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Data Center Chads edition

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous edition: >>101524290

Previous Previous edition: >>101508222

Previous Previous Previous edition: >>101479939

Do people actually enjoy doing this shit?
Am I filtering myself out by admitting I'm a white male when I'm applying for jobs?

I just started looking again and the very first hiring manager I had an interview with was an old tranny. Are there any boring cubicle programming jobs anymore? I just want to drink coffee and wear a tie and white shirt with the other cogs.
trying my luck again. so do you think it's better: becoming a specialist in a somewhat niche technology, or a aim to be more of a generalist and eventually turn into a manager?
like most team jobs, depends on your teammates and manager
manager is alright and teammates pull their weight? awesome experience
manager is a chode and/or teammates are disloyal/two-faced/lazy?
absolute hell
It beats flipping burgers or digging ditches.
yeah i like being a developer and creating efficient reliable software. its satisfying. and i like data processing and system design too.

The former you would run the risk of not being employable, the latter you wouldn't have the same issue.
if i was flipping burgers at least i'd meet women
if i was digging ditches at least i'd have some bros
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Listen here zoomers. Don't make the same career mistakes that I did. I'm in my late 30s with no job, no friends, no family, no network, and no future. I did some dumb shit at work when I was younger, and I made some really bad choices when choosing jobs. Really bad... I've basically thrown my whole life away with bad decisions. Yes, I'm aware that I'm pathetic and worthless and it's all my own fault. Yes, I know that I deserve to be this miserable. Anyone stupid enough to pass up the opportunities that I had probably doesn't even deserve to live. I urge you to do better.
No, only for the money.
>IT specialized middle school (thats a thing where im from)
>2nd year of CS at uni
>have exp with internships
i guess thats enough for a basic support role to get started, no? lets look at the job postings
>min 1y of experience
niggers at these corpos have no fucking shame, ive seen junior job offers saying min 3 months lmao, fucking jews trying to squeeze every fucking penny
>higher education
yeah ok, 3.5y uni degree for a support role?
>almost min wage
actually hilarious. thats actually even less than i already make on a non-educated position where 90% of my coworkes didnt finish middle school and have a hard time spelling their name

is IT even worth it anymore? at least where i live you cant fucking live decently a normal life with a normal job. i cant afford shit, i cant get into the field of my education because i wont be able to afford shit even harder. at this point im considering joining the military because they make more as a basic piece of shit soldier and do less
How can anyone learn anything from that? You didn't mention anything about what your career mistakes actually were.
Oh, oh, is this the part where I ask you what dumb shit you did and then you start blogposting for the rest of the thread?
Ok, I'll give you one story, though I might have told it already:
Years ago, I was talking to my manager and he asked if I wanted to go back to my old college to do some recruiting events, so they could hire newgrads. I said something along the lines of "No, the Computer Science department there is worthless, everyone who goes through that program is an idiot, you don't want to hire those kids."
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Just enrolled into an IT degree programme to get my bachelors after 3 years of already working in the industry.
Hopefully I meet some people there so I can jump ship to a new job (hopefully product based) relatively hassle free or at least get that diploma so I can go work in the governemnt.
This agency work and contracting shit is soul draining, I don't understand how people can deal with it longterm.

It's going to be a long 3 years.
something that calls itself a >Service Operation Center Engineer would pretty much be a call center worker right
consider how many people youve worked with that, without a doubt, lied on their resume/application by fact that the resume/app has correctly written, and spelled English.

Lie away. it doesn't matter.
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I wish AIX was open source, I mean It's really stable compared to some linux distros has a lot of features the average distro lacks.
This guy uses Linux only as a server computer. Never a desktop.
a girl i know posted an ad for this kind of post on several student chat groups and called it >kinda a 1.5 level support role for cloud technologies, monitoring and responding to incidents on servers
usually if they're this desperate to recruit that means the job is shit but i'm strapped for money so i was thinking of applying
just needed to know what i should expect
>niggers at these corpos have no fucking shame
Your degree will matter surprisingly little. The field is constantly moving and your uni teaches you precious little that's actually useful to a company. You are expected to be a naive and gullible child, a major risk to hire, and so you are offered dogshit. It's the years experience at a company that make you hireable, all the other stuff is only useful to get that first spot or to open niche doors with specialist qualifications later on.
Internships almost don't even count because interns are barely expected to lift a finger for their 0 dubloons and aren't taught any rare or valuable info since they are expected to leave, internships only confirm that you are not an insufferable asshole if you manage to complete them.

Personal non-advice? I assume CS is 3 years, so finish CS, do your best to get a decent position out the gate but if you can't, take what you can get for a year. You basically cannot expect to immediately get a comfy spot anywhere because you are not any boss' grandson and you look like a weak, soft student on paper. After you have worked for at least half a year or so, long enough to not seem like a child getting a reality check and quitting, you can go to any competitor and cite "I believed that this position suited my abilities, however it was actually way below market rate for my expertise; Here's my degree, [...]" and get what you are worth. That way, you also have a stable income while you look for a better position, even if its low.
Been in the industry for more than 15 years now. I like it. I still learn new things regularly and the pay is good. Hoping to retire in 10 years, before I turn 50, which is another perk. Coming from a lower class, I never imagined I'd earn that much money.
I no longer say "Let me know if you have any questions" or "Let me know how else I can help".
holy ef, I havent seen this photo in 12 years
You fuckers better feel lucky I cant get a work Visa in NA. I'm the greatest programmer alive. Devine Intellect club you sad onions-boys.
teach me how to learn the skills `
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What certs do you have? Just a bachelors doesn't cut it, experience might, but certs are mainly box tickers/interview getters
I was supposed to start looking for jobs in March. It's almost August and I still haven't started or even made an indeed account.
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>when the fart contained a little of shit
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I took off my pants in the middle of a call with a coworker because it was too damn hot (I work from home), then I hear my female coworker giggling and she tells me "nice package anon". I asked her what she meant and she told me to check my camera. THE DAMN CAMERA SHUTTER/SLIDER WAS OFF.

IT'S OVER. I apologized but I'm 100% sure she'll call HR.
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Ride the wave, send her a message and ask if she wants to see more.
the problem is they wont hire me anyway, a friend of mine got a shitty support job and said that for a similar position there were 500 CVs sent, then 2 actual job interviews and nobody got the job lmao. at this point i think its some kind of datamine
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any /alcoholics/ in here? I just have to have at least a single beer everyday to numb myself after this souless job.
Next time, I'll just use tape to cover the camera, if I find another job that is.
This happened to me in college but instead of no pants it was me laying in my bed covered by pillows and blankets because I used to log on to my classes and just sleep through them. This time the camera was on and I didn't realize it and I'm just on cam sleeping through the entire class in a bed. I watched the upload replay later and all you see is a giant pile of blankets with 1 hand sticking out into the air.
I'm not gonna kill myself but I don't really want to keep going
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You're probably fine.
Also one time I accidentally left my mic on and was eating soup but it was all liquid and I'm autistic as fuck so you just hear a spoon clanging against a bowl followed by a loud slurping sound rhythmically for like 3 minutes straight until finally some jock guy was like "damn someone is chowin down" and it was humiliating
None...I'm working as a software developer (backend, DBs, some mobile and frontend work when needed), but I'm not really happy with the job, it's just code monkeying and stressing out with shitty clients.

