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Ligma edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

can we create a song???
mentally ill and a social recluse
mentally ill and a social recluse
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>Senior Software Engineer
>embedded linux developer
>must have minimum 10 years writing C++ on a daily basis
>must have minimum 10 years writing systems-level C
>must have proof of upstream Linux kernel contributions
>must know operating system kernel development, networking from PHY to protocol, various PHY layer technologies like USB, PCIe, HDMI, etc
>pay: 90k/year upper bound

>Senior Software Engineer
>back-end webcuck
>must know what an HTTP GET is and how to write one in Flask or Go
>pay: $200k/year starting

i love my career and think low level systems stuff is fun but I really wish I didn't fall for the /g/ bait that web is for retards

i mean it is, but the skill floor is so low and the pay is so high. i could do backend web shit with my eyes closed but my resume is packed with 8 years of embedded systems and building Linux devices.
FAGMAN recruiter reached out to only now ignore me. I gave you what you asked for and followed up what more do they want? I'm already thinking I got ghosted.
I had an Amazon recruiter reach out to me and I had to schedule a 15 minute slot on his goofy Calendly link. He calls me and tells me that they MIGHT be hiring for a couple positions a few months from now. Beginning to learn that recruiters do the metaphysical equivalent of shuffling papers around on a desk in order to appear busy and important.
That's all they're doing. Senior recruiter my ass. I'm going to apply to a role and then flag them and see what they do there. They want a bonus, they're gonna need to earn it now.
I'm feeling like shit now. I think I'm going insane
I think the cause is one or multiple of these:
- the time wasted in this website
- some stressful stuff I'm doing IRL
- the lack of sleep, and
- the useless fucking retards I have to work with
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Don't try to date your coworker no matter how beautiful she is and how well you guys interact with each other.
Don't shit where you eat.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
elaborate. did it end badly?
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>born in trailer park in Nowheresville, Hudson Valley New York
>abusive negligent mother and alcoholic unemployed dad
>claw my way out of poverty, put self through le college with $80k debt, dual major math and CS
>move to a big city and get big boy job
>fast forward eight years
>finally paid off Schlomobergenstein's student loan note
>250k net worth
>finally feel I'm getting somewhere in life
>hire new kid at job as a junior engineer
>unironic Jewish trust fund kid from Manhatten
>casually talking about how his parents paid for his entire upper education on top of sending him to a $80k/year private school K-12
>talking about how they bought him a brand new 4Runner to move to this job
>they also bought him a $650k house to "give him a leg up"
>start sniffing around a little more
>most people have multiple homes, brand new German cars, boats, dirt bikes, RVs, literally $500k+ worth of toys
>realize almost all of my coworkers are pampered inherited-money sheltered faggots
>entire life assumed that my lot in life was the typical one, actually needing to put in effort to be someone and get something done with yourself
>turns out it's actually the complete opposite, I'M the freakazoid oddball because I never went to sailing school in the 7th grade or whatever
>turns out 99% of people born into conditions like mine just stay where they are and smoke Newports and steal copper to make a "living"
>completely unable to relate to any of my peers at all due to wildly different life outlooks, assumptions, presuppositions and view of money
>for me, my software engineer career is my lifeline and allows me to live a decent middle class life in the suburbs
>to most other people it's literally just to pass the time and earn their equivalent of beer money
jesus christ am I just super naive? I assume almost everyone started from zero in life.
enough to make a man want to rope. i hope I can give my kids more than what I had
>work remotely
>will never get a chance to meet a qt autistic programmer wife
>will have to settle for some subhuman burger flipper

stop caring
There parents or grandparents or so on up the line did what you did. Don't you want your grand-children to be spoiled little shits too? You've actually done something worthwhile.
>elaborate. did it end badly?
Kinda of. Long story short, we couldn't make it work so we decided to end it (we did it in good terms). Now we can't even interact as coworkers or even as professionals without people noticing how awkward conversations are. Now it seems my coworkers caught on, and they tease me about it. Also thanks to the, we both also got a call from HR, telling us that we should sort out things or one of us will have to go (me)
Trust me, dating someone with the same profession is fine, but dating someone from your workplace is a huge mistake. don't shit where you eat.
>never went to sailing school in the 7th grade or whatever
That's really not any more expensive than any other sport. idk why everyone gets so hung up on it. The only real difference is that it's much more dangerous if you're retarded than most sports are.
>Don't you want your grand-children to be spoiled little shits too?
My family line ends with me so all my finanfcial success is worth nothing.
>tease me
oh boohoo, it's highschool all over again!
how do I get on hands k8s experience if my project has no k8s what the fuck
I know the theory in depth but I'm not sure if I can lie my way through an interview
>company hiring
>strict requirements is multiple years of experience with their closed, proprietary operating system and tooling
??? do HR roasties not understand what a catch 22 is?
>>I know the theory in depth
>has never actually used it
>Now we can't even interact as coworkers or even as professionals without people noticing how awkward conversations are
do you WFH, in the office or hybrid? if hybrid, how many times do you meet in a month?
>quick call?
bitch i am at the gym
yes retard, I know how master/data plane work and what their components are and what shit k8s does and EKS specifically + Helm, I just never really had any big deployments with it
>"Good morning Saar...."
>"how are you?"
>silence until I reply
>"quick call for the needful?"
why are Jeets like this? 1.8 billion people just completely socially incompetent
sloatsburg nigger
close, 1 county north and 1 county west and you're there.
do you think crowdstrike fired a bunch of critical engineers and one of them could have prevented this? maybe the tech layoffs were a portent for the failures of late stage capitalism.
crowdstrike in a nutshell
// author: Ranjesh Kuthrapoopi
void doWorkWrapper(void *ptr1, void *ptr2)
doWork(*ptr1, *ptr2);

doWorkWrapper(null, null);

in the standup:
>saar i have done the needful denk u wery mush

no, nazi, the fired person was most likely a white male. you do know google is 60% white men, right?
""""Hybrid"""": 4 days at office, one at home (fridays). Used to be fully remote even before the pandemic.
>how many times do you meet in a month?
We see each other at almost every day at office, when we were going out we used to meet every 3 days (she's like 3 hours away from my place). I wouldn't mind seeing her every day if we were in a relationship.
>I assume almost everyone started from zero in life.
almost everyone does
most people who are born trash stay trash their entire lives. only a handful make it out
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But if you give a fuck about your job then there’s no harm right
yes saar BHARAT superpower soon... white man sad bloody bitch bastard...... i fuck mother
I meant if don’t give a fuck about your job
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>get on LinkedIn
>see another "why is this here" post
>kid built a property scalping bot
>buys and rents out homes
>manages $10M portfolio
Okay, we get it. You're flexing that you make money for working for FAGMAN and your parents lent you a shit ton to start your "side hustle."
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>Hundreds of US flights were canceled early Monday, as carriers, particularly Delta Air Lines, work to recover four days after a global tech outage caused massive delays and left travelers stranded at airports around the nation.

