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no rice no life
previous thread >>101499934
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hey girls whats up
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cozy 2AM gaming :]
I really like that. 9.6/10
Yo, btw, why not a 4k monitor inspite of such powerful specs?
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disconnection day
>Yo, btw, why not a 4k monitor inspite of such powerful specs?
I value framerates before resolutions. If I could find a good 4k120hz monitor for a good price that isn't curved or too big, I'd definitely seriously consider it. I've got a number of wallpapers (including this one) with "futureproofed" 4k versions (a couple even at 8k) so it's definitely not out of the question for me.
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All the best wallpapers are 1080p, trust me ;_;
>All the best wallpapers are 1080p, trust me ;_;
And similarly, a lot of the artwork I use for my papes only work at 1080p (at best), with upscaling usually destroying pics. That's why I've made comparatively few 4k/8k versions of my papes.
May I please have this gorgeous pape?
How do you lads upscale your wallpapers? I make do with Waifu2x
I have used waifu2x for flat and illustrated wallpapers, but if there's a way to upscale photos that doesn't suck I haven't heard of it yet.

I get almost all my wallpapers from Unsplash these days.
Usually waifu2x since my papes are overwhelmingly 2D art.
>but if there's a way to upscale photos that doesn't suck I haven't heard of it yet.
I forgot the name, but there's an offline upscaling tool on GitHub that one use locally, I can't comment on it's effectiveness as it requires a dedicated GPU which I do not have in my laptop.
I get almost all my wallpapers from Unsplash these days.
Same. Apart from it, I use Pexels.com as well.
Yea, it works exceotionally well for cartoons, anime images etc.
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Back again with the hypnospace themed desktop.
I got just a standard QMMP theme until I can build my own Tunebox one from game assets. Got custom themes and fonts now though, was sad to find cinnamon doesn't support custom buttons, at least not with the palette I needed. Any ideas for alternatives?
anyone know where i can find up to date steam themes that work?
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Sex with Russian Anon's robo-girl.
Don't get drafted, breh. How do you guys avoid the draft in Russia?
https://steambrew.app enjoy
almost all good wallpapers are on unsplash, and they all exceed 1080p
Stay home 24.
Pape please?
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fixed taskbar

still lusting after the LG 8:9 monitor
maybe i should get myself a real terminal...
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good to see you again friend
writing a program to record an alsa device, the opus encoding shouldn't be a problem but I would like compatability with usb mics which use 24 bit sample format (in a 24 bit container rather than 32 bit with 8 bits of formatting).
its prolly a skill issue but w/e
>original art
Still no change.
reminds me of 2012 when i first tried linux
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For the anon >>101530482 who asked for my previous wallpaper: https://files.catbox.moe/ns9wif.jpg
45 days uptime ◝(ˆωˆ)⸍
Does Chicago95 still have the best windows approximated look to it?
yes, but iirc https://github.com/rozniak/xfce-winxp-tc has/had a classic mode or something, try that too if it does
thank you
Ricing is fun but I'm going back to vidya for now.
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Hey, that's me!
Good stuff.
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What task manager is that, anon?
I suspect you have a hard on for that old fart but I got no proofs
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What's your current monitor?
May I please have the wallpaper?
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really nice! I love a good light theme.
hypnospace friend is back
I think I mentioned that last thread lmao. You can obviously use whatever you want, don't listen to retards like me. However if you really are considering switching then I have heard great things about foot on wayland. I am obviously partial to urxvt 9.30, but that only works on Xorg
fixborders patch, unless its intentional
I tried with nixos. i just can't. It's a cool concept though. I think I just deal with the container bs enough at work.
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>>101530612 8/10
>>101530627 6/10
>>101530641 8/10, but it could be a 9 if it weren't for the virtualbox
>>101530655 7/10
>>101530662 5/10
>>101530673 too many icons on desktop
>>101530715 10/10, nice one!
>>101530907 4/10, souless
>>101531207 6/10
>>101531986 8/10, very nice, impressive
>>101532172 9/10, pape please!
>>101532711 4/10, don't like stock ubuntu
>>101532845 7/10, nix is for faggots
>>101533511 6/10, it lacks something I can't describe
>>101534252 8/10
>>101534426 8/10, comfy
>>101534952 9/10, very nice anon
>>>101534952 (You) 9/10, very nice anon
I like yours too :). would would get me that extra point lmao
based fvwm enjoyer
I had a stroke. "what would"
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lol literal retard under any new YouTube video lol
wonderful pape
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>4/10, souless
My desktop exhibits >10,000 lines of my own markup and scripts.
Your desktop could have been posted by anyone at any time in the last ten years, fag. I was making more soulful desktops when I was 15.
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>My desktop exhibits >10,000 lines of my own markup and scripts
this one probably sounded much cooler in his retarded head, lol what an wanna be elitist, consider sticking those 10000 lines of code up your flat, old ass
Nice touch on the inset wallpaper. Might look good with an inner shadow too, more like a border than a surface beneath the wallpaper.
Solarized is timeless
>neko hacker
Good taste
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comfy (A+)