Is there anything I can get online? I'm not in the US. I'm honestly surprised OP doesn't have any useful info like that, it really needs an update.
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>wake up
>don't feel like working
>fuck around until post lunch
>actually sit my ass down to work at 2pm
>it's actually fun to solve these puzzles and build these products wtf
>next day
why im like this
>did interview at MSP for and did a test and it was hard
one of the questions

jimmy RDPs into a terminal server remotely from his home but is unable to print from his home printer
can it be setup to work so jimmy can use RDP and print from his printer?
If so what changes/settings do you make?

I was stumped, there was other questions like 2 ways to get the FQDN and other ones lol
I hope so. I haven't been able to get back to work after that. She said it's ok since it wasn't intentional but I have this feeling HR will call sooner or later.
Did anyone notice?
That's why I take off the mic from the headset sometimes, specially when I need to get up from my desktop.
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ty gupta sir for your service.
Presumably the interviewer was breathing down your neck, but in practice these are questions you should be able to research in 5 seconds.

e.g. search the documentation
>Printer redirection
>Determines whether printers configured on the local computer will be redirected and available in the remote session.
>0: The printers on the local computer aren't available in the remote session.
>1: The printers on the local computer are available in the remote session.
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many such cases
>internal recruiter reaches out
>Hey you'd be a great fit for our lead position
>cool, lets talk
>btw whats the title
>oh we don't put stock into things like job titles

fuck em.
why does it feel like every recruiter is a scammer
Did you ask them what they think of job descriptions?
I came in and they got a paper test which I got 20-25 minutes to do. I thought it was a multi choice question test but it was all written

it was over 10 questions and half of it was quite difficult if you don't remember.

It wasn't even well paid position either oh well
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She wants you frfr
I don't put stock into talking then
It's amazing how perfectly Abe and Trump fit into 4chan lore.
>the jerk store called, they’re running out of you
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>have 2 years left out of my mechE degree
>focus on construction vehicles and heavy machinery
>in a shitty eastern euro hellhole
>there's no factories any longer
>can't find an internship in anything related
>jobs prospects are scarce even with the diploma
I really fucked up, didn't I? Can I pivot into the stuff you nerds are doing or is it over?
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What is it with Pune being such a shithole?
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>boss wants to hire me permanently
>boring ass job below my skills
>but i currently have nothing else lined up

I haven't started searching for another better job due to being overworked, I'm waiting for my vacations to start doing it. In the meantime if I don't find anything better in a month should I accept my company's offer? Despite the fact that I'd love to jet once I find better? It'd be burning a bridge, right?
Found out too late the place I work at doesn't do that. Instead they have an internal title that they assign to everyone, despite giving everyone the same titles. Every company wants to operate like Facebook, despite clearly not paying like FB.
start learning hvac and learning about Revit MEP , thats all mechanicals are good for
The closest intersection of mechanical engineering and computer science is mechatronics.
Mechatronics is equally fucked without factories but in demand enough that people will pay to relocate you.
I dont think Im cutout for being a dev. I'm constantly lost almost all the time. I applied for frontend and they put me in a fully backend position which I never touched or learned in my life. This is my 4th week here and Im working on tickets already. I keep asking questions, but I feel so behind everyone. I spend my weekends just trying to catch up. Every stand up I just say they same shit "I'm still working on ticket X". They sized my tickets as something that should take 2/3 days at most. I'm too low IQ for this. Last night I worked on something until midnight just so I can say I made some progress on a ticket.
The only thing I like is that it's remote and generally I only have my standup meeting to go to everyday.
>The former you would run the risk of not being employable, the latter you wouldn't have the same issue.
NTA, but I'd say it's the opposite, there too many managers already, and anyone from a random dev to any PM roastie can become a "manager" in this industry. Becoming a specialist in a niche technology, however, you only run the risk of not find employment if said technology becomes outdated and nobody never use it again, which is honestly not as big of a issue as it used to be in the early 2010s.
>It'd be burning a bridge, right?
No more than turning him down would be.
If you do leave, just put in a notice before you go. He'll say "we'd like to keep you" you'll say "they'll pay me $$$" and he'll say "oof. sorry to see you go."
for every productive worker we must assign 1 manager to them as needed
Definitely what's gonna happen considering they're struggling with money at the moment.
>is IT even worth it anymore?
Yes, but it does have the lowest lows but also the highest highs

>be me
>6 years ago
>21, fresh of community college
>start out as a tech support slave
>climb my way into becoming a dev in the same company
>eventually leave for a better job
>making more money than the average salary in my country, working from home

And that's because I'm a lazy fuck, if I actually sat my ass down and studied, I could be making six figures
yesterday I was on call, 5 people in total
me (developer), product manager, project manager and project manager from the client side with their designer

4 people on payroll, 1 of who is actually developing
I've gone past the stage where im mad, now i just laugh to myself at the absurdity
Kek, well meme'd
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Our CEO blamed all the managers for employees quitting, saying it's entirely their fault and not related to anything else despite the fact that he's directly responsible for the whole company being a disorganized and retarded mess.
Is this a step in the right direction?
based ceo.
Yes we all pretended to not enjoy hearing that our manager got shit flung at him.
I do it for the bitches and hoes
absolute cinema
Another one
>director plans a very expensive trip for the ENTIRE IT dept
>it's for teambuilding
>it's an escape game in a third world country
>he gets canned afterwards
>whole company will now be flying economy and no more 5 stars hotels
lol i wouldnt do that if they paid for everything + bonus what a retard. some idiot suggested sky diving as a team building exercise once.
>left my first junior swe job after 3 months
>company was so dumb and unorganised and towards the end I literally did nothing at all for 40 hours a week
>didn't have a single code review or meeting in that time despite trying to arrange them myself

