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uemployed and demotivated edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101563875
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I have a 15 min call with a recrutier who reached out on linkedin tomorrow morning. finally, a reason to wake up early
>new thread after 306 posts
desperate retard
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>recently got work in cybersecurity as a watch analyst
>the job is literally staring at a screen for hours straight doing nothing and waiting for the occasional email to come along telling you to block or unblock this IP/domain
This stuff actually requires certs? What the fuck?
It could be worse. You could have no certs and have absolute retards do the easy work.
You could create a web form to basically do your job.
>just struggled for a few hours making my own DFS and minimax functions on a couple examples and a shit ton of chatgpt

I'm not gonna make it , how do people pop this shit off on the fly in interviews
Keep at it. I spent my last unemployment spell yelling at leetcode until it just became second nature.
I fucking hate leetcode. These fucking problems have zero real-world applications.
Allo lads, any upside in continuing to work on SQL db / code-monkeying PLC controls ($80k~ ) or is webdev shit more profitable / comfy? I can go the PM route but that seems like it's just eating shit from both ends
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gearing up to start applying to it internships for 2025. what should i expect? ive got two cloud certs and an entry level cisco networking cert. should i just go hard in the paint, network like crazy, and hopefully get a job? my brother has gotten internships via the aviation industry just cold applying to jobs. does that apply to IT as well?
I dont know what goes into leetcode stuff i haven't really done it but I enjoy these types of algorithms, I just can't process how ot put it into code

I'll keep up with the suck thanks anon
Big contracting companies like Lockhead, L3 harris, jacobs, General dynamics, GDIT, Raytheon. Would love to hire you and I am certain some of them have internships.
i dont know about upside but PLCs are comfy and implies you are actually working in industry that makes real things rather than tech horseshit
my buddy's whole family works at raytheon. i might ask him about it.
You might get a job with them with an obligation to work for them for a certain amount of time to pay off your degree.
The constant travel isn't so comfy (except when you're solo in a fuck huge DC) but I pretty much just sort slop into boxes efficiently. Cool part I guess is deploying shit live and nuking a section of the DC for a few hours/days lol
>reached 1 year gap
fuck man
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I removed the dates from my resume and it worked with a 2+ year gap. This was only for small-mid sized company so your luck may vary
Does LinkedIn actually work for entry level no-experiencers? My mom keeps bugging me to make a profile, but I hate Facebook and all social media besides 4chan.
Yes. LinkedIn isn't Facebook or that kind of shit. You use it for finding jobs. It's the one thing you need when job hunting in tech.
>work at contracting firm
>have been sent to work as junior sysadmin
>that company now wants to buy me out
How frequently does this actually happen? My salary would more than double if it does happen so I want to make the chances as high as possible
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>"you have no job"
>"and you are a slave to it"
similar boat. i feel like i've done good at minimizing my online presence. it feels so alien to ruin all that with linkedin
it can help. my friend got a internship that turned into a new grad offer hes at for 2 years so far cus a recruiter reached out to him. lucky fucker
>social media
do NOT use linkedin as social media, you fucking retards. don't ever expose any of your thoughts or opinions on it. you might one day regret it.
It’s a Facebook profile for jobs. Cringe. I’m a loser with no friends or network. How is that supposed to help me?
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You can browse it but you have to apply to jobs on the actual company websites.
I'm not sure what your point is but, yes, of course.
but, do you even know what social media is? applying to jobs is not a social activity
Put your skills, your experience, your projects. Recruiters will contact you.
>they think linkedin is for networking
I know students and grads are retarded but jfc, these retards aren't even able to create a fucking account to learn to use and take advantage a shitty fucking website.
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>be me
its that easy. be yourself always.
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>be me
>work hard and learn a bunch of shit
>stuff doesn't always workout the way I want it too
>win anyways
Sometimes the only opportunities you take at the moment ends up being the direction you were trying to go from the start.
Are there still companies willing to train people these days?
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Only if you know half the job before starting.
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According to Dr. Chuck Severance, these are the languages I should be learning to become profession in programming
>left to right and top to bottom in that order
>pic related
I would say that's pretty decent, but who am I kidding. I'm fucking retarded.
sir needfully learn assebly do the needful sir
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sooooooo no? he's wrong or something?
>PHP, Django
>Learning hardware and C for some entry-level code monkey position
>spreading yourself thin on all these languages

He is a total fucking retard.
what would you recommend then?
Oh, he is a lecturer.

Scratch that. Not a retard, but a scammer who tries to get people join all his bullshit courses.
aren't most of his courses free and shiet?
I dont understand why tech doesn't use something like the FE/PE system of taking a standardized third party test rather than slogging through individual interviews to prove knowledge

I have my PE and I have been straight up told that they don't need to waste my time with knowledge questions during job interviews. I understand programming is a little different than normal engineering and quite broad but christ there has to be a better way than all these stories i'm reading
you must be either cheap af or good af
Anons lend me your wisdom. I've got an internship but I feel like my "supervisors" couldn't give less of a fuck if I stayed in my little corner of the office all day and then fucked off home. So should I keep bothering them for tasks to do or should I just relegate myself to my corner?
Some companies already outsource testing to a 3rd party service. Problem is the tests only test knowledge and not skills.
>C# (.NET) or Java (Spring)

Find courses for these and do small projects afterwards with them. Upload everything to GitHub publicly. Make a portfolio (website with screenshots) of these shitty projects to pass the clueless HR whore check and look for paid interships or junior positions.
For IT we have certifications. For programming they have leetcode and free resources to learn. The closest they get right now is a company test which even if you fail gives you insight into what they are looking for.

