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The jannie and the wagie

Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


Previous edition: >>101549221
Kino film
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Need smelly OL gf
death to all recruiter roasties
M-muh economy :C
>had a 3 hour long tech interview
Please let me finally pass
>While your interviewing skills were great, we regret to inform you that we went along with another candidate and are closing applications to this position

3 hour interview is wild
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Longest interview i have had was 1 hour but 20 mins of that was basic HR questions and the technical ones were pretty fast and quick

It could be worse Amazon does 5 hour interview with a break between each hour. There goal is to see were you belong. This means that your interviewing for 5 potential positions.
If I find something that makes me 25k a year without having to resort to a regular job I'd be incredibly happy.
It's a tech lead position for one of the biggest companies in my country and they wanted to make sure I know every single thing that could be relevant
'Sup NEETs
Even this guy knows I'm an unemployed loser
Performance reviews are coming up and this year I'm making a plan so when I wall in there I can blow my manager away and try to get more money

I spent today thinking about looking at my female co workers ass and imaging paying her cheeks and living her butthole
No you don't
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The only programming language I know is Python. Of course I also know HTML, CSS and SQL but who cares.
Which one should I learn next? I don't care about memelangs that will make me a "better programmer" I only care about money, employability and comfort.
PHP for good comfort sir
Money is okay, just don't get sucked into wordpress development then it sucks. Stick with Laravel and Symfony. It's comfortable because the pace of language, framework and tooling development is pretty slow. No rush to always learn next new thing. And it's usually just backend web dev, making APIs etc. Nothing too stressful.
Sounds nice yeah. Aren't there a lot of PHP programmers though?
Jizzus, at least the pay is potentially good?
Currently have a chance to take part in a cybersecurity degree and a general CS degree but can choose only one.
What is the best pick long term? Im thinking cybersecurity cause originally i wanted to become a network engineer and cybersecurity had a big part in it so i was thinking is the best choice for that alone. The cs degree sounds the most flexible
>company wants to hire a junior
>they're trying to get the best they can get (from 100s of applicants they've only interviewed MSc graduates from top colleges)
>even though we're a small company with only a few small repos and we're not planning on building anything new anytime soon
>our stuff is barely above wordpress/shopify level in terms of complexity
>if we had to hire a junior we would be better off getting a retarded kid fresh out of school who knows literally nothing

I don't get why companies are so autistic about getting the absolute cream of the crop just so they can center divs all day. What the fuck is wrong with this industry?
he's trolling you
php has like 1% marketshare
if you want the big bucks learn Ruby, it's very popular among high quality startups, and it's like Python but more clever
CS > Cybersecurity

CS for the programming since the high end of cyber is hacking or building software related towards security. Bonus points is that its always going to be a more of a preferred degree over anything. For networking and cybersecurity you can always get certs towards what you want to do later.
It's because they can be picky about it.
Yep, even as a seasoned dev I feel that the economy is still bad. I am being held hostage to my current shitty job and I struggle to get out, my CV gets completely ignored most of the time.
After several months of applying I got an offer for less than I earn now and I'm tempted to accept it without even negotiating my salary.
so managers can cover their ass if the hire turns out to be shitty.
>we spent a month and interviewed 100 candidates and this was the only one that passed all of our ludicrous tests! I did my due diligence mr bossman, we had no way of knowing he was overemployed and was gonna hire an Indian to do all of his work
cybersecurity is 10x harder to get a junior job in, and it's easier to go from comp sci to cybersec than vice versa
Yes there's quite a few. I guess I work with PHP because it's the first thing I learned and it was fairly easy to find jobs with no degree or much experience. But now I make mid 6 figures with 10+ yoe and still use it so there's a whole career path there. I also use Python and JS a lot but we have many PHP projects and still start new ones sometimes.
Hm, I see. My only issue with the general CS degree is that its a masters degree for people that haven't finished a bachelors in CS and gives them a chance to take part regardless but seems like pointless when I can go to a paid college for 3 years. The masters lasts for 1.5 years.
It seems like a really nice language. I thought it was dead though.
>high quality startups
I'm in Europe, not in the US, does that still hold?

Damn. I guess it's here to stay like Java or whatever.
>Python and JS a lot
Would you recommend learning Python web frameworks?
I would rather avoid JS if I can because it looks like a clusterfuck and I don't want to work on front end shit
Is data science/modelling a meme career path? I have master's in EE and don't know wft to do with myself. I can do either analog/digital electronics, embedded programming, FPGAs or become a python wagie for a bank and do data modelling AI memes. Pay will be shit with either option since I'm in Europe.
Masters in CS and generally any degree is partially management related. It still counts but in different ways. If you have a free college degree you can obtain then get that if you feel like it. Either way do not waste your time go with a masters degree.
>Either way do not waste your time go with a masters degree.
Sorry im tired but you mean that I should go for the masters instead of a bachelors or I should not waste time with a masters?
I don't know about EE careers so I can't compare them, but data science is a good career path in Europe at least. It's fairly comfy, most people WFH and the pay is good by european standards. My experience might be anecdotal but it's less stressful than other tech careers as a whole. Data science being the sweet spot; in analysis you're doing a lot of business intelligence shit and interacting with various departments which can be daunting, and in data engineering you have to handle the infrastructure, ETL pipelines and all that so if it shits itself it's on you. Data science is just doing transfer learning, plugging models together until something works.
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My bad. You should not waste your time with a bachelors if you can do a masters degree. I have been drinking way to much this week. You won't have that much difficulty doing a masters degree in CS if you have a decent fundamental of programming skills.