Did I make the right call? If it was WFH I'd use the time tow ork on my own projects but it wasn't
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Should've just done boardgame night with coop games.
I fortunately couldn't make it due to having an important appointment somewhere else, all my coworkers had to travel for 2 days for one afternoon of trying to find some locks' combination. They all hated it so much, boardgame night sounds a million times more fun and comfy.
I just made up my own title and my boss rolled with it. Just call yourself whatever you want lmao. They're not gonna care.
Is learning COBOL worth it at this point? I'm currently an "mdm engineer", mdm being mobile device management. I basically write a lot of scripts and fuck around in jamf/intune all day as you an imagine my life has been hell since the crowdstrike bs, want to pivot to writing more code and shit. A buddy of mine is a sr. cobol dev, makes 220k and does literally nothing, they just need him around.
I just want a fortune 500 to hire me anons
At least I think I am slowly coming out of my slight burnout
What’s the point of trying to learn shit everyday when AI will mog everything I’ve learned and make the nocoders just as good as anyone else.
You sound like my coworker that can't do shit apart from typing sql queries, he's constantly talking about how AI will replace "us" when really GPTs will just replace his one trick pony ass.
not that anon but i feel like a failure using chatgpt while i'm learning problems. I dont ask for straight solutions but I feel like its cheating myself somehow
Where did you get my picture?
>team has 8 people on it
>our product owner only plans like 3 people worth of work each sprint to split between us all
No you're using tools to learn, simple as that. Nothing to feel bad about.
i only feel its cheating because I should be learning how to read the official documentation, which I do try and do but chatgpt can usually get me towards the right path more quickly
There isn't a single way to learn, at least you're doing something instead of collecting a plethora of books and tutorials without ever starting anything.
lol, why would you say that? You basically called yourself a retard in that occasion
I think basically I am a retard...
But also, I was hungover too, and tired, not thinking straight. And I knew if I said yes, I'd be signing up to drive 7 hours to the college for a waste of time... and I needed a plausible excuse to say no, so I came up with that.
I ended up trying to save myself afterwards by saying something like
>"The program wasn't very comprehensive, and I had to teach myself a lot on my own, which is why I'm so good, but I didn't see many other students doing that."
That didn't work. After that meeting, all of my reviews came back as "meets expectations" where as before I was exceeding and getting invited to lunches with executives. Completely fucked myself.
Could have always just simply applied elsewhere for work anon, you can still do that. You're the only one keeping yourself at said organization.
why do you post this in every thread like a bot
I know they make sense on paper. But WSDLs are a bad idea. From the bottom up they are just a bad choice. HTTP the only choice for network services and it isn't even that efficient. XML parse times are horrifically bad. Forcing data responses to use XML doesn't add anything anyway. Given the choice, I'll pick something like an rpc framework or a message passing interface instead.
Some people choose dumb life moments obsess about and define the entirety of themselves from.
I don't work there anymore. I eventually changed teams and managers, but got stuck in some seat-filler role doing nothing interesting. Left that job for another one, then left that for another one, then got laid off and I've been unemployed for a while now.
>another 4 dump day
>clogged up the office toilet again
I drank too much tea on an empty stomach and my stomach started feeling very acidic and I felt naseaus so I tried to walk to the bathroom while gagging and eyes watering down my face and snot coming out, there was a man in the stall so I tried to climb the stairs to the next floor bathroom and I released my vomit on the stairs. Then I just went back to my desk. This was my day in the office. This is why they want me in the office.
My department is shutting down (been slowly outsorced for the past 2 years), guess if I don't get a new role in the next 2 months I'll get a severance package.
Its been nice working from home for the past 7 years, looks like it may be coming to an end for me.
>tea on an empty stomach

rookie mistake
9/10 the official documentation is worthless
>most people come to me for code-related problems or design brainstorming
>they don't seem to realize that I am just using ChatGPT/Gemini to answer their questions
tea cuck moment.
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>government is hiring in bulk
>group interview
>75% indians
>get call the next week
>they ask me 3 times to triple check that I don't need visa sponsorship
I get a feeling they had a decent number of the interviewees lied on the application
I've done those bulk government interviews 4 times before when I was in between jobs and I got an offer all 4 times. I think they were just so relieved to see a white man that it's like an instant offer. It's like even the anti-white faggy leftists and woke "minorities" start getting nostalgia for when things actually worked.
It kind of is cheating. It gives you accurate results in an easiler way than google could give you. Only thing you have to worry about is getting used to quick, accurate information that makes you too lazy to do actual digging when ChatGPT inevitably fails. Other search engines can sometimes be better but at some point you'll have to git gud at actually sitting down and studying shit documentation

I've done the same with shit noSQL databases that my company uses, it just involves experimentation of the type you'd do if you were sat at home to make something work
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How much time do juniors spend time reviewing vs seniors?
My time writing code went down from about 95% to 30%. With most time spend reviewing and helping others out.
fucking hell, I sat on dog shit yesterday and only realized early today. my chair smells like shit now. good thing I WFH but had this happened in the office I'd have felt terrible
i joined one of those companies where i have to proactively invite people to meetings to discuss stuff i'm working on so i know what to do
hate this shit
why'd you sit on the ground?
No scrum master, project manager or product manager?
I just shoot them an email and then jerk off until they get back to me.
I don't know WHAT the fuck I joined
day 8 of 30 doing 3 leetcode medium+ a day.
did 2 hards and 1 medium today. sanity is starting to fade. solved the first hard (knapsack problem) in like 20 minutes, but spent almost 3 hours on the other one (bus routes). medium one was gay and easy.
I sent a mail last friday asking for feedback on a project, I'm so happy nobody has responded so I can just keep slacking at work and pretend to be stuck because of them.
cuz I went to buy takeout at some shitty restaurant and I sat outside to get some sun. they have like 4 dogs + some street dogs there so it must have been one of them. it wasn't much shit though, but still sucked
You joined either the greatest job on earth or complete hell
I hopped on Leetcode yesyerday for the first time in years. The page for selecting problems wouldn't render and the console was full or errors. Disabling adblock didn't change anything.
Did they drop support for Firefox?
Nah they're in hell, I have a scrum, pm, po all that shit and I'm still fucking struggling to have people show up in meetings when I'm the one organizing them, let alone responding to mails
gross id never spend money at a restaurant that allows dogs.
how would you tell a coworker "stop fucking practicing delegating with me, faggot" in corpo?
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>be me
>25yo, experience in niche area but unemployed by own decision
>get job offers with nice digits
>have interviews, have to lie a shitton because otherwise these fuckers try to lower your salary
>here anon you need to do this homework for us and also we'll have a livecoding session next interview
>lose every single bit of motivation I had
the inevitability of having to work a bullshit job again depresses me beyond belief, I fucking hate this
I used to think that a year or so of not working was enough to recover from burnout and motivate me to work again but it hasn't, everything in life is so bleak no matter how much money you throw at it
>useless faggot who wants in for the money got filtered
>CCNA questions as homework
I mean, its easy stuff I presume, but man
stop jerking off and get sunlight and take vitamins. your hormones are fucked up.
>a year or so of not working was enough
It'll never be enough, working is hell
Idk man, unless you're interviewing for some elite shit you're never going to see a problem this hard in an interview. Like I swear just basic recursion, linked list, list, and hashmap is enough to get you through like 90% of interview questions
COBOL is interesting, because you'll always have a job, but unless you're super Sr, you'll always be hopping from job to job as mainframe shit is done away with. So always employed, but always job hunting. At least thats what I've been told by a lot of people who've been doing COBOL shit since before I was born.