>Delta is facing mounting pressure to get passengers back in the air, as it continues to rack up the majority of canceled US flights. US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has expressed frustration with the pace of Delta’s recovery and its CEO has apologized to affected travelers.

This shit is still going on?
Prof flat out told my boss they wouldn't find anyone better than me in my line of field. I've been stunned for hours, I will never forget this compliment.
>let's just outsource all of our IT infrastructure to some jungle apes that rape goats in Bangalangalorpajesh, what's the worst that could happen?
please raj, you're not getting any wife that isn't setup by your parents
whiter than you amerimutt
They usually don't even understand what their employer does.
>Quit my job three months ago
>Am still busy as fuck
>Wonder how I got all this shit accomplished while working full-time
>Remember: Oh right, I didn't

>Fucked incredibly hot sociopathic (I think) zoomer coworker for a few weeks
>Didn't have much time to hang out (fuck), was doing shift work and we were on different shifts
>She gets bored and starts fucking everyone but me
>I become a depressed sperglord
>Like a week later we get moved to the same shift
>Later she threatened to commit suicide, got committed over the weekend, married my other coworker, and then they moved that same month
I've done it several times but that was the only one with a funny story.
And then give an Israeli security company a shell on all your computers.
Casual sex is never worth it.
I've grown to hate working with introverts more and more, to the point that I'd filter them out no matter how good they are technically speaking. I'd rather go for someone that isn't socially retarded and is willing to learn.
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6 months spamming apps with no success.
please tell me wtf is wrong with my CV bros....
I have seen very qt burger flippers not gonna lie.
All the information is blurred, how are they going to respond to you?
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hello saaar
I am in a small team of 4. We have no testing anything. My manager prioritizes speed over consistency and would rather have something broken done asap just so we can prove it exists. Anyone else work in a similar environment? I really don't like uncertainty but I mean, I can do all the testing and theorizing in the world and still miss bugs, so this kind of environment should be fine, right?
Same but I then ask myself if she's even of age.

I don't mind dating an 18 year old that much but I rather date one that's like 21/22.
I'm white sir..
Why do you assume you even have a chance in the first place? Serious question.
I pretend to be retarded to not deal with the fallout when money transactions fail and the client goes ballistic requiring manual fixes.
Who said anything that I had a chance? She would shoot me down instantly.
In all seriousness, are you a burger? The application market is so flooded that some places are probably unironically using the "throw half of them out, we don't need anyone who's unlucky" method.
I remembering seeing an HR roastie who was in charge of applications break it down, it was something along the lines of
>over 4000 applications
>about 3000 of those were basically indians trying to get a visa on a non-visa job
>about 700 didn't meet minimum requirements
>the remainders are now competing with 200-300 people for 1 open position
I'm thinking of reaching out to recruiters at FAGMAN on LinkedIn and see if they're willing to push me along for their bonus. Fuck. I hate this. I feel like I'm basically going to get my shit blacklisted for trying to use LinkedIn for its actual purpose, getting a job.
Then you're competing with 100s of sirs that have java springboot, flask, android development, and react on their resume too
>in my line of field
What do you do?
Are you telling me several hundred applicants have the "fake" minimum requirements employers ask for on entry-level positions that get reposted every two months?
NTA, those job posts aren't real. They're there for data collection.
Don't forget H1Bs and the rare golden goose who actually meets all requirements and is willing to work for $10 an hour.
>$10 an hour
That's too much money! THEY MUST PAY TO WORK!
Sorry for not wanting to talk about sports instead of working
retard forgot the previous thread
>Like a week later we get moved to the same shift
This is my current situation and part of the reason I see her 4 days a week.
>Later she threatened to commit suicide, got committed over the weekend, married my other coworker, and then they moved that same month
im retarded too
anyone /remote/ living nomad style but within their own country? It's a recurrent thought of mine lately
not a real thing and anyone claiming to do it is a content grifter

i tried to do it for a month or so, backpacking with my wife and using starlink/mobile data as backhaul to do work, and keeping supplies in the back of my X3. after like 3 days the novelty wears off and you're just begging for a place to take a shit and shower.
addendum, only person I know at my job that does this "successfully" has a father working at the VP level in the same company but in a different group so can cover for his lack of output. he also has a $200k sprinter van build so hardly nomadic, just a rich faggot with an even richer daddy LARPing as a poor traveler. gayest shit possible
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I am currently residing in Germany and doing a retraining as an IT-specialist in systemintegration.
I also am learning and creating coding projects on my side due to my interest to create something tangible and wish to
get into a more interdisciplinary position that allows me to get deeper into that niche.

However, I do not know what it is I am trying to focus on long term.
In one hand, I am getting trained as a sysadmin/helpdesk monkey.
On the other hand, I am preparing for the exam to get the degree that is aforementioned.
On the third (heh) hand, I am trying to learn as much about .net and angular as possible in my limited free time as I go back to refresh my knowledge on updated curriculum that got me where I am.
Especially if there are bugs that happen which take so much precious time just getting things to work in my private life, I want to gouge out the devs responsible for oneNote
Weird feeling.

Also, I am above 30 years old, but this makes me just the perfect candidate to consider me when zoomers are busy internalizing their brainrot.
I see, and instead of backpacking what about staying in a different city for like 2 weeks in good airbnbs?
Having fun coworkers changed my mind on wanting to be fully remote. Shit, social interactions can be nice.
consider the travel logistics involved when going from city to city, and also how cartoonishly expensive airbnb is. $175 cleaning fee? just stay in hotels.
oh summer boy, soon you'll realize
Fine, it might also be because I have a crush on someone there.
Might be worth the time, if your responsibilities require you to be there like me and it might have a canteen to pay for your food.
I know what you mean anon. Grew up in a lower middle class family that basically became a single parent household because of alcoholic father.