Why programming hasn't made certifications is because most of the work is not memorization of knowledge but instead its about application of components together. Another reason is that programming languages are in constant update cycles and so is the text editor. If there was a standard it would mean your behind since you took that certification. For IT it changes 20% every 10 years but the old stuff is still applicable and most of the theory barely changes.

Stay in your corner. If they have work to do and your are doing it, then that is all that matters. Focus on improving your skills and learning something new and they might even give you a raise for being a hard charger or whatever term these fucks are using now.
>staring at a screen for hours straight
Couldn't you write a script to detect changes in your screen?
No harm in at least asking them once a day and if they don't, do some self studying to show them that you're doing something.
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That’s nothing. I spent all day on an “easy” problem because I thought the entire point of the exercise was to role your own heap container rather than to just use a fucking set. Also I’m doing this stuff in C++ against my better judgement but the next best language I can use is my 4th best language, so I’m committing to the bit.
>your are doing it
See if I had a task that would occupy my whole day I'd be happy but I need to ask them for directions so once I accomplish a task I need to ask for feedback and for further directions
Well I guess today is my lucky day cus they gave me enough data to work with that I can bury myself without talking to them
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>Thought the interview was going to be 8 hours
>It's actually going to be 5 hours (one of which is a break)
oh hell yeah, that's a lot less ballcrushing than I thought it would be. I am still horrified.

>Company? *Badly feigned laughter* well we're not a company exactly, but we are recruiters! And if you're looking for training, have you considered the U.S. Army? We offer incredible job training in everything from IT to logistics, and you'll gain skills that are in high demand everywhere. Plus, you'll be part of something bigger than any company. So, how about a desk job that comes with a uniform and a whole lot of pride?

>Trusting someone who doesn't even put in the effort to spell Assembly correctly while telling you to learn it

Let them know that you're always willing to work if they need something done. Otherwise chillax in your corner while doing something personally productive (i.e. studying, working on personal project, pushups).
Unironically I wouldn't mind signing up for the US army if only I lived in the US. Unless it's actually a bad idea?
Not everyone is busy at work 24/7 I work shifts and work dives off a cliff from day shift into swing shift. Then at nights there is almost nothing to do.
You need a green card for that. You also wont get any good jobs in the military since your a foreigner. Better off joining your governments military unless its a shit hole.
Thank you, anon. I'll get on it.
to be fair I think it was the host of the youtube channel who did the editing and slides for Dr. Chuck Severance interview
My uncle did something similar. Married an american woman and signed up for the US navy. Now he's working as an aircraft engineer
Got a £8k raise after two years to keep doing exactly what I was already doing, presented as a career step. It just means they've been under-paying me for two years.
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so true for workplaces too
it's loyalty is a bad trait now
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Yeah life is great.
literally me
I like programming but I absolutely hate working in a company, dealing with people and the whole industry mindset.
What are my best options to minimize all this shit?
Do recruiters care if you apply for the same job through multiple job boards?
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Apply on the actual websites that the company owns. Recruiting websites suck and are full of indians tying to steal your resume so they can get there own people hired. You might even do a moc interview were they steal your anwsers to help out there own buddies.
Huh. Thanks for the heads up bro.
Contract work to deliver specific features. But then of course you’d better hope your client can describe their requirements.
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Guys, isn't working just about going to work, do your work, and go home? Lots of people insisting it has to be difficult, full of drama, and heavily romanticized. I mean yeah, drama happens, stuff happens, overtime happens, I've experienced this myself for 12 months, but once I'm able to go home, I'm free again to do whatever I want, right? Why do I have to put on my professional self all the time? I finished my part on time and they'd still nitpick on me. I know I'm not exactly the most sociable person in the room! Can't they just leave me alone after hours?

"Ouuhhh you're a gen z you must do extra unpaid work!! That's where the real experience is!!"
Yes the field is cooked, yes you fucked up majoring in CS, yes take that unpaid internship, yes the field won’t recover, yes AI is making the market worse, yes you shouldn’t major in CS, yes you just wasted the past 4 years of your life.

Took care of 99% of the questions, your welcome
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I will say that running home servers with the same software you use at work easily 10xs your productivity and can quickly make you the indispensable "go to guy."
That's why I don't use Oracle sql.
desu doing it once or twice every day is actually impressive at this point.
30-40 years ago families could not afford to go out to eat more than once a month. Your family was balling if it was once a week.

Now since most people now are no longer going to bars they instead burn that money on going out to eat and outright treat it like its a normal thing. Its just a shift of spending habits that caused this to happen. Despite my great pay I would rather burn my money on other dumb shit instead of eating out and I do not feel bad for anyone that complains about restaurant prices when it was never cheaper then making your own meal but for some fucking reason they all believe that bullshit lie that it was cheaper than cooking.
Aside from the core math and paradigms part, the field evolves too fast + infra is relatively cheap to rent. The approach you're suggesting will likely end up with a bunch of younger devs flipping the industry on its head every few years via disruptive startups that aren't beholden to those rules.
Absolutely nothing feels worse than realizing you've eaten your entire paycheck in the form of shitty food from eg Sheetz.
There are some basic ideas like release certification and not giving third parties fucking shells on your machines (it's insane this is common) in the form of automatic EDR updates etc.

Maybe there isn't enough for something as long as a PE/FE exam but I think you could write something decent.
You might get a entry weeder exam built that companies would like. This would basically be a test of knowledge, fizzbuzz and a few other shit you would normally see in an interview. It would be both application and real world application testing. I can see it being a 50/50 for both sections. This at the minimum would help get rid of dumbasses applying for jobs with zero self learning experience that is required for any tech job. Now going high level no clue since programming moves to fast. For IT the top end moves alot slower.
*basic knowledge and coding problems
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>one of our laziest devs is left by himself for a week while his team mates are on PTO
>pretty much radio silence from him the entire week
>30 seconds before we have a joint catchup meeting he states he can't make it because he has another meeting that's higher priority
>joint meeting starts without him
>hover over his status on Teams out of curiosity
>he's manually marked himself as busy but Teams reveals he has no meetings scheduled for the next 4 hours
that nigga had a good week let me tell you that much
I’ve had meetings that weren’t in my schedule to be fair
Both my last and current boss pretty much never write meeting invites for me because when they do they have to reschedule them two or three times.
Does your workload increases each month? How often you do overtime or have to stay until 6-7 PM?
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Inb4 its true and that person simply doesn't RSVP to meetings so their calendar isnt up to date.

