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Jeetcamp edition.

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous edition: >>101536551
ghosted by recruiter again, despite having a great interview with her, and her literally telling me i'm through to the next round at the end of the interview
at this point i feel like they're just doing this to fuck with people
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>people are getting interviews under 2 months
I have been working at the same place for 4 years now, but the company has no future because the boss is plain old dumb. I keep doing dev, but at least 30% of my week is lost on dealing with a stupid boss that keeps setting things on fire, completely unrelated to my actual programming role. I am the "CTO".

It is comfy because it is fully remote, and my salary is ok but nothing special. The problem is that the salary will never really go further up, and my skills have not really improved. I just duct tape shit together. Complex shit sometimes, but duct taped nonetheless. The main problem is that I am at risk of the company going under whenever, because it has been living off of investments thanks to the systems I developed. The boss may be stupid, but they can get investment somehow. However the red numbers will not go away. I have to jump ship, due to a few uncommon circumstances.

The fact that I have survived so far is in an on itself a skill I guess. But there is a limit to how far it can go.
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Business idea: businesses should diversify their IT infrastructure if they want to be more safe from incidents like the Crowdstrike crashes

Imagine if airports also had some computers running Linux (maybe RHEL or whatever), and they could just fail over to those systems if there were problems with Windows

Perhaps any business that didn't anticipate the possibility of a Windows-wide problem only has themselves to blame
Is 2/3 yoe enough to get a fully remote job from the us or europe as a latin third-worlder?

If people have done it please share experiences
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Way to complicated even someone like myself working in IT would have a harder issue of implementing something like that without an entire separate team for a fail over situation. It would not be feasible in any scenario. The proper solution would be to through that shit in a testing lab for a month to see if it works for the past 6 versions of windows updates that you are using. My company through shit through the lab for 2 months and various scenarios to skip that situation.
>5 (five) weeks of paid time off a year
Fully remote as in working from latin America, or remote as in working in that country but not having to go to the office?
thats the bare minimum in my country, most get 6
what cunt?
glowie jobs in a glowie city
of course
Please post about real countries not about EU slave colonies like Belgium
I've been in one of those places for 2 years and it's exhausting. You have the product owner / scrum master / project manager hat while implementing everything. This is great if it are projects that are fairly low stress and you're independent of others. Until you have dependency on others, on user requirements but also external teams and maybe consultants. You then have to guide everything while also implementing and you're really working 3 jobs at that point while likely getting paid the salary of a lowly dev and not that of an architect or po.

You'll also run into projects that will crash into a wall due to the chaos that ensues. Some companies fail to see that a micro manager who keeps track of everything and makes sure there is a backlog and proper bug reporting and proper reporting on how things work is 100% needed if you want a company that uses tech beyond a css webpage and a HR system.
Kek and you also make like 40k at max and will not retire before 76 kek
I'll take my unlimited time off, 300k salary and retirement with 30 thank you very much.
Even in Russia the minimum is 20 days.
It seems my superiority has caused some controversy.
>unlimited time off
now try to take 2 weeks off randomly next month, and see how unlimited your PTO really is
>unlimited time off
No such thing I promise you. great salary but lets be real there probably giving you 12 hour days and unlimited on call time at there convince even for small shit.
>unlimited time off
yeah well this is a ridiculous meme for gen z
I retired. What now?
Why are europeons like this?
>"haha I have le 30 days vacation xD"
>Oh really? Here in america we have unlimited vacation days
>"NOOOOOOOO it's actually not unlimited and and it's actually le bad and I know it because I don't live there!!!"
Really embarrassing.
you became a neet?
back to work...
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Amerilard here there is no such thing as vacations let alone unlimited. You are a workaholic like most of us here and you have yet to take a random 2 weeks off. I bet your ass it would not be PTO but instead it would be a sabbatical unpaid time off if any thing longer than 2 weeks.
>you're having unlimited days off
>if they laid you off
Correct. And with enough money to sustain my neet lifestyle in my own house indefinitely.
>Can't find a job
>Go become a grunt the NWO
>Fuck up your knees from rucking around like a retard hours on end
>Spend hours caked in cold mud and wishing you'd be back home, poor but happy
>The apex of your "career" will be to shot some shepherd in bumfuckofnowhere for daring to move his flock to close to your perimeter
Like pottery.
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any site or app for free that details employment rate and job growth rate in a particular area in CS/software engineering such as web dev, ML, data sci, embedded systems, os dev, etc.?
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of course.
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im just gonna say it right here

im not gonna work

i live with my parents and companies refuse to hire for anything that isn't help desk
so im just not gonna apply for jobs and enjoy my free time and there's nothing you can do about it :)

and when the job market isn't a clown show, and I need a job? I'll just lie and say I've been a hard working wagie at my imaginary company registered with the state commerce !!! hahahaha
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You will start out as a help desk wagie regardless of what you think. There is no getting around the filter that is customer support for IT. If you cannot handle customers we do not want you. If you do not want to learn shit on your own, we do not want you.
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Any Spring Boot freelancer/hired dev around here?
I've got some time without any work, I'd like to know some more advanced stack so I can train with it. What to learn/practice once you can do authentication/CRUD/scheduling stuff?
Even DevOps/architecture shit is welcome. Anything that'll make me more hireable for freelance shit.
cool larp anon

im still gonna get the job regardless of what you think :))

so you can sit there and seethe all you want
time to enter the suicide pod in that case
Better get that CCIE then or else your the larp that is to be eaten by carp.
>that webm
The sad part is that it's actually true.
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Any tips on my resume?
Fully remote from any country. Important thing is getting a north-american/european salary.
>convert 80 pounds to kg
>it's 36kg
>he advertises that on his resume
NGMI senpai, I deadlift 140kg for reps but you won't see me talking about it.
i dont think doreen is a male name anon
>Important thing is getting a north-american/european salary
Why would anyone pay you a NA/EU salary? Companies only outsource to other countries if it's gonna be cheaper, that also includes remote work.
what is that webm trying to prove?
In that case Doreen should post tits first and then ask for tips.
The fuck would you ever need your address on there assuming that is real info.