Mom didn't work because of severe back issues from related abuse.

Was forced to go to school for pre med, didn't use any of it. Clawed my way up through tech and eventually did a boot camp to land some frontend dev jobs.

All throughout I have met the same types you have, and learned Zoomers are fucking stupid.

Stay proud Anon, since I am proud of you. If anything, try to find a local group of people that like some obscure hobby you're into. I found a retro computer group near me and that's helped a slight bit since most of those dudes are down to earth and just want to talk about old tech and games.

I am too contemplating what to do for my next section of my career and probably will do either developer advocate or project manager roles since I only see pajeets being hired left and right.

I realized I like working with code but not directly at it all day if that makes sense.

Maybe it's the "Where" I am working though so ive been applying to stuff left and right for months desu.

Plus I think my attention span is getting the best of me and will look into ADHD meds because my mom has it and it never helped her at all in her life.

Anyway, I'm proud of you dude.
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Oh sweet summer child. Or I am jealous of you.
I wish I still could have a crush. I rather just want to make money, multiply it and then retire.
if it's a female it's too late already, she's been fucking Derek from sales for some time now
How come every time there is more links added the subsequent threads have even less then those that were added?

>Self Education
i worked 11 hours today but only logged 9
what's the point of listing generic programming learning sites
this isn't /college/
what's relevant is stuff like salary data
Even if not, she is waking up sucking on his dick or getting his seed and wakes up with the lizard brain need to crave only him.

TRy to focus on making 150k or more passively a year and fuck off into a second or third world that you can get young enough pussy to make you feel again or cheap enough pussy to accept your fate.
Its more of a fuck of kind of link posting since half the people here are in college. IE read the op and fuck off.
>Even if not, she is waking up sucking on his dick or getting his seed and wakes up with the lizard brain need to crave only him.
legit question but why are you degenerates constantly thinking about men and sucking dicks and cum, like what happened to you please respond
i suggest you fuck off to /sg/
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Try fucking off and getting a job faggot
Lmao, are you projecting?
Maybe just get it that not every 4 channer is a faggot in the closet.

In another news:
Maybe you should just get the closure you need to not get used to simping for her and get the final decision to help you be remote or in-office.
i have a job faggot, you're the guy asking why there aren't programming 101 links in the OP
Imagine a Chinese software company saying their staff is 60% Asian, as if that were a lot of Asians in an Asian country.

Google should be at least 95% white males.
Fuck Delta in particular. They changed so many flights of mine to where there was no possible way for me to make my transfers. Then they refused to comp me a hotel. I wanted them to be the first to go back in '20 and now I'm getting a second chance to witness it.
>be consultant
>work load up to my eyeballs
>management never cared about culture or having everyone get to know each other
>COVID happens
>suddenly management want happy hour zoom calls
>forced to join but also working while on those calls
>can tell one of the owners is noticeably miffed I'm working
>not my fault that I'm doing the work of a small engineering team on my own
>lock down is loosened up
>management push to have everyone in the office
>entice by company paid lunch
>got use to not eating lunch because of workload
>owner gets annoyed I'm not hanging out with him and the others
>still have a high workload so I still don't have the time
>get isolated after company lost the client I worked with
>forced to scrape by for work by anyone
>get laid off for "not being teachable or able to improve"

yeah, I don't like them but they're important to just keep the idiots off your back
Same story as you buddy, but im a degenerate gambler on the verge of divorce so ill be back in the gutter soon enough
Maybe if you had a real job instead of working at walmart you wouldn't need those fucking links.
be honest
how often do you use chatgpt
I really doubt there are that many smart white people or hardworking rather
>t. white male
Many people use ChatGPT for various purposes, including answering questions, generating text, helping with learning, and more. The frequency of use can vary widely depending on the individual’s needs and the context in which they find it helpful. How often do you use ChatGPT?
Plenty. It's better to have a question answered by the retardbox than to sit on the question and not know the answer.
If you're asking how often I have it generate code, not often. As far as code goes I usually just use it to look over code.
Maybe a couple times a month.
I haven't found it's output to be very helpful. Then again, I obviously am not using the paid version, so that could be why.
Almost every day, from retarded questions to actual code. I just write what I need, the output, what to watch out for, etc. Saves me a lot of time
That's a crock of a shit if I ever heard one.
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Better question is how long until programming turns into a Cisco CLI prompt?
I think I remember you. man, this might be hard for you, but seriously, don't blame yourself.
keep applying, and do stuff in the meantime if you can. maybe start some project or contribute to one. start meeting people (find chatrooms for devs or whatever) and networking. do whatever you can to stay up-to-date.
experience is extremely basic and says nothing about your impact
uh we have fun talking shit over slack making fun of people in the meeting too
3 times ever for stupid stuff
me and other uncles beat you in a fucking road
I'm a Systems Administrator and finding a new job is tough. The requirements are retarded. It's such a generalist IT position, but so many of the listings I see want years of experience in a very specific niche technology. What the fuck.
welp thats it anons i was officials asked to manage about 4 jr engis

time for comfy (I dont have an MBA im destined for zero growth)
i use it to show me examples of syntax if the online documentation for something is ass
I know this is a retarded and completely offtopic question but how do you guys leave this messed up place? I don't want to argue against anonymous people anymore, I don't want to waste time in this shit place full of college kids and retards and faggots who pretend to be retarded. I'm fucking tired of this shit... yet it's the only """community""" and social interaction I have for now ;_;
Install an OKD cluster and some operators, actually do something with the platform like configure HA storage, logging, Grafana, and maybe a web service of some sort. Make sure you know how to configure and use databases on it, expose some routes, etcetera. If you can't do these basic tasks, you don't know shit about k8s.
Never, I am not Indian.
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Companies have confused the term systems admin. It used to be analogous to server administration. But companies now use it as a generalist position above helpdesk. Desk side support would be role that is more inline with where you are in your skill set but that role exists for larger companies since smaller companies just have a few dudes doing everything under the sun.
never. I've never even tried it. I've used googles gemini, but only for things completely unrelated to my job, though
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I think I"m just going to stop going to work
I use it when I'm not finding results on google. But if I'm not finding results on google, it gives me nonsense answers that don't work
Now is when you should ask AI for help instead of a Congolese goatmilking forum. Understand, it's a LANGUAGE MODEL, it will do more to enhance your CV than any idiot on these forums. Ask it to collaborate with you and suggest improvements until you have something better, then send it out. Good luck.
Stay safe in there Anon. There's this thing going around called WFH where the work goes to you. Buy a gun.
ChatGPT is hot garbage. Claude much less so.
No it's more that some people are retarded with their requirements. It's not enough to have experience with a code repo, you need experience with their specific code repo. Same goes for various backup softwares or whatever the fuck they have in their environment. It's dumb.
Ah your doing actual server admin or at least the coding side. Yeah if it was just IT related I would say apply to any job even if you only have 1 thing on there that is relevant.

