requires to be specific, so assume I want to try this HAT https://radxa.com/products/accessories/penta-sata-hat/.
Does it distribute the 12V to everything pluged in automatically? Can I use any amount of up to 5 SSDs and 2 coolers regardsless of their wattage? Is this standard in the industry? How do I know how many amps are sufficient?
I don't see a problem. As long as your 12V power supply wattage is more than everything combined. Disks take most power from 12V, not 5V.
>Is 0 in the host part (lower 64 bits) a valid ipv6 address?
Yes. You can be f00::/64 all you like.
Not afaik. most modular PSU label them as PCIE/CPU plugs so even the pinout must be the same.
Linux will help. Use a program called PhotoRec
Pulled shit off an SD card that was reformated and didnt have power for half a decade.
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Although it screams
>"badly misconfigured host"
and serves no purpose. I'd firewall it straight away.
What else to put there then. 0xdeadcafebabe?
You want an "IPv6 token"? For what?
Why would my (desktop) computer just restart randomly? I can't figure it out. I thought it was something with windows but then it did it in the bios screen. Temps look normal fans don't get loud before or anything. Sometimes it lasts an hour between restarting other times it does it repeatedly.
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Does anybody know if I can buy a course on Udemy with a Turkish VPN as a gift to a US based account, and if so, if there are any considerations I should be aware of?
I moved to firefox recently and browsing porn has been quite an issue. But for now, how do I fix this? Not even saving the website in question to the whitelist did anything, and turning that shield icon for the enhanced protection off, also doesn't seem to do anything at all. I was on the custom policy for a while, cause one of the blockers was doing something to some porn site which I don't even remember, and now I went back to default.
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I would start looking at the PSU first. Make sure all the cables are seated properly, if they are, inspect your PSU for damage, or if you have one try another PSU or get a PSU tester.
The PSU might make sense but wouldn't that cause it to not power on at all? Not just reboot? It's a high quality power supply and less than 2 years old. Why would it just randomly start having issues?
Ask for refund on your castration surgery. Sue your doctors in court
In excel 2013 I can't do that while entering data into an empty cell for the first time. You can do that by double clicking a cell after entering some data.
Something got too hot in operation and degraded over time, or suddenly got too hot, and now doesn't always work. I couldn't point you at a specific component of the PSU, but I have seen bad PSUs with visible discoloration inside cause random shutdowns.
>double clicking
yea, i'm wondering if there's a way to do it keyboard only, since it's much faster than having to move my hand from keeb to mouse every time.
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Can I have a uBlock Origin cosmetic filter that hides threads with more than 10 replies in the catalog?
You'd be better off trying 4chanx filters first.
Not that I can imagine how that goal would improve your experience here any.
Fuck 4chan X or anything like it. I don't want spyware on my computer. I just need a uBlock Origin filter, nothing else.
Could be some sort of protection tripping, or when it warms up enough a part expands and connection is lost. Could be you wiggling your foot or hitting the desk and causing a component or cord to shift. If it shutdowns in bios check PSU first.
I would just expect the things plugged into USB to die for a second as well, but nothing happens to it. Can it be a PSU issue and not affect power to the usb devices?
I'm using qBittorrent, all of my "seeding" torrents have Up speed zero, does that mean no one is downloading right now? I've already searched what could be the cause but I don't have internet problems, I don't have limits activated. Is it something to do with the port? That goes beyond my knowledge
Yes. 5V standby power might keep working even though power to one or more of all the other rails isn't, and motherboards often use that to power USB ports.
I'm refamiliarizing myself with Excel

I know basic formulas, but when it comes to formulas like this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70rKo3USOSw , even in a work setting, do people actually know them by heart or do they just look this shit up?
>on discord
>in ~6 or less discord servers
>wake up and find myself randomly joined into another server
>its a game I occasionally play
>check discord authorized apps
>the game is not there
what are the chances this is something discord related and not somebody else in my account, device history doesn't look unusual
Never too late to stop the transitioning process
pineapple pizza nickelback tier post
stop watching porn
aw crap, I made a typo in a url and connected to it and I got redirected through some blank webpages, some info about my browsing session appeared in the url, then it put me on universalrife dot com
im on linux browsing with librewolf. kinda paranoid what the links did, if anything at all asides from data collecting. is it obvious when a webpage loads or injects malicious code? is that a rare thing now with modern browsers? urlquery reports that none of the websites that I was redirected through contained javascript. but still, what are the chances I got epically hacked?