Do not put your phone on there if you don't want Indian spam calls

What are you multi tasking exactly?

what is defined as comprehensive care?

No one cares about attendance or deans lists or GPA. Also what is the actual degree?

Gonna have to majorly expand upon the details for what you know about computers. Are we talking about building one, registry, game mods, minecraft servers, reinstalling windows ect?
elites rock and fuck, plebs get to rot and suck
nta but I got a first job directly as a full-stack jr in a company. Not in burgerland so ymmv
There are full-remote senior positions that advertise 100k salaries. So that's all bullshit?
Which is unironically based.
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A cofounder and CTO from a cryptography startup in New York found my personal blog. I live in Eastern Europe and make a salary that is typical of the region. What do I write to them, /g/bros?
I thought that was common knowledge for basically all of human history though?
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Yeah well programming is entirely different. IT you basically have to grovel at the helpdesk regardless of your certs and degree for 1-2 years before you can move up to a specialized role. It weeds out the retards who cant into social and should seppuku
>until its 3 pages long due to experience.
So was the one page CV demanded by roasties a psyop to filter me? FUCK WHY DID I FALL FOR THAT?
I mean, just think about it. Would a company really entrust a senior position(or any position) that would certainly include access to lots of sensitive information and/or the ability to do harm to the business to someone they have no oversight or control over and whom they cannot hold accountable? If they do they're just asking for trouble. It's different for guys from EU or NA but you're not from there.
Any germanons know anything about IU hochschule? I recently moved here from the US and have a pretty chill remote job with solid security. They'd likely help pay for part of a master's and I'm thinking of doing one in either data science or business intelligence?

I see a lot of mixed reviews and honestly sounds like a WGU in the US. So what's peoples experiences with these types of schools? Most of the stuff I see online though come across two ways

>I'm hecking lazy and disorganized so the take courses at your own pace fucked me over
>Omg it's a private university and you're just ruining the opportunities provided by public unis here.

My German is shit and they offer degrees in English so I figured why not. Anyone got any thoughts?
1 page was 10 year old info when people were not job hopping yearly. 2-3 pages you can get away with now. Especially since most people have a wide variety of experience in various programming languages, server admin, networking ect. More people have a variety of tech experiences to the point that you will never know what might apply to the next job.
Good to know anon thanks. I'm gonna pad it out more now.
Yeah for the record i use 1 line spacing for my 3 pages and i got hired from 3 line about my emergency IT systems I worked with. Everything else might've gotten me hired for another job.

The key is that you want to input the technologies, software, hardware and what you know, done and managed from them. Make it into bullet points and you should be fine.
No lol not even close. Try 15 years.
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I took off my pants in the middle of a call with a coworker because it was too damn hot (I work from home), then I hear my female coworker giggling and she tells me "nice package anon". I asked her what she meant and she told me to check my camera. THE DAMN CAMERA SHUTTER/SLIDER WAS OFF.

IT'S ON. I didnt apologize and I'm 100% sure I will get a raise.
>be me
>toil for 10 yars in Euro company
>be fired
>not enough money to retire
If you think about working in Europe, do not do it. You will just be throwing away your life years.
But you paid enough taxes, didn't you? Ask for some of that money from the government.
Hi anon
quick call
>Ask for some of that money from the government.
Anon being funny lmao
more like

>"Hi anon"
>waits for you to reply
>Boomer bosses pay double just to be able to micro manage their wagies and put them through the "commuting" humiliation ritual
Makes you think.
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one more meeting and i'm gonna lose it
WGU lol it does not matter its no different than any other college. If your self paced learner then its easy but the kicker is that you need certs within the degree plan to pass the degree at all. If you can handle certs then the degree can be done within a year or earlier.

For note there are 4000 universities in the US alone and no one really checks. If you want a good education go with a state university. Euro schools are shorter but germans should be decent in english and alot of them have english online courses.
I passed!
>migrated clients win11 to new ssd
>plugged in
>no os found
Come home
>boot off My PC
>boots in
>boot back to arch from my ssd
>no os found

I did all the usual legacy and safe boot, boot order.
Nothing works, please someone help me I want to bash my head open against a wall.
You missed the most important step anon. Skip every other generation of Windows. Wait until 12 retard.
(is it the wrong place to ask for that?)
Fuck dude I told the guy I'd have it ready by tomorrow. He's my first client.
You're getting paid to sit there.
Check your bios settings. Windows 11 has some server related shit that made it to consumer grade. His mobo is not setup for it.
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>been underpaid for years
how do you recover from allowing this to happen to yourself? at least it's remote and I barely work 20 hrs a week
>live in a 3rd world country
>job market sucks
>have to move 4 hours away if i want to be a web developer
>and get paid $200 a month
What the fuck
How does that compare to working in the mines or on the farms? What is the median monthly salary? What is considered high end salary?