T. Got a nosey person fired by doing this once. I was in a three day workshop led by my boss where I had to give presentations to the CTO. Some dickhead was upset that I wasn't going to his meetings or attending his teams standups to fix problems they created so they raised hell with my boss while I was in my boss' workshop sessions. My boss didn't respond and they went over their head to their boss who was also in the workshop session. The blowback was fucking beautiful.

To this day I still don't RSVP to meetings.
It's over then.
I hate working in tech so much. I like programming on my own projects but working a 9 to 5 is so soul crushing. I don't even make that much money. Does this ever get better? Or should I just say fuck and work on my startup for a year? I don't care if it fails I just need a break for a year or two
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I am not getting even rejection emails. Is this the new normal?
I don't want to do scrum, I don't want to open another PR, I don't want to solicit reviews from the senior engineers.
Quick call?
I'm going to need you to deliver this thing that I forgot that I promised to the business last quarter by Monday. Here's a doordash code that gives you 10% off meals ordered past 11PM from Tuesday-Thursday.
You'll get them in like 3 months
Stop using the thumbs up emoji for every reaction, there are hundreds of emojis you could use.

>Big notice
>Thumbs up
>Say good morning
>Thumbs up
>Post funny meme
>Thumbs up
I use hearts too
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if you guys got uber cards from crowdstrike you can do pickup and find a coupon online that gives you $15 off any order of $20 or more

I'm getting 2 double chicken burritos at chipotle for like $12 total, shits better than BOGO
The only reason for reactions is to acknowledge you saw something without sending a message. All reactions are just different colors of "thumbs up."
>Crash production
>"Here have half a chicken sandwich on us"
kek this is why I'm slurping CRWD. They're such a shitty company it's obvious they didn't get there on merit.
I turned into a turbo normie, I used to hate the concept of working so much but I ended up really enjoying the social parts of being in the office. I really like some of my coworkers and it makes me excited to go to work to see them. In fact I wanna see them outside of work too and do things together, first time in my life this happens
I only like being in the office because I like when non-it people come to me for help and then act like I'm really smart when I fix shit
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Another day of working drunk.
I just want them to fire me so I get my severance pay.
my job does these employee surveys, and something like only 70% of the employees felt "recognized" or "appreciated" for their work. Instead of paying niggas more, their solution to this is to just pump out bullshit internal awards and emails shouting out the best wagies, its over.
Wait you guys are doing this sober?
You're just mad because you didn't get the best wagie award.
loyalty just means you're stupid/weak. it also gives women the ick.
Our HR is also oozing corporate culture happy juice in all directions, but we still get raises, bonuses and promotions. There are always people that respond to non-monetary positive reinforcement. Not that I'm one of them.
>sprint retrospective
>lead goes around and calls on people asking what went well, what went poorly
>some legit high school shit
>just say I agree with the last person to talk
>haven't been called on first yet
Anyone else?
I hate that I now emphasize people willing to do anything for money; being poor sucks. Going into CS was the worst mistake of my life, should have gone for law. The market will never recover, it's so over.
hello this is anonymous with help desk I understand you forgot your password
I can't believe you can't be responsible for remembering a simple fucking password lmao how rarted are you my dude
Did you recommend them a password manager?
that devs name? Albert Einstein.
never understood anti money people .money is freedom power and influence. its the most important thing. people who don't understand that will be taken advantage their whole lives by people who do.
we're not allowed to anymore after retards forgot that password too
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Do you guys also do marketing tasks?
>t. backend developer
No, I made it clear from day 1 I was not to deal with clients.
I recently started shamelessly applying for jobs I know I am not qualified to do. For the bros who have successfully swindled their way into a role, how did it turn out? Were you able to adapt or did the company sniff out your ruse?

I don't see anything wrong with it since most job listings are bullshit anyway.
They don't let me near clients anymore.
humiliation ritual
I have law degrees and CS degrees (Master’s for both) and you’re an absolute retard if you think going into law is easier than getting a tech job.
Hello anon
even my mega boomer brained agile champion manager only did a sprint retrospective once since it was too cringe to do ever again.
Most often than not, the people you work with are as clueless as you think you are
Our sprint retrospective is our retarded scrum checking if we’ve closed all our stories and that is literally it.
our lead and scrum master are both women, so they're immune to the cringe
This happens when you accidentally do too well at socializing. Gotta spill more spaghetti, bro.
I hate the ai meme
i had to babysit some interns recently and they just an interface to chatgpt. if it doesn't shit out the exact thing they need they are stumped
if new grads were useless before, they will be 10 times worse now
devs have always been over whelmingly useless and incompetence so i don't really care about chatgpt.
In English, saar?
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>be software engineer
>spend most of my time in various meetings
Why does it have to be like this?
I feel like I need to be dishonest to get past HR and find out what the job truly requires.
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I would like an update from any company I've applied for in the past few weeks....