If you can settle in somewhere though, its SSS-god tier work, very minimum amount of work asked of you unless some shit is horribly wrong, which it shouldn't be this far down the line.
Not working is also hell. You'd waste your time on forgettable crap if discipline wasn't imposed on you. As evdience of my claim: you chose to be here.
>President Joe Biden’s ban on noncompete contracts upheld in court
>Virtually all noncompete agreements will be voided on September 4th
fucking BASED
>The hiring manager actually responded to my thank you/follow up email to tell me somebody will be contacting me soon to set up another interview
This seems good. Should I send anything back like “Thanks for the update” or just wait?
Just in time for when I'm about to get laid off!
[spoiler]Kill me![/spoiler]
Do send the "thank you for the update"
Yeah don't overthink it
>he had to pause instead of insta replying within ~5 minutes
filtered you failed.
the what?
They weren't very enforceable to begin with.
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I just want Juniper to hire me
Not a burger. My interpretation of this comment is that the US legal system is so broken that passing a law doesn't actually matter unless a court (which is politically affiliated because fuck you) agrees with it. Is that true?
I don't want in for the money, that's exactly my point
money is not enough to convince me that this shit is worth living for
the image is unrelated, it's the typical "build this small project, deploy it and publish it in a repo etc"
maybe my hormones are fucked up, I don't know, I guess I should stop gooning so much tho
My recruiter hooked me up with an interview for a system analyst role and I dont know wtf a system analyst is. The details she gave me are so vague it sounds like some IT job fixing PCs or something. Wtf is a system analyst
>money is not enough to convince me that this shit is worth living for
I feel this completely, you gotta find something that doesn't sound too boring to you and make sure your work environment isn't shit. My team made my life less unbearable
i cant take it anymore bros
tried escaping neetdom several times but i just can't fit in anywhere
do they have rock paper scissors in the third world? kinda like that.
>Is that true?
Yes. And it's not even in the constitution that it works that way. The first time a trial went to the Supreme Court they just decided they had the authority to ignore laws they didn't like and nobody called them on it. Ever since then it's been "precedent" that they can do that.
I’m 27 rich as fuck and I reign. I am so obsessed with what I do. Yet, thy cannot be vain. Anyone who wants to stand on the shoulders of giants will have my hand.
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>one beer
Anon, pls.
This is a work environment where they won't let you say the hard r.
I've checked back every 3 months or so, time to check in again. Is the job market back yet?

captcha: SVMPJJ
Secure Virtual Machine in Pajamas
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>make 120K as a engineer
>company forcing us to come in 8 hours for three days a week despite the work being able to be done at home
>literally have to sit in traffic everyday just to sit in the chair and look pretty

That's it. I'm searching for a new job and pushing for full 100% remote. If even one says


Fuck them.
has anyone felt like travis bickle for the past few years? it's not even a lol literally me but damn with how fucked the government is fucking me in the ass, i'm starting to get really jaded with everything. doesn't even help with post pandemic either
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>tfw i'm now a staff engineer at bigco that makes 700k a year
>younger than 30 years old

about 8 years ago i saw anons say they were making 300k. most didn't believe them, but i chose to. big thanks to those anons
it's genuinely not even about the money at this point. more about proving a point. onwards to principal engineer
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>be me
>be mechanical engineer
>top pay for a staff engineer role at Google is $252k
I don't like metrics on a resume at all they don't say anything and can not be verified. Typically the causal link between a metric and the code written is ambiguous as well.

Some feedback

* The first listed experience talks a lot about specific tech used ( some web app with django, vue, mongodb and rest api's). Yet it tells me nothing what the project was about or what it tried to do. Someone reading this can not relate it to a domain. That is bad because domain knowledge or interest is still very much desired in devs.

* You should move projects under your degree / education. Be more specific in the education section about what skills your degree gave you and list your final project / thesis (also link it to a domain if possible!). This is important since you're applying for junior jobs.

* This relates also to the second point, in the projects section keep it only for projects that were done outside of your university.

* The data science project says nothing to me except that you have done the bare basics of techniques. You put on a metric here (accuracy) that is a poor metric by itself since the reader will have no comparison material. Again nothing about the domain or any interesting features.

This is a bad cv and if you're not getting responses it is because this resume doesn't attract to invite above other recent graduates who are probably submitting a resume that says more.
wow this is an actual decent resume. I'm so used to this garbage being posted on here by ESL retards
If you wait a while it will be March again
tfw ex coworker and one of my best friends has been unemployed for 3 years. he's too prideful to take any of my handouts. doesn't want to be in a job that's out of his field.

man im scared he's gonna kill himself. desu i sound more unhinged in our texts then he does.
Kind of wondered why the president was there instead of the executive branch. Then I looked it up and apparently the president of US fully controls the executive branch and appoints the heads of executive departments. That's a ridiculous amount of power to have, the president alone with this could radically change the country even without backing of the legislative and judicial branches.
That's why Congress and Supreme Court can stop actions. Checks and Balances.
At the time our constitution was drafted communication and transportation both sucked and our Congress only met for a few months each year. That's the context that motivated the president having a lot of power, they wanted him to be able to respond to emergencies quickly and effectively while Congress wasn't around.
>be me
>it/ee engineer
>top range at company is $125k
Meanwhile the earlier ee made $180k, budget cuts
the president has the most power out of any individual, but his overall power is not that incredible.
do you guys use regular expressions everyday or can I not worry about how much it hurts my brain
I like regex, it bothers a lot of people and doesn't affect their work
every time I work on a problem I remake it, there's not a specific template
it is extremely powerful i understand that but it just is rough to quickly decipher looking at code
nta but there are tools for that.
I only use regex once or twice a year and have to relearn it every time. Just like writing bash scripts.
Rarely. Isn’t this something chatgpt is good at?
i work on firmware and i use it literally every day to look at firmware logs
So does anyone else know people that complain about:
>their job not being fulfilling
>job not keeping them busy around the clock
>job not taking over their life
Has anyone here built a homelab to learn things for a job they wanted such as SysAdmin? What did you set up?
i hate regular expressions and people who insist on using them in code over more performant standard library alternatives.
we're full Sandeep
Yes. Please don't do it because you think you can add it on a resume and claim it as experience.
It is purely an excuse to make a server, so it should at least be something you'll actually make use of like a NAS or a seedbox, maybe even a box to host minecraft for your friends.
Do not purchase a server blade, they are hot, power hungry, and loud.
kek I've had the jeets do that before. >>101542519
you are a faggot if u sent a cringe thank u email. I will never hire somon like u
>NAS or a seedbox,
Ya so I'm running trueNAS + dockerized qb in an ubuntu server vm, has a 6th gen i5. I don't play minecraft but I also setup pfsense with VLANs for it and the porch camera. I thought about active directory but I'd never use it, I don't use windows either. Maybe next could be a self signed CA certificate with an nginx proxy? I don't know if I'd need it.
Basic regex I use super frequently
Character classes (d, b, w), line matches (^ and $), one-of ([] and [^]), groups (() and |), and repetition (?, *, +, {}) are super straight forward, work the same way in all regex implementations (except parens might need escaping), and do 95% of what you need
Look behinds and arcane PCRE features I have to look up every time but rarely need
im just a whiney bitch that doesn't want to be challenged. I sucked it up and did the problems to test regex skills , its not that hard just annoying to have to look up the context of it all
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should we pivot to the devops cloud?
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I gave myself 23 hours to pass this AWS Cloud Practitioner cert. I've only EC2 instances but I'm a Systems Engineer at my job so most of this shit is familiar. Been studying since this morning. Got a 75 on a practice test before I studied anything. Will report back tomorrow morning.
someone convince me why I should switch from product design engineering to devops
No that's what I'm doing.
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Aside from the government having more security needs for non-compete between contracts, few companies actually enforce it anyways.