However if your bachelors degree is free paid for by work or whatever then you can burn that money if you feel like it but it is a waste of time otherwise to get a second bachelors degree.
$110-120k and tons of bonuses like discount at every shop related to the corporation

Currently I'm earning $100k so it would be a huge step up for me.
Yeah worth it even if you do not use the bonuses

How is TA / Medical and other benefits?
>Work as front end dev
>Job is both boring and stressful
>Don't expect that a job change is going to fix this
What should I do? I don't even need more money, I just need something that is actually interesting or allows me to put in less hours a week.
I'm not American so I'm not sure what TA is, and medical benefits are required by the law so it's usually the same.

Small expenses like free gym membership, discounted travelcards do add up though.
>actually interesting
Ask yourself this anon. Do you prefer hands on, do you want to run your own business, is your goal in life to fufill a higher purpose? This is soul searching and you need to find it both inside work and outside of work.
10-20% increase is pretty good, the bonuses are just the icing on the cake, gl anon
TA is tuition assistance. For some companies in America it can be alot of money or very little. Some people stay at a company just so they can get there masters degree then bounce once the obligation is done. Assuming your European that's not a concern. Good benefits you have from the job though. Gym roughly goes 60-120$ monthly in the states for a decent gym.
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>recruiter calls
>indian accent
>asking me to basically read my own resume back to her
>wants me to set up a limited company and then work as a permanent wagie for some company overseas for regular wagie rates
>tell her contractor rates are £500 per day (haven't done it before, I googled it)
>she says that's fine, but they'd pay every month and you'd invoice them
>then asks how much that would be per year
>multiply £500 by 254, the number of working days in a year
>oh my goodness gracious me that is too much sir best they can do is £70k per year
>well why did you say £500 per day was ok then? I can get that here without being a contractor
People say that racism is born from ignorance, but every encounter I've ever had with an indian has reinforced every racist stereotype and meme I've ever seen about them.
Understood and thanks a lot. Im gonna risk it and go for the cybersecurity masters while taking part to another CS project that is paid for, get experience in both and move forward from there.
forgot to explain that "paid for" is not im paying for it but im getting paid.
>put on headphone to get way from office gossip
>coworkers dropped by and asked what I'm listening to
>blurt out ASMR
I'm sure I hear some female chuckling from the kitchen. Should have lied to him about white noise.
I do not intend to find purpose or life in my work, but I'd rather working either for myself or for a company that does something that I see as interesting or useful for people. Alternatively I wouldn't prefer working part time so I can have more time for my hobbies and stuff I genuinely enjoy.
I like coding but I'm not passionate about it and on an ideal escenario I wouldn't invest a single second of my free time coding.
Stereotypes exist for a reason anon. No race can really escape from them.

post 9/11/GI bill or Tuition Assistance?
Either way you still need certifications if your future path is either cybersecurity or networking. I recommend getting your CCNA at the minimum if your end goal is cybersecurity since most of those fuckers need to know networking and frankly IT is networking first then you can specialize afterwards. Or you can be like me and go for your CCNP to become a networking engineer.
>tuition assistance
You can call it that but im not from the US. Served for a few years got a money bonus and applied to a program for the unemployed and they got me.
Im already working on a ccnp but ill keep ccna in mind.
Get your CCNP do not downgrade then. It takes a year or two to get both tests done. Then you can move to cybersecurity. You will have a massive leg up with both a masters degree, some programming experience and a solid foundation of networking.
That sounds cool, I wish I had access to education. I started working as a self taught dev after graduating high school because my parents were both unemployed and couldn't afford to keep me around.

They just called me and asked if I can come by tomorrow to meet the person who has the final say.
Legitimately cringe, why would you do that? White noise is also cringe.

If you're in an office with normies it pays to at least try to act like a normie in some small way. Instead of listening to some dumb shit like nico nico douga ryuuseigun or nasheed or whatever deep fried bullshit retards listen to these days, just put something halfway normal on so you don't have to embarrass yourself when someone asks a basic question. Trance music or something is fine for this, you just say it's good for concentration because its repetitive, doesn't have many lyrics and helps you focus.

I get you aren't a normie, but you don't bring your shit music into work for the same reason you don't bring anime figurines in to decorate your desk.
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Real chads listen to heavy metal.
I want to take the AWS associate cloud architect cert, but I just want to pay for the exam.
Do you know where to get the prep material without paying for their jewish course?