That shit right now sounds like south east asia.
He was running it before I migrated to ssd. Idk why but my PC is fucked too. Think it could be malware?
Get a new job and pretend that you've been getting average pay, then ask for slightly higher than average. Don't let your skills stagnate either, like I did.

t. Was in the same situation
If you migrated a clone then it wont work. Windows 10 does not handle hardware migrations at all without doing a full install. I have upgraded my CPU on AMD and I was forced to reinstall my OS on the same mobo. It will not matter if its the same bios or upgraded bios firmware.
It is southeast asia. I can make double that by working in a call center. To be fair it is in an internship, but man, I'd be happier if they at least allowed remote work
Fuck it work remote call center and internship for web dev. You get better pay and more job exp. Less then most SEA so probally laos i bet they would let you work 2-4 hours call center during your degree and after your intership turns into a job you would get double that. But you have to check to see what everyone is actually getting paid once they are full time. Check websites, talk to people and figure things out through your national chan forums, I promise you they exist.
The thing is, it ran on my personal PC when I plugged it in at home.
Then I booted off my hdd that runs arch and it gives me the same error it gave him.
>no os found
Sorry man check /PCB/
So really it's fine to do and won't matter all that much? The degree programs don't look like they provide certs, but I can work on some on the side if need be
Honestly, I might just work at a call center and study more about software development on the side while looking for other opportunities. I'm not really that much into web development anyways. Just kinda sucks that I could be making money while learning more but I'm not really sure if I want to work just to survive
Yeah thanks dude.
good morning sar
please redeem university of pheonix online scam degree
Wont matter much. But the degree progams normally provide you material to study certifications and pay for the tests x2 times. The key thing is you actually need to pass them to then pass the class.


Sorry senpai it sucks but learning on the side is more inline with actual software dev. I think the issue is that the job your applying for is front end dev and thus UI/UX related and that might be why your getting paid less. The backend tends to pay more.

Sucks but like i said skip every other generation of windows its so easy the government does it.

Yeah thats why i said state schools are better but it really does not matter anymore.
Unfortunately(or fortunately) it is backend according to them
>but it really does not matter anymore.
yep doesnt matter anymore. not at all. in fact the best thing anons could do for themselves in one of the toughest job markets in over 20 years is to go into debt for a bare minimum degree that no one will value. hr will never spend 2 seconds googling your scam school before putting you into the interview pool
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They don't lol. HR roasties don't check shit aside that its from a regionally accredited school.
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I'm not even from Denmark but you've got to respect Denmark's contribution to the tech world. All of these people are Danish:
>Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++
>Rasmus Lerdorf, creator of PHP
>Anders Hejlsberg, designer of C#, lead contributor to TypeScript
>David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails
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>hr will never spend 2 seconds googling your scam school
Accurate. They're barely spending 6 seconds on your ass.
Congratulations. Digits indicate God is pleased with you as well.
>There are nearly 6,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.
>Of those schools, 3,982 are degree-granting postsecondary institutions.

How many private/public/for-profit/ --- Schools can you even memorize? Not a fucking person in any industry knows about all of the top Ivy League collegs, or top private CS/Engineering colleges like MIT or Standford. I promise you its not that fucking deep. If you want to get a good education then go to public state colleges. If you want prestige then chase the top. If you want to check a box then go for profit online. In the end everyone goes to the same job and job experience, self education and who you know's matters the most.
You lie about what you have been paid when you change jobs.
Ghosting recruiters should be okay, right? Although I don't wanna burn bridges
its encouraged, anom
Do you have recruiters to ghost? I can't even get them to call me.
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day 2 of my coworker i hated finally being fired. life is good sometimes.
Sorry A&W chads rise up

and how many of those are "accredited" computer science programs with an online only curriculum?
>In the end everyone goes to the same job
check out the sob stories on r/cscareerquestions. people do not go to the same job when there's multiple times more grads than available entry level positions. unless your idea of the same job is starbucks

youre telling they dont really look at your education when you apply for a 10 dollar an hour position walking dogs? no way
got my first rejection email today
and so it begins...
there's your problem reddit. Fuck off.
She'll get a raise out of you if you catch my drift.
>$60k-$140k salary
>50% remote
>must be fluent in English and Mandarin
fuck this
>fluent in mandarin
sounds like your training your replacement and your not even making 400k guaranteed [per yr for 5 years. Yeah fuck that.

Man, it's almost impressive how much shittier this website has gotten in just 2 years. For comparison, here's how anons almost to the day in 2022 responded to an obvious meme resume ITT

Bump as someone who just started learning spring too
the optimistic retardation necessary to get tricked into pursuing an online degree is pretty reddit
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that meme was still fresh back then.
Meme replies for a meme resume but no acutal advice. Yeah fuck off people are looking for jobs now instead of sitting on there moms tits for milk unit there 35.