More than likely since the economy is finally in a recession it means that companies are pulling back and are looking for unicorns.
My manager sided with my Indian teammates who do this. They'd say "Hello" and wait for a reply, and I wouldn't respond for 30 minutes while waiting for them to say whatever they needed. My manager told me in our 1-on-1 that some people were saying I wasn't responsive on Slack. I figured it was that, so I told her what was happening and she said "well why not say 'hello' back?"
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>saying hello back
Dam do normies really have nothing better to do.
>"well why not say 'hello' back?"
Why not just ask the question?
Yeah it's fucking stupid. It's a chat message, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from saying "hello" and also saying what you need so I don't have to send and wait for multiple messages. And if someone just sends "hello" they might just want to say "hi" and I have way more important things to respond to. But I've already lost that battle until I transfer to another team or leave.
>get an ece degree
>know a bit of code and get a job offer for a programming position
>accept because I want a comfy job sitting in front of a computer
>trainer jumped ship to another job a month into my tenure
>no idea what im doing so spend the majority of my time staring into space with the ide open
>everyone thinks im in deep thought analyzing the code
>get my 6 month performance review and everything is max scores
If you ever wonder how incompetent people get the same positions as you this is how it happens. I’ll be going for a promotion in 2025
Other than odd ball shit and outages we normally use our chat to bitch about our customers. It has actually helped out with on the job training since some of those issue tie into the odd ball shit. If they just asked the question or bitched about what they wanted to it would be worth responding too.
I did that
(when they told me to stop showing up)
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holy based. My old boss used to get mad at me for bullshitting with coworkers and watching YouTube despite me doing half of the total work for 8 people in the office.
>>More than likely since the economy is finally in a recession it means that companies are pulling back and are looking for unicorns.
It's definitely that. Was so much easier just 3 years ago. Just wanted a place to vent, thanks for listening.
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For me, it's getting fired for incompetence.
>job posting is reopened the day I interviewed
Was I really that bad?
Did you brush up on the stuff you put on your resume? I find that most people barely know the content they put on there and get put on blast for having zero skills in the shit they claim.
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>>Be retarded roofer
>>wake up in jail after an all night coke bender
>>Boss tells me I'm three hours late to work
>>Hop in my Ford Rapter wasted as fuck and kill a child on the way to the job site
>>Pull up on the lawn and let the tires rip a big hole
>>Put in three hours of work
>>Tell the homeowner the insurance will not cover anything
>>Collect my $4000 paycheck for the week
>>Meanwhile people on /g/ are posing about not finding senior web dev jobs LMAO
>>Go home to do more blow and start the day over
Drop LaTeX, you fucking autist. This looks like shit. Grab some random ass Word or Gdocs template online and rewrite your resume.
So you send the same resume for every application? You should customize the bullet points to tailor them to the application. Make sure you have all the right keywords or you're going to get filtered.
Half of your bullet points say literally nothing. You should also organize them better. For example, for XXX accelerator, you could have:
* Tech stack: Django, Vue.js, MongoDB
* Lead dev
- Developed a prototype for etc
- Used Agile to define goals and tasks
I also don't understand the sentence about being a finalist. Rephrase it.
The time periods are too generic, add quarters or months to indicate how long you worked on these.
The details of your degree matter because you're still a junior. Add classes relevant to the application as bullet points.
What if you made a slack bot that when it detects a greeting by itself, it will reply with the same greeting
>3 years of working experience
>still being asked during interview why i only have 2.9 GPA
>rejected every time mainly because of this

I hate third world.
Google recruiting is shit
Even got the job and turned their low-ball offer down
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KEK amerilards never put there GPA on there resume.
In order to sail you have to buy the ocean
The whole thing
what a shitty job jfc
>Crowdstrike issue affected my job
>We literally had to post signs saying "stop fucking calling help desk, WE KNOW" because 90% of our users are braindead roasties
I would've changed the phone numbers on the VOIP's would've been way easier.
u shouldve hired me instead of him. I had to move every 4 years until I was 18 cus my dad had to move for work. couldnt make long lasting friendships.
Some of them have our AVP's number. Would have made shit worse.
I am sorry for your pain anon.
It was leadership's fault in the first place. They spent years babying people instead of telling them to fuck off.
>Be me
>2.5 GPA
>300K TC and nobody has even asked what school I went to in 10 years
We do. But nobody cares after the first position and even then if you have referrals nobody cares.
Should I make Indeed profile.
I've been addicted to the internet since 2004 but I've never made a social media profile on anything because I am afraid of rejection.
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You browse indeed/cucklin and other recruiter websites then you apply directly on the company websites. Right now those sites are filled with indian scammers trying to steal your resume and get one of there own hired.
Kek this was me a decade ago. Keep living the dream son. As long as you can not fuck up too hard, have the answer to a few questions, learn a few things over the years, and just generally be pleasant to work with, people will assume you're incredible at your job and you'll get exceeds every year. It's that easy.
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I did that during covid. Also moved to a lower CoL state without asking permission, and they didn't do anything

4 years and running of doing almost fucking nothing and still getting paid Cali money
Christ I never even considered that. Thanks
how much of an edge does being good with DS&A give someone in 2024? I'm grinding on it and I actually like it because puzzle solving is fun. I'm pretty sure I could get really good. However,

A. I hear at the high levels it's not actually that transferable to real world software design after a certain point (i.e. if you know what structures are good where, no reason to optimize further). If this is the case, I should spend my time on something more beneficial

B. A might be true but it is possible that being high-tier at competitive programming can help get a foot in the door somewhere that doesn't suck.