Real chads listen to grindcore
Also a valid choice. I work from home so I listen to whatever the fuck I want, but I'm still not cringe enough to listen to ASMR
God i cannot imagine ASMR its too quite. You must have autism with hypersensitivity to listen to that. Go play a virtual novel it tends to have better story lines then some bullshit youtuber scratching the mic in your ear for hours.
>Taking the weekend off
>Don't have to deal with my weird, but friendly co-worker
Thank you, jesus.
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have you started training yet?
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Its probably one of us here anon.
>be european
>nigga contacts me about contractor job (already working 2 contract jobs)
>it's about a FULLSTACK/DEVOPS combo (which I actually am)
>tell him my daily rate (550 eurodollars)
>he says client can offer max 200 day
>lmao @ his face and wish him good luck
i hate being european
imagine boasting about having 1000~ students all at once in a single classroom
imagine the smell
3X that rate or your fucking yourself as a contractor.
Stop pacing around the area and going into people's cubicles.
They're basically asking you to be a wagie for regular wagie money but with absolutely no legal rights or worker protections
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No u
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These demographic surveys become more dystopian every time I need to get a new job.
How long did it take you to break and see things for what they are?
There’s no one left in the office for the summer apart from autistic weird males, thank fuck I’ll be gone tomorrow
>comes to a thread full of autistic weird males to vent about autistic weird males
It was just some guy snap fitting a model kit. The background noise helps to drown out the constant office chatter. Why do normies always assume the worst?
I'd rather kill myself
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Sorry but we are superior
Also, that coworker and a few of his buddies are into vtumors. Who are they to judge.
literally me
Why do you have pictures of naked men
Its literally me anon.
So many gay muslim disabled trannies that it's not special anymore
The DEI meta is evolving
>but you don't bring your shit music into work for the same reason you don't bring anime figurines in to decorate your desk
If I have to occupy a space for forty hours a week, it's going to look like my space
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my space desu
>CTO schedules “Important Announcement” in ten minutes
We’re fucked
>Be a mechanical engineer undergrad
>Pick a topic focusing on genetic algorithm for my bachelor thesis despite having 0 theoretical basis or CS knowledge
Turns out machine learning have nothing to do with mechanical engineering. [spoiler]How do I salvage my thesis? I just want to graduate.[/spoiler]
Just ask LLaMa to write it for you
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I've been working while perpetually drunk for two weeks
based, I should try that.
Same anon everyday for months at this point.
But machine learning can be integrated into an ME degree. If the grad dudes can do it, so can you.

Also, in undergrad I never did a bachelor thesis. Same like I never did one when I was in HS. Is that actually common or something?
Some colleges have bachelors thesis which is just an extended research paper 20-60 pages in length as the capstone class. Remember when they didn't have capstone classes?

The whole purpose is to produce academics at the end of the day instead of actual technicians or engineers worth there salt.
If I want to work at fang , do I need to know at the very least basic full stack dev.
sir you need to attend mr durga's java course sir.
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Over prepare and ask for 50% more then listing.
Weird. I had a capstone project that was actually a real engineering project compared to everyone else in my class. Everyone else had instructables projects or a company threw a problem they already solved at the program with steps to it.

You're also not gonna get anything good out of an undergrad that has never done research work or completely not interested in it. What a waste of everyone's time.
Honestly, I'm enjoying the IT crisis very much.
Pretty much since I've started working, I have always had 1-4 juniors to baby sit and I hated every moment of it. Of course there was few that easily picked up stuff and become productive teammembers I could rely on. But majority of my time was spent checking same fucking PR over and over again, trying to explain to them how to improve it, but they never listen, never learn, never try to improve. Just pump out same PRs with same mistakes and complain that I am too rigorous with code reviews. Time and time I again I kept telling my boss that they are slowing me down and it literally would be faster if I was on my own and that they are net negative, but he wouldn't believe me and muh "we need to train them".
And now, we have none of that shit anymore. No more juniors, no more waste of time. I have been carrying the entire project solo for months and I have never been this productive. Work is comfy again.
>You're also not gonna get anything good out of an undergrad that has never done research work or completely not interested in it.

I'd argue with my limited experience in engineering that it really depends upon the person. For most people doing 3 more classes to avoid a thesis is about the same as doing the thesis for a masters degree in terms of educational value, writing and work involved. For alot of people doing the thesis is easier. No clue about bachelors since most people doing a bachelors thesis are really getting that taste of academic education before they get there PhD. Then they can determine if its worth it or not.
Good we don't need you
In my CS degree, bachelor thesis was mandatory and everyone was doing some practical project. You could probably get away with research but you would have to justify it somehow.
I did multithreaded ray tracer implementation in Rust. The theoretical part focused on how suitable Rust is for such thing and practical part was the actual program.
God lucky you. My masters thesis was complete bullshit and this was a state school.
Did all 4 juniors failed their probation? What's the story?
It's actually for my honors degree. It's mandatory in my state uni to do either a bachelors w/ honors or masters to be considered ABET certified.
What's your thesis topic in? Did you have a choice for the topic of your research?
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>be me
>put all my autism points into programming and reverse engineering
>drop out of college after associates because its a scam
>work my way up in a company to become an engineer
>company goes to shit after new management
>stuck here because I only have an associates and a few years exp
>made a portfolio to try to leverage my resume
>most of my projects are either behind NDA or behind an anime girl profile
>stuck here because I only have an associates and a few years exp
Having years of experience is better than being a graduate.
True it does depend. My opinion is just highly colored since my uni basically had all of their undergrad classes taught at a graduate level. Every class including the upper division and extra curricular courses were weed out courses. I also did masters/PhD level research as an undergrad so I'm just really bitter about the whole academic world.
How productive are you anons? Meaning how often and for how long do you fuck around on your computer
If multiple people don’t want to listen to you you’re 100% the problem, never had any issue with mine. You do sound like an annoying retard desu.
Algorithmic and encryption design in advanced networking. I had nothing else I could choose from the topic list that would match what fits my current knowledge base. I basically smashed together 2 different ideas that do not exist in the real world and said it might be possible based upon the needs of TCP/IP suite moving into cybersecurity needs. Only issue is that shit is far and above even RFC comments and they just accepted it after 50 pages of written bullshit stating that we need to utilize encryption in all layers of the TCP/IP model. It was haphazard hell for my CS masters degree.