...not like this bros...
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is there anyway to find the videos that are unavailable now if I don't have the links but they were once in my likes?
unfortunately no
Can linux/apache/php/ext4 handle tens of thousands of image files in one folder or is there a performance loss? The only way I use the folder is file_exists() and readfile() if exists

I'd rather not make lots of clunky code to split eg afile.txt and bfile.txt into a/f/ile.txt and b/f/ile.txt
is computer science good as future proof anymore?
some school here in my country (e.euro) is doing distance studies. might join

i only know programming from a hobby perspective, i finished a bachlr in finance
>3 dots
>show unavailible videos
>copy URL
>search or wayback machine them
wont show you the video directly but it can give you information about the video, such as the channel, subject, maybe even the title
ive been unbloating my android phone with adb and i assume i disabled whatever package apps depend on for video playback (NewPipe, LibreTube, etc)

How do i check what packages i have disabled and can reenable with adb ? I dont want to have to reset to factory defaults
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why is photoshop 2023 breaking this jpg? here's the output
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and here's the input
>You can also install the dependencies listed in lutris which are probably always needed for games.
This is my problem currently. I have one Steam game but it doesn't work on native linux Steam, it just closed. Apparently I need to install .NET framework, but I have no idea how to install it on Proton. But if the Steam running under Wine maybe I can solve this problem.
I guess you could try pressing the up arrow key a bunch of times in the terminal and seeing what comes up.
saving >>101542405 and importing it into photoshop works, so it's probably related to the metadata or something else 4chan changes when they process images. I'll just write a script to scrub the metadata and convert all of my source files before I start working with them.
while i don't know any specifics, when there's a LOT of files to be stored, it's common to split them into folders, a common one being the beginning of the filename which works well when using checksums for filenames, since they tend to be unpredictable and therefore naturally fairly evenly spread amongst the folders
i closed the terminal after i deleted the apps, i noticed after a while
Yeah I just went ahead with it with a folder structure of first two characters. So hello.jpg becomes /h/e/llo.jpg

Is there a reason you combined the first two instead of splitting?
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only if you promise that you'll stop being a preachy bitch.
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/g/. halp me porn better on firefox or I'll go back to chrome.
i didn't make that structure
as for why two, well that controls how many folders you split the files into, like since these are hex characters, there's 256 possible combinations using two characters, with one character there's only 16
I generated a folder for each letter+number (35 total), + repeated the process inside each. So now I have 1225 folders and there should be no chance of performance hits unless I saved billions of files. I thought this made the most sense but maybe there's existing thinking on this
ps. if you plan on using the original filename, you'll also want to make sure your code can handle names with only 1 or 2 character names
another issue with using original names is that you can't store two files with the same name, which may not be desired
The filenames are a md5 hash so I don't dupe the same file :)
md5 is old/weak and generally not recommended anymore, but if it's not being used in a way where intentional collisions are a concern, it's ok
Just paste the text into the prompt separated by a delimiter and tell it to use the text below
Check for other devices connected. User Settings - Devices
What are the best books on computer sciences?
I have things for network engineering and cyber security. w3 is good for web design and other scripting languages, but what is a good source for learning about the actual pc, its components and all that jazz?
Is photoprism gud? I have like 120,000 unorganized photos I need to grind away at organizing and I don't have the time to sort them without some assistance. If it sux what alternatives? On windows.
Or just type history and scroll up
I want to ignore .DS_Store files when adding files to git. When I created a .gitignore file and added .DS_Store, git status only shows the .gitignore file as untracked and doesn't show the other files (refer to pic). Halp
It ignores folders, but not other files. I want to ignore the .DS_Store files, not the folders.
ip token set ::b00b dev eth0

and then enter any IPv6-router-advertisable net.
>don't have limits activated. Is it something to do with the port?
Yep, not having a port is like having a phone that cannot be called to.