Its just me and an endless void of applications....
It improves problem solving ability and hence your programming ability. I find it fun, like solving puzzles.
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LinkedIn is for getting laid
I'll be starting sophomore year soon I and I'm wondering if I should start applying for internships? I've done a little leetcode but still need to study it a lot more. I also don't have any previous software engineering internship experience or personal projects. All I have is two research internships where I did computational work for non-CS STEM fields and I have a 4.0 GPA.
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>roommate talked to me for 3 hours straight
>he's been on the clock the whole time
>didn't even bother checking his messages
>didn't even bother jiggling his mouse
>didn't even have his work computer on
>still complains to me about his job
ask him for a job.
How would you organize a resume if you've only worked at one company but on multiple projects and gone through a few job titles? The dates for the titles and projects don't line up. I also worked here as a student, some of it as an intern and some part time
Or curse and growl at your computer from time to time.
Nta, but it's gotta be easier than having to go through 10 rounds of interview, do 3 take home projects and leetcode.
I reported you to your manager. Enjoy the rest of your Friday!!
Fresh grad here. Just applied for my first job and this is their hiring process
>interview about yourself, your technical skills, and all that stuff
>coding exam
>call if you make the cut or not
Wouldn't you want to start by filtering out candidates who don't fit the technical requirements of the position? Does it mean there's a chance you can pass even if you fail the exam if they like you enough?
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I've done lost my mind, I flirted with the director of another department and she responded positively to it, I asked (begged) her to come to the IT dept to watch a funny video and she actually did come (my coworkers looked confused and were wondering why the fuck she was there), then I offered her a chair and rubbed her back 2 or 3 times and it all went very well. I'm an intern btw and I'm not sure they'll keep me due to "budget issues" so I might as well go all out now while I'm still around
Bro... you're gonna become the successor to the director of the IT department
Have any of you ever had literally nothing to do for weeks?
Did you get fired? Did you pretend like you were actually doing something useful?
When I worked as a government contractor, in one role I did nothing for literally months.
most employees do that.
there are long stretches of time where it feels like I get nothing done but my managers always say I'm doing a good job so I don't know what to make of that.
i would rather filter the autists that will be a nightmare to work with but thats just me

I can tell within like 2 minutes if someone is going to be a giant pain in the ass
>Does it mean there's a chance you can pass even if you fail the exam if they like you enough?
You catch on fast. You have a bright future ahead of you.


I'm honestly kind of amazed that you young fellas are figuring out how to play the new woman leader meta this fast instead of grinding yourselves into dust for merit.
I do this when I want to learn one of these meme frameworks.
>it says here you don't have experience with X is that true?
>that's not a problem just give me a test
They still call you after seeing that you don't have the experience?
Yeah that makes sense
Any chance this is why the recruiter sent me an email earlier if I'm having a hard time with the exam lol
I leaned into it. Didn't know crap about Node, learnt it as part of one of my first tasks and let everyone know that. Gotta stay humble.
Exactly this, you can train someone and they can improve their tech skills but you can not train a grown ass autist to stop being an annoying cunt you can’t work with.
They're often more clueless. I've taken orders from leads and architects in F500 companies with 25+ years of industry experience who don't know how to join tables in SQL or write a regex filter.
your mom is a retard and just regurgitating the YOU NEED LINKEDIN meme from a set of self-selected boomers who write or make videos about job searching. you can literally look up “tech company, <your state>” on a search engine and apply directly at their careers page.
linkedin job listings are nothing but links to companies careers page anyway.
they're getting bought out so it's not happening
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Female recruiter? Honestly I will just shrug it off as them wanting their bonus
Yeah, I had a few years of experience with the language used by the framework and it was a junior position.
I didn't get the job, btw.
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God, that reminds me of my last job where there was literally a department of software architects who would do nothing but make powerpoints featuring the worst architecture known to man and jerk each other off. Meanwhile, the actual software was held together by duct tape and offshore Indians and all the moving parts barely worked together. Any attempt to get them to help enforce a standard or clean-up was shot down because they wanted to keep moving forward with greenfield projects that would have to reinforce the crappy legacy structure because "keep whole".
retard, set a time for 15 mins. look at the solution after that. u gotta memorize the solutions
fuck you manager
is she a milf
I'm doing tryhackme right now and just finished the Linux fundamentals. While I was able to complete all of the tasks I still feel like I have a very shaky grasp at best of how to use CLI's.
How often do you use CLI in cyber security?
Any tips or resources to help me feel more secure/familiar with them?
>How often do you use CLI in cyber security?
>Any tips or resources to help me feel more secure/familiar with them?
Use a CLI instead of a GUI when operating your computer.
It'll suck but you will get used to it.
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How have I not been fired yet