Basically imagine routing protocols with built in encryption. I am currently drunk as fuck so sorry for the shit writing.
it sucks on paper when you do engineering work for 6 years but 4 of the years you were a technician. Typical corpo exploiting when they know i had no leg to stand on.
>decide to try out contracting
>still kind of junior, best I could get was $750 a day
>mfw that was still like 190k a year, which was huge upgrade from 130 i was on before
>love the money, so much freedom, buy a house for the first time solo before 30
>start overthinking about the future
>can't take days off, dont work dont get paid
>cant get sick
>cant just dog off for a day
>no job security, contracts only 6 months
>boss didnt give me notice of extension until 2 weeks before it was expired, had to already start looking for jobs since i have a mortgage now
>anxiety building up
>eventually just leave for a far comfier salary job, but at 140k
>miss the money severely, have to rent my house out

how do you battle the contractor anxiety and the constant bi yearly job hunting/contract extension anxiety
I'm a contractor and been at my client for almost 2 years. They've teased me about conversion for a year and have had leadership say they "plan" on it my manager brought up the topic a couple weeks ago to see if was still interested. Kind of irritated about being led on for so long without anything concrete yet. Should I try to push a bit to get more clarity or keep waiting?
>actually interesting
Well you should probably reflect on what you found interesting at your job and look for something in that direction. You'll probably have to repeat this process for a bit until you've found a suitable niche for yourself.
Lets cut the cheddar here. Most people would be doing there Ph'D if it was only more masters degree level courses. Doing actual research papers is a bitch and a half to complete with the timelines given. I do less work at work then I ever did during my masters degree.
I wanna give my coworker my phone number so we can hang out together, I will do it, anytime now
im on my computer all day every day but i work 0-2 hours a day.
I've been staring at terraform files all day and the damn thing still doesn't work, so not very productive. It's easy to get distracted by something when you're waiting 10 mins for a pipeline to fail.
(for context, i am indian-american, born in america)
>join new swe role at bank, classic corpo
>significantly high number of indian-accented workers
>people speaking in hindi to each other
>well surely it's fine
>open up first codebase to work on which is supposed to be the future of one of the key parts of the bank
>commented out code in main branch, no descriptive comments, variable names are actually retarded like something tracking resourceStatus will be named rsrcSt
>the team that owns the code hardcodes in some central ip address making it impossible to import and run locally
>i am now unironically racist against my own race in swe
guys what the fuck is going on how are the systems not fucking collapsing
Does that word have any meaning beyond the justice system?
There wasn't just 4 juniors, that was just the most I had to baby sit at single moment. By the nature of my position I do not stay with them for long. I'm usually doing solo R&D or prototypes with small team. After the project is done, I usually move to something else with different people.
Like I said, some of the juniors get good quickly and become dependable. These usually have good success in the company. The problem is with these eternal juniors that never improve, don't give a fuck and just waste my time. Unfortunately, they very rarely get fired. Sometimes it happens, but usually they get eventually moved to some low risk project as a last hope that maybe at least they can produce enough value to cover their own wage. Most of the time they just quit.

I might be retarded, but I'm the retard that will get complex shit delivered before deadline and it will work.
From my perspective, I am doing everything right and just get badly matched team. I much rather would want to get some quality UX/UI designer and some tester monkey, etc, but instead I get multiple programmers that waste more time than they save.
The feedback I got from the company is that people say communication with me is lacking but if they have me on their team they rest easily that there won't be any major fuck ups with the project.
Feel free to make your own opinion.
Code is like a genome. It can handle alot of bullshit until it fails.
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Hello sirs indian here how do get job?
Does no one question about you progress
Productive was probably the wrong word since even if shit isn't working you're still working
>guys what the fuck is going on how are the systems not fucking collapsing
They are. I bet brown hands pushed that crowdstrike patch.
How do you think I feel against retards that work in blue collar when there smart enough to handle white collar work. t. white man
I like to binge 12h+ of very productive work, and then rest for next two days before pushing changes.
>It was just some guy snap fitting a model kit.
You wouldn't have been lying if you said you were listening to white noise.
>Productive was probably the wrong word since even if shit isn't working you're still working
I mean I haven't been trying that hard either, fuck this job, I leave next month.

Does anyone know how I configure an aws transfer family sFTP connector to have a specific outgoing IP? I've tried setting endpoint type on the transfer server as "VPC" and feeding in the subnet ids and address allocation id. But the connector error is useless and just says timed out, don't even know if I'm getting blocked due to a whitelist or if something else is wrong.
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>Does no one question about you progress
yep i have like 4 managers who im more productive than all of them combined.
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>>stuck here because I only have an associates and a few years exp
Unironically a use-case for WGU et al.
They're managers, they're not meant to be productive. I swear there are 3 people in my squad who's whole job seems to be to move tickets around, and interrupt your flow for pointless updates because a daily standup isn't enough apparently.
>Most of the time they just quit.
Kek. The imposter syndrome must have got them. All is well in the world.
6k US colleges and counting. Yeah roasties at HR do not check for shit so this guy would be fine IRL.
>I get you aren't a normie, but you don't bring your shit music into work for the same reason you don't bring anime figurines in to decorate your desk.
Are you this much of a pussy to be afraid of your own hobbies? What are you, 15?
I listen to weeb hardcore techno all the time I'm at office. I have my waifu stickers on my work laptop. I discuss anime and stuff with my boss and coworkers. Maybe if you weren't larping as normie you'd realize other people have hobbies too.
>4 managers who im more productive than all of them combined.
That's grim are you not worried that your job might implode due to shit management?
Damn that's impressive how do you maintain concentration for such long stretches of time?
Like I've said in my original post. I blurted out ASMR because my mind is still focused on my task and also that was the title of the video. Autism can be a curse sometimes.
>Damn that's impressive how do you maintain concentration for such long stretches of time?
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or scheduled breaks
Definitely. I would have continued if it was that easy since I actually had a natural knack at upper division courses. Unfortunately, that's not how this system works. I'll say this, doing research with zero budget for 4 years will really do a number on you and your perspective on academia.