On top of that you can establish an IPv6 tunnel in case your ISP doesn't provide a native IPv6 - test at https://ipv6-test.com/ . Maybe, just maybe that adds connectivity to some far out thirdies. (got the picture their v6 is better)
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How do I remove AI from my whatsapp?
I need a foss or at least offline reader for onenote files. Using modern onenote is not an option and I'd rather not try to obtain an older offline version of onenote either.
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hey dudes i have dwebp to convert webp's to png and jpegs. according to the readme i'm supposed to use
>dwebp picture.webp -o output.png
when i call dwebp i get:
>-bash: dwebp: command not found
i've done this before and i haven't moved anything so i forgot what i'm doing wrong here. any help?
I have a couple of vacant Gen 3.2 usb ports that are type-C. Can I offload anything to them—one is 10 gigs and the other is 20 gigs per second? I’d really like to free up a USB type-A port or two. Even unusual shit like an external DAC or something else if they could be plugged into the USB-Cs. Currently I have my webcam, microphone, keyboard, mouse, speakers, headset, and something else plugged into my type-A USB ports, essentially with one port free. Thinking of picking up an ASUS mouse and keyboard so I can pair them with one usb dongle. Otherwise, thinking of rolling back my shitty audio Realtek drivers that came with my motherboard to whatever the Windows HD Audio were so I can go back to a wired pair of headphones thus freeing up another usb port, etc. But anyway, what utilizes the 3.2 Gen 1 and 2 USB type-C etc.? I dislike utilizing all 8 of my usb type a ports if you couldn’t tell lol

So I'm basically trying to play audio from one computer (A) into another computer (B), so that the sound comes out through the headset of the latter computer (B).
Plugging into a microphone jack and using "listen to this device" gives a super low volume, like it's barely even doing anything unless it's full volume.
I'm struggling to really google any of this since everything is just about low volume devices in general, or about playing one sound into two computers. I want sound A to be put into sound B because audio software stuff that I like is on B, but even disabling the software it still has the super low volume.
What am I missing here?
>command not found
either you don't have it installed or it's not in your path
Anyone else having issues with the CAPTCHA in the quick reply box? It fails the first time literally every time I try to post. It doesn't seem to be a problem with the actual website 4chan is getting them from, because both the report window and the regular reply box at the top of the page are fine, it's just the quick reply. Then, after it fails even though I know for a fact it's correct, sometimes the "Get Captcha" box doesn't become clickable again at all, or the entire captcha field disappears, and I have to close the quick reply and open it again.
works fine here
you must have broken something
you don't deserve help anyway
I got mpv installed on my Ubuntu machine, how do I go about installing codecs? I'm used to just relying on k-lite codec pack in Windows.

I tried to install i-nex, but couldn't add a needed repository following the instructions on github, so I hunted down an alternative and scored a .deb file, but Software Installer tells me I lack needed dependencies, oh good grief. How do I go about checking them?
How to fix the error ""USB mass storage stalled" when trying to install Linux on my memepad?
>Connection error while posting. [More info]
why does this keep happening today
it wont let me post certain images from desktop but they can be posted from mobile

You are maxxing out output volume from comp A before it gets to comp B? And you still get low volume that way?
Have you tried streaming audio from comp A to B via Bluetooth?

Alternatively, if it is about playing audio files on comp A through B, you can try setting up file sharing over local network. Or connect them in ad hoc and then enable sharing. It's a neat convenience, if with slow transfer rate.

Last resort: get one of those cheap tiny Soundblaster USB soundcards (like G6x or whatever), hook it up to comp B, and feed it the maxxed output volume of comp A, you shouldn't have issues then.