Wish the company I work for would pay me to work 6x12's I want to burn some money on a threadripper and a new car.
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>nothing to do at work
Learn some new shit or read some books anon. No one ever bitched at me for reading the entire Dune series.
What do you guys and gals think about working for a startup?
I value job security, stable hours, and being paid in real money.
Same. But as a fresh grad with almost no programming knowledge, I'm afraid I don't have much choice.
>Rejected from yet another job I applied
>Checks list, yep 2K applications over the past few months and yet I'm jobless

I think this is it lads. I just contacted an army recruiter, expecting him to reply back tomorrow. Hopefully, I can at least do something tech-adjacent, and if Trump goes to war, I guess I'll just die.
How did you stand Children of Dune?
Everything after the first book got really convoluted.
>Hopefully, I can at least do something tech-adjacent,
You might not. >>101513206
>Trump goes to war,
Didn't happen the last time he was president.
Wasn't starting wars Hillary's campaign platform?
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>mechanical engineer
>over 100 applications
>2 interviews
>1 of the interviews I got ghosted
>other one didn't get through the "vibe" check
>1 real recruiter reached out

It's a numbers game, right?
Well I'll try my shot, I need money either way otherwise I will be homeless.
I just think tensions are very high atm coz of Russia, Taiwan, and Israel. Also, Vance keeps blabbering about how going to war with Iran is worth it this time. Anyways, in the worst case, I hope it's quick.
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I want a rain check. How is EE doing right now? What is the dream EE job out there? Is it over saturated? Should I do Comp Eng instead since there is a decent amount of carry over?
you should not go to college but failing that do computer science.
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Take some weights to work, leave humanity behind.
>unironically enlisting for globohomo
Hope some Houthis kill you bro.
Saars, how do I get out of helpdesk?
Go officer, if not tell them your not shipping out without your preferred job and be sure to study for your ASVAB you want to shoot for anything above 80 percentile so you get more options to choose from. Airforce is better in all ways, fuck army and fuck most prior army shit heads.
Give him a job then.
I'm not in control of that.
For all I know he applied for senior level positions at FAGMAN as a bottom of the class graduate.
I'm going back to school. I did a very low-level tech course when I was in my early 20s that landed me grunt, first level tech support and I want to branch out of that. I've been out of the field for around 3 years, so I need a reset.

I'm not sure if I want to go to university or college. Either are possibilities at the moment. I have an offer for a 2 year AI course at a college, and an offer for 2 years networking at a different college with an optional third year to branch out in cyber security. Networking actually interests me on its own. AI seems interesting but also feels like the kind of thing that could just fizzle out at any point.

I'm really not sure where I want to go with this. I don't really get what a computer science bachelor's gets you. Is it a waste of time? Everyone in my immediate family is pushing me to go to university, I think it's because they're old and think university is automatically better/prestigious. It'll take me around 5 years from now to complete it (including the lead-up wait time to start this time next year) and it does interest me to do advanced learning, but I wonder how beneficial it is.

Looking for thoughts/suggestions. Thanks.
Get married before you go, it will improve your odds.
How does that work? Also, it's definitely not happening lol.
Fuck it I might as well.
How do you afford to live?
>I've been out of the field for around 3 years, so I need a reset.
It's not like things change very quickly, unless you're in ML.
I become infatuated with every femoid I interact with where they are even the slightest bit attractive and the interaction is wholesome
Unemployment checks while they lasted. Now: savings. Thanks to some luck in the stock market, I can go while.
Getting a job with a massive 3 year hole in my resume is going to be a serious challenge, and I don't want to be doing grunt first level support again, which is realistically all I'd get. I want to go for something a bit more interesting than that. Can't really see myself getting a job again without going back to school (I'm starting my mid 20s) and just for personal development, I want to be an actual expert, not just "uhh did you unplug it and plug it back in?" repeated 50 times a day.
Same feeling dude. 3 years in. fuck it man, as long as you're not being fired it's fine. I 100 per cent feel the same way almost all the time.
does getting formal education in cybersecurity lock you to glowie and glowie-adjacent jobs?
How do people like you even get these jobs.
yes and it's worth it
I don't have the energy to grind and job hop. What do? I don't care anymore even though I don't get paid that much. Just been coasting working 1 hr a day since this year started
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No there are plenty of non glowie jobs out there and good luck even with a masters or doctorate they really want Networking experience(net+, sec+, CCNA) or programming experience(python, any flavor of C, assembly). Both would be ideal but either will actually get you a job. Cybersecurity degrees are like IT degrees there decent but certifications or degrees like CS/CE goes much farther than either IT/Cyber degrees do.
glowies run the world so im not sure why you're implying a negative connotation.
okay so if that's what I want I'd be wasting my time going to university then, is what I'm getting from what you're saying
I mean if they put you in backend that's on them. I was the same on my internship and they were nice enough to let me take my time even though my tickets should only realistically take a day or two, as long as they saw any kind of progress(or non-progress)
Well you did something right. I’m 38, still live with my parents, have two college degrees, work two menial jobs, have no friends, definitely no gf, My parents will be dead in less than a decade. I’m terrified of my future.
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You'd be wasting it doing IT/Cybersecurity. There is a reason why our jobs have Computer science preferred in it. You can get plenty far with certifications however you need to find out what specialization within cybersecurity you want to do. Do you want to do Admin(bulk of jobs), White hat(defense), Red hat(attack), Grey hat(freelance penetration testing), Physical pretesting.

Unlike other IT related jobs cybersecurity has yet to consolidate to specific certification vendors. Atleast for server admin you could get RHCA from redhat and get a job just about anywhere if you have some homelab experience.
>They sized my tickets as something that should take 2/3 days at most
sizing shouldn't be an objective time box since it different devs are better at different things (and a new dev should be expected to take longer). if that wasn't accounted for during the sizing then they're amateurs or the business people have too much say in technical decisions
A local community college offered me a spot for a brand new AI two year program. Worth taking the plunge?
Please poo in the loo sar
Thanks. I'm trying to figure things out. I have an offer for a two year networking program with an optional extra year for cybersecurity at a community college and I'm considering taking it. I've been thinking about university too, I could get in, I have around a 90% average but I actually don't really know what kind of work getting a bachelor gets you.
i find it hard to believe an associates degree in ai would be worth anything
Bachelors/Masters is mostly for management positions. 1/4th of the content will be applicable if your lucky. But being competitive for jobs they really want CS degrees since at the high end you will be doing scripting eventually.

Key factor here is cost. You can do college for discount or free if you choose a job that has a tuition assistance program. If you want to get a degree in non CS related stuff then be sure that you double down on certifications when you can. Like I said 1/4 of college will be applicable and you will see alot of the content in a certification covered in a degree. If that's what you college has and what you want to do then go for it just be aware that certs matter more now and degree second and programming third.
yeah, holding me back too. People around me have been pushing me to take it because AI is the thing with hype behind it right now, but I can't really see it leading me to a job
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Anyone done something like this? I just need to stop neeting
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Finally, all those hours gooning with chatbots will pay off
I don't care for a second to be a manager. What I truly want is to be a real expert in something. I've always been a generalist and I want to be really, really competent in something computer related. I thought that's what university teaches you, but I admit I have no idea how it actually works in the real world. I dropped out of high school at 14 (went back to finish as an adult) and I never got the rundown on your options for schooling after high school and what they mean, so it's uncharted territory for me.