Reddit again fuck off.
HR's first pass is skimming the upper left corner of your resume. They're more diligent on their second pass but if they don't like what they see there won't be a second pass. When there's 200 applicants they don't have time to look at every one closely.
News flash retard even standford is doing online degrees for there masters level CS program. Go back to the 1990's old fag when there wasn't an option. If your doing college without working you are behind now.
>Yeah fuck off people are looking for jobs now instead of sitting on there moms tits for milk unit there 35.
Why are you in a tech workers thread if you aren't a tech worker?
Get a real job faggot instead of jerking off to marvel.
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>Don't get calls even from jobs I'm a perfect match for
Owari da
Why would I want to give up my comfy wfh job?
He seems mildly purturbed
If you think there's any actual advice to provide from that shitpost the tech industry might not be for you. I'm sure there are dogs to walk in your neighborhood
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>new boss
>implementing agile scrum with our team
>we now have to spend a ton of time documenting and "planning" new sprints
>work doesn't line perfectly with these artificial deadlines so it's causing management stress
I can see our team slowly become less efficient and beginning to fall behind because of all of this.
Management's fault I wouldn't worry about it. In my experience if you call it like you see it about obvious visible failings it will make people resent you.
I fucked myself over by speaking up initially. Everytime I open my mouth it's
>"Wow that's a great idea, can you start that for us?"
Now I don't say shit
Good side hustle for a helpdesk slave who works from home 2-3 days a week?
>obvious visible failings it will make people resent you.
Only fine if you have paperwork to back it up and more importantly you are willing to pickup the work and become a manager. Either way it is a battle of positions and bosses or other people looking for those positions do not like fighting for an easy move up.
Spent a few months learning Spanish and then tutor people in English
seriously /g/uys, where the fuck are the entry level/junior jobs? Every time it's either a senior position disguised as entry level, or some jeet shithole company fishing for H1Bs. I swear if I see the word "fresher"one more time I might put my fist through the computer screen.
gross no.
The job ads are fake to give the impression of a growing and healthy company.
embrace the bullshit and stop caring.
/g/ot a job for you anon.
Thanks but I'm too old, and frankly a little disappointed that you didn't use this opportunity to rick roll me
Sorry man but its either this or a draft for anyone under the age of 39.
How do these office people do it? They shower, have clean clothes, some even wearing cologne. I look like I’m literally homeless
Bots don't have introspective.
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>not doing that shit after work
>using cologne and deodorant before work instead of a date
>not showering truly head to toe with basic bar soap
>he doesn't wash his sheets/blankets every 2 weeks at most. He doesn't wash his pillows every month
>he doesn't wash his sheets/blankets every 2 weeks at most. He doesn't wash his pillows every month
Good one. I never wash my sheets.
Man are you missing out. Add a equal equivalent to your powder detergent worth of baking soda and it helps alot for getting out a ton of stains including blood from the hooker you killed last week. And yes most pillows can be washed.
That requires a more formal grasp of the English language than most native speakers have.
Nah, it's not like anyone cares.
it's probably over, but there is a chance that she's a typical low iq hr drone and went on vacation without having someone take over her work. it's the middle of summer after all.
smell faculties are alot stronger than you can imagine. You can still get clean after work as you would taking a shower before work. But its easier to shower after work and have cleaner bed sheets/blankets after work then other wise. I still cannot believe people sleep in there filth.
Doesn't sound like a me-problem.
One page resume, the CV is as long as it needs to be to document EVERYTHING you've done professionally.
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>new recruiter girl is a sub 5 foot latina girl with an e-thot haircut
>finish master thesis
>getting hired on the spot by an adjacent startup
>85k + 25k in equity starting
She will be a fat sow by the age of 24. Think shrek's wife. I promise you this is the standard.
How do they not know you will never make that money back? They sound incompetent. I give them six months until the operation folds.
Nice, though I wouldn't take the Net+ unless you've already bought the voucher. It's a good starter for the CCNA, though if you stack too many certs you run the risk of giving employers the ick by virtue of looking indian.
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>85k + 25k in equity starting
Poverty wages for a masters degree.
Good wage for Europoorstan
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i know. but i like the people, the challenge and the potential
women are useless after 24 anyway
There's nothing cheeky about it. A wage not resulting in a return of investment is a loss.
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>i know. but i like the people, the challenge and the potential
I don’t even have sheets
I just sleep on the mattress
Manning has a bunch of books on Spring
Spring Start Here, Spring in Action, Microservice Patterns, Spring Boot Microservices in Action... manning has a lot of good books for java devs in general
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I wear literally the same thing to the office everyday because buying new clothes makes me anxious and I dont know why
same i wear jeans a t shirt and i have a collared shirt if im meeting with someone my senior that day.
i've been working in automation at this company for over half a year. a few weeks ago i got a task to fix someone's project. he was supposed to be the "tech lead" and the most component java programmer in our team. turns out he wrote the most braindead dogshit code that i have ever seen. apparently it was written around 2 years ago so the guy was pretty new to java at that time. I told him a couple of times about some things that are retarded in the code (in a relatively subtle way) and he keeps defending it. obviously i don't try to be too forceful because i know nothing good would come of it, moreover the guy that wrote the code isn't the one that gave me the task.
now the question is, do i tell my boss that the task he gave me is fucking bullshit and that he should tell the guy that wrote it to fix his shit, or do i shut up and finish the job? i think my boss is not even aware of how terribly written it is and even after fixing it and adding some new functionality he will not realize what a massive job it was.
at the very least i want to ask him why the fuck did he give me this task..
But not really.
Wait, CV and Resume are different?
NTA but this was discussed in a previous thread. If you're American, they're different. If you're anywhere else, they're used interchangeably.

We corporate America and academia make it unnecessarily weird.
Just tell him you quit. If he asks why tell him that the code is dogshit, the "component java programmer" in the team defends it, and that the only way you see yourself not losing is by giving up.

If your boss gives any fuck at all he will call the "component java programmer" in. If he doesn't, then you've just dodged a bullet, and you can thank me later.
Yes. Curriculum Vitae is literally the 'life' (vitae) of your career experiences and education (curriculum). Basically everything you've done, whether its relevant to a job or not.
made a typo there lol, meant to type competent
i am planning to eventually quit and look for someplace better, i just want to get 1yoe first
Well, you won't get that experience in if the component will fight you.
I want to go home
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>everyone else in status report meeting gets to give arbitrary percentages done even though they all have strict metrics of when something is complete
>mine is the only one based on a formula and has to be fully done and deployed in production before the percentage is increased
>tfw makes me look like a lazy fuck because everyone else just says "oh I'm 95% done" and not progress for weeks and I'm busting my ass to get 35% to 50%
Well, duh. Where else would you want to be?
How fucked am I taking an SRE job?
At least you found a job so not all that fucked overall.
no country specified
anywhere in europe but Switzerland that's a very high salary in general let alone for a starter
in the US that's a low salary
All I care about is sleeping in my bed and pretending I don’t exist
Everything else in life is torture
Why only pretending?
FAGMAN recruiter hasn't returned my messages after reaching out to me. Should I just go ahead and full steam ahead on a job application and let them know I applied and give them the job id number?