Anything you have will work in the Type C ports with an adapter. Alternatively, get a USB hub with a bunch of A ports. J5create, Orico, Minisopuru, Mokin, SmartQ, uGreen, SetMSpace, and EZQuest are some of the reputable brands with which you are unlikely to get chinked.

check qbittorrent settings, you'll see what ports you need to make sure are not blocked, though it could also be that downloading peers simply connect to numerous other seeders if available, I know I had issues seeding with a now defunct private tracker I used to be with simply due to too many other seeders outcompeting me or no one downloading. I was able to to only seed with torrents with few seeders.
Is there an easy way to bulk download a mass of twitter videos from a specific account?
USB Guy here. Thanks again!
Search "gstreamer-plugins" from your packages, the "good" "bad" and "ugly" refers to the licencing terms. (it's common in the Linux world to classify stuff according to licences (Debian and Fedora for example have entire repos chopped up like this))
>how do I go about installing codecs
you don't
mpv pulls them in
Programs don't pull shit on Linux, package management does that.
(unless it's something per-user)
I just found out that samsung galaxy watch 7 has this feature where you can talk to it and it will save it as a note in your phone. This thing alone would be extremely useful for me.

My question is: does galaxy watch 6 classic has the same feature?
Is there an app that can do this through any smartwatch?
mpv doesn't use system codes on linux or windows, it decodes videos using built in ffmpeg libraries, you only need to install system codecs for programs that don't do this.
Turns out it's not the psu, oh well. I replaced everything but the motherboard and cpu.
fuck off summerfag
>not the psu
what if it's a problem with the outlet youre using? try plugging the computer into another outlet and see how it goes. can't hurt to try
I already tried it on a different circuit, and checked all the outlets with a multimeter and they seem good.
My MPV installations never downloaded any codecs on its own. What are you on about?
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Any A.I that turns music into cat meows? I need this specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9tlqukSn5U
an android youtube app automatically detects blue tooth delay and syncs the video the audio

>5.5 Delay Reporting
>The delay reporting feature enables synchronization of audio and video playback by
reporting of SNK delay values caused by buffering, decoding and rendering. The delay
reporting commands are sent on the AVDTP Signaling Channel from the SNK device to
the SRC device

Why doesnt that work on all smart tvs and windows?
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Have a chip card reader and been plugging in random chip cards and using Cardpeek.
But Cardpeek seems outdated and not maintained, are there any other programs like this? Just for pulling random data for the lulz.
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Kuroba-dev doesn't work anymore on my phone. What's a good alternative?
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How can I get a similar window style on Win10
As far as I know they disabled the old Win98 look option, what do I have to install?
How do I integrate GTK themes to match Qt apps? Adapta seemed to do this automatically, but Plata doens't.
Is there a way to hide certain apps on an Android device.

I have Youtube and Youtube Kids on my phone. Sometimes on longer rides my kid can watch some videos. However, I want him to only watch approved stuff in Youtube Kids and not the normal Youtube app.

What's the easiest way other then completely removing the standard Youtube App?
you could (and probably should for privacy reasons) set up a second user, then you can configure that user however you want without affecting your own account
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quick question:
for a pendrive exclusively to be used with windows - ntfs or exfat?
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i keep getting this when i try to login or view a profile. does instagram hate chinks?
exfat unless you know you need ntfs
not really, it's for data storage (mainly docs, pdfs and similar nonsense)
What's the simplest way to test network bandwidth between two computers on the same network? One is a Windows machine and the other is Ubuntu. Transferring files between them is very slow, and I want to figure out whether it's a networking bottleneck, a disk writing speed bottleneck, or something else.
this might sound dumb but use mtr on ubuntu to check your windows box
Use scp to transfer a big file and it will tell you the MB/s. Copy from ramdisk to ramdisk.
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Anyone know what this thing is?
They're doing construction at a train station I go to and there's this thing on a pillar that spins around every once in a while. I'm just a curious tard
laser scanner
might create a 3d map of the area that goes onto the home base computers or ensures things it shines light to are in the right position in space
Some kind of measuring device from this company.