I do nothing lmao
No but the other IT manager I’m also flirting with is
So does your boss.
>Use a CLI instead of a GUI when operating your computer.
Kali Linux is a good starting CLI OS from what I've gather, yeah?
Holy fuck it's been almost a month and I'm still unemployed.
same here, I got laid off a month ago but I've just been chilling since, no hurry to get a new job since the severance pay was pretty generous
I feel happy, I did nothing at work all day I just fucked around with coworkers. Bliss.
I have a genuine question for non-autists: what is being too friendly at work? At which point does it bother you? I’m forcing myself to get out of my comfort zone to get to know some people better because we get along but, how do I know if I’m bothering them or not? I’m afraid of seeming like a weird creep if I ask someone if they wanna get something at the coffee machine, can I tell if they feel forced to accept?
If you're in Europe, learn C# and JS. If you're in the US, learn JS, Python and Java. These are the most in-demand entry level languages.
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i don't understand how people aren't able to retire after like 10 years of working. all you had to do was buy stocks instead of new cars/houses/vacations/college degrees and you'd be retired.
I sacrificed the greatest party years of my life (college) by majoring in CS. Now you're telling me there is NO payoff?
I basically did this, and I am kind of retired now at 37, though I would like to add a bit more to my savings/investments... a little more cushion wouldn't hurt.
I got to contract-signing day and failed the autism filter (a friendly lunch across the street from the office) 30 minutes before the job was officially mine on paper. After lunch we went back to the office and they said they changed their mind about signing me and wished me good luck.
I'd recomend usi g a basic linux distro, Ubuntu/Debian based so you get used to installing tools, dealing with dependencies, etc. so you are prepared and familiarized with the linux environment. I've been working in cybersec for 7 years and sometimes you have to improvise, you will not always have your setup at hand. However, if you are not going to do field work, a vm with kali is a good place to start. I would not recommend it as a host OS, since sometimes you might need to do aome tweaking that could break the whole installation
Damn what happened? Did you stay silent the whole time?
They definitely know I do nothing too.
One week my only task was to test a software version they hadn't finished making yet
They don't care
I think my manager feels he has more job security the more people he has under him
I have to support parents who are financially retarded.
Don't take this as advice, but I've felt like you. I'm a diagnosed autist and I had the same worries. I explained the situation to the coworker I had "a better connection with" and he told me not to worry, that if I was out of line or I did something inappropriate he'd warn me. This brought inmense peace of mind. If you consider some of your coworkers as friends, voice your concerns, it will really help
I studied CS and still had the best of times. You just say you are a philosophy major and pussy flows and bros grow
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I'm 6 months into OE and it fucking sucks.
I really want to quit one job, but the money is just too good.
Thanks a lot anon, but what about people you don’t consider friends just yet? As in we do seem to appreciate each other (ie they keep asking me questions about me, my life, my plans etc) and I’d like to be friend but I’m afraid of fumbling it in the process. Man I envy extraverts who don’t even think about these things.
No, it turned out I lived down the street from my hiring manager actually.
But I didn't eat anything, because the office is an hour away from where we both live, and I wasn't hungry enough to eat a full serving at the place we went to and knew after going back to the office and signing/being shown my place that I'd have to toss the food, and I also didn't want to just leave food and get a meal on their dime just to eat less than half of it because I thought that'd seem more rude than not eating. But I was wrong.
give some details. something like this is going to happen to me one day.
Ah I see. Yeah you sound like me before I discovered that when people invite you for coffee it’s actually not because they’re craving for it and they’re wondering if you’re craving for it too. You just gotta force yourself to drink or eat even if it’s a bit, it’s entirely social and people will think you’re rude if you don’t do that.
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>another week passes by
>still unemployed
>and unemployment bennies now all used up
I'm beyond sick of this shit. I should have become a plumber.
>I thought that'd seem more rude than not eating.
Wasting their food is less rude than not eating it.
Refusing the food is a hostile response. It projects the attitude that you think they are in the wrong for offering it. People don't like to be called out for being wrong, so when you do that people don't like you.
It's a small thing but they're trying to get a read on how you treat people and that's what you're telling them.
>"hey anon you wanna go on a break with us?"
>"no i don’t feel like taking a break now thanks"
God fucking damn it, fortunately I quickly figured out I was being autistic and stopped doing this. Still cringy to think about.
At many jobs you get extra breaks if you take up smoking.
no you don't
In some countries you legally can't cut them off.
Yeah I learned that in hindsight but it's the closest I've been to work in months.
Which is a shame, because I'm not ordinarily a hostile person, I'm just a bit socially inept and misjudge social cues in an attempt to actively be less hostile, like with the not eating thing. If I'd recognized not eating was the more insulting thing to do, I would've just forced it down to be polite.
See >>101584775
That's gay, China?
In something like half of the US states, there's laws on the books that you are responsible for your parents' medical debt if they can't pay for it themselves. It's designed so that if boomers go broke they can still force their kids to take care of them.
It's currently not super enforced though.
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what a beautiful photo

I hope that recruiter you speak to tomorrow sees a man capable of doing a perfect job in your pixelated representation on their screen
Unemployed fucks are constantly asking about how many leetcodes they need to do and how many frameworks they gotta learn but damn you fucks need to fucking learn soft skills and learn social cues. You just have no idea of how important these things are to get a job and keep it.
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>wrote a big piece of shit code a year ago
>get a PR assigned that touches multiple parts of it
>now I have to verify the correctness and suggest improvements
> I can already see it's not fully correct and definitely needs some difficult small refactorings
I hate this shit
All things considered, huffing jenkem fermented from your own shit is probably better than jenkem from someone else's.
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My portfolio is about $1.2 million now, but..... I mean why stop, when I already do next to nothing and still get paid?

I guess it's slightly annoying to have to attend a couple meetings or so a week. Or if I need to SSH into somewhere and restart apache once a month. But that's about it.

Other than the infinitesimal amount of work I do, I'm basically already retired?
>>101575690 #
It won’t “work” as a junior but the point is to build a network so it’s more useful later.
Anyone work as a data engineer here?
I've been at this place for 2.5 years now.
Sql, azure, c#, dataverse, etl.
It's ok, but our dataset is kind of miniscule.
I did a previous contractor role for etl of live CNC machines which was fun.