I have more than enough to cover the 40k tuition for university. I honestly don't really give a shit about money in general. I'd rather have interesting, meaningful and serious work I'm passionate about than a huge wage. I used to make good money and I literally just let it fill up my bank account for years without spending it.

Would you mind explaining to me exactly what a computer science degree is meant to be, because I don't truly understand it. I saw from the course listing you take a lot of math (not something that I mind, in fact I like math).
How will prompting fat anime titties 20 times a day help with stacy and her starbucks order during the holidays?
Sounds like a nice and comfy job. I'm jealous.
sounds too good to be true so it must be
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Computer science you learn the fundamentals of how computers function from computer architecture, a hint of electronic engineering, compilers, how code is abstracted at different levels and how you can preform certain tasks at each level. Yeah its mostly math but it gives you the basis for understanding how to program. In the grand schemes of things its worth getting so you can truly be a generalist for anything you want to do later down the line and in the immediate you need it for the job since it is a preferred degree on many applications. Comp Eng is more embedded and EE related but that is good for building drones, robotics, firmware and various other hardware related needs.

IT/Cybersecurity degrees are alright like I mentioned but if you really want to go the distance you will eventually need it for lead positions(still technical) or engineering positions in which a masters degree is required. If you dropped out like I did then you need at most a bachelors degree so no one questions your lack of a diploma. Certs get you further up until you start applying for lead and engineering positions however then you need a masters degree. Main benefit you see aside from education is improved reading, writing and test taking ability which is probably the most important part of college, since you will be picking up new technology rather frequently throughout your career.
I don't get it. I'm not USian, but there is a real need for COMPETENT cybersecurity professionals in the industry, particularly offensive security pros.
yet no one seems to want to do that ITT, and the few that even talk about it get told not to lmao.

also, you faggots have the tools you could use to get out of your shitty situations in your own hands, yet all you think about is getting a salaried job. why? I mean, I get it, selling shit is hard for autists, but why can't you try it? why can you sell some useless shit to some group of boomers for 100k/year? even google sucks dick as a search engine these days. why don't you start your own niche search engine, or something?

when I was a NEET, I'd do everything I could: freelancing, sold chinese crap, fixed computers/laptops and phones, did support for local businesses, ... I didn't get to make much money but at least it kept me afloat and sane, and I met a lot of people out there. why don't you guys do that?
I am dysgenic as shit man
I feel like I am walking proof that god is not real
If god was real, a creature like me could not possibly exist
Startup costs for any business let alone trying to compete against giants in tech is a lost cause. Most startups exist not to compete but to be bought out by the big tech companies. Its a good strat but most companies do not survive the first year 95% failure rate.

Freelancing is hit and miss with most jobs paying decent but often the time between jobs should be accounted for before considering. Besides with enough time hitting the books and upskilling you can get pretty decent salary above 100k$ so there is little reason to go out on your own.
i like smoking weed and reading hentai so any job whose prospects rely on security clearance is a no-go for me
I had the exact same thing happen to me. Seven years with the company, helped it build it up to the business that it is and they started moving jobs to Mexico. Worse yet, they were filling in team members that were let go with Indians. Near the end I was dealing with SAAAAAARS and broken Mexican-English.

What I hear from people still at the company is they have monthly outages. I like to imagine it's Indians and Mexicans yelling at each other in broken English.
>Startup costs for any business let alone trying to compete against giants in tech is a lost cause
and why do you need to go that big? how about you start something small and let shit happen?
I was thinking about this a while ago: there are TONS of good old websites that google doesn't seem to be indexing anymore. websites that are really simple HTML and have technical info or interesting stuff.
or maybe you could offer paid support for FOSS applications. or even sell them. you are allowed to do that, legally. I myself installed some FOSS software for a friend of mine who is a dentist. the software sucked, but I guess if you know how to program and have enough time someone could fork it and modify it according to what the clients actually need, and sell support for that shit.

AFAIK, you don't need security clearance to, say, become a pentester in most corporations. why does everyone believe this? are you faggots retarded?

why do you convince yourselves of dumb shit like the ones i mentioned above?
>job security
A thing of the past
I forgot to mention: you also don't need a degree to work as a pentester. you do need to be competent, though, and to be willing to learn, because there is a LOT to learn.

captcha: DDGP2
> smoking weed
you'll be fine if your not smoking resin at least.
>reading hentai
so is more than half of the people with the government including the women.

You have average prospects so long as your do not have a criminal record or multiple DUI's your fine.
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I currently have a pretty ok job doing web dev, I got it after looking for a few months during late 2023 and the beginning of 2024. Even though shit’s been relatively easy, the micromanaging is eating my soul. It’s making me loathe going to work even though I know it’s gonna be fine.

We’re expected to keep the jira board updated at all times or else the scrum master comes to bitch about it. If you don’t put a date on a task that’s in your name he comes bitching about it. If you don’t put all the hours your worked on the exact tasks, he comes bitching about it. If you don’t answer his “how’s that task going” 3 times a day he bitches about it.

Thing is, he’s not the one responsible for this, the pressure comes from the ones above him, the directors. I’ve even heard one of them say that “constant pressure makes the workers work faster”. Yeah right, like when this same director rushed a project in one month that should have taken 6 months just to tell our client that we finished it. We ended up taking months to fix all the broken and buggy code. He’s now doing it again by migrating a system to fucking react in less than a month.

Feels like they’re more worried about us following the micromanagement crap than actually delivering quality work, and this shit kills me even if I try to pretend it doesn’t. I even heard talks of this director threatening to fire the QA guy just because he missed a bug during testing, our scrum master is the only one defending us from him.

Thinking of updating my resume and starting looking for something else next month.
Whats a robot wrangler?
Also, the constant micromanaging makes you actually work full 8 hours a day, or sometimes even making you do unpaid overtime because of shitty deadlines. If you put a date that’s too far in the future, the director bitches about it saying “he takes 10 minutes to do it”. If you put a date that’s too short, you’ll be punished for taking too long to finish the task “why is this taking so long, I can do it really quickly”. It’s constant hell.
Forgot to add, I see managers working up to 10 PM every single day. Insane workaholic culture.
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Should i work for my mom even on Saturday and sundays or should i say no to her for once in my life so i can make my games? I want to make a deal with her that i can make $10k before i turn 30. I'm a third worlder, and $10k is enough to live for a year here. I'm 23 by the way. It's not like i don't want to get a job or seeking normal employment. I'll get a job, and then every time i go home, I'll prefer to work on my game and writing project instead of doing her bidding every time. I already clean our house everyday, and took care of my younger siblings. I'm confident with my English, and rather slogging for her doing things I don't like for measly turd world currency, I can get extra $100 - $1000 a month doing stuff that are flexible and fulfilling, whether it's from a remote job or my hobby projects. I have lot on my plate and she just won't get that. My parents are divorced btw, and I want to move out by 2026.
What are you even seeing as a preferred job for Airforce Officers? All of the tech work I found on their careers page was for Enlisted.
Well obviously if you want to be a pilot airforce or navy. If you want to be intel it can be any branch and they do alot of actual work. I have no clue how many slots are open for IT in the officer sphere.