I ended up using iperf3, and it confirmed that the bottleneck is the network. With the Ubuntu laptop running as the server, my Windows machine could only send about 6 MB per second, and with the Windows machine as the server, the Ubuntu laptop could only send about 3.5 MB per second. This is a cheap laptop with only Wifi4 (the Windows machine is on ethernet), but that's awfully slow even for that.

The laptop lacks an ethernet port, and only has one USB 3.1 port, which I'm using for an SSD. It has a USB 2.0 port, but I figured wifi would have comparable speed to just using a USB ethernet adapter on that port. With how slow the wifi is, though, maybe ethernet over USB 2.0 would be better.
A bit of a weird question but how do I make Firefox remember the width of my browser history left side panel? Every time I restart the browser it resets to a tiny sliver and I have to expand it until it's legible. I swear it wasn't like that before.
Think I found it, here
MS AXII, robotic total station
without channel bonding, 802.11n only does 150Mbit/s, and that's peak condition symbol rate, you can't actually expect to hit that much if at all, there's a lot of variables
your 6MiB/s or 48Mbit/s (actual throughput) is about average for a random n ap at normal distances
also keep in mind wifi is a shared medium, meaning that band limit is for everything connected to it, not each thing, so if you have other things chatting on wifi that's going to affect your transfers as well
and yea, a usb ethernet adapter will be better, even a cheap 100Mbit/s one will get you 12MiB/s consistently
i'm not actually sure if usb3 or gigabit ones will run at usb2's 480Mbit/s, would have to see if people have tested that. a long time i used to own a "usb transfer cable", which had two male ends and a little plastic thing in the middle. it acted like two usb network adapters hooked together, it was actually amazing, it ran at 480Mbit/s (minus a bit since that's also symbol rate and there's overhead). back then i didn't own any gigabit nics so it was the fastest method i had for a while outside of swapping hdd's
Why are 4chan thumbnails/pics not showing on my android? Always used web version on chrome with no problems but suddenly not showing now??
Please help me experts!
probably down to is2.4chan.org
What is that?

I have it in my hosts file but forgot what it was for.
it either makes 4chan slow as fuck or in some cases non-functional.
>pro x superlight scroll wheel craps out again
>usually just spray the insides with wd-40 contact cleaner and it's good as new
>this time scroll wheel won't scroll at all after the contact cleaner
>take it apart and clean and spray it more thoroughly and let it dry
>scroll wheel works perfectly for a minute, then stops working at all again

Any ideas what this could be, the scroll is obviously still functional but something's preventing it from working correctly
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What extensions are those?
Is it malware?
How to reverse this problem?
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no, it's 4chan not doing the needful.
Why are they doing it?
Is forensics-full total overkill on installing needed utilities for working with exfat and ntfs drives, troubleshooting my local network when something unforeseen goes wrong, and general troubleshooting my machine that Ubuntu is running on?
I'm tired of programming and bored but I want to feel the feeling of learning something new again. All that comes to mind is dicking around with white-hat security competitions but does anyone else have a computer-y hobby they'd recommend? I swear I'd know what to do with myself next if this was 15 years ago but I'm just burnt the fuck out and want someone to tell me what to get into.

I also want to make a Castle Crashers clone but that's too multi-disciplinary and also >game dev
>Amazon delivered my shiny new GPU in the middle of a storm
Is it ogre? The package is soaking wet and I'm not sure if I should take it out yet
the GPU box is usually inside an amazon box
the GPU is usually inside of an anti-static bag under styrofoam inside the GPU box
it might be ok, the packaging should protect it from direct water contact, but moisure will still get in, so if you're going to open it, you'd better do it sooner than later
was looking at a wd black or barracuda for my thinkpad's storage drive but it looks like everything over 500gb is smr
should I just get a cheap ssd or is smr fine for a storage drive?
Are there any good security cameras that don't send data to China?
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/g/entlemen, I require your assistance: these are the filters I have set on 4chan X for /gif/ and once in a while they stop working for no reason, and everything that should be filtered appears in the catalogue. Usually things get back to normal spontaneously w/o my doing anything, but this last bout has lasted several months already. How do I fix this?
learn regex
You can never be sure. I always give them a fixed ip and a non-working default gateway address instead of dhcp. That way they can't phone home.
Android os should be put on (or easier to put on) desktop/laptop pc's.