I'm thinking of finding more roles in places that have large rapid data sources than need massive pipelines like banks.
Anyone have any experience in this kind of stuff and what I should expect
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>junor head of the help desk team
>our boss is mad at us because we don't do our job properly.
>we can't do our job if the main team doesn't give us the latest build to test
>ask him why he's mad at us. go to the dev team.
>awkward silence. just do your job Anon.
>called him a retard in a nice way and wrote an angry mail to his superior.
What a faggot. Tomorrow I will accidentally spill hot coffee on him.
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>be in tech as a SWE for 8 years
>work at mediocre commodity jobs with sorta interesting problems and sorta OK pay + benefits
>keep telling myself I'll take the FAANG-pill "in the future"
>turns out "in the future" is ethereal and I was lying to myself the entire time
>industry's now totally flooded with infinity Jeets and hiring is no longer correlated to engineering merit
>probability that a tenured senior straight white engineer getting a job in southern california: 0%
>the bar for hiring is at least 10x what it was when I entered the industry and now too old to give enough of a fuck to put the effort in

Make hay while the sun shines anon, you never know when a permanent cloud might be cast.
I have an old RPi 4 that I'll probably ssh into after I install some distro.
Would using htop kneecap myself if I want to get proficient with CLI?
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just found out I had a typo on the resume I’ve been using to mass apply
This happens. If anything, you'll filter out annoying retards who can't get past a typo.
How did you post what I was typing?? At least I managed to keep my job even though promotion prospects here are nonexistent.
why setting a timer for 15 mins? is it a recommendation generally used by leetcode programmers?
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When I apply on linkedin all I get is recruiters calling me and asking x and y.
But on indeed I actually get interviews from either HR/hiring manager from the company themselves.

Would it be bad if I was to get my 2 weeks holiday approved then tell them I'm leaving after?
I worked with a guy who did this and people were badmouthing him for months.
My previous employer's policy was to not pay out PTO so I had to do that.
Yeah fuck that there is probally something in the books to disown your parents. I am not taking on any of my parents debts, medical debts or prior loans. I believe the only reason you would want to assume there debts is if they have alot of property paid off or with a ton of equity.
>Taking holiday leave you're entitled to is considered a bad thing among your co-workers
Would they happen to be American?
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boomer parents bought house, cash, in 1994 for $45k, earned unironically working part time as a cashier at home depot
anno domini 2024 and they're STILL working at home depot
mom just turned 65 recently and told me she has $120k in her 401k and like $6k worth of home depot stock
how are the people born into the most prosperous economy in the history of man so financially retarded? is it due to their lack of a scarcity mindset? everything else in their life they sorta just stumbled in to, so they assume retirement would be the same?
do you even have to ask? take your fucking paid vacations no matter what
Fuck em you are legally required to take as much leave as you feel like. Only a few jobs like Oil, would you have real issues taking leave unless you want to be fired. Or military were they can legally call you back in during your leave for work if mission withstanding.
I work with a buddy that is about to turn 50 this year and he only has 80k in 401k, a house he is still paying off and no other debts. He will never retire and there is little he can do to play catchup since he spends his money on dumb shit all the time.
>try to setup simple discord boy on google cloud mini server
>just setting up a server is this cryptic series of steps

fuck this
i wore programming socks and scrum panties while working from home today. they really go well with my agile skirt and code review crop top.
>do you even have to ask?
Because Americans have this stupid thing about taking paid vacations, it's faux pas to take what you're entitled to. I agree with you, fuck yanke-doodles 9/11 I hate niggers.
those are all shit companies infested by Jews

Only apply if you're a cuck
In an era where you're able to comfortably raise a family on a retail wage, what incentive do you have to be financially literate?
>using spyware against your coworker and posting about it on 4Chan
>company value nearly halved over the past year despite doing well
>post record profits and actually sensible AI projects with working prototypes and genuine benefits
>stocks wrnt down anyway all the stupid tech shit that occurred the past year
i HATE the market economy
every participant is a fucking retard “investing” based purely on feelings and mainstream news
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Gonna have to go inna woods to truly escape
You have to buy all of the surrounding woods too or society will encroach. (That also means you need enough savings to pay property tax on all of it.)
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>Not setting up millions of landmines, anti tank mines, sam sites and machine gun nests to keep people out

Yeah ik there really isn't much you can to avoid society. People go missing in the woods all the time anyways. Wether it be animals, natural land masses your not used to navigating or cults in the woods and underground waiting to get you.
women cant tell the difference between 5'8 and a 6'0 dude at the best of times. they think they can but just have a 5'6 dude ask them how much they weigh and that guy instantly becomes 6'4.

anyway, not a response 2 ur post but ur image. my dick is hard.
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Its why they cant into construction, driving or creative arts(very few women are actually good at it). They have zero spatial awareness.

(((This image)))
I insulted one manager to his face because he had failed to understand that corpo bullshit is zero percent effective on me.
"You... Thought THIS would work?"

I was embarrassed for him.
Microsoft authenticator phone app is an option
I had classmates who only post chatgpt output into topic discussions
It's very obvious.

They only cheat themselves
Add colorful stickers so people like looking at it
>how are the people born into the most prosperous economy in the history of man so financially retarded?
They're no more or less financially retarded than any other generation. You're talking about lifelong home depot employees
The ones who aren't retarded and lucked into a silver spoon economy are millionaires
Would've been smarter to re-write the output but not many retards cheat because there smart.

Also writing is easy as shit why cheat something that has the most carry over towards work related business bullshit?

Also with Chegg, Coursehero and other websites that will cheat for you with test dumps and lab dumps of your degree, I doubt these people even know what there programming or why.
leetcode easies are supposed to be, you know, easy. you should literally not have to think at all, the solution should just instinctively come out as fast as you can type
if you have to think you're either overthinking or there's a gap in your programming fundamentals
>Annoying coworkers gone this week
>Clock in and enjoy coffee in peace for once
>Catch up on TV shows, emails, and clean up desk all on the clock
>Take 2 hour lunches because annoying coworkers aren't there to snitch
>Pure bliss and getting paid for it
>Blow off faggy 'catchup' meeting
who is the real winner here? do you think its you who obsessed over a coworker and your job on your PTO?
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my current problem, what would you anons do

>Government job
>no real promotions
>stuck in hell desk your whole life
>impossible to get fired
>if you quit, you'll never get back in
>coworkers are cool, can watch TV half the day
>not glamorous or impressive


>Private Sector
>actually have to work
>higher pay
>freedom to job swap and move around
>at risk of being laid off
>able to move up to specialized positions
>coworkers are probably going to be assholes and in a revolver door
>cant fuck off on the taxpayers dime
>have to pay into social security which will be gone by the time you retire
>fancy big company that has some 'wow' factor when you tell strangers where you work
>is it a recommendation generally used by leetcode programmers?
yes. saves time
how much more comfy are you than when you had $210k like me? how old are you, and how old were you when you had 210?
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First tech job was government Systems Engineer, spent first 3 months with no clue of what to do, ITO tried to get me in shit for it and ended up getting in shit himself when it turned out he had done literally no onboarding, goal-setting, or direction for my position (literally just a fake position to fill a budget hole before end of financial year). Spent all that empty time grinding certs, especially since my immediate manager had mentally checked out years ago and did the same.