too empty (B)

acquired taste (C-)

very, VERY acquired taste, but earned some participation points (D+)

>>(Lurkers, FBI , & CIA anons)
no participation = no points (F)
wallpaper plz saar
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Not him, but here it is.
thanks king
jpeg though?
I am also interested in this wallpaper,

not op but its the vtuber Nekomata Okayu and seems to be inspired by lagtrain. It's an edited version of this frame on this video
You rated three wallpapers as desktops lol
convert it yourself or reverse image search faggot.
>Default everything
yep, it's working time
this might be close enough for someone else to finish the hunt for this pape
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I made that tile a while ago, and I didn't even realize that I had saved it as a jpg. I keep all of my xcf files so it was easy to re-save it as a png.
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Replying to this again to comment that I somehow missed the incredible music taste.
Wrote it myself with awesomewm.
I've thought about doing this, but am unsure exactly how I'd accomplish it as the shape would be too complex to create with a single wibox. I'll look into it.
I'm going to pretend I remember who you are and say "good to see you too". Nice desktop btw
Hammond of Texas is my spirit animal
Thank you, friend. Is Alpine usable as a desktop os?
You're just jealous you weren't first, tranny
>acquired taste
So is your mom
I figured this is the best thread to ask
Is there a way to make rofi stay open until the program closes itself? I'm trying to use it with ani-cli and it works until I do something that makes rofi close.
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Current monitor is an asus VK222H, it came out in 2008 and HDMI was its main selling feature, so it has remained useful all these years.

I have much newer panels in multimonitor setups for other machines but I bring this one out once in a while when I need a monitor for an older machine around; it honestly still looks damn nice, colour reproduction and all, despite being a bit of a standby power hog.