C. have heard that right now no one is hiring anyone who doesn't have a strong pedigree of good school + experience. I have neither of those things, I'm just pretty decent at making small stuff for myself and can probably get really good with leetcode because it scratches my autism itch

knowers please advise
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>just had our company Q2 overview meeting
>CEO talking about how the company is fully remote now and he wants to do more virtual social events
>my fucking division is still 3 days a week in office required (MSP)
I legit can't tell if he just doesn't know or if the MSP division heads are changing the script. I come in and there is like 8 other fuckign people in the entire office, I'm starting to get resentful over this shit

I also got a 2.5 GPA in school. I picked finance and it was not a subject I cared much about. I know about it now after reading a lot of the CFA L1 material, but my GPA is still shit and I'm not spending thousands just to raise it.
You really only need the high GPA for 4 things. Becoming a military pilot, a military officer, doctor, and applying for your masters degree.

Reality is that college if you lucky will only teach you 1/4 of the content that will carry over to your career. If you are lucky you will have tons of internships to fill in the gap.
zoomers please make a new general. this is for millennial job havers. tl;dr you will not get a job without a reference. careers are a boomer meme they're not real.
>mechanical engineer
>3.25 GPA
>top US Research university
>3 years of research experience
>years of work experience
Most companies I applied to out of uni considered me trash while they offered the fuck with zero internships with a 4.0 interviews and job offers. Glad I no longer have to put my GPA on my resume now in these days.
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What’s the easiest remote job to get? I don’t care if minimum wage, I just need to work at home for a while
ISP's and phone companies have a few remote jobs but there higher up in the chain of skill sets.
>job is easy but my skills have been atrophying over the past two years
>barely work, mostly just make architecture/compliance recommendations
>received an offer from another company
>it's an 18% pay increase but can tell it's a lot more work
>actually doing things so I'd feel safer in a layoff scenario since I'd have actual skills
>plus it's a more senior title

Worth it or should I keep coasting?
Depends upon what 18% means to you. if its less than 15k$ you might want to reconsider if its more than that its a dam good pay bump. Not only that but if it helps your skills that means you can get another higher paying job later.
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Strong leaders don't communicate weakly.

How to Email Like a Boss, so that you can start leading better today.
Thanks for sharing, Anon.
I have been trying to speak this way in prep of being a manager

I'm too nice
>It'd be easier to discuss this in person
This one is wrong. When you meet 1 on 1 they will either not listen or not understand. When you write it out they will either not read or not understand, but you have concrete proof of their consent.
some of these are good advice but "when can I expect an update" sounds kinda douchy
pressuring people isn't effective communication unless you've already tried being nice and it didn't work
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Would it help me communicate like this?
god i wish i got isekaid into corporate anime catgirl world and had my own harem of kitten programmers to pet and have sexual intercourse with
>email like a narcissist
no thanks
how are jeets getting past the hr roasties? it shouldn't be possible

Average indian is getting paid like 8k a year and getting underpaid by around 40k a year in the states for a position that is worth 160k
most hr do not have any first hand experience with them and their consequences. to them one exotic-sounding name is equivalent to another. if they could recognize patterns and think critically they wouldn't be hr
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>looking to switch careers into IT
>job openings on CL in my area
>entry level data center technician
>exactly what I'm looking for
>family vacation in 30 days
The absolute worst timing. I'm gonna call them once I get back and beg for a job.
Why does every techbro i meet keep trying to recroot me?
they're just trying to artificially inflate their contact list with people they have a low-commitment, low-friction relationship to feel better about themselves and their options, i.e. "networking"
why does it take so long to get hired? three weeks at a time between interview stages?
lucky it took me 2 weeks to wait for the second interview 2 months to get the job I finished an interview for.
Anyone else learning so much about other cultures?
I mean, couldn't you just apply and warn(?) them beforehand?
Tell them to set your start date to when you need it.

Yeah its not hard to do so I have plenty of coworkers who took 2 weeks off between jobs by telling them to do the start date later. Lucky you can still do some paperwork in the meantime but its not paid time.
The biggest filter in the process is the initial resume screen. Because of the sheer number of Indian applicants and the fact that they lie and keyword spam to pass the filter, the set of resumes that reaches HR in the first place will inevitably be majority Indian. Women are terrified of being called racist, so even if Rajesh greets her in broken English and has trouble discussing his experience, she's afraid to put "language barrier" as a reason for rejection and lets the resume through in the hopes the hiring manager will do the rejection instead.
Well I'm also moving at the end of this year. Should I apply for it and tell them that, apply and not tell them that, or just not apply at all and get a job in my new location?
don't tell them you are moving, retard. if you can get relocated internally, then do so.
why do you take this shit so seriously? just talk to them, only tell them what's convenient for you. they wouldn't care about you if they had to fire you, you should care just as much for them.
>My family line ends with me so all my finanfcial success is worth nothing.
can i have it?
>That's really not any more expensive than any other sport.
soccer was free because donations paid for poor kids fees
>he made any friends at all
I only pull that one on people I know have been continuously fucking up because it makes them feel even worse about their screw ups.
Just wanna say boys its been fun and I am outta here.

Just got a 190k job!
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>blurred out spoken languages
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I work in feature film post production as a VFX editor, and I write all my own software for tracking dailies, VFX plates, and creating EDLs and AAFs for conform and stuff. Plus I get to make movies and see them long before anybody else does which is really cool to me personally, and I personally know a lot of famous people.

I'm also freelance.

$300-400k/yr depending on how much I feel like working.
> Move your education down to the bottom, noone gives a shit where you graduated from.

> You got 1 experience and it doesn't tell us shit. You gotta realize this is going to recruiters first, you need to impress them. Instead of "developed a prototype web-app for 2 major schools", do something more of "Lead a team to develop a new innovative web application that enhanced acceleration of blahblah by nearly 50% for 2 accreddited universities". Put some metrics in and say shit like "Prototyped, bleed-edge, lead, spearheaded, etc" make their dicks hard.

> If you got cloud/ai experience put them in asap. I see you have worked with mongodb, if you even touched the cloud portion of it, put it in.

> Give more metrics on how long you worked on some stuff.