3 officer positions. If you have a degree with a good GPA that is.
sounds annoying but my team has the exact opposite problem. nobody updates their tickets to "in progress" and that ends up fucking up the automations so it's not clear on the board what's actually in PR. PM just puts a bunch of shit into every sprint without any consideration for capacity so we have constant roll over. at a certain point just feels like why even have the board if people can't even do the absolute bare minimum to keep it semi-accurate

>the pressure comes from the ones above him, the directors. I’ve even heard one of them say that “constant pressure makes the workers work faster”. Yeah right, like when this same director rushed a project in one month that should have taken 6 months just to tell our client that we finished it. We ended up taking months to fix all the broken and buggy code
relatable lol. been on a shitty project the past year that is way over time and budget. just got new management who have basically said "no more excuses, finish it next week" so we're all rushing out the door knowing that it will be months of bug feedback before it actually goes into production. we're only in this position because the business people way overcommitted on what we could deliver and now the business people have decided it's our fault for taking too long and think they can just push us hard to finish it. shit sucks
>If you put a date that’s too far in the future, the director bitches about it saying “he takes 10 minutes to do it”
He can do it in 10 minutes then, you can do something else.
you wont work on it anyways. better to spend one hour each day on a small task for your game and keep your family happy
Pass your asvab, get in reasonable shape, and prepare your mental. IF you score high enough on your asvab, you can choose the coveted tech jobs.(Which are a mandatory 5 year+ contract).

Officer route: You don't need to take an asvab but the afqt or w.e. Which is like the SAT. OCS is not a guarantee so you could be waiting a while. You get paid more and more respect but you do no actual work compared to the enlisted side. There are cyber and intel slots but they require some background and a clearance.(No past drug or violent police records) Intel branching is HIGHLY competitive so there are barely any slots left for OCS cucks

The Air force is better quality of life but you don't get to choose your job. You create a list and they will try to fit you to your preferences. Less cyber jobs and more mechanic jobs. You have the ability to dual enlist for a chance to get into the space force (more cyber jobs).
meme you do get to do your job. You just have to tell your recruiter your gonna wait until its available. But yeah fitness is a must he should be passing his PT test with at least 55 pushups/situps, 10 pullups(not on the test), 1.5 mile run in 10 mins ideally. This will be fit enough to carry him through basic or OTS just fine if he can manage.
if you're essentially paying them rent already then i wouldn't feel too inclined to help out extra (unless you make so little that 10% of your income is literally nothing)
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>ai slop
By your cavalier attitude I can tell that you're talking out of turn here. I'll never dissuade someone from starting their own business, but here are the brass tacks of your misrepresentation:

>why [can't] you sell some useless shit to some group of boomers for 100k/year?
Keep this in mind as I address all of your other points: you are referring to a low-information captive customer base, i.e. a group of people who use your product because they are either unaware of or unwilling to use alternatives. This is on par with, "Have rich parents," when it comes to actionable advice - you need customers willing to do you that favor in perpetuity, which is unrealistic for most people.

>even google sucks dick as a search engine these days. why don't you start your own niche search engine, or something?
>there are TONS of good old websites that google doesn't seem to be indexing anymore. websites that are really simple HTML and have technical info or interesting stuff.
If you have the ability to make a search engine that can pay you a $100k/yr salary in the first year then you can command a salary three to five times that with any major online retailer. Those skills are not trivial.

>or maybe you could offer paid support for FOSS applications. or even sell them. you are allowed to do that, legally. I myself installed some FOSS software for a friend of mine who is a dentist. the software sucked, but I guess if you know how to program and have enough time someone could fork it and modify it according to what the clients actually need, and sell support for that shit.
Red Hat would like a word. See my first point about maintaining a captive customer base.

>AFAIK, you don't need security clearance to, say, become a pentester in most corporations. why does everyone believe this? are you faggots retarded?
Are you aware that "pentester" is a senior (i.e. experienced) cybersecurity position? Not great advice for people who have a problem being hired.
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I can't think of any other field where you get to work from home, have the time fly by because of how intense it is, have minimal interaction with dumb people, be able to job hop every 3 years, and earn loads of money. What else is there for a person born in a lower middle class family bordering poverty? I didn't even finish college. I wouldn't be able or want to be a doctor, a lawyer, or a banker.
>muh trades
You have no idea what you're talking about.
It always has some fecal particle, even if you bleach your ass.
Never did any drug other than coffee, but my vice is gooning. I actually goon much less than before (less hours at a time and around twice a week) but I still feel I need it after a stressful day.
Why do you care.
Dude, just peek on an answer if you don't get it in several minutes. This isn't some essential shit you have to do "the right way". Leet code questions are a lazy way for interviewer to weed out retards and you are better off just memorizing every other question. The patterns and tricks start repeating themselves eventually. Remember you are competing with jeets, this isn't a matter of merit or honor. Stop being white for a goddamn moment.
What were your titles through the years?
I use chatGPT if I ever need a regex, but I don't trust it so I double check on regex101.
Define "startup". I work at one with 400 employees, valued at $2B, and has an identity crisis between being corporate or a startup. We basically take the worst of both worlds.
EE basically moved to Taiwan and China. Only crumbs remained in the west, and they are fully occupied by boomers with 30+ YOE. Good luck champ.
Got an interview in about an hour. Wish me look bros
>identity crisis between being corporate or a startup
Having looked at many publicly traded small cap companies they all have that problem. Thankfully most decide to go full retard and tank so that they can pretend to be a startup again.
Most suck and are scams. At least now many of them are being headed by jeets so they are very easy to spot.
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Yeah, this sounds like a nice advice. Problem is, my mom is very confrontational. She wants me to be a well-rounded, money maker kind of father one day.

I probably would accept the 3-4 hour commute everyday for at least 12 months, just so i can save money for the day i move out. Freshgrads only makes around $400-450 here so it's not much, while living cost for each month for 1 single person is $400. If I stay with my mom, electric bill for a month here in my mom's house is around $100, and I can cover $50. My two siblings allowances everyday (22 days) is also $100, and I can cover $50. For daily living cost i probably would spent at least $100, that way at least I can save $200 each month.

It's not like I'm taking things too easy or I'm being too idealistic, I just want my mom to understand that hey, I'm a young adult with interests, at least I still help around and make money instead of staying shut inside my room like a loser.
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wish you look bro
hit em with the chad femboy stare look
Any germanons know anything about IU hochschule? I recently moved here from the US and have a pretty chill remote job with solid security. They'd likely help pay for part of a master's and I'm thinking of doing one in either data science or business intelligence?

I see a lot of mixed reviews and honestly sounds like a WGU in the US. Most of the stuff I see online though come across two ways

>I'm hecking lazy and disorganized so the take courses at your own pace fucked me over
>Omg it's a private university and you're just ruining the opportunities provided by public unis here.