Picrel is the 8:9 LG is selling now, it's basically two 16:9 2K monitors smushed together and I'll be damned if I don't get one eventually.
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THIS ISN'T MY RICE, but if the Og poster is still around, could you share the wallpaper used for this, please? I got off to work before i could reply the thread.
Why still Beowulf?
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It doesn't get much better, Upscayl works better for photos sometimes but isn't a guarantee. What i don't like about upscalers is the uncanny plastic edges they leave out in the pictures, specially if the original image had a shit ton of artifacts. To live with that, what i've done is cheaping out, rescaling the image using an algorithm and controling the blur factor until i get something that looks passable. This is an example.
I have to admit that Minecraft screenshots are basically cheating, because first, vanilla MC has some wonky oclusion, and two, the source image is often so fucked by artifacts and the sharpness so important to the form factor that blur looks better than plastic edges in comparasion.
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best looking mint rice i've seen, beautiful
nice pape
this does it for me
luv it
ngl stock windows 11 is elegant looking, as shit as it is
based re0 enjoyer
did you caught any virus yet, ruskie anon?
>only supports linux through jank dev build
sadge, looks neat though
Anyone know which font is being used in the bottom right?
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I've switched back to D3B14|\| on bare metal
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Great, I've been thinking about retiring my main monitor to 2nd monitor duty and now I see this. That will be the new main monitor.
why are you guys allergic to desktop icons
Covering my cute waifu's body and face, I don't like it
the desktop is a place for temporary operations and, only the most commonly used tools should have a permanent place on it
Actually I just checked again and it seems to be at 60hz. Shame, especially for the price. The Innocn option on Amazon has the correct price for the display, might look at that one for a second monitor.
I don't mind them for directories i may need once in a while but don't see the point. Even on Mint i often use the Menu and type in what i want to launch instead.
I launch everything through keybinds
pls share the image of the mascots around the table
please be my clownwife
I just use system wide search without lifting my hands from the keyboard. At that point might as well remove desktop icons that clutter up my view.
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Here you go.
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Soul. What made you use OpenSUSE and for how long did you use it for?
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Emacs + NixOS + EXWM
>What made you use OpenSUSE?
Honestly? A complete whim after various other distros started annoying me for one reason or another. OpenSUSE with KDE feels like it's exactly something I've been looking for, for a long time: a distro for computer midwits like me; not a bloated newbie distro that's liable to shit its pants if you peek under the hood, nor a tedious bragging-rights expert distro.
>and for how long did you use it for?
A little over a month now, with more serious long-term sessions starting a few weeks ago. I've also learned to avoid Discover on KDE like the fucking plague when I can help it.
I wAnna try Opensuse w/o using Packman whenever possible, however i also would like support for ffmpegthumbnailer on Dolphin. Is it possible to do this with Flatpaks?
>I've also learned to avoid Discover on KDE like the fucking plague when I can help it
Is there a way to configure Discover to just use Flatpak repos? Is the only use I'd have for it, cause Flatpak's CLI is annoying to use
There was a point where you took the emacs meme too far and I don't think you know where it was.
>someone tries to make computers fun again
>anon complains
Fuck you. At least he's trying to make something nice to kill the time, he/she's using computers the right way.
What would you recommend? Installing vscode and messing with C#? No, thank you
it's not that deep
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for building binaries targeting older glibc versions
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>Installing vscode
I mean it's not that bad (not mine but it seems fun)
coomers should go back to the /w/ desktop thread
>>101530612 Are you trying to make it look like shit on purpose?
>>101530655 the browser reminds me of Dillo
>>101534952 pape?
>>101539122 did you install gnome on accident??? just remove that shit
>>101542335 only employed person ITT
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Cool. How do you configure Emacs on NixOS?
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there is no rice but it is a desktop i suppose. I am too stupid for macos or linux or bsd or anything than windows 10. Windows 11 is even too hard for me.
you call this sovlfull? You imply that you have taste? You are pathetic, macos by default has more soul than this shit.

Try again.
What laptop?
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is that you in the picture
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You want my config or just a quick rundown?
My emacs: https://github.com/lcolonq/emacs

But you can learn more at: https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#module-services-emacs-enabling for specifics Emacs for NixOS.
Also, I'm using EXWM as a window manager, it's Emacs that manages my windows.
If you're not familiar with Emacs, I would recommend you Doom Emacs or Spacemacs. It's basically a full IDE, with performance tweaks. Configuring Emacs from scratch to make it faster is a little bit hard, that's why I recommend those. When you feel comfortable messing around with your doom/space config, then I think it's time to rawdog Emacs.
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a simple DE is all you need.
gtfo of my board, smoker scum.
nice try NHK agent I won't stop smoking today
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Dell XPS 13 9360
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Quit now!
>every cig kills a black
Buying a pack rn
>Prism Launcher
Been a morning a while ago hasn't it?
Simple, smart and stylish.
yeah, but it works well right now
Could you share the link to your programs again? Looking neat as always.
post pape please
The innocn uses b-grade panels from LG and comes with a regular stand instead of the articulated ergo stand from LG, you're definitely getting what you pay for. The LG goes on sale for 500€ to 550€ and you're guaranteed a good panel, not to mention the stand is great...

It is a shame it's not 120hz but for non-gaming use 60hz is good enough
How is Haiku for day to day use? It highly intrigues me but I'm worried to take the plunge
Anon...There's no way a person that looks like that would be browsing this Godless site.
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my pronouns are hee/haw
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>How is Haiku for day to day use? It highly intrigues me but I'm worried to take the plunge
In my case it's fine, just don't expect to be able to edit videos or something or have stable meetings on the browser for work. If you only need some developer tools, an office tool and browse the internet, read books, watch movies or series. Then Haiku is more than you need
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im this guy >>101539303