As long as the shit other people need from you is done, I truly think that no one gives a shit, unless you get some new manager who ruins a good thing just to "make their mark".
Please /twg/
>>101587999 (checked)
>>actually have to work
>>able to move up to specialized positions
>>coworkers are ... in a revolver door
>>fancy big company that has some 'wow' factor when you tell strangers where you work
These points are all false. The higher pay + stooks will beat out whatever pittence you get for a pension.
im pretty certain there wont be stock options but the 401k matching and pay should be good
from what ive read on glassdoor it looks like the pay will be roughly $65k starting, which is $12.5k more than i make currently
i dropped out of a software dev degree and fell for the cybersecurity degree meme, couldnt find a job in that so i just do whatever IT pays
its in the rust belt so $65k aint bad here, median pay here is like $42k
From my experience low level IT is lucky to make 50k yr. Utilize that company tuition assistance and get your masters degree at the least. Mid level IT is roughly 80-100k yr. and sky's the limit if you got he big boy certs and a masters degree.
no tuition reimbursement at this place
havent got the offer yet but my interviews all went really well
dont have a copy of the benefits but i dont think they offer tuition reimbursement, its a law firm so 90% of the employees graduated law school and arent going back
i can probably get certs paid for though and stack those up, the benefits will be basic but good from what ive read online, good 401k matching and good pay for IT but not the really nice perks like tuition reimbursement or stocks
its the rust belt, the only fortune 500 companies out here are manufacturing plants for the big companies
Eh regardless its still good, stack certs, pay of some debts and stack some cash for the next move.
that is what im thinking
im just getting second thoughts because i wasnt even expecting to get an interview, much less do well a series of interviews
its just hitting me if i take it my life of watching TV half the day will end and ill have to actually work, i guess im also a bit spooked of change since COVID, i nearly went homeless during it because i got laid off like 3 times during it.
Generally if you have one thing there looking for then they will hire you. I got hired for 3 lines off of my resume and I thought everything else was more important.
Having done both, I usually tell people government tech jobs are amazing if you're starting or finishing your career, and hell for everything else.

Your mileage may vary, you might LIKE turning up and doing fuck all for comfy money and no accountability, I found it got really old when all the concepts and projects I loved were replaced by running a patching update and calling it a month.
I prefer challenging work regardless of were it is. It might mean I am mentally challenged and that's why I like it but reality is harder work always pays more.
You’re a complete faggot.
How would your job change if there were no women?
None I am lucky to have women who actually do there job and prefer not to work with other women due to catty bullshit they were used to dealing with.
for a while i loved it, especially after discovering this job after the fiasco that was covid for me where i was busting my ass anywhere just to afford rent and the companies kept going under or laying me off, having a job where i got a reliable paycheck and didnt have to go at it 100% to not be worried about being fired was a nice change of pace but i dont really enjoy my work currently, even though on paper its basically perfect
Depends on your age and financial status. Government coasting is comfy as hell if you're fine with moving sideways for long periods of time.
The project I am supporting would have been finished 2 months ago
no debt, "low" cost of living area(its been getting more expensive, californians moving in since covid), only real worry i have currently is if my car shits out if prefer to be able to pay off the loan ASAP on a new car so i want more money just for that since im getting up there with mileage on my current car
imagine studying leetcode lmao https://ultracode.ai/
guarantee you're recent indian hire used this during the interview
Honda or Toyota. No other car brands can even compare in quality. Also get a hatchback since you never know when you may need the storage space to move again or for Toyota get a truck since there finally dropping in price. Its not hard to do basic repair but now with the current costs of repair at a dealership/mechanic shop its recommend that you buy some tools and do it yourself.
i want a rav4, storage capability but you can also sleep in it if needed
i got camping and im a /k/ schizo that keeps a bug out bag in my car so i like the ability to just be able to drive away and be set for a week or two and sleeping in my car
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Rav4 is kino. I have a few friends who used to sleep in there cars but be aware that putting that foil bubble wrap on your windows will eventually shatter them due to the heat refraction. Also if you going to be in the cold be sure to get a heavy duty sleeping bag. You do not want to lose your fingers and toes.
>its actually just an indian watching your screen and called "AI"
i dont plan on sleeping it in long term at all, its just going to be when i go on road trips
i camp because its cheaper than a hotel and i like sitting by a fire
the schizo /k/ bit is me just wanting a car that i can live in if a burgerkrieg starts, id prefer to be able to just swing by my house, grab a couple things, and then be able to leave fast and only have to stop when necessary
fuck off, we're full
What's a good general reason to withdraw a job application? I just really feel bad about ghosting this recruiter when he's reaching out to me.
>Found other work
I'm going to take your job and you're going to like it
With how fucked the job market is, I doubt they'd believe me if I, someone who just graduated, told them I've received another job offer. I might just say it's because of other personal commitments lol
Oops. I forgor
boomers have zero idea how passive-aggressive it is
Ok, so the interview will definitely about me asking 100 people if they want to be my friend?
just wait until the drama and backstabbing starts. bonus points if one is a pathological liar who just mirror your personality back to you.