I really have nothing to lose since they're probably not even hiring at all. Those positions have been up for half a year now.
Do it. If it's Google, they're notoriously bad at following up.
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Good. Going to fire away and see if they get their ass in gear or just ignore me again. Either way, the only thing I lose is time.
if i want to work at fang what is the most universal language i should know
Rust and Perl
Don't think in terms of programming languages. Interview in what you're most comfortable with. You'll learn any language you need to know on the job, assuming you're not retarded.
Sorry, I meant javaSCRIPT, obviously.
no i said JAVA
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>The project based job I was working at for the past several years closed last Autumn
>There weren't any openings for stuff I wanted to do
>Decide to focus on Uni
>Fast forward several months
>Been applying for jobs for several weeks
>All the job postings are fake
>Funds are drying up
>2 years left out of my meme engineering degree
>Will run out of money in about 3 months
I'm beyond fucked, at least I get a scholarship due to my good grades but that's about 1/3rd of a minimum wage. I'd go do min wagie stuff but even those are full and not hiring. How did things get so bad?
fair enough



I was looking forward to next week. Now, that is completely ruined.
>had final interview last week that seemed to go really well
>HR called me on Monday to confirm salary expectations
>silence since then
They're just taking their time to put together a really good offer r-right?
They're also doing the same with the other candidates who made it that far to see who's the best they can get for the cheapest
Finally, after 2.5 months of no interviews, I got another. Pretty sure I bombed it, but glad I was able to shake off some rust and just speak to someone.
Could be they have to jump through hoops to collect signatures from people before they can finalize their offer. Could be they're ghosting you. It was two days ago. Follow up with them tomorrow so they get back to you before the weekend.
Better fuck her soon
My company's business IT account is getting threatening emails from like AWS and other companies about sending us to collections for "past due invoices". How long till we finally crash and burn?
I did tell HR that I'm expecting to hear of another potential offer by Friday, so hopefully they're taking their time. I'm really hoping for that other offer anyway, though maybe my 'tism acted up and I accidentally made that way too obvious.
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Rewriting my resume and now have a professional summary. I fucking hate this shit. Next up is a cover letter re-explaining my experience and what I have done in the last 2 years out of work. This is not going to get me an interview and I already know it but I'm going to try and hunt down my referral and see if she is willing to vouch for me. Just shoot me already.
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>coworker is clearly into me
>she lives in a different country
What do?
Shag on vacation.
forward e-mails to AP with controller CC'd.
Not IT's problem.
Fap to her unless it's the same chick that was doing it to me at my last job.
He wants an estimate for when he needs to have jumped ship.
There's no way for us to know. Make a friend in accounting.
You should jump ship when salaries start to be delayed.
Probably just phishing. Ignore them unless the service is shut off then pay.
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> schedule time for an interview
> get everything set up
> double check everything
> interview comes up
> Microsoft teams isn't working
> try browser
> microphone isn't working
> call into the number
> awful audio quality
> IDE for some reason won't compile my code
> put into an online editor
> still doesn't compile
> put it into another editor
> finally gives me a proper error message
> it was a broken piece of code that the interviewer gave me
> completed the task with minimal help

There's no way in fuck I got the job, but I also thought I failed the first test, so who knows.
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>company thinks about hiring foreigners into a non english code base
>pajeets were mentioned
that's it. I am going to apply to other jobs
ESL here. Let's say you started a smalltalk with me because your culture demands to do it. Would you prefer me carrying on the conversation and replying in relatively bad English or just to respond 'I'm fine too thanks' and to stop speaking?
I would prefer you carry on the conversation.
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I would immediately sense that you are a sperg and force you to do smalltalk as long as possible
>a smalltalk
You should try to fit with the company culture, which is probably American. Learn to smalltalk, Ivan, it's a necessary skill. Just say some random shit about your weekend, what you've been playing or reading. Doesn't have to be true.
Whenever I have to ask my coworker stuff and he has to sit in my cubicle he looks so uncomfortable because I stink so bad
just to respond 'I'm fine too thanks' and to stop speaking
How many times a month do you shower?
Usually about once a month
I’ve also been wearing the same clothes to the office since last year without washing them because my logic was I only am in office once a week so they can’t get dirty
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>thought I had a great gig
>show up for the interview
>there's a bunch of, like, Mexican 20-something-year-olds pretending to have fun in what they think are nice clothes
>they're playing some random pop music
>lots of people trying to shake my hand instead of doing work like a normal company
>the receptionist asks what I have planned for today
>tell her I'm just messing with some config files for a project I'm working on
>she gives me this exaggerated response like that's the most incredible thing in the world
>they don't even ask about my resume in the interview
>won't answer me about the salary, they're trying to not tell me it's some 100% commission MLM job even though they advertised it as an IT position
>tell them to get fucked when they ask me to come in for a "training seminar"
Why is this legal?
Oh god.
I feel dirty if I go two days without shower, you philistine.
I like the feeling when I haven’t changed my underwear in three weeks
Multi-level marketing usually isn't legal, but it is technically possible for them to not be a pyramid scheme. That makes it harder to get rid of the ones that are illegal because they can pretend they're being legal.
Dunno about lying about the job they're recruiting for though. Pretty sure you can sue them for that and they're just trusting you to not bother.
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Hello, I am gearing up to try and get a Networking/Cloud/Cybersecurity internship, and I have CCST Networking, AZ-900, and AWS CCP, but my school only has one career fair a year, and it’s in the spring.