nah i just liked watching sailor moon and dbz as a kid on toonami lol,
post ur dt, fag
are you okay anon? your ratings arent calibrated properly
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Could you post the windowed pic?
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Nice, thanks.
thats clean af. pape?
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sup /g/irls
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hello /g/
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>lunduke wallpaper
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>>101530641 cuute
>>101530655 nice
>>101530715 awesome
>>101535367 yay
>>101535923 throwback
>>101553329 nice and green

there really are some nice desktops these days
its now. now is the year of the linux desktop. i can FEEL it
What a coincidence! I was reading literally yesterday his blogpost about the computers used in FFVII. Literal hivemind lmao
here ya go anon :). Its by John Brosio and called "Whole Foods"
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Do you fags ever do anything with your OS other than jerk off to dumb wallpapers and neofetch?
Says the guy with a gaming laptop
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This laptop is kinda trash for games. but 46g of ram is nice.
You can get whatever ram you want on whatever laptop you want basically
>generating useless text
>editing wm keybinds
what's different and productive about your screenshot?
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Because i am a highly productive individual that conducts very important business work for my productive businesses.
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Finished my Tunebox skin
>rgb gaymer borders
Joke's on you anon, mom said she'll give me 10 bucks to clean my room in the basement.
>highly productive individual that conducts very important business work for my productive businesses.
You are running arch on a gaming laptop with an RGB lit keyboard
Very comfy. Thank you for posting, freundin.
Why would you spend so much on a battery powered device that will degrade very fast?
Why not a 4k monitor?
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Still no change.
Pape onegaishimasu.
How'd you get a live pape? Not asking you, asking generally, but how would you go about setting up a live pape on Windows as well?
I don't like furfags nor furfaggotry, but that pape is actually kinda nice--the colours, the pose, the attire. Too bad there's that underlying furfaggotry. You wouldn't happen to be that one nigga with the Lenovo keyboardm PS2, and mini CRT on the /BST/ threads, would you?
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are you the hyprland nugget in this screenshot?
>how do you get a live pape?
Various 3rd party applications...
Main one is wallpaper engine which is paid
Free one is Lively Wallpaper
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I hate that fag so bad it's unbelievable
>how to crack wep protected networks
>how to crack wep hotspot password
good evening saar
good job
what image viewers do you guys use? feh doesn't animate GIFs so i need an alternative. i tried nsxiv but i don't know how to configure it to resize the window to the image dimensions.
desktop icons are generally displayed by your file manager, something most people here don't seem to use (or they use TUI file managers).
This retards face is so punchable like there's no tomorrow
mpv --loop
i've considered it but it seems wrong to me somehow.
Feh and mpv for gifs.
>i don't know how to configure it to resize the window to the image dimensions.
you can do it with this script but it only works for one image at a time
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>Pentium II
>>>101539122(You) did you install gnome on accident??? just remove that shit
Thank you very much! Have a nice day!
holy based
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waiting for the day i can go off grid and smash 99% of my bullshit tech
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lappy version
Wish multimonitor didn't suck so much with Xorg and older versions of GTK.
Like the ones on right
fucking ew, how do you live with such a trash de? check out mine >>101570301
I'm a different nigga.
its the best de actually
What's the use case of modifying your DE?
Your setup definitely isn't
i disagree
Have a good day Anon
Great classic look, firefox tabs ruin it though
thanks you too
both your de's are wonderful in their own ways
To be fair, it's still a bit shit at the moment - still got a lot to do with themes, especially classic. :P
wdym ?
Well, aside from the fact that it's still a pain to install, the classic theme is currently only in the default Windows 2000 style. Needs work for recolouring, and also gradient titlebars (xfwm4 upstream work).
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Based OS Based WM
tsk tsk tsk, LARPing as clonq. Who is this? Maude?
For fucks sake how long have you been taking the pills for?
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>top right
Do these windows above ncmpcpp belong to it? What are they?
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they're just the best laptops in the current time, i open the screen and it is on and i can do whatever, windows laptop i open the screen the cursor is spinning and i have to wait 2 minutes to actually use the laptop, and the battery goes down when the lid is just closed and the os is asleep
What laptop?
no rice = life