I still struggle with the idea of going back for a masters outside of mechanical.
>Autism can be a curse sometimes.
That's rough I hope I never reach the day where I blurt out I'm listening to audio porn
Masters which is depending upon where you take it is all about additional management classes. 1/3 of the people drop because they cannot handle the extra work while they work full time but its not that hard. 1.5 times the difficulty from my experience.
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>That's grim are you not worried that your job might implode due to shit management?
no i work for the government.
>scheduled breaks
I have a very hard time doing those and it's very retarded. When I'm working I fuck around when I'm taking a break I do a weird dance of fucking around and working
Expected but still fucking grim
I just like what I'm doing. I find it much easier to focus for longer period of time than to do it in parts. It takes me a while to start working, but once I get to do it, I steamroll over my tasks.
Comfy chain, high tempo music, coffeine, clear todo list, and I'm in the flow. It also helps that I know what I'm doing and rarely face something that would be difficult to solve for me.
I also highly encourage working before the resting, not after. Procrastination rest is not real rest, and you will find yourself stressing over the deadline.

Dopaminergic stimulants do not work for me. Weed can be ok, but only if I'm doing something that is easy and repetitive.
Also fuck scheduled breaks, they take me out of the flow.
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>weird dance around
Junior dev route something that allows people to unintentionally be able to manipulate the url and get data they shouldn't see. I'm so tired of this company. The people under me make too many mistakes and the people over me say the mistakes aren't a priority. I'm not even going to bother calling this in. Just going to coast.
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>Are you this much of a pussy to be afraid of your own hobbies?
It is perfectly reasonable to conceal your power level when around normies rather than being a complete sperg and having to suffer social consequences.
Anon let me keep some of my dignity
You are no longer in High School. No one gives a fuck what you like, except for people who share your interests.
>helps that I know what I'm doing and rarely face something that would be difficult to solve for me.
Yeah that and not having a to do list might be why I struggle to work for a long stretch of time
>conceal your power level
cut the shit your either psychopathic or a autistic sperg and there's not that much difference aside from socialization. Read some books, learn how to act like your in a movie and you'll be fine.
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Hello Rajesh sir pls join Durgasoft to learn Java and get job
Had a great interview today after years of shit interviews. Feeling much better lads, I hope the rest of you are doing okay.
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I have done nothing but drink for the past 3 months.
Well, how fucked was it?
at least your codebase and emails are t littered with acronyms that nobody documented or bothers to explain.
why do you guys love acronyms anyway? is it a hindglish thing?
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>project manager invites me for coffee this morning
>rubs my back once i'm there
>lost my spaghetti
>i send a message on Teams later that day basically saying "enjoy your vacations"
>pm sends hearts and kisses
>i also send hearts and kisses

what's going on
repressed homolust manifesting during midlife crisis
show up to office in girl clothes next time for a guaranteed raise (in his pants)
are you expecting (promotion)?
The CEO is mandating all of our software projects to have AI in some capacity by the end of the year. We work in health insurance, ffs. He doesn't even have the courtesy of being a poo-in-loo trendchaser as an excuse.
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Just lol XD a database script
Fucking this! Are you me?
it could be worse
>work on embedded software
>we’re ripping out the preexisting logic for RSSI compensation, which worked FINE for nearly a decade, and replacing it with AI
>it doesn’t even pass the baseline tests and eating up everyone’s time for the past year or so
>but the investors are happy
>but also stocks are tanking anyway because AI bubble scare and recent tech blunders
>or behind an anime girl profile
Never stopped me. IT is full of weebs. I once accidentally showed off an imageboard full of hentai in an interview. Still got the job.
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You still would've been hired for a government job whether guy or girl.
find another company, with a decent repo
Running your own business is not interesting and is way more stressful than just doing tasks for a wage.
that's true if you're a corporate drone flow chart bug
Below 200k sure but if you make above 500k with business thats fine.
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>be the new hire
>get put on a team
>finish a lot of jira tasks and write a lot of code
>most PRs get approved and few require some small changes before being approved
>PRs are to a pre-production branch but still feels good
>become confident
>senior comes and "refactors" "some" parts of the code before pushing it to production
>basically rewrites everything i've written
I work in a small company close to my boss and I can see the great difference between my responsibilities and his.
I wouldn't want to do even half of his responsibilities for the entirety of his pay. If I think I'd have to go, travel to the other side of the world to try to bullshit some investors knowing that the future of the entire company relies on, I really appreciate the limited scope of my work. At the same time I just sit in my underwear, smoke some weed, check some PRs, lead my team, write some code and don't have to worry about any of these shit above me.
be modest and understand why your code got refactored.
what annon said: >>101568686
Maybe even ask for some feedback.
It happens to all of us sometimes. Feels bad. Make sure to ask why it was massively refactored.
I speak from experience when I say that it's not going to happen, start looking for something else
wrong general
They will offer you full time once you put in your notice, then take another several weeks to get a contract in place which ends up being worse.
>men sending hearts and kisses
the day I'm caught sending anything else than a thumbs up please shoot me
If you don't get a straight answer when you ask why and you're confident your code didn't suck, consider that the situation gives the appearance that the other developer is more important than they are.
>the day I'm caught sending anything else than a thumbs up please shoot me
Even the skin-colored ones too?
i also like puke emojis and laugh emojis.
The reason is most likely: what the fuck is even that, I'm not gonna read and take it in.
Come on, man, we've all been there.
Any securitychads itt? We have a vm that is running some automated scripts. Is it even possible to make this secure? I mean if somebody gets access to the machine, no matter what we do, it would be relatively easy for a tech-savvy person to do whatever they wanted. Grab passwords, fuck up our shit; etc. Basically, it's as secure as our network but the vm can't really be considered secure on its own.