> I am also gonna give you some hard truths, market is oversaturated with fullstack devs atm. You need some tech experience that you hear CEOs get hard over like AI or Cloud shit. Try to get a AWS cert or mess around with tensors and openai so you can put it on the resume.
>i hope I can give my kids more than what I had
don't give them enough to so they become the trust fund faggots you work with. and by that I mean, hide it,
and teach them life lessons.
that's what I'm hoping to do with my kids, if I ever have any... I'm 40 now so hopefully that'll be soon, otherwise I might end up kms.
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> mfw I realize people don't actually like CS, coding, etc. They are just in it for the paycheck.
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Always has been for any career.
Take a trip back to that trailer park in Nowheresville, Hudson Valley New York. Grab a beer with anyone from your high school class who still lives there. Sure, it's jarring when you realize how different your background is form that of your peers, but seeing how little you have in common with those in your hometown will disabuse you of the pearl clutching.
Any android/ios devs about? How are you finding things?
>how do I get on hands k8s experience if my project has no k8s what the fuck
Setup your own Kubernetes and host some stuff. Follow this guide to get started:

Rent some cheap servers at Digital Ocean, Contabo or whatever and run your stuff.
Maybe get one of the K8S certs from the Linux school or whatever it is called. I tried to do one of them a few years ago, what you learned and the test was complete bullshit as it taught you to do it the wrong way, but a cert is a cert.
300-400k rupees? VFX are all indians now.
>OKD cluster
Any opinions on K3S vs OKD?
Imo take the job. If your skills severely stagnate, then it is best to move on within 2 years.
It is ok to chill out a bit, but after 2-3 years it is better to get back to a job that help future you. Unless you are very worried about being fired during your training period and are super worried about not finding another job after that.
Same boat but not a burger. I've got more response from finance and tech roles than I have for the degree got my masters for. People with 4.0/scholarship tend to be looked favorably and HR would take them over you especially when you do not have a referral into the company. It's the halo-effect of appearing "smart" and "teachable". Hope you didn't buy into the BS that is experience matter because it doesn't hold water for grad roles.
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Post yfw the daily standup is dragging on longer than usual and you need to take a shit real bad
it works if you are charismatic enough
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>First (virtual) interview loop coming up
What do you guys recommend to manage the anxiety? I'm thinking 150mg pregabalin for a whole day's worth of mild calming effect, and a shot or so of vodka a few minutes before starting to bear the brunt of it.
>What do you guys recommend to manage the anxiety?
have you tried not being a fucking pussy
>Acting like you have good social skills
>While posting on 4chan
you don't need social skills you just need to not be an insecure manchild
dunno bout this shit but I heard people get propranolol from their GP for this type of occasional anxiety.
>insecure manchild
Reddit buzzwords
I just be myself. Fake my confidence a bit. Talk less.
they're not buzzwords they're what you actually are
you are insecure about something as basic as talking to another person
you cope by drinking alcohol and popping pills like an unstable pregnant white woman
and now you're coping by calling it buzzwords which, ironically, you're doing so by using "buzzword" as a buzzword in itself
plus you're low IQ and fat
There is a "moderncv" class in LaTeX that looks actually really nice and professional, and it's easy to use. I don't know what OP was trying there though, it looks pretty boring
LMAO learn how to act its not that hard to pretend.
so im in an it support role for a year now for the local gov
rn i do

first line support when users contact me on teams regarding some issue(90% of the time its related to printers,some dumb user error or outlook/teams),escalating to a higher level when i cant solve it
managing inventory of our assets(mainly laptops and monitors)
commissioning new users
in person tech support for VIP's
modifying access rights to shared folders or specific software
dealing with suppliers when it comes to repairs/qoutes/warranties of laptops
wallport patching
doing physical inventory in our offices of it assets
decommissioning assets
generating reports from internal systems on our users/assets for projects(for example i got a list of all our users that are still on win 10 and was in charge of contacting them and slowly upgrading my list of users to w11)

my question is : is an entry level it support role supposed to have this many responsibilities?
am i overworked/doing jobs of many people?
can i apply for a higher paying job in the future using the stuff i already do?
I have a friend whos also it support and he says all he does all day is sit in his office and wait for users to call,literally everything else isnt his job.some days he gets 0 call,and hes paid a tiny bit more than me too.
Yes entry always has more responsibilities, more work and more physical tasks, this level of work varies wildly from position to position and company to company. Its a a true blue weed out position to get rid of people who don't want to deal with customers and who think the job is all about sitting at the desk.

>can i apply for a higher paying job in the future using the stuff i already do?

Economy is trash right now but normally 2 years and a few certs will push you into another position. Degree helps for management but they are normally looking for masters degree's now.
what positions can i even apply for? which certs do i bother getting? rn i have 0 certs
from all my tasks the thing i enjoy the most is supporting users.
Holy projection
>second day at my new job
>can't raise access to anything because of my lazy manager
>can't do anything
I'm going to spend all day on my phone browsing 4chan and YouTube. I hate this place already.
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Comptia Trifecta gives you the basics A+, Net+, Sec+ and then you can move onto CCNA. After that you have the basics of IT which is networking which allows you to move into other specialties. Also fuck users.
>comany bought huge stock of galaxybook 4 pro
>they overheat and they're shit and I get a shitton of tickets about it
what am I even supposed to do
Actually, you probably have a better job than your friend who has to do less. You learn more stuff, get more stuff to put on your cv, get more work experience that you'll be able to use to leverage yourself into a better position in the future, and i guess working for the gov is a plus in itself
as long as you're not overwhelmed or burned out it's going fine. these "it support" roles vary greatly in responsibilities and tasks depending on company and industry
as for moving on from helpdesk well it's up to you to figure out how you're going to do that unfortunately. everyone has different circumstances
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No shit there phones are garbage, rather get an asus laptop, atleast that has cooling. There phones are decent.