behold my revived shitposting-station
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shit forgot pic
>develop selenium and api tests
>make docker images for testing
>test CI/CD scripts
>virtualize multiple versions of android for testing
and more
i don't have dumb wallpapers nor rice my desktop nor use arch
So cozy
Is this your only computer?
Comfy and soothing.
It is not. I have:
>desktop w/ Debian Bookworm (daily OS/work) and Win11 (multiplayer vidya w/ buddies)
>desktop as home server w/ Proxmox
>cheap lappy w/ Kubuntu 24.04 (on the go work)
>legion 5 lappy w/ Win11 (on the go work or gaming)
Oka doka, niceee
That show sucks.
>i don't have dumb wallpapers nor rice my desktop nor use arch

impossible. unrelated, how would one get a job like that?
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board is 18+
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>learn how to program
>learn selenium
>make your own selenium scripts
>learn QA and testing
>apply for QA jobs
>protip: get ISTQB certification
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How can I get my firefox to look exactly like this
Dumb anon here can I include ricing as resume padding?
You need to share that color scheme anon
no i dont
I'm a white male that exclusively wears cargo pants, which I buy in sets of five every two years. I own 2 sets of footwear, a pair of steel-toe boots and some $7 sandals I bought at the supermarket. I am a licensed HAM radio operator and own two complete collections of the SkyBox X-Men Series 2 trading card set. That includes the 9 foil-embossed 30th Anniversary variants, 3 holofoils, and Wolverine hologram.
I got a job after dropping "i use arch btw" during the interview, so probably.
tiling managers look so retarded
becaus they are
what music player is in the top left corner?
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Sometimes I feel bad people don't have my rice.

I like these ones :D
>he says with his 80px tall taskbar that has 20px of padding around every element
Okay jeet let me know when you're done fucking up modern UI
>desktop always too big to post, have to save as jpg first
so gay and shit
tfw you didnt make the list
I like desktops that look personalized, traditional, native and consistent. That's the recipe for a comfy desktop.
>no arcan desktop
What a load of the ultimate savior of the Desktop Linux.
>Arcan is the ultimate savior of the Desktop Linux
You're wrong: https://github.com/emacs-exwm/exwm
what code editor is that?
looks like the sublime text editor to me, at least from looking at the icons in this user's dock.
and their task manager widget too
>generic sloppa
Where are all the soulful desktops?
in 2009
Sublime Text with Sodarized theme
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How do you all rice your browsers and your 4chan?

Do all websites somehow render with that same rice like 4chan does?

Are there any professional ricers? I may sound retarded, but I'd love to contract a really good ricer to rice my setup.

Also, why don't you guys also share the files/scripts/instructions required for someone else to copy your rice? I imagine this information is saves somewhere and backed up in case of your device breaking, buying a new device, or simply wanting to change the view?

I am really into the visual look of WindowMaker. It somehow feels retro, modern, comfy, and artsy.

I'm very into aesthetics. I would like to have beauty in my field of vision as much as possible. I'm too busy to rice myself, so it seems like there should be a professional freelance ricer service...r-right?
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>Are there any professional ricers?
what monitors do u use
also what skin for kde
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I think this scrot covers the questions you asked
(WM tneme is same name as kvantum theme)
also can u send oneechan json
my services are expensive
>I am really into the visual look of WindowMaker
wasn't gonna post in this thread but now i feel obligated since there were exactly zero window maker (not windowmaker) desktops in this thread. there's not much to be done in terms of ricing in wmaker apart from getting whatever dockapps you want and a theme for window decorations and icons/menus. the theme i'm using right now is a slightly modified version of another theme called zenburn, making themes with WPrefs is piss-easy since you just choose whatever colors you want with a hex color picker. you can also grab themes that were made in the 90s and they should still work.
yep and still rocking the VGA, if it ain't broke don't fix it. i was using a 1024x768 CRT before this.
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I swear to god I read "ejacular" instead of "ejecutar" on the menu. Also, mind sharing your dots? Your desktop was literally the best in this thread.
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there's not really much that i can share since window maker isn't configured through dotfiles but rather using its own GUI tool called WPrefs. the dockapps i'm using are paginator, wmnd, wmsystemtray, wmmon and wmwifi. as for themes, 4chinz doesn't like it when i post the link but you can find the themes I've created in rentry dot co slash windowmakerthemes. i've only made three but i'd like to make more soon.
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You're my saviour buddy
here >>101570301
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Simply based.
>Verification not required.

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