Or am I wrong?
Just don't let people get in
someone trying to join the industry here, what does the code assigned to you look in terms of task given

like "Anon I need you to return x output given y,z inputs, go to work"?

I dont understand how the collboration works
I feel you also wtf taking the weekend off you mean a normal weekend ?
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>crunched and finished all the sprint tasks
>there is 2 days before the end
>finally, I get some lazy time to rest
>manager has just sent me two more tickets because of that
whats one of the tickets
just make sure the network is secure, id probably make it so only specific VLANs can touch the VM and just ensure those ports are enabled only where they are needed, then just make sure your network closets are locked and have cameras
you wanna dox me or something?
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>applying for jobs
>get an interview at fancy office right in the downtown area
>pay seems to be $65k starting in midwest so well above median
>early in career still so going back down to tier 1 and grinding up isnt that bad, especially for a pay bump
>interviews go well
>they want references
>lost contact info for previous coworkers and they seemingly moved onto different jobs, have to use people at my current job
>my current coworkers dont know im job hunting
what the hell do i do
i only have 1 friend that i can put as a reference, i cant do the provide every fake reference thing and if i use my coworkers word will get to my boss and ill probably be shitcanned and replaced within a month, leaving me jobless if i dont get this job
literally just lie and say its powered by AI
Reducing headcount by 5% over the next year. Our area says they won’t be affected but we’ll see.
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I think I unintentionally pissed someone off about their job at a larger company. Didn't say anything to trigger that kind of response either. I just wanted to learn a bit more about their team and who they interact with so I can get a better picture before applying.

We all know larger companies have too many cooks in the kitchen but that's what makes it cozy. Why the fuck would anyone feel the need to defend an open secret that everyone wants? I would fully embrace it. Fuck working full days.
>lost contact info for previous coworkers
Reach out to them on forums (e.g. Linkedin) or throw their names into phonebooks.
If all else fails, call your old workplace. You can ask if they know where your old references work now or you can ask people there if they are still in contact with the people you want as references.
Yep. Work at a big company. Find a cozy corner to hide in. Setup your nest. The elusive 1 man department. "Hey, welcome to my department". It's a job for life. A comfy life.
the owner at the last place i worked didnt like me, he was threatening to sue me because of a crack near the charger port on the work laptop i returned
its a small company so he will probably be the one answering so i dont know if thats a solution
i also dont remember my old coworkers last names unfortunately, i already tried linkedin
im just spooked i gotta use my current coworkers, who are cool, but i know within a week word will get out and my boss will silently start replacing me
>no one has ever sent anon a heart
Not exactly the best thread but would anyone here know anything about bot detection techniques?
Exactly. I just don't know why they started angrily defending themselves to me. People really don't like admitting to the comfy life?
Wish I was a girl, I would just prostitute till the market improves, it's even legal here in mapleland.
no i just want to learn what some tickets ask of people, you can make it generic I dont need specifics
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>I would just prostitute till the market improves
Buddy... this is it. The world isn't going to improve. Not unless a couple billion chinks and indians die off somehow.
You can literally do this as a man, go ahead anon and report back. Live your dreams of being a whore.
Alright. Well. Good luck.
Learn from this mistake and be diligent with your record keeping.
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itll get mildly better after that crowdstrike fiasco fucking over places who outsourced their entire IT department to india and when rates go down
it definitely wont be anything like the ZIRP days though, thats a lost era. tech is no longer the free ride it was once.
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>he will probably be the one answering so i dont know if thats a solution
The worst he can say is die in a fire. He's not going to sneak into your home and commit arson. Give it a shot. It'll take less time than you've spent blogging here.
trump said he is going to war with iran, that plus russia vs ukraine, taiwan vs china and israel vs palestine should finally trigger ww3 and then we can cull the pop and the go through another golden age.
Sadly I'm straight, oh how I wish I was bi, imagine having all the sex you want + being able to whore for money, on top of being hired thanks to DEI.
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i hate my life
Shit, manager just gave me a heads up to start looking for other opportunities
Joined this team at the beginning of the year to take over a project developed by contractors, all I really did was add some minor features and fix a ton of bugs. How the hell do I make decent bullet points out of that to add to my resume? I kind of have to include my time here because I only have 4 YOE
You're "straight" but you wish you were a girl so you could sell your holes to men and suck them off. Anon, get real.
neat concept but awful art
All I want is money. You probably have a cozy job and some nice YOE, well, I don't. I'm desperate. I would literally serve the Army and get blown if it paid. In fact, I tried to, but the army here takes YEARS to recruit. Oh, how I wish I were an American.
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you are open to getting blown apart in war for money but you wont suck dick for money
I don't fucking have time to respond to recruiters asking me to call them, I don't know how people with full time jobs manage to do this shit and also actively look for another job. And why do those fucking recruiters think I'll clear up my schedule to talk about their bullshit position on Teams? Get a real job motherfuckers
>How the hell do I make decent bullet points out of that to add to my resume?
learn something else or list what you already know and just say you did that at the job
if your manager is cool enough to tell you when to start job hunting, your manager may be cool to just vouch for that
Just a friendly reminder to keep at it and unless you have sent 1000 applications, you can't complain
they are paid to get people to apply, not for someone to take the job
i always say i am going to call them and when they ask me why i didnt, i make up some BS about technical difficulties so they waste more time on me lul
feel sad knowing there's people unironically sending more than a hundred applications and thinking they'll make it eventually out there
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i feel like finally made it, roughly 25 to 30 applications sent out and i got 7 interviews
i bombed one of the interviews and one job was offering peanuts at $40k but it feels good to finally have a decent response rate
You ever ask them to send you a mail with details instead of having to schedule a call?
>they are paid to get people to apply, not for someone to take the job
It depends.
I sent 611 applications (literally have a spreadsheet) before getting my first offer.