How should I go about trying to get a tech internship? I could really take anything — as long as it relates to what I want to do. Hell I can even do a help desk internship over next summer. I just really want experience so that it helps me in the job hunt.

I am already talking to a gentleman that went through my line (I work at a grocery store). He said he has connections, but I recently messaged him and haven’t gotten a response.

For context I have a 3.7 GPA, and have gotten 3 scholarships so far, and have two current projects of mine: one related to homelabs and the other related to AWS. I am planning on getting my CCNA before I graduate.

Thank you
Long story short, unless you can use those connections or get lucky, you're fucked just like the rest of us.
Go to your professors' office hours and ask them if they know anyone hiring.
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Am I crazy or are IT jobs paying less compared to even a year ago? I have three YoE now and multiple certs but the jobs available seem to pay exactly the same as my current job that I got with almost no experience and basic certs.
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>be me
>want to get into IT
>lurk, research
>pursue cybersec
>decide to work towards compTIA trifecta
>finish A+ core 1
>friend of a friend connects me with an IT business owner
>tells me to skip certs, start working on tryhackme
>offers me either a job or a referral within 4-6 months
Things escalated for me very quickly. I started tryhackme this morning and really like the more hands on approach.
Other than that what is the best course of action to not fuck this opportunity up?
Unfortunately already bought the voucher so I'm in for a pound at this point.
>if you stack too many certs you run the risk of giving employers the ick by virtue of looking indian
Yeah that's kind of a balance I have to strike at the moment. I don't have a degree so I was hoping it wouldn't look too bad. But I'll probably end up filtering out which certs I put on the resume depending on the or job how much I advance. Like if I have a CCNA then I don't need to put Net+, if I have a higher AWS cert I don't need to list the foundational one. IDK though, we'll see.
I got a take home to do that in theory only takes 2 hours but idk where to stop. The core functionality all works, but I have no clue if they expect me to do unit testing (happy path and unhappy path, with mocked data and everything) for every method or some shit. Would it be worth it? It's for one of the best companies in my city but I'm not sure if I have much more time I can spend on this cuz of irl shit

tldr - How much should I do for a vague take home?
As much as you want basically. Think of it as a school assignment, if you want the best grade possible you'll do everything you can.
I had someone give me a take home assignment and then complained that I didnt do the bonus.
I am glad they rejected me.
>would you prefer me to be normal or unpopular in the office
>>Am I crazy or are IT jobs paying less compared to even a year ago?
>tfw the plan is working
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>start new phase of project
>gather requirements
>management asks for estimate
>spend a week doing estimations and writing tickets to give realistic estimate
>what that's too long, estimate again but it make it take one less month
>spend another three days thinking of what corners we can cut
>tell management ok we can maybe do it everything goes perfectly
>ok great knew you could do it
>start project
>team gets pulled away to work on unrelated bugs mid-stream
>deadline comes up, tell management we're probably going to slip
>management furious and claims we should've managed our time better
>going to end up delivering on the original timeline due to delays
i honestly don't know why we even bother estimating, management should just pick a date and say they'll yell at us starting then if it's not done and leave it at that
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I started a new job and apparently they have a surplus of training budget
About $9,000 per person and they're effectively letting me choose whatever within reason
Anyone know any good courses with certifications or something?
You're not crazy. There is surplus labor from all the layoffs.
the correct answer is to try and return like 80% of their enthusiasm

if they come at you all bubbly and talkative, then match their energy but just a little less. like if they say "hi pajeet, how are you today? any big weekend plans?" then give them "hey stacy, i'm doing well. no plans, how about you?".

if the give you a short "hey how ya doin" then return that and say "good, thanks".

this strategy has never failed me.
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I always eat with that one couple at lunch cause the girl is genuinely fun, I thought her boyfriend was an actual fag until a coworker pointed out that they lived together. I ate lunch with her alone today and I never saw her laugh so much at the dumb shit I said to entertain her, I kinda want to spend my lunch time making her laugh as much as possible now.
Debating whether to find a new job, or suck it up and stay.

Cons: The politics suck, it's a small but remarkably dysfunctional org. It's impossible to get promoted because we're expected to dream up and ship these huge projects but we never get any resources. Leadership basically just keeps us locked away in a closet and ignores us.

Pros: Because nobody gives a shit about my team, the bar is very low. I work like 3 hours a day (I've pulled crazy weeks to try to get some recognition but it's futile) Pay is okay (~500k TC in NYC).

The lack of recognition is killing me, it feels like my career has plateaued, and I feel worse about my abilities every day. At the same time, it's hard to give up what most people would consider a cushy job. Honestly considering joining a shitty startup just so I can have fun at work again.
if the interviewer gave you (unknowingly) broken code, then the fact you caught it makes you overqualified.