Look, windows kinda sucks, most linux isn't great (although some of the simple ones like mint/or elementary or something are ok) and mac os is not great either.

Look android has problems as well. But I just want to see it put on pc's (not just mobile) more. Just to see what would happen.

Am I the only one?
There is nothing to learn, dumbass, didn't you read what I said: the regex in the screenshot USED to work, but then it stopped w/o my modifying it, and after some time started back again. This has happened several times w/o my having interfered at any point
can i plug one power strip into another power strip
you can but that is probably a sign that you should change something else
learn coffeescript.
People do want Android on desktop, Google however, AOSP's maintainer doesn't really put any effort into this, some other people have taken up the mantle to different results, for now I just continue to use Windows and Linux
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Retard here. Trying to install a new M.2 SSD. I've removed the small M.2 screw successfully, but I'm not able to loosen and remove base screw pictured here. What do I do?
did you tighten it by mistake? that one is usually easily removable with your fingers alone, I've done it hundreds of times working at a repair shop
>did you tighten it by mistake?
No, I've never touched it before today. It was already installed like that. Would I need needlenose pilers or something?
What would happen is you get ChomeOS. Google is actually redoing chromeos based on android, so yeah, that's it. Aside from being easy for retards to use I can't imagine how it would improve the average person's life.
i've recovered partitions and files a few time with testdisk i can recommend it definitely
What's the worst thing that can happen privacy/security-wise if I plug an ethernet cable from my pc to my router? Could the router see the files in my pc? Perhaps I should ask what's the most information the router can get with that ethernet cable?
And second, suppose there's a malicious device connected to the same router, like a windows laptop. Can the windows laptop do anything bad to my pc? Apologies for the silly paranoid-sounding questions, I'm aware they sound silly, but I want certainty before I actually plug the ethernet cable, or else I wouldn't be a very reasonable person...
looked stripped. anyways do u need to remove it? seems to go into the board, not blocking the surface
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Why isn't the Mixamo editor preview showing properly when the thumbnails on the left play just fine? Other WebGL sites work flawlessly.
Why, why, why whyyyyyyyy..........
I just need to move the base screw further left so I can install the ssd. Would needlenose pilers be sufficient enough to unstrip it?
I have a Plex server setup and it works fine on my local network for all my Roku devices, but I can't seem to access my library on a Google television. Why's that, and how do I fix it?
I need speakers for my PC so I've bought edifier 1700bt and they sounded like shit. Had to return them. Do I really have to buy studio monitors for 500 bucks to have a normal sound? Those speakers sounded worse than my iphone speakers and old laptop speakers. After that people recommended me headphones. They said open ear and over ear headphones are comfortable, so I decided to give it a try and bought Hifiman-400se. They were heavy and it also hurt my ears. Maybe I'll buy Audio-Technica R70X later on. I'm looking for a budget tolerable solution if possible for a time being, also lots of things are not even available in my country/overpriced.
Can someone explain what this is and how to get to this screen?
You're not useful mate
What's a good screw set for my PC?
you what?
You know, for like screwing things in.
so you want screw drivers or screws?
Tried to put together a new computer. Getting red lights on the motherboard for the CPU and DRAM. Already tried moving my two stick of RAM into the other two slots as well as trying just one, but no difference. Planning on removing and reinserting the CPU tomorrow and then trying the stock cooler after work. Not expecting anything from that though.
What are the most likely things I fucked up to cause this?
>What are the most likely things I fucked up to cause this?
the most likely thing is power cables aren't plugged in all the way
Just unplugged and replugged, but still the same unfortunately.
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You can do most builds with just a PH1 or PH0, sometimes a PH000 comes in handy too.