Get laptop external fan cooling setups. cheap and effective.
Okay bros I'm going to take the certification pill and pretend I have more cloud exp than I do. I'm thinking about az-104, anyone knows good exam dumps or resources to prepare?
> some chucklefuck decided it would be really nice if for ~20 datafields you turn around plus and minus
> yet it needs to be consistent with history
> database is already polluted due to this change and management does not want to revert this change since they presented it to higher ups as a way to increase data quality

Fun stuff, the documentation is not even delivered properly and some things are changed that supposedly aren't and some are not changed that supposedly were. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack but then for improper calculations and creating additional conditions and columns based on a date and dropping old ones. Geez, I really hate it whenever people here decide to "improve data quality" it almost ALWAYS results in worse data quality and a gigantic headache to fix the mess.
>Say fuck it, I'll try nepotism after 1 year of applying and not getting a job
>Ask mom to ask her contacts
>Her friend's nephew is the co-founder of a big startup
>He messages me saying he sent my resume to his hr team
That means he rejected me right? Fucking asshole.
I have the pro 2, best notebook I ever owned, it's not for gaming bro.
>new manager is a woman
>spoke like a total of 5 minutes with her
>at least 5 occurences of crusader language like “male-coded activities” or “heteronormative” out of nowhere
uh oh
time to get interested in what other projects my company has going on, I suppose
I am on the GET side of the fence and my colleague and I graduated wanted low level work. I feel like it’d be more fulfilling. Is it just a case of “I want what I don’t have”? And you’re right about the pay
guys, should I become a specialist in a niche technology, or a generalist and eventually turn into a manager? I only care about the money
>subhuman burger flipper
Tatted alt goth former cocktail waitress turned baby mama in my case.
I'm not exactly proud, but it's also kind of fun.
I don't love having a kid, though.
Listings like this exist to promote a particular person from within. There are often rules about having to advertise a job before you can hire the person you want.
Yes, it is a huge waste of time.
Yes, it does only make people resent the process.
A tech has to physically go to most machines to reset them. There are limited techs available. It will take more than a week.
Thank Christ I fly Southwest.
>what do you mean you don't trust the Israeli rootkit? Secure booting is important
I have actually been asked this IRL. The global consciousness becoming reawakened to the danger of Israelites can't happen fast enough.
I might catch heat for this idea, and I haven't used it myself to any success yet, so grain of salt.
Maybe try an in-person user group/club for a boomer leaning tech thing. My buddy got a job just from hanging around the local Splunk user group. Spoiler, but I have not yet. What are some other hobbies that older tech guys are into? HAM Radio Club maybe?
Your soul should always come first.
That's a neutral response.
I got lucky with a fully WFH job. I havent been to the office since I got hired during the covid. Recently I've been thinking about buying a rundown farm house in Tuscany and just living there and committing to this company. My job security is pretty high right now so I dont really have a reason not too.
what should your net worth be at 30 if you have to start from scratch in Europe? is 200k net worth good?
Came here to ask about incomemaxxxxing
I'm in a pretty cheap state and "living" out of a state with no state income tax
Fantasizing about leaning into it as much as possible and moving to like Wyoming or Maine, somewhere with low cost of living + no minorities and building up a "never have to work again" stack
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My niggas
How do you balance your desire to learn after you graduated?
On the one hand, I have incredibly surface level knowledge, e.g. I graduated in 2017 before ML really was a thing for the "masses" outside of top universities, I don't know what P/NP means, I've never written a compiler, and lucked myself through most of my courses.
I do have the desire to learn, though.
On the other hand I'm afraid that deep technical knowledge like this will likely not be very useful in my career at this point. I'm an OK dev, but I'm too dumb to really earn top money as an AI researcher/etc. so my career progression will naturally lead me into management unless I want to be stuck as a Java/Spring monkey for the rest of my life.
Is it still worth learning even if there is no more monetary value behind it?
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What is an IT/tech-related job that's chill? I'm so sick of working in a high pressure dynamic environment. I don't care about the money anymore, I just want some peace and quiet in my life
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good news fellas. the fat annoying jew who was making more money than me finally got fired.
>Wiz is walking away from a $23 billion deal with Google
wtf is Wiz
Was the Chad Embrace intentionally patterned after Nick Mullen or is it just a coincidence?
its funny to ask other people for documentation on their apis :P
Is it so wrong to just go to work and go home and do whatever I want? Why is my family wants me to "seize opportunity" all the time? I've done so much to please them, and it's never enough. I already give 10% of my salary as an allowance for my 2 younger siblings each month. My parents are both fucking richer than me too, like 20x income compared to the peanuts i have now.

I know what i want in life, i know where to find money, but these guys keeps steering me to their direction as they please.
You gotta stop listening to them eventually. Listening to your family can only take you so far in life, even if they are generally right and trying to be helpful.
tfw figured out what i want to do for my a mini python project
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Uh....did my job block 4chan?
Yeah seems like a firewall block
were you shitposting on your work computer?
They appear to be a cloud MSP.
Well based on my experience it kinda is
Nope, just on my phone. I suspect one of our server guys is also an anon and tattled to our networking team.
Were you on company wifi?
Get a cheap unlimited data plan
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>helpdesk call
>email authentication issue
>caller is 84
>have her describe the menu
>says she's had this for a while
>not 365
>not 2016
>not 2013
>not 2010
>not 2007
>it's outlook 2003
>well that's actually way better and easier to use and find the server settings
>servers correct, ports correct, ssl on, password entered, email fully qualified
>not working
>ok well let's try thunderbird
>goes to browser and uses chrome
>download on chrome
>installation screen is an oval what
>won't just install and open
>maam is this a windows computer
>no it's a macbook from 2020
>outlook 2003 on a macbook
>she paid someone to install this for her
>refuses to use macmail and also hates safari
>why did you buy a macbook then???
>hates the webmail client
>wants outlook 2003 to run on her macbook
>says she already called microsoft and they blamed the server names
>sent it up to the admins let them deal with this shit
I don't like the uni circlejerk awards stuff
kinda gay desu
I always assumed it was con air
Yeah, they used to not care, but I think somebody tattled. And I honestly don't use my data enough to justify an unlimited plan.
fuck you
why didn't you ask her to point where it says that your mail is compatible with outlook 2003 running on a mac?
I'm just a contractor not my problem. The actual telco can deal with the customers after my 35 minute try. I'm just here to keep people from calling a tech to their house when all they need to do is change the input on their tv or they plugged the ethernet into the lan and not wan port. I tried to send her to apple and she refused that
I know basic Python and SQL as a data analyst. Should I study to become a data engineer or a data scientist? Which career path makes the most money? What's the best way to go about it?
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oh okay, sorry anon
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Anyone moved over to California San Jose for work from out of state? How did that process go? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it as I'm getting a offer letter sent in today.
AI researchers don't even get paid that much anymore unless you're working for the top companies. It has become hyper competitive, you need many published research papers (or a few very impactful) or a work history at prestigious institutions / companies.

Meanwhile as a data engineer fiddling with settings on azure / aws and using their tooling is very easy to get into. It might not pay near what the top makes, but you'll have a path to data architect and manager which are roles that do get compensated very well.