My German is shit and they offer degrees in English so I figured why not. Anyone got any thoughts?
Unironically I might. Nothing wrong with using your strengths, right?
Based and cold shouldered
why do your siblings get an allowance that is equivalent to 1/4th of what a fresh grad makes per month? in the US, that would be like giving your kids nearly $1k per month
whatever m8. I just wanted to motivate people to do some effort, try stuff and meet people IRL but I guess it's too much to ask in this board.
i need to stop doing this on customer emails, they take us up on that offer too often
i'd probably maintain that attitude for a max of 6 months, cannot imagine being unemployed for over a year and thinking i'm too good for a handout. at a certain point it's not pride, it's mental illness
what kind of company pays such utopian salaries? how is that even possible?
Thats middle income if we were still on the gold standard.
Telling people who have a hard time getting entry-level jobs to "just" do stuff that's quite difficult is DEMOTIVATING. Don't pat yourself on the back while you're setting them up for failure.
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t. you
Any excuses aside from "I already accepted another offer" if I don't wanna proceed with an interview because of live coding?
just ghost 'em, it's what they would do to you. also stop being a pussy
all my cybersec interviews turned out that the job was some pencil pusher bullshit
no technical stuff

the cybersec niggers at my big corpo also don't know shit, they just parrot what the gay scanner says and then they write emails and setup meetings
>sitting up straight
Because his parents seem to be pissed from their long unhappy marriage that ended up in divorce, and they don't wanna work so hard anymore so now the eldest kid gotta be in charge. Happens every where.
low test
"If I wanted someone to breath down my neck while i code I would not be looking for a new job, peace fucker"
>implying a high test individual would live like that
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They live in the gym and leave humanity behind.
I mostly told her no on things like this. She would bring this up every time i drive and pick her up to and from the airport. On weekends too every time I'm finally can chill and play games a bit or watch shows, at the evening she would hand me stuff like "anon, i want you to take care of the whole neighborhood event. We have to be more sociable."

She gets assmad every time no matter how soft toned i replied, and would call me a selfish prick who will die alone. Deep inside im like, sis who exactly fucked your marriage? None of us did.
You don't need to give a reason. Just say you're no longer interested.
How are large numbers of the same class handled efficiently for memory? Like a video game that has a shit load of npc enemies type thing , do they get dumped into database tables and just called when needed?
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I should have left my current job two years ago. Now I've lost my interest in programming and I'm too burned out to put the effort required to learn new shit and find a better job.
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Passion is great but life isn't about work anon.
Thank god procrastination for me is cleaning. My house is fucking spotless and I still haven't done shit for school.
>spent my weekend day doing a test assignment
>on Monday they responded with we decided to move further with other candidate
>not even a screening call to say that in person
Never again.
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Its just the economy anon. We will find out what our future is after the election.
I know, and I don't want it to be.
My current job is stressful and boring and it made me hate computers.
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Everyone becomes a luddite with this or even IT jobs in general. The mechanics are no different. It is what it is. You can still have fun learning but my recommendation is that you should learn random shit even if it does not pertain to your job. You never know what subset of tech interests you until you pick it up, programming or otherwise.
I hate asking people to be references. I hate sucking up their time and putting my job prospects on their good deed. Wish I was a better actor and lier to just do it all myself.
Tell them friends are for fucking pussies and faggots. Its that easy.
>I hate asking people to be references
I don't. I hate people.
where can I learn about marketing, pr and the such?
If i make 1k one day, I'll only give them $50 each so that would be $100 per sibling.
Same thing happened to me at my last job, I endured 1.5 years, they even put me in team lead role with no pay bump, so I was actually managing asana for 75% of my time instead of coding.
Then I got in touch with an old colleague which I knew his workplace was actively recruiting, and had him refer me. Best choice of my life
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>me surviving but not thriving.
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I didn't believe y'all when you said the job market is fucked but I've been applying for jobs for 2 weeks straight, several hours per day and didn't get one(1) single call. Only ever received a rejection email and I've applied to possibly hundreds of openings. I even started thinking it's a me problem since I do have about 10 years of work experience in various telco companies and went back to school for a second bachelor in engineering. My first bachelor is in law but I didn't like the work. Should I just prune my CV and basically just have my name, number and engineering uni?
Any experience or degrees is better then none. If anything just leave everything on there you never know when your experience will carry over to another job. I have a boss that interviews 5 people a day and deals with 500 apps per job a month and he says he won't even look at a CV until its 3 pages long due to experience.
How do you think listing jobs I've stayed under a years looks like? I've pruned those since I heard recruiters frown at it and left only jobs I've worked at for at least around 1 year. All in all it adds up to be 5 jobs spread over about 7 years and a half.
It shows that you have more experience than most chumps with bullshit degrees. Regardless of what dumbass recruiter says the hiring manager gives a shit a bout any prior experience. I got hired for my job due to experience with emergency IT systems and that was a small part of my job experience and now i am getting paid 140K$ yearly. Most companies don't give a shit about page length if it means they get more experienced personnel. Keep everything as a master document and apply for jobs with specialized resumes if you want but I have been lucky with just saying fuck it and putting everything on it.
Thanks, I did some light editing so I'll go back to the grind for now.
>mechanical engineer
Same, it's literally over. At least you had found 100 listings to apply too.
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Are engineering degrees even surviving right now?
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Yes, but only by doing anything else. Don't know about the US but for EU there's barely any factories/manufacturers/design bureaus left and those that are still open are either downsizing or keeping a steady workforce made up exclusively of boomers. To get hired you almost certainly need to either get very lucky or have connections, it's grim.
Has anyone ever done jwt for their coding exam. I'm about to shift careers
In that case, fuck the physical homelab and use your hardware budget to buy credits with a cloud host you think you might use at a job in the future. Azure or AWS are both used quite commonly by corporate types, so being able to play ball in that sort of environment is at least marketable
>its another thread with more than half posts being neets
>tech WORKER general
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Any Spring Boot freelancer/hired dev around here?
I've got some time without any work, I'd like to know some more advanced stack so I can train with it. What to learn/practice once you can do authentication/CRUD/scheduling stuff?
Even DevOps/architecture shit is welcome
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Well anon? We're waiting
10+ years of working as a glorified script kiddie producing trash code and systems, and now I cannot pass interviews. I finally started doing DS&A, and still ended up fucking up a technical test 2 days ago that is probably easier than Leetcode Easy.
I did this to myself.
How is your day to day now?
Get your H1B and migrate, sirs!
But pentester is a very demanding job, which, as you said, requires to be constantly learning and practicing. Why the fuck would we subject oursevlves if we don’t have a passion for offensive security (if we did, we would already be pentesters or on our way to be).
t. SOC analyst with OSCP
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Passed! Solutions Architect is next. Don't know where that's falling in my upcoming schedule, but it's possible within the year for sure.
Career Goal: Devops Engineer/Cloud Architect

Current certs: Security+, AWS-CF02
Upcoming certs: Network+ in a few weeks, Kubernetes KCA, VmWare VPC-DCV (not sure about this one since people don't seem happy with vmware atm the moment.

Also need to skill up on Linux, Terraform, Ansible, and Python, but don't see a need to certify on those.

Adios! Will update in the coming months!
Keep us posted, anon.

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