I've been using the ifixit essentials kit which has those and gets the job done, but honestly I feel the bit driver is a bit too stubby, so consider something with a longer/thin barrel
why are all the filters on one line? putting them on multiple lines makes it far easier to debug things like this.
just have it be like
and so on, instead of having everything grouped together.
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I used to only use firefox for 4chan and other things I don't want tainting my normie-friendly chromium profile. I found out about betterfox and lepton, and for the sake of the good old times, I've decided to try using firefox as a daily driver for a month for everything including normie stuff. Everything's going fine... until my youtube (no account) recommendations started resetting every day.
I already allowed it to save cookies and excepted it from being deleted on browser restart and what not but still. The cookies persist after browser restarts but for some reason not after booting. On ungoogled-chromium, my youtube recommendation cookies are like a year old and I have had zero issues with them.
Any clue? The only thing that comes to mind is that I had set the exception as "youtube.com" instead of "www.youtube.com", but then other sites can save cookies just fine without the "www" prefix so I don't know if it's truly that
if the thread is still alive

where the hell can i find an 1800r comparison and a 1500r comparison

both are 34 inches uwqhd and i dunno how big the curve is
the width on displayspecs seemed to be the same. so it wasnt helpful

sorry for bad england, not anglophone
How do you greentext >in the middle of a sentences rather than the start?
>The cookies persist after browser restarts
Nevermind just realized the recommendation are gone if I restart firefox despite me having enabled saving cookies/site data for youtube and it being excepted from deletion
Any idea why youtube is not saving recommendation?
trannit extension icon
no/clear history extension icon?
curve has to do with viewing distance, how far away you will be from the monitor or TV, so go by that and not if you like one curvature versus the other in some kind of online visual comparison, which is not the right use case
about 28 inches or 72 cm at most
Want to open X account
They say they use localStorage
Does it spy on me when I leave X ? Can I delete it ?
Also uses Pixels
Do localstorage and pixels get deleted when i delete Browsing data, cookies , other site data etc
on Brave, Firefox ?

Basically I dont want them spying on me after I leave the site . Is that possible ?
Oh, should I use a different email than I do for other social media ?
Found this on localstorage
" Data in LocalStorage has no expiration time. It can be removed via JavaScript or by clearing the browser's cache."

and for not responding to me I hope everyone of you rots in hell , the very hottest part
Use firefox with the following
>make sure tracking protection is on strict
>ublock origin on medium mode (if it breaks X then fall back to easy mode)
>always on https
>configure delete site data (including cookies and cache) after browser exits
>if you want to remain logged in then add an exception to X
>set up firefox multi account containers and create an X container, set it to auto open everytime you go on X
>nuke X cookies and cache to have be make sure you are clean
>make sure X always opens in X container
>create your account and use X
The container will make sure that X cookies and site data are only visible to X.

>and for not responding to me I hope everyone of you rots in hell , the very hottest part
fuck you impatient nigger, I was writing this as you posted
and yes, localstorage counts as sitedata so it gets nuked along with cookies and cache when you close the browser UNLESS you except X from the nuke, even then the container will keep the sitedata and cookies only visible to X and nothing else
I've been trying to install i-nex and need the gambas3 runtimes. But i-nex demands gambas 3.8.4, an older version while the version I have installed is 3.19.3 (latest).
How do I install the specific old version?
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Ripping and authoring software, how do they work?
So, I wanted to back-up some DVDs for archival purpose. To speed this up, aside from ripping my own DVDs, I downloaded some untouched rips too. And I run into pic related issue/question.
The pic shows the same DVD, while the left side is my own rip, and the right side is a downloaded rip. The DVD is a promo DVD that only contains 1 episode of a show and some informations of a than upcoming new release, so it had a very short production run, I don't think they made any changed while producing the disc. The content itself looks exactly the same, however looking at the files clearly show a difference. The date 2020 surely indicates that it's not a accurate rip. But why do some files differs? And even like 10% of the files that seem to have the same size are also altered because their hashes don't match compared to my rip. Is this a ripping software issue or do new batches of a DVD production will undergo a different way on how the files are written/split on to the DVD?
A response. I'm somebody !