it's great, highly recommend
I'm there. It's crazy how much this disconnects you from work.
Just say you thought about the offer and you no longer are comfortable with it . It sucks but just be honest

I turned down a job offer directly to the ceo of a very small company on the phone and it was humiliating to be honest. I was not comfortable with the role after thinking about it and I felt like I wasted their time with the whole process.
I should do that. Thanks bro
I started a new TPM job recently. FAANG.
My director level managers don't understand what a TPM is supposed to do and use me in the exact same way they use every other person with Manager in our title ranging from engineering managers to software dev managers to other TPMs. They just assign us to take care of the latest problem that comes up every week. "Take care of Y" "Work with Bob and Tim to handle Z" doesn't matter what it entails much of it is just figuring out how you are supposed to get an internal process done and submit the right paperwork. And then find the process doesn't work so you have embed in the other team for the week and help them get their shit straight.
What do? Pay is good but this feels so chaotic and memeworthy. Note this is in a new, far from mature area of the business which they advertised when I interviewed as a "startup culture but in a big company"
Work is never about being assigned to get A done and you handed it over that you handed A. They want you to get A done, but with B and C to at the end of the week.
What's the dead end developer job?
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Any anons here started in Helldesk , then graduated to something better (ie Network Engineer, System Engineer, SRE, etc.)?

Fortran/cobol programmer?
>What's the dead end developer job?
Working with tech that is rarely transferable to other positions and is not valuable to know (e.g fucking around with .NET DevExpress components).
what would you rather be doing if not your current work?
An open secret is that most companies are held together by lies and duct tape. Con artists spiel bullshit to people with money and order developers bang out piece of shit code that can be knocked over by a faint breeze. Chaotic and memeworthy is right.
Just say you changed your mind and you don't think the company is a good fit. You don't have to elaborate, even if the recruiter asks why.
u suck big fat gorilla daddy muthafucka
I did not know they were called scrum ceremonies.
they're called scrotum ceremonies because the people who made this shit are cum guzzling fags
I do feel bad for our PM though. He kinda seems like a nice guy.
Technical program management aka fancy phrase for coordinating a set of projects to deliver something. I was promised a new web app that I would work on for some internal data analytics stuff. Shortly after I started it was deprioritized because we have a total piece of shit that breaks every day that does the bare minimum by EoD each day.
I'm trying to carve out a little program management for myself sneakily by taking charge of some IT infrastructure stuff that nobody even realized needed to be done. It's so small time compared to what I was doing in my previous job but the pay is better.
What's that stand for? Penis monger? He's just nice to you because he wants to drink your hot greasy cum.
Asking again
Has anyone been able to work 2 jobs at the same time and actually done it for more than a year? any stories?
my workload has gotten less over time, and less after hours stuff. (which is good) partly because they keep reorganizing teams every 6 months.

My previous company everyone stayed in the same place for years at a time so you end up having to do the work of a bunch of people.

My experience has been once you show your power level it's time to start leaving because they'll start dropping shit on you more and more. usually after about 2 years it's time to go.
depending on your relationship with your manager you might want to talk about moving projects or even moving teams altogether, there are probably other internal TPM roles you might be happier in
>Penis monger
Can relate. I had a PM stroll through the office, announcing how thirsty he was, until he stopped at my cubicle. Without saying a word to me, he ripped my trousers off in one foul swoop and began greedily sucking every inch of my magnum dong. He massaged my balls, enticing me to spill every last drop of my cum from my flaccid cock. I erupted a modest load from my wet noodle, overflowing his gullet and drenching his smart-casual attire in my caffeine-ladened semen. He got up and left without saying a word. My boss came around and witnessed me with my trousers beneath my ankles and my face within my palms. He shook his head and left without saying a word, only to come back and asked if I could come in on Saturday.
My boss asked me to come in on Saturday to "touch base". That's the day I discovered the decadent pleasures a prostate holds.
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I've been taking shits in my office and I haven't been flushing.. Recently, I got a promotion and they moved me to the 3rd floor. The bathroom I've taking shits in has been on the 2nd floor, so everytime I need to go I go to the 2nd floor, take a shit and don't flush. Nobody has any idea what's going on, all they know is that something stinks. This has been going on for 2 years.
Yeah man, everytime I go to one of those "networking events" I just hang back and suck dick in the gloryhole out back. When I finish a dude off, I shove a business card through the hole. This works best at fury conventions, I got a lot of ins at major corporations because I let them have an in with me.
That's why you sell RSUs as soon as they vest and dump all the money into VTI/VOO.
Looking for something to do on the side while I finish my physics PhD. I used to be a dev before I went back to school (I went during the good times but shit sucks now).

Any ideas on a good hustle that could leverage the combo of CS+Physics?
if 9/11 had a direct-to-DVD sequel it would be called 9/12. all it would be is flying the gta 3 dodo into the empire state building
lemme guess, ur at amazon
Working in fed gov, i realized just how normie these fuckers are.
Man, I think I'm just gonna switch careers and go into HR. But how would I even tweak my resume to fit that. It's not like I can put python, php, javascript as my skills lmao
>Go officer,
How's that supposed to work? If he did AFROTC in college he'd already have been an officer by now and since he didn't do AFROTC he'd have to be enlisted before he could apply for OTS.
nigger behavior
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>want to get a new job
>realize my options are scarce because I've spent the last three years slacking off and learning shit at my current job
It happened to me, if your company is any good tell them you want to work for them and they'll make a deal with your contracting firm
>usually after about 2 years it's time to go.
I know this is what it takes to get bigger paycheck sooner or later, but is it worth it to deal with interviews and learning the new company culture all over again? The new place might have bigger bullshit than the previous

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