was their code actually broken or did you just made a bad assumption in your implementation that *could* be fixed by changing their code or could also be fixed by handling your part differently?
Owning a cat is several orders of magnitude more cucked than what you're describing.
Do you think you can take the guy in a fistfight?
maybe she was overcompensating because not having chad around made her nervous to be with the office incel alone at lunch
and then she goes home and has sex with her boyfriend and complains to him how she was forced to laugh at a lot of unfunny jokes by a dude who couldn't read the room and see how uncomfortable she was.
I found out two of my coworkers like to pretend that they are sisters. Is that normal for women in the workplace?
You know how guys go bruh, bro and my nigga from another mother? Women do the same.
>Things escalated for me very quickly
that's usually how it happens when you network correctly which you did. very nice
personally I like how he was like "fuck certs just get your hands on the keys." that's a sentiment I wish I saw more of in the industry
best course of action: don't think about not fucking it up and you won't fuck it up. just keep practicing and reading about everything. networking concepts are really good to know (VLANs, network segregation, DNS, etc) as well as various common TTPs like kerberoasting, how to abuse active directory, various methods of data exfiltration, etc. but lots of network stuff is really helpful
also MITRE ATT&CK framework is impressive if you at least know about it and is a good jumping off point for finding something neat to learn about
also keep in touch with him on email or something every now and again. gotta support your network of people
>Because nobody gives a shit about my team, the bar is very low. I work like 3 hours a day (I've pulled crazy weeks to try to get some recognition but it's futile)
stay and never leave. i make a fifth of what you do and it's high stress with retarded deadlines and constant pressure to deliver. if i could find another job that pays the exact same and no stress but with no possibility of promotion, i would work there til they force me to retire at age 70
You'll have options, but as soon as you can get cash flow going consider getting a checkbox degree from WGU or similar. You'll hit a ceiling without it eventually, as it's no longer a world where high school dropouts can get to the highest levels through skill alone.
You sound mad.
the omega cuck is here
That is all very reassuring to hear. Ty anon, I'll make the most out of this shot.
I'll definitely do that in the next year or so. WGU is pretty fast and cheap so I could see myself getting through a BS in 2 or 3 semesters. Thanks again bro
"I'm glad you reached out and would love to talk more"
Just be cool fren. Don't sperg out.
>got my sixth cert the other week
>still can't get a job
My only IT experience is fucking Geek Squad. This shit is rigged I don't have three years of experience to do an entry level job
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pretty sure i have a mild/moderate case of assburgers/autism. but i never got diagnosed because i have severe anxiety and speech impediment and migraines.
Do cybersecurity or cloud computing (devops)
A little of column A, a little of column B. He suggested I added parentheses to a class definition and my debugger couldn't figure out what the fuck I was doing.
My toes are bent from how often I walked on the balls of my feet. I frequently have my fingers split open due to an incessant need to snap them. One side of my hair is significantly thinner than the other because I keep pulling at it. I rock back and forth on my chair for stimulation. When nobody is around, I flap my hands.

I scored 68 on an IQ test when I was in pre-school and later dropped out of high school. As a young adult, I taught myself web dev and scored several jobs afterwards. I'm frequently baffled at the incompetence of other developers. I understand that MD5 is not a secure hashing algorithm for passwords. I understand the importance of canary releases when deploying software remotely. I understand why it's important to sanitize user input before using it to execute shell commands. For whatever reason, people who have graduated from prestigious universities holding degrees in computer science do not understand some of these.

I'm either a high-powered autist that holds himself to a high standard or a lot of my peers are low-functioning retards who have no business in this industry.
If I'm making a small side project in python thats essentially just a database with a text UI , should I implement an sql database of some kind or is that not worth it
>get burnt out beyond belief at job
>supposed to be hybrid 3 days/week, can't even bring myself to do that anymore
>"work" from home doing piss-all, smoking weed, lifting weights and riding my motorcycle
>tell people "no" almost every single time they ask for me something
>intentionally ignore most pings, emails and meetings unless i 100% need to be there
>if stuck on a video call and asked to do something, do a cartoonish chortle and ignore them
>literally trying to get fired so I can just collect neetbux for a while and then start over somewhere else
>slacking so hard and being so abrasive it's nearly to the point of brazen time theft and harassment
>yearly review yesterday
>promotion, 12% raise, 10% bonus
this should make me very happy but it actually just makes me even angrier about the absolute state of corporate "jobs"
your manager is completely clueless as to what you do and just giving you your scheduled raise that they already decided anyways kek.
this is gonna be unbelievable but my boss is literally my neighbor and sees me daily taking walks and working on my motorcycle in my driveway. he's just an old fuck, like 61, cruisin to retirement. probably noticed i'm doing much of the same despite being only 28 and wants to help me out. cool guy.
You're interested in your field while your coworkers with a degree are just doing their job and collecting their paycheck. University doesn't teach you "street smarts" best practices. You'll learn about algorithm theory and some management stuff instead.
you are the equivalent of a sanitation worker in the computer science field. Education-Chads just bang out a linear algorithm for some Leetcode problem and then slack off while making $200k/year while you're busy sweating about "input sanitization" lmao
>My toes are bent
Is it hammer toe, mallet toe, or claw toe? I've got mallet toe and that shit sucks.
check the email headers to see if they are legit
Kys kike nigger
>Education-Chads just bang out a linear algorithm for some Leetcode problem and then slack off while making $200k/year while you're busy sweating about "input sanitization" lmao
The huge amount of resources which have gone into having somebody learn how to perform algorithm rain dances for tech interviews just to have some company's shit dumped by a 15-year-old in Romania is really funny.
My middle and ring toes on both feet are the most bent. It looks like they're hugging atm.
kys illiterate retard
i love caesar salad, it's so tasty.
you faggots probably dont want me because i am so comically better than you in every single way you find it unbelievable and can my resume
based. just fill in the gaps in ur resume with a job you had. thats what im going to do. ive been working this entire time (i havent) and whoever reading my resume isnt going to have a clue.

resume gaps are a meme by people who haven't learnt that this industry is filled with bullshit artists. it's all exuberant lies competing with one another, why would you tell the truth?
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Extremely based.

Anons, you all need to start taking the "just make shit up" pill.