If you are a <95th percentile fresh grad you literally have no other option so you have to play the game of numbers.
recruiters don't give a shit about your personal projects and won't use more than a minute on your resume.
but there is always a nonzero chance you are actually the best/only candidate or a neuron misfires in the recruiter's brain and they decide to go with you
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>I'm fucking up interviews and getting lowball offers
>finally made it
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still got 3 offers and expecting to get another any day now, still better than sending out 100 applications and only getting a few rejections and ghosted
not what I said
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>supervisor for my internship says he's having trouble getting an answer on a budget for me to get hired full-time
>wants to extend my internship a bit longer, maybe hire me as a contractor until he gets a solid number
is this a good or bad sign? seems like he's pushing hard for me and it could very well just be communications fuckery/corporate bullshit slowing everything down. I'm a fresh grad so any job is a good job but I'm kinda hesitant all the same
am in the US, just interviewed a guy with 6yoe as a developer. the past year he's been at apple as a "Senior Database Support and Operations". pakistani. this nigga could not do a simple join query between 2 datasets. the role is for a data engineer. what a retard.
it's bidenomics. there'll be next fomc meeting in a few days. you'll get an idea if you're staying in the company or not
May as well, just keep job searching until the offer comes in
i'm so tired
things I used to take comfort in are disappearing as I age
nothing but darkness ahead
escaping discomfort is not a long-term strategy. Choose to confront it and grow instead.
It's a bad sign but it's still better than letting the internship end.
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sir can u lick my butthole?
>MSc graduates from top colleges
these guys are fucking retards
Either they like you, want you on the team, but might not be able to swing the budget OR they want to get a few more months out of you and have no intention of adding anyone else to fulltime payroll.
>supervisor for my internship says he's having trouble getting an answer on a budget for me to get hired full-time
I am literally in the same position, realistically we're fucked and I suggest you start looking for another job. That's what I'm doing, my boss also is pushing hard for me and the team wants me to stay but in the end it's not gonna be his decision nor theirs.
>things I used to take comfort in
Such as?
Just bombed a live coding interview...
>It should have been super simple, just an easy vertical splitter component that takes two components and can be dragged to resize either component.
>My brain went completely blank on the mouse events side of things. I could not for the life of me understand how to detect a mouse drag, and whether it was dragging one way or the other. It’s something that I would generally ask AI or do some reading of docs, but it was a timed assessment so I just blew it completely. First off I should have used React, even though they said I could use Angular, I could tell during it that they were looking for specific React usage. And secondly the anxiety of having somebody watching your screen is terrible, and it didn’t at all reflect the way I actually work. I shamelessly use AI when I don’t know things, and reading the working code and going to docs for further understanding has been a great way for me to keep up speed while learning and get stuff done. Idk it just genuinely was a shitty experience. I did super well on the first three rounds, and 3 hour take home assessment, but the live coding was a complete bomb and they disqualified me immediately.
>It felt super weird, and I felt like I couldn’t google anything I would usually. I really hate being monitored and I allllways bombed tests in college because of the memorization and on the spot anxiety. Feels like that all over again.

Hopefully I get over it, but I really just wish live coding assessments were not the standard.
I have mad anxiety and I can barely print 'hello world' if someone is looking at my screen, you're not alone. I do have a job, you'll get one too.
> be entrycel
> make a halfhearted open-to-work shitpost on Linkedin
> immediately get spammed with obviously botted/fake offers
> report the ones that sound impressed with my skills or "career trajectory" as misinformation
> One indian guy just sends "Hi (myname)" and nothing else
ha ha