Public sector. But you should distance yourself from your work and put up barriers. Almost every other project fails. The demands from tech are gigantic in scope but the people carrying it all out are either inept or stopped caring. There are legions of consultants involved at every gov org, most of them deliver quick work that is impossible to maintain but mostly fits the requirements. Whenever you need to implement or work with whatever the consultant shat out you uncover tons of bugs, errors and what not.

This is why you must absolutely distance yourself from caring about the work. The competent people working there are intentionally slacking because they know that if they take charge and do something good there isn't even a salary raise in it for them. It's very tightly regulated by the gov and it's basically just a waiting game to see the salary go up, because more years = more pay. Nothing else matters to gov org, they have no reward incentives. They do have a lot of incentives to fuck up and not take the work seriously though.
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Working with "people" is hell.
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>applied to Microsoft
>with referrals
>been sitting on submitted for 3 weeks
yeah, I'll just assume those positions are closed out
have some patience, you fucking retard
I was offered a job in january there that would have 2ishx my current salary but I just could not picture myself living there. Something about that area makes me feel depressed (I found another job that paid slightly less than that offer but in a place i felt comfy living)
what the fuck is a data engineer

that is the most made up role
Sartre didn't say "hell is other people" for nothing
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>I just could not picture myself living there
>Something about that area makes me feel depressed

I thought it was just me, but thank god anon. Thank you. I was super hesitant about this job but it's one that has good future career prospects but honest to god, I could not fucking picture myself being in that depressing area.

I don't think I have a choice but to take it, but man will I be depressed about it.
Some orgs ghost everyone in the pile after 2 weeks, others like the U.S. feds regularly contact applicants after a year or more. Microsoft is massive so it's gonna take some time bro.
I gave it a lot of thought, street viewed all over San Jose/Santa Clara area. I didn't need the job to progress my career (aside form just earning what would have been a significant pay raise even after cost of living) but ya that area just gives me bad vibes and I dont know why
i was willing to move to arizona a decade ago for a job i think it depends on the state. moving is not worth it on average it's too much stress and you'll likely end up regretting it. california is only a good state if you're rich.
>back office IT job, mediocre salary
>do nothing all day, fully remote
>obscene amount of free time
>halfway through CS degree
Considering the amount of free time I have, what can I do to maximize my earning/job potential?
Bullshit projects + Leetcode + pray for market recovery?
>inb4 tech WORKERS
I have an IT job I just want to upgrade careers
Please stop moving to arizona
I think that's our biggest difference yeah. You *can* move there if you wanted to but I don't have that option. I'm glad that you don't have to make the move bro, from what I've seen and heard, that place is ACTUALLY depressing. I'm looking to exit within 3 years maximum.

From what I've seen, no matter how much relocation benefits they give you, you'll always end up stressing and regretting it.
>stop moving to
This reminds me of Austin. All the techbros moved here only to then ask what the hell do you do here. There use to be many more public attractions but they all got torn down to make room for housing or real estate investing. Now there's nothing but drinking and shit food from overpriced food trucks. Man, I need to leave.
>over 100 degrees overnight
ya no problem bro , cant wait for all the retards living there to realize it is long term suicide to live there
wouldn't move there now but a decade ago i would've if they offered me relocation there. scottsdale has those DoD jobs that just require a secret clearance. but i found one here in maryland anyways so it worked out.
you're in NG? how's working for them?
Had a client that was in Scottsdale. Miserable place. Food was okay-ish.
Can you go from QA tester to something worthwhile or is it dead in the water? I am just desperate for any kind of transition into tech career
Why, what's wrong with QA? I'm a manual tester looking for a way to get into QA...
Idk bro that's why I am asking
Tech jobs are leaving California, and will continue to for the foreseeable future. There basically making it impossible to have a normal family.

This is a good thing, it will allow more conservative areas to employ locals.
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>Austin jobs
>Musk companies
>high turnover rate
>not hiring
>not hiring
>ghost job posting
>not hiring
>not hiring
>not hiring
>not hiring
>not hiring
I have also lived in maryland and it's great. You should stay there forever.
I sent a connection request to a ceo of software company and he accepted it. I was wondering if it’s ok to message him like "Hi xyz, it's great to connect with you. Looking forward to staying in touch." I am asking this hoping that I can later ask him for a possible position at his company. Should I do this or does this look wrong?
>> Move your education down to the bottom, noone gives a shit where you graduated from.
Most recruiters check education first.
have any of you ever quit a position you hated only to end up in a worse place?
Shoot your shot but if he has more than 500 connections on LinkedIn there's a 99.9% chance he will just ignore you
not worse but the same
quit my last job because there was nothing to do, took a new job where I had work for a couple of months, now it's like my old job and I spend 95% of my day goofing off
Fuck off we're full
t. Tuscany basement dweller
Every day I put more effort into self teaching is another day I feel like the dream is not within site
Musk companies pay shit and work you to the bone. Only Indians / slaves (same thing rly) want employment there.
Every engineer knows that, it's an open secret. The only ones that go for it are either:
>Musk fanboys

I rather burn through my savings than practically kill myself and whatever love I have left for my career in that hell hole.
yeah, I dumped my gf a while ago and now I live in my moms property which I helped her buy but isn't mine. I regret dumping my gf and I feel like shit now. FML.
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Anyone dealing with serious brain fog at work lately?

I can barely mentally digest messages I am receiving on slack.

Maybe I'm just tired, idk
>Maybe I'm just tired
you are
probably low on testosterone too
the only muskcorp i would apply for is spacesex because at least i’d be contributing to something other than consoomer trash
but i’ve heard they make amazon look like a rest and vest daycare spot
maybe i should consider jpl or something
spaceex is consumer trash for big bang theory scientism redditors
Still won't touch it. I don't want to deal with the weirdos that work in there and then Musk himself if he walks in and starts swinging his dick around to make himself feel better.
cheers doctor anon, thank you for the you
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New thread:
Embedded systems was what I was going to pivot from mech eng to because I liked it, then realised that it’s god awful for a SWE job, worst pay, most work, and least benefits (need to go in office most the time for security or just equipment reasons).

If you wanna know how good a field is, look at the pay/autist ratio. The more autists the more likely only the mentally ill obsessed would work there (thus nobody else was willing to work there for that wage)
Don’t shit where you eat, especially if it’s a woman. It’s like having a bomb in the office, it could go off any moment, especially if you’re fucking about with it.

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