Jeets are effectively pen-testing a high trust society and playing entirely by their own rules while at face value pretending to be a Good Old American (TM)

Just start lying.

Pump your resume full of fake experience in tech stacks that you'd like to use. Make up previous work experience. Put Staff Engineer at Google on your CuckedIn and then delete it when you actually land interviews. Lie. Or you'll be consumed by the Jeet horde who refuse to play by the white man's rules. Stop getting cucked by luke-warm IQ jungle apes. Lie.
you don't really need to make up shit to get hired for non-helpdesk positions, not much and not about real things anyway.
you need to be competent and talk to people who might want to hire or can help you get in.
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>talk to people who might want to hire
Y'know what, where the fuck do I find these people? I constantly hear
>"you just need to talk to people bro!"
and that's it. Like where the fuck are these people with money just hanging out where you can just walk up and talk to them? The answer is buttfuck nowhere, they finish work and then they go home like normal people. They don't want to talk to me, to you, or to fucking anyone.
>Y'know what, where the fuck do I find these people?
there are many, MANY groups online for tech workers. you have to be kind of retarded not to be able to find them.
no, you won't find jobs here because no one would trust some rando from 4chan.
sounds rad glowie but sadly i want a big bang, not be a cog
>my company does pretty damn well for the 10th consecutive quarter
>RSU tanks anyway because le big tech is doing bad
i HATE this monopolized shitscape
is it good to push class variables or whatever they are called into an sql type database for each instance of said class without needing to store the class variable itself in a giant list or whatever
hope it gets better bro
>paid in "just trust us bro line goes up"
glad this doesn't exist in my country except for globohomos spreading their shit
btw, here some actual tangible advice:
look for groups in discord, telegram, facebook or whatever
have a good resume showing you understand your domain and you're not some generalist
Having a good week at work. I get Friday off now as a RDO since signing the new contract

Been spending today daydreaming about licking anuses of my female colleagues
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how about u lick my hairy asshole
I'm so fucking tired of this fucking board, jfc
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My FAGMAN contact isn't returning my messages. I swear, random people you don't even know are more willing to help than friends.
Your friends know you're trash.
They don't even know what I do or the products I worked on. It can't be helped.
Do companies care about job hoppers anymore?
>yes, if they don't want you
>no, if they want you
I can't take it anymore. I need money.
Yeah you should totally quit your job that's paying you half a million a year for minimal effort
I'm having my first mid year review ever this week and I'm shitting my pants. I was way too fucking slow this last month.
It's over sadly.
They'll consider the full period. Also it's your first review, if you did okay up till now, you'll probably be fine.
>The lack of recognition is killing me, it feels like my career has plateaued, and I feel worse about my abilities every day. At the same time, it's hard to give up what most people would consider a cushy job. Honestly considering joining a shitty startup just so I can have fun at work again.

Bro who gives a shit just learn some stuff on the side and take the time to make your own startup later. Milk the money because you will be hard pressed to even make close to 200k yr with any successful business.

500k TC even in New York VHCOL is absurd.
In all the interviews I've given, the only time I saw someone flag it was for a guy whose resume had 4 jobs listed in 18 months. In talking to colleagues, I doubt anyone under the age of 40 cares if you job hop, unless it's to the extreme.
so i found my ex employers code in my APPLE ICLOUD

they are currently worth like 10-30 billion.

was thinking of using an LLM to document the code, and then releasing it on line.

i tried to delete it from ICLOUD like 10 times but if i refresh, its still sitting there in ICLOUD so technically its apples fault.
>giving management an accurate estimate
Amateur mistake.
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I hate that this is as infuriating as it is.

>Team gets assigned to new manager
>New manager immediately starts changing everything
>How the Jira boards are set up, how stand-ups and refinements work, who owns what work, even how pointing poker works
>All of it for the worst when our team was doing fine before him

This job was already a struggle even when there wasn't friction from the process, I can't be dealing with this crap.
you should be tripling your estimates. then cutting down to double when they say it takes too long. basically, super inflate deadlines. then reduce to inflated if questioned.
Cryptocurrency startups: y/n?
This shit almost always happens. Yes we can implement X in 3 weeks, but some moron likely decides to break the system in the meantime causing the estimate to be more realistic at 6-8 weeks.
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I'm thinking about quitting my job. No, not getting a new one, just quitting.
I dread every minute I spend here.
It got my eye on a small house in the countryside I can pay for right now, no mortgage. Then I'll have to find something that allows me to make the minimum required to live while working as little as possible.
You need to drag the shit as long as possible. You have the perk to get things done faster then coast for the rest of the week.
Make a visual novel
Just pay some artist 200 a month for both the character sprites and backgrounds and static cutscenes
You can get soundtracks for free on the internet
>500k with minimal effort

Lol no you'd be an idiot anon. If you can stay with these guys for a total of 5-6 years you can probably look into retirement options in rural areas.

The 55-60+ people like that are extremely pleasant to work with. It's the 35-40yo soilennials and 45-55 women bosses who are almost always unpleasant.
None of this shit works. They're only hiring Jews. Getting circumcised will give you just as much advantage because your interviewer will be Jewish
In Eurostan that all goes to foreign replacement wether they be illegal or legal. The only country where you can retire early in tech is USA. Eastern Europe with remote job is extremely comfortable as well. 65k with like 15-20% tax rate gets you much farther than 80k gross with 50%+ tax pressure does in Germany.
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Not anymore us fellow amerilards need like 2.5 million to retire at 60.
Job hunting makes me depressed bros.
Well upon considering this it actually sounds pretty interesting and could also act as a escape hatch from reality and creativity outlet.
Thanks for the suggestion.
It will only make you $3k a year though. At best it would be $50k.

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