holy shit, look at all these drops in salaries. Golang dropped by 20% what the fuck, it was rank 2 last year
is it time to take the elixir/clojure/ruby pill? why are they so highly paid, they're fucking untyped languages, clojure looks downright disgusting.
I work for a company that sounds a bit like a well known framework. I had a retarded recruiter message me "sir we're looking for a [insert stack name] engineer like you pls call", these people aren't fucking real.
just make a ticket saying "implement AI", add a functin named AIFunction, and make it calculate the average of something. add a comment linking to a statistics concept. then send the completed ticket to ur CEO and enjoy that promotion
this made up language is literally needed in Google only
kek that's what you get fag
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>common, actually used languages barely took a cut
>weird, niche company specific languages or very outdated/rare languages arent as valuable
>retarded director cans our project because "are people even using this wtf"
>people using our project are asking us for features related to this project
>we decided to tell them to ask our director about it
Are we gonna get fired? Not that any of us care at this point
>so managers can cover their ass if the hire turns out to be shitty.
More like managers can cover their own asses after running a project into the ground.
scroll up to the first chart
all common languages dropped in salary
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wtf is an IT business analyst?
Fancy title unlicensed accountant
Cyber-security is fast becoming saturated and its being saturated by the very same people who gave this industry a growth spurt.
>yfw "good morning sir" xss alert
Embedded is next.
wow it must be nice to get interviews
so they just sit there and look pretty?
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So far I have yet to see anyone who isn't a total fucking retard in a cybersecurity job. That shit is saturated beyond belief because they keep hiring cheap indians and grads with no IT experience.
The work i see from them is shocking
no it's not fag
so what's the catch with kotlin? seems to be pretty much the perfect backend language
anything it does new java has and will just add to java itself
itll only continue to exist as the language for android because google has a hateboner for oracle
Does your company even do technical interviews on job candidates?
No technical interview can check if a candidate will be willing to improve over time.
>google has a hateboner for oracle
Anyone who doesn't is an idiot
oh yeah because some random company youll never meet or see an employee of in your entire life is soooo important
*puts my hand on my hip and rolls my eyes*
go back
Lol if you've never had to deal with anything Oracle related, consider yourself lucky
inside your moms pussy? ok sure
>job title for sysadmins is Warfighter Communications Operations
No wonder I didn't see it.
>Warfighter Communications Operations Officer
Lmao this cannot be real. It's like they are trying to recruit 12 year olds. What the fuck is up with the phrasing and language in there?
there's not enough meme money in embedded to become saturated
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Market is absolutely fucked. 10 YOE, solid network. Barely anything is open. Even with a referral I am waiting to get interviews. At least I can stick it out in my underpaid job for now. Games/tech.
>Finance TV channels finally reporting that AI is a bubble
>recruiters starting to go HAM in the DMs again
>CEOs on normie TV begging for rate cuts THIS month and pleading that the latest they can possibly tolerate is September or else "all hell will break loose"
yeah I'm thinking we're back.
well either that or some dumbasses made some pretty bad messes with the AI stuff and need some code jannies to save them.
no durr
I had 3 interviews over the course of a week with an IT company, what are the odds I am getting the job? The last person to interview me said I will hear back from them in a day or two or not at all if they picked someone else.
My company is getting fucking obliterated in revenue/earnings/etc for the last couple of quarters. I think I'm fucking donezo friends. I've been put on a soul-less task for like 10+ months now and its going nowhere, I think I'm just gonna get laid off
Kind of getting the hint that this startup is trying to bait me to tell them some trade secrets of another company.
I interviewed 4 times with a company and they rejected me at the end of the process, so it's honestly a coin toss anon.
damn, may the highers powers bequeath me with a job so I can afford to eat
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>got tickets
>don't even know how to run code
wtf am I doing?
doctors can un-blow you up some of the time but you can't un-suck a dick
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for the ones that aren't able to find jobs.
>numbers are going down
oh well i got mine. gl zoomers.
what is your teams profile pic
kek just looked up my old boomer manager who got fired on linkedin and he literally has 3 master degrees. most recent one from a year ago. dude should be in a nursing home not getting masters degrees still.
Give problems that haven't be used before will quickly flush out people that brute forced memorized solutions.
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You gotta sound cool to sell the jobs. Look at the other names for the jobs. Its no wonder why people think they got ripped off from the recruiter when no one even knows what the job description means. It does not help that every 6 years career fields merge and separate all the time.
i tried to contact my local recruiter a few years ago. the fucker never contacted me back even after i left my contact info
That is way out of date list. Even when I joined that list was missing a ton of new jobs being merged or made

Close to accurate if not request the recruiter to print out the AFSC list.
Gotta go to a different recruiter if there not willing to get you on a bus before Friday. Also try going on the 1st of the month that's when there manning requirement resets.
>10 resumes
>1 phone screen
>1 interview
Huh my resume must not be dreadful in this market, wonder why I never have recruiters reach out.
I should not change jobs right now though.
>having an interview tomorrow
>interviewer (who is also the hiring manager) is indian
>had a slight accent over the phone
>i'm white

cool. so, it's over right
stalk his linkedin to see his jeet power level (high if he just left India)
This won't help you to filter people who won't improve either. Someone can be ok hire for a junior, but if he never improves and submits half-assed code that he takes forever to fix, he will only slow down the team. Someone can be competent and still work very slowly and put no effort into it.
>nice brain-chemical words
kill yourself
get paid to look breedable
I don't wanna work as a webdev, bros... Are the skills transferrable to software development if I ever wanna switch careers?
Currently a sys admin and want to move on to systems/network engineering. Any advice to help get my foot in the door other than going back to school for an engineering degree?
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Yeah nah learn to weld.
You will just move over to IT like most of the people who don't want to program or can't do.
Its all about certifications
Redhat for server admin
AWS / Azure / Kubernetes / Docker and the likes for server admin

Comptia trifectia then CCNA/CCNP for networking.

If you want to become a engineer level you need to get a masters degree in whatever the fuck some have MBA's some have CS some have IT. That along with certifications is the only real filter for high end positions.
What do you think a web dev is if not software dev? WordPress technician?
I'm so fucking tired of my job. I want to leave and work on my own thing, but.. the times I've tried this I failed hard. now I bet I'm too old to get a job as good as the one I currently have and I have no idea what to do, other than taking a vacation, but it's fucking WINTER on my side of the planet.
If only it was better paid where I'm from
Yeah my bad. Just did some googling and webdev is a subset of software dev
I got laid off and flew off the handle today like a retard during the zoom call

Once the chief HR officer said "unfortunately this reorganization will result in the elimination of your roles" I yelled WOOOOOOOOW THATS AWESOME MAN THANK YOU! He said he was deeply sorry and understands what I'm going through and this made me so mad I said "hey it's a good thing you still have a job. you need to pay for that hair transplant, baldie. YOU'RE BALDING MAN"
And then I was promptly kicked from the call

Is this enough cause to take away my severance pay or something? I still don't regret it honestly. I don't fucking care anymore. I'm gonna go drink
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I'm eaten beans nigga
kek, extremely based
she a girl?
there are 2 /twg/s
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CyberSec or CS as a career?

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