Thx, saved except for " impatient nigger "
Logout if you dont want cookies. Or do cookie delete.

Its the same shit other sites do to keep users logged in so that even if they change their IP/they still have session info
do you get apps like ublock from their site when possible instead of Apple or Google ?
does it matter ? just thinking about getting around their monopoly

you can go to Heaven
Heaven for you too.
I know so little and have no idea what legal privacy protection we get in the US . I flipped years ago when I saw a site I visited used persistent cookies. Had never heard of them.
Its done so out of convenience to the user. I've only logged in twitter 2-3 times in the past 2 years or so. I've changed my IPs like dozens of times due to various ISP dynamic assignments. It just werks. AFAIK, they dont do any tracking on any websites since they're not really paying for those services nor buying those services. They dont care about others as long as they track their internal site usages.
Heaven Pass
I suppose a reputable site wont track after you leave or put permanent "spyware " on your computer.
I dont google but can you use G and still avoid them keeping permanent info stored about you ?
Does facebook or are they just notorious for how they sell your on site info ?
I think google kicks you out if you change IP. I havent checked. I dont use web client for gmail and I dont use youtube on web.
Ditched(ing) gmail myself . Need to go through and make sure different contacts are updated , photos saved, then DELETE.
Do you use Invidious ?
Freetube local (currently theres some issue) when available and invidious on fallback.
Ublock isn't an app, it's an extension. It's an open source one so you can get the releases from the github page. Just search for "ublock origin gorhill github repo"

They do, including every other site that uses their services (adsense, analytics, etc) WILL track you if you don't block third party cookies. At least modern browsers come with settings that you can use to disable third party cookies and to nuke sitedata on exit.
Just as an example. Get a VM, slap google chrome on it, make sure to disable third party cookie protection and go into google, facebook, X and any sort of popular big-tech site you can think of nowadays without login in and then going to things like tech news sites and less big websites. After going to like many of those sites, check your saved cookies and see how many hundred of tracking cookies you generated.
As long as you block third party cookies, use a decent adblocker, use sane browser settings and sanitize cookies on exit, you can avoid being tracked by big G or X when you are outside their sites.
While actively using their sites, you can't really stop them from tracking you though.
How do I fix image posting connection errors on 4chanX? Googling tells me it's related to challenges.cloudflare.com but I'm using a Pass?
Hmm, I don't think so - Ublock origin won't have access to the number of replies. It would require a json or html request to get that
Nobody is kicking anybody out on IP changes, people's IPs change all the time, on mobile internets possibly every minute.
"Rip" implies it's not 1:1 copy. Do they play the same? The same menus and all?
(You would need to write a basic userscript to hide those threads)
>you should be using IPv6
No. It's a tunnel and exists just so I get better P2P connectivity.
Ideally I wouldn't be getting any AAAA DNS responses.
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113 KB JPG
I don't know where else to ask this. On coomer, how do I get gallery-dl to download metadata per gallery instead of metadata per file? Currently, every image/video gets its own metadata .json file written, but I'd like to, if possible, make it so there is only one big metadata file per gallery, with each attachment's metadata contained within it.

My config is this:
"extractor": {

"base-directory": "~/coomer",

"path-restrict": "\\\\|/<>:;\"?!*#$€£&=§'`^~@¤\\[\\]{}() ",
"path-remove": "\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f\u0080-\uDBFF\uDFFF",

"coomerparty": {
"directory": ["{category}", "{service}", "{username}"],
"files": ["file", "attachments", "inline"],
"metadata": true,
"filename": "{id}_{published}_{title[:100]}_{num}.{extension}",
"postprocessors": [
"name": "classify",
"whitelist": ["coomerparty"],
"images": ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "etc"],
"videos": ["mp4", "mkv", "webm", "etc"],
"audio": ["aac", "alac", "flac", "m4a", "etc"]
"name": "metadata",
"directory" : "metadata"
"name": "mtime"

Run a local nameserver and filter them out. Bind9 can do that.
Just use makemkv and transcode with ffmpeg or handbrake and you'll be fine

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